Carrying On Ch. 02 free porn video

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Well folks, it’s been a while and I deeply apologize for the delay. Life gets in the way and soon the wife and I will welcome a new baby boy. This should be an interesting chapter and it took quite a while to get it the way I kinda wanted it to go.

Before we get to the good parts, I have a request to you, my readers. Which direction should this story take? Should Andrew be given more free reign with sexual partners or should things stay fairly the way they are now? I have plans for Lauren and Ryan, but your votes and suggestions will greatly impact the outcome of the future. Send me some feedback and let me know what you think.

Now, on with the show!


‘Are you sure you want to do this?’ Becky asked for the ten thousandth time.

‘Yes dear, I’m sure,’ I told her, again.

I’d been pressuring Becky for months to set up a meeting with her parents and she finally did. She was vehemently opposed to the idea, believing that her super rich parents would never accept me or approve of me being with their oldest daughter. I had fought an uphill battle and finally won, on the grounds that we drive there and stay a few nights.

‘Babe don’t worry so much. It’s still a five hour drive to your parents place,’ I told her as she tried to adjust my uniform. Oh yeah, the other condition she placed on our going was that I had to arrive in my dress blues. It was mildly annoying, considering how the jacket rides around your throat, and she insisted that I drive there wearing the jacket.

‘I know,’ she said. ‘It’s just that I’m super nervous and I want them to like you right away, not pass judgement before they get to know you.’

‘I love you, and even if your parents don’t approve, I’m still going to love you.’

The drive was horrendous in that uniform, arguably the worst five hours of my life. When we stopped for gas, several people came by to thank me for my service and one even offered to buy my gas. While I am very proud of what I’ve done and accomplished, I hate being the center of attention like that, especially by people who are one Dixie Chicks concert away from calling you a baby killer.

We arrived in Knoxville around dinner time, getting delayed by traffic. For some reason, people seem to forget how to drive when they get into large groups, as was evidenced by the multitude of wrecks we passed. When we pulled up in front of her parents house I had to keep my jaw from hitting the floor.

To call it a house is like saying Babe Ruth was an average baseball player. This thing was huge. It had its own parking lot, complete with valet. Ok, maybe I’m exaggerating, but it did have a small parking lot for holiday get-togethers. The grounds were immaculate, with the shrubs and hedges manicured to perfection and the lawn freshly mowed. I was in complete awe as we walked up the cobblestone path.

‘Well butter my ass and call me a biscuit,’ I said. ‘Look at the size of this place!’

‘Just wait til you see the inside,’ Becky said as we got the the door. ‘You’re gonna shit bricks.’

Before we could ring the bell, a tall man with grey hair and a bushy mustache opened the door. From his tuxedo and his rather proper manner I figured he must be the butler. Strange, I’ve never met anyone who actually had the title of butler before. This was gonna be a strange, and probably difficult weekend.

‘Welcome miss Becky,’ the man said with a distinctly English accent. ‘It’s so good to have you back, and who is this decorated gentleman?’

‘Hey Winston,’ Becky said, hugging him. ‘This is Andrew. Babe, this is Winston, he’s the head of the staff as well as my parents personal butler.’

‘Pleasure to meet you Winston,’ I said, shaking his hand.

Becky and Winston began talking as he led us to our room. Normally I would have tried to participate in conversation, but I couldn’t help but look around at the furnishings. It was a strange combination of modern design with almost medieval furniture. Winston could have said they got all this from a castle in England and I would have fully believed him. Everything was made from either dark wood or dark metal.

Winston showed us our rooms, then took us on a tour of the house. We saw the living room, the family room, the drawing room, the dining room and the parlor. Afterwards we went around the grounds where Winston pointed out the pool, the detached gym and the servants quarters. I was amazed at how much the servants quarters looked like the barracks we had in the military, albeit much more modern and not in any visible state of disrepair.

‘How are the accommodations Winston?’ I asked.

‘They’re quite nice,’ he replied. ‘Mr and Mrs Seiver take very good care of us.’

‘Good. I only ask because these look just like the barracks we had in the military. Much nicer than anything we had, but very similar.’

‘The company they hired to build them pitched the barracks style. It works well for us, with common areas off of the rooms for us to use when we are off duty,’ Winston said with a chuckle.

