Beetlesmith’s Ch. 15 free porn video

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The next two weeks were a slow descent into hell for me. I didn’t know it at the time, but my life started to unravel the next morning.

I was already awake when my two lovelies slowly returned from the land of slumber. Groggy though they were, I anticipated a renewed level of eroticism equaling that of last night, equaling that of every morning since administering the drug.

Yet, this morning was different. Both politely begged off having sex until…Well…Until well into the day, and our romp, although nice, was far less than I’ve experienced in many a week since that first time with Gloria. It was, to put not too fine a point on it, your garden-variety fuck. Don’t get me wrong, even a mediocre fuck with two beautiful women is better than most things in life, but lately, I’ve come to expect more than the bland. Such is my anticipation now. Such was my initial disappointment.

It was as if the ‘arousal faucet’ had been shut off, as neat as you please. One minute, they’re begging me to fuck them six ways ’til Sunday—pussy, ass, mouth or tits—and the next, nothing but lame promises. Even my mental prodding, so acute and infallible in elevating a woman’s libido over this past week had no effect on them this morning. Obviously, my powers were abating, along with the ladies’ sexual appetites.

I took this in stride. For after thinking about the new situation, I saw their change in attitude as a positive. Fool that I was—though not realizing how big a fool as yet—I assumed the residual effects of the drug had limits. Saints be praised!

Yes, I took it in stride. The drug was starting to wear off. There were limits to its effects on us, and as I looked past my initial disappointment, I began to feel relief that our ‘peculiarities’—what I’ve come to call the strange events of my recent life—were beginning to dampen.

My relief at this new turn of events was short lived, however.

By Monday, it became evident to me that what was occurring wasn’t just the drug wearing off. Something more insidious was taking hold of my life, twisting me about as if I were a ragdoll caught in that familiar whirlwind of chaos.

Yes, Karen’s libido continued to fall, right through the proverbial floor, through the proverbial basement, and planting itself somewhere south of China. No morning ‘twofer.’ No evening ‘twofer.’ No anything for that matter.

Tuesday followed, then Wednesday, both with the same result. On Thursday, I got her to spread her legs long enough so that I could fuck her, but like that morning when everything changed with her and Denise, it was bland.

No, it wasn’t just bland, it was humiliatingly boring. Jesus, talk about your mercy fuck, because that’s what it was. She lay there like a lump, her eyes just staring blankly up at the ceiling. At the time, I sarcastically thought she might check her watch to note how long I was taking. The only thing that would have made it worse is if she were eating a sandwich during the act.

I bit my tongue, though. Saturday, and our ménage with Denise were soon approaching. I figured Karen would perk up then, as having another, willing person with us would give her renewed impetus for sex.

Yeah, right. The best laid plans—as it’s been said—wither and die on the vine.

I knew the minute Denise walked through the door that things had really changed toward the celibate.

Right away, Karen and Denise both asked if we could forego sex for the evening. They were polite about the request as well as a little embarrassed, knowing how disappointed it would make me, but they were also adamant. I tried to push them in my own way, mostly by reminding them how much we all enjoyed the last two times together, but they politely refused saying they would rather we all talk.

Perfect. Let’s just talk. Isn’t that the bastard step-child of, ‘I still want to be friends?’

I even tried coercing them with my mental abilities, but like last Sunday, I could no longer ramp up their arousal with just my thoughts.

Out of curiosity, about forty-five minutes into ‘our’ conversation I asked Denise if she was wearing the chain I gave her. The look of awkwardness she gave told me everything I needed to know.

I had had enough. Livid, but hiding my ire, I poured myself about five fingers of scotch, clipped a cigar, and went out on the porch to lick my wounded pride.

Which is the only thing I was going to lick that night.

An hour later, still pissed and significantly drunk, I went back into the house. Denise had gone, but Karen was still sitting on the couch, waiting for me.

‘Will, she’s really sorry she wasn’t wearing your chain. She felt awful. She said she took it off to take a sauna, and forgot to put it back on.’

‘Are you at least wearing yours?’

‘Of course.’

‘Then let me see.’

She looked at me with a flash of anger that I would dare question her, and yelled, ‘Great, you still don’t trust me!’

