Alejandro’s Song free porn video

The rusty red hoodoos looked like people gathered on the mountainsides. Some were tall and thin, others were shorter, broader. They had heads and shoulders. Some of them had arms, or they looked like they were wrapped in ochre serapes. Michelle had never seen anything like them before.
Alejandro briefly shifted his eyes from the highway to her face. He smiled. In a smooth, lilting voice, he said, ‘When I was a kid, I used to pretend they were Apache Indians, watching me. On a windy day, you can hear them sing a mournful song.’
Michelle returned his smile, then glanced down at his hand on her lap. He’d set it on her knee an hour ago, but it had made its way to the top of her thigh. She laid her hand on top of his.
‘What?’ he asked. A mischievous smile played cross his lips.
‘You know what.’
Alejandro laughed and turned his hand to grasp hers. His long, tan fingers interlaced with her pale ones, and he gave a light squeeze.
I am in love with this man. As sure as those Apache hoodoos are spying on us. It’s a sure sign of the beginning of the end.
‘What’s that look for?’ he asked.
Michelle told her inner voice to shut the hell up and smiled back at him. ‘Nothing. It’s very pretty here.’
‘I thought you’d like it.’ He squeezed her hand again and looked back at the road. Ace of Base’s All That She Wants played on the radio, and he absentmindedly mouthed the words to the chorus while she resumed her daydreaming.
The beginning of the end. Yes, it was time. She’d been dating Alejandro Alemán for three months now. That’s how long Michelle’s two previous relationships had lasted before the bottom fell out. There’d been Duncan, who’d only used her to get at her then-friend, Robin, and then there’d been Joe, who was just a plain old jerk. After Joe, Michelle put a moratorium on men. Men were pigs, and she hated all of them.
It was right after the fall semester started that her roommate asked her if she wanted to go to a Dave Matthews concert. Her roommate was already going with a group from the engineering firm where she worked, and they had an extra ticket. Michelle had never heard of Dave Matthews, but she’d heard talk of the concert on the radio. Her first round of tests wasn’t for another couple of weeks, so she agreed to go, and that was where she met Alejandro.
Alejandro was a petroleum engineer, in his second year at the firm, and his dark eyes and easy smile caught Michelle’s attention right away, but it was his lilting Mexican accent that made her knees go wobbly, which was followed quickly by her ban on men. She spent the first hours of the evening talking and rubbing shoulders with him, and when Dave Matthews started singing ‘Crash Into Me,’ Alejandro turned to her. ‘Would you like to dance?’
‘What? Dance? Here?’ Oh my God.
‘Yes. Here.’ His dark eyes bore into hers.
Michelle glanced around. No one was dancing. There wasn’t even a dance floor. Plenty of people were singing and waving their arms in the air, but not one of them was dancing. She didn’t care. ‘Sure.’
Alejandro took her hand and pulled her into the aisle. He wrapped his arm around her, and they swayed back and forth to the music. He sang in her ear, ‘Sweet you rock, sweet you roll….’
Oh my god, why does his voice have to be so sexy? It was the sexiest moment of her twenty-four years, she was certain of it.
Against all her convictions and good judgment, she went home with him that night and had the most incredible, mind-blowing sex of her life. Even as she moaned through her orgasms, she knew she would regret it. Enjoy this, because you won’t see him again after the morning! That’s how guys are. Don’t forget that. It was easy to forget, though, when Alejandro kissed her ear and told her how sexy she was in his lover’s accent while he jammed his cock inside her.
It was her intention to steal away in the morning before he woke. Beat him to the punch line, sister. This plan didn’t work, either. Instead, she awoke to the morning sun dancing across her face, and with Alejandro’s tongue exploring the delicate folds of flesh between her legs. She was hardly aware of what was happening before she exploded with another orgasm.
They’d been together ever since. He brought her flowers. He took her to dinner. He wooed her. Sometimes, she thought he was her good luck charm, because all the crap that had happened before him just didn’t matter anymore.
Nevertheless, there was that voice in her head, and it was getting louder. Sometimes, she thought she was just paranoid, but then she started noticing some odd behaviors. Strange looks. Spending more time at work. Oh yeah, you should go ahead and break up with him. He’s working on his exit.
But she couldn’t. She was too sucked in. She’d just have to brace herself and try not to fall apart when the inevitable happened.
