Jay And Amy Part 6 free porn video

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Introduction: Sorry it took me a while to upload a new story Jay and Amy part 6

When they finally drive off, we all relax.

Thanks girl for showing up, my nails were getting fucked, Michelle says to Nicole.

Whats the video? Mike asks. And well Nicole goes on to blow us away.

I taped the 3 of them having sex&hellip,.with each other, Nicole says before putting away her taser.

Theyre related, Luke says while stunned at the surprise.

Whyd you fucked them up? I ask curiously.

After I taped them, I stashed the video. I then went back to bust them, fucking Emily told me to join them. Fucking lost my shit and beat the shit out of her, broke her nose and she was almost bald by the amount of hair I took out. Chad got into my room that night, tried to rape me, he had my pants down, trying to pull my underwear down but I bit his ear and then I screamed. He left but I knew that wasnt the end of it. So the next morning, I went to the guest room with a bat and broke both his arms with a bat, and then I fucking beat the shit out of his dick with the bat. I tied Chads ass up when I heard Andrew downstairs, I thought Andrew might try to rape me too so I decided to get to him first. I pretended to be interested and shit, when his back was turn, I tased him and then broke one of his legs. Nicole says calmly.

Chads mine. Parents? Mike asks.

Didnt listen to me explain, sent me away to a ghetto ass relative, Nicole says before spitting on the ground angrily.

How bad? Mike asks.

Dont got to tell you, Nicole replies back. Mike steps up to Nicole, and gets real close and asks again, How bad? Nicole looks stun and answers swiftly back, Real bad, didnt have food, didnt have running water, didnt have electricity, didnt fucking care. Aunt ghetto is a druggie and sells her flesh, wasnt fun walking into that. Had to live with that shit…every…fucking…day. Had to fucking survive myself.

How? Mike asks again, but his voice sounds extra scary but also as if hes holding it back.

Slinging drugs, running errands for higher ups, fighting, and robbing. Wasnt easy but it had to be done, Nicole replies back.

You wear nice shit, nice car, how? Mike asks while placing both his hands on her back to hold her to his body.

Made a name for myself…slinging got easier and more profitable. Made one last big deal and pulled out with others paying to take over, Nicole replies but tries to push Mike back…he doesnt move&hellip,.like at all.

Sell flesh? Mike asks. Nicole sucks in air and replies coldly back Fuck no.

But her voice says theres something else and Mike sees it. He moves his hands to her face and holds her firmly and then asks her, Someone fucking touch you? Nicole struggles harder than before and starts to slap Mikes hands but he doesnt let go.

Yes or no!? Mike explodes to Nicole. Jay and Luke step forward but stops when Nicole answers.

Yes. No one says anything but the tension is bad…toxic.

Happen before my rep was out, low time dealer&hellip,.corner me. Tried fighting back but he was stronger and determine. He broke my wrist, eye socket, and nose&hellip,.I was a virgin so there was blood everywhere. I waited till the next day, pretended that I was gonna give him a blow job. I stabbed his dick instead, when he went down, I cutted his fucking dick off, so its okay, Nicole says.

Holy shit, MIchelle says.
Oh fuck, Luke mutters.
Fuck, Jay mutters.
Holy…wow…damn, I mutter.
Shit girl…I was gonna find him for you but now I aint got shit to worry about, Mike says with awe in his voice.

I dont need or want you to do anything for me, Nicole says quietly. Mike smiles broadly and proceeds to talk all caveman like that will definitely blow your underwear off,

Lets get some things straight. You belong to me, you wont admit it anytime soon but you feel what I feel. You can fight all you want, but Ill fucking corner you and wear your ass down till you admit that shit. Youre strong and hard headed but Im a fucking dick so Im harder than you and I wont back down. I protect whats mine, Ill hurt for mine, and Ill fucking kill for mine. You were force to live like shit for the past 4 years, now Ill give you good. I dont do flowers and shit but I do fuck and Ill fuck you beautifully. So fucking hard and nice that youll feel me for days, and then you might feel it. We havent even fuck yet and it already feels nice so cant wait till we get down to business. Understand me?

Im only back for revenge, Nicole says breathlessly back.

Gotta corner you again, Mike mutters before kissing Nicole. He still had his hands on Nicoles face so he only had to lean down a little. And might I say its hot watching them kiss, Mike was teasing Nicole with his tongue and I was kind of taking notes so that I can try on Jay later. Mike finally pulls away and smiles.

