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Coma: The Sequel

At the end of my story ‘Coma’ there was a twist thrown in. I will begin the sequel from that point. If you haven’t read ‘Coma’ you might want to read it first to better understand the story. A big ‘Thank You’ to Linda62953 for editing my stories.


I woke up and suddenly realized I had no idea where I was. I looked around the room and it looked like a hospital room. What was I doing here? Was I dreaming? I tried to sit up and fell back down due to being dizzy. I quickly found the nurses buzzer and pressed it at least a half dozen times. A nurse came running into my room, ‘You’re awake! Oh my God!’ she looked nervous as she grabbed her phone and called in the doctor before I could even say anything.

‘Where am I? What’s happened to me? How did I get here, I can’t remember anything!’ I screamed out.

‘Just stay calm Mr. Wright, the doctor is on his way. He’ll explain everything to you. You were in an accident,’ she seemed nervous, but I didn’t know why.

‘Where is Annie? Someone please find Annie!’ I screamed out.

The doctor came in and I heard the nurse ask him why I was asking for Annie? How did I know Annie was my caregiver?

Was this real or was I dreaming or having a nightmare again? I had no idea what was going on. Was it all a premonition of what was to happen to me?

I looked up and there stood Annie, just like I had dreamed about. She was so beautiful and said, ‘Hi Justin, I heard you woke up and got here as fast as I could. Everything will be all right now.’

I was lost for words. I remembered my dream like it had just happened. I didn’t know what to say. If I mentioned my dream to the doctor or Annie, would it change the outcome? I fell in love with Annie in my dream and we ended up getting married. Would it change if I talked about it? Did everything in my dream really happen? What about Julie? Did she cheat on me or was that just part of my dream?

I decided it would probably be best not to tell much of my dream to anyone. I needed to find out if it was a premonition or just a dream.

Annie said she’d be back after the doctor examined me. He told me to calm down and said he’d answer my questions as soon as he ran a few tests. He squeezed my hands and asked me if I could feel it. He then pricked my feet and toes. I pulled back saying, ‘Ouch!’ It made the doctor smile. I had to wonder if he was a sadist or something, smiling that he’d caused me pain.

It was still very similar to my dream. Damn! I wished I would have paid closer attention to everything I’d dreamed. I was hoping for a future with Annie and didn’t want to mess things up.

‘Mr. Wright, you were in a car accident and have been in a coma. I have a few questions to ask you. What do you think the date is today?’

I told him that I wasn’t sure but I believed it was December 23 and asked why he was asking me this?’

‘I’ll explain it to you in a few minutes but I need to ask you a few more questions. ‘What is the last thing you remember?’

Now this was a problem. Should I tell him about my dream or what I remembered about my accident? The truth and my dream were getting mixed up in my mind.

‘I’m not sure what you mean. I remember being in my office and I think I got in my car last night, but I can’t remember why.’ I decided to ask him about my wife. ‘Where’s my wife Julie? I think I remember her singing and she kissed me goodnight. Wait, that might have been a dream. Damn! I can’t remember. Get my wife please, maybe she can help me out here.’

The doctor said, ‘Mr. Wright, the date is March 29, 2014. You’ve been in a coma since Dec. 22, 2013. You were in a terrible motor vehicle accident and have been in a coma since you arrived.’

So far it was somewhat like I remembered. Then he asked me about Annie. He said that the nurse had said I’d asked about Annie. Shit, I didn’t want to tell him about the dream so I told him I believed I’d heard someone singing to me while I was in the coma and I heard the name Annie.

‘Did you recognize Annie when she came in here?’ asked the doctor.

‘I’m not sure. I didn’t get a good look at her. Who is she?’ I asked, wondering if he would tell me she was my caregiver, just like I’d dreamed.

‘She’s a registered nurse. A nurse is assigned to coma patients to take care of their needs, whatever they need. Annie volunteered to be your caregiver.’

I asked again about my wife, Julie and the doctor told me that Annie would talk to me about the accident and call whomever I wanted her to contact. He did tell me that she had been my caregiver ever since the day of the accident.

The doctor left and Annie came back in. She pretty much repeated what she’d told me in my dream. ‘Hi Justin, I came in the moment I heard you’d woke up.’

