Smoke Ch. 06 free porn video

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The near-silence of the tree-shaded streets was shattered by the most sorrowful song Cindy had ever heard. ‘Why you still insist on listening to country music is beyond me,’ she said. ‘Either the woman is cheating, leaving or dying….’ she had remarked, once, ‘or his dog and truck died.’

Soon, the heavily lemon-scent of eucalyptus trees, their branches laden with silver-gray leaves, filled the warm, humid air with the smell of southern California. The Gold Rush immigrant, brought from the Australian island of Tasmania, was now as native to the state as the former Hoosier women splashing in the coastal surf. Even Abbot Kinney, most famous for founding Venice, California, was a state-wide promoter of the gum trees.

She thought back to that morning…


‘Halloween? You want to get married on Halloween?’ Greg asked. ‘You’re kidding, right?’ He looked up through the darkness to where the ceiling would be. ‘Halloween… God, what next?’

When he put it that way, Cindy wondered if it was such a good idea, after all. ‘Well…’ she started to say but a ghostly vision of black cats and old crones…

‘It definitely sounds crazy…’ he said, ‘but, if that’s what you want, it could be fun. Are you going to wear an orange gown?’ He started to laugh. ‘This is Martine’s idea, isn’t it? That woman is…’

He rolled from his back onto his right side, his left arm encircling her waist as he nuzzled her neck. He breathed in her morning scent.

‘Stop that… you know what it does to me,’ she begged, in vain.

He ignored her pleas for mercy, his tongue traced wet lines of pleasure under her ear forward to below her chin and down the hollow of her neck. She was usually quiet when he made love to her, the excitement staying deep within her mind, she surprised herself as a moan rose up and left her wet lips.

That first night, when she had come to his bed, she had told him she was going to teach him how to kiss. If he was surprised, he never let on. As much as her checkered past still haunted her, he never once hinted he might have a clue about what she had done. She still wasn’t sure if he knew or not but was afraid to broach the subject. ‘Let sleeping dogs lie…’ was as good an adage as any, especially when they had such a fatal bite.

Her legs invitingly parted, she reached down and her body welcomed him.

The thin black line wavered in the summer heat, the ants moved from the window sill, down the tile behind the sink, across the counter and to the three dishes waiting to be washed.

‘Oooh…’ Cindy said, grabbing a glass of water and splashing it over the scurrying insects. ‘Get… out… of… my… kitchen!’ She swabbed down the countertop, chasing the little black creatures around the sink edge. She peered down and looked closely, wondering if she had missed any of the scavengers.

Later, she took a clean towel and wiped down her tired but satisfied face, tying her hair into a ponytail, she washed the kitchen table. During breakfast, every time she looked at him, she smiled. How she was so lucky to have him, she would never, could never understand. She knew he had had an Italian girl somewhere in his past, he let that slip once or twice in conversation with Elliot downstairs and he definitely knew about her troubled marriage but nothing about the bar. ‘Thank God,’ she prayed, ‘thank God, he knew nothing about that.’

A dark scowl crossed her face. She couldn’t imagine life without him, now. When he wasn’t home, she waited for him to arrive. When she was at Raymond’s, she couldn’t wait to go home. When they were home, she looked even for his shadow, the echo of his voice, the sound of his footsteps, and the scent of his arousal…

That man at the beach had almost let her secret out. Drowning in the ocean would have been the only decision she would have had left if that encounter had gone another way. The Pacific had been right there, calling to her… its small waves rolling ashore… calling to end her uneasy secret.

‘Thank God for Martine,’ she continued thinking, anxiously wiping the countertop, again, her fingers pushing down harder as she thought back to that nightmare time. Her nights with Suzy were not that long ago. The fact that Suzy and Angie were now close friends had seemed odd at first until that lunch at Cantor’s Deli in Fairfax. Both women danced to the beat of a very different drummer, Cindy thought and hoped that Suzy would keep quiet.

Her own bizarre behavior, Cindy finally realized, resulted from Suzy’s uncovering a physical need for sexual comfort… sexual relief stronger than she could control following her miserable, dangerous life with Chris. Her nights of prostitution were something she was continually trying to forget but couldn’t. The man at the beach was a reminder that the men who used her were still nearby.