Understand me? Mike asks again.
Yeah, NIcole replies but still looking daze and confuse.
Good, now you got 2 choices, 1.we take a shower together, or 2. Ill take a shower alone and you park your car and wait in my room for me&hellip,.and if you try to leave, I will find you and I wont be too happy.

…..Option 2 sounds pretty good…yeah uh-huh…number 2&hellip, Nicole replies with her face getting a little red. I say little miss badass just blush.

Everyone pulls away and I pull on Jay to stop him, I lean up towards his body and whisper into his ear, Lets go to my house…and shower together.

Tender? Jay asks back but Im too confuse, until he reaches down and taps on my private part softly.
Ohhh..um…its a little sensitive but Im ready for round 2.
Lets go, Jay replies back and takes my hand to his car.

Before pulling out the driveway, I see Nicole parking her and walking in the house.

Shes not going to admit it anytime soon, shell fight tooth and nail babe, I say to Jay.
Hell yeah she is, but Mike will wear her down, Jay replies back.

Its weird that both of families know that we had sex, but it feels nice knowing that they trust our decisions. I was scare from the get go of this relationship, but now, Im more confident than ever. I know that Jay and I can get through and over any obstacle that heads our way. It feels amazing knowing that Ive found my one and that hes a great guy.

When we reach my house, we head to the shower right away. We pull off each others clothing and get into the shower. Jay pushes me against the shower wall and lines his dick at my pussy lips but pauses. I push down and he slides in…deep. I have my arms and legs around Jays body and hes holding me to the wall, pounding into me&hellip,.slow.

After…everything tonight…I want…to..to savor this&hellip,. Jay says to me. I nod and he continues to make passionate, slow love to me and its wonderful.

Im…about to cum babe…little more…more&hellip, I say to Jay. Jay moves his hand down to my clit and rubs with his thumb and I cum hard. Jay thrust 2 more times before pulling out and I slide down to my knees to swallow his cum.

Every..fucking time…baby…god that mouth will be the death of me…ahhh&hellip,
After I swallow Jays cum we head off to bed.

The next morning at the school parking lot, everyones there by the time we make it there.

Jordan looks mad and tense.
Luke and Michelle are kissing.
Mike and Nicole are standing close to each other but not touching. I do notice that Nicole is wearing the same jeans from last night but is wearing Mikes leather jacket over her tank top.
So she must have slept over…how ever Mike got that to happen…amazing.

Fuck man, sorry about last night, the bitch actually tied me to the bed, Jordan says to Jay and I when we walk up.

Alls good man, Mike says.

Heard they called everything off, Jordan continues to say to us.

Might be, but it aint over, Nicole says. Mike walks up beside her and places his arm around her waist. Nicole turns and glares at Mike but he simply just smirks at her.

Damn, you boys move fast, Jordan says to us and starts to laugh.

I get it now, youre fucking him so thats why youre helping them…fucking traitor! Emily says before appearing out of nowhere with Andrew and Chad behind her.

Traitor? Mhm…interesting&hellip, Nicole says pretending to thinking about it.

Were fucking family! You betrayed us! Emily shouts at her.

Were no family, Nicole replies back firmly and continues to say, No fucking family would ever do what you guys did. And fucking worse, ask me to join. Because I defended myself, I was sent off and lived fucking hell for 4 years.

Aunt sugar is not that bad! Emily shouts again.

Not that bad? Are you fucking serious with me? That bitch sells her own flesh…in front of me. She tried to get me to join her. So I know what hell is, Nicole says back moving to get in Emilys face, Mike moves with her with his hand still on her waist.

She doesnt sell her body for money…she just really likes sex a lot Emily says but her voice cracks a little.

You dont know shit that happen down there, Nicole says to Emily.
Youre here…so it was obviously that not bad. Stop trying to be a victim!

Victim? I should note that Nicole sounded like she can would have kill Emily at that moment if it wasnt for Mike thats still holding onto her.

