Unexpected Ch. 01 free porn video

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As usual my thanks go to LadyC and Techsan for their assistance in bringing this tale of woe to you.

I’ve been somewhat delayed in posting this one because as I was writing it, I realised that I could take some of characters in this tale from ‘The Fall Guy’. Once that idea came into my head, I also realised that there were other characters I could use from, another story of mine that is still on the drawing board. There is no need to read the three stories in any specific order, but do I think that it probably would be better if you read ‘The Fall Guy’ first or that tale could lose some of its mystery.

But before you read any further, I’ll point out that one particular character in this tale uses different aliases. Because of that, other characters in the story will refer to them by the name that they are accustomed to using. And the poor bugger of a narrator changes the name he uses for the character, depending on who he’s talking to. It might not make much sense when I try to explain it here, but I thought that I’d mention it now so that you will understand what’s going on, as the story progresses. My apologies to those of you who find that you get confused that the name keeps changing. I wanted to explain that the name changing is not an edit or proof reading oversight. Anna and Sarah are the same person.

Oh, and if you’re one of those people who prefer to skim through a story, close this one down now! I doubt you will have any idea what’s going on.

This story is dedicated to my fond memories of Marie-Lise Volpeliere-Pierrot.

Unexpected, Part One of Three

It was really something that I didn’t expect. Anna had been fine, her normal self, when I’d left for work that morning. I worked much further away from the house than she did, so I left about an hour before she needed to. The day was pretty normal for me, just an average Friday, we did get to knock off an hour earlier on Fridays and I’d usually meet Anna at the local superstore to help carry the main week’s shopping out to the car.

However this Friday she was nowhere in sight when I pulled into the supermarket car park. I couldn’t get her on her mobile either, for some reason, it was switched off, definitely unusual for Anna. I strolled around the store hoping to spot her amongst the aisle somewhere, but to no avail. Then I asked a couple of the staff that I knew quite well if they seen Anna that day, they told me that they hadn’t.

Giving up I made for home, where I got the biggest shock of my life. Entering the house I immediately knew something wasn’t kosher. The house was cold so Anna hadn’t turned the heating on that afternoon, Anna only worked half days on Fridays and usually switched the heating the moment she got home. Anna was a cold stick, as they say.

I called her name from the hall and received no reply. I’m not sure if it was a premonition or what that made me head straight to our bedroom. But when I got there, the sight before me was horrifying to my eyes.


I’d first met Anna Thomas, as she was then, just over two years before when she took a job as a waitress serving in one of the local cafés, which I used to drop in for breakfast because I’m a bit lazy about cooking.

It was one of those love at first sight things. Well, on my account anyway, if not necessarily on Anna’s. It took me over a week to get her to so much as pass the time of day with me and nigh on a month or six weeks to persuade her to come out on a date with me.

That first date she behaved very strangely. You know, if I hadn’t been head over heels in love with the woman, I doubt I would have asked her out again. The whole evening I never touched her in any way whatsoever. Hey, I know what you’re thinking, but that’s not what I mean. When I say I never touched her, I mean she never held my arm, and we didn’t hold hands or anything. Literally we didn’t get closer to each other than about two feet. And as for a kiss goodnight, forget it!

Through the whole evening, she behaved as if she was terrified of me. A very strange date, I can assure you. Anyway, since I was in love with the woman, I asked her out again. Although all my friends told me not to bother, they all appeared to be convinced that Anna was a schizo or something.

I don’t think it was until the forth or fifth date that there was an actual physical contact between Anna and myself, and even then she just allowed me to hold her hand. After another three weeks she was holding my arm and I was permitted to put my arm around her, sometimes! Even then she would suddenly stiffen as I did so.

Four weeks into the courtship, we kissed for the first time. And oh, boy, was it worth waiting for! You’ve all heard those myths about hearing music and bells ringing. Well, bugger-me mate, they aren’t myths. Well, they weren’t that night for me.

After that Anna slowly seemed to relax when she was around me, although she would still appear to be a little apprehensive, when my buddies were around. Some of my female friends tried to get her to open up a bit, but they all said she appeared reticent to talk very much, unless it was about the music she liked and that kind of thing.

