The Julie Journals - When The Planets Align free porn video

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Closing my laptop I looked at the screen, half in frustration and half in planning. Another evening chatting on a beastie site and the same old questions came up, "How did you start?" and "when are you going to do it again?"

The first question was easy, it all started when I was 19 and the four hells angels I was living with decided I would try dog sex. At first I hated it, but over the following weeks, I grew to like and eventually love it. My lover King, a large German shepherd, became my protector, and the only living thing in the house that treated me with any form of kindness.

The second question was the main point of my frustration. I accepted the fact the first time I was coerced, and a lot of the time under the influence of illegal substances, but the questions turned like worms in my brain, "would I do it again? if I did would I enjoy it?"

Two decades later, and now an upstanding member of society, would I do it again out of my own free will? Give myself to a dog? Stick my ass high in the air like a slut, and beg him to mount me, and use me, and pound me with his angry red dog cock?

As the questions swirled in my head, one quick check between my legs provided the resounding answer that I couldn’t get myself to verbalize. I was soaked; my nipples were standing out, trying to poke holes through the only thing I was wearing, a tee shirt that I had stolen from my live in boyfriend.

So here I was, just post my 40th birthday, having never shared my dog sex experiences with anyone offline, and I knew that I had to do something about that. For anyone who doesn’t know me, I am one of those people who once they set their mind to something, will do whatever it requires to achieve it.

The only remaining question was


The rudimentary outline of a plan has started to come together, and I figured I needed three things to fall in line, to allow me to achieve my goal.

First, I needed a dog. There were plenty of offers around online, but caution dictated that this would have to be something I did alone. Although, I sat pondering the PM sitting in my inbox, from a guy a few towns over, offering his three well trained St. Bernards. They were the father and his two boys, both fully grown, so they would work together and this meant nearly a metre of dog cock between them. Rereading it for what seemed like the hundredth time, alternating my mouse between the Reply and Delete buttons, had my juices flowing. The final sentence, which mentioned high definition cameras and how I could wear a mask to protect my identity, sealed the deal for me, and with a click of the mouse button, I watched the message disappear into my trash folder. No way was I going to allow someone else to hold this over me, again, and quite frankly, the biggest thrill about this time around, is that this was something that I’m was doing exclusively for myself.

Second, I needed a location. At home would seem logical, as our house is secure, the entrance way protected by electric gates, and reasonably isolated. Set back far enough on the large lot, none of the nosy neighbours could easily see into the windows from the road, although, the large back garden was definitely out. I can just imagine old Mr Jones, the widower next door who just happened to spend two hours pruning the same ratty hedge last summer, as I sunbathed nude, getting an eyeful of my naked pussy being ramrodded by an eager canine. I’m sure the sight would kill one of them, the hedge or old Mr Jones!

Finally, I need opportunity. I knew nothing could happen until and unless my live-in boyfriend was away. And away for a while, not just down the pub for the evening, as I knew from experience that these things can take time.


This is getting annoying, I want to do this, no I NEED to do this, but unless the damned planets align, it doesn’t seem like it’s going to happen. One thing that occurred to me was training as I had no idea if King was trained or not, but by the way he took to me, I am guessing that he was. This needed to be my next task, if I found a dog that was untrained, then how would I train him to perform? Would I need to train him, or would he just know what to do naturally? Were there any dangers? For a fleeting moment I entertained the idea of asking my boyfriend if we could get our own dog, but then thought better of it, as until I knew what to do, and whether it would work, it was best that I waited.


Clicking open the password protected file, I reviewed my notes from the various conversations I have had while researching this objective.

"Peanut butter - but not too much" was my first point, which made me giggle, as I wondered if a dog preferred smooth or crunchy?

"Let them know they are boss and don't push too much, be patient," read the next entry, and I knew that was going to be hardest task, as the desire that has been building for four months now and was burning through me. I thought about it most nights, and especially when my boyfriend took me from behind, which is his favourite position. I would always close my eyes and imagine being covered by a dog’s heavy, furry body, and I would cum hard all over my boyfriend’s cock.

"Keep it to a single room, and on a simple command, unless you want them to mount whenever they feel like it." This entry made me laugh, as when I read that line, I couldn’t help thinking to myself, "Single room my ass, if I can find a willing dog and the appropriate privacy, he can fuck me whenever, and where ever, it goddamn likes."

It was that final thought that really got me going, and made me mentally picture myself in various rooms of the house, with various dogs covering me, and fucking the life out of me. I couldn’t resist sliding a hand under the waistband of my joggers, and into my panties, and down across my freshly shaven pussy. Whispering to myself under my breath, affirming how I was a dog slut, I could feel myself getting hotter and hotter and the desire to tear my bottoms off and search for my dildo was intense. Resisting the urge, as my boyfriend was just upstairs, I had to make do with just pushing a finger deeply inside myself, then slowly sucking it clean.


This month should be called “May Not,” as I was starting to have serious doubts now. Would it ever happen? Was it really the right thing to do? There had been a report recently in the news about a woman, who had been caught with a dog. The public outcry was huge, and the humiliation she suffered must have been intense. It made me second-guess this decision, yet at the same time, the urge felt like it was getting stronger, fuelled by the knowledge of just how taboo and socially unacceptable this was. Frequently, at night or early morning, I would log onto beast sites and spend hours in the chat rooms. The discussions there would get incredibly deive, and I would often sit on a towel, soaking it through, as we talked in vivid and gory detail about dogs fucking me. Usually, I started with just my fingers, but nearly always ended up using my dildo, as I fucked myself to toe-curling orgasms while I chatted. Never fully satisfied with masturbating, I would almost always beg my boyfriend to take me on all fours, so I could imagine he was a dog fucking me, as memories and fantasies merged together.


Oh wow! The first two planets have aligned, as my boyfriend just informed me he needed to travel for work, and would be away for July, and half of August, giving me six weeks alone, at home, to execute this plan. All I needed now was a dog.

