Southern Belle Hell
- 4 years ago
- 27
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-The faint soul demurs-
Late autumn leaves that had drifted in from the surrounding hills would occasionally come to life, stir crablike and scrape across the concrete surface of the prison yard.
Attorney Bud Schultz entered the main gate along with a small number of visitors. He had come early at 8:30 A.M., just after prisoners’ roll call, so that he wouldn’t have to wait long to see his client, Ben None.
The fat attorney had slack lips and drooping eyelids that hinted at relaxed morals, a paunch over his belt where his grey suit jacket hung open. His narrow-brimmed hat was slanted back from his forehead.
After passing through several gates with the rest, he was given the once over with a metal detector after he placed his keys, pen, watch, lighter, loose change and a pack of cigarettes in a lock box. He was allowed to keep his belt. He presented his attorney registration card and photo ID, then was waved on through to the visitors’ unit for prisoners held in segregation. This was a grey room. On one side was a bank of cubicles enclosing bullet proof glass that separated the prisoners from the visitors. Black phones clung like leeches from the wall in each one.
Overhead, long fluorescent tubes created a harsh clinical tone. The green linoleum floor had a worn path toward the center and was scuffed to a grayish-white in each cubicle.
Shultz took a seat in #3. The prisoners had not come in yet. He placed his soft hands on the desk-like shelf at the base of the window and waited. He had never met Ben None before, and he wonder what such a man would look like. He had been told that None had spent almost ten years in segregation, locked in an eight by six foot windowless cell furnished with only a steel sink-toilet combo and a steel bunk bolted to the wall with a thin foam mattress. Shultz shuddered to think how filthy segregation cells were since they were never cleaned. Unheated in the winter, boiling hot in the summer. A grimace tightened the loose fat of his face as he recalled hearing how rats and mice ran freely over concrete floors that were often awash with feces that ran off from plugged toilets. No man could stay completely sane in such an environment. Suicide was a frequent avenue of escape.
Troublemakers–those who flaunted their hatred of authority and those who fomented rebellion–wound up in isolation or segregation. Others, however, who represented no real threat to the prison system wound up in segregation merely as a demonstration by prison authorities that they held the power of life and death in their hands without any restraints. Since segregation was not considered punishment, a prisoner’s petition for a 602, a redress of grievances, would always go unanswered.
Shultz smiled. Prison was a microcosm of the world. The good, the bad, and the ugly were all subject to the vagaries of existence. The only ones who survived in segregation were the ubermen. Those rare beings who somehow drew strength from adversity.
Schultz knew little of Ben None, but he knew None had survived ten years, there bouts, in conditions guaranteed to destroy the strongest of men. Whether he was still sane or not was the question. That was Schultz’s mission: to find out. A mission that would have been more proper for a psychiatrist or a psychologists. But then, they were not as easy to come by as a sleazy lawyer with a short memory who would do anything for a buck and not ask questions.
Schultz glanced at his wrist, then remembered he wasn’t wearing his watch. He was hungry. He’d skipped breakfast in order to be early. His stomach was growling for bacon and eggs, a stack of hot, buttery pancakes and a steaming cup of coffee followed with a smoke.
It shouldn’t take long with None, he thought. Then he could scoot his butt down the hill to that nice little family restaurant in the valley that he’d noticed coming up.
A door opened on the prisoners’ side of the glass. Orange coveralls were escorted in by muscular guards. All were wearing a 4 piece. The third prisoner, a man of medium height and build with tired cobalt blue eyes in a refined chiseled face, took a seat across from Shultz.
It was a once handsome face that was now drained and haggard, the jaw covered in a light stubble, the blond hair on his head long and unruly. Shultz stared at the hands resting on the shelf across from him. They were long and slender, the hands of an artist.
