Dory Ch. 02 free porn video

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Her thin, naked body pressed against me under the covers. Her breast touched my chest and I traced circles around the nipple. Large nipples on small, shapely tits.

‘You’re awake,’ she said.


She wrapped her hand around my cock. She squeezed it.

‘Tell me again,’ she said.

‘Pull up on it, not down. That’s better. You’re definitely getting the hang.’

She knelt on top of me, her hair dangling in my face, one hip raised. She put my cock in her pussy and squirmed down until I was all the way in her. She put her hands on my shoulders and lifted her hips, pulling her pussy off my cock, then thrust down. I lay back, letting her tits fill my hands, as she fucked me.

‘Uh, uh. Uh. Uh. Uh.’ She was uninhibited about making noise. ‘Uhhh.’ She came, holding herself still on my cock. She leaned on to my chest and put her lips to mine. I’d never had a woman come from straight fucking without any pussy licking or manipulation. I didn’t think a woman could come so fast.

I put my hands under her ass and lifted her higher on my chest. I gripped her, bent my hips up and started to pump in and out.

‘Good. Fuck me,’ she breathed.

Her pussy was different from any other I’d experienced, not that I’d had all that much experience. Wet and smooth, but rubbery and alive, like it was not only a hole but a second mouth grabbing and sucking on my cock.

I hit the right angle and the sound of fucking filled the darkened room. Thwap, thwap, thwap. She likes it hard. Her ass is so firm, her legs so strong. I yank her ass cheeks apart and together, pulling them, pushing them.

‘Oh, oh, oh, oh,’ she sounds like a train puffing at high speed.

What a fuck this girl is! She’s breathing so hard, I’m afraid she’s going to pass out. I slow down. Thwap . . . thwap . . . thwap. I feel her stiffen. Oh man, she’s actually coming again.

Her open mouth drags on my cheek, my nose, anything it can feed on. I’m afraid that if I fuck her too hard, she’ll bite off my nose. I pick up speed carefully, thwap, thwap, thwap, and come in her pussy.

‘Great fuck,’ she says. She kisses me on the lips and rolls off.

I’m half asleep as the morning light filters in. I hear a noise and half raise myself to look. She’s sitting at the table eating dry bran flakes. I flop back and spread my arms. God . . . I guess she’s always up early. What a pain. I fall back to sleep.

I’m awakened by her lips on mine. She blows into my face – freshly brushed, minty.

‘Last night was my wedding night.’

Hmmm. This is news. My tongue is heavy. ‘I had no idea it was so close.’

‘What?’ she asked.

I shake my head to clear it. She really wore me out. ‘You said they were forcing you to marry. I didn’t know it was so close.’ She’s impassive. ‘So soon.’ No reaction. ‘In time. You know.’

She tilted her face down and went ‘puh. Then she giggled.

‘I meant that last night was my wedding night,’ she said.

I’m not dumb. I was tired. I lay there, passive.

She pushed the hair back from my forehead. I guess she liked doing that. I knew I liked her doing that. She bit her lip. Looked like a rabbit.

‘We don’t have wedding ceremonies. An elder tells you it’s your time. Then you go to bed.’ She gave me a meaningful look. ‘See?’

‘So we’re married?’

She nodded happily. ‘I’m yours and you’re mine.’

Not according to any law in the real world. Dory scampered across the room – I’d never seen a grown person scamper before – and turned on the TV. More learning about the real world or a nascent addiction? What time is it? The clock read 7:10. I flipped on to my stomach and tried to sleep.

I let the shower run over me. You’d think that with all that sex, I’d be in a better mood. My eyes were heavy, my mind slow. Maybe if my new cult bride wasn’t up at the crack of dawn . . . I made the water hotter and aimed it at the back of my neck.

‘I love her,’ I said to myself. I knew that much was true. She’d infiltrated my brain. ‘But married?’ I wondered. I was her protector, her rescuer . . . but husband? Does she love me? She’s been watching TV. She knows the real world is nothing like where she’s from. Is she using me? For safety? For sex? I said aloud, ‘All I know is she’s 18 years and three months old. Give or take.’

Dory had told me her mother had joined the cult when she was five or six. That meant she was born in the real world and that meant she probably had a birth certificate and a social security number. I shook myself. I didn’t even know her last name. Or what state she was from. And Jehovannah Dorinda – what were the odds that was her real name?

I turned off the water and stood in the warm mist. I dried myself, then wrapped a towel around my waist and walked back in the room. Dory looked away from the TV and laughed.