A tear crept slowly down her cheek. If only they could move away… far away from the memories waiting to trap her. It was driving her mad. Greg would never leave the beach, would he? She was startled by the popping of the toaster. ‘Whoa!’ she almost shouted. Taking the bread out, she reached for the butter and began to spread it across. A spoonful of boysenberry jam and a cup of morning tea completed her breakfast. She carefully put the small bag aside in the refrigerator.

Greg had continually told her to use a new bag each time but old habits die hard. Her mother’s tight upbringing during the Depression had reached deeply within her psyche and refused to let go. ‘At least,’ she thought, ‘I’m not going to waste Greg’s money… our money.’

The crackle of the frying eggs and bacon called her back to the stove.

‘Greg, honey, breakfast’s ready.’


Each time she and Martine made the ‘cookie trip,’ Cindy promised herself to bring a camera and each time she forgot. She so wanted to photograph the old Victorians while they were still standing. The area, once home to wealthy families, had fallen on desperate times soon after the Depression and most had been turned into small apartment or rooming houses. The once beautiful paint was covered by a dull gray chalky mess that cried out for help from someone… from anyone… but, no one seemed to care to save the once proud and beautiful homes.

‘This will be a lot of fun. We’ll close the restaurant after the lunch service and decorate the dining room for the reception. Everything will be BOO-tee-full…’ Martine grinned. She never thought Greg would agree to a Halloween wedding and yet… for some insane reason, he did.

Already, her mind was working around two possibilities: an orange-spice cake with chocolate frosting or a chocolate cake with a light orange frosting… with plenty of rum. Laughing, she knew the rum would win out, ‘besides, who wanted a dark-frosted wedding cake? Now,’ she happily thought, ‘to start planning…’

Cindy pulled her cream-colored convertible up to the gate and impatiently honked the horn.

‘Every time, you gotta honk the horn. They know we’re coming. Jesus, give them a chance, will you?’ asked Martine. ‘It’s just a couple of little kids, you know.’

Within minutes, two boys, no more than ten years of age, unlocked the heavy chain-link gate and swung it wide enough that she could drive in and around the back to the kitchen. Piled high in the back seat were almost one-hundred boxes of cookies. Almost, that is, because on the front seat between the two women was a half-empty box of chocolate chip raisin cookies, once carefully wrapped in wax-paper. Now that the car had stopped, the smell of the cookies on the back seat filled the car.

Last time, she had needed the vacuum cleaner to clean all the crumbs. ‘Oh, but it was worth it,’ Cindy realized, laughing at the memory. Greg had come behind her and gave her a playful smack on the behind as she waved the metal tube around the car. Before she knew it, they were kissing and his hand was between her thigh
s, gently bringing her to a climax.

Every time the women came to the orphanage, Cindy said it was her right as ‘driver’ to ‘inspect’ the cookies for freshness. Martine laughed, dipping into the box for another one. If lunch was anytime soon, it probably was spoiled.

She pulled out two chocolate chip cookies. For some reason, she’d been reaching into the cookie jar one too many times, she was sure. She patted her tummy. Martine’s cooking was leading her down the primrose path.

The orphanage, well hidden from the street by a very tall hedge, was easily missed if you didn’t know where it was, as Cindy had done the first two times. The Sisters of Saint Dorothy had gone to great lengths to hide the children from the outside world.

These were the ‘lost’ children… the ones that would never be adopted.

Cindy was going to say something, even with a mouth full of cookie, when the first nun arrived, surrounded by several small girls. One was clutching the old woman’s habit as if her life depended on it, causing the nun’s large rosary to sway back and forth like a pendulum across the heavy, dark cloth.

‘Welcome back,’ she said, hugging Martine. The nun greeted Cindy with a curt nod.

As much as Cindy admired the work the Sisters were doing, the idea of never loving a man just seemed so desolate an existence…

Standing by the kitchen door were two more stern Italian nuns, surrounded by five or six children vying for their attention like small puppies jumping for a treat. Cindy couldn’t really tell, they never stood still long enough to make sure. One of the nuns bent down and swooping up a small girl kissed her on the cheek and gave her a wide, honest smile.

Cindy wondered if she was wrong…

Box after box of cookies quickly disappeared into the kitchen, eventually grocery bags of empty boxes from the previous trip were returned and placed into the trunk.

