Dont Be Afraid
- 3 years ago
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A romance by Calibeachgirl
dedicated to all the veterans
All rights reserved, 2012
Thanks to my copy editor estragon, a graduate of the United States Army, Vietnam, class of 1969.
Saturday, February 15, 1969
Angelina put her few flowers on the grave and braced herself against the rainy cold wind. He had died on Valentine’s Day, destroying the holiday for her but it didn’t matter, she had avoided any chance of a new romance. After the second year, her friends began a concerted effort to find her a new love and yet, three years later, she was still alone.
It was a long slippery walk up the hill back to her car, and the inside of the car got wet as she got back in. She sat there, her tears all but washed away by the rain and when she started the little Volkswagen, the saddening, jarring sound of the radio startled her.
She turned the radio off, the Beatles fading away to be replaced by the whoosh, whoosh of the wiper blades. Without the rain, the tears flowed freely and she waited and waited for them to finally stop before pulling away from the curb near the graves and leaving the cemetery.
Driving down the road, she stopped at the same Italian grocery as she did every Saturday to get her food for the week. Prosciutto, provolone, crusty bread, spaghetti, olives and for Sunday breakfast, two cannoli… they all went into her basket.
‘Buona mattina, Signora Vozzini…’ said the short man behind the counter. ‘Today, for you, I’ve some special cookies, my treat.’ Smiling, Paolo Silvestri put a small bag into her basket. ‘Here, let me take that for you.’
She shyly handed the basket over to him and as he rang up her purchases, he quietly slipped in a Toblerone chocolate bar into her sack. His heart broke every time he saw her and yet, even he, the neighborhood’s repository of troubles, had no idea what to do with her these five years. He wished his son were back from Vietnam. He was sure the boy could bring the young widow out of her self-imposed exile and back into the sunshine.
‘Ciao, Signor Silvestri, grazia per il canolli.’ The heartfelt statement, the voice young, soft, feminine, definitely thankful…. Just as she did every Saturday, she took her bag and walked out of the store and slowly drove to the empty home.
Sunday morning, Angelina went into her small kitchen and ate her canolli, enjoying the sweet ricotta cream as it rolled around her mouth. Once, she would have been in church, listening to the priest talk about the love of God and his mercy for sinners but since Phillip’s death, the idea of going to church faded away with her memory of him. The knowledge that she was forgetting the sound of his voice, the scent of his body, the twinkle in his eye was just as frightening as the race every month to make her share of the mortgage payment.
She took her fine dark auburn hair, a gift from her Irish mother, looped it behind her ear, and sat up straight in the chair. She was home… home, where all things were familiar… and predictable. It wasn’t that she didn’t want to meet with her friends, it was just… so daunting, even after all this time.
A restlessness and hunger filled her, for a brief time, she had considered joining the church group for young singles. She sighed, sitting at the kitchen table all alone. Angelina closed her eyes again. Home was the same small house she had shared with her cousins since her husband had died, leaving her unable to continue living in their apartment by herself.
She yawned, wanting to return to her bed. Her bed… empty, frustratingly empty. In an age of women’s liberation, she was a throwback to a different time, a time when women were women and men were men and both knew their place and liked it that way.
She looked at her empty bed. A wave of despair washed over her. She had only been married for such a short time. Guiltily, she pushed the traitorous thoughts away, the memory of her husband filling her mind. He had been a good man, kind and generous and more importantly, he had loved her, promising everything that she had wanted… a home, children, someone to hold at night.
The problem was he had never made her heart race, his kisses never left her breathless and wanting more. They were comfortable… that’s how he had described it. She wondered what she had done wrong. They had been engaged and he never wanted to make love to her until they were married. ‘Respect,’ was what he had said… he respected her too much.
She remembered their last moment together… he had left her on the front porch of the apartment house with a pleasant but less than exciting kiss on the lips, and then he was gone… forever.
Her face reddened, thinking about it. Marrying him had not been exciting but it had been better than the alternative.
Wednesday, March 12
‘Giacomo!’ Lieutenant James Silvestri’s mother ran and threw open the screen-door to let her son in. She grabbed him close, her arms around him and her kisses on his face. ‘O Dio… O Dio…’ she said, quietly, thanking her God for his safe return.