In his thirty some years of lawyering, Shultz had known all the various criminal low lifes. You couldn’t always tell what a man was from his looks. Monstrous looking men could be choirboys, and fair-haired choirboys could be monsters. The greenish-blue eyes of Ben None held something of the latter. It was subtle, but Shultz had seen it before. Something dark behind the light. An indefinable quality that proclaimed this is a man you don’t fuck with. It would be missed by most people, but Shultz had seen it before. It belonged to those who had not joined the human race. Those who would never follow any will but their own.
Shultz rubbed his nose, then picked up the phone. It is easy to decide who is insane in the loony sense. They don’t matter. But those who are different from us, those who do not believe as we do, they are the really dangerous ones. Dangerous because they are not insane.
‘Ben None?’
The weary head nodded. His expression unexpectant.
‘I’m Bud Schultz, an attorney. I’ve been appointed to tell you that you will be coming up for a parole hearing in two weeks.’
None’s eyes lowered for a moment, then he looked up, the face coldly somber, immutable. ‘How’s that? I haven’t served even a third of my sentence.’
‘Doesn’t matter. Somebody with a lot of pull wants you out. It’s all being arranged . . . anonymously. I don’t even know who.’ Shultz took an envelope from the inside pocket of his coat and waved it at the guard stationed nearby. Then looked back at None. ‘He’ll make you a photo copy of the papers inside. I’m told people sometimes lace paper with acid.’ He sighed. ‘Any how, the answers to the questions they’ll ask you at the hearing are in here. Memorize them. Any questions?’
‘Should I tell them I’ve found Jesus?’
Shultz stood up and buttoned his coat. ‘Oh, do. They love that.’
There was a widescreen TV on the wall with a camera on top. On either side were some kind of four foot tall plastic jungle-like plants with large drooping leaves. Facing the screen was a metal folding chair. None hobbled into the hearing room hindered by a 4-piece: handcuffs, waist chains and leg irons followed by two hefty guards and the Case Commissioner.
He sat down in the chair.
The screen was on showing the state seal. Fifteen minutes late the screen fluttered revealing a man and a woman, roughly in their thirties, sitting behind a polished wood table. The man had a meaty, milk-fed face and wore gold framed glasses. Bald on top, hair combed over. The woman also wore gold-framed glasses fitted to a long schnoz. The mouth was small, the lips thin, the chin pointed. The faces of both had the prim constipated expression of the highly moral.
The man placed his hands together on top of the table next to a manila file and smiled perfunctorily. ‘Hello, Ben. I’m Jim Biglow and my associate is Mary Davenport. We are your Hearing Examiners on the staff of the Parole Commission. What we decide based on your testimony will determine whether or not you will be granted parole.’
He paused to withdraw some papers from the file.
‘Ben, according to our records you claimed justifiable homicide at your trial in the deaths of three men in a bar room altercation. Is that still your contention?’
‘No, sir, Mr. Biglow, sir. It certainly isn’t. I was a young hot head who couldn’t control his temper. I have had many sobering years to reflect on my misdeed and can only express my greatest heartfelt sorrow for what I did. I can only stres
s that I am no longer that young foolish hot head. I have matured and in my maturity acquired wisdom and patience. As the good book says, ‘A fool gives full vent to his anger, but a wise man keeps himself under control.’
‘Well, spoken, Ben. That is what we like to hear.’
‘Yes, indeed,’ Davenport chimed in, smiling with approval. ‘Now, Ben, do you harbor any resentment toward the justice system or for any representatives of law enforcement for your confinement these past ten years?’
‘Most assuredly not, Ms. Davenport, ma’am. I have received more than the utmost kindness and consideration a person in my circumstance could expect to receive. I have nothing but the greatest admiration and respect for the dedicated staff of this fine institution.’
Biglow beamed. ‘Indeed these are the words we love to hear. To know we have succeeded in reaching a lost soul who has faltered from the righteous path is always gratifying.’
‘It is gratifying, indeed,’ Davenport agreed.
‘I see nothing in your record about drug abuse,’ Biglow said.
