The Green Green Grass of Home DGH
- 4 years ago
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Several authors are coming out with stories based on three songs by Marty Robbins: El Paso, Feleena and El Paso City.
This is a follow up to our first ‘Invitational’ in the fall of 2006 with entries based on the Statler Brother’s song, ‘This Bed of Rose’s.’ If there is continuing support we might make this a regularly semi-annual event.
As always I would like to thank my editors, LadyCibelle and Techsan, for their continuing editing of my stories.
El Paso Ch. 1, The beginning:
I’ll start off by saying my name is Bill and I’m twenty-five years old. I’m a general contractor, I do all types of home repair and improvements. I’ve been working in Louisiana for over two months now helping to rebuild homes for the needy. I’m self-employed but hooked up with a contracting crew to do this work.
I got a call from my dad the other day asking if I could go to El Paso, Texas for a combination family reunion and the celebration of my Grandfather turning ninety. I was the youngest of all the grandkids in the family. I told my dad I would be sure to be there.
My grandfather might be old but he had a memory that wouldn’t quit. He was great when it came to history but had a hard time remembering what he had for breakfast that morning. He and my grandmother were married for seventy years. She was eighty-seven and they still lived in their own home down in El Paso.
I told Meek Contracting that I would be leaving them at the end of the month. I wanted to give them time to find a replacement. I was good at what I did and could find work just about anywhere. I dated a lot of girls in the cities where I worked but didn’t have anyone that I was overly serious about. I moved around too much and most women seemed to want to stay put.
I looked back on my schooling and knew I wasn’t the smartest kid in the class. In fact I just got by on average grades. I knew I wouldn’t be going to college so I took up general contracting in our tech schools. Got my diploma and set out working.
I found that I was good working with my hands. Home repair, electric to plumbing, I could do it all. The reason I brought all this knowledge stuff up was because since I got out of school, I found I was interested in history. Being down in Louisiana I learned a lot about the past of people living there. Now I kind of wished I would have listened a little more in school when it came to history. I began to find the history of the different regions of the United States fascinating.
I had been watching the HBO series ‘Deadwood’ with my dad when I was home. It was something about the way they lived back then. I wondered how much was made up and how much might have been true. Dad told me to ask Grandpa when I saw him. If anyone knew anything about Western history, it would be Grandpa.
I headed down to El Paso to see the family. About half our relatives still lived in the state of Texas. The rest of the family lived all over the United States. This would be the first time that almost all our relatives were going to try to be there for the family reunion and Grandpa’s birthday.
I had one uncle that owned a motel in El Paso and he had it all booked up with relatives. Other family members were staying with relatives who lived in the area. Mom and Dad were going to stay at Grandpa and Grandma’s house. They told me that I could stay there too. At first I was just going to stay at a motel, but since I spend half my life in motels, I told Dad I’d be happy to stay at Grandpa’s.
They had a finished basement that no one used anymore. My grandparents were too old to climb steps. The room was mainly used for storage now. I had to move a lot of stuff around just so I could get near the bed.
The house as a whole needed some work done. My grandparents kind of let it go. A couple of my aunts and uncles as well as my dad pulled me aside and asked if they could talk with me. They asked me if I would be willing to fix up my grandparents’ house. They would all chip in and buy all the needed material. I could live in the basement for as long as needed to get the place fixed up.
I figured I could get it done in about a month, new windows, siding and a new roof. They offered to pay me but I told them that it wouldn’t be necessary. It’s the least I could do for my grandparents. I wasn’t hurting for money and I was going to have free room and board as it was. I told them I would start on it as soon as the reunion was over. I figured if I did need any extra money, I could easily pick up a remodeling job or two in the area.
I came up from my room in the basement when I started hearing laughter coming from upstairs. A lot of the relatives were arriving. The reunion was to be the next day and the birthday party for Grandpa was on Sunday. Most everyone would probably be there for all of it. As I walked upstairs I saw some of my cousins, aunts and uncles.
It was great seeing all my relatives. Many of them I met for the first time and others I hadn’t seen since I was a little kid. Overall we were a damn good looking and friendly family. I had three older sisters who were coming in with their families in the morning. There sure were a lot of people arriving.
As I was looking around, my dad came up to me. He was a great father and always stood by me. Of course I was his youngest child and his only son. While we were talking I looked toward the door and said, ‘Holy shit!’ My dad looked toward the door to see what grabbed my attention. There stood the most beautiful girl I have ever seen. Of course it was just my opinion, but if there was such a thing as love at first sight, it just happened to me.
