Karma Ch. 02 free porn video

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Chapter Two: An unexpected visitor

It was pitch black outside when I woke up needing to use the restroom. The clock on the nightstand said it was a little before 6:00 AM. My mouth tasted terrible. That just wouldn’t do. I had to take a toothbrush to my teeth right now.

I grabbed a robe and wrapped it around myself. It was too early for this crowd to be up, but there was no way I was taking chances around Rod. I hurried out of my room toward the bathroom and stopped dead in my tracks. Five feet away, staring at me with equal surprise was Melissa.

She didn’t let that surprise stop her from softly closing Rod’s door behind her and holding a finger up to her lips. Her robe was loose, her hair was in wild disarray. Even after all that bastard had done, and all the time that had passed, I still felt a momentary surge of jealousy. With a snort to myself, I forced it down. I really was an idiot to have any emotion for Rod other than contempt.

I smiled and shook my head. Daddy had outdone himself in getting a woman that suited him this time. I wondered if he knew his sweetie was sleeping around on him. If he knew, did he care? Regardless, I certainly didn’t. I motioned for her to go on without saying a word. Neither Rod’s past nor Melissa’s present infidelity was my problem. If Daddy didn’t know that someone was diddling his darling on the side, it only sounded like fitting justice to me.

With a languid smile, Melissa opened Daddy’s door and slipped back inside.

I locked the bathroom door behind me since I didn’t want Rod walking in on me. Rod had a bad habit of doing that to me and my friends. I did my business and decided to shower so I could dress and get the hell out of this cursed place before people started getting up. The last day of the viewing would be soon enough to look at them.

As I dressed in my room a few minutes later, I kept glancing at the vial of cocaine. My hand itched to put it in my purse, just in case. I almost did, but in the end, I left it there and locked my door behind me on the way out. There was no need for me to be worried someone might see it. The maid would leave the locked room alone in her morning cleaning rounds.

I smiled maliciously as I boosted Conrad’s spare keys from the hook by the door and let myself out. I could take one of the other cars in the three-car garage, but this would piss him off, and that made it the perfect choice.

In a few minutes, I had his SUV on the road into town and my stomach was starting to growl. I tried to find a place that was open for breakfast this early. And it needed to be someplace that I wouldn’t run into any of Mother’s family.

The first place I saw that fit the bill was one of those all-night diners. It looked like it should have had a flickering neon sign. The coffee was probably going to rip the lining out of my stomach. Screw it. I parked and walked in past two truckers on their way out. I saw them stare at me and knew I didn’t quite fit the usual customer in this place. Good.

The waitress that seated me looked a little worse for wear. Her frazzled bottle-red hair threatened to escape from her hairnet in the same way her tits tried to escape her low-cut top. In this crowd, that probably earned some good tips.

‘What’ll it be, Hon?’ She sounded like she should give up her two-pack-a-day habit while she still had a throat.

I looked at the menu. ‘What won’t kill me?’

The waitress – Alice, her tag read – laughed roughly. ‘If I had a nickel for every time I heard that. Go with the omelets, and the coffee isn’t too bad.’

‘Fine,’ I said. ‘Give me a veggie omelet, no onions, and a coffee.’

‘You got it.’

I forgot her as soon as she swayed off to another table. I let the black cloud of thoughts flow over me and put my head into my hands. This depression and anger always seemed to be waiting for a chance to slip into my head. My life sucked.

I shook my head to force the negative thoughts out. Fighting these black moods and self-criticism was a never-ending battle. I knew I wasn’t being fair to myself. Until Mother died, I’d had my life turned around, at least some. Actually, Gina and Margot had turned my life around.

Gina, especially, had finally told me that I needed to change. She’d been pretty firm, too. I yelled and screamed. I threw a tantrum. I sulked. And when the choice became clear that I’d lose my best friends if I didn’t do something, I’d started changing. Years later, with what seemed like their tireless support, I was still fighting to change. In the process I’d found out that I didn’t really know who Regan Thomas was, though in the last few years I’d started looking forward to meeting her.

After a few minutes, when Alice set the coffee on the table, I dragged myself back from the depths of my thoughts. I looked out into the parking lot while I sipped the paint thinner she called ‘not too bad’ coffee. I think I was wrong. She didn’t smoke at all. She just drank this stuff.