My first idea was quickly crushed. Even though I pleaded with him that a big, virile dog would be perfect protection for poor little me, stuck in the big house all on my own, my boyfriend stood his ground, and laughed at my argument, his hands holding his sides.

"Protection??!!" he said between bouts of laughter, "I have the deepest sympathies for any poor schmuck who decides to try to take advantage of poor little you," dissolving into tears at the last words.

With that idea scuppered, I actually thought about trying for a dog-walking job, but suspected the reality of the work involved would be a lot worse than the fantasy. In so many ways, I wanted to throw a full on temper tantrum, and scream the house down, but decided to control myself, so I wouldn’t have to explain to my boyfriend what my frustration was all about.


I tried to contain my giddiness, I really did, as Lucy sat and sobbed at my kitchen table. JJ (my boyfriend) had already left on his business trip, and I was still no nearer to getting a dog. Suddenly, the stars and planets aligned, and I bit back a full on grin, as my beautiful, red-headed neighbour sat there crying her heart out.

"We will have to cancel our holiday," she sobbed, "the kennel we were going to put Hector in has gone bust, and every other kennel is full at such short notice.” She sniffled and dabbed her eyes with a tissue, then broke into a full on bawl again, “It would have been our first family holiday with our kids and my parents."

I had to stop from screaming with joy and leaping around the room, Hector was their family pet, and not just any pet, he was a magnificent Great Dane, friendly as anything, and I knew from the casual glances that he was fully intact.

As casually as I could muster I said, "I could look after him, if you wanted, after all we are neighbours, he knows me, and would be great company while JJ is away."

She almost leapt on me, and she hugged me tightly, thanking me over and over again. As I felt her pert breasts pushing against mine, I had to resist the urge to give her tight ass a little grope, as I had always wondered and hoped she might swing both ways. However, I wasn’t going to chance ruining this golden opportunity, as the dog-sex gods had literally dropped an amazing canine specimen in my lap, for an entire week, a whole dog fucking week!

Over the next week, as Lucy’s family prepared for their holiday, we worked out a schedule of what was required for Hector, in terms of food and exercise. All I kept thinking, however, was about the real exercise we both would be getting. I casually slipped into conversation that it would be best if we moved his basket to my house so that I wouldn’t have to worry about him alone in their house, and I had the perfect spot for him in my utility room, where he would be warm and near the backdoor.

Under my breath I whispered to myself, "and I have the perfect spot he needs to fill."


I waved them off, as the SUV, over-packed with luggage and the loving family, left for the airport. Hector sat dutifully beside me, looking a little forlorn, as he saw his Master and Mistress disappear down the street.

"Don't worry," I whispered in his ear, "I have some special treats for you while they are away."

I let Hector settle in the kitchen, while I stripped totally naked, as I wanted him to be very use to my body and smell. Sitting beside him on the floor next to his basket, I stroked his head and body, working my greedy hands down towards his belly. Gently touching his furry sheath, his red cock started to grow, and grow, and grow. "How bloody big was this thing?" I thought, as his cock started to twitch, as I worked it gently, his watery pre cum covering my hand.

If there were any doubts left in my brain, there were certainly none in my body, as I felt myself get wetter and wetter, the more my hand massaged that heavenly dog cock. Hector must have smelled my excitement, as he started to lick at my face and my nipples. His wonderfully rough tongue had my nipples hard, and made my aching pussy even wetter.

I reluctantly let go of his cock, and crawled away slowly on my hands and knees, wiggling my ass invitingly towards him. He was on his feet in a flash, and I stopped, allowing him to bury his snout deep into my ass and pussy. I opened my legs further, as his long tongue rasped the full length of my pussy, causing me to moan loudly, as the tell-tale tremors of a pending orgasm grew inside me.

The sudden moan of pleasure caused Hector to stop and lift his head, unsure if he had done something wrong. Putting my head down on my crossed forearms, lifting my naked ass higher into the air, I whispered words of encouragement to him, and he eagerly started licking again, clearly enjoying what he tasted.

"I guess I’ll never know which type of peanut butter he prefers," I giggled to myself, but the licking suddenly stopped and a feeling of emptiness and frustration washed over me. My frustration didn’t last long, however, as Hector decided to do what came naturally and mount his bitch. Well not so much mount, as he didn’t really need to rise that much, he just took three steps forward and then the tall dog stood over my crouching body with his leaking cock and starting to jab at my hind quarters.

"This was it…the moment of truth…do I really want to do this?" I asked myself, and the reply came screaming back through my brain in a millisecond, "too fucking right I do!"

I could feel Hector stabbing at me with his cock, leaving trails across my ass, and I reached under myself and grabbed his cock, which seemed to have grown even thicker, and guided his glorious phallus into my pussy, which was well lubricated with my intense desire.

"OH.......MY.... FUCKING …...Godddd!" I screamed out at the top of my lungs, as he drove his cock home, burying it in me to the hilt, in one mighty thrust, filling me like I hadn't been filled for over twenty years.

Resting my head on my cool, tiled kitchen floor, I braced myself with my arms, as Hector went to town, slamming his cock in and out of me, like there was no tomorrow. I didn’t even need to touch my clit, as the first orgasm burst through me like a flash flood, but Hector never broke stride. He had a new bitch under him, and he was going to use her to the fullest.

I could feel his baseball sized knot banging on my pussy lips. It was either too large to enter, or I wasn’t relaxed enough, but Hector needed to seed me, so he did. His hot jets of cum spurted deep inside my pussy like a fire hose connected to the hot water tap.

He pulled out almost as soon as he had cum, and since he wasn’t locked inside me, a river of his seed mixed with my juices cascaded to the floor leaving me feeling so empty inside, but so incredibly satisfied, at the same time.

Hector went back to his basket and started licking himself, as I continued to crouch in the same position, trying to catch my breath, smiling to myself that this was going to be a very good week.


