Tumbleweed Ch. 01 free porn video

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I believe I’ve found my niche. Westerns, set in history or in modern times, and/or detective stories are what I like to write best. I may try my hand at a romance or two in the future but I’m comfortable with my little play area.

I hope you enjoy this story of the exciting times following the Civil War.

My usual statement follows. Constructive comments, critiques, and emails are solicited and appreciated.


Young Jeremiah Santee first heard the term ‘bastard’ when he was eight in 1873.

Early one evening when he was returning to the shack he and his mother shared, carrying food scraps in a bucket from the kitchen of Rosie’s Café. Hers was one of the best liked and busiest eateries in El Paso, Texas. Rosie was a big hearted, large woman who had no children of her own and had sort of adopted the boy.

Jeremiah bumped into a man coming out of the saloon. ‘Little bastard. Watch where you’re goin,’ the man said in an angry voice. He aimed a kick at the boy and it made him angrier when he missed and fell on his backside.

‘C’mon Billings, he’s just a boy,’ the man’s friend said.

‘The law shouldn’t let bastard kids like him run around town with decent folk,’ Billings replied. ‘You heard the stories about his Ma and that Santee feller.’ His friend pulled Billings in back into the saloon but not before waving for Jeremiah to leave.

‘Ma, what’s a bastard,’ Jeremiah asked when he got to the shack they called home. They were just sitting down for the only full meal they would have that day.

‘That’s not a nice word Jeremiah.’ Emily Santee was sure what was coming. ‘Where did you hear it?’

‘I bumped into a man coming out of Thompson’s saloon and he called me a bastard. Said the law shouldn’t let bastards like me run around town with decent folk.’ Jeremiah was too young to realize the insult intended by Billings. ‘What did he mean Ma?’

Emily sighed, she’d hoped that it would be later in Jeremiah’s life before he had to face the truth of that derogatory term. She’d decided that if and when that term came up she would be truthful with her son and explain.

‘Jeremiah, the word means a person whose parents weren’t married.’

‘So what does that have to do with me?

‘Your father and I were sweethearts, I guess you’d say. We planned on getting married after he came back from the war?’

‘What war?’

‘It was the War Between the States. What some in the South called it the War of Northern Aggression.’ Emily paused as if she were remembering better times.

‘You told me Pa died a hero,’ Jeremiah said.

‘I did, and he was a hero.’ Emily sighed knowing she’d have to tell the boy the whole story. ‘Your father, Steven, and I were engaged before he left to fight with the First Virginia Cavalry. He didn’t want to marry me until he came back from that damn war. It wasn’t until he had been gone for a couple of months that I knew we were going to have you joining us. Jeremiah, he never came back, he was killed in the last battle of the war at a place called Appomattox Courthouse.’

‘Where’s that?’

‘It’s in Virginia,’ Emily answered.

‘We live in Texas. Why would Pa go to Virginia to fight in the war?’

‘Steven was born in Virginia and moved out here with his folks when he was 15.’ Emily didn’t think the boy should know that Steven’s parents would have nothing to do with her and Jeremiah. She didn’t want her son to know the vile hurtful things Steven’s parents had said about her and her son.

When Emily found out she was pregnant, she’d gone to the Santee’s. They were less than thrilled that the young woman claimed to be carrying Steven’s child. The Santee’s called her a tart and a whore and ran her off their ranch.

After Jeremiah was born Emily used Steven’s last name for her and her son, she wanted the boy to have his father’s name even if they hadn’t been legally married. Emily eked out a life for her and Jeremiah. Her parents weren’t around to help having died in an Indian raid several years before Jeremiah was born.

Emily Santee wanted Jeremiah to go to school but some of the children were cruel, as only children can be. Some of them repeated things they heard from their parents, teasing and ridiculing Jeremiah until going to school was a torture for the boy. The bullying continued for several weeks and Emily finally allowed Jeremiah to quit going to the school. She taught lessons to him at night after they had supper. He was a smart boy and learned to read, write, and do simple arithmetic quickly.

Jeremiah talked to the owner of the livery stable the day after he stopped going to school, Jeremiah was eight years old but he convinced Sam Moore to hire him. Moore knew the boy’s story and felt sorry for him and his mother. He had the boy muck horse stalls, feed the horses, and do clean up chores around the stable. Being the kind of person he was, Sam paid the boy the same as he would a grown man.