A beaten up, muddy Land Rover lumbered into the parking lot. A man in a worn leather bomber jacket climbed out and stretched. My imagination placed him as a construction worker. A handsome construction worker. He looked a lot better than the average customer in this joint did. Forget this joint. He looked a lot better than most men anywhere did. Fit and trim, he probably worked out. And his walk…

He walked up to the doorway and smiled at Alice while she flirted with him. I gave him an automatic once-over as she led him down toward the empty table next to mine. Tall, with a ruggedly handsome face and dark eyes framed in straight black hair that fell to his shoulders. With the beat up leather jacket covering his torso, it was hard to be certain, but he seemed muscular. His walk exuded an air of confidence without the usual arrogance. That was an unusual combination in men, in my experience.

When he stopped beside my table, I knew what was coming next: the come on. Men only had one thing on their minds. His words startled me, though. ‘You’re Regan Thomas, right?’

‘Do I know you?’ I asked with a frown.

His lips curved a little. ‘Probably not, but I know you. I’m Antonio Di Ricco. I’m so sorry to hear about your mother.’ He offered me his hand and I shook it automatically while trying to recall the name.

When I did place it, my frown deepened. ‘I remember someone by that name, but he was my father’s age,’ I said. ‘A big guy, kind of, you know, round.’

He nodded. ‘That’s my dad, Big Tony. I came with him to see your dad a few times when we were teenagers. The round part happens to men in my family if they don’t work out,’ he added with a grin, ‘and even my father would tell you that since he never works out, he’s fatter than hell. Mind if I join you?’

My memory clicked. I remembered him now, a skinny kid that resented his father dragging him around. I remembered overhearing his father tell Daddy that he thought his kid would give him a stroke or end up in prison or, more likely, both. After hearing Daddy agree with his friend, I decided to avoid the kid.

Well, that was then and this was now. I wasn’t inclined to let Daddy make my calls anymore.

‘Sure, have a seat. I remember you now,’ I said with a nod. ‘So, if your dad is Big Tony, does that make you Little Tony?’

He shrugged as he sat, although I saw the barest flicker – an echo of some long ago pain – in his eyes. ‘I just go by Tony. I don’t like being compared to my father.’ He looked at Alice, and pointed at me. ‘I’ll take whatever she’s having.’

‘Okay, Tony it is,’ I said as Alice sashayed back off. ‘I didn’t think you knew my mother or father so well.’

‘I don’t,’ he agreed. ‘My dad got word too late to make it here. I’m here in the area for work, so Dad called to ask me to come in his place. You know, wave the family flag.’

That I understood all too well. ‘Mine usually just tells me he wants me somewhere a
nd then expects me to obey.’

Tony laughed. ‘My father lost that hold on me when he disowned me and tossed my sorry ass out of his house on my seventeenth birthday.’

I sucked in my breath. ‘He disowned you? That’s terrible! If he did that, why come here for him at all?’

Tony shrugged again. ‘I’m not here for him. I’m here for myself. I’m a Di Ricco and we pay our debts, both money and honor. My family should be here for yours at a time like this so I’m here.’

I nodded, impressed despite myself.

‘Besides, throwing me out was the right thing to do,’ he continued, ‘even if I didn’t like it at the time. I was a real punk. In his place, I’d have thrown me out, too. ‘

‘Wow.’ I knew that Daddy, Melissa and Conrad all understood money, but I doubted any of them even knew that honor existed. I shook my head and leaned back as my omelet arrived.

Alice smiled at Tony. ‘I put a rush on yours, sugar.’

I took a bite and decided it probably wasn’t immediately fatal.

Tony smiled at Alice. ‘Thanks.’ Then he stood and took off his jacket, I was right about him working out. His black tee shirt did nothing to hide his solid physique.

I felt a moment of physical longing, but repressed it. The very last thing I needed now was a complication like him in my life. Other women could have casual flings but I’d never been able to be that way. If I slept with a man, it was because we were in a relationship for the long haul – not that the long haul ever seemed to last more than three or four years for me. Men being men, I doubted that my four-year record was in any danger.

Fortunately, men were not my only option when I was horny. Having a bit of fun between the sheets was different with another woman, for whatever reason, I had no problem with the idea of casual girl-girl sex – sometimes very casual. I wouldn’t be jumping into bed, though, with a disowned…

‘What do you do for a living?’ I asked as I continued to eat slowly.

‘I’m in construction,’ he said, confirming my first impression. ‘We’re building an apartment complex at a job site about three hundred miles down the highway.’

