- 1 year ago
- 15
- 0
Hansen stood at the counter drinking his coffee. It was nice. Could have done with a splash of whiskey, but now was not the time.
Emma sat at the counter with her cup in front of her. She looked nervous and fidgety.
‘Don’t worry,’ said Hansen. ‘I have a plan.’
He smiled.
I have a plan. At least it sounds confident…..
Finally, there was noise behind the door. Liam got up and opened the door before anyone had even knocked. Mrs. Chan was first in line.
As usual.
She walked in, kissed him on the cheek and hugged him in a tight squeeze. When she was done squeezing him, she pushed herself away a little while still in his embrace and looked around him at Emma.
‘Oh it’s so nice to come here and see a pretty face. You should keep this one around, Liam.’
‘Oh,’ he said. ‘I thought you were talking about me.’
She hit him lightly on the arm and moved into the room, going down the short set of stairs.
Victor was behind Mrs. Chan, her her oldest son. Black hair and thin. It was the thinness that fooled most people. They were only fooled once. But once was enough with him, you didn’t get a second chance to learn from your mistake.
Hansen shook his hand and the Asian man nodded. In his other hand he had bags of groceries. He rolled his eyes as he looked down to the bags.
Hansen smiled. ‘I know.’
‘I better get these to her,’ said Victor, ‘or she will feel bad at not getting lunch ready.’
Behind Victor was Carl. The big man nodded at Hansen and walked down into the room silently, followed by Jimmy, Paul and Finley. Waiting behind them, but not entering immediately was Laura Black. She looked stunning, her short blonde hair perfectly made up and her clothes only enhancing her style. She walked slowly up to him, her blue eyes looking directly into his.
‘Hey,’ she said, and then placed both her hands on the side of his face and kissed him gently.
‘Hey you too,’ he said, trying to not to respond to the kiss, but failing.
She stepped back. ‘We need to talk sometime, baby,’ she said softly.
Hansen’s chest went tight.
‘We do,’ he nodded.
Please, no trouble today.
She smiled, barely and then walked past him, to join the others. Hansen watched her in her jeans, white shirt and black coat. He wasn’t the only one looking.
Yes, Laura has arrived.
Hansen looked around outside the doorway. No sign of Bonnie. He shut the door and walked up to Carl. He whispered in the big man’s ear.
Carl looked at him, already chewing on something.
‘She said she’d be here. She’ll be here.’
Hansen nodded. The grocery bags were on the bench and Mrs. Chan was rifling through his drawers and cupboards to find cutlery and plates. Already she’d assembled plates of cold meats, salads, cakes and pastries. She might have thought the army was coming. She had poor Victor running around looking for things. She looked up for a moment directly at Hansen and smiled softly. Then she heard a clatter from behind and rolled her eyes before turning to say something to Victor.
Hansen surveyed the group. They hadn’t been all together in the same room for a while. It had been too dangerous, he reflected. They used to be his team. Now they were all equals with the same aim in mind.
Open the eyes of the world to what was happening. They were controlled by mega conglomerate businesses and their puppet governments. Didn’t anyone care? They were all so busy acquiring and consuming that they hadn’t seen anything wrong in the way the world was. Well there was something wrong and it was their job to right it.
If anyone cared.
It was Carl. He was standing beside him. ‘Let’s get it going. It won’t matter for Bonnie, she’ll be here soon.’
Hansen nodded.
He clapped his hands. ‘Ok,’ he said, looking towards Mrs. Chan. ‘Has everyone got a plate and some food? We may as well start. Bonnie will be here soon.’
He got himself a plate, but he wasn’t hungry. He dropped a small bread roll on it and some cold meat. He couldn’t quite tell what meat it was, but it wouldn’t matter, if Mrs. Chan had brought it, it would taste good. Everyone had found a place to stand or sit by now and the chatter was dropping. They were waiting for him to start.
He was about to say something when there was a knock at the door.
He put his plate down on the small amount of space left on his bench and walked towards the door. When he reached the top of the stairs, he opened the door.
And there she was.
Her face looked like the face of an angel that had seen too much evil. It was framed with straight shoulder length black hair. She was lucky to be a couple of inches over five foot, but she was the toughest woman he’d ever known. And the most reliable. She was a pit bull and luckily for Hansen, he was her favourite person. She loved him with a fierceness that frightened and smothered him, but made him feel better at the same time.
