Rainstone Ch. 02 free porn video

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The pain was almost more than she could stand, but Anya kept going. Her mind was locked on one thing, the relief she would find when she slid into the pond with its cool water. There were willow trees that hung close to the pond, from them she would gather bark and have Sonya brew it into a tea for her. It would help with the pain. She would have to keep moving though, if she wanted to avoid the stiffness that would have her walking like an old woman.

Concentrating upon putting one foot in front of the other, she didn’t see the prints in the soft ground of the trail, prints made by horse hoofs. If she had, she might have changed her mind about the pond and gone back to the castle.

The clearing was as beautiful as always, flowers blooming and lending their scents to the soft night air. The pond was so still, not a ripple of water disturbed its mirror-like surface. She made her way slowly to the edge and leaned over, staring at her reflection. She looked like a harpy or some other mythical harridan, with her hair stiffened with blood and sticking out from her head. Her eyes were too large in her pale face and a trail of dried blood marred her chin and trickled from the split in her torn lip.

She pulled at the buttons on the shirt, forcing them open and pulling the shirt off from where it had stuck to her back. Her breath hissed between lips clamped shut from pain but she finally had it off. The pants were easier though blood had dried on the back waistband, leaving the material stiff and sticky. She slid the shoes off, glad that Sonya had given her a pair of her slippers instead of the boots she usually wore with this outfit.

Naked, she crept hunched over toward the pond once more, slipping her foot into the water and shivering a bit at the touch. It would grow warm quickly, the temperature warm from the heat of the sun, she knew for she came here often. The pond had a soft, sandy bottom and she waded out to where she knew the drop-off was. The water was lapping at her waist when she reached it and she took the final step that would send her down into the black depths where the water was well over her head.

She stayed there until her lungs felt as if they would burst, wishing as she always did that she could find a way to grow gills and maybe a tail like the stories her mother used to tell her of beautiful mermaids. She would swim far from this castle and her father, not stopping until she thought she was safe. Then she would sun herself upon a rock, brushing out her long hair and whiling away her days with playing in the waves.

No more duties, no more pain, no more of her father, what more could she wish for?

She could see the moon above her as she kicked toward the surface. It was as if it was waiting for her. Breaking the surface of the water, she sighed in relief as the pain ebbed.

‘Is that truly what you wish for?’

Anya screeched, turning in the water until she saw the being who’d asked the question. ‘Who are you?’ she gasped.

The creature was small, not much bigger than a child barely able to walk. But he was no child. He was well made, slim hipped and wide in the shoulders with a handsome face and a head of hair that any woman would pine for.

Honey blonde, it swirled around him as he moved, held from his face by braids that were decorated with colored beads. A mustache graced his upper lip and his ears were pointed

‘My name is Switch,’ he said, bowing until his braids almost touched the ground. ‘I can grant your wish if that is truly what you want.’

‘My wish…what wish?’ Anya asked, bemused by the small man.

‘To turn your legs to tail and give you fins, to let you swim ’til land’s end,’ he said in a sing-song voice.

‘I am to believe that you hold that kind of power?’ she asked, narrowing her eyes as the little man stepped close to her clothes, lifting the shirt and inspecting her blood upon it.

‘Oh yes I do, I do indeed,’ Switch said. ‘But how to prove to you that I am what I say?’ He tapped his lip with his finger looking very serious. Then he smiled. ‘Turn your back to me, little miss, and I will show you my power.’

Anya turned slowly, intrigued despite herself. The little man came closer to the pool’s edge, bending and touching the water while mumbling some words that Anya couldn’t hear. A soothing feeling came over her and the pain in her back stopped. She turned her head, amazed, staring down at what skin of her back that she could see. Her eyes rose from her unblemished skin. Even the old scars and welts were gone as if they’d never been there.

‘What did you do?’ she asked, amazed at the absolutely freeing way it felt to be without the pain her father enjoyed inflicting.

‘I took away your pain so that you might better understand my magick,’ Switch said with a bow that had his long golden hair sweeping over the wide-bladed grass. ‘As for your other wish, to become like those who live their lives under the sea, you must be certain that this is truly what you want.’

‘If it is to be a choice of dealing with my father’s perversions and his beatings or giving up my legs to live freely in the sea, there isn’t much of a choice to be made. If I could have my presence wiped from the minds of those here, I would gladly face having a tail.’

