Dianna Ch. 01 free porn video

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Hello, and welcome. This is my second attempt at writing a story. I really enjoyed this venture.

This story is a love story. It is a slow build up and not a lot of random sex from the start. I really want you to get to know the people in this tale. So, I hope you read this story and enjoy it.

I want to thank the following people who helped me create this fantasy: LaRascasse, my editor for really helping me with this. Kalamazoo707 and Donalde for helping me stay track and simply being there. Mostera1 for offer ing wisdom and encouragement, and finally, Mokkelke for being the best beta reader ever.

Any mistakes found throughout this story are my own, and not a reflection on any of the people who helped.

Again, thank you for reading and I hope you enjoy it.


Joseph Yearly was an ornery old man who was as tough as old shoe leather. He didn’t like people, had no friends, and vanished from his family over a decade ago. He was a loner. He only talked to people if it was about money. Once a month he conversed with the Bouvier girl that collected his rent and that was it. He liked that girl, and he almost regretted the stunt he had just pulled on his tenants. He sat on the train thinking about the events that led to this trip to Vegas. At sixty-nine years old, he’d lost everything that he had worked for his entire life.

It’s this damn economy.he mused. I worked for Baxter’s Industry for the last thirty-eight years of my life and they just up and closed the company. Hell they even stole my pension and retirement. So what if those fuckers end up on the street, it really isn’t my fault. Blame the president. He then turned sideways in his seat and tried to sleep, only to discover that sleep was elusive.

Joseph Yearly was luckier than most, because he owned a small apartment building. Even though he’d lost his job, the income from the renters helped him stay afloat for a while after the company closed. Now, he was tired. For over two years he fought foreclosure, the loss of his job made his situation worse. Finally, the bank won and he had no choice but to surrender his properties. Fighting two mortgages, his medical bills, and legal fees, exhausted Joseph.

He made a decision last month when the repossession actions started. He wouldn’t say anything to his tenants, because then they might refuse to pay him. He’d collect this month’s rent from them, acting as if everything was normal, give them receipts, and then get the hell out of town.

He’d head to Vegas for a short vacation before showing up at his son’s house. His boy was kindhearted like his mother. He’d be able to stay with him for a couple of weeks before he put him out. He’d use the I miss you son and want to spend time with you routine. That kid might fall for that crap, Joseph thought.

He drove up to the apartment complex to speak with Dianna Bouvier about collecting the rent for the month. He wanted all of the payments in by the second of the month. Dianna had rented from him for a couple of years and he knew all of the tenants trusted her, so he had her to collect their rental payments and get them to him.

His tenants knew he was money hungry and simply paid, no questions asked. Joseph collected gave them receipts and moved on as usual. Not even hinting that trouble was on the horizon.

A few days later, trouble showed up.

‘What the fuck is this?’ Dianna Bouvier yelled as she came home from work to an awful surprise. Ms. Savannah Dew, a loan officer from Southcorp Bank, and a local deputy, Deputy Bobby Johnson, were standing in front of her apartment building as she arrived home.

Savannah approached her slowly carrying official looking papers in her hands. Handing the papers over to Dianna, Savannah informed Dianna that she and the other tenants who lived in the building were being evicted.

‘What the hell do you mean that we have to be out of our apartments in one month?’ she furiously demanded from the banker who was about to place a foreclosed sign on the front lawn of the building.

‘I’m sorry, Dianna. Your landlord, Joseph Yearly, surrendered his properties to the bank last month. We thought he’d let all of his tenants know. It’s obvious that he did not. I am so sorry, but you and the other tenants have thirty days to vacate the premises.’ Ms. Dew explained nervously as she gripped the foreclosure sign under her arm.

Dianna was upset. No, she was beyond upset, she was pissed. A million angry thoughts flew through her mind all at once. She’d just given Yearly the rental payments for everyone a few days ago and he didn’t even hint that the bank was about to take the building.

‘Hold up, Ms. Dew. I’ve got to ask Mr. Yearly about this?’ Dianna stated trying to keep her temper in check. Dianna pulled out her phone and dialed his number. She got a recording that the number no longer existed.

