Part 02: Billy – The Hidden Truth free porn video

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I will never forget the day that my mother left. I was ten years old the day I came home and found her gone. I still have the note that she left my father, telling him that she would be back in a few days to get me. That never happened. When my father came home and found her note, he took it out on the first person he saw . . . me. He nearly beat me to death. He said my mother left because of me. I was grateful that it was summer time and that I did not have to cut school to hide my injuries.

In those days, the slightest thing would set him off on a drunken rampage. I dealt with it the best way I knew how. I kept my mouth shut and braved it out until it was over. Yes, suicide had crossed my mind more than a few times, but I did not want to give my father the satisfaction.

However, lucky for me, I was good at hiding what I was really feeling.

I was sitting at the kitchen table, eating dinner, when my father came home that evening, with the smell of cheap whiskey on his breath. He only glanced at me, as I did him, and he got into the refrigerator and got himself a cold beer. He twisted off the cap and leaned back against the counter, glaring at me. I felt my heart speed up as my body tensed up, waiting.

‘What are you doing, Billy?’

‘What does it look like?’ I muttered.


‘I’m eating.’

‘Did your chores?’


‘Yes, what?’

I rolled my eyes. ‘Yes, Sir.’

‘Did you feel the wood box?’

‘Not yet.’

‘Get to it.’

‘Yes, Sir.’

‘Now, Boy!’ he shouted when I did not move fast enough.

I filled the wood box. Then I snuck out and went for a drive. My car was a 1983 Ford Mustang that I saved up for and bought for myself. I was very proud of that car. I drove to the Springfield Bridge and stopped on the side of the road. I walked to the edge of the bridge and looked down into the muddy waters of the Potomac River.

Was this God’s plan for me? I wondered. What did I do to deserve this punishment?

I heard a car approaching and turned to see Lance in his father’s Jeep. He stopped beside my car and climbed out. He walked up at stood beside me.

‘Hey, Man,’ I said to him. ‘What are you going?’

He shook his head. ‘I just wanted to drive. Why are you down here so late?’

I shook my head. ‘Just thinking.’

‘What about?’ When I didn’t reply, he looked at me. ‘Billy, is everything okay?’

I looked at him. ‘Yeah. Why?’

‘You just seem different, that’s all.’

‘I’m okay. It’s just my father,’ I told him. ‘He has been drinking more than usual lately. It just worries me.’

‘Well, if you ever need to talk, you know I will listen.’

‘I know. Thanks, Lance.’


‘Do you ever wish that you could fly?’ I asked him.

He looked at me with an odd expression on his face. ‘Um . . . I don’t know. Sometimes. Do you?’

‘Every day,’ I replied and looked at him. ‘Sometimes I would like to fly away from this place and never look back.’

‘Really? I thought you loved it here.’

‘I do, but . . . ‘ my voice trailed away. ‘Never mind.’

‘Oh. Well, I’m beat,’ he said, patting me lightly on my back. I had almost forgotten the bruises on my back and I sucked in my breath, sharply. Lance stared at me, clearly concerned. ‘Are you all right?’

I took a deep breath and nodded.

‘Are you sure?’

‘Yeah. I’m fine.’

‘Okay. I’ll see you tomorrow.’

I just nodded and he got into the Jeep. He turned around on the bridge and headed back up the mountain toward home.

My father was waiting for me when I walked in the door.

‘Where in the hell have you been?’ he asked me, hatefully.

‘I was talking to Lance,’ I told him.

‘When you should have been at home, doing your chores?’

‘I’ve already done them.’

He backhanded me. I spun around, but I was able to keep my balance. ‘Don’t talk back to me!’ he shouted. ‘You are just like your mother! Mouthy!’ He was still cursing me when he began to hit me.

‘Dad! Stop!’ I shouted, pleading with him, but he punched my face again.

I am not sure where I got the strength from, but I reared back and punched him in the face, knocking him backward. He did not fall. I guess a wiser man would have run for it, but wide eyed, I stared into his eyes. He stood still, frozen for a few seconds and then he punched me again, so hard that I blacked out.

It was morning when I woke up. I was still lying on the living room floor. The house was quiet, which usually meant that my father was not home. Normally, my father was very careful about not leaving visible bruises. But this time, he did not. Evidence of last night’s beating was all over my face. It was my decision to stay home from school that day, because there was no way of hiding this from my friends. My cheeks burned, cut and bruised from my father’s high school ring that he always wore. My left eye was black and blue.