I decided for now, to go along with what I remembered in my dream. ‘I know you! We went to the same college, didn’t we? Your name is Annette. How come I can remember you, but not what I last did? Can you tell me what happened and contact my wife Julie and my parents?’

‘I’ll tell you all that I know. First of all, I contacted your parents already and they’ll be here first thing in the morning. I called your wife and left her a message on her phone. I’ll try to explain what I can to you, but we need to take it slow.’

‘What can you tell me about Julie? Does she come here regularly to see me?’ I was pushing it a little, I needed to know what was real and what wasn’t.

‘Justin, I prefer not to talk to you about Julie, if you don’t mind. Your parents can discuss it with you tomorrow.’

‘Why? Please, just tell me if she’s been here to see me,’ I asked.

‘She came in the afternoon, the day after your accident. She stayed maybe fifteen minutes, argued with your parents and then left. There was an older man she called ‘Rob’ who waited for her in the visitors lounge. She stopped by a few times the first couple of weeks. She argued about your care with the administrators. After that, she came in maybe once a month looked at you and left. I’m sorry, but I won’t lie to you.’

‘Thank you for being honest with me. Is there any chance I can get something to drink? My mouth and throat are really dry.’

She gave me a sip of water and a small glass of ice chips. Later she brought me a can of ginger ale. She told me to take small sips, so my stomach would get used to something being in it again. She explained that I would be on mostly soups and soft foods to start and would be starting some physical therapy that day to help rebuild my muscles.

The doctor came back in and ran a few more tests. He told me everything was looking good and that I was a very lucky man. I sure didn’t feel that lucky, laying there in bed. He was interested in my memory and of what I thought were dreams. He said very few coma patients who woke up ever mentioned having or remembering their dreams.

‘I don’t know Doc, I remember hearing someone singing and reading to me. I assumed it was my wife but it could have been Annie. I have this song in my head that I heard repeatedly. Right now, I can’t even remember what it was. Does Annie sing?’ I asked. ‘I know Julie never sang that I know of.’

The doctor said, ‘As a matter of fact, Annie has a great voice and is always singing. I don’t know how, but maybe you did hear her.’

The doctor left and I must have dozed off when I heard a male voice. It was Tony, I remembered him from my dream. I wanted to see if he followed my premonition.

‘Hey there Justin, nice to see you’re awake. I’m Tony and I’ll help you get those muscles back in shape. For today, you’ll be taking it pretty easy. I’m hanging a bar above your head and all you have to do is reach up and hold on to it. Hopefully, you’ll be able to pull yourself up into a sitting position. Take your time and pretend you’re doing pull ups. Don’t overdo it.’

Needless to say, I overdid it and my arms ached. An
nie came in with a lotion for aches and pains and rubbed it on my arms. She helped me sit up and I was able to eat some soup. I have to admit my arms hurt but I had to play a little macho in front of Annie. I knew she’d seen right through my charade when she shook her head.

I wanted so bad to tell her about my dream, but I knew I had to wait and find out about Julie. She did ask me what made me say her name to the nurse when I woke up and I told her that I did have a dream during my coma and I don’t know why but she was in it. It made her smile.

The next morning Tony was back with a wheelchair and told me Annie had said I overdid it yesterday, just like in my dream. Next, he was supposed to tell me about our plans today and that’s what he did.

‘Well, we’re going to get you to stand today,’ he said to me. ‘Hopefully you can help hold yourself up. That’s why I wanted you to exercise your arms yesterday.’ He helped me into the wheelchair and we went down to the therapy room.

He helped me stand up and I wrapped my arms around the two bars. Wow, it hurt like hell trying to hold myself up. It hurt even more than it did in my dream. After about a minute, I had to sit back down. Tony would let me rest for a couple of minutes and then I would have to stand again. This went on for about a good hour. It was becoming easier and I even smiled. As I exercised, Tony and I talked.

‘How well do you know Annie?’ I asked.

‘She’s been here about two years. She has to be the nicest woman alive. Everyone loves her,’ Tony replied.

He told me they never dated even though he’d asked her out. It was odd asking him questions that I already knew the answers to. He did say that they’d went out in a group before to a lounge and that Annie could really sing.