‘Take that off,’ she said. ‘You look stupid.’

I looked down at myself. I thought I was being a gentleman. Dory hopped out of her chair, stark naked, and came to me. She undid my towel, bent at the waist and put my dick in her mouth. A few seconds later, she pulled away. Then she led me by my cock to the end of the bed, put my cock back in her mouth, pushed me into a sitting position and then turned so she could suck my cock while watching CNN Headline News.

‘Ell me eff um ooin iss wong,’ Dory said with her mouth full of me.

She’d drawn the blinds so the morning sun filled the room. I took the opportunity to examine her body. I ran my hand over the parts of her I could reach – what smooth skin, what great legs. Even her ankles were pretty. Her legs were almost hairless. I lifted an arm – just a tiny patch of light blonde. I leaned back and took a good look at the pussy I’d eaten and fucked – another small blonde patch.

Dory stretched out next to me, still sucking. She flipped the channels, stopping at ESPN.

‘Wha iss at?’ she asked.

‘Baseball. Do you know it?’

‘Uh,’she grunted and flipped the channel. She stopped on HGTV. She may have grown up isolated from the society, but she’s still a woman.

I like getting my dick sucked, but not especially while watching House & Garden TV. So I grabbed one of her legs and pulled it over my head. I stuck a finger in her pussy and played with her labia. I sucked on her clit, which got me a harder suck at the other end.

Dory lifted her head from my cock. ‘Fuck now,’ she said. It wasn’t a demand but it wasn’t a request either. She stood up and looked down at me, tilting her head from side to side quizzically.

‘What?’ I asked.

‘If I face this way . . .’ She wanted to watch TV while fucking.

‘Turn around,’ I said.

I let her figure it out. She got me into her, but couldn’t find a place for her legs. She tried spreading and sitting but that meant no stroking. She tried bending and pushing, which I liked, but she couldn’t see the TV. She finally bent her legs under her and rode me. I tried to rub her clit, but she pushed my hand away.

‘Too much.’ She stopped moving. ‘If you get all the way on the bed, I can do more.’ She hopped off. I scooted toward the pillows. ‘Not so far,’ she said. I moved down until my knees were draped over the edge.

Dory mounted me, facing the TV, and started to ride my cock. I didn’t expect her to be so sexy about it. She rolled her hips and swayed. She tipped forward and pushed down with only her pussy.

‘Where did you learn that?’ I gasped.

‘Huh?’ She was lost in fucking and watching three people redecorate a living room.

‘How did you learn how to make love like this?’

Dory turned to look at me, breathing hard. She said, ‘I’m fucking my husband,’ and turned back to the TV.

As Dory fucked me like a porn star in heat, I reflected on the shy, modest girl she’d been until the day before. She wouldn’t show her navel then and now she wouldn’t get dressed – woul
dn’t let me get dressed. She wouldn’t look me in the eye and now she’s humping me like a wet dream.

‘Dory,’ I called out. ‘It’s a commercial.’

‘Those are the best part.’ She fucked me harder.

For God’s sake, woman, my dick can only take so much. ‘Do you have a last name?’

Her body shook with an orgasm. She shuddered. ‘Mattson,’ she said. She turned to me. ‘I can’t go anymore.’ Then she hopped off and put my cock back in her mouth.

‘Do you know where you’re from?’ I asked.

‘Hmmm?’ she mumbled, clicker in hand. She stopped on the Weather Channel.

‘I’m going to come in your mouth.’ I couldn’t hold back anymore.

‘Hmmm?’ Still not paying attention. An animated warm front swept across the nation’s midsection, showers sprouting over the Southeast. I’m going to be sprouting soon.

‘Dory.’ Nothing. ‘Dory.’ Oops. I shot my load in her mouth. Her hand flew up involuntarily. She made a sound in her throat. She swallowed and looked at me, making a face.

‘I tried to warn you.’

‘What was that?’ she asked.

‘I came in your mouth.’

She ran her tongue across her lips. ‘Salty.’ She was tasting it in her mouth. ‘Good.’ She smiled, then she rested her head on my thigh to watch more TV.

Geez, I thought. She’s amazing.

‘Dory . . . hey!’

She turned.

‘Do you know where you’re from? I mean where you were born? Or lived when you were a kid?’

‘Santa Barbara.’

‘You’re from Santa Barbara, California?’ She nodded vigorously.

‘And you know your birthday?’

‘April 2nd.’

