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Chapter 1: The Beginning:

I'll start off by saying my name is Bill and I'm twenty-five years old. I'm a general contractor; I do all types of home repair and improvements. I've been working in Louisiana for over two months now helping to rebuild homes for the needy. I'm self-employed but hooked up with a contracting crew to do this work.

I got a call from my dad the other day asking if I could go to El Paso, Texas for a combination family reunion and the celebration of my Grandfather turning ninety. I was the youngest of all the grandkids in the family. I told my dad I would be sure to be there.

My grandfather might be old but he had a memory that wouldn't quit. He was great when it came to history but had a hard time remembering what he had for breakfast that morning. He and my grandmother were married for seventy years. She was eighty-seven and they still lived in their own home down in El Paso.

I told Meek Contracting that I would be leaving them at the end of the month. I wanted to give them time to find a replacement. I was good at what I did and could find work just about anywhere. I dated a lot of girls in the cities where I worked but didn't have anyone that I was overly serious about. I moved around too much and most women seemed to want to stay put.

I looked back on my schooling and knew I wasn't the smartest kid in the class. In fact I just got by on average grades. I knew I wouldn't be going to college so I took up general contracting in our tech schools. Got my diploma and set out working.

I found that I was good working with my hands. Home repair, electric to plumbing, I could do it all. The reason I brought all this knowledge stuff up was because since I got out of school, I found I was interested in history. Being down in Louisiana I learned a lot about the past of people living there. Now I kind of wished I would have listened a little more in school when it came to history. I began to find the history of the different regions of the United States fascinating.

I had been watching the HBO series 'Deadwood' with my dad when I was home. It was something about the way they lived back then. I wondered how much was made up and how much might have been true. Dad told me to ask Grandpa when I saw him. If anyone knew anything about Western history, it would be Grandpa.

I headed down to El Paso to see the family. About half our relatives still lived in the state of Texas. The rest of the family lived all over the United States. This would be the first time that almost all our relatives were going to try to be there for the family reunion and Grandpa's birthday.

I had one uncle that owned a motel in El Paso and he had it all booked up with relatives. Other family members were staying with relatives who lived in the area. Mom and Dad were going to stay at Grandpa and Grandma's house. They told me that I could stay there too. At first I was just going to stay at a motel, but since I spend half my life in motels, I told Dad I'd be happy to stay at Grandpa's.

They had a finished basement that no one used anymore. My grandparents were too old to climb steps. The room was mainly used for storage now. I had to move a lot of stuff around just so I could get near the bed.

The house as a whole needed some work done. My grandparents kind of let it go. A couple of my aunts and uncles as well as my dad pulled me aside and asked if they could talk with me. They asked me if I would be willing to fix up my grandparents' house. They would all chip in and buy all the needed material. I could live in the basement for as long as needed to get the place fixed up.

I figured I could get it done in about a month; new windows, siding and a new roof. They offered to pay me but I told them that it wouldn't be necessary. It's the least I could do for my grandparents. I wasn't hurting for money and I was going to have free room and board as it was. I told them I would start on it as soon as the reunion was over. I figured if I did need any extra money, I could easily pick up a remodeling job or two in the area.

I came up from my room in the basement when I started hearing laughter coming from upstairs. A lot of the relatives were arriving. The reunion was to be the next day and the birthday party for Grandpa was on Sunday. Most everyone would probably be there for all of it. As I walked upstairs I saw some of my cousins, aunts and uncles.

It was great seeing all my relatives. Many of them I met for the first time and others I hadn't seen since I was a little kid. Overall we were a damn good looking and friendly family. I had three older sisters who were coming in with their families in the morning. There sure were a lot of people arriving.

As I was looking around, my dad came up to me. He was a great father and always stood by me. Of course I was his youngest child and his only son. While we were talking I looked toward the door and said, "Holy shit!" My dad looked toward the door to see what grabbed my attention. There stood the most beautiful girl I have ever seen. Of course it was just my opinion, but if there was such a thing as love at first sight, it just happened to me.

She looked to be Mexican or of some type of Guatemalan descent. Shoulder length dark hair and deep brown eyes. I saw her smile and she had those beautiful dimples. The best way for me to try to describe her is to say she wasn't dressed sexy but she looked sexy. If she had on a potato sack she would draw my attention.

"Dad, who is she? Is she a cousin or relation of ours? Everyone else here is a relative or married to one. Damn, Dad she takes my breath away."

"Easy, Billy," my dad laughed. "She isn't a relative, but she is here to see someone."

"Just my luck, Dad. I see someone like that and she's with a relative. Who's the lucky guy, Dad?" I asked.

Dad started laughing. "It isn't funny, Dad; it's just something about her." I was always able to talk openly with my dad that way. He wasn't just my dad but was probably my best friend. I could tell him anything and he would do his best to help me out. Most sons don't have fathers like him.

"I'm not laughing at you, Billy. It's just that I've never seen you fall for a girl that you haven't even met. She is a cute one though. The person she's here to see is Grandpa. She's his and Grandma's nurse. She stops by every day to make sure they are okay."

"So she's not a relative and not a girlfriend of a relative. Gosh, I sure hope she's single, Dad."

"She's single, Bill," Dad laughed again.

She had walked up to Grandpa and was talking to him. Grandpa saw me watching her and he waved to me to come over to him.

"Billy," Grandpa always called me Billy. He was Bill, my dad was William and of course that made me Billy. We were all Williams and I was the third. "Billy, I want you to meet Corinna. She may be beautiful on the outside, but once you get passed that soft beautiful person you'll see this horrible mean nurse."

"Oh, Grandpa Bill," that's what Corinna called my Grandpa. "I'm not that mean. Someone has to get you to take your medications and help you with your diet. Besides, underneath that gruff exterior, I know you love me," smiled Corinna.

Corinna looked over at me. "So, I finally get to meet you. Your Grandfather has talked about you for the longest time. He told me that I was going to... never mind, it isn't important," spoke Corinna.

"Yes, it is! What did he say?" I asked to a blushing Corinna.

