Self Defense
- 4 years ago
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Getting into the house without being heard was easy, all Jerry had to do was go around back and open the basement door.
He couldn’t go in the front, the alarm system he had installed at his wife Shelly’s insisting would go off.
She had been a complete nut about that for some reason, bugging Jerry until he finally installed the system.
Opening the garage door would have tripped it, too. The delay on the push button panel was set at 10 seconds because Shelly had asked him to set it that way.
’45 seconds is dumb, a burglar would be all the way into my bedroom before it went off!’ She had told him.
‘You just want to give your boyfriend time to sneak out the window!’ Jerry had wisecracked, Shelly just laughed at him, then turned back to fixing dinner.
But it sounded logical, so he reset the delay. Of course that meant he also set the alarm off himself every time he came home, but it was just for a few seconds until he could climb out of the car and punch in the four digit code.
‘This way it gets tested to make sure it works every day!’ Shelly smiled brightly one afternoon as he walked in, grumbling after having tripped it about two dozen times already.
Same with any of the windows, all wired.
But he also knew no one would notice the wire he had run over the top of the door frame down there, bypassing the sensor.
Shelly almost never went down into the basement, even if she did, Jerry doubted she would notice.
The panel lit up perfectly when he had tested that, all of the loops showed secure.
The door didn’t make a sound, the hinges that he had oiled slid easily. Same with the steps, each one he had carefully nailed nearly a week before.
Shelly was even happy about that, she had bugged him for months to fix the loose steps.
Testing them with his 220 pound frame, he smiled to himself. Not a sound came from them.
The little .22 caliber Hi-standard pistol he had stuck in the windbreaker that hung from hooks at the top of the stairs held nine rounds. It felt somehow satisfying to reach in the pocket and find it right there where he had left it.
Jerry had no plans on really shooting anyone, not unless he had to.
He also had no plans at all of backing down, either.
Something had been going on and he was determined to find out what it was. There was no real point in confronting his wife Shelly, if something was going on she would deny it. If there wasn’t, he would look foolish.
Three years of trying to get her pregnant, three years of failure bothered him. He even went to the Doctor to check, and got a laugh when the old Doc told him to not hug any strange females, even fully dressed ones because he was not only fertile but on the overly fertile side.
The old Doc snorted at his own wisecrack, patted Jerry on the shoulder and told him to go get her with a smirk.
So it was Janet’s turn, instead she went to her own Doctor, the same one she had used even back before they were married.
She insisted on that, too.
That day Jerry just happened to see her coming out of the hair salon. It was simply an accident or he might never have even gotten suspicious.
Odd, she was supposed to be at her Doctor’s office? Instead, she was getting her hair and nails done?
But Jerry was on the way to bid a job and already five minutes late, so that didn’t really hit him until he was driving into his garage.
That was just a month ago, she had told him that evening with a sad look on her face that she could ‘maybe’ have children but it was unlikely.
She even cried softly. He led her until she composed herself, feeling a sick sensation in the pit of his stomach.
‘We can just keep trying honey!’ She told him, but her tone was not quite right, it didn’t quite ring true.
That was when Jerry began to keep his eyes open, he really didn’t think the black lady at the hair salon was qualified to advise Shelly on things like that.
Cheating? No, not possible. Shelly was always home, always. No signs, not one of anything. She was always right there when he got home.
Of course there were those overnight trips he had to make two to three times each month.
Drugs maybe? Could that be it, she was addicted to something and hiding it? Also not possible, she looked and acted healthy as a horse, she even had a pound or two extra on her well rounded out body.
Gambling? Maybe, she could be hitting the Indian Casinos, perhaps. But a quick check of finances showed nothing out of the ordinary, if anything Shelly was a bit on the frugal side.
Except for clothes, trips to the salon for $50 worth of fingernails. Having her hair done?
Shelly’s fingernails sure looked nice that day, though.
That part he never understood, he had heard, ‘Damn, I broke a nail!’ no less than fifty times.
Later that night while Shelly was in the shower Jerry snooped in her drawers, then looked in the closet. Shelly loved nice clothes, she had outfits in there he had never seen.