When I got down stairs, naked, Hector seemed very pleased to see me and he could not have had any idea just how happy I was to see him. I made sure he was fed and watered, as after his outstanding performance yesterday, I was eager to let him knot me today. Just the thought of it had made me wet all through the night, and I had even considered sneaking downstairs and waking him.

Assuming the position once more, I presented myself and waited for Hector to notice, which didn’t take that long. The delightful sensation of his cold nose in my ass, and his long rough tongue lapping at my pussy, soon had me moaning and my juices flowing.

Then he mounted me, my body tingling from the already familiar feeling of his soft belly fur rubbing on my back, and his throbbing cock found what he was seeking, and drove home again on the first thrust. The feeling of fullness, and of rekindling this deep taboo desire, was as wonderful as yesterday, as he slammed in hard and fast, although perhaps a little more measured than the previous day.

I felt his knot banging against my pussy, demanding entry, so I took a deep breath and relaxed myself as much as I could. Then it happened. That intense flash of pain flashing through my body like a lightning bolt, as the knot initially drove inside me, followed by warm wave of bliss, as my pussy clamped around it. I couldn’t believe how deep he was inside me, as it felt like his cock was going to come though the top of my head.

I felt his knot start to pulse and throb inside, as it swelled even larger, locking him into his new and very willing bitch. When he started to pump his seed deep into my womb, a series of consecutive orgasms crashed through me, as I was literally impaled on his spurting cock.

A sudden sharp pain reminded me that I should have support underneath me, as I almost collapsed under his weight, my legs like rubber, nearly causing the massive knot to tug my insides out, as I slumped to the floor in an orgasm-riddled heap. Eventually his knot subsided enough to slip painlessly out of my battered pussy, and as he pulled away this time, he shot his seed so deeply inside me, that hardly any spilled out of me, unlike the last time.

They say that Sunday should be a day of rest, but not for Hector and me, as he took me several more times over the course of the day. As soon as I sensed he was ready, I would get on all fours, and wait to ascend into doggie heaven.


I stood in front of the kettle in the kitchen, my body aching from the battering it had taken the previous day, my short robe wrapped round me as I waited for the kettle to boil, and listened to dawn chorus wild birds outside. I was startled out of my daydream, as I felt a cold wet nose poke under my robe, and Hector’s tongue once again found my pussy. Knowing that my coffee would have to wait, as I saw that he was already showing, and knew we both had the same idea on the perfect start to the day.

Obediently dropping to all fours, Hector mounted me quickly, and drove his cock deep into me, sending an orgasm throughout me in an instant. He seemed more dominant this morning as he fucked me; his head above mine, looking around the kitchen, as he took his bitch unapologetically. I was under him, head hanging down subserviently, happy to feel his cock inside me again. There was no question as to whether I was going to take his knot or not, as this time he forced it into me early and again pumped me full of his seed.

After he had finished and extricated himself from me, he gave my pussy one huge, appreciative lick, almost as a thank you, before retiring to his basket with a satisfied look on his face, as I struggled to my feet and made my morning coffee.

As I stood there feeling his seed trickle down my inner thighs, a devilish thought popped into my brain. Reaching between my legs I collected a handful of his seed, mixed with my own juices, and licked my palm, savouring the taste our mixed secretions. Once my hand was clean, I pressed it again to myself, and scooped out more of the mixture, allowing it to drip into my coffee, before cleaning the last droplets from my fingers. I repeated this a few more times, and then stirred it into the dark brew, and I can tell you honestly, I have never had a morning coffee that tasted so divine.


Hector had started his day just as he wanted, by fucking me first thing, as soon as I came downstairs, but today he seemed especially randy indeed. It seemed to me that no sooner had he finished, and I had cleaned myself up, he wanted to fuck me again. By early evening, it felt like he had fucked me a hundred times, and I had given up trying to clean myself up between bouts, enjoying the slutty feeling of being full of and covered with his cum.

I had moved a leather footstool into the kitchen so that I could lay over it, supporting myself while he fucked me. As I was trying to get into a comfortable position over the stool, he once again mounted me, but this time, instead of him finding my battered pussy, his cock jabbed at my anal star. The sharp pain at my most sensitive spot caused a moment of panic as he jabbed at me, and before I could work out what to do, a white hot flash of pain shot through me, as he found a hole he could use, and drove his thick cock into my ass.

I have enjoyed anal over the years, and have always loved that initial pop, as a guy’s cockhead pushes past my sphincter muscles and enters my ass, but this was so much more primal. It felt like he would surely tear me apart, and draped over the stool there was no way I could get away from Hector, as he repeatedly forced his cock deeper into my ass.

Hector's watery pre cum, mixed with a lot of my juices from earlier sessions that day, made everything slippery enough for him to keep going, and he started to fuck my ass at a rapid pace, sending waves of pleasure and pain through me. Realising that he wasn’t going to stop, I relaxed and the burning sensation began to subside, and I resigned myself to enjoy his anal assault. Reaching between my legs, I rubbed my clit a few times, and felt his seed from previous mating session oozing from my body. As my orgasm hit, I must have tightened my anal muscles around him, as he let out a yelp of pain, and then started fucking my ass again with a renewed vigour. I could feel his knot banging against my ass cheeks, but thought "no fucking way he’s gonna knot my ass." Then I felt his cum shooting deep inside my anal passage, spurting great jets of hot cum so far inside my ass, I was sure I could taste it.

He pulled out of my ass with an audible pop, leaving me slumped over the footstool, panting like the bitch I had become, a bitch with a huge smile on her face, and an ass full of dog cum.


Hector looked at me with a quizzical and seemingly disappointed look on his face, as he saw his new bitch arrive in the kitchen, dressed in joggers and a tee shirt.

"We need fresh air," I bent and mock scolded him, but all he did was look at me and lick my face. I suppose he got his fresh air when he went out to do his business, but I needed to run and work a different set of muscles, other than the ones that had been over-worked the past few days.

