Sexercise free porn video

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I'd been out of work for the better part of two months. If it hadn't been for my live-in girlfriend, I'd be out living on the street. Candice, though I along with everyone else called her "Candy", made a pretty good income working at a Spa and Fitness center that catered exclusively to women. As such, it was owned and operated by a woman named Jane who was in her early fifties, but looked fifteen years younger than that. Most of which I attributed to the Spa and Fitness center she operated.

With my being out of work, I was just about ready to take on any kind of job as Candy's savings was rapidly dwindling. I was sitting at our kitchen table having made numerous phone calls while pouring over the 'Help Wanted' ads in the paper when Candy arrived home from work.

"Any luck?" she asked as she came in through the back door.

"No damn it. Unless I'm ready to start flipping burgers again," I added.

One thing I liked about Candy's working at the Spa was the fact she got to wear some interesting outfits. She had a taut 'hard-body' anyway, but seeing those full luscious tits of hers pressing against the often tight fitting tops she wore never failed to give me an erection. And as I sat there looking at her as she opened the door of the refrigerator looking for the non-existent orange juice I'd polished off earlier, I couldn't help but notice her erect nipples. They hadn't been as erect moments ago, but with the cold from the refrigerator welcoming her home, they stood up stiff and proud in greeting. For a moment, I visualized the 'Maytag' guy sitting inside the fridge blowing on her tits with his cold breath.

"Uh Brad? You drink all the orange juice again?"

Candy was wearing her long light brown hair in a braided ponytail that just reached the small of her back. Standing up, she whipped it around looking at me. I'd been warned the last time about not leaving her at least one glass of OJ to enjoy after a hard day at work.

"Sorry, yes. I got tired of drinking coffee," I said lamely, knowing full well what was coming.

"Remember what I told you?" she said simply.

I did, but I didn't think she was all that serious when she said it. Obviously, she was.

"Yeah?" I responded, wondering if she was in fact going to hold me to my promise.

"I wasn't kidding Brad," she said seriously, the look on her face not the normal 'Candy-coated' look I often teased her about having whenever she was in one of her more playful moods. As she stood there, nipples staring at me accusingly, she looked anything but playful.

"I know," I responded meekly.

I had promised her the last time. Candy had told me then that if I drank the last of the orange juice that she'd expect, actually demand, that I do whatever she told me to do by way of making it up to her. I hadn't thought her all that serious, so I promised I would. Obviously, she'd been a lot more serious that I realized she was. And fact was, I really was a man of my word. I'd never once broken a promise I had made to anyone. Expecting to have to perform some sort of neglected chore in addition to those I was already doing since being out of work, I responded.

"I'll do whatever you want or need me to do Candy, I really am sorry!"

She grinned. When she lifted up one half of the tube-top she was wearing, I knew she was serious. Candy had an unusual way of keeping my attention focused on her. Revealing one of the "twins" as she referred to her breasts, she stood nonchalantly fingering and toying with her aroused nipple while looking at me.

"There's an opening at the Spa," she began. "Until you can find another job, I think you're going to apply for the opening we have."

I felt like I was watching someone swinging a watch back and forth in front of my face. I could almost hear the words being softly spoken in the background.

"Sleepy, you're eyes are growing heavy. You're going to take whatever fucking job I tell you to take, and then you're going to eat my pussy until you drop."

Of course she wasn't saying that. But she might as well have been.

"I thought only women worked there?" I asked curious.

"Only women do!" she said eyeing me.

"Then how the hell am I supposed to get a job there?" I questioned incredulously.

Candy grinned; lifting up the other side of the tube-top to show me this was a double-barreled 'shot-gun' kind of a talk. With both of the 'twins' making an appearance, I knew there was good and bad. The good being, I'd soon be sucking both of them, amongst other things. The bad being, I was about to make a pact with the Devil who also went by the name 'Candy'. "You know that Jane and I get along really well together."

"Hmmm", I thought. One of my 'day-time' fantasies already being rewound as we sat there talking about it. "Yes, I know you are." I said aloud, thinking as I did, "Pussy friendly too?"

"I know that look on your face Brad, I'm being serious here." Candy removed the top and began working on the spandex shorts she was wearing. Pulling them all the way off, she placed one foot on the seat of the kitchen chair slipping a finger inside of herself.

"I can see that," I responded once again. Candy was pulling out all of the stops obviously. She knew that I loved watching her play with herself, something that she often did whenever she wanted to drive home her point before allowing me too.

"So, just how the hell am I supposed to get a job working there if only women are the ones who work there?"

"Well, you really don't have much body hair, and what you do have, we can get rid of!" she exclaimed.

"Candy! You can't be serious!"

She shoved two fingers inside her pussy, her face screwing up in pleasure as she did.

"Fuck! You are serious!"

One thing I'd learned, when Candy got an idea in her head, and was using sex (which she often did) as a way to press home her point, masturbating herself with no intention of allowing me to become involved, while teasing the shit out of me, was her way of making sure I was going to go along.


"I'm screwed," I allowed myself to breath.

Candy giggled. "At least we won't have to do anything with your hair," she said still sliding her fingers in and out of that deliciously wet quim.

Though my hair wasn't nearly as long as hers was, it did fall well down between my shoulder blades.

"With a little styling, some make-up, you just might pass yourself off as a woman," she said breathing hard.

"How'd I get myself into this?" I asked with my eyes currently glued to her pussy.

"I think it had something, ah... something to do, to do with... ah, oh... oh, the, the... orange... JUICE!" Candy cried as she squirted enough juice to have refilled my glass, and hers!

Once she'd composed herself, also putting the 'twins' away, Candy sat down at the table facing me.

"Just how do you intend to pull this off?" I asked.


I watched as Candy picked up her cell phone. "I know Jane is working late tonight," she began, already dialing the number. Second's later, Jane answered.

"Hi Jane, Candy. Listen, I think I might know someone who'd be perfect for that 'gofer' job you have listed."

