The Green Green Grass of Home Dgh
- 2 years ago
- 27
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Note from Jake Rivers:
This is my fifth semi-annual ‘invitational.’ The initial one was based on the Statler Brother’s song, ‘This Bed of Rose’s.’ The second used the Marty Robbins El Paso trilogy: ‘El Paso’ ‘El Paso City ‘ and ‘Faleena.’ The third had stories based on the various versions of ‘Maggie May’ or ‘Maggie Mae.’ The fourth invitational was based on any Country & Western song.
The current invitational is based on any song written or performed by Merle Haggard.
Regards, Jake
I have always wondered if you could love someone too much. I believe in my case the answer is yes.
The old hometown looks the same as I step down from the train
And there to meet me is my Mama and Papa.
Down the lane I look and there runs Mary hair of gold and lips like cherries
It’s good to touch the green, green grass of home.
I remember this song from way back in my younger days. So pretty, yet so sad. It’s about a man’s dream before he is taken to be executed. I guess I could almost call it my swan song seeing as I’m in the same situation.
Here I am at seventy-one years old waiting to take my final walk down the corridor. I guess I should go back a few years to explain how I ended up where I am now.
My name is Myron Brock and I am a CFO (Chief Financial Officer) for a major institution. I worked my way up through the ranks to this top position.
Back in my college days, I was somewhat of a playboy but I also had brains. I found out early that I liked dealing in numbers and that I was good at it. I took courses in Accounting and Finance graduating in the top of my class receiving my Bachelor of Science degree. I went on and received my Masters degree in Finance as well.
I had no problem finding a position with a top company. I started in the accounting department and worked my way up.
The dating scene was quite interesting for me. It really started in college. It was a lot wilder than I would have ever imagined. The sex was there for the asking. I must have gone to a party at least every other week. The booze flowed as well as the drugs. I drank some and tried the pot but it always made me tired.
I gave up the pot but I did drink at the parties. I was a nerd but far from a geek. Because of the smarts, I helped several friends with their homework. In turn, I made lots of friends and pretty much was invited to all the parties.
I really don’t want to knock the girls because they were just doing and wanting the same as the guys. We all partied on down and most every party ended in a lot of sex. After getting intoxicated, the girls wanted it as bad as the guys did. It was nothing to be on a bed sprawled out with six naked people. This wasn’t a one-time thing but happened at most every party.
I didn’t really have any girl friends as such. I know many of the girls came to college to find a husband while others actually came for an education. The majority did come to party or at least to get a taste of the college life. I guess that’s why I could have sex with them and still not be serious about them.
It would be hard to want to marry a woman that a number of your friends laid. Many of my friends didn’t feel that way. After we graduated, there were several of my friends getting married. Maybe I’m old fashioned but I felt kind of funny going to weddings with women that I had bedded down.
I could have been serious about a couple of women but the multiple sex partners did it in for me. I’m not talking double standards here. I would think that many of the women felt the same about guys that they were interested in. I guess it’s all in the heart of the beholder. Some are able to separate love and the different sex acts. They could love a woman or man that had sex with other people they knew. I just wasn’t made that way.
I can understand a loving relationship going awry and the couple breaking up. Each going their own way and marrying other people, but fucking my friend’s fiancée and them getting married the following week was a bit much for me.
Ruthie was a girl I bedded down with quite a few times in my freshman year. I really began to like her. I could see her being a good long-term partner. I even think I told her that I loved her numerous times. I was getting serious about her until I got to one of the parties late and she was letting Randy, a black ball player, feel her up on the dance floor. When they sat down on a couch, Randy had his hand up her thigh and onto her pussy. She just spread her legs for him.
She was being finger fucked when she saw me. We both knew it was over between us at that point. I later found out that she had dated Randy before me. Believe it or not, it wasn’t about race but about money. Randy was big into sports and she figured that he would make it to the big league and she would be his wife.
They both lost. Randy broke a leg in mid season. His possible pro career was over. Ruth left him soon after that. She came back to see me but I told her we could fuck but a future with her was out of the question.
Barbara was another woman I enjoyed being with. In my senior year, she actually proposed to me. It was almost funny if it wasn’t true. Brad, another senior, had proposed to her and she said she needed a little time before answering him. She told me that she loved me and wanted to marry me. It was my last chance because if I said no she would marry Brad.