‘What’s so funny Winston?’ Becky asked.

I couldn’t help myself. I knew exactly where this was going and it only made me like Winston more. ‘He said doodie,’ I said in my most childish voice.

Winston laughed.

Becky smacked me.

It was worth it.

Some of the servants had brought our bags up to our room so we could change before dinner. I had asked Winston if we would meet her parents before dinner, but he said they never took guests before dinner, even their own children. This only served to reinforce the idea that I was completely out of my element. Becky changed into an elegant blue dress and heels for dinner while I had to stay in that damn jacket for another few hours. I hoped it would be worth it.

Becky and I went down to the dining room to meet Winston and await the arrival of Mr and Mrs Seiver. I hoped I gave off an air of calm confidence because inside I was sweating like a whore in church. This was a big deal for Becky, which made it a big deal for me. Why she never mentioned her parents much was always concerning for me, but now I was going to meet them for the first time, and not just as their daughters boyfriend but as her fiancée.

When they entered they sat down quietly, thanking Winston for pulling out their chairs. Mrs Seiver first, then Mr Seiver. Winston took his job very seriously, making the formal introductions.

‘May I present Mr and Mrs Jeffery and Samantha Seiver,’ Winston said, ‘and Staff Sergeant Andrew Anderson.’

Jeffery was about 6’1 with short brown hair and a well groomed mustache. He looked a lot like a young Harrison Ford, in fact I’m sure the two could have been body doubles if they were the same age. Samantha was strikingly beautiful and it was obvious where Becky and Lauren got their good looks from. Her brown hair was just above her shoulders and her full breasts were almost spilling out of her dress.

Yes, I looked. No, I don’t feel bad. I’m a man, we look sometimes. It’s touching that gets us into trouble.

We shook hands and exchanged pleasantries, making small talk until dinner. The food was excellent to say the least. Jack Daniels pork chops with cheesey garlic mashed potatoes, green beans, peas and corn on the cob. As good as the food was thought, I saved some room for dessert in case it was half as good as dinner.

‘So Andrew,’ Jeffery said as the plates were being cleared. ‘What do you do for a living?’

‘I work for Chevron making gasoline, jet and diesel,’ I answered.

‘Really?’ He asked. ‘We own Chevron stock, from back when it was Standard Oil. How’s their stock looking these days?’

‘$98.48 this afternoon.’

‘The company have a stock option?’

‘Yes sir. Every bit helps when it comes to retirement.’

‘Yes it does. If you don’t mind, hows your living situation?’ Samantha asked.

‘Well my best friend and I went in togethe
r on a house when we moved out this way. It’s big enough for us and has more land than we will use. All in all, it’s good. We don’t want for anything.’

‘How much do you make a year?’ Jeffery asked.

‘Dad!’ Becky protested. ‘Rude.’

‘It’s fine babe,’ I said, making Jeffery visibly uncomfortable. ‘Two years ago I made $150,000 with about 1000 hours of overtime.’

‘And last year?’ Jeffery pressed.

‘Last year was different circumstances. I spent about nine months in Syria.’

‘What were you doing there?’ Samantha asked. Yes, she honestly asked me that, as I’m sitting across from her in my dress blues and was introduced as Staff Sergeant. My first instinct was to be a complete smartass, but being that her dad was not happy I didn’t have a trust fund I let it go. At least I know who the financial wizard is in the household.

‘I was serving my third tour.’

‘Three tours is impressive. What made you keep going back?’ Jeffery said as the after dinner alcohol was being brought out.

‘Pride, honor, foolishness. Pick any combination,’ Becky said with a chuckle.

‘The first two times were during my active enlistment. The most recent time they called me back just for the deployment.’

‘What do you think of their motives for the war?’ Samantha asked.

‘I think what they tell the public is what we believe. That it’s the right cause and that we are there to help them. The real reasons are probably a lot less noble though.’

‘Did you support war from the beginning?’

‘I was old enough to enlist when the world trade center was hit. I signed up shortly after and everyone was so gung-ho about getting those bastards, myself included. As this conflict has raged on and many of my friends have died, been physically disabled or mentally ruined by it, I hate every bit of it.’

‘How has it affected your life?’ Jeffery asked. I could see this was where he intended to make his case that someone who is mentally fucked up shouldn’t be with his daughter.