Marie-Lise, my best friend Barry’s wife, said that she thought that Anna had issues. ‘Issues! What the fuck is that supposed to mean?’ I thought to myself. ‘Why can’t these ex-university types talk in English? What are all these metaphors in aid of? And what the hell was she trying to imply with this issues lark?’

Oh, I never said that to Marie-Lise. I doubt I would ever understand her description anyway. I really like Marie-Lise but she appeared to have lived her life – until she hooked up with Barry – on a completely different planet to me, or Barry come to that. I’d often seen Barry do a double take in Mare’s direction when she was spouting off. I’m damned sure that Barry didn’t understand what Marie-Lise was talking about half the time either.

With me, Anna sometimes alluded to her school days, and actually kind of mentioned a sister once without being very specific or going into any detail. I somehow got the feeling that her family were all-dead (at least in her mind) and that she didn’t really want to talk about them. When she did mention her parents, she talked in the past tense, and was always rather vague.

As the weeks went by, Anna and I got closer emotionally, although in the back of my mind there were lots of questions that I felt I couldn’t ask her. Somehow I knew that she was hiding something from me, something it was too painful for her to talk about. Probably a failed relationship I suspected or even maybe the demise of her family. I feared that if I pressed her, I might possibly lose her, so I’d kept my curiosity to myself.

It was nearly three months before we became lovers in the biblical sense. Only a month after the first time she’d joined me in bed, Anna moved into my house with me. Two months after that I bought a ring and asked her to marry me.

I’ll remember that evening for the rest of my life. It should have given forewarning of what I was to find that day eighteen months later when I came home from work that Friday evening.

I got down on one knee and showed Anna the ring. Her reaction was quite surprising to me.

‘Oh, Peter, I can’t, I really can’t!’ she sobbed.

‘Why not, Anna? I love you and I’m dammed sure that you love me!’

‘I do, Peter, more than you will ever know. I’ve never loved anyone as much as I love you. But, Peter, I’m not what you think I am. I’ve done things, horrible disgusting things. Things that I can’t ever tell you or anyone else about.’

‘Anna, have you ever murdered anyone?’


‘Have you got a husband and children somewhere that you’ve deserted?’


‘Then I can see no reason for you not marrying me. I’m lonely and in love with you. You’re the one person I’ve been looking for all my life. Marry me and be
my loving wife. Whatever you’ve done in the past is in the past. It can stay there. I’ll never ask you questions about it, if you don’t want me to.’

Anna sat there crying and I put my arms around her and hugged her close. After a while her tears stopped. I disentangled myself from her and taking her hand placed the ring on her finger. She tentatively smiled back at me, then I lifted her up in my arms and carried her to the bedroom.

Anna was a Roman Catholic, but we didn’t get married in church, we had a civil ceremony. But before she would marry me, Anna insisted that she had to go to the local Catholic Church and confess. She was nervous about doing it but, as it was something she felt she had to do, I went with her for moral support.

Actually I’m an agnostic, but I’m of the opinion that everyone has the right to believe in what they wish. I don’t push my views or opinions on others and I expect everyone else to respect mine. I only wish more people had the same philosophy. The priest at that church tried to convert me, they always seem to see agnostics as a challenge and he came down heavy on Anna for not being a regular attendee.

The day that Anna chose to repent her sins in the confessional though is another occasion that will always be burnt into my memory. Priests, I always thought, were meant to be non-judgmental, but after that day I noted the looks he gave Anna (and me), there was something about them that told me they were not those of a non-judgemental person.

As I said, Anna and I were married in the registry office. I believe Anna would have preferred to have been married in the church. But my beliefs ruled that out, I’m damned sure a C of E vicar would have married us. But the local RC priest had me (and quite possibly Anna) down as being on my(/our) way to hell.

Married life was fantastic for the next year or so. Anna soon got herself a job in the office of a local insurance broker, although it was only part time to start with, from what I gathered she was bloody good at what she did and they soon increased her hours to almost full time.