‘And your last name is Mattson. Is that one or two t’s?’ She shrugged.

I got up and dug in my suitcase for my laptop. Dory watched the Food Network. ‘I wonder if she can cook?’ I thought. I connected to the hotel network and looked up how to search for birth records and identities. Most of the results were for adopted kids looking for their birth mothers. Not yet 9 in the morning in California. I refined my search and saved it.

We arrived at my apartment in early evening. Dory had never seen a city – or at least had no memories of one. She took it in with the same eerie calm she’d shown when we’d driven away from her former home.

I dropped my bags, opened my apartment door and reached to pick up Dory. ‘Tradition,’ I explained. I carried her into the living room, then went to get the bags.

‘I need to pee,’ she said.

‘Bathroom’s that door.’ I pointed.

‘You’re not going to carry me?’

All right, I thought. I’ll carry you. I picked her up. I carried her the other way, into the kitchen. Then I carried her past the bathroom again and into the bedroom.

‘I really have to pee.’

I carried her into the bedroom closet, then backed out. I walked right past the bathroom again and carried her into the utility closet. She had the idea now and was laughing. She kissed my cheek and forehead.

‘I’ll pee on you.’

I carried her into the bathroom.

‘Are you going to put me down?’

‘It’s traditional that you pee in your pants.’

‘Okay, I will.’

I put her down fast.

Dory explored the apartment while I contacted some California leads that might be able to get us her birth records. We went out to eat. Thai food. She loved the Pad Thai. She tasted my Chili Duck and tried to put out the fire by drinking water.

‘Water doesn’t help. It’s an oil. Try eating noodles or rice.’

We made love. At least I made love. When we were done Dory whispered, ‘Great fuck’ in my ear. As I drifted into sleep, I realized she’d never once used the word love.

The next few days, no skip that, the next few weeks were a combination of the normal uncertainties involved with getting to know a new intimate companion and the unexpected discoveries related to living with a Martian. She loved books – thank heaven, because otherwise she’d have become a TV junkie. She would not, absolutely would not leave the apartment without me. She was scrupulously clean. She wore the exact same three outfits in strict rotation. She didn’t know how to open an umbrella, though she’d read about them. She’d never heard a foreign language and became so fascinated by two Chinese girls talking that she stepped into the street to hear them better and was almost run down by a bike messenger.

She was totally without shame about her body as long as we were in our apartment. And she was compulsively modest outside. I made room for her stuff but when I opened her drawer by mistake it was empty. I found her things neatly folded and tucked in a plastic bag next to the water heater.

‘Why aren’t you using your drawer?’ I asked.

‘You were using the space before, so you need it.’

She wouldn’t budge until I took a drawerful of my things, put them in a bag and tossed them into the utility room.

We got along. We got along like a house on fire. Sex was consistently powerful and passionate. If it’s a man’s fantasy to make a woman come over and over, she fulfilled that and more. But there was more than sex. Her intelligence and natural curiosity enthralled me. She was shy at first about asking questions, preferring to connect ideas on her own and then present an opinion, but as the days passed she became almost chatty. She was the first woman who truly enjoyed my love of trivia – though it wasn’t until later that she realized not all people care about manhole covers, street light timing systems, terra cotta building decorations, how elevators work – the details most people take for granted as they go about their day.

Dory’s personality was alternately child-like – not childish – and oddly remote. She’d never used a phone before I’d met her, but now she’d grab it before I could and start speaking. My phone associated caller ID numbers with names from its address book. My brother was listed, appropriately, as Shithead. He called. Dory said, ‘Hello Shithead’ and handed me the phone.

‘What the fuck was that about?’ he asked.

‘I’m living with a psychic,’ I replied. ‘She read your personality through the phone.’

When my friends asked who that strange girl was answering my phone, I told them I paid extra for service like that.

We took long walks in the evenings. I quickly learned not to be surprised that Dory knew the local history or street directions in areas she’d never visited. She read during the day – including guidebooks and maps – and her memory was fantastic.

I played little jokes on her, harmless things like making up silly facts about a building. Once she caught on, we turned it into a game. She’d tell me things she’d read but might be making up, and I’d tell her stories about the stores we’d see, about city politics – which I might be making up.

Dory trusted my motives. She felt or understood that I would never hurt her, that everything I said or did was meant in the best way. It was only with time that I realized our relationship was truly based in her trust.

