Ron And Ronnie Chapter 15 Ronnie s Cheating Way
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Several authors are coming out with stories based on three songs by Marty Robbins: El Paso, Feleena and El Paso City. The story titles will be: ‘El Paso – author’s name’ e.g. ‘El Paso – JakeRivers’
This is a follow on to our first ‘invitational’ in the fall of 2006 with entries based on the Statler Brother’s song, ‘This Bed of Rose’s.’ If there is continuing support we might make this a regularly semi-annual event. For ‘This Bed of Rose’s’ there were six stories with an average score of 4.83!
Regards, Jake Rivers (Dynamite Jack)
My thanks to my new soul-mate, warmhoney1, who made suggestions when I needed them, found some of my more stupid errors, and listened to me as I outlined the story, without once laughing or shaking her head in disbelief.
– Ronnie W.
1. Happy Birthday To Me
It was a struggle to try to get my front door open. Naturally, the Labs started barking to warn off any evil-doers or to greet me, I wasn’t sure which.
‘Quiet, Gunner, Quiet Bosun. Sit!’ I hollered, and naturally they obeyed by jumping up and down and barking even louder.
I was finally successful in opening it just enough to allow me to slide sideways through the opening. Mindlessly, I scratched the dogs behind their ears as they sat at my feet wagging their tails, smiling, and panting, while their tongues gave me a 90 knot greeting. Looking at the floor behind the door I found my problem.
‘Damn it all to hell!’ I roared, as I beheld the sight before me.
The floor was littered with what appeared to be dozens of letters and cards laying in a multi-colored hill below the letter slot, blocking the door so that it could be only partially opened before it jammed up tight against the pile of paper.
I wondered how on earth Bosun and Gunner had managed to miss this golden opportunity for mischief, as the mail had been left alone. Seven year old Black Labs are still all puppy in thought word, and deed. They never grow up like other dogs. Ordinarily, I’d have seen two inches of shredded paper littering the hallway floor like a blanket of snow after a winter blizzard.
‘Thank you Lord for mercy received,’ I muttered.
As I bent to pick up the pile of debris, I muttered aloud the thought which flashed through my mind:
‘Damn that mailman. I bet he was busting a gut laughing as he pushed all this garbage through the letter slot. I hope he don’t try to wipe his butt with my Christmas present this year ’cause he’s going to have brown smelly fingers if he does.’
Picking up the final piece of my distress and anger, I strode into the living room, and tossed the pile on the coffee table, figuring I’d take care of it after supper.
Supper and the dishes having been taken care of and the dogs fed and watered, I picked up my wine goblet, and walked into my entertainment/computer room to pick up a trash can.
As always, my attention was drawn to one of the pictures on my desk, a blushing young lady of great beauty and a clearly uncomfortable sailor posing for their wedding photo.
The picture was taken in 1961 when I wed my lovely lady, Jean. We’d been married for over thirty four years when she was taken from me when cancer stilled her beating heart. That was over three years ago. I still missed her and daily mourned her loss.
Shaking my head to snap myself back to reality, I picked up the trash can to take care of the largely unwelcome pile on my coffee table.
With the dogs comfortably ensconced next to my legs in blissful slumber, I tossed post cards and letters into the trash can. It was soon made plain that I’d been set up by an evil-minded friend or friends. The trash can gained weight with invitations to join this dating service or that, or to become a member of this x-rated video club or that. Someone was going to get it in spades when I figured out who or whom were going to receive some serious paybacks.
The remainder of the letters and cards were from friends and relations wishing me well on my sixtieth birthday, with the exception of a large heavy white envelope.
The envelope was addressed to me, Mr. Paul Stone, but the sender was unknown to me. Hefting it, I decided if it wasn’t another joke, I had some serious reading on my hands, so I’d better prepare myself.
Having made a head call (bathroom to normal citizens) and relieved myself, I filled my wine goblet, and sat back down on the sofa to investigate the mysterious envelope.
I couldn’t read the postmark, other then to make out Tx on the cancelation stamp. Coupled with the name in the upper left hand corner, Mrs. Cecilia Gutierrez, I had few clues as to who sent it or where it came from.
2. The Past Revealed?
As I sliced the envelope open, another, smaller, envelope fell out and landed on my lap. Over the flap, in what in my youthful day was called an elegant hand, was this: Please don’t open this envelope until you’ve read my letter.
Obeying her request I set it aside and removed the massive letter from it’s white constraint.
– Dear reader, I won’t try to bore you by reading the letter in its entirety, rather I’ll try to give you the high points, the better to enable you to understand all that followed. –
From Mrs. Gutierrez (Cecelia from here on):
In her letter, Cecilia informed me that she was a resident of El Paso, Texas and had been for her whole life. She was married to her late husband, Robert, in St. Patrick Cathedral and the two of them had raised their five children in St. Patrick until they’d left the nest and he’d passed away.