I wished her and Brad a very happy marriage. Even though I did care for her, sharing my woman was not what I wanted. I was even in their wedding party. How strange it felt knowing I had slept with the bride a number of times. It was at this point that I figured I’d be a bachelor. I had no problem having sex or sharing women as long as they were not my girlfriends.
It bothered my mom that I wasn’t married and didn’t have anyone serious in my life. I tried to explain to her that even though I went out with a number of women, I was not in love with them. I could not commit to a lifetime relationship with someone I didn’t love.
My career made it difficult to have sustaining relationships. The company I worked for offered me a job opportunity that I couldn’t refuse. They needed a traveling financial advisor who would go throughout the United States and help start new offices and do reviews and audits on present accounts.
It paid a six-digit salary and covered all expenses. I could be gone anywhere from a few days to a month at a time. Several people applied for the position but most were married and this job would play havoc on any relationship. Since I was single and considered one of our top new financial people, I got the position.
The job let me see the world. I always traveled first class, ate at some of the finest restaurants and stayed at top ranked motels. I do have to say it was lonely at times. Frequently I met a woman in the lounge and invited her to dinner then we often ended up in bed.
For those who have seen ‘Pretty Woman’ I have also picked up women at dating services. If I needed a woman on my arm at a particular dinner, I would contact a service and the woman of my choosing would be there for the night. I paid to have a woman available as my escort. If she decided to spend additional time with me it would be extra and of the woman’s choosing.
Most women spent the night. There were a few incidents where she might refuse or I didn’t need her services after the dinner. Either way, I always tipped her well.
I had been doing this job for a number of years now. I was past forty years old and had received a number of promotions and raises. My secretary, Rose, had been with me since the beginning. She was my right hand woman, if that makes any sense. I would transfer all my financial data to her and she in turn would set up the reports. In the beginning at dinner meetings, I would usually write down data or use some type of tape recording when necessary and Rose would t
ype out the whole conversation.
There was starting to be more and more meetings, dinners and reports since our business was growing so fast. Rose and I both agreed that it would be an asset if I could have a secretary help cover the business meetings. Rose came with me to a number of them but asked me to find someone else who could attend and take notes. Being gone so often was wreaking havoc on her marriage.
I didn’t want to lose Rose and I didn’t want to mess up her marriage so I started using our secretarial pool at work. They usually didn’t attend dinner or the social engagements that came up. I used a high class dating service for those affairs. The secretaries liked a chance to travel, usually overnight, and we always treated them well. After the meeting, they would take their reports and give them to Rose, who would complete the paper work.
As the business grew, I was able to use secretaries from the various new offices we opened up. I still used the dating service when needing a woman on my arm for the evening, or when attending parties.
In my later years after college, I had dated dozens of women, but only had strong feelings for a few of them. The first was Sharon who I met shortly after I began my new job. She was young and beautiful and was always smiling. Her personality would light a room when she entered it. Sex with Sharon was always an experience.
She wasn’t afraid of trying anything. We tried many positions and some really felt awkward. The standard man on top, woman on top, doggie style and oral worked well for us. She liked anal but it made my dick hurt. Sorry anal lovers but it just wasn’t for me. At one time, she told me she wanted to travel and see the world.
Sharon had one big downfall and that was money. She wanted to marry a man who was wealthy. Someone who could make all hers dreams come true. At the time, I was just starting out in the auditing department. I tried to explain to her that my position in the future would be financially secure. Apparently, her friends told her that most accountants weren’t in the upper money brackets and that she would be wanting.
It was sad that she was so worried about money. I was ready to ask her if she wanted to get married when I found out she was more interested in money than she was in me. We were good together. We went out on one more goodbye date and had sex the entire night. I knew I would miss her but would be better off without her.
She did end up meeting a doctor and was married a couple of years later. I had seen her and her new husband at a New Years bash. She still looked great and had that bubbly personality. By then I was starting up the corporate ladder and some of her friends had told her I was headed into the big time.
I knew that when I danced with her that she regretted us breaking up. She even offered herself to me that night but after kissing her and feeling her up, I told her to go to her husband. I guess I was becoming a little more moral.
