Push Me Ch. 03 free porn video

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** Author’s Note: This is part three of a series. I recommend you read parts one and two first. I love getting comments, so if you have a moment, please let me know what you think. Thank you to everyone who has rated the other parts of this series so highly, and for all the comments so far. Special thanks to SlySubmissive for the editing assistance. Also, this is just the beginning between Craig and Moira, not the end of their story, so there’s more to come. Enjoy!


I felt much less drained this Saturday than I had last week, with no alcohol-fueled romp from which to recover. My foot felt well enough both to fit into and tolerate a shoe, so I slipped free from Moira, threw on some clothes and made a quick trip to a bakery down the street. Croissants and muffins in hand, I returned home.

‘Craig?’ I heard from the bedroom, as I closed the front door.

I set the pastry box down on the kitchen counter. ‘Yes, Moira?’

‘Will you come here, please?’

‘Nothing would please me more.’

She was sitting up in my bed, her hair a wild mass of enticing curls. She held the sheet to her chest with one hand. The way it draped over her luscious curves stopped me dead, my eyes almost escaping their sockets.

‘I woke up and you were gone and I was cold,’ she said sadly. She noticed my bug-eyed expression and gave me a curious look. ‘It’s nothing you haven’t seen,’ she said with a little smile.

‘And something I’ll never tire of seeing,’ I replied.

She gave me a smoky look and dropped the sheet with a casual flourish. It puddled in her lap as she thrust her chest toward me. I saw red. My hands itched and clenched. I growled a rumble so deep-throated and primal that it startled her. ‘Must Have!’ was written in letters of fire across my brain — I was incapable of any other thoughts. I took two steps in her direction without realizing I had moved, still growling. She yanked the sheet up over her chest, wide-eyed. I took two more steps, almost to the bed. She threw up a hand and flinched away from me. The fear on her face shocked me to my senses. I staggered like I’d been kicked in the head, and then crumpled to my knees.

‘Oh Moira, oh fuck, I’m so sorry.’ I struggled for words, trying to tell her it was OK, that I was me again, that I wouldn’t hurt her, and that she was safe, even though I’d damn near put the lie to that just now, but all I could manage was, ‘I’m so sorry I scared you.’ I dropped my head and took a few ragged, gasping breaths, trying to collect my wits. When I looked up, she still held the sheet to her chest, but the fear was gone, replaced by a mix of concern and shame.

‘It’s my fault. After everything we said last night, I teased you like that,’ she said quietly. ‘You were right to turn me down last night. I understand if you’ve … changed your mind.’ My heart broke. Moira was amazing, but there was a streak of self-loathing in her that I didn’t understand. She knew how other people saw her. When she allowed herself to believe them, she sparkled, but she didn’t understand why they thought what they did, and could only rarely credit their opinions.

‘Moira, no, not at all.’ I reached out to cup her chin in my hand and pull her eyes up to mine. ‘I know how attracted I am to you, but I had no idea how much control you could exert over me. That has never happened to me before.’

‘No one’s ever made you feel like that?’ she asked, a shy smile blooming on her face.

‘No one, ever,’ I confirmed.

She threw her arms around me and pulled herself tightly against me. I sat beside her on the bed and squeezed her as hard as I could. I might have been hurting her, but she never complained. It took us both a few minutes to calm down. When she finally relaxed, she pulled back and kissed me, softly and quickly.

‘That’s for wanting me so badly.’ She inched her face toward mine, stopping just before our lips met. ‘And this is for controlling it.’ She inched her face slowly toward mine, pressing our lips together. Then, she just kept pushing, leaning me backwards and eventually flat onto the bed. She pressed further, crushing her lips against mine, Her tongue darted out to press further still. She grabbed my hands and yanked them to her breasts, moaning into my mouth as her tongue attacked me. I cupped her satiny globes in my hands, squeezing gently as she pressed herself into my palms. I felt her nipples tighten against my palms as I kneaded them while I lost myself in the delicious kiss, relishing her enthusiasm and aggression. She nipped at my lips, and then broke away to give me a hungry stare before resuming her powerful kiss. I captured both nipples between a thumb and forefinger, and she whimpered into my mouth.

She was rubbing her thighs against my thoroughly engorged member through my shorts, her groin a supernova on top of my leg. Her hand shot down into my clothes and gripped my hard cock firmly. ‘Ohhhh fuck, Moira,’ I moaned around her tongue. She pulled back, smiling at me.