‘Yes, sir, sir, and you never will, sir. The only high I need is God’s glorious creation. As the good book says, ‘Wine is a mocker, strong drink a brawler, and whoever is led astray by it is not wise.’
The hearing went on over an hour, then Biglow said, ‘Ben, I am well pleased with what I’ve been hearing–‘
‘Yes, and I second that,’ Davenport interjected.
‘–and I’ve only two more questions I’d like to ask. First, do you have a home to go to if you are granted parole? And what will you do for employment?’
‘Well, sir, the answer to that is, yes. I have a cabin near Kullhorn. And as to work I’ll find it even if it’s only washing dishes, for I am determined to make something of myself–no matter what.’
Biglow and Davenport put their heads together to confer. After a moment they broke from their huddle all full of smiles.
‘Ms. Davenport and I are in complete agreement, Ben. We see no reason why your parole shouldn’t go through.’
Ben rubbed a tear from his eye. Smiling he looked at the screen. ‘I don’t have the words to tell you what I really feel. God bless both of you.’
‘Think nothing of it, Ben. Now go out there and make us proud.’
They were both smiling as the screen blanked out.
Ben stood up. One of the guards opened the door.
‘What a load of shit,’ the Case Commissioner muttered.
Two A.M. footsteps came down the catwalk. The steel outer door opened. A flashlight shown in on him through the bars of the inner door.
‘Drop you cock and grab your socks, Ben. Time to go.’
Ben stuck his hands through the bean chute and let the badge cuff him, then the badge unlocked the cage door and chained the cuffs to a waist chain, then put leg chains on. Two other badges stood back in the shadows.
‘How is it, Ben, that a psycho like you can make paper?’ the badge asked when he finished. Behind him another badge shut the steel door. ‘Now we’re all nice and private, aren’t we?’
The two badges came around and grabbed Ben’s arms.
‘I guess you know what’s comin’, doncha, Ben?’
‘Yeah, I know.’ The face somber, the eyes cold.
‘You’re due for a tune up.’ The badge punched a fist into his palm several times. ‘Hold’m tight, boys.’ He placed the flashlight in the bean chute, then threw a quick right and left to the chest and stomach. Ben doubled over gagging up a thin stream of vomit. ‘What a pussy. Yuh cain’t take it, can yuh, Ben?’
‘Kick the motherfucker in the nuts,’ one of the badges said.
‘Hold’m tight. I’m goin’ for a field goal.’ The badge swung his foot up. Ben turned slightly receiving the kick on his thigh. A numbing pain shot down his leg paralyzing it.
‘Hah, he won’t be getting’ any pussy for a long time,’ the badge said.
The badge grabbed a clump of Ben’s hair and jerked his head up. ‘That was your going away present, Benny. And when you come back–and yuh’ll be coming back, yuh all do–we’ll be here to give yuh a homecoming present.
The badge took his knuckles and scraped them viciously back and forth against Ben’s head.
‘Boy’s I’ll jest bet ol’ Ben would love to kill us’in, wouldn’t yuh, Ben?’ He grabbed Ben’s ears, shaking his head side to side, and in a mocking, piggy voice said, punctuating each word, ‘but-yuh-jest-won’t-get-tuh-do-it-will-yuh-Benny?
Ben was silent. They straightened him up and half carried him onto the catwalk as he struggled on his good leg, the other leg dragging behind on the grating.
They hustled him through a series of walks to a holding room where a badge with a clipboard told them to uncuff him. The badge ushered him into the release office where he was given some forms to sign, in another room he was fingerprinted and photographed to verify his identity and to show he was legally released. Then he was led into a clothing room where he was given a pair of worn jeans, shirt, underwear and a faded blue prison jacket. In another room a clerk gave him what few personal items he had had when he arrived at the prison: a leather tri-fold wallet and a couple of keys. There was a check for the money he had in his Inmate Trust Fund, five bucks in cash and a bus ticket.
A little before eight he limped out of the main entrance where a white prison van waited to take him down Blue Jay Lane to the small town in the valley.