It was two years later that I met Laura. What can I say about her? Another beautiful woman who was very sure of what she wanted. She desired a home and family, the house in the country, a stable marriage with total trust between the husband and wife. She wanted to be a homemaker and would do anything for the right man if she loved him. Laura was a very loving and caring person. We even talked of marriage but we knew it wouldn’t work between us. In my new position, I would be traveling all the time and would be lucky to be home a week or two out of a month. She wanted a husband who would be there for her on a regular basis. I knew I couldn’t be that man if I wanted to get ahead in my chosen profession. It was hard leaving such a warm and passionate woman.
Then I met Mary, it was a story in itself. As I have mentioned, I travel and fly a lot. I’ve gotten to meet a number of airline stewardess’s. A few I have asked out if I knew I would be in their city for a day or two. Over the years, I took out several.
I was flying first class, as usual and Mary and Jackie were the stewardesses on this flight. Mary just caught my eye. She seemed to be in a class of her own. She was always smiling and looked beautiful even in her uniform. I wanted to get to know more about this woman. She had the same bubbly personality I remembered Sharon having.
I asked her if she was staying overnight in Dallas where we were heading and she said she was. When I asked her if I could see her that evening she said in the nicest voice that she was sorry but she didn’t date customers. It was a rule she set for herself. She didn’t want to get involved right then either it seemed. Then she thanked me very much for asking, smiled and went about her duties.
I was awestruck by her. I didn’t stop to think that maybe she just saw me as an older man. After finding out her age, I asked Jackie, I realized that I was twenty-three years older. Damn, where did all the years go?
She and her fellow hostess stopped and talked to me during the flight. That’s when I found out about their ages. Jackie was twenty-six at the time. She was more into the dating scene where I didn’t quite know about Mary, she was the one who intrigued me.
At our destination, I said goodbye to the two ladies and checked in at my motel. I cleaned up, put on some casual clothes, and went down to the restaurant for dinner. I had reservations, and good thing I did, as it was quite crowded.
I looked up and saw my two stewardesses, Mary and Jackie. They were just standing there so I figured they didn’t have a reservation. I mentioned to the waiter that they were welcome to join me if they liked. Jackie came walking over with a rather hesitant Mary behind.
‘Thank you for the invitation,’ said Jackie. ‘There was a one-hour wait.’
‘We’re not imposing on you are we Mr. Brock?’ asked Mary.
‘Not at all. I’m all alone here tonight and it’s nice to have the company of two beautiful ladies.’ I smiled at both of them. ‘Please call me Myron, it’s a lot less formal.’
The waiter came over and handed the girls a menu. ‘Ladies, dinner is on me tonight,’ I said.
‘You don’t need to do that Mr. Brock, I mean Myron. We’re capable of paying for our own dinner,’ remarked Mary.
‘Mary, I know that. I would never assume otherwise. I didn’t mean to be impolite …’
‘For Pete’s sake Mary, loosen up a little. He just offered us dinner and to share his table with us. Not every man wants to take advantage of us,’ said Jackie.
‘You’re right Jackie, I’m sorry I was critical of you Myron. Thank you for the kind offer,’ Mary replied.
Truth be known, I wouldn’t mind taking advantage of these two lovely women, who wouldn’t? I do have to say that Mary did something to my heart. I can’t explain it because I never felt like this very often.
Both ladies told me a little about themselves and I explained to them about being in the financial industry. Jackie wanted to be a career stewardess. She loved traveling and meeting new people. Marriage and family wasn’t something she gave much thought about right now. She was just looking for a good time.
Mary on the other hand was different. She wanted to travel but also wanted a family. She said she was waiting for the right man to enter her life. I guess what bothered me was she was very serious when she told me these things. I guess in a sense, I was waiting for Mrs. Right but never expected to find her either. Mary seemed to have some of the best qualities of my two old girlfriends, Sharon and Laura.
After dinner, the three of us stepped into the lounge for a few drinks. The music was loud but we were able to talk over it. Both women were really nice but I couldn’t help the feelings I got from being near Mary. It did something to my insides. I honestly had to wonder if I had a problem.
They had a small dance floor and I danced a couple of slow numbers with each of them. I got goose bumps holding Mary. Jackie on th
e other hand pressed her body up against mine. It felt good but I wished Mary would have done it also.
It was getting late and Mary said she had to get up to their room and get some rest. The two of them were supposed to do morning exercises before catching their plane out. Jackie said she had to go also. I gave them both a kiss on the cheek and thanked them for a wonderful evening.