I’m not sure if it was exactly unusual but whilst making love – or having sex to be more precise – Anna would say some strange things. Well, I’d never experienced a woman who said things like Anna did in the heat of passion. There was the odd ‘Oh yes!’ and things like that, but the line she used so often and that really got me was ‘Love me, Pete, please love me!’ I could never understand that line. It wasn’t ‘Make love to me, Pete?’ It always sounded like a request for me to love her, which I certainly did anyway.


That evening I stood there staring at the dresser draws hanging half-open. Some – but not anywhere near all – of Anna’s clothes were missing. From the look of it, she’d packed in a hurry. I’m not sure how long I sat there on the bed staring at the devastation before me. Devastation it certainly was, the devastation of my life!

It was dark before I came to my senses. Slowly I left that room and went back downstairs into the kitchen. On the kitchen table I discovered a piece of paper obviously hastily torn from the notepad we leave beside the telephone. There were two conflicting lines written on it.

‘I’m sorry!’ and, ‘I love you!’

‘How could she walk out and leave me, if she loved me?’ I thought to myself. ‘If she loved me, she wouldn’t have left me, so therefore she can’t be sorry for what she has done. You can say sorry when you do something accidentally. You can’t say sorry for something you do in cold blood.’

I can’t be sure how long I sat in the kitchen either, staring at that scrap of paper. Sometime later someone knocking on the door roused me from my stupor. I opened it and found myself confronted by four of my friends and their wives.

‘What the hell happened to you two? We got fed-up with waiting and came to find you … Oh, my god, Pete, what’s happened? You look like shit.’ Barry, probably my best friend, asked.

I’d forgotten that Anna and I were supposed to meet the bunch down at the local pub hours before. It was our turn for everyone to come back to the house later for an impromptu party after having a few drinks in the bar.

‘Anna’s gone!’ I think that was all I could manage to say.

It only took those two words to send the whole bunch of them into concerned friend mode. Within seconds I was whisked into my lounge, where I found myself sitting on the sofa with two of my friends’ wives sitting either side of me. The clattering of feet on the stairs told me that the house was being checked out, to make sure that what I had said was correct.

I vaguely heard hushed discussions about the note someone had obviously discovered, I’d left it lying on the kitchen table. Weak sweet tea was poured down my throat to start with, I recall remembering that it was supposed to be good for shock. Then I remember somebody leaving the house and the sound of cars being driving away.

Personally I didn’t think the weak tea did anything for me and I asked Marie-Lise to pass me the bottle of brandy out of the drinks cabinet. I didn’t get the bottle but I did get a reasonably sized glass. Over the next few hours I heard several mobile phones ring at different times, their owners leaving the room to answer them.

From the snippets of conversations that I overheard, it was obvious to me that a thorough search was being made for any information as to where Anna had gone. I will say that I didn’t hear one of my friends mention the question that was going around in my head. None of them speculated on why Anna had left me. I began to think they didn’t ask that question because they knew the answer, and that frightened me. What could I have possibly done to drive Anna away?


I awoke the following morning to find myself in my bed alone. For a few seconds I wondered where Anna was and then the memory of the previous day came flooding back to me. I had no recollection of how I got to bed the night before, to be honest, I had little recollection of the previous evening at all.

That damned tightness and lump in the throat hit me almost as soon as I opened my eyes though, I knew that Anna was gone.

As I staggered out of bed and began to pull some clothes on, Charley – another of my friends – appeared at the bedroom door.

‘You want any coffee?’ he asked, almost casually as if it was a normal everyday occurrence for him to have spent the night at my house.

‘Please,’ I replied. ‘Did you all stay the night?’

‘No, just Jean and me. I hope you don’t mind. We’ve got a rota worked out for the next few days. Barry and Marie-Lise didn’t think you should be alone for a while.’

‘Why? Do they think I’ll try to top myself?’ I asked, somewhat sarcastically.

Charley looked slightly embarrassed for a moment. ‘No, don’t be silly, it wasn’t anything like that. We all thought that you needed someone to be with you for a few days, that’s all. Barry and Marie-Lise should be here any time now. Barry reckons there’s some things you need to take care of this morning.’

‘What things?’

‘Dunno, mate. You know Barry, he’s the brains in this outfit,’ Charley replied, looking embarrassed again.

