Diavolo Ch. 13 free porn video

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Light flickered against her eyelids and Gabe’s heart thudded loudly beneath her ear. Abby smiled and tightened the arm she had around him, snuggling closer to his comforting heat. His fingers flexed, squeezing her left butt cheek possessively as a lazy sigh made his broad chest rise and fall with its expulsion. She felt wonderfully sore, testimony to her husband’s prowess. How many times had he taken her? And the sun still hadn’t risen.

She shifted the thigh she had draped across his groin and bumped into his erection. Would it ever go down? It seemed he was constantly erect. Thankfully, he’d taken pity on her the last couple of hours and allowed her to sleep.

She felt him turn his head and blinked her eyes open when he stiffened and uttered a curse.

Gabriel was out of the bed before she could blink a second time, yanking the drapes on the floor to ceiling French windows closed.

Abby just sat up in the bed, the vision of her bridal gown hanging from a tree limb, burning, still etched on her retinas.

Gabriel had the phone in his hand, whisper-yelling as he tried to pull his pants on one-handed.

Abby pulled the sheet up to cover her breasts, still in shock, fear crawling up her spine when she saw her new husband pull out a gun and stalk to the bathroom stealthily to inspect it. He came back out to her, scooped her off the bed, and sat her on the floor next to it, away from the windows.

‘Shhh,’ he hushed, kissing her lips. ‘Don’t make a sound and stay here. I’m going outside to check around outside.’

When he tried to rise again, she clutched his arms. ‘Don’t you dare,’ she hissed holding onto him, eyes wide, desperate.

He frowned, but she didn’t let him go. ‘I need to keep you safe,’ he insisted, eyes darting over the edge of the bed before settling on her face again.

Thoughts of him going out there in the dark to face whoever had set her gown aflame had her panicking. What kind of sick twisted mind would do such a thing?

‘You can’t do that if you’re—’ She couldn’t bring herself to finish the sentence. ‘Just call nine-one-one and stay right here.’ Her eyes darted to the gun. ‘You brought a gun on our honeymoon?’

His eyes darted to the door uneasily, and then back to her. ‘Looks like it came in handy, don’t you think?’

It made her uncomfortable, but she was glad they could protect themselves. A shiver of pure fear ran through her as she remembered the dress outside burning. That dress had been mere feet away from the bed they’d been sleeping on. Someone had come into their room as they slept and took it.

Gabriel pulled her into his embrace there on the floor next to the canopy bed. ‘It’ll be okay. Over my dead body will someone hurt you.’

‘Oh, God. Don’t say that,’ she whispered, hugging him tight.

The sound of cars approaching had him easing away from her.

‘Put something on, quick,’ he said scrambling away.

Abby darted to the armoire and grabbed a robe. She grimaced when she felt something warm sliding down the inside of her thighs.

She looked down, seeing the blood and Gabriel’s semen smearing the inside of her thighs. Before she could blink, he scooped her up in his arms and carried her into the bathroom.

He kissed her tenderly, hands sinking into her hair, before pulling away an inch to look into her eyes. ‘I had imagined us waking to a different scenario.’ His fingers rubbed softly against her scalp. ‘I’m sorry. I thought we’d be safe here. Wash up, baby. I’ll get this taken care of.’

Abby slid her hands up his chest and neck, sinking into the silky dark hair tumbling around his shoulders. ‘It’s not your fault, Gabe. This is insane. Who would do such a thing? And why?’

His green eyes darkened and his jaw popped as he clenched his teeth. He didn’t say a thing, just caressed her cheek, green eyes blazing. He looked fierce, determined.

Gabriel finally turned away, stalking back out and closing the bathroom door behind him.

Abby turned on the shower over the claw-footed tub and washed briskly. She was very swollen between her legs, the area feeling hot and tender. She was a full-fledged woman now, not a maiden. She bit her lip, trying not to grin so broadly. Especially knowing someone had broken into their little love nest and could’ve harmed either of them as they slept. The thought wiped the silly grin off her face and had her eyes tearing up. If anything happened to Gabriel…she didn’t know what she would do. It would be devastating.

She shook her head, dispelling the awful thoughts and finished her shower.

With a frown, she gripped the old-fashioned knobs to turn the water off.

The shower curtain suddenly being viscously ripped open had Abby turning with a scream lodged in her throat. Her feet slid from beneath her, her arms flailing as she went down. Diamond’s cold face was the last thing she saw before her head hit the edge of the tub with a painful crack.