Bolting off the couch, she ripped her shirt open. The buttons were still flying through the air as she defiantly pointed at her gold chain with the diamond, still draped loosely around her hips.

‘See? Satisfied?’

It was the start of our first fight since I can’t remember—a real knock-down, drag-out squabble that went on well into the night. It wouldn’t be the last, either. There would be many more to come over the following days and weeks.


Things got worse.

It was the following Tuesday when I got a call from Denise asking if she could cancel our next ménage.

I’m not sure why I keep calling it that, except that it reminds me of better days—we were getting as ‘ménage’ as soured marmalade on burned toast.

I asked, not hiding the disappointment in my voice, ‘What gives, Denise?’

She stammered for a moment before answering, ‘I’m sorry Will, but I have an appointment with a hairdresser.’


‘I know it sounds weird, but I’ve been trying forever to get in to see this new hairdresser. He’s fabulous, but he’s very exclusive and has a select Clientele. All those artistic types are the same. Anyway, it’s to die for if you can get in to see him.’

‘Can’t you get your hair done on another day?’

‘He had a last minute cancellation. It’s for Saturday night only. I just happened to luck into…’

‘Saturday night. This guy is still working on a Saturday night?’

‘Well…Yes…It’s not so weird if you know how these temperamental, artistic types are.’

‘What about after? I assume it doesn’t take all night to have your hair done.’

She stammered again, ‘Well, I’d rather not…I mean…I don’t want to get my hair all messed up right after spending so much time and money on it. You understand, don’t you?’

Yeah, I did—all the fucking bitches in my life were fucking me over.

Hell, she didn’t even apologize for not wearing the chain I gave her. I would have thought she would have at least done that after going to all the trouble of cancelling on me. I might as well tattoo, ‘Doormat,’ on my forehead, and be done with it.

It got worse.

Over the following days after that first fight on Saturday, Karen completely lost interest in sex. I couldn’t even get that god-awful mercy fuck out of her. She continually made excuses, saying she was too tired and really needed the rest.

Coincidently, whenever she whined about being tired, it would trigger another knock-down, drag-out that would last for many hours.

Funny how she didn’t have the energy to fuck, but she could scream ‘Asshole!’ into my face, all the live long day.

I was getting desperate. I hadn’t fucked in almost a week, and I hadn’t had a good fuck in almost two. You see, one thing I hadn’t mentioned was that although Karen’s libido took to ground like a groundhog seeing its shadow, mine hadn’t. In fact, my libido was ramping up ever higher
with each passing day.

By the start of my second week in hell, I had almost a constant erection. I was jerking off ten to twenty times a day just to keep from slipping into some sort of celibate-induced insanity—and that barely helped.

To top it off, many of the women at work were starting to get flirty with me. It was nothing overt. It was just a sly look here, a compliment there, or a subtle sexual innuendo thrown in my direction from time to time by the various women in the secretarial pool.

In the days before I got married, these would have been clear signs for me to hit them up for a date. After I married Karen, I ignored the complements and the flirting, although I was flattered by the attention. And of course, when I passed that magical age of forty, compliments from much younger woman were few and far between. Now, however, they were being thrown at me fast and furious, and from all quarters.

So what’s the problem, you might ask.

Karen doesn’t want to have sex, but it would be so easy to dip my toe—or something else—into the unfamiliar, yet potentially refreshing waters at work. Believe me I was tempted beyond human endurance to do just that.

My problem with all this—chump that I am—was my honor pact I made with Karen: not to dibble with other women behind her back. I was sure Karen was keeping up her end of the deal, which made me doubly obligated to my word.

Thus, I took the high road and tried to ignore their flirting—and it was all ripping me up. For even the smallest, most innocent nicety about my tie or suit coat seemed like a full-throated, slut scream invitation for me to fuck them silly. Moreover, I knew I could have any one of them in a heartbeat—just for the asking—just for the thinking. You see, even if my mental abilities had no effect of Karen or Denise, my thoughts still seemed to be affecting the women at work, given their newfound, flirtatious natures.

It was literal torment. The kind of torment shipwrecked sailors must endure stranded on the open ocean, dying of thirst, surrounded by so much water, day after dehydrated day, but you can’t drink. I was surrounded by a sea of women ready to cure me of my aroused state, but my honor kept me from drinking deep at that well. It was maddening.