‘Mama,’ was all he was all he could say, everything else blocked out by the woman’s quiet sobbing. Whatever he would have said never was, as his father walked into the living room and dropped the dishes he was carrying to the table, their shards flying across the floor.
‘Jimmy! My God, when did you get home?’
‘Last month, but I wanted to wait until I was out before coming home.’
‘You’re out? Completely?’
‘Yes, Papa. I’m out.’
‘Thank God,’ his parents both said, ‘Thank God.’
‘I’d like to wash up, if that’s OK,’ he said, still holding his duffelbag. Inside, buried beneath everything else, were his four medals and he knew they would go from one hiding place to another, this time the bottom of his closet.
‘It’s OK that I stay here, right?’ He never thought to ask. ‘If it’s not….’
‘Mio ragazzo, certamente.’ The woman hugged her son again. ‘You change and come to eat. I’ll make spaghetti or do you want lasagna?’
‘Mama, whatever you make is fine.’ He left the kitchen and went into his old room, dropping his duffelbag onto the floor and dropping himself onto his bed. It had been two years and as he stared up at the ceiling, his mind drifted back to the war….
…running, running, running, through the dark jungle, bullets flying, blood flowing, then water, water everywhere as black-clad figures rose from holes in the ground and threw grenades and disappeared….
…he startled awake, covered in sweat, his hands twisted up in the covers and he finally let out a long, wet gasp. ‘Damn….’ On the radio, Hendrix was making love to his guitar as riffs from ‘Watchtower’ riffs filled the room.
There was a knock on the door. ‘Jimmy, you OK? I heard….’
‘You heard nothing, Papa, OK? Nothing.’ ‘Damn it,’ he thought, ‘now this. Just go away, Papa….’
‘All right, if that’s the way you want it but if you want to talk….’ The man, suddenly old, stood in the bedroom doorway, watching his son lying there.
‘I’ll keep that in mind, Papa. Is it time to eat?’ He wasn’t really hungry, he just wished his father would leave him alone. There was nothing to say, nothing at all.
‘In a while. Your mama is going to town in the kitchen. Between that and calling everyone… there’s going to be a party before the night’s over, just you watch.’
‘Papa, I don’t want….’
‘Look, I know but your mama….’
‘Damn it. All right, for her but not too much, OK? I’m not into it right now.’
‘OK, Jimmy, I’ll do what I can but you know your mother.’
‘Yeah, yeah, won’t take no for an answer.’ He got off the bed and went to his closet, finding his clothes from before still hanging, silent sentinels standing guard over his boyish dreams.
‘Fortunate Son’… KMET-FM, again… ‘ah, shit’ he thought, ‘what did they know, anyway?’ He finished
changing his clothes, turned off the radio and went into the kitchen. Opening the refrigerator, he pulled out the lemonade he knew his mother always made and poured a tall glass. He missed the lemonade most of all, forced to drink warm to hot water, stinking of the chlorine pills, all those months ‘in-country.’ He poured a second glass.
‘Hey, stranger, you got one for me?’ Nancy from next door stood in the back doorway, wearing a tie-dyed T-shirt and smelling of grass. ‘When did that start?’ he wondered. Last time he remembered, it was still illegal. Once, he had a crush on her and used to sit in his bedroom with the lights off, hoping to catch a glimpse of her at night. While it never happened, it did keep his interest for many months until he finally gave up, realizing that she was more interested in boys with cars and money. It came as no surprise when she became pregnant following her senior prom. That alone shattered his last dream and he left for college ROTC. If he had to go, he knew, it was better to be an officer.
What a mistake that was. Two purple hearts had changed his mind in a hurry.
‘Sure,’ Jim replied, opening the freezer to get some ice. ‘How’ve you been?’
‘Still working at Safeway, at least I’m finally off the night shift. That wasn’t my bag.’ Nancy appraised him. How he had changed from the boy who had left home three years ago. She liked what she saw but there was something hidden, something that he was keeping to himself, something dark.
‘That’s good.’ He wondered what she wanted. All the time he was over there, she never wrote once. What did he expect, anyway? She liked to have a good time and he didn’t fit in with her idea of a good time… never did, never will. She was light-years past anything he had ever known in college.
