Choices Someone To Watch Over MeChapter 2
- 2 years ago
- 18
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I thank my LadyCibelle and Techsan for their patience, proof reading, editing skills and of course encouragement. I’d also like to add that we don’t always see eye to eye, we do have some disagreements sometimes – well quite often really, – I can be an obstinate old bugger when I want to be. Anyway I take full responsibility for the content and any cock-ups in this story.
Notes for the uninitiated: Cor = slang expressing surprise, excitement, etc. Palaver = a prolonged or tiresome act. Throw a wobbly = Have a fit of nerves or temper. On a loosing wicket = in a no win situation.
Someone to Watch Over Me.
Damn it, I really should have seen it coming. You know with a bit of foresight it should have been obvious to me, like two trains racing towards each other on the same track. But maybe I wasn’t looking hard enough, well, at least I wasn’t thinking things out that well. And I suppose I could use the excuse that one train was hiding in a tunnel. But all the warning signs were there if I’d only looked hard enough for them. But I was kinda besotted with the girl so when that other train came roaring out of that bleeding tunnel, I just had no idea what was coming.
Okay, enough of the bleeding metaphors, let’s get down to brass tacks. All through my school life they must have been there. Well, they were there but you kinda didn’t notice that there was two of them. Them – that’s it! They weren’t two people really, they were a single entity. Mercedes Clough and Porticia Rowan, two girls, one personality.
As I remember, all through school they were referred to as ‘the twins’. They dressed alike and spoke alike. Their hair was styled the same. Shit, they were like a pair of twins, but they were not related. But they might as well have been joined at the hip.
Now don’t get the idea that they were stand-offish or anything. Once they were in their teens, they dated boys all the time. The only problem there was that they only double dated. If a guy fancied one of them, he not only had to get her attention, he had to find a suitable date for the other one.
I must admit I liked the look of both of them. But I never did get to know either of them well, I couldn’t be bothered to play the silly double date game. Shit, a guy would be running around for weeks trying to find the suitable candidate that the girls would find acceptable to make up the foursome. I learnt at a young age that the girls could be bloody choosy when they wanted to be and from what I heard the girls wanted to be. It was probably all a game to them.
Anyway, the problem never came up for me really, because when I was sixteen, my old man talked my Uncle Harry into taking me as an apprentice builder. That was my old man all over, ‘Get yourself an apprenticeship boy, you’ll have a job for life.’ The only problem with that bloody apprenticeship was that I had to go and live with my Uncle Harry and Auntie Mavis in London.
Cor London, the big city and bright lights! Like fuck! We lived in the suburbs and most of my Uncle Harry’s and my work was out in the suburbs as well. I had one day and one evening a week at a technical college, also in the suburbs. Uncle Harry wanted blood for his money so by the time I got home at night, I was so knackered, travelling up into town wasn’t an option.
Add to that, Uncle Harry was a bleeding workaholic. Hold on, a correction there. He was under the impression I was a bleeding workaholic. He always had little jobs laid on for the weekends. ‘You missed a day’s work during the week to go to college, you can make it up on the weekends, boy.’ So my planned monthly weekend trips home soon became bi-monthly then tri-monthly. You get the idea, I got home three times the first year, and besides Christmas once the second year. By the end of the third year my dog had started growling at the stranger when I walked in the door of my parents’ home. And there was a bloody lodger sleeping in my room. I had to share my little brother’s room.
Apprenticeship over, I decided I’d had enough of working for Uncle Harry. I really don’t think he was too pleased when I took my leave. Bollocks to him, the old bugger had got his money’s worth out of me.
Home wasn’t home anymore for me, if you get my drift. I’d managed to save a lot of the meagre salary Uncle Harry had paid me over the years, so I had enough in the bank to allow me to put a security deposit down and rent a little flat of my own back in my home town.
Work wasn’t a problem either, I had my papers, and I was soon on the books of one of the local firms. The work was hard, but at least the money was spectacular after what Uncle Harry had been paying me. Builders who really knew what they were doing were not exactly rare, but were a bit thin on the ground back then. Well, young ones were.