She looked at him, expressionless, her eyes looking directly into his. He could lose himself in those eyes and he had. They had known each other for nearly twenty years. Longer than he’d known Jess. Mrs. Chan. Even Carl. Bonnie was his past, his present and his future. There would always be Bonnie.
Whether he wanted her or not.
Her face softened.
A little.
The Irish accent. Faint, but still there.
She walked up closer to him and put her mouth at his ear. She had her hands against his chest for support because even with his head tilted down, she had to get on her toes. He felt her warm breath on his ear.
‘It’s been a long time.’
‘Yes,’ he whispered back hoarsely.
She let out a soft laugh. ‘A long time….’ She gently kissed him on the ear and then stepped back. The softness had left her face, her green eyes piercing him, looking straight through him.
She was not happy. He could tell. But she was trying. An unhappy Bonnie meant trouble. Big trouble.
Keep trying to be happy Bonnie. For me.
The room had gone quiet. Everyone was watching Bonnie and him. They never tired of this dance, of the heat. She had stepped back out the doorway and reached around the corner. She nodded at someone there and a man appeared in the doorway.
‘Ladies and gentleman,’ she said theatrically, with small bow and extension of her arm, ‘I present for your pleasure, doctor and researcher extraordinaire, Simon Thornton.’
A man walked into the doorway next to Bonnie. Everyone looked at him and then at Emma.
This was what they were all here for, the last piece of the puzzle.
Emma tried to relax, greeting everyone quietly as they entered Liam’s home and filled in the small space quickly. The act that Laura put on though, was off putting to say the least as she leaned in to kiss Liam on the lips. She watched his body tighten, trying to hold back, but inevitably kissing her back gently. A harsh pang of jealous hit her square in the chest and made her look away.
Pretending not to take notice, Emma found herself clenching her teeth. She felt foolish and silly, no promises had been made, but after their shared night…well…it was a bitter pill to swallow knowing that he’d shared such nights with her. But nothing could compare to the look that crossed his face with Bonnie appeared.
Emma swallowed hard and watched their exchanged looks, the tension and chemistry there so thick she could have easily cut it with a knife. She felt her heart sink and yet her pulse hammered in her ears, jealousy laced with anger simmering under her calm facade…or so she thought. Laura caught her gaze and smirked, making Emma’s eyes narrow. Clenched teeth now ground together, making her jaw ache, until mov
ement made her gaze shift again.
She watched as Bonnie stepped away from Liam and made her announcement with a flourish.
Emma’s breath whooshed out softly as Simon appeared in the doorway and before she knew it, she was rushing forward and hugging him. He smiled and drew her close, burying his face in her wealth of freshly washed hair. ‘I’m so glad you’re alright!’ She gushed softly. A long moment later she stepped back and gave him a wobbly smile. ‘I was so worried they’d gotten to you.’
Simon ‘s pale, lean face smiled down at her. His all too familiar freckles still dusted the bridge of his nose and across his cheeks. His hazel eyes still sharp and full of life and intelligence. He was okay. Which meant they could do something. ‘What about your family?’
‘I sent them away. Soon after you left. I had a feeling that things would get, well, complicated.’
Emma laughed and nodded, ‘That might be an understatement, but I still have the disk, as well as some muscle on my side.’ Turning to the group, she felt strangely awkward as her gaze met Liam’s. ‘So now that we’re all together, what’s the next step?’
Simon looked just like a researcher should and Emma rushed to embrace him. He looked fine, which meant the SPF’s had only been watching him up to now. Once they worked out he was missing, there would be a more concerted effort on all of them. They had probably not stepped up the search for Emma and Hansen because they knew that, at some point, they would need to get to Simon to finish the work and get the antidote out there. Then the government would be able to get to them all with one net.
Or at least they thought.
There was some murmuring as Emma held him and Simon explained what he’d done.
Bonnie was looking directly at Hansen, one side of her lip slightly curled in a way that most would not even call a small smile, but for her it was downright laughter. She knew he would be wondering how she had retrieved the doctor so easily.
She knew everything.
About Hansen at least.
Her green eyes kept looking at him. The perfect face. The black hair. She was talking to him. No one would know. No one would hear. But she was talking to him, her eyes speaking more than any voice could. Even The Voice.
Where have you been?
