Arewyn Ch. 02 free porn video

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I’m sorry for taking so long to write this, and I truly hope you enjoyed the first part of this tale. I not only took a trip to Ireland years ago when I was in the Navy, but have been back a number of times since, and both chapters are a result of the wonderful and so very beautiful memories I have of the time I spent there.


P.S. If my use of the Irish accent in this story has offended anyone, it is not my intention. Being of Irish descent myself on my father’s side of the family, I’m trying to honor those people whom I met on my travels to that beautiful country, which is rich in history and full of kind and generous souls. One more thing, there is little to no sex in this story…


I saw the best minds of my generation destroyed by madness…

Allen Ginsberg


Chapter One

‘Oh, Daddy,’ Izzy happily squealed, throwing her arms back around my neck, ‘That’s perfect…I love you, and I love Arewyn, too.’

‘I love you, too, baby,’ I smiled, ‘And if Arewyn were here, I would imagine that she would say the same thing, as well.’


We arrived back to our table to find Robert and Arewyn engaged in conversation. I knew Arewyn hadn’t seen us approaching, but she suddenly turned around to look directly into my eyes, and with a beautifully bright smile on her face, she giggled, ‘We were debatin callin the S.A.S. to search fer ya, m’love.’

Leaning down and briefly kissing her lips, I smiled and said, ‘You won’t get rid of me quite that easily, sweetheart.’

We stayed for another hour and listened to the music. These guys were good…damn good as a matter of fact, and I looked forward to the next time I would be able to hear them play again. And, when Arewyn sweetly whispered in my ear that she was ready to go, we rose from our seats and prepared to leave. However, Izzy was not about to let us get away before she told us both exactly how much fun she had with us, as well as how much she dearly loved us.


Arewyn held my hand all the way back to her house, and when I walked her to her door, she turned, gently placing her arms around my neck, and then smiled and sweetly said, ‘I had fun tonight, Michael, and I love ya so very much.’

‘I love you, too, Arewyn,’ I breathed, holding her closely now, ‘And I can’t imagine my life without you.’

‘So, what’re ya tryin ta say then,’ she said, pushing away and now looking at me with a light of hope shining in her beautiful grey green eyes.

I decided right then that I was going to ask her to marry me sooner than I planned, but I wanted to enlist Izzy’s help in order to surprise my beautiful Arewyn.

But in answer to her question, I simply smiled and said, ‘You’re a smart woman. You figure it out,’ which after I gave her a gentle kiss on the lips accompanied by a gentle swat on the ass before I turned and walked to my car, getting in and starting it up.

‘Yer a beautiful man,’ she giggled, shaking her head as I drove away, ‘And a silly wanker, too.’


I was surprised that next morning when I awoke to find that Izzy was awake and in the kitchen cooking breakfast. I took a moment to look at my daughter, and a smile of paternal pride crept across my face as I began to see the beautiful woman that she was on the threshold of becoming.

‘Why’re you looking at me like that, Daddy?’ she smiled, suddenly breaking me from my reverie.

‘It seems like only yesterday that I was reading bedtime stories to you,’ I gently replied, walking over to her and putting my arms around her, protectively hugging her, ‘I just can’t believe how fast you’re growing up, that’s all.’

‘People do that, Daddy,’ she sweetly smiled, kissing my cheek as she returned the hug, ‘But I’ll always be your little girl.’

‘And smart, too,’ I smiled, breaking the hug, ‘Now, what’s for breakfast?’

‘It’s a surprise,’ she giggled, shooing me out of the kitchen, ‘Here,’ she added, handing me a cup of java on the way out, ‘Go sit down at the table and drink your coffee.’


Because I grew up in the south before going to college, I got my Mom to teach Wendy, who was from Connecticut, how to cook all my favorite southern dishes. Imagine my surprise when my daughter brought in a plate filled with my all-time favorite southern breakfast foods. There were scrambled eggs, sausage, and my most favorite, biscuits and southern-style gravy.

‘Who taught you how to make this gravy?’ I smiled, after tasting it, ‘Your mother was the only person, besides your Nana, that could make it like this.’

‘Duh, Daddy,’ she uproariously laughed, ‘Nana taught me when I was ten.’

‘I love you, ‘I proudly smiled, ‘And you’ll make some lucky guy a great wife one of these days.’

‘Bollocks,’ she contemptibly snorted, ‘I just now started dating, Daddy.’

‘Well, I’m glad you think that way,’ I sternly replied, ‘But you need to start watching your language, young lady.’

‘Yes, sir,’ she smiled in acceptance, ‘I’m sorry Daddy, sometimes I get too big for my britches.’

‘Ya think?’ I teased, laughing.

‘Oh, hush,’ she giggled, ‘And eat your breakfast before it gets cold.’

‘Yes, ma’am….’


I hit Isabella with the news that I was going to propose to Arewyn sooner than what I’d told her the night before.