Before I realised what was happening I was working on a site of about fifty new houses. Once that site was finished, I was offered job by a smaller builder, on a barn conversion. It was a small job, only about six of us on the site and the owner was around most days.
The boss and I were studying the plans one day over a cup of tea and I just happened to mention that the way the architect had planned things, there was going to be a bleeding great blank area of wall on the front of the building. I just said that if it was my place I’d make some changes that I thought would make the place look better.
The boss pushed the artist’s impression drawing of the finished house at me and said show me. So I roughly sketched in the changes I thought would be improvements. Later that day I was called into the little shed we were using as a site office. There I found the Boss, the owner of the house and the architect. After some strong words were exchanged between the architect and the owner my changes were added to the plan.
It was on the day we handed the newly converted house over, that the architect came over to me. ‘Son, you’re in the wrong business. You should have been a bloody architect or a ruddy designer at least. You’ve got an eye for design.’
A couple of weeks later I signed up on a part time college course, learning to be an architect. I still worked on the building sites to earn the money to support my studies but I was heading into the design side of the business.
It was in the college library that I first saw her. I’d just sat down at one of the large tables, to look up some references in a book, when a young lady the other side of the table looked up from the book she was reading and our eyes found each other’s for a brief moment. She gave me a wonderful smile and returned to reading her book. The face was familiar but I couldn’t place it.
I kinda sat there confused and stared at her. Well, she was a very good-looking young woman. Some minutes later she looked over at me again. I quickly looked down at the book I was studying. Trying to pretend I hadn’t been staring at her.
Out of the corner of my eye, I was aware of her getting up from the table and walking around it until she was standing beside me. Embarrassed that she’d seen me watching her, I didn’t raise my head and pretended to be lost in the book before me. The young lady reached out and, rotating my book through 180 degrees she said, ‘You’ll find it easier to read, Roger, if it is the right way up!’
I looked up at her.
‘You don’t recognise me, do you, Roger? — Mercedes, Mercedes Clough!’
‘Crikey, Dee you’ve changed some!’
‘Do I take that as a complement?’
‘Of course you do, but where’s Tish?’ I added looking around.
‘Porticia’s in the States doing an internship. We’re both supposed to be on a gap year from Uni. We got placements together in the states for the year, but mine blew out on me.’
‘And Tish went on her own? You two do everything together.’
‘Well, normally we do but it was too good an opportunity for her to pass up.’
‘When did she go?’
‘About a month or so back, I
thought I’d spend the year brushing up my Spanish. So I signed on here.’
Mercedes, or Dee as she had always been known as at school, and I talked for a while until the librarian came over and told us to be quiet. Then we adjourned to the refectory. By the time she had to go to her class we’d made a date for that evening. Well, kind of. I was driving her home from college in my van that night. As I was doing some private work on the side, I’d bought myself an old van to carry all my gear around in.
I did wonder what her folks thought when my tatty old van with ladders on the top pulled up outside their upmarket house that evening. Dee and I sat in the van for some time, chatting about school days and the like. In the end I asked her to go out with me the following evening. It could be that I should have picked up something in her reply, with hindsight I think I should have.
‘That would be nice, Roger. I haven’t been out since Tish went away.’
I arrived at her house about seven-thirty that Friday evening. The door was opened by her father who looked me over like I was something the cat had dragged in and the expression on his face when he looked at my van was something I can’t describe.
I was shown into the lounge where Dee’s mother and her younger sister were sitting, to wait until Dee was ready. Dee’s mother was very pleasant and so was her sister, I remembered Dee’s sister Estelle from school. To be honest I think I got the old swooning looks from her.
It struck me that Dee’s father didn’t like me. This is not an uncommon attitude for a father to take, after all, he was young once and knew how most young guys’ minds worked. Standard fatherly protective behaviour, if you ask me.
