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Ok readers, here’s the fourth installment. It’s hopefully a lot longer than the others so it should give you a descent amount to read. I know some of you have asked for longer chapters, but I’m afraid that with story writing, you can’t really plan the length of a chapter, the story happens how it happens, so if you think they’re too short, then tough cookies. Just a little reminder to PLEASE VOTE AND COMMENT. I can’t improve on my stories if I don’t know what you think about them. Us writers really DO appreciate them. As always, all characters are 18 years or over. Happy reading.
Over the next couple of weeks Sam and Chase go to know each other better. They went horse riding every day together, even if it was only for an hour or so. They went out for walks, went shopping in the town and a couple of times they had taken Sam’s car and gone to the city to have a look around and go to the movies (with Chase in disguise of course). Some days they would just lounge around the lake. Chase had to admit that this was his favourite activity with Sam, as Sam’s bathing suit was probably the one revealing outfit she had. Although not as skimpy as some bikinis you can buy, it still showed a good proportion of her stomach and breasts as well as showing off her long curvy legs.
Sam was tall for a woman, almost six foot, a good height for Chase’s six foot four, he had thought secretly, and a good proportion of that was leg. Although he didn’t make it obvious, Chase loved to look at her when she didn’t know it. Chase was a great guy that went for a females brain rather than her body, but at the same time, he was still a guy.
Although Sam and Chase spent most of every day together, Sam disappeared for a couple of hours every afternoon. When questioned, Sam merely stated that she had some things to take care of. Even though Chase knew Sam hadn’t left the house, he could never find her, so had to make himself content with the knowledge that Sam would be back soon. Chase was finding it harder and harder to be without her company though and this disturbed him.
To be honest, without Sam’s company, Chase would have packed up and left after the third day. Emily and Parker were absolute pains in the ass, always talking to Chase about absolute crap that he didn’t need or want to know about. Emily was an empty headed bitch who looked down on anyone who wasn’t at her social status and Parker was a moron who had less sense than a speck of dust. Chase couldn’t stand either one of them and now knew why Jack had gotten him to stay here. He had hoped that Chase would soon leave. Well, thanks to Sam, Chase was able to bear the evening meals and occasional tea parties with Emily’s friends. They made sure they were out most of the time to escape both of Sam’s parents, and so were able to both maintain a happy medium.
After all the time they had spent together though, Chase was starting to get impatient. Although Chase talked about his life freely enough, Sam was still resigned, not giving away anything personal. Although Chase tried to get Sam to talk about her relationship with her parents, she kept those feelings bottled up, refusing to talk about it. Chase didn’t push her, remembering Mac’s words about her problem with trust, but he liked Sam, really liked her, and Chase wanted her to trust him. The way she responded to him made Chase think that she liked him too, even if she didn’t want to admit to herself. Nothing had happened between them, just the way they acted towards each other, the small smiles Sam gave to Chase that he noticed weren’t given to anyone else, the way she would genuinely laugh at his jokes, as lame as they were or the way they would accidentally brush against each other and pull back quickly.
They were good for each other, although neither Chase or Sam realised this. Chase saw Sam beyond the hard shell she had erected to the vulnerable girl inside, and Sam saw Chase as the man he was, not the Hollywood star he had become. They both helped each other to get some normalcy into their lives, something that deep down, they both craved.
* * * *
Chase headed down to the stables to look for Sam. She had gone off by herself again, but had been gone for a lot longer than usual and Chase was getting worried. He hadn’t found her in the house, so he assumed she was with Warrior. When he got to the stables he could see no sign of Sam, and instead ran into Mac cleaning out stalls. ‘Hey Mac, have you seen Sam anywhere.’
‘Can’t say I ave Master Chase. ‘Ave ye looked for ‘er in the tower?’
‘The tower?’
‘Sam has ‘er art room up there. Only way to hide it from ‘er parents. They don’t agree with ‘er artwork.’