Hansen returned her gaze. He had nothing to hide from Bonnie. He was probably the only person she loved. Truly loved, not just cared for, but truly loved. There was nothing he could do that would change that. He’d tried. Some of the things he’d done in the past….She loved him anyway. She’d nursed him. Put him back together so many times. He loved her, he always would, but the intensity was….
With her? Is that where? If you needed me, you should have….
Hansen shook his head slightly at her. Emma brought his mind back to the room. He turned to look at her as she spoke.
He turned back for a quick moment to Bonnie, her eyebrow was raised slightly. Not anything the others would notice, but Hansen did. She was amused with him even bothering to listen to Emma. Now both sides of her lips curled slightly, almost imperceptibly, with a friendly mocking in her eyes.
Yeah, lover boy, what’s the next step?
It didn’t bother Hansen being the center of attention. He had been a CO from a young age and these people were part of the team.
His team.
What did bother him was that this was an acceleration of their efforts to slowly destabilize things. They were all working in their areas, meeting up occasionally and causing disturbances where they could. The plan had been to wait and see what developed and then go for a bigger strike.
Hansen smiled as he looked around the room.
‘It’s good to see us all together,’ he said. ‘First, we need to welcome Paul to the team. He’s always been part of us, but this is the first time he’s ever gotten out of that damn theater.’
There were a few laughs and claps around the room. The young man’s face went red as he nodded his head in acknowledgment to Hansen’s greeting. Finley, who was standing closest to him, slapped him on the back.
Carl spoke.
‘No doubt, he’ll be bloody happy that he won’t have to watch Casablanca one more time!’
Everyone laughed. Hansen’s eyes were drawn to Emma, Laura and Bonnie. He was a tough man, but this was as edgy as he’d been in a long while. The team needed unity. He hoped they could do that. Emma was standing next to Simon, waiting to hear what they would be doing next. Laura sat next to Paul, the poor boy probably hyperventilating at having the super Amazon sitting so close to him. Bonnie stood alone, leaning against a wall, arms folded.
Just looking.
‘Now, I’ve told most of you the story in bits in pieces, but I’ll tell you now again so that we all know what’s going on. It’s a bit long winded and complex, so when I finish, could someone please explain it to Carl again.’
They all laughed and Carl pretended to be offended. Once they’d settled down, Hansen started recounting the story from the beginning. He would occasionally check with Emma to make sure the facts were ok and she would nod or explain something a little more to the group. He was proud of Emma. This was all foreign to her, but she was doing well in giving her information and being part of the team.
Especially considering Laura and Bonnie.
There were a few murmurs when he mentioned that Blaxland had been at the bar the night they’d almost been captured.
‘He’s fucking dead,’ Laura had said softly.
Normally that meant you would be dead.
Hansen raised his hand.
‘We don’t want this to be personal. It will cloud our judgment.’
‘He made me do what I did to you….’ she said.
He nodded.
‘Yes. I’m sure he’ll get what’s coming, but in due course, Laura, in due course.’
She breathed in deeply and nodded, but her face was cold.
Hansen told the story slowly. Ultimately the team would need to decide if they did anything and how they did it. He hoped they wanted in, but he wouldn’t try to influence them. It was Emma’s and his fight.
At the story’s end, Hansen asked if there were any questions.
Jimmy quickly spoke, with a laugh in his voice.
‘So how come, it’s like you always, and I mean always, get the hot girls and we get to do all the dirty work?’
They laughed.
‘I’m an officer,’ said Hansen, smiling, but glancing nervously at Emma, ‘I’m supposed to get all the perks. Plus Jimmy, you spend most of your time tapping away on a keyboard, you could hardly call that dirty could you?’
Jimmy smiled at him. Everyone quietened down for a moment. They were waiting. Hansen knew what they were waiting for, but it didn’t make things easier. He was the CO, but there was always her.
‘So this is it?’
Hansen turned to her and nodded.
She stood up straight from leaning against the wall. Tiny frame. Overpowering presence.
‘This is the job we’ve been looking for?’ she asked.
‘Yes. It is.’
‘To save the woman and Dr. Thornton?’
Hansen instinctively looked to Emma to reassure her all was ok. She and Thornton must have been fascinated by the group plotting to both save them and inflict some major damage to the government.
Ouch. Her name’s Emma, Bonnie. Please.
Everyone had gone quiet. It seemed they didn’t even want to breathe for fear of missing something.