As bad as her first marriage had been, Cindy couldn’t imagine living with the insecurity of being an orphan. She had cried for days after the first few trips but continued… ‘Penance,’ she told herself, ‘for her sins.’

‘You’re just in time for lunch,’ the nun said. ‘We’re having spaghetti.’

‘Thank you,’ said Cindy, ‘I’m still hungry.’

The nun gave her a strange look, seeing the near empty box of cookies lying on the front seat of the car.

A while later a humbled Cindy asked for the recipes to the luncheon dishes. What the nun had quietly called ‘spaghetti’ was a rich mélange of meats and spices wrapped in egg-rich lasagna. Dessert was home-made strawberry ice cream and, of course, cookies. By the time Martine was ready to leave, promising to return in another two weeks, Cindy wanted to stay longer… again.

Between the small smiling faces looking for affection and the feeling of a peaceful calm that surrounded her, she felt at home. She wondered if she could convince Greg to come with her, one day.

Cindy tasted the sauce. For an orphanage, the food was surprisingly good. She looked across the table at Martine. The older woman was actively talking with two little girls seated next to her. Each time they had come to visit, Martine looked for a quiet girl or two and tried to bring them some outside companionship. ‘Is this,’ she wondered, ‘what it means to be a mother? Could I be able to do this with a child of my own?’

Laughter rang out. Martine had said something funny enough to bring a glad response from the little dark-haired girls sitting next to her.

‘You know what’s funny?’

‘No, what?’ Martine responded.

‘If you put two extra eggs into a brownie recipe, you get cake… a very strange cake.’

‘And… this is important because?’

‘I don’t know… it just seemed funny to me… you know, two eggs and all.’

‘You are one crazy girl, you know that? Hey, any cookies left?’

Cindy wasn’t listening anymore, splitting her attention between driving the car, chewing on a cookie and thinking back to the morning’s love making that continued in the shower. How he didn’t slip on the tile and bring them both crashing down was a mystery to her as he braced his feet against one wall and pressed her up against the other one. With both arms around his neck, she could feel the coolness of the tiles against her back as she slid up and down with each thrust as he pushed deeply into her.

It was time to stop eating so many cookies.

Turning the motor off, Cindy listened to the engine tick away the heat as the radiator fan stopped. She closed the car door and went looking for her lover.

Walking into the upstairs apartment, she tossed her keys onto the kitchen table, watched them slide off onto the floor and then found his note. He had gone to the Hawthorne apartment house to look at some leaky pipes for that pesky Mrs. Snyder, again. She had a habit of always calling when it was least convenient.

One time, they were going to the pictures and she called on a Saturday night and they had driven out there just to show her how to jiggle the toilet handle. By the time they got to the theatre, it was half-over, they missed the first movie, the cartoon and the snack bar was closed.

‘What does the old woman want now?’ she angrily wondered. Cindy doubted the pipes were really leaking. ‘Maybe, just maybe, she’s lonely. But, why call on Greg all the time? Certainly, there were men her own age willing to spend time with her?’

Cindy went to his desk notebook and looked up the old woman’s phone number.

‘Hello? Is Mr. Knotts there? It’s Cindy, his fiancée… oh, he did? When was that?… thank you.’

Just as she was hanging up the phone, the back door opened and he walked in. ‘Honey, I’m home!’

She almost knocked him down as she grabbed his arm and pulled him into the bedroom.

The finger tingled up the rise in her back until it reached her neck. Cindy smiled, thinking of the previous night. Never had she felt so secure and loved as he held her in his arms, his body warming her against the chill of the night marine air from the Pacific. ‘Mmmmmm,’ was all she could say as she moved against his heat. His fingers traced the curve of her bottom, sliding between without becoming profane.

‘You like that, don’t you?’ he asked, surprised at his own boldness.

‘Mmmmmm,’ was all she could say, surprised at her own wantoness.

He kissed his way up her back, hoping to please her.

‘Love me,’ she said. ‘Love me…’

Tuesday morning came sooner than either of them wanted.


‘Well, I bet I know why you’re a little late…’ Martine gave her a handful of menus to be wiped down.

‘Ha… ha… ha…’

‘Ha… ha… ha, yourself… don’t forget, we have that retirement lunch coming in today so don’t sit anyone in the dining room.’

‘OK, thanks.’ Cindy went into the back and washed her hands.