‘Okay, thanks. I’ll look for her there. I’ll see you later yeah.’
‘I’m always ere Master Chase.’
* * * *
Chase knocked on the door to the attic. When he got no answer he walked in. Sam wasn’t in the room, but Chase could see that she had been walking on something so he assumed she would be back soon. Walking around the room (which was quite large as it used to be the servants quarters), Chase studied her artwork. There were paintings and drawings of Warrior and the other horses, landscapes of the surrounding area and sketches of the house. It was obvious that Sam went down to the town quite often during past visits as there were also sketches of people going along on their business. An old man sunning himself outside his shop, a child pulling on his mother’s hand and two girls window shopping. Chase was impressed. It was obvious that Sam had a lot of talent. Not only could she draw what she could see, she could also draw what she couldn’t. Sam put emotion into her drawings and that is what made a great artist.
As Chase continued to walk around the room, he came upon a pile of paintings that had been stacked carelessly along the wall, like they didn’t matter. These paintings were different from the others. They were swirls of colour, showing fire and anger as well as hurt and depression. They screamed of great independence, but at the same time screamed for love and understanding. Chase felt a sharp pang in his heart as he realised what these painting represented. These paintings weren’t just pieces of art. They were Sam. Looking at the dates, Chase could see that these paintings went back for years, and for the first time, Chase was able to see what a truly lonely and sad life Sam had lead. Hearing footsteps coming up the stairs, Chase quickly moved back into the middle of the room to the work bench. Although he didn’t think Sam would care that he saw her sketches, he knew the other paintings were personal, and she’d be pissed if she knew he had seen them.
Sam walked into the room and was startled to see Chase standing there. ‘Hey, what are you doing here?’
‘Hi. I was looking for you and Mac said you’d probably be up here. How come you never told me about this room before?’ After the great last couple of weeks they’d had, Chase was a bit hurt that Sam hadn’t told him about her art room. He’d thought that she’d been starting to trust him.
‘I don’t know. I guess it never seemed that significant really. Normally I come up here to get away from things, but lately, all I’ve been doing up here is working.’
‘So I’ve seen. I had a look at some of your other work as well. It’s fantastic.’
‘How much did you look at?’ Although Sam didn’t mind Chase looking at her artwork, she didn’t want him to see the paintings of her. She wasn’t ready to go into that with Chase yet.
‘Just the ones on the easels. They’re really good.’ ‘Thanks. They’re just doodles really. It helps me to relax.’
‘Sam. I’ve seen doodles. They’re way more than just doodles.’ Sam walked over to the table. She wasn’t accustomed to praise with anything that she did. Chase could see she was embarrassed, so he changed the subject. ‘So, this is where you go when you disappear on me then.’
‘Sometimes. I’ve been busy organising a gallery opening at my school
. The parents wanted it done. You know what they’re like. They need something to show off their children’s brilliance to the other parents.’
‘So you’re the organiser. Really? How’d you get stuck doing that?’
‘Actually, I volunteered. Why?’
‘Nothing, its just, well, it doesn’t seem your sort of thing. It sounds like something the social club would do or something.’
Sam smiled at him, pleased in a way that he had actually taken the time to learn things about her. ‘I don’t do it because I enjoy it. I do it because it will look good on my scholarship application.’
Chase was confused. Its not like she had the need to scrape for cash. ‘Why the hell would you need to apply for a scholarship?’
‘Chase, think about Parker and Emily, then think about me. You really think that we have the same idea about which University I’m to attend.’
‘I guess not. So what, they won’t pay for you to go to Uni?’
‘Oh, they’ll pay alright, as long as I go to the Uni of their choice and study the course they approve of. Otherwise, I’m on my own.’
Chase didn’t really know what to say to that. Having a loving family, he couldn’t imagine parents being as hard and callous as Sam’s. ‘So, how’s the gallery coming along?’