‘I must tell you,’ Switch began, only to be cut off by the sound of hoof beats coming ever closer. ‘If it is still your wish upon the morrow, come to the clearing when the moon stands full above you. I shall be waiting.’ He dipped another bow and then spun so quickly, her eyes couldn’t follow his movements. With a tiny puff of smoke, he was gone as if he’d never been.

‘What ho?’ a voice called. Anya spun, sinking back into the water and trying to hide her nakedness. ‘Who are you girl?’

The man sat upon his horse as if he were a part of it, easily calming the fidgeting beast while his eyes stayed upon the water nymph he’d discovered.

The sweet little water sprite was immersed in the water up to her neck, he couldn’t help the sudden rippling of arousal that had his cock twitching under his codpiece. ‘Well,’ he growled, easily stepping down from the huge horse and throwing his reins over a handy tree branch, ‘can you speak or are you mute, girl?’

‘I-I can speak,’ Anya squeaked out.

The man smiled at the sound of nervousness in her voice. ‘Good,’ he said softly, lifting the white shirt he wore over his head and dropping it on the grass. ‘I had heard this clearing was magical, but never did I think I’d find a beautiful nymph here waiting for me.’

Anya’s eyes grew wide as she watched him stripping in front of her as if he had not a care in the world. Even as her shocked eyes registered that he was reaching for the ties to his breeches, she couldn’t help but admire the width of his chest or the light layer of fur that covered it. His body was scarred, speaking of years of battle and a warrior’s way, but chiseled with muscle that made him look hard and invincible. She could count the muscled ridges of his stomach in even the dim light of the clearing and she felt her heart start to race.

His hair was dark, cut shorter than the men of her kingdom wore theirs and he pushed his fingers through it quickly, as if seeing her eyes upon it. His lips were full, seeming meant to smile, though now he wore a frown as if he didn’t know what to make of her. High cheekbones slashed ridges under his eyes, the skin hollowed slightly as if he’d missed a few meals recently. But it was his eyes that held her sway, emerald green and bright, even in the light of the moon above, they radiated an intelligence as well as pain, a pain she understood.

He was as lonely as she.

‘Who are you?’ she asked softly.

‘My name is Ryder,’ he said softly. ‘I come from beyond the Seventh Kingdom.’

‘You lie,’ Anya said quickly. ‘There is nothing beyond the Seventh Kingdom.’

‘There is,’ Ryder insisted, idly rubbing his chest
before he sat in the grass to remove his huge boots. ‘My people have not the wealth or the power of the kingdoms, but we do exist. Perhaps I’ll pack you into my saddle bag and take you with me. I could prove what I say then.’

‘My father wouldn’t allow it,’ Anya said royally, lifting her chin. ‘He would kill you and then punish me, believing that somehow I had attracted your attention and asked to be your hostage.’

‘You say that as if your father held power in this land,’ Ryder commented, standing and wriggling out of the tight-fitting leather breeches. His cock rose in front of her, hugely impressive in size, though she had nothing really to compare it to but the feel of the one that had tried to bugger her earlier. This one looked bigger.

Ryder noted her eyes on his cock and felt it twitch as a warm wave washed through him. He stroked his fist over the fat shaft, letting his fingers coat in the liquid lubricant that wept from the tip. ‘Come here, wench,’ he said softly, holding his other hand out to her. ‘Come and make his acquaintance.’

Anya shook her head but it was as if her body was in his thrall. She found the sandy bottom of the pond, standing so that the water sheeted off of her, leaving drips that sparkled in the moonlight like shimmering crystals. Her skin was flawless, her beauty such that his head spun. Her breasts rose high upon her chest, the soft pink of her nipples turning red as they hardened in the cool night air.

‘Be damned, wench,’ he groaned as she continued to come out of the water. ‘You’re comely enough to make any man forget his place in this world.’ His eyes trailed over her skin, from her shoulders down over the concave planes of her stomach and then further as the wet pelt at the apex of her thighs came into view.

Her thighs were strong columns of ivory flesh, curved with womanly softness that had his breath hissing into his lungs. She finally stood before him, naked as he, her eyes locked upon his. ‘I want you,’ he whispered unnecessarily for it was obvious from the shaft he still stroked. ‘Tell me your name so that I might know who I am thanking the goddesses for tonight.’