I sat there watching Candy's expression for any sign that the job was hopefully already filled. When I saw the smile on her face however, I knew there was no such luck.

"Sure! I can have her there first thing in the morning! That would be great Jane, and thank you!"

Hanging up, she grinned at me. "Well, you're to be there to meet her first thing in the morning, six-thirty sharp!"

"Six thirty? Jesus H Candy, that's kind of pushing it a little isn't it? And besides, I don't have a fucking clue as to how we're going to actually do this!"

"Don't worry Brandi..."

"Brandi? Why'd you call me that for?"

"Cause, that's going to be your new name for a while, so you might as well get used to it now, Brad - Brandi," Candy said grinning at me. "And, we have a lot of things to do tonight, after..."

"After what?" I asked.

"After you do your ABC's for me of course."

Candy liked it when I did that. And to be honest, I loved doing it. She usually never made it through two, maybe three verses. She was already climbing up onto the kitchen table, that delicious pussy winking at me as she made herself comfortable. I scooted up my chair between her legs, where she placed each one over my shoulders. Her scent was intoxicating, she was already wet, wonderfully aroused, so I doubted this was really going to take a very long time. Spreading her labia apart with my fingers, I exposed her swollen pink pearled pleasure button and began.

"Aay... Bee... Thee... Dee... Eee... Efth... Gee..."

Tongue stroking her pussy with my tongue while singing the ABC song never failed to set her off, sometimes I went through it twice, but she always climaxed midway through the third time. Tonight was no different. Licking her hard little clit, singing into her pussy as I did, she was bouncing around like crazy nearing her orgasm as I got half way through the second time around.

"El, Emeno Pee!"

Candy loved that part as I always licked her really fast, driving her crazy. If she was close, which she certainly had been this time, it never failed to send her off.

"Que... Arrrr... Esth..."

Candy came before I hit 'T', so I latched onto her clit, sucking it for all I was worth, while Candy lived up to her name, flooding my mouth with it.

Sliding off the table, she glanced down at my near painful erection. "Next time, leave me some orange juice." Patting my prick affectionately, she told me to run upstairs and wash my hair while she looked through her closet with the hopes of finding me something not too provocative to wear on my first day. By the time I had done that, Candy had laid out several possible outfits on her bed, along with a couple of small-sized balloons she'd already blown up.

"Those my tits?" I asked. "They look kinda small."

"Don't worry Brandi," she said calling me by the new name I'd been given. "They have to look real. Any bigger, and you'd look like you were auditioning for a porn movie, and not a simple job as Jane's assistant."

"Hey, that sounds kind of important!" I stated with an edge of surprise.

"Well, its not. So don't get too excited about it. All you'll be doing is fetching women fresh towels, bringing them cold drinks, straightening up after them, and maybe once in a while, bringing Jane a cup of coffee or something."

"That's it? Nothing else like giving your clients a nice back massage, something like that?"

"You're not licensed," she informed me. "Like I said, it's a gofer job, you know..." "Yeah, I know. Gofer this, gofer that."

"That's about it!" Candy stated. "Now, let's get these boobs of yours stuffed into one of my bras, then we'll try out one of these tops to see how things look."

She was certainly right about the boobs. Once I'd put on the bra, looking down, it was the first time I'd not been able to see my own feet. "You sure these aren't too big?" I asked nervously.

Candy laughed, "You look fine, especially in that top. It's not cut very low, so the fact you don't have any cleavage won't give you away. And once we do something with that manly looking face of yours, I might be tempted to pretend you really are a woman!"

Just thinking about that gave rise to my sudden discomfort.

"We're going to have to do something about that too Brandi. Can't have you walking around the Spa with a Clit-on now can we?"

"Funny," I told her. "By the way? What happens if someone discovers I'm really a man?" I asked, my paranoia suddenly surfacing. "Couldn't you lose your job over this?"

I'd hoped that this sudden realization might actually put a stop to all this foolishness.

"I could yes. So you'd better play your part perfectly Brandi!" she said reemphasizing my name. "Or we'll both be out on the street if you catch my meaning!"

I swore there and then, I'd never take another drink of orange juice ever again.

I felt like I'd been up half the night. My meeting with Jane being so early, Candy had gotten me up at 4:00 a.m. in order to complete my new look. She'd styled my hair in such a way as to tone down my masculine features, adding just enough make up to carry the disguise. With my new boobs, wider shaped hips which she'd managed to sculpt with left-over padding from the seat cushions she'd recently finished, I looked surprisingly a lot like a woman.

"Can you talk in a higher voice?" she asked.

I'd sung with the Madrigal Choir in high school, so gave her a sampling of my new voice. Candy giggled appreciatively.

"You know, this just might work!" she said still laughing. "You actually look pretty damn good Brandi! If we had more time..."

"Tease!" I said interrupting her. "God Candy, I'm fucking nervous as hell!" "Don't worry, you'll do fine. Now come on lover, lets go meet Jane!"

It was a short fifteen minute drive to the Spa. It wasn't due to open for business until 7:00, but Jane was anxiously waiting for us when we arrived. The interview went surprisingly well, with Jane taking my sweaty nervousness as nothing more than 'first meeting' jitters. I was still surprised however when she said I was 'hired', and that Candy would then show me around and make sure I was given instructions as to what would be expected of me for my first day.

As it was a small exclusive Spa, everything was by appointment only so as to accommodate the clientele. Though the actual workout room was just as small, it had the latest in exercise equipment.

"We call this the sexercise room," Candy told me as she continued on with the tour.

"Why do you call it that?" I asked.

"You'll see. We have three women scheduled to be here this morning at 7:00. Just make sure you have plenty of fresh towels and juice waiting for them," she said giving me a 'look'.

Even I had to laugh at that one.

"Careful, you laugh like a guy, not a girl," she said giggling.

That shut me up as I glanced around fearfully, wondering if anyone else might have overheard.

"And in here is the Sauna. After they've worked out, you'll provide them with more towels, and whatever else they need," Candy said showing me the room, starting up the unit so it would be ready and waiting for them.

