58 – Meaningless free porn video

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[Hello metaphorical Mr. and Mrs. Claus of Literotica. I have here another piece which could use italics for the first four and last two paragraphs. Chapter titles in bold would make an excellent stocking stuffer. This one is part of my 69 Love Stories series. Thanks!]

Alrighty, this one is different. I have no idea where most of it came from, but I was thinking about another story that I read which was really good (totally different than this one, though) and the thought occurred to me that Christmas is coming up, so why couldn’t the girl be a Christmas gift from someone? Except for the obvious reasons, of course. That line of reasoning led to this very short story.

Fair warning: There is a lot of profanity in this story! When I started to write this from the perspective of an author that’s trapped in his own nightmare world of raised expectations, he turned out to be a profane son of a bitch. I don’t particularly like it, but I just rolled with it.

Last note, although this story is about a desperate author who is rescued by a proverbial hooker with a heart of gold, it is not actually some sort of private fantasy of mine. I don’t expect you to believe, I just wanted to say it. With that, enjoy and have a Merry Christmas.

All rights reserved.

Chapter 1

Never write a novel.

I’m sorry, I shouldn’t have said that. Let me try again.

Never write a fucking novel, you idiot.

I was happy with my life until I did. And then as soon as it published, everything turned to shit flavored frozen rain.

And this is the most important thing…

Whatever you do, never write a goddamn successful novel, you fucking idiot!


As you might have expected, I speak from personal experience. And now, in the time honored tradition of shitty novelists everywhere, I am going to take you all the way back to the beginning, whether you want it or not.

I grew up the last of a family of six kids in a frightening little neighborhood of South Philly. I mean, this was the kind of neighborhood that you don’t want your kid walking through, not to mention growing up. But for some reason, which I still don’t understand, the kids in my neighborhood grew up successful. Maybe it was the extra fucking lead we had in the water. Who knows?

Two neighbors older than me ended up becoming congressmen. The fat kid who lived in the house behind me, he’s the president of a Fortune 100 company. He’s alone in that, but two more of the kids are now VP’s at Fortune 350 companies. Fucking underachievers.

Even with all of that, the most successful kid from the neighborhood is definitely my brother Bobby. I haven’t spoken to him in fifteen years, and I avoid the damn news as much as I can, but the last I heard Bobby runs most of the underworld on the east coast. Like I said, I keep my head down.

So with all of that success to look up to, I decided to become an English major. What can I say? I’ve always been ambitious.

I spent six years working at publishers, writing my novel on the weekends. It was boring, and stressful and it was the happiest that I’ve ever been.

When I finished the novel, I submitted it to a few other publishers hoping maybe one of them would bite. The first six turned me down before one agreed to take it on.

Karma repaid those first six pricks, because my book became an overnight, fucking, sensation. I can’t tell you how many copies we sold, all I know is that my book was everywhere and I made enough money to buy a nice big house. It was great.

Of course, once all that happened, then I got the pressure to write my next one. It was coming from the publisher, from the media, and from the readers. I ended up going into hiding in my house to try to isolate myself and write the next fucking one.

I spent a month writing notes and making outlines. Then in the next six weeks when I sat down to write it, I managed to type the word ‘The’.

Not a simple ‘The dog’ or ‘The man’ or the provocative ‘The fucking’.

No, just ‘The’.

I was happier in my old, tiny apartment, writing my novel on the weekends and weeknights using my ten year old laptop. Now, I was just losing my mind in a large lonely house, unable to type a sentence. And if I left the house, I had people everywhere asking me how it was fucking coming. None of them wanted to hear that I had gotten as far as goddamn ‘The’. So I stayed locked away, growing a beard that would have looked right on a motorcycle gang’s meanest member.

Never write a fucking novel.

Chapter 2

So I’m sitting and ‘writing’ at my computer, watching the slush that they call snow here fall, when I heard the doorbell ring. Nobody rings my fucking doorbell. At least not since I ran my last agent off with a golf club. Especially not on Christmas.

When I opened the door, golf club in hand, all I found was a very wet, very cold girl standing in a soaked dress and pulling a small rolling suitcase.

‘Can I come in?’ She asked, except when she did it her teeth were chattering.

