Naked in School Homer
- 3 years ago
- 39
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Please excuse the deviation from my normal, more light-hearted erotica but this story has been in my head for a while demanding space on my flash drive. For all of this to make sense you may want to (re)read Parts I and II as well.
Kari watched Jesse read the Sunday paper in the bed next to her and couldn’t help but smile. If anyone had told her a year ago that she would be involved with her little brother’s childhood friend she would have laughed right in their face.
‘What’s so funny?’ He asked, looking up from the business section.
Kari shook her head, unsure how to put it into words. ‘I think I just like the way you look in my bed on a Sunday morning.’
‘I know I certainly enjoyed the way you looked on top of me in your bed on Saturday night.’ Jesse responded in that low growl that always managed to turn her on.
Kari put her cup of coffee on the bedside table and scooted in closer, her hand wandering under the pile of papers on his lap to find his cock stirring back to life. ‘There is more where that came from, you know.’
Jesse chuckled and carefully folded the newspaper in half before transferring the entire stack onto the floor next to the bed. ‘Have I mentioned just how much I like that you’re an insatiable sex addict?’ He murmured, curving his arm around her waist and pulling her closer.
‘Once or twice.’ She answered before surrendering to his mouth on hers.
Jesse rolled her onto her back and had just started to nudge her legs apart when his cell phone rang on his bedside table. He groaned and gave her a quick kiss before rolling away to answer it.
Kari guessed that it was probably someone in his family calling to check in on him. After a few frantic messages when his mother couldn’t get in touch with him early on in their relationship, Jesse had suggested that she use his cell number instead and had promised that he would always have it with him.
When they had first started ‘dating’ neither had shared the news with their respective families at home, unsure how they would take the news…especially since Kari was six years older than Jesse. For some reason or another they had never seen the need to update that information back home and had managed to gloss over the usual questions about their respective love lives.
‘Hey, what’s up?’ She heard Jesse say into the phone. Kari looked at his straining cock with some disappointment, thinking that something particularly delicious had been ‘up’ here only moments earlier. ‘No kidding? That’s great!’
Kari smiled slightly to herself, deciding that she was un-inclined to waste a perfectly good hard-on and knelt down on the bed next to him, her hand gripping his cock firmly. ‘Oh yeah. Of course.’ Jesse cough/choked slightly when she sucked one of his balls into her mouth, his hand hovering uncertainly above her head. Kari gently rolled her tongue over his sac, humming teasingly. She tuned out his phone conversation, her hand sliding up and down his length as she carefully sucked in the other testicle as well.
‘Okay…yeah…see you then.’ Jesse mumbled distractedly, his hand tangling into her hair as she moved up to focus her attention on his straining cock. ‘Uhm, you might not want to do that.’ He mumbled as soon as he turned off his phone.
Kari gently tongued the head of his dick, looking up at him invitingly. ‘Really? Why not?’
‘Because—’ he gasped, struggling to focus. ‘Your phone is about to ring.’
Kari was about to ask him how he knew this when her bedside phone did, indeed ring. Looking at him suspiciously, she rolled away and reached for her phone on her bedside table. ‘Hello?’
‘Hey Kari…it’s Josh.’ How had Jesse known that her brother was about to call her?
‘Hey little bro.’ She had always called her 6’3′ brother ‘little’, even if she had been looking up at him since he turned twelve. ‘What’s up?’
‘I called to tell you some news.’ He paused for a moment. ‘Melissa and I are getting married.’
‘Wow! No kidding!’ Kari said excitedly. ‘That’s great.’
‘Yeah.’ She could hear the smile in her brother’s voice. ‘I just talked to Jesse and he’s going to be my best man.’ Kari looked over her shoulder and gave Jesse an arch look.
‘Well, of course Jesse would be your best man.’ Kari had a sinking feeling in the pit of her stomach.
‘You will come in for the wedding, won’t you?’ Josh asked hopefully. ‘Maybe you and Jesse could fly in together?’