‘Fine. Everything’s sorted out now except for what needs to be done on the night. I’m just making signs and name plates for all the artwork. I wanted to have them printed so I’d have less work, but my art teacher insisted that it would look more artistic if I did them by hand. It’s a pain in the ass. Now I’m screwed because I’ve had no time to do a picture myself for the gallery.’
Chase walked over to the table and sat down. ‘Why don’t you enter one of the ones here. I think they’re fantastic.’
‘I don’t want to. They’re a part of my life that I don’t share with that part of my world. When I come to stay here, I come to get away from society and just be by myself. The majority of my school ignore me because I don’t fit in, but those who don’t give me hell. I don’t want to give them anything personal to attack me with.’
Chase was amazed. This was the first time Sam had ever voluntarily let Chase get an insight into her life beyond the estate. Although he knew it was probably unintentional, Chase realised that, even if it was done sub-consciously, Sam was beginning to trust him. At the same time he wanted to kill those bitches that had been giving Sam a hard time. He knew her life was hard enough as it was without the added pressure of school bullies.
‘Well, have you had any other ideas what to do?’
‘I had one, but it involves you, so I didn’t bother about it.’
‘Well, why don’t you tell me before you totally dismiss it.’
Sam looked at Chase shyly. She knew there was no way he would agree, so she didn’t know why she was bothering, but Sam knew Chase wouldn’t let up until she told him. ‘Do you remember when we first met, under the oak tree and you told me that you wanted people to see the real you, not the actor.’
‘Well. I wanted to sketch you, show people the real you. But it’s a stupid idea, don’t worry about it.’
‘I’d love to model for you, if you want me to.’
‘You wouldn’t mind?’
‘Not at all.’ Chase thought it was a good idea. It meant that he could spend some personal time with her. Sure they’d spent a lot of time alone together when Sam wasn’t doing her gallery thing, but this would be different. Although Chase wasn’t any type of artist, he knew that modeling for an artist was quite personal. Although he didn’t want to admit it, Chase was falling, and falling hard for Sam. He had been from the moment he had met her. He felt a deep possessiveness over her, and all he wanted to do was to protect her, to make all the hurt from the past go away and stop anymore hurt from happening. Chase had never felt this way before, and it scared the hell out of him, but it pissed him off even more that Sam wouldn’t allow him to protect her. Chase hoped that by modeling for Sam, he could get inside her head a bit more.
‘So, when did you want to start?’
‘Um, well, as soon as possible, I guess.’ Sam was still in a state of shock. She had never expected Chase to say yes, so wasn’t really prepared for anything. ‘I don’t know if it will be any good. I don’t have much time to do it in.’
‘I know how good you are. You’ll do fine. So, how do you want me?’
‘Well, I wanted to draw you first as Chase Major, you know, something dashing and actorish. I don’t know really to be honest.’
‘Well, here’s an idea. What if I dressed up as a cowboy, like in Texas Ranger. I expect with the amount of promotion its had, people will recognise me in the picture straight away.’
‘I like the idea, but there’s one problem. I don’t have any old cowboy costumes lying around the house.’
‘Leave it to me. I’ll be able to organise to get one of the costumes I wore for the shoot sent here. I’ll go and make the call now.’
* * * *
Later in bed that night, Sam lay pondering over what had happened this afternoon. She couldn’t believe what she had said to Chase about what happened to her at school. She had never talked like that to anyone before. Sam was scared. Although she was apprehensive about it, Sam was beginning to trust Chase more and more. Secretly, Sam was happy that Chase had agreed to model for her. It meant that they could spend some personal time together. Sam was so confused. She had never had anything to do with guys before. She had never really been interested, and none of the guys at school would ever look at her twice. Sam just didn’t know what her feelings for Chase were. She was hoping that spending this extra time with him would help her to sort out her feelings.