I, because I am and will always remain a dumb son of a bitch, stood in the doorway staring at her for at least fifteen seconds before I let her in. You might wonder why I did let her in, stranger danger and all that, but I still had my golf club in hand. As bad as my handicap is, I felt pretty good about my swing with a driver from that range.

The girl walks in, looking like a drowned mouse (that’s been beaten with a baseball bat). As soon as she was inside, the mouse asks if she can change and then, without waiting for a damn response, walks back to the bathroom to do it.

I took a minute to consider the situation and couldn’t make heads or fucking tails of it, so I did the logical thing and went back upstairs to continue writing my novel.


A half-hour later (I had gotten as far as ‘The’) the girl walked into the room. She sat down in the chair beside me and offered me her hand. This woman looked like a vision.

‘Hi,’ The now most definitely not drowned mouse said, ‘I’m Claire.’

She was a couple inches shorter than me and curvy, without carrying any blubber. Her hair, which was still wet, looked like it was blond. But her face was what drew me in. She was absolutely fucking gorgeous.

I spent a few moments making some kind of guttural noise, like when your dog gets something stuck in its throat, before I managed to force out my name. ‘Vinny.’

Claire smiled at me. And then we just sat there. I don’t know if she was waiting for me to speak or reciting the alphabet backwards to herself, but she didn’t move.

I’ve always been slow in talking to pretty girls. If you think I’m kidding… look, I once broke my wrist in a revolving door. I was just exiting when a pretty girl walked by (she wasn’t even that freaking good looking either) and said hello. I stopped to say hello myself while the door kept spinning. In the end, only my hand ended up inside the door, the rest of me was outside of it.

So needless to say, I had to wait a little bit before I could think of something suave to say to this beauty that just appeared in my computer room. Where I was writing my novel.

‘What are you doing here?’ It’s lines like that make the panties just fucking drop, you know?

She gave me an odd smile and said, ‘I’m your Christmas present from your brother, Bobby.’

I had no motherfucking response. To be honest, I just stared at her in what was likely an offensive manner. Unless, of course, women like it when your eyebrows make the McDonald’s arch.

‘You’re going to have to explain a bit for me.’

She gave me that smile again. ‘Your brother, Bobby, bought me for you.’

‘Like for the night?’

‘No. He bought me.’

‘Like at a bachelorette auction? Shit, is that even a thing?’

‘Not exactly. I’m yours, permanently.’

Again, I had no response. If you tel
l me that you would have had a clever follow-up to that, than you are one lying sumbitch.

‘You’re going to have to elaborate… Claire.’

‘I’m a… there’s not a very good word for it. Once, you would have called me a trained courtesan. Typically, clients would be charged by the day or month for my services. Your brother purchased them indefinitely.’

‘A courtesan? Like one of those fruity fucks who used to wear the shoes with the roses on them and pantyhose?’

‘No. A courtesan like the mistresses for higher.’

‘Then you’re not just here to do the dishes and change the sheets, are you?’

‘No, but I would be happy to do those things for you as well.’

It was at this point that I remembered the last time I saw my brother. It was on my way to fucking jail, because somebody found his dope in my fucking backpack. His gifts were always dangerous.

‘Look, Claire, you seem like a fantastic mistress, or courtesan, or whatever but I don’t think I can trust a gift like this from my brother. You are… umm… free to go or whatever.

‘I release you. Etcetera, etcetera, etcetera.’

She actually looked disappointed at that. Now I may have many faults (many, many faults), but false modesty isn’t typically one of them. I smelled like the last bath I had taken was in dirty dishwater. I had a wonderful beard and hair that could only be described as ‘disgusting’ or ‘stringy’. And I compulsively swore. I wasn’t exactly the type of man your average hooker is totally fucking bummed to miss out on, especially for a lifetime.

‘What does that look mean?’

‘What look?’

‘You look like I just ran over your dog… and then offered you a hearty soup I made from his tail. I don’t think I’m such a disappointment to miss out on… unless someone told you that I have a twelve inch dick. In which case, sister, more heartache would be coming your way if you stayed.’

‘It’s alright, Vinny. It’s just that I actually welcomed this assignment.’


She stood up.

‘I was hoping it would both my first and my last.’

‘Come again for big fudge?’

This was, I shit you not, the most confusing conversation that I had ever had. I have held conversations about the socio-economical implications of Dali paintings that made more sense.

‘It’s a long story. I can just leave.’