Ben None was free at last.
The van dropped him off at the town square. There was a small rotund park in the center, and he sat down on a bench near a fountain. He rubbed his thigh feeling a tingling sensation build as the numbness and pain slowly dissipated. The air was chilled. Grey clouds clung to the sky like dirty plaster.
A few cars circled the square. Some angled in front of a farmers bank to wait until it opened. There was a hardware store, a clothing store, an office supply store, another bank– newer, bigger–and a jewelry store. The city hall was behind him and a barber shop. Farther down the town’s main street was the bus station. He watched the awakening scene with the disconnectedness of the outsider.
The prison jacket he’d been given did little to protect him from the morning chill. He shivered. His breath left the warmth of his mouth and fogged the air. He had only twelve dollars in the check the prison clerk had given him and five dollars cash. Not nearly enough for a warm coat.
A black SUV came into the square and parked in front of the clothing store. A portly man, with black hair thinning on top, got out carrying a purse size leather pouch in one hand. The car beeped as he pressed a key fob, then stepped to the front door of the store and opened it.
Ben smiled thinly. Before rolling codes were introduced in the nineties he could have quickly broken into a car using a code grabber from anyone using a remote. And it was still possible but required more ingenuity and time. It seems every time an obstacle is placed before a criminal the criminal always finds away around it. Stopping crime becomes a never ending battle between the haves and have nots.
Ben took his wallet out and pinched open a seam where the sewing had frayed away. Inside the space between the inner and outer leather was a flat sheath of metal which he drew out. Within the sheath was a slide that could be pushed from one end exposing a single-edged razor blade at the other end.
He put the box cutter in his jacket pocket and waited. After about twenty minutes the man in the clothing store flipped the CLOSED sign on the door to OPEN.
Ben got up and crossed the street. The opening of the door rang a bell. The portly man was behind a counter at a cash register. He frowned when he recognized the paltry prison dress. ‘You need to go to Goodwill if you want anything.’
Ben waved his prison check. ‘I’ve got five hundred dollars.’
The man jerked his head. ‘Let me see it,’ he
said, suspiciously.
Ben approached, smiling, and as he reached out to hand the check to the man he dropped it. He made a show of trying to bend over with effort, then shook his head. ‘My back’s give out on me. I can’t bend over.’
‘I’ll get it,’ the man said, grudgingly.
As he bent down Ben pulled the box cutter from his pocket and cut his throat as he straightened back up. He shoved him to one side behind the counter to avoid the blood that hosed from his neck, then walked to the front door and turned the CLOSED sign out and locked the door.
He came back and opened the cash register and pocketed the paper money. He ignored the .38 revolver on a shelf beneath the register and strolled around display tables loaded with seasonal wear. He picked up a cognac colored leather duffle bag and stuffed it with sweaters, T-shirts, jeans, socks and underwear.
He found a bathroom and washed himself at its sink, dried off with a fluffy towel, then walked naked back into the clothing area, put on jeans, T-shirt and a pair of white jogging shoes with blue stripes over thick wool socks. He finished drying his hair with another sweater he picked up, then tossed it on the floor.
He moved to a rack full of coats and selected a sports jacket and a roomy tweed overcoat which he slipped on, then picked up a watch cap. Moving back to the counter he stared down at the portly man whose eyelids were fluttering. The glassy eyes lacked comprehension. The mouth opened and shut rhythmically like that of a fish out of water. A leg shot out spastically. The body jerked. The fat belly quivered beneath the shirt, then grew still, the eyes became glued on the ceiling.
Ben nudged a pack of cigarettes out of the man’s shirt pocket. A flap of matches was stuck under the cellophane. Ben shook out a cigarette, put it in his mouth and lit it. He inhaled deeply. It didn’t taste too good after ten years without. He inhaled a couple of more times, then stuck it inside the match book and slipped the flap under the striker. He walked to a table of wool sweaters and propped the match book between two of them with the cigarette sticking out horizontally over the table edge. He put the pack of cigarettes in his coat pocket, along with the money from the cash register, picked up the duffle bag and left the store, locking the door behind him.
