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Passion In James County XI


By D.C. Roi

Chapter four

The operating room team was cleaning up after finishing an emergency operation late one evening. Lora Williams, a new scrub nurse, turned to one of the other nurses. ‘Connie, do you think you could give me a ride home?’ she asked. ‘My car’s in the shop and I hate taking the bus this late.’

‘I’m sorry, Lora,’ her friend replied, ‘I’ve got the next two days off. Benny’s picking me up and we’re headed for the shore the minute I’m done here.’

‘Damn,’ Lora said. ‘I really hate to take the bus, but I guess I’m going to have to.’

Lee Marklin was just about to leave to go check on his patient before going home and overheard the conversation. ‘I’ll be leaving in a little while,’ he told Lora. ‘I’d be happy to give you a ride home.’

‘Gee, thanks, Dr. Marklin,’ Lora said. She was surprised by the surgeon’s offer. He had always seemed pretty stuffy and snobbish before this. And she’d been trying hard to be nice to him. Lora had a thing about seducing the doctors she worked with, but so far, Dr. Marklin had acted oblivious to the hints she’d been dropping.

‘I have to go up to the CICU and check on my patient,’ Lee said. ‘I’ll be back in a minute, then we can go.’

When Dr. Marklin walked back into the nurse’s lounge near the operating rooms, Lora stood up, picked up her coat and started to slip into it.

‘I’ll help you with that,’ Lee said, and he took Lora’s coat from her and held it for her as she slipped it on.

As she slid into it, Lora let her hand brush ‘accidentally’ against the doctor’s groin.

Lee felt the young nurse’s hand brush against his groin. ‘Was what just happened an accident?’ he wondered. ‘It had to be. I can’t imagine that she’d have grope me.’

Once she had her coat on, Lora turned to face Dr. Marklin. When she did, she made sure her breasts brushed lightly against his arm.

Lee looked down at her. Lora smiled up at him, her eyes bright.

‘You ready to go, Lora?’ Lee asked.

‘I’m ready any time you are, Dr. Marklin,’ Lora replied, and licked her lips.

‘I do have some charts at the office I have to finish making entries in before I go home,’ Lee said as they walked across the underground parking lot toward his car. ‘And my office is between here and where you live. Do you mind if I stop there first?’

‘I don’t mind,’ the young nurse replied, ‘I mean, you’re being so nice, giving me a ride and all…’

They reached Lee’s Mercedes and got in. Lora folded her legs under her and sat on the seat facing Lee. He looked over at her. He’d noticed a long time earlier that she was attractive and, contrary to what Lora believed, he hadn’t missed the signals she’d been sending him. Until now, he hadn’t had an opportunity to respond to them, though, because Carol was usually around at the same time Lora was, and he didn’t want Carol to get upset.

As he drove out of the parking garage, Lee wondered if Lora might accompany him up to his office. She had potential, he thought. Short, but buxom, she had a pair of good-looking breasts that strained against the tight T-shirt she was wearing. Her lower half, equally well-formed, was encased in a pair of very snug acid-washed jeans.

‘Your car is really something, Dr. Marklin,’ Lora commented. ‘I’ve never been in a Mercedes before.’

‘You know, I’m not sure I ever realized how attractive you are, Lora,’ Lee said.

‘Oh, Dr. Marklin!’ Lora replied. ‘You shouldn’t flirt like that. It could be dangerous. I might take it wrong.’

Lee pulled into parking lot next to his office building and looked over at Lora. ‘Would you like to come up and wait in my office while I finish up what I need to do?’ he asked.

‘Yeah, I think I better,’ Lora replied. ‘I’m not sure sitting in the car here in the parking lot this late is such a good idea.’

Lee was almost positive now that her brushing his groin with her hand and rubbing her breasts against his arm hadn’t been an accident. His pulse pounding, Lee turned off the car.

Lee and Lora got out of the car and walked to the office building where his suite of offices was located. He unlocked the door and let them in, then they walked to the elevators.

‘This is really some building!’ the young nurse gushed. As they stood waiting for the elevator, she slipped her arm through Lee’s and pressed her breast against him.

The elevator arrived, they got in, and Lee pushed the button for the thirtieth floor. When the elevator started rising, Lora moved close to him and clutched his arm again.

‘This is, you know, really an awesome office building!’ she said. She squirmed against him, continuing to rub her magnificent chest against his arm.

When the elevator stopped on Lee’s floor, they got out and walked to the suite Lee and his partner occupied. He let them in.

