Choices Ch. 01 free porn video

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I was finishing reading Bobby his bedtime story so I didn’t see the dark green sedan as it pulled to the curb and stopped. I was just starting to descend the stairs when the doorbell rang. I saw the major in Class A’s when I opened the door. As I noticed the Chaplain insignia on the other officer, I knew why they were there.

I had met Kathy when I was a senior at the University of Texas. Some buddies and I had gone to San Antonio for the weekend. Kathy was taking her Army Nurse training at Fort Sam Houston, but on Friday nights the class of nurses frequented the River Walk and its accompanying restaurants and bars.

I asked her to dance and then I bought her a drink. That drink stretched into several hours of talk and an agreement to meet the next afternoon. I couldn’t believe how wonderful it was to spend time with her but that evening ended with just one brief kiss. On Saturday, I dumped my buddies and spent all afternoon and evening with Kathy. We explored the Alamo and cruised on the river, but the deepest explorations were of each other’s personalities.

Kathy had graduated from the University of Tennessee — Chattanooga School of Nursing. She had volunteered for the Army hoping to travel some before settling down. She was surprised to find that I was already in the Army. After two years at a community college near my home in South Carolina, I had enlisted to figure out what I wanted to do and to travel also. Three years into my enlistment, my battalion commander had counseled me to take advantage of a program offered by the Army that would pay my tuition and book fees while continuing to pay my full salary and benefits. I would spend two years at any college where I was accepted to complete my degree. Then I would be commissioned as a Second Lieutenant and serve another five years as an officer.

We dated each weekend, playing tourist all over eastern Texas. The very first weekend the Hill Country and its wineries provided the backdrop for the beginnings of our passionate sex life. All too soon Kathy finished her training. She requested and got an initial assignment at Fort Benning in Columbus, Georgia. I still had four months until graduation, but I would be assigned to Fort Benning for almost a year of training.

We talked almost nightly on the phone. On President’s Day weekend, Kathy was able to fly out to Austin. Spring Break I drove to Columbus and picked her up for a week in Florida.

Kathy flew back to Austin for my graduation. At my commissioning ceremony after graduation, Kathy pinned on one of my bars and my mother pinned on the other. After a night of social celebrating, but no bedtime, we put my parents on a plane back to South Carolina. Then Kathy and I loaded up my car with the stuff I hadn’t had the Army ship to Fort Benning. With fourteen hours of driving ahead of us, we planned to stop overnight in Louisiana and drive into Columbus the next day.

We were on that flat coastal plain east of Houston, the left lane of I-10 spinning under the tires, when Kathy got frisky. She leaned over and began to stroke my cock through my slacks.

‘If you keep doing that, we’ll have to stop for me to change my slacks.’

‘I want to make sure you stay alert, and the best way is by making sure Mr. Johnson stays up, er, awake.’

‘I don’t want to be a Lert. I want to be a Fucker with you, the Fuckee.’

‘I want that, too, but we can’t while you’re driving. Maybe around Lafayette, Louisiana,’ she said, looking at the map.

‘In the meantime, I’ll try something else.’ Her slender fingers began to move buttons out of buttonholes.

‘How’s that?’ Her yellow blouse had parted to reveal the front clasp of her yellow bra set off beautifully by a strip of her deeply tanned skin exposed all the way down to her shorts.

‘Veeeerrrry interesting. But somewhat conservative, don’cha think? I could see a lot more than that at a pubic, excuse me, public beach.’

‘But getting there is half the fun. You’re not going to drop me beside the road any time soon, are you?’

‘Is that Elle McPherson hitchhiking up there?’

‘You like hers better than these?’ I looked over to see that the bra clasp was undone. The tanned area on view had expanded to show her tight abs and most of those luscious mounds that I loved to love, but the naughty bits were still hidden.

‘No tan lines? Who’s been watching you lay out? Who’s seen my peach’s peaches?’

‘Well, Kay (her apartment mate) sees them a lot. I don’t think she notices though, I hope. And there’s that cute guy that lives above us. And, gee, on Saturdays at the pool there’s all these people –‘ She burst out laughing at my expression.

