Full Figured Chic Ch. 01 free porn video

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The chains sat heavy on his wrists, cutting deeply into the fragile flesh. His muscles ached. The effort over the first four weeks of trying to escape weighed heavily, exhausting him. Or was it the air? This place — this unnatural place filled with the most vile that life had spewed out of its belly could have that sort of effect on the bones. It could rob a man of all he was, all he stood for, all that was easy, natural and good about him.

Now he waited, defeated. The voice taunting him every three hours would be back soon, and here on the thirty-fifth day, he had no more expectations. The first week was filled with questions, attempts at bargaining. The second- nothing but insults, by the third he knew the game involved his mental anguish and though he cried for help at certain points, the inevitability of no answers seeped its way in. At week five, he knew by experience the voice would arrive soon, but he also knew none of his suffering would be relieved. Hunger took its toll. He’d started to become aware of the fact that he was to die in this place, not knowing how he got there, or why he was there.

‘Alexander. Can you hear me Alexander?’

The man remained mute. Answering the voice had produced no result to this point. He lay unspeaking now, accepting his fate.

‘Alexander. Can you hear me Alexander?’

Then he lay alone in the darkness again.

A worm crawled on his foot, a fat evil looking grub. It was the most persistent of animals or the floor swarmed with them. He’d kept them at bay, raking a space around himself every few hours, brushing them off his skin. Now, in the darkness of this fifth week, he wondered at their victory. When he died here, they’d burrow into his flesh, make honeycomb of his bones and consume his organs. Their patience and persistence would win and they’d eventually get to feed on his rotting carcass. He’d become sure of this now.

‘Alexander. Can you hear me Alexander?’

Had it been three hours? The space of time between the voices taunts appeared shorter this time. Or was did delirium own him now?

‘Answer me Alexander. Are you so weak that five weeks in hell is the end of you?’

‘Do what you want with me. I know you will anyway. Just do it soon, I beg you.’

‘Do you know why you are here Alexander?’

The man whimpered in a voice filled with resignation and defeat. ‘No, Lord, I do not.’ ‘I am a Daemon, here to take your life. And it will be slow and painful and the worms will eat your flesh.’

It didn’t matter now. Starving and exhausted, he already knew this. He had nothing to say in return. Even the reason no longer mattered. ‘You stole from me Alexander. You stole Aoide from me. You took her and she was given to me by the gods.’

In his state the man could barely concentrate on the words, but they ignited a flicker of hope. If he could raise himself on to an arm, if he could listen hard to what the daemon had to say.

‘I know… this woman… She did… not tell me…’

His voice trailed off, his language slurred with the fat swollen nature of his tongue. The rotten water he’d been putting on it had almost run out, despite his attempts to save it.

‘How it warms my heart to see you so close to death Alexander. We’d wanted to punish you for your womanising for so long, you who had been given a beautiful wife, and three strong children. The gods wouldn’t let us have you though. You were to simply be punished by losing your family when we arranged for them to find out about your deceitful ways.

‘But then you stole Aoide and she was saved to be mine. You took her that night, in the barn behind the house where you’d taken your fill of wine and women already. You saw her there, and you seduced her, taking her to the barn and pouring yourself into her, though so many women loved you. She’ll have a child from you Alexander. And that child will be cursed.’

‘Take her. Have her. I don’t want…’

‘You only want your life now that it is threatened. But restraint should have come to you earlier. Because you did not think twice about stealing her from me, I don’t have to think twice about taking your life in this manner.’

‘My life… please… don’t take my life.’

‘Your life is gone. And I, who have no reason to return to the earth for my blessing any more, will be sure to curse every one of your offspring through Aoide. Your diseased semen destroyed everything and the gods granted me revenge. It’s all the sweetness I have left.’ The man slumped back to the worm covered earth. ‘That’s right, accept your fate Alexander knowing I have cursed your seed. Die knowing if you are a worm in life, you will be fed to them in death.’

The man lay alone in the darkness again.

Chapter One

‘The sooner we get you a man, the better.’

Sasha looked with horror at her friend, and then around the now silent cafe.

‘Keep your voice down.’ It may have been a whisper but Penny would have no problem noting the command. ‘I don’t want every hot blooded creepy horn bag floating this way in the next ten seconds.’

‘What if they weren’t creepy?’ Penny had her mischievous smile on, which told Sasha her mood would outweigh her tact. ‘Maybe a few cute guys becoming available are just what the doctor ordered this afternoon?’

