Diavolo Ch. 02 free porn video

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Due to the fact that a friend of mine started quoting scenes from the Princes Bride because of the original surname I’d picked for Gabriel and his brother, I decided to change it because I couldn’t write it without thinking of the Spaniard who was out for revenge against the man who killed his father. Hope this doesn’t confuse too much, but we’ve gone from Montoya to Montenegro. Sorry about that.


Pop Tart was a little fluff of nothing. When the windblown blonde had stalked out barefoot from Ariel’s house, muttering under her breath and fighting with the Vera Wang knock off, Gabriel had reluctantly felt intrigued. He hadn’t recognized her right away in the dark until she’d turned and widened those baby-blues at him in fright.

There had been a number of pictures of Daniel Montenegro II posing with the girl, but there really hadn’t been any information as to who she was. For the most part, the record label mogul was usually by himself.

But now, here she was…looking up at him as if he were Satan himself.

Where the hell had she come from? What was she doing here amidst the circus of fans and groupies that always trailed Diavolo?

Despite the clingy dress that showed what a great body she actually had, she looked as out of place as a nun in a whorehouse.

He rushed through the back gardens toward the building that housed the pool. Ariel had shut down the exterior lights in hopes of keeping people out of the gardens, but the pool was lit.

As he rushed through the winding trail to the pool house, he could see shapes in the dark. People in various stages of undress were everywhere, doing very nasty things. Overhead, a helicopter buzzed about like an annoying mosquito. They weren’t close enough to identify, but close enough to make Gabriel think paparazzi.

Sprinting up the three steps leading to the pool house’s entrance, he strode beneath an impressive archway between two ivy-covered columns. It felt as though he’d suddenly been transport back in time. The pool house was more like a Roman palace with a lake in the middle. Replicas of famous sculptures surrounded the twenty by forty-five-foot pool. Blue lights glowed prettily beneath the surface of the water, making shimmering reflections crawl along the vaulted ceiling with its frescos of tiny cherubs floating overhead. He strode past the array of chaise lounges, tables, and chairs, straight to the main bathroom at the end of the pool area. As soon as he walked in, the automatic lighting came on, bathing the enormous bathroom in soft golden light.

He continued to the tub area set back in a large circular room past another archway.

The walls were made of rough stone, and the floor a smoother version of the same stone. Four, thick, ancient-looking columns surrounded the circular bathtub. Looking more like a small, in-ground pool, it measured at least ten feet in circumference. Water swirled and foamed within the monstrosity. Above the sunken bath, held aloft by the columns, golden light highlighted the cupola with its paintings of more angels.

Gabriel strode by the bath to the back wall, where he set the girl down on a bench within a sculpted-out niche in the wall.

She settled back against the array of satin and brocade pillows to watch as he retrieved one of the many rolled up towels near the edge of the pool.

Gabriel unrolled the snowy-white towel and dipped it in the warm swirling water. Kneeling at her feet, he proceeded to lift her injured left foot and press the towel to the bottom of it. He dabbed at the drying blood a few times before lifting her tiny foot to see the damage.

It was just a small puncture wound oozing a drop of blood as he looked at it.

‘You’ll live,’ he murmured, his voice echoing in the vast bathroom.

He looked up at her. Her hands were fisting the material of his shirt in her lap, a scowl set firmly on her face. She’d probably look really pretty if she smiled, but, right now, he didn’t care much for the suspicious way her eyes were narrowing on him.

He cleared his throat. ‘What’s your name?’

‘Abigail,’ she replied primly.

He kept his eyes on her face, resisting the urge to checkout her legs. ‘Nice to meet you Abigail,’ he returned softly, keeping his expression blank.

Her brows drew together a little more and her lips pressed into a firm line.

Gabe could tell she was struggling with some serious internal monologue and decided to stay mute just to make her squirm a little more.

Her eyes darted to his hands, which were still holding her foot as she took a deep breath.

When she tried to draw her foot away, he gripped it tighter, and raised a brow at her, curious to see what she’d do then. Her prickly reaction to him had him intrigued and somewhat amused. Pop Tart was interesting…different.

‘You’re seeing my sister,’ she blurted—hurled the words at him, actually, quite venomously.

