Reunited Ch. 06 free porn video

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Finally, right?! I’ve been on a writing kick this break, so I’m really hoping to stay on my game this time and finish the story before school goes crazy on me. Comments and constructive criticism are welcome! I know I’m far from perfect so I appreciate the feedback. J Thanks!


‘Davidson speaking.’

‘This is Mendon. We’ve found her, boss. This was finally the right city. That friend of hers was right.’

‘Excellent. Where is she now?’

‘I don’t know exactly, but I am working on it. I went to the bar where she works last night and was lucky enough to hear someone say a worker named Ellie had taken off. When I asked some questions, I found that it was definitely her. They’ve been paying her under the table, so no address, but the other bartenders claim she only drives ten minutes to work, so my men are staking out different apartment buildings that seem likely.’

‘Finally, you bear good news. As soon as you have her, call me again. I want hourly updates until she has been found. And if it takes rough treatment, then by all means, you have my permission. Just bring her to me alive.’

‘Yes, boss.’

Rob Davidson crossed his legs as he leaned back to think. So the girl wasn’t an idiot. When she’d taken off, he had expected her to finish her medical degree and begin her residency training at a hospital. Instead, she had completely thrown them off by taking up bartending. Of all trades, that was indeed the last he would have guessed of her, and it had camouflaged her well until now. They might never have found her if his men hadn’t tapped her best friend’s phone line. The call asking Luisa if Ellie had moved across the country was the one that had tipped off Mendon to start searching in that area. Soon he’d have her again, could question her about the ledger, and he could finally punish her for all of the trouble she’d caused.

Thinking of the time he whipped her, he grew hard. It was the last time she’d tried escaping for a year. Now he’d have to step up the punishment. She had to know she could never flee again. A sound lashing would be just the beginning this time. She would cry out in pain and he could take her from behind and rake his nails down her fresh wounds. Oh that would be hot indeed.

The phone rang again, interrupting his reverie.

‘Davidson speaking.’

‘Hi, Rob! This is Drew!’

Rob quickly masked his voice with excitement. ‘How is everything looking, Drew?’

‘Great, man. The party loves you, you’ve made generous contributions over the years, and despite your young age, they think your history with your business will make you a viable candidate in a few years.’

‘Pardon? A few years? I was thinking of running this year. I thought I made that clear.’

‘Yeah, that’s gonna be a problem, man. Jerome Eastings is up for reelection and the public loves him. There’s no way the party would put a new candidate up when he’s still willing to continue holding his Senate seat.’

‘I understand, Drew. I must say I’m disappointed, but I’m glad that the party would back me in any future political endeavors.’

‘Of course. I’ll keep spreading the word about you, though. And if you keep up a good relationship with the incumbents and the governor, I’d say you’d be a sure deal a few years down the road.’

‘That is excellent news, Drew. Thanks again.’

Finally alone with his thoughts again, he pondered. He needed to get someone into office, and quickly. Obviously the best choice would be to get elected himself. Then he could truly expand his workings on a larger scale. Unfortunately, the politicians his men had contacted were uninterested in joining the group. And many were beginning to draft a piece of legislation that would severely hinder his business interests.

‘I have to get someone in there. Now.’

He began to research a plan.


Alec’s phone rang. Looking at the caller I.D., he saw it was Jake.

‘Hi, buddy. What’s up?’

‘I found where Ellie was for several years, man.’

‘I can one up you there, I’m at her place right now. But tell me your story first, because it might help me understand some of what I found out.’

He heard Jake give out a sigh of relief. ‘Good, so it was her. I’m glad she’s with you, man. It turns out that she was dating Rob Davidson. The Rob Davidson, of Conglomerate Enterprises. I couldn’t find her at all online or from our friends or her family. But then I had a dentist appointment two days ago and you know how they always have those old magazines sitting out? Well I picked one up and was thumbing through it and saw a picture of her with him. She was merely listed as his date, which is why I never found that info online. But when I did a Google search of Davidson, guess who was on his arm for every event?’

‘Ellie. Why did nobody ever write down her name?’