It wasnt bad when I had to lock my door every night so Aunt sugars johns wouldnt come in to my room. It wasnt bad when I walked into her fucking one of her johns in the living room. It wasnt bad that I had to sell drugs to make money to eat. It wasnt bad fighting to keep territory on where I can sell my drugs. It wasnt bad robbing drug dealers for money. It wasnt bad running from the drive bys. It wasnt bad getting felt up by the grimey ass cops. It wasnt bad getting rape. It wasnt bad getting beat while getting rape. It wasnt bad cutting off the rapists dick. It wasnt bad all those times. It was fucking great here when I watch the 3 of you fucking. It was fucking great here when I had to listen to my little sister trying to convince me to join them. It was fucking great when I rejected, and my cousin tried to rape me in my room. It was fucking great when I tried to explain myself to my family, they didnt believe me and they sent me away, never fucking checking up on me. Youre right Emily…it wasnt that bad at all.

The air changes around me. Nicole just said they infront of her siblings and in front of Jordan. Her face is red but its not blush, its anger. Emily looks shock and Andrew looks murderous. Chad looks scare.

Before anyone can react, Andrew turns and punches Chad right in the mouth. Chad stumbles back a little and Andrew grabs his shirt and punches him again in his nose.

Shes lying man…I didnt try to rape her, Chad yells to Andrew but he ignores him.

Thats my sister! Andrew yells out.

Andrew pulls his arm back to punch again but Emily yells stop and Andrew pauses.

Chad, how could you? Shes family…why would you want to force her to do something she doesnt want to? Emily asks and I can hear her voice trembling. Chad tries to walk away but Luke gets in his path and pushes him into a circle form by us.

I didnt do shit, shes fucking lying, she wanted it! Chad yells to us. Mike grabs his shirt by the collar and holds him tightly.

Tell the fucking truth or Ill fucking kill you, Mike says calmly but his intensity says something differently.

I…I…I…yeah…I tried…tried to make..make her…but hey she got me back, she broke both my fucking arms and she fucked up my dick so bad I had to get surgery…see! Fair! Chad shouts back at us.

Mike looks back at Nicole and then punches Chad in the eye, Chad pushes Mike back and grabs his legs trying to lift him off the ground. Mike knees Chad making him let go and then grabs his legs, slamming him down to the ground. We all hear the crack when Chads head smacks the concrete. Mike starts to kick him in the ribs, making him cry out in pain but Mike doesnt stop. Nicole finally steps forward and pulls on Mikes arms. Mike jerks his arm away and continues to kick. Nicole pushes Mike and Mike pauses to look at her.

Nicole puts her hand on Mikes cheek and says calmly to him, Calm down, Mike looks back to Chads curl up body thinking about killing him. Nicole moves his head back till hes facing her and she says more calmly to him this time, Please stop. Mike nods and his body visibly relaxes.

What is going on here?! Ms. Brown our history teacher calls out to us. I look around and notice other students stopping to look and other teachers looking shock.

Someone better explain to me why theres a student down on the floor bleeding from the eye, the nose, and the mouth! Ms.Brown yells out to all of us.

I did it, Andrew comes forward and says. Everyone looks to him in shock and he explains to Ms.Brown, Chad lied and thought that he can get away with it so I taught him a lesson that hell never forget. I will gladly accept my punishment Ms.Brown.

Suspended for 3 days Andrew. Chad, youre also suspended for provoking a fight, 2 days for you. Now, if you dont go to school here, please leave. If you do go to school here, get your little butt in class before everyone gets detention, Ms.Brown says before walking away from us.

While all the guys give nods to each other, us girls get in a huddle.

Michelle: That was crazy intense, but you did good Nicole.
Me: You were amazing, Im so proud of you.
Nicole: Um..thanks you guys. But I think I kind of dig myself in a big hole with Mike because of this.
Michelle: Just accept it girl.
Me: They believe in first love at first sight. Youre it for him. No turning back now. Accept it and be happy like us.
Nicole: Ill admit&hellip,.hes broody, intense, fiery, and crazy hot. Hes like always in my face and wont back down. After his shower last night, he came out in his towel and hugged me. It was…nice&hellip,.but I dont know.
Michelle: Mmm…shower.
Me: You did sleep in his bed with him.
Nicole: He didnt give me a choice, when I suggested the couch, he gave me the dont even think about it look. And then he hauled me into bed with him…and he was naked. But he did cuddle with me, so it wasnt that bad.
Michelle: Luke cuddles too.
Me: Jay does too. I say these men dont play games when it comes to getting what they want.

We all nod and start to giggle, and then we break out laughing. We all finally stop laughing and say bye to Luke, Mike, and Nicole. Michelle, Jay and I finally get into school, half an hour late.

During lunch, Emily and Andrew walks up to us and sits right on down. The table gets real quiet, no one is moving or talking, just waiting.