Gabriel released her foot as if it were a poisonous snake and stood.

He wasn’t really seeing Mikayla Brown. She was sort of stalking him, but she was fun and the guys from the band had grown attached to her.

Abigail leaned forward, her eyes bugging out of their sockets at him. He almost wanted to recoil. ‘You need to stop immediately,’ Abigail demanded haughtily.


Abigail clenched her fists with determination, her neck stretching up farther toward him. ‘You need to stay away—far away. Leave her alone—now!’

Gabriel snorted, letting his eyes flick over her. Who the hell did this chick think she was? He really hadn’t been too interested in Mikayla, had only gone as far as letting her kiss and feel him up, but he sure as hell didn’t like anyone—aside from his grandmother, of course—telling him who he could or could not see.

Abigail shot to her feet, keeping her weight off her left foot. She barely came up to his chin, but tipped her pert little nose up at him defiantly.

‘Mikayla’s engaged to Daniel Montenegro II. They’re going to get married and he doesn’t deserve this callous lack of respect. He’s a good man,’ she snapped at Gabriel, her eyes gleaming as if she were possessed, ‘honorable, and good, and sweet.’

So…Abigail wasn’t Daniel’s girlfriend, but the way she talked about his half-brother, he could tell she felt something for him. Gabriel wasn’t sure why, but that bothered him more than knowing Mikayla was Daniel’s actual girlfriend.

‘I’m not forcing Micks to be with me,’ he growled at her.

Abigail’s nose rose even higher. ‘Good. Then you will just walk away from her,’ she ordered with that haughty tone that was quickly getting on his nerves.

‘What?’ he laughed incredulously. ‘Listen, lady, Micks is the one who won’t leave me be, and even if I were to keep her at arm’s length, she’d just go off with another one of the guys from the band.’ Abigail winced and he felt a perverse satisfaction at pointing at how slutty her sister really was. ‘She obviously has an itch her fiancé is unable to scratch.’

The slap took him by surprise.

‘You are a pig,’ Abigail hissed.

She gasped when he gripped her arms and hauled her against his chest. He’d never been slapped in all his life, and now he was pissed…and, weirdly enough, suddenly turned on by the little minx.

She stared up at him, her sweet mouth gaping like a fish out of water, big eyes dropping down to his mouth.

It was then he realized he was baring his teeth at her like a rabid dog. He needed to let her go…just open his fingers from around her delicate arms and step back…but it was not easy when she felt so amazing against him.

Well—shit…he wanted to kiss her.

Abigail licked her lips, her eyelids drooping half closed as another shudder went through her.


Gabriel’s head began to descend.

‘Ey, am I interrupting something?’

The sound of Angelo’s voice snappe
d him out of his daze.

What the fuck had he been about to do? Kiss the chick who’d just slapped him and demanded he stay away from her crazy, psycho, stalker sister?

He let her go so suddenly, she actually stumbled away from him looking dazed.

Gabriel turned on his heel and stalked toward Angelo.

‘Micks has been looking all over for you,’ the blond drummer said, his eyes darting from Gabriel to Abigail.

‘I’m leaving,’ Gabriel snarled out as he strode past the bewildered man.

‘Leaving? But the party’s just getting started,’ Angelo called out behind him.

Gabriel did not stop. A few minutes later, he was making his way out of Ariel’s place, expensive tires screeching as he took the curve of the driveway too fast.

Flicking on the sound system in the car, he shifted into a higher gear as Alice In Chains’ Check My Brain came on.

Days after discovering he was Daniel Montenegro’s first-born son and heir to half the man’s empire, his grandmother had been released from the hospital. The last leg of Diavolo’s European tour had come to an end and Gabriel had just felt undecided about what he wanted to do.

Michael, the lead guitarist and founder of the band, and Gabriel were working on new songs for their next production and their first CD was in the top ten across the US.

His grandmother had asked him if he’d found his mother’s things in the attic. Gabriel had asked her why she’d never said anything before.

She’d just looked away and shrugged, looking very old and tired of a sudden, saying that there had been no point.

Gabriel had left it at that, for now. He wanted to concentrate on his career as a singer and songwriter rather than pursue the riches some stranger had consequently left him. That would come later. As co-owner of North Star Records, he would need to know allot more about running a business than he knew now—which was nothing.