I’d guessed right. I smiled. Too bad a relationship was out of the question. Still, it was for the best. He’d just use me for my body and my money and then cheat on me in spite of both. He was a man, after all.

‘That sounds very interesting,’ I said politely.

‘No, it doesn’t,’ he replied with a grin. ‘I can tell that swinging a hammer isn’t very interesting to you, but that’s okay,’ he said, forestalling my objection as his expression sobered. ‘If there’s anything that I can do for you, all you have to do is ask. I didn’t know your mother, but it was obvious to me that she loved you. I could see it even when I was a kid.’

Men didn’t usually surprise me. Not even when I found out they’d been sleeping around.

‘And if I do need to ask you for something, how would I get hold of you?’ I finally got out. I figured it was time for the line about how ‘if I wanted to get a hold of him all I had to do was put my hand out.’

Instead, he dug out a worn leather wallet and pulled out a card. He flipped it over to write on it. ‘Here’s my cell number,’ he said. ‘If you need anything at all, call me. Day or night.’ He handed me the card and I looked at the numbers written in a strong, bold hand. A flip of the card showed it wasn’t his card. It was for some truck stop. I could only imagine why a man would have the number for a truck stop in his wallet. I’ll never understand men.

I slid the card into my purse and considered him silently as his plate arrived and he seasoned it to taste. ‘Do you miss the world you had when you were growing up?’ I asked.

He grinned at me and took another bite of his omelet. ‘What’s not to miss? Having money to burn and no idea how I want to spend it? Having my dad try to mold me into someone just like him? Frankly, I’m better off not having everything laid out for me,’ he waved his fork at me. ‘Not that I’m better than anyone else.’

There was some pride in there. He and I had a lot in common. A lot more than met the eye, I thought.

‘So you were a rebel without a clue?’ I asked. ‘Trying to find a place and way for yourself?’

‘Oh, hell no! I knew exactly what my goal in life was, I was being a pain in my father’s ass,’ he said. ‘People think it’s easier to be rich. We both know that’s not true. Hell, if I’d gotten a tattoo back then, my dad would have tossed me out even faster.’

‘You have a tattoo?’ I asked with more interest than I’d expected and certainly more than I’d intended to let on. I’d considered getting one when I was younger, but the horror stories were just too much for me to get past. ‘What kind?’

‘A mermaid – on my left butt-cheek,’ he said before taking a sip of his coffee.

‘Bull,’ I said with an unladylike snort. ‘No way do you have a mermaid on your ass.’

‘True enough. The tattoo is classified, so I have to spread some false stories to keep my adoring public guessing.’

I shook my head and smiled at him. ‘I bet. Do you keep a club in the car to drive them back?’

‘Actually, it’s a Louisville Slugger. Works every time.’

We ate slowly and talked about our lives as spoiled rich kids for almost an hour, though it seemed like only a few minutes. When I looked at my watch, I’d been thinking we had plenty of time to keep talking, and I was a bit shocked to see that the funeral home would open in less than twenty minutes. The quick burn of disappointment surprised me, both in its depth and in the fact that I’d felt it at all.

I didn’t know when I’d ever been so comfortable just sitting and talking with a man. I supposed our shared past helped, but he was neither fish nor fowl. He wasn’t a rich guy that grew up like Rod, or a poor schmuck like the truckers that shared the diner with us. He was different from the men I’d associated with in the past. He was exotic.

Part of me wanted to stay right here talking with him. That made me feel a bit closer to him than I’d ever felt to anyone outside my clique. I’d never been chatty with guys, but I felt a connection with Tony that I’d never expected.

Regretfully, I grabbed my purse. ‘I’ve got to go to the funeral home. I really wish we had more time to talk because it’s been fun.’

He pulled out a twenty and tossed it on the table, silencing my objections. ‘If I can’t spend my money on breakfast with a friend, then why have it? I’m going to go to the viewing and I’ll be here for the funeral, too, so we can talk again. I’d like that.’

His hand briefly touched mine as he stood up. An electric tingle unsettled my stomach. I reminded myself that I didn’t need this kind of entanglement, that he was just a man and couldn’t be trusted, even if part of me seemed to want to trust him. Even with everything Gina and Margot had done to help me, I still couldn’t bring myself to trust men. I could almost feel Gina frowning at me and sighed.