Hawthorne’s economy had been hard hit when the Air Force contract for Northrop’s ill-fated Flying Wing had been cancelled. Even though the Scorpion fighter kept the production lines moving, many older workers had lost heart. Being forced to watch the beautiful silver Wings destroyed before their very eyes on the Hawthorne runway was more than they could stand. Jack Northrop, himself, had left.

The post-War vets were going to take the company into the jet age without him.

The afternoon’s Kelly retirement luncheon was the first of five scheduled for the month. Like the others to follow, it would be tinged with anger vilifying Secretary of the Air Force Symington, some said he was in the pay of San Diego’s Convair.

Martine’s plans for retirement parties seemed doomed before they even started.

‘Oh, I wouldn’t worry about it, too much,’ said the man sipping the bourbon in his glass. ‘It was an idea ahead of its time. Damn shame, though.’

Cindy heard snippets of conversation as she walked around picking up discarded
drinks and crumpled napkins. With two other girls, she quickly worked the room, taking drink orders and gratefully receiving tips.

By the time the party was over, the general dissatisfaction with the Air Force had given way to celebrating Kelly’s chance to finally go deep-sea fishing in his new boat, ‘The Lucky Duck.’

‘One down, four more to go,’ she said, thankfully.

A few hours later, while Greg was showering, she had dinner warming in the oven. On the counter, the blender was ‘rrrrrrr’ing away with ice cream, milk and strawberry jam.

‘How was your day?’ he asked, later.

‘We had the first retirement party, today. It started out pretty down but ended OK, I guess. There’s still a lot of anger at Northrop since the Wings got cancelled.’

‘It’s all politics, honey. Sometimes, I think the politicians are working for the other side. I know they’re working for themselves. We’ll be OK.’

‘I know, it’s just too bad.’

‘I know. What’s for dinner? It smells really good?’

‘Roast turkey, with all the trimmings and ice cream shakes. I just made them.’

‘Wow! Working at Raymond’s is really paying off.’

‘Thank you.’ She opened the oven door and carefully pulled out the food.

‘Oh, boy! That smells SO good.’ After she had dished out the food onto the two waiting plates and laid them on the table, she put her hands together to say ‘grace.’ Greg was surprised.

Cindy had never prayed before.

‘What changed?’ he asked.

‘I just… it’s the orphanage. I’m just grateful that my life has turned out the way it has, that’s all. Those children… it’s really sad.’

‘Maybe, I should go with you next time.’

‘I don’t know… maybe… I’ll ask.’

‘What’s the big secret? Boy, this is good food.’

‘There’s no secret, it’s just that the children are different. A lot of them have… difficulties, that’s all and I don’t know if the sisters want to have extra people coming through and making them uncomfortable.’

‘Well, listen, next time you’re there, ask. Maybe, we could bring some toys or something.’

‘All right, I can do that. But, don’t be surprised if they say ‘no’.’

Greg put down ‘The Caine Mutiny’ and turned on the television. ‘Honey, Kraft Theatre is on. Do you need any help or are you coming?’

‘I’ll be there in a minute.’ The last dish went into the dishrack to dry and went into the living room. She sat on the couch next to him, curled her legs up and lay against him.

He put his arm on her shoulder and pulled her closer. He kissed her forehead. ‘I love you. Halloween is only a few weeks away.’

‘I can’t wait. I’m glad we’re living together. If I had to wait for you, I’d go crazy.’

‘Me, too. I can’t say ‘I love you’ enough. Thank you.’

‘Thank you for what?’

‘For… for just being you… I’m SO happy, that’s all.’

Whatever was on the screen was soon forgotten as she kissed him. Soon, her hands were fondling him as she kissed it.


Cooper put down his now cold cup of bitter coffee. ‘I’m telling you, she hasn’t done anything for the longest… and him? I haven’t even seen that guy ever since that disaster in Vegas. Where’s Smith? He’s supposed to be watching him. How are we going to get any others in the cell at this rate?’

‘Smith’s on him. He’s been down to the airport several times, checking on flights north to Alaska by way of Seattle. What the hell’s going on with that? Are they on the move or is it just him?’

‘I don’t know, she’s doing the same as always, just being there or going out on the weekends to the bars with that Suzy broad. At least she’s not taking classes at Camino, although all those little cheerleaders running around wouldn’t be too bad on the eyes. Maybe… maybe, we should just pick them up and be done with it.’