Of course, that had been before some snobby little girl had slapped the shit out of him and called him a pig.

Gabriel cursed and took a turn too sharply, coming within inches of the edge of a dangerous precipice. The waves below slammed against the side of the cliff face, spraying the road with a fine sheen of mist.

He shifted down and tried to get a grip on his emotions. He wasn’t going to let that girl press his buttons.

Just as Layne Staley was singing—’when she sang, I answered the call’—his phone began to ring, interrupting the song and his dark thoughts.

Gabriel frowned when the car’s computer announced Mikayla calling.

Gritting his teeth, he tapped the control button on the steering wheel to accept the call.


‘Mikayla,’ he answered.

‘Where are you?’

He could hear the hesitance in her voice. ‘Heading down Route 1,’ he answered coolly.

After a few seconds of tense silence, ‘look, you don’t understand a thing. I’m practically being forced to marry this man,’ she exclaimed, obviously angry.

‘Micks, there is nothing between you and me. Whatever you do in your private life is no business of mine. We’re just buddies,’ he said with bored indifference.

‘But I love you, Gabe,’ she suddenly wailed.

Gabriel wrinkled his nose. ‘You don’t even know me, Mikayla. What the hell are you talking about?’

She sputtered a moment before hissing, ‘you know you want me, Gabe. No one makes you feel the way I do. You said so yourself.’

Gabriel grimaced. He’d actually told her that one night he’d been drunk. Grief over his grandmother’s health plus finding out about his messy twisted past had made him maudlin one night and he’d driven all the way to Ariel’s house. Mikayla was lounging out with the guys in their rehearsal studio and he’d pulled her aside to drown himself in her kisses a while. She’d wanted to go further, but he’d restrained himself. His grandmother had taught him better than that.

‘Micks, marry your rich boyfriend and give him lots of pedigree babies,’ he replied, feeling tired and bored.

Just as she began ranting off a string of expletives, he cut off the call.

The music blared again and he tapped the controls on his steering wheel to change to the song. Breaking Benjamin’s Blow Me Away came on now as he settled back to drive, hands gripping the wheel tight.

What was Abigail getting out of all this? What role was she playing in this little play of lies and infidelity?

Gabriel let out a long hard breath through his nose. She looked so innocent with her scrubbed face and prim façade, but she had the heart of bitch.

He touched his face where it still stung. No doubt, he’d have her pretty little handprint there to remind him of her existence for the next few hours.

He cursed again and tapped the control on the steering wheel.

‘Call Diamond,’ he snapped.

Once again, the music ceased and the sound of a phone ringing sounded.

After two rings a sultry feminine voice purred, ‘Gabe, baby, how are you?’

‘Diamond. I’m fine. Sorry if I interrupted anything…’ he looked at the car’s clock. It was barely past nine.

‘Don’t be silly, sweetheart. You know I’m always available for you.’

Gabriel grimaced at her suggestive purr. The band’s manager had been trying to weasel her way into his pants for the longest time. Unfortunately, for her, Gabriel never mixed business with pleasure.

‘Right,’ he answered a bit hesitantly. ‘Thanks. I just wanted to know what’s been discussed with the rep from North Star so far.’


Gabriel could almost imagine her putting on her business manager mask and fluffing out her fake blonde hair.

‘They haven’t really said much. I submitted the requests Michael and Rafe asked for in the contract and Mr. Montenegro hasn’t answered yet. I’m pretty sure they’ll accept, but I believe he’s been away on business for the past couple of weeks. Why do you want to know?’

Gabriel bit his bottom lip. He wasn’t about to spill the dirty family secrets to her. ‘Just wondering. Have you spoken to Mr. Montenegro directly?’

Diamond sighed out in exasperation. ‘Well I’ve tried, but that pesky assistant of his always has an excuse to keep him from answering any of my calls directly. She keeps patching me through to a representative.’

Gabriel rolled his eyes. So much for trying to find a way to talk directly with his half brother. He thought that maybe he could set up a meeting through Diamond.

‘Where are you? I’m just opening a bottle of wine and it’s such a beautiful night. Why don’t you come over?’

‘I’m heading home to my grandmother. Sharmane said she wasn’t doing so good today.’

