Jay The Gym And Sexercise Ch 2
- 3 years ago
- 34
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The more time I spent with Stretch, the more attracted I was to her. Besides her physical beauty and her athleticism, she had the most positive personality of any person I had ever met. She carries an aura around her and anyone within three feet would be sweep into her vortex of happiness.
Now that I was dating Stretch, I was spending more time at Harriet’s gym. I would work out with Little John and Bear, while still sneaking in to watch Stretch perform her routine. Having shed her clothes during her routine for Juice and me, Stretch now felt a new sense of freedom and exhilaration from performing nude. She changed up her music to make it livelier. Her program, still having a high level of technical difficulty, was now more flirty and burlesque. Whenever she had the practice room to herself she would strip down naked and perform for the mirrors. Her presentation morphed into one far superior to the one I witnessed weeks earlier. After her training she would get an evil pleasure by wrapping her hot sweaty naked body around me, like a python wrapping around its victim, using me like a towel to dry herself off. I couldn’t get mad at her. I don’t think anyone could.
One evening, while I was hanging out at Stretch’s apartment, my phone rang.
“Hey Jay, this is Matt, how is it going?”
“Masso Matt, long time no speak. All is good with me. I hope business is good with you.”
“Jay, that is why I am calling, are you free this Saturday?”
“I am supposed to take Stretch, I mean Suzie, my girlfriend, out to dinner. Why do you ask?” realizing that I rarely used Stretch’s given name.
“Do you remember Jacques and Yvette, they are coming to town on Saturday and asked me to find out if you are free.”
“Of course, I remember them,” I said. “It was of the most memorable and lucrative evenings of my life. I can discuss changing my date with Suzie.”
“I am sure the Brisbois’s would be happy to entertain Suzie as well. Anyway, let me know.”
As I hung up Suzie walked into the room.
“Who was that?”
"It was a friend, Matt. He runs the mobile Masso Matt Massage Service van. He guided me and got me started on massage.”
Now trying to figure out how to phase the following part, “Several months ago, Matt introduced me to a couple looking for a private massage in their hotel room. Yvette is a former beauty model and Jacques is a high-powered Wall Street executive, but they are a little quirky, or I might even say a kinky couple. She is very dominant and he is very submissive. As it turned out, the massage portion became more erotic than I originally anticipated,” not wanting to be completely honest.
“Jay,” Suzie was smiling, “I think I am beginning to see a little tarnish on that polished armor of yours.”
“Yvette taught me a few things about massage and at the end of the evening I was presented with an envelope in compensation for services rendered.”
“So my boyfriend is a gigolo,” as she continued to poke fun at me.
“Okay, have your fun,” knowing that she was probably quite right in her assessment. “Matt asked me to meet with them Saturday night, but I promised to take you out. He also said you could join me if you are okay with that. Or I could just tell Matt that I am not available.”
“So let me get this straight,” Suzie pondered. “I could spend a Saturday night with an ultra-rich couple, where the wife is a former beauty queen, have the possibility of kinky sex and maybe walk out with an envelope stuffed with cash… or… spend an evening with you, eating junkie Chinese food.”
“I think that is a good summary.”
“Jay, give me the number to the Chinese restaurant.”
“To change our reservation for the following week, silly man. Now come help me choose what to wear.”
I quickly called Matt back and told him we are good to go for two.
As I walked into Suzie’s room I could see the disappointment on her face.
“I have absolutely nothing to wear.”
“Now wait a minute,” I said. “Let’s not be so quick.”
Looking through her drawers and closet, I could see that a university girl on a tight budget did not have a lot of choices.
“What’s that little black dress in the corner of the closet?” I asked.
“During the summer, I used to be a hostess at an upscale restaurant. All the girls had to wear these little black dresses like uniforms.” With that comment, Suzie stripped out of her legging and tank top and threw on the dress. It was a micro-mini dress with enough spandex to cling to every curve of her body. Looking at herself in a full-length mirror, “I swear with these new breasts, the dress is at least one or two inches shorter than before.” She tried to pull the dress a little further down from her shapely ass only to have it stretch back to its original position. “Do I look too slutty in this dress?”
"You look like the perfect amount of slutty."
“You’re impossible,” Stretch said pressing her body against mine. “Now kiss me and gets out of here, I have school work to do and Saturday night to prepare for,” she said with a glimmer in her eye.
Saturday evening came and as usual, I arrived five minutes early. Little John opened the door and gave me a man hug.
“You better hold onto your jockstrap,” he whispered into my ear.
It was that moment that Stretch walked into the room, with her black mini dress and stilettos. She looked like she was ready for the cover of Cosmopolitan, Woman’s Fitness, or any of the tabloids sold at the supermarket checkout. Her short hair, which was normally straight, appeared to be styled into a manicured state of messiness. With her heels and micro mini, her legs seemed to go on forever. Normally Stretch never wore makeup, because her wholesome beauty would always shine through, but tonight she wore red lipstick some light eye shadow, and her nails were painted a similar color to her lips.
“Well, Jay, are you just going to gawk or say something?”
Knowing that giving compliments was not my strong forte, I contemplated my response wanting to give it my best effort.
“Stretch, you look like a run-a-way model,” I said, pleased with my response.
Both Little John and Bear burst out with laughter.
“What, can’t a guy give his girlfriend a compliment?”
“Sweet Jay,” Stretch giving me one of her award-winning smiles, “I think you mean a runway model, not run-a-way model, that is, unless you want to pick me up from the bus terminal. But thank you for making the effort.” Her eyes scolded the two other men in the room for their outbursts.
The guys were still snickering as they said goodbye to us.
We chatted as we drove to the hotel.
“So I just wanted to give you a little information about Yvette and Jacques. Yvette craves compliments but also has a quick shape temper. She hates if anyone disagrees with her and all her instructions must be followed.”
“So far she sounds like my mother” Stretch laughed. “Should be no problem; and Jacques?”
“Jacques is a Wall Street wizard, super-intelligent, very polite, gentlemanly and refined, totally devoted to Yvette and her wishes.”
“Now he sounds nothing like my father,” Stretch continued to giggle.
"The last thing; let's try using your given name for the evening. OK, Suzie."
“Roger wilco, good buddy, run-a-way Suzie has her ears on, heading to a hook up with the Brisbois’s. That’s a big 10-4, Roger and out, good buddy.”
Oh god, I thought, what am I getting myself into tonight… I thought
As we pulled into the driveway of the hotel, the valet service guy opened the door for Suzie. I could see his eyes move from her breasts to her legs and back to her face. He had this contented looked of awe as he drove off to park my car.
Being familiar with the hotel, we headed to the elevators and I pressed PH. Exiting the elevator, we faced the concierge’s desk.
“The Brisbois’s please, they are expecting us; Jay and Suzie.”
After making a phone call, the concierge directed us to the last door on the right. Yvette opened the door and her face lit up as she greeted us.
Giving me the traditional two cheek kiss, “Jay, mon cher, you are looking handsome as ever. But your body has changed. You are looking bigger and harder than before” as she placed her hand on the flat of my stomach testing the muscles of my abs. “Are you bigger and harder everywhere,” she smiled as she ran her hand down the zipper of my pants giving little squeezes along the way.