Grandpa blurted out, "I told her that after you saw her that you would fall in love with her just like I did. I told her that one day the two of you would get married and she would be my granddaughter. You two would have the most beautiful offspring."

"I'm sorry," said Corinna. "I should have never mentioned it. I'm so embarrassed."

"Hogwash!" said Grandpa. "What do you think, Billy? Was I wrong?"

"Corinna, Grandpa's right. I don't want to embarrass you since we just met, but you are one beautiful woman and over the next few days, maybe we can get to know each other a little better."

"I told you, Corinna, didn't I? Billy and I have the same taste in women. Billy, don't let this one get away. I've been saving her for you."

"Grandpa Bill, stop it. You're embarrassing me," smiled Corinna. "If you don't behave I'll give you a shot in the behind in front of everyone, or I'll tell Grandma Louise and she'll set you straight." Corinna called my grandmother Grandma Louise. She told me later she didn't feel right just calling them Bill and Louise since they were so much older. That's when Grandpa told her what to call them.

Corinna had graduated from nursing school about a year ago. Her mother was also a nurse and she took care of Grandma and Grandpa for the last six years. After Corinna graduated, her mom asked my grandparents if they would mind Corinna taking over their account. Grandpa said he knew Corinna from the day she was born and would be glad to have her help them out.

Corinna worked at the clinic and she was the home care provider for my grandparents. She was supposed to just stop by and help them with their medications but she said she fell in love with them and she would talk to them for hours. She would help make dinner and usually eat with them.

My grandparents ran a country general store most of their life. When grandpa turned seventy-five he decided to turn the store over to one of his daughters. Aunt Helen and her family bought the store from my grandparents and are still running it today. Corinna said when she was a little girl she remembered going into the store and my grandpa giving her goodies. Often times it was an apple or orange. They didn't want her to have just sweets.

I was talking to Grandpa alone for a few minutes and he asked me what I thought of Corinna. He was a gruff old man on the outside but everyone knew he had a heart of gold. He always spoke his piece. He would say that at his age if he wanted to say something he wasn't afraid to say it.

"Well, Grandpa, I told Dad that when I first saw her she took my breath away. I really would like to get to know her better. The first thing that came to my mind when I heard her name was the song, Corinna, Corinna." I started singing a little bit to Grandpa.

"I love Corinna, tell the world I do
I love Corinna, tell the world I do.
I pray at night she'd like to love me too.
"Corinna, Corinna Corinna, Corinna,
Corinna, Corinna I love you so."

"It's just the first thing I thought about Grandpa. I know it's crazy; we don't know anything about each other. It was just my first thought. I don't usually get this way when I see a girl. Anyway, I would like to get to know her better."

"Billy, all I can say is she is special, really special. We'll talk more about that some other time," said Grandpa.

Boy, he sure had me wondering now. I guess I would just take it one day at a time.

We (Corinna and me) seemed to be together most of that evening. The relatives that knew Corinna just smiled at us. The rest kept asking me if she was my girlfriend. I kept trying to explain to everyone that asked that she was gramp's nurse. Corinna just laughed about it every time.

"Forget it, Billy. They're expecting over two hundred people tomorrow. Just tell them we're friends. We are friends, aren't we?" She smiled.

I smiled back at her. "I sure hope so. If gramps is right we'll be more than just friends eventually," I laughed.

God, was I happy. I just met her and felt so comfortable with her. Whenever we looked over at gramps or dad they would both be smiling. I think they had this planned. I sure hope Corinna felt a little bit like I did. I did notice that she was smiling at most everyone she talked to. I don't know why, but I felt just a little jealous. I've never been the jealous type.

Later that evening I asked Corinna if she would like me to walk her home. She had said that sometimes she just walks to my grandparents' home since it was only about a half mile away. She could always use the exercise.

As we were walking I asked her if she dated. It seemed odd that a girl as nice as her would be alone at twenty-four.

"I date once in awhile. I guess I never found the right guy yet. I buckled down in school to get my nursing degree. I put dating on the back burner for a while." She smiled after telling me this. I knew there was something more.

"Okay, Corinna, why the smile. What aren't you telling me?" I asked.

"Oh, it's my brothers. I have seven brothers and two sisters. I'm the youngest girl in the family and my brother and brother-in-laws watch out for me. Whenever I go on a date, they have a tendency to be over-protective of me. They've ruined more than one relationship. I still live at home with some of my brothers and my parents. Most of the rest of the family live nearby."

"Doesn't it bother you that they kind of interfere with your dating?" I asked.

"Not really, I know they mean well and as I said, I don't think I have met the right person yet. When that happens I'll stick up for my man," she laughed.

When we got near her house there were three guys sitting on the porch watching us walking toward the house.

"Those are two of my brothers and a friend of theirs. Don't worry, they won't hurt you," she smiled again.

"Who's your friend?" her brother Carlos asked.

"Take it easy guys. This is Grandpa Bill's grandson. He came for the birthday and reunion party. He offered to walk me home," Corinna told her brothers.

I stuck out my hand and shook the three men's hands. They did shake my hand. "So you're Bill's grandson. He's one of the nicest gringos we ever met. He was always good to our family. Thanks for walking our sister home. We'll see you at his party Sunday. He invited our whole family."

I knew that was my cue to leave. I didn't want to overstay my welcome the first night.

"Will I see you tomorrow, Corinna?" I asked.

"Of course. I have to stop by and make sure Grandpa Bill and Grandma Louise are okay. It's my job. I know your family will be there but I want to make sure they take their medications. Grandma Louise isn't really doing too good. She has sugar and a heart condition. I'm worried about her. So, I hope to see you there."

"Okay, till tomorrow." I squeezed her hand and she returned the light squeeze. I know it's stupid to some people but it meant the world to me.

I talked with mom and dad when I got back. I mentioned to them what Corinna had said about grandma.

"We know, Billy. It is part of the reason for the family reunion. The doctors only give her about six more months to live," said my dad.

"Does grandpa know, Dad?"