She tried several times to start a conversation but what she considered important he had no interest in… he had thought having a child would have made her grow up but the reek of the grass and the lack of a bra made it seem otherwise.
‘I’ve got to take care of something,’ Jim said. ‘I’ll see you later.’
‘Yeah, that’d be cool. You know where to find me if you want anything.’
He left her in the kitchen and went back into his bedroom, locking the door. He closed the drapes and lay in the dimness, wondering if coming home was such a good idea. What did they say? You can’t go home, again. And they meant never.
‘Come on, come on, now touch me, babe….’
Knock, knock, knock….
‘What?’ he asked, not really caring.
‘Giacomo, there’s people here. Your aunt Gina is here.’
‘OK, mama… give me a minute, will you?’ ‘Jesus, Aunt Gina….’
‘Giacomo, thank God you’re home. I said a rosary every day for you.’
‘Thanks, Aunt Gina. I guess it worked.’ He walked over and gave the elderly woman a hug. He actually did like her, he just wasn’t in the mood for a party… not now, maybe not ever.
‘God damn war… do you think it’s worth it?’ his cousin Little Gina, asked.
No answer.
‘I’m glad you’re back. I missed you.’
‘Three years out there and now I’m back and now I’ve got to start all over. How do I put it all behind me? A lot of my friends didn’t make it back… maybe they were the lucky ones.’
‘I don’t know.’
He poured a finger’s worth of bourbon into the glass, swirled it around and drank. ‘God, Papa must have kept that bottle since my high school graduation.’
He survived the evening, mostly friends of his parents and some relatives that were able to come. By ten o’clock, though, he excused himself and went to bed, tired of it all. ‘Time to break on through to the other side….’
Saturday, April 5
Three weeks later, he was at his father’s store, once again greeting people as they came in to finish their purchases for Easter Sunday but his father knew when there was no one there, Jim retreated into his own world. Signor Silvestri put his son to work dusting the wine bottles in the crowded aisles, occasionally calling him to help at the deli counter. Shaking his head, he wondered what he was going to do with him. Things were so different from when he had come home from the European war. There were parades and honors and people were glad to welcome back their warriors from a battle that everyone agreed had to be fought. This war, he thought, so different. He thanked God his son had somehow come home in one piece, physically, at least.
Angelina walked in, the small bell on the store’s door announcing her arrival and she approached Signor Silvestri, basket in hand.
‘Buon giorno, signora. Sta bene?’ he asked, truly interested in the young widow.
‘Si, si… do you… is that your son? I heard he had come back.’ She turned and looked at Jim, who had ignored her arrival and continued putting up boxes of spaghetti.
‘Yes, that is Jimmy… well, I guess he’s Jim, now. Jim! Come here, there’s someone I’d like you to meet.’ He waved his arm to his son, hoping that his son would show some sign of life.
Jim slowly walked toward his father and the young woman standing next to him. She was pretty in a down-home sense, he thought, and probably already married. Unconsciously, he looked for a ring and found one. He stiffened, his heart beating an irregular beat in disappointment. ‘It figures,’ he thought, ‘all the good ones were picked up while me and my friends were slogging through rice paddies half a world away.’
‘Jim, this is Angelina Vozzini.’ For some reason, his father seemed to think that explained everything.
‘Hello, Signora Vozzini. It’s nice to meet you.’ Jim looked once more at her ring and slowly started to back up toward the aisle he had just come from.
‘Please, my friends call me Angie.’ She put out her hand to shake his and he hesitantly took it. She saw a sexily shaped mouth and white teeth beneath a growing mustache that mirrored the darkness of his hair. ‘Your father said you just returned from….’
‘Yes, been back about a month.’ He frowned, the pained expression on his face telling more than he could with words alone. He didn’t want to talk about it… not to her, not to anyone.
‘Are you…?’ Her voice dropped off, hesitantly questioning.
‘Out? Yes. I’m done. Well, it’s been nice meeting you. Have a nice day.’ He walked back to the wine bottles, wondering why he had been so brusque with the woman. She had done nothing to him and yet, he couldn’t help feeling he had been rude. ‘Ah, the hell with it,’ he thought. ‘It won’t make any difference, anyway, she’s married.’