After his death she’d began volunteer work in the city library system. It was during this volunteer work that she’d developed an interest in her family genealogy.
With the help of the family Bible, which was jealously guarded by her Mother, Christina, she’d been able to trace her family roots back to her Great Great Grandfather, Emilio Mendez, and his Wife, Liliana.
Emilio was a dirt poor farmer in New Mexico Territory in the late 1850’s thru the 1880’s, barely able to feed himself, his wife, and three kids.
After their marriage in 1858, they’d quickly started their family with Feleena, Alicia, and Jesus being born almost exactly a year apart. The children grew up without the benefit of any schooling as there was no school in that desolate part of the world, and their parents could neither read nor write. None of that would have made any difference, as the kids were expected to pull their fair share of the load to help the family survive.
When Feleena turned seventeen she rebelled and took off to God knows where. Alicia also ran away just after she turned seventeen.
Alicia caught the brass ring. She ended up in El Paso and was taken in by a kindly lady as a maid in training. The lady in question was part of the nouveau riche, her husband having made a fortune in cattle and the newly built railroads.
She taught Alicia to read, write, and correctly speak drawing room Spanish and English, along with a large portion of the social graces. The lady even ensured that Alicia adhered to her faith, which culminated in her being baptized in the Catholic Church. Her education enabled her to ‘marry above her station.’
One further blessing occurred, when Alicia was baptized, her mistress gave her a Bible. The Bible had pages to enter the names of family members, their dates of birth, marriage dates, children, etc. She spent many hours neatly entering all the information about her family that she knew.
The Bible was now in the capable hands of Cecelia’s Mother. This proved to be of great value in Cecilia’s future searches for her roots.
Among the progeny of Alicia’s marriage was Gabriela, who also married well and gave birth to several children including Cecilia’s Mother, Christina.
By now the family, while not rich, was rather comfortable, so Chri
stina also married well, and her brood of children included Cecilia.
As a young inquisitive girl, Cecilia used to ask her grandmother about her parents and great grandparents. Gabriela had no information to give about Cecilia’s great great grandparents as contact with them had been lost when her Mother, Alicia, left home. When Feleena’s name was brought up her face got red and her angry tone quickly let Cecilia know that that subject was beyond the pale.
It was at this point that Cecilia dropped the bomb:
One of her tasks at the library was to organize the library archives, especially the various newspapers the library kept for historical purposes. While making sure they were properly cataloged and stored she noticed the headlines on one paper. It was the El Paso Times and dated Tuesday June 20, 1882:
The headline read, ‘Marshal and posse catch up with killer.’
The article went on to explain that the posse had trailed one, Paul Stone, a local unemployed cowhand, in his early twenties, into New Mexico Territory. He’d fled there after shooting another local cow hand, James V. Blaine, to death during an altercation at Rosa’s Cantina on Saturday 17 June, 1882.
Following Paul Stone’s death, a young woman, Feleena Mendez, a twenty three year old woman of ill-repute, and a dancer and bar girl, at Rosa’s Cantina took the slain cowboy’s gun, pressed it to her breast, and took her life. Mr. James Metzger, Justice of the Peace and Town Coroner, ruled the deaths as justified in the case of Paul Stone, and suicide in the case of Feleena Mendez.
Cecilia concluded her missive with these cheery thoughts:
‘From the similarities of names and other facts, and because of the rarity of her first name, her age, the fact of her maiden name, and the dates, I believe she could well be my great aunt.
For similar reasons I also believe you may well be related to the Paul Stone in the article. The theories remain just theories that are yet to be proven. Do you have any information to prove or disprove either of these theories?’
Either way you may contact me at . . . and she gave me her email address.
Her last words were to ask me to open the enclosed envelope and read its contents, if I wished to do so.
By this time my head was reeling and my thoughts totally jumbled.
Was I being set up to be the butt of someone’s joke? If so who, how, and why?
My next thoughts were even more gloomy, was this an elaborate hoax? If it was, once again, who, how, and why? Could this be a plan to separate me from some of my well earned shekels?
But what if it were true?
I slowly lifted the smaller envelope, opened it and removed its contents.
Inside were two copies of newspaper articles from the El Paso Times and dated Monday 19 June, 1882 and Tuesday 20 June respectively. The first one dealt with the fracas at Rosa’s Cantina on the previous Saturday and told of the argument between Paul Stone and James V. Blaine, and Mr. Blaine’s death at the hands of Paul Stone as a result of bullet wounds inflicted by that scurrilous villain.
The second article dealt with Paul Stone’s well deserved death at the hands of a posse headed by the brave Marshal and local hero, James B. Gillette. It also told of the death by her own hand of that round heeled lady of the night, Feleena Mendez, who worked at Rosa’s as a dancer and bar girl.
Something had been niggling at my mind as I read Cecelia’s letter and the newspaper articles when the flash bulb went off in my head.