He also convinced his sister, who owned the general mercantile to hire Emily as a clerk. Emily and Jeremiah’s life was a little easier with the money they were now earning. They were able to move out of the drafty barely standing shack into a small room at Ma Stewart’s boarding house. Emily did several chores at the boarding house to help pay their rent.


Jacob Hightower pulled his mount and his pack horse to a stop at the livery stable. Both animals seemed to sigh in gratitude that their journey was over, at least for that day. He slowly stepped down, tied his horses off to the hitching post, put his hands on his lower back and stretched. Jake resembled a big cat in his movements, a mountain lion to be exact.

At 6 feet, Jake was taller than average. His tawny, sandy colored hair was worn long over his ears and covering the collar of his shirts. The mane of hair reminded people of a mountain lions’ pelt. He was long, lean and moved with no wasted motion, Jake had an air about him like he was just waiting to spring into action. Add to the picture his unusual yellow flecked, brown eyes and a person could see the resemblance to a mountain lion.

Guess I’m gettin too damned old to take hard riding, he thought, horses are tired too. He chuckled and added, ‘Hell I’m only 32.’ Jake, and his animals, had traveled the over 200 miles from Fort Stockton, Texas to El Paso in just over six days. It was early summer and the temperatures during the day in this part of Texas were in the low 90’s. There had been what was called a Comanche Moon that gave enough light to ride at night so he could avoid the heat of the day.

Once he left the ranches and farms around Fort Stockton, the country was a hard unforgiving desert with only a few trees, mostly Mesquite with a few Palo Verde here and there, and damn few waterholes. Creosote bushes, scrub brush, and tumble weeds were the only other vegetation.

Jake rode from dusk until midday the next day and rested the horses until dusk that evening. He’d make camp, feed and water the horses, and sometimes light a fire to make coffee. His food consisted mostly of beans and bacon with a few pieces of jerky thrown in. The tumbleweeds came in handy for fires, providing just enough flame to cook coffee and heat beans.

Gathering tumbleweeds for his fire, the second day out from Fort Stockton, Jake laughed. ‘Me and the tumbleweeds are alike. We blow around all over, never resting in one place too much.’

Jake’s trail cut the Rio Grande and his trek became a little easier. Along that border between the U.S. and Mexico it was a mite cooler because of the river and the cottonwood trees that grew along its banks. Twice during his journey, Jake had to run his horses to avoid groups of bandits and thieves that preyed on travelers along both sides the river.

It wasn’t cowardice that made him run. ‘No need to get into a gun battle unless I have to,’ Jake
said aloud after outdistancing one gang.

In any case, Jake was glad when he rode into El Paso.


Jake had started his trek in St. Louis where he’d met with a representative of a manufacturing company headquartered in Hartford, Connecticut. Jake had just resigned as a deputy county sheriff in Fort Smith, Arkansas when he saw an item in the weekly newspaper. The article was from the Colt Firearms Manufacturing Company and they wanted to hire men familiar with firearms as traveling salesmen. He sent a telegram and a meeting was arranged in St. Louis. Jake traveled by train to that city on the banks of the Mighty Mississippi and had two interviews with the company representative. The first interview took about an hour and consisted showing the company man how well Jake could handle both pistols and rifles, the man was very impressed with Jake’s skill.

Jake’s experience with firearms, both pistols and rifles, came while serving as a Captain with Major General George Custer’s cavalry in the War Between the States. It gave him plenty of practice as he was with Custer for four years. He carried and used a Remington New Army 1858 .44 hand gun and a Henry repeating rifle of the same caliber while with Custer.

His last battle had been when Custer’s command attacked a Confederate supply train at Appomattox Station on April 8th, 1865. The next morning General Robert E. Lee fought an early morning battle at the town of Appomattox Courthouse. The Union forces kept his army from advancing to Lynchburg to resupply. It was the final battle of the war, Lee surrendered the evening of April 9th.

After Lee’s surrender, Jake stayed with Custer for a couple of months. He’d thought about making a career out of the cavalry but the peace time Union army wouldn’t be maintained at war time levels. A lot of the soldiers would be mustered out. There was a glut of men vying for the positions of officers, this was true of the enlisted ranks also.

Many of the men who had been promoted during the war were returned to their previous rank, some Generals reverted to Colonels, Colonels to Majors and on down the line. Even some of the Lieutenants and Captains were now back to being Sergeants. The ones who kept their ranks had been in the army before the war began.