There was a small bag in the dresser drawer, with panties that he wondered why a woman would bother.
He hadn’t seen those before, either. But even that was not abnormal, when they went out for dinner or dancing, pretty outfits and tiny undies always appeared.
Jerry loved it when Shelly would come out and pose, basking in his delight at the way she looked. The woman certainly could turn her share of heads, and it was obvious that she was well aware of that.
He grinned to himself, almost wishing it was Saturday night. Dancing with her made him feel proud, then later without fail he got to slip off the outer layers and discover what she almost had on underneath this time.
Then he found the birth control pills.
Birth control pills?
He saw red at that, and barely managed to compose himself before she came out of the shower.
His instinct was to completely blow his stack and yell at her, but he had learned to make sure before acting.
Once many years before he had caught Dana, his girlfriend at the time kissing some good looking guy that showed up at a party. Jerry had been right to the point with Dana of asking the big question, and he knew she was thinking that also. They had even done the meet Mom and Dad stuff, it was getting serious.
Then he saw her kissing some guy all over his face with eagerness, her body plastered to him in what did not look like any friendly brush on the cheek. He had stood there in shock as she excitedly greeted the man.
Jerry had gone over and smacked the dude, putting him right on his ass.
The man turned out to be her brother that Jerry had never met, just home for the weekend from College. Meeting the brother was going to be the big surprise of the evening, so although Dana had mentioned she had one, she kept the fact that he was showing up that night to herself.
After finding himself thrown out of the house, Dana would not even take his phone calls after that. He had just barely made it to second base a few times with her, and she had hinted earlier that this was going to be the day.
That had actually been more than a hint, when he arrived that night Dana had kissed him, then slipped a pack of condoms into his shirt pocket, giving him a sly look.
Talk about an instant erection!
Smacking her brother right in front of everyone put the skids on that of course.
Yes, think before acting, a lesson well learned.
Jerry had to do a bit of traveling, his job was to bid fencing for farmers, pole barns, corrals. Sometimes he designed a series of corrals so that farmers could handle their big livestock, separate them out for trips to the auction, or for medical attention, things like that.
It was a darned good job because he got to meet a lot of very nice people, plus he was also outside.
The last job had been great, not only did he sell nearly 4 miles of fencing but the family invited him for dinner. Corn Bread with Ham and black beans, real Corn bread, not the crap that comes in the boxes.
Sam Martin was a grizzled old guy, tall and lean. He wore faded red long johns, that was clear because the heavy work shirt was always unbuttoned, suspenders holding up his heavy work pants. His wife Dotty was on the chubby side and happy, a big smile never seemed to leave her face.
By the end of the day, after traveling all over the man’s ranch on a pair of Honda ATV’s, Sam and Jerry became good friends. They both loved to hunt and fish, Sam somehow became almost like a Father figure that Jerry never had in his own life.
It might be hard to understand how that could happen in just one long day between two men out talking about everything under the Sun, but it did.
The couple had a daughter, she was around 19 or so and a stone fox. Even in a flannel shirt and blue jeans it was clear this was a fine looking young woman.
She also acted interested but of course Jerry was married so she had no hope at all with him.
Molly, they said her name was. He thought about her off and on all the way home the next day.
Yes, good people, the kind a man wants to get to know.
Their ranch was mostly rolling hills with good water, and Sam had been building his herds for years. Now he needed a good fence, some big pole barns.
The outside world was getting closer to his land all the time, new people were coming in and they didn’t like the Cows and Sheep free ranging across their planted lawns and flower gardens.
So there was no choice, build fences or allow the land to grow homes. Sam chose to build fences.
That turned out to be one of his biggest sales to date.
The down side of Jerry’s job was that most big farms tended to be long distances away, so very often he would find himself 300 to 400 miles away from home.
That was how it was with this place, over 350 miles away in Idaho.
The company paid his motels and meals while on the road, so instead of driving all the way home, Jerry would usually get a motel room, then head home the next day.
It was different this time, Sam and Dotty insisted he spend the night, escorting him to a large upstairs bedroom. It was so quiet out there that Jerry had trouble getting to sleep.