‘Where you headed?’
Beads of rain formed on the windshield of the eighteen wheeler only to be squeegeed away by the wipers as soon as they appeared.
‘Hate tuh see uh feller limpin’ along in the rain.’ The driver was a big man with thinning brown hair. He rested a leathery hand on the bulbous gearshift which he was constantly shifting. The road was narrow and curvy, up and down. It was too narrow for the truck and a car to pass safely, so he kept his eyes glued on it. A stream ran on one side and trees on the other. Foot bridges crossed the stream to tenement shacks where tires hung from the limbs of sad trees for children to swing on. Bony hounds watched from porches or dog houses no doubt hopeful for an extra scrap of food that would never come. ‘Not safe to walk these back roads. Mean-assed dogs been known to attack people. Bunch of ass-wipe cyclists wearin’ their fancy tights and brain buckets got their asses chewed a few years back on this road. You don’t happen to have any smokes, do you?’
Ben fished out the pack in his coat pocket and shook one out for him, then lay the pack on the dash next to the CB.
‘Just got out of stir. Wanted to walk.’
‘Know watch yuh mean. I did a stretch for boosting my radio. Can you fucking believe it? Going to jail just for boostin’ my fuckin’ radio. Some rich son-of-a-bitch kills yuh and gets off scot-free. The world’s fucked up. Fuckin’ law gets you comin’ and goin’, don’t it? Fuckers tell yuh not to travel with a fat load knowin’ yuh cain’t break even less’n yuh do. And who in the hell do they fine?–not the goddamn coal companies, who overload us, but the trucker. Got a job lined up?’
‘I’ve got a cus who can get you on as a lumper. But you’re lookin’ kinda peaked. I’ll give you my address. Get hold of me when you feel up to it.’
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“Why?! Why would you do that?!” He pleaded, voice light and desperate. She shrugged, looking across at him with a raised eyebrow, chewing on a mouthful of her food. “I don’t see what the big deal is.. You agreed to help her?” “I agreed to help her but I didn’t agree to that! Ugh.. You’ve no idea what you’ve done.” he said with a soft huff, looking down at his plate and spearing a piece of penne, taking a bite. “No, I suppose I don’t.” She laughed airily and smiled cheerily as she...
When I was 16 my best friend , James and I would slip into a private lake and go swimming. James was more worldly than I and had been dating girls for over a year or two. To hear him tell it he got into most of their pants. I don't know if it was true or not.... I just liked to hear the stories. He was already 17 and was stoutly built and had the gift of gab when it came to the fairer sex. I on the other hand was skinny and short almost 5' 6'' I was also shy when it came to one on...
After letting her rub my feet a bit, I decided it was time to move on, so, pulling my feet from her hands, I stood. She was still down on her knees and as I stood her body straightened a bit, so that her face was right at my bulging crotch. I couldn’t resist taking the back of her head in my hands and gently pressing her face against the huge lump in my jeans. She didn’t resist or try to pull back at all and it only took a couple seconds before I could feel her hot breath seeping through my...
It was a relatively warm day when two familiar women sat in an office together. The client, Melody Campbell, was fidgeting nervously in front of her therapist, Christina Lang. She was eager to get started on this day. “Well, we're back to storytime. Now I'm starting about the time I was turnin' sixteen. Now, as I've been sayin', my daddy has taken me as his wife and since my 12th birthday, he has been performing oral sex on me every single night. Right before my 15th birthday, I...
Melody, the blonde woman with curly hair, once again sat in the familiar office. Today she wore a fitted blue long-sleeved shirt with some glittery graffiti that read, “Baby Grrl” across the chest. On the left sleeve was a butterfly decal. And once again, across from her, sat Miss Lang, her therapist. Christina Lang wore a casual outfit on this day, the second meeting with her client, Melody Campbell. Behind the women, the skies were cloudy with a light drizzle splashing against the...