‘I wouldn’t miss it for the world.’ Kari assured him, her mind racing past Josh’s impending nuptials to the details that she and Jesse had never found time to share with their families about their personal lives.
Josh gave her the date and other pertinent information before hanging up the phone. Kari sat quietly for a moment, trying to figure out how to deal with their immediate problem.
Kari turned to face Jesse. ‘Josh sounds pretty excited. I’m sure they’ll be very happy.’ She said, sounding very unenthusiastic considering the news she had just received.
‘Yeah. I’m sure they will.’ Jesse looked surprised. ‘But what does this mean for us?’
‘Well, it shouldn’t affect us in any way.’ Kari said simply. ‘It’s Josh and Melissa that are getting married.’
Jesse looked a little annoyed. ‘And you don’t think anyone will notice when we share a hotel room?’
‘Why would we do that?’ Kari returned.
‘We shared a hotel room in Cabo San Lucas last month.’ He reminded her. ‘Is there some reason we wouldn’t share one now?’
‘Yeah…because it’s Josh and Melissa’s day. Not ours.’
‘You’re still afraid of anyone knowing about us.’ Josh said accusingly.
‘No I’m not.’ Kari got up and went for her robe behind her door, feeling unusually exposed right about now. ‘I took you to the staff Christmas party.’
‘That’s not what I meant and you know it.’ Jesse said tersely, following her out of the bedroom and into the kitchen. ‘I think now is as good as a time as any to tell our families that we’re involved.’
‘I disagree.’ Kari argued, shaking her head. ‘We really shouldn’t detract from their big day.’
‘It probably wouldn’t be anything more than a footnote.’ Jesse assured her. ‘Kari, I—’
She quickly cut him off. ‘Besides, your parents will want you to stay at home anyway.’
Jesse closed his eyes and took a deep, calming breath. ‘Just what is it, in your opinion, that we have going on here?’
Kari looked at him uncertainly. ‘Really great sex?’ She offered with a weak smile.
Jesse’s shoulders slumped. ‘Yeah. Okay. Great sex.’ He turned and headed for the bedroom.
Kari followed after him. ‘Jesse…’
Jesse was angrily climbing into his jeans. ‘There’s a reason why the sex is so great, Kari.’ He muttered as he slid his t-shirt over his head.
‘I know Jes, but…’
‘No ‘buts’ Kari.’ Jesse shook his head. ‘I’m not ashamed of us or how I feel about you. I’ve held back on telling our families because I was waiting for some kind of sign from you. But you always manage to distract me when I bring the subject up.’ He stood in front of her and ran his the back of his knuckles gently along her cheekbone. ‘No more distracting me.’
Kari swallowed hard. ‘I really don’t think now is the right time Jes.’
He looked at her sadly. ‘It never is.’ Jesse kissed her briefly before leaving her standing alone in the room. She heard the front door click and blinked away the sting in her eyes. ‘After all, there was no way that it could have really worked out for them anyway’ she assured herself, hoping that if she told herself that enough she might actually believe it.
Jesse supposed he should have been surprised when he saw Kari sitting at the airport gate, but somehow he knew she’d be there, even if they hadn’t talked to each other in the last month. He watched her from across the lounge, aching just to talk to her again.
He was about to give in and go over to her when the first boarding announcement was made, saving him from embarrassing himself yet again.
Jesse was hunkered down in his aisle seat, feeling sorry for himself, when a shadow fell across him.
‘Excuse me, I’m your—’ Jesse looked up and found Kari standing there, looking flustered. ‘I’m your window seat.’ She mumbled uncomfortably.
Jesse stood up so that she could get to her seat. He could smell the citrus scent of her shampoo that he knew so well at this proximity and his dick reacted enthusiastically as her body slid past his. Kari must have been able to sense it because color flooded her cheeks. She busied herself with stowing her carry-on bag and avoided eye-contact until the plane moved away from the gate.