‘Really?’ she excited replied, her eyes wide as saucers, ‘When?’

‘How about next weekend?’ I conspiratorially grinned, ‘I’ll set it up…leave everything to me, and don’t say a word to anyone.’

‘What about Robert?’ she asked, ‘We can trust him, Daddy.’

That suddenly gave me an idea, and in doing so, I looked at Izzy and said, ‘Ya know what? I think that’s a great idea so, why don’t you get him over here around three o’clock this afternoon, can you do that?’

‘You know I can,’ she happily giggled, and then frowned and added, ‘What about a ring, Daddy? You can’t ask her to marry you without it.’

‘I know,’ I replied, scratching my head, ‘But how can I find out her ring size without her getting suspicious?’

I looked at Izzy who was deep in thought and said, ‘And what’s buzzing behind those bright blue eyes of yours baby girl?’

‘Leave it to me,’ Izzy smirked, ‘I know just how to pull it off.’

‘I’m serious, Izzy,’ I lightly warned, ‘This has to do with the rest of my life, as well as a very big part of yours.’

‘I’m serious, too, Daddy,’ she replied, her eyes beginning to fill with tears, ‘I love her very much and I can’t wait until she’s my mother.’


With Izzy’s and Robert’s help, I was able to get in contact with his cousin, David, and book him and his band, ‘The Rats’, to play our engagement party. And of course he readily agreed, especially at the price of one thousand pounds I offered. Hell, these guys were damn good, and damn well deserved a hell of a lot more than any local club owner would pay. Besides, I planned on sparing no expense. I only prayed that Arewyn would accept…


The next day at work I didn’t hesitate to let Kieran know what lay in store the coming weekend. And the moment I told him, his eyes filled with tears as he put his arms around me and happily replied, ‘Congratulations, we’ll be family, me and you.’

‘I know,’ I seriously replied, looking him in the eye, ‘And I want you to know how much of an honor it will be for me.’

‘Yer a good man, Michael,’ Kieran grinned, patting me on the shoulder, ‘Arewyn could do a lot worse, she could.’

‘You’re the best, Kieran,’ I smiled, ‘And thank you.’

‘No, lad,’ he teased, ‘It’s the Donnelly family that should be thankin you, it is.’

‘Huh,’ I stupidly replied, ‘You lost me there.’

‘You’re takin Arewyn and her fiery temper off our hands,’ he openly laughed, ‘Just be careful, Michael…be very careful,’ as he continued laughing.


Because we were ahead of schedule with the workload, I took the afternoon off to go see my best friend in Ireland, Aedan Donnelly. He had been released from the hospital, but was still convalescing at home for another four weeks.

‘Young, Michael,’ Aedan cheerily grinned, when I came into his study to find him reading a book, ‘It does this old heart good ta see ya, lad.’

‘How are you, Aedan?’ I smiled, shaking his hand, ‘You look a lot better than the last time I saw you.’

‘The doctor told the missus that it was because o’ me eatin red meat all the time,’ he complained, ‘They even shoved a hose up me arse and squirted warm water into me pooper.’

‘It was all could do to keep a straight face, and in doing so, I simply smiled and replied, ‘Damn, Aedan, that sounds horrible.’

‘Fookin doctors,’ he growled, ‘It’s bleedin wankers, they are, that just want ta do things ta ya just fer the purposes of makin more money, every fookin one of em.’

‘I need your blessing, Aedan,’ I suddenly blurted out, ‘I want to ask Arewyn to marry me.’

‘Oh, ya do, do ya?’ he knowingly grinned, ‘And what, pray tell, are ya gunna do about that fiery temper o’ hers? And it’s a real bad one, she has.’

‘Come on, Aedan,’ I replied, ‘She’s been nothing but kind, sweet, loving and gentle, ever since the first time I met her, not to mention the way she is with my daughter. Besides that, I love her with all my heart.’

‘Ya don’t need me blessing, marry her,’ Aedan kindly smiled, ‘All I ask is that ya treat her kind. God knows after the hell she’s been through, she deserves nuthin bloody less.’

‘I swear, to God himself, Aedan,’ I sincerely replied, ‘I’ll die before I let anything bad ever happen to her again.’

‘Like I’ve already said, yer a good lad,’ he replied, gently patting me on the cheek, ‘Arewyn’s lucky to find a man like you…’


When I got home that afternoon I arrived to the giggling of two familiar voices coming from down the hall and Izzy’s bedroom. I know that it’s wrong to eavesdrop but I simply couldn’t help it, as I tiptoed down the hall next to Izzy’s open bedroom door. I quickly peeked in to find Izzy and Arewyn sitting next to one another on Izzy’s bed looking at my old photo albums.

‘That’s Daddy when he was a senior in high school,’ Izzy cooed, ‘Wasn’t he handsome back then?’

‘Aye,’ Arewyn tenderly smiled, ‘And he still is…handsome, I mean.’

‘You love him,’ Izzy knowingly grinned, ‘Don’t you?’