‘Well sir, it’s been a struggle to cope with what I’ve seen, images of hell that are forever burned into your memory. My doctor has been a great help and I have the support of those around me whenever I may need it. That being said, I have a mild case of PTSD that is usually nothing more than paralyzing flashbacks.’

‘How else does it manifest?’

‘Nightmares and involuntary reactions to things like sudden loud noises. Nothing dangerous or violent I assure you.’

‘Well to be quite honest, I’m very worried about Becky. See, a refined woman needs a strong, accomplished man in her life and I really don’t see you as that type.’

‘Daddy!’ Becky yelled as she stood up. She was turning visibly red and could tell she was about to let him have it. I urged her to sit down.

I got this.

‘It’s funny you should say that, because Becky is my reason for getting up in the morning. She is the driving force behind 99% of what I do every day. She has saved me more times than she knows about, but I wouldn’t expect you to understand that. The only reason we are here is because I felt I should meet my future in-laws.’

I was trying so hard to hold back the venom from my voice but I don’t think it worked. I observed two very separate but equal reactions here. Samantha was elated, slightly bobbing up and down as she asked Becky to see the ring. Jeffery was so mad I thought he might actually flip the table. He obviously didn’t like being called on his bullshit assessment of someone he has only known for about an hour. Fortunately, his wife was so happy that he couldn’t stay outwardly mad for long. As the women were gossiping about the wedding plans and such, Winston returned to see if we required fresh drinks. I’d been busy talking and hadn’t really touched my scotch so I threw it back, handing the glass to Winston.

‘Keep em coming my friend,’ I said. He smiled and patted my back, taking Jeffery’s glass and leaving after the girls said they were fine.

‘Why do you think Becky needs a specific type of man Jeffery?’ I inquired.

‘She was raised properly and should have someone with the same reputation,’ he said almost through gritted teeth.

‘Is it because I didn’t go to prep school? Is it because I don’t have a last name that is known to thousands of people or is it because she would be marrying a ‘commoner’?’

‘Yes,’ was his only reply.

‘Ok Jeff, I’ll make you a deal. Next month on my week off, you two come down and stay with us. No servants, no butlers, just the real world. If, after that, you still don’t think Becky is happy and leading a good life then I will consider what you said about me.’

Becky was astonished. We hadn’t discussed any of this and I could tell I would pay for it later, but I had to do something. Poor Jeff seemed to have a stick so far up his ass that he could have been the next Jeff Dunham puppet. He needed to see the real world for what it was, and maybe have some fun for once. Deep down I knew I couldn’t do it alone. I would need expert help in making fun times and good laughs. I would need Tyler.

‘I think it’s a great idea,’ Samantha said. ‘It would be good for us to get out for once and not have to hear about the newest car someone bought who hasn’t driven themselves in ten years or more. What do we have to lose honey?’

‘Fine,’ Jeffery cringed, ‘but Winston comes with us.’

As if right on cue, Winston walked through the door with more drinks. ‘Where are we off to sir?’

‘Andrew invited us to spend a week with them so we can get to know him better. He feels my judgement isn’t sound,’ Jeffery said, trying to get under my skin. I know the cheap shots when I hear them.

‘Begging your pardon sir, but he may have a point. Either way, I would be delighted to go, if that’s alright.’

‘That’s fine Winston, but there is one rule,’ I said, seeing a golden opportunity. ‘You will not be going as their butler, you will be their friend and our guest. That means no serving people dinner, no butler duties, and no tuxedo.’

Winston smiled and gave his best sad face. ‘Whatever shall I do?’

‘Then it’s settled,’ Samantha smiled. ‘Next month we will be coming down and we will all have a good time. Now, it’s time for some TV.’

Becky went with her parents to go watch TV while Winston and I talked. He told me of his time growing up in England and how he missed seeing his family. We talked about all sorts of things for about an hour before he went to make sure Jeffery and Samantha’s bed was ready and that the night shift was prepared.

Becky came and found me a short time later sitting by the pool. I had taken my jacket off and draped it over the back of the chair. She looked so beautiful in the moonlight, her hair shining and her dress swaying in the breeze. She sat down beside me and leaned her head on my shoulder.

‘Well, how did I do?’ I asked, afraid of what she might say.