‘A-An…Sonya,’ she quickly amended. ‘Sonya Bitterroot.’

His free hand had come up, hovering over her skin almost as if he were afraid if he touched her she would disappear. ‘A pretty name but not one that suits such as you.’ His fingers found her shoulder, his hard, callused hand moving down her spine and pulling her into his embrace. He moaned as the stiff peaks of her breasts trailed against the wide plane of his chest and then his other hand threaded though the satiny softness of her wet hair, turning her face up to his.

‘If you are spoken for, Sonya now is the time to tell me, for I won’t be stopped once we’ve started.’

‘And if I am spoken for?’ she managed to ask for the heat of his body pressed so intimately against her own was short circuiting her thoughts.

‘Then I shall have to kill him because I don’t think I can stop even now,’ he murmured, bending his head to find her soft lips.

The first brush was like lightning, swift, electrifying and over too quickly. Then his mouth returned, teasing hers with soft touches, his tongue licking at the corners of her mouth until she opened for him. He slid his tongue into her mouth, tasting her passion, finding her own to dance and rub against it with tantalizing effects.

When he lifted his head, his eyes were half closed, hazy with passion. ‘You have no man,’ he whispered, ‘for I swear I am the first to take these luscious lips.’

‘Y-you are,’ she answered timidly, her hands sliding up his chest, stopping to play with the hair that curled at his nape. ‘My father would kill you if he saw us.’

‘I do not kill easily,’ Ryder said, smiling down at her before dipping his head once more. He lifted her against him, her feet hanging far from the ground. ‘I plan upon taking you, little Sonya. Do you have any issues with that?’

Anya stared up at Ryder, her eyes wide and searching. ‘If I had issue, my lord, would you let me leave here with my modesty intact?’

‘Your modesty?’ Ryder smirked. ‘You think to tell me one so bold as you is still virginal?’

”Tis true, no man has thrust his member into me and taken my veil,’ she said softly, ducking her head as a blush suffused her cheeks. Her hands slid from his neck, rubbing over his chest to push a bit of space between them. ‘My father would kill anyone who dared defile his daughter.’

‘Then should I bargain a price, lady, for I would have you more than this one night.’

‘A titled lord or princely visage is the price that must be paid, sir knight. My father wants only the best for his only child.’ She glanced up at his snort. ‘You doubt me, sir?’

‘No doting daddy would allow his virginal daughter to roam the countryside this way. ‘Tis an interesting tale you tell, little Sonya.’

‘Tis the truth,’ she said softly. She knew he didn’t believe her. With a quick twist of her body, she wriggled away from his arms, going back to the pond and throwing herself in, swimming quickly to the other side of the still pool.

She didn’t hear him follow her, only knew that he had when she felt his hand wrap around her ankle as she tried to wade to shore.

Then he was on top of her in the shallow water, his cock nudging at the soft flesh between her thighs, making her gasp.

‘You’ve run and I’ve chased,’ he growled by her ear. ‘Now you may say that you fought to protect your modesty and yield to me as we both wish.’ He nuzzled her ear, the heat of his breath sending shivers down her spine. ‘Come Sonya, yield to me so that I might show you pleasure of a kind you’ve never had before.’

”Tis impossible. Please, my lord, let me go.’ She struggled half-heartedly against him, pushing her small fists against the heavy breadth of his chest.

‘I cannot.’ He gazed down at the lovely visage, breathing heavily of the sweetness of her scent, even muddled with the cold water of the pond. ‘I fear I am caught in the snare of your beauty, my lady. I shall never be freed of the memory of you. I must live this night with you to the fullest otherwise the regret I would feel come morning might slay me.’

‘Fancy words you speak, sir knight. Fancy words that shall not sway me in the tiniest. I must return to my father in the exact way that I left his home. To do any other would mean my death.’

‘Now I know you lie, girl. No father worthy of the name would slay his daughter for something that was other than her own fault.’ He traced little kisses down her cheeks and over her jawline, his cock rubbing roughly against her slender thigh. ‘I would make you my own girl.’

Anya groaned, his lips upon her neck sending a chill, drawing goose flesh over her skin. ‘No, ’tis impossible. I….I cannot.’ She was still in his arms though. Arms that were thick with hard muscles, strong and sure. They would hold her true and allow no harm to come to her, this she somehow knew for certain.