Before I could say anything or react, Yvette turned her attention to Suzie giving her the traditional kisses as well.
“And you must be Suzie. Oh, to be young again. You must tell me who did your breasts, they did a wonderful job.”
“Is it that obvious?” Suzie replied taken aback by Yvette’s forwardness.
"To a trained eye, it is. I have had so much work done, that my plastic surgeon is included as one of my top ten on my speed dial list," Yvette joked.
“Well, said Suzie pondering for a moment, “If he could make me look as good as you, maybe he should go onto my top ten-speed dial list as well.”
With that comment, I knew that Suzie’s charm and ability to assess the situation could only endear her to Yvette.
“My dear, I think we are going to get on famously” as Yvette took her hand leading her to the living room area.
Yvette was wearing a royal blue robe of fine silk with embroidery of what appeared to be a Chinese empress on the back. The belt around her small waist accentuated to her full breasts and bubble butt. Whether it was a result of hard work, exercise, or a friendly scalpel, Yvette was truly a sexy, well-put-together woman.
“Jacques, open the champagne, our guests have arrived.”
Jacques entered the room with an ice bucket and a bottle of champagne with escaping gas still smoking from the top. He was wearing the same apron as I had seen previously. It didn’t take too long for Suzie to realize that Jacques’ ass was bare and he was probably not wearing anything else underneath. When Suzie caught my attention, she gave me a silent OMG pointing in Jacques' direction.
“Drink up, dear,” Yvette handing Suzie a champagne glass. “Now what did Jay tell you about me. It’s probably not true, maybe a little true.” Yvette laughed easily, seemingly in a somewhat inebriated state.
“He told me very little. He said that you were formally a beauty pageant winner. But he didn’t tell me that you probably look better today than when you competed.”
“You are too gracious, my dear. Okay, enough about me, tell me about you.”
Suzie reflected. “I came to Montreal to study at McGill. I have been doing gymnastics since as far back as I can remember. I am living with two massive bodybuilders, both about 6’4” and 260 pounds plus.”
“Ummm, you are making me wet,” Yvette smiled placing her hands between her legs and crossing them.
“Well you can dry up,” Suzie said, “because they are the best friends a girl could have, but are strictly gay.”
“So you never…?” Yvette pushed the inquiry.
“No never, “Suzie smiling back. “I started training at the same gym as the boys and I am looking to compete for the first time in the fitness category of an upcoming competition. I am so excited.”
“You must let me see your routine.”
“I can’t, I don’t have my music, no exercise wear, and it’s not possible.”
“Dear,” Yvette sternly but calmly said “The words, can’t, won’t, not possible are never words said in my presence. Do you understand?”
“Do you have your music on your phone?”
“Excellent. Jacques, go get the red tooth speaker from the bedroom.”
“That would be a Bluetooth speaker, my dear.”
“Jacques, I am not color blind, I know it is red”
“You are correct, Yvette, actually it is a red - Bluetooth speaker and I am getting it for you.”
“I hate technology,” Yvette giving into her frustrations “Jay, move the coffee table to the side to give Suzie more room.”
Suzie gave me her phone and asked me to pair it with the speaker.
“Kick off those silly shoes and pull off that dress and let’s begin,” as Yvette directed the operation. “If I had your body I would show it to the world.”
I watched as Suzie pulled the dress over her head. She was braless, wearing a silky white pair of panties. We both knew that she could have done the routine while wearing them, but she gave me a wink as she removed them, leaving herself completely naked.
“I just need a few minutes to warm up,” as she started to bend and stretch, and give a few high kicks. Watching her warm-up was a show in itself, as Yvette and Jacques looked on with admiration. Suzie handed her phone to Yvette. “When I nod, press the play button.”
Suzie was no stranger to dancing nude, although she was unaccustomed to performing for strangers. While she danced I saw the flirty moves directed at Yvette whose eyes seemed lasered on watching Suzie’s body. Suzie had learned how to play to her audience. I saw Yvette’s body jump when Suzie moved from a standing split falling into a floor split as if Yvette herself was feeling the pain of the fall. At the conclusion, both Yvette and Jacques stood up to give their applause.
“Bravo, my dear. Who thought you were so flexible and those skinny arms so strong. It was just amazing. Jacques, take our little Miss Fitness for a quick shower in the master bedroom. Make sure you bring her hot towels to dry off and give her my special after-shower ritual.”
"Yes, my dearest," was Jacques' sole response.
Suzie gathered up her dress and followed Jacques’ bare ass as he led her into the bathroom. Jacques turned on the shower and adjusted the temperature of the water.
“I hope you find the temperature satisfactory. I will return shortly with your towel.”
Suzie gave her body a quick soap and rinse all the time trying to make some sense out of this couple. As she stepped out of the shower, Jacques was standing there holding the towel for her to walk into. Jacques was so short he needed to hold the towel over his head to keep it off the ground. As Suzie turned around and backed into the towel, she felt Jacques' hands wrap the towel around her.
"Allow me, Miss Suzie, I hope the towel is warm enough for you," as Jacques proceeded to pat the towel against Suzie's naked body allowing the thick terry to wicker up the wetness.
Suzie thinking that she never had anyone serve her like this, decided to test the process. “Jacques, a fresh glass of champagne would be nice”.
“Instantly, Miss Suzie, I apologize for not having the foresight to think of this in advance.”
Within sixty seconds, Jacques had returned. “I hoped it is chilled to your liking? Now please drop the towel on the floor, and lie down on the blanket on the bed. There is an after-shower ritual that I have been requested to perform."
Allowing the towel to fall to the ground, Suzie walked her naked body toward Jacques.
Jacques stared as Suzie’s naked body as it moved in his direction. “Miss Suzie, my wife loves many things. She loves me and she loves jewelry. But I cannot see her not loving the jewel that you are. Your hair shines like twenty-four-carat gold, your eyes gleam like the brightest of emeralds, your ruby red lips soft and subtle, your skin pure like the finest of bone china and your body gives the appearance of being sculpted by Michelangelo.“
“Oh, Jacques, you old smoothie, if I didn’t know better I would think you were trying to get into my pants, but as you see I am not wearing any,” Suzie laughed looking down at her naked pussy. “If you could only teach Jay how to compliment a woman, that would be a welcomed feat.”
“I am sure that Jay has certain attributes that I am unable to match,” was Jacques gentleman’s response.
“Don’t get me wrong,” Suzie said, “there are so many things, that I love about him, but he still has a few rough edges to smoothen out.”
“Your graciousness Miss Suzie is only second to your beauty. Now please lie down on the blanket.”
Lying on my back I see Jacques open a jar of lotion. “This is a special combination of ingredients that a chemist friend prepares for Yvette. It contains moisturizers, revitalizers, and a special blend of THC/CBD.”
“Isn’t THC/CBD from cannabis?”
"Yes, it is. I shouldn't be transporting it over the border, but if you know Yvette, if she says she needs it I cannot say no, so I bring limited quantities. Yvette loves what it does to her skin plus she proclaims that it helps with a woman's inflammation and pain during her cycle, and the cannabis extracts give her a pleasurable blissful relaxed feeling. It is a mere $100 an ounce."