‘That I do, m’lamb,’ she sweetly replied, ‘He’s the kindest, most gentle man I’ve ever known.’

‘He’s always been like that,’ my daughter sweetly smiled, ‘Ever since I was a little girl.’

‘It takes a very special kind of man to be able to handle all he was forced to deal with, Izz,’ Arewyn tenderly replied, ‘You’re a very fortunate girl to have him for a father.’

‘He loves you very much, Arewyn,’ my sweet Isabella cried, throwing her arms around Arewyn, ‘And so do I.’

‘Aww, there, there, love,’ Arewyn gently soothed, ‘Twill be alright, you’re not to worry.’

‘I know,’ Izzy sniffled, impishly smiling.

As I heard the both of them standing up, I beat a quiet but hasty retreat back down the hall to the kitchen.


‘Hi, Daddy,’ Izzy smiled, ‘You’re home early today.’

‘Yeah,’ I knowingly replied, ‘I just now got here. What have you two been up to today?’

‘Talkin about how much we love ya,’ Arewyn grinned, openly kissing my lips in front of my daughter, ‘How was yer day, m’love?’

‘Mmm,’ I smiled, hugging her and winking at Izzy, ‘Good, now that I’m home.’


‘Would you do me a favor, Daddy?’ Izzy asked, once I’d changed into more comfortable clothes.

‘What is it, baby,’ I smiled

‘I told Arewyn what a good cook you were,’ she began, ‘And I was wondering if you felt like making Mexican food tonight.’

‘It has been a while since I made any,’ I chuckled, ‘Okay, but you two are going to have to go to the grocery store for me while I get everything ready here, okay?’

‘That sounds good,’ Arewyn sweetly smiled, ‘C’mon Izz, it seems that you and I are takin a trip into town,’ and of course Izzy happily followed Arewyn out to her car, delightfully smiling the whole way.


After ‘my girls’, as I now called them, had gone to the store, I realized that once again, my daughter had tricked me, as I discovered both the chicken and the meat that I was going to need were both already thawed, sitting in the kitchen sink.

‘That little shit,’ I laughed aloud, shaking my head because I knew I’d been had…again.


That night I went all out. I made Enchiladas (Chicken & Beef), Tostadas, Chalupas & Tacos, all with homemade Spanish rice and Refried Beans. I even broke down and made Sopapillas with honey, something I hadn’t done since Isabella was about eight or nine years old.


‘I’ve never eaten Mexican food before,’ Arewyn smiled, blushing as we sat down at the table to eat, ‘Ya might hafta teach me how, Izz.’

‘I’ll let Daddy,’ my daughter conspiratorially giggled, ‘Besides, he’s been doing it longer than I have.’

‘Well, Michael,’ Arewyn giggled, winking at Izzy, ‘Are ya gunna teach me how to eat this food, or am I gunna hafta sit here watchin the two yas stuff yer faces with it?’

Needless to say we all laughed, as I began to show Arewyn how to prepare not only her Taco and Chalupa, but her Tostada as well. Hell, the rest was easy, as one has only to use their utensils to eat the Enchiladas, Spanish rice and Refried Beans.


‘So,’ I asked Arewyn, once we were finished eating, ‘How did you like your first taste of Mexican food?’

‘Twas wonderful, Michael,’ she smiled, ‘Ya never cease to bring a smile inta m’heart, m’love.’

‘Me, too, Daddy,’ Izzy smiled, happy tears beginning to fill her eyes as she hopped up from her seat, only to gently throw her arms around my neck, hugging me, ‘And we love you very much.’

‘Aye,’ Arewyn sweetly cooed, hugging us both, ‘That we do, Izz…that we do, m’lamb.’


‘Good night, my sweet,’ Arewyn breathed, as she kissed me at her car, the two of us wrapped tightly together, ‘I love you, Michael.’

‘I love you, Arewyn,’ I replied, looking into those beautiful grey green eyes, ‘And I always will…’


That night as Izzy and I were cleaning the kitchen up, she giggled and then matter-of-factly said, ‘I got Arewyn’s ring size.’

‘Oh, really,’ I grinned, ‘I won’t ask you how you did it.’

Producing a simple gold band, which, according to Izzy, was once on Arewyn’s left ring finger, but was now dangling on a chain around my daughter’s neck, Izzy grinned and conspiratorially giggled, ‘While we were at the store, I told Arewyn how pretty I thought it was so, she took it off of her hand and gave it to me…she said that pretty girls needed pretty things. Isn’t that so sweet, Daddy?’


The wheels had now been set in motion, and I still thank God daily for having been able to bring Isabella in on this. After all, she had been harping at me to find a girlfriend for almost two years now so, why wouldn’t I? Besides, I knew that my daughter loved Arewyn almost as much as I did and that she would also be extremely pissed off at me if I didn’t…’


I’d made sure to stay as busy as possible to cover the excitement as well as apprehension that I was feeling. It was on the Friday before the Saturday night I was going to propose to Arewyn that Aedan came walking into my office looking better than I’d ever seen him.