I headed up to my room and poured myself a drink then caught up on the latest news. I was in my skivvies when there was a knock at the door. I opened it slightly and there stood Jackie.
‘Mind if I come in for a nightcap? Mary is already asleep and I can use the company.’
‘Give me a minute to slip on more clothes,’ I said.
‘That’s not necessary,’ she said as she pushed open the door and closed it behind her.
All she had on was a robe and when she opened it, she was naked underneath. It didn’t take a brain surgeon to know what to do next. I turned off most of the lights and put the TV on a mellow music station. I poured us both a drink and we sat on the side of the bed. I set the drinks down and kissed her, she tasted good. We kissed a few more times before I pulled her robe off her shoulders and let it fall. I laid her back on the bed and began kissing and rubbing her tits. She moaned and groaned before telling me to keep going.
We moved up to the center of the bed and I put one hand between her thighs and worked my way up to a very moist pussy. ‘I’ve wanted this all night,’ she said to me as she reached out and found a very hard cock.
I rolled over on my back and we did a sixty-nine on each other. Her pussy was soaking wet. She quickly turned around and said she wanted me inside of her. I reached into the nightstand and pulled out a condom. She took it from me and opened it up then put it on my cock. She rose up and inserted my cock inside her. It was great watching her moving up and down on my hot cock.
‘God your cock feels so good, I could ride it all night. Oh, so good, so fucking good. When I drink, it makes me so horny. Fuck me, fuck me, oh yeah, that’s it, I’m about to come. Oh, shit! I’m coming, I’m coming.’
As she came, she lowered herself and buried me all the way inside her. She would rub her pussy back and forth against my pelvic. I felt myself getting ready to come also. I held her hips down while I shot a large load into the condom. After both of our orgasms subsided she rolled off me.
I went into the bathroom to dispose of the condom and put my briefs back on. When I returned to the bedroom, she was in her robe and sipping her drink.
‘Myron, thank you for helping me to reduce this tension I’ve had all day. I feel much better now.’
‘I think I’ll be able to sleep pretty good myself,’ I said and smiled.
I couldn’t help but think of the mile high club. For those readers who don’t know what that is I’ll explain. It’s having sex while in an airplane while it is in the air. I remember asking Jackie if she was a member.
‘To be honest with you, yes I am. It wasn’t on a commercial flight because my job is much more important than a fuck. I did go up in a private plane with two pilots in a small aircraft. They took turns piloting and I did them both. The three of us became members of the mile high club.’
She finished her drink, got up and we kissed one last time before I opened the door and watched her leave. It was a good fuck, I don’t know why but I was hoping she wouldn’t tell Mary. God, what was the matter with me?
I was lying on the bed after my sexual encounter with Jackie and I thought about the one time I came close to belonging to the mile-high club myself. It was a couple of years ago when I had to make a quick flight to Texas. There was one leaving at two in the morning and Rose got me a reservation but I had to ride coach. It was fine with me since I would be coming back the next day.
I boarded a plane that had a stop in Columbus and saw that most of the passengers were resting. The stopover only woke a few of them up. I sat near the rear of the plane. A couple sat next to me that I figured was married since she wore a wedding ring. I believe they were of Mexican decent.
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Several authors are coming out with stories based on the various versions of ‘Maggie May’ or ‘Maggie Mae.’ The story titles will be: ‘Maggie May – author’s pseudonym’ e.g. ‘Maggie Mae — DGH’ This is my third semi-annual ‘invitational.’ The initial one was based on the Statler Brother’s song, ‘This Bed of Rose’s.’ The second used the Marty Robbins El Paso trilogy: ‘El Paso’ ‘El Paso City ‘ and ‘Faleena.’ Regards, Jake Rivers ——————- I chose the Rod Stewart / Martin Quittenton) version of the...
Several authors are coming out with stories based on three songs by Marty Robbins: El Paso, Feleena and El Paso City. This is a follow up to our first ‘Invitational’ in the fall of 2006 with entries based on the Statler Brother’s song, ‘This Bed of Rose’s.’ If there is continuing support we might make this a regularly semi-annual event. As always I would like to thank my editors, LadyCibelle and Techsan, for their continuing editing of my stories. El Paso Ch. 1, The beginning: I’ll start...