In the late 1950’s Marty Robbins had written and sang a song, El Paso. I’d heard that song played on every juke box in every bar on East Main (to you old salts, Easy Main) Street in No-Fuck, Virginia for months. I also faintly remember that later he’d written and sang a song about Feleena. I also vaguely remember another song titled El Paso City.
Could El Paso and Feleena have been written about true events, and if so how did he know enough about them to write the songs?
I clearly needed to think further on the matters now called to my attention, but my wine goblet was empty, and I needed more brain food.
Rising slowly so as not to disturb the pups, I headed to the corner hutch in the living room that served as my bar, poured myself a stiff brandy, picked up the decanter, and resumed my seat. My attempts to not disturb the boys went for nought as they grumbled at being disturbed, wrapped themselves even tighter around my legs and feet, and drifted back to sleep.
Lighting my pipe and taking a sip of my favorite adult beverage, I contemplated all that had been placed on my plate this evening.
The first question that suddenly popped into my mind was how had Cecilia found me? How did she even know who I was and where I lived? Questions I needed answers to before I went further into the matter, if I did choose to pursue it.
After my second brandy I gave up in disgust. There was too much information and too much that was speculation to be able to formulate anything approaching a plan or make a decision.
After the dogs came in from their evening romp, I closed the house down, and headed for bed with two tired and sleepy dogs following closely behind.
That night, as was usual, I went to sleep with one Black Lab on each side of me, with me feeling like the white center of an Oreo cookie.
My dreams constantly switched back and forth from Marty’s songs, to Cecelia’s letter, and yet in the background I swore that I heard Jean’s voice reassuring me by telling me in a soft whisper, to trust Cecelia and all would be well.
3. Investigation and Decision
It had been my and my late wife’s habit to sleep in when we were able to. This morning was no exception as I woke up at 10:00 when the morning sun shining through the bedroom window finally roused me from my fitful sleep.
I staggered through my shower, dressed, and headed to the kitchen to feed myself and the dogs. While the sausage was frying in the skillet, I tried to formulate a schedule for the day but the dog’s antics distracted me.
They had to be fed well away from each other or a fight would ensue. Even with them completely across the kitchen from each other they ate facing each other, growling and snarling between bites. Once finished they headed for the water bowl and slurped up their fill side by side with no animosity whatsoever. Weird!
As I sat down to eat my usual Saturday morning fare of sausage, eggs, and toast, the dogs took their accustomed positions, sitting on either side of me, waiting for their share. I’d slip them each a nibble of sausage or toast once in awhile. When I’d eaten my fill I slid the chair back and held the plate between my knees. Gunner and Bosun began licking the plate clean with no growling, nor even a hint of it. Their tongues worked that plate over until it was almost as clean as if it’d come out of a dishwasher. I never could figure out how they did it without biting their mate’s tongue in the process. Weirder still!
With the dishes drying in the drainer, I headed to the entertainment room. A search of my records and tapes turned up copies of El Paso, but no Feleena or El Paso City. The first order of business was decided.
I loaded the boys in the van and headed to the mall to Tower Records. They were most helpful and I soon had a tape of Feleena and El Paso City but I wanted the sheet music too, which they didn’t have. At their suggestion I headed to a large music store which specialized in selling musical instruments and, as I was to find out, walls filled with racks of sheet music. After a lengthy search I found the words and music to all three songs.
Arriving home, I set the music on the coffee table, as I had more to do while it was still light. I climbed the stairs up to the attic and headed to my Dad’s old trunk.
That trunk had come into my possession following his death almost ten years ago.
The trunk co
ntained the usual things one packs up to store away, dreams, hopes, and failures, all tied up in blue ribbons.
I did pull out several photo albums and several stacks of letters written by him to Mother, and she to him when he served in the Navy during WWII. He’d been drafted at the beginning of the war and left Mother and me on Grampaw’s farm in Texas while he went off to serve his country. He’d been stationed on destroyers in the Pacific for most of the war.
After the war he’d been offered a good job in San Diego, a town he’d found to his liking. Gathering Mother and me up, he’d moved us to La Mesa (just outside San Diego) and we began to settle into our new life.
I started to gather up the items I wanted to study when a paper wrapped package caught my eye. I removed the ribbon and opened it. To my surprise I found myself staring at my school report cards. Lord! Of all the things to keep, evidence of my follies, trials, and tribulations. Why would Dad keep my record of crime and failure for all to see?
Thinking about it I decided that it wasn’t Dad who did the deed, it would have been Mother, ’cause if we’d had children, Jean would have acted the same way.
Closing the trunk up I headed down the stairs with my trove. In the living room the coffee table once again received a burden to be gone over later.
Following supper, I settled myself with my brandy and pipe, and put on the tapes of what I now called ‘The Three Songs.’ to listen to them.