Lora still clung to him, maintaining the pressure of her breasts against his arm. The consequence of that delightful contact was the huge hard-on Lee sported, a situation which made walking a little uncomfortable.

‘Oh, wow, Dr. Marklin, these are just about the fanciest doctor’s offices I’ve ever seen!’ Lora commented, looking around at the ornate office suite.

Lee led her to his personal office. He was the senior partner in the practice and had a corner office, with large windows that afforded him a panoramic view of the city. The city lights outside provided a twinkling vista as far as the eye could see.

Lora let go of Lee’s arm and walked to the windows. ‘Dr. Marklin! This is really far out!!’ she exclaimed. ‘This is just about the neatest view of the city I’ve ever seen!’

Lee walked over to where the nurse stood. When he was behind her, he slid his arms around her waist and pulled her against him. When he was sure she wasn’t going to resist, he bent and kissed her throat and neck.

‘Ohhhhh!!! Dr. Marklin! What do you think you’re doing?’ Lora squealed.

It might have sounded like a protest, but the way she kept pressing her firm bottom against him, told Lee she not only knew what he was doing, but wanted him to do it. He cupped her breasts in his hands, and discovered she wasn’t wearing a bra!

‘Dr. Marklin!’ Lora mewled. ‘What you’re doing, it…it’s making me feel all funny inside!’

Lee smiled. He intended to do a lot more than make her feel funny inside before he took her home. He began thumbing the tips of her copious breasts and felt the nipples harden and emerge. He pressed his hips forward, crowding his swollen cock against her ass.

‘Oh, God, Dr. Marklin!!’ Lora murmured, ‘Do you know you’re making me feel awful good?’

Lee let go of her breasts for a brief moment, tugged her T-shirt out of her jeans, slid his hands up her flat belly, and hefted the firm, warm globes again. Then he took the rigid tips between his thumbs and forefingers and began rolling them, stretching them.

‘Ohhh, Goddd!!! Dr. Marklin!’ Lora said, ‘I love that!’

Lee backed to the over-stuffed sofa that sat along one of the inside walls of his office, pulling the trembling young nurse along with him. He sat down and pulled her onto his lap.

‘You have an incredible body, Lora,’ Lee told the quaking girl, then their lips fused in a torrid kiss.

The young woman’s tongue lashed his lips, probed into his mouth, and dueled with his tongue while her arms slid around his neck.

Lee’s hands pushed up his companion’s T-shirt, and continued to work on Lora’s hard-tipped breasts. Finally, he slid his hands back down over her belly, opened the waist of her jeans, and began pushing the snug garment down over her flared hips.

‘Yeahhhhhhh!!!’ Lora murmured, ‘That’s it, Dr. Marklin! Take them off!! Make me naked!’

Lee finished removing Lora’s jeans while the young woman pulled her T-shirt over her head. Now the only covering remaining on her lovely body was
a pair of scanty bikini underpants. Lee ripped them from her, then laid her back on the sofa. He got off, knelt next to her, and resumed suckling her breasts.

‘Yeahhhh!!! Oh, yeahhhhh!!!’ Lora groaned, ‘Kiss them! Suck my tits!!!’

Lee inserted a hand between her smooth legs, cupped her vagina, then he began toying with it, sliding his fingers between her puffy labia, into her. Her hips began rocking and moans of joy came from her in an unbroken litany of delight.

‘Yessssss!!! Yessssss!!! That’s it!! Do it!!! Play with my pussy!!! Finger me!!!’ Lora groaned, her body rocking. ‘Oh, Dr. Marklin!!! Dr. Marklinnnnnn!!!’

Lee slid his lips down from her chest, over her heaving belly, into the lush mat of pubic hair covering her middle.

‘Oh God!!! Oh, God!!! You’re gonna eat mee!! Oh, shit!!! Yeahhh!!! I love that!!! Eat meeeeeeee!!!’ Lora screamed when his mouth began assailing her tasty pussy.

‘Yeahhhhhhhhhh!!! Yeahhhhhhhhh!!!’ she cried, her body going wild, ‘You’re gonna do it!!! You’re makin’ me come!! Oh jeeeeez!!! Yeahhhhhh!!! Yeahhhhhhhh!!!! Yeahhhhhhhhh!!!!!’

Her body was writhing and twisting so frantically, Lee had to grab hold of her bottom so he could keep in contact with her. Even so, her frantic movements covered his face covered with her juices as she quaked through her orgasm.

‘Oh, God, Dr. Marklin!’ Lora murmured after her exquisite spasms finally came to an end. ‘I never felt like that before! Ever!’

