Mr Miller
- 3 years ago
- 36
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‘I can’t do it Sarge.’
‘Goddamn it Bobby, put the fuckin’ cuffs on. You know the drill, now put ’em on.’ I ordered.
‘But Sarge…’ he said, trying not to offend me.
‘Give me the goddamn handcuffs Bobby, I’ll do it myself,’ taking Bobby’s cuffs from his trembling hands.
Bobby’s a good kid, I’ve known him most of his life. He’s going to make a fine cop someday, he’s just a little confused right now. Hell, we’re all confused right now. I even wonder how things ever got to this point. Something inside snapped I suppose, after over twenty years on the force, I should have seen it coming. Anybody is capable of committing an unthinkable act if the circumstances are right, the right time, the right place and for any number of reasons.
It’s a real bitch trying to secure a pair of handcuffs on yourself, I don’t know how I got it done for sure, probably practice. I’d snapped the jaws shut thousands of times, but I’ve never cuffed my own hands behind my back before. It’s an unnatural act, a cop arresting himself. What the hell just happened you ask? Well, let’s see if I can sort it out for you.
The accused murderer’s name is Jay Miller, that’s me, Sergeant Jay Miller. The victim of my alleged crime is Amir Asante, my son-in-law. No, let me revise that, he was no relative of mine, he was my daughter’s worthless husband. What a piece of shit he was, they should have listened to me. I told my wife and daughter he was no good, but what the fuck do I know?
Shaking Bobby from his haze, ‘Come on Bobby, read me my rights and get me downtown, I’m tired of looking at this piece of crap.’
Bobby did a fine job throughout the rest of the arrest procedure, he did it all by the book. I know it was pretty hard for him, he was the first one on scene. I was so proud of the way he entered the room, there I was standing over the body with the murder weapon in my hand. He trained his revolver on me, and cautiously took the 9-mm Beretta from me. Just the way I had taught him, by the book.
My first visitor was an old friend of mine, Nathan Sharp. Nat and I go back a long way, he started his law practice about the same time I joined the force. They’d offered to let me call an attorney, but hell, I knew the score, with the evidence they already had it would be a slam dunk case. Nat must have heard about what happened, and took it upon himself to help me out.
‘Jay, what the hell happed last night?’ Nat asked, ‘You’re the last guy on earth that I would have expected to be talking to through these bars.’
‘The asshole had it coming, he was for sure the waste of an egg and sperm.’ I responded drolly.
‘You don’t really expect me to believe you did this, do you?’ Nat asked.
‘What does the evidence tell you Nat?’ I calmly asked back.
‘Jay, you know better than to ask a lawyer that kind of question, it means what I tell it to mean,’ He chuckled, ‘Anyway let me see what I can do to get you out of here, I think I can convince the judge that you’re not a flight risk.’
‘Don’t bother, this is good enough, they’ll feed me pretty well in here.’ I said.
‘You can’t be serious, you want to stay in here?’ Nat challenged.
‘Yep, I need some time to think,’ and with that I was done talking to him for the day.
It had been one thing after another, why couldn’t, my daughter Nancy, see that I was only thinking of her when I begged her not to marry that man. God, I didn’t beg her, I absolutely forbid it. But that didn’t stop her, shit, it probably fueled the fire, she might have done it to spite me. Oh, and there was the issue of my wife Lena, she took Nan’s side. Over my objections, she encouraged Nancy. ‘She’s a grown woman Jay, It’s her decision. You just keep your nose out of it.’ Yeah, look where that got us.
I won’t try to bullshit any of you by saying I gave Amir the benefit of a doubt, I didn’t like him from the minute I laid eyes on him. I consider myself a pretty good judge of character, and that prick didn’t have what it took to be married to Nan. She was entitled to much better, she’s a wonderful person, much to good to be treated like she was.
From the day we brought Nancy home from the hospital, she had me wrapped around her little finger. Looking back on things now, I was awfully over protective of her. I always had a rule about the boys she went out with, they had to look me in the eye before they could date her. I needed to know who she was with, and by meeting them first, I could let them know she was not a girl to mistreat or assume she was easy.
I was a young man once, I know all about what guys think of at that age. That’s fine with me, but they could get their pussy from somebody else’s daughter. Nan was not going to be some clown’s punchboard if I had anything to say about it.
Lena kept telling me that Nancy could handle things on her own, she was bright enough to handle all of the boys. Well, that’s all good in theory, but I’m a cop, and it’s better to have a gun in your holster than good intentions. It’s always wise to be prepared, Lena would be a widow by now if I thought like her.
When Nan started college, she tried to fool me a little. She thought she was being sneaky about the boys she dated, but I knew about all of them. I stayed in the shadows, and let her believe she was pulling one over on me. I don’t want you to think that I actually followed her around, but I know a lot of people, and they kept an eye on her for me. This way, I knew what she was up to, and it kept Lena off of my case.