Jake had a fine record serving with Custer and knew he could stay in the army, but he would probably be demoted to Lieutenant or even Sergeant. It wasn’t pride that made him decide to leave, he just didn’t want to be under the command of some know nothing, politically appointed officer. Jake had seen what poor officers some of those men were and how they endangered the men under their command. It’d be better to find my own way, he decided.

After leaving the army, Jake visited a few cousins and such that still lived in his home state of Missouri. He was there for almost a month before moving on. Jake had worked as a cattle drover, stage coach guard, wrangler and lawman for six years before going to work for Colt Firearms in the spring of ’72.

Colt Firearms Manufacturing Company made him a salesman after the first interview. Jake was asked to show his proficiency with pistols, his years as a lawman in Fort Smith stood him in good stead. He was a very accurate shot and faster than most men on the draw, which he needed as a deputy sheriff, although he usually carried a 10 gauge, short double barrel shotgun called a coach gun. His skills with weapons were necessary for him stay alive in that dangerous profession in the dangerous town of Fort Smith.

The second interview was a bit longer. Jake was told of his duties, how he would demonstrate the new Colt Peacemaker and take orders for the weapon as well as other Colt products. Each man hired would have a sales territory and his district would include south western Arkansas from Little Rock as far west as Fort Worth and north to Fort Smith.

When he took the job with Colt, Jake packed his beloved Remington in his saddle bags, he refused to totally give up what he considered an old friend. The Colt is a fine weapon and I don’t have a problem selling it, but my .44 has been with me for a long time, he thought. It saved my life more than once and I wouldn’t feel right letting it go.


Been just over three years now, Jake thought as he looked around for someone to talk to about boarding his horses. And now I’m setting up a new sales area in the Southwest, mainly the far reaches of west Texas and on into New Mexico and Arizona.

It’s a good life if you don’t mind not being in one place for very long, he continued his thoughts. Three weeks earlier, Jake had taken a train with his new samples, from St. Louis to San Antonio. From there he’d taken a series of stagecoaches to Fort Stockton where he’d bought his two horses and made the ride to El Paso.

Time to rest a bit before I start setting up the new sales route, he said to himself. Jake looked toward the big double door entry to the stable as a young boy of about 10 came out. The boy saw Jake and walked over to him.

‘Want to stable your horses Mister?’

‘Yes I do son. Can you help me with that?’

‘Sure,’ the boy answered. ‘It’ll be a dollar a day for both your animals. How long you gonna leave them here?’ Before Jake could answer the boy said, ‘Six dollars for the week.’

‘I plan on being in town for about ten days. What kind of deal can I get?’

The boy thought for a few seconds and answered, ‘How about nine dollars for ten days?’

Jake smiled at the boy’s horse trading. ‘Don’t sound like much of a deal son. Would you take seven dollars?’

The boy thought again. ‘No sir, but we’d take eight.’

Nodding his head, Jake replied, ‘We got a deal then.’ He stuck out his hand and shook hands with the boy.

They led the horses into the open area in the center of the stable. Stalls lined both walls and a few had other horses in them. As Jake unsaddled his mount he grinned and admitted to the boy, ‘I would have paid nine dollars.’

‘I would have taken seven,’ the boy responded and returned the grin. ‘I’ll feed your horses an oat mash every morning, give em fresh hay every day, and make sure they’re watered. We’ll let em out into the corral so’s they can stretch their legs. I’ll take good care of them Mister.’

‘Name’s Jake Hightower,’ he said.

‘I’m Jeremiah,’ the youngster replied. Jake and Jeremiah shook hands again.

The boy led the saddle horse into a stall with fresh straw on the floor. He took a measure of oats and put it in the feed box at the back of the stall. Coming back to the center space, he looked at the pack animal.

‘Best get your boss or a man to help unload the panniers,’ Jake suggested. He knew that each pannier carried 75 pounds of guns, ammunition, and the other products that he sold.

‘I can help you with them Mister,’ the boy offered.

‘You’re a bit short on one end Jeremiah, they’re pretty heavy.’

‘Help you get them down for 50 cents,’ Jeremiah offered.

‘All right son, but if I have to tote the whole load you get nothing. Deal?’ Jake and the boy shook hands again.

Jeremiah took the lead rope and guided the pack horse over to one end of the stable. He took a hook off a peg on the wall that had a rope tied to it. Jeremiah attached the hook to an end of a one of the panniers. He motioned for Jake to grab the other end and started hauling on the rope.

