Penny becomes a porn star thanks to her friends
- 2 years ago
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This is the third and final chapter. I hope you all like it…don’t forget to vote.
Chapter One
I took stock in what my sister told me that morning, and in doing so, I’d realized that I’d used the wrong approach with Penelope. As opposed to confronting her head on about her nightmares, I was going to have to facilitate a subtler tactic, and the only thing that was going to work was love, pure, unadulterated love. And once I realized this, I knew that I was going to have to swallow my own pride and try and find a way to apologize.
I spent the rest of that day at the office, alone, and set into motion, the process of getting everything ready to go. The ‘Strong-Arm’ wheel chair was going to be a success, and I was going to do everything within my power to see it through.
I had a hard time getting to sleep that night. And when I did, the dreams I had were of a dark and frightening origin. I dreamed that I lost everything that was precious to me in the most horrifying of ways. I won’t go into any detail as I’ve forgotten over the years.
However, suffice it to say that I kept searching anyway, searching for that which I would never find, lost in a cloud of despair, pain and agony, and destined to walk a wasteland of self-doubt, alone for all eternity. Little did I realize that these types of dreams would haunt me on a nightly basis for longer than I care to remember?
I woke up the next morning feeling like I’d somehow lost a part of myself, and I experienced an emptiness inside of me the likes of which I’d never felt before. I decided to pour myself into my work to insure the promise I’d made to myself was kept. That’s why I went into work that morning and called Richard Boles straight away.
‘Hey Rich,’ I said, ‘I thought I’d give you a call this morning.’
‘Hey there, Bryan,’ he happily replied, ‘How’re you doing?’
‘Not too good,’ I grimly told him, ‘It’s Penelope, she…’
He listened to what I had to say. I told him everything, omitting only the private moments between Penny and I, and when I was finished, He replied, ‘She’s always been a headstrong girl, Bryan, even when she was little. It comes from being half Cheyenne, but if you give her some time to work everything out in her head, I think everything will be alright.’
‘I sure hope so, Rich…’
When I came home that evening, Sam was on a date with Tommy which left Megan and me alone in the house. Megan and I had always been close growing up, and while I love Samantha dearly, I was glad that I’d have the opportunity to spend some quality time with my big sister.
‘Are you hungry, Bry?’ she asked, greeting me as I came through the back door, ‘I made your favorite, my chili.’
‘Oh, man,’ I wearily smiled, ‘That sounds perfect, thanks, Sis.’
And as we ate, we reminisced about the past when we were younger. Our conversation for the first hour, or so, was spent asking things like, whatever happened to, and, I wonder where…’
Finally Megan looked at me and said, ‘How’s your heart? I’m real worried about you, baby brother.’
Swallowing the anguish and pain that was inside of me, as well as lying like a cheap rug, I smiled at her and said, ‘I’m fine, Megs, you’re worrying for no reason.’
‘Yeah, right,’ she snorted, ‘Why don’t you tell that shit to someone who’ll believe you, because I’m not buying it for a second, Bryan.’
‘Come on, Megs,’ I groaned, ‘Look, you’re right so, cut me a little slack, alright?’
Megan rose from the table, came around to where I sat on the other side, and then after leaning down and warmly wrapping her arms around me, she put the side of her face to mine and said, ‘I’m here if you want to talk, okay?’
‘Okay,’ I smiled, ‘Thank, Megs, I love you.’
‘I love you, too, little brother…’
I walked out onto my front porch later on that evening and simply laid back on one of the two large chaise lounges that were on the porch to relax. I thought about all the things that had taken place over the period of the last couple of months and how profoundly I’d been affected by them, but most of all, I though of Penelope…my pretty Penny.
My nights were filled with emptiness and my days were full of longing, longing for something I knew I’d never again have or hold dear, reducing me to a mere shell of a man. I couldn’t help feeling like it was my fault for pushing the issue too hard. Perhaps I should’ve been gentler with her when it came to the issue of her nightmares.
Who was I trying to fool? She was gone and it looked like she wasn’t coming back. And if I was truly going to be honest with myself, she was more deserving of someone more worthy than me. Hell, this woman was a Doctor for God’s sake. She needed to be with someone who would stimulate her intelligence, as opposed to being with me. Hell, I was just a dumb ass construction hand and a guy like me would only tarnish her image.