‘I can’t figure that part out. But it looks like she’s always just tucked in behind him. Maybe it was obvious that she wasn’t the important one in the relationship so they always focused on him.’

‘That’s not like the paparazzi, but he’s got enough money to maybe persuade them to keep the names of his women out of their works.’

‘That’s as good a guess as any I’ve thought up. So what’s going on? How’d you find her?’

‘Her friend Carrie called me and said Ellie needed some help, so I went and picked her up. It looks like she’s in hiding from someone, and based on her story, Davidson would be the guy. If what she’s saying is true, he’d be in a ton of trouble if anyone found evidence against him.’

‘Shoot. I always liked him. He seemed kinda down to earth for a multimillionaire. Why do celebrities always let us down?’

‘Come on now, Jake, be serious.’

‘Sorry, man. I just don’t know how to handle all this. I never would have thought that our Ellie would get wrapped up in that kind of nonsense.’

‘You and me both. You think you’ll be coming up here again anytime soon?’

‘Oh, yeah, man. I forgot to tell you. My parents bought a condo up there when I told them how beautiful it was, the crazy old loons. They said I can use it whenever I want because they’ll probably only go a couple times a year.’ Jake spoke with love about his parents, who Alec suspected bought the place solely so their son could enjoy it.

‘No way! That’s awesome. I’ll finally be seeing more of you.’

‘Yeah. I actually mailed you the spare key a few days ago with a note explaining everything, but then forgot to call you to actually ask: they already had furnished it and filled it with stuff, but they ordered some packages recently that had to be accepted. The doorman said he did it, but I’d like to have the place checked out since I can’t get there for another week or so.’

‘Of course! It hasn’t arrived yet, but I’ll go over as soon as I get the key.’

‘Thanks, man, and good luck with Ellie. Keep me updated and let me know if there’s anything I can do.’

‘Will do. Bye, bud.’

As he lowered his phone, Alec was struck by the seriousness of the situation. If Rob Davidson was the guy from whom Ellie had run, it was no wonder she was upset that they had given out clues to her whereabouts. A guy with that much money and power…well, if he truly was as corrupt and nasty as she’d described, that would mean that he would be able to afford to send men throughout the country searching for her.

Maybe the search had something to do with that case for which he had discovered the pattern the other day.

‘Hey, Ellie! Could you come here for a minute?’

She walked in the room. ‘Yes?’

‘Why a bartender? What did you do before you moved out here?’

‘I was in medical school. I would have been doing residencies right now, so I figured the furthest I could be from my former self would be a bartender. He would never think to check in a bar for me because I drank so infrequently after you and Jake left. No mo
re peer pressure.’ She smiled a bit, so he knew she was teasing.


‘Why do you ask?’

‘Something work related. Let me call the Chief and run a theory by him.’


Ellie walked back to her room, not caring all that much about Alec’s work theories. The only thing she cared about currently was finding a way out of this mess. She had cash saved up from her jobs, and the apartment was rented month-to-month so she could walk away without worrying about breaking a lease. All she needed was to grab her few keepsakes, throw them back in storage, pack a bag, and take off.

She walked around the room, trying to plan where she could go. In order to avoid a trail, she’d have to continue using cash. She’d left her car at the bar, so she thought maybe if she flew to a different state, she could evade them. She’d have to change her hair color again. Working so many late shifts and sleeping away the sunlight hours had left her pale, so maybe she could pull off red this time around.

She mentally inventoried what she wanted to bring with her. Tomorrow she could ask Alec to take her to put her keepsakes in storage, then she would be ready to leave at dawn the next morning. If Alec was still sleeping, hopefully she could sneak out without him noticing. This time, she would be the one leaving him behind.


Alec got off the phone with the Chief and breathed a sigh of relief. They were in agreement: the hospital muggings were likely to find Ellie. A large crime syndicate would easily have the manpower to pull off such an operation, and since few muggers were ever caught, the simplicity of the scheme would have worked if they’d actually found the girl. However, the fact that she was never the one they mugged led to the continued spree and the eventual detection by the feds. Everything fit, the Chief was happy to have made some headway, and he was thrilled to be able to call and rub the solution in the feds’ faces. The Chief loved being right. Of course, the evidence was nowhere near concrete, but it was better than anything anyone else had hypothesized.