‘Tote your end,’ Jeremiah said.

Looking up, Jake saw that the rope ran through a block and tackle that was fastened to a thick log beam that ran across the stable just under the roof line. He realized that he could have unloaded the pack animal all by himself using the pulley system. Jake smiled in admiration at Jeremiah’s way of making extra money. The boy is a born salesman, he thought.

‘Do you have someplace safe I can store these?’ Jake asked. ‘Wouldn’t like them to be broke
into or stolen.’

‘Got a tack room over there,’ Jeremiah answered and pointed. ‘It’s got a big ole lock on it.’

‘Sounds good to me.’ Jake and the boy half carried and pushed the panniers into the tack room.

Pushing the door to, Jeremiah put a big lock through hasp and closed it. He handed a key over and said, ‘Wells Fargo uses that type of lock for their strong boxes, it oughta hold. There’s only two keys. Mr. Moore has the other one.’ He smiled and added, ‘That’ll be another dollar a day.’

‘I’m all ready paying you eight dollars,’ Jake objected while trying to hide a grin.

‘That eight dollars is for your horses,’ Jeremiah said. ‘Ifin you want us to guard your gear it’s a dollar a day for the two panniers.’ The boy paused and then said, ‘Tell you what, I’ll make you the same deal as I did for the horses, nine dollars for use of the tack room for ten days.’

Jake took a $20.00 gold Double Eagle and two one dollar coins out of his vest pocket. He tossed them to Jeremiah. ‘It’s eighteen dollars for the horses and there’s an extra four dollars. I expect the horses to be curried and brushed at least three times while they’re here.’

Jeremiah nodded and then helped Jake take the pack frame off his horse. The boy led the pack animal into the stall next to the saddle horse, again putting a measure of oats into the feed bin. Jeremiah was curious about what the two panniers carried but decided it weren’t none of his business. I reckon if Mr. Hightower wants me to know, he’ll tell me, Jeremiah thought.

‘There a good place to stay while I’m in town?’ Jake asked. ‘Somewhere close to the livery.’ He grinned at the boy and asked, ‘You gonna charge me for that information too?’

‘No Mr. Hightower,’ Jeremiah replied.

‘Since we’re doing business together, Jake’s close enough son.’

‘Yes sir. Well, one place is the hotel that’s south of here at the end of the street, but they’re real proud of their rooms.’

‘Proud of their rooms?’

‘Yes sir Jake, they charge upwards of two dollars a day for a room.’

‘You said one place, is there somewhere else?’

‘Yes sir. You could stay at Ma Stewart’s boarding house. She charges the same as the hotel but you get two meals a day and it’s real quiet. Ma Stewart don’t allow drinkin or loud behavior at her place.’

‘Okay, you sold me. Which way is the boarding house?’

Jake followed the boy as he stepped outside. ‘It’s that big white house there,’ Jeremiah replied and pointed to a house about two hundred feet north of the livery.

Picking up his saddlebags, Jake nodded at the boy and walked to the house Jeremiah had pointed out. The large home could have been a hotel. Two stories, painted white with dark green trim on the windows, doors and shutters it stood out from the rest of the homes and buildings along Front Street. The house had a porch on the ground floor that wrapped around three sides of the building with a balcony across the front on the second story.

‘Pretty fancy for a boarding house,’ Jake said as he rang the pull bell at the front door.

‘May I help you?’ It was a big woman who had answered the door.

She’s big not fat, Jake thought. ‘Miss Stewart? I’m Jake Hightower and I was hoping you might have room for another boarder. The hand at the livery said I’d like your place better than the hotel.’

‘Come in Mr. Hightower,’ she replied and motioned him into the house.

The entryway had a high ceiling and was a large space with a wide wooden staircase leading up to the second story. You could see a railing around the second floor and there were several doors around the three sides of the walkway that opened on to it. On the left of the entry were two doors opening onto what Jake would have called a parlor and a formal living room. On the right side there were also two doors, one led into the kitchen and the other into a dining room. The dining room had a very large table with two men sitting around it waiting for supper.