I drifted off to sleep that particular evening under the starlit canopy of the night, and in doing so, I felt that I was floating on a cloud, looking down upon myself as I slumbered. All at once everything became so blindingly bright that I had to momentarily close my eyes.
When I opened them again I found myself alone on a great plain, a mountainous backdrop on the not too distant horizon. The night was calm, the moon full, and I heard the howling of a wolf somewhere in the distance. I couldn’t explain why, but I somehow felt at peace with myself in the same way a child feels in the arms of its mother.
I closed my eyes again, only this time hen I opened them, I found myself lying beneath a bearskin, inside of a tipi. Suddenly I felt a soft palm against the side of my cheek, and when I looked up, I realized my head was lying in Nala’s lap.
‘You are weary, my son,’ she softly told me, ‘You have grown into a strong yet, kind and gentle man. But in your heart, you are still a frightened Ka’escone, (Cheyenne word for child). Your heart is in darkness right now, but you will find your way back to the light through your music, my son. And through your music, she will find you…. she will find you….’
The sound of Sam saying, ‘Wake up, Uncle Bryan,’ brought me from my slumber, making me open my eyes to find myself back on my front porch again with her kneeling beside me.
‘Hi, sweetie,’ I sleepily smiled, ‘What time is it?’
‘It’s well after midnight,’ she sweetly giggled, ‘And Mom told me to tell you to come back inside and go to bed.’
I awoke the next morning feeling at least a little better than I had been the past days. Over breakfast that morning Megan and Sam had both asked me, because the weather was so nice, to take them out on the boat.
‘What about work?’ I asked, ‘What am I supposed to do about that, huh?’
‘I called Jessie at home this morning,’ Megan pointedly replied, ‘And she said that they could handle things while you were gone, and that there was nothing to worry about.’
‘Aw, hell,’ I sighed, with Sam squealing and Megan victoriously smiling, the both of them knowing that I could never deny either of them anything they asked of me.
Once we were underway and out on the river, Sam approached me intending to ask something of me, I could tell by the look on her pretty little face.
‘Okay, Sam,’ I grinned, ‘What do you want now?’
‘Why, Uncle Bryan,’ she gasped, feigning mock innocence,’ What makes you think I want something?’
‘Because I know you, little girl,’ I chuckled, ‘And I can always tell when you’re up to something so, spit it out.’
‘Well,’ she began, smiling at me the way she always had since she was little, ‘I have a friend in Dallas who’s going to be attending Vanderbilt University, too. Her name is Sara Winston and she com
es from a great family, but they can barely afford….’
Yes, Sam,’ I interrupted smiling.
‘Yes, what?’ she mischievously grinned, ‘You don’t even know what I was going to ask you.’
‘Yes I do,’ I chuckled, ‘You were going to ask me if she can stay with us while you two go to college, isn’t that right?
‘So, you don’t care,’ she wistfully asked, ‘I mean, it’s really okay?’
‘Yes, it’s okay,’ I smiled, ‘Your Mom told me that you two are going back to Dallas next week to get ready to move back home, as well as making the arrangements to put the house up for sale so, why don’t you bring her back with you?’
‘Oh, thank you, Uncle Bryan,’ Sam squealed, throwing her arms around my neck, ‘I love you so much.’
‘You’re welcome, baby girl,’ I grinned, ‘And I love you, too.’
‘Can I use your mobile phone?’ she wistfully asked, ‘I want to call her and tell her the good news.’
‘Go ahead,’ I grinned, handing her the phone, ‘But don’t stay on too long.’
‘She loves you so much,’ Megan smiled, as she and I sat on the stern while Sam floated in the lake on an inner tube, ‘You spoil her entirely too much.’
‘Yeah,’ I laughed, ‘And I do it on purpose, too.’
‘Hey, Uncle Bryan,’ Sam called from the water, ‘Can we spend the night on the water tonight?’
‘Sure,’ I replied, looking at Megan, ‘If your Mom wants to, that is.’
‘As long as I get to cook,’ Megan smiled.
Later that evening as we sat down to eat beneath a canopy of stars, three large citronella candles being our only source of light, I thoroughly enjoyed being with two of my most favorite people in the world. And even though my heart was breaking wide open at the time, the love of my family was what held the wolves at bay when I went to sleep that night…at least for a little while anyway.