Hector greeted the word 'walkies' with as much enthusiasm as he did the word 'mount,' and soon we were running though the back garden and out into the fields beyond. If you haven't run with a dog before, it’s a dangerous occupation, I can assure you. Their pace is so much faster than ours, and as they run along side you, they can change direction and accelerate, any time they choose. That can be away from you, in front of you, or across your path. It’s the latter option that can cause the biggest problems.

Whether it was a rabbit or just sheer devilment, that’s exactly what Hector did. Without a bit of warning, he turned sharply to his right, and I went straight over the top of him, and down in a heap, in the bushes along the side of the path.

Whatever it was he had thought he saw, when he saw his new bitch in the position a familiar position, his focus changed immediately. As I got to my hands and knees, and was about to get back up to my feet, he was on me in a flash, sniffing at my upturned ass, then mounting me, keeping me in the all fours position.

I knew that this path was fairly secluded, but the thought of succumbing to him out in the open, with the possibility of getting caught, had my pussy flooded with wanton desire. I couldn’t help myself as my brain screamed, “if Hector wants his bitch, then I have no choice but to comply.” I simply reached back and pulled my joggers and panties to my knees, without even trying to stand, as he feverishly jabbed until he eventually found my soaking wet pussy, and buried his cock in deeply.

Gripping my waist, he started to pump hard, filling me full of his wonderful cock, a feeling I was quickly becoming addicted to. It was at this point that it occurred to me that while an outdoor quickie might be OK, if he tied me, then we could be stuck like that for a while, increasing the likelihood of someone happening upon us. Luckily, my joggers bunched around my knees held them quite closely together, preventing him from slipping his knot in, although he was certainly giving it a good try.

I had to bite my arm to stop myself from crying out, just in case there were any other walkers or joggers within earshot, as I came from Hector’s pumping. After he had filled me full of his seed, and dismounted, I pulled my panties & joggers up and tried to run on legs of jelly. I could feel his seed seeping out of me as I ran wobbly down the garden path, and loved the warm feeling between my legs.


By now, Hector and I had fallen into a nice routine. I would wake; come downstairs naked, and he would give me a proper ‘good morning’ fuck. I would then sort out our breakfasts, and then would settle down for a longer morning session where he would knot and breed me.

He had just fucked my brains out, and had locked and turned so we were stuck ass to ass, when it happen. “DING DONG!” The unmistakeable peal of the doorbell cut the sounds of our combined panting.

I figured it must be the post lady with a parcel for me, but I was far too busy and enjoying myself to worry about that too much. I reached under and started to touch my clit, building toward another orgasm, as Hector's knot pulsed inside me when it suddenly occurred to me, "shit! She knows the code to the gate."

Down the side of the house was a drive with electric gates, which required a key code for entry. This meant if she came to the back door to drop off the parcel, she would walk right past the large kitchen window, which would reveal the scene of me on all fours, with a very large, satisfied Great Dane locked inside my equally as satisfied cunt.

Pure panic started to set in, as I imagined the papers, and headlines, and the reporters camping out on my front lawn, when “DING DONG!” went the doorbell again.

This now got Hector's interest, and still locked in me, he barked at the door and tried to move towards the sound. When a Great Dane moves and his cock is knotted inside your pussy you have no choice but to move with it, and I felt him tug me towards the hall and the front door. I heard the letter box open and thought, “If she looks through that letter box, she would get the sight of me being pulled down the hallway by my pussy." To my relief, flap of the letter box banged closed, and the card saying ‘the parcel would be at the post office for pickup’ fluttered through the air and landed on the mat.


After the scare from the day before, I decided that today would be Hector's day of freedom, especially since his owners would be coming home the next day. Kneeling down in front of him, I grasped his big head firmly and told him, "I want you to fuck me all over this house today," and his response was simply to lick my face, as if he understood my words.

I crawled around the floor on my hands and knees, and it didn’t take long before Hector decided he was horny. He pounced on me in the lounge, and I barely had time to brace myself over the arm of a chair, before he was on me, and in me. My pussy formed perfectly around his cock now, and I pushed back against him, bracing to his thrusts, as he frantically drove in and out of me. As soon as I felt his knot, I pushed back hard, and moaned with pure pleasure, as he slipped inside and locked in, filling me full of the seed that I craved.

About an hour later, I crawled up the stairs catlike, and shouted to him as I did. You could see the look of confusion on his face, as he saw his bitch beckoning him to a part of the house he wasn’t supposed to be in.

As my naked ass turned the corner onto the landing, lust overcame his fear of doing something wrong, and he bounded up the stairs in three long leaps. I crawled into my bedroom, as he was sniffing and licking, clearly wanting his bitch to stand still. Lying over the bed, I looked in the full-length mirror and could see his mighty cock jutting our from under his tummy. The sight was the most erotic thing I had seen, and I enjoyed the vision of beauty, as he mounted and slid home inside me, as the scene unfolded in our reflexion.

As I looked at the mirror, it was sort of like watching a movie, yet at the same time, the undeniable sensation of his cock driving into me made it clear this was real life. I threw my head back and howled, as I orgasmed, which seemed to spur him onto newer heights of passion and enthusiasm.

That night he slept in my bed, and I couldn't resist playing with his cock, loving how hard he got, and how his cum leaked onto my hand. To avoid getting too much on the sheets, I spent a lot of the night with his cock in my mouth, sucking his pre cum and swallowing it. A couple of times during the night, he became frisky, and almost like he knew this week with his new bitch was coming to an end, he would wake and nudge me with his big head, to assume the position.

Climbing joyfully onto all fours, I moaned with pleasure, as he fucked me to countless orgasms, before pumping me full of his cum. After his knot had subsided, and he had slipped out of me, we would fall into a slumber, only to awaken a few hours later and repeat the entire process.