Chapter 11
Chase was true to his word, and the next afternoon the costume arrived via express delivery. Sam decided that to get the true effect, they should do the sketch outside, so Sam organised a picnic lunch and they rode out to one of the boundary fences. Secretly, Sam thought Chase looked gorgeous in his Stetson and chaps. ‘So, how do you want me to be?’
‘Well, it may be a little uncomfortable, and you’ll have to take a lot of rests, but I was thinking that if you leaned your back against the fence with your elbows leaning on the top rail. Cross your feet. Yeah, that’s good, now push your hat down slightly, no, up a bit, that’s good. Now I want you to look directly at me. I need you to pretend to be the ranger again. Look slightly arrogant, like nothing bothers you, nothing can hurt you. That’s perfect.’ Sam settled down with her back against a tree and began to draw. Chase was amazingly patient. Sam knew that his position wasn’t comfortable and asked him several times if he wanted a rest, but he told her to keep on drawing. After 40 minutes though, Chase couldn’t hold his position anymore and had to have a rest.
‘Can I have a look?’
‘No way. You can’t see it until it’s finished.’
‘Oh, no fair. I’m the model.’
‘Yes and what a cute model you make.’ The words were out of Sam’s mouth before she could even think. They both stood there looking at each other until Sam broke the silence. ‘Um, do you want lunch now?’
‘Yeah, lunch sounds really good.’ As Sam rummaged through her bag for the sandwiches, Chase took off the Stetson, chaps and shirt, leaving him in a wife beater and faded jeans. Sam couldn’t help but look at him. He had one of the most beautiful bodies Sam had ever seen on a man. His arms and chest rippled with wiry muscle, the type of muscle one got from hard work rather than the gym. Shaking herself, Sam told herself to stop daydreaming and get back to reality. It’s not like Chase be interested in her like that anyway. Handed him a sandwich, Chase went to sit against a tree opposite Sam. All through lunch, both Sam and Chase were uncomfortably aware of each other and at the end of lunch, Chase told Sam he was going to have a nap. Really it was to try and calm down his
raging hormones, but Sam didn’t have to know that.
As Sam sat there looking at Chase, in idea formed in her mind. Taking her sketch pad, she flipped to a new page and started to draw Chase sleeping under the tree. He looked so innocent laying there with the light dappled from shining through the trees. Laying there, he didn’t look like Chase Major, screen hunk. He looked like Chase Mathew, ordinary man. Sam knew then what her picture would look like. Chase slept for nearly an hour before Sam was done and woke him up to continue working on the first picture.
Soon the picture was done enough that Chase didn’t need to model anymore (Sam was an extremely fast drawer), so they went to find the horses and rode back home. Going into the tower alone, Sam got out a new piece of paper and started to draw the two images of Chase onto the one page. Sam worked for hours until she couldn’t draw anymore. She was pleased with how the drawing was going. On one half of the page there was Chase the actor, the cowboy with his horse, in all his arrogance and pride. On the other side was Chase the man, sleeping innocently under a tree without a care in the world. Rolling the paper up and putting it into a tube, Sam hid it so that Chase couldn’t find it. She knew how impatient he was and that he would be hunting for it as soon as her back was turned. Sam turned out the light and went to her room. She was tired and soon she was asleep, dreaming of Chase.
The next morning Sam woke up all hot and bothered. Her body was tingling and there was an unfamiliar ache between her legs. Not a bad ache, but pleasurable. Sam wasn’t sure what was going on. She had never had this feeling before and wondered if she was getting sick. She had been working hard lately and decided to spend the day lazing by the lake.
Chase found her soon after breakfast and spent most of the day with her until Sam announced that she had work to do. Chase for once, was glad that she’d gone. He’d had a hard time keeping his eyes off of her and had had to turn onto his stomach to make sure Sam didn’t see his erection. Chase didn’t understand what attracted him to Sam. She was the complete opposite of the girls he usually went for. She was rude, outspoken, stubborn and pig headed, but Chase loved to hang out with her. Probably because he knew where he stood when he was with Sam. She wasn’t fake. She wouldn’t lie to keep him happy. Chase found it refreshing.
