- 3 years ago
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The near-silence of the tree-shaded streets was shattered by the most sorrowful song Cindy had ever heard. ‘Why you still insist on listening to country music is beyond me,’ she said. ‘Either the woman is cheating, leaving or dying….’ she had remarked, once, ‘or his dog and truck died.’
Soon, the heavily lemon-scent of eucalyptus trees, their branches laden with silver-gray leaves, filled the warm, humid air with the smell of southern California. The Gold Rush immigrant, brought from the Australian island of Tasmania, was now as native to the state as the former Hoosier women splashing in the coastal surf. Even Abbot Kinney, most famous for founding Venice, California, was a state-wide promoter of the gum trees.
She thought back to that morning…
‘Halloween? You want to get married on Halloween?’ Greg asked. ‘You’re kidding, right?’ He looked up through the darkness to where the ceiling would be. ‘Halloween… God, what next?’
When he put it that way, Cindy wondered if it was such a good idea, after all. ‘Well…’ she started to say but a ghostly vision of black cats and old crones…
‘It definitely sounds crazy…’ he said, ‘but, if that’s what you want, it could be fun. Are you going to wear an orange gown?’ He started to laugh. ‘This is Martine’s idea, isn’t it? That woman is…’
He rolled from his back onto his right side, his left arm encircling her waist as he nuzzled her neck. He breathed in her morning scent.
‘Stop that… you know what it does to me,’ she begged, in vain.
He ignored her pleas for mercy, his tongue traced wet lines of pleasure under her ear forward to below her chin and down the hollow of her neck. She was usually quiet when he made love to her, the excitement staying deep within her mind, she surprised herself as a moan rose up and left her wet lips.
That first night, when she had come to his bed, she had told him she was going to teach him how to kiss. If he was surprised, he never let on. As much as her checkered past still haunted her, he never once hinted he might have a clue about what she had done. She still wasn’t sure if he knew or not but was afraid to broach the subject. ‘Let sleeping dogs lie…’ was as good an adage as any, especially when they had such a fatal bite.
Her legs invitingly parted, she reached down and her body welcomed him.
The thin black line wavered in the summer heat, the ants moved from the window sill, down the tile behind the sink, across the counter and to the three dishes waiting to be washed.
‘Oooh…’ Cindy said, grabbing a glass of water and splashing it over the scurrying insects. ‘Get… out… of… my… kitchen!’ She swabbed down the countertop, chasing the little black creatures around the sink edge. She peered down and looked closely, wondering if she had missed any of the scavengers.
Later, she took a clean towel and wiped down her tired but satisfied face, tying her hair into a ponytail, she washed the kitchen table. During breakfast, every time she looked at him, she smiled. How she was so lucky to have him, she would never, could never understand. She knew he had had an Italian girl somewhere in his past, he let that slip once or twice in conversation with Elliot downstairs and he definitely knew about her troubled marriage but nothing about the bar. ‘Thank God,’ she prayed, ‘thank God, he knew nothing about that.’
A dark scowl crossed her face. She couldn’t imagine life without him, now. When he wasn’t home, she waited for him to arrive. When she was at Raymond’s, she couldn’t wait to go home. When they were home, she looked even for his shadow, the echo of his voice, the sound of his footsteps, and the scent of his arousal…
That man at the beach had almost let her secret out. Drowning in the ocean would have been the only decision she would have had left if that encounter had gone another way. The Pacific had been right there, calling to her… its small waves rolling ashore… calling to end her uneasy secret.
‘Thank God for Martine,’ she continued thinking, anxiously wiping the countertop, again, her fingers pushing down harder as she thought back to that nightmare time. Her nights with Suzy were not that long ago. The fact that Suzy and Angie were now close friends had seemed odd at first until that lunch at Cantor’s Deli in Fairfax. Both women danced to the beat of a very different drummer, Cindy thought and hoped that Suzy would keep quiet.
Her own bizarre behavior, Cindy finally realized, resulted from Suzy’s uncovering a physical need for sexual comfort… sexual relief stronger than she could control following her miserable, dangerous life with Chris. Her nights of prostitution were something she was continually trying to forget but couldn’t. The man at the beach was a reminder that the men who used her were still nearby.