When Dee entered the room, my jaw dropped. Remember I’d known Dee since she was a little kid. The day before I was struck by her pleasant face and nice figure. But there was no way that I was prepared for the woman that walked into the lounge that evening.
Was it Bobby Vee who sang ‘Poetry In Motion’? Well there it was, standing before me! I think my heart stopped beating for a moment. Well, I definitely remember I found that speech was impossible for quite some time.
That evening we went to a local night-spot, nothing flashy, just a pub that had live music and dance floor (of sorts). Although we did dance a few times, Dee and I spent most of the evening talking. Don’t, for Christ sake, ask me what we talked about, because I haven’t got the slightest recollection. I can just tell you that whenever we got together we were talking most of the time. No matter what the subject we appeared to agree on just about everything.
That is except one: Porticia. I had no interest in Porticia at all, although I feigned interest to keep Dee happy. It was clear to me that she had been missing her almost lifelong companion and I suppose it was really understandable. I just wished I’d understood at the time, that Porticia was the other train I was talking about, hiding in that bloody tunnel.
Well, that first date and the little kiss I got at the end of it, led to a second and third date, following in quick succession. By the end if the month, Mercedes and I had become an item. When we weren’t either at college or working, we were together.
I would find Dee waiting by my van when I came out of my evening college classes and on the days I was at college she would meet me for lunch. To be honest I was besotted with her and, from what she said and how she behaved, I thought she was besotted with me.
Dee joined me in my bed for the first time after we’d been together about three months. For some reason she couldn’t use the pill so we had to resort to other means of protection against her becoming pregnant. I’ve got to say it kind of took the edge off the moment and spoiled the mood a little. Consequently we didn’t get to actual intercourse very often. We found other ways to satisfy our desires.
I knew that Dee was writing to and receiving letters from Tish all the time, but I didn’t know the effect they were having on our relationship. Dee’s sexual…, damn, how can I put it? Dee’s sexual preferences and what she wanted or was willing to try out, slowly changed over time. I don’t know why it didn’t strike me as strange at the time.
When we first got in bed together in early December, Dee wanted nothing to do with oral sex. But about February time Dee suddenly wanted to try it. For someone who thought giving head was dirty, she soon turned into an enthusiastic expert. And where she had refused to let me go down on her, she was then begging me not to stop.
It was just after Easter that she suddenly mentioned anal sex. As I said, we rarely had intercourse, but as we were going through the palaver of putting the rubber on one night she asked me if I would like to take her anal cherry. I’ll be honest – I’d never even thought about it before, but it was apparent Dee had as she had a tube of lubricant in her bag. She found she enjoyed it and as I can’t say I didn’t, anal intercourse became our norm when we were at my flat.
Right after the anal intercourse incident, Dee started talking about getting engaged. No, that’s silly, we both had been talking about it for some time but it was around that time we started talking seriously about getting engaged and getting married. I brought her a ring in late July and we planned to get married right after she took her finals at university the following summer.
Dee’s mother was over the moon at our plans. Her father wasn’t as enthusiastic. I think he thought his daughter could do better than a bloody builder, as I heard him say on more than one occasion when he thought I was out of earshot. Estelle told me straight, she wanted me to drop Dee and marry her instead.
It was early August when Porticia returned from the States. She had her American boyfriend in tow and, I’ve got to say, I didn’t like the geezer from the start. To my mind, he was everything that I didn’t like in Yanks all rolled into one. He was a brash know-it-all, who was forever bragging about himself and how clever he was.
Now don’t get the idea that I don’t like Americans. I’ve got some good friends from over the water. There was an American air base near our town and I’d grown up with a lot of American friends. My first proper girlfriend, that I’d had whilst still at school, had come from Chicago.
No, like all nationalities, amongst them are the ones that give all a bad name. George Greenlake was one of those. Whilst he was in the country, he stayed at Porticia’s parents’ house. Of course there was no way that the Rowan’s were going to let him and Porticia share a bed, as they had apparently been doing whilst Porticia was over there in America.