The problem was that my mind was distracted by those damn report cards. Not the cards themselves, but rather what came after. When I graduated from La Mesa High School in 1956, the country was suffering what would now be called a mini recession, what the Republicans at the time called an economic re-adjustment, and the Democrats screamed was the worst depression in the history of mankind.
Regardless of the truth of the matter, jobs were scarce, so I joined the Navy. Through good times and bad I spent the next twenty four years in the service of my country.
After my transfer to the Fleet Reserve (unlike the other services, sailors can’t retire until they have thirty years of service. They are instead, transferred to the Fleet Reserve until they have thirty years of service, and during that period are always subject to recall to active duty).
I know many shipmates who were in the Fleet Reserve after twenty plus years and recalled to active duty during the ‘Nam War, some more then once.
After I left the Navy a great job offer in Washington State brought us up to paradise. We never regretted that decision.
Not being able to concentrate my thoughts, I decided to query Cecelia with a few questions that were laying heavily on my mind.
4. The quest?
Seated before my trusty old Mac I emailed her to ask the questions preying on my mind:
Before I can agree to help you I need some answers.
1) Besides your Great Aunt’s family Bible how were you able to track Feleena?
2) How were you able to place Paul Stone as a part of my family?
3) I am not the last of the Stone family, so why me?
I couldn’t think of any more questions that needed an immediate answer, so I pressed send, shut the computer down, performed my nightly chores, and headed to bed.
The next day I spent a large part of it going through the photos. A large part of them were taken during the days of my youth. I don’t remember much about the early years while we lived on the homestead.
I do remember Grampaw. After we moved to San Diego we would come back to the farm on vacation each year. The pictures showed him to be a man about my size and build. Even though most of the earlier pictures were black and white, you could see the permanent tan he had from working in the hot Texas sun. Even Grammaw had that deep tan on her hands and face.
When Grampaw died, Dad’s older brother, CW, took over the farm. He and Dad looked much alike and were sometimes mistaken for twins. CW was killed in a car accident in 1977 and his Son, LT, took over and was still running the farm.
When we were on vacation at the farm in my younger days, LT and I seemed to find ourselves in some kind of deviltry most of the time. Nothing serious, but bad enough for CW or my Dad to whup our butts. Didn’t make any difference which father caught us, that was the one that whupped us.
Ron had been telling me about Ronnie’s first time out for the night with Sue. The thing that stuck in my mind was when he repeated Ronnie’s description of her experience with one of the guys with a huge cock. I went home that night, and Sue and I made love several times. I just didn’t seem to be able to get enough.Next morning Sue asked, “You were overly excited last night?”The way she said it made sure that I understood that she expected me to explain. Initially, I was a bit lost for words but...
Cuckold?Ronnie Repents ? Ex-Wives 5? by Richard Stryker © Copyright R. Stryker 2005. The right of R. Stryker to be identified as the authorof this book has been asserted in accordance with Section 77 and 78 of theCopyrights and Patents Act 1988. Published by Reproduced with permission of the author and publisher. CHAPTER 1 She opened an eye, but her whole world was still one of darkness.She felt something around her face, like a mask. It made her grow cold withfear as...
Once again I awoke early to a beautiful sunny Saturday morning. Sue and the kids slept in as was their habit on a Saturday morning. My mind was in turmoil.I had dreamed of all types of strange things during the night. It had all started with me wondering if Sue had been impregnated following our discussion that morning. I then thought of my options including leaving her through to swallowing my pride and accepting any baby that resulted as my own. That then progressed into considering taking my...
CuckoldI had been at Ron’s place where he had continued his story. Ron had warned me to stay away from Shirley who lived next door to him. He said it was because of concern for Ted and Shirley's marriage. I took him on his word but there was a nagging thought that perhaps Ron was more interested in Shirley than he was saying. Ted had sent a message for me to visit with him. When I knocked on the door, Ted opened it almost immediately. It told me that he may be on tenterhooks either because Shirley had...
CuckoldI had been at Ron’s place where he had continued his story. Ron had warned me to stay away from Shirley who lived next door to him. He said it was because of concern for Ted and Shirley's marriage. I took him on his word but there was a nagging thought that perhaps Ron was more interested in Shirley than he was saying. Ted had sent a message for me to visit with him. When I knocked on the door, Ted opened it almost immediately. It told me that he may be on tenterhooks either because Shirley had...
CuckoldRon had been telling me the story of him and his wife Ronnie who had recently left him. It seemed that my wife had encouraged Ronnie into taking lovers on the side. Sexual satisfaction is not always obtainable by people involved in a loving marriage, something that can lead to wives or husbands finding a lover who can supply that essential ingredient to their lives. With Ron and Ronnie, it seemed, another ingredient had been added which was less common. They knew of each other’s infidelity, in...