Everyone leave please, Jay says out loud and everyone grabs their lunch and walks away. Leaving Emily, Andrew, Jordan, Jay, Michelle and myself.

We got a problem? Jordan says.

Whats up with Mike and our sister? Andrew asks instead of answering Jordan.

Cant call her your sister, Jay says quietly back.

Why the fuck not? Emily asks.

I dont know anybody that would ask their sister to join a threesome, Michelle comments.

You guys dont deserve to call her your sister, I say to them.

From what I can see, Mikes serious about her, so were her family now. So we can call her our sister, Jay replies.

I dont fucking think so, Andrew booms out.

Shes not some kind of slut for Mike to use, Emily says loudly.

You guys care now? Are you serious? She was gone for 4 years and you guys never care. How dare you guys sit here and try to be all protected of her when you guys were never there for her. But since I saw your reactions today, Ill tell you guys a little something. She isnt some fuck for Mike, shes his forever girl. You guys have nothing to worry about. Mike will lay down his life for her. After everything shes been through, she should enjoy some happiness and Mikes going to give it to her. Just let her be happy for fucks sake, I say to them.

Everyone is quiet when Im done. Emily and Andrew look in shock. While Jordan is grinning. Michelle kisses me on the cheek and grins too. Jay hooks my neck and kisses me on the lips…and yes with tongue…lots of it. When he finally lets me go, he whispers to me,

Fucking proud of you baby.

His forever girl? Emily asks quietly back.

The men in this family dont play when it comes their women, Michelle says.

I dont want my sister to get hurt, Andrew says quietly.

Why the hostile reaction at Chad today? Jordan asks suddenly.

What the 3 of us did was all consented, we never force each other. But to hear about how he tried to rape Nicole is fucked up, Andrew says through gritted teeth.

You guys dont ah…consent to each other anymore? Jordan asks. Andrew and Emily shares a look before Emily shared.

It was fine at first…and then Chad kept trying trying to push it, Emily pauses and sighs before going on again, He wanted it too rough, he wanted kink, and he didnt like taking no as an answer.

So we fucking stop. Emily and I are twins so if she didnt feel comfortable anymore then thats it.. Nicole is my sister and Im gonna make it up to her for all those fucking shitty moments she had. Chad is just a cousin, a fucking worthless piece of shit cousin. If Nicole wants Mike, then Ill let it be. But if I hear differently, Im fucking step in, Andrew stops to look me in the eye, Please watch out for Nicole, shes hard headed, stubborn, and willing to hurt people to push them away before they get too close to her. If she ever needs anything, please let me know.

And with that, Andrew and Emily gets up to leave, but Emily stops,

We all have some kind of history. But Im not losing Nicole over this, tell her that she has us.

Whats up with everyone talking caveman around here? Am I missing something? I say out loud to the table.

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Amy Andersons Amazing Amorous Adventures

Amy Anderson felt her long hair being whipped in the breeze as the convertible roared down the country road and she smiled. She lifted her head further into the slipstream, knowing full well that the stretch caused her chest to push out into his view as she felt the wind grip more of her hair. She looked at herself as ‘athletic’ and not beautiful but she also thought her breasts her most alluring feature, sure to catch the notice of any male and she wanted Dale to notice! She was enjoying the...

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The Wanderings of Amy Ch 17

Chapter 17 – Career Paths Suzanne started the first Fall semester of her life without having any classes to prepare for. This point was driven home when Amy arrived at the apartment loaded down with new textbooks, and Suzanne realized that this semester she had no reason to visit the university bookstore. As Amy laid out her textbooks on the coffee table for the Fall, Suzanne suddenly felt a longing for the security and structure that had been part of her life ever since she was six years old....

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The Wanderings of Amy Ch 20

Chapter 20 – A Conversation with Burnside Wendy’s disappointment with not having been punished at the Halloween Party intensified throughout the first two weeks of November. Perhaps Amy and Paul did not need to be punished, but she did. Wendy increasingly became convinced that an intense punishment experience was what she needed to get over her problems with gambling. She realized that she could not talk to either Amy or Suzanne about what was going on inside her head. They would not...

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The Wanderings of Amy Ch 26

Chapter 26 — Europe Towards the end of the semester Burnside told Amy to be ready to grade the final exams in a two day period at the beginning of finals week. The professor explained that she was leaving for Europe immediately after the finals were returned to the students, in order to meet with colleagues at several economics institutes in Great Britain and the Continent. ‘I hate to do this to you, but for the 48 hours after I give the finals, you and I will be spending non-stop quality...