He got up and went to the bathroom to rinse his face. He didn’t have to work today, thank goodness, so he wanted to go pick up his mail and see if Jake’s key had arrived and then check up on the condo for his friend. He hated putting tasks off until the last minute, so better to check it today and ease his friend’s concerns than to let him wonder.

He’d take Ellie with him and see if she needed anything. Then he could keep an eye on her without making it too obvious that he was doing so.

‘Ellie, I’m going to run a few errands. Wanna come with me?’

‘Yes. Can we put some of my stuff in storage? I’m afraid that I’m going to have to move again and the less I have, the easier it will be.’

She sounded sad about the prospect of moving yet again, so he agreed immediately. It had to be terrible to be on the run and so uncertain all the time. He personally would hate leading such a life, so her continued strength amazed him. If only he had the strength to tell her how resilient she was, maybe she’d realize that he only wanted to help. He sighed. Maybe a different day.


Gabe Mendon sat on a bus stop bench, holding up a newspaper but really just gazing at people as they went about their lives. If his hunch was correct, the girl would be living near here. Once he or his men sighted her, they could canvass the area’s bars to see if she had found a different job and keep people posted at likely buildings to find her.

The bargirls had informed him that Ellie was now quite thin, with brown hair and no glasses. Clever girl had changed her appearance, but that hadn’t stopped him from finding her. He was far cleverer, and Davidson’s resources were endless. They would find and return the bitch to Davidson, where she belonged and where the boss could punish her for daring to run.

A couple across the street caught his eye. They were walking out of a coffee shop and the girl’s heavy coat, scarf, hat, and sunglasses made him wonder who would bundle up to that extent on a fairly nice day like today. The girl was thin enough to fit the description of Ellie he’d gotten from the women at the bar yesterday. Unfortunately he had no idea where they had been prior to the coffee shop, whether they had driven to the neighborhood or walked. He stood and decided to follow them when a bus pulled up on their side, blocking his view. When it pulled off, they were nowhere to be seen. He grabbed his phone.

‘Boss, it’s Mendon. I just had a sighting of someone matching the description of our girl. However, I lost her almost immediately… I’d like to get other guys to watch this neighborhood because I think it’s where she’s staying now…Yeah, call it a hunch, but it’s better than nothing.’

After the call ended, he paced around for a moment, planning how best to find and recapture the worthless bitch.


Ellie was fuming. Despite her numerous attempts, Alec absolutely would not allow her out of his sight for even one moment. They had taken his car to deliver her items back to the storage unit, then had gone to Alec’s place, where he simply grabbed his mail and filled a small bag with clothes before hustling them back to the car and then over to a different building, where he made her accompany him to someone’s apartment just to turn back around and go back down. He’d said they were doing a favor for Jake, whose parents owned the place and had sent a bunch of stuff over. After arriving back at her own apartment, Alec had insisted on taking her out for coffee and pastries, and he had nagged at her until she finished both the large cappuccino and a very unhealthy pastry. He next demanded that he accompany her to the grocery store because he ‘couldn’t let her take the bus alone.’ And he had purchased track phones for each of them so that they ‘could contact one another if separated.’ How in the world was she going to escape again with such a vigilant watchdog guarding her every move?

She paced her room furiously. She had already thrown some clothes and necessities into a duffel, so now she was left only with the hope that she could sneak out while he was sleeping. Otherwise, she would be stuck with him, and she could not tolerate being with him any more than she already had.

It was only just getting dark, so there was no way she could pretend to go to bed now, especially knowing that Alec would immediately sense how tense and wired she was. She needed to calm down and get her thoughts in line before he realized she was plotting. She had always been impressed by his ability to see right through her ruses.

She remembered game nights where they had played various games that required lying. Though she had been able to fool Jake and even Luisa on occasion, Alec had always been able to call her bluff. He read her better than she read herself sometimes it had seemed. And then he decided you weren’t worth the hassle and left, she stamped out her fond memories as quickly as they came. Obviously Alec hadn’t been able to read just how invested she was in the whole thing. If he’d known her as well as she thought he had, he obviously would have known she was beyond infatuated with him. Instead, he deemed distance an insurmountable peak and decided they should part as friends.