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(Beta Checked by Glenn) USS John Basilone had put up a good fight, a role she was not meant to be in. She was a Marine Dropship, designed to follow battleships and swarms of Deep space fighters who blazed a path for the dropships. Unmolested as little as possible so they could unload their loads of Orbital Assault Marines upon a planet. Marines were also used to board damaged enemy units. Units that had been disabled and damaged by combat vessels. It was unfortunate that the captain of the...
(Made better by Glenn) Montreal was still a beautiful human city, with many sights to see, but with the exception of a sentient machine none of the that had followed Sam Brown had any interest in the sights of this town. While this city, like most Earth cities, had become very quiet, it was as if the cradle of humanity had fallen asleep. It was technically still a very important place, but almost all industry had moved either to the artificial ring that now circled this famous and perhaps...
"Johnathon, you better get out there and find a job. Your father and I have made sure you had your college tuition, but you have to earn your mad money.""I have been trying, mom. There are just not that many jobs open with this pandemic.""Mrs. Boston has been looking for someone to cut her grass. Why don't you go over there and see what she is offering.""Okay. Okay, I will do that."I walked over to Boston's home and rang the bell. I waited a long time, and I was just about to walk back home....
SeductionI left the Mall with an enormous sense of relief. For me, Katya, it was extraordinary. Maybe more extraordinary than any other marathon I have run. We just walked away, Daphne holding on to me, her head on my shoulder as we edged through the crowd of runners, both of us oblivious to anything except the relief of finishing and the turn our relationship had taken. We reached Daphne's home and both went for a shower. There is nothing like warm water washing away the residue of several hours'...
So you want to spend the day out on the lawn with me. I can see it now, Sunny days with just a few puffy clouds drifting through the sky. It's about 78 Degrees out, the grass is lush and green. The neighbor across the fence just mowed his lawn thismorning so we can smell the freshly mown grass. We have one of those 2 person beach towels spread out, and I am stretched out along one side of it. You are sitting there next to me, your face all aglow with the radiant beauty that you have. You...
Ken Kener, the Triple Strong was the first who had his rack inspection ready. He was always first in things like that. Ken somehow managed to have his boots shined, his footlocker squared exactly to specifications and his bunk looked like the image in the recruit handbook. Faragon, was on the opposite spectrum and struggled with these things. Ken grinned and even found time to help the Drach before their instructor called them all into attention. Their drill instructor was a Botnaar. Roy...
“My ship?” Roy repeated the question. The Wurgus made the confirming gesture again. “Yes, Masterun. The All Patriarch has gifted you a Pod ship. You can’t be a Patriarch without a Podship.” Roy sighed. “You Wurgus value honesty right?” “Yes, above all,” “We humans like to be asked about things like that. This should go both ways you know. I want to become a Marine and I don’t need a ship or want to make a career out of becoming a surrogate Wurgus. I think you guys are very nice and go out...
Martha stared at the small man standing in the door of her cabin, holding a small Neuro Ripper. Her former colleague had closed the door behind him and his face was graced by a smug and evil smile. “I am asking nicely, but only once: Where are you meeting the Experiment exactly?” Dr. Evans was quite assured of himself. She was helpless and he was in charge. But the Martha he knew was not the same that stood before him. She had gone through quite an ordeal, an ordeal that had taught her a few...
Sergeant Leven had second thoughts as he was leading his platoon of recruits away from the damaged dropship. None of them had ever worn a Destroyer suit before. The first introduction to these marvels of Union military technology was planned for tomorrow and then the first planet drop would commence. That was the plan at least before the Basilone dropped into a system filled with angry Larkami battleships. Glancing back his heart sank as he saw the proud dropship trailing a cloud of debris....
(Beta Reader Glenn, thank you Glenn) Alegar was extremely agitated to put it mildly. He was not too mad at the woman who left him behind tied up and exposed to the Sleep Inducer of his bed. While it was more than inconvenient, it was the bed that alerted emergency services, after he lost bowel control while under the Sleep Inducer turned on without a timer. No, it wasn’t that. He could not blame her for not trusting anyone and now he stood in the chamber of the Great Grey Cat. It was...
Copyright 2000, 2001, swl, all rights reserved except as noted. Permission is given to download one copy for personal use only. Permission is given to Fictionmania to post this story on it's website. Also protected is Leonard Cohen's song "Susan." All other uses of this story needs the permission of the author either written or by email. Permission will probably be granted to other free sites to post this story. Notes: This story contains violence in the form of a battle. It...