Two women sat in a beautifully lit office room. The walls were a cream color, and the floor was dark oak colored hardwood. The room was spacious, with oak book cases on either wall, and large windows behind them that opened up to a city. Over the edge of the floor one could see the street, cars, people, and could hear the city noises, indicating this office was far up. Off in the distance was construction next to a well known and expensive hotel. One woman wore a nice pinstripe suit and...
Hi I am Marc I wanted to post this story for my wife Moni about the time we went vacationing down south. We were in a small city on our way to Tennessee and booked into a hotel. It was late evening we ate and decided to go for a drink. We happened on this bar which looked decent enough so we went in sat at a booth and ordered. Everyone seemed to stare us up and down when Moni mentioned she was the only woman there. It probably didn't help that she was wearing a short skirt and t-shirt with no...
Chapter 1 – The turning point Mary was so nervous she had troubles keeping up with the traffic around her.It was early afternoon rush, and a lot of aggressive and impatient divers allover the place. Normally she would be so annoyed about this that her adrenalinewould be like that of a cliffhanger. But not today. This was a very different day. Possibly a day to turn a newpage in her life. At the very least a new start, that's for sure. She was onher way to a very important meeting. Very...
Hi readers, This time around your JJ is going to give you a lesbian treat with a village back ground. In the past submissions we have had enough from the ladies hostel and the University. The below narration is also from a small Temple town south of Chennai about 320 km away from where all the lesbian action was flourishing. The place is only second to Kanchipuram in terms of number of temples found in and around this small town called Kumbakonam. Approximately 5 km from there is a place called...
LesbianAfter being seduced by Tina that night she kept coming back for more. I thought her Daughter was a good fuck she couldn’t hold a candle to her mother. Sure Carla was young ,super tight and could last a lot longer; she didn’t have the oral skills her mother had. While Carla was having fun in college fucking all the college boys ,her mom focused her attention on me.Her experiences with other men through out the years had made her suseptive to exploring new men to get off.She was still deeply...
In certain regions, mating traditionally interweaves. Below: the main characters. Papa - Mama Lawrence - Me, Abby Jesse - Francine Clay - Cassie Titus - Nelba Book Of course I’d seen black penises when we’d pass the negra boys swimming in the river, whooping and swinging from the rope. They’d avert looking our way as if we were the naked ones, but they tend to look away in any case. “They’re from the jungle,” explained Mama. I supposed their origin to account for something, but noted...
I began my last year of high school in the fall, travelling each way for what seemed like hours on a bumpy school bus. I made some friends, mostly female since to the good old boys I was just a Yankee nerd. One girl in particular had her eyes on me, a buxom blonde, whom I later found out was in her first year. She was on the bus when I got on each morning and openly gave me the come on. I never sat next to her but on the way home she sometimes planted herself next to me. Her name was Sonja,...
Sonja insisted on going for the marriage license the very nest day. Her parents arrived at the town hall and signed her away. She held on to that piece of paper like it was made of gold. The wedding was set for the Saturday after next. Her parents would arrange for a hall next to the church for the reception. It was a difficult time for me, despite the fact that Sonja had known all along what was going on in our house, I felt uneasy about Paul's sexual behavior. Strangely, Sonja didn't...
Melanie shimmied down the rope from the hay loft and wandered back to the large main house in a daze. Her body felt warm and tingly, and occasionally, darts of urgent need cut through her loins. The pretty blonde sixteen year old was flushed with desire. She looked incredibly sexy with her cheeks burning red and her sky blue eyes heated with carnal lust. She went into the house and flounced up the stairs, hurrying down the corridor to her bedroom. She shut the door carelessly behind her, not...
Melanie stared in growing excitement and some trepidation at her brother's enormous phallus, which lifted the elastic of his jock strap off his belly and impatiently throbbed in the air. With a little whimper of delight, she hooked her fingers in the elastic of the jock and slowly pulled it down, snapping it snugly beneath her brother's huge, orange-sized balls. Her hot blue eyes darted from his enormous ten inch prong to the large, bloated testicles beneath, and she shivered with wonder...