‘Claire, do I look like I’m going anywhere?’

Claire sat back down.

Chapter 3

‘I was trained by a company that prepares girls for the use of wealthy men.’ She started. ‘I think it was somebody’s idea of a modern day geisha or something. I don’t know about that, I just know that I was eighteen when somebody dropped me off. I think it was my mom. Either way, people get paid a sizeable commission for girls that look like me.

‘They spent a lot of time over the last two years training me. I was supposed to be someone that a businessman could have on his arm all night at the restaurant and then fuck like a pornstar all night.’

This is a weird fucking world, I will tell you that.

‘They usually are careful about our first job because a couple of the richer guys will only pay for a girl’s first time.’

She was looking at her hands. It was the first time I saw her look uncertain… or whatever.

‘They were deciding my first client when your brother bought me. I don’t know what he paid, but it was a lot.’

She was having difficulty finishing what she was going to say.

‘I guess I just thought about the opportunity to have my own man, instead of being passed around, and I liked it.’

‘You didn’t want to be one of these fucking courtiers or whatever?’


‘Well, why don’t I just release you. Say the magic fucking words and let you be on your way. Make like a tree, and leave. All that shit.’

‘It won’t work like that. I’m too valuable of an asset for them to drop. Either they, or their competitors, will grab me before I’ve been gone twenty four hours.’

‘Are you serious?’

‘Yeah. I know a couple of girls that tried it. This isn’t exactly voluntary work.’

‘So you’re honestly saying that your choices are between me and being passed around like a bong?’

‘I think so.’

‘OK. Which fucking room do you want?’ She gave me a slight smile in response.

I got up from the chair to show her around, but I gave her a glare first. ‘You’re not fucking lying to me are you?’

She looked up at me, I could see tears in her big, green eyes. ‘No, I’m not.’

I sighed. Big fucking softie that I am, I could never refuse a crying girl.

Chapter 4

I showed the girl to her room, said a few more wildly fucking inappropriate things, then went back to my novel. Maybe now that I had a live-in guest, I could make some motherfucking progress.

Charlene found me staring at the computer the next morning. It had been a big night for my novel. I had made it as far as ‘The’.

Fortunately, I had also eaten three pages of my notes, so I wasn’t very hungry.

She sat down next to me. ‘Vinny, what would you like me to do?’

I wasn’t asleep, but it took me a few moments to get all of the marbles back in the jar.

‘Whatever your little fucking heart desires, Clarisse. There’s a box full of my last novel downstairs. I was going to burn it, but I didn’t think the book was worth the fucking effort to burn.’

I paused for a minute. ‘I’m going to go get some coffee.’

After that, I think I walked down the stairs. Honestly, I can’t remember. Charlie, or whatever the hell her name was, followed me down. I think she even made the coffee for me, it didn’t seem like I was quite capable myself at the time.

‘There’s a couch there for you to sit on if you’re into that kind of freaky shit. I’d say you can watch the TV, but it’s having some technical fucking difficulties.’

I pointed at the TV. In this case, the technical difficulties were primarily due to my 8 iron, which was still protruding from the screen.

She gave a little smile, the first I had seen from her. ‘Let me guess, book reviews?’

‘Nope. I just really fucking hate Barbara Walters.’

At least it was possible that Charis might be sassy, that would be nice.

I sat down on the couch to stare at the TV and pretend that the news program came on again. It seemed like it would be fun to put another club into the set when they discussed my book. My fantasy came to nothing, and thirty seconds after taking a seat, I was asleep.


I woke up some time later, who the hell cares when. I didn’t feel overly rested, although the huge pool of drool on the pillow had felt sort of refreshing.

For the next few minutes I sat and stared. There was nothing left to do. I would never write another fucking word. My epitaph would just say: ‘Here lies Vinny Green, author of one shitty book, who died of meaninglessness at the age of twenty-eight.’

Cecilia broke me out of my pleasant daydream when she came downstairs. Without a word, she grabbed me by the hand and dragged me upstairs. I assumed she was going to ravage me, and I was so young and innocent!

Instead, she pulled me into the bathroom, which looked like it might have been cleaner than it was two nights before when I fell asleep in there… while taking a shit. OK, in case you haven’t noticed, the last couple of months had not constituted a high point for me.