‘Yeah. I could take one back and settle him in under the desk at work.’

Penny eyes lit up in a way that told Sasha she’d given her friend and idea rather than a deterrent. She stepped in quickly with her next line she got anymore ideas.

‘Are we still on for tonight?’

‘Of course. Why wouldn’t we be?’

‘Just trying to distract you lovey. I’m desperate to change the subject.’

‘We have to get you a man regardless of the subject matter.’ This time the statement came out in a hushed tone, while Penny looked from side to side as if a more mystical approach to the topic could make him appear.

‘I do actually have a man, and I am bringing him tonight, so it would be nice if you could get your head around that fact, and stop trying to set me up with strangers.’

Penny focussed on her friend with the sympathetic eyes Sasha knew meant this lecture would be worse than the embarrassing announcement.

‘That’s not a man. That’s a stop gap till a man comes along and you know it.’

‘Hey, we can’t all find ‘Gilbert’s’ in our lives.’

Penny smiled back at her with the same sadness rounding out now and spreading into the rest of her face. Sasha made a mental note to give up that one glass of wine at lunch.

‘I know. I have the perfect man. And I wish I could share him with you, but I’m so god damned jealous, I’d have to kill you right after.’

‘No need for jealousy. Gilbert can’t see anyone else. He doesn’t know I exist outside of the fact that I’m your best friend. You have no need for any kind of jealousy.’

Penny had the relationship everyone wanted. Gilbert worshiped her. Kissed the ground she walked on. And had been doing it now for six years, so they were well out of the ‘early stages’ that gave you hope it would evaporate like everyone else’s romance eventually. Add to that his good looks, his charm and his trust account, and you had the perfect partner. Penny loved him easily as much has he loved her. Theirs was the great love affair, and if Sasha didn’t adore them both so much, she would be insanely jealous.

Penny floated off for the briefest of moments, so Sasha had a chance to finish her Swedish meatballs with lingon berries. Today’s exotic restaurant was ‘Gutfud’ – the European specialty store. A little weekly ritual the long time girlfriends shared, to discover a new restaurant each month. Today they munched on European fare while, listening to the soundtrack to the Cabaret movie. Sasha had forgotten how much she loved it.

Struck out of her reverie, Penny looked over at Sasha.

‘He’s not a real boyfriend. I’m not
giving up on this one.’

Sasha looked up in a sign of frustration. ‘I know, I know. He’s a ‘do for the moment’ kind of guy. I’m not going to turn him into a keeper.’ ‘Let’s hope not.’

‘Would you prefer I saw no one? Just hung around with you too as a third wheel?’

‘To this guy? Yes I would.’

Sasha hated this conversation. She looked around the restaurant hoping to distract her friend. ‘This place is nice. We should come back here.’

‘If you got rid of Darren the cute ones could get a little closer to you.’

Frustrated, Sasha realised she wasn’t going to get out of this one so easily. She may have to try being serious with her friend. ‘Penny, just because you have found the sweetest guy in the whole world doesn’t mean that it’s easy for everyone to find the person of their dreams. Besides, the guy I want wouldn’t be quite so nice to me all the time, if you know what I mean?’

Getting Penny back on to sex was a better idea than having this conversation seriously.

‘You just don’t know how beautiful you really are.’

‘No — you don’t know how lucky you are.’

The two women smiled warmly at each other and finished up the remainder of their meals. Sasha decided to attempt change the subject again and relieve the tension.

‘So, you were serious about coming here again then?’

‘Yeah, this meal was good.’

‘I liked it too. And what is the big surprise you have for me this afternoon?’

Penny downed the last gulp of meatball, excitedly and looked at Sasha with sparking eyes.

‘Tarot reading! For each of us. We haven’t been for years.’

‘What? That crap? I thought you’d given up on that rubbish. Rather, I hoped you’d given up on that rubbish.’

‘Oh stop being so cool. This is great fun and you know it. You don’t have to get upset…’

Penny cocked an eyebrow at her. ‘After all, it’s not real you know.’

Sasha gave her a vanquished half smile and acquiesced. ‘Fine, fine. I’ll indulge you this once. Where are we off too?’

‘Madame Soltar. Two blocks down. She’s new. Just moved into the area apparently.’