‘You’re going to hell, Elliot. I thought you were married. You brought your wife with you, what do you need cheerleaders for? I’ve seen your wife.’

Cooper blushed. He’d seen how men looked at his Sophia when they though he wasn’t watching. Once, he almost took his gun out. Her ‘girls’ night out’ disaster forced him to pay more attention to what he had been doing and how he had been treating her.

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Willow, Autumn, Dakota & Elle In on an airport’s pick-up area Willow and Autumn stand with their luggage, as a car pulls up, and Dakota sticks her head out. “Oh, my God!” she squeals, “You’re so grown up!”Behind her, Elle gets out.“Not as much as her!” Willow jokes.“Oh, I know, my baby sister just shot up overnight. She could carry me now!”Elle goes around back, and opens the trunk, and her and Autumn load the luggage in. “Did you just get that cut?” Elle says, referring to Autumn’s short...

4 years ago
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Fair French and Forty

Bonjour, je m'appelle Marie-Claude, j'ai aujourd'hui 45 ans, et, vu le faible niveau de mon anglais, c'est dans ma langue maternelle, le français, que j'ai choisi de vous raconter mon histoire. Elle commence d'une façon sordidement banale. Mariée et menant la vie paisible d'une épouse bourgeoise avec deux grandes filles, j'ai découvert que mon mari me trompait depuis des années avec plusieurs femmes plus jeunes que moi, et peu après nous avons divorcé. Ma vie s'est écroulée, j'ai dû quitter...

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Slut gives blowjob

He loves when she begs. He tells her she isn't allowed, but then he teases her until she must. He tells her what he wants to do to her. He talks about it and leaves their toys laying around the house. Yet, he doesn't touch her because he is waiting until she begs. He waited a few days patiently, waiting for this day. Where she would be on her knees begging for him. He strokes her chin and grins his sadistic grin. Fear flashes in her eyes and she knows it is all to obvious, but he loves...

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Resetting My Bitch ButtonChapter 28

Serendipity Park – Georgia As told by Emily We went back to our respective motor homes and had breakfast. I told Mike what I had told Doris at the barn. I was still puzzling why I had outed Stefan to his parents in the first place. I don’t think I was trying to get him in trouble. I didn’t understand why I was trying to help them understand and accept his interests either. I am a teenage girl. I suppose I am expected to not always understand why I do the things I do. “You need to learn to...

3 years ago
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Taking It for the Team

Introduction: Hockey buddies gangbang my hot friend. Straining her neck, Abby gasped for breath amid the thick hot air that surrounded us as she was wedged between two male bodies. Above her, her fiancé, was planted in her ass, his balls pressed against her taint as he ground against her. Abby held herself up on her hands and knees while I lay beneath her, squeezing her boobs and sliding my body up, sinking my erection deep into her pussy as sweat leaked out all over me and mixed with the...

4 years ago
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Please Let me watch

Jill would always remember the first time she saw her son masturbating.It happened months ago. Tim had just turned 19. She wanted to surprise him on the midnight of his birthday with a gift while he was still watching tv in the living room. Jill gently and quietly opened her bedroom door with her present in hand, and softly walked towards the living room without making a sound- and what she saw left her stunned: Her son was watching softcore porn on cable. As she quietly stepped closer to the...

2 years ago
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Repressed Memories

REPRESSED MEMORIES by BobH. (c) 2003 "She was stunned when our sessions first brought those memories to the surface," I said, "could not believe her own sister - now her brother - had used a magic stone to switch bodies with her when they were children and that she had been born a boy. Until she found the stone." "She switched bodies with me," said my companion, "not knowing the stone only works when both want to switch." "People never believe how easy it is to plant false...

1 year ago
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EmergencyChapter 5

"STEVEN — WHERE ARE YOU?" Julie screamed, now up and walking, after being cleaned up. The police arrived. They took the gun from Mary, put David's dead body on a gurney, and whisked him away. "JULIE, are you all right?" her brother asked carefully walking back into view. "Daddy ... our father ... is dead!" The kids took a shower and got their suits back on. They went out and waved good-bye to Jeff and Jo. It was scheduled for them to come back on Saturday for dinner with the...