"Yes, he's aware of it but he won't accept it. They've been together seventy years. We know that when grandma passes that it won't be long before grandpa joins her. It's just seems to happen in marriages when the couples are close. I guess it's a type of loneliness and heartbreak. Don't talk about it around Grandpa."

"I won't, Dad; Thanks for telling me."

The next day the reunion was going full tilt. Everyone was having a good time. I must have walked up to grandma and kissed her on the cheek ten times. She was the perfect example of a grandmother. She was worried about everyone having enough to eat and having a good time. It was great seeing her kissing my grandpa. Just the thought of the two of them brought tears to my eyes.

I kept looking for Corinna. I looked up and there she was. She walked over and kissed both of my grandparents on the cheek. Gramps looked over at me. "See, Billy, I still have the touch," said Grandpa. "I have all the good looking women kissing me," he smiled hugging both Grandma and Corinna.

Corinna smiled. Damn, the way that girl made me feel did something to me. She just had this flirty nature about her. "I wish a good looking woman would kiss me," I replied.

Grandma got up and came over and gave me a kiss on the cheek. Everyone who heard me started laughing including grandma.

"Thank you, Grandma. I don't know a more beautiful woman," I said. She kissed me on the cheek a second time.

I turned to Grandpa, "Grandpa, I have a question for you. Dad said if anyone would know, it would be you. It has to do with history."

"What is it Billy? I'll try to explain it if I can," said Grandpa.

"Dad and I were watching the HBO series Deadwood. It was about a town in the 1870's in South Dakota. Have you ever heard of the series or the town? This western was so different than the old ones I used to watch as a kid."

My Grandpa smiled at me. "Billy, I watched it with Corinna."

"Grandpa, that show had some really nasty language in it and a lot of killings and nakedness."

Corinna spoke up. "I'm an adult, Billy. I've heard bad language before. Grandpa Bill wanted to watch it and Grandma Louise didn't want any part of it, so I watched it with him. To be honest with you, Billy, I found the show to be riveting."

"Billy," Grandpa said. "Deadwood was as close to the real west as any movie I have ever seen. It's probably why I wanted to watch it. Let me try and explain some of it to you."

Chapter 2: Grandpa explains Deadwood and El Paso.

"Most movies don't show what it was really like back in the old west. Deadwood did. Of course a few things were made for TV but they got most of it right.

"Deadwood was an outlaw community. When they started out they didn't have any law and order at all. They weren't the only town where there was a lot of violence. Texas towns were also known for being unruly. Towns like Fort Griffin, Laredo, San Antonio and even El Paso. They really were a wild frontier and the likes of Calamity Jane, Wild Bill (Butler) Hickok and Seth Bullock were real people.

"They did their part in helping tame the towns. Wild Bill really did get killed in Deadwood by Jack McCall and was buried in Deadwood. That show depicted life like it really was. The women really had it rough. They were talked into believing they would have nice positions and jobs when they arrived out west. When they got there they found that there was no jobs to be had and they didn't have the finances to go back so they were stuck in towns like Deadwood.

"The men outnumbered the women two hundred to one. The women needed to either marry a man to help take care of her or find work. Most had to turn tricks and become soiled doves. It's a name they gave to prostitutes. It was a horrible time for most women out west. There was no law and order to protect them.

"It was a time of turmoil for most women. Many turned to drugs and a lot took their own lives. The movie Deadwood really explained the true beginning of the western world more than any movie I've seen," explained Grandpa.

"Grandpa, you said that El Paso was also a violent town. Was it about the same time as Deadwood?"

"Yes, it was, Billy. Do you remember the songs that Marty Robbins sings about El Paso?"

"There were two of them. Wasn't there? El Paso and Feleena," I asked.

Corinna spoke up. "There was a third one also Billy. It was titled El Paso City. It came out later after the other two were popular."

Grandma got up to get something and came back with a picture of Marty Robbins and Grandpa together. It was autographed saying, "To my good friend Bill."

"Wow, Grandpa, you knew Marty Robbins personally?" I asked.

Grandma spoke up. I knew she was so proud of Grandpa. "Before Marty sang El Paso he came to town and asked around to see who knew any of the history of the town. He came to the store one day to talk with your Grandfather and after he went back to Nashville, he made El Paso. Shortly after that he made Feleena."

Grandpa spoke, "After those songs were made, Marty would come to see us whenever he was in town."

My Uncle Ralph, dad's younger brother came in with his guitar. He sat down and sang El Paso for us. Man did he ever sound good!

"Out in the West Texas town of El Paso
I fell in love with a Mexican girl.
Night-time would find me in Rosa's Cantina;
Music would play and Feleena would whirl.

Blacker than night were the eyes of Feleena,
Wicked and evil while casting a spell.
My love was deep for this Mexican maiden;
I was in love but in vain, I could tell."

One night a wild young cowboy came in,
Wild as the West Texas wind.
Dashing and daring,
A drink he was sharing
With wicked Feleena,
The girl that I loved."

As Uncle Ralph sang the song everyone was listening. The song went on to say how Feleena's boyfriend was jealous of this cowboy and challenged him to a gunfight. He shot him dead and realized that the cowboy had friends and he had to escape. He ran out of the back door of the cafe and mounted a horse and left town.

After Uncle Ralph finished the song everyone applauded him. He sure could sing. I didn't even think of it at the time but I was holding Corinna's hand throughout the whole song.

"Grandpa, was it a true story? You know, about this man and Feleena? Was he really her boyfriend? Did the shooting really take place? Did he get shot? What happened to Feleena after that?" I asked.

"Easy, Billy, too many questions to answer all at once. Let me start at the beginning." Grandpa then asked Uncle Ralph to sing the song Feleena.

After he finished and everyone clapped for Uncle Ralph, Grandpa told us the story behind the songs. It was so quiet you could hear a pin drop. Everyone that didn't know the story sat around in the different rooms and listened to Grandpa speak.

"It all began back in the late 1800's - 1870's to be a little more exact. The west was rampant with violence. Like in Deadwood there was no law. The only justice was how fast you were with a gun. The young women of the day only had their families to protect them. Some like Calamity Jane could protect themselves.