The two women stood on the opposite side of the street to the rickety little shop that seemed to be clinging to the buildings on either side for support, lest it be swallowed up by an unforgiving city. A low thatched roof made a contrast to the cool steel and stone structures around it, as it bent low over the warm wooden stoop. Somehow, in the middle of the city, vines crept up the outside of the small two storey construction, as if they’d sprung up magically out of the pavement in front of the house, altogether giving the structure the impression it’d been swept up from Tudor England and transported strangely in to the heart of the metropolis.

‘You’ve gotta be kidding me.’ Sasha had never seen a more obvious cliché.

‘Oh, it’s for show! She probably draws the customers in as much through the outside as she does through the ‘call’ of her work. C’mon! Let’s go.’

Penny dived with skill into the traffic weaving and manoeuvring her way like a born and raised in the city pro. Sasha stayed close on her heels. If the outside of the shop seemed a cliché, it was nothing compared to the inside. Sasha had trouble adjusting her eyes to the light at first, which was almost nonexistent except for shafts of dust ridden beams, highlighting precariously piled stacks of books, empty goldfish bowls and small vials filled with florescent liquids in many colours. As Sasha’s eyes adjusted, the first thing she was aware of was the dust.

‘Man, I thought you said this place was new – Looks like it’s never been cleaned.’

‘She’s just moved in. Maybe she hasn’t had time to clean it all yet.’

‘I’m not surprised. It’d take one hundred years for this place to be sorted.’

‘Shhh… be polite. She may not see us if you are rude.’

‘There is no one in here — she’s out the back.’ Sasha slid a long finger through thick dust settled all over a tall pile of books. ‘And the dust is not the only thing that’s laid on a little thick here.’

Sasha turned away when Penny shrugged looking disappointed in her. She didn’t want to hurt her friend, she just thought this was a lot of rot. However, she didn’t think it would hurt anyone, and contrary to most sceptics, she didn’t think these people were out to rip off the dull of mind and the unsuspecting. If you wanted to get rich as a con artist there were easier and far more lucrative ways. One thing was for sure, these folk believed their own story.

She worked her way around the strange little store continuing to admonish herself for being so hard on her friend. Soon, however, she stopped thinking about Penny as the variety of bits and bobs in front of her drew her attention. Every wall held, floor to ceiling, a rose wood bookcase. Sometimes the shelves were filled with books and other times they held more of the small florescent vials she’s spotted when she first walked in. Large glass jars contained strange fleshy items congealing in pale green liquid, sealed tight. They gave one the impression the seal was to keep the thing in rather than protect it from air and the elements.

‘Hey Sasha — get a load of this.’

Sasha whirled around face to face with a wizened hand that looked very much as though it were human. Penny held it at arm’s length and at face height so that the yellowed fingernail of the knarled middle finger almost poked Sasha’s eyes out. Sasha jumped, landing with heart pounding out through the flesh on her breast.

‘Are you crazy? You nearly scared me half to death.’

‘How creepy is this place?’ Penny said placing the weird hand carefully on a small table on the centre of the room. She took her place next to Sasha as co conspirator rather than trying to scare her into having a good time. The two women leaned into the bookcase where Sasha stood, together reading the spines of the large leather bound tomes embossed with gold lettering. Sasha started to read the titles out aloud. ‘Salem’s Martyrs. Practical spells for everyday living. The housewives guide to cursing your neighbours. Wiccan rites of passage. The Cauldrons calendar. I don’t think we’re in Kansas anymore Toto.’ She said turning her head toward Penny directly to her right.

‘This must be the witch section. There is this whole section over there where I found the volumes about ancient Greece and then Rome.’

Sasha moved a little more to her left. ‘Yup, that’d be right. And here’s ancient Egypt. Wow. This place is good. If I didn’t know better, I would swear these books were authentic.’

Before Penny had a chance to take a look, they heard the small bell above the door signal the arrival of someone else in the shop.

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Full Figured Chic Ch 07

Knee deep in her second cocktail before noon, Sasha rang Penny. ‘You’ve got to meet me for lunch.’ ‘Sure. Where are you?’ ‘Macy’s bar.’ ‘Um, okay, sounds heavy. I’ll be right there.’ Ten minutes later, Penny stared at Sasha in shock. ‘I can’t believe he told the entire office.’ ‘Well, I think he only told key people. But they were the right ones to have it spread all over the office. Perhaps even the building.’ ‘My god. So humiliating.’ ‘The worst of it is, he’s cleverly involved HR so...