So I did keep some facts from him. He never knew the depth of my feelings, or how much I cared. That means he might not know my desire to thwart his watchdog tendencies and escape him. She thought maybe she could accomplish this, but it would be difficult. If Alec did catch on, she would be unable to leave due to his hyper vigilant ways.

Her thoughts had stopped roiling about, so she knew she could now present a calm façade to Alec. The subterfuge slightly amused her, for the idea of sneaking out past a cop, let alone Alec, would have been reprehensible to her in college.



He hopped up from the couch a
nd walked over to her room, pausing in the doorway.

‘What’s up?’

‘How long do you think you’ll be here?’

‘Well, now that I have clothes, I figured I could just stay a few days and we could keep low while I communicate with the Chief and figure out the best way to keep you safe.’

‘Ok, so if you’re going to be here awhile, do you want a dresser drawer or something for your clothes? Or do you prefer living out of a bag?’

For a moment, Alec was taken aback. He’d strongly suspected that she would resist him staying there and take pleasure in seeing him live out of a bag on a couch. ‘Yeah, that would be nice. Thank you.’ Still confused with her sudden kindness, he turned to go get his bags, not seeing the sly smile sneak across her face.

That had been far easier than Ellie had anticipated. She had decided to go for the false progress route. He would think she was growing comfortable with his presence, sleep soundly, and then she could sneak out. It wasn’t the best plan in the world, but it was something.

Alec returned shortly with his clothes and threw them in the designated drawer, then they both went to the living room and turned on the television. Ellie curled up in one corner of the couch while Alec sat on the opposite end. He selected a comedy they had once watched together. She had found it funny at the time, he remembered.

Ellie refused to laugh this time though. Did he even remember the night they watched this movie? It was ingrained in her memory. After spending the two hours laughing, they’d finally grown quiet at the credits, which were accompanied by a cheesy love song. She remembered he had started softly singing it then. She had been such an idiot, thinking that was the cutest thing ever. Now she just tried to focus on staying relaxed, so she mostly ignored the movie, though Alec’s laughter was harder to ignore. Closing her eyes, she decided to try for a nap.

After a particularly humorous scene, Alec looked over to gauge Ellie’s response, only to find her sleeping. Maybe she really was getting more comfortable with him being there. Getting up, he grabbed the blanket he’d thrown over the back of the couch and carefully tucked it around her. She’d always slept cold in the past.

He went and poured himself some water from the kitchen before returning to the couch, where, despite the early hour, he too soon succumbed to slumber.


Ellie woke up and looked around blearily. She hadn’t meant to sleep more than a few minutes, but apparently it had been a few hours. Alec was sleeping as well, though since she had taken up part of the couch, he had just stretched his legs out on the coffee table. He was pretty soundly asleep it seemed. Time to escape.

Tip-toeing to her room, Ellie grabbed her bag and turned for the door, then back to her dresser. The track phone was there, and while she didn’t really want to take it, it would probably be wise to have some form of communication just in case. She could call Alec from wherever she landed and tell him she was safe at least. Then he could go back to his life. The phone was off, so she just tossed it in the duffle, then eased herself out of the apartment as quietly as possible.

It was only a few blocks to the bus stop, so hopefully she could get there and move on with her life before Alec woke up.


‘Mendon, we’ve got a sighting of a thin, dark-haired female in the right neighborhood. Carrying a small duffle bag and alone.’

‘Follow her. Capture if you can and keep me updated. The boss wants her alive so stay smart.’

‘Roger.’ Two shadows detached themselves from the wall of a nearby alley, keeping back far enough from the woman to remain nonchalant but staying close enough so that they could eventually corner her in a different alley or neighborhood. Elated, they both knew that capturing this girl would likely elevate them in both Mendon’s eyes and in the big boss’s. Luckily ‘alive’ didn’t mean ‘unharmed’ because first they wanted to have some fun.