When I asked if she dated, he told me she’d dated a couple of interns but it didn’t last. She was hung up on an old boyfriend from college who dumped her for another girl. If my dream was holding true, I was that guy. I asked Tony if he ever met my wife and he said he hadn’t but word was, she was a looker. I just smiled and shook my head. She sure had the body and dressed like a slut looking back and thinking about her.

If she hadn’t gotten pregnant, I doubt I would have married her. All I wanted was to do right by her, seeing as I got her pregnant. So far, I found out she didn’t show up the day of my accident. Guess I’ll have that talk with my parents and see if she’s the slut I was told about in my dreams.


Tony took me back to my room. Annie came in and asked how things went. Tony said that I did great and would be on my feet in no time. Shortly after I was settled in, my parents came in to see me. They smiled at Annie as she left to do her rounds and both of them came over and hugged me.

Mom was crying and even Dad had tears in his eyes. The last time I talked to Dad, we’d argued. It my dream, it seemed like it was yesterday but now it seemed like months ago.

We did the how are you, and them saying they were happy to see me wake up. I asked about Julie and my dad got mad almost instantly. I must have hit a nerve because my dad got mad and told me Julie was a cheating wife and took me for everything I had and she wanted me dead. My mom had to calm him down.

‘What do you mean she took me for everything I had? We’re still married aren’t we?’

‘In name only,’ my dad said. ‘I’ll do my best to explain it all to you. Are you sure you’re up to it? It’s a really messed up situation.’

I had a good idea what dad was going to say and he explained it pretty much like in my dream. I let them know that Annie explained my condition after the accident and was told Julie rarely came in to see me.

‘Son,’ said Dad. ‘When we saw you after the accident you were in a coma. You were pretty messed up. Annie said you were on life support to keep your heart beating and to help your lungs receive air.’

‘The next day Julie arrived with some guy as old as me and said she wanted you taken off life support. She said you’d always said you never wanted a machine to keep you alive.’

Dad explained that Julie got a lawyer and fought with the hospital over my being on life support. I now knew that the things about Julie in my dreams were true. She was a conniving slut that took me for everything that I owned.

I knew my next talk with Annie would be to find out if Julie had the abortion and about her nude day vacations. Over the next few days, a lot of things happened. I was trying to remember what all happened in the days before my accident and in my dream. It was hard trying to remember what I’d said to everyone in the dream.

Tony worked with me and I was now walking with crutches but taking it slow. We talked and I must have said a few things differently because Tony told me more about his personal life with the women. Like me, he was a player. He’d have sex with anything that moved. I sure was glad that Annie didn’t date him. I didn’t want to bring up Kelly until Annie brought her up.

My parents came in everyday and told me more things about Julie, none of it was good. Most of it I remembered from my dreams. They told me my job was still there waiting for me and that my secretary Cindy was handling it quite well but didn’t want the responsibility of management.


Back to Annie, she was there every day to see me. I have to admit I was a bit embarrassed when she removed my catheter. She smiled at me and said it wasn’t the first time she’d saw my private areas. She gave me sponge baths regularly. I thanked her time and time again for all she had done for me. How do you thank someone for saving your life?

Annie would stop by after her shift everyday and talk with me. We talked about my life with Julie and why we got married. I told Annie that I knew everyone considered me a player. My parents were wealthy and I got most everything I wanted. I explained about my parents not trusting Julie and all the things they told me. When I mentioned Julie’s miscarriage, Annie just stared at me. That wasn’t like her so I asked her what was the matter.

‘Justin, Julie wasn’t the honorable woman you thought she was. I’m sorry but you deserve to know the truth. I don’t know if you remember when Julie and her girlfriends went to Myrtle Beach for a few days.’

‘Yes, I remember, they went two years in a row just to get away from the class work. She asked me to go but I had to work at the dealership and couldn’t go,’ I replied.

‘She didn’t want you to go and knew you had to work. Why do you think she went with three of her girlfriends? They went to party. It was the nude day party at a private beach.’

‘How do you know this?’ I asked. It looked like Annie was to tell me about the nude day party just like in my dream. I wasn’t sure if I was sad or happy that it was true. I would be a cuckold but also free to pursue Annie.