‘Let’s set something up before we leave the viewing then,’ I said, making the decision to go with my emotions rather than my brain.

He smiled as he slid his jacket on. ‘I’d like that. I’ll see you there.’ I watched Tony’s perfect ass walk out the door and sighed. I headed for the ladies room. God willing, I wouldn’t catch anything in there.


When I arrived at the funeral home, Tony was talking with Daddy. I could tell right away that Daddy had no idea who he was, and that he was getting an abbreviated form of the same introduction I’d gotten. Melissa was giving Tony the eye from behind Daddy. I recognized the look. While her behavior didn’t surprise me, the sudden spike of jealousy stunned me.

What the hell was that? I’d just met the guy, and already I wanted to club the competition in the head like a baby seal? Was I seeing her as competition? That surprised me even more. He wasn’t mine, and I wasn’t dating him, so that thought had no
place in my head. I forced it back down, composed my features, and walked up to them.

‘There’s no need to stay in a hotel. We have plenty of room at the chalet,’ Daddy said.

Tony shook his head. ‘That’s really not necessary, sir. I don’t want to disturb your family.’

‘Absolutely not,’ Melissa said with a wide smile. ‘We wouldn’t hear of it. You’re staying with us, and that’s final.’

That last bit was loud enough for Conrad to overhear from his post beside the coffin, and he hurried up, smoothing a sudden worried look. ‘Hello, I’m Conrad. What’s this about the chalet?’

‘I’ve decided that Tony should stay with us tonight rather than at a motel,’ Daddy said with a smile. ‘It makes no sense to see all that space go to waste.’

From his facial expression, Conrad was looking for a way to back out of that commitment before it became final. I was sorry about Tony being trapped with Melissa, but I wasn’t about to let Conrad have his way.

‘Daddy’s absolutely right,’ I agreed, stepping up beside my father. ‘We have six rooms, and the place would just rattle with all of us there alone. Please Tony, take a spare room. It’s no trouble.’

Melissa shot me a calculating look. Then she nodded, her brain already working the angles. ‘Yes, Tony. Please do,’ Melissa added. Weren’t we a fine pair of conniving bitches?

Trapped, Conrad nodded. ‘Of course, we’d be happy to have you.’

‘Well, since you all insist, I’ll do it,’ Tony said, glancing at Melissa warily. Right then I knew that whatever else he might be, he was smarter than the average bear.

That thought was so arrogant and presumptuous that I snorted at myself. That got me a frown from everyone. I coughed to cover my slip-up. ‘Sorry, my throat’s a bit dry.’

Daddy quirked an eyebrow at me and headed for the front door with Melissa on his arm. Conrad seized the moment to cut Tony off and start talking. Conrad loved to talk, and his favorite subject was himself.

I looked at the casket and dozens of Mother’s family were milling around her. I slipped to the side of the room and made my way back to the area near Mother. A couple of the older women were looking at her and speaking in low tones to one another. Not low enough for me to miss hearing, unfortunately.

‘It’s a terrible shame, her having a daughter like that,’ one of them said. She was some kind of great aunt. The woman next to her was her sister. The matching sour expressions were a good clue about that. Her words solidified my anger, gave it focus.

‘Yes,’ her sister agreed. ‘Regan had such potential and was such a great disappointment to her mother. She married well enough but her other habits,’ she tsked disapprovingly.

I wondered angrily, which of my failings she meant. God knows I’d had enough of them to piss my mother off.

‘I mean, really! She’s one of those drug sniffing hippies,’ Sister A chortled.

I almost laughed. She thought I was a hippie. Puh-leeze!

‘And all those rumors about her and…’ she looked around and lowered her voice just a tiny bit. ‘And all those women she slept with. She’s not only a slut but also a lesbian! Imagine having a pervert for a daughter!’

A spike of pain shot through my head as my heartbeat thundered in my ears. The room turned red. I shoved the wreath to the side and it fell with a crash. The sisters recoiled from me as if I were the Devil herself.

‘She was never ashamed of me!’ I snarled. ‘You don’t know me! You don’t know a thing about my relationship with my mother! How dare you?’

Conrad was there in a flash. ‘That is enough! You’ve disgraced yourself and our family,’ he gloated. ‘Get out.’

‘You,’ I said, turning on him, ‘are full of it, too. Do you think marrying into a family makes it yours? You’re even more of an outsider than I am, you poser. My mother may have married you, but she at least loved me.’