‘Hey, Aedan,’ I smiled, rising from behind my desk to greet him, ‘You’re lookin very well. How’re you feeling, my friend?’

‘Miserable,’ he growled smiling, ‘The wife still won’t let me drink.’

‘Are you and Ms. Sara still coming out to my house tomorrow night?’ I aske
d, ‘I’m going to ask Arewyn to marry me ya know.’

‘I know,’ he happily chuckled, ‘And I can’t wait ta see the look on her face when ya ask her, too.’

‘You crafty old dog,’ I laughed, Aedan laughing right along side of me.


At Izzy’s request, Arewyn took her into Dublin to spend the afternoon, as well as part of the early evening, shopping on Grafton Street. It was nearing eight o’clock when they arrived home, both of them with their arms full of packages.

‘Wow,’ I teased, ‘It looks like you two have been busy.’

‘Yes,’ Arewyn giggled, nodding her head to Izzy, ‘She has.’


We went to Cusack’s for dinner that night, and yes, Robert was working so, we asked to be seated in his section.

‘Hi, handsome,’ Izzy cooed, taking his hand when he reached our table, ‘I missed you today.’

‘Hi Izz,’ he smiled, blushing as he spoke, ‘It’s good to see ya.’

‘What’ll it be fer yer drinks,’ he smiled, his hand on Izzy’s shoulder.

‘I’ll have the usual Jim Beam on the rocks,’ I smiled, ‘Izzy will drink Coke, and Arewyn will have…’

‘I think I’ll try the Jim Beam,’ she sweetly interrupted, teasing me and patting the inside of my thigh beneath the table, ‘Besides, if this yank can drink it, I know that I can.’

‘I’ll see to it, Miss Arewyn,’ Robert knowingly smirked, and then briskly walked away.

‘Are you sure about this?’ I knowingly smiled at her, once Robert was out of earshot, ‘This bourbon is nothing to laugh about,’

‘Bollocks,’ Arewyn softly giggled, ‘I’ve tasted Uncle Aedan’s whiskey, and it will knock the hair from off of that hard head of yers, m’love,’ causing Izzy to giggle as well.

‘Maybe so,’ I replied smiling, ‘But don’t come crying to me when your head hurts tomorrow.’


Chapter Two

The next day was Saturday and there was no doubt in my mind that I would ask Arewyn to be my wife. However, I was still very curious as to how she was going to react to it all, the party, all of the people, etc.

I knew that she loved me, but did she love me enough to take on not only the responsibility of being my wife, but also the responsibility of being a stepmother to Isabella.

I also knew that she would eventually want children, which I had no problem with, and there was no doubt in my heart that she loved my daughter. But I was wondering how she would feel about moving to another country when Izzy and I moved back to the United States. Only time would tell I guess.


The next morning as I was making breakfast for Izzy, who herself was still asleep, I heard a knock at the front door. Imagine my surprise when I opened the door to find Kieran Donnelly and his wife Patricia standing on the front porch, both wearing silly grins of their faces.

‘Michael,’ Kieran grinned, ‘Top ‘o the mornin to ya, mate.’

‘Hello, Kieran,’ I smiled, and then to Patricia, said, ‘It’s good that you came to my house, Ms. Patricia. I’ve talked to you on the phone on more than one occasion (which I had), and now I finally get to meet you face-to-face, thank you for coming…both of you.’

‘Aye, Michael,’ she smiled, ‘Thank ya fer invitin us here.’

‘Please, come in,’ I smiled, ushering them into the house and on into the kitchen, ‘Have a seat and I’ll make some tea.’

‘No need, Michael,’ Kieran chuckled, pulling a silver flask from within his jacket, ‘I’ve got me own refreshment today.’

‘Pay no attention to him, Michael,’ Patricia smiled, ‘I’d be in your debt if ya made me a nice cup o’ tea.’

‘No problem, Patricia,’ I smiled, ‘I aim to please my guests.’

‘Ya see that, Kieran Donnelly,’ she snapped at her husband, ‘It’s a grand lesson in manners ya could learn from Michael, it is.’

However, before Kieran could reply, Izzy appeared in the kitchen, and with a sleepy smile, said, ‘Good morning, everyone.’

‘This must be Isabella,’ Patricia proudly beamed, ‘Arewyn spoke the truth when she told me how lovely you were, child.’

‘Thank you,’ Izzy giggled, ‘But I just woke up so, I probably look terrible.’

‘No, girl,’ Kieran warmly smiled, ‘This is my wife, Patricia. And she’s been itchin ta meet ya fer the longest time now.’

‘It’s nice to meet you, Ms. Patricia,’ Izzy sweetly replied, ‘You must be a really nice lady to be able to put up with Mister Kieran.’