‘My friend Kelly was one of the three girls that went with her the second year. Kelly started working here and we became friends, and she told me all about it. I didn’t know anything about what happened until you were brought in, due to the accident. Do you really want to know what went on? I’m not really comfortable with telling you.’ I wanted to know.

She told me the story about Kelly at the nude day party and I asked her what she knew about Julie. She told me pretty much what I remembered in my dream.

‘Kelly said it was Julie’s idea to go the second year since she enjoyed the first one so much. Kelly took photos of Julie with her cell phone. Believe me, you don’t want to see them. Julie was so out of it that she didn’t even know Kelly took the pictures. She was with as many as three guys at once. Julie is a very sexy woman. Every guy wanted a piece of her, and Kelly said, they got it. When they were done with her, she didn’t look so sexy. According to Kelly, she looked like a drunken whore who had just gotten gangbanged.’

‘Did you see the pictures?’
I asked.

‘Yes,’ said Annie. I was probably looking dejected as Annie said, ‘Maybe, I shouldn’t have told you about Julie, I’m sorry.’

‘No, I’m glad you did. I needed someone to tell me the truth, but now there is something I need to tell you.’

‘What is it Justin? You look awfully pale all of a sudden.’

‘What I’m about to tell you could possibly change my life and yours forever. Do you believe in premonitions or dreams?’

‘I don’t know what you mean,’ she looked concerned.

‘I had a dream, a premonition of what would happen when I woke up. Everything that you have told me and everything that my parents have told me, I’ve already heard. I really care for you and I couldn’t keep it from you. The only problem is by telling you, I might have changed the outcome.’

Annie looked nervous, ‘Are you telling me you think you lived through this already, kind of like the movie, ‘Groundhog Day?’

‘Yes and no. I only lived through it once, but by telling you, I may have changed a few things and it could change the path of my dream.’

‘In your dream, what was I going to tell you next?’ asked Annie.

‘That you didn’t say that Julie was a slut, even though she was and that you don’t think she had a miscarriage either, but can’t prove it. You think she had an abortion.’

‘You said she’d gone to a Family Planning clinic and during the procedure she had complications and was brought to the hospital and they finished with the ‘miscarriage’.’

‘Oh my God! That’s scary, Justin. How far in the future does your dream go?’

‘I can’t tell you. I don’t want the future to change. The more I say about my dream the more changes it might make.’

‘But when I talk to you, you know what I’m going to say. It’s as if you are reading my mind and knowing my thoughts. Justin, I have to think about this. I’ll talk to you later.’

As she was leaving, I asked her to please not tell anyone about my dream. She looked at me and left the room. I had to wonder if I’d made a big mistake. I didn’t want to change the future of Annie and me being together but I to be honest with her as well.


After Annie left, I started looking through my calendar book that Cindy had dropped off for last December. I noticed two calls from a Norma Wilson, both in late December. I notice the last one was on December 22, the day of my accident. I decided to call her and maybe she could shed some light on the twenty-second.

I called Norma and our conversation went the same as it was in my dream. I was going to the motel and catch Julie and Rob having their affair when I’d had my accident. I did find out that Rob was a wealthy man but was going to lose half of his wealth to Norma.

I guess Julie was in it for the money. I wondered if she would stay with Rob or take him for what she could and then leave him, too. I figured that was her plan for me.

I wasn’t sure where I was going from here, but I followed my dream and called my lawyer and started divorce proceedings. I wanted out of this marriage as soon as possible. Ken, my lawyer came to see me the next day. I explained the entire situation to him and he said he would get right on it.

Annie came back in to see me and I explained everything I had found out from Norma. She smiled when I told her I had talked to my lawyer and had already started getting a divorce. She told me she had some news for me but that I probably already knew it from my dream. I was doing better than expected on my rehabilitation and would be released from the hospital in a couple of days.

‘Annie, I told you about the dream because I care for you. I don’t remember every little detail of my dream. I need you to trust me, you’re the best thing in my life.’

After my discharge, I would still have to come in for an hour or so each day and work out with Tony. I could also start eating most anything now, but not to overdo it. Now I had a new problem. Where was I going to live on such short notice? I couldn’t move back to Cleveland with my parents. I was hoping to get back to work within a couple of weeks.