A thrill shot through her, remembering the hand that had stroked her between her thighs earlier this day and the pleasure and excitement it had given. A pleasure she could feel now when all this man had done was to hold her close to his naked flesh. ‘We shouldn’t,’ she gasped.

‘We should,’ he answered, catching her chin in one hand and holding it still. ‘We definitely should.’

He didn’t allow her to answer, his lips capturing hers, his tongue pressing for entrance to the dark secrets of her mouth, longing for her taste. She moaned and then whimpered, she couldn’t remember ever feeling this way, needing something she didn’t know how to ask for.

‘Sir,’ she gasped when he lifted his head. ‘Please, we shouldn’t do this.’

‘Yes, my sweet princess, we should most definitely do this and more.’ He cupped her naked breast with one hard hand. He caressed her gently, sweetly, with the calluses that came from years of use with sword and rein
tenderly abrading the hard tip of her breast.

She gasped again, whimpering as her hands slid up his naked chest, tracing over scars left over from battles fought far away. Her fingers slid into the damp curls at the nape of his neck, twisting as she arched her back, thrusting the soft mound harder into his hand.

‘I think that you aren’t as dead set against this as you sound, little one.’ He twisted her hard nipple, listening to the soft moans that spilled from her lips like sweet wine. With a harsh groan, he ducked his head, his mouth capturing her other nipple, pulling it into his mouth. He pleasured her with careful bites and languid licks, flicking his tongue over the turgid flesh.

‘Oh by the gods! What is this you do to me?’

‘Pleasures of the flesh, princess. With a body like this, I cannot understand how you remained pure this long. You were made to ride a cock. Made to ride my cock.’ He moved over her, taking her hand and wrapping it around the hot, thick flesh of his cock. With a growl, he shivered as he felt the softness of her palm holding him tightly as he taught her the rhythm and speed he wanted that gentle flesh to move.

He dropped his head, pressing a kiss against her forehead. It had been months since he’d had his last female, not because he didn’t have offers, he’d had more offers than he could come up with reasons to defer. But this sweet nymph was making him feel things he’d never thought to ever feel, things he wasn’t sure he knew how to profess.

He finally reached down, pulling her hand away, glancing up to see a look of what seemed like hurt in her eyes. ‘It was too good, beauty. I would have spilled into your hand if I hadn’t stopped you.’

‘Would that be bad?’ A small smile touched her lips and he shook his head and laughed.

‘It would, sweetling. I want to be buried deep between your thighs when I loose my seed.’ He reached down, opening her thighs and pressing his thumb between her soft lower lips. Her clit rose like a tiny stem, seeming to vibrate against his flesh. She gasped. ‘What is this you do, sir? Is this some kind of magick?’ She thrust her hips against his invading thumb, rubbing against his hard as it pushed lower, slipping between her lips and into her.

She moaned, her hands digging into the skin of his back. Her eyes were tightly closed, concentrating upon the pleasure he was doling out with a generous hand. She could do little more than hold on to him and experience every little bit of ecstasy he was determined to give.

She grasped his soft curls, digging into the thickness of his hair. She found the hard column of his throat, her thumb sliding over the thick muscle and then down to the heavy muscles of his shoulders. She held on tight there as his hands moved over her body. She couldn’t stop her hips from thrusting up to him, the pleasure only growing with every touch of him.

She cried out when it finally got to be too much. Her body tightened even more and then she felt the soft, slick slide of his tongue over her most intimate flesh. His name flew from her lips as her body seemed to explode and pleasure the likes she’d never known burst from that tiny spot between her thighs. It seemed to go on forever and was over way too soon. When she could finally force open her eyes, Ryder was staring down at her with a small smile upon his lips.

‘You’re beautiful,’ he said, nuzzling against her and stealing tiny kisses. ‘I don’t think I’ve ever seen anything as utterly amazing as the sight of pleasure upon your gorgeous features, Sonya Bitterroot.’ He smiled down at her and then she felt it, the heavy rod of his flesh, pressing against the veil of her innocence.

‘No, Ryder. You cannot! My father…’

He smiled slowly. ‘I will worry about your father. For now, let us be like lovers. Allow me to kiss and caress your flesh. Do not fear him for I will protect you always, Sonya.’