In Nan’s sophomore year, she took an internship at a brokerage house. She worked there a couple of days a week, it was good experience for her. That is up until Amir started showing an interest in her. He was a slick young man, I’ll give him that. He swept Nancy off her feet, it’s to bad she didn’t see him for what he really was.
I have an innate ability to see through the bullshit, as I have already pointed out. I also have resources to back up my prejudices, but it wouldn’t have mattered one bit. Both Nancy and Lena were charmed with Amir, so I got absolutely nowhere with them. I knew he was a bad seed, and they didn’t listen.
I did a little snooping around with his ex girlfriends, they all had some interesting things to say. Amir was a control freak, he was looking for a virgin bride to become his wife. His exes all told me he would continue to see them even after he had crossed them off of his list of potential marriage candidates. He wasn’t interested in marrying a woman if she had been used, it had something to do with his Middle Eastern heritage. He wasn’t against sex before marriage, just not with his wife to-be.
Amir had many women, even after he and Nan tied the knot. I had tried my damnedest to warn her, but her mother told me to keep out of it. So that’s just what I did from that point on, well, up until yesterday.
Yesterday should have been like any other Monday, but as is would turn out I would learn many new things about my family. Lena was acting very nervous about something, she was usually honest with me so it had to be something bad. I ended up almost having to drag it out of her.
‘Lena, why don’t you just spill it? I’m not leaving until we hash out whatever is wrong,’ I said, knowing to worst was to come.
‘Jay…’ and that’s as far as we got before Lena broke down in tears, Not just tears, but a real sobbing sniffling cry. I’d never ever seen Lena break down like this. I asked her what was wrong, but she keep up the waterworks. When she finally got her act together, she started by pissing me off from the get go.
‘Jay you have to promise that you won’t do anything stupid,’ she said between the tears and the sniffles.
‘I’m not promising anything. Lena, we’ve been married a long time, and if this was something I did you’d be yelling at me. By the way you’re carrying on, it has to be something you’re afraid to tell me. If you don’t tell me now we’ll sit h
ere until you do,’ I replied in a threatening tone.
The crying started again, ‘He… hhh… he hit her,’ she blurted out between sobs.
‘Who hit who?’ I asked trying to make some sense of what she was trying to tell me.
‘Nancy,’ she sobbed. I stood without a word trying my best to control the beast within me, ‘JAY NO! Don’t, you can’t do this, not this way.’ Lena said, sensing the anger and rage that was about to come.
As calmly as possible I went to the phone, ‘Yeah… this is Jay. I won’t be in to work today. Yeah… It’s a personal matter… Okay…’
I stood over Lena, ‘When?’ I asked.
‘Two days ago,’ she sobbed.
The rage boiled inside me, two fucking days ago, when the hell would she have told me if I hadn’t practically drug it out of her. At that moment in time, I was nearly as mad at Lena as I was at Nan’s husband. What about Nan, why the fuck didn’t she tell me? But right now I need to concentrate on the bigger problem, Amir.
I know, I know, I’m a cop, I’m not supposed to react this way. But there is just so much any man can take. I was going to turn that motherfucker’s face into pulp. How dare he even consider abusing my little girl, Amir would pay for his transgressions with his own blood. I slammed the door as I left the house, I needed to talk to Nancy.
I was the last person Nan was expecting when she opened the door. I don’t even really know what I was expecting, but the raccoon eyes told me this was no small slap. He had to have hit her hard in the face with his fist to produce two black eyes. Nan broke down and buried her head in my chest, I held her for a minute and asked, ‘How long Nan, how long has this shit been going on?’ I grabbed her shoulders and held her at arms length, ‘Nancy goddamn it, tell me, how long?’
‘Daddy, didn’t mom tell you? She said she was going to, she told me last week that she would,’ she cried.
As I was about to open my mouth, I got the strangest feeling that we weren’t talking about the same thing. Lena told me Nan was beaten two days ago, what the hell was Nan talking about.
When I finally got the story from her, my world was tilted on its ear. I was near an implosion, Amir had signed his own death warrant now. That son of a bitch had beaten and raped my little girl, and he had done it repeatedly. He threatened her, he threatened to beat her harder if she told anyone. I had planned to pack Nan’s things and take her home with me. What was the point now, she would be in no danger after I got a hold of him.
Walking back in the house was much the same as the way I left, there were no words for Lena and a few doors were slammed in anger. I opened my gun safe and pondered my choices, I wanted to leave a large gapping bloody hole. About like the one that I felt inside of me. I carefully cleaned and loaded my 44 mag, it was heavy and felt good in my hand. ‘Dirty Harry should be proud of me,’ I thought.
I must have checked twenty different bars and dance clubs before I got the information I wanted. The rotten bastard had an apartment where he banged his whores. I hoped and prayed that I would catch the cocksucker there. I would make sure that as he took his last breath, he would take the image of my smiling mug to hell with him.