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Full Figured Chic Ch 14

As he kissed her, Jay lifted Sasha off the ground. It was incredible to feel those hard muscles around her ample body and then to lift her as though it were nothing. Because she was full figured, Sasha had never been lifted by a man, but Jay had such a determination in his kisses and urgency to his grasp, that it seemed easy for him. She felt so female, so elfin. Twirling her in the air, he turned her around and planted her on his office desk, sending his desk telephone falling to the floor...

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Willfully Transformed

Willfully Transformed Michael was exhausted from a long day of classes. To top it all off, his girlfriend, Janine, had just dumped him. She claimed that he was cheating on him but that was a bunch of baloney. Michael considered himself to be rather attractive. He had a stocky frame and a washboard stomach, although he himself would admit that his dick wasn't very big. Perhaps that's why Janine left him. Shaking his head, he sat down. Just as he was about to fall asleep in his chair...

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Lange PornokinioGeschichte

Da sass ich nun in dem dunklen Filmsaal dieses Sexkinos. Der Film, dervor meinen Augen auf der großen leinwand gezeigt wurde, machte mich gewaltig an. Ein riesiger, dicker schwarzer Schwanz wurde mit aller Gewalt in die behaarte Votze einer dicken, geilen alten Schlampe hinein- und herausgezogen und die Frau schrie in einem fort. : Ja... tiefer..... gibs mir.... mach mich fertig! Meine Hand hatte schon seit ein paar Minuten meinen freigelegten Schwengel fest im Griff.. Ich war froh, daß niemand...

2 years ago
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Barbaras Geschichte

Barbaras GeschichteBarbaras Mann war bei seiner Holzf?llerarbeit im Wald. Sie versorgte die Kinder und hatte eben begonnen Fleisch einzup?keln. Da h?rte sie vor der H?tte gro?en L?rm. Nicht oft war am Waldrand der L?rm eines gro?en Trosses zu h?ren. Neugierig ging sie nach drau?en und wollte nach der Ursache dieses Zuges schauen. Gerade als sie die T?r ge?ffnet hatte, ritt ein schwarz gekleideter Mann vorbei. Barbara stie? einen kleinen Schrei aus. Im gleichen Augenblick huschte ihre schwarze Katze zur T...

3 years ago
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Me And My Highly Disfigured Masochist Husband4

ME AND MY HIGHLY DISFIGURED MASOCHIST HUSBAND - PART FOUR© 2011 By meatbone12 Meanwhile,back to late August of 2001,when _____ started in with his humping motions,I just gritted my teeth,glaring at him saying to him that he'd better behave or I wouldn't do it at all.That shut him up for a bit.But eventually he started in with, "I'll see to it that..." (as I interrupted his sentence with),"That you'll see to WHAT...THAT I LOSE MY JOB?!?!" He just glared back,seething at me like some ugly...

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Me and My Highly Disfigured Masochist Husband2

ME AND MY HIGHLY DISFIGURED MASOCHIST HUSBAND PART TWO © 2011 By meatbone12...EYE YIE YIE YIE YIE YIE YIIIIIIIE!!! ANYWAY while _____ er,ummm..."BONE-man" was on the bed that Tuesday morning, back in August of 2001,I slipped his pajama pants off and his penis was twitching mightily. He was almost involuntarily moving his arm stumps towards it as if he were trying to help me put the condom on!There is an amazing phenomenon that some of you (most definitely amputees and health care workers)...

2 years ago
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Me and My Highly Disfigured Masochist Husband

M E A N D M Y H I G H L Y D I S F I G U R E D M A S O C H I S T H U S B A N D © 2011 by meatbone12 The following story you are about to experience is factual and 100% T R U E. LIFE OFTEN IS STRANGER THAN FICTION! This is the beginning of our bittersweet yet highly erotic saga..... My husband is having me type this out because he is unable to do so.He...

5 years ago
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Full Figured Chic Ch 20

‘Come down here Jay. It’s time to meet with you. I want to speak.’ Out of the corner of her eye, Sasha saw Jay disappear into his office and then suddenly he and Greg were running down the stairs to meet the four men. Sasha turned and ran out of her room and made her way down the corridor as well. Something very strange was at work here and she wanted to be right next to jay as they worked it all out together. ‘Jay Miles!’ She heard Sutomi call out in a booming voice. The voice sent pin...

4 years ago
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Sinfully Wonderful

I slowly opened the door to the hotel room, I knew you would still be asleep from the fact I had knocked on the door a few times, I stepped into the room, yes there you were sound asleep, I closed the door behind me after first putting the do not disturb sign on the outside of the door handle. You looked so peaceful as I walked over towards the bed, I put my bag down on the floor and removed my jacket, then walked round to the base of the bed, I slowly so not to awake you removed the bedding,...