The Grass Is Greener: A Semi Drabble (Based on a forty-year-old joke.) By Carol Collins Spring was in the air as the birds sang in the trees. It was a clear sunny day with a very pleasant temperature that made every one wish to be outdoors. Beside a winding pathway through the city park, George and his gay companion, Bruce, sat holding hands on a park bench. George watched in amazement as Bruce followed the movements of a very pretty girl that happened to be passing by. The...
Alex 2022 Alex watched little Betty crawl across the Karndean floor with affection. Children were so amusing. They expressed themselves so unselfconsciously and found so much of interest in the world around them. It was really rather entertaining. But did he want to be a father to such a child himself? Alex wasn't so sure. In terms of time and money they were a wearisome burden. And if he didn't want to be burdened by his own children, would he ever choose to trouble himself with...
Grass is Greener On the Other Side 2: Learning Can Be Fun By shalimar Steve woke up in a fog and felt pains all over his body. All of his bones felt as if they were crushed. His insides near his groin felt like they were gouged out. He had a sore throat. He felt soreness on his chest. His face felt like it was pushed around. Except for his head above his ears his skin felt like every hair on his body was pulled out one at a time the most painful way. And through all this pain...
This story utilizes characters owned by DC/Time Warner/Warner Bros., and does so strictly in a not-for-profit, parody fanfic usage meant for the enjoyment of comic fans everywhere. Consider this a sort of Elseworlds type story, not really set in any of the normal Bat realms. Our imaginations do not necessarily work within the usual DC Comics realm. From Eric - Ever since I read Steve's great story, "Batgirl: Who, me?", I've been obsessed with it and he, kind and gracious as always,...
Title: Greener grass Synopsis: A single young man who thinks he's living a dead-end life gets to experience just how different things can be one Friday night after he body swaps with a well off yet repressed college girl. Part one. I opened the door to my apartment, tutting a little at the worn scratches on the door handle but otherwise happy to continue humming a little out of tune as I stepped inside. The apartment wasn't big by any means, but it was in an old yet still nice...
The Howie part of me is pretty much gone. Tall Grass has taken over. Tall Grass was glad to get back to Little Doe and Little Flower. He rubbed Little Flower's swollen belly. And beautiful Little Doe, he couldn't get enough of her. And he became a father to James, the twelve-year-old son he got when he claimed Ruth. Tall Grass' injury allowed James to realize that he desired Tall Grass as his father. It had taken James time to work through his resentment of Tall Grass. Ruth did not say...
The first shot had gotten Tall Grass in the chest. The second bullet had gone thru one thigh and dug into the other. Tall Grass put two rounds in the two men and whistled. Black Rock moved to his preplanned second position, but Tall Grass did not move to his. One leg stung. The other burned. His chest was on fire and he had difficulty breathing. Tall Grass took the two large bandages from his first aid pouch. He tied the first one around his leg and with the second he covered the hole in...
Introduction: The sun brings them out like freckles, the beautiful boys. But its their bulges that fascinate me especially what they do with them when they think no-ones looking&hellip,.. I was sitting on a bench having my sandwich lunch in the precinct of the Cathedral one warm summer day. Dotted around on the grass between the gravestones were various people enjoying the sun and one anothers company. It was the lunch hour, so lots of young and older people had come out to get some midday sun....
My eyes were drawn to one young man who came and sat cross-legged on the grass a short distance away and proceeded to unpack a sandwich and a bottle of coke. He took them out of a grey shoulder-bag he was carrying, from which he also produced a book. He proceeded to read his book while he ate his lunch. He was about 19 or 20, clean shaven, with dark brown hair a little bit long and tousled but very flattering – in a sort of David Cassidy style. His figure was slim and he was wearing and...
Two hours just weren’t enough to find a man who knew this rock and did not want to be found. Sam knew the Bennett’s were quite serious about their warning. Even with Charles, he could not win. This wasn’t an open planet where he could hide in the wilderness somewhere. This was a closed environment with areas not accessible to him, and with too many eyes and ears. He had asked all the usual sources and while they all knew something about Dimon, no one really knew where he was. Sam did find...