I had a job to do and I climbed the stairs to his apartment with a purpose. I passed a faceless woman coming down the stairs, she must have sensed the fury as our eyes met for a brief moment and she ran hurriedly by me. Out of habit I checked the knob before I put my shoulder to the door, I took it as a bad omen when the door opened with no resistance. I pulled out my weapon and entered cautiously, I instinctively felt like I was on the job not there to commit murder. As I rounded the corner to the bedroom, what I saw would have made Dracula sick. It was a scene of slow agonizing pain and death.
There was blood splatter consistent with a slaughter house, and sprawled on the bed was Amir. My first thought was how I had been cheated of my revenge, but I realized that he was still alive, barely, but still alive. I holstered my weapon and gazed down on him, the blood was oozing from the jagged hole in his neck. Amir was wheezing and gasping for air, he reached out for help and I backed away. The bullet had torn away a good portion of his windpipe. I watched his lips move as he silently begged for help, then I calmly and deliberately pushed the buttons 9-1-1 on my cell phone to set the wheels in motion.
The look on his face was priceless as he pled for me to help him, I watched the life slowly drain onto the sheet, and puddle along his naked body. I sat in a chair across the room and waited patiently, I waited for death to come. He was looking right in my eyes, the only thing that would have improved the scenario was for me to have pulled the trigger. I stood as I realized that his eyes were now blank, he had died the kind of death that I would have wished only on him. I picked up the Beretta only seconds before Bobby cleared the doorway.
The Chief put me on administrative leave, for obvious reasons, and against my wishes, I was released on bail a few days later. I had to find a new place to read my newspaper while I took a shit, I didn’t have a throne of my own anymore. My home was not mine, at least until this mess was resolved. I rented a small, furnished apartment across town from where I used to live. It would do, I didn’t need much.
Nan was the first to come see me, she may have been testing the waters. ‘Daddy, why didn’t you go home?’ she asked, obviously still shaken by the events of the last few days.
‘I don’t want to involve you or your mother in this, I have to do this alone,’ I replied stoically.
‘That’s crazy Dad, where would you get a stupid idea like that? Mom and I still need you, you have to come home,’ she said.
‘You didn’t need or want me enough to tell me what that monster was up to, no Nan, I’ll do this alone,’ I stated.
The tears were streaming now as she said, ‘But Daddy, we… we didn’t want to hurt…’
‘Bullshit, you were both terrified about how I would react, that’s fear, plain and simple. If that is what I instilled in you, then I have no place in either of your lives until this is over. Look Nan, you better go now, this is doing neither of us any good,’ I said as I helped her through the door and closed it behind her.
Lena started the telephone barrage soon after that, I had nothing to say to her. I was still in a very bitter mood over her lack of communication. The hurt that they both had endured could have easily been avoided if they had bothered to tell me what was going on. I distinctly remember being told to stay out of it, it wasn’t my place to interfere. Well goddamn it, whose place was it?
I stood in front of the courthouse waiting for Nat, when he arrived, we took the long walk up the granite steps together. I had not even decided whether I would plead not guilty or take the rap. Somebody had to pay for a killing, why not save everyone’s time. I knew that if I had been there earlier I would have popped a cap in him. It all boiled down to timing, so I was guilty at least in my own mind.
The arraignment hearing was short and sweet. The judge, a man that I’d known for many years, looked down at me and asked the question, ‘How do you plea?’ Nat spoke before I could process to words, ‘Not guilty your honor.’ The gavel fell and a date was set for the evidentiary hearing.
Lena was there and met me in the hallway outside of the courtroom. She came to hug me but I pushed her away, ‘No Lena not now, you need to stay out of this. It’s not your place to interfere’ I repeated her words back to her.
She winced as her own words came back to sting her, she knew now was not the time to start up with me. I walked away, and only looked back once. Lena stood weeping alone, it nearly tore my heart out to watch her cry like that, but I had to distance myself from her.
Nat pushed the r
eporters away, and we left the building through a side exit. I went to my dreary little abode and had a bowl of soup for lunch. As I ate, my gaze wandered around my small sanctuary, it wasn’t so different from the room Lena and I had lived in when we were first married. This place was cramped for me, how had both of us lived in a place so small? When you’re that young and in love, I guess you don’t think of things like that. Those days were the best times of our life together.
We had nothing then but each other, and as I sit here, I realize that was enough. Oh so young, so alive and so much in love, now this. The room started to close in on me, as if to remind me that my new home might be even smaller by comparison. I could be living the rest of my life in an eight by eight cell. Later down the road a ways, I may not have the choice to stay or leave. So I exercised my option while I still could, and got up and walked out the door.
I had no particular destination in mind, I just walked. Roaming the streets for hours, wandering with no purpose, I walked to my old neighborhood. Without realizing it, I stood in front of my house. The house that Lena and I had built together, the house that our baby grew up in. The house that I hoped to grow old and die in, the house that I may never set foot in again. That thought sent chills down my spine.
As I turned to go, a voice called out, ‘DADDY.’ I had no will to walk, I stood motionless as Nancy ran to me.
‘What on earth are you doing just standing out here?’ she touched my solemn face, ‘ My God, you’re freezing,’ she said as she wrapped her arms around me. I felt an instant warmth rush through me, I hadn’t even realized just how cold it was.