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The Wanderings of Amy Ch 11

Chapter 11 – Bad Girl Christmas break came, giving Amy a welcome break from her studies. However, the break was the calm before a very big storm. Just before her finals, Amy realized that the time had come to pick a major. As she pondered what interested her, she realized with some anxiety that the field she really liked was economics. It was the term paper that had changed her mind about the field. Amy realized that international development was a fascinating topic, and a powerful one that...

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Amy 36 Amys Christmas Carol

Amy 36: Amy's Christmas Carol Copyright 2016 by Amy Komori The original characters and plot of this story are the property of the author. No infringement of pre-existing copyright is intended. This story is copyright (c) 2016 Amy Komori. All rights reserved. Chapter One: We Don't Share the Same Rung with You So I had been wrong about Ms. Green all along. Which came as no surprise, or shouldn't have. I was wrong about a lot of thing. I liked to say stuff and then when...

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The Wanderings of Amy Ch 08

Chapter 8 – Robert’s Ghosts Amy and Suzanne slowly walked back to Suzanne’s car shortly after dark. Both of them were stiff from their punishments. Amy noted with amusement that Suzanne was much more careful about hitting the speed-bumps on the way back. Suzanne’s cautious manner of driving had returned, and then some. When it became clear to Suzanne that Amy was perfectly willing to forgive her for her behavior in the morning, she seemed almost bubbly with happiness. On their way back...

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Amy 23 Amys Revenge

Amy 23: Amy's Revenge Copyright 2014 by Amy Komori The original characters and plot of this story are the property of the author. No infringement of pre-existing copyright is intended. This story is copyright (c) 2014 Amy Komori. All rights reserved. Chapter One: I Want the Getaway One super nice spring day, feeling kind of self-conscious about my buzzed head thanks to Ms. Green, the school psychologist who had called me to her office as if my having short hair was a cry for...

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Amy 29 Amys Big Night

Amy 29: Amy's Big Night Copyright 2015 by Amy Komori The original characters and plot of this story are the property of the author. No infringement of pre-existing copyright is intended. This story is copyright (c) 2015 Amy Komori. All rights reserved. Chapter One: I Say I Will Not The night of the show, Sarah ruled the Mixer with her soulful voice but it was just too bad hardly anyone was there. Even though we all knew in advance it was going to be slack weekend because it was...

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The Wanderings of Amy Ch 19

Chapter 19 – Burnside’s Ghosts Leaving Burnside’s house, Amy, Paul, and Wendy were too tired to notice that the front door stayed open a couple of inches until they drove off. The professor quietly watched the three students as they made their way down her sidewalk, Paul and Amy holding hands and Wendy close to Amy. She watched Paul open up the back passenger door for Wendy and the front one for Amy. She watched Paul get into the driver’s seat and close his door. He turned on the ignition and...

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Amy 17 Amys Shiny New Year

Amy 17: Amy's Shiny New Year! Copyright 2013 by Amy Komori The original characters and plot of this story are the property of the author. No infringement of pre-existing copyright is intended. This story is copyright (c) 2013 Amy Komori. All rights reserved. Chapter One: Standing on My Own Life likes to punish people for doing dumb things. Not everyone, because obviously some people are rewarded, but life kicks the snot out of most people when they act stupid. So case in...

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Amy and The Lingerie Party

My name is Diana and I live a relatively normal life with my husband Tim on a quiet little cul-de-sac street on the outskirts of Fayetteville, North Carolina. I am a somewhat petite lady in the mid 30s with big breasts, long dark hair and sparkling blue eyes. "The girls" as I affectionately call them are 38D. A couple months ago some new neighbors moved into our little cul-de-sac, in the house that the Johnsons used to own before they moved to Florida to retire. We are a pretty stable group...

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Jay Faith and Friends chapter 2 part 1

Jay was a 29 year old teacher at the local high school. He picked up a summer job at the local ice cream shop to earn some extra money. Faith was a girl in his class this past year. He got to know her intimately one afternoon staying after school earning some extra credit. Jay recognized the other 2 girls from his school but didn't know their names. The girls had just pulled up in a car and the girls all said "hey Mr. Wells" except for Faith said "Hey Jay." Jay took the ice cream...