‘That’s just the beginning, Lora,’ Lee said, ‘There’s lot’s more to come.’ He stood up and took off his clothes, exposing his penis, which was now swollen with need.

‘Come here, young lady,’ Lee said. He reached out his hand to Lora.

A perplexed look on her face, Lora let Dr. Marklin pull her to her feet. He led her to his desk, sat her on it, then moved between her legs. He pushed her back so she was lying down, then he plunged his erection into her slick furrow.

‘Oh, yeahhhhhhh!!!!’ Lora groaned when she felt her body being invaded by the doctor’s swollen cock. She locked her legs around her lover. ‘Fuck me, Dr. Marklin!!! Fuck me good!’

Lee found, to his surprise, that the coarse language that Lora was using was inflaming him even more. He kept his cock pistoning in and out of her with a steady pace and as he did, he luxuriated in the delightful friction of her tight pussy on his cock.

‘Oh, God! You’re big! So big!!’ Lora crooned. ‘My God! It…it feels like you’re splitting me open!!!! It’s wild! Really wild!! Fuck me hard, Doc!!! Give me your big cock!!’

As he fucked her, Lee bent forward and grabbed her breasts. He began squeezing them and pulling at the nipples.

‘Oh, shit!!! Oh, shit!!!’ Lora cried, ‘Goddamn!!! Goddamn, does that ever feel good!!! Oh, shit, Doc!!! You’re gonna make me….Goddamn it!!! Aaaaaaaaaaaahhhhhhhhhhhhhh!!!! I’m cummminnnnnnnnnnnnggggg!!!! I’m cummmmmminnnnnnngggg aggggainnnnnnnnnn!!!!!’

Lee’s groans echoed his companion’s when he came too, spewing his molten fluids into her.

They returned to the sofa when they finished. Lora lay with her head on Lee’s thigh, toying absently with his limp penis.

‘Wow!’ she exclaimed. ‘I’ve never, ever come that much! You made me come two times!!’

‘I’ve always believed a pretty girl deserves to be well-serviced,’ Lee remarked. ‘And you are a very pretty girl.’

‘I want you to fuck me more, Dr. Marklin,’ Lora said, tugging on his still-flaccid cock. ‘Gimme this again!’

‘I don’t know if I can, Lora. I think I may be finished for the night,’ Lee replied.

‘We’ll see about that,’ Lora said.

Before Lee could reply, she took his flaccid penis in her mouth and began sucking on it. Almost immediately, Lee felt himself growing hard again. It wasn’t long before the young nurse’s skilled lips and tongue had him gasping with pleasure.

Lee finally pulled her up into a sitting position on his lap, trapping his newly-risen cock between them. Then he lifted her, and when she positioned his cock on her slit, he lowered her slowly onto him.

‘Ohhhhhh!!! Dr. Marklin!!!’ Lora moaned. ‘Yeahhhh!!! I…I guess we can do it again, can’t we?’

‘You better believe we can!’ Lee said. ‘And we’re sure as hell going to!’ He leaned forward and began nibbling her nipples. Lora responded by riding him actively. He held her hips, holding her tightly against him, while he drove up off the sofa into her.

‘God, Dr. Marklin!’ she exclaimed, her face flushed, ‘I don’t think I’m ever gonna get enough of your cock!’

Faster and faster her hips moved. Her hands gripped his shoulders, her fingers digging into his skin. Then she stiffened, her eyes widened, and her mouth fell open.

‘Yahhhhhhhhhhh!!!!! I’m cummmmmminnnnnnngggggg!!!! Oh, God!!! Yeahhhhhhhh!!!’ she wailed. ‘I’m commmminnnnnnggggg agggaiinnnnnnnnnnn!!!! Ohhhhhhhhhh!!!! Ohhhhhhhhhhhh!!!!!’

Once again, Lora’s tempestuous explosion drew am equally fervent response from Lee, who spewed the little seed he had left into her.

When it was time to clean up, Lora was surprised to discover that Lee had a bathroom, complete with shower, attached his office. They had a playful time in the shower, dried each other off, then dressed and left.

‘We going to do this again some time, Dr. Marklin?’ Lora asked as they drove toward her house.

‘I’d like it if we could,’ Lee replied. She was a fine piece of ass, and Lee wasn’t about to pass up another opportunity to enjoy delight with her.

‘Oh, wow, neat!’ Lora exclaimed. ‘I hope it’s soon!’