A tear crept slowly down her cheek. If only they could move away… far away from the memories waiting to trap her. It was driving her mad. Greg would never leave the beach, would he? She was startled by the popping of the toaster. ‘Whoa!’ she almost shouted. Taking the bread out, she reached for the butter and began to spread it across. A spoonful of boysenberry jam and a cup of morning tea completed her breakfast. She carefully put the small bag aside in the refrigerator.
Greg had continually told her to use a new bag each time but old habits die hard. Her mother’s tight upbringing during the Depression had reached deeply within her psyche and refused to let go. ‘At least,’ she thought, ‘I’m not going to waste Greg’s money… our money.’
The crackle of the frying eggs and bacon called her back to the stove.
‘Greg, honey, breakfast’s ready.’
Each time she and Martine made the ‘cookie trip,’ Cindy promised herself to bring a camera and each time she forgot. She so wanted to photograph the old Victorians while they were still standing. The area, once home to wealthy families, had fallen on desperate times soon after the Depression and most had been turned into small apartment or rooming houses. The once beautiful paint was covered by a dull gray chalky mess that cried out for help from someone… from anyone… but, no one seemed to care to save the once proud and beautiful homes.
‘This will be a lot of fun. We’ll close the restaurant after the lunch service and decorate the dining room for the reception. Everything will be BOO-tee-full…’ Martine grinned. She never thought Greg would agree to a Halloween wedding and yet… for some insane reason, he did.
Already, her mind was working around two possibilities: an orange-spice cake with chocolate frosting or a chocolate cake with a light orange frosting… with plenty of rum. Laughing, she knew the rum would win out, ‘besides, who wanted a dark-frosted wedding cake? Now,’ she happily thought, ‘to start planning…’
Cindy pulled her cream-colored convertible up to the gate and impatiently honked the horn.
‘Every time, you gotta honk the horn. They know we’re coming. Jesus, give them a chance, will you?’ asked Martine. ‘It’s just a couple of little kids, you know.’
Within minutes, two boys, no more than ten years of age, unlocked the heavy chain-link gate and swung it wide enough that she could drive in and around the back to the kitchen. Piled high in the back seat were almost one-hundred boxes of cookies. Almost, that is, because on the front seat between the two women was a half-empty box of chocolate chip raisin cookies, once carefully wrapped in wax-paper. Now that the car had stopped, the smell of the cookies on the back seat filled the car.
Last time, she had needed the vacuum cleaner to clean all the crumbs. ‘Oh, but it was worth it,’ Cindy realized, laughing at the memory. Greg had come behind her and gave her a playful smack on the behind as she waved the metal tube around the car. Before she knew it, they were kissing and his hand was between her thigh
s, gently bringing her to a climax.
Every time the women came to the orphanage, Cindy said it was her right as ‘driver’ to ‘inspect’ the cookies for freshness. Martine laughed, dipping into the box for another one. If lunch was anytime soon, it probably was spoiled.
She pulled out two chocolate chip cookies. For some reason, she’d been reaching into the cookie jar one too many times, she was sure. She patted her tummy. Martine’s cooking was leading her down the primrose path.
The orphanage, well hidden from the street by a very tall hedge, was easily missed if you didn’t know where it was, as Cindy had done the first two times. The Sisters of Saint Dorothy had gone to great lengths to hide the children from the outside world.
These were the ‘lost’ children… the ones that would never be adopted.
Cindy was going to say something, even with a mouth full of cookie, when the first nun arrived, surrounded by several small girls. One was clutching the old woman’s habit as if her life depended on it, causing the nun’s large rosary to sway back and forth like a pendulum across the heavy, dark cloth.
‘Welcome back,’ she said, hugging Martine. The nun greeted Cindy with a curt nod.