The bathtub was full. Back when I was ambitious and cared about life and all that stupid fucking stuff, I made sure that I had nice big tubs that you could properly sit in.

Charlize pulled my clothes off, with a little help from me. It was not very sexy, probably due to the stench coming off of me and the frightening way I would sway when she wasn’t holding me up. But when I stepped into the tub, it felt… good. The soothing heat of the bathtub was the first thing in weeks that I was actually enjoyi

She sat on the edge of the tub and washed me. I don’t know if I expected it to be sensual or something, but in the end it was just comforting. She was gentle and patient. Twenty minutes later, she washed out my hair and I was done.

At least I had regained enough awareness to be able to dry myself off. Claire, however, was waiting outside of the bathroom and she was not done with me.

‘Vinny, are you able to understand me?’

‘I think so.’

She had pulled us down to the kitchen, while she talked, where she had a stool waiting.

‘OK, I’m going to cut your hair for you. How do you like it?’

‘Claire, I couldn’t give a flying weasel fuck what it looks like.’ To be fair, I didn’t give flying rodent fucks about anything else, either.

She didn’t get upset at the response, like any reasonable person would do. She just told me to sit down and she started to snip.

For the second time, I was enjoying myself. The feel of her hands on my head as she went about cutting my hair was… shit, I don’t know, nice… or something.

When she was done, Claire told me to look in a mirror that magically appeared in her hand. She had left my hair a little shaggy, but it was much more restrained. My beard had become a respectable bushy sort of thing, instead of the rat’s nest that it had been before. If I were some other person looking at me, I might think that I had gained a modicum of respectability… at least until I opened my mouth.

Claire nudged me towards the stairs. ‘Now go to bed, Vinny.’

I collapsed onto my bed a minute later, feeling more at peace than I had in eight weeks. I didn’t even notice that the sheets were clean.

Chapter 5

When I woke up the next morning, I realized that I had heard the beginning of my book in my dream. I finally had it!

It was: ‘The…’. Fuck! Where was the rest of it? I had just been thinking it, there had been a whole damn paragraph! Fuck! Fuck!

Needless to say, I was less relaxed than I had been when I fell asleep.

It was even fucking worse now. Before if I was miserable and self-loathing, being a miserable and self-loathing zombie had taken at least a little sting out of it. But now, I was cogent again. But I was still cocksucking wordless. Fuck!

I decided to try to force the words out, like in the old days when they used to try to make you sweat the fever out. So maybe if I just could find a sauna that I could sit and write in… What the hell was wrong with me? Oh yeah, I was going to sit at the computer and sweat it out there. Now I was getting distracted. Great.

Once again, Claire found me an hour later. I think she was speaking to me, because I didn’t hear anything until I could actually feel her tugging on my damn ear. Ouch! No wait… it was out loud.

‘Ouch! What the hell?’

‘I made you breakfast. You need to eat.’ Claire didn’t look nearly as angry as her ear snatching would have indicated.

‘So you decided to pull on my ear?’

‘I thought you needed something to break you out of that spiral you were in.’ Her expression was still neutral.

We went downstairs to eat a very tasty breakfast. Of course, the last breakfast I had eaten was four days before and it had consisted of a can of sardines and a redbull. That was right before I ran out of sardines. I sort of missed them.

Claire was smiling at me while she ate her eggs. The kitchen was actually clean.

‘Claire, why are you smiling at me? And for that matter, why are you being so nice to me? I am aware of just how much of an asshole I am.’

‘You’re not an asshole, Vinny. I mean, you sure act like one.’ She gave a pleasant laugh as she said that. ‘But you’re just somebody who hit the end of his rope… alone.’

‘So? You could have any guy you wanted. I mean, you could be on top of Richard Gere right now, with your panties in his mouth. You know, if you were into that. I mean… you are just that fucking pretty. You know that, right?’

‘If I was into Gere or into the panties’ thing?’

I found myself actually smiling at Claire.

‘Either/or, I supposed.’

She looked at me oddly.

‘You really don’t get it, do you, Vinny?’

‘Why you’re not into Richard Gere?’

‘No, why I’m happy here… but also because I’m not into Richard Gere, I guess.’

‘What am I not getting?’

‘Vinny, I was facing a lifetime of being used. Instead I get one man, maybe my own man if I’m lucky. And you turned out to be a sweet guy. You act like a jerk and I think you might have Tourette’s, but it isn’t hard to tell that you could be really easy to be with if you just decompressed for a little bit.’