Around lunch time I went up to my room and laid down. I fell asleep after a few minutes. I was not asleep very long. I got out of bed and made my way downstairs, moving cautiously. I went into the kitchen and got something to eat. Afterward, I went into the living room, planning to watch some television. I turned on the television and then stretched out on the couch to relax my aching muscles. I laid there for a couple of hours and then got up to go to the bathroom. When I came walked back into the living room that was when my eyes settled on my father’s liquor cabinet. It was normally locked, but he unlocked it.

I had never had an alcoholic drink in my life, mostly because I saw what it did to my father, but the temptation as unbearable. I walked up to the cabinet and opened the glass door. I scanned the different kinds of whiskey and then I settled on the half empty bottle of Jack Daniel’s. I picked it up, looked at it for a moment and then I twisted off the cap. I took a small drink. It burned my throat, but warmed my insides. It was like nothing I had ever felt before. I took a larger drink the second time. I took the bottle back to the couch with me.

Before I knew it, the bottle was empty and I realized that I was not feeling any pain and that realization just made me want more. When I stood up, the alcohol hit rock bottom and I stumbled back to the whiskey cabinet. I put the empty bottle back in its place and picked up the full bottle beside it. I went back to the couch and sat down. When the bottle was gone, my vision became blurred and I passed out.

When my eyes opened again, I did not know where I was. I looked around the room and tried to sit up. A second later, my friends walked into the room. I fell back to the pillow.

‘It’s about time,’ Ronnie said.

‘What do you mean?’ I asked him. ‘Where am I?’

‘The hospital,’ Lance told me.

‘The hospital?’ I was still confused. ‘What happened?’

‘The doctor said it was alcohol poisoning,’ he told me.

I couldn’t remember anything. Then my eyes widened and I looked at them. ‘You didn’t call my father, did you?’

‘Of course, we did,’ Dalton told me. ‘He’d want to know.’

I groaned. ‘Oh, no,’ I said in a low voice.

‘What happened to your face?’ Dalton asked me.


Lance sat on the chair that was beside the bed. He studied me for a long moment.

I looked at him. ‘What?’

‘Billy,’ he said. ‘Why would you drink?’

I looked at him as if he had just asked the dumbest question. Then I said, ‘Because it doesn’t hurt.’

He glanced at the others and then back at me. ‘What doesn’t?’

I didn’t answer.

‘Billy, what doesn’t hurt?’ he asked me, again.

I looked at him and then looked away. ‘Never mind. Just forget it.’

‘How did you get the bruises, Billy?’ Devon asked me, in his serious voice.

‘I, um, I got into a figh
t with my dad,’ I lied. ‘It’s nothing.’

‘Did Uncle Ray hit you?’ Dalton asked me, surprised.

‘Yeah, but it’s okay,’ I assured them. ‘It’s nothing compared to what I’ll get when he gets me home.’

‘What?’ Lance and Dalton chorused.

I had said too much. I bit my bottom lip to keep from saying anymore.

‘I never thought I would see you drunk, Billy,’ Dalton told me. ‘You swore you’d never drink, because of your father. I don’t believe this.’

‘Yeah? Well, shit happens, Cuz.’

‘I can see that.’

My father walked into the room a few minutes later. I felt fear immediately and I felt my heart speed up. I felt my body tense up and I guess I was expecting the worst. Lance was looking at me with an odd expression.

‘Billy,’ my father said to me. His voice was unnaturally calm. ‘What were you thinking?’

I just shook my head. ‘I don’t know, Dad.’

He looked at my friends. ‘Thank you, Boys,’ he told them. ‘For bringing him to the hospital.’

‘Anytime,’ Dalton said.

‘He would have done the same for any of us,’ Lance said.

I met his eyes for a moment. His eyes told me that he knew my secret, but he didn’t say anything.

The next day, my doctor released me from the hospital. My father was there to pick me up. Neither one of us spoke a word until we got home. When we walked into the front door, I went straight upstairs to my bedroom to change my clothes. When I came back down, I went into the kitchen to find some food. But my father was sitting at the kitchen table, drinking a beer. He looked up at me when I walked into the kitchen and I stopped walking. He stood up and I took a step backward out of reflex.

‘Did you think that I wasn’t going to find out?’ he asked and started toward me. ‘Did you?’

I didn’t say anything. I just stared at him. Suddenly, he took me by my hair and bounced my head off the kitchen table. He let go of me and I fell on the floor. He went into the living room and returned a moment later. He grabbed a handful of my hair again and pulled me to my feet. My head was spinning and my eyes were out of focus.

‘What the hell is this?’ he asked, holding up an empty whiskey bottle.

I looked at it for a moment, trying to focus my vision, and then said, ‘It looks like an empty bottle to me.’