Melanie had never slept so well in her life. Jarvis had fucked her for hours the afternoon before, and when it approached the time when their father was expected home, her lusty brother had shot four loads into various orifices of her body, and Melanie had come too many times to count. Rhett Wilkerson had commented during supper that he had never seen his children looking so tired before. "I just don't see how you can be tired, Melanie," he said, winking at his lovely daughter, "What...
Melanie's erotic adventures had led her to regions beyond her wildest imagination. Imagine what Daddy would do if he ever found out that I've not only been fucking Brutus, but Randy Hardman, the son of his worst enemy! Worse than that, even, Melanie was beginning to fall in love with the handsome young man... Randy had called her the next day, and they had arranged a clandestine afternoon together. It had been wonderful; a picnic by a secluded pond and a long, luxurious bout of hot...
The days continued to speed by in rapid succession, and Melanie was becoming quite reckless in her sexual exploits. A day didn't go by when she wasn't embarking on another sexual adventure. She fucked her brother constantly. Frequently, she would sneak into his bedroom at night, or he would come into hers, and they would copulate till dawn. Then, she was seeing Randy Hardman regularly, and they found all sorts of places to make love in. Once, she sucked him off in a movie theater. A couple...
Stepping off the bus, I waited for the driver to open the baggage compartment. A young Asian woman approached me, flashing a smiling expression of recognition. "You Sean boy, come Chicago; OK?" I nodded inquisitively, having expected my great aunt. "Yeah, I'm Sean all right. Who are you?" "Oh, I Sona, hired man wife; he in truck." Pronouncing truck with an f, she pointed at a vintage Chevy half-ton across the street. The driver tipped up the baggage door and I found my bags. Sona grasped both...
EroticSonja insisted on going for the marriage license the very nest day. Her parents arrived at the town hall and signed her away. She held on to that piece of paper like it was made of gold. The wedding was set for the Saturday after next. Her parents would arrange for a hall next to the church for the reception. It was a difficult time for me, despite the fact that Sonja had known all along what was going on in our house, I felt uneasy about Paul's sexual behavior. Strangely, Sonja didn't seem to...
EroticIt was a steamy-hot summer night about 1 a.m., just outside the Memphis city limits. Mosquitoes large as crop dusters droned and bit at will. I was running radar on one of the county back roads, notorious for being a speedway between local watering holes. ‘I should be able to collect a bit of revenue for the Sheriff's office and keep some other poor fool from having to blot up some drunk's body from the pavement after an accident,’ I thought as I sat in my cruiser – waiting. ‘Okay. Here comes a...
EroticI began my last year of high school in the fall, traveling each way for what seemed like hours on a bumpy school bus. I made some friends, mostly female since to the good old boys I was just a Yankee nerd. One girl in particular had her eyes on me, a buxom blonde, whom I later found out was in her first year. She was on the bus when I got on each morning and openly gave me the come on. I never sat next to her but on the way home she sometimes planted herself next to me. Her name was Sonja,...
EroticWith the light warm summer breeze coming through the window, Adam was just waking up. Looking out at the bright blue sky from his window he could not weight for later in the day when he and his friends would hit the beach. Lingering long enough Adam rolled out of bed and made his way to the bathroom. Once in the bathroom, Adam used the the toilet before getting into the shower. As normal he sang a song that was as bad as fingernails on a chalkboard while his washed his body. About twenty...
FantasySlowly she realized she wasn't listening to the lecture and her cheeks reddened. She had zoned out again. She tried to focus on the professor who was talking about the psychological and psychophysical effects of interactions in different relationships. Apparently she hadn't missed too much, he was discussing the difference in effects of hugging with a person you just met, an acquaintance, a close friend and a partner. He pointed out that the release of endorphins can be strongest with a person...