Once in awhile he would hear a Sheep or a Cow, each time it was like an alarm clock.
The night was warm, he found himself kicking his own covers off.
At about 2 AM he got up the use the bathroom, on the way down the hall he passed another bedroom. The door was slightly open, there was a dim night light.
Lying on top of the covers was Molly, she was nude, her lower body in shadow, one bare breast outlined clearly in the dim glow from the night light. He could see her large mass of pubic hair in shadow.
She appeared to be asleep, the scene was extremely erotic. Jerry realized that she was certainly a beautiful young woman, but he also looked quickly away. It wasn’t right to be sneaking looks at her like that.
On the way back to bed he noted the bedroom door was now closed, and blushed knowing he must have been caught looking in at her.
The next morning Sam and Dotty sat him down at the kitchen table. There were piles of eggs, Ham, potatoes that somehow tasted better than any he had ever had.
‘We grow them right here on the place, we have 40 acres over on the North range in spuds.’ Sam told him, spotting his satisfied look as he took a second helping.
Just them Molly walked in, looking around with a yawn. She had on blue jeans and a flannel shirt, she looked somehow wonderful like that.
Then she gave Jerry a wicked look, raising one eyebrow seductively, making him blush. Dotty caught that, glanced back and forth between them, and grinned.
‘More Coffee, Jerry?’ She asked.
Jerry nodded. These were sure hospitable folks. After breakfast he collected his gear, tucking the contract and the nice check into his briefcase.
It was time to head on home, back to his own life. It did pop into his head that he could live like these folks and be happy.
Dotty handed him a loaf of her Corn bread as he climbed into his truck. He took it and thanked her, looking forward to eating that on the long trip home.
Molly stood on the porch watching, she had one hand on the railing. Jerry gave her a little wave as he started his truck, she waved back.
All the way home he thought about her, he tried to think of other things but the vision of her lying there naked kept popping into his head.
Shelly did keep the house as neat as a pin, and she was always right there to give him a hug and some good loving when he arrived. Those trips were seldom any longer than over night.
Jerry liked coming home after a long trip, oddly for some reason after his overnight trips she always wanted to fondle him more than normal, and sometimes she would even lean down and suck on him.
Jerry was careful to not allow himself to go off in her mouth, that had happened once, she had jumped up and ran for the sink, gagging.
Then she came back to bed, he could tell from her reaction that she didn’t like that last part very much.
At barely 28, Shelly had stayed in shape. She was a fully filled out blond woman, her hair in a short pageboy style. Well built, she did not lack in the upstairs department one bit.
She also worked, commissions sales of real estate. That was fairly good, too, some months she made more than he did but that was rare, and the last few years she often went a month or two without making a sale.
Still, they were getting by. Jerry knew he could use a new truck, his big old Dodge Ram still looked good but it was showing signs of becoming tired.
That could wait because it was paid for.
Sex? That was a couple of times each week, and Shelly was always completely eager.
He felt that their life together was pretty good. Of course there were a few things he wished for, but he was doing his best.
This last trip ended just the same, Shelly was waiting for him, and acted eager to do some loving. They were in the bedroom in just a few minutes, the sheets fresh and crisp like they always were when he got home.
Jerry managed just fine, even though way back in his mind there was now that deep nagging suspicion.
While out on the job, his mind full of numbers and all the plans, he hadn’t even thought about his discoveries. Not that once again filled his head.
He really had nothing solid to base that on. Shelly may have kept both appointments that day, the Doctor and the hair salon both. The new clothes, naughty undergarments? Did she just have a surprise in store for him?
That actually did happen, a few times she would come out dressed for them taking in a nice dinner, and she would do that little spin showing off a new dress, or flash a tiny thong at him with a grin.
But that nagging suspicion would not leave him, he just had to find out the truth.
Birth control pills? That meant she had lied to him, and the worry was that it was because of more than just not yet wanting a child.
So he made the changes that would allow him to check, find out. He did that right in front of her, she never noticed.
Jerry drove by his house the night all hell broke loose, looking to see if there was a strange vehicle there. There wasn’t but then he hadn’t expected there to be any, not with neighbors nearby. The upstairs bedroom light was on, the curtains tightly drawn.