He let go of my hair and backhanded me in one swift motion. I spun around and fell face down on the floor. I laid there for a moment. When I tried to get to my feet, his steel toe boot met my ribs and I fell back to the floor. I was clutching my ribs and groaning painfully. A few seconds later, I saw his boot coming at my face and then everything went black.

When I came to, the house was dark. I remained still, listening for any movement. When I didn’t hear anything, I rolled over and slowly got to my feet. The pain in my head was almost unbearable, but I made my way to the bathroom off the kitchen and turned on the light. I didn’t recognize my own face. My head was bleeding and my cheeks were swollen. I took small, short breaths because it hurt to breathe.

The doorbell rang and I looked at my watch. Six o’clock. That would be my friends, probably coming to check on me. I swore under my breath and went to answer the door. Lance’s eyes widened when he saw me and I heard a chorus of gasps from the others.

‘What the hell happened to you?’ Dalton asked as they followed me into the kitchen.

‘This is what happens when you get drunk at my house,’ I told him. ‘Come on in.’

They exchanged glances, hesitating.

‘It’s okay,’ I assured them. ‘He always disappears after a beating.’

They followed me into the kitchen.

‘What did you mean by ‘after a beating’?’ Lance asked me. ‘You mean that this has happened before?’

I didn’t answer him.

‘What’s going on, Billy?’ he asked me.

‘What do you mean?’

‘You know what I mean.’

‘Nothing is going on,’ I told him. ‘I’m fine.’

‘Are you?’ he asked me. ‘That looks like one hell of a punishment for making one stupid mistake.’

I looked at him and repeated myself more firmly, ‘I’m fine.’

‘I’m sorry, but we don’t believe you, Billy,’ Devon said. ‘What’s going on with you?’

‘Nothing is going on,’ I said, again, feeling myself getting angry.

‘Billy,’ Dalton said. ‘You’ve never lied to us before. Please don’t start now.’

I looked at him and shook my head. ‘Dalton, I can’t. He’ll kill me.’

‘Who?’ Ronnie asked.

‘Uncle Ray?’ Dalton followed. I nodded. ‘He told you that?’

I looked away for a moment and then back at him. ‘Yes, and he’s got a temper that warns me not to disobey him.’

‘Billy, you know you can trust us,’ Devon told me.

‘I know, Devon, but if he even suspected that I told anyone, he’d . . . ‘ my voice faded away.

‘Billy, you told me that Ray has been drinking more than usual. Does that have anything to do with it?’

I looked into his eyes. ‘That has something to do with it.’

‘What do you mean?’

I inhaled deeply. ‘My father has been drinking for a very long time. Dalton knows that.’

Dalton just nodded. ‘I know.’

‘Yeah, well, he gets drunk and comes home. He’ll get mad about something I did or didn’t do and he takes it out on me.’

‘He hits you?’ Ronnie spoke up.

‘He blames me because Mom left. He said she hated me. He said I was the ugliest child she’d ever laid eyes on.’

‘I’m sorry, Billy.’

I turned and opened the refrigerator. It was my intention to grab a soda, but I reached for a beer instead. When I twisted off the cap and took a drink, everyone looked at me. Shocked, was my guess.

‘Didn’t you learn anything the first time?’ Lance asked me.

I ignored him. ‘Come on,’ I told them. ‘Let’s get out of here before he gets home.’

We piled into Lance’s jeep and he drove to his house. When I got out of the jeep, I must have twisted the wrong way, because a sharp pain shot through my ribs where my father had kicked me. I held my side and yelped, sounding like a wounded dog. I swore under my breath.

‘Billy, are you all right?’ Dalton asked me.

‘Yeah,’ I groaned, leaning back against the Jeep. ‘I think my ribs are broken.’

After we walked inside, Lance turned on the big light in his kitchen and he turned to me.

‘Let me see it,’ he said and I lifted up my shirt.

‘Jesus, Billy,’ Devon muttered, looking as if he were hurting as much as I was.

I chuckled. ‘This is what happens at my house when you forget to take out the trash. Ouch!’ I cried when Lance touched my ribs.

‘I’m sorry,’ he apologized. ‘I think they are broken. We need to get you to the hospital.’

‘No,’ I said, quickly. ‘They ask too many questions. I’ll be fine. I just need to take it easy for a few days.’

I moved to the sofa and sat down with ease.

Devon sat in one of the two chairs. ‘How do you do it, Billy? How can you be so calm about all this?’

I looked at him. ‘What? How do I live day after day knowing that he could kill me at any given time?’

He nodded. ‘Yeah.’