‘Ms. Dew’, Dianna began to ask realizing the direness of the situation, ‘What about the money we’ve paid as a deposit on the rentals? Will the bank refund any of our money? I’ll be fine, but the other tenants who live here are on fixed income. They simply don’t have the money to move.’ She explained to the banker and deputy.

‘Does the bank have any idea where Yearly is? He’s not answering his phone. Can you or someone get in touch with him? I know that it’s not part of your job, but you’ve just made several people homeless. Is there any way you or someone can reach him?’ Dianna asked desperately.

Savannah shook her head, ‘I’m sorry Ms. Bouvier. We can’t give you that information.’ Looking at Dianna’s face, Savannah could see the stress and worry that clouded her eyes. She wished she could help, but she was just the messenger.

Frustrated Dianna wanted to scream. This isn’t right. Yearly shouldn’t be able to get away with this.She had to figure out where they could go.

Feeling defeated, she simply turned and walked away from the two people in front of her home after telling them to leave.

Dianna contemplated their situation for a minute and then decided to go to Yearly’s house. She caught the number seven bus to his neighborhood and walked to his house from the bus stop early in the evening. The first thing she noticed was the big red and yellow foreclosure sign in the front yard. Her stomach dropped as it dawned on her the predicament she and the other tenants were in. An elderly neighbor came out and informed her that the people who lived there had moved away two days ago.

Dianna was stumped. She along with the other tenants paid their rent with a money order, so there was no way to stop payment. Now, they had no money, no home, and were fast losing hope.

Dianna felt as if the world had crashed down on her head overwhelmed. The people in the building counted on her to make sure they were taken care of and now she had no idea what to do. She thanked the lady for the information and headed back to the bus stop to go back home. As temporary as it might be, it was still home.

Dianna decided to try and take control of this situation, to be proactive. Instead of having a pity party, she’d go to the bank and talk to someone and see, if they could at least allowed them additional time to find somewhere to go.

After all, they were renters. They’d paid her rent for the month and held the receipts in their hands. Each person paid on time each month that had to count for something. So, if anyone down there had any compassion, they’d at least give them a second month.

While riding the city bus home, Dianna was tired. She felt like the weight of the world was on her shoulders and no relief was in sight. Why does life have to be so hard? It’s a constant struggle.Dianna started working at the age of ten, by doing yard work for people in the neighborhood. She grew up in a no nonsense environment. Mom told her, ‘Dianna, the only person you can count on is you. You’ve got to learn to take care of yourself. You can’t t
rust people, because in the end, they will turn on you. Always remember that.’

Her mother taught her that in real life, people had to make hard choices. By learning how to fight at an early age, Dianna faced challenges head on. She was fiercely independent. Dianna learned to save money, and only buy the things she needed. She could handle herself in difficult situations. She never went looking for trouble, but if trouble came she dealt with it.

In her short twenty-three years of life, she had amassed a savings of over thirty thousand dollars, was living on her own, had finished high school, and planned to finish earning her Criminal Justice degree in college in the spring. Because she managed her money so well, she paid the part of her tuition that the grants and scholarships she earned didn’t cover in cash and had not acquired excessive student loans like so many of the other young people around her.

So unlike the other tenants, she had resources that she could pull from, she just hated the fact that Yearly would get away with stealing everybody’s money.

Now, she was faced with a new challenge, finding someplace for all of them to go. She only hoped they could find a way so that they could stay together. She walked into her apartment and prepared to turn in for the day. She undressed, put on her sweats, and made a sandwich for her dinner. Then she called her Mom. She loved talking to her mother, because she had a way of putting things in perspective and always guided her in the right direction.

After talking to Mom, Dianna felt a little better so she bid Mom good night and hung up. She decided to stop moping and find a solution to their problem. She stopped musing when she heard a knock on the door and looked out to see the rest of Yearly’s tenants standing in her hallway. Opening the door, she invited them in.

‘Dianna,’ Mr. George comforted her, ‘I know you, girl, and I don’t want you worrying yourself sick about this. Hear me! I’ve been on this earth for over seventy years, and I’ve seen things work out. Yearly was wrong, but we will be alright.’ Then he gave her a strong hug. Dianna hugged him back.

He was like the grandfather she never had. He always made sure he spent time talking to all the people who lived in the building and everyone loved him. He had no family and no savings. Dianna’s biggest fear was that he’d end up on the streets.