I didn’t believe that he didn’t know. I thought that Charley just didn’t want to discuss what Barry had on his mind. Barry was the level-headed member of our group, probably the only reason Marie-Lise had married him. I couldn’t see her putting up with any of the rest of us.

I was sitting in the kitchen pushing the breakfast that Jean had cooked me around the plate when Barry and Marie-Lise arrived. Jean, after quickly serving the new arrivals up with coffee, grabbed Charley and they hurriedly left.

‘Right, Pete, I realise you’re upset, but there’s some things you got to get organised today, whether you like the idea or not,’ Barry said as he took a seat opposite me.

‘Like what?’ I ask

‘Look, mate, you got to face it. Anna’s walked out on you. You’ve got to protect your back now. You know, close any joint bank accounts and put a stop on any credit cards that she’s got and that you’re responsible for. You know she could run up one hell of a line of credit on you if you don’t act quickly and clear the bloody bank account out.’

‘If she wants to clear the bank account out, she’s every right. What’s in the joint account is ours, her as well as mine. And her credit cards are all in her own name, we never did get around to having joint ones,’ I explained.

‘Oh, I see. Well, we’ve still got to go down the Nick and report her as a missing person. They won’t do much for a few days, but the sooner you make a report the better, it isn’t like you were expecting her to move out on you. You haven’t been arguing or anything, have you?

‘Don’t talk daft I told you last night. If anything in the last few months she’s been more loving than ever.’

‘What do you mean by that?’ Marie-Lise suddenly asked, with what I took as a little urgency in her tone.

‘Just what I said. In the last few months Ann’s been … oh, I don’t know … happier, more relaxed. I’m not really sure, just more loving than she’s ever been.’

There was a very strange look on Marie-Lise’s face.

‘Um, I know this is an embarrassing question for me to ask, Pete, but has her, er, preferences in bed changed lately.’

‘I’m not with you, Marie-Lise?’ I said.

‘Has Anna been more prepared to experiment sexually, Pete?’ Marie-Lise had turned bright red and Barry was now giving her a very strange look.

‘I wouldn’t say so. Why do you ask?’

‘I’m sorry, Pete, but I had to ask you that. It’s commonly reputed that a cheating spouse often tries to please their partner in bed more, out of guilt.’

‘How would you know that?’ Barry asked her, with a kind of shocked look on his face.

‘Don’t ask but it’s one of the two most common scenarios when a partner is cheating. Trust me, I know,’ Marie assured him.

‘I don’t intend to ask you how you know that, Marie. But what’s the other scenario?’ Barry asked, for once daring to drop the Lise part of her name. At first Marie-Lise didn’t appear to react to Barry’s transgression, normally she would berate anyone who didn’t use her full name.

Strangely if there was just Marie-Lise and yourself present, it never appeared to worry her, but when a third person was there, she would get upset if her full Christian name wasn’t used.

‘Sexual neglect, and that’s what you’ll be getting if you don’t use my proper name in company,’ Marie-Lise replied, with a smirk on her face.

‘Okay, Princess, I’m sorry. I won’t do it again,’ Barry replied. Princess had always been his pet name for her, she smiled back at him knowing she’d been out-manoeuvred somewhat.

‘Well, you’re on the wrong track there,’ I said to them. ‘If anything Anna’s been more relaxed lately, better than she’s ever been. And as far as sex goes, well, that’s always been her favourite pastime.’

‘I don’t like this. I don’t like it at all. Damn, I wish she’d let me get to know her better,’ Marie-Lise said. ‘You know, there was always something that I felt she didn’t want to talk about!’

I didn’t reply as I felt the same way, but felt I couldn’t discuss it even with my closest friends. Barry dragged me off to the police station, where I went through the procedure of officially reporting Anna missing. The policeman that we saw filled out his paperwork with an air of boredom, I could only assume wives leaving husbands was not uncommon.

For the next few days nothing much happened. I couldn’t do much of anything and, on the Monday, called into work and organised a few days off. Shit, I told them to stick their job up their arse. It was evident later that Barry or Marie-Lise had already called my boss and he was expecting a very pissed-off-with-the-world Peter Garland to call that morning. Whatever I said to him that day, he ignored it and placed me on compassionate leave (without pay).