CuckoldI had taken time off work because Sue was in hospital following a miscarriage. The previous night Ron had told me about discovering Ronnie and Joe in the guest’s bedroom and how he, Sally and Sarah had planned to raid her and Joe at Joe and Sally's house. All day I thought of what might have happened. It was like an adventure serial where the story ends at the most exciting time and you had to wait until the next day to find out.I wondered if, in fact, Ron was playing with me. I was aware that...
CuckoldI was back at work the next day but I was able to get away by four o’clock. I went home and spent an hour with the kids and with Sue before going to Ron’s place just before six o’clock. Before I left I quickly set up a remote camera at the rear of our house that would be able to capture anyone coming or going via the rear stairs.The camera sent a signal to a recorder in my office which could capture up to two weeks of video from a single camera. I had other cameras but did not have time to set...
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Ron had told me about the night that he followed Sue and Ronnie to their meeting with ten guys. When I had arrived home, Sue was waiting up for me. She came out to open the front door to welcome me back. She was dressed in a silky see-through nighty and it was obvious she was not wearing a bra or panties. I took her into my arms and kissed her.“Hhhmm, someone is horny tonight.”“You should know by now that is what happens when I have good food and a couple of beers.”“Some guys can’t get it up...
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CuckoldMy wife and Ronnie I watched my wife in the throes of passion with another man as I stood naked beside the hotel bed, flogging my hard cock. We weren’t swingers. We had never even discussed it, outside of the occasional joke about me wanting to see her with another woman. Even that was always met with a disapproving look and the words, ‘Not gonna happen.’ At 42, Leslie was still beautiful. She had a pretty, round face with soft brown eyes and a gorgeous, warm smile. She wore her light brown...
My wife and RonnieI watched my wife in the throes of passion with another man as I stood naked beside the hotel bed, flogging my hard cock.We weren't swingers. We had never even discussed it, outside of the occasional joke about me wanting to see her with another woman. Even that was always met with a disapproving look and the words, "Not gonna happen."At 42, Leslie was still beautiful. She had a pretty, round face with soft brown eyes and a gorgeous, warm smile. She wore her light brown hair...
I had not seen Ron for quite a while. Occasionally, I saw Ronnie because she and my wife, Sue had become good friends.Then one day while my wife, Sue was out of town, Ronnie turned up on my doorstep. The previous day, Sue had told me that Ronnie had taken a short holiday with another man. I had asked Sue was Ron aware and she told me that she doubted it.As you might guess, it took me by surprise to see Ronnie. She was not in the habit of turning up at my door when my wife was away. I knew that...
CuckoldGoyseThat night I slept even better than I had for the last couple of nights. Before I went to sleep I thought about what I had promised Shirley and cursed. My sexual attraction and the stimulation that came with it had confused my thought process. I didn’t, in fact, want to have an affair with Shirley. Well, that’s a lie.I did but I was worried about where it could lead. What I had done was just my hormones and sexual drive overcoming my logical thought. It was also my desire to satisfy Ted’s...
CuckoldGoyseThat night I slept even better than I had for the last couple of nights. Before I went to sleep I thought about what I had promised Shirley and cursed. My sexual attraction and the stimulation that came with it had confused my thought process. I didn’t, in fact, want to have an affair with Shirley. Well, that’s a lie.I did but I was worried about where it could lead. What I had done was just my hormones and sexual drive overcoming my logical thought. It was also my desire to satisfy Ted’s...
CuckoldThe next chapter of my story happened a few months before I was married. I met Sue around six months after Ronnie first joined my ski team. Ronnie had continued skiing with us but because I was now taking Linda out, Ronnie started driving herself rather than travelling with me.It was during one of these weekends out skiing that Ronnie took me aside and told me that Ron had proposed to her. I congratulated her and told her that I would come around to see Ron the next day to have a couple of...
CuckoldRon had been telling me the story about the sexual adventures of him and Ronnie, his wife who had recently left him.I arrived at Ron’s house the next evening around six o’clock knowing that Ron worked until five. Ron had showered and the kids were in their PJ’s ready for bed. It was obvious that the lads had been fed. I said hi to the kids and we talked for a while before Ron took them off to their bedrooms. When he returned, Ron threw a handwritten letter down in front of me and said, “You...
CuckoldOur good friends Ron and Ronnie had split up. No one had any idea why Ronnie suddenly left Ron with their three kids. I had been out to talk to Ron at the earliest opportunity and he had started to tell me a little about what Ronnie had been doing. It seemed that she knew quite a bit about my wife’s cheating which I had suspected. Ron told me that Ronnie had told him that she wanted to do something similar and as a result, she had, with Ron’s approval, joined Sue with a group of men.After...
CuckoldI returned home following my summer spent cruising along the inland channel. It had been a great summer and one that taught me a lot. Found out that my younger brother had spent the summer in a boy's training school, after getting caught "joy riding" in someone's car. He was now home and like me, getting ready to return to school. For me this would be my last year, then on to college. In actuality ended up going in the service before finishing college. Spent a lot of time with my younger...