Without warning, I attacked. I grabbed her ass with one hand, placed other in the middle of her back, and lifted her chest to my mouth as I sat up, bending her over backwards and preparing to devour her. I placed sucking kisses from her collar bone down her sternum, along the bottom of her ribs and up her sides, my beard barely tickling her breasts. I rubbed my lips is the soft peach fuzz that covered her belly, kissing concentric circles around her navel. Her fingers kneaded my scalp as I explored her smooth skin. Satisfied I had thoroughly covered her torso, I cupped one breast with both hands, squeezing it between my fingers until the nipple protruded far enough to be easily accessible. I gently placed my teeth on the jutting bud and drew them up the length of it. An urgent whimper leaped from her throat. I wrapped my lips around that puckered flesh and sucked it into my mouth, bathing it with my tongue, while I tugged and pinched the other. She began to furiously grind her wet pussy against my leg. I threw her down onto her back and yanked off her thong.

‘Yes! Please! Do it! I don’t care! I need it!’ she screamed at me, completely wild with lust. I couldn’t do that, not yet, not today.

I buried my face in apex of her thighs, lapping wildly before thrusting my tongue into her. Desperate with ecstasy, she gripped my head and thrust her pussy into my face. I luxuriated in the taste of her for a moment, filling my mouth with her honey before licking my way to her clit and swirling my tongue around it. Her hips bucked wildly. I slid a finger into her, and captured her inner labia between the two adjacent fingers, tugging and kneading them as I penetrated her. I tapped the roof of her smooth channel with my finger, flicking my tongue over her clit with the same beat. The dancer in her took over, and she began thrust her hips onto my hand in time.

‘Oh fuck, what are you doing to me?’ she groaned. I picked up the pace. After two beats, we were synchronized again. Her hands knotted in the sheets and she began to whimper constantly. Her legs knotted together behind my head. I sped up again, dragging my tongue from the ridge beneath her clit right over top of it rapidly.

‘Uh Uh Uh Uh Uh AHHhhhhhh!’ she screamed as she came. Her legs clamped down on my head, and her back arched. I lowered the beat, pressing my tongue flat against her clit and rolling it in slow circles as my finger pumped in and out of her at the same speed. She slowly relaxed and sank back to the bed. I withdrew my fingers gently and untangled her legs, freeing my head. I sat on the bed beside her, idling caressing one leg while she panted.

I took advantage of her moment of bliss to memorize every inch of her, but I could have stared at her for a lifetime. Every part of her was tone, but lush – curvy, like a woman should be. I covered her thighs, hips and stomach with kisses, not trying to tease her or excite her, just for the sheer joy I felt when my lips touched her skin.
< br> I spent a few moments lost in her flesh. Then I heard, ‘Hey, you, come here.’ I looked up to see Moira crooking a finger at me. I laid down beside her on my side, lazily drawing shapes on her stomach.

‘Hi there.’ I smiled down at her.

‘That wasn’t how that was supposed to go,’ she informed me severely.

‘Seemed like it went pretty well to me,’ I replied.

She studied me for a moment. ‘You mean that, don’t you?’ she asked.

‘Wouldn’t say it if I didn’t.’ She shook her head in disbelief. ‘You don’t believe me?’

‘No I do,’ she said quickly. ‘I’m just…surprised that I can.’

‘Well, I’m glad you can believe me.’

She shot me a dazzling smile. ‘Thank you for…for not having sex with me.’

‘I told you. I choose the place and time. Quit trying to screw up my timeline,’ I warned her with mock anger. That dazzling smile transitioned smoothly to evil.

‘Then shut up and stop distracting me,’ she replied, pushing me back onto the bed. She climbed down me, and then yanked off my shorts and boxers in one tug. Then she straddled my thighs, sitting back on her heels. My excitement had abated from earlier while I was enjoying my leisurely explorations, but when she grasped my turgid shaft and rubbed the sensitive underside of the head against her nipple, I was fully upright in no time. Using the hand not holding my erection, she lifted her nipple as high as she could, and then snaked out an impossibly long tongue to taste me on her.

‘Hhhhhholy fffuck that’s hot,’ I stammered.

She smirked at her entertaining discovery, and then, excruciatingly slowly, lowered her mouth to my throbbing cock. She swallowed as much as she could with one smooth push, and then drew back with one long suck that seemed to take an hour, catching just the head in her mouth at the end.