Later that day, Chase met up with Sam in the tower to see how she was going with the sketch. ‘It’s coming along well. I’ve almost finished it. I’m just sketching a picture of Warrior behind you and the fence to give more of a cowboy impression.’
‘Can I see it?’
‘Alright then, don’t get so crotchety. Okay, subject change. How are you going with the gallery?’
‘Fine, i’ve actually finished all the plaques and stuff, although god knows how, so there’s only what needs to be done on the night. I have no idea who’s been invited though. I had to organise the bloody thing, but I couldn’t decide who got to go.’
‘That sucks. So, are your parents going?’
‘No thankfully. It was up to me to invite them, so that’s one less problem I’ll have to deal with on the night.’
‘You didn’t bother to invite them?’
‘No. Why, you sound surprised.’
‘Well, I am. Especially since it’s obvious that you did this for your parents approval.’
‘Excuse me?’ Chase knew he was going into dangerous territory with this, but decided that a direct approach could be the only way he could get through to her.
‘Think about it. The catering company, the food and wine, the invitations, the waiting staff. All from the same companies your parents use. The way I know you’ve decided to decorated the gallery, in a style you would hate but your parents would approve of. Everything you’ve done isn’t you, it’s your parents.’
‘Don’t be stupid Chase, it’s a formal event and it’s for my scholarship. What do you want me to do? Serve sausage rolls and party pies with fizzy drink. That’ll impress everyone. This has nothing to do with my parents.’ Sam was starting to yell. Chase was dredging up buried feelings that Sam didn’t want to think about. Chase started to yell back.
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xmoviesforyouWith suitcases and bags packed, they were ready to check out of the hotel. Rebeca was anxious to return home, feeling much better since she left the hospital three days earlier. She was there for four days, receiving intravenous fluids on a continuous 24-hour basis the entire time, going through tests and evaluations. Most of the other women were released after only two or three days of treatment and evaluations. The receptionist behind the polished marble-top counter refused to print their...
Author : Qwertpoiuy Priya has been a great fuck in my life. Both of us were 23 and studied in a college. She was a bubbly girl with a healthy curvaceous body that turned the boys in our college horny. She was the wet dream of a lot of boys and she enjoyed the adulations and attentions showered on her. There were boys who took her out and made her drink and taken advantage of her. She had affairs with a few others – all short term ones and physical – she was a piece of good dumb sex. That added...
After twenty minutes, her head suddenly leaned off my chest, and she kissed me. "That's enough; I think I'm ready to go home. Are you ready to come with me?""I've never been more ready, Rebecca."She smirked at me and lazily got off me.Although, she did grab her bra and panties, though, as I leaned up with her. "Well, flattery did get you everywhere, but I want to give you something else," she mentioned, before bringing both of them to my hands. "Just as a memento of this day where you...
TeenI went to bed after a long day of nothing but headaches. At least i can come home to... The fridge is empty, i should have bought some ingredients yesterday, but i returned home at 9pm. I look at the clock, it shows 9:30pm. Yeah, ill just order in. I made a decent living but i wish i had more than just... An empty house. Its just a dry period, i thought. But its already been 2 years since my ex dumped me. Sigh, why am i remembering all of this. Im tired and tommorow i need to be in the office...
FantasyHello everyone Raj here and I thank all who read my stories . It feels so great as a writer to get so many terrific feedbacks. And this story is the result of one such feedback which turned out to be a highly erotic ride. This time I would be narrating in English as it involves an educated doctor couple. So let’s roll. After publishing the second part of my story, I received a mail from Dr. Sanjay (name changed) who happen to be residing in my city (Gujarat). He appreciated the story. He wanted...