That night I dreamed of Penelope and all of the tender moments we’d shared in the time we’d spent together. While my dreams were pleasant, I still felt something beneath it all, something that I couldn’t put my finger on, but something disturbing, none the less.
I wasn’t sure how long I’d been asleep when I suddenly awoke in a cold sweat. I looked over at my clock and saw that it was still early, four-fifteen in the morning. Knowing that I wouldn’t be going back to sleep anytime soon, I got out of bed and put on a pair of shorts and a tee shirt.
Then I made my way out and up to the galley and turned on the coffee pot that I’d set on a timer the night before. I fixed my coffee that morning with a shot of Jim Beam bourbon, for medicinal purposes of course, and then climbed up on the flying bridge to sit and drink my coffee.
I thought about Penelope and how much my arms ached to hold her, and the fact that I thirsted for the taste of her soft and sensual lips, and in that fleeting moment, felt a longing need, accompanied by the hunger for her touch.
‘What’s the matter, Bryan,’ Megan suddenly said from behind me, ‘Can’t you sleep either?’
‘I slept for a while,’ I quietly replied, ‘And then I woke up and couldn’t go back to sleep, that’s all.’
‘Are you ever going to call Penelope?’
‘I don’t know, Megs,’ I told her, ‘I mean, she doesn’t want to see me again, and she made that very clear the last time we spoke.’
‘Come on now, Bryan,’ Megan insistently said, ‘I don’t think she…I mean…haven’t you ever said something you didn’t mean when you were angry?’
‘Well, yeah,’ I said, ‘But when you love someone, you don’t say the things to that person that she said to me.’
‘Jeez, gimme a break,’ Megan sarcastically replied.
‘What the hell are you talking about?’
‘I’m talking about the fact that when it comes to relationships, there’s always three sides to every story,’ she plainly told me, ‘There’s her side of it. There’s your side of it, and then there’s the truth.’
‘That’s such bullshit, Megan,’ I angrily replied, ‘I told you the truth, dammit.’
‘No, you didn’t,’ she said, ‘You told me the truth as you see it,’ and then she continued further, ‘The real truth of the matter is that you’re both so in love with one another, yet the both of you are also so dangerously afraid of getting hurt that now you’ve managed to hurt each other.’
It suddenly dawned on me that my sister was right, especially when she’d expressed it in those terms. And with that realization, all I could do was hang my head and say, ‘Shit, Megs…. what am I gonna do…I can’t lose her, I just can’t.’
Taking away my fears just like she’s done ever since I was a little boy, my sister leaned over, and after wrapping her arms around my shoulders, she kissed me on the cheek and smiled, ‘It’s gonna be okay, little brother. You just trust your big Sis, okay?’
Later that morning after breakfast, Sam and Megan cleaned the galley while I prepared to get underway. As the engines were warming up I took stock in the things my sister had said to me earlier. And in doing so I realized that she had been right, giving me the impulse to do what was right and gently confront Penelope, regardless of the outcome. However, having the impulse to confront Penelope and the courage to do so were two different things all together.
As soon as we got back to the house and were settled, Sam and Megan went to take showers, while I made some coffee. I had just finished and turned the pot on to percolate when the phone rang.
‘Hello,’ I answered.
‘Hey, Boss,’ Earl said, making me smile, ‘How’re you doing to day?’
‘I’m good,’ I grinned, ‘What’s up?’
‘I just called to let you know that the upgrade is almost finished,’ he excitedly replied, ‘And production should be on line in about two or three days, give or take a few hours.’
‘That’s great news,’ I smiled, ‘I’ll be there in about ten minutes then.’
‘I guess that means that you’re going in to work then,’ Megan said, coming up behind me to fix herself a cup of coffee.
‘Yeah,’ I said, ‘For a little while anyway.’
‘Hey, Earl,’ I smiled, walking into what looked now more like a factory than a shop, ‘Man, it looks like you’ve been a real busy guy.’
‘Yeah,’ he grinned, ‘It looks good in here, doesn’t it?’
‘You’ve done a great job,’ I smiled, ‘And I can’t wait till everything goes on line.’