‘You should see your face! Haven’t you heard of tanning beds? You can’t go out the day the pool opens with a bleached body.’

I looked over at her when she leaned back against the door. Now one of those peaches and its very erect stem was showing off and making my mouth water.

‘I do declare, Rhett,’ Kathy began in her best Scarlett O’Hara accent, ‘it’s just too hot in Texas for little ol’ me.’ She began flapping her blouse to fan herself. Of course, this was just more teasing on Mr. Johnson.

‘Be careful. That bra clasp might scratch your skin.’ We both knew the plastic clip had zero chance of scratching her. ‘Maybe you ought to take it off.’

I was hoping that Kathy would take the blouse off and then take off the bra off. Instead, she did that contortionist routine that all women know. The bra ended up in the back seat. When she leaned back on the door again, only a narrow, vertical column of flesh was showing down her chest.

‘The clouds are hiding the sun.’

‘Aw, is snookums missing something? If snookums asks nicely, maybe the sun will shine again.’ Teasing the mind is worse than teasing the flesh.

‘I thought you were hot?’

‘Don’t you think I’m hot?’ she asked.

‘Babe, you’re the hottest woman I’ve ever known.’

‘Do tell.’

‘You’re so hot that my brain turns into a puddle when I look at you. You’re so hot that your touch causes my skin to burn. You’re so hot that Mr. Johnson engorges at the mere thought of your lips on mine.’

‘A little flattery will get you a long way.’ She pulled her blouse open and off her shoulders reclined against the door. She put one foot against my thigh and rubbed it lightly.

Hhhnnnnnkkkkk! Hhhnnnnnkkkkk! Hhhnnnnnkkkkk!

The air horn made both Kathy and I jump. I hadn’t noticed that we were right beside the cab of an eighteen-wheeler, but the driver had noticed us, or more specifically Kathy. We both laughed. I started to speed up to pass him.

‘Wait. He’s already seen me. Let’s give him a little show.’ She rolled down her window as I matched the truck’s speed. She knelt beside the door and framed her boobs in the open window.

Hhhnnnnnkkkkk! Hhhnnnnnkkkkk! Hhhnnnnnkkkkk!

‘OK. He’ll be alert for a while, too.’ She ducked back in the seat and pulled her blouse together as I hit the accelerator.

‘Take your last look … for awhile.’ She flashed me then buttoned one button of her blouse and turned forward.

She left that single button done up for the rest of the day until we settled in for the night. Her charms swayed back and forth, but even during our driving breaks she didn’t cover up any more. She didn’t show anything as far as I know, but some of the guys at our driving breaks tried to burn off that button with their Superman gaze.

We dated for three months after I settled in at Fort Benning. The joy that I felt in her presence confirmed the feelings which had begun to grow in Texas. I knew she was my life mate, destined to grow old with me. I popped the question and we scheduled the wedding six weeks after I was to finish my Ranger training.

As the wedding date approached, we were given showers both in Columbus and in Kathy’s home of Monteagle, Tennessee. Impromptu parties sprung up anytime
wedding gifts arrived and needed to be opened. On one such occasion the men in my platoon chipped in for a wedding present, a large serving bowl, and then filled it with condoms before wrapping it. They delivered it directly to the apartment Kathy shared with another nurse.

‘Jack! You’ve got to come over so we can open this present.’ She had met most of the platoon members and liked them. She liked anyone who seemed to like her future husband.

I was preparing an operations order for presentation the next day and couldn’t leave immediately. By the time I got there, a small crowd had gathered: Kathy, her roommate, two other nurses, three single girls from the same complex and three miscellaneous boyfriends. Two other gifts had shown up and plenty of alcohol was flowing.

The other two presents were opened first. Both were conventional choices of stainless steel flatware. Kathy guessed the platoon’s present was a serving bowl as she unwrapped it, but several pieces of tissue paper had been laid across the top and then taped to the underside.

‘Guys,’ she said exasperatedly. ‘They either don’t wrap things well enough or they over-wrap.’ She pulled the tape free and then pushed the tissue paper off. ‘What’s this?’ She pulled out one of the condoms. Suddenly, realization dawned. She examined the package closely. ‘Regular size. Not going to be big enough for Jack,’ she giggled to our friends.