Silvestri looked at his son walking away. ‘I’m sorry,’ he said. ‘He’s not used to….’
‘Signor Silvestri, it’s OK. I’m sure that as he feels more comfortable, he’ll be all right.’
‘You are most kind,’ the tired man said. It had been almost a month and his son was still mostly silent unless he was forced to speak with someone. At home, he either went for long walks alone or stayed in his room, listening to the radio. He wondered how long it was going to last.
That night, he dreamt of her and her creamy pale skin and the Doors kept flying through his mind. ‘Come on baby, light my fire….’
Each day soon became a routine that he did without thinking, almost sleepwalking through it… boxes on shelves, bottles on shelves, sandwiches made, pizzas baked, floors swept. One Saturday morning, while he was cutting off dried end-slices from the deli meats in the case, Angelina came in.
‘Good morning,’ she said, watching him slice the cold-cuts.
‘Good morning,’ he answered, keeping his eyes on the slicer. He had a healthy respect for the machine, knowing it could cut his finger off as easily as a piece of salami.
She waited until he had taken the smoked ham back to the case, hoping he would at least turn around and face her. ‘I was wondering… if you’d like to have… that’s OK, never mind.’ She turned and left the store, leaving him standing the
re wondering what had happened. He shook his head, confused.
Angelina walked as quickly as she could down the sidewalk toward her car. For a second, she glanced back at the store, seeing him standing in the doorway watching her and then she got into her car and drove away.
Jim stood there, still shaking his head. ‘Why am I so interested in a married woman? Nothing good can come from it.’
‘Que fai?’ his father asked as Jim went back into the almost deserted store.
‘I… I don’t know. She just ran out… besides, what’s the difference? She’s married, anyway.’
‘No, she’s not. She’s a widow… been one for five years, now. Jeesh, Jim, you’ve got to get it together. I want to leave the store to you, you know that but….’
‘But what, Papa?’ ‘You want grandchildren, don’t you?’ Jim was frustrated at everything that had happened in his life, this just the latest bump in the road. Bump? It was more like a mountain.
‘You’ve got to snap out of it. Ever since you came home, you… Jim, you’ve changed. Maybe you could see someone, talk to someone. Father Flannigan, maybe….’
‘Nah, it’s all right.’ ‘God,’ he thought, ‘Flannigan? You’ve got to be kidding. He’s plunging headlong from the eleventh century into the twelfth.’
Jim spent the rest of the day working quietly, thinking about what his father had said. The nightmares had not stopped although they weren’t as common as they had been. Still… at least once a week, he was back in the jungle fighting an enemy he couldn’t see. How could he talk to someone when he couldn’t explain it to himself? ‘Who’ll stop the rain?’ he wondered.
That night, he took the phone book and looked for her name. ‘How hard can it be? ‘Vozzini’ wasn’t exactly ‘Smith’, after all.’ Calling 411, he still came up empty. ‘Doesn’t she have a phone? How can she not have a phone?’ He resolved to be nicer to her the next time she came into the store.
Saturday, May 17
‘Aren’t you going to get a haircut?’ asked his mother.
‘No. I like it this way.’ Jim ran his fingers through his longer hair, most traces of his military cut now gone. ‘There’s almost enough to comb.’ He touched his three-day-old stubble, wondering what a beard would look like. Anything to lose the military look, he hoped, even if he didn’t have any plans to become a hippie. ‘Tune in, turn on, drop out.’
‘Jim, it’s time to go,’ said his father, putting his coffee down getting up from the breakfast table.
‘Be right there, Papa.’ Jim bent over and kissed his mother. ‘Love you, Mama.’
For once, the ride to the store seemed to take forever. He glanced over at the speedometer, convinced his father was coasting. ‘Papa, you trying to save gas?’
‘It’s 27 cents a gallon! Money doesn’t grow on trees, you know.’
‘Say, I’ve been meaning to ask you… does… ah, forget it.’
The man’s grip on the steering wheel tightened. Jim could see his father’s knuckles turn white as the man quietly fumed. Ever since coming back, his son would start to say something and then change his mind in the middle of it, exasperating him.