‘Unnggg,’ I groaned, muscles all throughout my body shuddering. She swirled her tongue around the head, and then bobbed again as deeply as she could several times. She repeated the swirl and suck technique until I was clenching my abs on every down-stroke. ‘Oh fuck, Moira.’ She took that as her cue to suck me deeply, and then bob rapidly on my dick, sucking firmly and working her tongue on my shaft. She was the puppet master now, and I danced for her, powerless to do otherwise. In a moment, I gripped the sheets, thrusting into her face as I came.

‘Moiraaaaaaaa!’ I roared as I erupted in her mouth. She sucked until I slumped against the bed, swallowing everything I offered.

She slunk up beside me, pressed herself against my side and whispered in my ear, ‘That’s how it was supposed to go.’ Then she grabbed my arm and rolled away from me, pulling me around her and up against her, that glorious ass pressed against my still half-hard cock. I pulled her tightly against me, burying my face in her hair as I enveloped her with my arms. A blissful sleep took us.

When I woke up, I spent a few moments basking in Moira’s warmth and softness. Eventually she stirred, pressing her hips against mine. The taunt muscles under the silken skin of her ass massaged my manhood.

‘Oh Moira, please, as much as I hate myself for saying this, please stop doing that.’

‘You owe me,’ she said, levelly. She spun around to face me with a sad look of disappointment on her face. ‘I woke up alone.’ I clutched her to me.

‘Every second I was gone was hellish torture. I promise, however, I hope you’ll allow me to make amends for my earlier reprehensible behavior.’ I kissed her tenderly for a long moment. ‘Good morning, Moira.’ She purred with satisfaction and snuggled into my chest.

Eventually she asked, ‘Where did you go, anyway?’

‘It’s a surprise, which you’ll get as soon as you’re up and dressed.’

‘So, my choices are stay in bed naked with you, or get a surprise. Seems pretty clear to me.’ She leaned up to kiss me. Right before our lips met, she levered herself off the bed and started rummaging through my clothes for something to wear.

‘Oh, I’m gonna get her for that,’ I thought. I pulled on my shorts. Then, I took a generous pinch of her flawless ass, plus a yelp and a swat from her as I scuttled past into the living area. A few moments later, coffee was steeping as I pulled plates and mugs from the cabinets.

‘Ooohhhh!’ I heard from Moira right behind me. I turned to see her exploring the contents of the bakery box. I poured the coffee while she deliberated. Selecting a pumpkin cranberry muffin, she went about a meticulous process of disassembling it into bite-sized pieces before examining each one using some tenebrous criteria which totally escaped me. Satisfied, she arranged each piece into one of three categories before finally popping one into her mouth.

She noticed my raised eyebrow and amused look. ‘I hate when all the good stuff is in one spot in a muffin,’ she explained.

”Nough said,’ I replied, holding up my hands. I pulled a croissant out of the box and proceeded to disassemble it, though I ate each liberated part as soon as it was free. We munched on pastries and coffee, chatting lightheartedly, for an hour or so before she told me she had to go. It was getting close to the time for her usual Saturday phone call with her parents, which made me realize something.

‘Moira, next Saturday is the dinner.’

She frowned. ‘I hadn’t thought about that.’

‘Is there a problem skipping a week, or calling them a different day?’ I asked.

‘No, but, it’s telling them why.’

‘Gotcha. ‘Flying to Chicago with a handsome stranger’ isn’t going to cut it?’

She giggled. ‘You’re not a stranger, but, no, it won’t. They’d be even more freaked out worrying about me, but I don’t want to lie to them.’ She sighed. ‘I’ll think of something. There’s no way I’m canceling,’ she said, distracted at first, but fixing me with a pointed stare after a second.

‘I wouldn’t dream of suggesting such a thing. I do need to tell you that I’ll probably be really busy all of next week. I’m off on Friday to take care of a few things before we leave, but I’ll be pretty swamped until then.’ That was total bullshit. I just didn’t want to risk anything screwing up this trip or my plans for Moira, or how Moira felt about me — anything named Shelly. I was pretty sure Moira wasn’t upset about Nurse Shelly, but she had offered me something very special. I felt like, at least between now and then, I owed it to her to be faithful to her.

‘Oh,’ Moira said dejectedly. I was torn in half. I was trying to protect Moira by protecting myself from Shelly. I’d seen the two together. If Moira knew that wasn’t true, Shelly would know too. Then she’d wonder why I lied. It would only get worse from there. I wasn’t going to tell Shelly about Moira’s decision to give her virginity to me, but I wasn’t sure what I would tell her to deflect the inevitable questions.