‘You did great. I expected him to be more subtle, but it seems like he went for the direct approach. I gotta ask though, why did you invite them to come stay with us?’

‘He really got under my skin, saying I wasn’t good enough and that you needed a proper man and shit,’ I vented. I needed to as much as I hated talking shit about her father. ‘I figured that if he sees how normal humans live then he will be excited at the possibility of us.’

‘And how do you plan to pull this stunt off?’ She asked. ‘What about Carl and Jeanna? What about Lauren?’

Crap, I hadn’t even thought this might be a problem for Carl and Jeanna, let alone Lauren. I was so heated that I didn’t think it through.

‘I’ll call them in the morning I guess. Not much I can do right now.’

‘Do you have anything in particular planned for this week long excursion into the world of rednecks that you plan to take us on?’

‘Maybe,’ I said with a smile. ‘It may or may not involve the biggest troublemaker we know.’


‘Oh yeah. If anyone can turn anything into a fun time, it’s Ronnie Tyler.’

‘Ok then, where are all these people going to stay?’

‘We will figure that out later. For now, let’s just enjoy this time together.’

We sat by the pool for a few minutes, enjoying each other’s company when we saw Winston walk out the back door with a bottle and a few glasses. He placed them on a table and went to leave when I called him back.

‘Winston, you can join us if you want.’ He pulled a chair closer and grabbed an ashtray.

‘You don’t mind if I smoke do you?’ He asked.

‘Not at all,’ I said, pulling my pack of cigarettes out of my sock. Unfortunately, regulations prohibit items in pockets in formal uniforms though that never stopped anyone from keeping their phone and car key in them. Winston pulled a cigar out of his jacket before shedding it like mine and sitting down.

‘This is refreshing,’ Winston mused, ‘enjoying my evening cigar with new friends.’

‘It is nice isn’t it?’ I thought aloud as I lit a cigarette and Becky poured us each a drink. ‘Just relaxing after a very strange day.’

‘Was it true? What you said about the horrors of war?’ Winston asked.

‘I can’t begin to describe it. It’s like every evil thing you could ever imagine, on steroids.’

‘Sounds awful. Any good memories from your trips?’

‘Plenty.’ I told Winston several stories from past deployments, of our fun times and our stressful times. Becky would tell stories about the things we did together and our dates. She told him how I proposed right before leaving for Syria.

‘Do you have any wild tales Winston?’ Becky asked.

‘Well, I suppose. I had taken a trip to Melbourne Australia with some mates from university. The only time we were anywhere close to sober was when we had passed out, which made for quite the adventure. My mate Jude got so drunk on our way to the zoo that when we passed the kangaroo exhibit, he climbed inside and tried to fight one. It broke two of his ribs before park security saved him and threw us out.

Jude got thrown in lockup and we had to bail him out. Like all good mates, we used his money to bail him out, then took him to a bar and made him buy the first three rounds. After about an hour he was completely badgered and challenged this big fellow to a contest. Loser buys the shots. Round after round they went, until the big lad just collapsed. The bartender rushed to help the guy up and we slipped outside. I’m no doctor, but we may have killed that man. It was a fun time.’

‘Damn, and I thought we knew how to have fun,’ Becky said. ‘Babe, there is a zoo a few miles from here, wanna go?’

‘No thanks,’ I said. ‘I’d rather not get my ass kicked by a marsupial.’

We talked until the liquor ran out, then we called it a night. Becky told me that tomorrow her father had something planned and that Samantha was taking Becky to do some girly thing. We went upstairs and changed for bed, snuggling up and enjoying each other’s company. It wasn’t long before I was drifting off to sleep and she was trying to get me hard. In one moment of lucidity, I decided that if my dick got hard, she could have it but I wasn’t going to fight to stay awake. It had been a long and particularly stressful day for me and all I really wanted was sleep. Soon I was out cold.

The terrible dream I had was replaced with something much better, and warmer. When I awoke, the first thing I saw was Becky’s head bobbing on my dick. No matter how many times it happens, I’ll never get over the amazing feeling of being woken up with a blowjob. Her movements were fast yet precise, her rhythm was controlled and that sexy little moan leaking past her lips was the icing on the cake. For a moment I forgot where we were, basking in the love she was showing me.

‘Morning babe,’ she said, popping my hardness out of her mouth. ‘Hungry?’