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Hey guys … Back on demand. I got many messages from people asking whether I fucked my Mami in Christmas vacation or not, so here’s the scene. Firstly for those who haven’t read the first part, I am Rohit from Mumbai. I am 19 and have an athletic build & am a fitness freak. I have an 8″ cock that can satisfy any woman. Coming to the scene.. As I said in the last part, I was about to spend the Christmas vacation in Jaipur & was all set to fuck my beautiful & hot Mami. I left from Mumbai & was...

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Men Suck Cocks Better Gay

Look, I don't think I'm all that unusual. I think that there are at least a few men out there like me. What's that mean? Well, here's what I am talking about -- you tell me if you identify with me, okay?I hit my twenties in the beginning of the 90's. I smoked pot. I experimented with other d**gs. And I actively explored my sexuality. Somewhere I read a challenge by some women -- "if you think cock sucking is all that easy, go ahead and try it." And, of course, that also got applied to anal sex...

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Krishna The Goddess Became A Lesbian Slut 8211 Part 1 The Beginning

Dear friends, i’m krishna priya, a common village girl who was born and brought up in a remote part of kerala. I’m from a very good family.I’m a great fan of ISS. So I decided to share my experiences’ by adding a bit of fantasy in it. I will tell about myself.I’m a fair sandal coloured girl with a well maintained shape and good round ass with a good pair of melons. My story starts from my teenage. I joined in a new school.It was a girls school with a good reputation.So my parents struggled a...

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The Diary of a NIPgirl 1999 2000Chapter 18

OK, I was ready for my next nude nature walk and my mum and sister had gone on a two-day trip to look at a university where my sister wanted to go to. So I would be alone and wouldn't have a curfew. Around 9:30pm, I left my house on my bike. The only things that I had with me were my bicycle, sneakers and jogging suit again. When I went past the woods, where I had been naked so many times by now, I had to smile a little. It had been so much fun in there, only thinking about it gave me good...

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MommysGirl Jelena Jensen Elsa Jean A Motherly Exam

When freaked out teen Elsa Jean believes she got pregnant simply by having sex, her step mother Jelena Jensen reassures her it doesn’t work that way. She gets Elsa to confirm she’s had a period since then, but Elsa wants her to check anyway. Jelena brings the worried teen into her bedroom and locks the door so her dad won’t walk in. Elsa lies down on her back, naked from the waist down and spreads her legs wide open. After leaning in for a quick inspection, Jelena thinks she...

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The Love Toys ReprieveChapter 4

Truth and Complications When Brenda told me what Dan had done, I knew that we had to at least give them some idea of what was happening, before he met with the Deputy Attorney General. Jen and I did not bother to get dressed we just stayed in our robes. "Well dear brother, you just couldn't stay out of it," I replied tersely. "Sam, I'm not sure if you understand the kind of trouble that you might be in right now," he replied. "I do. That's why I asked Brenda to order you to keep...

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Good Riddance

Good Riddance by Gingerfred Man Chapter One - Ambiguity I was always conflicted about my gender. I mean I knew almost everyone in the world saw me as a male, despite my bob of blond hair, doe-like eyes and long lashes. But I didn't. I saw myself as a female. A female with a little cock and some pretty little testicles. At least they were pink and mostly smooth. So it was me against the world. Most of the world, anyway. The mirror was undecided. Naked, with one hand...

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The Day I Become A Real Man

Hello friends, I am Rahul (name changed) 22 years old guy from Lucknow. I read ISS daily and I am very crazy about sex I search lady for sex every where in net whether in chat rooms like yahoo google or fb. I am not very fair average in shape 5.5 inches and my penis is 7 inches long and 2.5 inches thick (this is my first story so please forgive me any mistake in language) One day I surfing in chat room of yahoo I find one female reema (name changed) 28 years old and she is housewife in lko....