As the sun broke into the bedroom and the first few rays hit my face, I felt Hector climb onto my back, almost as if he knew this would be our farewell fuck. Hector didn’t seem concerned with anything besides fucking me, but I had tears of both joy and sadness running down my cheeks, knowing that in a few short hours, this incredible week of dog fucking would be over.

As I handed his leash back to Lucy, she smiled and gave me a bottle of Bombay Sapphire Gin, which they had brought back from holiday, as a way of saying thank you. I remember Lucy asking me how Hector had been, and I tried to contain my smile to a minimum, as I told her how much of a pleasure he was to look after. I swear I nearly orgasmed on the spot when Lucy said, "maybe you can look after him again sometime."

As they walked away, Hector looked at me over his shoulder with those wonderfully expressive brown eyes, and I couldn't help but blow him a kiss and whisper, "until next time."


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14 The Julie Journals

***** The club was dark and dingy; smoke curled and hung in the pools of light thrown up by the shaded bulbs. Julie walked slowly and confidently to the bar feeling the eyes of the men undressing her as she moved. Julie knew that at 35 she still had a good body on her that would turn men's heads and get a look of jealous disapproval from a few women as well. Julie's body did not just come from luck, two hours of gruelling work in a gym three times a week plus more than the odd martial arts...

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01 The Julie Journals

… The room was spinning a bit and Julie knew that she had drunk just a little bit too much. She had so wanted to impress everyone with her maturity and didn't care too much about what her parents would think about her drinking, after all she was old enough to know what she was doing. Claire and John were the hosts of the party and owners of the executive four bedroomed house Julie found herself standing in and it was much more elegant than the small three bed semi that she lived in with her...

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05 The Julie Journals

* * * * * Julie hummed softly to herself as she sat in front of the mirror applying some minimal makeup before getting ready to go to the local restaurant for an evening meal. At nearly 27 Julie was pretty happy with life, she had been married for nearly two years now and things couldn't be better both at home and at work. She could hear Tony, her husband singing off key in the shower, and wanted to go and hug him tightly again for his fantastic idea of getting away from it all for a...

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04 The Julie Journals

***** ... Seeing the Black Bull pub, the designated finishing post, appearing rapidly in the distance Julie allowed herself the luxury of glancing back under her arm to see where the other rider was. Seeing a speck behind her she laughed into her helmet and dipping the clutch, grabbed a big handful of throttle causing the large bike to rise onto its back wheel. Keeping it there until she knew the bikers outside the pub had seen her wheelie she dropped the front back down before turning into...

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09 The Julie Journals

***** ... Julie sat in the sterile lounge of the airport hotel in Gatwick staring at the giant wooden aeroplane suspended in the bar area. She was more than a little pissed off as though she thought she had been clever in catching the earlier transatlantic plane via Gatwick, but with delays and cancellations meant she now had a fourteen-hour wait before catching the connector to Brussels. She knew at 32 she was still in excellent condition and wished for a moment she wasn't as she tried to...

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The Pain and Pleasure Journals

The Pain and Pleasure Journals By Estaban Bacca (All rights reserved. Copyright 2004 by EstabanBacca) Prologue My name is of no importance to these journals. My history is that of almostany young woman of my generation. There is nothing startling or unusual init indicating a predilection for the dark side. My place of birth, my childhood,my time at the university, these are all totally immaterial. This is not amemoir or a biography. If you continue to read, you will have to accept the...

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My Sex Journal pt5 Julie and friend

Read my previous stories for this to make more sense. You can find them on my profile page. Please rate and comment, let me know how I'm doing.It was now nearing the end of the summer and Julie and I were still exploring together. We'd had some great times in her shit little car...and on it for that matter. But pretty soon she'd be going to uni and fuck knows where I'd be in a couple weeks once I turned 16. But we made the most of the time we had left together.Around the beginning of July some...

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My Sex Journal pt4 Julie

The week after my encounter with Debbie and I was finished with school. I wouldn't be going back after the summer and had only to wait until my birthday in July and I could leave the home too. That was a great summer, knowing that in a matter of weeks I would be free to go where I chose when ever I pleased. I could practically taste freedom and my spirits were higher than they had ever been.Within the first few weeks of summer I had met a girl who had just finished school and would be going to...

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War in Two Universes Book 6Chapter 18 The Grork Core Planets

“The ancients took war seriously. The AIs made sure we trained until the last second, and we have tasks yet to complete,” said Linda. Porquenta says he is benefitting far more than he expected from the contact with both Jones and the ships, but he is hard-pressed to keep up. The AIs analyze every battle in exhaustive detail. They asked for information about every aspect of the vessel from the Schlogg about our moon dreadnaught. They are continually talking to the teams on the ground in Bekta...

3 years ago
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Aliens and CowboysEmpire Planets

Two days of workouts, sports and sex later, they found themselves orbiting a blue-green planet named Ardent. Slightly smaller than Earth, but it had 2 small moons and it appeared to only have one massive continent that accounted for roughly one-third of the surface area of the planet, although there were many fairly large islands in the ocean. The continent itself appeared to be split into 4 regions by either water or mountains, so despite being one continent, each region was probably quite...

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Grandpas Journals The End and The Beginning

So my daughter called me and asked me to come live with my grand daughters until they got out of high school and into the college of their choice. That would mean, of course, that my chosen life style would come to a complete halt. What a question she had asked of me and I didn’t know how to answer. But I wanted so much to see my daughter happy that I told her that I would think about it. Carol, my oldest daughter, was a dependant child from the beginning. She was very bright from her...

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The Value of Julie

Chapter 1 Julie looked around at her hotel room and sighed.  The paint was peeling off the wall, the floor was rippled where the floor boards had risen up or sagged, and there was a pungent smell of mildew.  She had only been in the city a week, but she was already having second thoughts. She had thought so long about running away.  There was only so much that one could hear that they were worthless, and would never amount to anything, before they had to put it to the test.  Her make-shift...