Suzie watched as Jacques scooped up a handful of lotion and started to apply it to her breasts. His hands were gentle and reassuring. Although his hands were massaging an intimate area, there seemed to be no sexual intention to his action. His hands moved lower to her belly and continued to rub in a circular motion. Notwithstanding that his hands were not sexual, Suzie felt her pussy react to his touch. As his hands moved lower, Suzie was anticipating Jacques touching and massaging her sex. She knew that there was growing wetness between her legs. As Jacques continued to massage her pelvic area, he would circle her vagina but seemed to purposely avoid her most sensitive area. Suzie opened her legs in the hope of encouraging Jacques to rub her pussy lips. But Jacques did not react and moved down her thighs and unto her calves.
“Jacques, my body is open to anywhere you might want to touch,” Suzie said, as the subtle message did not seem to be received.
“I would love to accommodate you, Miss Suzie, but regrettably, I do not have permission. Yvette did promise to please me at the end of the evening after you have departed. Now, Miss Suzie, I have prepared this robe for you,” as he helped her from the bed and held up a royal blue silk robe with oriental embroidery of what appeared to be a Geisha girl on the back. Other than the designs on the back, this robe and Yvette’s seemed identical.
“I will excuse myself now. Yvette will join you shortly.”
The silky robe felt cool against her warm flesh. Looking at herself in the mirror she loved what she saw as she opened her robe. Her pussy still excited but frustrated by not having being touched. Surveying the room, she had to touch herself.
While Jacques was attending to Suzie, Yvette and I were enjoying chatting and what seemed to be a never-ending bottle of champagne. Yvette was sitting seductively on the sofa allowing the slit of the robe to open, showing more of her calf and thigh than most women would be comfortable with. She was effusive about Suzie’s looks, her gymnastic ability, and was so pleased that I had brought her along.
“Jay, I had an original plan for this evening but when I heard that you would be bringing along a girl, I changed my plan. And now that I have met her, I am so glad I did. Jay, do you think Suzie would be comfortable with another woman?”
Knowing Suzie’s relationship with Juice, I knew that would not be a problem.
“I am not sure she would be comfortable with any woman, but I am sure she would be comfortable with you.”
“You are such a brown noser, but I love you anyway,” giving me a motherly kiss on the top of my head, and a not so motherly brushing of my face with her ample breasts.
Jacques entered the living room and gave Yvette a nod that all was prepared.
Yvette entered the master bedroom and saw Suzie standing in front of a full-length mirror, her robe open and fingers actively moving between her legs.
“Suzie, my dear, if I knew that you needed help, I would have come sooner.”
“Well,” Suzie looking embarrassed at being caught playing with herself, “It’s your husband’s fault.”
Looking concerned, “Was Jacques not appropriate?”
“The problem is Jacques was tooooo appropriate.”
Now understanding, Yvette laughed walking over and took Suzie’s shiny fingers and began sucking at them as if they were the most delicious delicacy in the world. I don’t think you will have the same problem with me,” giving an evil but seductive grin.
As Yvette dined on each of Suzie’s pussy wet fingers her other hand moved slowly down Suzie’s flat belly only stopping once she reached her swollen pussy lips. Her expertly trained fingers toyed and massaged her already engorged clit.
“Is this what you need, my darling?” as she continued to massage play with Suzie’s sensitive clit. Yvette knew the answer. Her many years of experience told her that she was hitting the right spot, with the right speed and the right pressure.
“God, yes,” Suzie replied as her body now leaned against Yvette’s, Suzie’s hand reaching around and grabbing Yvette’s ass cheek, squeezing when the feeling of pleasure surged through her body.
“Come and lie down on the bed,” Yvette said taking Suzie’s hand.
As they walked over to the bed, each woman let their silky robe fall from their bodies. Laying Suzie on her back, Yvette leaned over Suzie placing her thigh squarely pressing against Suzie’s love triangle, allowing her breasts to dangle and rub against Suzie's excited man-mades. Yvette was a master of teasing. Suzie reached out to fondle the large full breasts playing with hers but Yvette grabbed her hands and pinned them squarely to the bed. She would present her nipples close to Suzie’s mouth, only to pull them away as Suzie’s tongue attempted to lick or suck on them. Suzie’s frustration of not being able to touch, caress, or fondle her partner was growing. The only motion that she could control was the grinding pressure against Yvette's thigh, masterfully placed against Suzie’s pussy and clit.
Yvette could fell Suzie’s passion grow, with changes in her breathing patterns and the pressure against her thigh. Still holding Suzie’s arms, Yvette placed a kiss on Suzie’s red lips. It was a subtle tender kiss, followed by a more intimate one, followed by a kiss where both tongues were dancing together.
“How is my pet doing?” said Yvette with a devilish grin on her face.
“You are driving me crazy. I am a person who loves and needs to touch, yet you do not allow me.”
All in good time, my dear, all in good time. I will release your arms but they must be tucked behind your head unless I say otherwise. Understood?”
As Suzie obediently obeyed, Yvette lowered her mouth on Suzie’s left breast. The nipple was noticeably excited which only made Yvette want to lovingly bite on it; and she did.
The pain of the bite shot through Suzie’s body, but surprisingly to her, she didn’t scream. She seemed to absorb the pain and sent the reaction to the parts grinding on Yvette’s thigh. As Yvette bit the right nipple, Suzie again harnessed the pain and sent it between her legs. With each bite, her hands behind her head would press up as if doing an abdominal crunch.
“My pet is very strong,” said Yvette and she appreciated that Suzie could handle the pain and enjoyed watching her six-pack contract with each bite. You will now learn which is more painful; the rough grind of my teeth or the softness of my lips.”
Suzie had a moment to relax as Yvette was talking. She wondered how the softness of Yvette’s lips could cause pain.
Yvette slid her body down the bed stopping and kissing each abdominal muscle as she moved lower down on the bed. Whether it was a chill in the air or the excitement, Yvette saw goosebumps growing all over Suzie’s body.
Yvette hoovered over Suzie’s pussy gently blowing and inhaling the sweet smell of sex. Yvette started by giving small kisses to Suzie’s inner thighs. Moving from side to side in a random manner Suzie’s body would jerk involuntarily. Yvette knew that Suzie ripe and ready to orgasm. She didn’t want to hold her back for too long yet she was not finished with her torture of pleasure. Wetting both her thumbs, Yvette started to open up Suzie’s pink flower. Her pussy lips were fully engorged as Yvette watched her manicured thumbs expertly toy with Suzie’s sex.
When Yvette felt the softness of Suzie’s hands on her head, she quickly barked out, “Hands behind your head.”
Like a child with her hand caught in the cookie jar, Suzie relented and again placed her hands beneath her head, continually frustrated at her inability to interact with her partner.
Yvette continued to play with Suzie’s clit and pussy but still limited the speed and pressure that she knew would satisfy her partner. With every buck or press up of Suzie’s hips, Yvette would retreat. Now with every subtle and random kiss, Yvette would hear a grunt, or expulsion of air. Suzie was getting her education about the pain of softness.
Moving down to the base of the bed, Yvette took Suzie’s right foot into her hand and admired the high instep and arch. She kissed the arch and appreciated the colored nail polish of her pedicured toes. Rubbing her foot against her breast and nipple, Yvette started to run her tongue between each toe.