Even Beatrice the crone—as she’s called by many of the executives, but not to her face—was laying down complements and flirting with me, and she never flirts with anyone.

Beatrice wasn’t old, maybe five years my senior, but she dressed old. She always sported a bee-hive hairdo and cats-eye reading glasses, the kind popular with matrons in the 1950’s. She was thin, flat-chested, dour and sour in looks and spirit. Looks and mean-spiritedness aside, she was very protective of ‘her girls,’ as she like to call them, and ran the secretarial pool with an iron will. More importantly, for the company executives anyway, she had considerable pull with Jack Avery.

One time, she found out a junior exec was ‘hitting on’ one of her girls a tad too eagerly and a bit too suggestively, and making the poor thing uncomfortable. The junior exec was gone the next day. Rumor has it Beatrice made one call to Jack, and that was that.

That! Yes, even that was giving me the ‘suggestive’ eye—and, the gods help me, my cock got hard thinking about even her.

However, the worst offender in all this office flirtation was Candice. Over these past two weeks of hell, little by little, she began to break out of her ‘fat’ clothes.

Loose fitting, blousy shirts, buttoned all the way up to the collar and at the cuffs, became tight fitting pull-over sweaters that accentuated her massive breasts. The pull-over sweaters were soon jettisoned with button-down types, and for each new day, another button was left unclasped exposing her ample cleavage.

Her baggy, ill-fitting, gaucho pants were discarded for skirts. At first, they extended down to her ankles, but day by day, their hems creped ever higher until they were barely covering her thighs, and no matter if she wore the skirt long or short, they molded tightly against her pear-shaped ass.

Worse still, it wasn’t enough for her to just bounce around the office in tight sweaters and short skirts, leaving little to the imagination—though imagination was all I had left. No, she had to accentuate her sexual displays by dropping items in front of me with the purpose of bending over to pick them up, thus, giving me a bulls-eye view down her cleavage or square into that candied-apple ass of hers.

It took all my resolve not to stick my cock between those luscious globes—both sets, front or behind.

Worse still, each time I fought off the lust, and my lustful feelings were coming at me hour by painfully sickening hour, that sickening, debilitating nausea would return. Moreover, each time it happened, the feelings of nausea were more intense, and lingered for minutes on end. After a while, I had to sequester myself in my office and out of sight of Candice and the other women, or I would be in a constant state of debilitating sickness, unable to work or even think.

I saw the pattern soon after Candice’s transformation. All of the women I’ve given the elixir to had zero libido, and all of those I hadn’t indulged in were primed.

Even Jackie—yes, I broke down and hit Jackie up—but even she had no desire to fuck.

Jackie, for fuck’s sake?! That stupid bitch would fuck a horse while blowing a goat if there wasn’t a man around, but she begged off Robo-cock quick enough, saying it wouldn’t be fair to Karen.

I let her words roll around in my head, ‘…fair to Karen…,’ and knew then I was totally—yet figuratively—fucked. In the days before the elixir, Jackie would have made it a point of honor to fuck me, just so she could throw it back into Karen’s face. Now, she wanted to be fair!

Oh, fuck me!

It was the cosmic joke of all jokes, and I was its punch line.


All that I’ve described so far wasn’t the worst of it, however, for not too long after Karen and Denise’s snubbing of our ménage—where they just wanted to talk—I began seeing apparitions.

I can’t describe it better than that, except that I was being haunted by ghostly shadows.

It wasn’t there all the time. Usually when I was alone in my office at work or when I was reading in the quiet of the evening at home, I’d catch sight of the shadow out of the corner of my eye. It was just a grayish shade having the gross, rough outline of a man standing a few feet to my side—standing at a distance as if watching me.

I’d flinch each time I caught it ‘watching’ me, and each time when I snapped my head around to look at it, it was gone.

I went to an eye doctor after a few days of this, thinking at first, the elixir had affected my vision, somehow. However, she found nothing structurally wrong with me—and yet, the apparition still haunted me.