We’d lie in bed and talk. She didn’t share her experiences as a narrative, like in a story where we did this and then we did that and this is how I felt. If an event or story from her childhood came up in context, she’d include it as a natural part of the conversation. I remember being incredibly curious. When I was at work, I’d think about her life almost obsessively. When we were actually together, the moment was all that mattered.

But Dory never said the word love. It was always fuck. Fuck me. I want to fuck. Great fuck. Never let’s make love. Never I love you.

Her body enthralled me. I’d had girlfriends before, even an almost fiancée. With the other girls, sex would change – this time passionate and this time not, periods of heat mixed with fallow times. There was eventually a loss of interest.

Sex with Dory was and has largely remained constant, both in frequency and in substance. She was astonishingly creative at the
simple act of moving my cock in and out of her pussy or mouth. She always put out with intensity, even if she was watching television, and always came, often more than once. I found the simple act of holding her as she sucked my cock, just rubbing her shapely ass and kissing it, could give her an orgasm.

On the 12th day, I couldn’t stand it anymore and asked her, ‘Do you love me?’ She looked at me.

‘Do you know what I mean?’ She looked at me. ‘Do you know what love is?’ I was getting worked up. ‘You say we’re married but the only word you use is fuck. You fuck me. Do you love me, Dory? Do you love me?’

She began to cry. She fell in a heap on the floor. I dropped down next to her. I guess she didn’t love me. I guess she couldn’t pretend any longer.

I put my hand on her heaving back. I knew at that moment that I loved her. The realization filled me with sadness – that I loved this wonderful, strange creature who couldn’t bear to let me down but who couldn’t tell me the truth.

‘I understand,’ I said gently. She cried harder. This wasn’t easy. I could see no way out.

‘Listen. I know what you’re feeling. It’s all right. You don’t have to love me. I’ll take care of you. I will.’ I paused. I knew I had to say the words though hearing them would rip out my heart. ‘I love you,’ I said. ‘It’ll be okay.’

Dory exploded. She whirled and in one motion threw her arms and legs around me. Her hug squeezed the air out of me. ‘I love my husband,’ she cried. ‘I love my husband.’

I could barely breathe. She squeezed me harder. My God she’s strong. Who did she love?

‘Is that me?’ I gasped.

Her grip relaxed. My ribs thanked her. ‘Is that me?’ I asked again.

Dory’s mouth pressed against my ear. ‘I love you, my husband,’ she murmured.

I took that in. All the way in. All the way into my soul. It was liberation. Dory kissed my nose and chin, then rooted in my neck.

I finally managed to whisper, ‘Why did you cry? Why the big reaction?’

‘You had to tell me first.’

‘Is this one of those cult things?’

She opened her eyes. ‘You mean it’s not the usual way?’

You’ve got to laugh. I did.

That evening, I heard from an identity search firm. I did more than hear. They emailed me a pdf of a birth certificate for Regina Erin Mattson, born on April 2nd eighteen years and now almost four months ago in Santa Barbara, California. Her mother was Laurel Cantiss Mattson and her father Robert James Mattson. She was born at 7:16 in the morning. It was a Tuesday.

They also sent me her social security number and a listing of Mattsons in the Santa Barbara area.

Dory was watching TV. It was almost 6 Pacific Time. On a whim, I called the only Robert Mattson listed. He answered on the third ring.

‘Mr. Mattson?’ He said yes.

‘Do you have a daughter named Regina?’

‘Who are you?’ he said.

I tried to explain. ‘I met a girl who says her last name is Mattson. She’s eighteen and she’s from Santa Barbara. Her mother joined a religious cult when she was little.’

He interrupted me. ‘You’ve seen Reggie?’

Reggie? That figures. ‘Yes. Is that your daughter, sir?’ I was trying to figure out what to say next when I realized he was crying. ‘Hello?’ I said. It was the best I could come up with.

‘Is she . . . Is she all right? I mean, how is she?’ He was trying to regain control.

‘She’s fine. Really. She’s fine.’ She’s a couch potato, but she’s fine. ‘Mr. Mattson, can you tell me what happened with her mother?’

‘Who are you?’ he asked.

I didn’t know how much to tell him. ‘If you’ll tell me about . . .’ I almost said Dory, ‘about her, then I’ll tell you.’

He started right up. I heard him sniffle. ‘We got divorced. Her mother got involved with a weird church.’ He paused. ‘She took off with Reggie. I never heard from her. I tried to find them but . . . That was . . . that was when Reggie was six. No, almost six.’

‘She was living in an isolationist cult in the mountains,’ I said.

He didn’t catch the ‘was’.