He really didn’t have anything to go on, other than that sinking feeling. That and the packet of birth control pills he had found tucked away in the back of her underwear drawer.
Talk about a shock to his system there!
Seeing her coming out of the s
alon when she was supposed to be at the Doctor? That was what had started all of this.
‘If you smell a Rat, there is probably one close by.’ His Mom had told him maybe 500 times.
Jerry was smelling a Rat.
At the top of the stairs, he listened. The only sound he heard was the shower running. That was odd, it was nearly two in the morning.
He had expected her to be asleep, or he would catch her doing whatever it was she was doing. If she was doing anything, this should be the time, since he told her his job was all the way over in Idaho. No way could he make it home until late afternoon the next day.
There even was a nice job in Idaho, he took the sale over the phone. Sam and his wife Dotty were so tickled with the first job they didn’t bother having him drive over. They actually did invite him but he had to bid another much smaller job close by.
He had thought briefly that he might like that, maybe get some more of that Corn bread. Plus get to maybe see that Molly again?
Jerry shook his head to clear his thoughts, he wasn’t completely all together at the moment. Silly thoughts kept jumping into his head, here he was standing at the top of the stairs in his own house thinking of work and a woman he barely knew.
With a pistol in his hand? He came very close to just retreating, slipping back out of the house.
But he had to know for sure.
If Sherry was doing nothing, he could just sneak back out and forget it, if not?
Jerry wasn’t real sure what he would do if she had someone in there with her.
In his mind was the thought that she was having an affair, even though he really didn’t have any proof of that. There was just that sinking feeling. He stood there for a long time, feeling stupid.
He listened, the only sound was the shower running. Shelly often spent a solid half hour under the shower, so this was not unusual.
Finally, he slowly pushed the door partially open, actually expecting to find nothing.
A man was sitting there on the edge of the extremely rumpled bed, his back to the door.
He was fully dressed, reading a magazine, in fact it was Jerry’s Popular Science magazine.
Jerry began to see red.
The shower was still running.
The man turned the page on the magazine.
‘Who in the hell are you?’ Jerry asked, stepping into the room.
The man jumped up like someone had poked him in the ass and turned, looking at Jerry in shock.
It was Art Barnes, the guy ran the local bank that Shelly’s real estate agency used to help close deals.
Probably in his fifties, with gray hair at his temples, Art Barnes was an imposing figure, a larger man even than Jerry was.
Jerry knew that if any deals worth doing were going on around town, Barnes was not very far away. He also knew that even though he was tough and fast, he would very likely lose some of his own hide taking this asshole on.
‘Hey, it’s not what it looks like.’ Barnes got out, then he saw the pistol in Jerry’s hand. His eyes widened in fear.
‘You come into my house to fuck MY wife in MY god damned bed?’ Jerry growled at him.
‘Hey, bud, it’s not like that….’ Was as far as he got. Jerry brought up the pistol, pointed it at the man.
The man dropped the magazine, then he charged. That was a complete surprise, Jerry expected the man to cower, move back.
He very likely would have made it to Jerry before he could fire, but he was on the other side of the bed and had to go out around the end of it.
Jerry shot him in the stomach, the man’s face grimaced and he stopped, his hands came up to grab himself.
All sorts of things happened then, it seemed to be in slow motion.
‘What was that?’ Shelly called out from the bathroom, then the shower shut off.
Barnes had a sick look on his face, then he looked at Jerry and charged again.
Jerry had never shot anybody before, in the movies and on TV you shoot them and they fall down and that is it. He had just shot Barnes dead center and it appeared that all it did was piss him off, because he suddenly lunged.
So Jerry shot him again.
That did it. Down the man went, groaning loudly.
‘What was that?’ He heard Shelly yell again, then the bathroom door pushed open. She was stark naked, and sopping wet.
He saw that the thin patch of her blond pubic hair was all foamy with soap suds.