‘So, how have you been?’ Kari asked tentatively as they taxied down the runway.
‘Miserable,’ he thought to himself. ‘Busy.’ He replied instead. Well, that was true at least. He had kept himself busy so he wouldn’t have as much time to be miserable. It hadn’t worked very well, but that had been his intention.
‘Yeah. Me too.’ She nodded, looking out the window as the plane picked up speed. He wondered briefly if she had been busy because she was miserable as well. ‘Have you talked to Josh?’
Jesse chuckled darkly. ‘Oh yeah. Almost on a daily basis.’ Every time the cell rang he kept hoping it was Kari but it was usually Josh with some crisis or another. Apparently that whole family was riddled with relationship issues.
‘Yeah. Me too. Apparently because I’ve failed at a relationship it makes me some sort of ‘bad signs’ guru.’ Kari made a sour face. ‘When what I really wanted to tell him was that it had been the best thing in the world for me when Bicuspid Boy left.’
Jesse chuckled at the nickname. ‘Good one.’
Kari beamed at his approval. He had, after all, been the one to start the nickname game for her ex-boyfriend the dentist. As the plane lifted off the ground he felt her fingers tightly gripping his. Closing his eyes to the warm feeling that spread through him at her touch he silently squeezed back, gladly taking the olive branch she offered.
As soon as the seatbelt sign was turned off Kari excused herself to go to the bathroom. Jesse waited a few minutes so it wouldn’t seem too obvious before following her to the back of the cabin. She opened the door and quickly pulled him inside with her.
‘I’m sorry.’ Kari told him, wrapping her arms around him and kissing him hungrily.
Jesse slid his hands up under her shirt, exploring her flesh like it was the first time. ‘Me too.’ He returned between kisses, nipping punishingly at her lower lip.
‘I have missed you.’ She whispered, easing his fly open.
‘Uhm, Kar…’ He looked around at their cramped quarters uncertainly.
‘I don’t have any panties on.’ She whispered provocatively into his ear.
Unable to deny himself, Jesse hiked up her flowing skirt and gently cupped her naked ass. ‘This probably isn’t such a good idea…’
‘You wanted to make the Mile High Club badly enough when we came back from Cabo.’ She reminded him, her tongue teasing his ear distractingly.
Jesse groaned. She was impossible to resist. ‘Just try not to be so loud for a change.’ He whispered, picking her up and planting her on top of the vanity. Kari squeaked briefly when her ass hit the cold metal, but that was soon replaced by a low moan as he swiftly thrust his straining rod into her.
‘I’m not the loud one.’ She countered, her tight, velvety snatch already convulsing around him. Slowly he eased in and out of her, feeling her every muscle grip him like a vice. Trying to get any sleep over the last month had been absolutely impossible because every time he closed his eyes he remembered how incredible his cock felt inside of her.
‘Liar.’ He crushed her mouth beneath his and, picking up the tempo, Jesse fucked her as best he could in the confined space. He could feel her breasts crushed against him and cursed the confined space that kept him from really appreciating them properly. Fortunately for both of them, and probably the rest of the passengers, they were both so aroused that it didn’t take either long to find the mark. Normally he would have liked to have held out longer, teased her to yet another orgasm first, but his came on so suddenly it was all he could do not to moan out her name loudly.
‘That was nice.’ She murmured, dropping tired kisses on his check as he leaned tiredly against her shoulder.
‘I’m pretty sure we caused the turbulence alarm to go off though.’
Kari giggled. ‘Good thing I was nice and safe there anchored on your cock.’
‘Very good thing.’ Jesse agreed. ‘You could bounce around and hit your head very seriously in here.’
Kari kissed him again. ‘I’d say one of your heads was doing some very serious hitting in here alright.’ As if to emphasize the point her inner muscles again gripped at his fading manhood.
‘You keep that up and you’ll make the Two-fer Club.’ Jesse groaned, thrusting his semi-hard member up into her again.