We'd just finished the tour when Jane came around the corner looking for us. "Candy? They're here. Why don't you take Brandi down to meet them. Brandi? Come see me around 10:00, there's some paper work you'll need to fill out for me ok?"

I nodded my head, though my falsetto wasn't bad, I didn't want to unnecessarily over do it either. Candy quickly led me to the waiting room, introducing me to the first morning's clients.

"Barbara, Jackie and Darlene? This is Brandi, our new assistant. She'll see to your every need."

The way Candy spoke, it was almost suggestive. Even the small smiles I saw etched into each one of the woman's faces suggested there was a lot more behind that statement than met the eye. "Oh by the way Brandi," Candy said pulling me over to one side. "Some of our very special regulars sometimes like a little 'extra' coddling, if you know what I mean. And just so you know, they tip very nicely provided you're willing to go along with fulfilling their needs!"

Before I could ask her what exactly she meant by that, she disappeared, leaving me all alone with the three very attractive looking women.

Barbara was a platinum blonde, and though she certainly didn't look it, her mannerisms suggested she was in her early fifties, which suggested the other two women with her were also close to her age. I escorted them back to the changing room, 'hanging' around to watch as they removed their clothing in preparation for their workouts.

"Hmm, maybe this isn't such a bad idea after all!" I thought silently to myself as I watched the three of them undressing. Jackie had nearly coal black hair, cut short, almost too short. But it gave her a sultry vixen look that I did find particularly appealing. Shorter than either Barbara or Darlene, her voluptuous breasts appeared even larger against her small frame, though as Barbara finished removing her bra, I saw by the shape and size of her fabulous tits that she was considerably larger than Jackie was. Darlene had much smaller breasts, slightly smaller than Candy's as I stood there comparing them. But she had large, dark areola's that nearly covered the entire surface of her boobs as I found myself drooling, having to wipe my mouth before anyone took notice of it.

I'd expected them all to change of course, surprised when they remained topless, though wearing sweat, or workout shorts only.

"Would you mind getting us all some freshly squeezed orange juice?" Barbara asked me.

I winced at the mention of it, but smiled agreeably, quickly dashing off to the mini-kitchen we had to make some for them. By the time I returned to the workout area, they were all busily riding the "sexercycles' that Candy had pointed out to me earlier. Suddenly I understood why she had called them that.

Watching the three women sitting side-by-side riding their exercycles was about as stimulating as the workout itself. Three luscious pairs of breasts giggling, bobbling and bouncing about as they rode was giving me some not unexpected problems. I'd worn a tight fitting jock strap, with a tight fitting pair of spandex shorts over that. But even with the added precaution, I could feel my erection growing uncomfortably constrained anyway.

As I stood there, fresh towels at the ready, I began to picture myself lying prone beneath any one of them, hands extended as though handle-bars on the bikes they were riding. Except of course, they'd be riding something else as I lay beneath them, grinning, looking up at their boobs as they bounced playfully above me.

"Brandi? Come wipe me down would you dear?" Barbara asked. Quick as a flash, I was running the soft towel over her neck, down her back wiping up the liberal sweat she was producing.

"Would you mind patting down my breasts too?" she asked.

Jumping up like a 'Jack-in-the-box', I made my way over to her, not only patting her down, but soon after doing Darlene and Jackie. Jackie was grinning at me, wickedly as I ran the small towel across her chest.

"Is the sauna ready?" she asked.

My cock was nodding its head yes, and I was too.

"How's everything going?" I heard Jane say coming up from behind me. "Is Brandi taking care of all your needs?" she asked the women.

"Not yet!" Barbara replied devilishly. "But, she's about too!"

Jane laughed, looked at her watch and then at me. "Don't forget, come see me in an hour," she reminded me.

As Jane walked around the corner, I saw her look back over her shoulder at me, grinning.

"Jesus H! Does everyone around here smile like that?" I wondered.

Following the women back to the dressing room, I got a fresh supply of towels for each of them to wear. For a moment, they stood in a small little circle though I couldn't see exactly what it was they were doing. Coming to some kind of a decision however, Barbara and Jackie quickly finished stripping down, grabbing their towels and headed into the Sauna leaving Darlene behind. Darlene continued to sit on the small wooden bench in front of the lockers.

"Jesus H!" I thought again.

I waited patiently as Darlene slowly removed her sweat shorts. "I'm going to take a quick little shower first," she responded to my curious look.

"First what?" I asked myself, following her dutifully into the shower area. Watching her soaping herself up was a delightful tease. And I swear as she did, that she didn't simply wash herself as much as it appeared she was actually playing with herself instead. Moments later, she finished rinsing off and walked back to the same bench she'd been sitting on previously.

"There... all nice and squeaky clean!" she announced happily.

I was smiling at her, somewhat stupidly I'm sure. When she lay back on the wooden bench, legs straddling the length of it revealing her neatly trimmed pussy in all its glory, I about popped the buttons on my already too stretched Levi's.

"Come here," I heard her softly calling to me.

"Yes?" I said in my very best girlish voice.

"Eat my pussy," she said simply. "And slowly. Very, very slowly. I want the orgasm to really build."

"Excuse me?" I stammered, forgetting my 'voice'.

"Don't worry, I'll make sure you get a really nice tip!" she added, reaching down to spread a part her lips, revealing the glistening wet split as well as the hard nubbin of her pleasure center.

Like a zombie caught up in some sort of freakish trance, I looked down feeling my legs moving though my own tits were still in the way of seeing them actually doing so.

"You do like eating pussy don't you?" she asked.

"Oh yeah!" I replied with a thick tongue, once again forgetting the 'girls' voice, though she didn't appear to really notice that. Seconds later, I was balancing myself on the same bench, my tongue devouring her wet split.

"Oh yes... Brandi!" Darlene moaned contentedly. "That... feels... so... fucking... good!"