He wagged a finger in my face and glared. ‘Go call one of your little dyke friends for a drug party and leave the people that loved your mother alone to grieve! You’re obviously drugged out or you wouldn’t behave like this in front of your mother.’

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3 years ago
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Poker with daddy

I was waiting at the kitchen table for Zoey's boyfriend to show up. Tonight was supposed to be "the mysterious meeting." They had something to tell me. Of course, the little bastard was ten minutes late now."He'll be here any minute," Zoey said, holding up her cell phone. "He said he's on his way.""You could just tell me what Ben wants to talk to me about, and I'll act surprised when he brings it up later.""No, Daddy," Zoey said. "This is important. We need to have this discussion together."I...

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Classmates mom

I was just standing there, and sure enough, (let's call her K) comes up and is talking with me, being herself, very flirty. We are chit chatting for a bit and sure enough, she puts her hand on my back and starts laughing. We laugh for a little bit, carry on our conversation and it happens. She grabs my arm and laughs and leans into me while laughing. Once she lets go of my arm, I put my hand on her back, and I whisper in her ear, "I want to hear you moan my name into my mouth". Fucking I dont...

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Twist of Fate Jenna

Twist Of Fate: Jenna By Slacker PART ONE It all started that day a few months ago when we had that really bad thunderstorm. I mean, really bad thunderstorm. Y'know, the kind that flares up at 4:30 PM and spawns tornados and leaves more than 150,000 people without electricity. Yeah, we get a lot of those in the Chicago area, except for the twisters. Those are a little bit further west. Anyway, it was a clear day, maybe 60-65?F, and I was out with a bunch of my friends....

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Silly Rabbit Part Nine

Silly Rabbit, part nine by Vonya Lee "Honey now that you're feeling better, we need to talk about your behavior over at Gwen's house." begins Sara. I guess I had been milking all the attention I was getting for being punched by my dickhead father. Still I'm not sure what she means by my 'behavior.' "Yes miss?" I answer. "Did you have a good time at Gwen's?" questions Sara. "Yes miss. I had a great time." I did. "Was Gwen nice to you?" she...

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BBC returns for his possession

The return...follow from-http://xhamster.com/user/Jizzylady/posts/454273.htmlMicks story ( newly cuck'd hubby)-It was only a question of time I was guessing to see when Nathan would contact Leanna the Mrs? I was worried that he would and was stupidly hoping that one good time with her would have been enough for this black stud, who could have any Lady inclined to want the time of her life with a man! I asked nervously to her had she heard from him as she left her personal number with him? She...

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DSRS Exile Fleet preface

DSRS Exile Fleet, Preface Chapter 0 In the twenty third century, mankind has moved out into the nearby stars. Expanding their presence wherever possible. But in the time between the twenty first and twenty third century, natural born women are in a decline. There are more males born than females. So women have gained a sense of power, they are given incentives and privileges far beyond what men are given. As a result those who are Transgendered have been targeted as...

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Im going to Cum Again Blacken

Susan was bored. Well, not bored, but frustrated, uptight, out of sorts. Something was wrong and she didn't know what it was. All the other women at work were always talking about sex with their husbands and how great it was. They talked as if it was the most exciting, thrilling thing in their life. She never entered any of the discussions, but always listened to their every comment. She couldn't help thinking there was something wrong with her marriage. Sex seemed to be the only subject they...

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Sperm Roulette

Several weeks had passed since Barb’s ‘date’ with Tom’s black friend and it turned out that she did not get pregnant from her first interracial fling. After Barbara’s black lover left that night, her mind in a turmoil with the possibility that she might well end up pregnant with a black child. It was the next day before she told Tom of the potential pregnancy. As the days wore on, both found themselves becoming more and more turned on by the thought. They...

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My Colleague Seduced Me And Enjoyed My First Sex When Her Husband

Hi friends, this is ravi (name changed due to my privacy) working as a software engineer I am from Hyderabad but living in Bangalore. I always want to suck pushy and ass each and every thing in women body with my lips. I love sex a lot. I am a regular reader of this site and I always wished to post my experience just like other writers but I never had a chance for that as I had no scene with any girl now I got a chance to write my own story. This story is based on a true story happened in my...