‘Where in the mountains? How do I get there?’

I wavered. ‘Can you describe your daughter?’

‘She was so little.’


‘She looked like her mother. She had blonde hair, blue eyes.’ He hesitated. ‘I don’t know what she’d look like now. Her mother had a pointy chin. Small. She’d probably be small. I’m not very tall and her mother wasn’t 5 feet. Is that enough?’ He took a deep breath.

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Arlene and JeffChapter 681

The Retreat Jeff came to his feet. “I have things to do. What say we return to our training schedule starting at eight tomorrow morning?” “We have flight training in the morning, so let’s meet out back at seven. That way Ann and I can be there to help,” Arlene suggested. Jeff looked toward his Clan Queen, who smiled and said, “The hot bar will be ready at six as usual.” “Okay with you guys?” Jeff asked, directing his question at Morales and his wives. “We’ll be there at 5:30 to help with...

1 year ago
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My Dream Cum True in a Hotel With Man and His Wife

I work in the travel industry, and am in my mid fifties, and have been married for over thirty years. I have always had a fascination with porn, and have lived vicariously through it. I travel a lot, and am in hotels around three nights a week. Via my laptop I have often had conversations in various sexual oriented chat rooms, and forums. Since being married, I have never had intercourse with anyone other than my wife. But I have always fantasized about having oral or anal sex with another...

2 years ago
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The Man in the Woods

The Man in the WoodsThis is a work of fiction. It is much like all my fiction which has many autobiographical elements. Much of this is pure fantasy. But, when it comes right down to it, aren’t our dreams the fuel for what actually happens in our lives? I certainly hope so. If the dreams are so wonderful, we must endeavor to make our lives just as wonderful and fulfilling. So, here’ s my latest offering. Enjoy. xxoooxxxWhat to wear? What to wear? It’s the same question every day. So many...

1 year ago
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How Regina Passed College History

I have been teaching history at a local community college for several years and while I had always heard rumors of professors hooking up with students, usually at the student's request, in order to get a passing grade, I had never even had so much as a flirtatious wink even thrown at me.A while back, that all changed.Regina was a college freshman, a very attractive young black student at a mostly all-white college campus, which made her stand out. I noticed very quickly that Regina had a lot...

College Sex
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The Earls Daughter and the Rogue

It was a chill night. The mists crept up from the lowlands to slip silently over trimmed and manicured grounds. Catherine peered through the open doors of her bedroom to the attached balcony. She watched as the gray wisps of the night mists slowly converged on the ancient stones of the castle. Fear fluttered in her chest as she listened for footsteps in the hallway outside her apartment. Hearing no sound, she continued to dress while nervously biting on her lower lip. Cathrine knew that her...

1 year ago
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SisLovesMe Hime Marie The Suspended Step Sis

Hime did not want to go to school and her stepbrother was not having it. He threatened to call mom and dad, then Hime realized she was going to have to bargain. She said she would do anything, and stepbro requested to see her naked. Hime?s slutty self did not hesitate to lift her shirt and appease stepbro for now. Later that day hime was getting deep into her pussy for some personal masturbation time, only to be caught by her stepbro again. She was super embarrassed, but brother told her to...

3 years ago
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Camping Trip Chapter 5

Friday Evening   The twenty three camp sites were far enough apart with pine trees around them adding privacy.Beth and I arrived a few minutes early.Ken was grilling steaks, corn on the cob, asparagus. "Welcome girls, make yourselves at home.""So happy the two of you could make it." Barbie poured a White Riesling for everyone.Barbie asked us to raise our glasses, "To new friends."Everyone gulped down their wine. Feeling more relaxed as Barbie refilled the glasses.Both of us were happy that...

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Mi Vida Loca A Young Mans Sexual OdysseyChapter 37

When we stepped upon the porch at home, all the women ran to meet us at the front door, to find out what had happened, even though Momma and Granny had already told them most of it. “It’s all taken care of now, and we’ve turned the men over to the law,” I told them. Naomi told me, “Josey we have supper cooked, and it’s about ready to put on the table, if you and Rondo want to wash up before we eat.” “Yes, we need a shower after being out all day.” One of the best things I like about my...

2 years ago
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The world of assgasm

As you ready the bag your cock semi hard and leaking pre cum from its slit. You are naked , alone, in a bathroom. You feel the waters temp across your wrist. The filling of the giant blue bag the smell of the rubber. The scent of the loads of soap you squirted in. The foaming soap bubbles cascading down the sides of the very full 6 qt bag. Attached to the s hook to a bungee cord around the shower bar. It’s hanging about a foot above the floor but as each ounce that drains into you the bag will...