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CuckoldSessions Kendra Cole Second Appearance

Kendra Cole is no ordinary housewife as Rico & Blaccwood find out when they come home after work with their friend Draven. It seems Draven and Wife have a different kind of relationship and she wears the pants so to speak. She is quick to let their guests know she is available and ready for some BBC. Each time Draven protests she makes him remove some more clothing until she makes him reveal his big secret Pink Panties and a chastity cage. His coworkers roar with laughter and then dive...

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An Afternoon With Hot Neighbour Aunt

The heroine of the story is Shreeparna who is a 30 years old woman and a mother of 2 c***dren (aging 5 and 2).Shreeparna often come to our house for casual talks with my mom but every time when she comes, I notice that she always have a hint of lust in her eyes whenever she looks at me. But I use to ignore that. Her stats are 24-36-30 and enough to make anyone insane. The sexiest thing about her is her dressing. She always wears transparent sarees which shows the major part of her body. I have...

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Maxine Stones New LifeChapter 271 a New Glock

The families, of the kids involved, just wanted to hang their heads in shame. They had been given a second chance in America and their kids had almost blown it for them. It would take years for the community to change its opinion of the immigrants. Even I wasn't happy with the immigrants at that moment. It had been too hard to get the information. They had chosen to hang together, instead of becoming part of the community at large. It might be understandable, but that didn't mean I forgave...

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Pungent flower 6 Curiosity makes the pussy wet

We returned home and I told her to try the new clothes. She was excited too and went to her room. After a while she came out but still wearing her salwar kameez. She told me she liked it very much but that they were a bit tight. I told her that is how it is supposed to fit and will become comfortable with time. I knew she was just shy to wear that in front of me. I had never seen her in anything else than her salwar kameez before. I talked about how she must have seen the girls in mall wearing...

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Sue Blindfolded for an Evening

He had arranged with some friends to take his wife Sue to their house, blindfolded for the last part of the journey. He had instructed her in what to wear - a loose, twirly, short skirt which swayed when she walked and at the slightest breeze, rose to show her tanned thighs and bottom and more as she wore nothing underneath. Her blouse was filmy and silky and showed the shape of her bare breasts and nipples. She knew she would be used that evening but did not know how or by who or where. Would...

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Sallys Lust for Cum

Sally and I sat at a round table in the Mexican restaurant's bar, sipping our margaritas and talking. I had asked her to dress slutty for the evening so she was wearing a lowcut white top that revealed much of her round breasts. That wasn't all, she had not put on a bra so the thin white fabric pressed against the tips of her nipples. We heard a voice behind us, "Excuse me, are you Sally?" We turned around to see a tall man with salt and pepper hair, he looked to be in his late forties. "Yes, I...

Group Sex
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Wife Touches Buddy 1 How it all started

In all guy groups of friends, there is that one guy who has the biggest dick over the other guys.Anthony was that guy in our group. Not that anyone was staring at it, but growing up we would catch a glimpse of his monster when he was taking a piss, or skinny dipping, etc. He was definitely proud of it and had no problem striping down and jumping in the lake or simply pulling it out at a party. When we were younger, he would jokingly flash people when he had a few too many drinks. Those days...

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Watching Sue

Introduction: Watching my wife have sex with my friend does this make me cuckold Monday. My job had taken me away from home, only to return for two days at most and not every weekend. Our relationship had always had an element of fantasy and fun. It was a good relationship and strong. I had just returned home for the weekend and as usual we always preferred plenty of sex play before making love, sometimes it could last for hours. We were gently playing with each other and chatting about our...

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so full of cock

he strode over 2 me, his muscles playing with the light as they moved beneath his ebony skin. his enormous, semi-hard cock swayed slightly back & 4th as he slowly moved 2ward me. my own cock lurched at the sight of him & was already completely hard when he finally stopped in front of me. he looked me over, running his eyes from my head 2 my crotch. then i gasped, open-mouthed, as i watched him coming closer & he laid a huge hand on my chest & pushed me back on2 the mattress, as...