I shrugged. ‘I’m not sure. I guess that I’m just used to it and I don’t have the strength to fight back any more.

‘How long has this been going on, Billy?’ Dalton asked me.

I looked at him. ‘Since Mom left.’

His eyes widened. ‘Six years? You’re just now telling us?’

I grinned. ‘I guess I’m good at hiding the truth.’

‘Why don’t you tell somebody what has been going on?’ Lance asked me. ‘Get help before he does kill you.’

‘Lance, you know I can’t. I’ll be all right.’

‘When?’ he demanded, getting angry. ‘When he kills you?’

‘If that’s what it takes,’ I said, with a chuckle.

‘Be serious, Billy.’

‘I am,’ I said. ‘My father kills me with his eyes every time he looks at me. Death seems very inviting when I think about the al
ternative. I have gotten to the point where I don’t care either way.’ I swallowed and took a deep breath. ‘Sometimes, I’ll pray to God to let him kill me and when he doesn’t, I’m so disappointed that I would consider doing it myself,’ I told them. ‘But I wouldn’t give my father the satisfaction.’

‘Don’t you dare think that way?’ Lance said, quickly.

‘Why?’ I asked him. ‘Just a few nights ago, I sat on the bathroom floor with my father’s pistol in my hand,’ I confessed. They exchanged a worried glance. ‘For three hours, I tried pulling that trigger. When I finally got the balls to do it, the gun wouldn’t fire, and the damn thing was loaded!’

‘Guys, please,’ Ronnie pleaded. ‘Let’s not fight. We have got enough to deal with.’

There was a long silence.

‘I’m sorry, Billy,’ Lance told me. ‘I’m just worried, is all.’

‘I know,’ I told him. ‘I would probably be worried if you weren’t.’

Two days later was Lance’s birthday. He wanted more than anything to be a writer. Not for the money, but to get his name out there. I bought him four things that I thought a writer could use: the latest edition of The Writer’s Handbook, a pack of pens, a pack of pencils, and two composition books. I was terrible at wrapping gifts, so I put the stuff in a gift back and headed down the road to Lance’s house.

I could relax a little bit more, now that my secret was out.

‘Wow! Thanks, Billy!’ Lance told me when he opened the gift that I had given him. He flipped through the book. ‘This is awesome.’

‘You’re not going to hug me, are you?’ I asked him, jokingly.

He looked at me and laughed. ‘I wouldn’t dream of it.’

We ate dinner at Lance’s house and then had cake and ice cream and then we sat and relaxed for a little while, allowing our food to settle. Almost an hour went by when Lance’s parents pushed us all out onto the front porch. Sitting in the front yard was a shiny black Chevrolet pickup truck. Lance’s face lit up like a Christmas tree.

‘Yes!’ he cried, taking the keys from his father’s hand. ‘Yes!’ he cried, again and then ran out into the yard, followed by Ronnie and Devon.

‘Wow,’ I said, aloud. ‘I haven’t seen him that happy since . . . ‘ my voice trailed away.

‘Since Miranda,’ Larry, Lance’s father, finished for me.

I looked at him. ‘Yeah.’

‘He would never have survived if it had not been for you guys.’

Dalton and I exchanged glances.

‘So, Billy, how’s Ray doing these days?’ Larry suddenly asked me.

Dalton looked at me and I looked at Larry. ‘Um . . . ‘ I did not know what to say. ‘I don’t really know. I don’t see him much any more.’


I was glad he left it at that, because I did not want to talk about my father.

My father was not home when I got home that night and I was grateful. I decided to watch some television before going to bed.

I didn’t hear my father pull into the driveway and did not even notice him until he came through the front door. When he saw me, he rushed forward in a mad rage and grabbed me. He pulled me off the couch and slammed me up against the living room wall, knocking my mother’s portrait off the wall. I heard it break. I stared into his wild looking eyes and suddenly, I was terrified! I had never seen that look in his eyes before. He began to punch me repeatedly until I was crumpled on the floor, my arms over my face, trying to shield myself from his fists.

‘Dad!’ I shouted, but he didn’t hear me. ‘Dad! Stop!’

Then, he stopped and left the room. I sat there for what seemed like forever, listening for him to return. When he didn’t, slowly and as quietly as possible, I got to my feet and began to make my way toward the door.

‘Where the hell you going?’ my father suddenly shouted, coming in from the kitchen. He grabbed my shoulder and spun me around to face him.