‘Yes, but we can also do much more. Stop the virus. This will hurt their plans. Be a severe setback to them,’ he said. ‘Plus, it will draw them out, in a big way, and we can finally have that day that most of us have craved. A showdown.’
Bonnie stood looking at him, her eyes slightly narrowed, glistening green. She pursed her lips and let air slowly out of her nose, her body perfectly still.
Hansen stood there un
der the heat of her gaze. They were looking at each other and in turn everyone was looking at them.
She shifted slightly on her feet, but her expression didn’t change.
‘I will go where you go, Liam,’ she said flatly. ‘If your think this is the job, then this is the job. I’m in.’
She leaned back against the wall, looking first at Emma and then back to Hansen, her eyes again boring into him.
I love you. You hurt me. But I love you.
He nodded, the tiniest of movements.
Thank you.
The tension in the room was palpable and Emma stiffened next to Simon when Bonnie went on a little rant. She clenched her teeth together to keep from speaking out of turn. Obviously she and Simon were outsiders. Even though they were part of this now. The others had history, on many levels. Some more personal than others, but all of them had a stake in this.
She watched them exchanging glances and blew out a small breath of relief as Bonnie finally settled down. She made a mental note to stay out of Bonnie’s way. It was time to focus on the plan. Time to focus on staying alive while saving others. Time to bring an empire of evil down.
Emma glanced at Simon who smiled reassuringly and gave her hand a little squeeze. Something in his eyes told her he hadn’t missed a thing. He was just a sharp and took in all the details. ‘First thing is first however….’ She found herself speaking again, gaining Liam’s attention. ‘While Simon takes the disk and starts things off where we left off, we need to do something about these shackles. We can’t go about our business if you’re stuck at my side and vise versa.’
She watched Bonnie’s dark eye brow raise as if this was a bit of news she hadn’t been privy too and Emma felt a small tingle of excitement at having a little info that the Irish woman didn’t have. She bit back a smile and cleared her throat.
‘Could be worse people to be shackled up to, eh Liam!’ Jimmy pipped up and she watched Carl punched the skinny idiot in the arm. ‘Ow!’
Emma rolled her eyes and yet found herself chuckling despite his idiocy. ‘Well I’ll gladly trade spots with you Jimmy, if you would like to be to shackled up to Liam, be my guest.’ She teased and winked over at Liam, earning a slitty eyed look from Bonnie.
Emma was new and she was intelligent, she would try not to start something.
Simon cleared his throat. ‘Shackles is it? How do you go about removing those?’
Hansen was still a little worried at the dynamics of the women in the room, especially Bonnie. Laura was as hard as nails, but she was not very possessive….as long as she got what she thought was her share. Bonnie. Well, she was Bonnie.
Jimmy came out with a joke, but it didn’t seem to help matters. Bonnie was alternating her gaze between Emma and Hansen and it wasn’t exactly the look of love.
Come on, Bonnie. We’ve got work to do.
Hansen turned to him turned to Simon.
‘Yes. They mean that Emma and I can’t be more than fifty meters apart,’ he said. ‘Or a charge goes off and we’re dead. We have to get them out, otherwise we won’t be able to do our work.’
‘How do you do that?’ asked Simon.
A voice came from the other side of the room. It was Victor, Mrs. Chan’s son. ‘We need to get to a computer within one of the SPF Headquarters Buildings. Then we can disarm the shackles. Unfortunately, we can’t get remote access to them. We have to physically get into a building to get to the database in the mainframe.’
Hansen smiled.
‘That’s what I was going to say.’
Victor smiled back at him. ‘Yeah right.’
Mrs Chan gave her son a clip behind the ear and she was only half joking.
‘Don’t talk to Liam like that.’
Victor rubbed his head. ‘You know, sometimes I think he’s your favourite son.’
Everyone laughed.
‘So,’ asked Simon, ‘how do we get into an SPF building to disarm the shackles? I’m sure they’re well protected….’
Hansen interrupted him.
‘Oh, they are. But SPF’s get in and out, which means we can.’ He looked over to Bonnie. ‘How did we go targeting an SPF with high level clearance?’
Her face changed almost immediately and she was back into soldier mode.
‘I think I have a candidate, Liam,’ she said. ‘One of the detail that was watching Simon. He looks pretty senior. He wasn’t there often and spent half his time eating donuts.’