"As in the song, when Feleena was seventeen her parents wanted her to marry so that she would have a man to protect her. She lived in New Mexico with them and her brothers and sisters.

"One day she ran away. She said she was going to decide whom she would date and marry, if anyone. No-one was going to make her decisions for her. She was tired of the desert nights, poverty, grief and strife. She didn't know where she'd go, but she'd get there, and she would find happiness, if she would follow her dream.

"As it said in the song,

"After she ran away, she went to Sante Fe
And in the year that she stayed there, she learned about life
In just a little while, she learned that with a smile
She could have pretty clothes, she could be any man's wife;
Rich men romanced her, they dined and they danced her
She understood men and she treated them all just the same
A form that was fine and rare, dark shining glossy hair.
Lovely to look at, Feleena was this woman's name."

"She became restless in Sante Fe, and knew she had to get away. Again she didn't care where. It could be to any town where the lights had a bright glow. One cowboy she had talked to mentioned the town of El Paso. He told her that in El Paso the music never stopped and she could dance forever if she wanted to.

"She bought a one-way ticket from Sante Fe to El Paso. It took three days and three nights by stage with a slight rest now and then. She didn't care; she knew she would find that her new life would be more exciting than where she had been.

"She went to a hotel and got a room at the Lily Belle. She quickly changed to a form-fitting black satin dress. She wanted to experience the lights and sounds of this new town. Every man that saw her stopped to stare at this woman who had just arrived into town. There was something extra special about her. Even the women remarked of the charm she possessed. Yes, Feleena was in a class of her own.

"Another verse of the song tells about Feleena.

"Dancin' and laughter was what she was after
And Rosa's Cantina had lights, with love in the gleam
That's what she hunted and that's what she wanted
Rosa's was one place a nice girl would never be seen;
It was the same way, it was back in Sante Fe
Men would make fools of themselves at the thought of romance
Rosa took heed of, the place was in need of
This kind of excitement, so she paid Feleena to dance."

"Rosa was a business woman but she also was childless. She took Feleena under her wing and protected her and treated her as her daughter. No man touched Feleena unless Feleena wanted to be touched. There were many brawls and fights over the rights to Feleena. No man ever won. Many were stabbed, others were shot, a few were even killed. In the end they all learned, no-one had any rights to the mysterious beautiful woman named Feleena.

"About a year had passed and Feleena was dancing and felt as free as ever. She glanced up through the swinging doors and saw a young cowboy. He was so different from any of the other cowboys who frequented the establishment. He wasn't like all of the rest; he was tall and so handsomely dressed. Feleena had to meet him. She asked Rosa if she knew the handsome cowboy but was told that he was new in town; no-one knew who he was.

"Feleena walked over to his table. She knew she had his attention. She got every man's attention that ever came through the swinging door of Rosa's cafe. He asked her to dance and she said yes as he got up and took her into his arms. Feleena danced close to him, and they both felt the heat of each other's body as he held her body tightly against his.

"They spent the next six weeks together. Each minute he spent with her, he fell more deeply in love with her. He had a problem. He was insanely jealous of glances she'd give to all the other customers. He didn't understand that it was just her nature and the way she had always lived. As it said in the song, 'he was hurting inside from all of her flirting.'

"He saw her flirting one night; it started a gun-fight. After the smoke cleared away, on the floor lay a man. Feleena's young lover had shot down another man right there in Rosa's cafe. He knew he had to leave town. Even though there was not any law in town, the man was known to have a lot of friends. He knew they would be coming after him to avenge the death of their friend. He ran out of the back door of the cafe and mounted his horse and rode away. According to the song, he rode back to New Mexico.

"It was about three months later around five o'clock in the evening, it was said that Feleena heard gun shots. She quickly ran to the back door of the cafe and saw her young cowboy, riding low in the saddle, and riding in fast. He wanted to see Feleena. He was riding hard and fast to Rosa's cafe. His love for her was much stronger than his fear of death.

"As he was riding in, he saw at least a dozen cowboys chasing and shooting at him. He knew he had to see Feleena one last time. Life without her was nothing. She ran out to meet him, she wanted to kiss and greet him. She wanted to tell him, make that needed to tell him that she was carrying his child. When he saw her, he tried to motion her back, with a wave of his hand. The bullets were flying and he didn't want her to get shot.

"As she saw him fall from the saddle and into the sand, she ran to him and knelt beside him. She wrapped her arms around him and wept. She felt the warm blood that flowed from the wound in his side. He raised to kiss her and she heard him whisper, "Never forget me — Feleena, it's over. Goodbye."

"She screamed out, "No! No! You can't die. Please, God, don't let him die. I'm carrying your baby. Please wake up, please wake up," she cried as she held him to her breasts.

"Now at this point is where most songs and stories get it wrong," said Grandpa.

"They have Feleena grabbing a gun and holding it to her breast and pulling the trigger. That is not what happened at all. She did grab the gun but aimed it at the cowpoke who shot her young lover. She shot and killed him but one of the other cowpokes shot her. The bullet went into her chest.

"At that point all shooting stopped. Rosa came running out crying. She saw Feleena lying across her lover's chest. She ran up to her and found her still breathing. 'Get Doc Hoyt, ' Rosa yelled. 'Get him now. Feleena is still alive.'

"The cowboys didn't want any part of anyone saying they were involved in the shooting of Feleena. They knew they would be hunted down and killed. Feleena had too many friends. They quickly departed never returning to El Paso again. In the meantime Doc Hoyt came out to see Feleena. A crowd gathered and the doc had two men carry Feleena into the cafe and lay her on the pool table. He did what he could to stop the bleeding but he told Rosa he didn't know if Feleena would pull through or not.

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The day I met him was a big day. It was the day I moved out of my parents' house and into my college dorm. The first week at school was only freshman, so that we could adjust to college life before the upperclassmen moved in. Having always been interested in older guys, I assumed it would be a dull week in terms of meeting hot guys. That day we had to attend a mandatory "alcohol awareness seminar." The girl in the room across the hall and I walked to the campus center and found seats in the...