Porticia and George had only been in the country a couple of days and I hadn’t met either of them yet. I came home from work one evening to find Dee sitting in the kitchen of my flat, she’d had her own key for some time. There were three coffee cups on the table, which I gave a cursory glance to as I took Dee into me arms and kissed her. I told her I wouldn’t be a couple of minutes changing and then we’d go out and eat.
‘You can’t go in there yet!’ Dee blurted out. I looked at her. ‘Tish and George are using our bed.’
‘Like fuck they are!’ A very apt statement on my part actually. But I’m one of those people who believe in the old adage ‘An Englishman’s home is his Castle’ and in my home the most personal item of furniture is my bleeding bed. This probably goes back to me returning to my parent’s house from Uncle Harry’s and finding a lodger sleeping in my bed.
I think they must have heard my outburst, which I won’t repeat here, because it was only a couple of minutes later that Porticia and George entered the kitchen still in the throes of getting dressed. For all their apologies, they didn’t change the sheets or even make the bed.
Dee assured me that they didn’t ask her permission to use my/our bed. We were so c
lose by then that everything was referred to as ours. From the way George and Porticia behaved I’ve always believed Dee on that one. They acted as if they were the most important people in the world.
Whilst George was in the country, the four of us hung around together, although Porticia borrowed her father’s car most of the time as there were only three seats in the front of my van. Not that Porticia wanted to lower herself to ride in it anyway. I steadfastly refused to ride in Porticia’s father’s car, because once they were away from her house, George was doing the driving. Dee always rode with me.
I’ve got to say, that it was with some sick amusement that I watched him drive out of a pub car park one evening, straight into the front of a bus. I was sounding my horn and I think that was why the bus driver managed to bring the bus to a standstill before George drove into it. So there wasn’t too much damage. George had tried to drive along the wrong side of the road, a common mistake for foreigners to make.
As I had surmised, George was not insured to drive the car and wasn’t in possession of an international licence, although the police appeared happy to accept his American licence. Once Porticia’s father arrived at the scene I took Dee home. I don’t know what ramifications there were to the incident. George flew home the following weekend.
September was on us before we really knew what was happening. Suddenly my tatty old van took on a new significance. Both Tish and Dee had to get all of their gear to the flat they were sharing at Uni. Suddenly Porticia was quite happy to travel in my van once all her junk was staked in the back along with Dee’s.
Porticia was on the ‘not favourite daughter list’ with her father, after he discovered his new Saab buried in the front of that bus. So he hadn’t volunteered to drive her up.
All too soon the girls were gone. Not that I cared a toss about Tish being away again, but I was soon missing Dee. Hey, I wasn’t the only one missing her. In all the time we’d been going out together, I’d been invited to Dee’s house for a meal once. And I really think that was only because I needed to ask her father for her hand in marriage officially.
The week after the girls’ left, Dee’s mother called me and invited me to Sunday lunch. As I’ve said, I appeared to get on just fine with Dee’s mother and her sister who was still following me around like a puppy. Now Dee’s father started calling me son and even asked me to join him in a round of golf, not one of my sports. But I could see I was going to have to take it up after Dee and I were married. Got to keep the in-laws happy.
I figured there was a little bit of an ulterior motive in these invitations to meals on the weekends. When Dee came home every month to visit, we would spend a lot of time at her parents’ house, now that I was a regular, and apparently welcome, visitor there.
Once a month I drove up to spend the weekend with Dee. Although that wasn’t how it usually worked out. Most of the time Tish was with us, and her main topic of conversation was George and how she was going back to the States to marry him when she had her degree.
Tish also had the infuriating habit of coming home with Dee as well. She slept at her parents’ house but appeared to spend most of her time at Dee’s parents’ place. Well, let’s be precise, she spent most of her time wherever Dee was. That included the little time Dee spent at my flat.