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The girls insisted that I take them out to dinner in one of the restaurants aboard the Tomkit Station. I was surprised when they wanted the ten slaves to accompany us. At least they had Terran clothing for the women, not that I minded the view the Karkallian clothing provided. Still, aboard the station, the usual view would be disruptive. The girls knew exactly what they wanted to order, showing that they had been out to dinner with my family, and that they were quick studies. Tiyya ordered...
Jack and I started talking online about eight months ago. He was very untrusting of women and it took almost two months for him to tell me his real name. Jack worked long hours and didn’t have time for a relationship. He wasn’t the type of man for one-night stands. So therefore, he sought his pleasure online. The first time we chatted, he wouldn’t divulge too much information about himself. I had to actually probe him for answers. The more Jack and I talked the more intrigued I became. I had to...
Straight SexAfter calling my friend and setting up a meet, I had some time to kill. I sat there and thought about the recent past to see if I could come up with some explanation that would have clued me in on what was going on with my wife. From what I had seen the previous night, things were not as I had believed them to be. I had been happy and I had always looked forward to getting home to Becky after a week on the road. I normally went on the road two weeks a month. Had this thing with numb nuts...
The darkened hallways of the manor’s underground felt familiar to Eldrian and he wondered if he had dreamed about them some time before. There were no lights down here. No torches or patches of magical luminescence. He navigating solely by the faintest glow he dared produce from his suncrests. Enough to see the stones by but not so much that his eyes might again grow comfortable with light. Leaving the dorm had been easy enough. The boys dropped into sleep one by one and after an hour he felt...
Skipper Chapter 8. We bid farewell to Sandie after lunch. The children were sorry to see her go and tears flowed profusely on all side. She promised them that she would be down for Christmas and this cheered them up a little but it was a subdued household that watched her car disappear down the lane. The children returned to the horses with Sian whilst Margaret and I fell to chatting and reading the papers in the drawing room. "Beverly, I've been thinking." "Oh. Go on," I...
Hi everyone - my name is John. A number of years ago I worked as a waiter in a good class hotel - and, well, some of the stories you hear are definitely true, I can testify to that. For now, I will tell you of just one such experience.I am a mature guy - just approaching sixty at the time of this particular instance and, despite my age, considered myself fairly fit with a trimmed shape. I was on duty, and on this particular day, room service was my responsibility although, I was also expected...
MatureWe both take the day off from work and arrange to go to a secluded beach on a warm summer day. Arriving there, we get settled on a blanket and relax . We have brought a cooler with drinks and food to make a day of it. The beach is deserted, except for us, and someone standing a good distance away down the beach. So far away in fact, that it is impossible to tell whether the person is male or female. We begin drinking and having fun. After awhile you notice my skin reddening from the sun and...
Picture, if you would, a dark, candle lit room. Filling the space along one side is a king sized bed, the sheets fresh and silky. The soft smell of incense meets your nostrils. Sneaking up behind you, I wrap my arms around you and begin kissing the bottom of your neck. Mmm, baby, that feels good. Running my hands across your stomach, I kiss up to you neck, blowing a hot breath across your ear before nibbling on your ear lobe. Kissing back down to your collarbone, I run my hands slowly up your...
Oral Sex"Morning Kitty," comes Lucille's voice as I blink myself awake to the bright light of my room, "Mistress told me to come help you dress for your job... and it's going to be super cute today!" "Oh.. thanks Lucille," I reply a little groggy, praying that one night that I'm here I'll actually get enough sleep. "C'mon, c'mon." Lucille urges, kneeling down and holding a pair of black bikini panties ready for me to step into, "Mistress won't like it if her kitty is late." "N.. no.." I...
Hello friends I’m Jeet from Bangalore. I’m 26 years old 6 ft tall with a good body having 5.5 inch sized penis. After reading so many stories i thought of publishing my sex story which I had encountered with my neighbourhood aunt. My neighbourhood aunt name is Tara who was around 28 yrs of age. She was having average height of 5 ft 4 inches normally every woman will be and has very good assets both boobs and her ass. If you guys want direct action you can skip first four paragraphs. My mail id...
It was another Friday night get together, just eight friends who liked a good time and knew how to have one.This party was at Paul and Jenny's place and as usual the booze was flowing like water. I was with Jimmy my boyfriend, Lisa and Karen were together in a big old chair and Sheila was sitting with her boyfriend Michael on the floor. Paul is my brother, older by three minutes so as you would imagine, we're close.He was quite drunk as always at these parties and Jenny wasn't far behind, they...