All morning, as his father listened to KTYM out of Inglewood for the Italian hour, Jim anxiously waited for her to come in. He almost cut himself twice, looking up every time the door bell jingled while the announcer gave the soccer scores from the old country… ‘zero e zero, uno e quattro,’ the man droned on . It was late afternoon when she finally appeared… with a man who looked just a few years older than her.
‘What the hell?’ he thought, at once being both jealous and angry at himself. He watched them carefully walk through the aisles crowded with food from the floor to almost the ceiling. They were comfortable together, he could see, standing close like lovers would. It was more than he could take.
‘Papa,’ he called, ‘take over here, will you?’ He lowered his voice. ‘I’ve got to go to the bathroom.’ Without waiting for a reply, he walked into the storeroom’s bathroom and closed the door, waiting until he was sure they had left. ‘Damn, damn, damn…’
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So there I was up again at 7:30 grabbing some OJ from the refrigerator. I heard Consuela singing softly nearby in the laundry room. I knew that following the laundry duties she'd be getting breakfast ready. I finished the juice, rinsed the glass and left it in the sink and strolled silently around the house. When I came to Noreen's room, I opened the door and saw her lying on her bed, wearing a filmy teddy. As quietly as possible, I undressed and climbed in beside her. She murmured...
I met the entire family rather formally at dinner. Mrs. Klugman was friendlier; at least I got that impression. I had made it a point to complement her dress, which wasn't a problem because it was a sensational outfit, and it looked very good on her. She insisted I call her Sheila and not Mrs. Klugman, and then regaled me with how difficult it had been to find the dress. Warren was still overly concerned about my hand, more so when I admitted that it had started to throb. "The medication...
This next part is hearsay: that is, I took Noreen's story of what happened between her brother, Johnny and her friend, Haley to be true. She may well have embellished a detail or two, and furthermore, she's going on what she'd been told by the actual participants. I did manage to coax a detail or three from Johnny himself later on, and he more or less confirmed his sister's story. And that's why this is included. Noreen had told me previously that her friend Haley was a horny, twenty...
I’m in a dark back room with boxes and things, getting my coat after a dance with the music still ringing in my ears loudly. Somebody spoke from behind me, saying ‘ its kind of dark back here, there’s no light, something bad could happen in here’. ‘Uh, like what’, I asked nervously, not sure what he meant as the music was still blaring loudly just beyond the confines of the wall. Then he responded saying, ‘You see right over there…let me show where you do not want to be’ as he moved,...
A month ago my father got a promotion for the company he had been working for. He had been a lower level employee for twenty odd years, give or take a year or two, so you could imagine his complete excitement at being promoted. I, on the other hand, was far from being excited. My father taking this new position was the worst thing that could possibly happen to me. I had been born and raised in the same place. For all my seventeen years I never lived anywhere else. Everyone in my school we kids...
A month ago my father got a promotion for the company he had been working for. He had been a lower level employee for twenty odd years, give or take a year or two, so you could imagine his complete excitement at being promoted. I, on the other hand, was far from being excited. My father taking this new position was the worst thing that could possibly happen to me. I had been born and raised in the same place. For all my seventeen years I never lived anywhere else. Everyone in my school we kids...
Straight SexI'm in a dark back room with boxes and things, getting my coat after a dance with the music still ringing in my ears loudly. Somebody spoke from behind me, saying " its kind of dark back here, there's no light, something bad could happen in here". "Uh, like what", I asked nervously, not sure what he meant as the music was still blaring loudly just beyond the confines of the wall. Then he responded saying, "You see right over there...let me show where you do not want to be" as he moved, still...
TabooIt took a week, but Sylvia came up with the money. Don't ask me how, but several of the photos turned up on the prosecutor's desk and Compton's lawyer's talked him into copping a plea that would see him serve ten years before any parole would come his way. When Klugman saw Johnny sneaking Haley into his room one evening, he was ecstatic, and rushed to the pool where I was smoking one of his Cuban cigars to tell me. I suggested we listen outside Johnny's room to make sure that he wasn't...