‘He ought to try one on for size. Have him model it for us just to make sure,’ another nurse cracked.

‘Hey! I’m the only person he gets to model these for,’ Kathy replied. ‘Later tonight we’ll see if they fit externally and internally.’

The next morning after the company PT, Captain Jones called me up in front of the company.

‘The First Sergeant tells me a mistake was made yesterday and the men of the company want to rectify it.’

‘Lieutenant Williams,’ the First Sergeant addressed me in his booming, parade ground voice. ‘I was told that the men of your platoon underestimated your capabilities. This will correct that problem. Detail, FRONT AND CENTER!’

Two PFC’s marched up followed by the company supply sergeant. ‘Sir,’ began the sergeant, ‘We sent a detail to Victory Drive and recovered these.’

The first PFC smartly extended his arms and showed a box of condoms. They were prominently labeled EXTRA LARGE in red ink.

‘Should that not be sufficient,’ the sergeant continued, ‘we also found this.’

The second PFC extended his arms. A poncho with the neck sewn together was displayed. I could hear snickers in the background and knew a comment was called for. I took the box of condoms from the first private.

‘Thank you, Sergeant Loftis, for your resourcefulness. These might be useful.’ I paused. ‘But where can I get more of these?’ I asked pointing to the poncho. The company roared.

Marriage in the late-90’s Army was good. I had to sleep cold on the ground some nights, but when I got back home, I often had 4-day weekends. Kathy was often able to arrange her schedule so that we could make up in days what we had missed the lonely nights. Two years on, we decided to start a family.

Bobby was born almost three years after we married. Although April 1999 was a little early, we thought of him as our millennium baby and the symbol of our life going forward together. We talked of Kathy resigning her commission. After going around awhile, we decided to wait until I was promoted Captain and we had a second child at home. We did hire a nanny, Faith, a nice grandmotherly type who was supplementing her Social Security.

September 11 changed the way the world worked. A year later I had just taken command of an infantry company when the Third Infantry Division shipped out to Kuwait. We were going after Saddam. We just didn’t know the exact timing.

Bobby was running around the house faster than we wanted and was even talking understandably, to his parents anyway. Again we talked about Kathy resigning but she didn’t want to stay home all day worrying about what might be happening to me.

I wanted the night before I left to be reasonably normal. Kathy cooked her pot roast that I loved with potatoes and carrots, ice cream for dessert. I gave Bobby his bath, put on his pajamas and read him a story. He was out before I finished the second page. I settled him in his crib and put on the night-light.

As I walked out to the hall I could smell that Kathy had showered. The smell was that wonderful spring rain-scent that always appears. I have no idea where it comes from, as it’s definitely not hair spray or deodorant or bath powder. She was in her robe when I walked in to our bedroom.

‘Go take your shower,’ she said, ‘I’ll fix us a glass of wine.’

When I came out of the shower, there were four candles lit in the bedroom. Kathy had turned down the sheets and was reclining on her side in a beautiful red satin baby-doll gown. ‘I know you said that tonight was to be like a usual Saturday night, but I wanted you to have one new memory to take with you.’

Kathy pulled my towel off with one hand and pulled me down to kiss her with her other hand. I started to climb into bed with her.

‘Not yet. C’mere.’ She rolled to a sitting position on the side of the bed and moved to take my cock in her mouth. First she nibbled on it with her lips, lifting it so that she could get to the sensitive underside. She began to stroke gently with her hand, short feathery touches that inflamed mentally but would never bring me to climax. Then she took me into her mouth, coordinating the back-and-forth motions for maximum effect. I reached down to fondle her breasts through the nightgown, but the stimulation soon proved too much.

‘I don’t want to come in your mouth tonight.’

‘I want you to, but not yet,’ she said. She rolled onto her back and pulled me toward her pussy.

‘I love the way you look, so sexy and willing, but I have to remember your body, too.’ I began to pull the nightgown over her head.

‘Well, you spent enough time memorizing it, both visually and by Braille.’