Before she could utter another word, the tip of his cock had wedged between her lower lips. He moved his hips, soaking that spongey tip in the secretions that seemed to pour from between her silken thighs. He kissed her, his hips moving to send the hard shaft rubbing between her lips, his glans brushing over her clit with every sweet thrust. He growled her name, his mouth and teeth playing with the succulent flesh of her throat.

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When Daniel went back to the car, his girlfriend was furious. She demandedto know where he'd been."No where," was all he said as he started the car and left the drive-inbefore the movie had even ended. He said nothing more on the drive home andwhen she stepped out of the car, he pulled away, still without a word. Hewas at a loss, for what to say and why he'd passed up a hot fuck with thegirl he'd screwed so many times through high school, and why he'd suckedthose guy's cocks.It wasn't even ten,...

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local gym locker room

I finished a long workout in the middle of the night again. as I was playing basketball by myself, I noticed my friend from last time was here up on the second floor. i made my way up there and see him all the way in the corner riding a sit down bike, hidden by the treadmills and ellipticals. I sat right next to him and he knew who I was right away. we chatted for a couple minutes when I reached over and started touching his inner thigh. he was wearing tight bike shorts. he relaxed back in his...

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Kelli Blonde Married HottieChapter 6

After waking from her nap, Kelli showered and then began selecting her outfit for that night. Kelli knew she was hot and lusty, and she knew she was going to have fun starting right then as she decided what to wear to titillate and seduce her horny lover and admirer, Tom. He was obsessed with her and she was with him, too. They had never been romantically attracted to each other but their mutual sexual attraction and serious fuck-buddy relationship was all Kelli had ever dreamed possible....

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Population Control

Special population control a long time in the future in the area of Nagatoya Rotneb ProvinceTina stood by the noticeboard in  Nagatoya high school anxiously checking her position in class, she had missed two days classes and she was worried that she might have slipped out of the top group, she scanned down, "Oh gosh!" she exclaimed, "I am only one place above the cull zone!"Anamatusa put a reassuring hand on her shoulder, "It makes no difference you are a Merican, you do not have to be culled...

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HandsOnHardcore Lana Roy Lika Star Horny BFF Swingers Lana Roy and Lika Star Throw Surprise Sex Party with Boyfriends

BFFs Lika Star and Lana Roy are sitting on the couch together when Lika confesses that her sex life has become a bit stale and that her boyfriend can’t make her cum anymore. To remedy the situation, Lana proposes some freaky lesbian sex and a boyfriend swap. Although she’s a bit surprised to hear her best friend suggest such a thing, Lika likes the idea and agrees. The young, sexy pair begin by sensually undressing each other and rubbing each other’s clits. Minutes later, while Lana is eating...

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An Indecent Proposal

Sania…. who was Sania? This story is about an indecent proposal I received during my last service to a female in Pune. She was one of many females who seemed to be lonely, looking to spice up her life with a deep rejuvenating body massage and a casual encounter. About myself, I am a part-time masseur based in Pune apart from my regular job as a sales professional. I am in my 20’s and look forward to generous replies at your end on the sex story below. Let’s call this female ‘Sania’. Someone had...

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cuckold lifestyle 59

My wife and I had gone out of a nice dinner one Friday evening. Just the two of us , she wore the "little black dress" and black stockings with a pair of spike hilled shoes. She was looking very classy and sexy all at the same time. I was treated to a garter strap shot while she was getting out of the car , so was the valet. As we dined I asked if she was wearing any panties. She said no she wasn't, I asked is that was for a reason? She said if you are wondering if I'm going to get fucked...

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The Colonels Wife

The Standard Disclaimer: This is a work of fiction with content suitable only for adults (and stable ones at that) The Standard Disclaimer: This is a work of fiction with content suitable only for adults (and stable ones at that). If you are prohibited from reading such material by the laws or standards of your community please depart immediately. Likewise, if you can?t tell the difference between reality and fantasy get the heck outta here.     ??????????? The Colonel?s Wife ByVon...

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Cuckold with another TV

My wife, Maggie, having found out I cross dressed slowly warmed to the idea but the rule was all to be in strict private. Evenings in dress and having some fun became a fairly regular thing. I was at the time on a popular TV site and chatted to the girls in the chat room. We were on there as both me single and us as a couple and Maggie occasionally logged in via this to use the chat room.After one evening chatting she surprised me by suggesting we invited another TV to visit and said she had...