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For the next two hours I was like a caged animal. I thought everyone could see that I was wearing a pair of panties. To make matters worse, the crotch was cutting off circulation to my manhood while the back was riding up the crack of my ass. It was humiliating to be explaining something then suddenly turn and have to readjust because of a new spasm of pain. I think an older woman gave me a knowing smile, but at that point I was too horny to think, my precum oozed into the stretched satin. ...
The next day I was a mess. Waiting in anticipation for the moment that Casey would walk in. The day was moving along and still no sign of her, my mind was frazzled. About two o’clock an attractive young lady came into my office. She was about 5’4′ with long dirty blonde hair and a rack that barely managed to stay held in the halter she was wearing. She could be described as slightly overweight due to her large breasts and a classic bubble butt encased in white shorts. God the spring really...
Hi ISS readers, I’m back with the next episode of ‘Playing With Mom’. If you are new to this part, I request you to go through the first part ‘Playing Sex Games With Mom – My Friend Rohit’ so that you can understand the story clearly. That morning I woke up at 5:00 am. I can see that my friend Rohit was still asleep. I woke him up and asked him what task he is going to give to my mom today. He asked me to check what my mom was doing. I went into my mom’s room, and she already left for her yoga...
IncestWhen I was 13, I had my first encounter with my youngest brother, Tommy. He was 13 also. my twin brother only 4 minutes younger than me. My dad asked him to clean our pool so I could go swimming. He was pissed to have to do it, just because I wanted to swim. It was a hot late morning in July. Very humid and sunny. Tommy was in his shorts with no shirt. I came out in my bikini and laid down my towel. My dad was at work and my two older brothers Shane and Rick were away...
So I tried several times to write some PH stories. I'd start, then I would have another idea, then start to write another one.Finally I'm close to finishing one.So first of all, this is fiction. But partly based on my real life experiences. For those asking just why not write real life stories - it's the same as movies. Do you really enjoy more by watching reality tv or going to see a good fiction at the cinema? Here I can also have (I hope at least ) some kind of narrative. Why write? Those...
A story written by a good friend: One fine dayI was sitting there reading the message board on my favorite pantyhose fetish site when I first saw a post for “Enchantments” brand pantyhose. It was a new brand that was supposed to be extremely high quality. I went to the linked URL to check out this new brand. As a pantyhose (encasement) fetishist, I’m always looking to try new nylon things. The new brand was offering a “couples’ variety pack.” I ordered it, with my girlfriend in mind. She’s a...
Casefile 6101 October 2058 Case file 6101 "Sanura, would you mind if we went out to dinner? I've heard so much about that new place 'Everybody's place'. They advertise that you can even take children of all ages with you there" Sanura frowned at Amy, "You mean you want to go there with Faline and Blaze? I don't know, should we? You know how Faline gets when she's excited." Faline walked up and commented in her high child's voice, "I promise to be on my best behaviour. My friend...
'The Leader' looked out over the city, and smiled. It had taken many years to ensure that the city fell, and the inhabitants would come to worship him as a saviour to the people, and the plan had worked well. A cough behind him, he turned to face his second in command - Darius. This was a man who knew exactly how far he could go before the leader would stop him, and had many times with just a word. Darius spoke in a mocking tone -"They await outside Leader, a delegation to announce...
The time transport (Mark 23) was in action travelling back to the home time line of Wilma Jenkins, the eight people inside were relaxing; Michael and Wilma were in 'their' private room, lying together on the bunk. Wilma was talking, "And what I can't understand is why did I, I mean she volunteer for that? I mean knowing that he'd be sharing 'our' body with his men, how could I? I mean she?" Michael shook his head, he only knew about Wildflower from Wilma's description, he couldn't...
The time transport Mark 23 arrived at the museum and inserted itself back into normal time, Wilma Jenkins and her crew contacted their control section to make sure that everything was back to normal. "Well Boss, we're back" Wilma said into her communicator. C.T.I Rawlings voice could be heard on the speaker, "Wilma, thank god, what happened? We had an incursion underway and then it reversed itself." She smiled, "Yes Boss, we know. You'll have a full report, in the meantime can you...