Gabriel heard Abby’s scream as he watched some of the inn’s employees douse the remains of the wedding dress. Heart lodged in his throat in terror, he turned and sprinted back inside, Michael right there beside him. Angelo and Rafael were already at the door, banging on it and demanding to know what was going on.

Gabriel wasn’t as patient or polite. His shoulder hit the wooden door, splintering the frame it hung on. The door banged against the wall behind it as he rushed in.

Diamond stood by the tub, towel in hand and eyes wide in shock. He shoved her away to see Abigail lying within, unconscious.

‘Shit,’ he hissed reaching in to pick her up. ‘What the fuck, Diamond. What happened?’

‘She slipped,’ Diamond answered innocently.

Gabriel gathered Abby’s wet body against his chest as he lifted her from the tub. He froze when he saw the blood. Heart thudding painfully in his chest, he sat with her on the lid of the toilet seat. He looked up and glared at the boys from the band.

Michael nodded and ushered everyone away from the door before closing it.

‘Abby,’ he said patting her cheek. Her neck felt sticky and when he checked he saw the trickle of blood flowing from her scalp. Accepting the towel Diamond held out to him, he pressed it to Abigail’s head. ‘Call an ambulance.’

Diamond nodded and pulled her phone out, before opening the door again to step out.

‘Abby,’ Gabriel said again, his tone soft as he took in her pale features.

She stirred in his arms, making him tremble with relief.

‘Baby, open your eyes,’ he coaxed.

Sleepy, baby-blue eyes blinked open, a little frown line marring the smooth skin between her brows. She stared at him a few seconds before saying in a very soft slurred tone, ‘who are you and why am I naked?’

Gabriel just gaped at her. Oh, God. No.

A giggle bubbled from her lips as she blinked her eyes slowly. ‘Your face. Priceless.’

He just frowned down at her until she rolled her eyes and winced from apparent pain.

‘I was just kidding. I know you’re my husband.’

‘That wasn’t funny,’ he said fighting the urge to laugh despite the dire situation. She pouted and he just pulled her tight against him with a sigh. ‘What happened?’

Abigail stiffened in his arms. ‘Diamond…’

As if on cue, his manager, who’d stepped out of the bathroom to make her phone call, walked back in. Abigail immediately covered her breasts and curled into Gabriel shyly. He wrapped his arms around her, fierce protective instinct riding him hard, and glared at the other woman.

Diamond’s eyes were cold, almost angry before she blinked and the expression was gone. ‘The ambulance is on its way.’

‘Ambulance?’ Abby’s eyes lifted to his, filled with apprehension. ‘Oh, no. I don’t want to go to a hospital. I’m fine.’

‘You’re bleeding.’

She clenched her thighs and flushed scarlet. Her brows drew together in indignati
on. ‘Seriously, Gabriel,’ she chastised much to his surprise. ‘I’m sure I’m not the first virgin to bleed on her wedding night.’

His lips twitched at her angry and utterly mortified expression. ‘You’re head is bleeding. That’s why I had Diamond call emergency.’

‘Oh,’ she muttered biting her bottom lip.

Diamond snorted in exasperation and flounced out of the bathroom.

He resisted teasing Abby further, and helped her dry off instead. She was dressed just in time for the ambulance to arrive. Police cars lined the road in front of the cottage. They wanted to interrogate him, but he wasn’t leaving Abigail’s side. He left Michael and Diamond in charge of everything and hopped into the ambulance with Abby.

Luckily, the media hadn’t gotten wind of his and Abby’s marriage, nor did they know where he was. It was almost six in the morning and the hospital emergency room was desolate except for the staff. In all the commotion, he’d forgotten to put shoes and a shirt on. The nurses were tripping over themselves in his presence until one of the doctors brought him a pair of Crocks and a t-shirt with the hospital’s logo on it from the gift shop.

After performing an MRI on Abby, she was released from the hospital with a bottle of pills for her headache and everyone congratulating them on their nuptials.

Outside, a black Mercedes SUV awaited them. The chauffer hopped out and opened the door as Gabe rolled Abby out in a wheel chair. Behind them, the emergency room staff applauded and whistled when he bent to kiss her before helping her out and into the SUV.

‘Stop somewhere before we get to the airport and get me another t-shirt and some flip flops. Preferably black,’ he told the driver, slipping him a Benjamin.