I got a second opinion, but with the same results. When the second doctor told me nothing was wrong, I became irate, swearing up and down in his office that the incompetent fool must have missed something, and that he should test me again more thoroughly. He didn’t take my advice, but he did recommend I seek psychiatric help while he shoveled me out the door. Dejected, when I got into my car to drive back to work, the apparition was there by my side, mocking me.

Worse than the apparition itself, was the deep, almost debilitating feeling of dread I experienced each time it was in the room with me, as if I was truly in the presence of a conscious being with deep-seated malice for me.

Whenever it paid me a visit, I tried to watch it sometimes out of the corner of my eye. Those moments were the most terrifying for me. As I watched it, stealthily, the apparition would grow larger in my vision, as if it drew closer, looming over me. Then, the malice radiating from the specter would grip me in full force. It froze my heart, an
d fomented such a debilitating fear in me that I was almost compelled to put my hands over my face and shut my eyes to it—just as children shut their eyes to the fictitious goblins that live in their closets.

Whatever it was, ghost, phantom or genie of the elixir bottle, I had convinced myself that this was the force pushing me into hell. Such were my paranoid delusions. Such was my life these past two weeks.

It was as if all this were being done by design, all with the purpose of forcing me to use the elixir once again. That was my thought, anyway. If I were to use the elixir again all these symptoms would pass. The vials I had stashed in my sock drawer continually nagged at me like a splinter in my mind.

However, and for some reason unknown to me, I knew in my heart that what was happening to me was many times better than what would happen if I used the elixir again. I cannot tell how or why I felt this way, but there was something inside me, warning me against approaching danger—warning me to turn on my headlights as I zipped down that metaphorical mountain road.

Moreover, it didn’t just warn me, but at times comforted me, and helped me fight off that malignant shade whenever it appeared. As such, I continued in my resolve—even against the continual sickness and fear—to never again use the elixir.

With that decision, and as each day passed without giving in to temptation, I could feel my resolve strengthening. I was winning the battle against these forces, real or imagined, aligned against me!

Then, it all ended as quickly as it started on the second Thursday in hell—and it ended in the worst way imaginable for me.


The office was abuzz.

It always was when quarterly reports were due, and I was well behind getting mine finished and into Jack’s hands before the end of the day. However, this time I relished the frenetic nature of the day, because it was at least keeping my mind off all the other crap that was happening to me. The only fly in my soothing, albeit feverish, ointment, was Candice.

It figures she’d pick today of all days to be more the slutty office manager than ever, by wearing an overly tight, one-piece, lavender, spandex mini-dress. I swear the hookers on Market and Classen dress with greater modesty.

I could tell she was losing weight—hard not to considering the tightness of the dress—and I suppose she wanted to show herself off. She still had a bit of a belly though, but without the sidecars, and when looking at her from behind, her narrowing waist made her ass appear more pear-shaped than usual. However, even with the weight loss, her breasts were still heavy, full and firm, nearly popping out of her sweater whenever she swung around too fast in her chair, or, when using that trick I’ve come to know and hate, bending over to pick up something on the floor between us. That dress suited her build well—in all its full voluptuousness.

Seeing her as she was, it was all I could do to keep my mind on my work, and more importantly, keep my mind from wandering into those lustful areas that, if not acted on, cause me nausea.

It wouldn’t have been too big a problem except that I had to continually get files from the cabinets behind her desk. I considered getting the janitorial service to move the filing cabinets into my office temporarily, and avoid my close encounters with her, but that would take all day. I just didn’t have the time for that drastic a measure, so I bore her teases as best I could.

However, just as I thought would happen, each time I moved behind her to get another client’s file, she would stand up out of her chair, and purposefully narrow the ‘safe’ corridor between her and the cabinets. I couldn’t help but brush up against her each time Candice did this.

She always made it out like it was an innocent, clumsy mistake when we touched, saying things like, ‘Oh, sorry again Mr. Henry, I didn’t see you there. I’m such a dork. I was going to get more coffee. Do you want some?’, or ‘Oh gee, sorry again, but I need to go to the little girl’s room,’ and with each of these pathetic excuses, she would comment on how attractive I looked and that she was still so very appreciative of that raise I gave her.