Oral Sex
2 years ago
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AjaChapter 6

“You put on some music.” He heard Aja’s voice from behind. “Yeah,” Jason replied as he fine-tuned her stereo. “You said you like the crappy stuff we play.” “Too bad we don’t have a way to pipe it into the bedroom.” “We can have it on in here for our preliminaries,” he said as he adjusted the bass and treble controls. There.” “Mmm ... I love preliminaries...” “Then we can move to your bedroom for the main event...” He turned around and stared at her, slack-jawed. She approached him...

1 year ago
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Private Alisha Brendy The Debut of Alisha Brendy

Alisha Brendy is a slender teen who has come to Private Specials, Adorable Teens 5 for her www.private.com debut and after a successful date with Nik Rock XXX this horny girl slips into her sexiest lingerie ready to finish off the night with a bang… literally! Enjoy Alisha in all her glory as she offers up her tight little body and pleases her man with a deepthroat blowjob before treating him to the taste of her sweet pussy. Then enjoy this teen beauty in action as she gets fucked in all her...

2 years ago
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All The Way This Time

When I was fourteen I had committed an act of incest with my eight year old brother, although I'm not really sure whether it was incest or not. It had happened while I was looking after him one night when our parents were out; we'd been playing around and Jim had accidentally touched my pussy through my panties. I don't know why, but his touch had made me so randy that I lost control for a while; Jim had let out a yelp as I pushed him to the floor, opened his trousers and pulled out his...

1 year ago
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Farm GirlChapter 7

I hung there for long minutes, mewling and sobbing in pain, making strange little sounds, and trying to somehow bring my cunt that last tiny bit of the way to an orgasm so I could have some relief from the burning, pulsing heat. My mother finally became annoyed enough about it to do something. A few seconds manipulation of my clitty would have shot me into orbit. Instead she brought out a thick leather belt. She stood before me, eyeing my desperate condition with a sneering look of...

4 years ago
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The Props Master 1 Ritual RealityChapter 2 Midnight Caper

Judith tucked her hair up under the short black wig until no blonde strands could be seen. She positioned the black broad-brimmed hat on her head and fastened the cape neatly around her black bodystocking, its red silk lining adding the only color accent to her costume. The cape also served to cover the black shoulder bag that was slung behind her. Finally, she fastened her rapier to the belt. This was her third date with Wayne in two weeks—a kind of dating speed record in her experience....

4 years ago
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Fisting My Young redz245

I told the young man we were to meet in a motel room. We both love meeting that way. There is something particularly sexy and forbidden to me about motels. I've always admitted a peculiar fetish for them. The fact that it’s neutral territory. No real life interruptions or distractions. The knowledge that untold numbers of other people have had sex in this same room. Not to mention that I don’t get stuck washing the towels and sheets. As I always have a supply of lube and toys at the ready,...

1 year ago
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Summer Vacation Ch 25

Tina arrived at work in good spirits. She told Tommy that Greg would be picking her up after work. It bugged the young man that she kept telling him about Greg, but he wasn’t sure what to do about that. If he told her, she might not talk with him at all. Things were slow at the inn. Halfway through the night Tommy, in a free minute, phoned Donna. The phone rang three or four times, then someone answered. ‘Hello?’ The voice was feminine, but it wasn’t Donna. ‘Ah, hello. Is Donna there?’ Tommy...

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The Destroyers Book 1 A New BeginningChapter 20 The New Crew

Ted sat in the vehicle holding the cake, as the car shot through the hallways. It came to a dead stop in front of a familiar conference room. Ted led everyone into the room, and they saw Amy standing there. Setting the cake on the table, he turned to the others. "Go ahead and pick a spot. James break out the food, I will get dishes." Going over to the replicator, Ted issued some commands. "Computer fifteen plates, fifteen coffee cups, and flatware settings for fifteen, please." The...

1 year ago
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BigTitCreamPie Karma RX Creampie for Karma RXs Shaved Pussy

Karma RX had to break into sweat so they would give her some dick. She was running. Her huge titties were shaking. Left and right. Yet our eyes kept following them as if we were hypnotized. Ok enough running. Time for some fucking. Karma got undressed. She massaged her huge breasts. Put some oil on them to make them shiny. Derrick put his huge dick into her mouth. She was laying on her back and was sucking him upside down. He turned her around and thrust his dick into her pussy. Her breasts...

2 years ago
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All in the Family Then Some Part III

Don’t get me wrong, Patty, my sister, is a great fuck and I love giving it to her as often as possible. However, mom is something special. Since our first time, which was pretty much straight fucking, she has taught me new positions, guided me to her clit, and worked wonders on me using the muscles in her pussy on my cock. Patty and I were pretty lucky that she didn’t end up pregnant, as we did it several times without protection…shit, neither of us knew or really cared about protection after...

2 years ago
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The Discovery of My Submissiveness

       I’ve known I was a submissive girl since I was really young.  I used to crave bondage, humiliation, and degradation along with some punishment and servitude.  I cannot tell you where these feelings came from.  All I can say is that when I was young, I craved it beyond anything else.  Thoughts of being dominated filled my mind constantly and the ideas that ran through my head always gave me butterflies and made my virginity flow with a constant stream.  I was 13 years old when it all...

2 years ago
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My Boss and I

I slowly move the blankets off myself and drag my feet over the sides. The air-condition has the room at a cool 20 degrees and it quickly penetrates my naked exposed body chilling me and causing a slight shiver. I move quickly to the bathroom to get ready for the day ahead, thinking only of how quickly I can get ready to beat the morning traffic. The light from the bathroom hits my eyes suddenly as I flick the switch, causing me to squint and lose my vision temporarily. Luckily the...

4 years ago
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Sudha And SruthiChapter2 Sruthis Hospitality

Hello, my dear sex story readers, It was almost three years since Sudha’s gang bang. Her brother Siva after two successive promotions is now a regional manager of the bank. All thanks to Sudha for sacrificing her body to the executive members. Tomorrow is her marriage and Siva have invited a whole lot of people for his sister’s wedding. There was an evening party at his house. Sudha was going to get married to Dileep, a relation from Mr.Gupta’s family. Mr.Gupta and his son-in-law Maanav made...