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Sheila Meets a Neighbor

Jerome was one of the earliest black studs in my stable.Back in '76 I had a basement apartment and he lived upstairs.He met me,as a female,one day when I was returning from grocery shopping.I was dressed casually in a sleeveless maroon turtleneck,mid-thigh jean skirt and a gaff under sheer nude hose with tan,3" high-heels.I wore a short blond wig of natural hair and light make-up.He walked up to me,wearing a wife beater t-shirt and sweat pants with sneakers, as I began to unload my groceries...

1 year ago
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Summer Vacation Part 1

Summer Vacation Part 1 Eduardo Alvirez squeezed the brakes of his Bianchi Milano bike as he reached the bicycle parking lot outside Heaven, a diner that was located by South Beach. As he chained his bike, he glanced at his Swatch Skin in iron grey and realized that he was ten-minutes early for his shift at Heaven. So, Eduardo headed down to the beach to kill some time. Although it was just seven-forty in the morning, people had started to flock down to the beach in swarms. A mini-van,...

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DchasChapter 17

It was daybreak when Sarah's Clan woke up. Sensing her spouses were awake, Sarah said, "Considering I only had some six hours sleep I feel really good." She then moved to kiss Rusty and Joyce. "Wow," said Tara, "I felt that." "Felt what?" asked Claudette. "I felt Sarah kiss Rusty then Joyce. It wasn't quite like her lips touching me, but I felt it." "So that's what that was. When I first woke, I wasn't sure where I was, then I had trouble believing it." Judy said, "You...

3 years ago
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Sins Of The Father Chapter Two

Sunday Night“Honey?” my wife, Blaire, called out to me. “You coming to bed or staying downstairs?”“I’ll be up in a few minutes, hon. Gotta do the Oreo thing with Ash.”The last season of Game Of Thrones was in full swing, and the Oreo cookie company decided to issue a special batch of Oreos stamped with various factions, and they were served in a very cool package. Of course, we had to buy several packages. So after each episode, Ashley and I shared a glass of milk and ate GOT Oreos while we...

2 years ago
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Fitness Model Moms 2

Fitness Model Moms 2 Chapter 1 “Mmm, damn woman, that feels good,” Amy said, lying topless on her tummy in her bedroom. Her best friend, Monica was sitting on Amy’s butt, covered by boxer shorts, massaging her back. “Glad you like it. I picked up a few tips over the years,” Monica said, enjoying her last night visiting Amy in Miami before her drive back to Tampa tomorrow. “Mmm,” Amy moaned. “Monica? Can I tell you a secret?” “Of course!” Amy started to move, Monica...

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Always help people in distress

I found this nerd looking guy trying to a flat tire at 3am. He was trying to figure out the tire jack. He was about twenty-five, skinny large rim glasses. I stopped to help. I asked if he needed some help. I could tell he didn't know what to do. His wife got out of the car. GD, She was a fox. She spoke to me in broken English with a French accent. Thank you for stopping to help.She said her name was Suzette. Suzette was wearing a low cut neckline thin T-shirt and no bra. She was showing about 7...

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How I Seduced My Little BrotherPart 2

How I seduced my little brother-Part 2 “Jesus!” Sohail breathed hoarsely. “Do you like my tits, my sweet little brother?”, I asked, smiling seductively as I cupped my firm boobs and offered them up to his hot gaze. “You bet, Sis! I’ve never seen such a perfect pair of boobs before.” “Thanks for the compliment, little brother,” I chuckled, moving closer so he could get a better look. “Here, feel how firm they are. I don’t usually need to wear a bra.” I grabbed Sohail’s hands hot, sweaty hands...

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teen love

Introduction: this is my first story Danny and I have always been in love. As much as we drove each other insane, we constantly longed for each others touch and kiss. I remember one day in the end of senior year of high school, the two of us were at it again, teasing each other in the classroom. As the teacher babbled on about economics, Danny whispered out the words I want to fuck the shit out of you to me and licked his lips suggestively to me. I bit my bottom lip and looked up at the clock....

1 year ago
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Vacation turned into extramarital extravaganza Extra Marital Affair Stories

After a long time, my husband and I planned a vacation. It was a much-needed break that we were planning for years. After going through a rough patch financially and emotionally this was our way to reconcile and ignite the spark. We planned a trip to Costa Rica and landed there as per schedule. We checked in our hotel room and I hoped for some romantic moment after that. But Barney, my husband just sat down with his laptop on skype. Turns out, he had a meeting with a few investors and it could...