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Lori had been Ronnie's wife for fifteen years, and they were very happily married and deeply in love. She was only in her mid-thirties and they'd had three children during their years together. Having kids, however, had only seemed to make Lori a sexier and more lusty woman in bed with Ronnie. They regularly made love and Ronnie and Lori both enjoyed the hot lustiness of the physical pleasure they both had in lovemaking together. One evening, Ronnie and Lori had been making love, and they'd...
Okay, so it was a twenty chapter story, right. Yes, it was but life goes on and I now need to tell the readers what that life looks like. What has happened to the key players and are there some things that didn’t appear in this story? This is about trying to fill in those gaps as best I can. I know, for some it will be boring. I can just see the comments now, "Boring, Goyse! No sex.". But if I don't do this some might say, "Well, what really happened, Goyse? Why did she do it if she stayed...
CuckoldOkay, so it was a twenty chapter story, right. Yes, it was but life goes on and I now need to tell the readers what that life looks like. What has happened to the key players and are there some things that didn’t appear in this story? This is about trying to fill in those gaps as best I can. I know, for some it will be boring. I can just see the comments now, "Boring, Goyse! No sex.". But if I don't do this some might say, "Well, what really happened, Goyse? Why did she do it if she stayed...
Cuckold“Oh God, I love riding you like this!” My beautiful fiance Isabella was seated on top of me, grinding her clit on my groin. Her big, beautiful brown eyes were boring into me. She was sitting up, rocking back and forth and up and down, covering me with her wetness. “Am I wet enough for you baby?” I have the greatest woman in the world. And she’s all mine. “God, yes.” I did love how wet she got for me. She wasn’t a squirter, like you see in pornos, but she did gush when she came. ...
If you asked any other guys, they’d tell you she was cute, but nothing special. They’d probably say she was too small, too skinny or too many freckles. Those other guys might point to the plethora of other women around the water park. The MILFs, the huge tits and the surrounding cleavage that was on display for the world to see. Those other guys wouldn’t give her a second glance. Those other guys would rather spend their time hooting and hollering at a bevy of other women. Those other...
The wedding was six weeks after Ron proposed to Ronnie. The reason that it happened quickly was she was starting to show. Ronnie looked absolutely gorgeous in her wedding gown. Mind, she always looked gorgeous to me. I guess I was a big bit biased on the subject matter.Ron’s brother, Colin was the best man. I had met him a couple of times and didn’t particularly like him. He always seemed to give Ron a hard time at every opportunity. I was seated next to him at the table as one of Ron’s...
CuckoldThis is a brief story that’s been bouncing around my brain for a while. If you’re looking for one sex scene after another you should look elsewhere. There’s not much sex in this story—just enough to make the story interesting. Of course, all participants in sexual activities are adults—above the age of 18. I hope you enjoy the story as much as I enjoyed writing it. Sr. Longo >>>>>> “Oh Ronnie…Ronnie…come here, will you?” I knew she was just being polite. It was a joke she liked to...
I you ever happen to frequent the Hyperboard you may find a sweet and wonderful girl there by the name of Veronica. She always has a kind word for you and will often share her images with you. Most of the time she likes to be called Ronnie, and I dedicate the song below to her. The link to the midi I used to listen to only seems to be working for "Firefox" and not "Explorer." (Just letting people know). Well Ronnie, I do hope you like this song. The moment I heard I did think of you....
GoyseAs Shirley and I sped away from Ted she looked at me and asked, “Why did you give Ted a book? What was that about?”“It’s just a story about a couple, Shirley.”“What about the couple?”“It’s about a man who loves his wife so much he wants her to have everything but to give her everything, he has to go without himself. It starts simple. She wants a new outfit but he needs new tools for his job so to make her happy he keeps using his old tools. Eventually an electrical short in his drill puts...
CuckoldGoyseAs Shirley and I sped away from Ted she looked at me and asked, “Why did you give Ted a book? What was that about?”“It’s just a story about a couple, Shirley.”“What about the couple?”“It’s about a man who loves his wife so much he wants her to have everything but to give her everything, he has to go without himself. It starts simple. She wants a new outfit but he needs new tools for his job so to make her happy he keeps using his old tools. Eventually an electrical short in his drill puts...
CuckoldGoyseI knew that Ron’s story had to be coming to an end soon because of the age of the children at that stage of the story. He had already told me that Ronnie was refusing to allow him to father his child, well after her son Garry had been born and I knew that he was only just over eighteen months old when they had split up. I was keen to hear what had led to her leaving.Sue had returned from the hospital. I was still angry with her and tried to avoid her as much as possible. She made attempts...
CuckoldGoyseI knew that Ron’s story had to be coming to an end soon because of the age of the children at that stage of the story. He had already told me that Ronnie was refusing to allow him to father his child, well after her son Garry had been born and I knew that he was only just over eighteen months old when they had split up. I was keen to hear what had led to her leaving.Sue had returned from the hospital. I was still angry with her and tried to avoid her as much as possible. She made attempts...