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Trouble and Strife Chapter 5 and 6

Trouble and Strife Chapter Five Over the next two weeks, Shelley managed to get Charlie into a pair of panties on eight separate occasions. But he never managed to get his penis into her vagina before ejaculating. Naturally, Shelley played the role of poor, hard done by girlfriend to perfection as she celebrated every small victory and her husband's ever-growing guilt. It was a Sunday evening, lying in bed together with Charlie's guilt at its highest when Shelley played the next...

4 years ago
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MAU Superman and Supergirl Part II

A part of her wanted him to stop, but that small weak voice of protest had been fading away with ever increasing speed for a while now. For the part of her that remained it was contented just to let her lay on her back as he skillfully stroked tenderly the inner borough of her parted thighs with his fingertips. Kara would never thought it would be possible to become so aroused by other persons merely touch her, but the growing euphoric bliss she was experiencing proved her wrong. ...

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L003 Lizzys story The proposition

L003:  Lizzy’s story: The proposition:Though our life together will not completely start for seven weeks, when my job ends, I realize that in telling this tale, Daniel, now my daddy, is not “him” anymore, but my “you.”We leave the restaurant and go to the car, where you help me in and buckle my seatbelt, with such loving tenderness. You give me a sweet kiss on my forehead. Daniel/Daddy climb in and drives us to your home. It is a big house, much bigger than mine. We pull into your attached...

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Murphy 3Chapter 4

The next morning, very early, Kelly made a call to her Dad’s attorneys, and they were on the case before the call ended. Meghan and Kelly were worrying and fussing over the two girls, as if they were their own born children, Bobby and his friends took them in, and made sure they were well accepted by the younger crowd, that met at the lake each day for fun and frolics in and out of the water. Just after noon that day, Kelly got her phone call. Meghan and I sat listening as she took the...

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Passed Along To A Friend Pt 2

I ended part 1 telling you how Karen had shared the pics we had taken with her friend Sam. Sam was in her early 40s, 6ft tall, mother of 3 and body to die for. Karen and Sam had been BDSM friends and loved to play dress up. One evening while have a girls night, Karen tells Sam about me and shares the pics she still had on her phone. After looking at our pics, Sam asks Karen if she didn't mind sharing my BBC with her. I get a text from Karen asking me what I was up to. I said I didn't have any...

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Woman With A PastChapter 5

Four days later, I got an e-mail from Reggie. There were a half-dozen photographic attachments -- ample-sized.jpgs with excellent composition and color. I'd seen lots of comparable nudes on the Internet, although not lately. The stark clarity of the lighting, the unsubtle quality of the nudity, the almost-clinical exposition of the model's sexual parts, combined to remind me immediately of how perversely exciting such photography could be. But, my God! When you knew the model. When...

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AnalMom Christiana Cinn Attention

Every morning, Christiana wakes up early to bust her ass for her ungrateful husband. She prepares his outfit, cooks him breakfast, and always tries her best to act like the wife he deserves. But she’s sick and tired of him ignoring her efforts, so she plans a special surprise in the form of a butt plug. When she bends down and shows the tactless guy what she’s got hidden in her asshole, he finally gives her the attention she deserves. He fingers her MILF cunt and then stuffs her butthole full...

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Pictures of Mother Part 3

A few days later I came home from school and mom was in the kitchen preparing dinner. She was dressed in her silk dressing gown, wearing black stockings, black stilettos and I'm sure, something delicious underneath!I sat at the table and got started on my homework as she obviously wanted to do a shoot tonight. She told me about her busy day as she was cooking. The sound of her heels on the tile floor and her nylon legs rubbing against the silk gave me an erection and I had a hard time paying...

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I led her into the room by a short chain leash, which was attached to a thin metal collar clasped tightly around her throat. She was already on her hands and knees, crawling, wearing only my the lingerie I picked out for her earlier in the morning: matching black lace bra and thong. I pulled her over to the bed, where I sat on the edge. She sat back on her heels, kneels on the floor, looking up at me eagerly. Her big, beautiful eyes widened as I wrapped my hand around her soft, sensitive throat...

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Baileys BrotherChapter 7 Come on Bailey

I’m stupid. I mean you think I would be able to think stuff through like Lisbeth Salander or better yet Milady de Winter. I’d be cunning and see five steps ahead. I should have asked for more money. The shirt I wanted at Ross would definitely be perfect, but according to the website the price went up. Plus I really wanted some skinny jeans to go with it. I mean my good butt jeans are nice, but they are still loose on me, and if I was going to wear a blouse like that, it demanded a whole...