1 year ago
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The House that Jo Built Bonus Chapter Five Frank Jo Mark Julie

"Do you think something like 'Mark 3:69' would work?" Brooke asked the group. "Like it's a bible quote except 69?" Julie wasn't sure about putting anything sexual for the entire student body to see so they went with something simpler: "Mark Rocks!" With the signs completed, the group of young women left Julie's apartment and drove together to one of the university's expansive parking lots. The visitor lot was full but Julie knew of a side lot where most of the professors parked....

3 years ago
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Julie born for sex only

Friends living in London explore all types of sex. (MMF, dom, bi, exh, orgy, ws, bd)***Chapter OneThe day was hot and dry. Julie's wet vagina was moist from the thought of a stiff penis. She wanted someone desperately inside her aching cunt. She was pushing her fingers through the thick hairs that formed the very heart of her femininity. Suddenly her fingers brushed lightly over her clitoris, it was already hard and standing rigid. Her fingers moved around in small circles she closed her eyes...

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The Trial of Julie

This story is not an erotic story I'm afraid so if you are looking for sexual stimulation I'm sorry. Instead it is simply an extract from the third volume of my novel "Slaves of the Amethyst" It recounts the story of the character Julie who faces a crisis in her life and becomes suicidal. In desperation she runs to the extraordinary Oriental gardens in the parklands of Mathom Hall to take counsel of their mistress Shiro-san. This is the trial though which that lady puts her. I post this story...

2 years ago
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Chatting with Julie

Chat Night Guest: Julie Edited by Anne-Mal Julie can be reached at: [email protected] On Friday, July 30, 1999 6PM Carol Collins had a chat night. Well Julie and I had a conversation before that chat. (Julie) Hi Anne! (*Anne-Mal) Hi Julie! (Julie) Are you ready for a great chat? (*Anne-Mal) I am always ready for a great chat! (Julie) I'm on the old PC. I need all the help I can get. :( (*Anne-Mal) Maybe you and Bash should compete to see who is the best author,...

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Julie and Debra a Bedtime Spanking

n.b. This story is an extract from my three volume saga "Slaves of the Amethyst". I post the story as it makes a fitting accompaniment to my gallery of bedtime spankings. If anybody becomes interested in the larger narrative behind this little extract and would like to read more of "Slaves of the Amethyst" then please be sure to let me know.Michaela Thursday morning dawned grey and overcast and there had been rain overnight. From the windows of Waterstone House the view was unappealing. The...

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Sweet Julie Birth of a Shemale

Sweet Julie Birth of a Shemale by Mistress Tawny Suede Chapter One Is It Just a Role? The dress rehearsal for the drama club's latest production was over. The curtain fell, the audience of excited parents applauded enthusiastically. The curtain rose and the performers stepped forward to take their bows. The curtain fell again and still the crowd applauded. The two stars, Troy and Julie, took their positions centre stage, holding hands as the curtain rose one more time. They...

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Julie Part 5

desires. (M+/F, exh, d/s, inc, mast, oral, anal, bd, beast, orgy) (Note: This is a long, sensual story, there are 7 more parts for a total of 12 parts) *** Part Five Chapter Twenty Three -------------------- When Harry woke up he looked at the alarm and saw that he had three minutes before it would go off, mumbling a few choice words he cut it off and rolled out of bed and went to the toilet. He finished and went to the kitchen turning on the coffee pot; he returned...

4 years ago
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Julie Part 10

desires. (M+/F, exh, d/s, inc, mast, oral, anal, bd, beast, orgy) This is Part 10 of a 12 Part e-novel. If you read Parts 1 thru 9 you will get much more out of this awesome story which contains mother and son incest, mother and her son’s best friend in a three way, multiple females on females, beautiful mom and a very horny dog, oral, light bondage, and orgy. If you do not like stories of this type you should go no further.*** Part Ten Chapter Forty...

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Fitting Julie For A Gown

Dave and Julie had been inseparable since the sailing date. Dave’s shop was in between yacht restorations and Julie had quit the restaurant job, so nothing competed with their time together.Dave loved the way Julie embraced life, so he took her to all kinds of events and activities just to see the joy on her face.Dave also encouraged her exhibitionism and provided her with an additional wardrobe that a young woman with an incredible body could tease others with; miniskirts, daisy dukes, and...

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Julie and Debra

(This following piece is an extract from my novel "The Slaves of the Amethyst" and as such is not a complete story in its own right. I include it in case the erotic content appeals to our readers on Xhamster) Chapter Sixty Nine.Thursday morning dawned grey and overcast and there had been rain overnight. From the windows of Waterstone House the view was unappealing. The outside was dark and damp and a light drizzle streaked the windowpanes. It didn’t seem likely to be...

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Julie Part 4

An E-novel: A story of a woman submissive to her own desires. (M+/F, exh, d/s, inc, mast, oral, anal, bd, beast, orgy) (Note: Continuation of a very long, sensual story. There are three more parts after this one.) Harry woke up again and looked at the clock, it showed eight twenty five, he stretched and sat on the side of the bed a minute before going to the bathroom. He felt sticky so he washed his cock and slipped on a pair of cutoffs. He went into the kitchen to turn on...

3 years ago
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Julie Part 7

desires. (M+/F, exh, d/s, inc, mast, oral, anal, bd, beast, orgy) (NOTE: THIS IS A LONG STORY, 5 LONG PARTS AFTER THIS ONE TO GO YET) *** Part Seven Chapter Thirty One ------------------ Sarah went home at the regular time and went right to doing her paper grading and preparation for tomorrow's classes. She expected Charlie to call but the call didn't come and she was finished with her home work and now it was too late to get some sun besides he might not call...

2 years ago
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Julie Part 9

desires. (M+/F, exh, d/s, inc, mast, oral, anal, bd, beast, orgy) Note: This is Part 9 of a very long e-novel. There are three long parts after this one. If you read Parts 1 thru 8 first you will get much more out of this awesome story which contains mother and son incest, mother and her son’s friend, multiple females on females, beautiful mom and a very horny dog having sex, etc. If you do not like stories of this type you should go no further. *** Part...