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My Neighbor8217s Hot Sexy Wife

Hello all.  I am Ravi from Hyderabad. I read stories regularly and inspired to share one of my experiences with you. This is a true story about how I fucked my neighbor for the first time after waiting for long. Kindly excuse me if there are any mistakes as this being my first story. It was during my college days. There was a family where a newly wedded wife and husband. The wife looks like a sex goddess. The husband never cared for her and always interested in work and be out of the house....

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Der Nachtmahr

Es war bereits spät in der Nacht und ein dunkler, feuchter Nebel hatte sich über die Stadt gelegt, welcher hier und da durch die flackernden Straßenlampen bläulich erhellt wurde. Die Straßen waren wie leergefegt, nur in der Ferne konnte man das Bellen von streunenden Hunden, Geräusche von vereinzelt vorbeifahrenden Autos und andere undefinierbare Laute hören. Es regnete. Ein Mädchen, die 18-jährige Nela, lief durch die verlassenen Straßen. Sie kehrte von einem Abend mit ihren besten Freunden...

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Please stop

I woke up today after a long 13th birthday the night before and looked in the mirror and saw my mother when she was younger I had long brown hair with peachy skin and bright blue eyes I have a curvy body and size B breasts ever since I got pubic hair I shaved it off I hate the feel of it so here I was standing fully naked in my room looking in the mirror when all of a sudden some one touches my shoulder I jumped so high and tried to cover it was my dad still half a sleep "uh dad you sleep...

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Z at the Adult Theater

Z at an Adult Theater Z was really pissed with good cause.    I had cancelled the next three day weekend visit with her to my place, in a town about 50 miles away.   I had made Halloween weekend plans with a another friend. When those plans were cancelled, I called Z at the last minute and wanted to join her that Friday night.    She was miffed but reluctantly agreed.     She had planned to stay home and hand out candy.   When I arrived wanting to go to an adult...

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LaceySteele Chapter 3

This time, Allison had awoken before Lacey who was laying behind her, still holding her. The stuffed shark was still in Allison’s grip, the fluffy blankets and pillows offering extra comfort to an otherwise awkward awakening. Lacey woke up as Allison began to move “Hey there, sleepy head” Lacey moaned as she sat up. Part of Allison wanted to grab her clothes, which were again neatly folded this time sitting on the chair; and run. The other part was enamored. Lacey, now sitting up, put an...

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Libby Laura and Mars

Dante and Marci were on a trip, staying at the Excelsior, when they met Libby Laura and Mars. Mars: dark and good-looking and sixteen. At the party, Marci began conversing with Mars and found out about his knowing Mercury from school. Libby Laura had been talking to him when Marci introduced herself to him, and Marci had taken her for his girlfriend. Libby Laura was a classmate of Mars's at Summerhill and they had just encountered each other at the party. Libby Laura was a petite and pretty...

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Radical Empathy Part 1

Radical Empathy By Akira Marx Part 1: Send them to The Hague. Find whatever part of the Geneva Conventions this violates, and if it's not in there we need to add it. I'm against capital punishment but bring back the electric chair for the knob who scheduled this conference call for a Friday afternoon, which, by the way, had managed to drag into its fourth hour. Fine, OK, maybe that's a tad severe. But if I wasn't still working from home then I definitely would've been writing a...

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That Bitch Was Fucked

Hi guys i am Sameer from Gujarat. Today I am going to tell you the true story of how I fucked my hot dream slut. Well first about me I am 20 yrs old average built guy & I am studying. I am very shy & introverted. So mostly you will find me at home reading some sex stories etc. My partner in this story is my aunty (Chachi) Dont just think her as a old fatty typical Indian aunty. She is around 34 yrs of age hot, sexy slut of my society. She is the hottest topic of every guy in society. & The most...

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cuckold bf

I caught my bf surfing porn and jacking off about a year ago. After that I decided right then that if he wasn't gonna give it to me then I would find someone who could. One day I bought him a chastity device that had a series of rings on it. His dick could get hard but he could not touch it. I made him put it on before he went to work that day. As he was leaving I told him I had called in and was staying at home, but I would not be alone.After he left I took the pictures you see in black and...