He hated lying like that. His grandmother was as strong as ever after having been released from the hospital months ago, thank God. He just wasn’t in the mood for anyone’s company at the moment.

‘Oh, Gabe, I’m so sorry to hear that,’ Diamond said softly. ‘Would you like me to contact a friend of mine? She has an agency that provides caretakers for sick people. They’re completely certified and licensed nurses.’

Gabriel grinned. ‘Not unless I want my grandmother and Sharmane to put my balls in a sling. Granma thinks she’s just fine and doesn’t want anyone else fussing over her. Sharmane would feel insulted having someone else look after my grandmother.’

Diamond laughed. ‘Fine. Do you want me to come over? I can bring my wine?’ she purred suggestively again.

Gabriel cringed. ‘Wow…soundssss really tempting, but I’ve got allot on m mind right now, and I need to work on some personal stuff—’

‘Is that girl still stalking you, Gabe?’

Gabriel winced at the way the woman’s tone turned venomous.

‘Mikayla’s harmless, Diamond.’

‘I’ve got a bad feeling about her, Gabe. I keep telling you to stay away from her. She’s just a little gold digger.’


Gabriel wondered if Diamond knew that the ch
ick was engaged to Daniel Montenegro II.

‘I’m sure you’re right, Diamond. Don’t worry. I don’t plan on getting involved with her, okay?’

The woman sighed in obvious relief. ‘Thank goodness.’

‘Talk later, Di.’

He didn’t wait for her to say anything else and cut the call.

‘Call Bromberg,’ he told the car’s communication link.

Seconds later, his lawyer picked up.


Her sister wasn’t speaking to her. After calling her every indecent name Abigail had ever had the misfortune to hear, Mikayla had stormed off, dragging Angelo with her, and leaving Abigail to fend for herself.

Lucky for Abigail, Ariel had driven her back to the Montenegro estate.

Marjorie Brown had listened dispassionately to Abigail as she narrated the entire humiliating incident.

Her mother didn’t care though. The only thing important to her was that Mikayla was no longer seeing Gabriel Raven, lead singer of the rock band called Diavolo.

Was that even his real name?

She doubted it. It sounded like a stage name.

Abigail still had terrible dreams where he dragged her against his hard body and pressed his lush mouth against hers.

She’d awaken sweating, clenching her thighs together against the terrible ache she constantly experienced since setting eyes on him. Her mother was right. The man was a demon and he’d cast some sort of lustful spell on her.

Abigail steeled herself against such traitorous carnal longings by praying fervently until peace invaded her mind, body, and soul.

Daniel had returned from his trip abroad, but Abigail as of yet hadn’t seen him.

The mansion seemed abuzz with activity today. Fresh flowers bloomed in vases everywhere, and the wait staff polished and dusted everything until it gleamed.

Abigail strolled out to look at the gardens just beyond the balcony of her new room.

She’d had the wait staff move her things to a more modest room on the first floor by the gardens, unaccustomed to so much space and luxury. Her new room was still too big for her tastes, but at least it didn’t feel so overwhelming as the four room suite she was in before. It had a breath taking view of the enormous weeping willow that stood near the center of the garden maze.

As children, Daniel, Mikayla, and she had played hide and seek there amidst the tall, perfectly trimmed bushes and flowers. It had always been her favorite place and refuge.

She took a bracing breath filled with the fragrances of exotic blooms and walked down the steps into the garden itself.

Abigail needed to think. She felt confused and anxious…and she wasn’t sure why. It was as if she felt something…something very big was looming before all of them.

Heading in the direction of her favorite hiding place, she twirled a stray strand of her hair around one finger. Her bun was firmly in place except for a few tendrils that had somehow managed to escape with the ocean breeze.

That same breeze plastered her long grey dress to her legs as she walked along the grassy path.

She thought of Mikayla and her anger at having spooked Gabriel away, but her sister still hung around with the other band members, just as Gabriel had said she would.

Why? Why did her sister need to do that when she had such a good man who wanted to marry her and take care of her?

Abigail blinked the sting from her eyes. She’d once thought she was Daniel’s true love, but it had only been a silly childish crush to him.

