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The crew of the Eclipse gave their captain a wide berth. For Rayne was a man driven, he was exhausted, haggard and beside himself with worry.
Maria wasn’t in much better shape, as she too was out of her mind with worry. She prayed for a vision that would lead Rayne in the right direction, bringing them to Gabriella’s side, but no visions came. She paced the cabin like a lioness caged, wringing her narled, aged hands as she racked her brain for anything she might have overlooked that might be of some help. Yet nothing came to mind, and finally in total exhaustion she laid upon the bunk just to rest her tired feet and mind.
Almost instantly she fell into a deep trance-like sleep and the vision started. Mist swirled eerily and inky black waters seemed to echo the sounds of pain and death. Straining to see thru the mists, yet she could not make out where or what was there. She could see herself as if from a distance on her bunk, her brow furrowed in concentration and hears her moans of pain as blinding pain ripped thru her head. The pain was so bad, yet she tried to distance herself from it and concentrate on the vision instead. The winds began to pick up and the mist swirled and there on the inky black water sat The Scarlet Flame, listing, no signs of life upon it. Maria strained harder and harder to see all that she could see. The decks were red with blood and she saw many men laying in macabre fashion, and at first she thought all were dead, but then there were some signs of life. Moaning from the men, slight movements, coughing and retching, at least there were some still alive. But search as she might, she saw no sign of Gabriella. She tried to take in every detail, something that would guide them to the ship, and she noticed that the mists were gone and the North Star shone brightly…and that the bow of the ship pointed directly north. The vision started to disappear, and then just as it was almost gone, she saw the sash that Gabriella always wore snagged on the railing of the ship, ripped and fluttering in the breeze.
Maria staggered from the bunk, head pounding, but with a single thought driving her onward, she must reach Rayne and point him in the right direction. The old crone all but dragged herself up the steps to the deck, and screeched for Rayne. He was at her side instantly and one look at her and he knew the vision had at last come. He was fearful of exactly what it had been, yet he longed to know. Maria imparted all that she had seen and Rayne turned and shouted the orders to turn due north to the helmsman that had taken over when Rayne had raced to Maria’s side.
Rayne helped her down the stairs back to her cabin, and mixed the powders in a small drink for her so that blissful sleep would come to ease the pounding in her head that the visions always brought. Just before she drifted off to sleep Maria whispered ‘she is gone,’
Rayne wanted more. What had she meant gone? Did she mean gone as in not on the ship? Or gone as if she were among the dead? No, he wouldn’t let himself believe that, not until he had proof positive, not even if it meant sailing the seas till his dying day! He pushed the crew almost beyond their limits, but they all gave and gave willingly, they knew they could expect no less should any of them need Rayne to do the same for them.
Through the night the ship cut through the water and with the first light of day, the sailor in the crow’s nest hollered. There sat The Scarlet Flame, listless just as Maria had seen it in her vision. They approached cautiously and used the grappling hooks to board the ship. The stench on the ship was horrible, the decks were indeed awash in blood, the dead lay bloating in the rising sun and the dying lay moaning and pleading for help or someone to put them out of their misery.
The men and Maria went from man to man seeing what could be done, if anything to save them. Rayne raced thru the ship looking for Gabriella, but she was nowhere to be found. They questioned each man, but most were so delirious they didn’t even comprehend what was being asked of them.
Then, the cabin boy was found terrified but without injury, hiding in the flour barrel. The lad was almost tongue-tied with fear, and if the situation hadn’t been so grave Rayne might have laughed at him. The boy was quite a sight, covered in white from head to toe with only his eyes peering out owlishly at the sailors surrounding him. Rayne calmed him as best he could which was difficult as he just wanted to shake the truth from the lad. He finally managed to get out of the boy that the devil had swooped down on the ship in the middle of the night and his talons had ripped apart the sailors and then he had flown off with Gabriella in his grasp. When asked which way the devil had flew with her, he pointed west.
Dread ripped thru Rayne, for he knew the foolish boy believed it was the devil, but he and Maria exchanged tormented glances, they knew it was a devil alright, it was Torquemada that had captured Gabriella. Sick dread filled Rayne and a fear like nothing he had ever experience squeezed his heart. He feared that he would be too late to save his love, but, he swore that he would hunt that bastard down and put an end to his life for the torment he had inflicted on Gabriella. And, if that bastard harmed one hair on her head, but he knew there was no if, he knew she was being tortured probably that very minute and the thought made him want to retch.