2 years ago
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Sex Guns Beer

You've been a lonely single man all you're life; you even start to think you will die a single man, and, when you think about that, a feeling of sadness invades you. You decide to go out for a walk and find out if there will be any cute girls that will hook up with you, you don't know. After walking for an hour you stop at a bar that looked kind of familiar. You think you've even been to this place, but you don't know, so you decide to go in after all. You might get lucky in there. You enter...

1 year ago
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So i decided to post a true story about myself although my first as well,but if all goes well i will post more of my sexcapades cause trust me i have quite a few. Instead of describing my self you can check my profile for my physical stats lol. I'm not going to use names or specific places. So I took a trip to Florida with three of my girlfriends (all eaqually as hot as me btw) shortly after my parents bought a vacation home there. One of my friends knew a few guys that were going to be there...

3 years ago
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Brothers MindControlled Sisters 1 Brothers Cherry Surprise

A Story of the Institute of Apotheosis Research Chapter One: Brother's Cherry Surprise By mypenname3000 Copyright 2017 Note: Thanks to wrc264 for beta reading this! Alex strode through the halls of The Institute of Apotheosis. For most technology companies, having a eighteen-year-old with no college degreewalking through it would be unusual. But the Institute wasn't most companies. They had a higher purpose than just making the newest device or killer app. They were in the business...

2 years ago
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Cant stand it anymoreI need to get FUCKED

My wife had been laid up with a broken arm and wasn't able to enjoy sex for six months, after finishing her physical therapy with a VERY handsome ther****t, She came into the room one night in just stockings heels and garter belt and proclaimed!: "It's been six months, I can't stand this anymore, I need to get fucked tonight and one cock just isn't going to cut it honey. I want all my holes filled at the same time tonight, Any ideas? "Sure sweetie whatever you want it's yours You want to pick...

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Susan Storm Bride of Dracula

**** As with all my stories, I welcome other authors to add chapters! *** Dracula, Lord of the Undead, stood on a New York rooftop, gazing across the city, smelling the blood of millions of victims wafting up out of the concrete canyons. But he had particular prey in mind this night. He lifted his gaze and looked across at an upper balcony on the Baxter Building, where a figure in white stood waiting for him. Susan Storm-Richards stood on the balcony outside the marital bedroom, her white...

3 years ago
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Witches Dancing at Midnight

There was no music in the middle of the forest except for the steady beat of naked feet on the bed of leaves already fallen from the tall trees. Thirteen female bodies twisting in the light of the Harvest Moon with nipples bouncing and pretty bushes all a twitter with a frenzy of the rhythm. Nikki was feeling the spirit of the master driving her into a frantic gyration that lathered up her flanks and her pretty pussy. The other females were just as carried away by the rays of Mother Moon...

2 years ago
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Remember These

It was our anniversary, and my parents had offered to take our kids to get some quality couple time. As much as we love our offspring, the chance for the two of us to take a long earned time out to enjoy some us time was not hard to accept. We bid our children farewell, and headed to the bright lights of the city. My wife still made my pulse race after ten years of wedded bliss as she turned and smiled at me in that way that told me I had better prepare for long hours of pleasure. Her hand...

4 years ago
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wanking my wifes brother

I had slept naked with Tom before.It was no big deal,and Elaine had slept in the middle.We only have a two bedroom apt,and sometimes Tom who is openly gay,comes over for a few beers,and stays the night.We have a daughter aged 1 who has the other bedroom,which is very small anyway,and just big enough for the babies cot.So if Tom stays over,he sleeps with us,with Elaine in the middle.I have always slept in the nude,and it is a family joke,no big deal.On halloween,Elaine had gone for a weekend...

1 year ago
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ExxxtraSmall Isabella Nice Tiny Teen Fucks In A Bucket

Isabella Nice is the perfect combination of small and flexible. She changed into some risque clothes and plopped her little booty right into a little bucket that would have had trouble fitting even more than a few basketballs. Once she was nice and snug in there, our boy scooped her up, brought her inside, emptied her out of the bucket, and then began to ravage her miniscule fuck holes. She was so light that she could even be lifted above his head while she sucked him. There’s nothing better...

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Maid to Serve

For the second consecutive growing season, the monsoons had failed to arrive over the Indian rice paddies. Without the heavy annual rainfall, the Nalwali family had been unable to produce their customarily bountiful crop of top quality rice. It was the proceeds from the rice crop that allowed the Nalwali family to not only survive but to provide the resources to keep the land they farmed and provide for the education of their children. For generations, the Nalwali family had produced some of...