First thing, I went looking for Tracy. She didn't see me come up behind her. I figured a little payback was in order so I gave her a hip check. Her head snapped around, and when she saw it was me, she got a big grin. "Hey, sexy boy," she purred. That got everyone's attention, and I actually blushed. She winked at me as she turned to go to her locker. It was nice to see her smiling. After school, I went to baseball tryouts. There were a lot of guys and even a few girls trying out. I...
Everyone in the crowd froze in a various array of postures. Moments after they got to their seats the group battle ended, and in both ghastly and bloody manner, at that. “Is ... is that it?” Someone asked in a barely audible voice. “In just a few seconds he took out five of the eight of them, killing three of them, not less...” Another person mentioned waveringly. “How terrible, he even didn’t spare the woman...” “Dad, dad, what Martial school this expert belongs to? Please sign me in!”...
I made use of Warren's computer after leaving Noreen's room. It wasn't difficult to find some things out about Bruce Compton, the S&M bastard who got off abusing young girls like Noreen. I even found several pictures of Brucie and his lovely wife, Sylvie, including one with her in a bikini by what may have been their pool. I called Warren at his office and asked if I might borrow his car. He told me which one to take, not wanting me to avail myself of Mrs. Klugman's baby, and where...
It goes without saying that NSFW YouTube is my favorite YouTube. After all, I am a professional masturbator, a world-renown internet pornography expert, and a self-described pervert. I mean, sure, sometimes I’ve got to watch the same SFW tutorial videos as you when I’m figuring out how to upgrade the RAM on my laptop, but it’s only so I can watch higher-tech porn. (Those VR gadgets can be a real motherfucker, can’t they?) ThePornDude ain’t just a clever internet nickname, you...
Porn for Women SitesConsequences I: No More I Love You's By Myria Looking back it seems like it was all simple fate. If I hadn't had so much paperwork to do that I stayed well past my shift, if I hadn't decided to take the bridge across instead of my usual route home, if the moon hadn't been shining so brightly, if... If so many things hadn't conspired to come together I never would have even seen her. There's something about winter nights that can be almost exhilarating. The way the cold air...
My dads friend ask me to drive his taxi for two weeks. An old guy who has regular cash customers. I got his car and his cab phone and worked until the end of the 2nd week. I had a call yesterday with a women and her mentally ill son. She got in the front seat and put him in the back. She had a Dr appointment and would only be a while. On the way there she told me she was marginally old when she got pregnant. and thats the reason he came out that way. Then she told me her husband left her, seven...
Timothy Fishlake had a problem. Wait, let’s correct that: Timothy Fishlake had at least two problems. One was that at the ripe old age of 20, he was still a virgin, a fact that was a constant source of embarrassment to him. But that was not the problem that was uppermost in his mind at the present time. The prevailing problem was Gloria Goodhead. Mrs Goodhead was the office manager of the shipping department of Amalgamated Widgets plc. And she was a real bitch. At least so far as Timothy...
EPISODE IVCrimson & CloverWe decide for our anniversary to go for a ride in the country, having a picnic lunch packed with a bottle of red table wine & a blanket. Just the two of us this time. We drove for quite some time, until we drove way out into the boonies, big time! We spotted this huge field of clover growing on the right side of the country road, so we found a dirt road leading into it. Bob's road, I presumed? Ha ha. Driving in just far enough not to be spotted from the road,...
“If you’re a man in America, and you have a great divorce lawyer, you get the kids every other week. If you have a decent divorce lawyer, you get them on the weekends. If you have a bad divorce lawyer, you get them a week of every month. If you have my divorce lawyer, you get them for one month every year before school starts, and no contact until then. You know, I sympathize with women activists in this country, I really do. It makes no sense that half the population had to claw through...
Charles Tate and I had been childhood sweethearts. Everyone within the bayou of Houma, Louisiana thought we were the perfect couple. But we discovered a terrible secret that tore through our love and hearts. We were half brother and sister. How could this be? How could this possibly happen? When we were eighteen years old we demanded to know the truth from our parents. My Mama told me that Charles’s father, Emmet Tate, had been a few years older than she and seduced by his charm and good...