‘Oh, I called Doctor Brennan and told her about this,’ Earl informed me, ‘And she should be here anytime.’
‘What the hell did you do that for?’ I gasped, then after quickly regaining my composure, I covered my sudden outburst and said, ‘I mean…that’s fine.’
‘Hello, Bryan,’ Penelope curtly greeted me in the factory.
‘Hi,’ I quietly said. And because Earl was standing right there, I got down to business and asked, ‘Why don’t you show Doctor Brennan how everything works, Earl?’
‘Why don’t you, Bryan?’ Penelope icily glared.
‘Fine,’ I nastily spat, no longer willing to tolerate the shit she was silently giving me, ‘Earl, you go ahead with what you were doing so that I can get this the fuck over with.’ Then I looked at Penny with fire in my eyes, and half growled, ‘Let’s get on with this, Doctor, I haven’t got all day.’
I took her all throughout the factory, showing her what everything was and then explained what it did. And while I was doing so, I saw her satisfactorily smirking as I continued the tour.
And when it was finished, she looked down her nose at me and snottily asked, ‘Would you mind escorting me to my car, that is if there’s any gentleman left in you?’
‘Follow me, I hatefully growled.
As soon as the door to the factory closed and I was sure no one else was out side to hear us, I turned around to look Penelope in the eyes and said, ‘Just who in the hell do….’
‘Don’t talk to me,’ she hissed, ‘I’m still mad at you, dammit.’
‘Fine,’ I seethed, almo
st ready to lose my temper, ‘I’m quite sure you can find your car from here,’ and then I walked back into the factory before I said something far worse to her than anything Penelope could’ve ever said to me.
I can’t recall ever being so angry with one human being as I was with Penelope, ever. I mean, I hadn’t seen her in almost three and a half weeks and she was being such a bitch.
‘Well, fuck her,’ I said aloud, to no one, ‘She can kiss my ass.’
After letting Earl know that I was leaving, I got into my truck and simply drove around town, aimlessly wandering with no destination. I thought about Penny as I drove and wondered why she’d been so hateful…downright mean. I knew that I couldn’t have possibly done anything to piss her off any more than I previously had. Hell, I hadn’t been around her.
Suddenly I came upon one of my favorite places, The Keyboard Gallery, over off of Harding Place. I’ve known the owner, Mike Shears, who himself was now a concert pianist, a number of years. We met right after I moved back to Nashville once I’d graduated college. He was also the guy I bought my piano from, and not only are he and his wife, Terrie, good people, but we’ve become close friends over the years. So, I pulled my truck into the parking lot then got out and went in.
‘Hey, Bryan,’ Mike smiled, the moment I walked through the door, ‘How are you, my friend?’
‘Not too good, old buddy,’ I quietly replied, ‘I’m trying to work some things out.’
I bought my piano when I went through my divorce from Vicky. And in doing so, developed a friendship with Mike and Terrie to the point that, whenever I needed to play to work out some frustrations and wasn’t at home, I was always welcome to do it in the store.
Mike led me back to the small demonstration hall, where they keep the nine-footers, and said, ‘I’ll make sure no one bothers you so, take your time, Bry.’
I sat down and began to pour the anguish in my soul onto the keyboard of the piano, using my fingers as my fingers as conduits. I tried to purge myself of all anger I felt as I endlessly played, one song after another, trying to not break down but knowing that I would. And just when I thought I could no longer contain my emotions, I felt a hand touch my shoulder.
‘What the fuck?’ I said, bolting off of the piano bench and turning around to find Penelope standing there, ‘What’re you doing here?’
‘Megan said that I might find you here,’ she quietly replied.
‘Alright, you found me,’ I harshly said, ‘Now what do you want?’
‘I really need to talk to you, Bryan,’ she replied, with a shaky voice, ‘Can we go to my house…please?’
‘I’ll go,’ I warned, ‘But this better not be some kind of fucked up trick.’
‘It’s not, Bryan,’ she softly replied, ‘I promise.’
‘God, I’ve missed you,’ she softly replied, throwing her arms around my neck and hugging me tightly the moment her front door closed.
‘Wait a minute. I’m confused,’ I said, holding her at arms length, ‘I thought that you were still mad at me.’
‘I am…I mean, I was…I mean…oh, I don’t know I mean anymore,’ she began to cry, ‘But I never stopped loving you, Bryan.’