I ran my hands over her beautiful breasts. Even lying on her back, they were just over a handful. I gently rolled her nipples between thumb and forefinger. Then I bent to lick and bite all over her chest, finally moving to suck on those pink protuberances that I loved.

‘Oh, Jack. You treat me so good. I’m tingling all over. All over.’

‘You taste so sweet yourself. I could feast at your breasts for a thousand years as the poet says.’ I returned to more pressing matters, licking my way southward. I avoided her center and kissed down one leg then back up to her other knee. I knelt between her legs and slowly moved flat as my tongue explored first one, then the other thigh. As I got to her sex she undulated gently in my face.

I kissed all over her mound. As I kissed around, I snaked a finger inside her panties. They were damp and her pussy was open and hot. My finger slipped in. I used my thumb to push her panties to one side. The feminine smell that reached my nose was exquisite, slightly spicy and sweet. I pulled her panties off her hips as she swung her legs into the air. After discarding them, I trapped her legs in the air and licked down the backs of them until I again gained her pussy. As I let go she gracefully relaxed into a wanton spread-eagle position, her face masked with desire.

I eagerly began lapping at her moist lips with a finishing flip to her clit. After three or four minutes of this her hips began rolling and I knew she was approaching her climax.

‘Oh! Oh! Oh! Ooooohhh, Jack.’ Her orgasmic moans were always soft and low, but I could feel the tremors from her muscles pulsing inside her. Her body went limp.

I crawled up and cradled her to my chest. I stroked her silken hair and inhaled the scent of her shampoo. Soon she began to revive.

‘This was supposed to be a night for your memory. But, God, that was good.’

‘You don’t think I want to remember how you feel in my arms, how your body bucks under me when you go over the top, how your essence coats my tongue and the taste of that?’

We began kissing again. First her tongue would dart into my mouth, then my tongue would chase back into hers. She broke the kiss and nibbled on my neck for awhile before nipping at my chest and shoulders. We resumed kissing and tugging at each other’s lips. Finally, she rolled me on to my back and grabbed my cock. ‘You’ve teased me for too long. I’ve got to have you in me now.’

She swung astride my body. At first she rubbed the head of my cock up and down her slit. ‘Oh, this feels so good. I love how you feel in my hand, and now inside me.’

With that, she started lowering herself slowly down. She would drop an inch or two and then lift up again. Back down she went, taking an extra inch. Finally after five or six tries, she sat firmly on my hips with her pussy firmly clutching all of my cock.

‘God, if you keep doing that I’ll shoot too soon.’ She was practicing her Kegel exercises. The muscle contractions were exquisite. ‘I’ll have to think about softball.’ I rose up until I could fit my mouth to those luscious orbs. Almost a D-cup, I loved to play with her breasts, nipping, tonguing, and making them swing slowly like bells. ‘You’ve got to make sure to keep these safe until I come back.’

I felt a small tremor sweep over her. She pushed on my shoulders and began to move again, just allowing her nipples to graze my chest and abdomen.

I moved my fingers lightly over her back. The feel of her skin was like warm silk. I wet two fingers in my mouth and reached between us to rub her clit.

‘Ooooh, nice,’ she whispered in my ear. ‘You’ve got that magic touch.’ She moaned softly but almost continuously now.

I wet the fingers of my other hand and reached behind her. She sometimes let me do this when she was really excited and the results were explosive. I wormed my index finger and then my middle finger into her butt. I could feel my cock through the thin membranes.

‘God! God! So Gooood!’ Heat poured from her over me. Her movements became irregular and jerky from side to side and back and forth. ‘Do me. Do me! Fuck! Fuck! I’m cuuuummminggg!’ As she slumped onto my chest, the final spasms of her vagina made me gush upward into her womb.

She lay on top of me for several minutes and then slid to one side. I suddenly realized that she was crying. ‘Kathy, what’s wrong?’

‘I’m going to miss you so much. We both will, but I’ll ache everyday. Bobby will miss you, too, but it isn’t as hard for someone that young.’

‘Babe, I’ll miss you, too. How could I not miss my soul mate, who just happens to be the most gorgeous girl in the world? And the hottest, also!’ With this last phrase I reached over and tweaked her nipple trying to keep the melancholy away.