She looked to be Mexican or of some type of Guatemalan descent. Shoulder length dark hair and deep brown eyes. I saw her smile and she had those beautiful dimples. The best way for me to try to describe her is to say she wasn’t dressed sexy but she looked sexy. If she had on a potato sack she would draw my attention.
‘Dad, who is she? Is she a cousin or relation of ours? Everyone else here is a relative or married to one. Damn, Dad she takes my breath away.’
‘Easy, Billy,’ my dad laughed. ‘She isn’t a relative, but she is here to see someone.’
‘Just my luck, Dad. I see someone like that and she’s with a relative. Who’s the lucky guy, Dad?’ I asked.
Dad started laughing. ‘It isn’t funny, Dad, it’s just something about her.’ I was always able to talk openly with my dad that way. He wasn’t just my dad but was probably my best friend. I could tell him anything and he would do his best to help me out. Most sons don’t have fathers like him.
‘I’m not laughing at you, Billy. It’s just that I’ve never seen you fall for a girl that you haven’t even met. She is a cute one though. The person she’s here to see is Grandpa. She’s his and Grandma’s nurse. She stops by every day to make sure they are okay.’
‘So she’s not a relative and not a girlfriend of a relative. Gosh, I sure hope she’s single, Dad.’
‘She’s single, Bill,’ Dad laughed again.
She had walked up to Grandpa and was talking to him. Grandpa saw me watching her and he waved to me to come over to him.
‘Billy,’ Grandpa always called me Billy. He was Bill, my dad was William and of course that made me Billy. We were all Williams and I was the third. ‘Billy, I want you to meet Corinna. She may be beautiful on the outside, but once you get passed that soft beautiful person you’ll see this horrible mean nurse.’
‘Oh, Grandpa Bill,’ that’s what Corinna called my Grandpa. ‘I’m not that mean. Someone has to get you to take your medications and help you with your diet. Besides, underneath that gruff exterior, I know you love me,’ smiled Corinna.
Corinna looked over at me. ‘So, I finally get to meet you. Your Grandfather has talked about you for the longest time. He told me that I was going to…never mind, it isn’t important,’ spoke Corinna.
‘Yes, it is! What did he say?’ I asked to a blushing Cori
Grandpa blurted out, ‘I told her that after you saw her that you would fall in love with her just like I did. I told her that one day the two of you would get married and she would be my granddaughter. You two would have the most beautiful offspring.’
‘I’m sorry,’ said Corinna. ‘I should have never mentioned it. I’m so embarrassed.’
‘Hogwash!’ said Grandpa. ‘What do you think, Billy? Was I wrong?’
‘Corinna, Grandpa’s right. I don’t want to embarrass you since we just met, but you are one beautiful woman and over the next few days, maybe we can get to know each other a little better.’
‘I told you, Corinna, didn’t I? Billy and I have the same taste in women. Billy, don’t let this one get away. I’ve been saving her for you.’
‘Grandpa Bill, stop it. You’re embarrassing me,’ smiled Corinna. ‘If you don’t behave I’ll give you a shot in the behind in front of everyone, or I’ll tell Grandma Louise and she’ll set you straight.’ Corinna called my grandmother Grandma Louise. She told me later she didn’t feel right just calling them Bill and Louise since they were so much older. That’s when Grandpa told her what to call them.
Corinna had graduated from nursing school about a year ago. Her mother was also a nurse and she took care of Grandma and Grandpa for the last six years. After Corinna graduated, her mom asked my grandparents if they would mind Corinna taking over their account. Grandpa said he knew Corinna from the day she was born and would be glad to have her help them out.
Corinna worked at the clinic and she was the home care provider for my grandparents. She was supposed to just stop by and help them with their medications but she said she fell in love with them and she would talk to them for hours. She would help make dinner and usually eat with them.
My grandparents ran a country general store most of their life. When grandpa turned seventy-five he decided to turn the store over to one of his daughters. Aunt Helen and her family bought the store from my grandparents and are still running it today. Corinna said when she was a little girl she remembered going into the store and my grandpa giving her goodies. Often times it was an apple or orange. They didn’t want her to have just sweets.
I was talking to Grandpa alone for a few minutes and he asked me what I thought of Corinna. He was a gruff old man on the outside but everyone knew he had a heart of gold. He always spoke his piece. He would say that at his age if he wanted to say something he wasn’t afraid to say it.