‘Come in the house,’ she tugged at my arm.
I remained glued to the sidewalk. I pulled Nan back to me and held her, I kissed her forehead and said, ‘No Baby, I have to go.’
I walked back the way that I had come, the same aimless wander. I slipped into the darkness that had descended without my knowledge. I stopped at an all night café and drank coffee until the sun came up. I had seen my life through tired eyes in the bottom of the chipped and stained mug, a mixture of warmth and consolation descending to a bitter cold murk. The waitress filled the cup again and I realized what a fool I was. It was that easy, the warmth could be replenished.
I could live life again with my family, but not yet. I had to get free of the albatross that was around my throat and threatened to tear my family apart. Amir had almost succeeded in doing just that, but we would not have to worry about him again. My next thought was of Nan, I wondered how she was standing up to the stress. I had seen her a few times since the shooting. But I had been so absorbed in my own hate and self pity that I didn’t even bother to find out.
I called Lena and killed two birds with one stone. I explained to her my need to keep her and Nancy removed from my ordeal. She didn’t like it, actually she hated it, but she understood. I needed to focus all of the negative attention on myself and hope that forensic science would help me gain my freedom.
We talked in length about Nancy’s feelings and mindset, Lena told me she had tried to get Nan to see someone but Nan had adamantly refused. She insisted that the nightmare was now over and she felt free of her tormentor. I asked Lena to keep a close eye on our daughter, sometimes there is a delayed emotional reaction in cases like this. Lena tried to ask a few questions about the case, but I immediately cut her off and hung up. There was absolutely no fucking way I was going to discuss the murder with her.
I felt reassured that life was as normal, as could be expected, on the home front. I next called Nat and discussed the evidence with him. I wasn’t a lawyer of course but I knew the mechanics of the legal system. I knew the only thing that really tied me to the shooting, was that I was there. I held the gun and I had a motive that I doubted anyone knew about.
Introduction: A romance. Jay and Amy part 2 So a couple things before you guys read, I do write for fun. And to the people who dont get it, Jay does talk like a caveman, he doesnt like to pronounce the entire word and he likes to skip over unnecessary words. Its not bad grammar, its how he talks. Now enjoy and thanks for the nice comments! Waking up the next morning, I feel good and relax. I thought about how yesterday went, and if i say so myself, it went great. Teachers were nice,...
Introduction: I accidently posted the wrong chapter last time so my bad. Jay and Amy part 5 After a very complicated talk about Mikes life, we all headed home. Jay and I didnt spend that much time together on Sunday. He had to run errands and go to the gym. I was spending the day with my parents. But Jay did spend the night with me, nothing happen since we were both so tired so we only slept. I always hated waking up on Monday mornings. But its not bad when I wake up to Jays tattoo chest in...
Introduction: Thanks for waiting and enjoy. Jay and Amy part 4 Open your eyes baby, I try snuggling back into the warm spot but then Im move onto my back. Baby, youre killing me, why does Jay keep talking while Im sleeping. Babe, I finally I open my eyes and Jays above me with a strain expression. Whats wrong? I ask. Jay doesnt answer me but looks down so I look down too, and I see that both my hands are on Jays dick and I have a very firm grip of it. Um&hellip,..sorry I mutter to Jay. Baby,...
Jay was a 29 year old teacher at the local high school. He picked up a summer job at the local ice cream shop to earn some extra money. Faith was a girl in his class this past year. He got to know her intimately one afternoon staying after school earning some extra credit. Jay recognized the other 2 girls from his school but didn't know their names. The girls had just pulled up in a car and the girls all said "hey Mr. Wells" except for Faith said "Hey Jay." Jay took the ice cream...
It had been months since Faith and Jay had hooked up at school in his office. Jay still loves to flirt with her during the school day and occasionally grab her butt when no one was looking. She would grab his crotch also. Spring came and it was time for the upcoming soccer season. Jay needed some extra players on the team and knew that Faith was good at softball and an all-around good athlete so he asked her to try out for the team. He assured her she would make the team. Jay asked if...
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Here is a genuine short-hair brunette with nice big boobs and delicious shaved mature cunt. Well, I’m ready to give you an account about the most exciting moment in my lifetime, an unforgettable incident with Aunt Miller. My name is Marcos, 20 yo, currently living in South America, in Pereira, Colombia. This story isn’t a castle in the sky, but an authentic one, a genuine event that occurred to me. I’ve always been attracted to my aunt Miller, and she has caused me to jerk off so many times...
Incest“Hello?” “Hi, is this Chris?” “Connie? Haven’t heard from you in forever.” “Oh my god, it is you. I wasn’t sure if you changed your number. I figured I’d give it a shot and try my luck. How have you been?” “Um, good I guess. Not a lot going on just keeping up with work and all since Jessie broke up with me.” “Oh, I’m so sorry to hear that. I can’t believe she broke up with you. You’re such a great guy. What happened?” “Yeah, I’m not really sure. Probably some other guy at...