‘I know. I’m disappointed too, but I promise I will make it up to you in Chicago. OK?’ She nodded, tight-lipped, but then a wave of excitement hit her and she leaped into my arms, kissing me.

‘I can’t believe…well… all this!’ she squealed, bubbling with excitement. I thumbed her cheek, soaking in the delicate texture of her skin. Her smile flipped a switch in me. I realized why I was so addicted to her. She was just so alive. The spark of life in her was ten thousand suns — mine had all but gone out in my dreary, monotonous existence. I suddenly craved more life around me. I clutched her against me and buried my face in her neck, breathing deeply. I shuddered.

‘Are you OK?’ she asked, concerned.

‘I have to go a week without you. This has to last me,’ I replied quietly. After a few more breaths, I kissed her neck, and her cheek and then her succulent lips for a long moment.

‘I’ll miss you too.’ Moira said. She touched my cheek. Then, she left.

I got to work. I had one week to plan a super date in a city about which I knew almost nothing. Thank God for the internet. Fortunatel
y, I already had a theme. The charity dinner was the penultimate event, so I focused mostly on support activities for that. I spent a few hours doing research online, amassing an agenda while I examined the possibilities. Solid plan in hand, I placed an order for various things in vases, and then called our hotel, where I had booked rooms the same day I ordered the tickets for the dinner. I scheduled some of the hotel’s services, and also advised them to direct several deliveries to my room when they arrived on Saturday, and let them in if I wasn’t there. Now, I needed info from Moira. I shot her a text.

Me: Do you have a dress for Saturday?

Moira: Not really.

Me: Good. Keep it that way.

Moira: Naked charity?

Me: HA! No. Trust me?

Moira: Of course. Can I go lingerie shopping?

Me: I can’t imagine why I would object to that.

Moira: Maybe I’ll get something objectionable.

Me: I hope so. ????

Moira: Hehehe.

I hadn’t thought about lingerie at all. Thank you, Moira. I took a moment to daydream about Moira trying on lingerie, and then finished up what I could of my plans.

I then went on to suffer through the longest week of my life. Ensuring that I wouldn’t be busy the coming weekend had mostly resulted in me not being busy this week at all. The days crawled by. Monday, I went shopping for something for Moira, which was at least enjoyable. Tuesday, I spent one hour on a video conference, and the seven subsequent hours answering e-mails from my phone while I played video games. It was still hellishly slow and frustrating. The picture text I got from Moira didn’t help. It was a store receipt. ‘Victoria’s Secret’ was visible along the top, and a tiny triangle of white lace was visible at the edge of the picture, covering part of the receipt. She wore a white bra and thong that first night. The memory shot a shudder through me.’Waiting…’, read the accompanying text.

Me: Waiting sucks!

Moira: For me too. See you Friday!

Our flight touched down in Chicago around 4:30 PM Friday – late, but not significantly, and I had planned this evening to have some bumper time.

We took a cab to the hotel and checked in. Moira wandered around the lobby while I waited for our room keys, swiped plastic and signed papers. I watched her dance distractedly from place to place, soaking in the art and architecture, as well as the people. I took the keys from the desk clerk. Then, I stood to the side and enjoyed looking at her for a moment. Her gauzy red sundress flowed around her as she glided from place to place. She noticed me watching her and made her way back to me.

‘You could have waved or something to get my attention,’ she told me.

‘You were enjoying yourself. I was enjoying myself. There didn’t seem to be a need.’

‘Enjoying yourself? But you were just…’ She blushed, and I pulled her to me. We pressed against each other on our way to the elevator, made out on the way up, and snuggled again on our way down the hall. I stopped at room 2312, and opened the door, ushering Moira inside.

It was a nice, but not extravagant, modern hotel room. A loveseat sat in a small lounge area that also contained a desk. A king-sized bed sat in a modern bedroom area beyond. Moira put her suitcase to the side as she explored the room. I took a deep breath. I was worried about having this conversation.

‘I hope you like it. My room is right next door,’ I informed her. She spun to face me as sorrow took over her expression.

‘Your room?’ she asked sadly. I held out my hands, captured hers, and guided her to the loveseat.

‘Moira, when I booked this trip, I wasn’t sure who would be coming with me. I booked two rooms just in case I brought someone who was more like a friend. I would love for you to spend tonight, and every night, in my room, but, there will be a point tomorrow when you’ll need a room, and I won’t be able to let you into mine. That’s the only time I plan to be away from you.’

‘You promise?’