By the time Christmas came around, plans for our marriage were in full swing. Um, let’s be fair, Dee’s mother was just about organising everything, along with Estelle that is. I think Dee and I were just agreeing to everything that they wanted to do. Hey, I wasn’t paying. It was Dee’s old man who was footing the bill.
I would just say, ‘Are you all right with this, Frank?’
He’d nod and say, ‘Wait till it’s your turn, son. Take my advice and only have boys!’
I suppose he wasn’t a bad old stick really. As far as Estelle was concerned, this marriage was only a rehearsal for what she termed as ‘The big one!’ Frank would look at me and raise his eyebrows when she said that.
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Choices, Chapter 18 A wedding choice Will Maggie do right by Kirk? Will Kirk become Ellen? Will Blair stop crossdressing? Will Laird and Maggie stay together? Does Laird even have a choice? These questions, among others, compelled me, fabulist Dawn DeWinter, to consult the occult. Once before, Madame Zeta, a fortune teller in New York City, helped me to look into the future. Then I wanted to know whether Kyle, an Iowa teen who would do "Anything for a Moped," ended up...
Choices Joss Whedon portrayed it right. High school really is hell. At least mine was. A genuine monster came to my school, and I was one of those who lived to tell the story. Sometimes I envy those who didn't survive.... It started on a very nice day at the end of October of my grade eleven year. I had hoped that the worst of the bullying I had suffered in grade ten was behind me, and for the most part it was. I still got the name-calling, mostly variations on "fag", but I could...
(Having received several nice comments about her original story "Choices" we asked our friend patricia51 if we could post another one here at xhamster. And here it is, a sequel! Once again we did NOT write this story and give credit to our friend's wonderful imagination. Or maybe memory.)Choices: That Old Flame by patricia51©(Since some other friends have been writing stories suggested by songs and song lyrics I thought I'd try myself. The song "Old Flame" was written by Donny Lowery and Mac...
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??????????? Choices.??????????? Part One.??????????? The Nipple Cull. Page 1. ??????????? I'd called a meeting.??????????? Their attendance was compulsory.??????????? They were eating me out of house and home and I just knew my cock would get plumb worn out if I was to bang them all as much as I knew I wanted to. I'd never really intended to capture five of them at one time but now it was a done deal and the real problem was I didn't know which two of the five I liked the least. I...
Choices By Vickie Tern "I'm sorry! You humiliated me, Keith! Now it's my turn!" She spoke precisely, with authority, and though she no longer sounded vindictive her voice could still etch glass. She'd made up her mind, and when Cynthia's mind is made up there's nothing more to say. Now I had to make up my mind. "That's how it is, Keith! My sweet disloyal husband! Your decision! You want this marriage to continue, we can get past this ... this thing you've done to me. To us....
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Overwatch: Breeding Future Heroes-p1 Mei and Soldier 76 Story By Maria (Fan of Overwatch)Soldier 76 had just returned to Arctic base from an intense training exercise out in the freezing weather. He quickly ran through the base entrance in order to get somewhere warm. "What the hell am I doing in this damn wasteland," he thought to himself in a frustrated manner. "I should have been sent to the Bahamas." He pulled off his winter mask, loathing his research/training assignment he was sent on....
Choices For The Gay BoyBY: Londebaaz Chohan Previn Singh Arora; a college aged boy; simply could not believe the liberty, he was in as he spent couple of days in the dorm room of his college in this country. It was amazing that he could be as much a gay, bottom or top or versatile as he could enjoy. There was no ‘gay checking police’ anywhere nor his roommate boy or any other boy in the dorm had anything to do with it and the always nudging parents; he was glad, to be far away from both of...
Choices, Chapter 2 Pierre's Choice "Boys, let's get you 'with it' and in the zone. Let's get your ears pierced - like male rock stars." Maggie and the boys had been ambling down the mall's central promenade supposedly on their way to the Sears store, when she spotted a stand selling budget jewelry - of the sort that kids wore - and offering free ear piercing. "Kirk, you go first. Both ears, please," she said to the sales girl; "these boys want to impress their classmates with...