There was a stirring in the air as a time transport inserted itself into the new display area of time systems; a sleek ultra-modern unit had formed in the empty space. A slightly dazed man exited the craft, he checked all around the room. As this display was so new there was only one craft in there, apart from his, the man checked the card just before the machine. 'Type GV589 - Experimental unit. This was one of the first units to achieve temporal transport, this has been put down to the...
The sun coming in my window wakes me of my sound sleep. Before I can focus on anything, I get a knock on my door. Casey? Are you up? Yeah Shane. What do you want? I want to talk to you. Can I come in? My body is very sore. My pussy feels like I had a baseball bat shoved in it. My asshole on the other hand only hurts a little bit. I have cum dried on my petite little body and a bruise on my right arm. Probably from Rick grabbing me. Yes you can come in I say. Why is he even...
It had been just like any other normal day, I went to school, rode the bus home and went to Brittany's. It was more towards the end of my sophmore year and we were going to state in baseball thanks to that god Casey. Me and Britt sat in her living room, her parents were still at work and wouldn't get home untill about 7pm. I listened to her talk about her boy troubles and which guy's she liked and which one's she thought were cute. She had always gone for the big, buit-like-a-bear...
Streets ??????? A Colorado Country Girl?s Self Bondage ?By Mary Elizabeth Moore Writing As Shackleford Bond CH 1My mom is the greatest person in the world. We were always close, but after my dad died we became even closer. We would talk for hours about anything and everything. When I got a little older we had long talks about sex and sexuality. Mom was very direct about such matters and didn?t hold back when it came to the birds and the bees.We lived on a farm but after my father died,...
September 18, 1988, Chicago, Illinois “Well, don’t just stand there with your mouth hanging open,” Jolene said. “Neither of those things should surprise you.” I sighed, “No, I guess they don’t. What are we going to do?” “Well, YOU are not going to sleep with MY daughter.” “On THAT we are in complete agreement,” I said firmly. “Good,” Jolene said, sounding relieved. “Then I can deal with her.” “But the other issue?” I asked. “I don’t know that there is anything anyone can do.” “And...
Samantha Morrison was running late. Which explained the loose strands that had fallen out of the clip at the base of her neck. All morning she had been trying to organize her classroom and get through training the teacher aid that would be helping her out through the upcoming school year. Unfortunately the assistant seemed much more interested on text messaging and snapping her gum than educating third graders, causing Samantha to dart around the classroom stapling and taping posters to the...
You've recently received word that your great-uncle Steve has passed. You never knew the man, but you recall your father telling you that he was a bit of a nut-case. For some reason, he left his fairly sizable estate to you. You have elected for all of his assets to be liquidated, and for the proceeds to be directly deposited into your bank account. All this will require one more week to accomplish. You currently live in a remarkably insecure home. Your front door doesn't lock, and all of your...
May 2004 That was the high point of the early spring. Gary Halston transferred over to Second Platoon, over in the Alamo, as a fire team leader. They had taken a few hits earlier on and needed a replacement for a buck sergeant who was sent home after getting shot up. The rule was that if you were promoted from Specialist to Corporal or Sergeant, or from Corporal to Sergeant, you had to transfer to a different platoon. Anything higher than that and you had to transfer to a different company....
Mark and Willow fell asleep watching television. Billy deployed his men and went to bed. One guard was assigned to watch the inner gate while another roamed through the house and out back. Lights went off inside and out, leaving only the fountain lights for exterior illumination. Amanda, Sam and Mike hammered out Mike's dialogue for his interviews. Dirk and Karl sat to one side, huddled over German ales while they discussed the problems of adequate lighting when doing the night...
The Self Bondage Punishment Website - Chapter 2. SetupThe next day, while Dave was waiting for the webcam installer to arrive, he decided to setup his enforcement sessions. He logged back into the website, and it reminded him to upload pictures. Dave had a whole bunch of bondage and exhibitionist pictures, so he uploaded them. After doing so, he noticed there was no way to delete them. He also noticed that the tracking device on the collar, which was in his bedroom in the box, was working. His...
I have a slightly kinky view of sex. Well, very kinky. Maybe too long browsing porn, too long spent alone with my fantasies? I have always gravitated towards bondage but never found a girlfriend that would indulge me and I didn’t want to pay for a domme. So, I tried self-bondage. I have a slightly kinky view of sex. Well, very kinky. Maybe too long browsing porn, too long spent alone with my fantasies? I have always gravitated towards bondage but never found a girlfriend that would indulge me...