‘It’s Mrs. Stewart, Amada Stewart. I’m a widow.’ Amada studied Jake for several seconds, long enough that he became a little uneasy. ‘You’re just in time for supper,’ she said. ‘Toss your bags on the bench there and hang your gun belt and hat on the coat rack. If you’ve a mind there’s a place out the back to clean up. You can go through the kitchen. Come to the table when you’re ready, I’ll hold supper for you. ‘

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Victoria and Lani Love are hanging out by the pool. They get a brilliant idea. They get naked. They have nice boobs and round asses. They keep having fun by the pool. Tony Rubino shows up the girls are excited to fuck someone. Tony Rubino pops his hard cock out and the girls fight to suck his cock. They both slob on his knob at the same time. The eventually fuck. Victoria rides tony while Lani rides Victoria’s face. They switch and Lani is getting fucked and Victoria is there for support....

1 year ago
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Hentai Haven

HentaiHaven! Do you ever wish that you lived in a Hentai Haven? Be careful what you wish for. It is a freaky animated world full of horny tentacled creatures and busty demons that turn into peanut butter after you finish fucking them. It’s all fair game in this haven; do you dare visit?Well, if you want to cream your pants to unique hentai content, I say take that fucking dare! And if you think that you can handle sexy as fuck hentai content that will drain your balls, you have come to the...

Hentai Streaming Sites
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Daddy Washes My Hair Ch 3

Mom, Jim and I sat around the breakfast table discussing what might happen that night when Dad came home. Mom said there was something she wanted to teach me to surprise Dad. She asked Jim if he would be willing to join us and assist in her demonstration. We went to her bedroom and Mom had us sit on the end of the bed. She took my hand and pulled me up. She slowly began to unbutton my blouse kissing the skin area revealed behind each open button. When they were all undone she lifted the blouse...

4 years ago
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Diavolo Ch 03

Paulina couldn’t keep her eyes off him, though he could tell she tried to be discreet. Her face looked wooden, pale, but her eyes…those black orbs glittered full of poison, hatred…there was so much malice in those eyes. During dinner, Daniel regaled them with tales of his many trips around the world, searching for budding new musicians and singers. North Star Records dealt mainly with non-mainstream music. What they lacked in the way of famous pop recording artists, they made up for in an...

Love Stories
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The cam

We live too far apart. Hell , just on the other side of town would be too far. But you live in another state, another time zone. we know that the two of us getting together is impossible. We both have issues that prevent us from being one. You sit down at the computer, just seconds to go before we have a scheduled meet, your panties feel moist already. You turn it on and watch the screen come to life. Tap, tap, tap, you hit the mouse to send you into the net. You open up Facebook and wait....

2 years ago
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Quartet Chapter 2

About a month later, I met Kristie for lunch and we went to my house afterward for a ‘snack.’ After our ‘play date’, we curled up on the bed and talked about our guys. “I have to know,” I said before taking a deep breath, “Is Aaron the older guy you have a crush on? It will not upset me if he is.” Kristie bit her lip and blushed before she nodded her head. I told her that it was fine and that I had to confess to having a bit of a crush on Shawn. She was surprised that I looked at Shawn that...

1 year ago
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Ms. Robinson was the only teacher at Mickinly High School that all the boys wanted to fuck. She was perfect, with voluptuous breasts and a nice firm ass. Her clothes were always tighter than they should be and she loved the attention it got her. But someone had found out that she wasn’t looking for a man in her life, rather a woman. This didn’t stop the boys from watching her hips dance as she crossed the room, her long brown hair flowing along behind her. I, on the other hand, found it rather...

3 years ago
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Hai friends i am nico 35 year from Sacramento california , am working in softwere company ,i am white my wife is arab from syria she is 26 year, i given my wife to my boss...... my companies effect economic crisis , my boss protect my job, he is 48 year old man ,4 week befeore he saw my wife in my office and he told me, you ara a luky man you got a beautiful arab hijab wife ,and i am realy like ur wife, iam realy wanna meet ur wife and dinner with her ,ididnt say nothin,because of my situation...

1 year ago
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TeensLoveBlackCocks Summer Day Privileged Blonde Teen Lives Out A Dark Summer Fan8230

First, a few things about me. I went to a fancy private high school, the kind where kids would get picked up by a limo after school because mommy and daddy were loaded. I dont have a rich family, but all my friends did. Including my best friend Kelly! The summer after we graduated Kelly and her mom went to italy to spend the summer with their extended family before officially kicking off Kellys gap year. Kellys dad Eddie was staying home because he needed to work. Around two days before they...