‘Starving,’ I said as I tried to break through the haze and fog of sleep. ‘Swing that ass over here, I want some breakfast.’

She swung around, letting me move a bit further down the bed so her legs had room to rest comfortably. I quickly worked on her pussy, taking care to spend time on her most sensitive spots. She moaned and worked me harder the better I did, providing the necessary incentive for me. Soon I found myself needing to fuck her, but she refused.

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Emily and Xiu

It's summer and I'm seventeen. I have never been to summer camp. Sometimes it feels as if my mom has a noose around my neck. I fear that she will control my life all the way until I graduate college. I want breathing room. I need to be assertive, so I give my mom a choice if she wants me to go to college. She can either let me go to summer camp or I will go to an out of state college. My mom decides that this is a good idea. She wants me to have ten days at camp. My mom drives me to the Sapphic...

1 year ago
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Wife has some fun

Wife Has Some FunBy desi_76I reached home to find my wife packing for our trip, with her clothes all over the bed, and her footwear all over the floor. The trip was her high school reunion in Goa, at a 5 star resort right on the beach. She had been trying her best to look good and pack the right clothes. It was her first reunion, and my lovely wife was excited, as well as feeling anxious to make the right impression.She looked up at me, her big brown eyes warm and sweet, and said, "Hi...

2 years ago
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Friends Achieving Phase Three

FRIENDS: Deleted Scenes - Achieving Phase ThreeSince Ross and Joey were unavailable, the girls had taken Chandler to a strip club to help him get over breaking up with Kathy. "Getting to Phase Three" is what the guys called it. Unfortunately, things didn't go well, and Chandler was still despondent as they returned to his apartment. Kneeling around him as he sat in this favorite chair, they tried to get him to talk about his feelings, but that didn't work either."Okay, look, I'm gonna have to...

4 years ago
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Intense Romance With A Stranger

Hello all. I am a regular reader and a follower of all the erotic stories from indian sex stories dot net I am cherry 27, working in an IT firm in Hyderabad. I am presenting you the story about my encounter with a stranger in a coffee shop and the course of events took place there after. I am a coffee lover and love spending time at CCD. It was one fine evening, I was enjoying my coffee at CCD. There was this lady around 35 years of age looking out for a place to sit, as the place was almost...

2 years ago
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Tara 1 SpidersChapter 12

Mark had popped back to visit the Guild Lords at the end of the second week. He dropped off the thirty odd single gem items he had for each and explained why they had fixed them first. Renita and Palene had both agreed that they liked his and Jean’s reasoning and they believed they had found new candidates for many them. He had also redesigned them, and they now had two crystals on each and the gem for the discipline. He had also made the recipients small satchels that were about 32cm long...

2 years ago
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Hooking A Known Lady After Years

Hi friends and fans, it’s been a long time since I posted my sex story, as it goes I got my share of fun’s and hook ups but as my partners were not comfortable about their experiences been shared, I didn’t share it, but this experience I am sharing with my partner, she is 100 percent comfortable in sharing our experience, I am Sriram 27 years old now, looking for more and more fun’s and hook up’s and one night stands, whatever you call it, just ping me at my address, ramsri4226 at Gmail dot...

2 years ago
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my first bbc

my very first was one extremely eye opening experience, we were at a club (my hubby and a girlfriend),with plans to have a night out and then all back to ours for a night of playing, all was well with excitemnt building towards later on when my friend had noticed someone and began chatting to him, she soon brought him to the table and introduced us ,he was a really nice fella and we all got on ,my hubby spotted an old friend and left the table ,soon, because of the mood we were already in the...

3 years ago
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Ambush at the CampChapter 2

The second man had some identification in his wallet, but it was nothing special. He had a Russian-sounding name, but a lot of good Americans had that, so it was meaningless data at the moment. The only money he was carrying was all American, so he very easily could have been a run-of-the-mill hood. I pulled him back until he was completely on the porch so that I could close the door. At last, I could spend some time with my captive. He was back to normal now, so I pulled him into the...

4 years ago
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Going for the Record

1Going for the Record By The TechnicianBDSM, S/M, Clothpins, Public Nudity, Public Bondage, Public Orgasm = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = A pain slut is taken to the club to "go for the record." = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = =WARNING!  All of my writing is intended for adults over the age of 18 ONLY.  Stories may contain strong or even extreme sexual content.  All people and events depicted are fictional and any resemblance to persons living or dead is purely coincidental....