Mrs. Sanchez sat on her sofa wringing her hands. She never been so afraid, not even when Ricardo left and she found this place. These people were her family and she didn’t want to leave them. She was upset with Joseph Yearly, because although, she knew he valued money more than anything. She never would have imagined him treating them like this.

She knew that if Dianna could find a way to fix this they would be fine. ‘Dianna, Pardon me, por favor. But have you talked to Yearly or anyone? I have tried to call him, but no answer-.’

Dianna spoke softly to her. ‘Mrs. Sanchez, We’ll be alright. We’ll stick together. Mr. George?’

Mr. George came over to talk quietly to Mrs. Sanchez, while Dianna move over to Latasha to try and help calm her down.

Latasha cut her off, ‘Yearly split. He took our money and split. Now we have nowhere to go. Damn, I just got off the streets and I don’t want to have to go to no shelter.’ Latasha fumed angrily punching Dianna’s door angrily. Before she could reach her, Mrs. Lucas intervened.

Mrs. Lucas stood and gathered the angry young woman in a tight hug and in her heavy Jamaican accent soothed her saying, ‘Girl child, we promise you. None of us will let you go back out there. You can live with us. We will find another place. We found this one.’ But Tasha was reliving the nightmare of her last few nights sleeping in alleys before finding this place.

At this point Mr. Lucas, whose weathered face was creased with worry, spoke up. ‘I will talk to my bosses in the morning, maybe they can give me some ideas on where to find a place. I will try to find some way we can be close.’

Dianna sat for a moment and listened. She knew and loved these people. They tried as hard as they could, but even collectively, they did not have the resources to move. This knowledge solidified her decision. She’d try to talk to someone at the bank tomorrow.

Finally Dianna spoke, ‘I’m going to the bank in the morning. I’ll see if they can give us more time to find a place. But let’s not wait on them. Tasha, I know you hate it, but can you check on some of the housing programs through social services.’

Mr. Lucas spoke. ‘I will come with you, Dianna. I can call my boss and tell him-‘ Dianna stopped him mid sentence.

‘Mr. Lucas, do not miss work because you need that job, but if you can, ask around about housing.’ She smiled as he nodded.

‘Mr. George, we need Mrs. Lucas to go with Tasha. If she takes the younger children with her, will you watch the two older ones?’ She asked.

‘Yes, honey. You don’t even have to ask. Bring them over in time for me to fix them breakfast, OK.’ Mr. George replied.

‘Mrs. Lucas, since Mr. George can watch the older children, we need you take the two smaller ones with you and go with Tasha in the morning to social services.’ Dianna added.

Dianna looked at the remaining tenants and continued, ‘Mrs. Sanchez, you have to work, but I want Tasha and Mrs. Lucas to call you with any news and need you record it to share tomorrow night.’

‘I’ll be at the bank as soon as it opens to talk to someone. We’ll meet back here tomorrow at six to share what we find out. OK.’ Dianna concluded.

Everyone felt better now that they had a plan in place and each had a job to do. They realized the time and each person headed home. Mr. George was the last to leave. He had something to say to Dianna.

‘Young lady, we all will share this problem. Don’t you dare try to take it all on yourself. You hear me. We are a family and we will stick together.’ Then he hugged her again as he left.

She was getting ready for bed when her phone rang. She wondered who was calling. The only person that ever called was her Mom, and she only called if Dianna didn’t check in and she had already talked to her Mom earlier that night.

When she answered the phone she learned it was Savannah from the bank. ‘Good evening Ms. Bouvier. This is Savannah Dew from South Corp. I apologize for calling so late, but I needed to let you know that I feel horrible about the situation Mr. Yearly has left you all in and I will do all I can to help you all.

I talked with my boss this afternoon and convinced him to meet with you and the rest of the tenants in the morning. I can’t promise anything, but maybe it can help. Can you all be at the bank at nine o’clock in the morning?’ Savannah asked.

‘Ms. Dew,’ said Dianna smiling and feeling some relief, ‘Thank you for calling and arranging a meeting for us. I will be at the bank bright and early in the morning to represent all of Mr. Yearly’s tenants. Is there anything you think I would need to bring?’