‘Promises, promises.’ Kari cooed, laughing the naughty little laugh that always drove him a bit crazy.
Jesse would have liked to take more time for that second round of sex but he could hear voices outside the door. He eased out of her and helped her stand up in the very confined space. While he righted himself as well he debated whether or not to say what was on his mind. It could very well bring an abrupt end to their make-up sex.
‘What is it?’ She asked, sensing his unease.
Jesse dropped a tender kiss on her now-swollen mouth. ‘I don’t want us to be something you’re embarrassed about, Kari.’
She looked away uncomfortably. ‘For you it’s not so bad. The guys are all giving you high fives for scoring the older chick. They look at me like I’m a child molester or something.’
Jesse put his finger under her chin and brought her gaze back to meet his. ‘Do you seriously think your brother is going to be giving me high fives for scoring his sister?’
Kari cracked a small grin. ‘Okay. I can see where that might be a problem.’
Jesse nodded. ‘But I’m still willing to tell him about us because what we have is important to me.’ He smiled gently to try to soften the impact of what he was saying.
‘It’s important to me too, Jes.’ Kari’s eyes glistened with unshed tears.
‘Then don’t be afraid of what people 2000 miles away are going to think of how we choose to live our lives…and who we choose to live them with.’ He urged her, using his thumb to wipe away a stray tear.
‘Yeah. I know.’ Jesse nodded. ‘And I admit that you were right on that issue. It is Josh and Melissa’s day. It wouldn’t be right to tell everyone about us at their wedding.’ He put a quick kiss on the tip of her nose. ‘But sometime soon after would be nice.’
Reluctantly Kari nodded in agreement. Then a look of horror spread on her face. ‘Oh shit.’
‘What?’ He looked around in concern, wondering if she had found a hidden camera or gotten her foot stuck in the toilet or something else awful like that.
‘What was I thinking? Obviously I wasn’t thinking.’ She brushed her hair back off her face impatiently. ‘How in the hell do we get out of here without embarrassing ourselves too awful much?’
Jesse winked. ‘Leave that to me.’ He fumbled to push the door open behind him. ‘Honey, I really wish you wouldn’t insist on wearing those contacts if you can’t put them in by yourself.’ He said in a long-suffering tone as he backed out of the bathroom.
He knew he could count on her to easily follow his lead and he wasn’t disappointed. ‘But you told me I look so much prettier without my glasses.’ Kari blinked innocently.
If the people waiting for the bathroom weren’t buying their story they gave no indication of dissent. ‘No sweetheart. What I said is you’re always beautiful to me.’ Jesse r
eached for her hand and led her back up the aisle to their row. That much, at least, was the absolute truth. They had been together long enough that he had seen her at her worst and she was always the most beautiful woman he had ever known. It almost made his childhood fantasies about her tits and embarrassing obsession…almost.
Kari had excused herself from the rehearsal dinner and gone off to find the ladies room, eager for a little solitude after an hour of the ‘Mindy and Cindy’ show. Melissa seemed nice enough, but the two scatter-brained blondes standing up for her were almost unbearable. She had to laugh when she remembered the tortured look on Jesse’s face as they both fawned all over him, asking him about the beaches in San Diego. Reluctantly Kari opened the door of the small ladies room where she had hidden herself. An arm dropped across the doorframe, barring her way.
‘Don’t move.’
She realized that her captor was none other than the man filling her thoughts at that very moment. ‘We really have to stop meeting this way.’
‘What are you wearing under your dress?’ Jesse’s purred in a soft, suggestive voice that automatically made her panties moist.
‘Why do you want to torture yourself?’ She responded with a mysterious half smile, her hand automatically wandering over his pecs. Kari had missed his truly gorgeous pecs…as well as his gorgeous everything else.
‘It’s the only way I can think of to get through the next couple of hours with those idiot girls standing up for Melissa.’ Jesse checked to make sure that the cost was clear and pushed her back into the bathroom, locking the door behind them so that they could be alone. ‘You cannot know how much I appreciate your conversational skills, let alone your sexy underthings, right about now.’ He admitted, pulling her close and kissing her deeply.