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Emilys Second Solo HolidayChapter 6

We arrived at the nightclub around 10:30 and 2 naked girls and one with just a pointless wrap on, escorted by 2 large men had no problem getting in. I was surprised to see how many people there were there. I thought that it would be mainly girls for the dancing but it was mainly men. No sooner than we had found a table Chuck told me to go with him. I thought that we were going to the bar but I was wrong. He led me to a little office where I was told that I would be the star of a sex show. My...

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I went back inside my house, and took a mental inventory. I knew that I was not going to be able to drive far, considering the devastation, but my 4-wheel drive would at least get me out of the hit area. I went to my office, got a couple side arms, and a shotgun, put on my vest out of habit, my badge, and some water. The truck started on the first try, and I rammed it out the garage door, and down the street. I knew I would be needed at the precinct house, and that chaos would be reining. ...

3 years ago
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Everyone Wishes Part III

Summer woke late the next morning. For a few blissful moments she felt totally at ease and then the stark reality of the previous night came back to her. She sat up too fast and her head spun. The house was quiet. Sunlight streamed in through the window. She didn't know how to act anymore. Everything was out of control.She picked up her phone to see a dozen messages from Brady. It was his birthday. She was almost glad she wasn't with him - she knew no matter how much effort she'd put in he'd...

Straight Sex
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Game of Thrones You Fuck or You Die Chapter one A Lady No Longer

The young noble woman had always been used to the life of privilege back in her ancestral home of Winterfell and when she moved to Kings Landing a few months ago with her father and sister Arya she thought her life was set. Her family’s wealth ensured that she was always at the height of fashion and she liked the looks she’d started getting from the boys of the city, everyone from the some of the kingdoms most powerful heirs to the squire boys she saw scurrying around the Red Keep stole a...

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Right Under Your NoseChapter 26

Anna The Belvedere was busy, but I could see a few of our friends up on the second floor in one of the smaller banquet rooms. I took John's hand and started heading up the stairs. As we turned the corner into the room I couldn't believe what I saw. Everybody was there. All of our gang of friends, their spouses or partners, my sisters, even our freaking parents. Well, not my Dad, but if he'd shown up I'd have run. We haven't talked in nearly 15 years since he skipped out on my mom. But...

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The Joshua Diaries Underestimating Tuesdays

I had been playing with my cock for about an hour. You know, edging. I kept watching the precum ooze out of the tip of my cock and thought, “I need to get laid, bad.” I was hanging out on Manhunt, but it didn’t look like a promising night. It was a Tuesday; not much of a fuck night. I was about to give up and jack-off to a hot blog story, when my mail icon started flashing.  “Like your look, man.” I opened his profile; Brazilian, 180, 6’2, 26, good shape, “love it wild”. But the guy didn’t have...

Gay Male
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Ready to perform

Last Friday was an astonishing and strange day,! I was sitting in a local café, having just spent an hour in a married girlfriend’s bed, when my ex-wife’s partner approached and asked if he could join me. I had only previously met him once, so was surprised he wanted to spend time with me. I should explain that while I talk of my ex-wife, we are legally actually only separated. She threw me out a year ago after she caught me playing around: we had enjoyed an extremely active and varied sex...

2 years ago
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CFAST part 2

“I notice a certain reluctance in some of you girls,” observed Mistress Ruth. “Let’s see if I can convince you to get dressed. Petra, you seem to be the most reluctant to get dressed. Disobedience will NOT be tolerated.” With that, Mistress Ruth brought her cane down hard on Pete’s left cheek, swiftly followed by another stroke on his right cheek. Pete screamed in agony. “Did I give you permission to make a sound, Petra?” Mistress Ruth asked. “No, you didn’t,” Pete retorted, “And my name is...

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Strings Attached a There and Back Again StoryChapter 24 Leliana

She made a small, pleased sound when their tongues touched, and he swallowed her gasp as he nipped at her lips. Before she realised what had happened, she found herself sprawled across his chest, her knees on either side of his hips, as he laid back unceremoniously in the middle of the tent. They kissed for an eternity, lips sliding deliciously against each other, their breath intermingling. He was a good kisser, not too aggressive, but nicely assertive, his tongue teasing hers, his breath...