She pushed her glasses up her nose with one finger and sighed. She couldn’t blame him though, and she didn’t. What hurt the most was that her aunt and mother had sent her away to all-girls boarding schools, apparently to groom her to be Daniel’s wife, and she’d turned out to be too boring for him after all.

Mikayla was more exotic and thrilling. She’d attracted not only Daniel, but Gabriel Raven as well…Gabriel, of the green eyes, beautiful face, and magnificent body.

Abigail hugged herself when she felt her nipples tighten under her Maidenform bra to keep from shuddering. Goosebumps broke over her flesh instead.

She really needed to stop thinking about that man. Her body reacted violently to any thought regarding him, and Abigail did not like that.

Finally, arriving at the little gazebo tucked beneath the willow in the middle of the maze, Abigail stumbled to a halt and gasped when she saw Daniel standing with his back toward her.

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All Johnny wanted was to play his video games. However, his step sister, Aria Bank, had other things in mind. She wanted Johnny to help her study for her midterm. After he denied helping her, she made him an offer that he couldn’t refuse. She would eat his ass if he helped her study. This made Johnny agree instantly. Aria proceeded to pull his pants down and go to town. She began eating his ass as he played video games. From there, things quickly escalated. She eventually started sucking his...

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He Photographed My Pussy

He Photographed My Pussy Mom was entertaining the Church Finance Committee at our house. They had been meeting at various houses over the past few weeks trying to figure out if they could repair the roof on the church. They planned several fundraisers and the meeting at our house was to try and finalize the latest one. There were six women, including my own mother. The minister’s wife was there, a banker’s wife, the mayor’s wife, the high school principle, and the wife of the man...

2 years ago
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Hungry Like the WolfChapter 10

“See now, that’s better. My whole fucking agency ... full of wolves! Think of the advantages that we’d have as detectives, all of us being demon wolves. Think big, not small. It’s not about catching insurance cheats or cheating spouses. It’s about intelligence, having a spy network disguised as a private detective agency. “Now, I know that most of you are married. So much the better. Turn your spouses when you get home, okay, or your beaus or girlfriends, you get the idea,” I smiled as I...

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Teen Hitcher

Hitching down the highway with nowhere to really go, Sammy was hoping for a ride in an air-conditioned vehicle, as west Texas can get really hot in the Spring. Sammy had lost his job in a tire store in the dusty dirty town of Pecos, Texas. Sammy had worked the last six months changing tires at the Just Tires store. He made the big mistake of hitting on the on the store Manager, who turned out to be homophobic. Bad mistake.The Manager called him some really bad names and sent him on his way....

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Loosening Up Characters and Other Information Through Book 8

Guide to Major Characters in Circle, Cohousing Units, Pilots, Atlanta Group and Other Information for Readers - Through Book 8 Numbers in the form (A:B) after each name refer to the Book and Chapter where the character is first introduced. CIRCLE MEMBERS AND CLOSE FRIENDS (Alphabetic by first name, through Book 8) Aaron Prentiss – (2:10) Ages 29-34 in Books 1-5. Dave Prentiss’ younger brother. Goes to work for the Bennett Foundation handling finances and grants. Married to Shelby; father of...

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My First Experiance

My name is Jay. I am 24 years old at that time. I'm from Surat, India. I had many experiences since I attained my adolescence which you must have gone through my stories posted here. I hope, you have enjoyed them all. One of the sexiest among them, which I was thinking to share since a long time, is here. It’s in 5 parts to conclude my experience in detail.This happened to me when I was 23. I was staying in my Mom's sister's (Aunty) house in the city attending interviews. My uncle is a Sales...

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Carla The Dear Sister

Carla The Dear Sister By: A. W. Chohan My sister Carla was only a year younger than I and so we were very close to each other, mostly about our secrets. I had always been the protective big brother, and she been very supportive, adoring little sister. We respected each other’s ideas and thoughts, depending for advice and support. She had a unique ability to advise me about the girls I picked as my dating partner knowing very well about my interest for what these girls had between their legs and...

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But Who Am I ReallyChapter 4

At first, Erin and Hugh were on the phone constantly. Erin drove to Hugh's office, and marveled at how large and fancy it was. Erin made it safely to Hugh's desk without seeing anyone by going in the back entrance and taking the stairs eight stories to his office. Wondering what to do next, Hugh suggested that they go through his E-mail. As they went through each E-mail message, Hugh dictated to Erin what to write. This turned out to be a useful technique for Erin to learn about Hugh's...