As much as Cindy admired the work the Sisters were doing, the idea of never loving a man just seemed so desolate an existence…
Standing by the kitchen door were two more stern Italian nuns, surrounded by five or six children vying for their attention like small puppies jumping for a treat. Cindy couldn’t really tell, they never stood still long enough to make sure. One of the nuns bent down and swooping up a small girl kissed her on the cheek and gave her a wide, honest smile.
Cindy wondered if she was wrong…
Box after box of cookies quickly disappeared into the kitchen, eventually grocery bags of empty boxes from the previous trip were returned and placed into the trunk.
As bad as her first marriage had been, Cindy couldn’t imagine living with the insecurity of being an orphan. She had cried for days after the first few trips but continued… ‘Penance,’ she told herself, ‘for her sins.’
‘You’re just in time for lunch,’ the nun said. ‘We’re having spaghetti.’
‘Thank you,’ said Cindy, ‘I’m still hungry.’
The nun gave her a strange look, seeing the near empty box of cookies lying on the front seat of the car.
A while later a humbled Cindy asked for the recipes to the luncheon dishes. What the nun had quietly called ‘spaghetti’ was a rich mélange of meats and spices wrapped in egg-rich lasagna. Dessert was home-made strawberry ice cream and, of course, cookies. By the time Martine was ready to leave, promising to return in another two weeks, Cindy wanted to stay longer… again.
Between the small smiling faces looking for affection and the feeling of a peaceful calm that surrounded her, she felt at home. She wondered if she could convince Greg to come with her, one day.
Cindy tasted the sauce. For an orphanage, the food was surprisingly good. She looked across the table at Martine. The older woman was actively talking with two little girls seated next to her. Each time they had come to visit, Martine looked for a quiet girl or two and tried to bring them some outside companionship. ‘Is this,’ she wondered, ‘what it means to be a mother? Could I be able to do this with a child of my own?’
Laughter rang out. Martine had said something funny enough to bring a glad response from the little dark-haired girls sitting next to her.
‘You know what’s funny?’
‘No, what?’ Martine responded.
‘If you put two extra eggs into a brownie recipe, you get cake… a very strange cake.’
‘And… this is important because?’
‘I don’t know… it just seemed funny to me… you know, two eggs and all.’
‘You are one crazy girl, you know that? Hey, any cookies left?’
Cindy wasn’t listening anymore, splitting her attention between driving the car, chewing on a cookie and thinking back to the morning’s love making that continued in the shower. How he didn’t slip on the tile and bring them both crashing down was a mystery to her as he braced his feet against one wall and pressed her up against the other one. With both arms around his neck, she could feel the coolness of the tiles against her back as she slid up and down with each thrust as he pushed deeply into her.
It was time to stop eating so many cookies.
Turning the motor off, Cindy listened to the engine tick away the heat as the radiator fan stopped. She closed the car door and went looking for her lover.
Walking into the upstairs apartment, she tossed her keys onto the kitchen table, watched them slide off onto the floor and then found his note. He had gone to the Hawthorne apartment house to look at some leaky pipes for that pesky Mrs. Snyder, again. She had a habit of always calling when it was least convenient.
One time, they were going to the pictures and she called on a Saturday night and they had driven out there just to show her how to jiggle the toilet handle. By the time they got to the theatre, it was half-over, they missed the first movie, the cartoon and the snack bar was closed.
‘What does the old woman want now?’ she angrily wondered. Cindy doubted the pipes were really leaking. ‘Maybe, just maybe, she’s lonely. But, why call on Greg all the time? Certainly, there were men her own age willing to spend time with her?’
Cindy went to his desk notebook and looked up the old woman’s phone number.
‘Hello? Is Mr. Knotts there? It’s Cindy, his fiancée… oh, he did? When was that?… thank you.’
Just as she was hanging up the phone, the back door opened and he walked in. ‘Honey, I’m home!’
She almost knocked him down as she grabbed his arm and pulled him into the bedroom.
The finger tingled up the rise in her back until it reached her neck. Cindy smiled, thinking of the previous night. Never had she felt so secure and loved as he held her in his arms, his body warming her against the chill of the night marine air from the Pacific. ‘Mmmmmm,’ was all she could say as she moved against his heat. His fingers traced the curve of her bottom, sliding between without becoming profane.