The New Governess On reflection I was quite a naughty child. I would go running in the muddy fields and walk the mud into our house and even bring grass, frogs, spiders and other unsuspecting creatures home - for closer examination and to amuse our cats. And pranks, well I was a great prankster, bags of flour over doors, trip wires connected to vases or the coal scuttle and my personal favourite, fish or sometimes a frog in the toilet or bath. The unsuspecting victim would lift the lid...
Choices, Chapter 5 A Teacher's Choice "Mommy, can I change into my play clothes?" "Of course, we don't want you to get your dress dirty. Both you and Kirk should change into your everyday clothes. Blair, sweetie, do you want me to help you find something suitable from the clothes you bought at Penney's?" "No, it's okay; I don't need your help. I know what I want to wear," Blair called out as he scrambled upstairs. "Don't forget," she called after him, "I don't want my...
Choices, Chapter 12 A Na'vi choice It was now mid-May. Miss Umbridge had returned to the class more than two weeks ago. Yet life for Blair went on much as usual at Lewis A. Clark Charter School, because either the sanitarium had chilled her out or because she was still on powerful tranquillizers. Whichever the case, discipline was becoming lax in Blair's homeroom as the growing excitement and waning attentiveness of his classmates signaled that the countdown to summer and to the...
Choices, Chapter 16 Maggie's Choice Maggie couldn't understand why her children were so churlish. The balloons, the streamers, the soda pop, candy and popcorn should have prepped them for an evening of fun. She did so much want Blair's most fateful step yet to be associated with laughter and joy. This was to be the evening in which Blair would, by faithfully swallowing the Big Pill, believe that she had made an irreversible decision to become Maggie's daughter till death did them...
MelissaFinally it was Melissa last day of University. Her degree complete she could at last join the working world and start making some money. In fact she was pretty happy, she already had a job organised. She had the whole world at her feet, her future was bright."Attention all students," the voice came over the public address, "could you all please return to the graduation hall for an important assembly."Melissa felt a tap on her shoulder, it was Professor Rogers, "that includes you...
It's time to go on an outing. Nothing too complicated: just a trip to the corner store a few blocks away. This time, you get to make decisions about what you wear. Be careful though, making the easier choice will make the following choices harder. Here's your first choice; nice and simple.
Choices, Chapter 4 Preacher's Choice "We're home! Come and see your beautiful daughter!" Maggie pushed Blair across the family threshold. Alas, his feet already wet from the rain, Blair slipped on the entryway tile right into and over his own shopping bags. In consequence, he went sprawling: With his feet up in the air and his skirt bunched up at the waist, Blair presented his father with a full view of his panties. "Good lord," Laird sighed to himself, "she's already...
Choices, Chapter 6, A psychologist's choice "Ms. Maguire, why have you permitted this boy to defile the body that God and Nature gave him? Why have you permitted him to come to school dressed like a girl? Is this your doing?" Miss Lucretia Umbridge demanded as she exposed Blair's bra strap. Maggie was speechless. As requested, she had left her volunteer work at a women's shelter to rush to Blair's school, where, with no more than a "Follow me" and a rude crook of a finger...
Choices, Chapter 13 Kirk's choice Laird, Maggie and the two children had a family conference to discuss whether Blair should stay home from school "sick" until her skin and hair had lost their doleful color. Kirk was adamant: There was no way Blair could go to school in blue face, as there was far too much risk of someone's making the connection between the Na'vi girl from Rose Villa and the blond sissy from Bybee Lake. Brother of a crossdressing sissy and goalie-tripping...
Choices, Chapter 17 Blair's choice Blair, tears flowing down his face, grabbed on to Maggie's sweater as she tried to ascend the stairs. "Mom, you can't leave," he squealed, "Not until you know everything. You don't know half of what's going on here." Maggie was tempted to brush him off, but Blair was so pitiful-looking she lingered to kiss him one last time. It was definitely him this time. She no longer hoped for his metamorphosis into a genuine girl, but she couldn't...