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Bettys Boys

As I do maybe a couple times a year when my boys are out for the evening, I dressed in sexy clothes and prepared to go out, pick up a man and get laid. Sometimes I just get so horny that I need to have a cock inside of me, never mind that there's never any relationship other than sex between me and the strangers I let fuck me.This evening, my sons were all at a college game. The urge was upon me, but I found that the thought of picking up yet another stranger for sex was just too depressing. I...

3 years ago
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Ten Days in Atlanta

When he got the call he wasn’t all that excited. You’d think that for any young player to get that call from a NBA team would be excited, but Justin Hammond has been through this before. It is early February and 23 year old Justin Hammond is making his way down to Atlanta to play with the lowly Atlanta Hawks. He actually likes the Hawks so he is looking forward to it but he’s not thrilled that they want to sign him to just a ten day contract. There aren’t any guarantees with a ten day contract...

2 years ago
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Emilys Strange Life Chapter 4

Emily's Strange Life Chapter 4 I don't know what religion I was baptised into, or if I ever was. I don't know if I'm Christian, Jewish, Muslim, Buddhist, Wiccan or Hindu. But I do know that I will never hear a word against nuns as long as I live. After I escaped from Michael I stopped at a car dealership and exchanged his conspicuous, easily traced Ferrari for something a bit more under the radar. The fact that the Ferrari was obviously stolen meant I had to trade it at well below...

4 years ago
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To the Rescue Sort of

You know, it's funny how things can affect so many people in so many different ways. I mean, things like winning the lottery. One person can go completely off the rails whilst others invest it wisely. This is one such story. At this moment in time I am 24 and my brother, Andy, is 21. To give you a brief description, I'm around 5'8", with a slim build, but weigh a good 10 stone, not an ounce of fat on me. My brother is an inch shorter, with a slightly bigger build. It's our personalities that...

Love Stories
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Jokes and GigglesChapter 772

The Tale of the Two Woodpeckers A Mexican woodpecker and a Canadian woodpecker were in Mexico arguing about which place had the toughest trees. The Mexican woodpecker claimed Mexico had a tree that no woodpecker could peck. The Canadian woodpecker accepted his challenge and promptly pecked a hole in the tree with no problem. The Mexican woodpecker was amazed. The Canadian woodpecker then challenged the Mexican woodpecker to peck a tree in Canada that was absolutely ‘impeckable’ (a term...

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AlifChapter 16

Ana was escorted to an austere room in which only a portrait of President Marmeluke and a crucifix decorated the bare walls. The only furniture was a wide table with a chair on either side. The nun beckoned her to sit on one of the chairs and left her alone. Moments later, the door opened and Mezyana entered wearing a long dark gown and a hood over her head. She smiled at Ana, and sat wordlessly on the chair opposite her. She pulled back her hood and revealed a thin freckled face and a head...

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A note to all who read this, all of it except the delivery guy part did happen... That part is pure fantasy, except I might have had him carry me half naked and squirming out to his truck, but that's another fantasy for another day.Lori was in the ladies room, touching up her eye makeup when the fire alarm buzzed and the PA ordered the building cleared. She finished the job in the employee parking lot. She used a friend's truck, which had big mirrors, and big everything else for that matter....

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A Satin Dream Comes True

I’d explored my fantasies with a transsexual escort several times and after my last encounter, which was the basic girlfriend experience, though she did wear a corset and stockings with satin panties as I asked. She was very open to fantasy play I have long had a scene I’d wanted to play out and she seemed to be the perfect gentle dominant.Now my thing is dress up. My iconic Mistress isn’t the hard core type. She’s actually quite playful and gentle but she is definitely in charge. My vision is...

1 year ago
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BrownBunnies Tori Montana Toris Bathtub Fuck

Tori Montana is currently one of the cutest young performers in the adult world. Tori started out in the bathtub. Her beautiful body was covered with soap, she showed it off from all sides. Johnny the Kid entered and she immediately went for his big dick and sucked it well. Then they fucked in the bathtub. First she was riding him, then they were standing up, leaning against the wall. Tori and Johnny moved the action to the bedroom. Here he fucked her hard from all angles until he shot his...