‘Bring as much information for each resident as you can. I want you to be prepared. Mr. Davidson is tough. Just be honest and state your case, hopefully we can convince him to help.’ Savannah explained.

‘Very well, I’ll gather the information. Thank you Ms. Dew, I will see you in the morning.’ Then she hung up and chose an outfit to wear to the bank. Dianna had been through a lot in her few years on this earth, but she felt like her mother taught her well. She didn’t know anything about Mr. Davidson, but she had to fight for her family. It didn’t matter to her, she faced much tougher men in her short life, she’d just add him to the list. Mrs. Sanchez, Latasha, The Lucas family, and Mr. George, were depending on her to fight for them. Tomorrow she would go into battle.

The next morning, at eight fifty, Dianna was standing in the lobby of Southcorp Bank waiting for Ms. Dew to arrive. Ms. Dew was in a meeting with Larry
Davidson, discussing the plight of Joseph’s tenants. When the receptionist informed her that Dianna had arrived, she asked her to join them in their meeting with Mr. Davidson’s permission of course.

‘Good morning Ladies, I am glad you were able to meet with me this morning. I am Larry Davidson, President of the Brendon Branch of Southcorp Bank.

Ms. Bouvier, although I sympathize with the predicament you and Mr. Yearly’s other tenants have found yourselves in, legally, my hands are tied and there is nothing we can do.

Dianna and Savannah sat in Larry’s office, listening to him drone on and on about protocol and procedure. Finally, Diana had enough.

‘All of Mr. Yearly’s tenants have four weeks to evacuate said properties.’ Larry concluded his spiel.

‘With all due respect, Mr. Davidson, do you have elderly parents or family members that can be vulnerable to a predator?’ Dianna asked.

‘Ms. Bouvier, that has nothing to do with-‘Larry started to explain when she cut him off.

‘Mr. Davidson, we are not asking you to start a rental company. We are asking for you to show some compassion. We paid rent for thirty days and deserve at least that many days to find someplace to live. Each of us just need a little more time. We don’t want to stay in your building.’

‘Ms. Bouvier, if you would simply-‘ Davidson tried to interject.

‘We are willing to leave, but some of us just don’t have the money right now. We paid rent and utilities for this month and our funds are depleted. I don’t know if you’ve ever had to live from check to check, but it’s not easy.’ Dianna paused to give that statement time to sink in.

‘Mr. Davidson, I beg of you please give us at least an additional month and we will go.’ Dianna pleaded. Concluding her diatribe with these words, ‘If it were your relative, what would you do?’

This question caused Davidson to pause and think for a moment. What would I do if someone did this to my Mom or Dad, or even my grandparents? I’d be furious. I’d find the bastard and press charges or at the least sue the hell out of him.

Larry’s callous treatment of Dianna’s concern infuriated Savannah. Her mother was a renter and she’d hate for someone to take advantage of her the way Yearly had just done his tenants.

Fuming to herself Savannah thought, Yearly’s actions are heinous. Five families rent homes from him, yet he had not bothered to inform them of the foreclosures. He ripped these people off, and tore their lives apart. Davidson doesn’t even care. Ug! What a jerk!. This is ludicrous! He, of all people, should be willing to help. I can’t believe this!

Savannah spoke up. She was usually not vocal, but these actions were criminal. ‘Mr. Davidson, I know the bank owns the property, but could the bank grant the tenants some sort of extension. It is the least we can do. Can you ask someone at the head office about it?’

Davidson’s face turned into stone and he stared at Savannah with glassy cold green eyes. He didn’t like being put on the spot, certainly not by an employee. The atmosphere in the room went from lukewarm to chilly in an instant. Davidson then ended their meeting.

‘Ms. Bouvier and Ms. Dew this meeting ends here. I sympathize with your plight, but the property belongs to the bank. Mr. Yearly was notified over a year ago of the intentions of this bank if his payments continued to be delinquent. It is unfortunate that he failed to inform you or his other tenants of the imminent foreclosure.’ Larry stated forcefully.

‘Ms. Dew, please return to your desk’, then looking at Dianna, ‘Ms. Bouvier, thank you for coming. Now please leave this building as quickly as possible.’ He concluded.