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How it all started 4

How It Started 4 Jack drove off and I was laying a crossed the seat. Jack said, "Don't make a mess on my seat bitch. Put that plug back in your ass." I looked up and told him that the bum had taken it. He roared with laughter and said, "Well stuff your panties in your ass. If you ruin my seats I'll beat the hell out of you." I reached down and grabbed my thong and wiped my ass. There was gel and cum running out so I balled them up. I pushed them into my asshole to stop it from leaking....

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We had been at a friends birthday party since the early evening, the booze had been flowing and we were now on the way to being nicely tipsy. As usual when we were out, we flirted with each other and those that we found attractive around us, however we never went any further than flirting. During the evening we had been whispering naughty thoughts to each other, this was our normal pre-sex foreplay. I was telling her how I love watching the other guys look at her and know that they all want to...

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Teenage Fundraising Pt2 Joanne visits alone

The following day I was at home again when the doorbell rang, so I went to see who was there. To my surprise, the slender Joanne was standing on my doorstep. I invited her in, and took her into the lounge. “I’m surprised to see you back so soon Joanne,” I said to her, “Where’s your friend?”“I don’t know, probably doing her homework right now,” Joanne replied, “she doesn’t know that I am here though, so I would appreciate it if you kept it from her, if you should see her Steve.”“Of course, of...

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Puberty and the AftermathChapter 3

After about another hour of gardening, most of which I spent perving on mom's dangling breasts, she finally straightened up and asked, "Well, we've done quite well considering that your mind didn't seem to be completely on the job. Where would you like to go for lunch? My treat." I didn't have to think for long as I had been thinking about it since Mom first mentioned it, "It's such a lovely day and since it's mid-week there won't be too many about. What do you say to taking some...

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The Eighth God Chapter 3

“Haaaah...” Sighed Avery Volk, the youngest prince of the Kingdom of Salka. He laid back on the bed, enjoying the warm body of his companion for the day. Lady Jana of House Elroy laid next to him, breathing softly as she nuzzled her face into his shoulder. “That was amazing, Avery,” sighed the young blonde. “When will I see you again?” Shit ... Avery grimaced inwardly. I feared she might be the clingy type... Lady Jana was just the latest in a long string of lovers that Avery have had....

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lastmales tale

My name is Jack Lastmale and it seems like I'm the last male in the world. 16 years ago, nobody knows why, but every male vanished from this world. But somehow I'm still here and I want to save the world! I don't think I can get every women pregnant in this world but i want to try it so I'm boarded a caravan to see the world. I came from a little village in the south, my family has a farm there. I lived there with my mother and with my three sisters. I'm the smallest in the family and the only...

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Morning LightChapter 5

Jimmy and Jennifer tried to act like a normal mother and son after their conversation. However, there was a sexual tension in the air now because both of them knew how the other felt. They tried to laugh it off, making jokes about sex or the dirty movie and laughing. Unfortunately that just served to remind them of that evening, intensifying the tension. While Jimmy tried hard, he was unable to keep his promise not to spy on his mother. He would still sneak around and peek on her....

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My Girls IIThe End Of Cycles The Beginning Of KnowledgeChapter 5

I got up and put the DVD in the player, and lay back down on the bed, to see what my darling wife had to say to me that she couldn't say to my face. I pushed 'play' and after a few seconds, Elizabeth appeared on the screen. I pushed 'pause' right away and just looked at her. My God! I know it had not been long, and I certainly hadn't forgotten what she looked like, but I was stunned at seeing her beauty on the screen once again. Tears stung my eyes as I just looked at her. I doubted...

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Tasha First Time Fire of Love Flames of Lust

(Yes, there’s another part, I warned you it was a very long story. Tasha is my real-life crush so it’s easy for me to write with her in my mind. Also, I took the time to describe and mention a few objects why I would do that and not use them?) After a few hours of long slow sensual romantic play (what I’m not telling you all my secrets. The romances are exclusively for Tasha only. I got to keep my lady guessing keep her coming back for more. If you need an idea, come on I’m in a room filled...