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The Adventures of Hoot MccoyChapter 3

Hoot woke up as soon as his little wind-up alarm clock went off. His cock was straining to stand up under the sheets. He threw the covers back and looked down his chest to see his cock bobbing and jerking. He needed to pee really bad, but he just had to admire that big ol’ wild thang as Kay Lee had called his cock. The urge to pee was too much to put off and he walked to the bathroom to relieve the pressure. Hoot and his Dad had converted their old bath tub to a new one with a shower with...

2 years ago
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Hard TimeIntroduction

It started without any warning. One moment, I was walking to the luggage carousel in the airport after returning from a business trip and, at the next moment, I was lying on the ground face down in dirt and leaves. I was dressed as I had been with my overnight bag slung over my shoulder and my laptop bag on my other. There was no flash of light, no loud bang, nor any significant thing occurring to note the transition. For transition it was. I was now in a forest surrounded by tall trees and...

3 years ago
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Stripper Story Part 2

So u stand up, your legs a little wobbly and say you are gonna take a shower. You go into the bathroom and sit down to pee. You can still taste his cum in your mouth and feel it drying on your face and breasts. You can smell the hot scent of sex coming off of your skin, a mixture of their colognes, sweat and cum. You are rubbing your nipples and feel ur pussy warming. You stand up and get in the shower, letting the warm water run over you. As you begin lathering up, the curtain slides open and...

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Amazing Fuck With My Neighbor Girl

Hi iss readers this is Rajesh. It’s my first story to share with you guys this is the story between me and my opposite house gal her name is Eswari aged 20 her shapes are 38 26 32 she is damn sexy uneducated but knows everything. Night times she wears shorts and t-shirt. One day while I am at home I am watching porn and rubbing my cock. My dick is 8inches while rubbing my dick got harder and can visible on short. She came for my mother; I opened the door she asked whether my mother is there? I...

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Dead or Alive

Due to the adult theme all contestants must be 18+ to participate in the contest. This contest that all contestants received an invite to will involve a strip fight. The winner being the one who loses all of their clothes including underwear first. The winner gains the honour and respect of their rivals and the people but may also ask anything of the loser that they wish until they are done with them. In addition there is a large cash reward offered to the victor. Each contestant has their own...

2 years ago
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One Incredible Costume

It's a nice way to wake up. There was a little chill in the autumn air, but I had a warm body next to me. Her head rested on my chest and her firm breasts pressed against me. One leg was between mine, and I could feel the touch of her smooth-shaven sex against my hip. I absently stroked her long, dark hair, and let out a sigh of contentment. Then I came fully awake and my eyes widened as I remembered who was sharing my bed... The night before: Halloween The latest procession of...

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Failing Math class gone good

It all started at the end of my freshman year, final report cards came in. My mother has an upset look on her face, as she reads my report card. I have usually had mediocre grades, but this was worse. I had a few B's, many C's, but the grade that stood out was the F in Algebra I. This meant I had to retake algebra as a sophomore. Summer came and go, with those football practices and bullshit, and before I knew it, September came along. I walk into my 3rd period Algebra I class, I'm...

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My Mother in Laws 40DDD

My mother in law she is 5ft 2 about 140 pounds very good looking blonde I have always wonder about her boobs I will see her in clothes and could tell she was busty but hide them under clothes.She came over to our house to go swimming with the grandk**s I was in the pool and she walk out I about drowned when I seen her walking to the pool her boobs where bouncing everywhere in her swimsuit.I watch her get into the pool and swam over to us all I could do is look at her massive cleavage her tits...

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A Cold Winters Day

IThis is something that happened when I was 16, 3 weeks after I tortured Brett. I was still very much the same girl except for a recent growth spurt but me now being 5’5” but Brett still towered over me now standing 5”11 and that wasn’t the only thing that had grown.------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------It was just past 8:20am on a cold (or freezing would probably be a better description) Saturday Morning. There...