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my transformation

is fictionIt is strange where one’s desires can lead one. Take me as an example. Always entirely enamored of, infatuated with and completely submissive to all things feminine, a true devotee of Female Supremacy, my lifelong fantasy has always, since before I can remember, been to find a position as the submissive sissy maid and sex slave of a commandingly beautiful, dominant Goddess, spending virtually all of my time that was not devoted to domestic duties with my sissy face, mouth, and tongue...

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Hanumangarh Ki Hot Lady Ki Judwa Sister Ko Sath Choda 8211 Part 6

Mera naam raj sharma hanumangarh hai.Main iti krta hun.Ek young lady geeta jo bahut hot thi uske saath sex ki ye chhathi kahani hai.Is kahani mein uski judwan sister meet ki chudai ki kahani hai…. Us din subah uski bahan meeta nahi aai.Us din humne sex nahi kiya.Geeta boli ki raat ko bhi chhuti rakhege.Meeta k aane pr hi teeno milkr sex karenge. Subah hum jaage.Chay pee khana khaya.Geete nahakr mere kamre mein aa gayee.Uske chahre pr tej tha. Geeta-yaar meeta to aaj sham 8 baje aayegi…Tab tk...

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How I got My Spark Back

I was two months into India, but I still felt like a tourist. I still did not know what words meant, the food was still spicy & my freind's dad was still after me. I nicknamed him Punjabi Daddi, my friend thought I was being funny, stupid, silly. I guess he thought he was a surrogate dad or something. So we lived I this huge house, a maid still eyeing me a certain way I cannot describe. Nothing came between us, she knew what I was about. While Punjabi Daddi would get hard once a week, the...

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The First Cumming

I frown with frustration looking over my clothes that cover my apartment floor. Where the hell are my joggers? I should be out jogging along the beach not playing hide and seek with a pair of shoes. “ Where are you shoes? Where the hell are you?” Thinking out loud to myself, but without any luck the shoes don’t appear. I’ll just have to go for a run without them I concede. Moving in front of the mirror I examine my body, tall with long wavy bra strap length blonde hair, a cute small face...

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Washed UpChapter 35

Monday, March 27, 1848 Ed: Day 8 of the Boston to St Joseph trip We made over thirty miles today through relatively level country. We could see hills on either side of us, off in the distance, but none of them intruded on our route. We managed to ride close enough today to keep up a conversation. Ted is an interesting guy. He lived on a ranch all of his life, until his parents died a couple of years ago. Since then he has worked on building a railroad and he trapped one winter in...

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Himura Battousia Book 2 Kenshins PastPart 249 A New Step

Amakakeru Ryuu no Hirameki versus Kofuku Watoujutsu Misao: But, didn't the Kofuku thingy already break the Amakakeru Ryuu no Hirameki? Aoshi: I wonder... Before, he had only seen the Amakakeru Ryuu no Hirameki once. That was his first time seeing the Kofuku. But now, they both each other's skills. Saitou: Their footing is more important now. Will he be able to take that crucial first step in the loose sand? Sanosuke: Just shut up and watch. They've already thrown the dice. When it...

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Teachers weekend together

Becky Johnson taught English at the local high school. She had recently moved to a different town to accept her new job. She loved her job and her students but, was a bit lonely. Blue eyed and blonde haired that she kept cut short because it was easier to take care of. Becky had a nice body she was 5 foot 2 a little over a hundred pounds. At 25 she didn't have to do much to stay in shape. Her small but firm breasts bounced a little when she walked. She was rather shy and a bit of a bookworm,...

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party in the Caribbean

My first wet and wild pajama party in the Caribbean(My very first time writing this type of story, first time entering a competition, but it feels good. All constructive comments welcomed. here goes)I was nearing then end of my summer vacation. I had been on the island of Trinidad for 13 days and had thoroughly enjoyed the warmth of the people the sunshine the beaches and the rich blends of food to stimulate my taste buds. Everyone was friendly and made me feel more welcome here than any other...

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Analog Time Part Four

Analog Time, Part Four "Nix" by Sandy Man Her glazed eyes grew wide when she looked up and saw me, eyes that spoke of a woman who had just entered hell. And I was the devil. "What do you want?" she asked. "Who are you? What is this place?" Her jaw trembled as she spoke. I could see the pulse on her neck, like a jackrabbit. Her chest quivered with sharp, quick breaths. Her hands stayed at her sides, but I could...