3 years ago
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East Coast West Coast Part Seven

I had been staring at the text on my phone for almost ten minutes and I still couldn’t believe what I was reading.Looking forward to this weekend.It was from Scott. And on the weekend was my parents’ annual Christmas party. He’d never been invited before. Usually it was family and friends, people who lived close. Not Scott Banks. He wasn’t invited. He couldn’t be invited. I hadn’t heard from him since I’d left his hotel room after the vow renewal. No texts, no calls. I’d slowly begun to accept...

1 year ago
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Sniffle Chapter 2

--- Sniffle, Chapter 2 (mf, fdom, mc, nc, impreg?) by Krosis of the Collective --- JJ didn't have any classes with Sally the next day, but at lunch he felt her elbow "accidentally" connect with his head as she went by with her food tray. He was really confused. After school, JJ ran to Sally's neighborhood and waited out of sight until she got home. Then he went up and rang her bell. When she answered the door she immediately became angry. "What the fuck are you doing here,...

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Natasha teaches a piss slut to dance Will Adams Natasha Natoli was very pleased with her previous 's fun at The Litter Box(see Natasha part 1). In only a few hours, had moved quickly to reach her dreamof using an older bitch as a . she lounged around her house in her bedroom the next day, she was sated,but already thinking about what to do next. She decided head out Saturday nightto the same bar of her previous evening's . But that afternoon, she receiveda phone call from Alice Burns, had been...

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We sat there in an awkward silence, staring at the movie on the screen in front of us, neither of us actually watching the flick. We both knew what was going to happen, both just too nervous to make the first move. After what seemed like a lifetime, he moved in, he slid his arms around me. He smelled of chicken, lemon, and some men stuff, it was strangely sexy. He kissed my cheek, then my ear, then my neck. A chill ran over my body. I was intoxicated with love for this man. Why did the thought...

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Lifes Strange Turns Ch 0708

This is the continuation of the story from the first six chapters. Some people are enjoying it and some not. I hope you can continue to put up with this long romance that has some sex in it. It was just something I had to write. Christmas holidays, 2006. It was Christmas again, and I was at home. It was great seeing the family all gathered together. I was still single and enjoying attacking the singles life in Chicago, albeit with some care. We all went to the large mall nearby between...

2 years ago
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She Really Wanted It

She had fantasized about a dog taking her since she was in high school. Maybe it was a safer version of the rape fantasy, the being out of control but enjoying it type of thing. Her fantasy was like many others’: she had come out of a shower and while bending over a dog jumped on her from behind. In her fantasy the dog found her opening quickly and she just as quickly succumbed to the feelings, the incredible sensations of the dog’s penis swelling inside of her, its rapid thrusts. It was a safe...

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Servicing the ServicemanPart 2

I don’t know if you remember this, but I told you about BMW Boy and the day he fucked my ass. “Raped” is probably a more apt description, except I didn’t resist, and actually enjoyed it. So I guess that doesn’t make it a rape. Besides, I came away with a prized possession – a pair of his dirty boxers. For months I used those boxers to get off. Just the thought of them having wrapped around that meaty ass of his, that plump cock and balls, was enough to get me hard. But the smell! It was a...

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Neighbours 4

Neighbours Chapter Four Over Sunday morning breakfast Claire and I chatted about how successful yesterday afternoon had been with the sudden liberation of Brit. I was mid-sentence in something when I saw the light-bulb flash in her eyes. "Let's get her and Zoe to come out somewhere for lunch," she interrupted. "You've just said how important it would be to increase her confidence in her looks!" Her infectious grin made me smile and I happily agreed to her great idea. "Phone them...

3 years ago
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Statistically Speaking

Author's note: I wrote this story two years ago and posted it on another site under the name Ken Allen. If you have seen this story before, it is NOT being plagiarized! I now post my stories on Fictionmania under the name Sue Kidder. My thanks to Bill Hart for the use of his "Spells 'R Us" universe. I hope I haven't mangled his characters too much. Statistically Speaking By Sue Kidder, (AKA Ken Allen) The bell chimed softly as Harold opened the door and entered the Spells 'R...

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MyWifesHotFriend Skylar Snow 23523

While searching for a briefcase at her boss’s home, Skylar Snow takes notice of a few other things: sex toys! Snooping around a bit while running an errand for her supervisor, the personal assistant gets aroused when she sees all kinds of belts, ballgags and other sex contraband in her bedroom. But unbeknownst to Skylar, her boss’s husband Pete is home and sees her reaction to their collection of fun. He approaches her on her way out and calls Skylar on it, and even admits to having had...