The wounded men were taken care of and a skeleton crew placed aboard The Scarlet Flame and they shadowed Rayne’s ship as they headed west at a fast clip. It had already been two weeks since she had been taken from the ship, and he didn’t know how long she could survive and if she survived physically, he feared her mind would snap under the madman’s torture that he knew was sure to be heaped upon his beloved.
All day long the winds held and they made good time, until late afternoon when the winds died down and finally ceased all together. The lull lasted thru the night, with the ship barely moving and Rayne let Maria talk him into turning over the helm to one of the other helmsmen. She reasoned with him that he would do Gabriella little good if they found her and he was too exhausted to think much less fight.
It was sound advice and he knew she was right. So, he went to his cabin and fell into a troubled slumber. He kept seeing Gabriella being tortured, raped and beaten over and over again. When he awoke his mood was made no better by the fact that the winds still had not picked up. During this listlessness the sailors kept busy repairing sails and cleaning decks, anything not to dwell on what was on everyone’s mind.
Red worked diligently on the maiden he was carving, and unaware that she was taking on the likeness of Gabriella. When Rayne noticed what he was doing, it was like being dealt a physical blow the longing to hold her was so strong and he wondered if he would ever hold her in his arms again. How he longed for the chance to teach her all the secrets that lovers share. But even more, he longed to share his life with her, to make her his wife. That thought, unbidden as it was, shocked him to his very core. He, who thought love, was a mockery, thanks to Lionel, longed for that bond with this woman who he realized had become everything to him. He was standing behind Red, who was unaware that Rayne was there, and he reached out a hand and laid it on ‘Reds shoulder.
‘When this is over and Gabriella is safe, and you’ve finished the carving, it will go on my ship Red.’
Rayne turned and walked away and a very shocked Red looked after him, and the crotchety old sailor had a tear in his eye, for he didn’t think there was a prayer that she was still alive.
After nearly a week of listlessness a storm blew in, and it was the worst storm that Rayne had ever ridden out. There were times when he feared the ship would spit asunder and they would all go down with it, but with the dawn of a new day the stor
m finally abated, and the winds blew strong and they were once more speeding westward. Maria swore it was an omen, that the storm had cleansed the ocean and that it meant that Gabriella was alive. Rayne wasn’t so sure, but wouldn’t voice that doubt as he refused to take the hope that she clung so desperately to from the old woman that he had grown so fond of. Only time would tell, and time right now, was his biggest nemesis.
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Karonga, Malawi: Friday 20th October 2017I’d just finished listening to my wife’s description of her last twenty-four hours. The first day since I’d given her permission to continue her re-kindled affair with Francis. It was just before seven in the morning and I was getting ready to head to breakfast in the hotel when my cell phone flashed with two words which had caused such highs and lows in our marriage.“Jenny Cell.”Shit! What did my wife’s best friend want now? Couldn’t she just butt out?...
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Hello everyone. This is Sirish. And this is my first story. My age is 22 and my love who is my sister(cousin) is 26 and her name is alekya. Post your comments my mail id is This started 7 years back.Due to love in films I was very much interested in love, and during those days I found a perfect girl she is very cute, pure white and 5 feet tall and looks like a heroine (may be to me) and yes it was my sister. As my father died at very young age my family used to be at my cousin house mostly....
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Present – Erast – Three days later at Bob's Country Bunker After I finish my nightly gig with the band, I sit at Bob's table sipping a cold one, relaxing and watching Anastasia dance and serve drinks. We have both worked our asses off the last three days but I suppose I need to explain why. Bob realized that we had been responsible for saving Bob's Country Bunker and offered me a job as head of security and leader of the band. I asked about Anastasia and he said she could be a bar...
Hello Dosto How r u, My name is Dinesh hai mey ahmedabad mey raheta hu, aap logo ki kahani Padhke mujhe bhi apni kahani likhne ka man hua, so yeah meri paheli story hai I hope you will like this. I traduce myself first mey ek multinational company mey job karta hu. Meri hight 5.8 ft hai rang gora body healthy and quite muscular. Now get beck to story, kahani hai do sal pahele ki hai. Ek din subaha mey office gaya to dekha hamari office ke receiption mey ek nayi ladki aayi thi use dekha to mey...
That night, Tom was called into work after dinner for an emergency all-nighter, which I protested against even though I actually would enjoy the night to myself. Of course Tom refused to budge and did leave for the office, but reassured me that we would have a night out soon. I let him go without too much fuss, and went to run a hot bath soon after. The k**s would be fine on their own, watching TV or going to their rooms to be alone, while I relaxed and sorted out my thoughts.I had the strange...