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One afternoon on a Saturday Jay went for a walk on the park to clear his mind. He has been thinking about his favorite girls on his soccer team and the time on a Friday night when he had scored with Faith and some of her friends in the locker room after a late game. "Hey coach!" He heard a voice call to him from behind him. It was Lael, the tall busty brunette bombshell that he had fucked in the showers that night he was just recalling in his mind. "Hey pretty girl" he said as he...
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InterracialJay was s 29 year old teacher in the local high school. He also coached the soccer teams at the school. During the summer he worked an extra job at the local ice cream shop to earn some extra money. One evening he was working when he saw a car pull up with a number of teenage girls in it. Jay recognized Faith who hopped out and with some of her friends. Jay remembered the first time he laid eyes on Faith at the beginning of last school year. She walked into his 6th period class in a short...
After the soccer season had come to a close and spring break was just days away jay had made plans to head to the beach and soak in the sun. He had saved up a lot of money and got a nice hotel with all the works. The day before spring break Faith came in to Jay's class with the saddest look on her face. "What's the matter Faith?" Jay asked his favorite student. "My spring break plans just went up in smoke" she said. Faith explained that she was going to the beach with friends but...
After a nice meal together the three of them decided to relax and watch a movie together on the couch before going to bed together. Jay sat in the couch in the middle with a sister on each side snuggled under a blanket. He had his arms around each of them and snuggled up to watch a scary flick together. As the movie went on Jay found his hands moving down and to the sides of the girl’s breasts. He would massage them and rub them secretly without the other girl knowing. The girls would...
Chapter 1. Agreement… finally!For years I’ve been after my sexy mature wife to let me share her with a nice guy. In what she calls her 'wild child' years she did several hot things. She had a couple of threesomes, once sucked off a guy in a swing club on the dance floor with others watching her, let a guy fuck her in the bedroom of a friend’s home during a party with others watching, and spent an entire weekend sucking and fucking the young 18-year-old assistant golf pro from her club.Now she...
ThreesomesFaith woke up Saturday morning and remembered where she was and smiled thinking about the fun she had the night before. She looked around to see if anyone else was awake yet but didn't think so. She was snuggled in the side of Jay flat on her back, her head was on his chest and Liz was on the other side of her with her arm laying across Faith's chest. Dana was on the other side of Jay and she had her arm across Jay also. Apparently her looking around aroused Liz from her sleep and she...
Chapter 1 Jay was a ten year old who lived in one of our larger cities, he was a happy boy usually, took life as it came, with little or no complaints. His one drawback, if one could call it that, was the fact that he was so pretty, not handsome, pretty, like girl pretty if you know what I mean. Jay lived with his dad and mom in a four room apartment small enough that there were few secrets in the house hold. When his folks had sex, he heard every word, every little sigh or groan and the...
Over the next couple of months, Juice and I trained together several times a week. She continued to critique my form and pushed me past boundaries that I never thought possible. As a consequence of my massage sessions, Juice’s stiff back began to loosen up and she was seriously training for the first time in several months. One Thursday evening when I arrived at the gym, passing through the reception area, I saw Juice was finishing a training session with one of her clients.“So, Juice, what are...
Straight SexIt wasn't that they were tired of each others' bodies. Jay was shorter than Chris, had chestnut hair, hazel eyes, a tan, and was a tennis instructor, so he had a great body: six-pack, adonis belt, the works. Chris, taller with blond hair and blue eyes, had a lean swimmer's body, thin but built. No, they did not tire of seeing each others' sexy builds, but they both began to feel that their fucking was too routine. They needed more to keep their passion going. Then came the wedding. Jay's...
Once we had qualified for the trials the extensive training began. The Trials were being held in April and May of this year. Both Bob and I received received large amounts of paperwork. There was information regarding where and when the trials were to be held. Information regarding available room and board that they supplied, as well as available hotels, if desired. Since both Bob and I had low enough qualifying times they were going to arrange our expenses. There was information on meetings...
Jay and Sabrina dropped me off at my condo just before dinner on that Sunday before Spring break began. We talked a lot less going home than on the trip to the race. I think we were all tired. Neither Sabrina or I hinted at the fact we'd played around together. I still felt confused when I went into my condo. The fact that Sabrina was trying to seduce me along with me fucking Jay left me wondering about my sexuality.I settled in after unpacking and sipping a glass of wine when I got a text...
TabooJay was a good golfing friend of mine from high school. Like many teens, we often talked about sex, and shared intimate details of our conquests (which weren't many at the time). After college, I married, and Jay seem to grow more confident with the ladies. He would tell me about his conquests, which grew in number, and I secretly envied his sex life.Years later, Jay remained single, which my wife found odd. "He's a good looking guy," she'd say, "why would he remain single?" I simply...
Wife LoversAfter that night at Herbert's, Jay and I became a couple; I just went home with him that night, and basically never left. My mom was cool with it, even though she didn't like me hanging out with Jay in the beginning. She had been around, and she knew Jay was a "chicken hawk," as she called him. At that time she was in denial about my sexual identity - even though her lover - Monica had been calling me a sissy as long as she'd known me. I mean, mom knew there was some kind of problem with me...