That was when I noticed the small pistol in his right hand. My eyes widened with panic when he raised it to my face. I spun back around and started to run for the door. I heard a loud pop and I fell face forward onto the carpet. I remained still when he stood over me. A second later, he turned and walked out the front door. I heard him start the truck, but I did not move until I heard him pull out of the driveway. I pulled myself into a sitting position and leaned back against the living room wall. I saw the blood before I felt any pain. Seconds passed and then minutes. There was a growing puddle of blood beneath me. I was bleeding to death.

I was beginning to feel tired and weak, but I knew I had to get help or I was going to bleed to death. So, with a great struggle, I somehow managed to get to my feet. I opened the front door and, taking baby steps, walked out onto the porch. When I took the first step, I lost my balance and fell backward, landing with a hard thud on the top step. I felt so tired. I decided to rest and, closing my eyes, rested my head against the porch railing.

Same as Part 02: Billy – The Hidden Truth Videos

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billy traps himself 5

Billy goes home "Billy! You must explain this," Robyn demanded, looking again at the flower sticking out of his bum. The vivid red stripes covered his behind, he had obviously been punished severely, but by who? Her mother? Billy explained about the children, how they spanked him until her Mother appeared and then vanished, how they came back when she left and spanked him more. He told her how they were poking his behind with their sharp sticks and how one of them started to poke...

3 years ago
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Jeffry and Billy 3

Summary – Jeffry and Billy play even more sexy games. Previous Chapter Summary – Billy invites Jeffry over to play some games. Note – This is a work of fiction, make-believe and sexual fantasy. It is not based on real people or actual events. You must be 18 or over to read these stories. The author does not condone any sexual activity among persons under 18 in real life. Also, the author does not condone unprotected sex in real life. It is OK to have fantasies, but turning a fantasy into...

2 years ago
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A bouffant for Billy

A Bouffant for Billy By Darlene leQueen Billy was nervous to say the least as he sat at his mother's vanity dressed in a pair of her ruffled frilly pink panties ad a lacy pink bra and one of her frilliest baby doll night gowns trimmed with marabou fur all over. "Now Billy, I told you time and time again if your grades did not improve by your last report card you would be punished, did you think I was kidding?" "Your grades have not improved at all." His mother snapped as she retrieved...

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Jeffry and Billy 7

Summary - The Siblings Invite Susie to a Party! Previous Chapter Summary - Susie Meets Becky’s Boyfriend Note - This is a work of fiction, make-believe and sexual fantasy. It is not based on real people or actual events. You must be 18 or over to read these stories. The author does not condone any sexual activity among persons under 18 in real life. Also, the author does not condone unprotected sex in real life. It is OK to have fantasies, but turning a fantasy into reality can destroy...

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billy traps himself 2

Billy's second day continued. He carried the load of laundry, in the basket, upstairs. He was surprised that he didn't have to carry each item up one at a time like he did when he brought the laundry downstairs. He shook his foot, the padlock wiggled against his ankle, reminding him that the high heels were locked on his feet, there was no taking them off today. Which of course meant he couldn't take off the pantyhose either, or the panties. As he turned he caught his reflection in a...

4 years ago
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Billy My Pants

By Jimmy (t/t auth rape anal spank) =========================================================================== His name was Billy Ross, but I thought of him as Bully Ross. I had learned to hate him years before. I guess he started picking on me the first time he ever saw me. I had learned to avoid him as much as I could. No matter how much I tried to steer clear of him, he always seemed to pop up. I was at the creek once, fishing. Billy appeared out of nowhere and threw me...

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Billy Had a Little Lamb Nursery Rhymes Were Never Like This

She looked so amazing, I had to do a double take, was it really her? They had dyed her hair a deep scarlet, and pinned it up, exposing her curved neck with long loose ringlets falling from her temples, perfectly framing her face. She looked sexy, sultry. She was heavily made up, thick red lipstick and large dark eyes, half closed, she looked like a goddess! She wore a long white gown, which emphasised her gorgeous curves, split high at the sides, exposing white stockings as she was led before...

1 year ago
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Billy the Boy Ballerina

Author's note: This story was written in the 1980's, way before 'Billy Elliot' saw the light of day! BILLY, THE BOY BALLERINA By Sylvia Who? 1. Billy Liar "Bye, bye Billy!" Melissa called cheerily as she closed the front door behind her, trotting down the path to join dad in the car for her trip to school. Meanwhile, I was staggering down the stairs still half- asleep after my early morning foray into the garden while everyone else was still in bed. I could see mum out...

3 years ago
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Billy Sings The Blues

Chapter 1 Billy and I had just finished having our final business meeting and discussion with my father. It hadn't gone well for any of us. It ended up with him paying us a dollar for the Mustang and telling us to stick the rest of his share of the business up our asses. We had all known that it wasn't going to turn out that well when he had shown up drunk, for an eleven o'clock morning meeting with us. In a nutshell, he had taken to treating all of his friends and acquaintances to drinks...