To answer, I picked her up, threw her over my shoulder, and marched out of the room with her giggling hysterically. I went to room 2313 and opened the door. Once we were inside, I dropped her down and cradled her against my chest, still giggling, and carried her to the bed. I climbed to the center on my knees and laid her gently against the pillows. I stood back, eyed her appraisingly, and then shifted some pillows minutely.

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“So, you’re now Dictator of the world? Is that what you said?” my interviewer asked for clarity’s sake. “Yes, that’s me. Daniel Shaw. Dictator of the Federation of Earth. By now, my forces are everywhere. They’re in colleges, high schools, prep schools, reform schools, prisons, cafes, taverns, clubs, malls, strip malls, factories, shops, libraries, bookstores, weed stores, churches, etc. In just a month since I received my first ray gun from the Xenarians, I have spread my web across this...

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Helen 9 Helen and the Strip Poker Game

Helen was finding it hard to make ends meet, what with college and her day-to-day living expenses. She had had to take a job as a cleaner in a private house. It was a bit “upstairs downstairs,” but what choice did she have? Her employers where only too aware of what a beautiful mansion they owned... the woman was always going on about it; as for her husband, he was hardly ever there. Helen dismissed them in her own mind as “a pair of snobs”. She had been working there for several weeks (twice a...

Group Sex
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New Career 1877Chapter 10

This was a damned cold winter, at least for those of us used to spending time in Texas. It didn't bother me as much as it did the rest of the family, but even I got tired of it real damned fast. I couldn't understand how it was that the prospectors could stay out in that kind of weather. Of course, not many of them did, and most of those that didn't, spent their time either in the saloons or in the brothels. Every night was like Saturday night, especially when they started to get bad cases...

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Rumspringa Part 2

Rumspringa (Part 2) This happened in the summer of 2007, but contains flashbacks to events which began in Rumspringa (Part 1).My boyfriend and I seem to have a lot of ties to Amish country here in east central Ohio. David designs furniture as a hobby, and has it custom-built by Amish craftsmen, so we frequently drive up to Holmes County to deliver seasoned hardwoods for different projects he's commissioned, or to pick up completed pieces. I have more personal ties, having befriended an Amish...

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Every Man Is A Little Bit Gay

gay first time – blow job – tied up – gay husband – bisexual male – bicurious male"They're doing cookery classes down at the local college. I think I might give them a go," Trish said, looking up from reading the Evening Gazette, our local paper."The last thing you need is cookery classes," I replied with some feeling. Trish is the best cook I've ever met; that's one of the many reasons I married her."I don't need to learn how to boil an egg but they're offering an advanced course on...

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Breaking in Nicole

You see Nicole, a new CHYOO member, standing at the other end of the room. She is petite, with smallish breasts and slender legs. She is wearing a bright red t-shirt and snug white shorts. She seems to be somewhat lost. "Oh hi," she says with a nervous smile. "I'm Nicole."

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Then and Now

This very short story is my entry in the Literotica 2008 Earth Day Contest. I hope you enjoy it. ********* ‘Remember that?’ ‘Yeah.’ ‘Who knew how big it would become.’ ‘You did, as I recall.’ ‘Told ya so.’ He smiled. They watched the Earth Day coverage on holovision. ‘God that was a long time ago.’ ‘Wasn’t it? Just think. We wouldn’t even be around if it weren’t for the aging decelerators. And with the rejuvenators you don’t look a day over 40. Well, maybe 45.’ She giggled at her...

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Entangled Chapter III Losing Rapunzel

Time passed, and as it did, I remained under her spell, a willing prisoner of both the light of love and the dark persuasion of our shared depravity and lusts. Both of us fell into our roles as if we’d been born to them, her as my insatiable mistress and I as her willing pet, both in and out of the boudoir. I became accustomed to the leash she held, both literally and figuratively. In truth, the one time I removed the collar she had placed around my throat, I felt naked and uncertain. From that...

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Altered Fates Friday

Some of you will notice that this story is very much like several others I've written. That's because I like to mess with families, and I like Freaky Friday type stories. Both to read and to write. So, here's another one. Altered Fates: Friday By Morpheus Eric stormed up to his room, still annoyed at his Mom. He wasn't really angry her since he knew that she wasn't trying to be mean or anything, but he was still very annoyed that she didn't understand him and made no...