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Merlin 8211 Complimentary Service At Kolkata

Well friends hope you have enjoyed my spicy life episodes that I shared earlier. If you haven’t read them then check at https://www.indiansexstories2.net/author/pankaj77/. I love your encouragement. My life is like a open book, you can find everything about me in my disqus profile. These stories make me ruminate past sweet memories. Some of you have shared your life details with me which have made my experience better. My special thanks to the secret friend who have given me a nice adventure in...

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Summers day being watched

It was one of the gorgeous summer’s days that appear in April when it’s totally unexpected and stunning. Sunshine has always made me very horny (just ask any of my ex’s that I’ve been on holiday with – I become insatiable) So I woke up to find that the sun was out and it just felt like a great day. I pottered into the kitchen in my silk nightdress to get a drink and spotted the young fit window cleaner…that boy doesn’t have a clue how hot he is. I stood in the kitchen for what felt like hours...

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My Lust Helped Me To Have Sex 8211 Part 2

Hello friends mera nam Rohan aur email ID Mere story ks part 1 intro tha. Part 2 me mane kaise usse chooda iske bareme he. Meri story ka part 1 please page. Ab story continue karta Hu. Vo apni security me bohot mahir thi. Fir jaise hi vo darvaja band karke vo palati, seriously me usko dekhte hi s rah gaya. Usne silk material ka gaon pink colour ka sleevless gaon pahna tha. Pink colour ka gaon uski gori skin pe bohot jach raha tha. Vo ek pari ki tarah dikh rahi this. Us gaon ka gala thoda deep...

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My Desire For My Aunt

I am Abhilash, age 20, the story which I ll be telling u all happened 3 months ago. I have been a regular reader of iss stories and after having my first sex experience I thought of posting it here. I live in Belgaum, Karnataka. Am doing my engineering third year. Whenever i get holidays I visit to my uncle’s place in Vizag to enjoy and spend my holidays with him. He is a project manager and works in night shift. He got married three years ago to a 29 yr old. His wife’s name is Akshata. She is...

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Was it more than just sex

Obviously she was gorgeous, one look at her picture will tell you that. I met her in Las Vegas and this photo was taken on my last night there. A weekend trip turned into a week long stay, all because of the girl you see her. Her name was Jasmine, and before you say it, I know it probably wasn’t her real name. Also, before you say it, I know I probably wasn’t the only guy she has spent a week with, but it doesn’t matter to me. I met Jasmine in Casino, and right from the start, I knew she was...

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Lovers ShadowChapter 12

Lord Oliver insisted I needed to take some time to hear a message of support from the seat. He had not quite ordered me to spend time reconnecting with slut, but the threat of an order was present if I did not take the advice. I was tired and numb. I knew I would need to join the demon as a lover. I would need to be at my best tonight at Passion Mill. I didn’t see how either of those would be possible. I gave Lord Oliver the time he requested. We retired to the sex room. He brought a...

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GloryHole Lauren Phillips Second Appearance

Lauren is enjoying a lazy day at the park all by herself reading when the most handsome Man approaches her and offers her a flyer for his Glory Hole services. She is taken aback and asks if this is all for real, she thought these were just a crazy myth. Lauren takes a walk back with this Hot Man and asks for the full service treatment. They fill all three holes for this hungry girl as she feasts on the Cocks before her. It’s not long before that itch deep in her slutty pussy compels her...

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Amazing Grace Part Twelve Chapters 4548

Chapter Forty-FiveGrace was feeling rather pleased with herself for hiring Avery Bailey to be the new administrative assistant for the New York home office. He was a quick study and eager to please. Plus, he was outgoing and friendly but not overbearing.Mac seemed equally impressed and suggested that they might be able to head to Ireland sooner than later. “I feel better knowing he is Bentley’s nephew. But even if he weren’t, he has been quite the asset here.”Grace smiled. “I couldn’t agree...

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The Family Getaway

I used to love going on family holidays especially if other family members joined us making it a huge party. As I was growing up the family holidays got less and less but I was getting older and didn’t mind so much. What I loved most about our getaways was when my uncle, his wife and my uncles daughters came with us. My uncles wife was beautiful, she had long dark hair like an Arabian princess, her body was slim and toned but she had curves still. She had this peachy bum that was so...

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