What can I tell you, things have been getting better and better the past couple of weeks when it comes to sex. First was the gardener catching me without cloths on, and than the meter guy catching me sunning nude in the back yard. These were both very erotic and exciting, but just giving them blow jobs was not getting me off in the way that I like getting off. It did not help that around this time my husband went on a two week business trip to New York and left me home alone. We fucked like...
The air smelled musty, and the thick smell of cigarette smoke clouded her nostrils. Amy Thompson sat at her usual bar, in her usual spot, drinking her usual Corona Light. She watched her best friend pulling the man she was dancing with by his tie. Her friend bit her lip seductively. Amy sighed. She’d definitely have the apartment to herself tonight. For the, ‘what was it again?’ Amy thought, ‘the 3rd night in a row?’ 3 nights at Thompson Tavern, 3 different guys, 3 times that Amy walked...
Cindy Pamela was yard saleing, Going to yard sales was one of her Saturday morning rituals. She seldom actually bought anything but slowly picking through other peoples junk was a good way to relax and get to look though other peoples lives. The things people thought might sell were amazing and were often as unique and informative as asking direct questions. At least the things for sale didn’t lie and the window into heir...
“Welcome to Xervia, and to the grasslands of The People of Morning.” Tithian said from outside the tent, revealing that their strange journey had ended. Mark and Talia emerged onto lush green grass, and discovered it was knee deep on Mark, hip high on Talia. “Thanks.” Mark acknowledged, and yawned again. “The stream there is quite good. Will you wish to eat right away?” “Not immediately. I could use a cup of Hilsith’s tea first.” Mark said as he dropped to his knees beside the tiny stream,...
She was my teacher (in Dutch), miss Lamme. I was 16 years and she something about 33, Shirt curly hair and damn atteractive. Always an awesome cleavage showing her to small black bra and her softly bouncing big boobs,She didn’t teach me much as my view usually was at her en that damn hot cleavage. Offcourse she knew i was always staring at her and in her blouse.Often she stood at my desk to explain stuff, bending over my desk and driving me crazy with the view in her blouse and leaving me...
The Bet by Karen Singer Chapter 41 (Thursday - week 6) In her dreams, she lived in a fine new house - a mansion. And Sissy was right there to take care of it for her. Everything was kept beautifully. The house was in perfect order, and everything she needed personally was taken care of as well. Except that... Sissy had somehow become a robot - a mechanical creature incapable of feelings of any kind. He worked diligently and continuously without complaint. Every request...
It was back in early 2015, about 3 weeks after my girlfriend and I impulsively tried experimenting with Female Domination after a night of hard partying in an underground club hidden away in Bangkok Metropolis. I was walking back from the gym on this Saturday morning, reflecting on that extreme weekend, and subconsciously questioning my overwhelming desire to do it all again.Little did I know then, my life was about to take a dramatic and unexpected new path.We had finally left the hotel in...
It took me some time before I could make it happen, but I had promised myself that one day I would get back at the bitch and that night the stars aligned themselves just right. Laurie looked good, but then she always did. Five foot four, blond hair and 145 pounds distributed to make her 36C/25/37 body truly mouth watering. At thirty-seven she looked more like she was in her late twenties and I could see all of the male eyes in the place linger on her. I hadn't known that this would be the...
Chapter 1 Erin: I hope we don't drive you crazy with telling you this story but really it's happened with the both of us, I'm Erin and my husband is Graham. So, we're going to take turns with it. We live in a medium-sized city in the Midwest and have been married for six years. Since this website caters to people telling about their sexual adventures, I suppose you want to know something about us in that regard. Well, in that regard, we both have a wonderful, full sex life, though I...
Aiden knew that his dad was dating around, but he never knew he was in love. Aiden's mom died when he was only 3 years old, so he never had a real mother figure in his life, and he wasn't excited when he found out his dad popped the question to a women he barely mentioned to him. Worst of all, he would have to share his basement room with his soon-to-be step sister, since they turned their only other bedroom into a lounge. When he first found out, he spent the next week in his room, only coming...