Inside the SUV, he got on the phone again with Diamond. Their private jet was ready ahead of time for their next trip. Thankfully, he’d spoken with the pilot a week before letting him know their destination. Reluctantly, he told Diamond where to have Abby and his luggage sent. He really hadn’t wanted anyone to know where they were headed, but the circumstances had changed.

‘And Diamond,’ he said avoiding Abigail’s steady gaze, ‘next time knock on the fucking door before you walk into the bathroom while Abby’s showering.’

Abigail tugged on his arm, shaking her head. ‘Don’t blame her,’ his sweet wife said.

She was too good.

Diamond, on the other hand, sputtered a ‘what? What the fuck did she say? I did knock. I walked in and stood there waiting for her to finish and even had a towel ready. How dare she accuse me of anything. I won’t stand for this, Gabe. I’m your manager and I’ve been with you for over seven years now—’

He cut the call and turned toward his wife. ‘How are you feeling?’

She touched her head. It was just a tiny cut from hitting the tub so hard. It could have been worse. Just the thought that something really bad could’ve happened to her made him want to go ape-shit.

‘I’m fine, really.’

His eyes dropped down to her lap, remembering the sight of her thighs streaked in blood and semen, evidence of her lost innocence at his hands.

‘Are you sore?’ He stroked her low on her belly to indicate his meaning.

She blushed, her gaze dropping down to where she placed her hand over his. ‘Only a little,’ she replied in a small voice.

He’d wanted to fill the tub with steamy water and rose petals and then kiss her slowly awake to share a bath with him. Room service had been ordered to bring their breakfast as they bathed, and place it outside on their covered terrace beyond the French doors near the bed. Thinking someone had come in stealthily while they slept and had taken her dress to set it aflame from a tree branch made his rage spike all over again.

‘Gabe,’ she said softly, her hand pressed against his cheek.

He looked at her, saw the worry in her eyes, and sighed, clearing his mind of negative thoughts.

‘Everything is going to be fine, baby. I promise. No one will know where we’re going this time.’


Abigail screamed. Water rushed past as she clung to the tip of the surfboard. Behind her, her husband stood riding the ten-foot swell that propelled them at breakneck speed toward the shore. Her scream turned into a squeal of laughter as he swerved them through the crumbling wave, the roar of the water almost drowning out her sounds of glee. Too soon they were in shallow water, Gabriel tipping them over.

She held her breath and felt his arm tighten around her. Her feet found the sandy bottom and they rose with a gasp, laughing.

They made their way back to where they’d left their belongings. Gabriel passed his surfboard to an attendant. He still hadn’t told her exactly where they were, but the island was breathtaking. There weren’t any roads and the only mode of transportation were four tracks or golf carts.

‘Hungry?’ Gabe asked tossing her a towel.

On cue her tummy rumbled. Gabriel laughed and took her hand, leading her back to their four track. Hopping on, he twisted to give her hand as she climbed in behind him.

The short trip through the lush tropical forest was only a few minutes. They walked hand in hand into their bungalow.

Abigail loved the palm frond covered bamboo roof, the wooden floors and the king-sized bed draped in gauzy curtains. They had their own Jacuzzi and infinity pool facing the tranquil ocean.

She blinked in wonder seeing covered trays set in their outdoor eating area. Gabriel led her to the bathroom instead.

They shed their rash guards and stepped under the warm spray of water in the shower.

Abby moaned when he began lathering up her hair.

‘I’ve got someone coming over to do your hair for you, but first we eat.’

She tipped her head back to look at him.

‘I don’t want to hear a word about money right now, Abby,’ he said when she opened her mouth to protest.

She sighed and lowered her head. Closing her eyes to just relax and enjoy what he was giving her, a lavish honeymoon. Would they even have enough to purchase a home when they returned? She knew the band was still just starting to get recognition. He couldn’t have amassed so much money to pay for all the luxuries they’d been enjoying since just before the wedding.

He continued to lather her up after helping her rinse her hair. She’d grown accustomed to his hands all over her, enjoyed it immeasurably. His soapy hand slipped between her thighs and teased, leaving her aching for more when it moved away. He cupped handfuls of water and doused the area he’d just soaped and chuckled when she tipped herself into his palm, wordlessly asking for more.