‘Ouch! I’ll get you for that!’

‘Promise?’ With that, I pulled her to me for another kiss. She squirmed her body against mine and soon we were both breathing heavily. I loved her breasts some more. Then she pulled me back up to kiss her again. When this kiss ended, her lips found my nipples with little bites and tugs. Then she started licking and kissing downward.

‘Your cock is so beautiful and it’s all mine. I love to love it.’ She licked up one side, around the head and down the other side, tasting our combined juices. ‘Better than any ice cream cone I ever had.’

‘That’s because it’s not ice cream but hot cream.’

‘Yum, yum.’ She took loud slurps of my cock and balls and the hair and skin all around. She changed from playing to serious work. One hand pumped the base of my cock slowly. Her mouth sucked and licked and acted like an o-ring on the head. She pulled on my hip to roll me on to my side.

As I turned she reversed her body and opened her top leg so that I was staring into her pussy. Her free hand came down to spread her lips.

I never had a problem tasting my cum in a woman’s pussy. After all I expected her to taste it fresh from the source. Why shouldn’t I be able to tolerate the taste? ‘Oh yeah, baby, let me at it.’

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She awoke from bad dreams into worse.  Her arms ached, pinned painfully together behind her back and wrapped immobile in a tight sleeve buckled to her waist.  Her calves were belted to her thighs, pressing her ankles against her buttocks; a metal bar linked to straps wrapped around her thighs kept her legs forced wide apart.  She couldn’t even turn her head – a high, rigid collar was wrapped around her neck, keeping her gaze focused straight ahead at a blank wall.  Her jaw ached, forced open...

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Snarky couple discovers Nazi roleplay fetish over

ou: Question!Stranger: alrightStranger: go aheadYou: Who killed Hitler?Stranger: depends how you look at itYou: Type something assholeStranger: alright asshole. hitler killed himself. but you could also say germany killed him.You: U could say that. If u were a fag.You: inb4 America killed LincolnYou: or fat killed your momStranger: alright so obviously you are hostile. is this hostility making you feel better? go ahead let it out on me i can take it.You: You are either a teen or a...

1 year ago
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LoveHerFeet Tiffany Tatum My New Date

My new boyfriend is 12 years my senior and he loves to play kinky games; which I love too. One day, he told me to be at his loft at 4pm. He also told me to go the mirror in the middle of the room, undress, and put on the lingerie and heels that I’d find there. I walked up the stairs knowing this would be another play on some kinky game. But I did as he asked of me and I was super aroused. He came into the room, dressed sharply, and started to kiss my long silky legs. Slowly he removed my shoes...

2 years ago
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Sensual Seventyseven

Abby, short for Abigail, had buried two husbands by the age of forty. That made her decide to have no more committed relationships. Although most of the years to her preset age of seventy-seven were mainly served by serial monogamy, it was not an exclusive rule for her sex life. The occasional one-night-stand or polyamorous period kept things interesting even in her later years. She enjoyed sex wholeheartedly and knew regular exercise was essential to keep all body parts functioning...

4 years ago
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Hotter Than July

This story contains hardcore male bisexuality, incest and pissing. If any of this offends you please move on to another story. *************************************************************************************************************************** It was the hottest night of the year and I could not sleep. The humidity was overwhelming and it did not help much that I had my bedroom window and door open. There was no breeze. I got out of my bed and went to the window. The smell of ocean and...

4 years ago
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Our New Resident

I was one of those young people who didn't really give much thought to what I would do with my life as far as a career went. Oh, I had interests, sure, I even majored in one, biology. It was after I graduated that I realized that industries hired lots of chemists, but few biologists. The states hired a few each year but nowhere near the number that flooded into the job market every spring. So, I went back to school, nursing school, and became a nursing administrator. That was ten years ago, I'm...

Straight Sex
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Lustful in London

  I was just twenty when I met Marcus.   A two hour train journey to London, we sat opposite each other with just  the customary  formica covered  table separating us.   I caught his eye a few times but disregarded the visual union as he was just an old man - older than my Father - yet like my dad smart, well groomed and stylishly dressed - for his age. My attention was for the first hour confined to the silly magazine I'd been daft enough to pay three pounds for but now, getting somewhat bored...