Extra Marital Affair
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Mothers Submission Chapter 4

But, as she sat up, her pussy and asshole assured her that it was true. And the craziest part of it was that she didn't want it to end. She knew that no one else could know, although she was dying to tell her best friend, Monica. Alicia determined that she would find some way to convince Alex that continuing this relationship, as taboo as it might be, was the right thing. As her eyes drifted downward, she saw a very large tent at her son's waist. "Mmm, wouldn't want to waste that morning...

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The Longing Chapter Two

Chapter TwoWhen I arrived home from my excursion I found my daughter waiting for me. She was sitting at the kitchen table. Before I could hand her the things I picked up for her at Target she said, “Dad, we need to talk.”“About what?” I asked as my face turned bright red.“About you barging into my room last night,” she said with a stern tone in her voice. “You can’t do that. I’m practically an adult, and I need my privacy. So can I have a lock on my door?”While I agreed with what she said in...

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Home for Horny Monsters Book FourChapter 2 Long Nights

“A dullahan?” Mike frowned. “I’m afraid I don’t know the term.” “I’m yer friendly headless horseman, lad.” The dullahan still held his own head in one hand, and was now swinging it back and forth like a macabre pendulum. “My job is similar to a banshees in that I deal with dead spirits, though I usually cut a more dashing figure on my horse. So I guess I’m technically just headless.” The grin on his face was impossibly wide, his lips stretched nearly to his ears. “I want to speak to the...

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Chocolate Cupcake

Marvella James owns and operates a cupcake bakery/shop in Tampa called Cupcake Cravings. There, she makes cupcakes in several different flavors. Not only that, she also caters for parties and social gatherings too. She recently made cupcakes for a breast cancer awareness benefit last October, which was a success. As she started baking cupcakes at the shop, Marvella got a call from Mrs. Tiffany Gaston, president of the Tampa Junior League. Mrs. Gaston was planning a social gathering to benefit...

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Exploring part 2

We were inseparable and we were horny any chance we got we would show each other, from swimming in the pool and exposing ourselves to each other to sharing water sports with each other. That one was kind of exciting. Her mom was outside sunbathing and everyone else was at work. We both went in our bathroom and first i layed on the floor and she sttod over me and gave me a golden shower. Then i retuned the favor as she sat in the bathtub and i sprayed her. God we were kinky. Things changed when...

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THE night

THE Night!A true tale from Castlequeen-"It's.....ready!!! Come see!!!"I step into the backyard and can't suppress the giggle."What's so funny, Miss Smartypants?" he demands.What is so funny is our brand spanking new hot tub. Not the tub itself, but the setup surrounding it. Our plan is to install a low barrier surrounding it with lattice work that we'll grow ivy on so it's pretty private. However, the install came a full two weeks earlier than expected and hubby wasn't ready. However, a number...

Wife Lovers
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Cousin Sue part 3

Sorry for the long delay. Hope you like it, if not I plan part four to be better. Enjoy. I woke up the next morning and looked at my clock; 9:12AM it read. As I let out a yawn and rubbed my eyes I noticed a note sitting next to it with my name on it."Kyle; Left with your aunt, Sue should be here after she's done at practice around 11. Behave and don't destroy the house, I'll be back in a few days.Love Mom" Huh, I thought, why didn't she wake me before she left? It was then I realized I had...

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Dragon Clans Bk 02 Pt 07

Ch. 7 The memory bloomed vivid for Michael as he raced into the fortress. Nicholas standing over Ian’s body. Blood dripping slowly down the dagger’s point, leaving a muddy crimson stain in the sand. Cold dead eyes locking with his for an instant before Michael was dragged away. ‘I could have saved him.’ The thought had haunted Michael ever since that afternoon. Watching Ian’s life essence slip away while Nigel and Sims had pulled him back from the carnage. He understood the reasons,...

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Hot Aunt Hotter Cousin

Your name is John, you are 22 and still living with your mom. Your sexy Aunt Katie and your hot cousin Doe (22 also) are visiting for the week. You casually look at Doe to see what she is wearing. She has on really short shorts and you can see part of a lime green thong. Also, instead of a shirt, she has on a matching lime green Bikini top. Seeing this outfit, you flash back to when you both were 14. She was visiting you and your family for that week and you two were in the pool together… you...