CuckoldSTREET STORIES: RONNIE (PT 1)In 2003 I was room mates with my cousin. Living in Tampa, FL everyone embraces the 'party' lifestyle so when I would get off work and come home it was common to open the front door to the 2BR/2B and see naked or scantily clad women roaming around the house partaking of drinks, d**gs or both. It was during this period that I met Veronica a.k.a. 'Ronnie'. She is pictured in my pictures.I remember getting home about 9pm or so the first time I met Ronnie. My brother...
Anita had convinced me to escape from that cold winter at New York to spend a full week at one nice resort on a Caribbean beach.The place was really perfect. On the third day, we decided to walk to the beach and spend the day there. We found a solitary spot, where Ana could remove her bikini and lay there naked under the sun. A couple of hours later, we decided to head to one of the beach side restaurants to have some lunch. My sensual wife kept her top off, but she covered her lustful boobs...
“So, Ronnie, how about another drink?” George asked me.“Oh, George, I’m so drunk, but what the hell, sure, I’ll have another.”“Thassa boy,” said George.“Let me hit the head, George,” I said and slid out of the tavern booth, then staggered to the bathroom. Once inside, I locked the door long enough to take off my pants, then my jockey briefs. and stuff them in my pants pocket after I’d put my pants back on. I looked at my swaying image in the old mirror over the sink. I smirked and pulled down...
Introduction: A woman teaches her son's friend a few lessons When I was in high school, there was a k** in my class whose name was Ronnie Johnson and who was rather popular, because he was always the first to have all the latest computer games. Everyone always wanted to go home with him after school to play these cool new games. That included me, even though I really didn’t a shit about these games. I faked enthusiasm for that computer nonsense because, when I was at Ronnie’s place, I would...
Introduction: A woman teaches her son's friend a few lessons When I was in high school, there was a k** in my class whose name was Ronnie Johnson and who was rather popular, because he was always the first to have all the latest computer games. Everyone always wanted to go home with him after school to play these cool new games. That included me, even though I really didn’t a shit about these games. I faked enthusiasm for that computer nonsense because, when I was at Ronnie’s place, I would...
My bladder forced me to wake up early Saturday morning. If it wasn't for this urgent need to piss I would have stayed asleep till noon. Stephen was insatiable. That guy shot big load after big load. He unleashed his cum all over me. In my mouth, in my face, in my ass, on my back, all over my cock and balls. I'd swallowed so much cum. I could still taste cum in my mouth. When I got up the bed sheets were stuck to the dried cum on my ass and back. I was a fuckin' mess. When I got to the...
Over the last few years my masturbatory fantasies have been littered with my faggot imagination of my past experiences with cock. I really love fucking women but there are times when I need to be used and degraded and only cock can do that. Ever since I was young I struggled with the guilt of my sexuality. When I was nine or ten I decided stop being a faggot. And it kinda worked out perfectly because the boys that used to use my mouth lost interest in me and moved on to girls. I’m sure I...
She reached up to touch his face, lightly running her fingertips over his jaw line before pulling him closer to kiss his soft lips. She sighed gently, loving the taste of his mouth, and the feel of his lips sliding over hers. His kisses always take her breath away; each and every time. When he kisses her, it is like a balm to her soul. She bites down gently on his bottom lip, simultaneously running her tongue across it. The sound of his quiet moan goes straight to her pussy, and makes her...
When I went to college I had just turned 17yrs old. I was in a constant state of horniness. I fantasized and jerked off to almost every chick I saw in those days. Unfortunately I was a virgin. I was painfully shy around girls. Shyness has kept me from fully enjoying my youth. I had fun in college but it wasn’t the kind of x-rated fun that I longed for. I was frustrated with myself because I’ve had some experiences with girls I was always just too scared to close the deal. My lust for...
Hey guys … I’m Ronnie … This is my first contribution to ISS which I’ve been a huge fan of. Any feedback or suggestions reguarding the story will be happily accepted at So I’ll start the story by introducing myself at first. I’m Ronnie … born and brought up in Pune in a pretty rich family. I’m studying Automobile designing in a renowned college here in Pune. I’m 6ft 1inc , athletic body , I play basketball and hit the gym daily. I maintain my diet as I’m very health and physique conscious....
I couldn’t believe it! Someone found out about us… and it’s Stephen’s fucking aunt! I hopped off of Stephen’s cock and ran my naked ass to the bed room. FUCK! Where are my clothes?? Did she hear me proclaim my love for her nephew’s cock? I’m so stupid. I should have known we were gonna get busted sooner or later. We were waaay to careless and care free. What is she going to do? Can she call the cops? Oh my God will she tell others about me ? She’ll probably tell anyone who’ll listen...