‘You like that, don’t you?’ he asked, surprised at his own boldness.
‘Mmmmmm,’ was all she could say, surprised at her own wantoness.
He kissed his way up her back, hoping to please her.
‘Love me,’ she said. ‘Love me…’
Tuesday morning came sooner than either of them wanted.
‘Well, I bet I know why you’re a little late…’ Martine gave her a handful of menus to be wiped down.
‘Ha… ha… ha…’
‘Ha… ha… ha, yourself… don’t forget, we have that retirement lunch coming in today so don’t sit anyone in the dining room.’
‘OK, thanks.’ Cindy went into the back and washed her hands.
Hawthorne’s economy had been hard hit when the Air Force contract for Northrop’s ill-fated Flying Wing had been cancelled. Even though the Scorpion fighter kept the production lines moving, many older workers had lost heart. Being forced to watch the beautiful silver Wings destroyed before their very eyes on the Hawthorne runway was more than they could stand. Jack Northrop, himself, had left.
The post-War vets were going to take the company into the jet age without him.
The afternoon’s Kelly retirement luncheon was the first of five scheduled for the month. Like the others to follow, it would be tinged with anger vilifying Secretary of the Air Force Symington, some said he was in the pay of San Diego’s Convair.
Martine’s plans for retirement parties seemed doomed before they even started.
‘Oh, I wouldn’t worry about it, too much,’ said the man sipping the bourbon in his glass. ‘It was an idea ahead of its time. Damn shame, though.’
Cindy heard snippets of conversation as she walked around picking up discarded
drinks and crumpled napkins. With two other girls, she quickly worked the room, taking drink orders and gratefully receiving tips.
By the time the party was over, the general dissatisfaction with the Air Force had given way to celebrating Kelly’s chance to finally go deep-sea fishing in his new boat, ‘The Lucky Duck.’
‘One down, four more to go,’ she said, thankfully.
A few hours later, while Greg was showering, she had dinner warming in the oven. On the counter, the blender was ‘rrrrrrr’ing away with ice cream, milk and strawberry jam.
‘How was your day?’ he asked, later.
‘We had the first retirement party, today. It started out pretty down but ended OK, I guess. There’s still a lot of anger at Northrop since the Wings got cancelled.’
‘It’s all politics, honey. Sometimes, I think the politicians are working for the other side. I know they’re working for themselves. We’ll be OK.’
‘I know, it’s just too bad.’
‘I know. What’s for dinner? It smells really good?’
‘Roast turkey, with all the trimmings and ice cream shakes. I just made them.’
‘Wow! Working at Raymond’s is really paying off.’
‘Thank you.’ She opened the oven door and carefully pulled out the food.
‘Oh, boy! That smells SO good.’ After she had dished out the food onto the two waiting plates and laid them on the table, she put her hands together to say ‘grace.’ Greg was surprised.
Cindy had never prayed before.
‘What changed?’ he asked.
‘I just… it’s the orphanage. I’m just grateful that my life has turned out the way it has, that’s all. Those children… it’s really sad.’
‘Maybe, I should go with you next time.’
‘I don’t know… maybe… I’ll ask.’
‘What’s the big secret? Boy, this is good food.’
‘There’s no secret, it’s just that the children are different. A lot of them have… difficulties, that’s all and I don’t know if the sisters want to have extra people coming through and making them uncomfortable.’
‘Well, listen, next time you’re there, ask. Maybe, we could bring some toys or something.’
‘All right, I can do that. But, don’t be surprised if they say ‘no’.’
Greg put down ‘The Caine Mutiny’ and turned on the television. ‘Honey, Kraft Theatre is on. Do you need any help or are you coming?’
‘I’ll be there in a minute.’ The last dish went into the dishrack to dry and went into the living room. She sat on the couch next to him, curled her legs up and lay against him.
He put his arm on her shoulder and pulled her closer. He kissed her forehead. ‘I love you. Halloween is only a few weeks away.’
‘I can’t wait. I’m glad we’re living together. If I had to wait for you, I’d go crazy.’