Then Alejandro did the inexplicable. He invited her to spend Thanksgiving with him and his family in west Texas. He wanted her to meet his mother, his father, his four sisters and older brother. Two siblings were married with young children. Then there were cousins and old high school buddies and an old math teacher whom Alejandro wanted to visit.
Michelle didn’t see the point, but since she wasn’t close to her own family, she decided to go. After we get back, that’s when he’ll drop the bomb. Why not? Her father had chosen Christmas Day to tell her mother that he was leaving her for another woman, so Michelle knew there wasn’t anything sacred about the holidays.
Alejandro had warned her that he’d grown up poor, and she quickly learned he hadn’t lied about that. His parents’ home was a small ramshackle of a house, but his family was nice, and everyone seemed happy. Neither of his parents spoke English, though, so Michelle usually felt out of the loop. She sat with the family at the dining table and tried to enjoy the conversation, even though she didn’t understand anything that was said. Alejandro or one of his sisters would translate every now and then, but usually, Michelle just sat and tried to disguise the fact that she felt very left out.
I don’t belong here.
She was relieved when Alejandro leaned into her ear on Thanksgiving Day and whispered, ‘Tomorrow, we’ll get away, just the two of us, I promise.’
Michelle squeezed Alejandro’s hand, then turned to look at the hoodoos again. They did look like Indians. Tall. Mysterious. She imagined their mournful song, and a chill ran through her.
Alejandro pulled into a rest stop that had several picnic tables, each shaded by massive cottonwood trees. ‘I want to show you a special place. We call it Rock Pile. My family had many picnics here when we were growing up.’ Each picnic table was on the edge of what, indeed, looked like a mountain of granite boulders. Most were about ten feet in diameter, but many were even larger, and they stacked to a height at least a thousand feet above the plain.
He parked the Cressida, and Michelle looked back across the horizon as she got out and shut the car door behind her. There were a few mountains scattered about, but they were all different from this pile of rocks. They’d driven for hours through the flat Llano, and then, out of nowhere, these odd rock formations appeared. ‘How on earth did this get here?’
‘From a volcano, millions of years ago, and deposited here by a glacier. You like it here?’
‘I do. I love it.’ She breathed in the sweet aroma of the creosote bush that permeated the air.
‘I love it here, too. If there was any oil, I’d give up my desk job and work in the fields, just so I could live here.’ He nudged her back against the side of the car, pushed his lean body against hers, and took her face in his hands and pressed his lips against hers.
She thought of him working in an oil field, in a tank top and jeans, covered in dirt and oil and his muscles glistening with sweat. She shuddered
with lust. She was going to miss Alejandro.
‘There’s that look again.’ He smirked at her, then cast his eyes across the landscape. ‘Right there. I’d put a little house right there on the side of that mountain. What do you think?’
‘It would be a long commute from Houston.’
‘Where’s your imagination, woman? Work with me here.’ He kissed her again. ‘Do you want to eat now, or later?’
They’d picked up an order of fresh tamales in Fort Davis. Michelle had never cared for Mexican food before meeting Alejandro. He introduced her to the authentic fare, and after five days at his mother’s house, she knew she’d already put on five pounds. How Alejandro was so trim, she didn’t know.
‘I want to take you for a hike. We should eat now if you’re hungry.’
‘No, I can wait.’
‘Okay. Come with me.’ He took her hand and led her up the side of Rock Pile.
It was warm, in the upper 70’s. Everyone had talked about how unseasonable the weather had been. Both Michelle and Alejandro had paused from climbing to remove their jackets and tie them around their waists.
From a rock climber’s perspective, the climb wasn’t difficult. The rocks formed a natural staircase all the way up. The problem was that some of the steps were several feet high, and more than once, they arrived at a place where they couldn’t ascend any more. Then they had to backtrack and search for another route up. There were massive cracks between the rocks, and plenty of places where a hiker could twist an ankle, or worse, slip and fall a dozen feet or more.
‘My sisters and I used to climb all over these rocks whenever we came out here. We did some stupid shit back then. I wonder what we would’ve done, if one of us had fallen and broken a bone.’ He pointed at a prickly pear. ‘Careful. Cactus.’
Michelle stepped over the angry thorns.
Alejandro continued, ‘In the summer, you have to be careful for rattlesnakes. They’re less active in the winter.’ As though on cue, they heard a loud rattle echo through the rocks. Alejandro’s eyes widened. ‘Unless it’s unusually warm.’