Of course Kieran burst into a loud and uproarious fit of laughter while Patricia smiled and said, ‘Goodness me, child, it seems ya know him well.’

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They stayed there together as the fire slowly waned and died, holding on to each other as if afraid to let go, neither wanting to allow the moment to come to an end. They held tightly, kissed softly, and all but melted into one being. Finally, with one mind, they rose. He quickly nabbed the remaining bottle of wine and their glasses and followed her quietly to the bedroom. This would be their last night together. They both knew it, were both saddened by it, but both treasured it as a priceless...

2 years ago
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Pushing the Limits Chapter 3

Dane We are sharing a wonderful breakfast in one of the quieter nooks of the resort, rather than the main buffet. It is perfect, overlooking a quaint man-made lagoon, with paddleboats drifting lazily past, as we munch our way through an assortment of breakfast tasties. The coffee is definitely kicking in and reviving us, rescuing us from the natural physical drain after our exertions the night before, and we are quickly becoming excited about our upcoming excursion. Before breakfast, I had...

1 year ago
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Nights of Alsitor Hades Persephone

Hades gritted his teeth, fingers twitching at his side. He was panting, drips of sweat running down his bare back, his shoulders, his forehead, soaking the blindfold. It annoyed him, though it was fine silk, he fought the impulse to take it off. He had been preparing for this night, deep in the caves that span the foundations of the Alsitor mountain range, and his role as [prisoner/guest/slave/student] was not one he had volunteered for without heavy consideration. He didn't blame his beloved...

Fantasy & Sci-Fi
1 year ago
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Bhabhi Such a Beauty

A story oh how I seduced, satisfied and enjoyed my Bhabhi! [email protected] For all those ladies/girls/aunties out there, looking to have some fun online or offline please feel free to reach out. Privacy Assured. Will be waiting. Thank you for a patient read.

2 years ago
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Boy Fucks His Aunt And Her Friend

By: Tintin1802 Linda walked along the street, her high heels clip clopping on the pavement as she walked. She called at number twelve, and collected her book, then walked on. Mr Clark at number fifteen looked up from his gardening and watched her pass. She knew he was watching her, and swung her hips, smiling to herself. It was mid summer, a warm late afternoon. She wore a pair of gladiator sandals, heeled to define her calfs which were crisscrossed by the long thongs which reached her knees....

3 years ago
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Hot tub fun

My wife Tracy has always been the best lay, but we’d been married almost fifteen years and sex had gotten a little of the same old same old.We talked about spicing things up, but had never implemented any plans until that night. I should point out that we are both in amazing physical condition. She is 5’4”, with flat abs, 34 C tits and an ass you can bounce a quarter off of. She has amazing green eyes and dark brown hair with perfect teeth. My friends have all drooled after her for years. ...

2 years ago
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SCP Confinement

Authors note: Story will not contain any graphic or extreme violence. Any mention of violence, death, and murder are purely meant to reference the backstories and settings. All references of extreme violence will only be offscreen and implied, but never explicitly stated. Despite themes from source material, story will play out more as a slice of life dark-comedy/parody rather than a faithful adaptation. Creative liberties will be taken, and original canon and lore may be ignored or changed for...

3 years ago
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Cum Drops Such Tasty Little Morsels

My neighbors,Billy and Donna Morriss,are always packing up and taking off whenever the urge strikes them. Sometimes they are only gone for a couple of days but more often than not,they have been known to disappear for a week or two. Which is great,for them. For Me? Not so much. Why? Because every time they split,Billy and Donna leave their twin sons at home to fend for themselves. Don't get me wrong,Dale and Dana are great boys,but they always seem to end up spending most of their time over at...

2 years ago
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Cleverly Planned Wife Swap 8211 Master Plan To Convince Conservative Couple 8211 Part VI

This is real story of a two friends where we exchanged our wife with each other for bit lengthier live in relationship. Usually in swinging/exchanging wife with others, generally people will exchange partner for just a fucking session in just a week end visit or night visit to one of the couple’s home. In our case, to make our life spicy and have more thrill and adventure, we have decided to do this for bit longer period of time, where my wife will be with my friend for 2 months and where as...

1 year ago
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Three Clicks to Another WorldChapter 39

“So, what’s new for you guys?” I asked Ben Harmon while swapping partners with him. For the moment, I was balls deep inside Vivien while he was buried in Violet’s snatch. I kept slamming into her while her hips bucked with every stroke and I rubbed her buttocks with delight. She kept throwing her auburn hair around, its sweaty waves landing stickily on her flesh. Meanwhile, Ben pushed furiously in and out of his own daughter’s hot and juicy gash, making her moan with satisfaction as her...

2 years ago
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Teaching Millie Shes Hot Ch 03

My sweet, big-titted plumper wife, Millie, had changed after her day at the beach. I had thought she was perfect before, but I hadn’t known what perfect was before that day. Oh, she was still the same Millie, funny and sweet and giving, and more devoted to me than ever. After her struggle to trust me that day, and her amazing, instant transformation from self-hating ‘fatandugly’ housewife to blazing-hot naked cockteaser as a result of that reluctant trust, she would do literally anything I...