Roy stopped his own impulse. There were simply to many of the Kermac elite commandos on the platform and there were a few civilians and innocents as well, not to mention the 200 plus Kermac already in the City. He also did not forget Cara who had remained on Desolate, tied up in the office of a fat man he had only briefly seen. He was certain Cara would die if he could not do something to get her rescued. It was better to gather more information and then he could try to contact Uncle Sam and...
We have just begun spending the early hours of a beautiful late summer day sampling the wares of several Virginia wine makers at the latest wine festival. It has been several years since we attended one and had to enjoy one more before you wander off to newer lands. Light, wispy white clouds race across the azure blue sky to the west. The warm breezes enticingly caress us as the rays of the warming sun shine down on us while it slowly rises higher in the early morning sky to the east. We drove...
MasturbationTamara 2092 After the many months of uncertainty and anxiety since Tamara had began her desperate exodus, it could only be a relief to finally arrive at the Broad Oak Refugee Centre just outside the Ashton Lovelock gated community. She'd have been naive if she'd imagined that her welcome would be especially warm simply because the government of the Republic of England had reluctantly and belatedly agreed to provide asylum for a nominal fraction of the many millions of refugees spilling...
It was my first truly adult experience that hot summer’s day. We had chatted online, exchanged photos. He had wanked that magnificent cock for me as I posed as naughty as I knew how! Maybe he chuckled a few times over my headphones, but that lovely cock looked so sweet covered in his copious thick jizz!He was three buses out, practically in the sticks! Houses gave way to open fields and golf courses as I approached the stop he mentioned. Would I get off a kiss him, shake hands or hug? I was a...
“What’s wrong? What’s wrong?”Anthea looked up at her mum as she sat down at the dining table. “Nothing is wrong,” Anthea responded watching as her mum hurriedly dried her hands with a tea towel.“Is the baby okay? Are you okay? Is Jack okay?” she asked as her husband came into the room and pulled up a seat at the table.“We’re all fine Mum,” she responded exasperated with her mum’s anxiety. “I have something to tell you.”“Sit down Helen,” her dad snapped. “Give the lass a chance to speak.”Anthea...
I decided to begin cutting grass as a side job about a year ago. Our k**s were grown so I wasn't needed to take care of anyone at home. I wanted to make some extra cash to buy myself a boat. With my wife's blessings I quickly mustered up 5 yards to cut. It was more work than this 45 year old could handle, so I scaled back to just three yards. I had messed around a bit with a couple of women years before without my wife's knowledge and thought maybe, just maybe, I could hit upon a lonely...
Uther By Ellie Dauber (c) 2006 Introduction According to the legends of King Arthur, Merlin changed Uther Pendragon into a double for Duke Gorlois, so he could spend the night with Ygraine, the Duke's wife. Ygraine and Gorlois had three daughters: Elaine, Morgause, and Morgan le Faye. During their time together, Ygraine became pregnant with the child who was to become King Arthur. Uther's men killed Gorlois that same night. This is my TG (of course) version of what...
That evening, both Adam and his teacher, Miss Greene, relived the exciting and forbidden events of the afternoon. Adam couldn’t believe the woman of his dreams, the love of his life, wanted him too. He could still feel his first kiss, the taste of her tongue dancing in his, his first blowjob and then repaying the pleasure by eating her out. It was all so much better than the movies he had watched online. He was in such bliss, and so satisfied from their adventures that he just lay there...
Taboo‘Doesn’t this look familiar to you, honey?’ asked Ethan, surveying the meadow. Ginny plowed through the tall grass behind him. ‘Mr. Clark, I warned you not to bring that up!’ she said with a stern look. Ethan had a mischievous glint in his eyes. Ginny could tell what he was thinking. ‘Stop it!’ she commanded and glanced over her shoulder. ‘Mind the family!’ A wide grin appeared on Ethan’s face. ‘I said ‘stop it!” insisted Ginny while her face turned red. Ethan winked at her instead. ‘Oooh!...
Adam was brought back to reality when the bell rang. He’d spent the entirety of the class staring at her again; it’s no wonder he needed private tutoring after school. It’s not that he didn’t understand the math, he just couldn’t pay attention when he could get away with daydreaming for an hour.He stood up and gathered his books to head for last period.“We’re still on for today?” asked Miss Greene as he passed her desk.“Yep,” he blushed. Her eyes were fittingly green, but today they especially...