Lee dropped Lora off at her apartment, then he drove home and parked his Mercedes in the garage next to Abby’s Volvo wagon.

When he reached their bedroom, Abby was in bed, sound asleep. Lee was glad about that. She’d begun bugging him about the amount of time he was spending at the hospital. The last thing he wanted was to have an argument with her tonight. He was really beat.

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‘Good morning beautiful,’ Alan said while he caressed Sonia, softly kissing her as he outlined her curves through her bathrobe. ‘Good morning baby,’ she replied with a bright smile while cooking eggs.   ‘Imagine it, in two days we’ll have this big old house to ourselves.’ ‘Mmm you got that right, two days. Which means you can tell Mr.Happy down there to cool himself while I cook breakfast,’ Sonia replied with a chuckle Alan laughed his deep throaty laugh as he turned Sonia towards him and...

3 years ago
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Pussy Pact

I don’t always drink. In fact, I only drink on special occasions, like weddings, funerals, reunions, bridal showers, birthday parties, picnics, barbecues, New Years Eve, Groundhog day, summer solstice, or any occasion where every gossiping aunt, redneck uncle and third cousin twice-removed converge to tell you how you’ve aged, how much weight you’ve gained, and generally how much better off they are than you. Tonight’s occasion happened to be a bachelorette party for my friend Bambi. Her name...

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My Some Enjoyable Moments With Aunty At Her Home In Capital City Delhi

Hi friends, you would be living happy and joyful life and your penis must have tasting many different kind of pussies and asses (for male readers) similarly your pussy and ass tasting different kinds of penises (small. Large, thin, thick) (for female readers). I am Pinku here. My age is 25 as already mention in my last story. I get good responses from the readers. I get many mails. . Your emails and love inspires me to keep writing. Please keep writing mail to me. You can share with me your...

1 year ago
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Deputy PorterChapter 104

"I'm Sylvia Porter," I said to the two men who had asked Joan about me. They were obviously cops. "Are you armed?" the younger of the two asked. I looked up and saw Rodney, shift his weight uncomfortably. "More or less," I answered. I have permits for everything and i am licensed as a private protection agent," I said. "Which don't mean dick," the cop's older partner said. "Well, let's see. Am I under arrest for something?" I asked. "Not just yet, we are investigating a...

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Sissy Son Taken to Costume Party

I was making my way to my moms and dads house to house sit for them as they were going to a party that night and I had agreed to be there to watch the house and hand out candy. I was going to be alone in the house. I loved being all alone as it gave me a chance to partake in my fetish of dressing up in girls clothes. My sister still lived there and she had some of the best lingerie anyone could ask for. So I gladly accepted watching the house almost as soon as mom asked me to over the phone...

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Life Out of Joint Chapter 77 Epilogue and Authors Notes

LIFE OUT OF JOINT by Crazy Baron Chapter 7/7 -- Epilogue and Author's Notes Synopsis: Whatever happened to Mr. Caldwell? ***** EPILOGUE "I've got to be going," I say as I give my mother a quick kiss on the cheek. "Duty calls." "Promise me you'll take care of yourself, dear," she responds. She has a warm smile on her lips but I can clearly sense that beneath her calm exterior she worries about me--as she does every time I go out at night. She is no longer openly anxious, let...

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Fun on the Lake

Vincent pushed his Laser off the wooden launch plateau into the water and as soon as the little boat was afloat, he jumped onto the fore deck. He grabbed the mast and skillfully balanced his weight, so the boat started to turn while moving backwards away from the pontoon. When it was in a sailable position, Vincent jumped passed the mast into the small cockpit and grabbed the rudder tiller. He pulled the tiller towards him, which caused the Laser to turn even more. When Vincent started pulled...

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Teachers Pet

It was my high school reunion and I met up with some of my old classmates including a few girls I liked. Already three of them gave me their numbers once they remembered me and realized how much I changed since they last saw me. But the one girl I was crazy about was a woman. My math teacher, Mrs. Potter. Back then I had a crush on her. She was in her mid thirties with her blond hair tied in a bun and wore glasses. At that time I thought she was a Goddess. One day I bought her flowers and candy...

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I get taught a lesson

Tyler and I strolled into the party, and everyone's heads turned to look at us per usual. We were an odd sort of couple. Tyler, strong and forever angry looking, and me tall, skinny, and never without a half smirk on my face. I was wearing a cut off t-shirt that showed my tan stomach, belly button ring, and the top of my cleavage, along with skinny jeans and flats. My long black hair fell in loose curls down my back. I saw several girls give me bitchy looks as I walked in. I laughed and took...