‘I love you…. so very much,’ I smiled, pulling her toward me, and then holding her closely, ‘And I never stopped loving you either…. my pretty Penny.’
‘I love you, too,’ she sniffled, ‘And I’m so sorry for the awful way I’ve treated you.’
I felt the love she had for me radiating from her heart and into my own, and with the realization of that came the rainfall of tears that were suddenly making their way down my face.
‘What’s wrong, Baby?’ Penny asked, as she leaned away from me slightly, ‘Are you alright?’
‘I am now, ‘ I said, pulling her back into my arms, ‘I am now, my love.’
‘You know what this means, don’t you?’ she asked smiling.
‘I think so,’ I smiled, ‘But why don’t you tell me anyway?’
‘It means that we’re bound to one another, Bryan,’ she sweetly replied, ‘And I can’t think of anyone I’d rather be bound to than you, baby.’
‘I love you, my pretty Penny,’ I tenderly replied, ‘I love you with all my heart.’
‘I love you, too, Bryan,’ she cried, ‘And God knows that I’ll love your whole life.’
We said nothing further, but only stood together, simply holding one another and basking in the renewed love we shared.
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On Wednesday night, lying in bed wrapped in a tangle of sheets, with Marina curled up by her side, Penny agonized in despair at the choices she was faced with, completely unable to come to a decision. It didn’t seem like there was any solution which would give her what she craved. She wanted to remain faithful to Mark, but also yearned to explore her newly-discovered bisexuality. The only way this could happen would be if Mark knew, and gave her his blessing, but the idea of telling Mark...
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On Sunday morning Marina returned home, determined to make the best of her situation with Steven, invigorated by a new confidence founded on the relationships and friendships built over the previous days. Both Alyssa and Penny asked Marina to return the following week, although neither of them mentioned that the upcoming party would be somewhat different. Thinking only of the lesbian sex she anticipated would be on the menu, Marina happily agreed to visit Penny again in a week’s time. The two...
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What a beautiful sight TJ says walking up behind Penny. His hand trails over her reddened ass cheek making her quietly moan. We are not done yet slut, TJ tells Penny. That was just the beginning. You did very well being a submissive little cock whore. I think you would enjoy more wouldn't you slave? Penny's legs begin to visibly quiver and she whimpers into the blanket on the bed. TJ viciously swats her already welted ass. Answer me you filthy little fucking slut! Penny turns her...
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Author unknown.My name is Penny Michaels and I live with my aunt outside of Chicago. My life seemed to be pretty normal for a person who lost her parents at a very young age. I don’t really remember them very well and no one has really explained to me what happened to them. I’ve been dating a guy named Jim for the last several months and it seemed our relationship was starting to get serious. I was hoping he would pop the question soon and turn me into a bride.This all changed rather suddenly...
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It was Penny's first day at an exclusive finishing school for sluts. She proudly wore her new uniform and thought it made her look stunning, showing off her pretty cunt and her beautiful bare arse that could be just seen beneath her short pleated skirt. She paraded in front of the mirror admiring her new uniform and anticipating the day ahead with excitement.Her journey here started some time back. She came from a well to do family, her father was a radiologist and her mother was an executive...
It started like most Sunday mornings. Sam fetched coffee and pastry from the French place around the corner. Depending on how messy the night before had been, she might shower. Or she might just doze. Either way, she would be naked in bed awaiting her horny man’s return. They would lounge and read the Times, sip their dark roast and keep the crumb shrapnel to a minimum. And at some point, one would make a move on the other. Flush with caffeine and a night’s rest and the ever-present lust of...
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It was just after nine o'clock at night and Penny and Richard were up in their tree house in the back yard. They were patiently waiting and watching. "Give me the binoculars," Penny said to Richard. "No, you had them for almost an hour, it's my turn." "Did not!" "Did too!" He had the binoculars trained on the bedroom window. THE window that looked directly into their mothers' room. Earlier in the day he and Penny had fixed the curtains in the bedroom so they would hard to, neigh...
Getting through it would have been a piece of cake had it not been for one thing; I still could not get the ease with which Penny got it on with Mark and Dave out of my mind. Try as I might I could not accept that a faithful wife could have given in that quickly. Maybe if we had gotten into the watching thing a year or so after we were married when she wasn't so far removed from her slut past I could have bought into it. But after as many years as we had been married and as far behind her as...
