Beauty–Remastered Ch. 05 free porn video

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*Dear loves, I’m very sorry I haven’t updated in forever. =( I hope this next chapter helps in earning your forgiveness. I’m having trouble writing everything lately, just missing that spark. But, I’ll work on Chapter 6 as well as I can, and try to get it to you asap. Kisses, Almostluver*

Halfway through the night, Scarlet awoke, tangled in Donovan’s arms. Her head was resting against his warm, bare chest, his heart beating steadily in her ear. One strong arm was slung around her waist, the other was drifting unconsciously over the skin of her thigh, which was hitched up around his hip.

In the darkness, and asleep, he looked young, soft…beautiful. So different from everything he was in the light of day. Beautiful, yes. Soft…not in the least. A part of her lusted after his hardness, she could admit to herself. But she also wanted to feel his softness directed at her on purpose.

She dozed off again after staring at him for several minutes. Before her eyes drifted closed, she briefly wondered about their morning after. His dream had embarrassed both of them, she hadn’t expected him to come back to her bed. Waking up with him there had been a shock, but a pleasurable one. Waking up with him a second time, wouldn’t be quite as nice.

She needn’t have worried.

The next time she opened her eyes, her bed was empty, with only his faint scent giving away that he’d ever been there.

The next three weeks passed the same way, they would see each other for meals, while the rest of her time was spent with Abner or exploring the grounds — when the despicable man she was married to gave her leave to do so — and his was spent in areas of the house he’d forbidden her to venture into. She could probably count the number of words they shared each day on two hands, if that, and that was perfectly alright with her. Their nights began in different rooms…but she always woke up to find him beside her in the middle of the night, and gone again in the morning.

One night, he didn’t come at all, and she tossed and turned the whole night.

‘Wife –‘

‘Scar- Annabelle,’ She corrected him crossly, glaring across the table. He had been calling her that — not by her name — since the night of his dream, and she didn’t like it one bit.

He frowned, but continued. ‘Tomorrow, I will be leaving, on business, for a couple days. While I am gone, the same rules still apply. No visitors. You will stay in the house — Abner has been instructed that your afternoon walks will be postponed until I return, and he knows better than to go against me. Above all, stay out of my rooms.’

She flushed guiltily. A few days ago, she had ‘accidentally’ wandered into his part of the house, and he’d discovered her trying to trip the lock in one of the doors with a hair pin. She had been relieved when all he’d done was lock her in her room for the rest of the night, she’d expected a sound spanking, at least. Then again, that had been the night he didn’t come…but how would he know she couldn’t sleep without him beside her?

‘Do I make myself clear?’ His soft growl broke into her thoughts, turned them right around to those annoyingly aroused thoughts she got whenever he spoke to her in that tone — whenever he spoke, period.

‘What is your business?’ She asked to distract herself.

He frowned and continued eating. Obviously, he wasn’t open to talk about his business. She didn’t think he actually had one — he certainly didn’t need it. From what she gathered, his father had died a multibillionaire, leaving every penny and zero debts to his son. Work, obviously, was just an amusement for him.

Then again, she couldn’t see Donovan actually performing any sort of task, and not just because of his blindness. He just wasn’t a working-type of person, and she knew those types very well. She’d been one, refusing to live solely off her parent’s shaky wealth. Donovan Alford had probably never worked a second in his life.

Stocks, she decided, studying him. He has hundreds, thousands, or even millions of stocks, and all his ‘business trip’ is, is a meeting with his handlers, or brokers, or whatever they’re called.

‘I asked you a question, Annabelle.’


‘I said: do I make myself clear? Don’t make me repeat myself again.’ His lush lips pressed together into a frown, and she looked down and away immediately. It ought to have been illegal, his ridiculous amount of sex appeal. It wasn’t fair on her poor hormones.

‘Yes, sir.’ She whispered. He didn’t reply, and when she finally chanced a peek at him, his face was quizzical as he ‘studied’ her. She knew that look very well…she’d seen it on his face almost every time they were together. She puzzled him.

Donovan sighed quietly and picked up is fork. His young wife was a puzzle. She was snappish and a brat to him most of the time, and that he could deal with and understand. But, it was when she got quiet and scared-like, like this, that he was lost. He wished he could see her face, so he’d at least have a clue what was on her mind. He had a feeling his wife’s face was very readable.