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Aunt Julie Chapter 2

Chapter 2 James checked his cell phone. There was a message from his aunt Julie, it said, “It’s Julie. I have an idea I’d like to talk about. We got carried away with the webcam yesterday, and I know you might feel different about that today, but to be honest, I feel good about it. Let’s talk soon. Give me a call. Bye.” James called her back and the call went directly to messages. He quickly composed himself and said, “I got your message. I agree that we got caught-up in the moment. ...

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Julie a Willing MotherChapter 2

Just then Jake's left hand went around her body and fondled her right breast. Her nipple was tweaked to hardness again. Involuntarily she gasped. Julie heard Dora say, "Jake why don't you put your hand under auntie's T-shirt and fondle her bare breasts." Julie protested against Jake's kissing mouth, "N-No... don't, Ja-ke." "Relax Julie... please don't disappoint the boy... please be nice to my son... and let him touch your breast." "Please auntie... please..." What could...

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Julie Part 12

desires. (M+/F, exh, d/s, inc, mast, oral, anal, bd, beast, orgy) *** Part Twelve Chapter Fifty Five ------------------ The time went by fast, Harry made love to her then took a shower, they lay on the bed and talked and made love again. When she came in to clean him he was dead asleep. She turned out the light and went to the kitchen, she was busy setting up breakfast and planning dinner for tomorrow night when Jimmy came home. When he entered she was surprised to...

1 year ago
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Julie Part 6

desires. (M+/F, exh, d/s, inc, mast, oral, anal, bd, beast, orgy) (NOTE: THIS IS A LONG STORY, 6 LONG PARTS AFTER THIS ONE) *** Part Six Chapter Twenty-Seven --------------------- The alarm was set for five but the clock was three minutes fast, when it went to beeping Harry gave a groan and cut it off. He lay there a few seconds but knew that was risky and rose up and put his feet on the floor. He had been told by his father to always get your feet on the floor...

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Julie 3 Cheerleader sleepover

Another beautiful Wednesday afternoon, the summer before my sophomore year of high school. Usually on a day like this I would have a gang of people from the gym over wasting time between workouts. Today however, I skipped practice. I was just burnt out and needed a day off. It had been a crazy summer so far. I decided it was just going to be a day to sleep late, go out and relax by the pool, maybe work on my tan. My parents and older brother were all working so I had the place to myself....

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Julie Ch 14

The next day at the office, Julie threw herself into her daily work, using it as a distraction. To some extent it succeeded. But she couldn’t fill every moment of her day with enough pressing issues to keep the night before from forcing its way into her thoughts. She couldn’t help noticing that Greg had not emailed her. Why not? Was it a case of not wanting to get dragged into a messy situation? A messy divorce? Was he truly only interested in her as long as there was plenty of good sex to be...

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Travelling to the States Meeting Julie

Sue, my wife had been cheating on me for years. I initially didn’t respond but as time passed and she continued to be unfaithful. I responded by having an affair with Marg.Eventually, I decided to leave my job and travel to the west. In doing so, I told her that if she wanted to come with me then she had to stop her cheating. She agreed but within weeks of arriving in the west, I found that she was having an affair. This was after we had decided to have another child.Sue lost the child which...

Wife Lovers
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Aunt Julie

James was feeling great about himself. He had progressed steadily up the company ladder since getting hired straight out of college. Now that he was 29, he was given a big promotion that included relocating to Orlando, Florida. But to make this kind of progress he had to become a workaholic. Putting in 60 to 75 hours a week was typical. His sex life consisted of long hot showers and Internet porn coupled with masturbation. Dating just did not work due to the massive office hours. In...

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A New Life for Julie Ch 02

Chapter 2 – Sarah’s Project June 1977 Sarah Parker drove down the boulevard in her convertible Corvette. The car’s stereo was booming out a disco song by KC & the Sunshine band. ‘Do a little dance, make a little love, get down tonight,’ Sarah sang along. Make that ‘make a lot of love’ she thought to herself. Sarah had just picked up two men! She intended to get Julie, her new friend, laid, and this looked like the perfect opportunity. The two men were leaving for Chicago that night, but...

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Julie Ch 13

Gary was standing in the bedroom doorway, slack-jawed, speechless. For the longest time after Julie saw him, he just stood there. Greg, whose back was three-quarters to the doorway, obviously realized something was wrong and turned around. ‘Oh, shit,’ he groaned. His words shattered Julie’s paralysis. She leapt from the bed and ran sobbing into the master bathroom. She fell to the floor crying. Her mind was not responding. Her stomach was convulsing, the tears beginning to stream from her...

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Julie and the Hot Tub

Julie’s friend Lorraine was off on vacation leaving Julie to watch over her house. This was no hardship, Lorraine has a really nice place on the lake with a big-screen TV, jacuzzi hot tub and a cat named Bill. I was away on yet another work trip so Julie stayed at Lorraine’s house full time. It was early spring and still too cold to swim in the lake but the hot tub was a nice relaxer after a long day so Julie had gotten in the habit of taking a dip after work. She’d sit with a nice glass of...

Wife Lovers
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Julie Ch 21

When Julie and Ashlee arrived back at the house after dropping off Greg and picking up Julie’s car at the mall, Ashlee appeared ready to burst. ‘Well?’ she asked expectantly. It was obvious what she wanted, but Julie had no intention of divulging details. ‘Well, what?’ she replied. ‘C’mon!’ Ashlee laughed. ‘I never saw a more obvious JBF smile.’ Julie blinked, clueless. ‘JBF?’ ‘Just been fucked,’ Ashlee answered with an accusing smile. Julie felt the color rising in her cheeks. Was there...

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Julie and the cruise

Cruises are nice: go places, see things, eat good food. If you've got a wife like mine, a cruise is a great opportunity to show her off. Julie is really taking to her new role as a hotwife and it shows in her outfits. Her skirts are shorter, the neckline is lower, the heels are higher and she's more daring with her makeup. I particularly like that she pretty much wears red lipstick all the time now. She's got sexy lips and the red really sets them off.We were sitting at the bar after dinner,...