All good things come to an end, James had been in our lives for almost two years. Not only was he Penny’s lover he had become a good friend to the family. You can imagine it was a shock when he told us of his promotion and transfer to the tax system head office in Newcastle, Penny and I never realised he would go out with such a bang.He had continued to change, improve and fulfil our sexual needs throughout those months, Penny had become what can only be described as a behind closed doors cock...
Penny’s encounter with a monster cockSome years ago when I was with my first wife Penny, I was working for a major UK company as regional engineer and was living in North Yorkshire from where I controlled a number of the company’s activities throughout the North of England. Part of my job was to acquisition fleet commercial vehicles and at the time many of these were purchased through a Darlington based company. They employed a senior salesman named Russ Blackstone who at the time was in his...
When Penny moved into her apartment three years ago it was because she fell in love with the way it seemed to combine the cozy vintage feel with the crisp edges of modern design. The rent was a little higher than what she had originally wanted to pay but once she viewed the space she couldn’t imagine living anywhere else. The open floor plan made the kitchen and living room area feel large and comfortable instead of the cramped basement suite she was living in before she moved. Exposed brick...
LesbianWas it planned? no, did we think it could happen? it was something that had never entered our heads, but once it happened there was no going back….ever.Penny and I had met through my younger sister and hit it off right away. I won’t be k**ding you about tall and beautiful big tits and sexy legs, we were your normal twenty year old, Penny 5′ 3″ slim with nice pert tits and tight ass, me 5′ 8″ also slim and a bit bald on top. One thing which was different or at least unusual Penny was a virgin...
It was the middle of the night. Penny lay in bed next to her sleeping husband, John. She was naked and had one hand between her legs and the other fondling one of her tits. She looked across at John thinking what a kind loving man he was. It was so sad that his sexual drive did not match hers. He looked upon sex as being the way to make a baby. After they had a baby boy, David, his sexual interest in her ceased. In the twenty one years since then Penny had suffered increasing sexual...
It was the middle of the night. Penny lay in bed next to her sleeping husband, John. She was naked and had one hand between her legs and the other fondling one of her tits. She looked across at John thinking what a kind loving man he was. It was so sad that his sexual drive did not match hers. He looked upon sex as being the way to make a baby. After they had a baby boy, David, his sexual interest in her ceased. In the twenty one years since then Penny had suffered increasing sexual...
If you have read the first chapter you will already know quite a lot about us. Our story now move forward a little over 5 years. Our good fortune has continued we have our family a boy who is just starting school, work has been terrific with two further promotions. This took us to a house near the coast beyond our wildest dream given our modest background.We had only one problem Penny felt at a loose end, no not really true baby bored cooped up at home in a new area, and although she had made a...
Penny. Penny was just sixteen years old when a horrible car accident caused her to lose both legs just above the knee. She had been a gymnast in school, had tried out and been accepted as a cheer-leader for the following year, with dreams and aspirations to perhaps further her gymnastics abilities in the very near future while attending college. All that came to a horrible and tragic end with the accident, along with Penny's self esteem and hopes for the future. Though she had always been...
Penny was not a shy 16-year-old girl. With fully rounded breasts, a tiny body and a head of curly red hair, she was every high school boys dream. But Penny could care les about those boys. Yes, she had given her fair share of under the bleacher blowjobs and had lost count of how many high school boys had felt her up through her bra, but Penny had her sights set on Mr. Hasselback. Chad Hasselback was 39, a soccer coach with graying blonde hair and abs that could cut glass. Most importantly Chad...
I arrived at my friend’s apartment unannounced, late and half dronk. I’d been drinking and after starting to drive home decided I’d better not. Bob’s apartment was in a direct line from where I was to my own place so I stopped to crash on his sofa. I knew where he kept a spare key so I let myself in quietly then settled down to get some sleeep in his front room.I didn’t even know if he was home but it didn’t matter, wouldn’t be the first time he came in and found me in his living-room. After I...