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Jay and Faith The Soocer Team chapter 3

It had been months since Faith and Jay had hooked up at school in his office. Jay still loves to flirt with her during the school day and occasionally grab her butt when no one was looking. She would grab his crotch also. Spring came and it was time for the upcoming soccer season. Jay needed some extra players on the team and knew that Faith was good at softball and an all-around good athlete so he asked her to try out for the team. He assured her she would make the team. Jay asked if...

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Amy and the Pool Party

“Are you ready, babe?” Rob called out. “We’re gonna be late!” Rob paced in the living room. Amy was always late when they went out but it was always worth it. At 40 years old Amy was absolutely stunning. She had a perfect hour glass figure and all the right curves. She had ample 38DD breasts and a nice round butt. Rob always knew he was a lucky man to have such a sexy, gorgeous wife. They were going to a party at their friends, Mike and Laura’s house. Nothing fancy, just a casual...

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Andersonville 12 The Day Linda Anderson Came To Town

I slid the report into the proper file just as he walked into the room. Dennis Butz stood there wearing his three-piece suit, looking as handsome and charming as any man could. But I was not to be tamed by his charm. "Hello, Linda," he said with a friendly grin. "Judge Herns isn't in today," I replied back in a frosty tone. "I'm not here to see her." "My plane leaves in less then an hour Dennis, what do you want?" I slammed the file drawer shut and walked past him to my desk...

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Jay and Faith chapter 1

Jay was s 29 year old teacher in the local high school. He also coached the soccer teams at the school. During the summer he worked an extra job at the local ice cream shop to earn some extra money. One evening he was working when he saw a car pull up with a number of teenage girls in it. Jay recognized Faith who hopped out and with some of her friends. Jay remembered the first time he laid eyes on Faith at the beginning of last school year. She walked into his 6th period class in a short...

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Jay and Faith Chapter 4 Springbreak part 1

After the soccer season had come to a close and spring break was just days away jay had made plans to head to the beach and soak in the sun. He had saved up a lot of money and got a nice hotel with all the works. The day before spring break Faith came in to Jay's class with the saddest look on her face. "What's the matter Faith?" Jay asked his favorite student. "My spring break plans just went up in smoke" she said. Faith explained that she was going to the beach with friends but...

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Jay Faith and Friends chapter 2 part 2

Faith woke up Saturday morning and remembered where she was and smiled thinking about the fun she had the night before. She looked around to see if anyone else was awake yet but didn't think so. She was snuggled in the side of Jay flat on her back, her head was on his chest and Liz was on the other side of her with her arm laying across Faith's chest. Dana was on the other side of Jay and she had her arm across Jay also. Apparently her looking around aroused Liz from her sleep and she...

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Jay The Gym And Sexercise Ch 2

Over the next couple of months, Juice and I trained together several times a week. She continued to critique my form and pushed me past boundaries that I never thought possible. As a consequence of my massage sessions, Juice’s stiff back began to loosen up and she was seriously training for the first time in several months. One Thursday evening when I arrived at the gym, passing through the reception area, I saw Juice was finishing a training session with one of her clients.“So, Juice, what are...

Straight Sex
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Jay and Chris at the Wedding

It wasn't that they were tired of each others' bodies. Jay was shorter than Chris, had chestnut hair, hazel eyes, a tan, and was a tennis instructor, so he had a great body: six-pack, adonis belt, the works. Chris, taller with blond hair and blue eyes, had a lean swimmer's body, thin but built. No, they did not tire of seeing each others' sexy builds, but they both began to feel that their fucking was too routine. They needed more to keep their passion going. Then came the wedding. Jay's...

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Jay and the Mrs

Jay was a good golfing friend of mine from high school. Like many teens, we often talked about sex, and shared intimate details of our conquests (which weren't many at the time). After college, I married, and Jay seem to grow more confident with the ladies. He would tell me about his conquests, which grew in number, and I secretly envied his sex life.Years later, Jay remained single, which my wife found odd. "He's a good looking guy," she'd say, "why would he remain single?" I simply...

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The Wanderings of Amy Ch 23

Chapter 23 – Wendy’s Whipping Burnside almost immediately achieved her main goal with Wendy, to get her thought patterns away from what they had been over the past year. Wendy ceased to think about gambling. Her suicide fantasies totally vanished from her mind. Instead her life and thoughts consisted of pleasing her mistress, her correspondence classes, and her art. Wendy did not have time to think about anything else. Burnside forced her to focus her time and her energies. Wendy learned to...