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WildOnCam Megan Hughes Hungry For That Cock

Megan Hughes is excited to return and is really excited to get Nathan Bronson to fuck and suck off LIVE! She loves how you tell her how to ride and suck that cock. She just can not get enough as she spits and slobbers all over that dick so she can see how deep it can get in her throat! Nathan drills that pussy hard and licks up all those juices loving how sweet that pussy is! Megan begs for more and lets Nathan take complete control flipping her around fucking her in all the best ways to hit...

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MommysGirl Rebel Lynn Elexis Monroe Shower Creep

When Rebel Lynn’s panties go missing, she calls her sister Kimmy who let’s her know that once she caught step mom Elexis Monroe sniffing her panties and touching herself. Rebel can’t believe what’s she’s hearing about the woman who’s raised her. Kimmy admits she fooled around with her, and warns her to beware of her experience. It’s hard to resist Elexis. Rebel reminds Kimmy she’s not like her and can’t just put herself in crazy situations...

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Filling the Void

This past month my neighbor Natalie separated from her husband. I kind of knew it was coming from all of the late night arguments easily heard through my windows. Being the "nice" neighbor, I took it upon myself to help her out. While she was at work one day, I mowed her yard for her. I also took her trash cans up to the garage. Initially, I didn't tell her it was me. Her friend, Carla, was the one who informed Natalie of my good deeds. Now I will admit, I had always found Natalie physically...

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Taryns Education

Orientation The dark, expensive car drove away from Taryn Shimone and left her looking after it with large, wistful eyes, a frightened and lonely gaze that seemed to grow more intense as the car slowly faded from sight down a country road that seemed impossibly long and straight. She sighed, drawing in a deep, slightly quavering breath and turned ninety degrees to her right to face the long, tall brick wall, a wall that, like the road, seemed to stretch impossibly long to the horizon. Behind...

1 year ago
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Eva My fuckbuddy

It all started when we exchanged smiles. Something in her look just made me smile that afternoon. It's not that she fits the "model look", but everything in her was fitting and in proportion. And she definitely knows how to dress for her face and body. I must smile when I see her. And really, why not? It's our human way to say, "I really like how you look." It also makes it easier for me to tell from her look back whether she is into me or not.Luckily for me, her answer came before I started...

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Daughters Fee

“Daddy?” a young girl walked into her parents room. She was eighteen years old, she had long dark blond hair, she was slender, she had green eyes, large breasts and a fantastic ass. “Yes?” he asked looking up at his daughter as he laid face up on his bed. He could tell by the way her breasts hung that she wasn’t wearing a bra underneath her top. “Do you know if mom put a dark load in the washer before she left to Auntie’s? Because I have no bras or underwear,” she stated brushing her long hair...

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A Gangbang For Our Anniversary

She was excited as she sat on the passenger side of his SUV. He had opened the door for her, given her a bouquet of flowers and commented on her hair. That was three points for him already. She wasn’t sure which fancy restaurant he was taking her to. For once, it wasn’t her making the decision. Wherever he took her, she already planned to reward him with the best sex ever on this surprise first-anniversary date.So, when he said, “Christine?” she turned to him nervously and smiled, wanting to be...

Group Sex
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Masishen StrandedChapter 4

Crystal vision You said the accident destroyed the 'crystal, ' and your communications system was blind because of that? Our 'sing-crystal, ' yes. Michael saw the ship's intricate neural transmission array laid open before him. He followed it forward to an equipment bay. Cables and conduits and banks of cards surrounded a central pedestal. A black and silver crystalline structure stood in a deep socket. It seemed dead, lifeless, dull to his eyes despite the glittering latticework of...

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Refuge Robledo Mountain 2Chapter 14

After breakfast, the next morning, we all went our separate ways. The Padre, Yolanda, and Sofia were taking her kids to school while Alejandro went out to visit his cousins on the upper plateau. He was a little sad to see the others leaving but brightened up when Anna said he would be starting school in a few days and would go with them in the mornings. Tom and Giuseppe went off to check the dams and the quarry. I told Cristina we were going to be using the study most of the day and asked her...