Abby shuddered when he pressed the full length of himself to her back. He felt so solid and strong. She loved the feel of her husband. Closing her eyes, she tipped her backside into his groin, feeling how hard he was for her. She let her head drop back, tipping it sideways to give him access for the line of kisses he was nipping and suckling down the side of her throat.

He groaned, and she could feel his lips widen into a grin. ‘You wanna do it in here again?’

Abby bit her lower lip and nodded.

He chuckled. ‘One of these days I’m going to make you verbalize these requests.’

Her face went hot.

‘A guy needs to be sure he knows exactly what the wife wants.’

‘You know what I want,’ she giggled looking at him over her shoulder. She tried for bold, maybe coy, but the heat in her cheeks let her know she probably looked as bashful as she felt.

Gabriel’s black lashes were dappled with water droplets, his teeth stark white in his tanned face. He had a bit of sunburn on his cheeks and nose, but still looked beautiful, maybe wild…like a tattooed Tarzan.

He tilted his head, hand coming up to slide against the column of her throat. His mouth sealed over hers, tongue darting out to slide between her lips. She met him halfw
ay, caressing his tongue with hers in a sensuous dance. His erection jumped against the seam of her backside.

Breaking the kiss, she leaned forward a bit, tilting her hips to him, heart beating frantically as she took in the sight of her handsome man so aroused behind her.

She wanted to be bold, to tell him explicitly what she wanted him to do. He bit his lower lip, pupils wide within the pale, sea-glass green of his eyes, hands smoothing over the slope of her hips, waiting, taunting her with those hungry eyes.

She wanted to tell him naughty words…but they wouldn’t pass her lips. Her face heated more, and a sliver of insecurity had her tensing up. He’d had so many beautiful women in his life, woman who, without a doubt, demanded he do very-very indecent things to them, and who, most likely did very indecent thing to him as well. Just thinking about it made her heart hurt and eyes sting.

His gaze softened, lashes lowering.

‘I love you, Abby,’ he whispered nudging her entrance, pressing in slowly.

She gasped and turned, closing her eyes, reveling in the feel of him, so hard, so thick, working his way inside her. He pulled away and used his fingers to work some of her internal wetness out around her opening.

‘You’re still so tight, baby. Tell me if it hurts.’

It did, but she was not saying a thing. She wouldn’t deny her husband his pleasure. Curving her back more, she relaxed her internal muscles as he began to penetrate her again. A gulping breath rushed past her lips as he pressed harder trying to breach her tiny opening. She closed her eyes and opened her mouth in a silent moan as he finally slid in deeper, so deep. His fingers tightened on her hips making her wince before the head of his cock kissed the entrance to her womb. She felt completely impaled. Abby bit her lip to stifle her whimper. She was either too short inside or he was just too long.

‘Why don’t you tell me if it hurts?’ he murmured behind her.

Her eyes snapped open in surprise.

He leaned forward, lips brushing the shell of her ear. ‘I can feel you tense. I know it hurts when I go almost all the way in.’

Almost? Her eyes widened. He chuckled.

‘Seriously, baby. Tell me when something makes you uncomfortable. This is a two way street. We both need to enjoy this or neither of us will feel satisfied.’

She frowned at that and turned her head to look into his eyes.

His eyes heated even more as he slid his palm from her hip to between her legs to slowly tease her. ‘A man can’t call himself a man if he doesn’t please his woman. This isn’t just for me to get my rocks off, baby. I need to hear and know I’m giving you pleasure. That you’re craving this as much as I am.’

A shudder ran through her, making him smile lazily at her. Oh, God. His fingers. He was driving her mad. He pulled out slowly and slid back in, oh-so-slow.

Abby panted and moved a little, wanting him to pick up the pace. He took his time. She huffed in impatience and tipped her hips farther back, closing her eyes to revel in the sensation. Gabriel kissed the side of her neck, his breath panting softly near her ear.

Abby widened her stance a little more. He pumped slowly behind her. Her nails scraped the stone tiles a bit as she pushed back against him. He groaned in approval, so she did it again.

‘Oh-fuck-yeah, baby,’ he groaned out.

Her eyes snapped open at his use of the F word. So far he’d kept his vocabulary clean around her, but hearing him use that word now was…arousing. Her naughty-naughty rock star.

She wanted to say something hot too, but all she could muster was a pathetic little whimper.

‘Yes, baby,’ he groaned, going a little deeper again. This time she didn’t mind, welcomed the dull ache it caused, in fact. ‘Tell me you love this. Tell me you like how I make love to you.’