1 year ago
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P I And MagicChapter 42

"These are the Gods and Goddesses of the world. There is Ishla, the Goddess of Nature. She is very powerful. Next is Arkvon, the God of Death. He is probably as powerful or almost as powerful as the Goddess of Nature. He is the opposite of the Goddess. "Next is Shabasonti. She is the Goddess of Chaos. She too is very powerful, but is a most capricious being. Sometimes it seems she works against herself. Then is Natorza. He is the God of Order. He brings order and stability to the world....

2 years ago
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A New Super Heroine

Stan Lee had it wrong. To think that a spider could bite a man and have a 'spidey sense', make webs from his hands, and climb walls is a little outrageous. Sure, I can agree that a bite from a radioactive, genetically-engineered spider would likely play with your DNA, however, to be realistic, if you were going to create a genetically- engineered, radioactive spider, you'd start with a female spider; and a bite from one of those would not only play with your DNA, it would also play with...

4 years ago
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The Collection

There exists in professional circles a legendary photographer. His portfolio is expansive. Landscapes, sports, journalism, and what he is most famous for, modeling. His ability to capture a subject's beauty is something to be marveled, but he also has an infamous reputation as well. Popular, respected models have often entered his studio with only professional intentions in mind, and end up staying weeks on end, the studio echoing with the sounds of flesh slapping on flesh, and lustful moans....

1 year ago
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Backstage with Ellie goulding

After a wild time at an Ellie goulding concert, I was even more pumped up after getting an all access pass from a mate of mine and I was so excited and I though I was going to get a boner. Making my way past the security guards and showing them the pass, as they let me go pass, There happened to be someone else who also had a backstage pass, he was getting his photo took and the lot. I literally dashed backstage, meeting her with all her live members. It was such fun, it was too much to...

1 year ago
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Chasing LolitaChapter 5 My Little NeighborFriend Kimmy Part 1

A week had passed since Laurie had left me. The note had said simply: Sam, Met somebody else. See ya. Laurie I knew damn well who the somebody else was. "Piss on her!" I yelled, and took another hard pull on my bottle of tequila. "Her cunt and ass are probably so stretched by now I wouldn't want to fuck her anyway." Despite my brave words, deep down I knew the sad truth: that little girl had taken my tender forty-year-old heart and had broken it in two, and that was the reason I...

4 years ago
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Timeless LoveChapter 9

Charles sat hunched over on his bed, his head resting in his hands. He hadn't believed it at first, that she was gone. He had run upstairs when he and Finley were finally worn out from fighting, and he had realized that she was no longer in sight. He first went to his room, expecting to find her there, wanting to wrap her in his arms and tell her that his brother didn't mean the things he said. But when she wasn't there, he thought she might be sulking in her own room sulking. She wasn't...

3 years ago
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Sister finds mt Toys

My sister came to live with me about a year ago. I hadn’t planned for it nor did I especially want her to move in. It was just one of those things. When I was 18 years old, four years younger than my sister, I got my first job sacking groceries. I worked in the evening after school and I hated it. It was a terrible job with a boss who was a tyrant. I vowed then and there that I would work as hard as I could and retire as early as I could. And so, I worked until I was 36. I built up a small,...

3 years ago
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Sex that really turns girls on

I had never seen daddy so angry. When I did it, it was a voyage of discovery, I hated the taste of the whiskey, the cigarette smoke made me cough, but being caught on my knees with a small cock and balls in my mouth, was what frightened me most, that was his source of anger, as I was pulled across his lap for my first spanking.We were alone in my bedroom, door locked as I stood shivering in the stark reality, aware of my nakedness, as my body went horizontal across daddy's lap, his huge hand...

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Whos Cum Is This

Who’s Cum Is This When I got home my husband stopped me before I could get to the bathroom and clean up. Lately he had been suspicious, but I thought that I had calmed him down. He was normally a very peaceful loving man. That was what had drawn me to him in the first place. Over the last year I had begun to wonder what it would be like to be with another man. I had done some casual flirting at work and it had paid off. I had gotten a promotion to the President’s Personal Secretary....

3 years ago
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A Mom Cavorting at the Farm

A Mom Cavorting at the Farm----------For some reason, it was very slow this week at the farm. Perhaps it was spring break or something, but few riders came in this week regardless of the reason. I had lots of time on my hands, caught up on most of my chores with little left to do. I started out into the barn, and spotted a shapely woman way down at the last stall. Beside her, was a girl, probably her daughter, and they were standing near our newest horse, a yearling colt, owned by one of the...

3 years ago
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My amazing first time part 2

It had been about a week and a half since Johnny and I had lost our virginity to my sister!! And her sexy best friend Jessica. Johnny was over at my house and we were just hanging out and playing video games and that’s when we heard the door open down stairs we got really excited because it had been awhile since we had jerked off and that made us some very horny 12 year olds. When we got downstairs we saw who it was my mom……. We both sighed and went back upstairs. That’s when Johnny screamed...

1 year ago
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NaughtyOffice Anya Olsen 23671

Anya Olsen loves taking sexy, half-nude pictures of herself and printing them out. The problem is that she loves doing it at work, and when there’s a problem with the printer and she needs IT to help her, it turns into an even bigger problem. But that’s what happens to her today, and Tyler the IT guy is there to assist her, and it seems that she may have momentarily forgotten what exactly was printed on the paper, because she doesn’t seem to care that he’s fishing through the printer. But when...

1 year ago
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Betty changed my wifes way of thinking

In the kitchen there was a note from my wife saying she took the kids to church . I was very surprised when she wrote I love you, then ps last night was the best ,you need to do that again.It was then after pouring my coffee I needed to call Betty and see how she was recovering. I remember her being pretty worn out when I left after being pounded hard by John's huge cock. After three and a half hours and four loads of cum inside her stretched out pussy it will take days for her to recover....