2 years ago
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Prurient ParishionersChapter 25 Charity Rewarded

Even though the increasingly libidinous Reverend James J Gillis had been unjustly rewarded for his concupiscent behaviour by getting two cherries in the short period of time since he was ordained he was still plagued by indecent thoughts concerning his well-chaperoned, underaged house guest. And Anita did nothing to help the situation. On Saturday, for example she had dressed in a pair of tight white shorts that barely extended below the buxom curve of her bottom and, as she bent to tease...

1 year ago
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a slimey surprise

Stranger: Its about 6 pm on a Tuesday and im driving out of town to this home that a lady I talked over the phone with said she was trying to sell.Stranger: figured id go take a look at it and today seemed like a good dayStranger: ive been driving for about 40 minutes and its starting to get cramped in the car when I see the sign the lady told me to klook for. its a yellow sign with a cowgirl pointing right on it. so I take the next right I see finally pulling up infront of the beautiful...

4 years ago
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MageChapter 96

Una, the Psiontial, and her clan were happy. They’d managed to extricate themselves from the Yr’ch to a new world and had agreements with new friends, an odd concept to the Psiontials, but a term that fitted well with the circumstances. This friendship was with the Seers, a gestalt group who communicated with their own multi-gestalt and who passed on information. They also helped the Psiontial multi-gestalt to contact a Power on their new world and be placed under a welcome protection. At...

3 years ago
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My handsome man

Hi. This is Anjali Mehta from Delhi. I’m 26yrs old woman & work as a marketing professional in a reputed firm. I m quite beautiful (at least my friends think so).I have a figure of 36-34-38.My height is around 5’10.Right from my teenage days I have been a horny girl. Well sex is not new for me as I had experienced it several times with many boyfriends. But the guy I m talking about in this story (with whom I m currently involved) was fabulous. It so happened that one of my boyfriends to whom I...

3 years ago
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Destined Hearts Ch 02

The bed was warm despite the lack of any covers but the sheet. A damp, almost sex-laden, air hung throughout the room. Luke was having one of the best dreams he could remember. What made it better was that it had actually happened. A beautiful woman had laid beneath him, played a very active role in their lovemaking, and had eventually clung to his shoulders and come with his name on her lips. Then his mind took it to the next level. Camryn was on all fours, her face buried in a plush pillow...

2 years ago
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Ropemaker Aftermath

Ropemaker Aftermath ( RopemakerStory III)by C The band of fifty or so fairieshad waited at the northern border of the kingdom for three days. Likeall fairy military personnel, they wore uniforms: a shift, sleevelessbut with epaulettes, along with the usual panties and pumps, all matchingtheir hair.A messenger reported to the commandress, a strong-featured fairy withsilver tresses: "No word yet, Mistress."The commandress turned to her officers. "Your assessment?""They've been caught most likely,...

1 year ago
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Just Desserts

Jim Harris pondered the previous eight months from the comfort of his easy chair. Much had changed for him and his wife, Connie, and it was all for the better. He’d never seen her so happy or sexually satisfied. He’d dreamed of this for so long but there was also a tinge of guilt as he watched the scene unfold just a few feet away. Guilt perhaps that he was so highly aroused by what he had witnessed since his confession in the restaurant…guilt that his desire for Connie to behave as a horny,...

Group Sex
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TJ MorgChapter 85

"Cedric, start the loading of the HAC line through a force field. I'll go down into the hold and act as loading officer and meet Avers there. Where do you want the 'tainers?" "Across the centre line from the four fifty forward." "Suits." Charles made a rude noise "You don't know anything about locking 'tainers, TJ. I'll come with you and act Bosun to your First Officer while you talk. Quarter gravity, Cedric?" "Wilco. Colin, get to it please." "Coming up, Cedric ......

2 years ago
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Hot Gay Sex Adventure With Friend In The River

I used to bath in the river near us with my friend every weekend when we were teenagers. On one Saturday, I decided to go to the river in the afternoon. First I went to my friend’s home. He was watching TV. I asked him to come with me to the river. He asked me why I was early. I said I was bored and we can have more time swimming. He took the towel and came with me with very little interest. About me, I was around 5 to 5.5 feet height and weighed around 45 to 50 kg back then. I was slim but had...