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Powerfull Powder

He climbed up the two little steps and rang the doorbell. He heard nothing and tried to look through the window. The curtains were closed all he could see was a dead fly lying in the windowsill. He rang the doorbell again. ‘One moment.’ Someone yelled from inside the house. He leaned against the banister and stared out in the street, there were some trash cans standing on the sidewalk, one had tumbled over and some seagulls were scavenging for food. ‘Hi there,’ The door swung upon...

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Helpfull Neighbour

This is a very long story with a long lead in. Hopefully the wait will be worth it. Helpful Neighbour. My names is Jerry and I am 27. My wife is Mona and she is 25. We have been friends since we were in nappies. Through her teen years she went a bit wild and got a bit of a reputation. Especially with regard to her clothing or in some stories lack of clothing. But then she suddenly seemed to become happy being with me. I considered myself to be very very lucky to have such a gorgeous woman...

2 years ago
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Wilfully Disobedient

Karen still couldn’t quite believe it.   Yet the feeling in her pussy left her in no doubt.   Three times she had been to bed with him.   And three times, after they had made the most fantastic love she could ever have imagined, she had felt this same and unmistakeable feeling.   There was no question about it……Steve had more passion, more tenderness, and more plain staying power than anyone else she had been with.   Not that she had as much experience as some of her friends, but nevertheless,...

4 years ago
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Fullfillment of Love

It really only took a couple hours to get back, so they got there early in the morning much to the delight of the townsfolk. All relieved to find out she’s still a virgin. Anika gets back to her house and goes about her regular day. Night comes around and Anika was getting ready for bed, what Kantar had told her earlier continued to play thru her mind, she was planning on pleasuring herself tonight, to the thought of him. They said no sex, but nothing about masturbation. So she gets herself in...

4 years ago
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SINFULL Lena Denson, 45yo, white female, 5’06, 135lbs, 34Bx27x37, brown eyes, and short, spiky hair was bored was ready to go home after being at work less than an hour. She worked the graveyard shift, and since it was a Tuesday night, she was sure that the hours were going to move as quickly as the hot dog rollers that were sweating juices from weenies at that very moment not two feet from her. She was working with Tawny Hobbs, 28yo black female, 5’02, 160lbs, 38Dx38x48, with brown eyes, and...

3 years ago
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unfaithfull with consequences

My wife and I had been married for three great years. We were high school sweathearts in the middle of small town in germany. She is the only woman I have been with and I was the only man who she had had. I was a normal looking guy, dark hair, average height and weight. My wife was a cute little girl with italian ancestors . She had shoulder length black hair and a nice little body. She was petite with a nice little rack. She looked alot like Christina Aguilera except she dressed much more...

3 years ago
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Fullfilled Fantasies Part I

“Open your mouth,” she sternly directs me. I feel her straddling my back as I lay prone on my stomach. I look at the alarm clock. 6:33 a.m. I’m completely nude, somehow unaware that she has managed to tie my now spread legs and arms to the four posts of our king sized bed. I sleep naked so that part is not a surprise, but how she's managed to strap me down without my waking, I shall never know. Either way, I am completely unable to move other than getting to my hands and needs in an ‘all fours’...

4 years ago
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FullMetal Panic Kaname Tessas First Time

It was just like any other day until you see a cute girl all alone. So you go over next to her and sit by her; and you introduce yourself. "Hi I'm Kaname. What is your name, you said." "My name is Tessa. Do you mind If I ask you a personal question, asked Tessa." "Go ahead and ask away, you said." "Boys have been asking me out & I tell them no. I just don't want to go out with them. I want my first time to be with a kind; caring; sweet; and sensitive girl, Tessa said." "I know what your going...

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FullMetal Panic Tessas Love Adventure

You assume the role of Tessa the captain of a ship, your well respected by your crew. You have grey hair that is in a ponytail with a blue ribbon to match. You decide to have your crew to surface the ship, so that you can get out on fresh land for some air. I decided to walk a few blocks and I happen to come across a High School. I see this really cute girl in a schoolgirl uniform with green hair behind me. The Next thing I know is she bumps into me and all of a sudden her things fall to the...