‘Oh-God, Gabe. I love it,’ but she wanted him to go faster.

‘You like it slow like this? Oh, baby,’ he hissed sliding out and pushing in lazily. Sweetly.

She’d just about had it with sweet right about now, but how to tell him? The rascal probably knew because she could feel him grinning into her neck.

She thrust her ass back at him, hoping he’d get the hint. Gabriel growled like an animal, making the hairs on her scalp tingle.

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Hi mera naam rajkumar hai and i am from bangalore. Mein ab bsc 3rd year mein hu. Me in merei maa ke baare mein batane jaaraha hu.meri maa ki naam sumathi hai.mein meri maa ke baare me khabhi bhi galath nehi socha tha. Jab ye haadsa huva jabse vo meri maa nehi balki meri patni, meri instructer aur sab kuch hai.meri maa 36 saal ki hai aur mein 18 saal ka hua tha haadsa jab huva mein 16saal ka tha.meri maa ek vidhwa(widow) hai. O sirf 4 mahine hi meri baap ke saath jiyi thi yaani meine apne baap...

4 years ago
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My Daughters Roommate

My Daughter's Roommate Being a divorced dad, I have the responsibility each fall to help our daughter move into college. This year she is living off campus. She and four of her friends have found a large, old-Victorian style home. It has three bedrooms, one bedroom being alone on the top floor with an exterior stairwell. As we unloaded the car with her clothes, shoes, boots and endless boxes of feminine items, I couldn't help but notice a very confident, yet pert young woman, who...

1 year ago
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DiscoveryChapter 4

Now it gets complicated. Shirley talked to her mom the next day. They even drove into town so they could talk about it. They talked for four plus hours. My first knowledge of all this was a telephone call Sunday evening from Shirley saying. "Why don't you come over for desert, Mom has some apple pie?" Not knowing what I was in far, I was there in a flash. When I went into the house, I knew something was wrong. No kids. No Dad. Then I remembered passing their car on the way. Shirley's Mom...

2 years ago
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The Descending of Jessica Ch 12

Several months ago, I hinted at an epilogue to wrap everything up. Unfortunately, this has turned into not only another chapter but probably should have been two or three. Oh, well. If you haven’t read the preceding chapters, you probably should or none of this will make any sense. If, on the other hand, you want to plow right in then have at it. I make no promises as to whether the continuity will make any sense to you, but you are welcome to try. As always, all names have been changed. Some...

1 year ago
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The Runners

The week long heat wave finally broke. While it was still summer and hot, it was now ok to resume my regular daily run especially if I went out early. It was not yet 8am and it seemed that there was no one else on the trail through the woods. According to the “rails to trails” marker, the path runs for just over three miles. For most of the trek, you’re in a straight line. Somewhere around the first mile, I saw in the distance, another runner coming in my direction. Like the two trains in the...

1 year ago
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The Windfall

Copyright© I had to go through one railcar and into the next before I saw her. I had spotted her three weeks before for the first time, traveling on the same commuter route as me in the afternoon, sometimes the same in the morning although we often seemed to take different trains early. In some ways, she was unremarkable. She always seemed to carry a book and when she found a place to sit, by herself if one was available, she immediately immersed herself in her book, never drawing...

2 years ago
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Doing it for money

The young girl squatted on her haunches, her short black skirt around her waist, her thong panties stuffed into her school bag. Her shoulder length hair drooped over her face and shoulders hiding it from the man in front of her. A jet of pee erupted from her preteen pussy, hitting the floor and splashing her thin ankles. Pushing with her pelvic muscles, her sphincter opened and the head of a turd appeared. She grunted slightly and smiled. The man was going to pay her 20 to video her as she...

2 years ago
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meri kamsin chut ki seal kaise tuti

Hello everyone , kaise ho aap sabhi , umid karti hu ki aap sab maze mai honge , bhut muskil se time nikl k ye story likh rehi hu , mera naam rupa hai mai 12th mai hu meri age 18 ki hai aaj mai aap sabhi ko apni pelhi chudai ki khani bta rehi hu 10 mahine pelhe ki bat hai meri figer size 34-26-34 hai mujhe bhut chudai karwane ka dil hota hai jisne meri seal tora uska nam sajid hai wo mra internet friend hai wo mumbai mai rehta hai , 3 sal se sajid mra internet friend hai , 21 sal ka hai wo...