Suzie’s reaction was immediate, as this was a sensation that she had never felt before. She squirmed, wanting to break the virtual handcuffs that held her hands behind her head, but they held fast.
Yvette took Suzie’s big toe into her mouth and sucked on it as if it were a small penis. She toyed and played with it sending waves of pleasure throughout Suzie’s body. Suzie’s hand instinctively moved to her clit only to realize when she opened her eyes that Yvette was watching her disobey her instructions. Suzie acquiesced and brought her hands together tethered by her head.
Suzie had never experienced a lover like this. She was beginning to understand the pain of softness. The pain of a physical bite could be channeled, but there was no place to channel this feeling of tortured pleasure.
“Please, Yvette, allow me to cum. I can no longer handle the pleasure.” Suzie’s voice was fatigued as if she had just finished a training session.
Satisfied that she had instilled sufficient pleasure and pain she now moved with an objective. No longer playing toying with Suzie, Yvette ran her tongue from Suzie’s ass star to her clit and repeated this several times. Suzie purred as Yvette sucked her clit into her mouth, released it, and then did it again. But it was only when Yvette inserted two fingers and devoured Suzie’s clit that she knew her orgasm could no longer be stopped.
“Come, sweet pea, give your sweet juices to Yvette.”
Suzie’s head was spinning. Whether it was from the champagne, Jacques’ massage, the cannabis in the lotion, or the incredible feeling that Yvette was providing, Suzie, hearing Yvette’s prompting was all that she needed to get pushed over the edge. Suzie’s interlaced fingers behind her head pressed her head forward as her abs contracted. Her eyes made contact with Yvette’s, as Yvette was finishing her most delicious meal.
“Fuck… Fuck… oh God… Fuck” were the only words that came out of Suzie’s mouth as her body jerked and shook in response to what her body was experiencing. Her body performed several involuntary crunches, her abs popping out of her well-toned middle. “No one has ever given me an orgasm so intense,” Suzie stammered, still trying to catch her breath.
Sitting up on the bed and regaining her composure, Suzie looked into Yvette’s eyes. “Now, how can I please you?”
“This could be a very memorable evening, my dear. I had Jacques ask one of his engineering companies to build me a prototype and it just got finished this week. Please open the box on the night table.
On the table sat a red box with a bow attached to the top.
“Open it, dear.”
As Suzie opened it she saw the inside was covered in red velvet and lying at the bottom could only be one thing… a strap-on.
“My god, Yvette, it is beautiful.” The straps were made of fine soft leather with Velcro attachments. The cock was flesh-colored and although probably made of silicon had a real human flesh feel to it. The head of the cock was circumcised.
“This is like a work of art, Yvette. May I try it on?” Suzie said with an excited look, her eyes gleaming in anticipation.
“I am hoping you would,” Yvette smiled back.
Suzie easily figured how to attach the leather bindings and was amazed how secure it felt against her pelvis, but at the same time, it felt heavier than she might have expected. Looking down at her attached cock she estimated that it was about five inches in length.
Looking up at Yvette, “This is beautiful and it may not be my place to say, but isn’t this cock a little small?”
Smiling as if anticipating that question, “Suzie, hand me the remote control please.”
Looking back into the velvet box Suzie saw a small remote control that had several colored buttons and dials. She handed it over to Yvette.
“Do you see these three buttons, yellow, white, and black? The cock you are wearing is telescopic Yellow is the starting position, 5 inches consistent with an Asian penis, white is 6.5 inches consistent with a Caucasian penis and black is 9 inches consistent with what most guys think, is the size of a black cock. Now watch as I press the white button.”
Sure enough, Suzie’s eyes watched as the cock grew larger. The texture and the shape were unchanged only the size. When Yvette hit the black button Suzie continued to watch this now monstrous cock grew to its full length of nine inches.
“This is fucking amazing, you have created the Cadillac of Cocks,” Suzie said looking down at the giant phallic between her legs and then back to Yvette.
“We are not done yet. Wrap your fingers around the shaft.”
Following Yvette's instructions, Suzie felt a vibration coming from it and looking at Yvette she saw she could adjust the level of vibrations from the remote. Suzie could not imagine what this might feel like inside of her pussy, but she could feel it vibrating and stimulating her clit.
“Is that it?” Suzie asked
“Nope, one more gadget, I call it jackhammer.” Pressing another button and the head of the cock pulsed back and forth mimicking the tool used to break up roads but so much more refined.
“You a genius, Yvette”
“Nope, Suzie, I am Fucking Genius,” as they both broke to into a fit of laughter.
While they were laughing Suzie’s mind was racing all over the place with a host of new ideas. “Yvette, I think you should retrofit this thing for men. There are so many men with ED that they would love this item. And I know how to make it more profitable. You could build in a cum holder and fill it will tasty squirt solutions.”
Yvette was trying to keep up with Suzie’s thoughts that were flying out of her mouth at such a rapid pace.
“We could make tasty cum flavors like creamy vanilla, chocolate, banana, but also specialty flavors like coffee. Coffee would be available in regular and decaf. Decaf would be for people who enjoy oral sex at night without having to worry that the caffeine will keep them awake.”
Now catching Suzie’s drift, Yvette piped in. “How about a Listerine type product and we could market it with this: 'A blast of fresh breath with every blow.'”
“Excellent and for our gay friends were could do a Red Bull energy type squirt that would say something like this: 'A prick me up to keep you blowing all night long.'”
Despite the age differences, the two women were giggling like high school girlfriends at a raunchy sleepover. After they both calmed down from laughter, Suzie looked at Yvette and said, “Do you want to take this bad boy for a test drive?”
“I thought you would never ask,” Yvette said as she moved on to her hands and knees on the bed presenting her fine ass to Suzie.
Suzie had never used or worn a strap on before. She tested the wetness of Yvette’s pussy before pressing the head of her 5-inch cock against the lips of her partner. With a pushing forward of her hips, Suzie watched the cock disappear. Suzie enjoyed the feeling of her pelvis pressed against Yvette’s soft full ass and started to slowly pump in and out. Suzie could feel Yvette’s playing with the remote as if she was learning how to control it to bring her the greatest pleasure. As Yvette made the cock grow bigger, Suzie would move a little back so Yvette could feel the full length of the cock moving in and out. When Yvette hit the black, Suzie had to move back even farther and arched her back to make sure the full length of this bionic boner penetrated her. With her hands on Yvette’s hips, she was fucking this girlfriend as any man would. Although the cock was not part of her body it still seemed to provide her pleasure. When Yvette turned on the vibration, the degree of pleasure jumped by a multiple of ten as her clit was now a party to the vibrations.
Suzie was loving this experience and wanted to try it is all sorts of positions. She tied spooning Yvette from behind and experimenting with different positions. Yvette seemed to love the forward and reverse cowgirl positions where she could use that cock in any way that pleased her. For a dominant woman, Yvette was more than pleased to allow Suzie to take control of new positions and Yvette was literally bending to her wishes.