I really do enjoy eating pussy. And having the opportunity to be doing so now wasn't something I was about to turn down, though to be honest, I was a little worried about Candy walking in on us at the moment. Though she was reasonably open-minded about a whole lot of things, we'd never discussed my sucking anyone else's pussy.

For myself, I had completely lost track of time. With Darlene thrashing about wildly on the bench as I sucked her off to several quick climaxes in a row, I was startled to hear Barbara's voice interrupting yet another liquid orgasm.

"Hey, you're times up Darlene!" Barbara announced. "It's my turn!" she stated easily.

Sitting up, I saw that she had already showered. Darlene grabbed a fresh towel heading off towards the sauna. Not knowing what the hell to say, I sat there looking at her.

"Not on the bench, makes my tits slide off my chest too much, makes em look like melting ice-cream. And though some might find that attractive, I don't."

I wasn't about to comment on the image she'd just painted for me, but as she actually took my hand, leading me into one of the un-occupied massage rooms I began to worry that maybe she'd want to do something with me too.

I hadn't noticed until now, but she'd been carrying a second towel besides the one she was wearing. When she positioned herself in sitting position, she handed me what was obviously a pink, 'knobby' vibrator.

"I like the feel of this inside me while I'm being eaten," she announced. "Ever use one before?"

"Oh sure, all the time!" I responded once again attempting to sound girlish.

Barbara laughed, "Oh really? You'll have to tell me how you do it sometime," she said lustily. "Sure you don't want to get naked too? I'd love going down on you simultaneously," she informed me.

Well, there it was. My mind scrambled to come up with some reason to justify my remaining dressed.

"Maybe another time," I replied trying to beg off. "We've really got a busy day scheduled, and I don't have quite as much time as I would like."

I'd hoped my rather lengthy response would suffice, speaking slowly, trying to keep my voice from inadvertently pitching downwards as I spoke.

"I bet it will be at that!" Barbara said winking at me. "Ok, another time then," she said handing me her toy.

Walking over to one of the massage chairs, I was surprised when she reached down and removed the rather thick cushion, handing it to me.

"Here, you'll need this," she stated.

I noticed that where she now sat straddling the chair, there was an opening in the seat, which she positioned herself over. Obviously, she'd done this before. Placing her face in the support, Barbara made herself entirely comfortable. One hand holding her dildo, the other the massive pillow cushion, I slid myself beneath her as though about to go to work on changing the oil in my car. Only the oil I encountered a moment later was as slippery as KY jelly as I eased the vibrator up inside her, capturing her rather large clitoris between my lips simultaneously.

"Don't worry about teasing me," she said. "I'm already fucking horny enough. And besides, we don't have that much time before Jackie comes looking for us," she stated. "Just fuck me... hard! And suck my clit for all you're worth!" she demanded.

So I did.

Barbara was nearly as liquid as Candy was when she came. Drenching my face, which caused me to worry about ruining my mascara, I'd just finished getting her off for the third time when I heard the door open.

"There you are! I wondered if you might be in here!" Jackie exclaimed.

Sheepishly I slid out from beneath the chair, catching a quick glance at myself in the mirror behind the door, happy to discover that my make-up looked just as good as it had this morning.

Glancing at my watch, I saw it was already a quarter to ten. "I have to meet Jane in a few minutes," I told her. The fact that my tongue was numb at this point might have had something to do with the fact I was hoping to beg off from doing Jackie's pussy too. Not that I didn't want to. I did. Though the truth was, I wanted to do a hell of a lot more than that at this point. If 'blue-balls' were a true statement, mine would have been royal blue at this point.

"Yes, I know. She just caught me in the hallway a few minutes ago, reminding us of that fact," she said eyeing Barbara with a look that said she'd taken more than her allotted time as it was.

"So, I'll take a rain check on the pussy licking. For now, you can at least come over and give me a quick finger-cum," she said anxiously.

Placing her foot on the seat of a nearby chair, she beckoned me over to her.

"Well, at least my tongue will have a rest," I thought as I walked over to stand beside her.

Taking my hand, Jackie guided it down between her legs. Feeling the soft fur surrounding her split, I allowed my fingers to tangle themselves briefly within that downy tuft covering her sex. As I stood there doing that, I heard the sound of Barbara's vibrator being turned on.

"Oh fuck that looks nice!" we both heard her saying.

"I'll say it does!"

I hadn't heard Darlene enter the room, but she had. Glancing over towards the door, she was leaning against it legs spread. One hand was playing with her breast; the other was down between her legs. Barbara stood a short few feet across from her, the pink toy having long ago disappeared somewhere up inside, happily humming itself away as she held it there clenched tightly between her legs as she frigged her clit off with her fingers.

Meanwhile, I was busily strumming away like crazy at Darlene's clit, leaning over as I did to capture one of those marvelously thick nipples between my lips sucking on it.

"Oh yes, that's nice!" she commented.

"Ith's the leeathst I cud do!" I said with my mouth full of nipple.

After several short minutes, I felt Darlene's legs buckle as she found her pleasure, feeling her wet sloppy pussy clenching around my finger, I felt her throbbing in a hard-felt series of quick orgasms that had her nearly collapsing in my arms a moment later.

"Oh my, if you're as good with your tongue as your are with your fingers..."

"Trust me, he is!" Jackie said excitedly.

I'd heard both Jackie and Barbara joining their friend in climax, as they had stood there watching us. My prick was so hard that I feared it had become petrified.

"Well, I hate to eat and run," I said glibly. "But, the boss is expecting me!"

"Next week? Same time?" They all asked.

"If I'm still here," I said meekly. "This is my first day you know."

"Oh, we know Brandi!" Barbara said. "And don't worry, we're really, really good customers. I'll make sure that Jane gets a glowing review of your first days performance here!"

"Thank you," I said suddenly feeling a little embarrassed. "Perhaps we'll see you next week then!"

"Count on it!" Jackie said. "Though next week, we're booking four hours and not just three!" she added.

I had to walk through the lobby on my way to Jane's office. Candy was sitting at the reception desk as I passed.