IncestShe came by one day a few months after their divorce while Kevin was away on a business trip. When I opened the door, she looked fabulous, as if she had done a makeover. "Kim! Hi! What brings you up here?" I asked, trying to mask my sudden excitement at seeing her look so good. She was wearing a two-piece sort of business outfit. It was a crushed black-velvet jacket with a short skirt and a white silk blouse with a ruffled collar. It made her look authoritative and sexy at the same time....
We’re on the weird part of the internet with this one, boys. I miss the days when I used to review anal videos, which was like, the weirdest part of my job. These days, it feels like the zoomers are taking shit too far. Today, we’re talking about NSFW ASMR videos. I’m not going to break down what that acronym stands for. It’s a complicated term for that simple little effect in your brain when you get a tingly sensation down your back and you feel sleepy. It sounds a lot like an orgasm, but it’s...
ASMR Porn SitesI had a girlfriend who was quite bossy. She expected me to do anything and everything just on command. I told her that we needed to break up. She was really damaged by this. She said no. That she’d do anything for me. I told her she wouldn’t. She’d never do anything for me. She said she would. I asked her if she would submit. She said yes. I told her to strip and get down on her knees. I told her to open her mouth. She opened her mouth and I let my cock in. I let her suck for a while. She...
by mypenname3000 Copyright 2013 Chapter Twenty: Tryouts Visit my blog at When Mark slipped out of bed, he jostled me from my dream. It was a reoccurring dream, where my whore of a mother never left us and we were all living together again, happy. There was always that moment of disappointment when I awoke and realized it had been a dream, my mother had run off to whore around with that musician. Anger was starting to roil in my stomach, so I forced the thoughts...
This all started about a year ago when I was 23 and I was home from work. It was about 3:30 when my sister walked in from school. She had just finished cheer tryouts and was crying. I asked her what was wrong and she told me that they did not think she was good enough“Well what did you do for them?” I asked. “Show me and ill be the judge of that,” I told her.“I don’t know, I don’t even think it was that good,” she replied.“Come on sis, you have been talking about this for so long. Just let me...
IncestWhen I went to school this morning I had an extra bounce in my step. I had a girl whom I loved, my movie obligations were done, for now, and best of all was baseball tryouts started today. I was excited about this season. We were finally going to get to play varsity ball. The other thing I noticed was they had broken ground on the new Field House. They planned on having it done by the start of the coming school year, next August. I could hardly wait to be able to use it. Dad was also...
Onzengvas ... its lands, before the Age of Catastrophe shifted continents, before it reshaped the planet and before Luminous Church unified it in the name of The Almighty, were known as Africa and South and East Asia. At the center of the south eastern lands of Onzengvas an enormous and marvelous, mountain like capital city was erected, named after the land itself, “Onzengvas city”, and powered by a formation of twelve floating pagodas crafted from twelve third realm Pure Cores. It knew no...
I had just got my drivers license and was very excited. I went out with my friends to celebrate. But I some how screwed up my braces. I called mom who got me an emergency appointment at the orthodontist. It was late on Friday and I drove mom's car over quickly as they were staying late for me. Plus it was snowing and supposed to get very bad as the evening went on. When I arrived every one was gone except the doctor and his assistant. The orthodontist quickly fixed the painful problem and left...
Dontrust : The Review Finally home from work, another day another $1.25. Tossing the Covid-19 mask onto the desk and getting rid of his jacket, a chance to relax. The last of the days sunlight filtering through the curtains, and once again home alone, to peace and quiet. At least he had been able to skip the need for quarantine, and his job was still safe, for now. However he had been unable to have a social life in months, no pub hopping, no dating, had not even been able to meet...
I talked to Jimmy and asked him just how tough a lesson did he want Leslie to learn. He told me he really wanted to give her a wake-up call about how life really is out on the street. He is always telling her about muggers, rapists, and molesters that are out there preying on young children. She always tells him she knows how to take care of herself. I told him I wish I could help him but that I didn't even know his daughter. I then asked him when was his week to have Leslie with him and he...
Later on that night I got an unexpected call from my friend Kelsey. She was upset and was asking if I could come pick her up from her house and stay at mine from the night. I quickly threw on some clothes and headed over to her house which was only a few miles away. When I pulled up to her house she came running out. She opened the car door, threw her bag in, jumped in and yelled “drive” I sped off as her father came running out the door after her. Once we were far enough away she began to...