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My Mom Is The Best Kinky Lady Part II

Hey guys, I’m writing the II version of the sex relationship between me and my mom. To understand things better, please go through My Mom Is The Best Kinky Lady, Introduction – Part I. So, here we go! After the D-day, we enjoyed our sex life a lot. In fact, I took another day off from office to enjoy her completely. Outside the room, we were like humble son and good, traditional mother. But inside the room, she was a naughty slut and me, a mother-fucking son. Soon came Saturday and we decided...

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More Than Words

Sarah was nervously fidgeting in her seat, her warm brown eyes constantly shifting back and forth between Mr. Wilson and the empty notebook on her desk. Sarah was a lovely combination of pretty and adorable. Her petite frame stood at 5’3 when on her tippy-toes. Her lovely pale-skinned face was adorned with freckles. And her long hair was a beautiful yet unusual shade of auburn. “Your mom said that you need help studying for your college entrance exams; is that right?” Mr. Wilson questioned. ...

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It was early June. The days were warming up but the nights were still cool. It was Friday, a perfect reason for not going to work. You wanted to get out and explore, check out some new trail up by the mountains that you hadn’t hiked before. You set out a little after 12 and got on the trail by 1. About an hour into your hike we bumped into each other. I was hopelessly lost and not very competent with a compass. You didn’t mind helping me because I was decent looking and friendly yet a...

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Sunbathing with my stepsister

I got up and showered to ready myself for another day of relaxation. As I got out of the shower and toweled myself dry, I glanced out the bathroom window overlooking the back deck and saw that I was not alone. My stepsister, Christine, was walking through the back yard, onto the deck. She was staying with us for a couple of weeks until she could move into her new apartment. She was wearing running shorts, a white t-shirt, sunglasses, and a baseball-style cap. Seemed she was coming back from a...

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The Way of WarChapter 2

The Ford staff car pulled up outside the small shop front in the poorer part of Alexandria. A weather-beaten sign announced it as the Egyptian Curio and Memorabilia Bazaar. Shaun climbed out of the back as Titch and Sargent Blake extracted themselves from the front. “Let me do the talking,” he warned the two as he opened the door. The shop was cluttered with phony Egyptian artefacts, German and Italian medals, uniform parts and webbing plus helmets and Afrika Korps caps. Junk that the...

1 year ago
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Come conobbi Sissi e cornuto

"Ho continuato ad incularla per diversi minuti, godendo della nuova posizione e offrendo a lui lo spettacolo ravvicinatissimo delle mie palle compresse sulle..." Questa è una storia realmente accaduta. La zona dedicata al nudismo non è di facilissimo accesso, soprattutto nella parte dove gli scogli permettono una certa libertà di movimento, senza il continuo assillo di essere osservati da gente sgradita, a meno di non desiderarlo espressamente.Quando sono arrivato in questa spiaggia di...

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Virgin Niece Sex With Uncle Sister8217s Husband

Hi, my name is Ashwini from Chennai. It happened a year ago. This was a true incident. My age was 20. I was studying in Ethiraj College, Chennai. My stats are 28-32-28. I have a very developed body assets, big boobs and round ass. My college boys would stare at my assets so oftem that there used to be tents in their pants. My friend Sanju once sent me a WhatsApp video which contained some nude porn videos. I called her and scolded. She sent the videos by mistake. I am an orthodox and...

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Ratna The Beginning 8211 Part 3 Fantastic Foursome Sex

Hello everyone! Greetings of the day! Thank you again for a wonderful response to Ratna’s story. For a better experience, kindly read the series. Coming to the story: I saw Sid making out with Sonali. I honked at the car, but Sid and Sonali were too busy with each other. Ratna was constantly laughing, looking at them. After a couple of dippers to his car, they realized we were watching them. Sid and Sonali came back to their senses. Sonali corrected her white top and her bra, whereas I...

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ASS FUCKING OF MY SWEET MAMI Hi Friends, I am Raj here from Pune. Married, 182cms. Height, medium built, having 7” organ size& 2” dia. Here I am going to tell all of you my recent incest experience with one of my close relative i.e. My Mami (my maternal uncle’s wife). I live in pune. My maternal uncle also lives in pune. Uncle’s age is 48 and aunt’s age is 44. Both have only one daughter who has married 2 years before. My mami is a nice lady having volperteous figure. Actually I did not thought...