2 years ago
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Wifes second surprise when i got home from work

It had been a few months since what happened in my last story, but the thoughts still lingered in my mind every few days. The things my wife lets me do to her is one of the very reasons I held onto her. One question that kept popping into my mind was what would she do next? This is what happened.I was just plodding away at work as I always do, but for some reason my wife kept messaging me constantly all day. 'When are you coming home' and 'You should knock off early today' seemed to be the...

Wife Lovers
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Our Honeymoon But NO PUSSY for the New Hubby

The day after I married the love of my life, we flew to our honeymoon destination in the Bora Bora, French Polynesia. Janet and I chose a small honeymoon resort because we were on a limited budget. When we arrived, the place looked old and a little run down but we could care less. Both of us couldn’t wait until we got to our room to relax after the long tiring trip.We went to the front desk to check in and we received our complimentary honeymoon package. The clerk gave us our keys and...

3 years ago
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The Barbie Lez Fantasies Week 103 The Centaur

Introduction: A quick and kinky lesbian/bestiality fantasy! Authors Note 1: These short fantasies started off as weekly mini-stories for my readers, but the newsletter was shut down because autoresponders do not accept adult content. I thus decided to publish these fantasies for free for my readers to enjoy. It is meant to entertain, so please do not leave hateful comments if everything is not perfect. I am only human after all. Authors Note 2: Although this fantasy can be read independently,...

4 years ago
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BSC08 How Jack and Susan Became NudistsChapter 10 Jacks Secret Revealed

Eventually these four tourists found a small cafe and sat down and waited to be served. They were soon approached by a young eighteen year old waitress wearing nothing but a very short, red and white apron tied around her trim waist. If you’d asked the waitress she wouldn’t have even had that on but health regulations stipulated an apron as minimal apparel in commercial food preparation establishments. In the first year of Cedarcrest’s Nudity Friendly status these regulations had been a lot...

2 years ago
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Shadows From the PastChapter 71

Tears streamed down Melinda's face as she pounded her fists against the glass. Each blow was weaker than the last, her arms like lead weights. Her mother lifted her head and gave her daughter a forlorn look. Melinda slammed her fists against the prison one last time and slid slowly to the ground, weeping. She heard slithering in the dark. A chill passed over her as tendrils of Dark power closed in. She did not bother to will herself back into her own body. If she retreated from her...

3 years ago
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The Korean sisters

Lin and Amanda were sisters who ran a small bakery in Paramaribo, the capital of Suriname. They were of Korean origin but had lived in the US and spoke good English. The multicultural society of Paramaribo included large numbers of Indians and Chinese along with the blacks and a few white Europeans, mainly Dutch. And then there was me: British, silver-haired and conspicuous.I had got to know the sisters when I was exploring the quiet residential streets of a punishingly hot, busy shopping area....

3 years ago
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SubstituteChapter 13

The roller door at the back of the yellow box truck slammed down with the finality of a guillotine. One of the movers we’d hired wrenched the locking mechanism closed and walloped the sheet steel three times with a thick hand the color and texture of a boiled ham. The engine of the truck started with a thick tubercular cough and a cloud of diesel fumes that made our eyes water. The mover swung up into the cab and the truck rolled down our driveway, taking the last of the house contents away...

1 year ago
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Mother in Law Helps OutChapter 3

We had returned from our nude beach frolicks to rest and recover ready for an evening out at the local Italian restaurant. Showering separately ... because Lea and I had a track history of getting distracted and fucking up a storm in the shower. When I exited from the shower I noted that Lea was already dressed in a simple summer dress which showed off her amazing legs, and had a plunging neckline that showed off lots of her braless breasts. I dressed casually and quickly, and we were soon...

3 years ago
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Lifeguard Training All Tied Up

“Mike!” shouted a voice down the corridor. “Hey what’s up?” “My friend didn’t show to help out with the lifeguard examinations, and we need a person to pretend to be unconscious!” “Sounds easy; when do you need me?” “In, like, five minutes?” I’d just left the gym and was on my way home. Jessica is my flatmate, a slim brunette girl. She was wearing black capri leggings with three white Adidas stripes on the side and silver stripe around the knee, white trainers and a red polo shirt. She’s...

1 year ago
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A History of Me and Daddys Friends

We all went on holidays together, I was brought up calling him uncle Frank, he was my mother's lover and daddy was a cuckold, who liked to film them.I was thirteen when we all went for a week to the Canary Isles, uncle Frank stayed behind, I guess to have some quality time with mother as daddy and I went after breakfast to the beach to sunbathe. I had become aware of their complicated relationship when I had accidentally stumbled in on uncle Frank and mother going at it like a couple of teenage...