People were still out on the streets, mostly drunks who were heading home after last call and folks who worked later shifts. It wasn’t crowded, but seeing anyone walking around made Ellie feel better. She didn’t want to be the only one out since that would be suspicious if Mendon or his men were around.

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Selena and JoeChapter 18

The lovers awoke on Friday as the days bright sunlight began to fill the room. It would be their last full day in Jamaica and they had no specific plans. They gazed dreamily at each other for more than a few moments in a love hangover before rising to shower together. The wet, warm, skin to skin proximity led to more lovemaking as Joe took her from behind while she bent holding the grab bar. Not wanting to fill her with cum to run from her half the morning, he pulled out as he neared orgasm....

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Starlight and Hellfire

When the red lightning crackled across the town square and the first Hellbeast touched down, it was chaos. These days, it was routine. Sure, they were still horrifying, dangerous monsters, but after the first few attacks, people knew to clear out when they saw the warning signs and wait for the cavalry to arrive. Besides, there was something cathartic and uplifting about watching an attractive, super-powered young woman beat a Hellbeast to death. These mysterious monster-battling heroines...

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How High a Price A Long EndingChapter 2 Sunday

In the early morning Early got out of bed and went through his routine of showering, shaving and getting dressed. It was Sunday but the thought of going to Church struck him as being incongruous given the current situation so he dressed in old Levis and pullover shirt. Following his set routine, he made the bed and straightened up the room before going downstairs. It being the guest room was not lost on Early. "I feel like a stranger in my own home" he thought sadly. "I might have to get...

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My Daughter Did a Porno

“But daddy all the k**s are going to Mexico for spring break!” Allison said“That may be true but I don’t have an extra two grand laying around so that you can run off and party!” I repliedAllison was in tears and my heart wanted to melt. She had always been my little girl and most of the time I could not say no but this time was different. I really could not get her the money. I knew she really wanted to go away with her friends. She was a freshman in college and even though she was only going...

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Sada Seduces Her Father

Despite being in his 50s, Gopichand was the hottest lecturer at Dadabhai Arts and Science College. He was well aware that he fuelled the fantasies of many female lecturers and students, who would openly flirt with him every chance they got. However, he never entertained any advances from anyone and maintained a staunch stoic demeanour. His unavailability made him all the more attractive to the women at the college. Not many people knew that Gopichand was once a very different man, years ago....

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Eating fluffy pussy of dusky Swetha in Bangalore

Hi, I am Madhan here. First, thanks a lot to all ISS readers for your many likes and valuable feedback on my last story about Genuine Couples looking for fun like Swap/Group/Orgy/Cuckold/Lesbian can approach me. I am a Bengalurean of 28 years of age, 6″ tall. Horny unsatisfied housewives and sexy young baby dolls can reach me on my hangout/mail and Telegram @msarsstr. Total anonymity and secrecy are guaranteed. Coming to the story the heroine of this story is Swetha. Swetha came in...

2 years ago
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Virtual Reality Dragon Quest 4Chapter 1

I awoke in clothes that felt stiff and damp, blinded by the bright sunlight streaming down on me. "Young Master, this is a most unwise place to take a nap, I must say." Squinting through the glare, I made out the silhouette of a man standing over me. Gradually, my eyes adjusted. The man was dressed garishly, with a wide comical mustache of gray. Looking around, I didn't notice anything familiar. In fact, everything looked entirely too green. The air smelled odd too — cleaner. Sitting...

3 years ago
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Fun Job Interview Experience

Well, let's say this as an interesting, heated, fun-filled experience.. How often can you say that you went to a job interview and had a hot fuck with your future boss?The interview, was in the afternoon and I wore a short black skirt, a white blouse with a few buttons undone which I must admit showed quite a bit cleavage. I have quite large, soft, squeezable breasts so why not show them off right?By the time I attended to my interview, there was no one around and everyone had gone home.....

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[email protected] In My DreamsAt 40 years old I am still pretty active and in quite good shape. Retiredmilitary and still loving to keep the body strong. I attend the local collegeand working night's security, for a well established adult club. This muggy,full moon night, I came home and to my surprise, found my wife's, closestgirlfriend. She lived a bit away but works the local club/bar that was near ourhome. She always uses the house to change and get a quick bite to...