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Billy His Mom and Sister Allison

"Very," answered Billy "and fun to." "Yes, you certainly looked like you were enjoying yourself. It was almost like you wanted to show yourself to the Dr. and her nurse." Replied Cheryl. "I did mom, there was something very exciting about it." "Maybe you're an exhibitionist Billy, you know someone who enjoys exposing themselves to others." "Well, if that's what an exhibitionist is then I guess I am one." Said Billy. "Is it ok if I'm naked around the house some mom?"...

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Billy the Kid

All rights reserved by the author. May be posted on any site for Free distribution. Send comments to [email protected]. Billy the Kid By Waldo ([email protected]) Chapter 1 - The shootout "Billy! Billy Boney! It's Sheriff Pat Garrett. Don't shoot. My posse's got the cabin surrounded. You sure as hell can't escape from all of us now, especially because of the way that we've got your hideout completely surrounded. Throw your pistols out the window and surrender to me. You know...

4 years ago
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billy traps himself 4

Day 3 continues Robyn was giggling as billy lay on the floor, he had become overwhelmed with sensations and with what Debbie had just told him. They were going to put him in a corset, lace him up, and put stockings on him. The smell of her foot had been so intoxicating, the feelings as her other foot was caressing his leg, sliding on his pantyhose, and it was sending such powerful sensations throughout him. He just couldn't take it anymore. He was overwhelmed. Amy was concerned,...

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Billy the kid ch2

Chapter 2: Billy goes balls-deep "Oh my fucking God. I can't believe I'm doing this" say's Shante to herself. Meanwhile, Billy has lit up a cigarette. So, I go to the kitchen to get him an ashtray. I tell Billy "I'm going upstairs to take a hot shower. Billy replies: "Cool, I gotta call up my buddies anyway. Don't take too long! I get undressed and turn on the shower. I still can't believe how much cum he plastered all over me. I gotta let him know that it's not...

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Mat Billy and the dogs 9

100% FICTION The boys were asleep when both dogs decided they were wanting to have seconds. They both woke up with a dogs tongue in their ass licking deep. Mat told Billy he is lucky to have Butch because his ass still hurts from last time. Jake is first to mount on top of Mat but this time Mat was laying face down. Jake did exactly as he did before and climbed over top of Mat and laid down. His penis was big and growing. Mat decided he was not going to give in so easy this...

1 year ago
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Charismatic Billy Belair

CHAPTER 1 Until leaving for college Billy Belair lived above a grain and feed store in a small town. Two older bothers had gone into the business with their father, leaving no room for Billy, not that he wanted to have hayseeds in his hair for the remainder of his life. His mother’s married sister arrived for Billy’s graduation after learning he’d been a top student and Julia wanted to reward Billy for taking after his mother instead of his father who had two sons similar to himself – yokels....

2 years ago
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Billy the Bully A Bully No More

Be good post this where you will as long as you attribute it to Little Miss Vicky Kay. Billy the Bully Hollister A story by Little Miss Vicky Kay. It was the last day of sixth grade when Billy the bully Hollister threw Helen into the mud puddle. It was at recess and everybody laughed as she was sent crying to the principal's office. The beautiful new pink dress was now dripping with mud. Ellen went home humiliated, didn't get to say goodbye to her friends and picked up the nickname...

3 years ago
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The Story of Billy Martin

(For those of you who like happy endings, this ain’t it. For those of you who want to read about sex, there is some, but it’s not erotic, at least not to me.) +++ I knew Billy Martin about all of my life, we went to first grade together and graduated from high school together. I can’t even say we were friends, in fact I never even noticed him, not really until about our freshman year in high school. Not even then, it was more of a case of me being his friend rather than the reverse. I was...

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Billy the kid ch 3

After making my best friend Tammi listen to us having sex, we both rolled over and fell asleep. I woke up around 7:30 AM, with Billy's hand squeezing my ass, and his cum still dripping from my pussy. I got out of bed and headed for the bathroom when it dawned on me "What must Tammie think of me?" I decide to take a hot bath to soothe my aching ass, and my well-stretched pussy. As I soak in my jacuzzi tub. I hear Billy on his phone, but I couldn't make out what he's saying. A few...