"Well? How'd it go?" she asked.

I didn't know what to tell her. "Fine," I replied simply.

"That's it? Just fine?" she pressed.

"I'm late to see Jane," I said passing by her. "I'll tell you about it later," I lied, hoping I'd come up with something to tell her about, though I didn't know what.

Arriving at Jane's office door, I checked my watch, or rather the watch Cindy had loaned me. I was right on time. Knocking, I waited.

"Come!" I heard her call out to me.

"Don't I wish," I thought to myself as I turned the doorknob on her office door, letting myself in.

Jane was sitting at her desk waiting for me, which I'd expected. What I didn't expect was to see her sitting there naked when I entered.

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"I want to see our slave, next," said Robin who was the next girl to kneel down and begin examining my dick and balls. Then she put her hand around my shaft and began jacking me back and forth. "Does this feel good, Billy? Guys like this, right?" "Oh, this guy sure does," I offered and all the girls snickered. "That makes your stuff shoot out, right?" asked my sister, who, up to now, was more or less in the background in all this. "Yeah, that's what happens." "Oh, make it...

2 years ago
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Hidden MemoriesPart Six

Introduction: Ive decided that I shouldnt not put up part six for all the ones who have waited patiently. But you guys did rush me so Im sorry if you dont like how this ends, there will be no part seven this is it. Bailey looked in the mirror as she finished getting dressed, she smoothed her red lipstick over her lips and then applied her mascara and eye liner, she put the final touches on and then stared back at her self. She didnt look like Bailey, she looked like a woman who was going to...

3 years ago
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I love the taste of CUM

Well there I was in a school cafeteria helping out .All of a sudden this HOT stud janitor grabbed my ass and told me he had been watching me for weeks.I told him I've seen him around school and stalking my locker area. I pulled him to the side and threw his broom to the side and gave this 30something yo HOT stud the suck of his life. He couldn't believe I was sucking him off with people 10feet away. We where in the janitors utility closet just going at it. He began to moan and squirm as I deep...

3 years ago
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Changing Channels Part 6 The Final Signoff

Changing Channels Part 6- The Final Signoff By Zouscha The bright light hurt Kim's eyes. Bambi had thrown open the curtains and sunlight was pouring into their hotel room. Kim's head felt like an anvil being pounded on. Bambi was entirely too cheerful. 'Rise and shine, sleepyhead!' she chirped. Kim slowly fought her way to consciousness and tried to piece together where she was and what she was doing. Bambi was pacing back and forth in the room impatiently. 'I wanted to go out...

4 years ago
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Trip to Vegas Part II

I really hadn't known Kelli too well up to that point, I had seen her in a few meetings and she had needed some information from me on products in the past so I had had a few conversations. When you are in the car with someone for 3+ hours you tend to learn a lot about them. We had the standard small talk about previous jobs, career plans, relationships, etc. All very professional but nothing overly exciting. Now Kelli is one of those women that men admire from the time you meet for the...

2 years ago
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3rd Chromosome Spa

Hello there! Another tale to tell here. This was a request from DarkRage. Contains the usual. Futa, sexiness, celebs, sex, and career assumptions from being a 3C. Comments and feedback are welcome. Everyone is over 18, etc. Enjoy! *** Hilary tapped her foot impatiently as the receptionist typed information into the computer. ‘You’re all set. Is there anything else I can get you?’ The brunette behind the counter closed out her computer screen. ‘Is Destiny available today?’ ‘She is not....

2 years ago
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Wanna come over to my place

wanna come over to my place? You can dress like a little school girl with really expensive tights on that you have been wearing all day and some killer high heels. ill pull you close and starte kissing you and running our hands all over each other’s bodies Ill lift your little skirt up with my big hard cock and start rubbing it over your nylon covered pussy Ill pick you up in my arms and push you against the wall and start to press my swollen bell end into your pussy but it wont go in cause of...

3 years ago
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That innocent hyderabadi lady

Now going on stright to my next encounter with a very hot sexy and fair lady of hyderabad. As most of you know that I am 30 years olf young and good looking man and working as a recruiter for an mnc. Once we were looking for an employee for our office the criteria was ne female with some what job experince being a recruiter I have to appoint it so i was taking interviews. There were quite a few numbers waiting for there interview turn I asked my assistant to send them in one by one. After few...

1 year ago
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Total Transformation Salon and Spa Brenda and Bill Part 10

Total Transformation Salon and Spa: Brenda and Bill (Part 10) Hours later Bri sat down and rubbed Brenda on the shoulder. She was laying on the couch in Bri's office, finally getting some sleep. "Kimberly just came out of surgery. She'll be in recovery in a few minutes," Bri said as Brenda awoke to her touch. "How is he?" Brenda asked. "She is fine," Bri replied with a smile. "That's going to take some getting used to," Brenda said with an almost embarrassed smile. "You...

1 year ago
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Butlers DelightsChapter 24 Princess Elaheh

Robinson had been in the Emir's service for more than ten years when his usual source of gossip, the Chief Eunuch, told him that Princess Elaheh would be arriving the next day and would be taking up residence in the Emerald Palace. "Princess Elaheh? Who's she?" he asked. "I know very little, but apparently she is the Emir's oldest daughter, older even than Crown Prince Mustapha," replied the Chief Eunuch. "Why have I never heard of her?" "Presumably for the same reason that I...

1 year ago
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One For The Team Chapter Nine

May 1986 In the interview room at Scotland Yard Robert Fellows looked pale and tired and he was still wearing the clothes in which he had been arrested, minus his belt and shoelaces. His brief, a barrister paid for by Robert's father looked remarkably composed in his Carnaby Street pin-striped suit. He was rake-thin and effused confidence. Archie and Sandra got through the preliminaries, stating the date and time and identifying who was present in the interview room and...