2 years ago
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Based On A Coversation 2 A Place For US

Based On a Conversation Two: A Place for Us By shalimar In many respects I am a lucky woman. In the net I have a number of virtual sisters, daughters and nieces that I love and love me. I give them my love and feel their love in return. They are in the center of my heart and I hope others will join them. In this environment I am my alter ego, The Evil Witch. But in other respects I am not that lucky. Hugging my net sister when she is fifteen hundred miles away is not the same as...

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Jessicas Excitement in Paradise

Jessica’s Excitement in Paradise It had been 2 weeks since Jessica and her parents had checked into the luxury hotel isolated on an island in the South Pacific. Initially it had been exiting seeing the glassy blue water, lush green rainforest and white gold sands and exploring the hotel. But as it stood now she was bored. They were amongst only a few guests staying at the hotel with it being a new eco-resort it was yet to be put on the map and could currently only house four or five parties in...

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Ana posing like a filthy hooker

That evening, my sexy wife was in the naughty play mood.Ana then proposed me that we could hit a bar, not a local one; I should go first and pretend not to know her. Once she was there, I should try to pick up her in front of some other guys; but I would be pissed out by her. We then would see what could happen…Last year I had found a nice pub in a town not so far from us. I had gone alone; so I entered the place and asked for a drink.There were a few guys there watching baseball behind the...

1 year ago
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Private Zaawaadi Zaawaadi and the Ranger

Beautiful, black, big tits and a great ass, that’s Zaawaadi, a sexy new babe who debuts today on in Private Specials, Alpine Lovers, and this might just be one of our hottest debuts yet! A long walk in the mountains soon turns into so much more when Zaawaadi stumbles across the ranger’s house, and it doesn’t take long before this unique beauty is masturbating and taking selfies out front as she looks to lure in ranger Marcello Bravo for a wild outdoor fuck that has her big tits...

1 year ago
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FantasyMassage Brett Rossi Jasmine Jae Georgia Jones Bring Your Daughter To Work Day

Brett Rossi is hurrying to put on her shoes, glancing around as though she’s afraid to be caught by someone. She is successful with putting on her shoes and is just about to leave when her step-daughter, Georgia Jones, calls her out from behind. Georgia asks just where Brett thinks she’s going. She knows that today is Bring Your Daughter to Work Day and that it’s an important school project. Georgia is clearly enjoying having caught her step-mother trying to sneak out to avoid...

4 years ago
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Sun Sand Sea Sex and Daddy

My friends husband once said to me, "It's easier for a woman to have casual sex, than a man".I thought about it for a moment and retorted, "If that was the case, who are these women having sex with"?Now it was his turn to look puzzled. Truth is for every horny man looking, there are just as many horny women wanting the same.As teenagers and young women in their early twenties, we got revved up for a weekend of debauchery, as much as the guys drank alcohol for Dutch courage, we girls were...

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Public Displays pt 1

(The setting is within a local department store, the main character is a girl who has been stopping by day after day, building what was once an innocent crush into a deep feeling of desire for him.. this story will depict their first encounter, after close to a month of her seeing him, daydreaming, and shyly running off when he looks in her direction..)Her demeanor revealing her true intentions; her arms rest behind her back, exposing her chest… Her shirt tightly gripping her body, the top...

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Felicity Ch 33

Chapter 33 Magda and Rita Her name was Magda and she knew her life was empty. She was more than halfway to forty and knew she would never be beautiful, she would never be rich, and she would never be loved. Her one and only love had divorced her many years ago and he was now ending his third marriage. She was a teacher at the high school and although her students loved her she was not one of those students returned to see. It had been years since she had sex with a man and years since she...

1 year ago
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Free Use Fiction

Must have: * All consensual. * All girls are extremely sexy all guys are studs Can Have: * Genderbending * Pregnancy * Include pictures if you can Must NOT have: * No Rape * No Male/Male unless a girl is joining them First off which media is the story set in.