3 years ago
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A Voyage of Discovery

Welcome - As always if you’d like a photo of Sharon in the nude, please send us a message. My wife Kim has many skills. She’s an accomplished organiser for an events firm, a wonder in the kitchen and she has that flirty manner that so many men, including myself, find so irresistible. What I have only just discovered though is that my wife isn’t as honest as I’d assumed, and her lying ways have changed my life forever. You may well be asking how it came to be that I knew nothing about my...

4 years ago
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Im a sissy princess

Once upon a time, there was a very beautiful princess, who loved to dress up and wear her pretty gowns and pink frilly panties and prance around like a sissy girl. But the princess had to hide who she was, and dress in her guys clothes, and the thought of no one knowing who she really was, and that under the frilly panties was a big, solid cock, made her very excited. But she lived alone, and had no one to keep her in control and she would be very naughty, touching herself and making her...

2 years ago
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Reema Mam Ko Punish Kiya

Hi dosto mera naam hai jigar umar 18 saal aur aaj mai aap sabko apne life ki wo kahani batane ja raha hu jisne muje sex k prati kaafi excited kar diya ye kahani hai mere chemistry mam reema ki jiske sath maine aur mere doston ne jee bharke sex kiya baat darasal aisi hai ki mai jaha class jata hu waha reema mam teacher hai.mai class me padhai se zyada ladkiyo ko Dekha krta tha is kaam me muje mere kai dosto ka bhi sath mila hua tha ab mai aapko reema mam k bare me bata du mam dekne me bahut hi...

2 years ago
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Bikini Beach Betrayal

Based in Elrod W's universe and utilizing characters created by him. Bikini Beach: Betrayal By JDG Anya smiled at the pretty red head sitting before her. She judged the woman to be in her late 30's to 40 based on the mental impressions she was getting. Based on looks she would have to be judged to be late 20's to early 30's. She obviously worked hard at keeping herself in shape. "So... what can I do for you today Mrs. Johnson?" "Well, Anya is it? Anya, I have been having a...

2 years ago
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"Hi, I am new to the neighborhood and thought I would come and introduce myself," the pretty girl announced as soon as I had opened the door. "My name is Jessica and I live just next door there with my father." At the time I did not have a screen door so could clearly see this young girl as she could see me, a man in my mid-forties. "Well, hello, very nice to meet you. My name is Steve and I live here with my son. I'd call him to meet you, but he's in the shower." "That's okay,...

1 year ago
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Binary Part 9

September 5th, 2016 Shuster Hall, Whateley Academy When lunch finished, Morgan had to rush to her next class. Physics 1 was viewed as a basic class for all freshmen, but for her it was advanced. She was placed in it due to her abilities and she was starting to realize that it wasn't all fun and games anymore as things would only get tougher as the day went on. Dr. Zaius was a longtime teacher who looked like an orangutan/human hybrid. His codename was a joke as he resembled the...

3 years ago
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The Cock Sucking Chronicles The Middle Pt II

Greetings and salutations fellow fellatio fans. I trust that you are happy and well, my Dear Reader? Good. If not, then please take a moment to suck off a friend, or a stranger, if no familiars are to hand. Just find a willing donor to administer an immediate semen treatment. Everyone should, no must suck cock; as I think I have already said, the World would be a much better place if every man was practised in the Art of Fellatio. We would be a much healthier society if we all regularly bonded...

2 years ago
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Getting Impregnated Aunt Karens Way Part 2

I remembered when Rayya introduced Sarah to the family.Dad told Rayya that if she wanted to continue living with us, then she and Sarah would need to break up.Rayya never came back home after that. Mom tried to persuade her husband to change his mind, but he was adamant. She left when it became clear that her husband would be unmoving on this topic. While they never officially divorced, she said that she could not live in a house where her daughter was unwelcome. I was the only one who stayed...

1 year ago
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Getting Even with a Bad Twist

I have been married to Deb for the past three years. Deb is blonde, twenty five years old and college educated. She's cute and very sexy at the same time but I'm still very unhappy in our marriage. Now don't get me wrong, she's great and I love her very much. I just have to tell you the story of how my marriage changed. She was a great wife cooking and cleaning without complaint. I only had one problem. She just wouldn't get on the birth control pill. The only way she would let me have sex with...