By now, Yvette seemed to know the remote and managed it like a PlayStation master. Lying on her stomach with Suzie lying on top, the strap on deep in Yvette’s pussy, Suzie could feel the changing sizes and the pleasure they both received from the vibration mode. In this position, Suzie could just relax and the strap on was doing most of the fucking work.
“Suzie, may I turn on my back, I want to see your lovely face when I cum.”
Suzie moved between Yvette’s legs, assuming the missionary position, and inserted the white sized cock. She wanted to fuck Yvette like a man. Her slow pumping picked up speed. Her arms were supporting her body as her hips moved up and down. Her breathing was faster and Suzie was realizing that fucking like a man was tiring. When Yvette turned the vibration to full speed, Suzie knew that she could not hold back much longer. She looked at Yvette’s face that had a blissful contentment look but not one that was close to orgasm.
“I am sorry, Yvette, but I can’t hold back much longer”
“Enjoy it, I am quite sufficient my dear.”
With three more strokes, Suzie’s body lit up like fireworks on the fourth of July. This second orgasm of the night was far superior to her first. It was far superior to anything she had felt before. As the orgasm wreaked havoc with her body, almost exhausted she wrapped herself around Yvette’s body. She could still feel the black-sized cock vibrating in Yvette’s pussy. Yvette's breathing pattern was now changing. Suzie would hear and feel Yvette’s heart beating from her ear lying on Yvette’s breast. Yvette’s hips were now pumping up and down priming herself for her upcoming orgasm.
Although almost in a daze, Suzie heard Yvette say, “Jackhammer, baby!” as she pressed on the only selection they had not tested.
Suzie could feel the pulsing from the head of the cock. Being on the right end of the cock must have been orgasmic. And it was.
Yvette, not one to swear or use foul language, could only grunt and clench her teeth as the orgasm took hold of her body. Every cell was shaking like a volcano had erupted from deep inside her womanly womb. Lying on top of her, Suzie was enjoying the ride on her moving mattress of flesh.
“God, that was intense,” Yvette said when she was finally able to speak, wrapping her arms around Suzie’s naked body. “I am sorry I had to make you work so hard.”
“It was all pleasure, but I am gaining more respect for a man’s part of this sex thing” Suzie giggled.
They lay together hugging and kissing for the next few minutes. Finally, Yvette broke the silence.
“Let’s see what the boys are up to.”
Jay had gotten dressed in his shirt and pants and was taking to Jacques. Meanwhile, Suzy folded the beautiful silk robe on the bed and pulled on her little black dress and joined the group.
“Well, I want to thank you both for this evening,” Yvette said. I know it is early for you young ones, but for us older folks, it is getting late and I have made some promises to Jacques. Jacques, go bring me the robes and your toys while I say goodnight to our guests.”
Yvette walked us to the door as Jacques arrived with our robes, but also carrying a paddle and a flogger. Handing the robes to Suzie.
“Yvette, you are too generous, we can’t accept…” but catching herself in mid-sentence “I mean you are too generous and we will think of you when we wear them.”
“Speaking about generous...” Yvette handed Suzie a thick white envelope. “And if we ever want to market Jacques’ prototype, I want you to be my model.”
“Yvette, I don’t think that is a good idea.”
I watched as Yvette’s face changed in disappointment and wonderment on why such an offer was a bad idea. But then I saw Suzie’s impish grin and knew that there was a part two to the comment.
“Yvette, I think a better idea would to have me do a video demonstration of the product with you as my partner.”
Although I didn’t know what they were talking about I saw Yvette’s face light up and a smile stretch from ear to ear.
“Jay, your girlfriend is terrible,” she said laughing. “But I think she is a keeper, so take good care of her.”
As we left and the door closed behind us, I stopped Stretch from walking down the hall.
“Wait a minute. I want to see if I hear something.”
Sure enough, we could hear some muffled conversation, followed by a series of intermittent Whacks!
“Jay, what do you think is going on?”
“I think Jacques is getting his ass paddled.”
"Oh, the poor man!" Stretch said with a concerned tone.
“Quite the opposite, I think Jacques considers himself a lucky man.”
Over the next six months, Stretch and I watched several relationships bloom and mature. In fact, we had a party to celebrate our blissful first year anniversary together. Bear and Sheila were now a couple, and Stretch couldn’t remember any time that Bear seemed happier. Little John was actively dating Steve, a young and very handsome architect.But the most unusual couple was Juice and George. George, the porn exec that arranged Juice’s porn debut, was now an intimate part of her life. Working...
Love StoriesAs I sat cuddling with Stretch on their broken-down sofa, I couldn't help reflect that my life was great. My body felt great. University was great. Sex with Stretch was great. And all that other kinky sex shit was over the top, fucking fantastic!I was almost lost in my thoughts when Bear walked into the room carrying an invitation card."Jay," Bear said, "Where do you get your hair cut?""I usually go to a small place downtown, but it is often difficult to get an appointment. Why do you ask?""One...
TransTom and I have been friends since grade school, but in the past, I have always been a little jealous of him. He is taller, more athletic, and with his outgoing personality, has been a magnet for the girls around him.In fact, we were together the first time we meet Juice at the gym. It was Tom who struck up a conversion with her, while I quietly listened in the background. Who would have thought that I would have my sexual fantasies fulfilled with Juice and then have it continue with my...
Straight SexHi, To all Iss reader this is my first story hope U all would like it a complete fiction.my self raj i live in Mumbai this story is about my aunty nandita,let me describe her she is in her 30s,lives with her husband and daughter.She is born beauty with an awesome fig of 36.28.40 ..her assets are her huge melons of 36 d and her ass that will give a hard on to any guy who looks at it So now my story starts this was like 5 years ago when I was appearing for my 12 th HSC examination at that time my...
Coming home after grabbing a burger with the guys, I enter the kitchen to see mom and Mary chatting over an open bottle of wine."Jay, look who came for a visit and brought this nice bottle of wine.""Well hello Mrs. Henderson, how nice to see you.""Nice to see you Jay, and please call me Mary.""Jay," my mom continued with a little slur in her voice, "I would offer you a glass of wine, but we seem to have almost emptied it.""No problem mom, you seem to have enjoyed it," I smirked."Mary and I have...
IncestHi there! Name's Gym Bunny Candie. Of course, you can just call me Candie, but that's up to you. I'm quite the enthusiast when it comes to fitness (the name sort of gives it away:)). Most any day you can find me in the gym, working out, stretching, training clients, teaching classes, or just hanging out. I love most things "fitness" (you should check out my new tumblr page. It's kind of like me--a sassy work in progress). I just adore waking up in the morning, sliding into a sports...
sexerciseMy daughter and I had recently moved to a new town, and I suggested we both join ahealth club, a way for us to share some time together, as well as getting in shapeand losing some weight, not that either one of us were that bad looking. Andrea, mydaughter is 16, and looks amazing in her workout leotard, a perfect tight teenage body with firm 36c breasts.OK class, pair up...I see we have 2 newcomers to our class, since everyone already has apartner, I suggest you two be partners for...
IncestSavita had some company in the afternoon. Shobha had just dropped by her house for a chat. “It’s so good that you came to visit me Shobha” said Savita while pouring Shobha a cup of tea. “I was just returning from college and was in your neighborhood, so I thought I’d drop by for a chat.” “Oh, which college do you study in?” “Satnam College” Savita was surprised to hear this because her neighbor twins, Tarun and Varun, also attended the same college. “Really!!! My neighbor boys Tarun and Varun...