‘Me, too. I can’t say ‘I love you’ enough. Thank you.’
‘Thank you for what?’
‘For… for just being you… I’m SO happy, that’s all.’
Whatever was on the screen was soon forgotten as she kissed him. Soon, her hands were fondling him as she kissed it.
Cooper put down his now cold cup of bitter coffee. ‘I’m telling you, she hasn’t done anything for the longest… and him? I haven’t even seen that guy ever since that disaster in Vegas. Where’s Smith? He’s supposed to be watching him. How are we going to get any others in the cell at this rate?’
‘Smith’s on him. He’s been down to the airport several times, checking on flights north to Alaska by way of Seattle. What the hell’s going on with that? Are they on the move or is it just him?’
‘I don’t know, she’s doing the same as always, just being there or going out on the weekends to the bars with that Suzy broad. At least she’s not taking classes at Camino, although all those little cheerleaders running around wouldn’t be too bad on the eyes. Maybe… maybe, we should just pick them up and be done with it.’
‘You’re going to hell, Elliot. I thought you were married. You brought your wife with you, what do you need cheerleaders for? I’ve seen your wife.’
Cooper blushed. He’d seen how men looked at his Sophia when they though he wasn’t watching. Once, he almost took his gun out. Her ‘girls’ night out’ disaster forced him to pay more attention to what he had been doing and how he had been treating her.
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Hallo, ich freue mich über Feedbacks, konstruktive Kritik und Anregungen. Es ist Montag morgen.... Scheiß Montage...... Aufstehen und fertig machen. Heute ist Mathe dran.... Die Arbeit..... Ich hätte wohl etwas mehr lernen sollen. Aber der spicker wird mich schon auf ne 4 retten. Eine 4 und ich werde fürs die Oberstufe zugelassen. Klasse 10 bestanden und fertig. Puuuuhhhh.... aber erstmal zu mir. Ich bin Lena, 18 Jahre alt, 1,63 groß habe blonde leicht rötliche Haare und ein paar Sommersprossen...
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Copyright @ calibeachgirl All rights reserved, 2012 Thank you for reading. A special thanks to Bill, Michael, Lewis, Cassandra and Elliot for editing, reading and commenting to make this tale that much better. Chapter 26: A minor inconvenience Three weeks after Solvang… Diego Gonzalez casually strolled down the hallway, a bag of chips in one hand and a soda in the other, slowly twisting his head to watch the three cheerleaders sway by. Although he had only three minutes left to get to...
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xmoviesforyouOn Saturday, I did a light workout, went for a swim, then came back up to the clubhouse to shoot some pool by myself. I spent most of the morning there, simply lounging around and trying to pass the time. Since Susan was still in Columbia with Stacy, Mr. Kershaw—the year-round resident who took care of camp reservations—greeted new arrivals. About an hour before lunch, I heard the sound of a car approaching and rushed out to see who it was. I was disappointed when it turned out to be a...
It was a sweltering late summer afternoon, so we decided to go the semi secluded beach of Holliway. Quickly changing into her golden t-back that disappeared between her lustful ass cheeks, and two almost nonexistent straps which barely covered her erect nipples, we jumped into the car and sped away. She was hot sitting there with those massive bronzed melons swaying in the breeze as we cruised the highway. Arriving at the beach cutoff, we took a narrow one lane road through the trees leading to...
Wife LoversBy October 3, people were moving into the brand-new houses. General Williams was walking into the City of Spokane with his army of 2,000. A thousand miles to the south, John was fulfilling the general’s request to contact the Marine Corp. John and Peter were dressed in Marine Corp camouflage. They were in one of the Humvees that had been taken from the mercenaries squatting on the reservation land. The Humvee had flags mounted in the front corners denoting the president of the U.S. The two...
A while back, I had to put in a few windows in our house that were big enough I wanted to have some help. Once in a while I found that at the home store if I went early I could find some men looking for day labor job. I told my wife that I was going to the store early and if possible would get some help installing the windows. I knew it was best to not tell the help we would be working on my own house, at some time I was told they tend to be more respectful. My wife knew this and asked if I...