4 years ago
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ShankedChapter 4 The Triumph of the Will

I got down to Monterey the week before the Open and drank my way through the local wineries. I had Susan come down and share the limo and the suite with me. We played a couple of rounds of golf, me maintaining my sterling record of below par, she making fun of me and out driving me every hole. I told her if she could put it in the hole like I could she would be a better golfer. She agreed that I could put it in the hole pretty well. She was only asked a few times what she was doing hanging...

3 years ago
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Second Coming 2 Working Girls

Second Coming #2: Working Girls By Valerie Hope The anguish wasn't from physical pain. It was from what the male mind feared most: helplessness. There was no way to plant his feet and fight, no way to confront his enemy face-to-face and struggle on his own terms. There was only the darkness and the weight, the guilt and the confusion and the not-knowing, having the screams of the men under his command ringing in his ears and not even being able to utter a sound of comfort or...

3 years ago
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Granny Duo

Recently at the pool, I saw my first granny duo. Bella & Yvonne both early 70s. Bella semi side view in left cabin - Yvonne full frontal in centre cabin. I knew their names because they were chatting throughout. Bella was large ugly dark haired woman - wearing a black one piece swimsuit. Yvonne was skinny elegant grey haired lady in a two piece a****l print costume. Watched Yvonne first - top off in a flash, small flat spaniel ears with small areola & flat nipples on show; rather...

3 years ago
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How I Started Working As A Gigolo 8211 Part 1

Hi Indian sex stories readers, this is Vignesh 24 from Chennai 5.7″ tall, slim body. Currently working in a mnc. Earning fine. This story is all about how I was seduced by an neighbourhood aunty named Lalitha and now I am working as a part time gigolo for money and for fun. Please don’t mind if this story is too long as this is my first time writing. Actually I am very much interested in pets especially birds.. I am living in an rented house with my friends. And lalitha age 33 homely having...

1 year ago
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A Night of Firsts pt 3

We all took a sip of our drink. Catherine, Anna and myself, presided over by Lauren. I felt like a new gurl at this party. I bit my lower lip, I wriggled in my seat for my dress giving an accidental glimpse of way too much upper pantyhosed thigh.I blushed so deeply. Lauren must have sensed it as she leaned in closer and told me that I was a flirty gurl and those legs of mine might get me in trouble. I lowered my eyes and she giggled when I didn't meet her gaze. I fumbled for conversation until...

2 years ago
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The Legend of Eli CrowChapter 5

After an early start in the cold hours of morning, they rode hard and steady all day, stopping to relieve themselves twice and eat from the grub sack. They made Kansas City, Missouri late in the day as the sun was sinking behind the cold flat horizon, across the river in Kansas. They stopped at a big fancy hotel and registered as Eli and Rose Crow. The desk man was hesitant at first to let the two Half-Breeds stay in his hotel, but saw the Deputy U.S. Marshal badge and the Indian Police...

3 years ago
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Britney Spears Keeps Her Virginity

I couldn't believe what I was seeing! Britney was on her hands and knees, back arched sharply, head up. Her pussy was dripping wet. Her pussy lips inflamed, but still tightly together. What drew my attention the most, however, was most unexpected! Her asshole. Although not spread by her hands, it gaped. It gaped on it's own. I wondered how many times she had been fucked there. But don't get me wrong. It was beautiful. Perfectly round, tight edges, a dark pink color surrounded by skin slightly...

1 year ago
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Beths ArmChapter 2

The October day's clouds had turned leaden, closed out the sun and sprayed a fine mist over the barren land and lonely haystacks. The furrowed fields lay in brown stubble, and the dirt lanes were growing their winter crop of ruts, rocks and mud. With his knees and heels Alexander Beall kept his soggy mare moving along the grassy roadsides as he trotted home. As usual, the main routes around the courthouse were the responsibility of a member of the Clagett family, and Beall made a note in his...

2 years ago
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For the first time in two years, Valira shut her laptop off immediately after recording a film review. The editing process put aside for now, her heartbeat ramped up as the afternoon crept on. A buzzing cellphone skidded along the stone kitchen countertop, prompting a jog towards it from her work desk. Dark, medium-thick locs held in a ponytail slapped her lower back; ample breasts bounced in a white tube top before an abrupt stop and the phone being picked up.“Hello.”“Valira Talan?”“Yes, this...