2 years ago
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Delilah and the TwinsChapter 4

In the kitchen, Sally began to prepare breakfast while I set up the coffee-maker. I anticipated the need for an extra carafe of the elixir or life, in view of the number of our guests. Of course, my efforts were not just altruistic. I wanted several mugs, myself. It was much earlier than I usually get out of bed. As a result, when the first faces appeared at the kitchen door, there was a carafe of coffee, almost full, and a large pot of tea waiting for them, and another dripping through....

3 years ago
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Dot 1

I found this letter among some others, scrolled up and tied with purple ribbon, in a chest belonging to my great grandfather. The name Charles has belonged to several in our family line, but I believe I know the one who received and saved this letter, and kept it preserved for so many years. I believe the letter speaks for itself, so I will now offer it up to you. Dearest Charles: I hope this missive finds you in such good health and bright humour as I know you cherish for me. I...

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Lust Of A Woman

Hey, you all raunchy, sassy people. I am back with a sex story which is about one of my sexual experience with one of my cab mates from my office. Again just to give a small intro I am from Bangalore, 32, fair and fairly good looking with good enough body and a decent you know (wink). I used to commute in a cab to office and back. As you all know, we used to have many people in our cab and it was an Indica, even though it was a small car, four people used to sit inside the cab. There was a tall...

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Mom Teaches Me A Lesson

Note : This story is completely fictional! It all started when my friend Nate came over my house. We were surfing the web for mature porn and reading stories with mature ladies. See Nate got me into the idea of fucking mature ladies, how they have experience, and have bigger boobs and big asses than the girls our age. We are both 18 years old, I am of indian descent. Nate is black and looks a bit older than me, he a bit taller and built for his age. We met at the basketball courts about 4...

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Annas Magic Ch 12

‘Action!’ Wanda screeched as she worked the camera. Immediately Crystal went into her acting mode, setting up the pool balls on the table as I selected a cue to play with. ‘So what will it be this time sailor?’ Crystal teased, bending over the table as she placed the rack over the balls. ‘I know you’re out of money, so the only thing I see left to play for is that shiny gold watch on your wrist.’ I caught a glimpse down the front of her blouse which revealed a black satin bra, the soft flesh...

1 year ago
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Good Medicine Junior YearChapter 43 Bishops and Priests and Deacons

November 19, 1983, West Monroe, Ohio “You know I think you’ve made a terrible mistake and given Sasha bad advice, right?” Clarissa asked after we got into my Mustang for the drive to my parents’ house. “Obviously.” “Her life is going to be very, very difficult.” “And living with her conscience after what she would consider murder would be easy?” “It’s not murder, Mike,” Clarissa said firmly. “I know that’s what you believe, and I know that’s what the law says, but I also know what she’s...

3 years ago
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The Jizz Show

I saw this when I was 24. Actually I saw it a couple of times. It is one of the most fucked up things I’d ever witnessed and it still weirds me out to this day.I’ve known Carl since high school. He’s a great guy, (married now, in fact), but right after his 19th birthday, he began participating in a sexual act with his girlfriend, Billie, that I found rather strange. That being said, I know I’m writing this story for a porn site, but at the time, this practice was uncommon-at least if you lived...

4 years ago
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Breaking in sweet Jennifer

When Jennifer came to me it was like a new life beginning. Jennifer was delightfully sweet and innocent who, straight from a convent at nineteen, had never had a boyfriend. She wanted a room to set up her independence and to get settled in with her online university studies. I was the owner of a hotel which had been converted into bed sitting rooms. I was delighted to give her a room for a minimal rent in return for some small chores around the house. At forty two, maybe I am old enough to be...

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Cleaning the Shed day 2

Emily woke up with a wonderful feeling, she had slept nude and a small wet spot on her bed told her, how horny she was. As the janitor would not be at the school today, Emily practically could start her day on whichever time she wanted, but the work would not do itself and she actually was looking forward getting into the shed again. Just thinking about yesterday made her wet. But she decided besides standing up early, she would first do some research, so she powered up her PC. First...

2 years ago
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Caught My College Girlfriend Cheating With A Black

I’ve been into the cuckolding thing for at least two years now, my current girlfriend was aware of it because she saw some porn and it was awkward but she let it go. The porn she happened to find was interracial, and according to her it was a factor in what happened. A little over a year ago, I came home from a fishing trip early, there was a car parked in my driveway that I didn’t know but I just suspected it was a friend of hers. Speaking of her friends, I spoke to one of her closest friends...