4 years ago
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Uncle With Receptionist Part 2

After that evening my perception about uncle mohan and Shilpa changed completely. The vision of Shilpa’s naked legs hanging from the table and Uncle’s balls hitting her ass repeatedly would not go from eyes no matter what. I started spying on them without their knowledge.One day uncle told me in the noon that he was not feeling well and was going to the row house in suburb to rest. I knew what it was since that row house was vacant so if he wanted to rest he would not have gone there.Then he...

3 years ago
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Milk for breakfast

“I’m just going out for some milk for our breakfast, back in ten minutes” my daughter Paula shouted. “OK” I replied, and carried on working. I was surprised by a knock on the door, and Leanne came in. She was a friend of my daughter, who, it seemed, had been staying over.“Hi Leanne. Didn’t know you were here. Did you sleep over? How are you today? Mick not here?” I asked the nineteen year old, a pretty, giggly girl with freckles, blond hair and blue eyes, still dressed in the guestroom...

3 years ago
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Being Polite

As I rolled off of my girlfriend after our usual three-minute fucking, she sat up and said, “It was so nice of Robbie to invite us to his beach house for the weekend. I know you get sleepy after you get your nut, and he must be lonesome without a girlfriend here, so I’m going to go visit him for a while and keep him company.” She put on a light coverup and left. It was already getting light when she slipped back into bed with me and grabbed my morning woody. I woke up as she was dropping her...

1 year ago
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BDSM Sex with Domestic Servant by the Mistress Free Sex Stories and Adult Erotica Stories

I am Neila. I will share my story of how I my boss had BDSM Sex with Domestic Servant who worked with her. I was 19 years old when I signed up a job for a domestic servant. When I reached the place, it was an empty room. All it had mirrored walls and in the middle was a metallic table. I had no idea what to expect. I signed up because the pay offered was good and they were offering food and lodging. I had to pay for my student’s debt. While I was deep in my thought, I jumped up from my place...

2 years ago
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The Quest For The Kings MagicChapter 12

"Another bottle, barkeep!" I waved my tin cup at the tavern keeper, then put my head back down on my arms. "Pretty pathetic picture for the Kingdom's hero." I peeked through one bloodshot eye at Blaster, looking none the worse for nearly having his soul consumed. "Leave me alone." I shut my eye. "I have someone here I thought you would like to see." Since I had gotten back to town, I hadn't seen anyone. Except the barkeep. "I'm not in right now... come back later." I...

3 years ago
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Journeys Endpart 7

In this case, however, the pain inflicted on me was for the purpose of producing unique chemicals in my semen greatly valued by the owners of Journey's End. I had flashbacks of my ordeal of the day before while trying to sleep...and I was very stressed and terrorized by the thought of more such treatments. I was secured to my bed now, and had to ring for the guards to release me to go to the bathroom. They always watched me as I relieved myself, and cuffed me to the bed again after I...

3 years ago
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Ex Daughter Grown Up Part 9 Sex and Love Continues

(Introduction: if you have read parts 1-8, you will know the people involved: a husband back working in the country he loves and where his grown-up 17y.o. step-daughter from a previous marriage has arranged for her ‘daddy’ to be taken care of by others…lots of them, and now I am flying to the Company’s Hanoi office where Tinh, the receptionist and younger sister of Liem at the office I have just left, and Linh, their mother, housekeeper at my hotel, have both taken care of me before….and where...

3 years ago
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My kids tell me that they are doing it

The next day I didn't get up until around 1:30 or so. I didn’t finally fall asleep until like 6:30, so I was just so tired and I just had to sleep. When I got up, I got dressed and headed out there to the living room. As I got out there I saw them cuddling together on the couch. “Well, aren't you two just 2 peas in a pod,” I said. “No, I'm pretty sure she is a carrot and I'm a green bean,” Jack replied. “Oh really, and what does that make me?” I asked as I laughed. “An asparagus I guess,” Jack...

1 year ago
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I couldnt stop her

We were out drinking, or at least that was my belief. We were in London, my husband Paul and myself, staying overnight. The Cosmopolitans were going down well, really well in the upscale cocktail bar of the hotel we were staying in. What I didn't know was what Paul had planned, or how it would change my life.Paul, as most husbands seem to at some time, had mentioned how turned on he was at the thought of me being brought to orgasm by another woman; typical man. I have to admit that sometimes...

3 years ago
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On The Beach

Dizzy and disorientated, consciousness slowly arrived like sunrise, and I wondered how long I'd dozed for. Must have been a while, the midday sun was now low, sunset was beckoning. For sure I'd earned it, my sleep sluggish brain could still recollect the previous night's activities, we'd spent half of it fucking. But to hell with schedules, we were on holiday. The little we were wearing didn't include watches, time was ours.But not her ass, I thought, as I looked across, that was mine, all...