3 years ago
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Fuck WeedChapter 8 Mile High Fuck Club

You have to hit rock bottom before you see the light. That's what went through Chase's mind as he awoke the next morning. Last night had definitely been rock bottom for him. But despite the crashing headache, and the mild ache in his balls, Chase had definitely awoken with a new outlook on life. Not surprisingly, Mindy was nowhere to be seen. But what did surprise Chase was the pretty young woman bent over going through the room's dresser. It appeared that she was packing their bags....

4 years ago
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Jasons TaleChapter 30 Prince Alfredrsquos Palace

Vernon, Lord of North Harbor, stayed with us for a couple more days as the army crunched its way through Mountainside City and up the Royal Road towards Prince Alfred’s palace. He wanted ships and we certainly had more than we needed. However, he wasn’t willing to do what I demanded as payment. I wanted him to stand as Prince of the Isle and to renounce piracy. He was willing to rule Mountain Isle and promise me that he wouldn’t support piracy any more, but I wanted him to stand behind his...

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Summer Romance

I always called the old lady next door ‘grandma’ even though we were not actually related. My parents started it as a sign of respect. Then her granddaughter Brandi came to visit her for the entire summer. Brandi was fourteen years old, just like me. She was just as cute as a button but she had a mouthful of braces and she wore glasses, just like me. She was a brain and a nerd too, just like me. The only problem was that I really liked Brandi and that my dad always said that opposites...

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A slightly different story and My friends mom meat

About 14 days ago I posted a new story and it ended up in my blog and not here. I cannot switch it to here so you need to go to the blog to read it. As at the end of it contains something important to this story. WHICH I WILL HAVE POSTED FOLLOWING this announcement. Ok as it sits I might be a father but not sure and not worried. I called Kat during the week to see if she was open for company over the weekend and she was she also said Amy would visit too. I told her that was ok as I enjoyed both...

1 year ago
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DevilsFilms Vanessa Sky Athena Anderson My Husband Brought Home His Mistress

Athena Anderson is reading on the couch when her husband Donny Sins walks through the front door with his mistress, Vanessa Sky. Donny and Vanessa flirt with each other as they walk further into the room, describing all the dirty things they want to do with each other without even noticing that Athena is RIGHT THERE. Vanessa and Donny start making out as Athena watches candidly from the couch until Vanessa spots Athena and she sheepishly motions for Donny to hold up. Donny is taken aback- sorry...

3 years ago
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Sex With My Wife Hot Sister

By: Yrrej007 Hi friends. My name is John and I am from central Kerala. This is an experience with my SIL (Sister in Law) my wife younger sister. This incident happened 3 months back. About my SIL she is now 27 years with 36 34 36. She is fair and sexy. From the time is got married I always had a crush on her. I tried many possible ways to seduce her but all in vain. But she was very open to me and me wife with discussing all about her first night and things of sex in her marriage life. She had...

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AdultTime Alyssa Reece Cherry Kiss Stop it or I8217ll Snap

Cherry Kiss and her boyfriend Vince Karter are hanging out with their friend Alyssa Reece. Everyone’s bored and looking for something to do. When Alyssa keeps shooting down Vince and Cherry’s ideas, the couple decides to get frisky. While Alyssa absentmindedly takes selfies, Cherry pulls out Vince’s cock and slides it down her throat. It takes a minute for Alyssa to notice what’s happening, but when she does, she decides that she wants in on that action and the ladies...

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Teasing my neighbour

This is my third story. Hope you guys and girls like this one. I’m not an exhibitionist but I do sometimes get undressed at night with my curtains open and I don’t really think anything of it. Then the other night I just happened to see the curtains twitch in the house opposite. There’s a young guy lives there. He’s 19, I know he is because they had balloons and everything for his birthday not long ago. I didn’t bother really but then the next night I was undressing at the same time. Just as...

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Surprise Party

Surprise Party. ‘It’s a Halloween party, aren’t you coming?’ Robin’s mother Audrey asked. ‘Violet’s coming.’ Violet was his sister, a year and a half younger than his nineteen years. ‘No thanks mom. I’m going out with the boys tonight,’ he replied. The last thing he wanted was to go out to a party with his mother, father and sister. It was inhibiting when he was as randy as hell. He wanted to find a girl he could fuck that night which was why he was going out with the boys. Though incest is...

4 years ago
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Slut Things I enjoy

Slut! Things I enjoy:One of my all time favourite things is to wear high heels, black stockings and a garter belt with no panties. Put a nice skin-tight sexy mini-dress on top of this and take me dancing to a crowded club with a sexy driving beat. This is where I really come sexually alive. I love the sleazy attention of horny men when I'm dressed like this and acting like a total slut! My huge firm tits pushing the limits of the material of the skin-tight mini dress, as I dance and sway with...