‘Well, Grandpa, I told Dad that when I first saw her she took my breath away. I really would like to get to know her better. The first thing that came to my mind when I heard her name was the song, Corinna, Corinna.’ I started singing a little bit to Grandpa.
‘I love Corinna, tell the world I do
I love Corinna, tell the world I do.
I pray at night she’d like to love me too.
‘Corinna, Corinna Corinna, Corinna,
Corinna, Corinna I love you so.’
‘It’s just the first thing I thought about Grandpa. I know it’s crazy, we don’t know anything about each other. It was just my first thought. I don’t usually get this way when I see a girl. Anyway, I would like to get to know her better.’
‘Billy, all I can say is she is special, really special. We’ll talk more about that some other time,’ said Grandpa.
Boy, he sure had me wondering now. I guess I would just take it one day at a time.
We (Corinna and me) seemed to be together most of that evening. The relatives that knew Corinna just smiled at us. The rest kept asking me if she was my girlfriend. I kept trying to explain to everyone that asked that she was gramp’s nurse. Corinna just laughed about it every time.
‘Forget it, Billy. They’re expecting over two hundred people tomorrow. Just tell them we’re friends. We are friends, aren’t we?’ She smiled.
I smiled back at her. ‘I sure hope so. If gramps is right we’ll be more than just friends eventually,’ I laughed.
God, was I happy. I just met her and felt so comfortable with her. Whenever we looked over at gramps or dad they would both be smiling. I think they had this planned. I sure hope Corinna felt a little bit like I did. I did notice that she was smiling at most everyone she talked to. I don’t know why, but I felt just a little jealous. I’ve never been the jealous type.
Later that evening I asked Corinna if she would like me to walk her home. She had said that sometimes she just walks to my grandparents’ home since it was only about a half mile away. She could always use the exercise.
As we were walking I asked her if she dated. It seemed odd that a girl as nice as her would be alone at twenty-four.
‘I date once in awhile. I guess I never found the right guy yet. I buckled down in school to get my nursing degree. I put dating on the back burner for a while.’ She smiled after telling me this. I knew there was something more.
‘Okay, Corinna, why the smile. What aren’t you telling me?’ I asked.
‘Oh, it’s my brothers. I have seven brothers and two sisters. I’m the youngest girl in the family and my brother and brother-in-laws watch out for me. Whenever I go on a date, they have a tendency to be over-protective of me. They’ve ruined more than one relationship. I still live at home with some of my brothers and my parents. Most of the rest of the family live nearby.’
‘Doesn’t it bother you that they kind of interfere with your dating?’ I asked.
‘Not really, I know they mean well and as I said, I don’t think I have met the right person yet. When that happens I’ll stick up for my man,’ she laughed.
When we got near her house there were three guys sitting on the porch watching us walking toward the house.
‘Those are two of my brothers and a friend of theirs. Don’t worry, they won’t hurt you,’ she smiled again.
‘Who’s your friend?’ her brother Carlos asked.
‘Take it easy guys. This is Grandpa Bill’s grandson. He came for the birthday and reunion party. He offered to walk me home,’ Corinna told her brothers.
I stuck out my hand and shook the three men’s hands. They did shake my hand. ‘So you’re Bill’s grandson. He’s one of the nicest gringos we ever met. He was always good to our family. Thanks for walking our sister home. We’ll see you at his party Sunday. He invited our whole family.’
I knew that was my cue to leave. I didn’t want to overstay my welcome the first night.
‘Will I see you tomorrow, Corinna?’ I asked.
‘Of course. I have to stop by and make sure Grandpa Bill and Grandma Louise are okay. It’s my job. I know your family will be there but I want to make sure they take their medications. Grandma Louise isn’t really doing too good. She has sugar and a heart condition. I’m worried about her. So, I hope to see you there.’
‘Okay, till tomorrow.’ I squeezed her hand and she returned the light squeeze. I know it’s stupid to some people but it meant the world to me.
I talked with mom and dad when I got back. I mentioned to them what Corinna had said about grandma.
‘We know, Billy. It is part of the reason for the family reunion. The doctors only give her about six more months to live,’ said my dad.
‘Does grandpa know, Dad?’