The day after Donovan left, Scarlet woke early — though, ‘woke’ is hardly the right word used to describe rolling out of bed before dawn after a very long, sleepless night. She dressed quietly and went downstairs. Abner was puttering away in the kitchen already. She wandered around the bottom floor, aimlessly entering and exiting rooms and losing herself in the long, twisted hallways. She’d become almost familiar with the halls in the almost month that she’d been here, only getting mixed up every so often.

‘Milady,’ Abner popped out of nowhere, startling her as she exited a room towards the back of the house. ‘Breakfast is ready.’

‘Thanks, Abner,’ She headed off to the dining room quickly, momentarily forgetting S that Donovan wasn’t waiting for her there. Her pace slowed as soon as she remembered, and she entered the cold, empty room somberly.

Abner served her silently, and she thanked him quietly, as usual. Breakfast had never seemed so long. They usually ate silently, anyway, but it was different with his obvious absence. She looked up at his chair constantly, but he wasn’t there. She missed the way he cleared his throat quietly, every so often, as if preparing to say something to her. She missed the way his fingers sounded as they slid across the heavy books he usually brought to the table. She even (almost) missed the way he gave her the day’s orders.

Plain and simple, Scarlet missed Donovan.

The rest of day one was spent wandering the giant house, losing and finding herself in the hallways. She longed to go outside for some fresh air and exercise, but Abner had locked all of the doors, knowing full well that she’d try to disobey the Master’s orders. That didn’t stop her from testing every outer door she came to, and every window low enough that she wouldn’t hurt herself getting out of it. The butler had thought of that as well — even the windows on the very top floor were fastened securely.

Scarlet missed Joey, and her horse. By four p.m. she’d been through every unlocked room, top to bottom, and she was beginning to get cabin fever. She’d even tried to jimmy one of Donovan’s special doors open with her hair pins. The damn lock was having none of that.

Flopping on her bed, she sighed and stared moodily at the ceiling. Her husband’s little rules made life dull. She was rarely on the computer, or phone or needed anything electronic at home, but the absence of those things, and her inability to simply use them when she wanted was too obvious.

The rules that pissed her off the most were ‘no going outside’ and ‘no visitors.’ If she were at home, she’d have had Joey and Danny over in a minute, and they would’ve spent hours upon hours fooling around outdoors. Her sweet gelding, Cupid, probably missed her, she’d sent her baby to Joey’s, so he could take care of him until D
onovan allowed her to bring him to their home. Joey knew exactly how she wanted her horse treated, and he wouldn’t shirk, just because she wasn’t there, and he wouldn’t spoil Cupid, ’cause he knew there’d be hell to pay when Scarlet found out.

For the first time in days, Scarlet remembered her cell phone. There were a shockingly few amount of outlets in the house, and she had to be careful not to leave it charging somewhere Abner or Donovan would find it, so she rarely used it, and kept it powered off.

The last time she’d called Joey, Donovan had walked into the room just as she was preparing to say goodbye. He had ‘looked’ at her curiously, but he hadn’t said anything, so she quietly ended the call without saying another word, and had left the room before switching the phone off. She kept it hidden in the lining of her suitcase, which was shoved in the back of a closet in an empty room.

Now, she hurried to that room, several doors down from hers. She’d stuck a tiny piece of yellow cloth in the edge of the door, just so she would know which room it was. She had dozens of other little clues around the house, and Abner left them alone, knowing how confusing the large house could be to an outsider.

The door closed behind her with a quiet click and she shivered in the cool room. There was always a nasty chill in this house, no matter where she went. Even the rooms they actually lived and went in were cold, though not nearly as cold as the rooms that remained closed for most of the time. Scarlet quickly went to the closet and pulled her suitcase from the back. Digging around in a hole she’d torn in the lining, her fingers swiftly found her cell. She climbed into the bed and crawled under the covers, pulling the blanket over her head in an attempt to keep out the cold.