Hi !friends mai apni ek aur story likh raha hu plz aapl log mail zaroor karna at mai phone sex bhi karta hu plz sexy girls mail me jaisa ke aap log jaante hai maine apni ek story likhi thi internet walli dost ki chut bed pe phaadi Uske pulish hone ke 1 din baad mujhe ek mail aaya Shina(name changed) usne kaha mai aap ke saath sex karna chahti hu maine reply aur usse uski pic aur adress manga to usne apni pic bheji wo 24 years old thi aur adress diya wo Mere hi city se thi aur mere ghar se...
I was out on my daily walk in the late afternoon when I saw a tall man about my age, jogging. Of course, I was walking, plodding along actually. He must have seen me because not long after that he jogged up by my side and introduced himself.He said, "Hi, I'm Bryan."I said, "Hi, I'm Emma, nice to meet you."Bryan said, "Do you live around here?""I do," I responded.He responded with, "Well, I was wondering if we could have a chat?"I said, "Why not?"So, we sat down on a bench...
BDSMAfter my fifth year of teaching high school, I had achieved tenure and could focus on getting my master’s degree and start making significantly more money. I was admitted into the state’s flagship university and decided to start summer school immediately after the school year was over.I decided to take a full load of courses, so I did not want to be distracted by cooking or other tasks. I found a cheap room in a house near campus. It wasn’t great. Just a simple room with a bed, desk, and...
ExhibitionismFive minutes later Matthew steps aside and makes Carla stand with her back to the wall. He is still playing with the woman of the couple on their right side, while Carla stands there alone with a guy she cannot see, but only feels. While Matthew moves away the stranger moves towards Carla and he stops right in front of her. He starts to play with her pussy with one hand and the other hand moves towards her breasts. Carla's pussy is getting so wet.Carla starts to move her hand towards the guy...
The Honeymoon Timber Grove: Story #2 By Trinity CHAPTER -ONE- Roger Powers sat at the bar of the Coho Resort and sipped on his scotch. He wore a tuxedo with his bow tie untied, looking like a telethon host in the final hours of the night. His eyes never raised above his glass, and people in the crowded bar generally gave him a wide birth. "Get you another, buddy?" The bartender was trying to be jovial, having dealt with many men in his long career in a very similar slump....
"You are very lucky, Martial son, had Hagen known that you are currently concentrating on comprehending the six bottlenecks of insight instead of cultivation the Seven Stages Of Bodily Refinement, she would have made you do nothing for a year's time, but trying to comprehend bottlenecks". Kartius chuckled. Zax and his Master left the blue tower and headed to Laivien's valley. "However, your actions are still in need of reprimanding". Kartius's tone changed to severe and his...
“So, you’re the guy who rid us of the Klan? Barry Cordial, that’s the name. I’m ... the Mayor,” the tallest, heaviest guy in town approached us as we ate the meal that baited the Klan and made the Kluckers watch us. “Good, then you can explain how these motherfuckers took over your town with such a paltry force, perhaps. I’m Adam Clarke, by the way, and this is my tribe, if you will. These are my wives, Hannah, Autumn, and Xia Delan Clarke. We’re the ass-kicking bastards who beat this...
"He's stirring, look" I'd have recognised that voice anywhere, it was the one I'd been hearing in my sleep, singing to me, talking to me, even threatening me! It wasn't her though, she'd died after the crash, I knew that, I'd been there at the funeral, along with our parents. It began as a gradual lightening of the darkness in my head, an awareness of sounds and feelings, there was something warm in my hand, someone was breathing on my cheek. "Why won't the light come on?" My...
It's funny how people react when I tell them a number. 25 years. I could mean anything, really. The age of a child. How long I've worked my job. But when used do describe the length of a marriage, people always react the same. 'How do you do it, Dan?', 'What's your secret?', 'Aww, how sweet.' etc. I fucking hate it. Not that I don't enjoy the implied compliment involved in the questions, praising the long hard quiet work that is the modern husband, but in how I have to smile at my wife,...
Hi I’m Ashu from Lucknow and mai ISS ka bahut bada fan hu padai khatm hone k baad jab koi naukri nhi mili to papa ne meri cosmetic ki shop kara di aap jo jantte hai k cosmetic shop me kya-2 milta hai aur aurte aur ladkiya aati or fir is tarah mere b shop pr kai aurte ladkiya aai jinse Mere sambandh ho gaye to maine socha 1-1 kar k sare sambandh aap logo se sere karo agar aap logo ko meri story pasand aaye to mujhe mail karna meri ID He ab apna parichay karata hu mera naam ashu hai dekhne me...