The summer of my 14th year I discovered masturbation. First I would cum all over myself. I loved my thick cream. I loved it so much I would rub it all over my cock and balls like it was lotion then pulled my underwear up and went to sleep. But, doing that caused me to stained all my underwear. I’m sure my mother didn’t want to see that. Then I decided to just shoot it on the wall next to my bed but then I started staining the wallpaper on the wall and it wouldn’t come clean. Then I moved...
When I woke up in the barn it was starting to get dark. I probably would have slept there all night had it not been for all that water I drank earlier. I woke up having to piss like a race horse! I found a corner and emptied my very full bladder. I was tempted to head back to my make shift bed but it gets cold at night in upstate NY and my body was filthy with the smell of piss and dried cum. I decided to just go to Stephen’s apartment and just shower off. I couldn’t believe what a...
When I walked in the back room four out of the six boys had their cocks out waiting on me. Michael who’s cock wasn’t out yet told me to take off my clothes. I couldn’t get my clothes off fast enough. By the time I got my clothes off the final two cocks were out and ready. I was the only one in the room totally naked. Michael and the other boys just had their pants down. I didn’t know it at the time but, I loved the feeling of being exposed, vulnerable and powerless. It really got me...
The day after Ron and I swapped wives, we went out for a jog in the morning. When we came back, Nicole and Rhonda were chatting in the kitchen. Nicole was just wearing a long shirt and looked really sexy. I asked her if she wanted to join me in the shower, and she said she would in just a minute. Unfortunately, she never did, and we all spent the day hanging out and getting ready for the party Ron and Ronnie had planned. It was a great party, a lot of people a lot of alcohol and just a...
Daddy and I have been lovers since the day that my mother, the bitch, walked out on us and never looked back. That was my sophomore year in college, the summer I turned 20. I was there to ease Daddy's pain and he has rewarded me with the loving touch only a Daddy can give his little girl. I know that some of you may be thinking that this is wrong, but how can something that feels so right be wrong? It is not wrong in our eyes and it works for us. After we became lovers, Daddy moved us out of...
I watched my wife in the throes of passion with another man as I stood naked beside the hotel bed, flogging my hard cock. We weren’t swingers. We had never even discussed it, outside of the occasional joke about me wanting to see her with another woman. Even that was always met with a disapproving look and the words, “Not gonna happen.” At 42, Leslie was still beautiful. She had a pretty, round face with soft brown eyes and a gorgeous, warm smile. She wore her light brown hair shoulder-length...
Once when I lived in Texas I went to this porno store late at night. As I walked in there was a red car parked very close to the entrance of the porn store's door. I thought it was weird because most patrons park further away. As I got closer to the entrance this older man stepped out of the car. If I had to guess I would say he was in his early 50's. So as I walked pass him he greeted me and I returned his greeting. I thought that was weird because most guys don't look at each other or make...
Ronnie's Three Wishes By Mark Dayette The teenage years are a time of struggle, pain, love, hope, and finding yourself, and still in the midst of everything that is happening to you there's a yearning to be free. One such group of teenagers were in the middle of that journey in the State of Arkansas, they were known as the Razorpack. The Razorpacks were six restless youths living in the small town of Henshaw located in the Arkansas Valley. Henshaw was about equal distance from the...
Ronnie's three wishes Part 2 By Mark Dayette The next day was different for the Razorpack, everything would be different from now on. When the second in command of the group, Derrick, arrived at Kurt's house in the morning to plan what the group was going to do after school that day, Derrick was shocked at the new Kurt he saw. Kurt arrived at the front door wearing his mother's silky maroon slip. At first Derrick thought it was a joke and he was going to let it slide, but then he...
Inside Ronnie's Head By Dawna Thompson April, 2002 Every time Ronnie saw a beautiful woman he lusted for her. He wanted to get into her panties... and her pantyhose, bra, blouse, shoes, and skirt. Ronnie was a normal guy. He never felt strange or different. He grew up in suburbia playing baseball, swimming and hanging out with his boyhood friends. He got along well with all of them. As a kid he liked building blocks, trains, toy trucks and playing army. He was a good...
Ronnie's three wishes Part 3 By Mark Dayette Ronnie said as the new leader he would drive the car and Nina would remain next to him in the front passenger seat. Everyone agreed. Buzz and Jimmy instinctively knew they weren't cut out for leadership. Ronnie's first act as leader was to give Jimmy a break by removing sissy Kurt from Jimmy's lap. Ronnie said that the two sissy fags should take turns sitting on each other's laps. Derrick begged Nina to borrow some lipstick from her...
Jack found himself agonizing over Ronni once more. When she asked him during their forbidden chat session if he wanted to fuck her, Jack couldn't get his brain around the words at first. "I'm asking if you wanna fuck me." He was bewildered. Part of him wanted to drive to Ronni's house, sneak into her bedroom and screw her all night. He quickly reminded himself that she was the same age as his own daughter Emily. And even though he had never met Ronni's parents, he figured he himself...