Introduction: Sorry it took me a while to upload a new story Jay and Amy part 6 When they finally drive off, we all relax. Thanks girl for showing up, my nails were getting fucked, Michelle says to Nicole. Whats the video? Mike asks. And well Nicole goes on to blow us away. I taped the 3 of them having sex&hellip,.with each other, Nicole says before putting away her taser. Theyre related, Luke says while stunned at the surprise. Whyd you fucked them up? I ask curiously. After I taped...
It was the week of my birthday and don’t ask how old I was Jay had arrange for a friend to look after her two lovely girls so she could came with me to Sheffield where I was working and she had rang the Chinese Restaurant which we both enjoyed and booked a table for two.We arrived on Monday at the hotel I was staying at and I dropped her off so she could book in and went onto work – they all know her by now for her other visits and made her very welcome – I had a crap day as always the client...
Becki entered from the kitchen and slumped down on the couch next to Jay. It was the hottest day of summer so far and they sat motionless waiting for the fan to sway across them providing intermittent relief from the overwhelming heat. Becki broke the silence..."Tell me again...""Tell you what babe..?""You know, about the man...""Oh what, this again, I wish I'd never told you in the first place..."Becki snuggled her head into her boyfriend's bare chest and started rubbing his cock through his...
The more time I spent with Stretch, the more attracted I was to her. Besides her physical beauty and her athleticism, she had the most positive personality of any person I had ever met. She carries an aura around her and anyone within three feet would be sweep into her vortex of happiness.Now that I was dating Stretch, I was spending more time at Harriet’s gym. I would work out with Little John and Bear, while still sneaking in to watch Stretch perform her routine. Having shed her clothes...
LesbianAs I looked at my phone ID, a smile grew on my face as I answered the call.“Hey Juice, we haven’t crossed paths for a while now. How are you doing?” “Things could be better. I have a problem and I need your help.”“What can I help you with?”There was a moment of silence as I heard Juice take a deep breath.“After I hurt my back, I wasn’t able to earn any money and accumulated a large credit card debt. The monthly interest charges are eating me alive and I am starting to lose sleep. George, a new...
Incest“High Rankers’ trials?” Zax probed. “For the sake of being accepted into a Geared mercenary band and gaining proper status.” Xinia proceeded. Mendor also mentioned to him about being a Ranker mercenary, but that was as far as their conversation on the matter went. “On the twenty eight of every fourth month the Mercenary Association upholds trials for mercenaries to improve their rank through special assignments or tests. It is up for you to choose, but to participate in the trials you...
My Wife Jay And Young James My wife Jay is a very young 43 year old; 5 foot 5 inch tall, blonde with shoulder length hair and green eyes. Her very full 34DD breast add great curves to her slim frame.She is a bit of an exhibitionist when it comes to her tits; she loves to accidentally show and flash them to other men. She likes to wear low cut or see through tops without a bra when we go to markets or supermarkets in other areas where no one knows us. We have often had fun nights on the internet...
Wife Lovers"You look like you could use a friend." Jay Talley's voice suddenly sounded above me.I jumped and gasped. "I'm sorry," he softly said as he sat next to me. "I didn't mean to startle you." "What are you doing here?" I asked as thoughts madly clashed, muddy and bloody and slamming into one another like foot soldiers on a battlefield. "Didn't I tell you we'd look after you?" He unbuttoned his tobacco-colored cashmere overcoat and slipped out a pack of cigarettes from an inside pocket. He lit one...
Erotic FictionAs I looked up, all I could see were June’s bare pussy lips being lowered toward my hungry mouth. My eyes widened and my tongue was primed to deliver pleasure like never before. I felt her engorged lips pressed against my face. Her wetness drenched me as she ground her lips against my nose and mouth; her clit engorged reacting to the excitement of her body.Both naked in the gym, me lying on my back on the bench press, June straddling me with her outstretched arms leaning over the barbell...
Straight SexComing home after grabbing a burger with the guys, I enter the kitchen to see mom and Mary chatting over an open bottle of wine."Jay, look who came for a visit and brought this nice bottle of wine.""Well hello Mrs. Henderson, how nice to see you.""Nice to see you Jay, and please call me Mary.""Jay," my mom continued with a little slur in her voice, "I would offer you a glass of wine, but we seem to have almost emptied it.""No problem mom, you seem to have enjoyed it," I smirked."Mary and I have...
IncestGillian Crowley and I met at a wedding reception for a friend of hers, Margaret Tilly; that was twenty-three years ago; we were both twenty-five and single. At any rate, I was actually a distant cousin of Margaret's. I was just adding my congrats card—with a crisp new C-note in it—to the pile of other gifts and cards, when a very pretty and sweet smelling woman doing the same bumped into me almost dropping her gift. Hers was a large box—I immediately thought microwave oven. She bumped me,...