Betsy seemed like almost the perfect mate. I was 28, single, had been very successful the first three years I worked for the most prestigious law firm in Austin trying lawsuits against large multinational corporations that tried to screw average people, and was tired of the dating scene. I wanted a woman to share my life with; and kids. Everything about Betsy said she was the one. Betsy was 22, a college graduate, and worked in pharmaceutical sales. It was not surprising that she worked in...
Wife LoversContinue:You leaned forward, still with my dick deep in your ass. Your tits against my chest....breathing, biting my found my ear with your mouth...sucked on it....started to move, rocked slowly on me....whispered...."I like it...I really do....I....hope.....please do not think bad of me...want....fantasy about beeing your slut....would you, darlin....would you let me suck a stranger? See me open my lips.....take two men? watching...keeping...
July 2009, Sudan I took the paper with me, and left money next to my glass. While leaving, I made sure to give Allah's blessings to the bar and the people. Once behind the block I went to a beaten and very old Land Rover and picked up a carpet from the trunk. Even if nobody could see the area in the alley behind the car, I made sure that nobody could see me when I changed my clothes to something that looked like I had been working in them for a few days in a row. Well, that almost was the...
It was story when we went to Masuri in my vacation. I am living with my parents in Deharadoon during my vacation holidays my mami visited me she has a sex bomb like figure i thing i had done hand practice thousand times on my trip to the place we shopped and in evening we went to hotel where i got an opportunity to sleep with my mami as i had a good impression and bcz. My mama didn’t came with us at around 11 we went to sleep during sleep my hand went onto her breast when i woke up i felt the...
Hi all, I am Deep, aged 26 years and this is my experience with my neighbour. She has a great shape. 5.6 inches of pure white flawless skin, a thin waist (25), shapely breasts (35) and great hips. I have a lovely neighbour who is 38 years old, but has a figure that you can kill for. I was always very close to her and went to their home a lot of times for various works. Our relationship started to get closer and closer. I discussed most things with her, like college, friends, family etc. She was...
Alex gazed up at the menu, his arms crossed as he decided what to have for lunch. He had just arrived at The Yellow Submarine, the best eatery he’d discovered within walking distance of campus. They made fantastic hoagies, a decent fish & chips and Alex could get a burger if he was feeling really American. He didn’t particularly care for the 50’s and 60’s rock that blared from the jukebox, but he had to admit the music, in addition to all the 50’s era flair on the walls, created a lively...
An 18 years old Dora steps out from The Foggy Forest, where she just helped her old friend fixing his car, again. She look down at her clothes, luckily the oil didn’t ruin her clothes. She is wearing her signature purple Tshirt. Braless. It’s a bit too tight as it hugs her hourglass body so perfectly. Her 38C breasts seem busty with her petite figure. With her cute nipples poking out. Her short shorts barely covers any skins of her thighs, and just perfectly cover her thick plump ass....
The day before Beth and I were to leave Yellowstone, we planned to go on a four-mile hike round trip. It was a warm sunny day as we signed in at the trail head. With backpacks on we headed out. The trail went through the woods for the first mile. Then opened to the largest meadow either of us ever saw.The path snaked its way along the edge of the meadow. About halfway through, we came to a bend in the path. As we came around, there lying in the grass not fifty feet away was a bison. The two of...
NovelsI was sat in p.e pushing my boner down secretly. I kept thinking of my hot teacher Ms.Jule. Just imagining her gagging on my dick was incredible. After our dodgeball game I went over to the teachers lounge where I found two of the hottest and sluttiest girls in our school, Lexy and Emily. Lexy with thick black hair down to mid back normal height for a 16 year old and Emily. 6′ blonde hair down to her ass. Emily was more tanned as lexy was a nice white. I take a seat as the teacher calls out our...
I had always found my ex husband's nephew, Oliver, handsome even before my ex husband and Iwere married. He had that strikingly handsome face and sweet personality that you could not resist. During the years I was married to Oliver's uncle, there was an absolute physical attraction between us but obviously we were family at the time we couldn't do anything that was truly and unforgiveably forbidden.A few years after Oliver's uncle and I split, I bumped into Oliver down at the Leisure Centre one...