3 years ago
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Davids Life Book II Just Like Starting OverChapter 3 Summer Time

One of the great things about the 1980s was, to many, the music. Blondie's "Call Me", Billy Joel's "It's Still Rock and Roll to Me", Lipps Inc.'s "Funky Town", and many others. You couldn't go to out without hearing something great on the radio. Then again, people who were young in early 1980s had so much going for them. The world was relatively peaceful, though there were those hostages in Iran until they were released after Reagan was sworn in as POTUS. The economy seemed to be...

2 years ago
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My cock has a superpower

I am Jake, i am a tall hunky 22 year old. I have a great muscle body and a nice 10 inch cock. There is something about my cock whoever sees it cant help themselves but get horny for me. I realized this when i went to my aunts place. I went to visit my aunt, i had recently came back from London. I decided to meet all of my family. I went to visit my aunt, Len and her son, Joshua. Len was 33, she was a total milf. She had a nice rack and a curvy body. She got pregnant when she was 16. Joshua...

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The Rendezvous Pt1 Sissy Story by CassidyCaine

Nick looked at the email he'd received from his wife at lunch again as he got ready to leave work. It had been a month since he'd confessed to her his love of dressing up in women's clothing after he'd kept it hidden since they first met. But, Nikki was insistent so he had tried to share that part of him. She had worried he was gay or didn't want her anymore but he'd assured her that wasn't the case. Yet after all that worry, she had emailed him to tell him that tonight she wanted to play with...

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WildOnCam Samantha Reigns Squirts All Over Herself LIVE

Wild redhead hottie Samantha Reigns is lighting up the room showing off her sexy tight body in her bright yellow bra and panty set. She wants to hear just how hard and throbbing your cocks are for her. Do you love how Brad rubs oil all over her body while drilling her with that big girthy cock of his… Samantha is so wet creaming all over that cock as she cums hard. Brad is not done yet and fucks her harder in missionary and doggy before Samantha brings out her toy to give her clit some...

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A Wedding to RememberChapter 10 Steph What About a Prenup

Steph was pacing in her room at the mansion. She wanted to know who the men were that Linc had met with earlier, and the butler informed her it was the family’s lawyers. Steph couldn’t stand the butler. She couldn’t even remember the stuffed shirt’s name. No matter. ‘He’s getting canned as soon as possible.’ But she was pretty sure why the lawyers were there. Linc hadn’t mentioned it, but she was certain it was the last major hurdle to overcome. The prenup! This would take a lot of finesse....

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Slave Night

This story has been passed down for years in my family's history, of course the sex part has been added but then again sex between the white master and female slaves did take place. By the 1820's the importing of slaves was illegal in the US, but there was still selling [auctions] up to the time of the war. When there was a female mulatto they were often sold since they were mostly the offspring of a slave and her master. This is a story of one such young girl who was shipped to the slaves...

4 years ago
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Katy Perry

Katy Perry hatte sich aufgemacht eine Tour durch den wilden Westen zu machen, mit ihrem schwarzen Mustang, 5 L, V8 Motor mit 418 PS, sie liebte dieses schnelle Auto. Es wurde schon dunkel, als sie das Schild las "Motel 1 km". Sie war froh, in der Dunkelheit wollte sie lieber ein Dach über dem Kopf haben. Sie hielt am Motel an, eine Bar und Restaurant war angeschlossen, 15 Motorräder standen ebenfalls vor dem Motel und 14 Rocker, sowie 12 Rockergirls lungerten in Lederkleidung herum und tranken...

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My Mature Neighbor Natalie

Over a decade ago I moved into an apartment block, it consisted of two small housing units attached by the side. The first time I looked at the building I was thoroughly unimpressed, my real estate agent was relaying useless information about the area, price and so on. I probably wouldn’t have bothered with such a bore of an apartment as I had a vast sea of opportunity within the area’s real estate. But that was all before I laid eyes on my soon to be neighbour, Natalie. Natalie wasn’t...