2 years ago
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Step Sister Walks in on Me part 2

“Carrie who the hell is that?" “Kevin, I told you it’s your surprise.” I was really panicking since both my step sister and I were fully naked, after pulling out of her pussy to take a break. “Oh Kevin, you think you’re taking a break? Well you’re going to be fucking this cunt of mine the whole day.” “Carrie seriously, who’s at the fucking door?” Carrie got up quickly and ran downstairs to answer the door, while she was still naked. “Wait Carrie your clothes” but it was no use, she ignored what...

3 years ago
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Good Sex Session

I want to lay you down again and start to kiss ur lips and neckThen I want to go down to your already swollen nipples and suck them till they start to secret their juice in my mouth.By this time you're soaking wet. I confirm this my gently rubbing the entrance to you pussy hole and gently bring my finger up to your swollen clit. Your back arches as soon as I make contact with your clit.I immediately stop as I'm not ready for that yet.I continue to suck your thick after the...

2 years ago
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The Shop Floor 8211 Part I

I always felt a strange kind of kinship with Kajal. Both of us were women in the heavily male-dominated world of machine tools. I was the only woman in the dozen-strong sales team of a small machine tool manufacturing firm, the archetypal “small and medium business”. Kajal was the only female among the half or dozen or so interns we had hired from a local engineering college for the summer. In our field, women were either berated, undermined or treated with kid gloves. Through years of hard...

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Daddy and Me

This is a story I found online - its not mine but it made me cum!- - - - - - - - - - - - - My name is Jemma and I am proud to admit that I fuck my daddy.It all started two months ago, on my twenty second birthday. I've always, always got very excited on my birthdays. On this birthday, my excitement was doubled, as my daddy was due to come home from the army. He had been away for six months and I'd missed him desperately. We've always been close, and even though I have two sisters, I've always...

4 years ago
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Power Chapter 34 In BusinessFor Real

Once Drew and Janice were established in the cottage our money-making activities took off in a new direction. Drew said that we could make money hand over fist based on the academic majors of Anthony students. He called a meeting of “the principals.” I looked around and didn’t see any elementary school administrators. I was confused and said so. “Mark, you’re the number one Principal. In business, Principals are owners and decision-makers. I’m a Principal. Do you agree that it’s fair that...

1 year ago
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Tara 6 CrossroadsChapter 33

Ricky and his girls waited while the crowd emptied the room. Ricky had estimated some one hundred and twenty people were attending this dinner ball. Just about anyone who was anyone was here. As he watched, he realised that his family was surprisingly small. His grandmother had not had any more children after his mother. She had given birth to one son and then the three girls. Ricky wondered why she hadn’t more. She was magical, so she should be still fertile. Realistically, she was still a...

2 years ago
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Hunter HuntedChapter 12 The creepy shell

Mira followed Hunter into the ASP Building, veering off to the side of the main lobby. Down a long hallway there was three investigation room and a hallway that led to a wide set of stairs. They turned to go up the stairs, barely glancing at the other agents they passed. Down another hall were the team leaders and Shadow's office. They stopped at his shut door, Hunter letting Mira catch up before they pounded on Shadow's door. "Come!" "Oh hell, he sounds grumpy." "Mira, honey, do me...

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The key arrived in the mail on Tuesday and now everyting was in place. The plan was to drive down to Memphis on Friday morning and arrive late Friday night. Marshal enjoyed long drives and he loved preparing for such trips as well. First the car had to be detailed. The a quick stop at Home Depot and the Lion's Den for the necessary supplies. He made a mental list...rope, plastic wire ties, plastic stretch wrap, lotions, and of course handcuffs.The 03 white Lexus was in near showroom condition...

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Brendas Dirty Mess

Brenda hated the holidays. She was expected to cook for her husband’s entire family.  She hated it more than anything.  I guess if she liked her husband the task would be more enjoyable.  He had a big family and they all liked to gather at Brenda and Kevin's house.They had been married for ten years.  It’s not that her husband didn’t care for her anymore.  It’s just that their love was stale.  They had sex but not as often as she’d like.  Kevin traveled a lot and was always busy with his...

4 years ago
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A Peasent Fuck 2

She pictured Mr. Smith sliding his dick between her pert butt cheeks, she remembered John sliding his hard cock in the mare's pussy. Her hand slide beneath her nightgown, gently rubbing the smooth cloth covering her bald mound. Her thoughts continued to wander, imaging John between her legs, licking her pussy juice from her slit and clit. Her fingers slid into her wet cunt, fingering her hole as she continued to think about John and Mr. Smith double teaming her as she moaned like a...

3 years ago
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Submissive Mom1

Joyce was a 47-year-old wife, he two kids were grown and living in cities hundreds of miles away. Fred her husband of 25 years was a sales executive with an international clothing. He was gone several times a year to the far east for months at a time. Over the years Joyce had put on a few pounds, she was still a hot wife with red hair, a curvy ass and 38d breasts. She always been a quiet person who needed someone to draw into a conversation as she wasn’t comfortable starting a conversation...

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Joe Becomes Jessica

Part I The Birthday        It was my 18th birthday. This was going to be my best birthday ever. My parents had planned some party with my friends, but I had something much better in store for them. Living on the streets of New York City for 18 years now had taught me where one could get a good time, and it was not in some parent-planned occasion. It was on the streets. I had a plan to get the supplies for the real party and had some fun at the same time.        The plan started with a hooker....

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Rositas Rape

Roberto did not like his boss at all. The man was arrogant and boorish but the job was important right now so he tolerated the awful behavior. When Manuel insisted that he be invited over to their house for dinner after meeting Rosita, the lovely wife of Roberto, he dared not refuse. He broke the news to his sweetheart the best he could but she told him it would be fine. She had heard enough stories about this man and it bothered her the way her husband was treated. It was a Friday evening...

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Thanks to Unsung Muse for the challenge of writing this story! * ‘Caroline! … Caroline, wait!’ The last thing I wanted to do was wait. My cheeks were burning bright red and I knew I was going to cry. All I wanted to do was get out of there. But my lawyer — who was also my friend — deserved at least a little courtesy, so I stopped. I held my eyes tightly shut and clenched my jaw, holding back the tears. His footsteps echoed toward me down the long marble hall. The halls of justice, I thought...