Fantasy & Sci-Fi
2 years ago
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Annie and I the early days

I was sixteen when I first met her at our local youth club and she was fifteen. She wore a yellow pleated skirt with a white blouse, and I thought she was the most beautiful girl in the world.  In those days, tights, (pantyhose) hadn't yet been invented and if a teenage boy caught a glimpse of stocking top, it was a case of an instant hard on!I was more than surprised when I asked her for a date and she agreed. I was practically walking on air when I went home that night.We went to the pictures...

Love Stories
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Family Slut 8211 Part 1 8211 Getting What She Wants

This is what Nisha feels she is. She is 20 years old and has been sleeping around with many members of her family since she was 18 years. I would be sharing 5 years of her life with you all in many parts and this is the first part of the series. Do let me know if you like this part so I can go ahead and begin work on the part 2. Remember, even a SEX STORIES writer’s need motivation. Now back to the real story:- It was about 1:30 am. Nisha was pretending to be asleep like her brother, Rohan....

1 year ago
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Deputy PorterChapter 52

Spring had come to the mountain, and it was glorious. I have survived the last two months without being involved in any of Mary Ellen's projects. I did pay off the Monk for saving my life, otherwise I had been celibate. How did I do it you asked. Well everybody showed me a lot of love at work and the community seemed to appreciate all that I had done. I guess I didn't need the love of a strange man to justify my existence at that particular time in my life. I was reporting for the new SOU...

4 years ago
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Charlottes Web Chapter 2

It seems like every story someone becomes a young beautiful woman with huge breasts and a perfect hourglass figure oozing sex appeal. While this is great fantasy reality tells us that this is a very small minority so I thought a story of becoming a more typical female might appeal to others besides myself. This is just a start and I have ideas of where I want to take so I am making this story an SIBC and see how everyone reacts to it. Charlotte's Web Chapter 2 by Heather Marie The...

3 years ago
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Winter in Sweden Part 1

The Adventures of Masha and MeChapter 1 – Winter Holidays in Sweden1.1 I am RitaThis is the story of me, 21 years old Rita, born in Tallinn, Estonia. I am a second-year student of English and Mathematics, planning to become a teacher. I have long brown hair and my height of 1,68 m is in an average range. My body is also quite normal size although sometimes I wish to have some kilos less. I like Inline-Skating, dancing, reading and spending the day in bed with a good book. I live together with...

3 years ago
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Personal Secretary

Hi friends, this is Bobby here again after a long time. For the people.” Who don’t know me; I am male 36 from Delhi. I am big fan of ISS and written previous episodes in ISS and got good replies from number of people across the globe. Well coming to the latest incident which happened to me a month back. I was sitting alone in my office. It was after the lunch time and I was bit relaxing and talking to my friends on phone when suddenly one lady knocked the door of my office and just peeped in...

2 years ago
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Game of LifeChapter 5 Lost and found

I was over in Denmark for a few days when Vivian disappeared, or I suppose I should say that it was noticed that she was missing. It wasn't a secret that she was going away on holiday, I believe Katie probably knew more details than most of us, because she had been at home the weekend before Vivian was due to go and had actually seen the tickets for the coach trip. Kate didn't panic that her mother wasn't home when she called until a fortnight later, because she assumed that she'd made a...

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Twinks first breeding

I was traveling for work this past summer and as many guys do found myself horny as hell in my hotel room one tuesday night. I spent most the night jacking off to porn online but after a while of searching for the perfect vid (you know the one that puts you there) i gave up and quickly switched my search. Now iam on the prowl for a meet up. I have had some luck a few times before in mens rooms but I was out of state and had no idea where the meet up spots were so i took to the internet. After a...

3 years ago
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Red Ribbons in Her Hair Ch 16

Kaylee arched her back, her eyes opening to see Gabe above her, his hands stroking the hair from her face. He moved against her and she felt that wonderful tingling sensation again, the same sensation that had roused her from sleep. With it, she realized he was buried deeply inside her body, his cock thrusting in long, slow strokes that had called her from the sensual dreams she was having into the wonderful reality of being in his arms. ‘It’s about time you woke up,’ he growled, nipping at...