Supper went off cheerfully and Penny stayed up with the others until they decided to go to bed. Caroline kept an unobtrusive eye on Penny as they got ready for bed but noticed nothing untoward. Penny actually was completely at peace for the first time since she had run away. She was going to get it all off her chest to the police and both Peter and Caroline had been reassuring that she would continue to be safe and that Ron would be sent to prison for a long time. She slept well. Everyone...
Penny felt her heart thumping excitedly as her mom took her to Miss Parker's house to receive her special training. She never in her wildest dreams ever thought that her parents would have her schooled in the art of sex. In an age old tradition, her mom in Paris had also had been taught to please a man by her mother. Now it was her turn. She sat in the front seat of the car and looked at her mom. She was stunningly beautiful. Leona, was a little French beauty. Her black hair was cut in a boyish...
This story follows a character introduced in "Elise Plans a Wedding", but it stands by itself. Prologue: Confused Looking back at things, I'd have to say that I've spent most of my life in a continual state of confusion. In fact. I am confused at this very moment. I seem to be in a college classroom, sitting in a circle, with about a dozen or so women. I think. Actually I'm a bit confused about that. I'm quietly staring at my feet, happy now that winter is over and that I can...
P.S. I am so fearful of rejection here that I have denied anonymous votes. Sorry. Penny, May I Rescue you from Hell? (Part one) Pennies from Hell I gave my taxi driver an extra twenty bucks to drive me to the street he called “Hooker Hell”. According to this capable-looking man, if the pimps didn’t have guns, then they at least had switchblade knives and they weren’t the least bit hesitant to cut off dicks and balls. “Furthermore,” he had added. “There won’t be a cop in...
"Penny Lane" "Hi," the man said as he extended his hand to shake mine. "Lane Hathaway." "Connie Haynes," I returned as I began gathering my things to leave. "I noticed you playing, well that first set anyway until your partner twisted his ankle. You move around the court pretty good for a smaller guy," he said as he looked me over. "I try to stay in shape," I returned as I left the indoor tennis court area and began moving out of the exclusive downtown men's club headed...
Penny Authors note: This was an interesting, and challenging piece for me to do. Most of my works are usually pure fiction with perhaps a sprinkling of fact based on similar experiences, or people I’ve known thrown in. As many of us here at Lit sometimes find, we get emails or feedback from people who have read and appreciated our stories. Sometimes a friendship can come from this, or at the very least dialogue begins borne from someone’s desire to see a particular story written, or an idea...
It appeared that Penny slept the night through. Certainly that was Caroline’s impression until she heard Penny go to the bathroom at half past six and then go on downstairs presumably to make herself a mug of tea. She did not follow her. Penny might well want some time on her own. Penny sat down at the kitchen table with her tea and took a sip. Her mind wandered over the last twenty-four hours. It also wondered at the kindness and gentleness of Peter and Caroline. It was all so in contrast...
Peter said nothing to Penny the following morning but as soon as he got in to the office he rang the surgery to make an appointment for her. He had appreciated that this would take time as her medical records would be held at Gillingham. He was patient with the young woman who answered his call and managed to arrange an appointment with a female doctor for only a fortnight away, providing her medical documents had arrived. The young woman assured him that they would handle that. The...
I love fucking milfs, and so would you if milfs ever wanted to fuck you. There are so many reasons to love milfs, that it's impossible to list them all. Ever since Jennifer Coolidge played her iconic milf role as Stifler's Mom in the hit teen movie "American Pie," men have had their eye on their friend's moms.Nostal-JackingDid Jennifer Coolidge ever create an Only Fans account? If not, she fucked up big time. I recently saw her in a commercial, but I know it didn't pay like Only Fans would. At...
Twitter Porn AccountsThe rest of the day passed quietly. Penny did not press gardening in the afternoon but was happy with the walk that Peter took her. “No wild animals,” she grinned. Peter merely smiled back. Caroline naturally wanted to know how things with the police had gone and listened attentively to both of them. She reached for Penny’s hand, squeezed it and said, “Well done, Penny love, and you, Dad. Those two policewomen sound pleasant and understanding.” “Very!” said Penny. Peter nodded adding,...
Following that night our sex life went into overdrive. As Penny said to me the morning after I ate her cum filled pussy for the first time: "I know your buttons now baby and I know just which ones to push and how to push them." And push them she did. At least once a week Penny would pull me into the bedroom and the chair would all ready be setting beside the bed. She would practically tear my clothes off me while keeping up a running line of dialog: "Hurry lover, hurry. My husband...