3 years ago
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Jeffry and Billy 1

Summary – Jeffry and Billy spy on Billy’s sexy sister and become aroused. Note – This is a work of fiction, make-believe and sexual fantasy. It is not based on real people or actual events. You must be 18 or over to read these stories. The author does not condone any sexual activity among persons under 18 in real life. Also, the author does not condone unprotected sex in real life. It is OK to have fantasies, but turning a fantasy into reality can destroy lives. Don't fuck with other...

4 years ago
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BillyChapter 5 The Party

The week passed without any further word from Billy and it was finally Friday, the day of the party. I left for home at noon, thinking that I should be present to make sure everything was in place. Since I had little idea of what those things should be, it was a puzzle as to how I would even know if they were 'in place'. Well, so long as I was there, that was the important thing. As I pulled in, I found myself weaving past vans, trucks and cars, all seemingly arranged to make my path to...

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Billy likes to blackmails women

William Robert James Dunlop was a bully, he had always been a bully, his father encouraged him to be a bully. “Weak fools get nowhere son, exercise your authority, make them crawl.” The town where Billy as he was known to his friends did just that, his father was wealthy, people in the town didn’t really know what he did, to be fair neither did Billy. Billy treated people and especially girls like objects to be used and discarded at will. When he was eighteen he tried to rape...

2 years ago
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JeanBillys Mom prt3 The Barn

Mommy can be Such Naughty Fun!It had been a couple of years since Jean had started teaching her son Billy and I about sex and how to please and fulfill a woman's sexual desires. And Jean liked it Hardcore,Dirty and Kinky!Alot had changed over those two years.Six months after my first sexual encounter with Jean and Billy,Bill Sr. moved away. It was very sudden and there was no real fanfare. One week he was the Minister of the town's church,and the next? He was moving two states away,to become...

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Billy Oldhams WarChapter 2

Billy's career as a bordello bouncer got off to a good start. The joint was trying to move up in class, so the madam insisted that Billy dress in finer clothes. She didn't insist on formal attire, but she did want him to wear a business suit of a fine cut. Unfortunately, nowhere in Mobile was there a suit that would fit her demands and fit Billy's dimensions at the same time. Thus, she was forced to have a suit tailored to fit Billy. This was rather expensive, but Billy cut a fine figure...

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Billy And Mommy

Then his father said the fatal words that Billy had dared hoped might somehow be said that eve. "Now Billy". Gail turned and looked at her husband in a wide-eye, startled expression. "That is really i****t, not education, Frank!" "Both, but let him just put the tip in, to see how a pussy feels, as a reward for doing what you asked him to do. 'Fair is fair' thought Gail and she began to spread her legs again. "Okay, Billy but just the tip, no further, you understand?" Billy nodded, too excited...

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Billy in Panties

The first time I caught Billy in my panty drawer was on a Sunday afternoon. I had just gotten home from some grocery shopping and saw the door to my room cracked open."Billy!" I snapped when I saw him. I caught him, abruptly, just as he was holding up a pair of my satin red panties.Billy jumped, dropped them, and slammed the drawer shut. He looked around and put his hands in his pockets, blushing. "I, uh..." he scrambled. "I thought some of our laundry got mixed up.""Yeah," I nodded, giving him...

1 year ago
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Billy StoneChapter 3

We now move forward several years: Karen is ten and Billy is twelve. With a fairly ready supply of fresh food and a supply available for the winter months, Billy only needed to go out at night infrequently. But this wasn't what made the year so significant. Both were of course aware that their bodies were changing: being two years older, Billy was always quite a lot physically bigger than Karen, but now she was filling out in places that differed from him. She had a distinct difference in...

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Billys new girl friend has a horny mom

Billy met his new gf when her car broke down. What happens when mom buys her a foreign car no one can work on. He picked Lisa up and met the mom and step dad. When the mom told Lisa how nice Billys ass looked. Lisa told her mom to cool her jets, she had a husband. Billy was ask to dinner many times and then for a little pool side BBQ. Thats when the step dad told Billy he wish someone could fix the damn pool pump holder. It keep breaking and the pool Co did not have time for a working pump....

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After Dad left, Mom and I moved into the Condo apartment she received from the divorce settlement. It was nice enough, but I was sixteen, and starting to feel the urges that a young boy of that age should start feeling. It was a city high-rise building with its own pool, but most of the tenants were older than I. All my friends lived a good distance away, so I really only saw them at school. I was a bit of a loner in a lot of ways, so it didn't bother me all that much. ...

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mat Billy doctor and the dog

Introduction: chapter 3 CHAPTER 3 My name is Mat, I have been help prisoner in some guys old bomb hanger he bought off ebay. I was riding my bike one day and next thing I knew I am here. I am not along I have a younger boy next to me that I can talk too. He is missing both his legs up to his torso and also both of his arms. Guess what? he had to eat most of it to stay alive and me too. I was brought here to help feed him (Billy) and for this mad scientist who claims to be a doctor works on a...