Exiting the office, Dianna turned to look Davidson in the eyes. ‘Mr. Davidson, I understand that this is not your fault, and honestly, I believe in putting the blame where it lies. You and I know, Yearly is crooked and should pay for this. As bank president, I know you have to follow protocol and procedures of this bank and I understand. However, as a human being, you also know that the people in that building are innocent victims and you should want to help them. Also, as a businessman, you should also report Yearly to the FHC. I will definitely be calling as well as all of his other tenants.’

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The Omega Project Chapter 5

She saw that one of John's students, one of the girls he had fucked yesterday, was leaving his home. With the girl were two adults, who V'Sharra assumed were the girl's parents. Both the mother and the daughter appeared to have been well fucked, much to V'Sharra's pleasure. She rewound the current recording and watched the events of the past several hours. "It appears John has discovered that he can consciously use his powers", she noted as she watched John speaking to the parents by...

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Lustful ViceChapter 27

Ray is quiet on the drive to drops Zaria off at school. Half way there, Zaria prods him for answers. “Daddy, did I do something wrong?” “We’re both doing something wrong,” he answers with a huff. “What we’re doing is dangerous and it’s completely my fault.” He steals a glance at the girl, seeing her face drooped and confused. “Listen, Zaria. I love you as much as any parent can love their child, but I’ve crossed a line that I can’t uncross. All I can think about is you. When you’re away, I’m...

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Rach told mom she wasn’t feeling well, and was skipping dinner and going to bed early. I felt guilty, thinking I pushed her too much at the mall. I checked the webcam; she had left it on, so I at least knew she wasn’t mad at me. With her computer still on her bedside table, I could see her hair splayed across her pillow. Her face was turned away, so I couldn’t tell if she was sleeping, or just not moving much. I couldn’t stand the thought that I had caused her pain. I went to her...

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my first huge cock

I was looking at a dating site, just checking who was online in my area when a message popped up from a guy i didn't recognise. I thought, what the hell so we exchanged pics and chatted for a bit. He was very good looking. We agreed to meet that morning so i got ready and went to his house. When Jay opened the front door i was shocked just how gorgeous he was in the flesh. He invited me in and led me upstairs. He was wearing tight fitting trackie bottoms and his arse looked so good i...

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Martha Space MadamChapter 29

After life had settled down with the two brothels, the New House of Joy straight for the fuddy-duddies, and Jacqui's Place kinky for the youngsters, as the forty-year-olds thought of themselves, Martha more or less retired from 'active service', only performing as a professional on either side of the switch for certain very favoured clients and, of course, free of charge whenever the fancy took Hugo and he appeared or sent for her, but he often seemed to prefer Kim. She never lost her...

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SparksChapter 21

"Sergeant Hauptmann, please. I'll wait if he's not available." Ben was using his dad's credit card to pay for the call. He waited for almost five minutes, before Sergeant Hauptmann picked up the phone. "Hello?" "Sergeant, its PFC Collins, checking in and needing orders." "Ben! Jesus, am I glad to hear your voice! How's Sandy? Your leave going well? You two haven't fought or anything, have you?" Ben laughed. "Christ, Sergeant, is our relationship that obvious? She's fine,...

1 year ago
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Madhouse 3

Madhouse Chapter 3 I came to with my ass being violated. Jason was screwing something down there that was stretching me. There was nothing in me, but I was being opened and stretched and it hurt, but not as much as my breasts. They were on fire. I looked down and saw two hooks and wires coming out of my chest, one for each breast. I turned my head. Mistress Janice, my wife and Mistress Julie, my sister, looked sated, dreamy even. I wondered for a moment if they were on drugs. Each...

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Your Wish Is My command

Laura & Larry always ask for stories in which Laura is taken by a strange black man without her knowing about it until afterwards Larry's persistence that they wait for the crowd at the concert to file out before them in their head long pursuit to return to their homes was normally a valid idea. If there were going to be any car accidents they would take place during the throngs head long rush to get home at the end of a concert and not a half an hour later when most were well on their way...

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Alpha Omega

I wasn't just a little nervous; I was in absolute panic over the unknown that I was about to face. My name is John and I'm a freshman at Grayson College. Most people haven't heard of Grayson, but it's existed for over fifty years. The college is located in the Northeast and has demanding entrance requirements—top grades in high school, very high SAT scores, extra curricular activity a definite plus. The only exception to their purely quantitative admission criteria is that past family...