3 years ago
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2 It Is Not Cheating if You WatchChapter 2

“Absolutely! Of course, you should webcam!” Betty opened her front door completely naked save for a leather collar and a white pair of punishment panties. The panties were little more than a standard white cotton v-string with the triangle of material in the front cut out so that you could see most of her pussy. The idea behind the panties was that if she sat on something, she wouldn’t leave behind pussy stains or sweat from her butthole. However, I think in a room full of naked girls it...

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StepSiblingsCaught Kenzie Reeves One Time Before Band Camp

Lulu Chu has a stepbrother, Damon Dice. She and her friend Kenzie Reeves are getting ready for a band competition when Kenzie tells Lulu that she should ask her brother to help them. Lulu reluctantly agrees. Kenzie takes the lead trying to ask Damon for pointers, but Lulu eventually realizes that Damon is just staring at Kenzie’s boobs. When Lulu calls Damon out on it, he says he’ll help but only if the girls show him their boobs. Kenzie is happy to do it, but Lulu agrees only with...

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Magic Ink V The Third RealityChapter 54

The next morning, we all returned to what I had termed "O'Connell House". Both of our cooks came with us, and all of the women began preparing food for those whom we expected to arrive at around noon time. Albert, his Wife, and their children were the first to arrive. We were glad to see them and to know that he was well enough to come to the meeting. He was followed shortly by a trickle of other men, and as noon approached a veritable flood of men appeared, but there were very few women...

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Naked Wet Daughter Part 5

The next afternoon, Fran and her older son, Greg, were out alone by their swimming pool. The beautiful woman was lying on a lounge chair admiring Greg as he swam laps, his muscular arms rippling beneath his deep tan. When the young boy climbed out of the pool, he stood over his mother, grinning down at her. Fran's eyes moved to his crotch and locked there, her cunt beginning to drool as she saw his cock grow hard beneath his bikini briefs; "Wanna suck my cock, Mom?" Greg asked...

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BetrayalChapter 6

Rhea had sent her brother to wait in the car and then bombarded her partner with a volley of ferocious tearful punches. Simon could barely defend himself and Rhea shouted abuse at her cowering boyfriend. "What the fuck have you blown thirty grand on in twelve months? I'm homeless. My daughter, our daughter is homeless. We are bankrupt. What the fuck have you done, Si?" Simon stared at her blankly and bit his lip. "I've been stupid," he muttered and Rhea swelled furiously. "We lose...

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Pignose Petunia From Lookout MountainChapter 2

I guess if you are reading this personal discourse about my family life with my first cousin Petunia and our five pig-nosed little ones, you must have liked my account of my sinful ways with my close blood relative on the down low. My own legal spouse, the hypocritical little bitch is probably down at the church on her knees taking care of the parson’s deprived parts rather than praying good and proper like a respectable female. I suspect with some deep reservations that the last of my...

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Pink Mist III A SisterzinArmz Story

Pink Mist III (A Sisterz-in-Armz Story) By Bluedust Hi gals! So, here's the final instalment of the story of Andrea, Kylie and Roxy in our new fictitious TG universe! If you haven't read the earlier parts of this story, please do so first and comment as per usual. After this, I hope we can explore the rest of the Sisterz-in-Arms universe. Well then, please do enjoy and be sure to comment. Remember: the goal is to make this a new category on the site so I'm really hoping...

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AshlynnDaddyrsquos Little Girl Part 13

Daddy’s Little GirlPart 13(Saturday Morning)I awake, in the king sized bed, in the dark, and alone. I wondered when Connie slipped out. After last night I thought she would still be asleep. Her pig of a husband was right handed, as he was trying to burn away her tender bits, he had worked more to her left than her right. I finally found a sweat spot, for a lovers kiss. But a spot so weak it would not yield but a gasp. For my finding it, she was ready for me to search out other lost secrets.Her...

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I flipped my tousled blonde bangs out of my eyes and lifted Nathan's dick up with my tongue, before bobbing my head forward and filling the room with a loud slurp. I felt him stiffen ever so slightly in my mouth, and continued sucking. My eyes worked their way up his body, following the trail of hair from his pelvis up to his stomach. I soaked in every detail of his chiseled hips, my eyes tracing the V-shape of where his flat abs met his pelvis. I felt myself hardening and quickly slid down...