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"Hi Daddy!" chirped my eighteen-year old daughter as she came into the house. I had my back to her as I was busy preparing something for her to munch on, and she hugged me from behind. Her soft breasts pressed against my back, giving me a familiar sense of heat at the touch, but it was something I had learned to live with. Her hands snaked over my chest and brushed my lips."Hi sweetie-pie!" I replied, kissing her fingertips. Stephanie giggled. It was a lovely sound, ringing clearly in my ears....

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AntonioChapter 5 Martha

“Rest here a little bit,” Martha said, “and I’ll tell you about my Larry.” And this is the story she told: “Mr. and Mrs. Lawrence Jennings.” Larry passed the newly inked marriage license to the desk clerk, He barely glanced at it. “Hardly need to see this.” He gave them their key. “Welcome to San Francisco.” They had more than six years of separation to talk about, but neither could find anything to say in front of the elevator operator. Being in the room with only Larry tied Martha’s...

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Daddys boy

------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Sam stood motionless by his bedroom door. He had just gotten up to get a glass of water before noticing a feint glow creeping around the hallway corner; someone else in the house was up. Normally he wouldn't give it much thought, his dad had the habit of being unable to sleep. He would work in the wee hours of the night till he got tired and then went to bed, but that was always...

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Legion of LightChapter 26 Second Chances

The plans we had laid out for the creation of a library in Ureda required establishing a local presence first, as we did not want a mysterious building to appear out of nowhere. We wanted this to be something the local Uredans felt they had built. The location we picked for the library was on a promontory a little more than half a mile from the fork in the coastal trade road that marked the turn off to Ureda. At the fork itself, we bought an old building that had been built over 30 years...

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My new bride part 2

“Ride me” I whispered. “I was just about to” she said She then got on top of me and guided my dick into her tight little vagina. She started back and forth almost as fast as she could. After a few minutes of that I pushed my cock upwards into her vagina. And I came deep inside her pussy. She collapsed on top of my chest and we fell asleep in our embrace. The next day I awoke and Shelby had got off me and her head was on my chest, and her leg was over mine so that I could feel her warm...

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Sex With My Reader Nisha

Hi Friends! Thank you all for appreciating my first story (Pyaar aur chudai meri girlfriend Priti ke sath) real sex with my ex-girlfriend – Priti. Friend, the response was that good that some female readers from different places contacted me and they asked for having sex with them. I accepted some of the requests as they belong to my current location i.e. Pune. I am going to tell you incident happened this weekend. Now, I coming to my sex experience with my reader. Her name is Nisha. She is...

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XD Porner has a simple name, slapping the Internet’s version of laughing face in front of a name that’s just got to be synonymous with dirty movies. I’m not sure this is a laughing matter, though. TBH IRL, I’m not going to LMFAO or CTFU while I’m watching a MILF give a BJ in an NSFW MMF threesome shot in POV at a BBQ, but if all goes well, my sperm will GTFO of my nuts ASAP. The TL;DR here is that IMHO porn rules, SRSLY. #hashtagWhether you’re the kind of deranged pervert who thinks butt sex is...

Free Porn Tube Sites
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Avenging Angels Ch 05

The dappled early morning light filtered through the thick bald cypress stands that surrounded the small home in the middle of the bayou. The morning sounds had started, the cicadas song, the frogs croaking their good mornings to the sun, it was as it had been for millennia, the bayou awakens. Takari stirred in her bed, her dreams had been vivid as they always were when she stayed on the bayou. The night’s dreams had been filled with portents, images that did not make sense to the voodoo...

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Midnight Mischief

My name is Jake, I'm sixteen years old and last week I had one of the most amazing experiences of my life. It was Friday afternoon and school had just finished. Usually I would just play computer games at the weekend but this weekend I was having a sleep over at my friend Ross's house. We had been good friends since we both started the school five years ago and often went around each other’s houses. At 3:45, Ross's mum was here to pick us both up. She is in her early forties, her name is Sharon...