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Slender sexy students submission 2

She is nervous, stucked with her thesis to finish her MA at the University of Amsterdam, so close to the deadline.She accepts my conditions, as she is sure I can help her do it, but she fears for the implications of her submission.She is sexually quite inexperienced so far, so is afraid of how far I will want her to go with me, in return for my work.She knows for sure I want to have her. No idea which price she will have to pay, she hands me her blank cheque.I dreamt to dominate her hotly for a...

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Special time with sissy 1

She immediately froze herself as she became aware of my presence, then she began to get angry and shouted,"Eric, what the fuck are you doing here?" "I thought you left your tv on, so I came to turn it off." I muttered, unable to remove my gaze from her. "No, what are you doing home, I thought Neil was inviting you over to his house tonight." "He canceled, some big family emergency, anyway I though you were going to be at cheerleading practise tonight?" "I decided not to go, if...

3 years ago
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Good Intentions

GOOD INTENTIONS David Phillips married April when they were only just eighteen years old, they would have married earlier, but both sets of parents felt they should wait a few years before committing themselves for life. As always, the young always know better than their parents, so as soon as they reached the age where they didn't need their parent's permission to get hitched, that was exactly what they did. Both their Mothers accepted their dicision, albeit reluctantly, the...

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TittyAttack Jenna Foxx Glazed Gazongas

Curvy chocolate babe Jenna Foxx is a master of sensual seduction. The ebony queen pulls her shirt above her tits and flashes her round mounds by the pool. She loves the feeling that she is being watched, and soon her pussy is soaking wet. She cannot wait to show off her penis pleasing skills to our stud today. She heads inside his house to get down to business right away. She opens her wet mouth and swirls her tongue around his veiny dick. She spits between her tits and then slides his cock...

1 year ago
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The Strangest Dream

It was the strangest dream. I was with my college buddies, heading to our usual strip club. I even remember how happy we all had been at finding a parking spot right in front of the entrance.   We went up the stairs like the hormone driven men that we were, looking forward to seeing some of the hottest girls we had ever seen strip in front of us to the enticing rhythm of loud music. Not wanting to have anything get the way of our entertainment, we all sat right at the edge of the dance floor....

1 year ago
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Second That EmotionChapter 46

We came down in time to join the rest of the patients in sending out for Chinese take-out, which used up the remainder of the cash in my wallet. But it was money well spent. Their spirits were so much higher and lighter than when we'd arrived. Everyone pitched in and we ended up with quite a buffet and invited the staff to join us for dinner. Afterwards we opened up the games Lilly and I had picked up at the BX and the remainder of the evening was spent in Trivia, Risk, and Poker...

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Gateway To My Girlfriend8217s Ass

Hey guys, My name is Karan and I am a regular visitor if this site. I m 5’9” lean build …average looking guy. The story I m going to narrate happened with me about 6 months before.. any girls interested to mingle with me after reading the incident can reply me or mail me.So now without wasting any time coming back to the story. This all happened when I was in 2nd year of my graduation. I am pursuing my graduation from Delhi. I wanted to do MBA in post graduation so I decided to join a coaching...

2 years ago
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Hot Doggie Chapter Five

Hot Doggie, Chapter Five - By: Beverly Taff List of characters. Sandra: Our Shemale heroine who becomes magically conjoined doggie style; Elizabeth: Sandra's limbless patient; Marjorie & Jennifer: (Marge & Jenny,), two other patients who lost their legs in a car accident. They also become magically conjoined and end up sharing the same torso whilst growing new legs. Octavia: The owner-manager of the care home where Sandra worked and the...

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Private Nudes are one of those topics that a perv like me is always interested in, and I get the feeling you’re something of a like-minded individual. (If not, well, you seem to have made a wrong turn somewhere, but welcome to ThePornDude!) It’s funny how the word “private” implies something that shouldn’t be shared with just anybody, but it also perks up your ears and might even make that boner twitch. You’ve just got to see it now. Perhaps the real question is: Private to whom, exactly?It’s a...