3 years ago
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harry 07

DISCLAIMER: I sadly do not own any of the characters that I am writing with. J.K. Rowling does may she continue to write great books. I only own the plot. "Rowena is this such a good idea?" asked Helga as she and the three other founders gazed at the school with longing, but failed to gasp like the other first years as they had created it and it seemed normal for them, this did not get past Hagrid who was in the boat next to them. Rowena Ravenclaw, Helga Hufflepuff, Godric Griffyndor, and...

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Girls Club Excitements

We school girls lived in the very rural part of the Southwest and while the city girls had their clubs of Girl Scouts and Brownies to learn about nature, well, since we lived in nature there wasn’t much about it we didn’t already know and for this reason our Girls’ Clubs were different. While the city girls were beginning to mature, grow hair and breasts, starting talk about that forbidden thing called “S E X” we country girls saw it and many experienced it already. It might have been...

2 years ago
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Not Of This World

My sexual fantasy that this sex story is based on starts out with me getting abducted by an alien spaceship and getting fucked by alien tentacles and facehuggers. Everytime I have this sexual fantasy, I use the Ovipositor alien sex toy that can lay large eggs inside of you. This sex story starts off with me getting abducted by an alien spaceship and get fucked by alien tentacles and facehuggers with huge cocks. Please enjoy. When I have some of my sexual fantasies, I imagine that I am the...

3 years ago
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my girlfriends mate came over

my long term girlfriend said her oldest mate was coming over , they are having a make over night . i said thats ok with me ,i have known her mate since the begining and like her as a friend . i have heard stories from my gf about her mate she has done a lot of naughty things behind her fellas back and my gf and her have had a few nights together too in the past before i was on the scene . before the night of her coming over we was in bed chatting and my gf said i want you to flash her when...

4 years ago
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After my brief encounter with Ken my married neighbor I realized my obsession with sex could be filled now that I was 18 , all my fantasy's , taboo lusts and needs could be satisfied . It was easier to become Kathy now that I could get away for a few days by myself . The book store an motel had quickly my sissy hide away , since no one knew me here . I'd rent a room in the back of the motel , an exit let me come and go without being noticed and the book store a 5 minute walk away . In my bag...

1 year ago
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How my Sexuality Began Part 4

How my Sexuality Began Part 4It’s now the second day of the weekend. Mistress Marie woke me up with sweet kisses on my lips and neck. She whispered in my ear that I was a good sub yesterday, and that she hopes I will be as good and entertaining again today.“Now go and make breakfast for us”. As I was getting out of bed Nurse Joanna and Sandra came in to the room. They handed me some clothes and told me to put them on.I looked at the clothes just handed me. OMG! It was all feminine lingerie;...

2 years ago
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New Life

I walked up the stone steps quickly, cold in only a short skirt and a lacy camisole top. I looked around for a doorbell button, finding one to the right of the beautiful stained glass door. I pushed the button, hearing the ding resound throughout the house. The chilly air rushed past me in a short breeze. Goosebumps rose up on my freshly shaved legs. The door opened wide in front of me. I could have never anticipated what happened next.Three days earlier.I got home from work as usual, tossed my...

1 year ago
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The Making of Me

It was my best friend who first noticed what I'd thought for years, we were both fourteen and she was all excited about going out that night with a guy from school, she'd tried to get me yet another date with his friend, but I'd demurred as I always did. "You're gay aren't you?" I nodded by way of responding and felt just as miserable as I'd always done when I watched her dressing for him, she always wore such pretty underwear and she was an exhibitionist too. "So why haven't you...

3 years ago
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Waking up my stepdaughter

My 18 year old stepdaughter, Julia had grown into a beautiful young woman in the 5 years that I had been married to her mother. Julia was 5'4" with beautiful C-cup breasts and a perfect tight ass. She had beautiful dark brown eyes and dark brown long hair. Julia and I always had a good relationship and we would joke around with each other all the time. As she grew breasts it become more awkward for us to playfully wrestle. I tried to discontinue our physical playing as I recognized that she was...