IncestWhat Ivan didn’t know was that every time I went with him for a weekend or a few days – and there were several of these interludes – I would always go see Hans in person afterwards, and he would debrief me. Then he would de-pants me, and then he’d fuck me.I was never really sure if he just wanted to be able to quiz me in detail after I’d been with Ivan, whether just he enjoyed having me, or if he got a special thrill of following Ivan into my kitty, mouth, or ass.And, truthfully, I didn’t care....
TrueTO ME, RACHAEL LOST all vestiges of shyness about intimacy after our oil adventure. Perhaps, more than intercourse, touching each other, letting ourselves be touched, and finding sexual pleasure together had been more intimate. We knew each other’s body - every small nook and cranny. We’d explored in the light, not protected by darkness. Maybe it had given her the last bit of confidence she needed - knowledge she could bring me as much pleasure as I could her. Or perhaps she was completely...
Ms.London is an agent at DF Realty. The owners – a sweet bubbly married couple – are thrilled to have her on their team. The wife loves her aggressive closing style and the husband loves her for being everything his wife isn’t: curvy, and dark. With numbers coming in at 38/26/50, her curves are designed to kill. Charles and London have been having an affair for months now and just as soon as wifey is out the door, they jump on each other. London shows Charles how she makes it clap....
xmoviesforyouFrom this moment on, you are a girl...part 3 "Put this on sweetie, and we will have so much fun together." She said. I looked at the pink satin mask with some trepidation. All of this was so unguardedly feminine...and felt forbidden and well...dangerous. Not to life and limb, but certainly Sarah clearly intended to insert herself into my life and have a say and possibly her way. That...could upset a lot of things and it scared me terribly. She saw my fear. "Andy," she said....
I had left Ada in the stable since I figured on going back to the hotel that night. The Jimson place was about two hours out of town, so the sun was well up by the time we got there. The place looked about like you would expect after an unsuccessful Indian attack. There were soot marks on the adobe walls of the house where torches had been thrown against it, and the haystack was nothing but a pile of ashes. The barn was also adobe, so it was no more damaged than the house. Somehow, the...
Introduction: Alice is married off to a tight fisted Scot. The young blonde really sturts her stuff in the marraige bed. [b]Alice Gets Hitched 7 by Will Buster As can be imagined, a pregnant, used mistress can be rather difficult to palm off. Difficult, that is, unless a large dowry accompanies the lusty little vixen. Alice was no exception to this social rule so prevalent in late Georgian England. Alices belly was now thick with healthy child from the almost constant amorous attentions of...
I recently broke up with my boyfriend and was feeling a little down. On my way home from work, I decide to stop off at a bar. I get a drink and find a table and sit down. A woman approaches me and tells me her name is Linda. I tell her that my name is Victoria. Linda is beautiful, and about my age and asked if she could buy me a drink. I tell her that would be great. We are drinking our drinks and getting along great. We have so much in common. I think to myself, that I have never been...
Commissioner Eddleson approached the microphone as the press corps edged closer. There weren’t many reporters, many were already assigned to the tech conference at the Jacob K Javits Convention Center. The reporters knew something was up, but the commissioner’s staff kept a tight lid on the information, so they didn’t have a clue what it was. “I’m sorry to announce that Councilman Adrian Adams of the Fourth District was found savagely murdered yesterday. His wife, the socialite and fund...
Rex knelt in his schoolboy uniform with semen dripping from his temporarily sated cock. As Sylvia and Martha sat comfortably and smiled in anticipation at the coming show, Sylvia commented on how refreshing it would be to see other women dominate her son-in-law to complete submission; the three mature dominas were delighted to oblige. Rex was now ordered to strip and was leashed in readiness for his proper introduction to the ladies; the Viagra ensured his cock was already rudely stiff once...
so if you read my last story i was living with my mom and cousin but now i got my own apartment condo anyway my mom and cousin comes to see my new place she said it was nice and then she got a call she had to go in to work so she said for my cousin to stay here until she get so he did he started to watch some TV he turned to the playboy channel and he started to get horny i was in the bathroom peeing then he walks in i said get out he said no he said i am horny unusual we would of fucked by now...