‘The purple.’ She said breathlessly when he finally pulled away.
Jesse let out a strangled groan. ‘Planning on seducing someone?’ He asked, eager fingers deftly unbuttoning her blouse.
‘Mhm.’ She confirmed, struggling to focus on those coveted conversation skills when rubbed his palms over the sheer lace barely containing her breasts. ‘Know anyone that might be interested?’
Jesse let his right hand drift lower and slowly started to hike up her skirt. ‘Do think they’d notice if we left right now?’
‘I’m thinking so, yes.’ Despite her best intentions Kari’s hand drifted lower as well, caressing the straining monster threatening to break through his zipper.
Jesse curved his hand over her smooth, bare bottom side. ‘Mmm…and a thong even. You must’ve really missed me.’
‘More than words can possibly express.’ Kari sighed and forced her hand away from his trousers and pressed them against the door behind him instead. ‘But we really can’t do this now. You’re the best man. You have to be at the rehearsal dinner Sweetheart.’
Reluctantly Jesse dropped his hand away from her ass and smoothed her skirt into place. ‘Room number?’ He requested as he re-buttoned her blouse.
‘317,’ Kari winked at him. ‘But won’t your parents worry when you come in late?’
He scowled briefly at her and gave her one last punishing kiss that almost had her changing her mind before turning to unlock the door again. ‘We’ll pick this up later.’ Jesse promised, pulling open the door a crack and checking to make sure the cost was clear before departing.
‘I can hardly wait.’ Kari mumbled to herself, giving her image in the mirror a quick once-over before returning to the hotel restaurant where the rehearsal festivities were being held. She stopped at the bar and ordered a glass of wine, needing another minute before she returned to the table and had to pretend that Jesse was no one special to her. And that was getting harder and harder to do.
Even though she wasn’t an official part of the proceedings her brother Josh had urged her to join them this evening so that they would have a little time to catch up before the big day tomorrow. Kari could see the table from here and grinned despite herself as Jesse sat there looking morose as the two bleached-blonde nightmares flirted shamelessly with him. Secretly she couldn’t help but be pleased that he had more interest in her undergarments than these two attractive, younger women. He would certainly be rewarded for his sufferings later when they were alone.
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below is a real account of a visit I had to a professional Mistress. It was a bitter sweet memory that I will treasure for the rest of my life So here at last is the account of my first visit to a Mistress. That being Mistress LadyJulia. It is not as eloquent as I would have liked but I was trying to capture the emotions I was feeling. It has been read but not censored by my Mistress as I may have stated in my diary. She did not want to change my words but was concern I may have given...
My name is Sahebji and this is the story of my visit to Raju’s house, a friend. In his house other than himself there were his second wife (Saroj), a married daughter (Seema) on a visit, a general maid (Kiran) and a girl (Lakshmi) who did the cleaning. On the second day Seema practically forced me to have sex with her. Later my friend had to go back on duty and circumstances so developed that I was fucking both Seema and Saroj together. I wanted to deflower Lakshmi. A plan was evolved. The plan...
This incident took place over a decade ago. I received a letter from my friend Raju insisting that I visit him. He further added that I would not be disappointed. I did not understand what he meant. Raju was my fellow student while we were studying for our undergraduate degree. We had come to know each other well but our association was cut short as Raju left college to join the armed forces. Raju was handsome and intelligent. He did well in the forces and reached a high rank at a young age....
It is a beautiful autumn day a week before the big game with the homecoming dance afterward.Rebecca is a freshman at this college who is cute as a button but, oh, so shy. She is five feet tall with long red hair and bright green eyes. She is curvy and could stop traffic if she really wanted to. But she dresses for comfort not to impress anyone. There are enough other girls that dress to get attention.She has decided to go ahead and invest in a sexy off the shoulder red dress for Homecoming. She...