Her phone warbled happily as she turned it on. She’d never been so glad to see a bright, almost cheesy electric light in her life. She had twelve missed calls, all from Joey. She sighed and played through every single one of his messages. They were all the same, mostly, slowly getting more and more frantic. The last one, sent yesterday, demanded that she call him within the next twenty-four hours, or he would be mounting a full-scale rescue mission, her beastly husband be damned. Scarlet laughed at his dramatics, and dialed his number.

‘Scary! You’re alive!’ was the first thing her panicky best friend screamed into her ear. She almost cried, finally hearing his voice after nearly two weeks without it. ‘Are you okay? He hasn’t hurt you, has he? Any developments from the last time we talked? Do you want me and Danny to come get you? We can be there within the hour.’ Scarlet rolled her eyes at that. Her new home was nearly four hours away from Joey’s. But, given Danny’s driving, they probably *could* be there in under an hour. ‘Scary! Answer me!’

‘Joey, I’m fine.’

‘Thank god!’ He was still yelling and she half-wondered if it was a good idea to call him, after all. ‘When I didn’t hear from you for so long, I got worried. I’m sorry.’

‘It’s alright.’

‘So,’ he sounded calmer. ‘I take it your hubby’s not around?’

‘No, he’s gone, on business. Otherwise, I probably wouldn’t be able to call you. Gosh, I’ve missed you guys.’

‘We’ve missed you too, Scary. I hate not being able to talk to you whenever, or see you…Cupid misses you too, by the way.’

He went on about her horse, but she was only half listening. A sudden anger had filled her, at the thought that her husband had taken her away from her home, her family — depleted though it was — and friends, and had given her rules and regulations on how she was to live her life, and she had to sneak to hear from anybody other than him and their butler. All the desire and curiosity and god knows what else that she’d felt toward him died immediately.

‘Scarlet, you’re not listening.’ Joey said quietly. ‘What’s wrong?’

‘Who the hell does he think he is?’ She demanded with a shaking voice that barely hid her rage. ‘I’m a grown woman. I should be able to see whoever I want, when I want. Especially my best friend! And he has me locked inside while he’s away on ‘business’. I’m not even allowed to go outside with Abner! I miss my home, and my mom, and you and Danny and my horse, and he won’t let me have anything!’

‘Scarlet…’ Joey sighed, and he sounded so sad, Scarlet immediately stopped her rant. ‘Since he’s away, would you like me to come get you? Danny’s at work, so it’ll take a little longer for me to get there, but just say the word, and I’ll come up and sneak you away. There’s got to be a way to get you out of that house without the butler noticing.’

‘Oh, Joey, no. I can’t. You know why…’ She rubbed her face for a moment tiredly. ‘Have you seen my mom?’

‘Yeah, Danny and I went to visit her in the hospital the other day…’

‘And?’ She prompted when he trailed off and didn’t continue.

‘She doesn’t look good, Scarlet. I’ve never seen your mom look so…sick. I’m sorry.’

Scarlet closed her eyes and breathed deep a few times. She could feel the tears prickling behind her eyelids, but she refused to let them fall. She still hadn’t completely forgiven her mother for forcing her into this, though she was beginning to understand why she’d done it.

‘Do you think I’ll ever see her again, Joey?’

‘I don’t know…the doctors haven’t given her a lot of time. A month, maybe more.’

‘Shit.’ She bit her tongue, half expecting her husband’s large hand to come stinging down on her backside. ‘He’s trained me well,’ she thought distantly, every time she swore, when they weren’t close enough to anything he could use as a real punishment, he’d pull her over his knee and give her a dozen good, hard swats. She’d stopped swearing completely after the third day. ‘Okay, keep me updated. If she gets worse, I want to know, Joey. I need to see her before…’ her throat locked up. ‘You know?’

‘Yeah, I know. I’ll let you know every time I visit her. And if she does get worse, I’ll come up there and bring you back myself.’

‘Yeah…’ Scarlet rolled onto her stomach. ‘It’s so different, Joey. It’s different than I thought.’

‘What do you mean?’

‘He’s…different. I don’t know. We don’t talk. I only see him twice a day. And I don’t mind, but…I…’

Joseph gasped and she groaned, knowing exactly what he was going to say. ‘You like him!’