3 years ago
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Hindsight 2020 Book 4 Johnnys StoryChapter 15

We slept well for a few hours but I was up early since it was west coast time. Most of the girls had a key to my suite so they could hang out in the large living area. I walked out at 4:00am and Kenzi was there reading a book. “Are you studying?” “Kind of, just reading a book for my world lit class.” “Do you want to be alone?” “No, I was just using the free time but I’m well ahead of the class.” “Since we’re alone, I wanted to tell you that I’m proud of you for the way you stepped up at...

3 years ago
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Roadtrip blowjob

It had been a long week. I was heading to my mother’s alone this time for the first time in years. I normally head down with my wife. We had not had sex in years and I have to sneak behind her back to even jack off. I loaded the car for the 6/7 hour drive and said my goodbyes. I hit the road and loaded up my two favorite aps… and Even though it had been years since my last cock, I was looking forward to the opportunity to at least tease a bit. I have seen them...

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Crashing the houseparty

Note : This story is completely fictional! I had little idea where I was, the last train into the deepest darkest suburb had dropped me off and I was basically fucked. I tried calling my friend, who I was supposed to meet, repeatedly for 10 minutes before I ran out of credit. I eventually resigned myself to my situation and started walking to the road to try and find some kind of bus, and if it came to it, catch a cab. At that moment, as I stepped out of the station onto the road, I heard the...

2 years ago
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Rebirth Part One

Rebirth By JL Williams To: Kelly J. Robinson With all my love. My best friend, my true Confidant, my inspiration For finishing this book, my Emotional safety valve, and The person who has caused The best times in my life to Happen. A New Birth CHAPTER ONE: THE ACCIDENT AND THE AWAKENING Terence Hopkins stood quietly on the jetway waiting for his turn to board the flight home. It had been a particularly difficult week. He loved New York, but a week of "The Big Apple",...

1 year ago
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Wife isnt at all shy anymore PART 4

YOU MUST READ PREVIOUS PARTS TO UNDERSTAND THIS PART: I am secretly watching my gorgeous wife, Katie, sunbathing in the garden as five hunky builders are about to rub After-Sun into her hot body! ...they took it in turns to stand behind her and cup her beautiful breasts in their hands. I had never seen her nipples so hard! It was also obvious that her legs were getting wider apart the higher they stroked her inner thighs. She began making quite loud sighs of enjoyment whenever they got close to...

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Lady Luck 2

I'd been sidelined and timed out before Chloe came into my life. Just about ready to head for the backwoods and become a certified hermit. Until I suddenly found out that instead of being all alone in the world I had myself a best friend, a business partner and the girl of my dreams, all wrapped up in one beautiful little package. And the way I figured it, if I was lucky enough to have somebody like Chloe literally fall into my lap out of nowhere, then maybe I lucky enough to turn my business...

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Two day later, the heat wave continues and I get a text from Liz asking if Laura can use the garden for sunbathing. I think, pretty half naked girl in my garden? What’s to consider? I was going to be busy around the house and doing some errands so no problem. An hour later, Laura arrives, looking like she's going to the beach. Short shorts, vest top big beach bag full of who knows what. She sets herself down on a lounger, “this is so kind if you Jack" she says as she starts to unpack. Book,...

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Panty Slut

You little bitch! I can’t believe you’re wearing my panties again. Do you want to be a girl? Do you? Well that bulge in your panties tells me you’re lying. Come on in here Jennifer. That’s right, I told Jennifer all about you jerking off in my lingerie. I don’t think she believed me. Stay right there so Jenn can see what a little sissy you are. Isn’t he cute Jenn? Go ahead take some pictures. Don’t move bitch! I want you to pose for a few pictures for us. Then we can forget all about...

3 years ago
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The family lovesa 69 von Donna Allen

"Please, stick it in right away," Jackie whispered frantically. The bosomy young wife lay sprawled on the bed. She was naked and her fingers were buried inside her wet pink pussy-lips. Her husband, Greg, hovered over her. He swore as his cock slipped to the side and stabbed her inner thigh. "Can't you find my hole?" she giggled. "If you'd take your hand away, maybe I could." "I sure went crazy there for a minute," she said. "I'm still horny, but you can take your time. Just...