Love StoriesTheir mom, Dorothy, was a nurse and worked at night. Their dad, Frank, was going for pussy from Carol, the neighbor, almost every evening after preparing dinner for the girls. Jean and Nicole had the entire house to themselves most nights, so they took advantage of the time alone. The sisters would rub each other during bathes and showers, insert thin markers into each other’s anus, suck each other’s nipples and clitoris, and even included their Pomeranian, Toby, by having him lick peanut...
Introduction: Now the stories really come out when Nicoles sister comes to call Nicole and Jean were sitting in the living room sharing a bottle of wine. Jeans husband, Richard, and I were kicking back listening to them reminisce about their childhood. Jean was eight years Nicoles senior, but they shared a bedroom growing up. Jean, being 15 and sexually ready, wanted to experiment with her sister to get more familiar with the female body. Nicole was only 7 at the time, so she didnt have any...
The Greatest Lie, Chapter 14 From Prom Night to Homecoming Alexandra Rios [email protected] For me, my hometown, L.A., is not the sexy, sweaty night clubs of West Hollywood nor the porn scene of the North Valley. Though I feel more at home there, that side of L.A. is not my home but rather the world into which my transsexual destiny exiled me. Home is the leafy, moneyed boulevards and side streets of Brentwood and Bel Air, California. Beneath the swaying palms and in the...
CHAPTER 1 Barbara Thompson came close to panic as she read the email from her daughter on the eve of Nikki’s homecoming after spending the last two years in England finishing her Fine Arts Degree at great expense. Barbara and husband Bass (Basil) had used the money set aside to buy another commercial property in their town of Lynch to ensure their eldest received the education she desired. The email read: ‘Hi mom, my degree with honors is in the bag and I’ll be home in two weeks. I have...
My story begins when my family visited my aunt and uncle’s house over the summer. I was going into my senior year of high school and it was time for our family’s annual visit to my Aunt April’s house. She was my mom’s sister and they had always been very close always making sure to keep in touch and visit. It would most likely be my last family trip for awhile since I was going off to college the following year. I didn’t mind going at all, we usually had a good visit and I always enjoyed...
My story begins when my family visited my aunt and uncle’s house over the summer. I was going into my senior year of high school and it was time for our family’s annual visit to my Aunt April’s house. She was my mom’s sister and they had always been very close always making sure to keep in touch and visit. It would most likely be my last family trip for awhile since I was going off to college the following year. I didn’t mind going at all, we usually had a good visit and I always enjoyed...
My story begins when my fam ily visited my aunt and uncle’s house over the summer. I was going into my senior year of high school and it was time for our fam ily’s annual visit to my Aunt April’s house. She was my mom’s s*s ter and they had always been very close always making sure to keep in touch and visit. It would most likely be my last fam trip for awhile since I was going off to college the following year. I didn’t mind going at all, we usually had a good visit and I always enjoyed...
Chapter 1 My story begins when my family visited my aunt and uncle’s house over the summer. I was going into my senior year of high school and it was time for our family’s annual visit to my Aunt April’s house. She was my mom’s sister and they had always been very close always making sure to keep in touch and visit. It would most likely be my last family trip for awhile since I was going off to college the following year. I didn’t mind going at all, we usually had a good visit and I always...
Incestby mdb9555Chapter 1My story begins when my fam ily visited my aunt and uncle’s house over the summer. I was going into my senior year of high school and it was time for our fam ily’s annual visit to my Aunt April’s house. She was my mom’s s*s ter and they had always been very close always making sure to keep in touch and visit. It would most likely be my last fam trip for awhile since I was going off to college the following year. I didn’t mind going at all, we usually had a good visit and I...
Chapter 1My story begins when my fam ily visited my aunt and uncle’s house over the summer. I was going into my senior year of high school and it was time for our fam ily’s annual visit to my Aunt April’s house. She was my mom’s s*s ter and they had always been very close always making sure to keep in touch and visit. It would most likely be my last fam trip for awhile since I was going off to college the following year. I didn’t mind going at all, we usually had a good visit and I always...