‘Yes, he’s aware of it but he won’t accept it. They’ve been together seventy years. We know that when grandma passes that it won’t be long before grandpa joins her. It’s just seems to happen in marriages when the couples are close. I guess it’s a type of loneliness and heartbreak. Don’t talk about it around Grandpa.’
‘I won’t, Dad, Thanks for telling me.’
The next day the reunion was going full tilt. Everyone was having a good time. I must have walked up to grandma and kissed her on the cheek ten times. She was the perfect example of a grandmother. She was worried about everyone having enough to eat and having a good time. It was great seeing her kissing my grandpa. Just the thought of
the two of them brought tears to my eyes.
I kept looking for Corinna. I looked up and there she was. She walked over and kissed both of my grandparents on the cheek. Gramps looked over at me. ‘See, Billy, I still have the touch,’ said Grandpa. ‘I have all the good looking women kissing me,’ he smiled hugging both Grandma and Corinna.
Corinna smiled. Damn, the way that girl made me feel did something to me. She just had this flirty nature about her. ‘I wish a good looking woman would kiss me,’ I replied.
Grandma got up and came over and gave me a kiss on the cheek. Everyone who heard me started laughing including grandma.
‘Thank you, Grandma. I don’t know a more beautiful woman,’ I said. She kissed me on the cheek a second time.
I turned to Grandpa, ‘Grandpa, I have a question for you. Dad said if anyone would know, it would be you. It has to do with history.’
‘What is it Billy? I’ll try to explain it if I can,’ said Grandpa.
‘Dad and I were watching the HBO series Deadwood. It was about a town in the 1870’s in South Dakota. Have you ever heard of the series or the town? This western was so different than the old ones I used to watch as a kid.’
My Grandpa smiled at me. ‘Billy, I watched it with Corinna.’
‘Grandpa, that show had some really nasty language in it and a lot of killings and nakedness.’
Corinna spoke up. ‘I’m an adult, Billy. I’ve heard bad language before. Grandpa Bill wanted to watch it and Grandma Louise didn’t want any part of it, so I watched it with him. To be honest with you, Billy, I found the show to be riveting.’
‘Billy,’ Grandpa said. ‘Deadwood was as close to the real west as any movie I have ever seen. It’s probably why I wanted to watch it. Let me try and explain some of it to you.’
Chapter 2: Grandpa explains Deadwood and El Paso.
‘Most movies don’t show what it was really like back in the old west. Deadwood did. Of course a few things were made for TV but they got most of it right.
‘Deadwood was an outlaw community. When they started out they didn’t have any law and order at all. They weren’t the only town where there was a lot of violence. Texas towns were also known for being unruly. Towns like Fort Griffin, Laredo, San Antonio and even El Paso. They really were a wild frontier and the likes of Calamity Jane, Wild Bill (Butler) Hickok and Seth Bullock were real people.
‘They did their part in helping tame the towns. Wild Bill really did get killed in Deadwood by Jack McCall and was buried in Deadwood. That show depicted life like it really was. The women really had it rough. They were talked into believing they would have nice positions and jobs when they arrived out west. When they got there they found that there was no jobs to be had and they didn’t have the finances to go back so they were stuck in towns like Deadwood.
‘The men outnumbered the women two hundred to one. The women needed to either marry a man to help take care of her or find work. Most had to turn tricks and become soiled doves. It’s a name they gave to prostitutes. It was a horrible time for most women out west. There was no law and order to protect them.
‘It was a time of turmoil for most women. Many turned to drugs and a lot took their own lives. The movie Deadwood really explained the true beginning of the western world more than any movie I’ve seen,’ explained Grandpa.
‘Grandpa, you said that El Paso was also a violent town. Was it about the same time as Deadwood?’
‘Yes, it was, Billy. Do you remember the songs that Marty Robbins sings about El Paso?’
‘There were two of them. Wasn’t there? El Paso and Feleena,’ I asked.
Corinna spoke up. ‘There was a third one also Billy. It was titled El Paso City. It came out later after the other two were popular.’
Grandma got up to get something and came back with a picture of Marty Robbins and Grandpa together. It was autographed saying, ‘To my good friend Bill.’
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The sun was still warm, but it had lost that searing, burning intensity of a few hours ago. Now it hung high in the western sky, a deep orange suffusing the few stratos clouds that wandered idly across its face. The air was not as heavy now, the cloying humidity of earlier in the day had made us lazy, and we now felt the need to be outdoors and feel the gentle breeze revitalise us. As we strolled quietly along the riverbank we held hands and just enjoyed the peace of our surroundings and the...