2 years ago
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Dare Book IChapter 10

It was deep into winter, late January or maybe even February, I didn't know, when I was out for my early morning toilet. My body was working perfectly and I was as healthy as I'd ever been in my life, despite spending many hours every day outside in the cold and damp of a Washington winter. It rained a lot, and snowed often too, but only rarely did the snow last more than a few days. Above us, in the hills and mountains, I could see the permanent snowline and the wind coming down from the...

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Babysitter sleeping with Wife and Me

I’ve written several times about our new live in babysitter/housekeeper Becca that Babs hired. She’s a very pretty college girl that moved into the room next to our young son Liam’s room. Liam is almost 2 and is full of energy which keeps Becca quite busy during the day. She has been wonderful for Liam and has helped him to learn to count and know his alphabet and now learning to read. I hope you saw my post about the best Father’s Day gift ever where my dad and Babs’ mom, who are now married...

1 year ago
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The AcademyChapter 56

June: He was gone; he'd said nice things, but I wasn't at all sure I believed him. I'd forgotten all about the women until they scared and embarrassed me by reappearing and letting me know that they'd seen it all. Then they'd left me to ... relax... I felt wonderful! Amazing! But no one knew better than I that Pandora's Box had opened and I would have to deal with the consequences. They claimed that they got sex from men regularly -- what if they lied? "AI, where is Sub-Decurion...

1 year ago
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TheTrainingofO Melissa Moore Training a Pain Slut Busty Melissa Moore8217s First Submission

Welcome the stunning Melissa Moore for her first submission to The Training of O. This natural busty brunette is extraordinarily obedient and has a cock hungry dripping pussy and mouth. This slave desires a painful pleasure and is ready for her lessons. Tied up in tight rope bondage, her perfect huge natural tits are begging for attention. This slut loves nipple torment and screams from the pain of nipple clamps and clothespins. Her long legs in black lacey stockings expose her beautiful feet...

3 years ago
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TripinChapter 3

I stopped at a roadside mom and pop motel left over from the days when the secondary road was the main road carrying traffic north and south. The motel was on the outskirts of a small town called Chester in South Carolina. My plan was to make the trip on less than $500 a week. The campground had cost me $7 but the motel was $38 for a shower and a comfortable bed. I'm pretty sure it was worth it. With any luck at all day three would end with me at least in Georgia, I thought. I left on day...

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Loris Revenge

Introduction: A wife gets back at her husband. Vegenance is indeed sweet. Chapter 1 Their completely different work schedules had not allowed them to engage in any sex play over the last week, they had only just managed to secure a single over-nighter in a big city hotel room before their schedules parted them again. Their stark reality was that they had to accept work in binges, whenever it came. This trickled down into everything in their lives, especially their sex life. Be that as it...

2 years ago
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It all started a couple of years ago

It all started a couple of years ago. She was a friend of one of my daughters and came to our house regularly. The first time I met her, I felt a disturbingly sexual tension between us. I had never felt that before, especially not with women twenty five years younger than me. I was happily married at the time, and my now ex-wife and I had a great sex life. And whatever I was not getting at home, I made sure I got when travelling. I was disturbed by the feelings I had whenever we met. It did...

Straight Sex
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Wife turned Slut

My wife and I were invited to a th of July party by one of her fellow officers. Of course with no other plans we accepted. We arrived shortly after 6:30 and the party had already started. There were quite a few of her co-workers there, including a couple that were on shift. We mingled and grabbed some food and drinks.About 9:30 the fireworks were set off and the host was walking around making sure everyone had a full drink. We all decided to take a swim so my wife and I went to the bathroom and...

Group Sex
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Catch My Breath

My alarm filled my ears with the music of a radio station. I fell to the floor, my foot having caught in the comforter when I tried getting out. "I'm up!" I yelled, then blushing when I realized I was alone. I hurried to the bathroom and brushed my teeth, returning to my room to change. I grabbed my orange collared shirt and jeans I had ironed and put them on. I returned to the bathroom and put on my contacts, leaving my eyes their natural color, hazel. I put my jacket on and headed to...

1 year ago
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First Person Cuckolding

Amber had been cuckolding Leo for six months. It was the only way their marriage would ever work since Leo was unable to satisfy her in bed. Leo suffered from having an embarrassingly small dick, to make it worse he was also rarely able to achieve a hard on leaving him with a shriveled little nub between his legs that could never come near satisfying Ambers sexual desires. So with Leo’s permission she found Jake, a well hung black man to be her lover, she fucked Jake mostly at his house. She...