I turned forty five today and decided to write my life story or at least a chapter of my life. I called it “The Unleashing of Sara Miller”. It was all about what happened at a point in my life that caused my life to quickly spiral downward and take a turn to a place no one had expected. I got caught up in a life that I thought I had left behind well before I met my husband of twenty fife years, David. I had suppressed so much of that part of my life that it all exploded and resurrected itself...
EroticToday, I'm happy to be able to review a model that has been around for a long time. It's not your typical IG thot who shakes her ass for tokens.Sara Jay is an American pornographic actress from Cincinnati, Ohio. She was born on November 14, 1977, and has been allowed into the AVN Hall of Fame. Sara Jay started out as an adult actress before there were DVDs. She was in a VHS movie called "18 and Eager #6."I mean, we are so used to the shitty models on cam sites that we forget the real goddesses...
Twitter Porn AccountsTom and I have been friends since grade school, but in the past, I have always been a little jealous of him. He is taller, more athletic, and with his outgoing personality, has been a magnet for the girls around him.In fact, we were together the first time we meet Juice at the gym. It was Tom who struck up a conversion with her, while I quietly listened in the background. Who would have thought that I would have my sexual fantasies fulfilled with Juice and then have it continue with my...
Straight Sex“Hello...I’m back...” The words were more breathless whisper than a greeting but after having worked all through the night and been called for an unexpected photo shoot ‘till noon, Jack thought it was a miracle to have managed it at all. The fact that the shoot had taken place in the middle of nowhere with the scorching sun rising temperatures close to hellish hadn’t helped either. At least he was home now... Thank God for small mercies.“Hey, Jay, got any of that iced tea left? I’m dying...
VoyeurI just finished shaving my balls and showering in anticipation of Jay coming over (he likes me shaved so our sweaty smooth bodies slip and slide over each other). He had been away for three days on a field trip and we really had a lot to catch up on! As I stepped from the bathroom I saw Jay standing next to my bed, wearing a sexy pair of white stockings with lace tops snapped with a matching garter belt around his slim waist, his hands on his hips and his beautiful thick Cock at full erection!...
As I sat cuddling with Stretch on their broken-down sofa, I couldn't help reflect that my life was great. My body felt great. University was great. Sex with Stretch was great. And all that other kinky sex shit was over the top, fucking fantastic!I was almost lost in my thoughts when Bear walked into the room carrying an invitation card."Jay," Bear said, "Where do you get your hair cut?""I usually go to a small place downtown, but it is often difficult to get an appointment. Why do you ask?""One...
TransNever in my life had I had felt as powerful as I did after that first meeting with the congregation! Not only was my Cock more powerful......thicker, fuller, harder, more intense with steamy spunky energy......but I was physically stronger too! I could run longer, climb higher and lift more weight than ever, my muscles harder and more defined. I was always known as a "bad boy", a loner who was always getting in fights and causing trouble in school and out. I was also a pothead, loved to smoke...
She feels that familiar flutter in her stomach, the tension associated with nervousness and sheer fear. She doesn’t know what she is so afraid of because she is completely comfortable around him. They lie in each other’s arms watching television and laughing at absurdities with ease. His laugh and quirky sense of humor keep her cheeks flushed and her jaws sore from smiling. Now as she stands there in front of him her heart beats wildly in her chest. She is naked, and he is eying her naked...
I am Jay, 19 yr old. I got selected for Civil Engineering in a famous graduate Engineering College, Kolkata. I stayed in hostel as it’s a residential college, though my home is nearby. It’s as per the college rules and regulations. I share room with two friends Tush and Sayan of same age. My mom Vijaya is 41 yr and dad Vinod 45 yr old. They work in well known organizations; dad in a Pvt. Co. and mom in an IT industry. We are three in our family. Tush and Sayan are both from Delhi. They are of...
IncestBrad and I have been friends ever since my family moved to Milwaukee eight years ago. Being fifteen, that's over half our lives. We have a lot of the same interests (sex, girls and sex, mostly) and I just get all gooey inside when I'm around his mom, except for the part of me that gets hard, very hard. She's really pretty with a nice figure and she's just so nice, nice to me. As I rang the bell waiting for Brad to open the door, I saw a shadow in the sidelights and the door swung open to...
PRELUDE Shannon's body moved slowly in the seat, responding to every little touch, each caress. She didn't know which was the slowest ... his mouth exploring the inside of her trembling thighs as it moved up from her knees or the excruciatingly slow descent of her soaked thong being drawn down her legs. When they met half way he didn't ignore either one. Instead, he licked and kissed his way around the flimsy garment, taking time to enjoy the soaked lace by gently rubbing his face in it....
Over the next six months, Stretch and I watched several relationships bloom and mature. In fact, we had a party to celebrate our blissful first year anniversary together. Bear and Sheila were now a couple, and Stretch couldn’t remember any time that Bear seemed happier. Little John was actively dating Steve, a young and very handsome architect.But the most unusual couple was Juice and George. George, the porn exec that arranged Juice’s porn debut, was now an intimate part of her life. Working...