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mentoring Brandon Chapter 16

By Bob Chapter 16: A Thanksgiving to Remember Part 2 As I turned and walked toward the two hot guys in the beds at the other end of the room, I couldn't help think about what was happening. A new turning point in my life was about to begin, I was positive. Unlike the last one when Brandon and I fell in love, this one was more unexpected. I knew I wanted Brandon, but this was something I never in my life thought would transpire. I had to admit, there was much apprehension going...

1 year ago
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Safe as the bank

John worked as an advisor in a bank and enjoyed his time there. He got to see and talk to a lot of different people, while also playing with numbers which he liked so much. John was a rather open and friendly guy, though some may say he´s kind of nerdy sometimes. He didn´t care, as long as he got to do what he liked no one could put a cloud over his head. It was a Friday and all employees were enjoying the outlook of an up and coming weekend. John had planned to take an early one to go home and...

Straight Sex
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John CarterChapter 15

The sunset that evening was particularly dramatic. The sky was painted in hundreds of colors. The men sat in the lawn chairs watching the sky as the colors changed while the sun dipped below the horizon. No one said a word until the sun had dipped completely below the horizon and the colors had faded. Ed asked, “Can you imagine? Kelly is pregnant.” John shook his head and said, “I’m just as surprised as you.” “Are you as happy about it as I am?” John laughed and said, “Yes, maybe more....

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Friendrsquos Mom and Daughter become My Subs Pt 1

Friend’s Mom and Daughter become My Subs. Pt 1I’m Dave and half way through my first year at University. At school I was sport mad. Now at 19 I’m into dangerous sports; skydiving being just one. I’m fit, randy and smart! I don’t need to do too much work to get laid. Yes I’m a very lucky sod and I know it.During the run up to my exams I return home to study. If I stayed at university I would no doubt chase girls or break something doing my sports.One week into my three week break my Mom and Dad...

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Road RashChapter 3

Okay, I'm not finished doing good deeds. "What have you decided about dinner?" "Look, Chuck," she said, "What would make YOU happy?" "I dunno," I said. "I've had a pretty successful week. I may reward myself with a steak. You want one?" "That'l work," Jen said. "But..." "But I told you, 'My treat!' Stop worrying. Consider it a couple of friends going out to eat. I got it, okay?" "Okay. If you insist." She had a wry vestige of a smile. "It's still early,...

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Owned Gay

My name is Mark, until today I lived pretty much an average life. I am happily married for many years with grown up c***dren. I am self-employed and work from home, my wife has a good paying job at an insurance company. We are not rich but what I would consider comfortable.Recently I have been getting I guess you would call it curious about certain male/male relationships, to be exact I fantasize about sucking a cock. On day a couple of months ago I responded to a classified ad from a young gay...

1 year ago
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TriptychChapter 11

OF COURSE, NEITHER LISSA NOR I were allowed anywhere near Melody once she got to the hospital and they called her mother. Lexi asked them to please communicate with us since she was in Boston. We were going to have to do something about this. Those power of attorney things were going to be really important. Fortunately, the boys were at Jack’s this week, but I called him to let him know what had happened. I had an idea for the weekend I wanted to run by him, too, and was pleased with his...

1 year ago
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A kinky fascination

It was a bitterly cold, early spring afternoon. I had arrived after lunch, in my thickest fluffy coat and furry hat. The noise from the crowd, which was like a kind of baying – a feverish swell of cheers and applause met my ears. I responded with a shiver of excitement. The tribal allegiance of spectator sports was alien to me, but I flashed my VIP pass at the turnstile, and took a seat at the back. Rugby was, I suppose the posh guy's soccer. You were allowed to pick the ball up and run. It was...

Oral Sex
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Introduction: Just sit back and enjoy the ride! 1 Clan Plan Jeff, why dont you gather some wood for a bonfire. Yeah, Dad, lets roast marshmallows. … From inside, Sean and Rachel watch Jeff start the fire under the star-brightened sky. Sean, all I do at home these days is sleep. Yeah Rachel. You and Jeff seem to hang out here all the time. Its fantastic that youre willing to take care of Jeff all summer while Im working. My pleasure–working out of my home definitely has advantages. Sean...