2 years ago
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TommyChapter 17

“Oh yes, Tommy, more, more, more. Drive it in there,” his sister cried. “Harder, harder.” And then she screamed when her orgasm washed over her, and Tommy braced himself and gritted his teeth as he came in her again, just the way he had when he was only thirteen. His sister was home from college at Thanksgiving and, for old times’ sake and to satisfy her lust and curiosity, she had crawled into her brother’s bed as soon as their parents left the house that morning. Now she lay, well...

2 years ago
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Damsel In Distress

Note from the author: I'll keep this short, as I myself am annoyed by overly long prefaces. I wanted to show that I'm not a one-trick pony with the furry TG stories I had submitted in the past. This story itself started out intending to be a one shot, but along the line the serialized approach seemed better. Anyways, writing in the first person looking back style was a little problematic for me at times, and the rushed approach I took to it kind of shows here and there. I decided...

3 years ago
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A Side I Had Never Seen

This is a hard story for me to tell, not that the story is hard, but my cock just won't stay down thinking about it. My wife teaches college and sometimes does private tutoring, herein lies the story, but a little info first. Susan is a gorgeous creature, short blonde hair, 32a-24-34, with an ass to die for. She had told me that she had given up that sweet ass when she was younger, but I don't know why, but she wouldn't let me have any. Not that the rest of her was bad, but I just always...

2 years ago
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Daddy needs me

Her dad watched her around the house in her sexy shirts and shorts and at night in the skimpy pajamas. She was developing into a sexy woman. His wife no longer wanted sex and he had needs to fulfill and was looking for a new bed partner. The daughter was just what he needed. He watched her nice full tits with the round nipples and that curvy ass. He wanted to taste her and fuck her.One night her mom had gone to bed early and the dad and daughter were watching a sexy movie and his cock was...

2 years ago
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My Wifes Christmas Affair

Curiosity of this unexpected warmth began to nibble at my thoughts. She certainly wasn’t this affectionate while dancing with her a just over half hour earlier. Where had she gone, I wondered. Intrigue finally won over as I pulled away to look into her eyes. They were tender, filled with love and emotion, yet there a hint of uncertainty. Or, was it a mischievous glimpse I saw? I cautiously asked where she had gone. Her answer would change our love life forever. Christine and I have been...

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I have been staying in a luxurious five-star hotel with wonderful harbour views and lovely gourmet meals. However, despite the luxury I am very horny and longing for a sexual encounter. Before I leave for home I am determined to have a sexual experience in this city. Two nights ago I used my vibrator and fantasised about a range of scenarios as I worked toward an orgasm sitting naked on a chair in front of a wall length mirror. Perhaps a much younger well-hung man? Or two men? Or a man and...

1 year ago
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DeAnns Submissive Weekend Part Nine

Mark shook me awake and said, "Time to get ready for dinner."I got up and took another shower then dried off and asked Mark, "What am I wearing tonight?"Mark locked my collar back in place and said, "Suzy will be up with your clothes in a few minutes. I believe Robert has a nice outfit picked out for you."No sooner said and there was a knock on our door. Mark let Suzy in and said, "Lay DeAnn's clothes out on the bed and then you can help her get dressed."Suzy replied, "Yes Sir," and laid out my...

3 years ago
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Good Deeds

Billie added the last decoration from the package to the pine tree in her front yard with trepidation. ‘Damn, I should have bought more,’ she mumbled after glancing at the finished project. An empty spot near the top needed some ornaments. Grabbing a shiny red ball and a silver bell from where they hung at the back of the tree, she repositioned them to fill in the space. Then she stepped back once more. The parched lawn mocked the vibrant colors hanging from the tree. Billie turned away from...

1 year ago
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A Most Memorable Cruise

It was our third cruise to the Caribbean and my wife, Amie, had been in a deep sexual funk for several months over family and work-related matters. This time, I decided, the sex would be better than ever and she needed, at 43 to open up that more than ripe body of hers to the joys of sheer pleasure. I helped her shop in the port city for just the right bathing suits, lingerie and sexy dining clothes that would set her off from the crowd and help create opportunities. For 13 years I had longed...

3 years ago
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The StallionChapter 9

There is a knock at the door which startles Emily Elizabeth from her sleep. She groans, almost snarling at the noise. It comes again and this time her eyes fly open, only to quickly shut as the light flashes at them like headlights at a deer. “Emily Elizabeth, you planning on coming down sometime today?” her mother asks through the door. “This is twice now you’ve overslept. We’re running a farm here. We ain’t got no time for oversleeping.” The girl rolls over with a grunt, pulling the...

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