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Craigslist Encounter with a Young Black Cock

This is actually a story i related to someone via email, and it made more horny to think about it again so i decided to post it for the heck of it! I’ve actually never bottomed before, though i have been more curious about it lately. The closest i ever came i guess was once when i had this guy come over…He was black, avg height, husky build…younger guy, maybe around 21, 22, I was around 30 or so…i don’t remember now….but anyway, I had posted an add looking for a hookup and he responded saying...

1 year ago
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Naughty Hot NurseChapter 10

Sarah looked at the crowded bus, almost didn't get on, and then decided her john was probably already at the bar waiting for her. She paid her fare and worked her way slowly through the jammed people to the middle. Then she wished she hadn't gotten on because it was hot and she didn't want to smell sweaty. The bus stopped at every corner. It was the third stop before she realized the man behind her was unnecessarily pressing against her. Her eyes widened when she felt his cock pressing...

2 years ago
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A Horrible ChoiceChapter 2

Sheryl wasn't sure what she was going to do over the next week and sincerely wished she could just disappear until her next appointment. Unfortunately, she hadn't even gotten halfway home before she heard the familiar sound of her phone buzzing. "Hey Babe; wha's up?" She knew it was Shawn even before she answered it. "I'm on the bus headin' home." "Where you comin' from?" She could hear the irritation in his voice and tried to make light of it saying, "An appointment,...

4 years ago
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Girlfriend Ke Bhai Aur Usake Boyfriend Ke Sath Maje Kiye

Hello friends, kese hai…? Asha hai sabhi mast honge, aur jam ke jawani ka anand le rahe honge. Mera naam anuj hai. I am sure jan hi gaye honge, aap logo ke kafi sare compliment muje mile hai pichale experiences ko share karane pe! Ye experience January ka hi hai, new year ki party ka time hi tha. Vese me apane bare me bata du ki meri hight 5’11 hai and meri gym(lean) body hai. Meri girl friend bhi hai usaka naam sonal hai, she is hot babe. Usake sath meri sexual relationship me koi problem nahi...

3 years ago
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Erotic Love Making With My Girlfriend

Hello readers, I would like to introduce myself, I am Ronny from Mumbai and this incident occurred between me and my girlfriend Nikki. Without wasting any time I would like to come straight to the story. We had been dating for like more than a month and we both liked each other very much. We had come very close to each other, now we wanted to feel the touch of each other, but for some reasons we were not getting the opportunity. Once her family had to leave town for some emergency and were only...

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Oil of RosesChapter 51

Usagi sat at the feet of one of her new Mistresses, Carol. Her Mistress stroked her hair, unabashedly staring down at her naked body with appreciation. Usagi was happy — happy to be out of the hideous clothes she'd found under another girl's bed, the only things she could find to wear in a hurry — happy to be through her training and finally out in the real world — happy with her new House as they seemed very welcoming, all of them, even the other subs, and very joyous, even with all that...

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Shilpa babhi yoga turns to sex

Hello everyone, this is Ashwin from Bangalore. I am 32 years old and working In Bangalore. Kindly read my story and share your feedback to my personal ID [email protected]. This incident happened 4 year back, I was staying in a single bhk appartment. It was 3 floor small apartment. Each floor has 2 houses. I was in the top floor and in the same floor Shilpa babhi was alos staying. Since we were in the same floor occasionally we used to share few Words. Her husband was working in...

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MBF 26 Newbs Pt 1

Last time we saw Jay and Amanda was when Amanda and Jeanette were doing a special video for Jay as an anniversary gift. The football season has ended for Jay. He currently has been spending his free time with his two favorite girls Amanda and Jeanette. Whenever he isn’t with his girls he is spending time and cheering on his cousin Moira seeing how the soccer season has started for her. Currently Jay will be facing an interesting conundrum but he doesn’t know it yet. But let’s find out what is...

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SweetSinner Silvia Saige Different Wives Different Lives

Silvia Saige & Marcus London: After an earthquake level’s Silvia’s dreams of moving to the Caribbean, and her marriage, she is eager to find another way to change her life. She finds that escape in her boss, Marcus, who reveals that he is considering making her his business partner, so long as she proves her commitment to their business relationship. Silvia is willing to do anything to win her boss over, which includes following him to one of the company’s vacant...


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