She almost considered denying it, but that would be pointless. Besides, it was only ‘like’. Very mild, almost nonexistent ‘like.’ Like…she hardly felt it, half the time, past the clear hatred…it was kind of like looking through the window of a hot room at snow outside, it was foggy and blurred. ‘Probably. But, I also hate him, and that’s not going to change. He’s handsome and he knows how to work me up and get on my nerves and how to make me want him –‘ She stopped. That last bit wasn’t supposed to come out. She’d just continued talking, without thinking. Joey gasped again. ‘It’s just lust. I’m in very mild lust with him.’

‘That’s how I started with Danny.’

‘Liar. You were smitten the second we walked into that diner.’

‘Okay, so maybe I don’t know what being in lust is. But, I think you might be close to lov–‘ Scarlet sat straight up and scowled at her phone in disgust. ‘Shut up.’

‘Sorry. It’s just –‘

Scarlet missed the rest of what Joey was going on about, because Abner opened the door and stuck his head in. She dropped the phone and pulled the blanket over it. ‘Hi, Abner.’

‘I just came to let you know that dinner is ready.’ He smiled kindly at her, and she knew he knew.

‘Thanks.’ She said a quick goodbye to Joey, and climbed off the big bed. Taking Abner’s arm, she let him lead her from the room and down the hallway. ‘You’re not going to tell him, are you, Abner?’

‘I should. You do know the rules, milady.’

‘And you know they’re ridiculous. I can’t be here, day after day, by myself! I at least n
eed to talk to my best friend.’

‘I understand. But, rules are rules.’


‘I won’t tell. But, I think you should. If you come clean on your own, maybe he’ll come around.’

Scarlet laughed at the thought of Lord Alford ‘coming around’ to anything.


Scarlet called Joey and Danny every day that Donovan was gone. She didn’t have to hide in the cold room when it was just her and Abner in the house, and she started sitting in the parlour with a fire lit. Abner even started serving her meals in there, seeing how happy hearing from her friends made her. Everything seemed easier when Donovan was gone.

On the fifth day, Joey couldn’t talk for very long. There had been an accident at the Diner, and he and Danny needed to get there as soon as possible. He’d offered to stay on the phone during the drive, but he’d been distracted after five minutes, so she told him to call her when everything was settled.

For a while, she just sat in the parlour, feeling the heat from the fireplace and relaxing. That got old fast, though. She decided to get some exercise and tour the house yet again, maybe see if there was something interesting she’d missed. Dinner was hours away, and until then, she’d have absolutely nothing to occupy her time.

Abner passed her in the halls as he went out to tend his roses. For the hundredth time, it seemed, he ignored her request that she go with him. ‘Rules were rules.’ She stood reluctantly by the door until she heard the lock click, and she knew she was very alone in that big house.

And so Scarlet set out to re-explore her home. She entered every door she came to in the bottom floor, wandered through the extra-large kitchen and empty sitting rooms and libraries. There were three of the latter, in this house, each filled with more books than she could’ve ever imagined. And, from what she could tell, no repeats, unless they were in foreign languages. She’d read three already, and had another waiting for her in her bedroom.

Done with the first floor, she mounted the stairs to the second floor. There were half a dozen bedrooms on this floor, her own included. The many other rooms were separate bathrooms, more sitting rooms, and closets. All of them, minus the ones she regularly entered, empty and freezing cold. She stopped in her room to get a sweater, to ward off the chill of the house. After considering it, she hunted down a candelabra and lit the candles to guide her way.

The third floor was basically the same as the second, but had more bedrooms and was even colder. Many of the rooms weren’t even furnished. There were only thick, heavy curtains in the windows, the dusty floors wide open. Her feet left marks in the thick film of the floor, revealing which rooms she had entered.

The fourth floor was even emptier, every room was stripped bare of even carpets and wallpaper. Half of the rooms were locked, being Donovan’s private rooms. Scarlet hugged herself as she entered the very last unlocked room, a huge, cavernous hall, covered in mirrors. She’d never been in this one before. In the corner, a curtain stretched from the ceiling to the worn wooden floor. She tiptoed across the wide floor, and paused at the curtain. A quick glance around showed she was still very alone.

She pulled the curtain aside, and jumped back when it collapsed at her feet in a cloud of dust. A large bed sat in the corner, half-surrounded by mirrors. The bed was easily twice the size of the one in her room, which she’d once thought was incredibly massive. It looked as if it hadn’t been used in a very long time. The thick wooden headboard rise high above the mattress, the intricate details of the carvings in it shining dully in the candlelight.