Chapter 1My story begins when my fam ily visited my aunt and uncle’s house over the summer. I was going into my senior year of high school and it was time for our fam ily’s annual visit to my Aunt April’s house. She was my mom’s s*s ter and they had always been very close always making sure to keep in touch and visit. It would most likely be my last fam trip for awhile since I was going off to college the following year. I didn’t mind going at all, we usually had a good visit and I always...
I wrote this story about a visit with a guy in Tahoe, Please be warned that this story is about a man sucking a man and if that is not your thing, please do not read this. Pics have been added in my photos page. Tripper I was able to get away on Tuesday evening, and Tony said I could call anytime before 11:00 PM to visit and make a quick stop and get my cock sucked. I called from the Carson Valley around 9:15 and he told me he was looking forward to my visit tonight. He expressed that he was...
I wrote this story about a visit with a guy in Tahoe, Please be warned that this story is about a man sucking a man and if that is not your thing, please do not read this. Pics have been added in my photos page. Tripper I was able to get away on Tuesday evening, and Tony said I could call anytime before 11:00 PM to visit and make a quick stop and get my cock sucked. I called from the Carson Valley around 9:15 and he told me he was looking forward to my visit tonight. He expressed that he...
Katie Jackson counted out loud as she crunched her stomach, “49,” as she exhaled and laid back onto the floor only to return as she strained her tight stomach, “50.” She breathed heavily as sweat ran down her face. She breathed deeply again and exhaled past her lips. She glanced at the clock on the wall and knew she needed to get ready to go downtown. As with her workouts recently she ultimately ended up unbelievably horny. She had used her sex toys nonstop in hopes of supressing her desires....
Before Homer by Tigger (c) 1997 It was dark in the old man's library sanctum, but then, it always was when the young man did his secret research. He had waited until the old man had taken to his bed chamber, and then waited some more for the drugged wine to take effect. The last thing he wanted was for the old man to catch him poring over the ancient tomes in the old man's library - tomes that had been old when Atlantis had sunk beneath the bright blue waters of the...
“That’s crazy. Let’s just stay watch the game. We’re going to get caught.” “No, we’re not. And even if we are, what are they going to do? It’s about two years too late to expel us. And it’s not like they’re not going to call the cops. After all we’re alums. Potential donors.” Clara was right, although that attitude came naturally to her. Although she came from an enormously wealthy family, she was not in the least snobby or stuck up. It was impossible, however, for her to be unaware of how her...
I was in Florida visiting a friend I've known since grade school. We are in our early forties and while I went into the Marines, he got married young and has three gorgeous daughters and a smokin hot wife. Melissa is 22 and almost done with college but still lives at home, the twins are 19 and are just starting college. With four women in his house, my buddy is used to seeing his daughter's and his wife walk around in bras, panties (never nude) and see-through stuff and doesn't think twice...
VoyeurHorny. Unbelievably horny is how she felt as Katherine Jackson sat at the table with the other members of Mothers against Drunk Drivers. The meeting had gone on longer than expected as she looked at the darkness outside. She had texted Mrs. Lee to stay with her children until she finished. They had been such good neighbors since Fred was away by helping out with their children or tending to the lawn. However her libido was killing her. She had avoided seeing Tommy for the past few weeks. She...
It seems amazing to me how a seemingly harmless chat with a friend can lead to unexpected consequences. That is exactly what happened to me after one evening chatting over a drink to my childhood friend, Lucy Williams.We had both been schooled in the 1980s when corporal punishment was being abolished in schools in the UK. It had been used during our time in primary school, although neither of us had witnessed or experienced it, and by the time we started secondary school it had been outlawed....