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Black VelvetChapter 17 Diplomacy

“This is it,” Jules said, “are you ready?” Zuki was walking beside him as they made their way along the torus, clad in her sharp suit, her camouflaged cloak draped across her shoulders. She was wearing her sunglasses, as it was morning, and the sunlamps were lit. They were making their way to the nearest spoke that would take them to the central hub of the station, where the council would soon be in session. “I’m ready,” she replied, holding her head up confidently as they strode through...

2 years ago
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Fancy FrancieChapter 6

“Absolutely, sister mine. Have fun. And, at your age, I’m not waiting up for you. Have a ball, Sally. Tell Ricky to take care of you. Him, I’ll wait up for.” They both laughed. “Sally will explain later, folks. Nice to meet you. Better get to Ricky’s before he gives your table away. Some slick woman with a fiver may beat you out!” Again laughter. She herded us out the door and off we went to the car. “Sally, what was this about Ricky?” “Her husband. He works at Perry’s. That’s how I got you...

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Queen Yavara Chapter 1

Prologue Yavara sat upon a black throne. She closed her eyes and savored the discordant symphony of wails and moans, the drone punctuated by the clanking of chains and the cracking of whips. Exhaling contentedly, she opened her eyes. Below her laid a spectacle of depravity, churning masses of flesh oscillating to some unheard cadence, their glistening forms bathed in the crimson torchlight. The prisoners’ eyes were wide with horror, as what was being done to them was horrible, but comingled...

3 years ago
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Collateral Damage Book II the SacrificeChapter 3

When I left the hotel on Saturday morning, I could almost feel the looks from the hotel staff. Whatever, I was quite sure that I’d never again visit that hotel, anyway. Next Monday morning, I dropped all my extra gear back at Noelle’s desk and she stopped me before I could go to see Greg. “Will, Mrs. Seiler is in our own meeting room and she’d like to see you.” “Okay - and thanks, Noelle!” On my way to the small meeting room we had there, I wondered why Mrs. Seiler still wanted to see me....

2 years ago
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Loosening Up Book 9 Fantasies Among the WeedsChapter 36 Fan Club

Dave had gotten a large paper map of the United States from AAA. He’d mounted the large map on black foam board. On the map, Dave had worked with Cricket, and plotted out the entire route that Jim Mellon supposedly traveled in the book Road Trip. That information was marked on the map in a very pale blue color with small light blue map pins to indicate the places Mellon had stopped and had some kind of adventure or love affair along his route. Next on the map, Dave had put tiny opaque red...

2 years ago
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His Teacher

Just watching her sitting there, looking at those sensual legs of hers beneath her desk, being crossed then re-crossed....just admiring how sexy those shapely breasts of hers looked under her crisp, white blouse all added towards stirring his thoughts and in turn, ensured his cock was rock hard inside his briefs. Finally, though he knew he was going to be taking an awful risk, he started to write beneath the heading already written boldly at the top of his paper....... To make my...

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An Evening in the Lounge

I have been called into the lounge.   It is a large room with a fireplace, two couches and a number of easy chairs.   I have no idea why He wishes to see me but I have nothing to fear.   If he wished to punish me I would have been told to report to The Special Room that he has set aside for that purpose. There are three men with him and they rise at my entrance.   He announces, "Ah!   The entertainment has arrived."   I am confused until He tells me to take off my shoes and leave them...

3 years ago
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Dost Ki Biwi Ko Choda Part 8211 8

Hello frnds. I am back with my new story. For new readers. My name is ravi 37 yrs old nd ths story is bout my frnds wife ruchi 33 yrs. She is a hot bitch nd a sex maniac bt her hubby does nt fuck her at all nd she looks for new dicks always. Last story mein maine aapko bataya ki kaise mein aur kawal ruchi ko ek resort mein le gaye aur 8 ghante jam ke choda usko aur usne bhi barabar mazze liye. 3 din hoa gaye the iss baat ko lekin ruchi ko wapas se lund ki bhook lagne lagi. 2 lund se ek saath...

2 years ago
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YakimaChapter 11 Two Steps Forward One Step Back

Our evenings during the summer were divided between sitting out on the deck or watching TV if we weren't at the ball park with Jack. Ali came to every game and cheered Jack on, always supportive and never critical if he made a mistake. She knew enough about baseball to know Jack was trying hard and getting better with each game. More importantly, Jack loved to play, just like his special older brother, Matt. With T-Ball, he was guaranteed to play in every game, so it was fun to watch him get...