Behind the bed was a door. She climbed onto the bed carefully, trying to keep the dust storm at a minimum. The bed was only a few inches away from the door, and she clambered over the headboard to reach the knob. It turned slightly, and caught. A few good yanks tugged it free, and the heavy door creaked open slowly. Darkness met her eyes. A blast of freezing cold air wafted toward her, blowing out all but one of the candles.

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261, THE DATE THAT CHANGED MY LIFE(THE ORIGINS OF MY FETISHES?)Well, here I was, just off a flight from Cyprus, just back from a six-month military detachment, 21 years old, bronzed 6 foot 4 tall, and still growing, suntanned, hair bleached blond, and on leave for 21 lovely days. There was a group of about 200 of us and we were ready for home. Unusually we were on leave from the airport, and we each had a lumpy army suitcase, and a bulky kitbag. We were instructed not to wear our UN berets,...

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Meri Pyasi Bhabhi 8211 Part 6

Bhabhi bhaiya aur main 3 din aur rahe waha pe, aur teeno ne khoob masti ki. Bhaiya ke saamne hi maine bhabhi ki din mein 2 baar, aur raat ko 2 kabhi 3 baar chudai ki. Har baar maine bhabhi ka paani nikaal ke hi dum liya. Hum teeno wapas laut aaye ghar. Ab ek hi chinta thi, ki ghar pe to sex ho nahi payega, pita ji ki nazar to rahegi hi. Ab chori se hi mauka milega, to hi kiya jayega. Bhaiya-bhabhi aur mera room interconnected bhi tha, yani ki bheetar se ek darwaza dono ke room ke beech tha,...

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The Doctor the ExconChapter 9 Ruben

He called last night! I heard the phone ring and I knew it had to be him! He was here; in Groveport! And he had come to see me. After all this time, my dad was here and he was coming to see me. I wanted to answer the phone myself but I knew mom would have a fit if I did. She made me promise to wait and do it dad's way. She told me that if I didn't do it that way, that dad might just stay away. I thought she was crazy, but she did know him better than I did. So, I heard the phone ring and I...

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Travelling On

Chapter 1 I'm pretty satisfied with my life and how I live. 35 years old, divorced, comfortably off and with no real responsibilities or worries and a job that I enjoy and get a sense of accomplishment from. Some years ago I went into partnership with a couple of friends and we operated a small but highly technical 'Machine Tools and Precise Fittings' workshop employing a small but highly qualified staff who are paid them well and rewarded for extra productivity and loyalty. I no longer...

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Bowling for HeartsChapter 101

I handed Sam the keys to the Escalade and we left for dinner. I chose Pelican's because Cat was working there that night. Bobby, the owner, greeted us as we walked in. He said he would get us a table as soon as possible and led us to the bar area. We had just received our drinks when Cat came up and hugged me. She said she'd have a table for us in her section shortly. She asked if we needed anything while we waited and I told her we were fine. She gave me a sassy look as she walked...

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Black Bullies from High School Fuck My Wife

Most of us have probably had experiences in our younger years that we would just as soon forget. I had some experiences like that in my junior and senior years in high school, and they were all but forgotten until chance reared its ugly head. My name is Walter, and I’m a pretty average 62 year old married, white man at 6’ tall, 185 pounds, with grey hair and beard, and hazel eyes. But I started out as a skinny kid who had a hard time defending himself. My wife Sheila is a 60 year old white...

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Erotic New Year8217s Eve Party 8211 Part II

Hello everyone. This is Ankur Roy, a 21 year old man from Mumbai. I’d wrongly mentioned my email id last time. Sorry for the mistake. The correct email address has been given at the end of this story. This story is a continuation of the first part. So, ideally you should read the part I first. Nonetheless, you’ll get a hang of the story from this part as well. A brief recap of the first part here; I went for a New Year’s Eve party on 31.12.2014 at a venue in Navi Mumbai. I went there alone and...