After years of struggle, pain, and blood, you are within arm's reach of the Overlord, your mortal enemy. You stand in the Overlord's private chambers, prepared to finish the chase that has consumed you for as long as you can remember. You tighten your grip on Endbringer, the enchanted sword you recovered from the Tombs of Oblivion. The Overlord takes a step back and raises Starstroke, the only spear in the Nine Worlds capable of piercing the hide of a Scourge Leviathan. Then the Overlord...
FantasyChoices, Chapter 7 A league's choice "Oh, Maggie," Laird fretted. "Do you think it was wise to quarrel with Blair's teacher? There are so many ways that she can get back at you by punishing him." "Her! Punish her. Didn't we agree always to use female pronouns when speaking of our daughter? How else will Blair be able to adapt successfully to her new gender? She's doing her level best to adapt by wearing girls' clothes twenty-four hours a day. And that's the reason why...
Choices, Chapter 15 Mandy's choice Maggie was pacing. Already Blair and she had been waiting for over an hour. Why did these greedy doctors overbook? Finally, just as she had finally decided to leave in a huff or a minute and a huff, a haughty, middle-aged nurse with ramrod straight posture suddenly blocked her view of the door; the nurse sniffed, "Doctor Bene Sentirsi can see Blair now. I suppose you will insist on accompanying her." The...
Choices by Patricia51 Barbara Clausen woke with the first light of dawn as it crept through the curtains. Moving slowly and carefully, she slipped from under the sheet and swung her feet to the floor. She stood and tip-toed to the chair where her clothing lay. She donned her dress, picked up her underwear, pantyhose, shoes and purse and left. She stood in the bedroom doorway and looked back at the bed. Lee's dark hair was scattered over her pillow, hiding her face. The sheet had slipped down,...
Lesbian**************************Choices We Make************************** Virginity is not Dignity but just lack of opportunity! This used to be my favorite dialogue till recently. But views change with time. Same happened with me. What I am writing ahead is my true story and a story, which every one of us will always want to have. Though it is quite possible that the ending will not be same for every one of us! First let me introduce myself… This is Prakash from Mumbai. I am pursuing C.A and...
Pushover A Whateley (fanfic) story. By Shrike This story is in (US) English, but it mostly is situated in the Netherlands. Several times the conversation is written in Dutch (my second native language), with the translation directly trailing it between straight brackets. I have done this because many readers will not understand the Dutch language, but I feel that the conversation in a country should be original as spoken in that country. Cursing I walked with my trashed bicycle...
The Futanari Overlords, an empire of incredibly powerful and especially massive futanari that have risen to power. Whether through diplomacy, war, or business they have laid claim to hundreds if not THOUSANDS of worlds. They're technology is incredibly advanced as well, flying vehicles, futuristic buildings, completely mastered space travel, it's said that some scientists in the empire even have been working on a way to open a door to other universe's. Members of the Overlords original race...
Hi friends this is Sudha again and here I would like to narrate my next story with my watchman after that bus incident I became wild in sex and wanted more and more sex daily but my husband could not satisfy me. Hardly has he climbed me once in a week as I am sex starved and already tasted outside sex I have planned to seduce watchman for fulfilling my desires. He is 25 years guy with good physique. One day after sending my husband to office I have planned to seduce watchman when my watchman...
I mostly listen to Midwest Emo, and indie rock so expects those kinds of songs. Underneath is going to be updated every day to show a new song. Heart to Gold - My Denim Jacket Just look it up if want to listen to it.
Non-EroticIs story mein ek buddha watchmanjo hamare ghar ke samne jo baithta hai, meri biwi ko apna pyaar jatata hai aur biwi us pyaar ka inaam deti hai…. Jaise aapko pata hai hum dono bahut kinky hain aur hame try karna pasand hai sex mein…..Yeh ek fantasy hai hamari jo hum shaayad kabhi sach ker dein….. Hamare ghar ke samne he colony ka gate tha jis per ek buddha watchman tha….Woh raat ko aata tha…Kareeb 60 ka hoga aur bahut helpful tha….Hame us per pura bharosa tha….Ek baar mera plan ban gaya bahaar...