Last week I was at the beach alone when I was approached by a woman some years older than myself. I had seen her before in another group. She was obviously a regular from her tan. She engaged me in conversation and we sat and talked for a while. She mentioned she had seen me there with other friends and asked if I were married. I am not and I explained my position and that I live with another girl. She said I see you have a number of men with you at weekends and I was...
She'd only been talking to him about a week but they'd talked enough to know she wanted his cock inside her, HIS. She found it so easy to open up to him, to tell him the crazy things going on in her life. He made her feel at ease, relaxed, like things would be okay. They didn't verbally talk for awhile, but when she heard his voice, two pieces of the picture were in place. Now she needed his cock. She had been so stressed out. It had also been 7 months for a woman who was used to having sex...
Disclaimer: This is a very dirty story. It's fiction and involves forced transgenderization and mind-altering doodads. If that sort of thing is offensive to you, then you probably shouldn't even be looking at the web site where this is posted. Marz Needz Wimmin By Kyrie Hobson Okay, so I'm outside the building where I work because the health Nazis have made smoking in your office like a federal crime or something and this guy walks up to me carrying a sign. I mean, I'm trying not to...
HOUSEMAIDS KNEEDS BY HAJIM I had just come out of a long term relationship-she had gone off with anotherman. As she had not put in any money towards the purchase of the house, I wasthe sole owner & occupier. However it was too big for me to keep tidy bymyself so I decided to advertise for a housekeeper-I thought just for a larkI would advertise in one of the Alternative papers so I did in the followingway- "Man (30) very strict disciplinarian needs a housekeeper. Please submitdetails to...
This is Rajeev; here is a story of how I got my neighbor in bed. While I stayed in Hyderabad, I had a Tamil Brahmin family as my immediate neighbor, Mrs. Needhi & Mr. Lokanathan, newly married; they were there for about 4 months. Mr. Lokanathan used to travel a lot as he was salesman. Our landlord was an old lady who could hardly move about. I was very friendly with her too. Once when Mr. Lokanathan had gone for his usual trips, there was no light in the night. It was quiet hot. I was walking...
We were renting a portion of a HIG villa in the posh South Delhi neighborhood of Vasant Vihar. Our housemaid, Yukta, lived not very far, in the modest dwellings of Yusuf Sarai. Ever since the curfew was declared in Delhi, the classes I was teaching at college became online classes. From then on, I’ve had a lot of spare time. That morning, I gazed at Yukta from the dining table, where I was sitting with my laptop. Initially, the ‘gaze’ was out of focus. I was looking in her general direction,...
My fingers longed to play with that brown hair. But I didn’t know the person it belonged to. Even if I did, it wouldn’t be appropriate by any means. She was standing with her back to me. It certainly wasn’t What differentiated her from the rest of the crowd was her trim schoolgirl-like figure and her above-average height. Although only a couple of inches taller than other ladies (5’6”), coupled with her narrow figure (34-26-36), she looked modelesque. The on-call chauffeur didn’t wait long...
I met her when she was in her early 20's, a new mother and a very vivacious and beautiful young blonde. You could just sense the vitality for living that she had - she was a handful for her husband to keep up with. Her mouth sometimes overloaded her common sense but -- you always knew where you stood with Pam. I actually first met this sexy hot young blonde within a month after she'd had her first baby. I couldn't believe she'd just delivered a child - her figure sure didn't look like...
Many girls crave attention on the internet, and you can give them just what they are asking for. You have a subreddit called r/needysluts/, and here you have loads of gorgeous women who love to post nude and seductive pictures that will make your woody rise. It is straightforward, and everyone is allowed to is a free website, and this is just one of many other subreddits you can explore. There are tons of NSFW subreddits that are filled with porn, so if you are partially...
Reddit NSFW ListWhenever people are thinking about the various places on Reddit that they can visit for porn, they rarely think of something that’s broad. Well, sometimes you just want to get a whole bunch of content at once, and that’s when you need to look into subs such as /r/AdultNeeds. This place has got everything you need for a different porn experience. Everything from pics and gifs to vids and tips is here for you. And when you have all this stuff in one place, it can be tempting to check this place...
Reddit NSFW List