I'd been out of work for the better part of two months. If it hadn't been for my live-in girlfriend, I'd be out living on the street. Candice, though I along with everyone else called her "Candy", made a pretty good income working at a Spa and Fitness center that catered exclusively to women. As such, it was owned and operated by a woman named Jane who was in her early fifties, but looked fifteen years younger than that. Most of which I attributed to the Spa and Fitness center she...
Let me say right up front that Gunther was definitely not a young man.I knew he had been around the Santa operation at the North Pole long before I arrived with my bright ideas for cost reduction. I was called in to promote increased toy production by the easily distracted Elves. Those little imps preferred being silly rather than busy little workers focused on their quotas like dedicated employees. As a small-sized human male, I was able to relate easily to the female Elves because they liked...
Fantasy & Sci-FiIntroduction: A romance. Jay and Amy part 2 So a couple things before you guys read, I do write for fun. And to the people who dont get it, Jay does talk like a caveman, he doesnt like to pronounce the entire word and he likes to skip over unnecessary words. Its not bad grammar, its how he talks. Now enjoy and thanks for the nice comments! Waking up the next morning, I feel good and relax. I thought about how yesterday went, and if i say so myself, it went great. Teachers were nice,...
Introduction: I accidently posted the wrong chapter last time so my bad. Jay and Amy part 5 After a very complicated talk about Mikes life, we all headed home. Jay and I didnt spend that much time together on Sunday. He had to run errands and go to the gym. I was spending the day with my parents. But Jay did spend the night with me, nothing happen since we were both so tired so we only slept. I always hated waking up on Monday mornings. But its not bad when I wake up to Jays tattoo chest in...
Introduction: Thanks for waiting and enjoy. Jay and Amy part 4 Open your eyes baby, I try snuggling back into the warm spot but then Im move onto my back. Baby, youre killing me, why does Jay keep talking while Im sleeping. Babe, I finally I open my eyes and Jays above me with a strain expression. Whats wrong? I ask. Jay doesnt answer me but looks down so I look down too, and I see that both my hands are on Jays dick and I have a very firm grip of it. Um&hellip,..sorry I mutter to Jay. Baby,...
It had been months since Faith and Jay had hooked up at school in his office. Jay still loves to flirt with her during the school day and occasionally grab her butt when no one was looking. She would grab his crotch also. Spring came and it was time for the upcoming soccer season. Jay needed some extra players on the team and knew that Faith was good at softball and an all-around good athlete so he asked her to try out for the team. He assured her she would make the team. Jay asked if...
Jay was a 29 year old teacher at the local high school. He picked up a summer job at the local ice cream shop to earn some extra money. Faith was a girl in his class this past year. He got to know her intimately one afternoon staying after school earning some extra credit. Jay recognized the other 2 girls from his school but didn't know their names. The girls had just pulled up in a car and the girls all said "hey Mr. Wells" except for Faith said "Hey Jay." Jay took the ice cream...
Jayme, Her Mother And Her Grandfather Part 2 Both Lori and I were father and daughter lovers, also we certified sex surrogate therapists. Later that night, Lori and I were having a very physical love making session. We were interrupted by Jayme entering the room through the bedroom door that had been left open.. “Mom, Grandpa, what are you doing? Are two fucking? Do you have to make so much noise? What will the neighbors think if they hear you having sex? They know that there are only you and...
IncestI slid the report into the proper file just as he walked into the room. Dennis Butz stood there wearing his three-piece suit, looking as handsome and charming as any man could. But I was not to be tamed by his charm. "Hello, Linda," he said with a friendly grin. "Judge Herns isn't in today," I replied back in a frosty tone. "I'm not here to see her." "My plane leaves in less then an hour Dennis, what do you want?" I slammed the file drawer shut and walked past him to my desk...
Jay was s 29 year old teacher in the local high school. He also coached the soccer teams at the school. During the summer he worked an extra job at the local ice cream shop to earn some extra money. One evening he was working when he saw a car pull up with a number of teenage girls in it. Jay recognized Faith who hopped out and with some of her friends. Jay remembered the first time he laid eyes on Faith at the beginning of last school year. She walked into his 6th period class in a short...
After the soccer season had come to a close and spring break was just days away jay had made plans to head to the beach and soak in the sun. He had saved up a lot of money and got a nice hotel with all the works. The day before spring break Faith came in to Jay's class with the saddest look on her face. "What's the matter Faith?" Jay asked his favorite student. "My spring break plans just went up in smoke" she said. Faith explained that she was going to the beach with friends but...
It wasn't that they were tired of each others' bodies. Jay was shorter than Chris, had chestnut hair, hazel eyes, a tan, and was a tennis instructor, so he had a great body: six-pack, adonis belt, the works. Chris, taller with blond hair and blue eyes, had a lean swimmer's body, thin but built. No, they did not tire of seeing each others' sexy builds, but they both began to feel that their fucking was too routine. They needed more to keep their passion going. Then came the wedding. Jay's...
Faith woke up Saturday morning and remembered where she was and smiled thinking about the fun she had the night before. She looked around to see if anyone else was awake yet but didn't think so. She was snuggled in the side of Jay flat on her back, her head was on his chest and Liz was on the other side of her with her arm laying across Faith's chest. Dana was on the other side of Jay and she had her arm across Jay also. Apparently her looking around aroused Liz from her sleep and she...
Jay was a good golfing friend of mine from high school. Like many teens, we often talked about sex, and shared intimate details of our conquests (which weren't many at the time). After college, I married, and Jay seem to grow more confident with the ladies. He would tell me about his conquests, which grew in number, and I secretly envied his sex life.Years later, Jay remained single, which my wife found odd. "He's a good looking guy," she'd say, "why would he remain single?" I simply...
Wife LoversIntroduction: Sorry it took me a while to upload a new story Jay and Amy part 6 When they finally drive off, we all relax. Thanks girl for showing up, my nails were getting fucked, Michelle says to Nicole. Whats the video? Mike asks. And well Nicole goes on to blow us away. I taped the 3 of them having sex&hellip,.with each other, Nicole says before putting away her taser. Theyre related, Luke says while stunned at the surprise. Whyd you fucked them up? I ask curiously. After I taped...
After that night at Herbert's, Jay and I became a couple; I just went home with him that night, and basically never left. My mom was cool with it, even though she didn't like me hanging out with Jay in the beginning. She had been around, and she knew Jay was a "chicken hawk," as she called him. At that time she was in denial about my sexual identity - even though her lover - Monica had been calling me a sissy as long as she'd known me. I mean, mom knew there was some kind of problem with me...
It was the week of my birthday and don’t ask how old I was Jay had arrange for a friend to look after her two lovely girls so she could came with me to Sheffield where I was working and she had rang the Chinese Restaurant which we both enjoyed and booked a table for two.We arrived on Monday at the hotel I was staying at and I dropped her off so she could book in and went onto work – they all know her by now for her other visits and made her very welcome – I had a crap day as always the client...