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Bride for the whole familyChapter 6

Drained and exhausted, the brother, sister and stepsister fell to the bed in a writhing pile of young, desirable flesh. They kissed each other gratefully, paying little mind to who they kissed, or to what sex their partner was. Gently, with caressing tenderness, their hands moved lovingly over the nakedness of their three bodies, exploring and probing. All this occurred while their new sister-in-law watched from the other side of the one-way mirror opening into their bedroom. More than...

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The Book

Your name is John Doe and you have always been "into" mind control ever since you read the book "The Depths of The Human Mind" by an author you cannot even remember. Another big contribution in your interest in the field of mind control was your grandfather Kent Doe, he was a master of the art of mind control. "I just want to be like Grandfather", you would always say to your father Jim Doe. "He was always able to get his way, shit he was president of his company on his first day on the job,...

Mind Control
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SexAndSubmission Abella Danger Anal Artist

Big ass Brunette Abella Danger models for tormented artist Ramon Nomar in this week’s SAS update. When Abellas car breaks down out in hills of CA she has no cell phone reception to call a mechanic so she goes to a nearby house to use the phone. Ramon Nomar answers the door and is apprehensive to let a stranger in but Abella barges in anyway cuz she is desperate. Well it turns out he doesn’t have a phone but he does have an opportunity for this hot young thing: to be the model for one of...

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KellyChapter 32

Kelly had received an invitation to speak at a meeting of the War College Officers’ Wives Club. When she checked with Rita, she was told it was a standard invitation. The President traditionally spoke at the Club’s major spring meeting. Rita was sitting across from her in her office. She had been teasing the girl about the dark circles under her eyes from lack of sleep. The girl spread her legs wide and rubbed her groin gently. By this time Rita had become accustomed to Kelly’s teasing. She...

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Sis Lets Me Watch Her Bate In The Bathtub

My sister shyly unbound the towel that covered her naked body and let it drop to the floor of the bathroom we shared. Adrenaline surged through me and blood rushed to my throbbing cock as I saw her fully unclothed for the first time. She was faced away from me, but I could see the outline of her small boob, the tip of her brownish pink nipple standing out from the caress of the towel she just released. She looked back towards me, then diverted her eyes away. Her back was lean, a clean line down...

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Aftermath Confessions Chapter 4 of 7 One Step Closer

Author's Note: These stories are hard to categorize... voyeurism, exhibitionism, masturbation, quasie-threesome with bi overtones and a hot wife. lol.  Send me an email at if you would like to see the illustrated versions of the stories.-----------------"For God's sake, tell me you got to fuck that girl." Words I never dreamed I'd hear coming out from my wife. Now it was my turn to play coy. "I guess you'll just have to wait and find out."Reliving my time with Jeff and Allie had us both horny...

1 year ago
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Aubrey Black 1200 250000

Aubrey Black is your consummate MILF. She has all the tell-tale signs. Her tits are enhanced to the point of nearly popping, her ass implant is visible through her flesh, her lips are blown up like she chewed on a bag of wasps, and she still has a bit of cum in her hair.Jerking John SmithHowever, Aubrey Black came into Milfdom through some unique means. Aubrey was raised Mormon and even raised her own two kids as Morman for a long time. In her thirties, she worked as a photographer and graphic...

Twitter Porn Accounts
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First Time Shared His Story

The anticipation was built over time. Patience. Persistence. Foreplay. Gradual growth and teasing. Dirty pictures. Almost dirty pictures. Dirty thoughts. VERY dirty thoughts. All without judgement and with total understanding and respect of desires and boundaries. At least the ones that weren't meant to be pushed. None of that could prepare for the actual excitement and rush of lust that was visible on both of your faces, and I am sure mine when I walked up in person. The first hug and...

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Becoming A Man Part 10 Triple Pleasure

I had just slept with two lovely women: fleshy Indian-American beauty Lena, and her athletically built roommate Val. I had been lying in bed with Lena when Val came home expectedly - and, not knowing I was there, accidentally revealed to me that their friendship had extra benefits. We ended up having fantastic three-way sex, collapsing in a pile on Val's bed.Then, moments later, we heard the lock turning in the outside of the apartment, followed by it creaking open and slamming shut.It could...


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