1 year ago
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The Survivor ch 3 Be On The Look Out

   "A Nation is not conquereduntil the hearts of its womenare on the ground. Then it is done, no matter how brave its warriorsnor how strong its weapons."  -Death Song of the Cheyenne Nation  Part 1 Be On the Look Out. Bo awoke with a throbbing headache. It was a pounding, stabbing pain that felt as if someone was trying to jackhammer their way out of his skull. He tried the rub his eyes with his left hand but for some reason his arm didn’t want to work. Son of a bitch, he thought as he tried...

Fantasy & Sci-Fi
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Luc Jenny Chapter 5

One week had passed since Jenny had caught me masturbating. It was early afternoon and someone was knocking at the door. I opened the door. ‘Hey Jenny! What are you doing here?’ ‘Wanted to see you’ she said. ‘My grandma’s gone to one of her old citizens club meetings. I thought you could use some company.’ ‘Who said I wanted company?’ I asked playfully as I grabbed her waist and pushed her against the wall, my mouth descending on hers and kissing her deeply. Her hands went...

1 year ago
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Old Maid Aurat Ke Saath Pura Maza

Hello I am one of the fan of ISS. I used to read and fantasize a lot. But the story which I am writing is the real incident which occurred with me 6 months back. I was alone in the house as my parents were out of station for a month. With my home is attached servant quarter where a newly wedded couple with their in law has come to work in my home. To aise toh jis din se mein ne unki budhi saas ko dekha tha tabhi se me us aurat ke saath sex kara chatha tha jis ke karan jab bhe mujhe mauka milta...

1 year ago
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BackcountryChapter 12

That autumn I boarded the floor of the cabin. We had a rat snake living underneath, and it stayed awake even through the winter because of the warmth. Snug, we settled back into our easy winter life, surrounded by stores aplenty from another good harvest. That winter, when weather allowed, I went hunting. As was my style, I could chase a young deer or elk, harrying it until it collapsed from exhaustion after a day or two’s pursuit. Then I just carefully slit its throat, cleaned it and carted...

3 years ago
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Debbie Dan and the DemonChapter 3

"Well Debra," the demon said as Debbie walked (a bit wobbly) down the street after leaving the café. "That went well." "Went well?" Debbie started to rise to the bait. "How can you say that? Okay, okay, I'll stay polite, I believe you are who you say you are, and you obviously control me utterly. But what went well? I just let two perfect strangers violate me, pump their (retch) semen into my mouth and vagina! Besides being unfaithful to Dan, I'll probably get pregnant, or...

3 years ago
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Jess and Aarons New Neighbor OWWH 4Chapter 122

“What the fuck?!” That exclamation came from Sherri. It got Emma and Amelia’s attention. Liz was busy sliding a another dollar bill into a speedo and didn’t bother to look. Sherri had turned to see what was going on with the waitress and noticed my cum splattered shirt. “What happened to you?” she asked. Jess answered for me. “Nice waitress, Britney, happened to him. And she got him way ahead of the rest of us on the contest.” “So I see...” Sherri said. “And that is what I think it is?”...

4 years ago
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Jokes and GigglesChapter 615

Some of these are repeats but they are humorous. Please join me in remembering a great ICON of the entertainment community. The Pillsbury Doughboy died yesterday of a yeast infection and trauma complications from repeated pokes in the belly. He was 71. Doughboy was buried in a lightly greased coffin. Dozens of celebrities turned out to pay their respects, including Mrs. Butterworth, Hungry Jack, the California Raisins, Betty Crocker, the Hostess Twinkies, and Captain Crunch. The grave site...

3 years ago
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Double Switch Ch 12

A Note to the reader: Double Switch is a full length novel with a Prologue, an Epilogue and 18 chapters. So it will take a commensurate time to read. It is erotic in places but not on every page or even in every chapter. So, a little patience is necessary. It is a love story, actually three love stories. I hope you will be rewarded for your time and trouble. To understand the story, you need to read the Prologue first. So, look it up under my name in the Author Index before proceeding with...

1 year ago
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PheromoneChapter 2

"Good morning, Yuki!" I greeted. I flashed a big smile. I always liked seeing her in the morning but after yesterday evening I liked seeing her even more this morning. "Hi," she mumbled. Something was wrong. Did she regret last night? I hoped not. It was so incredible. I saw a whole new side of Yuki. Hell, I saw ALL of Yuki. I didn't know what to say and felt frustrated that she had second thoughts after such an amazing experience. I know she enjoyed it as much as I did. She was the...

1 year ago
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The sexual adventures of Lacey and Ricky Chapter 8

Ricky and his mom had just finished clearing out the kitchen after supper. They were settled comfortably on the couch with the Sexual Health book on mom's lap, not yet opened. They were chit chatting about the upcoming school year and what classes Ricky wanted to take. Soon they would continue their lessons on sex - and then what? Ricky and his mother had their first love making session and there were indications that there would be more to come. Ricky was a bright boy, but he attributed...

1 year ago
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Aunt Rose Part 3 The scent of a wo

From Part 2 … My condition of readiness wasn’t lost on Aunt Rose. ‘Oh Bill my darling boy, what a thoughtful nephew you are … you’ve found a place for your Aunty to sit’! …… Bill, I said to myself, you lucky sod you just might have hit the jackpot mate … what a woman … not just drop dead sexy but funny, intelligent and naughty with it … maybe even a bit dirty … this could be the start of something special. Aunt Rose clambered onto the bed and lay beside me. I wondered if she had douched herself...

2 years ago
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Rock and Water Chapter 2

As promised to Robert, I put myself "out there" again. Over the next few months I joined two dating sites. The first was one of the more mainstream sites many of my friends had used over the years; the other was a site aimed at introducing adults who were into more alternative lifestyles and kink. I had a few nice, bland dates with some men from the first site but no sparks developed from any of them. The second site was filled with men looking for either one night stands, or men who wanted to...