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Narisa 1 A Life Changing EventChapter 4

As Narisa and I walked the few steps from the living room to what would now become our bedroom, she began to tremble. I gently gave her shoulder a gentle, reassuring squeeze as I opened the bedroom door. She gave a sudden start when I opened the door and she saw the bed. I gently led her inside, closed the door and we came to stop next to the bed near the bathroom doorway. She stopped, turned and looked up at me with questioning, tearful eyes when I remembered something I'd forgotten. I...

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The Ultimate App Part 4

The Ultimate App Part 4 - By Toxic Allie (Author's Note: I do not own any rights or any shares to do the Apple iPhone. Those names are used in the story for plot purposes only and because they are current in today's world. Also, you may want to read the first parts of "The Ultimate App" so you can understand what is going on, instead of being thrust into the story. Also I would like to thank Jennifer Adams for her brilliant idea of Ben Wa Balls from her Altered Fates story "Miss-ing"...

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Daves Australian OdysseyChapter 13 Yeppoon and the Zoo

The next morning Dave and the young couple headed off to Yeppoon via Biloela and Mount Morgan, then called into Rockhampton. Although this was much longer than the direct route, Dave was keen to visit these places, especially Mount Morgan, a very historic town. Their first port of call there was to the restored old railway station originally built in 1896, which now doubled as the information centre. Dave was given a sketch map of the town with information on the various points of interest....

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The Shelter from Juxiang Tang

This story is not written by me, I copied it from Juxian Tang's Fiction. If you like it, go visit the page:'s plenty more of this. Btw this is one of the rather harmless stories, others by this author contain extreme torture, v******e and all the abuse you can imagine. Have fun. THE SHELTERI met them where Tornfield Avenue was intersected with that small street - only several doors of half-decent bars and a neon sign of a night-club. They passed me...

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Lindas Revenge

Linda's Revenge 20 April, 2001 Hi my name is Linda, this is how I got revenge some people that took advantage of me. It all started the day my girlfriend Crissie and I were invited to party on campus. One of the frat houses were going to have an end of the year bash, a real blow out. Crissie and I are seniors in high school, we're both 17. I have long sandy brown hair, brown eyes, 5'6" and measure 35B-23- 34, Crissie is 5'7", light blonde hair, blue eyes and is a...

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The Slow QuickstepChapter 13

Allie waited until her mother returned from work but before Sean got home to tackle Leah on making love with Toby. “We didn’t want to be underhand and spoil the full joy for ourselves by being furtive,” she added. “Oh, my beloved daughter!” Leah thought. “And my beloved Toby too for that matter.” “Hmm!” she said thoughtfully and paused. “We can hardly have you moving in together before you’re married.” Allie said nothing but looked apprehensive. “The spare room’s got a double bed and your...

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The Adventures of Jake Tomlin

You are 18 years old and attend the local public high school. It’s October of senior year for you and you are a "nerd". You don't have many friends and you're the victim of bullying from some boys but also many girls. However,that was about to change. You wake up in the middle of the night to see a sexy,half-naked woman sitting on your bed. "Who are you?"you ask. "I am a goddess."she says. "And I will grant you,Jake Tomlin,a power beyond your wildest comprehension. The ability to stop time,or...

Mind Control
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Mustang Sally

I was round my sister’s house helping her to redecorate, when her neighbour popped round for a cuppa. She is a very sexy woman. Tallish, slim and has the greatest ass any man could wish for. But she is a bit of a whore. Not in a nasty way or anything like that. It's just that she can't say no to cock, which is how she got the nickname ‘Mustang Sally’ because everyone has had a ride.On seeing what a fine job I had done Sally asked if I would like to pop round hers sometime and help her do some...

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WebYoung Yhivi Zoe Parker The Soccer Star Part Two

After having wild and passionate lesbian sex with Soccer Star, Zoe Parker, Yhivi finds herself in a tough situation. As she recalls rushing out of the bathroom in order to complete her interview on time. A simple phone call with her editor, reminds her that while she was supposed to be gathering information from Zoe, the most important question was left unanswered as the two were laying on the bathroom floor, licking each other’s pussies. Not wanting to let her editor down, or come off as...