IncestI left my house pretty early because I figured I was gonna be out for a while. I found a creek yesterday, so today, I figured I’d walk along it and maybe find something cool. The early-fall breezes felt amazing on my skin, especially after a few hours of walking. The further into the forest I walked, the less breeze, and the stickier the air grew. The creek began to open up pretty wide with the trees also clearing up a bit. My jaw dropped in awe when I walked further and realized the creek...
‘Callie, wait!’ Greg called as he ran after her. ‘I don’t want to talk Greg,’ Callia said ‘I’m sorry about the other day,’ Greg said after he’d caught up to her. ‘About going over a rape scene until I wanted to vomit?’ Callia asked grumpily. ‘For being an inconsiderate jerk. I know most women don’t like the idea of rape,’ Greg answered. Cal, we’re late,’ Keely said as she and Laura walked up to their friend. ‘Do you guys really think this is necessary?’ Callia asked as her friend dragged...
100% fiction! I have always considered Nadia my stepdaughter who is 26yo to be a very beautiful very sexy young lady with an awesome body and have dreamt about her on many an occasion , but never for once thinking that i would one day see her naked . It was my dream come true the day that i got home early , my wife had gone away for a short holiday with her girlfriend and nadia and i had the house to ourselves for the next week. This afternoon i got home much earlier then normal and walked in...
Incest“Come on,” Rick says, taking her hand. “Where are we going?” Emily Elizabeth asks, looking over her shoulder toward the farm house. “Someplace special,” the man says, looking back in her direction. “Don’t worry, no one saw me come up here. You’ve got one hell of a view. You’d be surprised how little anyone can see from down there.” “Really?” “Really,” he says. “Let’s hurry. It’s hot as shit today.” Emily Elizabeth follows the man down through the pasture to the pond where she went that...
Heidi and Rob became an "item" in school, dating exclusively after receiving the blessing of her mother following a dinner at her house. Many times, Heidi invited Emily to go along, and the threesome appeared at school functions, movies, pizza shacks and ice cream bars on a regular basis. Despite her best efforts to encourage her friend to consider finding someone to date, Heidi could not overcome Emily's reluctance. One evening, sitting in their favorite pizza place, Heidi pressed Emily...
Hi all, thanks for giving me ideas about what I should write for my first blog. There was a reoccurring theme that people who wanted to know about a time when I have had sex with someone older than me, so this is what I will write about for this blog!All my blogs will be 100% truth and I’ve decided it will be all about what you want to know about me! Please give me feedback about what I can improve (grammer/more detail etc) and be kind!So this event happened during my teenage years and i'll...
A Strange Attraction to Concrete Cows by Karen Page Chapter 9 Friday, Christmas Eve, dragged. I hadn't seen Anna all day. She was busy helping her Mum, who finished her job the previous day, pack some of the remaining items. I wanted to help but I'd spent so much time with them that I hadn't managed to wrap any of my Christmas presents. Most of the morning, therefore, was spent wrapping. When I came to wrap Anna's present I took special care with the wrapping, putting a big red...
Hello.Mein aaj aap sabko ek secreat bataunga, jo ki mera sex ka experience se bhi baahut aage tha.Toh aaj jo bhi mein bolu itna seriously maat lena, toh start karta hoon Baat us time ka hai, job bua unke ghar ko chod kar us budhe ke sath choli gayi thi, haamne uske baad kabhi bhi unke bare mein nahi pucha,toh job bua ur us budhe apne hawas ko sant karne ke liye bahut nayab kosis karte the ,use sun kar toh mein kabhi kabhi heiran ho jata hoon.Ye tub hua job unka pehla bachha gujar gaya,toh bua...