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The Lord of her Ring

On a cool summer's eve, two special little hobbits are slowly yet steadily walking beside the lush green banks of a gently babbling brook.Freida, with her long dark curly hair and wide innocent blue eyes, gazes towards the horizon. The sun is still shining brightly low in the distance, despite the long day nearing it's end.Samantha, with her long flowing hair mimicking the rays of the sun in its goldeness, chews from the chunk of bread in her work-worn hand."Please take a bite, you haven't...

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For My Ladymusings

For my Lady....Musings... As I kneel at the edge of the bed contentedly lapping up what's left of my Ladys' nectar, I keep thinking how lucky I am to have met and serve this wonderful woman. She is by no means an angel and without fault. She is not blessed with patience, as everything about her seems to be done at top speed, leading to lots of little mistakes in her day to day vanilla existance. I find this aspect of her to be endearing if a little irksome in my, "place for everything and...

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Buckman Tales Trailer Park TrashChapter 4

“You know, your cousin is getting even more out of hand than usual,” Eric Goddard told his wife April, being very annoyed by Dan Logan. “Oh, yes ... Dan the Man! Pardon my vulgar language, but everyone sucks up to him too much, too, including Pastor Denny, you know, and Ellie, that slut of a preacher’s wife that we’re stuck with right now. She’s a disgrace, even if she is a sweetheart,” April ranted now. “She’s your sister!” Eric pointed out. “That’s what makes this so much harder, honey....

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My First Sex With My Aunt

Hi I am Ryas and I’m gonna tell u my story with my aunt nita. My aunt is very hot. She is a little fat but it does not matter. One day I was in her home helping with computers. We both were sitting on a sofa. I was holding my laptop and working, she sat beside me and telling me what to type and I was typing. A little later her boobs were touching my right arm I was not knowing what to do, so I went on typing. She was wearing a t-shirt and a pajama. A little later our work was finished and she...

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Samantha from Lady to Slut

The excitement had been building for weeks. Samantha knew something was in the wind but she didn't know what. Nervously she dressed for an evening out. Her husband had told her that it was a special treat but he would tell her nothing more even though she pleaded, threatened, cajoled, and tried to bargain with him. At last Samantha was ready. She had chosen a short, halter-style black dress which revealed her ample cleavage and showcased her shapely calves and thighs. Her copper tresses...

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Only the beginning

I call & inform you I'll be home around 6pm! You will be shaved smooth, collared & leashed with a nice set of stilettos! As soon as I enter you will greet me on your knees, unzip my pants & pull my cock out into your mouth! You answer with sir yes sir to anything I ask! Failure to do so will result in 3 open handed slaps to each cheek that will certainly leave a handprint on the first one! Each time I strike your ass you will thank me & promise not to forget to say sir yes sir....

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Hot Daughter Hotter MomChapter 9

The next day was Sunday and Hope was idly glancing through the paper while her mom was drinking her third cup of coffee. "Darling," smiled the woman, putting her cup down in the saucer, "did you enjoy watching Earl fuck me yesterday?" "What are you talking about?" blushed the youngster. "I saw you peeking at us from the kitchen," her mom grinned. "Was it fun to watch us?" "Shit, yes," giggled Hope. "That guy must have the biggest Goddamn cock in the world." "He has," her...

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Never going back

It was another hot August day at 112 degrees and I had had it so I headed for the water hole over by the mountains. As I walked through the withering tree it felt a little cooler and looked better then my fields. By the time I got to the water hole I really was ready for that dip and stripped fast and jumped in the low water. It felt great and since there was a drought the water fall had thinned so I swam under it and enjoyed its refreshing coolness. While playing in the falls I noticed...

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Sex with my boss8217s wife

I took my first job as a trainee under the md after completing my moa. He was in nearing 60’s and there was a rumor in the office that he had a very sexy young wife. Coming from a conservative family I never listened to office gossip. I was just wanting to prove myself. My boss goes abroad often on business leaving me to handle his work. This time he was going to London and his driver was absent for workhorse was in a lousy mood when I offered to drop him at the airport. He asked me to come to...