The first tennis match was against Portsmouth with whom there was intense but friendly rivalry. It started at ten and Caroline left at her usual time so that she would not be in any rush. Peter and Penny followed an hour later. It was well sign-posted and they had found decent seats for Caroline’s first match with quarter of an hour to spare. Penny was in a high state of excitement. She had never done something like this in her life before. As they approached Southampton she saw all the...
Tuesday 7th July arrived, the week before the trial. Penny was withdrawn; not silent but the bounce that she had developed was muted. Caroline had started work the day before and Peter left for work as usual. Penny did all her ‘duties’ including walking the dogs. That cheered her up in itself but she also met some of the fellow dog-walkers she had become friendly with and that helped too. She was pretty much herself when Peter and Caroline arrived home. She was given little chance to become...
Penny was up at her usual time, fed the dogs and did the initial preparation of Caroline’s breakfast. It was different from usual though. She sang quietly to herself and danced round the table as she laid it. The dogs caught her joy and pranced round with her. Caroline came in and noticed the happiness immediately. “Wow!” she exclaimed. “Won the lottery?” Penny ran, jumped and flung her arms round her. “Your Dad’s asked me to marry him!” “Whee-eeh!” Caroline’s arms went round Penny and...
Penny globe was always shy and quiet but she got a lot of attention as she had curvy and a large ass and tits to go with her curvy. She got married straight out of high school to her sweetheart and had a son with him. After twenty years together she lost her sweetheart. She managed to find a new partner after couple of years even taking on a step daughter called sally Penny was a good house wife and mother. She was has put a little more weight over the years but most of it went to her ass and...
Penny found that she did indeed enjoy gin and tonic. Peter, knowing it was her first and that she was teetotal, made sure it was a weak one but it served its purpose and helped to cheer her up; that and the fact that nothing more was said for the time being about her ordeal. In the afternoon Peter and Penny went for another walk, a rather longer one than the previous day, leaving Caroline to study again. They were back in time for tea and biscuits. Caroline did not join them. “Penny, my...
After supper Penny went to bed early again. “Well done again, Dad!” said Caroline. “She’s relaxed properly for the first time.” “Yes and her happiness is total, particularly now that she has made up her mind how she’s going to repay us and we’ve accepted it happily and gratefully.” “Bit of a psychologist too, Dad,” she grinned. Peter blew a raspberry at her. “Daddy! That’s very rude!” Peter sucked in his cheeks looking penitent and then cocked her a snook. “Naughty boy!” She smacked...
My boyfriend Todd and I were dating for the past six months. We were in love with each other. We were two seventeen year old teens wanting to take the next step. We'd been discussing losing our virginity for the past few weeks. The whole time we dated, we just got to know each other. We were both very curious and were waiting for the ideal time, when my parents would be out of town. I'd often fantasized on how it would be, to actually make love with Todd. I’d been on the pill, since I was...
First TimeI arrived at my friends apartment unannounced, late and half drunk. I’d been drinking and after starting to drive home decided I’d better not. Bob’s apartment was in a direct line from where I was to my own place so I stopped to crash on his sofa. I knew where he kept a spare key so I let myself in quietly then settled down to get some sleep in his front room. I didn’t even know if he was home but it didn’t matter, wouldn’t be the first time he came in and found me in his living room. After I...
Peter and Caroline were both eager to hear Penny’s story but individually realised that she needed to feel settled and confident in them before they encouraged her to tell it. Instead they had just chattered away but made sure that she was included in the conversation. While the girls were upstairs Peter rang his office and spoke to a fellow partner. “David, sorry to be in and out like a shuttlecock. I’m now in a position to tell you what it’s all about. On my way back to the car on...
Peter saw nothing of her. He drove to the Central Car Park which was almost deserted at that time in the morning. He went up the ramp to where Sainsbury’s was situated. He remembered what Penny had said about kindly souls helping people out. There was no sign of her. He wandered off in the direction of the Market Place and then St Mary’s Street. Nothing! Shortly after seven his phone rang. “Dad! I’ve found her!” “Where?” “Southampton Road. You know that big red brick building on the left,...