Gay Male
4 years ago
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Lost Sister

© Copyright -- All rights reserved This story is old, I know there are mistakes in it. Hi, my name is Jerry, I wanted to tell you a true story about me and my beautiful sister, Betty. Betty, my sister, is twenty years old and in college. She loves teasing me about my age. I just turned eighteen. My sister is a total babe at five foot and six inches tall. She's built like a gymnastics athlete, her body is one of the best I had ever seen. Her breast are a firm 34c with the most perky...

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Girl Gets a Bath

I met Kerry’s mom first, not long after the two women moved in across the street. Kerry had left for college and I helped her mother out a few times, mostly with heavy lifting. Mom was my age and a fine looking woman, but Kerry was something else—prime fantasy material. Kerry was no tomboy, but she could work hard, physically. It was summer, after her first year of college, and she’d worked up a sweat mowing her lawn. I was putting flashing around my foundation and struggling to get both ends...

First Time
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Black Jamal in a Japanese Soapland

Jamal had just graduated from college and had enjoyed a good four years in at a private New England university where he had a full football ball scholarship and was one of the only black males around. Standing 6’2’’, 200lbs Jamal had enjoyed his time up north, being the big black man on campus and now it had all come to an end unfortunately. However, a benefactor at the school had taken a liking to him and given him a month long all expense paid trip to Japan, to expand his cultural...

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Oasys The BeginingChapter 8

Ohai, Tessa and Sarac watched the others disappear around the house to the harbour side before they themselves turned and faced the main entrance to the house. The foyer was essentially a large sealed glass box. Ohai had a very uncomfortable feeling about it and looked at it suspiciously. Taking a few seconds, she transformed her outfit into a full environmental vacuum-proof suit. "Will you two be ok if something goes wrong in here?" Ohai asked Tessa and Sarac. "Yes, of course, Ohai....

3 years ago
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As Ann bit into the strong shoulders that had engulfed her while her nails dug into muscled back that her arms had wrapped around, she suddenly felt a tremendous release accompanied by a sudden jolt of pain and she cried...because she now really was a woman.Ann is your typical Midwestern next-door 18-year-old girl. Pretty, petite, athletic, and very blonde. She is on the dance squad at her HS and will go to college in the fall, which has her all excited and dreamy eyed. At last she will leave...

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A male raised as a girl my boyfriend in high schoo

I knew as I grew up that I was always different from my s****rs. My body was smaller and it seemed to me that I didn’t have the right body. I was a girl in a mans body. Growing up our f****y didn’t have that much money and I wore my s****rs clothes at night. During the day I wore panties and a half slip instead of a T-shirt under my jeans. In gym the guys would tease me but it was the way life was. At home it seemed right wearing panties, slips and a skirt or dress. I never understood it but...

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Cousin Ko Seduce Karke Sex Kiya 8211 Part I

Hello Doston I am Rocky (name changed) and regular reader of ISS. This is going to be my first story. Since sex stories are always best when you read them in hindi , so I am going to share with you my experience with my cousin in Hindi. Meri cousin ka naam Nirali he. Jo mere se 2 saal badi he. Waise to dikhne me wo itni sundar nhi par average zaroor he.Figure me uska aapko batau to uska weight takreeban 85 ke karib hoga. Moti honi ki wajah se uske boobs kaafi bade the normal size se aur uski...

1 year ago
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A Fucking Tale Of Nandi Hills Bangalore

” Life is Meaningless without sexual Pleasure” Hello, Ladies and Babies, This is Rocky a friendly, healthy hot and happening 24 yrs good looking Software Designer from Bangalore (native Bangalorean) reach me out at for casual encounters,NSA and private relaxing holidays and for everything girls, ladies, Aunties, Housewives a talented guy for your Service and satisfaction. I am ready to travel as well babies. your comments are highly appreciated on below story as well. See you soon you hot...

4 years ago
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My Sister Moves In1

My Sister Moves In My sister Cynthia and I had not been close since we were teenagers. Back then we were fucking like crazy until she got a boyfriend and shut me off. I was seventeen years old at the time and she was fifteen but for the three years before that I must have fucked her over a thousand times. We enjoyed a lot of oral sex too, both of us. She now has two daughters that are fourteen and thirteen years old. Cynthia herself is now thirty-five and soon to be thirty-six years...