1 year ago
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mat Billy doctor and the dog

My name is Mat, I have been help prisoner in some guys old bomb hanger he bought off ebay. I was riding my bike one day and next thing I knew I am here. I am not along I have a younger boy next to me that I can talk too. He is missing both his legs up to his torso and also both of his arms. Guess what? he had to eat most of it to stay alive and me too. I was brought here to help feed him (Billy) and for this mad scientist who claims to be a doctor works on a serum that will makes...

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Mommy And Billy and Mrs Schwartz

Carol had Billy, her 14 year old son, when she was in her early 20s and so she was still young, healthy, playful and uninhibited and loved having sex with her husband. Recently however, she realized there was now another man in the house, as Billy was growing up and fast. And she'd been noticing that Billy was starting to look at her differently than he used to. And he'd 'accidentally' walked in on her recently when she was sitting on the toilet, with her shorts and panties down around...

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BILLY HAD IT SO GOOD CHAPTER 1 "I don't want anything bad to happen to him. But I want to kill the little bastard," James said in agonizing frustration. "I know how you feel. Billy glued all my bra closures shut at the tightest eyelet. Now I walk around with my breasts pressed up because of the brat," Denise chimed in. "My friends thought I was doing it to get attention. It almost caused a riff between Gwen and me when her boyfriend could not stop staring," she added. "We are...

2 years ago
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Billy ndash blood Sweat and Oil

Sir, Boss, Master, ALPHA, GOD…. They are just words. Billy is all of these things; 6’4”, muscle, ripped, tattooed, pure power, the man, the top of the food chain.He Texts:6pm, worship me. Billy.I’m ready for him. Around 6:00 I hear the keycard open the door of the hotel room. I stand to greet him as the door opens and the room fills with his presence. Billy is fresh from the gym; his body is shining with sweat, his veins thick beneath his skin and pulsing with raw power. The vest he has...

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I met Billy at the State High School All-Star football game. Billy was an All-State receiver from Morehead City, North Carolina and I was an All-State quarterback from Garner, North Carolina. We had been selected to play for the East Team in the annual East/West High School All-Star game.The first thing I noticed about Billy was the size of his cock in the locker room at our first practice. It had to be seven inches soft. Damn, how big does that thing get? I wondered.Now I’m no slouch in the...

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Billy Ch 04

The conclusion. Edited by Lady Cibelle with my thanks. Billy-Part 4 The Party The week passed without any further word from Billy and it was finally Friday, the day of the party. I left for home at noon, thinking that I should be present to make sure everything was in place. Since I had little idea of what those things should be, it was a puzzle as to how I would even know if they were ‘in place’. Well, so long as I was there, that was the important thing. As I pulled in, I found myself...

2 years ago
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Billy Bouncer

When Billy Bouncer was born he looked very odd indeed. The doctors called him a miracle, his parents called him a freak. The problem with Billy was that instead of having a head, he arrived with a suitcase attached to his shoulders, exactly where his head should have been. At birth, it was about the size of a normal head, but over time it would grow to become almost twice the size of Billy's body. It was blue in colour and even had a small lock attached to the handle on the side. The head...

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Billy IV

BILLY IV "Not what you thought it would be?" Janice asked her very helpful sissy. She and Billy were in the kitchen, and the extended immediate, sort of family were in close proximity. "It's a lot more work than I thought it would be," Billy said honestly but in his practiced, hushed voice. Janice understood that there was more to it. She leaned her elbows on the center island. She and William were enjoying a lovely Pinot. Everyone was surprised by Kndel's enthusiasm. He was not...

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Billy hated being a flight attendant, mainly because dealing with public sucked. Most travelers, especially business travelers, were abusive and felt they were the only passenger on a plane. Nonetheless, the pay was good and Billy didn’t have to work too many hours. And, there was one regular traveler that Billy had his eye on. A businessman, James, who commuted on his flight every week. James was one of the few passengers who treated Billy and the other flight attendants with common courtesy....

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Jean Billys Mom part 2

No wonder I'm a Perv! LOL All I could do was stare at Jean's beautiful ass and walk as fast as I could on my tip toes. Her hips swayed back and forth and I saw that her ass had pink splotches,from where my face had been grinding into it. The tight grip she had on my dick began to turn it purple and there was a tingling sensation pulsing between my hairless balls and asshole. At the foot of the stairs She let go of our dicks. Even holding onto each other,like we were,Billy and I almost...

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