BondageMy name is Vera, I'm 73 years old and just learning how to use my cell phone. I called myself sending a nude selfie of myself to a gentlemen I met online the other day, and turns out that I was sending them to my granddaughters boyfriend who helped me set the phone up in the place.I had to stay with them due to the lock down. One day I was really bored and my granddaughter Lisa was at work. Her boyfriend Phillip worked from home. He was on his computer in the den that day when I went in there...
I'm waiting again for my boyfriend. He's been enforcing a self-control rule that he feels I need practice in. Evidently, it's a poor show of self control if I touch myself throughout the weekend I have been strictly forbidden from it. And as a part of the exercise, I am expected to confess my private affairs everyday to him. My confessions are especially difficult as I am required to stand in front of him and take down my pants or lift my skirt and drop my underwear and spread my legs while I...
The Battle of the Self. By Pippa HighHeels Synopsis: Tony Andrews battles with himself to realise his true feelings and identity. His attempts at contact with others succeeds, and events rush Tony headlong into a new world. Authors note: My first story ?Absence makes the lust? was just an erotic fantasy. This story is largely autobiographical and all the background detail is wholly true, including the clothes, shoes and the toys. I am Tony and I am married to Elspeth...
1Self-Sub Susy by The TechnicianF exh, Bondage Self, M/F, F/F Spanking EnemaCHAPTER ONEAn adventurous young woman who calls herself “Self-Sub Susy” is warned to stop playing naked bondage games on the park trails. She gets more than she bargained for when she taunts back, “catch me if you can.”My name isn’t actually “Self-Sub Susy,” but then again, W’s real name isn’t actually “The Technician.” That is what most people know him by, and that is what he is. I guess Self-Sub Susy is what I am,...
Self- bondage for seriously interested men CHAPTER 1I hope you will enjoy this account of self bondage, but before I start I feel I need to explain: this is NOT a fictional story: everything you will read here is hard fact, hard earned by trial and error, over a period of several years. I have decided to post this to save others who wish to indulge themselves from having to make...
Even my best friend said it was a crazy idea. Not only would no one pay me money to simply masturbate, something everyone could do in the privacy of their own home, but to expect to actually make money offering such a service was unthinkable. Never the less, I decided to go ahead with my idea anyway. I'd leased one of those corner convenience stores that had gone out of business. It really wasn't a bad location either, situated close to a number of downtown businesses, where I actually hoped...
Holy Shit my daughter wants to fuck me! So, as you can see from the title of this chapter this is a story of incest. If this theme does not sit well with you then please leave now and move on to something that actually interests you. I hope that you won’t read this and then leave some nasty comment this is your forewarning. For those of you that have been enticed by this story and haven’t read the previous chapters I have from time to time in this chapter reviewed in a small paragraph...
My self torture true story of a torture sentence ordered by my online master. He lives in Europe and is a very sadistic pain master. He continues to increase my sentences of self pain torture. I did tell him I would carry out any sentence that will give me extreme pain outside of killing me. He knows just how to control his pain slut. Always looking for more ideas how to give extreme pain to myself Saturday self torture sentence and my e-mail to master Hi master Max, Well master I...
Part 3 - Way of Harmony Chapter 7 - Counter Technique The story so far - After setting up doctor and therapist appointments leading to sex-reassignment surgery, Chrissy traveles back to her home with Jillian in tow to come out to her mother and brother. She shows Jillian the sights of northwestern Ohio (of which there really aren't all that many), who then returns to L.A. after a week. For the following week, Chrissy and her mother get to know one another better, ending with...
Trisha woke up and, like every day, the first thing she did was checking her diary. As always the last entry was detailed. Even small events of the previous day have been written down in a small neat handwriting. If someone would take a look it probably would appear if Trisha has trouble with her memory. As if she couldn't remember the day before. Which, incidentally, wasn't that far off the truth. Having read the last entry she got up to prepare for the day. A shower was first....