Wife Lovers
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Julie Ch 20

In the morning the phone call the night before seemed surreal and Julie found herself questioning whether she had dreamt it. But the tightness in her gut, the unease that lingered, told her it had really happened. The thought of the photos hit her again, even as she was getting out of bed. Gary had pictures of Julie sucking another man’s cock. He had tried to use them to get her to give him a blow job. No matter how half-hearted the effort, Gary had actually tried. If it weren’t for the...

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Two MILFs and their daughters Chapter 4 Gina and Julie have some fun

As Valerie and Tessa were in Valerie's room doing something wonderful, Gina and Julie were in Julie's bedroom talking as well."OK, no offense, but I look at you like a second mom, and you two are creeping me out a bit. You both wanted to talk to us separately and alone?" Julie asked."Yes, that's creepy?" Gina asked."Maybe a little," Julie replied.Then Gina hit Julie with something."Well, we both just wanted to talk to you young ladies about, sex," Gina said.Julie was both nervous and confused,...

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Julie a Willing MotherChapter 3

Dan moved to his mother's right side, hugged her hip to his loins, and kissed her on the mouth. At the same time his right hand fondled her breasts. Julie kept moaning softly, enjoying the thrill. Ben asked, "Mom, since Dan is kissing you, may I also kiss you?" Julie broke the kiss for a while to ask, "Where do you want to kiss me?" "Here mom, here." Ben tapped the bare upper pubic mound that wasn't covered by the skimpy hot pants. Her son wanting to kissis her there thrilled...

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Too good to be true pt2 My best friend Julie

It’s me again, still the average kid, just with a small turn of events that gave me a little boost of self-esteem. I’m not going out with Samantha, who I had sex with at her house at her request, which is strange to think about. She also rejected me again when I asked her out after our new found interest, saying she “didn’t want our friendship to end in a same lame high school break-up like John (my friend and her ex)”. But she did do me the favor of seducing Julie, her best friend, the...

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Julie and the Snowstorm

It’s not even like we really needed the money; we were doing fine, but my wife Julie decided she’d find a part-time job to earn a little extra cash for the Christmas season. She looked all around and finally found a greenhouse and gift shop that needed somebody to run the register. This is one of those places where you can get your Christmas tree and all the decorations at the same time. Julie worked inside, and there were a couple burly young guys outside helping people haul their tree to...

Wife Lovers
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Julie was a beautiful girl

Julie did know that Andrew was a mean kid, will not really a kid anymore. He had flunked a grade, and was old for school. Adults didn’t realize what a bully he was, they just thought it was good of him to stick school out, to try and finish high school even when he had an extra year after a childhood mistake. Andrew was big for his age, strong, and even though he was eighteen, close to nineteen, he seemed like he was older. Andrew was sexually attracted to Julie, was always trying to impress...

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Julie Ch 09

Over the weeks that followed, Julie had little direct contact with Greg. At first they exchanged a few personal emails. But they quickly fizzled, perhaps because they couldn’t act on them. She had some contact with him on work related issues, but most of those were either brief or conference calls. And in any case, Greg was always careful to distance himself from Julie in professional matters. The demands of her new job kept her busy and her mind occupied most of the time. But now and then...

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Julie the Voyeur

Our company sent us to New York on business, and we were both booked into the Westin Hotel, but in separ- ate rooms. Julie, my co-worker and I were going to give a presentation the next afternoon, then catch a red-eye flight back to the coast. We checked in, finding our adjoining rooms on the 23rd floor of the large luxury hotel. We’d both been surprised when we were booked into this hotel, expecting more modest quarters. The rooms weren’t lavish, quite the...

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Julie Visits the Gym

Julie Visits the GymEighteen  year old Julie Parker hurried along the school corridor hardly looking where she was going. She had loitered in the classroom until most of the girls had left, but now it was six minutes since the bell for the end of school had gone and she knew that she needed to hurry. Julie felt sick. She could feel her heart pumping away at twice its normal speed. The next half an hour or so was going to be awful in any case but at least she didn’t have to make it worse by...

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Julies Story

Julie?s Story By Dr. Quirt A young woman doesn?t quite realise just what she has let herself in for when she decides to explore her masochistic tendencies. The learning path is hard and long but, in the end, she becomes contented with her lot. This story is the first of a trilogy, the second and third parts being ?Nina?s Tale? and ?What Happened to Lucy?? Beginnings A light rain was beginning to fall from a leaden sky as the train pulled in to the station of the grimy, northern town....

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Earning Julie

Prologue This is still difficult for me to believe after all these years. I never dreamed or hoped my life would end up the way it has, but I give thanks every day when I wake up and look at the woman next to me. I guess I need to explain. See I was a virgin until my early forties, and I was scared of women. Terrified of the fact that somebody might actually have an interest in me other than work related. I still have that fear, but now I have help to conquer it. I may never do...

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Julie Ch 15

The next morning Julie woke up hung over. She wasn’t much of a drinker and the stuff Ashlee had made was potent. Then she remembered replying to Greg’s email. Oh, shit! She quickly checked her email. Greg had replied. ‘There’s no one here this weekend either, if you want to stop by today or tomorrow.’ He wasn’t even pretending it was about talking now, was he? Not that Julie would have believed him if he had continued that ruse. But maybe it would have been easier if she could have told...

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Pam Sam and Julie

Pam Coburn could not concentrate on her work. No matter how hard she tried, her mind just was not in it. Pam was a thirty-two year old single mother of Sam, who was fourteen. She was raised in a Christian home and believed most of what she was taught in Sunday school. She attended one year at a Christian college but was asked not to return for the following year when she could no longer hide her pregnancy. She knew fooling around with Tom was a stupid thing to do but being young and away from...

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