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Prekrasna IsidoraChapter 4

Isidora came running toward me eyes wide. "It's unbelievable!" "What? What's wrong honey?" I was confused. "It's so big!" "What? Is everything OK, are you alright?" Now I was even more confused. "The toilet! It's so clean and so big. The paper is like cotton... no, like silk, and the attendant wasn't there. I used soap, towels, everything for free." Now I understood. Isidora had just had her first experience with an American style public restroom. As I thought back on the...

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Whos got the biggest Cock Prove It

I barely know how to begin...It happened a year ago. My girlfriend Jennifer and I had just moved into a cheap apartment. We were both studying at the university, I was 26 and she was 24. She was the most beautiful girl I've ever seen. She had medium-short blonde hair, big brown eyes and a voluptuous body. She had perky c-cup breasts with small nipples and round tight ass. We had a good sex life and she was always satisfied with me. I am quite muscular and have a respectable 7-inch cock which...

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The Nazis BoyChapter 19

It was during the wee hours, Claus and I slept on either side of the colonel, when a huge deafening explosion went off somewhere outside the hotel jolting the three of us awake. We were suddenly very alert. The flash lit up the room brighter than day, followed by subsequent blasts near and far. I was so frightened that I peed the bed. The colonel scrambled from the bed snatching his gunbelt and bolted naked through the door shoving aside panic stricken soldiers entering from the...

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My Life as a Wittol Chapter Ten A

After many years and two kids, our sex life had started to become stale. We decided to celebrate our upcoming wedding anniversary over a three day weekend at the Flamingo Casino Resort in Laughlin, Nevada. All the arrangements were made about a month in advance and the awaited departure day finally arrived and we were at long last on our way to a well-deserved party weekend.Most of the drive would be on along a narrow two-lane highway and as luck would have it we got stuck in a long line of...

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A quickie at the fire station

Sitting at the curb in my car, I see the signal I was waiting for. I slowly, and as quietly as possible, pull into the back of the fire station. I turn off the car and step out, gently bumping the door shut with my hip. I look at the door and notice it’s open slightly. I slip in silently, and it’s pitch black inside. I feel arms come around me, across my chest and middle. His cologne smells so good, but it is different than I remembered. “Ssshhh, don’t make a sound.” I nod, and the lips...

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You can only Lose your Virginity Once or can You

At 18 I still lived at home. Mum & I lived in a small country town mum was my best friend & we chatted about everything. Mum told me that my father who had passed away when I was a baby was a footballer, a rugged man with a huge frame & apparently an even biger cock. Mum who had me when she was only 16 was still very young & smoking hot. She did not date much but when she did she shared all the gory details with me, mostly though how the men just did not come close to my dad in...

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The Lonely Wife 11

Chapter 11 After Donovan went home Jack and I were in the family room watching TV.“So are you really OK with all that is going on?” Jack asked“Absolutely! Before you and I were growing apart now we can get off thinking about sexy stuff. Our little girl now has a boyfriend that knows how fuck her good and she wants to try new things too. We are now a family that has common interest and that is having great sex but we also know how to love. Are you OK with things as they are?”“Yes but I am...

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The Debt

Sara was just sixteen when her father took her to a big house on the hill. When they went in he told her "I need you to help daddy. I am in trouble and only you can save me." Sara told him "Yes, daddy I will do anything for you. I love you so much." They were taken to the library and a very powerful man sat there. "I have brought my daughter and she is willing to help me out of my trouble." The man stood and looked at the daughter. "Undress her. I want to see what I am getting. Strip her naked...

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Substitute dad pt1

Todd turned at hearing his name called. A sixteen year old beauty was facing him. Wholesome good looks, perky breasts, and a tiny waist perched atop a delightful bubble butt, tapering down to a pair of gorgeous gams, aptly displayed by her Daisy Dukes. Her low slung shorts exposed her hip bones, and her belly shirt showed off her tight stomach. Her belly button peeked out of the bottom of her shirt. She showed off a deep summer tan. But not that he would notice that sort of...

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The Artifacts of Borhm

You're just finishing a hard day in the fields, the elderly couple who've owned these farms for generations appreciatively pay you for a hard days work, and expect to see you back for another days work tomorrow. You make your way into town, passing by the same old archway that travelers have passed under for many years, but have not crossed the threshold back out of town, as most settle down to this quiet farming community. The town is bustling as last minute transactions are made at the market...


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