Hi guys, let me begin with a brief introduction. Soni was an 18-year-old girl who earned the name ‘sexy Soni’ because she would dress in very skimpy clothes. Many times she was minus a bra or panty or both. She loved being a sex symbol to the boys and men alike and had no inhibition with being nude. It was a huge turn-on for her, to let boys get peeks of her boobs and ass or panty-less pussy either by accident or on purpose. She had dated a few guys from college and was not new to sex. Mostly...
Adam stepped off the school bus, walked through the driveway and entered his home. He threw his school bag onto the floor and stomped his way upstairs, tired and fed up due to yet another boring day in high school. They do nothing but pile work on top of you in senior year. He barged through his bedroom door and slammed it shut behind him and it was then that he found it. Laying there on his bed was a stopwatch, placed right in the centre. "Mom?!" Adam called. "What?!" his mother replied from...
Mind ControlI WANT DO-OVERS By Persephone The older of the two women, Jamie Leigh, stood on the playground of her old grade school. Next to her was her daughter Jennifer Lynn, a younger version of herself. Both were very attractive women. "It looks really good, Mom. Does it look like it did when you went to school here?" Jenny said. "Yes, it looks exactly the same. It brings back many, many memories." Jamie Leigh answered. "I don't think I'll ever understand why this project was so...
Our relationship much improved over the next week, by the end of which she would consent to share my bed at night, but we had not ever had vaginal intercourse together yet. Once she had avidly watched me fuck the cunt of a woman named Carole who had casually walked up to us and volunteered her willingness to join us for sex that afternoon. Irene insisted that I fuck her repeatedly in every hole until I collapsed from near exhaustion and she gazed approvingly at the cum that now leaked from...
About a year into my tenure with the airline, I was paired up with Tracy, who was a year older than me, and had already been a flight attendant for several years when we met. Shortly after our first shift together, I happened to walk into the cockpit while she was serving the pilot and co-pilot coffee just before take-off. I couldn’t help but notice that our pilot – Paul – was reaching under her skirt from behind and slipping two fingers past her panties and into her pussy as she bent over...
Alice sat at her desk looking through the replies and was delighted that all four had agreed to attend. Her pleasure was made all more enjoyable because she knew that none of them would have replied had she not made it clear that she knew something about them that they wouldn’t want to be made public. Alice smiled to herself as she heard a commotion outside and got up to look out of the parlour window that overlooked the walled garden. Children were being drilled naked, by their teacher...
Choices: The Birthday Gift by patricia51 (This is a sequel to my story ‘Choices’. I try to cover enough of the history between Barb and Lee that you won’t have to have read the first one but obviously I would like it if you did. LOL. And yes, the third person appearing here is an import from another one of my stories. I have fun tieing them together.) Barbara Clausen stepped from her car and handed the keys to the valet. He took them and handed her a receipt. Giving the young man a smile,...
I was finishing reading Bobby his bedtime story so I didn’t see the dark green sedan as it pulled to the curb and stopped. I was just starting to descend the stairs when the doorbell rang. I saw the major in Class A’s when I opened the door. As I noticed the Chaplain insignia on the other officer, I knew why they were there. I had met Kathy when I was a senior at the University of Texas. Some buddies and I had gone to San Antonio for the weekend. Kathy was taking her Army Nurse training at...
Choices by Patricia51 Barbara Clausen woke with the first light of dawn as it crept through the curtains. Moving slowly and carefully, she slipped from under the sheet and swung her feet to the floor. She stood and tip-toed to the chair where her clothing lay. She donned her dress, picked up her underwear, pantyhose, shoes and purse and left. She stood in the bedroom doorway and looked back at the bed. Lee’s dark hair was scattered over her pillow, hiding her face. The sheet had slipped...