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Addison said what are you two doing? It is my turn now, and since one of you just blew your load, I guess you know who's turn it is to get me off. I was completely aroused and unexpected at her comment. Steven looked over at me with the questionable eyes, then turned to her and Addison's smirk to Steven and wink to me was all that needed to be said without any words spoken at all.Addison kissed me on the cheek and moved away from me. She slowly stood up out of the water, to show her firm...

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Ashley Wants It Mf cons

Ashley Wants ItBy SpectreOfHell“You don’t mind?” Helen asked again. She pulled her robe tighter around her body and sneezed.“I don’t mind, I promise,” Jeff told his wife. “You’re sick. Go to bed. I’ll get Ashley to help me make you some soup.”“I feel bad leaving you to babysit,” she said, sniffling. “I told her mother I’d watch her.”“You should have told her you had a cold,” he chided. “But it’s okay. Ashley and I get along just fine. I’ll watch after her. Now get in bed.”“You’re the...

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Mature Tube

Ready for mature tube porn and sex at MatureTube? Mature women and milfs know how to fuck and suck better than any of these fresh out of college, inexperienced teen girls do. Fuck going to sorority parties and coming back with some dumb bimbo who can’t even suck a cock, let alone carry a conversation. I want someone who knows what they’re doing with their pussy! These women are aching for action (and anal)!Trust me, you’ll be pounding them in the back seat of their minivan behind a Sear’s...

Mature Porn Sites
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Wagons HoChapter 9

April 2, 1845 It took us some time to cross the Grand River the next morning. There weren't any real problems, but we did have to drag the hogs across. We had one hog drown, so we butchered him. It took us so long we only made thirteen miles for the day. After supper, we went to bed early. I was so tired I almost drifted off as soon as I laid down, but Millie and Tess wanted to talk. I was lying there, on my back, with an arm around each of them. I think I was really drifting in and out of...

2 years ago
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New MagusChapter 24

Danielle returned a few minutes later. “I’m sorry I took so long,” she said. “Someone locked me in the ladies’ room.” I nodded and helped her with her chair, but I didn’t let on about who I suspected. If I didn’t want anyone making assumptions about me, I had to do the same. Danielle looked at our food. “How long has the food been here?” I shrugged and said, “A little while. I thought it would be rude to eat without you.” She smiled. “Well, I’m here now. Dig in.” There really wasn’t much...

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Dost Ki Biwi Ko Choda 8211 Part 1

Hi indian sex stories dot net doston My name is Ravi and I am 37 yrs old. Yeh story mere dost ki biwi ko chodne ki hai. Mere dost ka naam abhishek hai aur uski wife ka naam ruchi hai. Ruchi 35 yrs ki sexy ladki hai. Usmein bohut zyada sex bhara hua hai. Uske boobs bohut bade hain and uska figure bhi 36 28 36 hai. Ruchi ki shaadi se pehle hum dono ek saath kaam karte the. Uss waqt hum bas dost the aur hum dono ek saath baith ke office mein hi blue film dekhte the air usko bada mazza aata tha....

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Anime RoboSluts

Thank you for calling Anime robosluts. We are the top selling robotic company of our class. We provided top natch Robotic sex dolls for over 8 years and now have gotten provision from several anime companies to make a new line of sex dolls based on several of your favorite anime series and can be customized in any way. Just place an order you will receive within 2-4 business days. Then you can use your robotic lover in any way you see fit. Now please pick a series you like a character from. ....

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A New BeginingChapter 4

The law to which Shina was referring stated that if someone was doomed and beyond help, yet someone still saved them, then the person saved and all they owned became the property of their savior. Shina's current situation fit those conditions exactly. And she had continued to feel stronger and livelier as more time passed. And since she was now a High Lord Shina had been given much more than she then realized or was visually apparent. Shina got up from the bed where she had been sitting...

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TeensLoveBlackCocks Kami Kari Pool Boy To The Rescue

Kami got sent away to her Aunt Claires house by her parents after getting caught being a little slut. Talk about a punishment, her Aunt lives in the middle of nowhere with no cell reception and nothing fun to do AT ALL. She might as well be on another planet. All she can really do is lounge all day and sleep all night, which is not too bad at all, but it could be just a bit more entertaining. Hope came in the form of a beautiful chocolate man named Isiah, who was Aunt Claires Pool Boy. Kami had...


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