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InnocentHigh Scarlett Sage Karter Foxx Don8217t Call Our Parents

School is finally out! Scarlett and Karter are figuring out what to do with the rest of their day. Scarlett is a nerd and will probably do homework, while Karter on the other hand might hang out with this super popular boy named Chris. They are probably gonna fuck, and Scarlett is always looking out for Karter, so she suggests maybe they practice on each other. They start doing some sexy 69 on their teachers desk, until he walks in on them. The girls try to make excuses right away, saying they...

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Sex with crush

During my teen age I was very sexually active and loved girls alot. I just loved to have some nice squeezings and getting a handjob not until I was 18 before I broke my virginity. There was this hot girl I really had a deep crush on. Every night, I keep on imagining and dreaming of her nice and attractive perky boobs. I mastubate every night wising she would let me suck on them. She was younger than me with 2 years and we weren't so close. So I had to get close to her, the girl of all my...

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Talents Psyche Girl The Fleshrender

--- Talents - Psyche Girl & The Fleshrender (MFF, bd, bi, humil, interr, magic, mc, Mdom, nc, oral, impreg, ws) by Krosis of the Collective --- Psyche Girl slammed the last goon against the wall with her telekinesis and then telepathically scanned the museum for the psychic trace of their master; nothing! She had sensed the malicious intent of someone with a powerful talent just before she had been rushed by his or her underlings. She then had to switch from telepathy to telekinesis to...

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Alphabet Aberrosexual

Aberrosexual: (noun or adjective). From the Latin word "aberrare:" to deviate or go astray. Referring to a person who engages in sexual activity that is considered unnatural, abnormal, or atypical. The idea of this story is to create one place for all the sexual acts, deviancy, and general perversions you can think of. The only requirement is that the title be a two or three word alliteration such as Betty Boob, Marcie Masturbation, or Fabian Foot Fetish. I want to try to cover each letter of...

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Becky and Her Son Chapter 7

Becky and John continued to make love multiple times a day as Becky's pregnancy progressed. She was beginning to show and her tits had grown. Of course John loved that. They had experimented with almost everything two people could do and loved it all. Then John came home one day and said he had had an interesting conversation with his best friend, Andrew. "Mom, Andrew told me something today that floored me. You won't believe this, but he said that he and his mother have been having...

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Taking In My brothers adopted Daughter

Another story I have written over the years. EnjoyWe had finally reached the pinnacle of our lives when we finally had the 2 k**s out of the house and off to their own careers. Being married for 20 years had afforded us the chance to raise two successful ch***ren and allowed us to become the “empty nesters” that we have looked forward to. Peace and quiet along with starting to regain the one on one relationship that temporarily took the backseat to fulfill our obligations to f***ly. Don't get...

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Adventures of Sonny Red head boss lady

For the last two years I have worked at an manufacturing company on the assembly line making components for cars. The product that my company produced fit several makes and models. We had some job security even if the talk about tariffs did take place.It was decent pay I had my own sutdio apartment in a quite upscale area. No c***dren or girlfriend at the time. I was just working and rushing home to do nothing. I had an up to date American built truck, that blend in well with my southern white...

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Therianthropy On stage

She stared at her own breasts in the mirror, not particularly large, but perky and supple. She hefted each tit, one and then the other, before giving a squeeze together and pushing them both up against her chest as the chain dangling between her dark pink and pierced nipples tinkled and chimed. Cylvan wasn't particularly self conscious of her bust, but she had some envy for her beloved Mistress's ample bosom. She thought about how large and full they were, and the pleasing view whenever...

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Young Lactating Wife is Impregnated by Hubbys Bosses on New Years Eve

Kevin’s StoryIt’s hard to deny that wealthy and powerful men get their way in this world, and I found that out the hard way from my bosses on New Year’s Eve. But before I get to that, I need to explain how my wife, Olivia, and I ended up in that situation. Then, she will fill you in on what happened to her.My name is Kevin, and after earning my bachelor’s degree in marketing, with an emphasis on advertising, I ended up with and entry level job at a medium-sized marketing and advertising firm in...

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Fatal Attraction 8211 Part 4

Hello Readers. Linga again, back! Apologies for this long absence as I was relocating from Germany back to India.This is the continuation from the previous story. Assuming that the story so far has impressed you, I will continue the next installment of this story. My coordinates, if you are interested in connecting with me, or even wanting an experience with me is available at: Yahoo!: (only on chats as I don’t check yahoo mails) and Hangouts at: and skype at: If you are interested in...

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