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My transformation continued

I was made to feel sexy by my friend... and till to date i cannot forget that feeling of being wanted and being special.That day in the tree house... my friend had a surprise for me. He said that i had smooth skin and wanted to feel it. He touched my face and stroked my soft hair. He lifted my chin and gently touched my lips. And I don't know what got into me. I opened my lips and sucked his finger. I closed my eyes and sucked his finger. I was doing this for about a minute or two when i heard...

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WELCOME TO AMERICA After eighteen years, the Company that my husband and I started when we first got married had finally struck gold, the years of going without many things, may have finally ended. Our biggest setback was my car accident, which had left me with two useless legs from mid thigh down, and confined to a wheel chair for life. We had both just accepted that and got on with our lives. Our biggest customer, an American conglomerate wanted to buy up the whole business for three million...

Wife Lovers
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The Soldier and The Cleaner Ch 3

The image of Thomas leaning back against his car that Thursday evening as I walked out of the training facility and over to his car took my breath away. This soft, gentle giant of a man leaning back with his arms crossed and feet crossed at the ankles. My God, he’s gorgeous. Why does he have this effect on me? I thought to myself.“When you told me you were a soccer player, you didn’t tell me that you were the best player on the team.” He said to me as I finally made my way to him. The grin on...

Gay Male
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Second ChanceChapter 18

The last trip through I bought an Airbus AJC319, medium sized jet, for the family. It cost a little over fifty million when you add in all the other costs of buying, beyond just the jet itself. A brand new Boeing 737 runs between fifty-one million and seventy-eight million, depending on length and accessories. A dealer had the Airbus all ready to go, and it had very few hours on the engines, which made it a good buy for me. The advantage in a 737 comes with buying the most common commercial...

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Dreams of a cashier

It’s almost 8:30, Lillian’s wondering how long this next 30 min’s are going to take… Taking her mind to another world, away from this local grocer where she slaves away every day… to a warm place with sun in her lovely, but currently hidden away body. In a distance, she can see a silhouette of a hunky man, ripped abs, wet, black hair, still wet from the sea water, walking towards her in the semi blinding sun. … you should get some lotion on that perfect skin, miss… He said from a distance....

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Sean And The Girl

It would usually happen like this:We begin by kissing really passionately, he's a good kisser. He likes to nibble on my neck, he knows I LOVE that. He slowly undresses me, kissing me down my shoulder. I feel a hard bulge in his pants. He gets to my bra and removes it, then he licks my nipple in a circular motion. I moan. He takes his shirt off; he's muscular, but not enormous: the perfect size. He has this magnificent happy trail that leads to his pubes; he likes when I lick it. He lowers his...

1 year ago
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Another Goal Achieved Ch 2

Tossing our clothing aside as we ran up the stairs Jacquee was the first to make it to the top and into her bedroom. She held out her arms, inviting me to embrace her naked body. I moved into her waiting embrace... I cannot describe the feeling of her naked breasts pressing against my chest or how firm her ass felt as my hands massaged it. Our hands roamed over each other’s body, caressing and massaging each other. I gently laid her down on to the pillows and laid down aside of her. I took her...

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Earths CoreChapter 21 Cinder Mercenary Band

Zax’s attention on the party of five, below the mound, waned after his warning statement. He silently remained in his place, scrutinizing the three wraiths, particularly the one the chased. He was infatuated with the dark attribute’s essence after so much exposure to its fluctuations, and partly aware of it. He knew that his judgment is affected, probably for the worse, yet pushed this thought to the back of his mind. If he recalled his eventful past, then he would have realized that it is...

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A True Autobiographical Chamar Mother8217s Story 8211 Part 2

I am pleasantly surprised over huge emails from all of you. Thanks for your response. In fact, as I told you, it is not just a story but a true happening of my life. I am a well read person and I have educated myself by correspondence degrees. In fact, I have an M Phil in English Literature and I have read a lot of novels. This is the reason for my polished prose. Some of you also wanted to know my stats which I have not mentioned in the previous story. In fact, I am 5 .7 feet, very fair with...

2 years ago
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The Devils DiscipleChapter 18B Wednesday March 9 Part Two

We entered soundlessly and heard noises coming from one of the front rooms that could only indicate one thing. I pointed to the door handle and nodded when Meredith indicated whether she should go in. Anne watched as I grabbed a knife from the bag and handed her one. We stood in our usual position, on either side of the doorway while Meredith walked unsurely and nervously into the room. "Well, well, well, looks like we just can't get rid of you. Maybe you like the way you get treated...

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Seymour and Sarah

Seymour & Sarah By Alice Barry "Oy vey, Seymour what have you done to yourself?" said my mother as she entered my apartment unannounced. I knew I should have never given her a key for emergencies. "Whatever are you doing here Mother? Haven't I told you to call before dropping in?" "Don't blame me young man, what in God's name are you doing in a dress? And why is lipstick smeared around your face?" "Mama, I did not want you to find out like this. This is who I am...

1 year ago
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TeamSkeetDupes Aubrey Sinclair Come Home

Aubrey Sinclair just wants her man Chad White to Come Home from the army. As Aubrey goes about her daily routine she finds that even the simplest things have lost all meaning. As she heads out to the water and swims to the other end Aubrey comes out of the water to find Chad standing at the end of the water in his uniform. Aubrey can’t believe her eyes and within moments Chad and Aubrey and having passionate sex, the kind that only happens when you thought you may never see your partner...

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Madeleine Ch 03

June, 1915 Paris, France ‘A toast! A toast to Robert,’ cried Sergei Hoffmann, over the din of well-wishers. ‘Hear, hear!’ was the response from several corners of the room. We were gathered in the private room of a well-known Paris restaurant for the traditional bachelor’s night, and the good food and copious amounts of spirits in all varieties had made for a memorable evening. Stories – many of them bawdy – had been told and conversation had been brisk. These were my friends, the people I...