Stephany was a very young, petite and skinny, dark complected Latina, with brunette hair, and even though she was 18 years old, she was flat-chested, but did seem to have a little something there. She had a great little figure and even though she had skinny little legs, she really had a nice firm little butt. She was really very attractive and even though she didn’t feel that way, her innocence was alluring, and that sexy smile, made me smile too. I had been attracted to her since I first saw...
Hi everybody, this is a true incident that happened to one of my friends I made on this site and I just helped him with the finishing touches and to post this here. So continue reading and please post your comments. I am here to tell you about a life changing episode that happened a few years back between me and my house maid Lakshmi. I have put down everything in English though all of the conversation happened in Hindi and Kannada, rather than repeating it in the local language and then...
My daughter is in 3rd grade her teacher is Ms. Clark. Ms. Clark is a beautiful woman standing a lovely 5’6”. Her hair is a stunning brunet with natural red highlights in them. I have noticed that since the beginning of the school year more and more dads show to get their k**s from her class room. I have found it myself difficult not to stare at her when I go to pick my little girl up. I am sure Ms. Clark has seen me looking at her. Her beauty is only matched by her intelligence and kindness...
Hi, guys, this is Renee for you again. Loved your emails every bit of it. I tried to respond to every mail I could hopefully you guys find me on facebook using and we can be good friends. It’s been a long time since I shared my story. I decided to share another story of mine in Hindi on public demand. Hopefully, you guys will enjoy and apologise for any mistake. Toh ye kahani pichle mahine ki h ki kaise maine paiso k liye ek anjan insan ko santusht kiya. Jaise ki aap sab jante h ki mera...
I learned that we would be staying at a lodge instead of roughing it in our tents. There were guides, boats and basically everything we needed. Fishing tackle was a hit or miss thing and we had to get them ourselves. There was a list of what worked best for Spring Steelhead. "Pop you and Paul should make a day of going shopping, sort of a father and son thing." "You're my son too in a way." "I'll just go in and buy what I need and leave. The guys can come with me. You can shop and...
Hello to all me readers. Mai dbb aap sab ko meri life ka real incident batane jaa raha hoon. Yeh kahani hai mere aur mere teacher ke beech. Mujhe teachers ke saath chipke rehna bahat pasand tha especially apne high school ke time se. Yeh baat mere high school ke time ka kissa hai. Ummed hai aapko pasand aye. Sabse pehle mai aap sab ko apne teacher ke baare mai bata doon. meri teacher ka naam savita desai hai. Woh ek shaadi shuda mahila hai. Unki umar 35 hai. Unka bhara hua badan aur jab woh...
After Uncle Jack's mid-morning story-telling session, Tessa and I spent most of the day strolling companiably around the farm, enjoying the unhurried pace of things. At one point we ran into Tony, but he was genuinely busy and said no more than a hurried hello. Alone together like this we behaved just like any other couple newly in love, catching up on our past histories, laying down new histories of our own, basking in each others' company.Round about five o'clock we returned to the...
Leaving Marigold dozing, curled up on the bed, Thule went into the bathroom to splash some cold water on his face. Gazing into the mirror over the sink, he took a personal inventory. He was starting to show stubble and, in two or three days, would need to shave again. He was also starting to develop dark circles under his eyes again, but they did not look so bad on his tanned face as they had as when they were the only color he had. Still, he was getting deep into sleep debt and would have to...
For Violet Blue There's a reason that the sound on porno films goes to some almost familiar jazz theme, some variety of guitar or piano with a moody, muted trumpet or attenuated saxophone. It's so that the live sound can be lost. Sure, live squicks and slurps and sighs and moans would promote authenticity, but the reality is more: "Now over to your left side. More. More. Fine. Now move your arm. Move your fuckin' arm. Move your fuckin' arm so we can see her fuckin' tit. I wanna see her...
The bus rolled into my hometown around dinnertime. I was wide awake, but I had been still for hours. When the bus driver finally parked, I felt like I was waking from a dream. In many ways, I was. It had been ten years since I had visited my little hometown in the dusty South. So much had happened, but my town looked exactly the same. I grabbed my bag and exited the bus. There was a crowd of cars waiting, but I didn’t recognize any of them. It wasn’t like my brother to be late. Then I...