1 year ago
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CumSwappingSis Chloe Temple Maya Woulfe I Want To Play With My Stepbrothers Cum

Maya Woulfe and her friend Chloe Temple are playing with squishy balls on the couch. Chloe points out that the texture of the balls reminds her of a dick. That turns their entire conversation to cock talk. Maya confesses she’s been daydreaming about her stepbrother Rico Hernandez and how he must have so much cum. That gets Chloe so hot she has to shove her hand down her pants to masturbate. That’s not enough; Chloe asks whether Maya’s parents are home. When Maya admits that...

4 years ago
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A WellLived Life 2 Book 10 BridgetChapter 68 Billable Hours

March 29, 1997, Chicago, Illinois After lunch I gave Sari a tour of the house, from top to bottom. As with most first-time guests, she was amazed that we had a ‘lift’ in the house, and a sauna in the basement. But she was even more amazed at our family structure. Eduardo was at the house, and Jesse had the week off from hockey because of Western Easter. His Holy Week wouldn’t start until Orthodox Palm Sunday, which was April 20th. “Complicated doesn’t begin to describe it!” Sari said,...

2 years ago
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Coming From BehindChapter 13 Bells and Whistles

We were married in St. Mark's Episcopal Church on a beautiful spring Saturday in June. My parents and Catherine's were in attendance, of course. Even though it was my second marriage, I could see the happiness on my mother's face as I stood waiting for my bride. When at last she walked slowly down the aisle arm-in-arm with her beaming father, I realized just how much this meant to both of us. I had a personal resolve not to allow anything to get in the way of the success of this union....

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Introducing Miss DriscollChapter 5

It was lunchtime at St Augustine’s. Almost a thousand boys and girls streamed through the long winding corridors of the school building, filing their way to the school cafeteria and out to the playground. The girls gossiped about hair, makeup and reality TV. The boys kicked footballs, threw rugby balls and played cricket against the science block wall as they did almost every day, breaking from time to time to brag about their encounters with their beautiful English teacher, mercilessly...

3 years ago
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First Night Out

My wife and girls had left for a long weekend. I loved this teacher's conference! I had been planning for this event for months now: saving $20 every now and then from paychecks, buying little things and hiding them in the shed out back, and reading Fictionmania stories. Getting off work (second shift) on Thursday, I hurried home to begin my voyage. All my makeup and clothes were hauled out of the shed, and I began. A shower with flowered bath soap and vanilla shampoo (both...

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The princess

Hi! I am a princess, from the Kingdom of Horndom, which is way far away beyond the Off-White Mountains. I was captured one-day by an evil (and smelly) dragon, but fortunately you came along, valiant adventurer and slayer of dragons, and now I am rescued. Thus, I am in your debt, and I am willing and ready to thank you in any way you wish . . . . just as soon as you release me from my chains. Oh, by the way, I am stark naked, so as you can see I am young and nubile, long-legged and crested with...

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Shutter ReleaseChapter 46 Bleed Again

It was early evening on Sunday and the final music marathon was coming to an end, our last opportunity for rehearsing as a full band before Jonah’s concert the following weekend. Gwen was particularly intent about everything, calling out any and all problems she heard, and by now we didn’t question her judgment or ear. The only unknown was if we had the skill to do whatever she asked of us. Usually we did, even if it meant practicing it thirty times. Or more, in my case... But now it was...

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dark alleyrevelation ch 1

Immediately i tried to get up what i saw confused me,she pushed him off her, stood up and said "all you men are the-same, you are horny all the time yet you don't value the opposite sex,you are very selfish and cruel that is why i will have a clear conscience" she moved up to him and started a wet kiss. The wet kiss seem to last forever when thy started striping each other and they flay on the ground with the man laying on top of her.he started on the nipples playing with the left and...