2 years ago
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A Solemn GoodBye

Jenny Roark had been with her boyfriend, Darryl, for six years. They had dated since high school and survived a long distance relationship during college. When they got back together and after graduation there was something different. Jenny knew that Darryl hadn’t been loyal, nor had she for that matter. During college, she figured, it was permissible to explore your own sexual identity. She had many sexual encounters, with men and a few women, but she always kept her heart focused on...

1 year ago
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Recluse and GhostChapter 20

Taking some wine samples to Rodrigo in Mount Sterling was going to be very important for me and my family. If he liked the wine that we made, it would give us an outlet for it and a reason to continue rebuilding and expanding our vineyards to make more wine. I decided to use some of the bottles we had collected to display the wine. I had almost begged for wine bottles at the market. To do this, I had put a sign up that asked for empty wine bottles and received a large variety. I was able to...

3 years ago
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Affair With Bangalore Housewife Part 5

Hi friends. First of all, apologies for the long delay. Unfortunately, I got busy with some personal issues. Anyhow, I am here with the 5th part of the story, ‘Affair With Bangalore Housewife’. Those who haven’t read the earlier parts, please do so now so that you can enjoy this part completely. Sonia had finally fixed our plans for the upcoming night. My next day passed with great anxiety. Throughout the day, I was just thinking about meeting Sonia in the night. Every hour was passing like a...

1 year ago
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Dance With Me Chapter 3

I gave him my hand and he kissed it softly making my heart beat faster. “I love you Clark Brooks, with all of my heart and soul. Will you marry me and make me the happiest I have ever been in my life?” Bradley asked me as his tears rolled down his cheeks.  “God a million times yes. I love you so much sweetheart, with all of my soul,” I answered as my own tears fell. He picked up a big velvet black box and opened it. “Pick the ring you want Honey, for our engagement,” he said smiling. There...

Gay Male
1 year ago
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How I Met My Domme 1

"Hey everyone!", I chimed. It was genuinely nice to see them. Nikunj with his premature potbelly and scruffy beard. Dev in his characteristically casual hoodie and flip-flops. And Saloni in a thin black dress and jeans. As always, she had made an effort to look nice - but not too fancy. Her wavy auburn hair - she coloured it regularly - was drawn to one shoulder, leaving the other side of her dark, smooth neck bare. Her lips were a dark purple and went nicely with her hair. My eyes dropped...

1 year ago
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Saras Plight

Sara's Plight ? NOTE: This story contains unrealistic 'breast expansion'.? I did not intend much of this story to sound realistic.? Please keep this in mind while reading, and definitely feel free to just lose yourself in the fantasy of it!? Any comments please send to [email protected].? I appreciate any suggestions on how to make my stories even better! ? With the economy the way it is right now, I am having a hard time finding work.? My bills are piling up, and I am about to lose my...

2 years ago
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Tom Sue John Debbie Ch 10

Thank you for reading my series, ‘Tom & Sue John & Debbie.’ If you haven’t read the previous chapters 1-9, please do so before reading this chapter. Otherwise, you’re going to miss a lot of the details as each chapter builds on the previous chapter. Chapter 10, gives the readers a ‘hint’ as to what will happen to the fictitious characters as they continue to take the readers on a roller coaster ride filled with sports, romance, and sex. I hope you enjoy the series and I appreciate your votes...

3 years ago
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Amandas First Time

Amanda's first time By Jaine Rayner There I was, standing on her doorstep, dressed in my best attire - I had got her number from "www.punternet.com" and phoned her up about three hours ago and booked this appointment... +++ Hiya, Its Tanya here, how can I help you? Well, I really would like to book an appointment with you, but I'm a bit nervous of one or two things... Like What? There's no need to be nervous of me, I can cater for most things - your hearts desire - and...

4 years ago
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Desires Uncovered

He was in the middle of a session when he heard a knock on the door. He put his patient in a rest state and went downstairs to see who it was. A young woman stood there awkwardly, staring straight at her feet. ‘Hello,’ he said. She didn’t look up, but just shook her head quickly side to side. ‘Can I help you? I’m in the middle of something.’ She gulped and handed him a folded note. He looked her over with curiosity. She was young, probably somewhere between 18 and 22. She didn’t have...

2 years ago
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Queen Yavara Chapter 44

PRIVATE HESIA OF THE HIGHLAND ARMY “…I’m telling you, you’re safe if you don’t put the helmet on.” Alex said to me. We were stationed in the Crescent, a part of the Rift that bowed inward. It was the safest part of Sector Two, as the inward bow would funnel enemies into a crossfire. After being part of Droughtius’s fifth division and getting absolutely smashed at the Battle of the Tundra, it was nice to just man a wall. There’d only been one assault of the Crescent during the entire...

2 years ago
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Police Camera Action

Inspired by local news item about a crash and “unusual” situation the coppers found. No details were given, so I made the story up on that premise. That idea led to the others, all fictional and imagined CASE ONE “Remember that incident down the Biddesley road last September?” chuckled WPC Dawn Bloomfield, off duty in the Rumsey Police station. “Christ Yeah! That carved the area up for hours,” responded WPC Julie Dunn, as she sat and pulled her black skirt up above her knees. She spread her...

1 year ago
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Unexpected Love

Tat Keong hurried out of the elevator in Far East Plaza, walking briskly towards the tattoo shop at the far end. He caught sight of Irene inside the shop, having a discussion with the tattoo artist. She caught sight of him from afar and gave him a peeved expression.?Hi? erm? Honey, sorry I am late. Was held up by a discussion with boss.?She remained unappeased, staring at him without uttering a word. He’s fully aware of his rightful duty but was trying his luck, hoping she could pardon him from...

3 years ago
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Constant Fucking

Dawn has a smoking hot body for a 33 year old woman, never married with a 5 year old son. She is 5'5" tall and weighs 110 pounds, with eye-popping measurements that are exactly like they are now, 34C-21-33. She has thick long bk hair, nice suckable tits and a small waist, incredible legs, and an absolutely perfect ass, she is the ultimate male fantasy. She never married and has a little boy from a previous boyfriend. Dawn is currently not in a relationship with a guy and is not actively...

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