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A Lady Office Assistant

Hello everyone! Not wasting much time I am coming straight to the storyline. By the way, it’s a real one. In this story, the following 03 characters are most important. So here is a short intro to them. Mr. Arjun Desai (A boss of a private firm in a city called Panjim, Goa.) Mrs. Suman Parulkar (An office assistant in Mr. Arjun Desai’s firm.) Mr. Jayesh Kamat (An accountant of Mr. Arjun Desai’s firm.) Let’s begin. As I mentioned Mr. Arjun is in the business of trading in Panjim city. He is...

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The Sexual Journey Of A Teenager 8211 Pt 2 Neighbour Aunty8217s Love

Dear friends, hope you liked the first part of my actual life experience through the title of the story, “Journey Of A Teenager”. This is the part 2 of the sequel and all these are real-life experiences. As I entered my college, I became close to a family with 2 young sisters who lived very close to our house. The aunty whose name was Kalyani, also had an unmarried young sister, Kuheli. With time, I became very close to their entire extended family. The relationship developed into such a bond...

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GND 30Chapter 17

Mel’s little SUV was not on my driveway when I got home, which was disappointing, to say the least. I’d been anticipating its presence all day. She finally arrived an hour after I did, looking stressed and drawn. That was worrying, but she quickly reassured me that it had nothing to do with me; she’d just had a really bad day at work. I was very glad to see her. Not only because she was back with us, but also because I needed the distraction. After being welcomed home by three dogs, which...

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Stormy Night 5

Stormy Night - #5There were thunderstorms one night. My parents had been out drinking, mom passed out and dad was lying next to her. I ran into the bedroom scared of the thunder booming loudly and the lightning flashing. I saw dad's hands open my drunker mother's asscheeks wide as he rolled toward her about to sink his cock in her when he noticed me standing frightened next to him. He sighed and held his blanket up motioning for me to climb in with him. I could not help but to look at my mom's...

3 years ago
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You Wanna What

“Hey Mark, can I talk to you?” Fran was wearing a skin-tight tee shirt without a bra and gym shorts from two summers ago. “Sure.” She sat on the edge of the desk. “Could you get me some Steam?” “You know that’s a sex drug? You’ll have sex with anyone.” “So?” “Ever heard of Aids?” She crinkled her nose “None of my friends have gotten it and a lot of them have done it.” Mark laughed “They’re full of shit. Where’s a ninth grader gonna get the money for Steam? It’s not pot.” Fran’s sighed...

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Reddit SexWorkers, aka r/SexWorkers! One of the things that I’m known for is being a sort of bully towards women. I mean, there are so many people out there who see me like that, but that’s just not true! For example, did you know I support sex work? Yeah, as a matter of fact, when I’m not feeling like giving 100 bucks on a dinner date without being sure if I’m gonna get to stick it in or not by the end of the evening, I just schedule a session with an escort instead! The only thing is that I...

Reddit NSFW List
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Sexy Pakistani Lady

Hi, to all ISS readers..I am Mannu 40 years, 6.2 tall , fair with slim normal good physique and good looks . I must tell my initiation into sex was quite late but once I discovered the beauty of love making at the age of 22, there was nothing that could stop me by till today. Having recently gone to UAE alone, with a good business offer for few weeks . I started looking for a flat that could also serve as my personal place for my private intimate encounters.I made it clear to the agent that I...

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Overheard Conversation

It was early afternoon. I had been delivering some pottery to customers around the area. My wife and I had a small business out of our home. I had told Jessica that I'd be home around six in the evening but the trip had been quicker than I expected and I was arriving home two hours earlier than that.I parked the van in the barn. Then I got out and walked over and entered the kitchen through the back door. It was open as always during the day. We lived in a modern log cabin down in a hollow in...

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Revenge of the Quarterback

REVENGE OF THE QUARTERBACK by Long Tall MaryMy name is Jeff and it had been nearly three years since my ordeal at the hands of a sadistic Syracuse area dominatrix. The full story has been written previously but I’ll briefly recount what took place.I was 18 at the time and a star high school quarterback, when I succumbed to the fantasy of submitting to a dominatrix. Through the Internet, I met and arranged a session with a dominatrix, whose first name is Mary. She was insistent that I dress as a...

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