Michelle froze. ‘What do we do?’
He smiled. ‘Don’t step on it. Follow me.’ He ascended the next stone, and held out his hand for her. They climbed a little more, then Alejandro stood on top of a smooth, flat rock, spread his arms out and took in a deep breath.
Michelle turned to look around them. She could see for miles in all directions. To the north were more mountains, fewer to the west and south. It was mostly open plain, vast and flat, beige, dotted with green, and covered by the biggest, bluest sky. The sun was warm on her face, and the breeze felt good. ‘It’s so beautiful! I wish I had a camera.’
‘It is beautiful.’
Something in Alejandro’s voice made her look at him, and she found him staring, not at the gorgeous landscape, but at her. A warm flush washed over her.
‘You’re beautiful.’ He reached for her.
She didn’t believe him, but she let him pull her into his arms anyway. ‘Even for a white girl? A gabacha?’ A non-Spanish speaking, non-Mexican food eating, all-white-bread girl? Surely he’d rather be with someone who fit into his family better than she did.
There was that strange look on his face again. He’d been making that expression more and more often lately. Maybe he’s not going to wait until we get back. Maybe he’s going to drop it on me right here. Shit.
He didn’t. ‘Especially for a white girl.’ He pulled her in for a kiss. It was sweet at first, his lips soft, but then it grew insistent, passionate. His arms tightened around her, and he slipped his tongue into her mouth.
This is why he wanted to climb up here. To fool around. To score with la gabacha on the mountaintop. And why not? Just one last time. She slid her hands over his hard, muscular shoulders, then into his thick, black waves of hair, and kissed him for a long time. Damn you, Alejandro.
When he broke the kiss, she could hardly catch her breath.
‘Let’s make love,’ he said.
She blinked. ‘Here?’
‘Yes, here. No one’s around to see us.’
They hadn’t had sex all week, while Michelle had slept in Alejandro’s old, worn out bed, he’d slept on the old, worn out couch. The surge of lust that had passed through her at the car returned.
He didn’t wait for her answer. He slid his hands up her sides, under her tee-shirt. Their eyes met, and he pushed her shirt up and over her head. Then he wrapped his arms around her and kissed her mouth while he unhooked her bra.
He let the white lace slide off her breasts, exposing her pink nipples, and he smiled. ‘Your tits are pretty in the sun.’ He bent down and took a nipple into his mouth while he fondled the other with his thumb.
Michelle loved it when he sucked her nipples. He knew just the right pressure and pull to give to excite her, to make her pussy drool. She wrapped her arms around his shoulders and cradled his head against her chest while he caressed her flesh with his mouth and tongue.
After he’d turned each nipple into a hard little point, he nudged her down onto the rock. When he looked into her face, he stopped. ‘Is something wrong? Do you not want to?’
She wanted to. How could he ask her that? ‘Yes. Of course I do.’
He smiled, then laid their shirts under her, to protect her back from the hard, cold stone. She lay down, and he crawled over her. His lips met hers, and he drove his tongue into her mouth. He settled his hips between her legs, and she felt the swell of his cock push against her pubic bone. In a second, her anxiety melted into desire, and she slid her hands over the rippling muscles of his back.
‘Mmm, no,’ he breathed. He took her hands in his and held them down on either side of her head. His full weight was on her. Lying on the rock, with Alejandro’s body pinning her down, she was trapped in an erotic embrace, forced to feel him on her, to feel him thrusting against her. ‘You are mine,’ he purred.
Her pussy ached. She shuddered. She wanted to be his. His cock hurt when he ground it against her pubic bone, but it briefly alleviated the ache from deep in her cunt, where she wanted him. She wrapped her legs around him and flexed her hips against him.
‘No,’ he told her. He moved his mouth down to her ear, nibbled and tongued her earlobe in a delicious tease, then said in a low whisper, ‘Don’t touch me. Open your legs.’
What is he doing? He’d never ordered her around like this before. It was unsettling, but sexy at the same time. She relaxed her legs and let them fall open, and he thrust against her again. She flexed, trying to feel him against her clit. What else would he tell her to do?
He moved his mouth from her ear to her throat. His tongue and soft lips left a trail of wet kisses across her skin as he moved down her chest to her right breast. She gasped when he licked and sucked her nipple, then blew a cool breath over it and watched it shrivel into a small, pink nub. ‘Pretty tits,’ he murmured.