Andrea roamed the dark and wet streets of Fortana City. It had been a few years since the amulet with the dotted circle brought her here. Fortana city is a labyrinth that seemed to have no end. Andrea is little thing in a vast maze. She always feels exposed and vulnerable, but above all, she has an insatiable desire for sex and nothing more. Sexual energy tingled through her body, like an orgasm that would never come. It was like that always. She would and she has done anything needed to...
He knew them both. They were seniors on the women's soccer team. Tifa, a black girl from Venezuela, whom he had unsuccessfully flirted with several times and Gina, whom he didn't know much about beyond that she was Colombian and a Sociology major. He hadn't bothered with her because it was widely rumored she was a lesbian. They were both tall and athletic, and they wore matching, tight-fitting yoga pants and sports bra's, crashing like football players down the stairs. The latter stopped...
Zac walks in on what looks like his step-sister, Jewelz, stealing money from his wallet. When he demands that she explain what she’s doing in his room, she stutters, then claims that she just likes to smell his clothes. He smiles and says, well, if you like my smell so much, why haven’t you tried to fuck me. She does want to fuck him. It just feels wrong because they are related by marriage. He smiles, grips her neck, and kisses her. Then he stands her up and throws her on the bed....
xmoviesforyouHi all, This is my first story on this Indian sex stories site. About me, I’m Siv from Hyderabad. Women find me attractive and I always had their attention. I’m 34 and a regular to the gym. This incident happened last year. I was running a medium size e-commerce website from Hyderabad. I am a regular massager for the last 10 years. I offered massage to ladies through ads in some website promotion. My customer told me about this site, so I thought I will update my experience on the site. It...
I thought my stepmom was hot, but I never expected this!I was watching porn in my bedroom one day and wanking off when my stepmom came in and caught me! I tried to hide my cock, but it was too late.“What are you doing, Joey? Are you watching porn?”“Yep. You caught me. So what? I’m not hurting anyone.”My stepmom is about thirty-five, has long blonde hair, big boobs, and I’ve often thought she’d be a nice fuck. But to have her catch me with my cock in my hand was not what I’d envisioned ever...
My wife and I had invited a mutal male friend of ours to our home in fla. We knew him to a "ladies man" of a long time and we also knew that it made no difference to him if they were married or not.John, was a likeable guy anyway. We had a lot of fun on the tennis court with him and various partners that he brought from time to time so that was really how we got to know him well.So, he came alone to visit us and we wanted to play a prank surprise on him so I suggested to my wife that when he...
"Good morning," I smiled to him. He fondled my cock a little bit before streching his muscly body and responding. "Morning, stud," he said with sleep in his voice and a huge grin on his face. I got up from the couch in nothing but my boxers, boner, and fuzzy green socks and streched. Ray playfully kicked me in the ass and I walked to the kitchen while he drifted in and out of sleep. When I got in there, I saw a note on the table from my brother. It read "Jogged to the gym, try to...
We were sixteen when my twin brother Russell and I were sent to spend the summer with our grandmother. Our parents had taken a six-week European tour and rather than drag us along they shipped us off to Grandma's house which was an hour north of Green Bay. She had a three-bedroom cottage on Lake Michigan complete with dock, canoes and absolute privacy for a half mile in any direction. My brother and I hated it. Don't get me wrong, my grandma was one of the coolest old people I knew and we...
I rush to sit next to my best friend Olivia. Olivia is small for her age, with golden hair, brown gold eyes, nice ass and 33D sized tits.....n- not that I have ever really checked her out or anything. Olivia and I are both 16, but don't have boyfriends despite being in what the boys consider the 'top 10' of the girls in their year. “Where were you Lindley?!” Olivia hisses as Ms. Blake walks through the door. “I had to go to the bathroom” I reply in a hushed tone “why are you freaking...
It was the night after Christmas and indeed Alexis's father asked to speak with me in his library. We walked in and he turned to close the massive wooden oak doors. He started out stating how the most important things in this family were to protect his two girls and his wife, the family wealth and heritage. The family security and succession still comes first and it has been the way of European nobility to cement alliances with marriages. For generations and hundreds of years this had...
I am not a super-hero, I’m not sure they even exist other than comics, movies, and TV. But I was inspired by a complete stranger to not be afraid to do some things some people I know have called ‘heroic’. It all started when I was all of eighteen years old and working at a small airport bookstore. You know the type of job, you keep the shelves filled, cash out customers, and pretty well try and stay busy enough not to be bored. It seemed in the time before kindles, people traveling bought lots...