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Exhibitionism Earns a Surprise

Ellen and I have been so busy raising our c***dren and meeting our responsibilities that we somehow managed to avoid spending time together for about ten years. We grew distant, but still loved each other. In fact, I have always lusted after my wife. When we were dating, Ellen had a wild side. We made love in cars, on beaches, and in the woods; where a hiker once caught us. I remember it well because Ellen was on top of me and just told the guy to move along as if he had found us...

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Poolside Ecstasy

During our dating years and also the first two years of our marriage Tom worked for an agricultural company. His job was going to all the farms in our area in Maryland and also cross state lines to Pennsylvania and West Virginia writing up orders for grain, seed, fertilizer, etc.   The owner was actually retired from actively running the business himself so he and his wife did a lot of travel. They always had Tom and I keep an eye on their property and if anything needed repaired or serviced we...

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Part 4 Matric holiday Two blondes

After a wonderful Wednesday afternoon fucking Sandra and Mark and Kyla having fun of their own, Mark and I decided that we would stay home for Wednesday evening as the next day their were going to be a few parties in and around Plet starting the thursday through to the Saturday. So Mark and I chilled Wednesday evening playing x box and messaging the Sandra and kyla as well as I messaged my girlfriend Jessica who I had been cheating on plenty although it didn't concern me much as I was having a...

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Beyond the bookstore

One day after work at the dinner table, my wife told me her sister was going to have a minor operation. She said she wanted to stay with her a few days after the operation to cook, clean, and take care of her while she was recuperating. “Would you mind? I’ll only be gone from Thursday to Sunday. I can make a few dinners, so all you’ll have to do is heat them up.” I replied, “Of course, I don’t mind. It’s your sister. I’m sure I can get through a few days on my own.” Her sister lived about five...

3 years ago
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Maragana GirlChapter 34

The Danubian Church and its impact on Danubian society The Danubian concept of the Supreme Being The Danubians have a monotheistic religion, which they refer to as the "Danubian Church" or the "Faith of the Ancients". Although in theory the Danubians are Christian, by the end of the 20th Century the majority of what they believed came from ideas that predated the country's official conversion to Christianity in 850 AD. The Danubians refer to God as "The Creator". Before everything,...

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Brad and Cassie chapter 2

Brad walked into the small kitchen, and preheated the oven. Cassie joined him in the room as he was taking the lasagna out of the fridge that their Grandma had left them for dinner. "Want something to drink?" Cassie asked as Brad was unboxing the lasagna. "Sure, soda is fine." Brad answered back. Cassie got two sodas from the fridge. Handing one to Brad. They both sat down at the table and opened their drinks, sipping at them. "So. What's the plan for this evening?" Cassie asked...

3 years ago
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The Competitive Edge Playing The Game IIIChapter 13 Cause and Effect

The shit really hit the fan on Wednesday after Homecoming. Fortunately, it was blowing in a different direction than at me. Westy and Jason, along with everybody else from their pledge class, got summoned to their fraternity house that evening after dinner. They left the dorm thinking it was just another pledge hazing, joking a little and complaining about the short notice. They returned to their rooms three hours later pale, very quiet, and still sweating. I watched Westy rummaging around...

1 year ago
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Booty Queens

When in doubt, go for ass pics. That’s what I always say when I don’t know what to jerk off to. The best thing about asses is that they’re just so universally loved, that there are few asses that people might consider as inadequate to jerk off to. Most asses are just so amazing, and when it comes to butts specifically, it’s always the case that the bigger they are, the better they are. I think that tits don’t follow this trend, because small tits and perky tits can be better than huge and saggy...

Reddit NSFW List
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Dont Judge a Book Part 2 Chapter 20

Saturday 16th June 2018Malcolm led my tired-looking wife out of the door from the little room where he and the other three black guys had fucked Jill for four and a half hours, and then the screen went blank. With the screen now blank, suddenly the bedroom where Veronica and I were lying seemed a very quiet and empty place. After all the highs and lows and moans and grunts we’d been watching and listening to all night.Feeling physically and emotionally drained, although it was now light outside...

Wife Lovers

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