4 years ago
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Anish8217s Monsoon Rendezvous Devanshi The Gynac Part2

Hi! I am Anish. 29 years drugs and diseases free single man from South Mumbai. I am a regular reader of Indian Sex Stories. I am here to share my experiences with all you kinky ladies and horny gentlemen in this sex story. Do read my previous submissions too. start with ‘Anish’s’. I would love to read your valuable feedback. Get ready to jerk and finger your heavenly organs fellas. I apologize in advance if you feel that the sex story is long. But trust me. It’s worth reading. This part is a...

2 years ago
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Little Red Riding Hood

Little Red Riding Hood got the basket to take to her ill grandma's and headed out the door, red hood and all. She sang and skipped as she went along the trail, her dirty blonde hair blowing in the wind. She went along the trail untill it took her deep into the woods, as she kept singing and skipping along. A dirty old wife came to spot her, her clothes being such a bright red and went up to her. She came to see him standing casually before her, smiling strangely and fiddling with his very long...

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Jack And Jill The Second BookChapter 77

The fog was long gone but it was still overcast when we got home. I was really starting to see the difference in when it got dark the closer we got to Thanksgiving. It seemed to get dark quicker, too. No gradual darkening, just the realization that it was starting to get dark, then, a minute or two later, darkness. We should have a couple of hours of light left but with the clouds, I didn't know what to think. Charlie pulled over to the curb and Laurie ran up to my door, followed by her...

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The cafe

The late night café was getting ready to close when the 3 girls walked in and asked for coffee before sitting at a table, 18 year old Abdul sent his younger brother home telling him to locked the shutters as he went, Abdul prepared the coffee’s watching the girls as he did, he knew all 3 girls were from the local estate and were 2 years younger than him, he slipped a couple of pills in each cup before giving the coffee to the girls, he dropped the blinds and watched as the girls drunk their...

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Womens sex wrestling Part 1

“Ten...more, nine...more, eight...more,” she counted down as she hit the bag, her hits becoming irregular and misplaced. As she counted a breathless “!” She punched the bag with all her might, sending it swinging and putting her off-balance. A smile played across her lips as she hung on the bag, sweating and breathless. She held the bag for a few minutes, regaining her composure. As she started to cool down, she started shivering due to the cold sweat dripping from her body. The...

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Kevin becomes Kelly My Kelly

Do you know what it's like be stuck in a dorm room with a male roommate, in an all-male residence hall, during a dry spell? When you can't even masturbate because either your roommate is around, or you have homework or studying to do? I'll tell you what it's like. It's like being starved. Red-blooded guys like me need a woman's touch. We need to be between their legs, making them utter sounds only real men get to hear. We need the warmth and softness of a girl, or we go insane.And I was going...

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Duplex girls Their mother

“I guess they’re okay,” she said. “They they were happy,” said Katie. We talked for a little bit before the girls went off to do their homework. Kim wore a t-shirt that showed off her small A-cup breasts. She didn’t make any signs that she was interested in me. I tried to return the favor. We came to a decision. On certain days she would leave the girls home alone while I would unlock the basement door so they could come over whenever they felt like it. I worked hard the next few days to...

1 year ago
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A Special Christmas Present

note: A special thanks to Impressive, English Lady, and Logophile for their kind words and counsel. RF * * * * * I was halfway between Sears and being totally broke, sitting alone in the mall’s noisy food-court, eating a tasteless salad, and wondering why I let my mother con me into getting dressed and driving into town with her to go shopping the day after Thanksgiving, the busiest shopping day of the year. She was right to insist. My mother is always right. And to prove the point, I...

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Getting Caught in the Act

I was caught in the act of being bred three times, by three different people. In every case I’d made a small mistake due to being horny and not checking things completely before we started.The first time was by my sister (we were both adults by then). This was with my first K9 partner, a larger than normal Siberian Husky who was a real lover; I’d had him for about 2 years at that point and he was one horny bastard. He was blessed with an 8 inch cock that was a little thick and a knot the size...

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NoodleMagazine Lesbian

If you’re looking for the hottest lesbian porn on the market and you want to get it for free, then you’re going to need to find a good website for that kind of stuff. Many players in the porn industry allow you to get free porn, so it might be hard to make a decision. Well, today, I have one of your potential choices and it comes in the form of a site called This place is a pretty great free porn site that is incredibly simple and it won’t take you that much thinking in...

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