I was in the middle of a flower bed in the city park near my home, doing a little macrophotography. I had been shooting flowers and the occasional bumblebee for about a half-hour. The park is home to a soccer pitch, a baseball diamond, and various play structures, since it was mainly intended for the local children. The city had installed a couple of flower beds around the perimeter, surrounded by low stone walls, and the summer's weather had been good to the flowers, and the fat bees. I...
This takes place Thanksgiving a few years ago. I had gone down to FT. Lauderdale, Florida, for the family get together. I was around 24 and a fairly average 24 year old boy. I went down a night early and got my own hotel room fully intent on having a little out of town fun away from the family. Being on the down low at home, I like so many others, like to let my freak flag fly a little bit more when on vacay. I decided I was going to hit up a local bath, Club Ft. Lauderdale. This was my...
Ami couldn't decide what she detested more: inept people in the workforce or going to the gym. The gym seemed to be winning. She was going after work three times per week and hated each session more than the previous one. After three weeks she was almost in tears. Every part of her body hurt. She had put off going to the yoga class out of a combination of exhaustion and defiance. Plus, she couldn't understand how long, slow stretching would help her situation. Finally, after relentless...
Hi, I am Vineet Chawla. This is my first story in and is absolutely a true one. I Hope you’ll enjoy the story. This happened around 15 years back. I belong to a Punjabi family in Delhi. My family was a joint family comprising of my grandparents my mom and dad. This story is about my mom who was in her late twenties at that time, and I was seven or eight years old. My mother’s name is Neeta. She is typically a Punjabi woman with fair complexion, long hair, jet black eyes...
IncestHi Friends, I am 33 year old guy from Gujarat, i submitted many stories to FSI, but here on ISS this is my 1st story. Dimple is a girl that I flirt with from time to time at the grocery store in Mall. She is much younger than I am (I guess her to be early 20’s and I’m 33) She is a definite BBW, large breasted and a kind of cute face half Punjabi and half Gujarati. I know that she is married as she has told me this in the past. Any way I was coming out of the store the other evening early when I...
Pacific/Praries Escort Review Board! Because there are quite a lot of sites on the internet, it is quite impossible for me to review them all, and when it comes to escort and massage sites, is supposed to cover all of that for me…or at least that’s what’s supposed to happen.The idea of the siteLike I already hinted, this site is supposed to be a place that contains various reviews of different sites related to escort services as well as massages. The site is in the form of a forum on...
Escort SitesHer thick lips My thick dick... Both of us touching you... & she's the freak we both need With that ridiculously tiny waist of hers & her gorgeous thighs... Dripping sex Oozing that goodness you know we'd both like to get at That yum yum As we try pay attention to what her mouth says... But can only focus on what it can do... For both of us Her moist tongue against those lovely nipples of yours Her lips kissing your neck... The way you like. Her hand...
“Could I order another?” “Your usual?” You ask. “What else?” I said you knowing you only ask to be a funny. “Well I have to run to the back for ice if you really want your drink.” “Alright.” Looking and enjoying you’re your backside as you leave. As you turn the corner I slowly make my way behind the counter, while I slowly grab my gun. “She will never see me coming.” I finally find you and there you are bending over to reach the bottom ice. “Oh that ass will soon be all mine.” I’m finally...
There’s been a lot of things said about Texas, some of it is even good, but there is one fact about the Lone Star state that cannot be disputed, and that is some of the finestt looking women in all of creation hail from there. Makeena Reese is living proof of that fact. What a hottie, and when she finds her way to Master Brick’s casting couch for her modeling audition, Brick can’t wait to get her out of her super short shorts and role play her into giving up that sweet Texas...
xmoviesforyouThis is a continuation of my ‘Nana” story. Hope it lives up to my previous tales. After leaving Nana’s place, Mom and I drove home and both of us started work. Her at the Agency and myself at University. Three weeks later, I was at home and received a phone call from one of Nan’s neighbours. She told me that Nana had passed away the night before and had been found by the Nurse who usually came to bed-bath her. I rang Mom at work and told her to come home immediately as I had something to tell...
Incest"People think it's a myth, you know..." The young man looked up from the old book to reexamine the woman who ran the little bookstore. She was pretty non-descript. Not too young or too old, good-looking without being beautiful, dark hair with a plain face. Probably spent her weeks minding the store and her evenings reading with some cats. He had walked into the store on a whim. It was a tiny space along the main street of the little college town. Dark, cramped, and overflowing with books,...
Mind Control