2 years ago
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Their Unusual Mommy

by BrettJ © 2011 The Golden sisters, Tanya and Teagan, were thrilled when the taxi pulled up to their mother’s luxurious new condominium. It was going to be wonderful to live with Mommy again, the past 3 years they had missed her very much. Not that living with their grandmother was awful; the 52-year old woman was a lot of fun and doted on the girls. But her home was small and there wasn’t a lot for a 15 and 16-year old to do. Their mom’s community had more people their age and mom,...

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Two Hearts That Beat As One

This story is two of us.. Me(poo) and my childhood friend Vik.. He is the son of my father’s childhood friend. And his home was close to home of mine. I don’t know when I saw him first time but we studied in same class.. We became friends, and very soon best friends. But when we reached 4th standard, he left the school and went to some other school still we used to met each other for playing in our homes..Everything was going good but after 2 year me and my family shifted in new house.. Now I...

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PART – 36 HE, ME AND NEETA We had been out at a party, where we met Neeta (My lesbian sex fuck partner about whom my husband knows everything because I told him everything) I does not hide anything from my husband and I strongly believe that truth makes life very very happy and enjoyable. The host of the party was one of my husband's friends and indecently he was a client of Neeta's boss and Neeta was instructed by her boss to attend the party on his behalf. It was late when party...

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My husband cajoled me to have group sex on his bir

I am not the author but I edited it and I hope you enjoy reading this story as I enjoyed rewriting it.It was my husband's birthday and we had gone out to dinner with four of his friends. It was a very nice dinner at a steak house in town. I had two glasses of wine which was my limit, after that I get totally drunk. All the wives accept for me were out of town, so I was the only girl out with five guys. After dinner, my husband invited his friends over for some pool game and to have a few beers....

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Sex Adventures Andrew

I really don’t know where to begin with all this. I’ll guess I’ll start by explaining my adventures lately. I’ve recently come to the realization that I might possibly be a nymphomaniac. Well, I guess ‘possibly’ is the wrong word. I mean, I love sex and after all the screwed-up relationships I’ve had, I’m ready to just have fun. It all started with Andrew. Andrew was a simple man who had just moved to the area from New York. He had light blue eyes and a toned physique. He was having a rough...

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Ericas Big Day Prologue

Kindred SpiritsShe joined him at the latter end of a Friday night in the Cock and Bull. Any of her work colleagues still present were deep in chat-up scenarios or in lengthy debates about football or films. He was seated at a far corner table, nursing a tumbler of whiskey. His eyes flicked her way as she slumped into the chair beside him, her own newly-filled glass in hand.“Not got some pretty little thing hanging on your every word tonight? You’re losing your touch,” she said, her words...

2 years ago
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Tami Caught At The Park Past Midnight

Tami sat on the park bench, bored. It was two in the morning, and she couldn't sleep. It was a cool spring night, and the park was completely deserted. Tami had wore a white sleeveless collared shirt with a black and white checkered tie, and baggy black shorts. Her 32C cup breasts were bare beneath the thin fabric of her shirt, her nipples tingling whenever she moved. Tami had went to the park, thinking it'll take her mind off of things. She had just started college, and it was tough for her to...

3 years ago
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Hot Summer Teen

It was a hot summer, my junior year of high school. Hot both in degrees, but also hot because of discovering gay sex. I was a hippie in the 70's, hung out and partied with, and bought and sold d**gs to and from guys twice my age all the time. I had long blonde hair almost to my waist, weighed about 110 lbs, and had a tight round ass. I could turn my head when hitchhiking , enough so the hair covered my face, and get a ride every time ! It was about 4 in the afternoon on Saturday, and I was...

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Hey everyone! Smooches. I just got done turning my FIRST trick EVER. Before, my fiance would talk dirty calling me a hooker, whore, etc, but it was never true...now, it is true. I can not believe I just did what I did. I made three hundred bucks being pimped out to the hottest black dude I've ever seen. I'm blushing people would pay for my pussy, mouth, and butthole. I cried for a lil after we were done...I felt so dirty. I dunno, i still feel dirty, but I know I will do it again. ...

1 year ago
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First gay experience FINALLY

I’ve been bi-curious most of my life. There has never been a time that sex with men grossed me out or turned me off. I remember masturbating and shooting my cum into my mouth and all over my face. I wanted my ass penetrated as early as I remember discovering masturbation. I started with my fingers, then moved on to pencils, carrots, anything that was long and hard. I remember the day I found my stepmother’s dildos; I was 14 and immediately wanted them up my ass. I went to my room and worked the...


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