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Sex With My Reader In A Theme Park

Hey readers, this is Nayeem with yet another sexual experience. This is my 10th story. Thank you for sending your feedback and suggestions. I had a good time with some ladies who texted me. My new sexual encounter is also with one of them. After my last story, I had received many emails from ladies who wanted to maintain secret sexting and relationship. I love sexting and having sex and one night stands with strangers. If any woman/girl wants to get along with me you could reach me at And...

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Dream StateChapter 18

From Chicago, we traveled to San Francisco, where (of course) Debbie had a small apartment complex. Unfortunately, Aimee discovered that all the rooms in the complex were leased, so she called around and got us a set of rooms at the Hyatt on North Point Street near the famous Fisherman's Wharf for a week. Following William Voder's advice, we had decided to formalize the marriage between Mary and me, having Debbie and Aimee act as witnesses. Due to the fact that neither Mary nor I were...

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The Tenant

The tenantIt was the monthly assembly of the flat owners of the apartment block, at the caretakers’ house. After the usual issues being discussed, complaints came up from several owners about the new woman tenant staying in apartment 2b. It was argued that several different kinds of sounds disturb the neighbours’ tranquillity. These noises differ from loud yells and whimpers to moans and sighs. The caretaker, sworn bachelor and rather masculine in appearance,  who also happened to be the owner...

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Johnny By Frefinn Sept. 18, 2004 Johnny was a 10 year old boy. He was average in size and had features like his mother like her long curly hair and round face. Even though he really didn't know his mother because she died in a car accident when he was only 2 years old. At that time his father wasn't able to work and being unemployed decided to give Johnny up for adoption. Johnny, now an orphan, grew up in and out of foster homes. He managed to learn his street smarts quickly and...

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July passes and then it's bare-knuckled November. Up close to the Canadian border, winter comes in fast and sudden and burns out my crop with frost and snow. That's when the tourists come flooding in. Most of my nearest neighbors have given up farming to turn their historic ranch homes into B&Bs. I'm one of the last.November is about the time my Katherine stopped riding along the road. It's long since she's started wearing her top again. Her bare chest is the ghost of a memory by...

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His Sisters Big Arse Part 2

With seventeen-year-old Ian Patterson having cum on the bare arse of his twenty-year-old sister Sharon and causing her orgasm in the process, both siblings knew that further involvement was likely and desired.Over the next few days, they often had eye contact and Sharon would sometimes tease Ian by sticking her backside out as he went past or Ian would touch one of her buttocks as he moved behind her.They both knew that they should not be having such thoughts but both longed to get with the...

1 year ago
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Katie Learns How to Please Black Men

I have been seeing a married teacher from Greenville, Al , who is a submissive. She is about 5 ' brown curly hair with big breast and a full figure. She is married to… I have been seeing a married teacher from Greenville, Al , who is a submissive. She is about 5 ' brown curly hair with big breast and a full figure. She is married to a 6-4 guy who has a 4-5 inch hard pencil dick that can't satisfy her, but she tolerated it till her daughters were grown. Now she is starting to explore her...

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4 Horny Men Have Public Toilet Sex

Sex in public. Sex in toilets. Sex in public toilets....Oh yes, the thrill of the unknown, the heart-pounding expectation that any moment, a horny fucker with a full ball sack, a filthy attitude and a tasty cock would come into the toilets and start the game...I used to live for such sexual encounters, but now, most convenience are closed - I miss it so much! It was instant, exciting, unpredictable, dangerous, anonymous, fulfilling and ultimately, ticked all my boxes sex-wise.I'm looking at...

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Siennas Seduction Part III

Minidevilette© 2012 This is part three in Sienna’s encounter and it would probably be beneficial, although not entirely necessary, to get up to speed by reading the previous two chapters. My abject apologies to people who enjoyed Sienna Pt I & II and posted to let me know of their enthusiasm for more ~ I know it’s been awhile but I’m getting it together again & Pt IV is in the works. I hope this doesn’t disappoint. Survival or surrender? What the hell kind of choice is that? Sienna thought...

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Chronos ChroniclesChapter 4

Most everyone in the room looks shocked, except for the old man. He just nods and looks sad. "I believe we should talk," he says in that same calm tone in which he has answered my earlier questions. "I am called Melville, I am the leader here." "Oh." comes my genius reply. "I think I need to sit down now." I say as my knees unlocked and I slide bonelessly to the floor, Saber tries to catch me, but it is the nice young man from earlier who ends up with me in a puddle on the...