3 years ago
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Mouthfull of cum

Well I've never considered myself straight as Ive always appreciated a nice big cock though I've never realy done anything other than being sucked off many time through gloryholes in mens toilets when I was as horny as hell.So I’m driving back south on the A34 from Oxford. And see someone thumbing. Its Christmas so I pull over. I say I’m going as far as the A303 and says OK and hops in. He’s a young lad and after a while tells me he’s been with his girlfriend but he’s annoyed as she wont let...

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SINFULLLena Denson, 45yo, white female, 5'06, 135lbs, 34Bx27x37; brown eyes, and short, spiky hair was bored was ready to go home after being at work less than an hour. She worked the graveyard shift, and since it was a Tuesday night, she was sure that the hours were going to move as quickly as the hot dog rollers that were sweating juices from weenies at that very moment not two feet from her. She was working with Tawny Hobbs, 28yo black female, 5'02, 160lbs, 38Dx38x48, with brown eyes, and...

5 years ago
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wishfull thinking

I touch your hand and I can feel you shiver with anticipation, I move my hand slowly up your arm and I can feel the goose bumps start to raise on your arms I move in and kiss your neck and your heads tilts back as you allow me to kiss you slowly and softly. I place my hands around your waist and pull you close holding you tightly as you lean in and kiss my neck .I can feel my whole body shake as your touch makes me so weak inside I move my hands down to your bum and squeeze it gently then move...

4 years ago
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Unfaithfull at Xmas The Beginning 2008

As for the start of the affair - UK 2008 a Solicitors Office in the North East.... A new underwriter ( Simon ) arrived in the summer of 2008 and we got on really well laughing and joking etc – he was married and I had Bill so there was never anything going on just a lot of flirting and him trying to embarrass me as I was quite and demure at work and appeared shocked at rude jokes and comments ..... I loved flirting with him , got quite turned on about it if the truth be known .....showing an...

3 years ago
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Lustfull Love

Hi all reader, how ru ??? i hope u guys r enjoyin the stories here …My self ajju(name changed) m from mangalore..my height is 171cms n i hav 8″ cock which mostt of aunties lik … I am going to tell you about my first sex encounter with a Aunty. A day when I was coming back from my university late in the evening in the main area of the city belonging to the very elite class of the city.in a narrow street I saw a lady was struggling to start her car. I looked at her and passed away she was in red...

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Fullfilling Our Threesome Fantasy

Hello Readers, I am sharing my experience for the first time on ISS. This experience isn’t imaginary or fake, it is 100% true. So some of you might not like it too, and some of you who are big fan of the 100% real stories will surely like it. Let me introduce you my self first, I m 24 years old fun loving girl with a perfect figure of 32-26-36. I love to do work out, I have a bf (I don’t want to give his name as I want to share my real exp so I wont even use a fake name for him). He is tall,...

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Wilfully Disobedient

Karen still couldn’t quite believe it.   Yet the feeling in her pussy left her in no doubt.   Three times she had been to bed with him.   And three times, after they had made the most fantastic love she could ever have imagined, she had felt this same and unmistakeable feeling.   There was no question about it......Steve had more passion, more tenderness, and more plain staying power than anyone else she had been with.   Not that she had as much experience as some of her friends, but...

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Fullfillment of Love

It really only took a couple hours to get back, so they got there early in the morning much to the delight of the townsfolk. All relieved to find out she’s still a virgin. Anika gets back to her house and goes about her regular day. Night comes around and Anika was getting ready for bed, what Kantar had told her earlier continued to play thru her mind; she was planning on pleasuring herself tonight, to the thought of him. They said no sex, but nothing about masturbation. So she gets herself in...

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Unfaithfull me

Tia Chaturvedi,23.fem from Mumbai. Tall 5’8, fair, smart and sexy with 34-26-34 of figure also married now,before marriage ma name was Kavya Upadhya as ma father is Upadhya. Hope you people have read ma previous story “Unfaithfull Tia”.You can mail me comment on ma stories and personal comments or if anything want to know about me or want to share with me.I will surely reply your mails.Ma email id is I was sleeping behind ma husband Rahul but was thinking about Sameer who is in ma home now as...

4 years ago
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Unfaithfull Tia

Tia Chaturvedi 23 years of age,5’5 of hight,good looking,smart,fair and sexy also today I am wife of Dr.Rahul Chaturvedi. Me and Rahul got married before a month.It was the arrange one by our parents,I had never seen Rahul before we got married nor Rahul have seen me.But even then we both were liking each other and were living happily after our marriage.Our sex life is also normal,as Rahul is a good doctor so he dont have much time to spend at home but even then we use to have sex once in a day...

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