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A Halloween RedemptionChapter 2

Right as Robby reached out for Doug's door, it flew inwards on its own and an impressively inebriated young man stumbled out. He took two steps and stopped, just before impacting the opposite wall. The wood paneling would have made a significant dent in his head, yet the man stood with no awareness of the near calamity. He mumbled incoherently and wandered off down the hall, clearly on a mission of some importance to him that involved counting doors and bouncing off walls. Near the end of...

2 years ago
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Life for Rent Part 3

Life for rent - Part 3 Chapter 12 17th August 2016 (now) Sydney Harbour The excessively bright intrusive flash of a camera bulb going off right in my face awakens me with a shatter from my day-mare. What the hell was that? Not the camera flash, but the whole impoverished single mum thing. As I begin to reorient to my surroundings in the restaurant I can't help but shudder that this could be a possible future were I to sleep with Damon Wall. The frightening thing...

4 years ago
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My Soul

A Date To My Soul One of the younger girls at my date?s place of employment informed my date of the rave seen and some of the interesting activities that may occur at a rave.? When my date explained to me that attending a rave meant she could be felt up by a lot of different men and women and that I could watch over her to ensure things did not get too far out of hand, I told her I would look into it. Our torture dates had been occurring further and further apart because it took...

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What Happens in CarcosaChapter 11

Actually, I remember nothing about this last final drive to Carcosa, or even most of the day afterwards driving through Nevada, Utah and into northern Arizona on our getaway. I remember laughing as I delivered the packet of blackmail information details to the FBI office and then we drove north out of town. It was more than a bit crowded in the car; Tanya was up in the front with me and Abigail and the four drugged women were all stuffed somehow into the back like cordwood, but I don't...

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My First Time

‘Can you help me, oh please help me’, she begged. There she was standing at the kitchen door dripping wet, her T-shirt clinging to her small, firm breasts, nipples hard and pointed. She was Georgie, the object of my every waking lustful moment asking ME for help. I couldn’t believe it. It was 1975 and all summer I had watched her from my bedroom window as she lay in her garden tanning herself whenever the weather allowed, wanking myself DRY thinking about her luscious body and what I would...

1 year ago
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3 men 1 boy part 3

Introduction: rape? or not? Third part, my favourite so far. (Read parts 1 and 2 to have a better understanding of whats happening) I slowly started to wake up, my mind started to awaken yet my body was strangely tired, I could feel my bed sheet under my body, and I could hear sounds coming from downstairs. I didnt feel like opening my eyes, what an amazing dream I had just had, even though I thought I was straight that dream convinced me I wasnt. As I lay there naked, I couldnt believe how...

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The Road or an RathadChapter 10

My Mom was upset when I returned home and she questioned me to find out how things were at the Thomas household. I answered the minimum number of questions I could to satisfy her, before escaping to my room so that I could do some research on the Internet. The first image I'd seen in my head had been the 'cactus'. The word cactus was something that had been associated with the image, but the plant hadn't looked anything like any cactus I'd ever seen before. After several hours of...

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Sisterrsquos kisses for my birthday

Sister’s kisses for my birthday“What are you going to gift me on my eighteenth birthday Shilpa,” I asked my sister Shilpa who was 25 now and married 2 years back to Anil. Since Anil’s job mostly touring on office work, Shilpa forced our parents and admitted me to nearby school and I was staying with the couple."I'd really like to give you something extra special for your 18th birthday, my loving brother," said elder sister, as we stood in the kitchen in the early evening, "but I don't know what...

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SRU The Map

After those two grim stories about Mike and Marya, here's something a bit lighter. SRU: The Map By Ellie Dauber Copyright 1999 ?Fred, I think we?re lost.? Almost as soon as Margie van Arndt said it, she was sorry. Most men won?t admit that they?d messed up directions or misread a map, but Fred, well?. ?I?m not lost,? he said through clenched teeth. ?This road is just the long way to Wheaton. It?s such a nice day that I thought I?d --? ?Drive past that mall up ahead...