Free OnlyFans Leak Sites
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The Grim Reaper Adventures in Southern Law EnforcementChapter 11 Early Retirement

Seamus fell asleep in his car seat before Kelly got home. That made him extra fussy when we got there, and he was handed to me after she got him out of the car. For the next hour we kept putting him to bed and he kept waking up and fussing. Kelly and I talked about my father’s condition. “So, what happens next?” I asked. “This ever happen to your father?” “Not that I’ve ever heard. Maybe he doesn’t exercise as vigorously as your father does.” I had to laugh at that. “There are some things...

4 years ago
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Hayleys Release pt 7

by inkubi© She hesitated. "Alright. But do it under my camisole. Don't remove it." That's better than nothing. I took soap in my hands and slipped them under her camisole. As my fingers slid over her mounds of tit-flesh, I heard her moan in Dan's mouth. I did the underboob, weighing her breasts, squeezing them from the bottom, then her sides, her cleavage, moving my hands in a circular motion to the top of her bosom, and let my fingers revolve around her nipples, spiralling closer and closer...

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My Story

My Strange story Sylvia WechselPrologue - UnemployedI'm staring for the n-th time at the computer monitor. The browser isopen in the "Work with us" page of Biogen Technologies, a private companywhich describes itself as working in "cutting edge genetic therapydevelopment."There are a few offers of job positions and most are technical(biologist, biochemist or bioengineer places). I positively do notqualify for these, but at the bottom of the page there is a phrase: "weare a equal-opportunity...

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CindyChapter 6 Shopping Trip Lillian

I looked over to her, sitting there with the wind blowing her hair back and smiled at her. I asked her, "Where to Cindy?" She looked puzzled and shrugged her shoulders. She said, "Jim, I thought we were going shopping, but we can go anywhere you want. I am just glad to be out of that place and out here riding with you." I explained to her that what I meant was to ask her where she wanted to go shopping. She said that the only places she had ever been were Goodwill or The Mission Bargain...

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Harem girl part two

"What time is it," Dee asked with yawn as she was being roused awake by a hand shaking her shoulder, "leave me alone, I'm so tired!?!" This time the shaking was more persistent and a voice intoned almost harshly, "all three of you get up at once, the prince requests your presence immediately, and he shall be more than a little disappointed if you keep him waiting!!!" Midori, Dee, and Gracie had been sleeping together in a huge king sized bed, struggled to their feet while trying to wake up from...

2 years ago
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Pretty in Pink Part 6

Pretty in Pink Part 6: The next morning Mum and Aunt Edwina were waiting in the kitchen when we awoke. Mum was wearing a white neglig?e and sheer robe with pink fur edges and Aunt Edwina was wearing her sheer robe and pink neglig?e.. "Morning ladies," said Aunt Edwina, "That was quite a night last night wasn't it?" Philippa smiled at Aunt Edwina and said, "Great, but do you think I should do a pregnancy test, Aunt Edwina?" Aunt Edwina smiled and said, "Well you said he was wearing a...

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One Man Alien Enhancements and a Horde of Horny Women

Your head is pounding as you slowly open your eyes. The last thing you remember is lying in bed and now you wake to find yourself lying on what feels like a cold metal table in a strange, white room with a bizarre contraption above your head that looks like a sphere with what appears to be surgical equipment sticking out of it, while wearing just your boxers. Your eyes strain against the brightness in the room as you sit up and immediately think that you are still asleep as you gaze upon the...

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The Best Gift Ever

My birthday was yesterday (10/28). It was a good day! Lunch with the family and then dinner and a movie with my wife. Dinner was okay … food was decent, but over priced. Johnny English Strikes Again was very funny. But the best part of the day came later that night.When we got home from the movie, my wife went into our bathroom to take a bath. I logged into xHamster to see what was going on and to look at a few photos. After 20 minutes or so, I logged off and entered the bedroom. What I found...

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19 Vayathu Madurai Pennai Usar Seithen

Vanakam nanbargale, indru tamil kaama kathaiyil ilamaiyaana pennai eppadi usar seithu matter adithen enbathai ungalidam pagirugiren. Itharku munaal niraiya aunty matrum vayathil periya pengalai matter seithu irukiren, aanal ilamaiyaana pennai ootha kathaiyai ungalidam solugiren. Vaarungal tamil kama kathaikul selalam. Enathu peyar vimal vayathu 22 aagugirathu, kalluri kadaisi aandu padithu varugiren, niraiya pengalai usar seithu matter seithu irukireen. Enaku paadam eduka varum maliga teacherai...