Love StoriesJay was a good golfing friend of mine from high school. Like many teens, we often talked about sex, and shared intimate details of our conquests (which weren’t many at the time). After college, I married, and Jay seem to grow more confident with the ladies. He would tell me about his conquests, which grew in number, and I secretly envied his sex life. Years later, Jay remained single, which my wife found odd. ‘He’s a good looking guy,’ she’d say, ‘why would he remain single?’ I simply...
It's a beautiful night, the patio is perfect. The lighting romantic, the pool light shadowing the backyard and the music of the waterfall adding to the ambiance. I sit at the table naked and watch and yes fidget, squeezing my thighs together as you expertly grill the steaks. I had previously set the table, the candles and wine glasses positioned perfectly. You pull the salad and the acoutrements out of the fridge, the baked potatoes from the warming oven. You chose now to pamper and spoil...
My name is Sabrina, Jay's daughter. I'm twenty years old, and I've always been daddy's girl. I think that's why my mother may have been jealous of me as I was growing up. My dad always had time for me, no matter what was going on. I loved sports following in his footsteps, being athletic and active. Mom, on the other hand, sort of put up with us. I didn't realize the rift between us until I went off to college. When I would call home, Mom might answer, say hello, then pass me off to Dad....
InterracialThis is a true story, although I have changed the names. Although my parents are encouraging me to do well and hang round with their sort of people i.e. snobs and goody goodys that read the Guardian I have been hanging round local bad boys . I was shagging this tosser called Mark whenever I could for about 4 weeks and we even said we were girlfriend and boyfriend although I hid it from my parents but I had an argument with Mark one evening cause he was acting like a complete jerk and for some...
I never thought I'd be calling myself a Cougar. But I'm a cougar falling in love. Again. Sometimes I think my IQ is close to my shoe size the way I fall for guys so quickly. It's closing in on a 3 week anniversary and what a great time it has been. Learning all about a person and being close to his one and only is a gift. He has a wicked sense of humor and is great with the youngsters. He even does diapers! Rita has taken to him like a duck to water and I can see a bond there already....
"My god, where did they come from?" "Is this some kind of joke?," fleeing people asked of each other as the sounds of cars careening to a stop or crashing filled the air. Darissa, Paili and Jay stood silently, confidently in the large intersection, staring off in different directions as they scanned the city, from top to bottom, absorbing the mass of humanity as it wondered what to expect next. "Remember the script we rehearsed last week," Paili whispered into Darissa's soft ear....
Bridgetown was said to have a shipyard, which told me that they had all the skills and materials needed to build and outfit a ship. I was pretty sure that, between the fishermen and sailors, and the town’s blacksmiths and carpenters, we could make almost everything we needed, but we had no way to make lines. I knew what a rope-walk was, but I didn’t understand it well enough to build my own. In this case, it might be better to buy from the experts. As soon as we had proven that we could...
Well for starters, Fenoxo is a fucking gaming blog probably named after its developer, MR Fenoxo, Fen, Fenny, or Fenfen. And while there is evidence of multiple individuals posting on the blog as long as there is an awesome interface and a fancy sex game to dip some nasty claws into, who fucking cares about that shit anyway? After all, Fenoxo is one Pervy Writing Minotaur, the coder, and brains behind a number of sexy games including Corruption of Champions which seems to have won a...
Free Sex GamesAs the day dragged out into night James recorded each person’s breakthrough experience. What he quickly discovered was that anyone with an abstract element had a different experience. Instead of just coalescing a True Spirit, merging with it and then breaking the Barrier, they all suffered what they described as a tribulation. From earlier research on regular cultivators breaking through, James had learnt that it was all basically the same. When you create your spirit, it requires an...
For most white people, their knee-jerk, conditioned response at the mere mention of the word reparations is to scream, “My family never owned any slaves. I’m not paying any reparations! You Blacks need to just get over it, slavery was in the past, let it go for Christ’s sake.” For Werner Steven Miller, Steven to most, his perceptions were completely opposite. Steven had a deep-seated, compelling desire to pay for the sins of his hypothetical father; he longed to be the nasty pet of a...
How could a summer vacation be so damn boring? My expectations were way off base. I mean what red blooded us male would trade a week in the solitude of the forrest for a weekend of sex, drugs, and more of all of it? This guy. I traded the sex, sex, drugs,drugs drugs, and sex for this. My name is bobby, im an impressive young man. I stand 5'11" 190lbs. Yes i work out, yes i have a girlfriend. Yes my cock is wonderful at 8.5 thick cut inches shaved, and powerful. I wasn't always a handsome fuck...
IncestIt was a great spring day and I thought I would go for a walk. I put on some cut off shorts, no panties and a bikini top and a half shirt. I liked going without panties because I liked the cool breeze blowing across my cooch. I walked around the block and noticed that Mr Miller was out in his garden so I thought I would stop in and help him, like I always do. He was man in his early eighties and his wife had died some time ago. He said hi to me and I planted my ass right across from and spread...