Psychosomatic This isn't just a story. It's all true. In many ways it's a strange and ironic path that my life is taking. Sometimes I wonder what else can happen to me. You see, I've always liked women's clothing. I like the look, the feel, and the psychological benefits I receive crossdressing. However, I'm getting ahead of myself. It all started around the age of five. My mother accidentally put one of my older sister's knee socks in with my socks. It must have...
Room descriptionThe room contains a bed, two lamps either side of the bed. On the wall is a picture of the face of a Thai girl taken from a magazine. Object DescriptionYou see nothing special. In the room there is: Mi Li Examine Mi Li She is a short dark-skinned Thai girl of about twenty, dressed in her underwear and black stockings... Mi Li has been logged on to #RL for 06 hrs 04 minutes.The phrase "as psychologically astute as a Thai prostitute" is not in common usage. It should...
Coventry and Warwick. Tuesday, 13 days after Jennifer reappears The Official The next morning, Cathy gives me a lift to the University so Joe can go into the office for 'half an hour.' I am trying to pick up the threads of the life I used to have. Just now, I am sitting in an office in the University administration building. "Hello", says the woman in front of me, "My name is Sandra Thornton. I don't think I met you before? I work for Human Resources. I have heard a bit about your...
The first Saturday in August was a warm day – even hot, but most of the Circle had congregated around the pool for the afternoon. The umbrellas, however, were open to provide a lot of needed shade from direct sunlight. Alice returned outside carrying the baby monitor. She’d just put John Forrest down for his afternoon nap. He should be good for ninety minutes, and then she’d hear him cooing and making talking noises in his crib as he played with some of his soft toys. Alice strolled between...
June 25, 2000, Chicago, Illinois “Two important points,” I replied. “First, have you thought about birth control?” “Yes, but only insofar as I’m absolutely positive you’ve taken that into account and there is no way you’d risk getting me pregnant. What was your plan?” “I’ve had a vasectomy.” “That neatly resolves the concern.” “It does. Second, being tested for STI is mandatory, no matter how many, or few, partners you’ve had. That rules applies to everyone, including virgins, because...
CASE FILES - PERSONAL NOTES - PATIENT 104 - DAY 15 HERRINGWICK You are dropping into the deepest possible trance state very quickly now, Mindy. That must be due to your extreme level of submissiveness. You’ve become an excellent subject. MINDY Thank you, doctor. HERRINGWICK When last you were here, you explained to me that you had just discovered that Harry Chumbley intended to keep blackmailing you into giving him sex. Did he continue to do that? MINDY Oh, yes. He never lied to me,...
This is the diary of Billy Bob McTavish, a teen boy, about he and his young girl cousin growing up, having a family and a wide variety of sexual adventures, some quite bizarre. It has ten chapters: (1) Becoming a Man, (2) Marriage, (3) House Guest, (4) Satisfying Our Guest, (5) Helping a Psychologist, (6) More Sex Therapy, (7) Mutual Therapy, (8) Our Daughter, (9) Our Daughter is 13, (10) Conclusion Billy Bob Chapter 5 (Helping a Psychologist) Rachels school was out soon thereafter and she...
Crash Course In PsychologyBy: Londebaaz ChohanBeing only a total of 9 houses on this dead end street block, everybody knew everybody and they at least had a mix family dinner once a week; meaning every family brought whatever they had cooked out to their back yard and they all enjoyed it together. It was a great tradition and it brought the best of everyone out for everyone else. In my case, Susan lived next to my parent’s house and she was so pretty that I was ready to give an arm and a leg to...
Corporate Psychology I Jennifer Taylor stood quietly in the ladies room just off the lobby at the Corporate Offices of Prescott-Lowell Pharmaceutical. She was checking herself in the mirror carefully. She needed to make sure that every hair was in place, her makeup perfect, and not so much as the slightest wrinkle to disturb the smart looking business suit that she wore. Today was a special day and she was here early to make sure that everything went well, at least those things...