4 years ago
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Whirlepool fun D3

It’s been a long day at school for Daniel. The girl he likes did her best to avoid him at every turn. In the group projects, she was eager to get together with her friends, or anyone else besides Daniel. He couldn't find her in the breaks and at lunchtime, she almost sprinted out of the schoolhouse to get some food in the city nearby. It was frustrating. Daniel wanted to give her space but there is a conversation she is avoiding and it's time for them to have it. After class, he decided to...

3 years ago
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My Berlin SummerChapter 9 The Client

On rare occasions, one of us slave girls might be rented out for a night at a location other than the club, presumably at some significant expense to the client. This was primarily done for clients who could not risk accidental discovery at the club - men, or women, whose political, business, or other connections would not permit them to be seen indulging in the soft, captive flesh of girls such as I. As a new slave girl I had understandably few of these appointments, but as the months wore...

1 year ago
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Puppy slave girl

Introduction: This about a young slave in training The Puppy slave.. She was only 23, but knew her place. Master had taken her in off the streets when she was only 17 and trained her to be all his. She knew tonight was Wednesday and it was the night that she was to be Masters puppy. He had trained her to be waiting on her knees naked when he came home from work. It was 4:45 and he was due home in 15 minutes. She had dinner waiting for him in the oven and had her bowls ready. At 5 till she took...

2 years ago
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Secret Cameras in the House

“What!” Blake opened my eyes to see, who was disturbing his sleep, already half knowing the answer. Once his eyes were fully open, he saw his beautiful sister, in mini skirt, and a tight shirt, covering her large breasts. He knew she had no bra on, because he could see her nipples clearly. Sabrina was his older sister by a year; she was the one who brings him all the bad reputation. She is a year older than him and three inches shorter than him, standing 5’7, with long silky dirty brown...

2 years ago
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Stories from Comwyn I

Table of Contents *** 1. To the Races Even sissy maids like to compete, but winning isn't always what it's cracked up to be. TAGS: Crossdressing/TV, Lingerie, Shemales, Uniforms, Chastity Belts, Maids, Petticoats, Use of Sex Toys 2. Beg us for It There's nothing a Red Ribbon enjoys more than making a man into a maid, and there's nothing a maid loves more than being used by a powerful woman. TAGS: Crossdressing/TV, Lingerie, Sexual Punishment, Shemales, Uniforms, Chastity...

1 year ago
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Nothing Gets ThroughChapter 3

Lani curled up on the couch as she waited for Dom to come back with the wine. It was five days before Christmas, and the team's schedule was going to get hectic. Lani was flying back to Hawaii the next day, and so they had decided to have a small Christmas celebration early. It was a good idea, Lani decided. By trading gifts early, it felt like so much of the pressure of the actual holiday was removed. They were both more relaxed—joking, teasing, and enjoying the season. I better enjoy it,...

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My name is Lloyd, or at least it used to be, I go by Loretta now. Several year ago, I had it made, my hot young wife Ann, and I had a great life, She is a bio-scientist and I ama graphic designer. Ann was on a great career path on her job, the only issue was that she had to avoid pregnancy. She was working on DNA issues that had to do with fertility, so her lab couldn't take a chance of her becoming pregnant. She needed about five more years before she could move from the lab benches to...

3 years ago
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The Connecting Door

I have been checking into the same hotel every Sunday night for the last two years. Every week they give me the same room on the fifth floor. I check out every Thursday morning, so I have four nights during which I can just relax on my bed and watch TV. The hotel provides a nice breakfast in the morning and I try to hit a different restaurant for dinner each night, but other than that, my life has become fairly routine.That is until a few nights ago. Monday night to be exact. Work at my client...

1 year ago
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Nanbanin Manaivi Mulaiyil Paal Kudithen 8211 Part 3

Andru kaalaiyil manaiviyai nirvanamaaga oothu aval pundaiyil kanju vara vaithu irunthen. Pinbu en sunni muzhuvathum aval pundai kanjaaga irunthathu, manaivi ennai paarthu en pundaiyil thaan vinthu vanthu vitathe pinbu en sunniyai innum pundaikul vitu kondu irukiraai endral. Naan sunniyai veliyil eduthen, manaivi unaku en soothil ooka aasai irunthaal oothu kol endraal. Ilai enaku soothil ooka aasai ilai endren, pinbu manaivi sunniyai pidithu adithu vital. Iru murai adikum pozhuthe en sunniyil...

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