Love Stories
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Aus Marc wird Marcy 4

Als Petra und Birgit fr?h am n?chsten Morgen den Keller betraten, schlief Marc noch fest. Er bemerkte weder das helle Licht noch ihre Unterhaltung. "Lassen wir ihn schlafen?", fragte Petra. "K?nnte man, aber wir m?ssen doch nachher weg. Das Mittel in der Spritze wirkt zwar noch, aber Wasser lassen muss er in den n?chsten Stunden. Notfalls macht er sich in die Hose", dozierte Birgit fachkundig. "Und was jetzt?", krauste Petra die Stirn. "Ganz einfach, im Krankenhaus setzt man einen Ka...

1 year ago
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My fun time in Germany Part 1

Note: this story is complete fictional! Never try to do it in real live! I live in an apartment complex where I share the same stairs with five neighbors. The family that lives below me has befriended a family that lives in the same neighborhood, and they seem to do everything together. The object of this story is the daughter of the family that comes to visit very often. She is the product of a tall white man and a petite oriental lady. The daughter (her name is Kim) is about six inches taller...

First Time
2 years ago
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Kates Sex

This story is part true story (names changed) and part fantasy. You decide which is which. Kate couldnt think about anything else. She wanted sex, she needed sex, and until she had sex she would be unable to regain her concentration for anything else. Her therapist calls it hyper sexuality, apparently another part of her OCD. After leaving work on Saturday, and finally done with a very non-productive week, Kate was ready to find what she needed. And contrary to her therapists opinion, it was...

3 years ago
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Initiation Swing Party Weekly Initiates Petite S American

Introduction: This story is a non named depliction of one of our Initiation Parties- Submissive ladies contact us to ask for an initiation, we have group parties various themes like swing, couples swap, 3-somes & 4-somes, gangbangs, ladybangs, bukkakes, private group parties, blind dates, fetish parties, interracial parties, group orgy, group forced fantasy, group domination, new member initiation, group bondage slave, multiple dp sandwich, office bang, maximim over load, group sex toy, anal...

2 years ago
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My Best Experience

Hi I am Sanjana, married with 3 teen girls. Last month was our 20th Anniversary. We could not travel on our Anniversary day due to some urgent works for my hubby. Let me tell some details about ourselves, I am 5.1 and Petitite, fair with 36-28-30. My hubby is 5.4 and a bit chubby. I wanted a special gift from my hubby, so he said he will take me to Kerala and he booked a Honey moon Villa with a Private Pool. Before we left Bangalore, he made me promise that what ever he tells I will listen to...

3 years ago
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This actually happened me two days ago read on

Ok so firstly this isn't some crap story made up in my imagination... it's probably many peoples fantasy so I decided to share it with y'all!so, we do a bit of work for this fella round his house, and 2 days ago, I had to collect money from his house. He had went out to lift his son (was over an hours drive away), and only his daughter was in the house, shes just turned 18. She opened the door wearing only fleecy pyjamas, no bra underneath, nipples pert through the top. I lifted the money...

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Drinking and Driving

Drinking & Driving Drinking & DrivingBy: John Maddux  CHAPTER 1:? A STOP BY THE BAR ???? I sat in the bar, having a drink and watching the sots.? I usually enjoyed going to the bar when I was bored, not to drink but to watch the way people behaved when they were completely shit faced.? ???? So here I sat watching people and then someone I rarely see happened in.? She was always someone who caught my attention, yet most of the men paid little to no attention to her, not until they were...

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Womens Circle

I wrote this one as part of a story exchange with Eric. I followed his wishes in the transformations and some of the clothing. Otherwise the story is all mine. Maggie Circle of Women By Maggie Finson Dan Hastings couldn't tear his eyes away from the group of young women chatting in the lobby of restaurant he has stopped at for dinner during a particularly gruelling road trip. As groups of young women went they weren't all that extraordinary. A slender blonde, a petite one with...

2 years ago
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Cheer Raider Sabre Panther Episode 1

"All characters participating in sexual activity are age 16 or older."[Opening Theme: "Violet Skies" by In This Moment]It was quite late, well after midnight, but Matt had to watch it just one more time before going to bed. He took his web browser back to the video and hit play."There's been another remarkable incident in Bensonville today, our Debbie Woods is still in town there with the story. Debbie?""Thanks, Richard. Another attack, and another save by the hometown hero calling herself...

Fantasy & Sci-Fi
3 years ago
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My Asian Domination pt 4 no longer alone

Introduction: please feel free to comment Its been about four years since i left Erin and Chriss house. I have a beautiful daughter named Ana Lee and she is my life. We moved to Korea and we live in a small light blue house, with a white fence, flowers in the yard, and a dog named Harang. Ana goes to a school with a small number of kids so its hard to make friends. Her best friend is the dog. In a neighborhood with mostly little girls of full Korean parents. Ana is Korean and Vietnamese. We...