Straight SexHello Guys this is vishal again with one more story! I am vishal presently working at one of the MNC in Bangalore for feedback please mail me at This story happened when I was studying engineering first year. We used to go for maths tuition as that subject was not at all taught properly in our college. I and my friend joined this private tuition which was conducted by Rita madam at her house. Some 10-12 people used to attend her tuitions and most of them where year back students at her...
One evening, a few months after our Marathon Week, when I was out of town, the geeky k** from Taco Bell, Justin, called my wife’s cell. A group of his geeky friends were over playing video games and hadn’t believed his Taco Bell story. He had called her to see if she would confirm the story, so his friends would leave him alone and stop making fun of him. My wife dutifully recalled the entire night in detail, but to no avail. They still didn’t believe their nerdy friend had been able to...
The smell of church pews lingered in the air as Tabitha sat quietly praying. The first week of the honeymoon seemed to shout out to her that she was much less of a woman than she thought. Her long brown hair draped down covering her head like a hood of shame as she prayed asking God to show her how she could be a better lover. Joseph had imagined their love making to be so much more passion filled than it was. He blamed himself really for the clumsy attempts to please his wife. He thought...
Hello bhai log…..Kaise hain aap log……Mera aap sabhi lund waalo ko namastey aur choot waaliyo ke liye mera 8”ka lund…… Mera naam amit hai. Main lucknow ka rehne waala hu meri age 18 hai. Mere ghar me main meri mummy aur chacha chachi rehte hai. Chacha ke ek ladka aur ek sexy si ladki hai… Hum sab me wahi sabse hai unka naam shaily hain.Unki age 22 saale hai. Uske boobs ka size 36 hai.. Aur halki si moti hai Ab sidhe kahani par aata hun Ye ghatna aaj se karib 2 saale pehle ki hai. Sardi ka time...
I don’t know for certain how old I was when I first became aware of the special perception that women have of males’ reactions to themselves. Call it a type of radar if you will. I’m not saying all women have it. But a woman who is deficient in this awareness is simply not worth knowing. If I am walking down the street and notice a woman with a beautiful ass ahead of me– even twenty yards ahead – and begin to admire her, she will be aware that someone behind her is looking appreciative at her....
The drive to Coach Jefferson’s house was long but Brock hardly noticed. He was rehearsing his speech in his head and occasionally aloud. The coach answered the door with a smile which quickly became a look of concern when he saw how tired Brock looked. Brock didn’t even wait for the coach’s questions before he took the lid off the box and started in. “My name is not Brock Miller,” he began. “Well, it is. But it hasn’t always been. Until the first of June my name was Jordan DeVoe. I spent...
Sex: it's probably, no ... definitely the most intimate bodily activity that you can undertake with another human being - besides giving birth to one I guess! And yet, we can sometimes indulge in sexual acts with strangers with very little preamble.As for the nudity that's required for (most) sexual contact, well most of us spend a good deal of our lives fully clothed in order to protect visual access to our most personal bodily parts. I guess they're called our "private parts" for a good...
Seduced By My Mother-in-LawKimberly and I had been dating off and on for a few years during high school and into our collage years before we decided to marry. I loved her family and had always had an eye for her mom; I had always thought she was hot.But due to her fathers bad health and we rushed the wedding plans so he could be there. It was a beautiful day and everything went great. Kim danced a slow dance with her father while I danced with her mother. I was a bit surprised when she cupped...
You were a normal guy, but when the particular accelerator exploded you found you could copy the powers and abilities of women you get physically intimate with. Now after years of intensive training you’re ready to kidnap these lovely ladies. And currently you have a list of Cities/locations where superheroines reside, where’s your first target? -Star City -Central City
We are a couple who enjoy sex its my job full time massage and sex high class french escort I visit hotels and have guys visit me while hubby is at work....we were keen to explore our CUCKOLD-FANTASY.W e are both bi and enjoy kinky sex let me tell you about our first booking as a couple.I had met tom before he had been for a couple of massage-sex sessions with me and knew he was bi and kinky so I set up a meet with us as a couple...I told Andi we had a client Saturday 11am so be home as he was...