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Saras Surprise

At the age of sixteen, I was, like many a virgin, shy and somewhat sullen. Unlike the vast majority of my friends, I had not found a love. Vivid memories of that time, of how others seemed less awkward, still haunt me now. It would be fair to say that sex was a complete mystery to me, but the summer of 1999 changed that forever.   It was July, summer was in full bloom and everyone appeared to be excessively happy, everyone except for me that was. I was physically immature and painfully...

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A very pleasant breakthrough

Luckily this is not a story but it really happened :)Some days ago I woke up earlier than my wife (now, as temperatures has been falling down and she’s always cold, she uses to sleep under the blankets wearing her pyjama)…I began caressing her left leg starting from her knee rising up to her side (avoiding her sensitive area), passing on her chest between her tits avoiding to touch them…Then, when I noticed some movements I gently kissed her neck keeping the massage going on but now my hand...

2 years ago
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I Impregnate The Lactating Latina Wife of My Subordinate

My name is Matt and I work as a managing engineer for a large oil company in Houston. My wife Sandra and I are in our late-forties. Sandra works for a woman’s retail clothing store. We have become close family friends with one of my field engineers and his family. We provide a lot of emotional support for them since their real families live in the Boston area. Sandra and I live only ten minutes away in an adjacent suburb. The engineer’s name is Tommy and he is twenty-seven years old. His wife...

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The Busty Blonde Wives Of TitshurtChapter 7

"Let's keep it moving, girls! Come on, up and down, in and out... get that nasty cum out of those cocks, and onto your tits where it belongs!" The stiff-dicked husbands sat down on the edge of the circular pit, each one in front of his wife. "Hi, Preston," Tara said, smiling and nodding in the direction of his erection. "What are you going to do with that?" "He's going to titfuck you," Danielle answered for him, already running her own jugs up and down the length of her...

3 years ago
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Jokes and GigglesChapter 452

ATHEIST IN THE WOODS An atheist was walking through the woods. 'What majestic trees! 'What powerful rivers! 'What beautiful animals! He said to himself. As he was walking alongside the river, he heard a rustling in the bushes behind him. He turned to look. He saw a 7-foot grizzly bear charge towards him. He ran as fast as he could up the path. He looked over his shoulder and saw that the bear was closing in on him. He looked over his shoulder again and the bear was even...

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Bred Wee to Serve Part III

“So you little swine, now that you have been inducted into the inspirational conditioning of the holy crop enhanced by the sacred altar and since I’m sure we now understand each other really well, you will be given a daily responsibility. When I bathe or use the toilet you will wash my anus and then…lick it vigorously, other sows service other parts of my body.” She rose, turned her back and bend over her chair spreading her legs. The crop keeper lifted her dress, exposing her ass crack. Piglet...

4 years ago
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Belanna Torres Gets Tamed

       Okay, by popular demand I have finally finished the second Star Trek story staring B’Elanna Torres the half Latina/Klingon beauty. I am working on the third story with Seven-Of-Nine. Needless to say this one is a bit tougher so may take some time. I have gotten requests to do a T-Pol but I barely got past that awful theme song so don’t much about the character except she is hottie. I hope you enjoy the story.                                                                            ...

1 year ago
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That One Day 2

I hopped on my bike and was riding over when I began to think. I really was getting excited about going over to Taylor's. I wondered what he would want to do, especially after that one day... And then there was his twin sister, Katie. I hadn't really noticed her much, and we were somewhat friends before but now she started to develop nicely and I couldn't stop thinking about (much less stop talking to) her when I was around her and so now we were pretty good friends. She was about 5'3,...

4 years ago
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Sex At The Races With Kelly

It was Labor Day weekend of 1977. Kelly and I have always enjoyed auto racing. There was a dirt track about a half-hour drive from our little town. We would go and enjoy the racing action about once a month or so during the summer. There was just something about racing back then that made Kelly’s pussy wet. I think the combination of horsepower, engine roar, stud drivers, and the excitement of competition all worked together to soak her panties.On each visit that summer, Kelly acted out a bit...

3 years ago
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The SisterhoodChapter 70

Two months had passed. It was now April and spring was coming to Prague. Remarkably, the major attraction for both tourists and residents alike was the now-revitalized Skoda plant along the river. All the work of the previous fall was now fully apparent as spring flowers bloomed where no flowers had grown for well over 100 years. The facility looked utterly beautiful with the contrast of the old, but now restored, buildings with the flowers and the flowering trees coming into full...

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