She started to reach for him.
He stopped her. ‘Uh-uh. Hands back on the rock.’
She whined and laid her arms back down. She wanted to touch him! ‘What are you doing?’
‘Staking my claim.’
‘You staked me a long time ago!’
He chuckled. ‘But this time is special.’ He untied her jacket from around her waist, then tickled her bellybutton with the tip of his tongue while he worked her belt strap through the D-ring buckle.
Oh, God, I want your tongue!
Next, he unbuttoned her jeans and pulled down the zipper, and the feel of his hand against her belly almost made her come right then. She flexed her hips upward, and he planted his open mouth on her soft skin while he shimmied her jeans and panties off. Then he sat back on his haunches and admired her.
She looked back at him as he sat between her knees. The gentle curves of his shoulders. His arms. His chest. The V-shape of his trim torso, and
the stray black curls around his dark brown nipples and beneath his bellybutton. Oh, damn, he’s hot. She saw the bulge of his cock beneath the zipper of his jeans, and thought of how sexy it would be to suck him right there. She started to sit up.
A tan hand on her chest pushed her back down. Alejandro leaned over her, smiled down at her. His dark eyes danced. ‘On your back, corazón.’
She covered her face with her hands and made a frustrated growl.
He laughed, then commanded, ‘Hands on the rock.’
She obeyed. She closed her eyes and fought a smile as she felt his fingers slide over her breast and tweak her nipple.
‘So impatient!’
She pursed her lips together to keep from saying something snarky that might spoil the mood. He was driving her crazy!
His hand slid from her breast, over her belly, and over her short pubic curls. He rested his palm over her pubic bone, and he dipped his thumb into her crevice. She jolted at the sensation of his thumb against her engorged clit, and quivered when he moved it in smooth circles over her sensitive flesh.
‘Alejandro!’ she gasped.
She then thought she heard a faraway sound, and he turned his head toward the parking area below.
‘What is it?’
‘A family pulled in to eat.’ He kept his thumb on her clit and smiled down at her. ‘Don’t worry. They can’t see us.’
‘Are you sure?’ Her words were breathy as the need to come grew strong.
He answered by lowering his head between her legs and flicking the end of his tongue over her exposed clit. She drew in a deep breath. Then he repositioned himself, laid himself on his belly across the rock, with his head between her legs and his tongue buried deep in her folds. She clung to the rock, dug her fingers into small depressions in the rough granite as wave after wave of ecstasy rippled through her. Damn you, Alejandro! Why do you have to be so good at that?
After pleasuring her with his mouth, he sat up, and she watched him as he opened his jeans and pushed them down. His cock popped out. It was hard and proud, pointing to the sky, and she couldn’t wait to feel him ram it inside her.
When he looked at her, she smiled.
He crawled up her body and held himself over her with straight arms. He waved his hips over her, teasing her with the head of his prick. She whined and flexed her hips, trying to take him inside her, but he remained just out of her reach. She thought to grab him by his waist and pull him down on her, but she’d learned the rules of his game today and kept her hands on the rock above her head.
He chuckled and teased her more.
She strained with her hips. ‘Jandro, please!’
‘Oh, fuck,’ he grunted. ‘You kill me when you beg.’ He drove himself deep inside her.
She yelped as his cock filled her. He felt so good! She threw her head back and struck the hard rock and yelped again.
‘Are you okay?’
‘Yes! Don’t stop! Fuck, you feel good!’ She’d never imagined herself naked on a mountaintop before, under the sun, her thighs spread wide, with the man she loved on top of her, filling her with his cock. Yet there she was, shameless in front of God and everybody, letting Alejandro fuck her. The thought made her pussy quiver.
He lowered his mouth to hers and kissed her deeply while he pumped her. She loved the feel of him inside her, of being one with him. She’d had lovers before, but none had tried to please her the way Alejandro did. None looked at her the way he did. Touched her the way he did. When he kissed her while he fucked her, invaded her mouth with his tongue while he plundered her pussy with his prick, she felt so taken. Consumed. His.
Oh, how she wanted to be his, but she didn’t fit in his world, not the way that she’d hoped, and the thought made her want to cry, but she didn’t. She gulped as her cunt erupted into quick spasms.
His breaths grew ragged, and he whimpered, and then grunted, and his cock jerked inside her as he came. When he finished, he laid on top of her while he caught his breath.

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