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Business Trip pt 2

i stepped out of the last of my clothing and stood there in the darkness completely naked in front of this man who i would be working for and whose cock i had just sucked. Marcus was sitting on the sofa in front of me silent but watching me and looking me over intently and i could see a faint grin on his face. "too much hair on you but baby look at you!" he laughed "do a little turn for me Eric"i started to turn in place and was suddenly overcome with nerves maybe the alcohol wearing off i dont...

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Senior Akka Sadhana8217s Sexy Ass

Hi, readers. This is Surya from Chennai. I have been reading stories in ISS for the last four years. Kindly forgive me if any mistake since this is my first post. I thought of sharing my experience. This is not my first experience, but this is the most memorable experience. I am posting this after my angel’s approval. I am Surya, 22 from Chennai. The heroine of this episode is Sadhana, 24 unmarried senior in my office. We both work for the same company but different projects. It’s been a month...

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20180823 Xhamster Browsing

For anyone interested in good solid man/woman fucking....or If you're into nice tight cunts (hairy or smooth.... young or not so young)... if you like big cocks creaming these pussies then you may enjoy the links to galleries/videos that I will post from time to time as I come across stuff I like while surfing xhamster...Enjoy! http://xhamster.com/photos/gallery/5289187/90729739 "Cunt at full stretch while being stuck doggy with a rock hard dick. It probably felt like hot lead when he starting...

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Mike was trying to sleep. Actually he was trying to act like he was sleeping. But even the dead would have awoken by the racket his wife Stephanie was making. He heard her stomp across the floor to the door of their bed. "Alright Mike. It ends here and it ends now. You either tell me what's going on or... or, damn you Michael talk to me." Michael rolled over. "There's nothing to talk about." "Michael. Honey. Our sexlife has dropped to almost nothing. You hardly touch me anymore. And...

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The Count of Monte CristoChapter 48 Ideology

If the Count of Monte Cristo had been for a long time familiar with the ways of Parisian society, he would have appreciated better the significance of the step which M. de Villefort had taken. Standing well at court, whether the king regnant was of the older or younger branch, whether the government was doctrinaire liberal, or conservative; looked upon by all as a man of talent, since those who have never experienced a political check are generally so regarded; hated by many, but warmly...

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Teen Dreams Book 1Chapter 29

I awoke early on Saturday morning, took a quick shower, dressed, then got my guitar out and made sure it was roughly tuned up right. Then I gathered together my practice amplifier, and a spare set of strings and went downstairs to get myself some breakfast. Dad was already up and dressed when I got down and was already busy preparing food for us all. I enjoyed Dad’s weekend breakfasts, they consisted of bacon, eggs, sausage, hash browns, black pudding, toast, mushrooms and orange juice. He...

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The World of Erasthay the Son of LustChapter 60 Into the Labyrinth

Note: This story was commissioned by Ultrasound 7 and has allowed me to share it with you. This may contain scenarios and acts that I normally wouldn’t write. There will be a strong sex slave/domination theme. I will keep this from violating any cannon established in the world and I developed the mythology that drives this story. Kurtis – The Labyrinth, The Empire of Shizhuth I led my two sisters and mother into the Labyrinth at a jog. My armor shifted around me, my helm strapped tight. I...

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cumming of age

My father died when I was only six he was killed while on duty while he was in Afghanistan . My mother(Chris) took it really hard at first crying all the time and just sitting alone all day while I(Nancy) was in school . Then about a year later something happened it was like a switch was turned on she started to go out and even bring home strange men so many in fact it felt like a parade marching through our home . I used to listen at her door just to make sure she was OK not much I could do...

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Mallard HeirChapter 03

Wednesday morning Mort wakes up to find Jenny staring at him, he smiles, kisses her, and slides out of bed. Before he can stand up she’s beside him to help him limp to the toilet. They shower, get dressed, and go down for breakfast. While going down the stairs Jenny says, “I’m out of the work roster as of this morning. I’ll accept being paid to help you, but only until we’re married. After that I shouldn’t be paid.” Mort is too smart to argue about something so minor when Jenny has such...

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The School For Scandal Part 4

After a semester of minimal sleep, never, and I mean never, going to bed alone , the school year was drawing to a close. My five charges, young European girls were completing their studies and were all poised for graduation and unleashing on an unsuspecting world. All but Petra. She was due at my apartment in five minutes. I wasn’t worried that she wouldn't pass, in fact, like her four classmates, I was certain that she would fly through this with ease. She was a highly intelligent girl, of...


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