1 year ago
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Threesome With An Old Flame And Her Husband

About ten years ago I had a short affair with a married woman named Cathy. It ended when I moved away, but I recently moved back to the area, which is what led to this story. One day I was in my car having just come out of the grocery store. I looked up, and there was Cathy walking into the grocery where I had just been. My dick immediately jumped. I had thought about her many times, and here she was just waiting for me to come talk to her. Cathy is now about 40 years old, blonde, and average...

2 years ago
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The Submissive Side of Lust Part 5

“Make love to me.” I whisper. “No” “Please, please make love to me, I need to feel you.” You reach down my legs one at a time to undo the leather cuffs on my ankles and rub the skin underneath to bring back the feeling. “Please” I beg, “I want you now”. Your fingers slide under the waistband of my v-string panties and start to pull them down under my bottom. With a little grin on my lips I pull my legs up to my chest to let you slide them completely off. It’s really a quickly thought out...

3 years ago
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Hot Wife Gets Gangbang in Jamaica

This story is about an incident that happened a few years ago, when my now ex wife and I went on a vacation in Jamaica. We were married at the time of the vacation, but we divorced a few years after that. So, I will refer to my ex wife as my wife during the rest of this story. My wife has blonde hair, medium sized breasts, nice legs, and a firm ass. She is very attractive. Her name is Sara, and she is 30 years old at this time.I will provide some background before the story. One of my fantasies...

3 years ago
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My First Time or Just a Dream

I was a typical high school senior. A 3 sport athlete, 6' 1", only 140 pounds, still needing to fill out my frame. It was Friday night and I had no plans, having just broken up with my girlfriend. I asked my big brother if I could tag along with him and his buddy as they went women hunting and he agreed.We got to his buddy Bruce's house. He was home from college. He was a real stud, six feet tall, a muscular 180 lbs. without an ounce of fat. He was a scholarship wrestler and strong as an ox. He...

4 years ago
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Zombie Survival

You wake up to a the noise of the neighbor's dog barking. "Does he have to do this every morning?" You think as you look at your digital clock. It reads 7:23, you get up slowly and wipe the sleep from your eyes when you stop. Something is amiss. You here voices downstairs. You begin panicking before you hear the laughter of a studio audience. Your kids probably left the t.v. on when they left for school.

1 year ago
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Sucked Fucked

I see her come out of the shower in a towel, I follow her and she goes into her room. I look through the door and see her standing infront of a mirror with her back to me. She takes off the towel, exposing her wonderful body. I sneak her behind her and grab her ass from behind. She looks around, sees that it is me and smiles, then she starts rubbing her ass against my crotch, making me hard. Then she turns around a leads me to a chair, pushes me down, and kneels infront of me. She then pulls my...

3 years ago
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Delta OriginalChapter 14 Esscos Surprise

Essco was thinking about his current circumstances as the desserts were being placed on the table. His attitudes and priorities had changed recently. He knew he couldn’t take his lovers home. His father would never approve. But he didn’t intend to leave them behind. Especially since he had found out that his lovely little Dye was carrying his child. He was equally amazed she carried Zan’s child as well. Essco looked at Dye, and she smiled that smile at him. He still couldn’t believe a woman...

3 years ago
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Last Man Standing

Copyright© Arthur Shadwe, 2005 The young man hobbled up the ramp to the front door of the nondescript building. In his scarred left hand he carried a small box covered in black velvet. There was a wasted haunted look to his face, as though a cancer was eating at his soul. Shoulders hunched in tension, he glared at the metal numbers nailed above the door. This was the correct building. He opened the velvet box, noting that he'd already scuffed the velvet, and pulled out a plastic card. He...

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Erica Olafson Adventures of the Tigershark Vol 7Chapter 9 Downward

The incident with the dust cloud was now over six weeks ago. Down here in completely unexplored space, it really hit home how big our galaxy really was. Back home in the Upward sector with Hyper Highways and Space trains; with known planets and systems and of course with everyone connected to GalNet space did not feel as empty and vast. We had crossed the gap and now steadily went further down the Coreward sector. Our sensors picked up some space traffic now and then, but in general, this...

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I am an ardent fan of Kerala Erotica. I came into this site by chance and was thrilled after going through its contents. I see to it that daily at least twice I enter the site and go through its various topics. Regarding the stories I am not sure whether how many are true but nevertheless it does certainly titillate you. After much thinking I thought of putting my story and experience in this site. By doing so I am sure I will get lot of relief since I can’t say about my experience to anyone.My...

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