5 years ago
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Jay Part 2 The Honeyboi

After that night at Herbert's, Jay and I became a couple; I just went home with him that night, and basically never left. My mom was cool with it, even though she didn't like me hanging out with Jay in the beginning. She had been around, and she knew Jay was a "chicken hawk," as she called him. At that time she was in denial about my sexual identity - even though her lover - Monica had been calling me a sissy as long as she'd known me. I mean, mom knew there was some kind of problem with me...

2 years ago
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From Andy to Amy

Story codes: CD TV mf voy mast nosexIf you are looking for serious one handed reading, then you are in the wrong place. I hpe you like this. It's the stopry of a young man's first venture into cross dressing. Any similarity to me is entirely coincidental!Title: Andy to Amy"Why are you staring at my knickers?"I jerked upright. God, I really had been staring at her knickers - not the ones she was wearing, sadly, but a pair on the floor, presumably yesterday's pair. They were perfectly normal...

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Jay paid for dinner

It was the week of my birthday and don’t ask how old I was Jay had arrange for a friend to look after her two lovely girls so she could came with me to Sheffield where I was working and she had rang the Chinese Restaurant which we both enjoyed and booked a table for two.We arrived on Monday at the hotel I was staying at and I dropped her off so she could book in and went onto work – they all know her by now for her other visits and made her very welcome – I had a crap day as always the client...

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Jay The Gym and Sexercise Ch 3

The more time I spent with Stretch, the more attracted I was to her. Besides her physical beauty and her athleticism, she had the most positive personality of any person I had ever met. She carries an aura around her and anyone within three feet would be sweep into her vortex of happiness.Now that I was dating Stretch, I was spending more time at Harriet’s gym. I would work out with Little John and Bear, while still sneaking in to watch Stretch perform her routine. Having shed her clothes...

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Jay Gets Juiced At The Gym Ch 5 Juice looks to porn for financial help

As I looked at my phone ID, a smile grew on my face as I answered the call.“Hey Juice, we haven’t crossed paths for a while now. How are you doing?” “Things could be better. I have a problem and I need your help.”“What can I help you with?”There was a moment of silence as I heard Juice take a deep breath.“After I hurt my back, I wasn’t able to earn any money and accumulated a large credit card debt. The monthly interest charges are eating me alive and I am starting to lose sleep. George, a new...

4 years ago
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Jay The Gym And Sexercise Ch1

As I looked up, all I could see were June’s bare pussy lips being lowered toward my hungry mouth. My eyes widened and my tongue was primed to deliver pleasure like never before. I felt her engorged lips pressed against my face. Her wetness drenched me as she ground her lips against my nose and mouth; her clit engorged reacting to the excitement of her body.Both naked in the gym, me lying on my back on the bench press, June straddling me with her outstretched arms leaning over the barbell...

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Jay The Gym And Sexercise Ch7 Of Wine and Women

Coming home after grabbing a burger with the guys, I enter the kitchen to see mom and Mary chatting over an open bottle of wine."Jay, look who came for a visit and brought this nice bottle of wine.""Well hello Mrs. Henderson, how nice to see you.""Nice to see you Jay, and please call me Mary.""Jay," my mom continued with a little slur in her voice, "I would offer you a glass of wine, but we seem to have almost emptied it.""No problem mom, you seem to have enjoyed it," I smirked."Mary and I have...

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Jay The Gym and Sexercise Ch 4 Massaging Toms Mom

Tom and I have been friends since grade school, but in the past, I have always been a little jealous of him. He is taller, more athletic, and with his outgoing personality, has been a magnet for the girls around him.In fact, we were together the first time we meet Juice at the gym. It was Tom who struck up a conversion with her, while I quietly listened in the background. Who would have thought that I would have my sexual fantasies fulfilled with Juice and then have it continue with my...

Straight Sex
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Getting to know Amy The Final Part

  It was a week until I was due to meet with Amy again, and it was quite a week! I now knew what it was that she wanted, or maybe really needed, and it seemed to fulfil a need that, to be honest, I never really knew I had. Now, I had played with ties and handcuffs, both using them with lovers, and also having lovers use them on me, but it was all in simple good natured sexual fun. It had never seemed an important part, just a bit of fun, much like fucking in a lift or outside where there were...


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