6:45 am, everyday, I set out to run. I have been running about 4 miles, everyday, through my neighborhood, to and around the park and back. For three months now, I have run the same route, the same time, everyday of the week. My name is Kirk, I am 25 years old, in great shape and, in all modesty, a hell of a good looking stud. I am 6 foot 1, wavy brown hair, chiseled facial features and abs tighter than a straight man’s ass in a gay bar. I noticed her about 3 weeks ago. She was running her loop...
"I know I'm fat", she thought, "I should just change my name from Matty to Fatty. I bet that why my interview lasted only minutes." She was leaving from an interview, one of many. Despite having excellent typing skills, and two degrees (Business Administration, and Accounting) she couldn't get any job. Before leaving she walked round the corner to the hall bathroom on the bottom floor of the building. She pushed on the ladies room door but it was locked. "Odd" she thought. Looking around and...
Lesbian6:45 am, everyday, I set out to run. I have been running about 4 miles, everyday, through my neighborhood, to and around the park and back. For three months now, I have run the same route, the same time, everyday of the week. My name is Kirk, I am 25 years old, in great shape and, in all modesty, a hell of a good looking stud. I am 6 foot 1, wavy brown hair, chiseled facial features and abs tighter than a straight man's ass in a gay bar. I noticed her about 3 weeks ago. She was running her loop...
Quickie SexAt the moment Laura is very happy with her life now. Happily married ten years to her c***dhood sweetheart Clive where they have three young sons. Clive works as a solicitor while Laura herself is a very strong minded career woman working as chief executive for a big finance company.Her daily morning routine before she starts work is always the same. Before the sons wake up she drives herself to the local park where she does her morning jog before driving back home where the boys are usually up...
After 1 month of the bed rest doctor prescribed and a little bit of physiotherapy, I was back on track. I went for my usual jogging in the early morning. It was a daily routine for me. Well, jogging always helped clear my mind. It helped gain some energetic days over the past years. There was also a compelling factor that my jogging partner was a beautiful young woman. Anjana is known in the neighborhood as the sexy girl. She was 24, unmarried fair and black hair. She is one of the sexiest...
When Ramesh came to stay there, six months ago, he was the bitterest man in the world. He had every reason to feel so. He had every reason to feel so. He had left his home, parents and friends as he had got MBA admission in the most prestigious college in Hyderabad. His father thought it would be better for his son to stay in his close friend’s house, instead of staying in a hostel. But Ramesh thought that would be the end of his freedom. Everything changed when he saw Ramya in that house. She...
Hi everyone, this is Gowtham again. Finally, I’m back with the second part of my story. Thank you for your amazing response and feedback on the previous story. I was so amazed by the positive response I got from it. This story is about sercise for my mom. Please read it till the end and kindly share your opinions and suggestions. Feedbacks are welcome with an open-heart at This story is a continuation of the previous part, Please read it first for a better erotic experience. Finally, after...
IncestNarrated by Shobha Trainer: Oho! Tum ab bhi wahi soch rahi ho? Main: Haan, kyu ki shayad tum bhi mere bare mein kuch kuch aur soch rahe ho. Trainer: Nahi Shobha, aisa kuch nahi hai, ye sab mera roz ka kaam hai. Main: Sachme, mujhe dekh tumhe kuch nahi ho raha? Trainer: Nahi bolana. Chalo aur 5… Isse pahle ki woh aage bolta main seedhe uske short ke elastic ko pakad kheech neeche ki. Aur uska tana lohe jaisa lumba lund rubber ki tarah mere muh ke upar uchal pada. Main uske lambe...
Sylvia thought: Screw the way we are brought up. Mummy’s advice about being a ‘nice’ girl, well nice girls didn’t get to fuck before breakfast outdoors. Sylvia Brereton was focussed, totally committed to her body’s response in the moment. This was her last workout before Sunday’s City to Casino ten-kilometre fun run. She had placed a creditable seventh in the women’s open section last year. At twenty-two she was determined to do better and place top three this year or at worst...
Sex With StrangerAlessandra feels fond of her freshly found friend, the elderly erotically experienced gyno, whom she frequently visits.Alessandra opens up to him. First foremost in sexual spirit. She would love to meet a tasty teen great girl like herself.Alessandra admits with a big blush she does pleasure herself often, imagining to make love to a lesbian like she feels.Alessandra says she is still a virgin, as she does not dare to insert her own fingers inside her soft silken pretty pussy.Alessandra can not...
Alessandra opens up bits by bits, physically during daily visits after school at her elderly fresh friend.Alessandra is autistic in talks under four eyes. In internet, during chats for hours, she tells him more.Alessandra slowly turns her great gyno into her private psychologist for erotic education she seeks.Alessandra searches the net to find a female friend, fond of fondling as herself, but bigger breasted. Alessandra finally finds her joy, called Joyce. Even her name was a well kept secret...
Never in my life had I had felt as powerful as I did after that first meeting with the congregation! Not only was my Cock more powerful......thicker, fuller, harder, more intense with steamy spunky energy......but I was physically stronger too! I could run longer, climb higher and lift more weight than ever, my muscles harder and more defined. I was always known as a "bad boy", a loner who was always getting in fights and causing trouble in school and out. I was also a pothead, loved to smoke...
I am Jay, 19 yr old. I got selected for Civil Engineering in a famous graduate Engineering College, Kolkata. I stayed in hostel as it’s a residential college, though my home is nearby. It’s as per the college rules and regulations. I share room with two friends Tush and Sayan of same age. My mom Vijaya is 41 yr and dad Vinod 45 yr old. They work in well known organizations; dad in a Pvt. Co. and mom in an IT industry. We are three in our family. Tush and Sayan are both from Delhi. They are of...
IncestBrad and I have been friends ever since my family moved to Milwaukee eight years ago. Being fifteen, that's over half our lives. We have a lot of the same interests (sex, girls and sex, mostly) and I just get all gooey inside when I'm around his mom, except for the part of me that gets hard, very hard. She's really pretty with a nice figure and she's just so nice, nice to me. As I rang the bell waiting for Brad to open the door, I saw a shadow in the sidelights and the door swung open to...
Randi's Vacation Randi woke up to his alarm and quickly silenced it. A quick glance to his left confirmed the Denise was already up. She almost always got up before him preferring some extra time between getting ready for work and needing to walk out the door. He preferred to have enough time to get ready, eat and go. He walked to the bathroom which was right in the master bedroom. The condo they bought was a bit extravagant but provided plenty of room and they could afford it on...
Hum dono abhi bhi nange hi thay. Chalte chalte usne paad maari. Uski gaand mein abhi bhi haddi akti hui thi. Nadi kinare, jhadiyon ke bich usko bithaya. “Hug le saali madarchod. Kab se paad rahi jai bhosdiki.” Woh hugne lagi. Uski gaand se haddi nikal gayi. Uski garam moot ki dhaar mere pairo pe giri. “Saali maderjaat! Mere pairon pe mootegi. Saali raand muh khol,” main uske muh mein mootne laga. Lavda uske gale mein ghus kar mootne laga. Maine apni tange faila di aur wahi khade khade hugne...