SpankingAlthough I was hoping I'd be able to come up with enough ideas and time to use every character that Gunslinger offered for use in the story (what a story that would have become!), I settled on four characters resulting in a three part story. Please note that the first TG takes place in part two, so please don't stop at part one if you don't find what you're looking for there. I certainly hope that a few things will come about from this story, a) you will enjoy reading it, b) I...
My neighbour was looking for a cleaner over the summer while she worked away and, being young, around eighteen, I jumped at the opportunity to help. I needed a job to help fund me through college and this seemed like a convenient option, being that I lived right next door.On my first day, I arrived early in some baggy jeans and an old sweater, my neighbour Carla, showed where everything was, handed me a list of chores and waved goodbye as she left for work. I got started cleaning the bathrooms...
Quickie Sexby BrettJ © 2010 Timothy Tate was waiting impatiently at the airport for his daughter’s plane to arrive. He was feeling mixed emotions about seeing her again. Eagerness to see Tanya, happiness about her moving back home and anger over the circumstances that had led to her return. Tanya had moved to California with her fianc? years ago, over her parent’s strenuous objections. Neither Timothy nor his wife Aneta had liked Carlos very much. Their daughter Paris put it succinctly. “He’s...
Most college students go home every chance they get. They long for the comfort of home, the home cooked meals, and the memories of good times. Me on the other hand, I would prefer my college life in sunny Florida over a week spent in South Carolina during Christmas. I have no reason to go home. There is nothing there for me anymore. There is a reason I left my home in the first place. As much as I hated to go home for the holidays, my parents made a good point. If I didn’t spend my Christmas...
1993-94: Homeback Confidential Not much sex in the first part of this story. Much more feelings than fuckings, as this is an account of my return home after Operation ‘Restore Hope’ in Somalia. It was the moment in which I experienced the strongest feelings ever, the real turning point in my life. The story starts in October 1993 in the burning desert of central Somalia, and ends after New Years Eve in the cold and wet Dutch winter. We were close to the end of our turn of Mission. 76th Mech...
It was a hot day, and the opening day for my brother’s baseball league. Just what I enjoy more, on hot sunny days is watching baseball. All the players are in there tight pants, with tall athletic tan bodies. Not a single one of the players are ugly on my brothers team but one player stood out to me. Like any other normal hot day I wore tiny tight shorts and a tank top, hoping to get a little color early this year. I was sitting in my chair relaxing watching the game when I noticed one of the...
There is something about that striped blouse and dark skirt together that makes me want to do things to you. Bad things. Real bad things. You come home from work in that combo and I can’t believe how fast I’ve gotten hard. Now it’s your turn to submit. No mercy! You walk toward me with a slightly tired looking smile of greeting and I say ‘Stop. Get down on all fours. NOW!’ You look a little taken aback but you obey immediately. A deal is a deal and you always keep your word. ‘Crawl to me –...
Ashley unlocked the door to her apartment, and reached for the light switch as she stepped through. Before her hand made contact with the switch, her arm was grabbed and she was roughly pulled inside and she felt her other arm being wrapped behind her. Before she could scream out an alarm, her mouth was taped, her eyes blindfolded and she was half dragged, half walked forward…but by who…and why…what did they want? She felt herself struggle, but realized it was useless. With trepidation Ashley...
You live in the modern day world! There are no flying cars or dragons, no, simply look out your window if you want to imagine what the lay of the land is for this story. One key note and important distinction: your universe has been altered for some reason! Women are more prevalent than men, splitting it 70% to 30% and in your high school specifically the ratio is more like 80% to 20%! What a strange plot devi- I mean, “phenomenon”… You are 18 years old and attend the local public high school....
Mind Control"Hey, are we there yet?" I feel like I've asked that question a hundred times since the trip began, my parents are dropping me of at my brothers house for a week. The last time I saw him was a couple years ago, he moved away from us to study and got a job soon after. I must have been 11 when he left, he was 17, we were never really that close but something is making me really excited for this visit, my 18th birthday was just a month ago so he is 24 years old now, I wonder if he has a...