"Could you at least smile and pretend that you're having a good time?" Arlene Taylor leaned over and whispered to her companion across the table. "It's only our first night here and people are already beginning to stare." The slightly morose expression on her friend's face faded to be replaced by the sought after smile. In the same quiet voice she answered her dinner partner. "I am enjoying myself." Jeanette Randolph replied. "I was just thinking how much this little trip is costing...
In some ways Vince and Vicky were an unlikely couple. They had vastly different backgrounds from much different socio-economic classes. Vince had a blue collar upbringing while Vicky came from a well-to-do family. Vince had to fight, both literally and figuratively, for everything he had attained while Vicky’s accomplishments seemed to come almost effortlessly. As a fifty one year old Vince bore the physical scars of his upbringing. The tough neighborhood he grew up in was no place for the...
Wife LoversHello everyone. Myself Krish, 22 years old and pursuing my graduation from one of the top 10 institutes of India. This was a real story happened when I was doing my internship last summer in Chennai. I had been working in an MNC for about 3 months. I stayed in a 1bhk flat nearby Shollingnallur. Staying alone for 3 months in an unknown place is a bit difficult and I felt very bored. I started surfing when I came across the gigolo world. I thought to give my service to ladies and planned to join...
I’d known Gentle Fawn for over two years and couldn’t stand it any longer!Gentle Fawn, whom we called simply Fawn, an electrical engineer, came to work for NASA about two years ago. She is one hundred percent Cherokee and the most beautiful girl I’ve ever seen. She has very long, straight, silky jet-black hair with bangs down to her eyelashes. She has so much hair that it covered her shoulders and breasts, but when she worked, she throws it over her shoulders in such a sexy way that it drives...
Hi guys. . . . !!This is Priti here. I am a great fan of ISS. I have been reading it from last 3 years. I like to read all the stories submitted here. After reading so many stories i also decided to share my first sex experience with u all. Plz give me your feedback if u like it. At first i will lyk to tell u all about me. I am a computer engineering student. I have a nice curvy body. My figure is 32-26-30 with a height of 5’6. Many of my college frnds are towards me but my first love is my...
IncestDesperate timesTonya was a junior in college when she lost her scholarship foolishly. They didn’t kick her out altogether, but the steps they did take took away her ability to pay for school. The student disciplinary committee pulled her scholarships, withdrew all grant money, made getting a student loan impossible and to finish the final hit on her financially, made it impossible to be employed by any business associated with the school. She walked from the administration building in tears....
Oral SexBy Docker5000 Chapter 1 Robert Carlyle was enjoying his Saturday morning; he was lying on his bed with his earphones on listening to some music on his mp3 player. Robert was 18 and had just finished school; he had done well in his exams and was waiting to find out if he had been accepted for an apprenticeship as a welder at the local engineering company. Caroline Carlyle Roberts’s mother was stood outside his bedroom door her hands full of his clean clothes. She was now knocking...
Daddy & Daughter Play Naughty Truth or Dare By mypenname3000 Copyright 2020 Note: Thanks to WRC264 for beta reading this! Rosa and Natalie, eighteen-year-old virgins, are shopping with Rosa's father Hector when the mind-control device is activated. Wholesome Foods is about to be despoiled as Dean Michaels makes his second test of his creation. The two virgins are bout to lose their cherries. Neither will remember the moment when Hector rams his cock into his daughter Rosa and Dean...
"Uh oh." I muttered as I covered my body with the bedspread from the nearby bed to hide my nakedness. Had I known that Tom had not left the room, I would never have messed with the gem. But now it was too late and he was human. He stared down at his body and sighed, covering his privates (which I swear I was not looking at!) and shuddered. "Thank God!" His voice was deep, attractive, one I could easily get lost within. "I thought I'd be a cat for the rest of my life." He ran his free...