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Your Love

I had just moved into her very own new house. She had been dreaming about this for years. Every room was filled with boxes waiting to be opened and sorted. One of the first things she sets up is her computer. no need in doing the rest of the house without music! of course she checks her email in hopes of receiving a message from any one of her many interested men. Sure enough, her friend Jon had sent her a message wishing her luck with her new house. She smiled and sent him a reply saying thank...

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David and Jennifer Hart

To any outside observer I might have seemed to be mumbling. But I never mumbled. I was reciting, as I had every day since I was six years old, the Code, the code my uncle had taught me, the chivalric code. A good man's duty was as follows: to protect the weak and defenseless; to despise monetary rewards; to avoid unfairness, meanness, and deceit; to speak the truth at all times; to honor one's vows; and to respect the honour of women. The Code, the Chivalric Code, oh yes, I knew it by...

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sr seduces br

As c***dren we lived near ‘The Colorado Railroad Museum’ on West 44th Street just outside Golden, Colorado at the base of North Table Top Mountain. Is quaint building was built to look like an old fashioned train depot. Behind and along the side of the building they had collected a large collection of actual steam era locomotives and freight and passenger cars. The neighborhood k**s hung out there because of the soda machine and candy counter. It was the only business within two miles. The...

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A Thanksgiving Gift

“Hello?” Hugh walked in the house, hoping to be greeted by his mother. He was there the day before Thankksigiving to help his mother with the big meal. His sister was bringing her fiancee and he wanted to get there early because his mom always appreciated the help. He was 30 years old, a good looking boy who stood 6 ft tall and was hung like a horse. He liked staying at his mother’s house. She always had the most comfortable beds and he enjoyed mastrurbating in them. MOre and more he had come...

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An infidelity Tired of my boring husband

Hi, my name is Monica, a Spanish woman from Argentina, South America. This story I’m about to begin is 100% percent true and happened only just two years ago when I still was married, save for I‘m a divorced woman now. Well, before I start on this account, I’d like to describe myself: 36 yo., black straight hair, a white  and meaty lips, big breasted thanks to a boob job, a gorgeous ass that stand out a lot.  Besides,  I have received lots of flattery and compliments, they throw a  bouquet on...

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Sarah Chapter 3

Sarah, Chapter 3 Sarah, gets pounded hard and is fucked into the “Family Love” tradition….. “This is going to be an interesting evening,” I thought, as I poured a copious amount of bourbon into a glass and added ice. Jane has everything all figured out on how to proceed with Sarah, I reckon. Well, I’ll just have to go with the flow and see how it all turns out. My cell rings as I walk out into the yard with Star, its Jane. “Daddy, everything is all set up. I’ve got Sarah on her way over...

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I don't know why I brought it up that night. I had thought of it many times, but I guess the frustration and the wine had pushed me to it. Ellen and I had not had sex in almost two years. I masturbated, but no intercourse or oral sex. Plus Ellen still looked fantastic, although she went to great lengths to not be seen nude by me. Her breasts were still firm and at 36 C they were beautiful. She still had an hourglass shape, and her larger hips balanced any thickness around her...

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Avatar Naked in SchoolChapter 4b

Cindy: This time Cindy was in the back of the car, alone, as Arianwen whipped through traffic. The sisters were having an animated conversation in the front which Cindy wasn't joining, mainly because Cindy was gagged. She also had a tight nipple noose on each nipple and some sort of vibrator strapped to her body, resting right on her clit. There was another very tight belt constricting her already-thin waist. She'd been told to sit in the back, with her legs spread, a hand on each thigh,...

2 years ago
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How I Became a Cocksucking Motherfucking Slut

My name is Mike and I’m Bi-sexual and this is the story of how I became a cock sucking, mother fucking slut. My mom has caught me wearing her bras and panties while jacking my big dick many times. She always checks out my cock and then rolls her eyes as she leaves the room. My dad who was quite a bit older than my mom had a major heart attack and had been bed ridden for almost 3 years. Mom, who had me when she was 40 took good care of him and me and all the household stuff. Mom wears granny...

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