Chapter One – Turning 42 (Author’s Note: This story is one that builds in intensity and sexual heat with each new chapter. It is also written to be a story with a certain progression so it makes sense to read it in the order it is written. It was also written primarily for women who like a story. If you have the time to, I believe you will enjoy the adventure.) * I don’t know if it was turning 42 that started an amazing change in my life, but I can clearly remember the moment it began. I...
Copyright© 2004 The nine ball thunked into the corner pocket just as the cue ball rolled softly to rest against the rail. Allison smiled broadly, raised both fists into the air and turned to accept her acclaim from the crowd. It had been touch and go for a while, but when, after Allison's last superbly played safety, Jeanette table scratched, her three-rail shot just missing the two ball, Allison knew she had it won. With cue ball in hand, she took her time about planning the shots...
We needed a baby sitter again at our house as i was going out with the girls again to find some nice dicks for the night! Sue was still looking out for her mother, so we had to ask teeny Anne-Marie.She had sat for my black baby boy Junior before and realised that I had fallen on with black spunk, knocking me up! She was surprised, but intrigued as she had a teeny crush on Big Black Dicks!Since she was a best friend of Sue the young slutty girl who normally sits for us and she too has a young...
Aladdin's Last Wish Imperator Mentus Grand Vizier Jafar of Agrabah, one of the wealthiest, most powerful men in the kingdom, could do nothing but pace and fume over that wretched, incompetent failure of a bird and his inability to steal from the worthless street rat. The lamp! He should have recognized at once that the troublesome so-called prince was but a lowly street rat. The same one he had tasked with retrieving the artifact. It was obvious now that the Lamp's powers were the...
"C'mon Speck, keep up!" We were running what we had come to call the western break. Not really a trail, but a line along the northwestern slope of the valley where the change in angle of the slope caused a thinning of the trees. We ran this trail or another we called the riverside trail every morning. I pumped Light into Speck every time, giving him the exposure and build up that had become traditional for those who bore arms beside us. His speed and stamina was improving, but this was...
A wonderful story with a proper plot, characters, situations, conversations makes a story that long lasts in the reader’s mind. It is better than boring streaming porn content. This is one such authentic story that has all key ingredients that one will look in a heart touching sex story. You will never forget this story. Please read first episode alone to decide whether you want to read this series or skip it. Start from the first episode to join this wonderful journey. This is part 10 of the...
IncestCINDY’S LESSONS Part 1Author’s Note: This story is related to the story ?My Daughter Becomes My Mistress?. For those of you that haven’t read that story, I will give a brief setup to this story. For those of you that read ?My Daughter Becomes My Mistress?, you can skip this ?setup? and start at the ?beginning? of the story. Although this story relates to the other, it is separate and can stand on its own without necessarily knowing the other story. That is why it is not just a continuation....
Introduction: Female Researcher Encounters A Mythological Creature The Satyr Encounter November 2011 The tall statuesque doctoral student had come to the Greek Islands to conduct research for her thesis on mythological creatures. Her research had led her to a small mountainous island where a small temple lay in ruins high up in the mountains. This temple had provided evidence of a crossroads where Greek mythology provided a basis for later Roman mythology. The temple was originally...
this started last weekend when i was at a do and chatting to a pal of mine when his wife arrived a slim very attractive black girl with the biggest bubble butt you have ever seen, my pal aksed me do u fancy her or something, i said sorry but i couldnt take my eyes of her butt, she had leggings on which were so tightly stretched you could see her thong,my pal said i dont care if you do because we have a little fantasy/ bet going on, really what is is it i said, come with me and he led me to the...
Andrea gagged as Vicki pushed her pussy against her face. ‘Suck me if you want to breathe.’ Vicki said above her as she mashed her pussy against Andrea’s struggling face. Andrea had been sent to this prison after being sentenced to 5 years for killing her abusive husband. When he had hit her the last time, she had slammed a knife into his chest, right through his heart. Andrea had married Mark Sinclair when she was 18, now 10 years later she is being smothered by another woman who wants her...