LesbianThe following three weeks are intense. I'm given a crash course in stripping by Jacob who works at Liam's club, and Liam assigns himself as my personal trainer. I decided to try it because quite frankly, I need the money. With Liam also having some issues with his finances, I see it as a way of helping him too by working for my keep. Ultimately, I am fulfilling some of his voyeuristic desires which further increases my sense of usefulness to him.The day for my first performance in front of...
BDSMThe barmaid strutted out from behind the bar, a tray balanced on her dainty hand. Four stout glasses of whiskey were strategically placed on it, forming a diamond. Her breasts, pushed up a ridiculous amount by her corset bounced hypnotically in tandem with her footsteps on the hard saloon floor. More than one eye hungrily devoured her shapely frame as she jiggled to a table with four gunslingers sitting at it. The men blatantly stared at the soft curve of her breasts under her dress, and...
I had just received a phone call from a guy who works with my husband. I always hated this guy. He had tried hitting on me several different occasions at my husband work functions. He was very cocky and very much into himself. He worked out several times a week at the gym and thought his body was so spectacular. My husband also hates him. He caught him on a few occasions hitting on me at different parties. He also doesn’t get along with him at work. I didn’t really want to talked to him but I...
Elite Babes! There has been an explosion in erotic photography in the last few years, mainly due to an increased number of women watching erotic content as well as the producers’ intent on standing out from typical porn sites. The upside for lovers of erotic photography is they get to see loads of breathtakingly hot women posing naked or having steamy sex in high-quality galleries; this is definitely the fucking finest photography in the world.At Elite Babes, the narrative is similar; there are...
Porn Pictures SitesAshley was off to ASU for her 2nd year. What culminated into one of the greatest summers ever, fall was upon us and that meant back to school for her and Community College for me.Looking back it's still a mind fuck to think about what we did and how it all happened. Were we just two horny siblings looking to get off? Or was what we did completely wrong? I thought about the summer every day. Concentrating on the college workload became extremely hard. My mind would wander with thoughts of Ashley...
Hey Guys, here's a new story for you all. I've been keeping busy with work and studies so I haven't had much time to play or meetup with anyone unfortunately. However, i know you all enjoy my stories, so I've made on up here for all of you to enjoy. As I'm writing this I've got some smoking hot chocolate cooling down and i've got three mini marshmallows stuffed up in my pussy, warming them up to eat :)I arrived home yesterday from work around 3:30PM when I was changing out of my work clothes....
I was sitting in the lobby of Sea-Tac Airport, August 14th, reading my Kindle waiting for my flight to be called when this woman stumbled in front of me. “What the hell you do that for?” she yelled at me.I looked up at her, “What are you talking about. I’m just sitting here.”“You fucking well know, you tripped me!”God, I hadn’t expected to meet the Wicked Witch of the West in the airport. I looked her up and down quickly. Who knew the Wicked Witch could look like that!“Lady, you might be...
Love Stories(Note: This story is a fictional account of a real life event. The "characters" are all over 18)I was helping my friend Marc clean the swimming pool in his backyard. He, along with his mom and sister, had moved into the house a few weeks prior; they had been living with his grandparents, after his mom and dad divorced. during. We had been working hard for about two hours when his mother, Ms. P, appeared in the backyard with some cold drinks."Why don't you guys take a break," she...
I met Dale the summer before my sophomore year in high school. Well I didn't actually meet her then, I just saw her. My family had moved to Hamilton Co. from Wilson at the end of my freshman year. I didn't know anybody here yet, so I was pretty bored with myself on the whole. I learned that the school's janitor/grounds keeper was looking for some part time help over the summer to help with mowing the grass and such. I decided that since I didn't know anyone and that I could...
Anyway, so it’s dark, and my house is just over the bridge. Not far to walk now. But I can feel someone behind me. I don’t like this, really don’t like this. I walk faster but I know they are gaining on me. Closer to home... Closer... I’m in the alley way behind my house and can feel a hand on my shoulder. I knew I shouldn’t have been out. Now someone’s going to find my body 10 miles away from my home or something. My heart is beating fast, and I don’t know what to do. He’s obviously...