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Mayhem 2 Sea CruiseChapter 5

-Sumalee- I was happier than I probably should have been when Daniel walked into my lounge again the next day and sat down at the bar. I could not tell you exactly why I was happy he had returned but I was. I mean ... looking at him through unbiased eyes he is not particularly handsome, other than in an everyman, rugged sort of way. But he was nice and listened, laughed at my silly jokes and seemed to be enjoying talking to me for a reason other than just a ploy to separate me from my...

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Bigger Cock Always Wins

My wife Sarah has been friends with our neighbor Jill for a couple of years. They aren't best friends, but they sit around and drink coffee at least a few times each month. Sometimes they will bargain shop together. Jill's husband Mike is a consultant and travels each week returning home just for the weekend before he heads out again to solve a problem in Wichita or Boise. Last month Mike got laid off and he has decided to take a few months before starting to look for a new job.One morning...

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Page SixChapter 10

Last seen: Josie Paterson, seen here, doing something quite illegal. Troubles at home? If not, they sure are on the way... Emma dropped down next to the three girls, and made them all perk up with the devilish grin on her face. What? Liz asked, forking some edamame into her mouth, and promptly opening another one of the red soy sauce packets on top of it. The bitch is headed to rehab. What? Shes going ... check this out... Half of Page Six was pictures and an article. She had been...

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Part 4 8211 My Sex Tutor

This short but memorable experience in 1984 is about my aunt’s sister. I owe it to Sumashree for initiating me into my first real sexual encounter. Until then I was only into masturbation, fantasizing film actresses, neighbors and class mates, and had indulged in the most extreme case (until then) of sucking Rupa’s breasts. I was touching 17 then and was in the XII standard and had appeared for my Board exams. She might have been 26 then and stayed in Bangalore. She was buxom. She was dark but...

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Ma ne bete se chudwaya

Hello ISS Mera naam raajaa hai ma aap ko my Sexy story sunata hoo my age 25 year old I ask my Romantic Story Mara Dost Muja play boy katha hai ma ak Rich family say Belong kertha hoi Ma apni asli bath pa atha hoi ak ma sex ke bato pa jayada dhyan nahi data ak bar ma apna system ma ak blue film start kiya hoi 5 min he hoya tha ke mummy jo ak thodi se moti our kambi hai uski age maximum 38 year old hai usna muja dekh liya jaldi sa mara sa Mefia payer bhi nahi off ker paya mammi na muja sa pocha...

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She Feels A Little Guilty Sometimes

Sherry is an outgoing fun-loving person with an infectious smile that always seems to have a hint of mischief in it. She was even pretty wild back in the day. These days, she is happily married to her third husband, of fifteen plus years, and they love spending as much time as they can with her grandchildren. But since her car accident several years ago, she has lived with the daily grind of unexplainable pain. A sharp, burning, radiating pain that pulses through her hips and legs.Sherry has...

Wife Lovers
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Captured Part 3

The concluding part of the story of the capture of two English virgins in an Apache raid. Obviously, this story will make more sense if you first read Parts 1 and 2 which can be found here - and here***********************************It took over an hour to get their hair clean of the oil. Finally, as they stood inside the flap of the wikiup, Dahteste looked them over. Their blonde hair, tied...

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Let us come to the incident which happened few days ago. It was my real life incident. But with confidence I decided to try it. I am searching for an BEAUTY to try with her.I got the beauty.Her name is Keerthi (name changed for secret ) She lives in our colony with her husband.Husband is working in exporting company. She had 2 year son. She looks like a less than 25. She was damn beauty.I many times sites her.but not talk to her much.Now I decided to seduce her.So I purposely talk to her and...

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wife invites friend to join us

This is a TRUE Story This was is 2006 after 6 months since my wife told me that a friend of mine told her he'd like to fuck her. I talked with him and told him to keep coming over and Partying with us and eventually she's let us do a 3 way with her. The time was a Sat. Night when my friend named Sean stopped by to party and caught my wife of (at that time) 34 yrs. in a Net, Black Teddy with a snap crotch on and was getting drunk. Sean came in and began to drink with her as I got stoned....

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