Vanakam friends, indru kathaiyil ilamaiyaana kathaliyai pirantha naal andru avaluku parisaaga sunni kanjai kodutha kathaiyai ungalidam pagirugiren. Enathu peyar Praveen vayathu 22 aagugirathu. Enaku oru kathali irukiraal aval vayathu 19 thaan aagugirathu aanalum intha vayatilum miga sexiyaaga irupaal. Naan muthal muthalil avalai chuditharil paarthen, aval palli padikum pozhuthu avaluku mulai perithaaga irukathathu pola irukum. Naan appozhuthu suma sight adipen, aanal enaku appozhuthu theriya...
Jay was a good golfing friend of mine from high school. Like many teens, we often talked about sex, and shared intimate details of our conquests (which weren’t many at the time). After college, I married, and Jay seem to grow more confident with the ladies. He would tell me about his conquests, which grew in number, and I secretly envied his sex life. Years later, Jay remained single, which my wife found odd. ‘He’s a good looking guy,’ she’d say, ‘why would he remain single?’ I simply...
Mera naam Rudra hai. Ek number ka harami aur besharam. Mera dimaag mere lavde mein hai, jo saala har waqt chudai ke liye uchalte rehta hai. Kasarati badan jo ghanto tak lavde ka saath deta hai. Waise toh bachpan se hi kaafi chudai ki hai. Lekin yeh wali sabse achi wali, ya yeh kahu ki sab se gandi wali hai. Main tab 30 saal ka tha. Shaadi hui nahi thi. Ghar mein rehta hi nahi tha. Naukri hi aisi thi ke sheher-sheher gaon-gaon bhatakna padta tha. Peshe se ek civil engineer, jiski degree paiso se...
Andrea Standing (part 2 of Andrea's Stand) A note at the beginning. One of the problems with writing a serial story is that the author feels a need to recap what happened in the prior portions. Please go back and read part 1, "Andrew Running". It will make this a better story. Briefly Andrew at 19, abused by his father, runs away to a distant relative, Aunt Clara. Andrew goes along with a joke played by Clara's lover Marnie, and ends up as Andrea working in Marnie's luxury used car...
Flashback - 11 months earlier (Author's notes - the intro takes place 'right after' Andersonville 6) There were fifteen men and women crowded into the small conference area. As Colonel Myers surveyed the room, he noticed most of them, the programmers anyway, were about half his age. Barry shook his head; he was getting old. His goal was to make general before he retired, and the Andersonville project had seemed like the best way to increase his chances. The problem was, he had...
As recently retired gynaecologist, I offer free advise and consult to all fine females and great girls, who meet my taste. Every day, many meet me on the street where I live at the former Wood Harbour in old Amsterdam, where they attend 4th Gymnasium, one of the best grammar schools in town. As I demand high standards of both mental and physical beauty, I only need to select the prettiest slender sweethearts, sporting tiny titties, tight twat and ass, to address.Gentlemen prefer blondes, so no...
There was a 70 year old grandma that moved in right next to my apartment, I was 18 at the time and my grandpa was 74. I lived with my grandpa at the time. The old grandma would come to talk to my grandpa each day, she would keep teasing him, she would flirt with him, she tried to seduce him. My grandpa ignored her at first but then he started flirting with her after a couple days. I once came out of my apartment only to see her sucking his dick outside on the porch while he was touching her...
This week’s show begins with that same old rusty bedstead, and that same old dirty mattress. Pausing to take in the magnificent filthiness of it, then pulling back to reveal the bare concrete floor around it, and to take in the harsh lighting. And then we hear our guest of the week approaching, quick little footsteps ... Light clicks on the studio floor. We pan round to see what we’ve got this week and see a slight, pale, small-boobed lady walking in quick, short strides ... She’s not is a...
The love of my life was a man with whom there was no future. He was from a different country, a different culture and was married. We were lovers. There was never a more passionate affair than the one between Jay and me. We couldn’t get enough of one another and in the short time we were together I had more orgasms than in practically any other time of my life. Jay was very dark, not black but the colour of rich, dark walnut. He was compact but beautifully formed with a spread of dark hair...
InterracialIt had been an interesting six months that led Andrew here. While home for winter break, his parents announced he wouldn't be returning to college. His mother, in particular, had decided the investment was no longer worth it. His father supported her decision wholeheartedly. Andrew was told that new opportunities for young men with no degree were opening up in their area. He had no idea what kind of jobs his parents meant, but he took them at their word. Mother allocated him a weekly stipend...
He watched them as they sat sipping their colorful drinks and flirting with male guests and hotel employees alike at the Garden Cloud Lounge. They were undoubtedly four sisters, all in their late twenties and thirties, and attractive. They were obviously American, and they laughed as they tried what little Spanish they knew on the young waiters. He had seen groups like this many times. Their often affluent husbands allowed them to have "Girl's Time Off" now and then. It worked out on both...
Catherine and Alexander by: Bruce Leach Although the children never knew it times had been rough in the castle. Their father, the Duke of Beaufort, had in recent days made a number of unfortunate alliances that put not only his fortune but his entire properties and even his own life in jeopardy. In these days after the king's death the wrong friends could mean accusations of treachery and the Duke had made all the wrong friends. Things looked bleak until he had an...
Namaste doston mera name aman hai aur mai punjab ki rehne wali hoon meri age 20 saal hai aur height 5 ft5 inchs hai main na toh jayada patli hu aur na hi moti meri figure 36 30 38 hai rang gora hai mera affair hamare padosi ladke ke sath chal raha tha uska name gurpreet tha woh mere bhai ka friend tha jiske wajah say uksa hamare ghar auna jana laga hi rehta tha hamara ghar aur gurpreet ka ghar ikdum pass mai tha dono gharo ki chat apas mai attech hi toh humey raat mai milna boht aasan tha hum...
Andrea On Her Own (Part 3 of Andrea's Stand) A Note Before: If you have not read parts 1 and 2, please go back and do so. I have spent some time trying to develop the characters involved and a brief description of the plot so far will not help you much. Chapter 1: Needing More I leaned back in my chair and stretched. It had been a long hour and a half finishing the homework from my calc. class. As I stretched I felt the sweater pressing against the breast forms and glanced...
This introduction story is based on true events. All the characters mentioned are above the age of 18. For personal reasons, the names of the characters have been changed. Any resemblance to any person, living or dead, is purely coincidental. The writer does not believe in any kind of discrimination or disrespect towards women. The story has been written for sexual satisfaction and should be held in the same regard. “Aah!” Nandini moaned as my thick member entered her...
IncestThis introduction story is based on true events. All the characters mentioned are above the age of 18. For personal reasons, the names of the characters have been changed. Any resemblance to any person, living or dead, is purely coincidental. The writer does not believe in any kind of discrimination or disrespect towards women. The story has been written for sexual satisfaction and should be held in the same regard. “Aah!” Nandini moaned as my thick member entered her...
IncestI was visiting my daughter Lori and granddaughter Jayme. We celebrated Jayme’s 16 th birthday yesterday afternoon. All that changed after what happened last night. Lori and I had been having incest sex relations ever since the year her mother died. Lori was 17 when she accepted the duties of woman of the house. She had just graduated from high school and decided that she wasn’t interested in going to college for at least a year. She decided that she had to take care of me in every way possible....