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Lost Empire 74

0003 - Conner- Thomas 0097 - Ace - Zimmel 0098 - Lucy 0101 - Shelby (mother ship) 0125 - Lars 0130 - Gillese 0200 - Ellen 0250 - Tendra 0301 - Rodrick 0403 - Johnathon 0778 - Jan 0798 - Celeste - Shelby (human) 0805 - Toran 0808 - Radella 0881 - Handrax 0908 - Tara - Mara 1000 - Sherry -------------------------- Ungrown - unnumbered ------------------------ 0100 - Derry (father ship) Rescued from Tendraxians so far ----------------------- 4 on Shelby 2 in re-gen 8 on...

1 year ago
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My Youngest Nubile Daughter Part 1

Chapter One "S'cuse me," came a man's voice suddenly from behind her. Karol Carson gave a start and furiously buttoned up the front of her blouse as she turned around. It was a very hot day in the park and she had been working around camp with the thing carelessly flapping in the breeze. A crimson flush suffused her face as she whirled to face the man, her fingers barely managing to fasten the last button in time. "Didn't mean to scare you," he apologized. She saw his eyes veer away...

3 years ago
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Blow Job ObsessionChapter 7

“To hell with my stupid golf game. To be honest I couldn’t tell you how I played after I got your text. I even lost track of my score. All I could think about was you with a stranger while I was busy chasing a little white ball around with a hard-on. I was dying to be with you! Now tell me all about it.” George then went and freshened up. When he came back into the living room Natalia was waiting for him with a cold beer and a big grin. George could tell that she was bursting to share her...

2 years ago
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Lauras Execution

Laura’s Execution(The very sexy execution of a beautiful girl - simply for wearing tights)Part 1: A Cruel SentenceLaura's trial lasted less than five minutes.  Her name and age were read out for her to confirm followed by the charge of pre-emptively resisting rape to which she pleaded not guilty.The judge looked Laura up and down savouring the look of terror in her luminous brown eyes and leered at her ample cleavage  and finally took in her long luscious smooth  nylon encased legs.“The...

1 year ago
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Meri Bhabhi Aur Wo Kaala Chota Aadmi

Hi ISS readers, yeh meri dusari kahani hai iss pe aasha karta hun ki aap sabko pasand aayegi mujhe mail karke jaror batein Yeh kahani mujhe mere dost ne sunai thi ki kaise usne apni bhabhi ko kisi gair mard se chudte hue dekha. Is kahani ko main ab apni jubani sunata hun. Naam nahi lunga kisi ka. Mere ghar main hum 5 log hi hain main, mummy, papa, bade bhaiya aur bhabhi papa retiered hain dukaan pe baiththe hain mummy ghar main rehti hai bhaiya aur bhabhi dono govt sector mai hain alag alag...

3 years ago
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Das Experiment

„Probanden für Experimentelle Studie gesucht. 2-4 Wochen in abgeschottetem Komplex in einer Wohngemeinschaft. Bei Zusage großzügige Entschädigung von mindestens 2.000€. Je nach Umständen kann sich die Summe auch geringfügig erhöhen. Voraussetzungen sind körperliche und geistige Gesundheit, max. 4 Wochen Verfügbarkeit, Belastbarkeit, Bereitschaft zur Offenheit. Für Bewerbungstermine wird um telefonische Kontaktaufnahme geben“…. Dies war die Anzeige welche sofort meine Aufmerksamkeit auf sich...

Group Sex
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Euphorica Vacancy Chapter 2

Please read Euphorica: Vacancy, Chapter 1 first.This is the final chapter of this particular encounter with Valarie. Hope you enjoy! The moment that I had first seen Valarie, I knew she was going to change my life dramatically. That is why I couldn’t wait for her to return from the concierge’s desk of the hotel. The moment she had left the room I jumped in excitement, it had been a while since I met someone as intriguing as Valarie. I pounced off the bed and replaced the sheets with clean ones...

3 years ago
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485 handing over the wife

485 handing over the wifeIt was on the Monday when they had had breakfast that Marc contacted me, gave me the details of Fridays meeting and explained the state of Mya`s arse, and her general demeanour. Something somewhere was for me not ringing quite true, if truth were told there had been something niggling at me since Mya had told me of the whole scenario, but I said nothing, and we went off to do whatever we usually do on a warm spring morning, in my case not a lot!Anyway, Mya herself had...

4 years ago
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ingrid 1

Chapter 1My field of view was dominated by a cock. It was a quite magnificent one, of a size that would fill me to my limit. I'd been in a bit of dry spell in terms of lovers and hadn't seen a real penis in ages. The skin on the head was stretched tightly at the end of an erection. Veins stood out along the pink skin of the shaft. The whole penis wavered slightly in front of my face as if probing for my mouth. I wanted to reach up, wrap my hand around the thick rod and stroke it gently while...

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