4 years ago
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I'd finally made it. Years of hard work, making a name for myself in the advertising industry had finally paid off. As the youngest Senior V. P. in the agencies history I was way ahead of the game. Combine that with a move from dreary NYC to LA as a successful, highly paid bachelor and it's easy to see why all was well with my life.Every day seemed like another day in paradise. Beautiful weather, a commute in the company helicopter from my home in Newport Beach to our offices in LA,...

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Undercover RoseChapter 43

The three of us parked at Hardees where we did every morning including the one before where Jeremy had shot Mr. Bradshaw dead. The blood was gone but a piece of plywood covered the door where Bradshaw had fallen into it. "You don't reckon we have been banned do you?" Jeremy asked. "I hope not. The distance is almost perfect for our race," I said. Even Jeremy looked at me as if I should be more concerned about what happened. "What? He was going to kill me for screwing his wife," I...

3 years ago
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Lost My Virginity To The Love Of My Life 8211 Part I

Hello Friends, This is my first story @ ISS. I’m an active reader @ ISS. I’ve read many stories and wanted to share my story one day. Before we move on I’m Vineeth kumar (name changed), 24, working in an IT company in Bangalore. Everyone can contact me on Well, to begin with this is not an actual story, just my own fiction with loads of romance and sex. If you guys are for real stories then I’m sorry, I’m still a virgin, but would love to lose it soon! This story revolves around Kumar and...

4 years ago
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I work all over the world on a security consultancy basis but choose to live on the south coast of England. Jules works locally and specializes in getting people into work. Not employment recruitment, but more holistic and motivational, but then she’s very, very different and unconventional in just about everything she does, from her ink to her previously strong bi-sexual relationships. Well, let’s be honest, lesbian relationships of a few years ago. Her biker chick side surfaces occasionally...

2 years ago
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XSFGCChapter 22 Religious Zealotry

The man kneeled in the back garden away from peering eyes. Rising from the ground in front of him were eight headstones. The man had only known one of the eight individuals engraved on the stones but he prayed for all of them. When the man was troubled or upset, praying helped him but this was also the time he set aside for his daily prayers. "Brother Kurt?" "Yes my child?" Kurt Wagner had been many things in his life. Mutant, believer, freak, gypsy, lover, circus star, hero and...

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Wagons HoChapter 15

May 11, 1845 We made another fifteen miles today. We should be getting close to the South Platte crossing. Ab and I have talked about what I need to be looking for to find it. We didn't hear anything from or about Ellen and Gill today. If we don't hear anything tomorrow, I'll talk to them again. May 12, 1845 I woke up between two beautiful naked women again today. One of them was NOT Tess. In fact, Tess wasn't even in the wagon. Both Millie and Lettie were snuggled up to me and I had...

1 year ago
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The Preachers DaughterChapter 14 View to a Kill

Ten days later. Time: February 4, 9570 2:10 PM "Basel! What in the world are you doing?!" Basel looked up from his optics bench in the photonics lab. A large array of lasers and cross-linked holo-scanners were laid out on a precision optics board before him, and Eliana thought the tangle of connecting fiber-wires looked so complicated they reminded her of a bowl of spaghetti. Basel gave her a beaming smile. "Hi dearest! When you get a chance, you might want to bow down and worship...

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Stacey returns

The door beeped and Adam shot up.....just another customer He sighed in his head.   Beep the door went again Stacey standing there in a long coat, Adam puts his finger to his lips to say shh and points at the other customer. 15 minutes go by before the customer has left leaving just Adam and Stacey in store.  "why are you wearing a long coat" Adam asks  "go round the back an ill show you" Stacey giggled  At the back of the shop Stacey begins to unbutton her coat letting it...

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The Hidden Video Camera

The sound wasn’t the greatest, but you could clearly hear Ed Ford say to his wife, “Edie, you still have the best set of tits I’ve ever seen,” as he grabbed a handful of her flesh as she walked past his side of the bed!!!” As his hands grew more insistent, she offered no resistance when he pulled her down on the bed and kissed her hard on the mouth, while letting his free hand roam over her voluptuous body!!! Almost immediately she began tugging at his boxer shorts until she had exposed his...

1 year ago
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State of ChaosChapter 6 Socialites

"Yes! That's exactly what I meant! You look amazing!" Tony said to Tina. Tina blushed. She had spent the last two hours preparing for her date with Riley to the Savannah Press Club gala. It was one of those events in Savannah society. Except for Rebecca she would almost certainly be the youngest person there. Tony had no idea at what point he had become part of Savannah society. The only explanation he could think of for his invitation was Tammy's Wheels and the charity's involvement...

3 years ago
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At work in the ass

Irene was a pretty, dark-haired and petite. I remember how she called to show off her new job, I remember her pretty face shone and glowed dark green eyes. She was very tall and looked almost weightless. Irene said that she is now a separate room, and offered to search it, and I promised to call in the afternoon.When I came in, she asked me to lock the door: "The trouble is that my colleagues often come here without knocking, and I would prefer that we do not interfere."I sat in the chair next...

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How I became a BBC Slut

We are a white couple. I am considered to be quite attractive. 5'3" blond blue eyes and HWP. For over 20 years my husband has always had fantasies of watching me being fucked by other men. He often brought it up during sex. On occasion I would play along to a small degree but would always hold back and this frustrated him. Sometimes I would watch a porno movie with him just to satisfy his desires. I loved him very much. I always told him I would never be with another man and that I knew he...

1 year ago
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Naked Day part 14 California Dreaming

"What's up Cindy, you ok?" "I'm wonderful. I was just waiting for you to wake so we could make love." Now THAT's how to start the day. Quickly licking the head of my morning wood, Cindy straddled me and rocked back to take the head into her already wet pussy. With long rocking motions, many kisses and smiles Cindy made love to me. I caressed her pretty breasts, cupped her ass to pull her in closer a couple times and mostly looked in the eyes of the cutest sexiest woman I know. After a...

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