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The Empire Book 3Chapter 23 After the Battle

The enemy in the battle had been much more effective and dangerous than had been expected. Their shields technology and weapons were very much more powerful than had been predicted. Jason was shaken by the events. This was the first time for a long time that he had felt threatened and at risk. Jason felt that he was back on a treadmill that was going faster and faster. There was a great sense of relief that the battle had been won. It could have so easily been a loss. Each of the allies...

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Bossing the Boss Ch 08

Author’s Note: To get background on the characters, please read the previous chapters. Please give me your comments, that’s what keeps me going. Don’t read this if you are underage, if it is illegal in your area, or if it is offensive to you. All characters are fictitious. All events are fictional. Any similarities in this story to real events or people are unintentional. Jennifer woke early the next morning. She slipped quietly out of bed and started dressing. Suzanne felt her stirring in...

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HardcoreGangbang Lauren Phillips All Natural Redhead Lauren Phillips gets Double Anal from a Gang Bang

All natural, redhead Lauren Phillips has a business that helps troubled college students get back on track. Thinking she is going to the home of rich father to help his struggling son, Lauren gets lured into the secret underground lair of a devious band of clowns looking to gang bang an unsuspecting woman. She is nervous when she arrives at the address given to her, but she is desperate for money and decides to risk going into an old derelict building near the train tracks on the wrong side of...

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Tears of Joy

You were lying on the bed. I was only wearing a long t-shirt and panties. I walked into the room and stood on your side of the bed. I leaned down and started kissing you. Tasting your mouth, feeling your tongue in my mouth. I slid the covers down while kissing your mouth deeply. I moved my kisses down your neck, down your chest, and started licking and sucking your nipples. I started rubbing your dick through your underwear while still licking and sucking on your nipples. You reached under my...

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My best friend made me feel so good

This was back in September and a bunch of us were going out for a friends birthday. Before we went to the club, my bff and a few other friends went out for appies and drinks. My bff had had a few drinks and was being very affectionate towards me, hugging me and kissing me but in a close, friendly manner. She was telling me how much she loved me and what a good friend I was. I should probably go back a bit further very briefly and say that we did kiss once before when we went on a skiing trip...

4 years ago
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Going Bi 10

Introduction: Finding a boy like me Sorry to have taken so long to get this one out, guys. I was hit by a major new project with a close deadline. I hope to have the final part out by this weekend. This one is short. The final one will be pretty long, so well have to see. Once again, if you arent into boy on boy, dont even bother reading this. Youd be disappointed. *** Except for one knowing glance at supper, Alexander acted completely normal as he served supper that evening. That doesnt...

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ldquofun with neighbour married lady

Hi readersI am harjeet from delhi.you I like to tell all of you one true incident which happened in may 2017.I am 27 year old happily married saying with family at south delhi.I am staying here from last december, there is already a family at opposite of my flat, priya, sam and their son om(all name changed).As i am doing job , i used to leave home in morning and come at evening, When i had taken this flat wife was already pregnant and at previous flat there was no lift so changed flat where...

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How I paid for my car repairs

After what could only be termed a terrible divorce, I decided I needed a road trip. I hadn't been anywhere in a long time and before I was married I would often take off for weekend jaunts. It was a way for me to clear my head.Packing a bag I threw it in the back seat of my vintage Mustang Convertible and headed off. I loved this car, I had bought when I was in college and the thrill of driving it still hadn't worn off. Sure it had it's problems but it was still a great car.I had gotten about...

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Was that rape

While on business trips in several cities, I discovered the most active theaters and arcades, and had finally bought a small trainer and a medium sized rubber dildo, lubed my ass and tried my ass out as a pussy. Over one week, I practiced again and again. Sometimes it just hurt, and other times I felt pleasure as I relaxed and hit the right spots and rhythms. Before the days of luggage checks and 4 oz. limits, I even travelled with my toys and jell. I signed up for an account on a gay dating...

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