Cleo headed out side. She knew what she had to do. She had to have mind blowing sex with a man, any man, and prove to herself she had no hang ups about the rape. Dean was out of the question. Too much involved with him. Flo simply wasn't a man. It had to be a man. Who? Cleo walked with purpose towards the pool. Surely someone was hanging around there. Yup. The place was crowded. It was hot and the afternoon was just starting. Nearly nude bodies were everywhere. Cleo couldn't help but feel...
Hannah caught Jade’s eyes and held them, then turned her gaze out over the river, both their bodies facing the edge of the bridge while people passed by behind them. Without a word, Hannah’s hand brushed against Jade’s thigh. Jade sighed involuntarily, sinking against her soft touch. Hannah leaned over, whispering in Jade’s ear “I need to touch your pussy now”. Jade caught her breath as Hannah’s hand traced slowly, further up her inner thigh. She looked around, people continued to walk...
Mistress stood up, placed the sound on the table, turned, and walked out of the room.i don't know how long i stayed there, bound to the X, before my cock lost its rigidity. And there i was, tied to the X with my limp's hard to tell how long i was by myself. then girl walked in.with the exception of a leather and metal collar, she was nude, as always. she carried something that she hid behind her eyes widened"Mistress has given me very direct orders and i haven't much time." she...
Let me tell you about myself first of all. My name is Dawn I’m 22 years old and got married 2 years ago. My marriage is a happy and very eventful one but the following story is the true story of my wedding day and how my life changed for the better since that day. The whole day had gone perfectly timing speeches and now it was the evening due every one was dancing or chatting getting happily drunk, including my husband. I had watched all evening as friends and family supplied him with...
When I go home I kept thinking about how I had never had my dick sucked quite like that. I really loved fucking this woman. In the first four parts, I have never mentioned our connection outside the bedroom because I figured most wanted to read about sex. I won't bore your with the details, but we actually developed a close friendship. I liked her a lot. She was not who she initially projected to be. When we had sex, our time between sessions was filled with very stimulating convo. Back...
What type of girl are you? 1) You were very promiscuous, a regular slut. No, that would be an insult to the name slut. You were a super slut. The fact that you are pregnant, is not only not a surprise, but it was inevitable given the amount of sex you have. In fact, this isn’t even the first one you’ve had, Or the second. You don’t care. You wear this belly the same as the one before, as a badge of pride. Despite you are repeating your last year of high school and at this rate are not likely to...
TeenThey saw each other at a coffee shop and both of them were alone. They exchanged pleasantries, you know, how are you, do you still work there, who are you seeing. They discovered they were both between ‘friends’ right now. They sat and had their coffee together, even though both had ordered it ‘to go’. They also discovered they still had the hots for each other, even though years had passed since they had been a couple. ‘What are you doing for the rest of the afternoon?’ she...
I sat with my coffee, gazing out of the window at nothing; my thoughts were filled with my upcoming fortieth birthday. My thoughts seem to be fixated on what I had missed in those years, places not visited, offers not taken up, and chances not taken. Life had become lacking in excitement. Now on my second husband and with the current one not giving me enough of what I craved. Forty seemed to be near the end of my road. Cheer up, I thought to myself. Shopping therapy will help. I leapt to my...
Group SexJudy pulled or rather jerked out that stubborn bottom file cabinet drawer. She hated doing that right in front of Wendy desk. There was always some kind of sexist remark. Lifting out the file folder, she stood up checking the contents. "Nice show, but you forgot to close the drawer honey. Of course we both know why, you're just looking for an excuse to shimmy and shake those sexy buns for me again." Judy ignored her remark and got down on one knee this time to close the drawer but that exposed...
LesbianPROLOGUE (From the first story epilogue) He drove me back to my car, opened the door and helped me get behind the wheel. He leaned forward and kissed me gently on the forehead. "If you ever want to be raped again, give me a call. You've got the number." he said softly. "Fat chance," I said bitterly. He closed my door and then he was gone. Somehow I managed to make it back to my apartment and collapsed on the bed. I almost immediately fell asleep and slept the sleep of the dead. Now...
Note : This story is completely fictional! I'm susan,35, pretty and i have a very nice body for a 35 year old. I am married to john,50. It was my first marriage and his second. we've been married for just 2 years now. John and his first wife are divorced. john has a beautiful son,Greg, who is 18 years old. he's tall and slightly built. He's a football player and a very active boy. he also loves motorbike racing. I have always wanted to fuck a 18 year old. Young studs got a lot of stamina and...