SwapChapter 16 free porn video

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The Oakman Inn was an architectural mishmash the likes of which I'd never seen. A half-dozen regional or period architectural styles were evident in its façade. I could only imagine what the interior spaces held in store for me. I guessed and found out later that the inn was full of antiques.

I sat in the back seat of a van that had "Oakman Inn on Oak Creek" painted on its side in hard-to-read, curly-cued calligraphy. My new mother, Katherine Oakman, sat in the passenger seat. She was a large woman, maybe 45 years old, about 5' 6", 160 to 170 pounds. I was a couple of inches taller than her, I noticed. She had a pretty face when she smiled, but I suspected she didn't smile very often. Her normal expression presented a besieged look, like she carried the weight of the world on her shoulders. With a nineteen-year-old daughter with the intellect of a six-year-old, perhaps the besieged look was appropriate.

Surprisingly, Katy Oakman wasn't truly happy that I'd suddenly started to speak again. No, that's misleading. She was happy that I'd started talking again, but was unhappy with the words that came out of my mouth. They weren't the words of a retarded child. She didn't know how to respond to my sudden intellectual prowess. On the other hand, Garth Oakman, my new father, took my instant mental growth in stride.

I had no siblings to deal with. I'd asked.

Garth pulled the van into a reserved parking place in front of the inn and turned off the engine. "We're home, buttercup," he said.

Buttercup? Argh. I hope I kept my disdain for the term of endearment off my face. Not that I disliked the expression. I just didn't like it applied to me. It was too ... feminine. Criminy! It was going to be difficult being a girl.

"You told me that we've lived in Sedona for six years," I said. "Where did we live before we moved here?"


"We'll talk about that another time, Debra," Katy said, interrupting Garth.

"I don't think so," I said.

"Huh?" she said.

"I think we'll talk about it now. I'm told I stopped talking about seven years ago. We moved here six years ago. Something happened that caused me to stop talking, probably something traumatic for a twelve-year-old girl, especially for a twelve-year-old girl with a six-year-old intellect. I don't know how, but when lightning came down out of the heavens and knocked me to the ground unconscious, I changed, Katy. From what I've been told, I've changed a lot from the way I was. I no longer have the mental capacity of a six-year-old. I have the mental capacity of my chronological age. You must learn to accept this indisputable fact, Katy. I am not a child, not anymore, and you can no longer treat me as a child. Now, tell me. What happened to me seven years ago?"

"You were raped!" Katy shouted. "A sick, goddamn, filthy pedophile lured you into his car with candy, and then he took you to his house and raped you. He kept you for three months, Debra. Three months! He used you for three months to satisfy his sick perversions. Papa and I nearly went insane." Tears streamed down over her pudgy cheeks. "Are you happy now? That time, that horrible time, has never been spoken of openly in front of you. We were told that would be best. We've tried to protect you, do what we believed would be best for you. After we got you back, you were never let out of our sight. One of us has watched over you constantly. We..."

I opened the side door of the van, stepped out and opened the front-passenger door, and took my sobbing new mother in my arms. My questions and my new intellectual age had cracked the dam, and telling me what happened seven years ago had widened the crack until the dam collapsed and all the sadness and guilt the dam had been holding back for so many years came rushing out.

"Everything will be all right now, Mother," I said as I caressed her back. "You'll see. You don't have a little girl anymore mother, but you still have a daughter. I'm a young woman now, but I'm still your daughter, and somehow we will fashion a mother/daughter relationship that will make us both happy. You'll see."

"Yes!" she gushed. "Yes, that's what I want."

I felt my new father's arms around me. He must have exited the van and walked around to us. Like mother and daughter, he was crying but his tears were silent. I liked his comforting arms around me as I comforted my mother.

I started to laugh when Conk tried to join the group hug, and my laughter became contagious. The three of us, Mother holding me on one side, Father on the other, with Conk jumping and running around us with joy, walked inside the inn.

I stood naked in front of a full-length mirror attached to the back of the closet door in my room. I looked like many of the before pictures that preceded the after pictures for weight-loss programs advertised in magazines and on TV.

Curious, I palmed my breasts, sliding my palms over their pendulous curves, finally clasping the nipples between my thumbs and index fingers. The sudden jolt of pleasure that traveled down my spine surprised but pleased me. My hands wandered lower. Would my pussy be as responsive? Hoo boy! Was it ever! Being a girl might not be so bad after all. I couldn't be with a man. My mind couldn't wrap itself around that possibility, but I could certainly pleasure myself.

Like Robyn.

Sudden tears filled my eyes again. I recognized my emotions for what they were: grief and sadness for the loss of loved ones. It was as if they'd died, I realized. But I couldn't let my grief and sadness show. I had to hide them, adapt to my new life. If I didn't, I'd go insane. So, I squared my new shoulders and rubbed the tears from my eyes with the heels of my hands, put on a robe, and went looking for a bathroom. I needed a shower.

I found a bathroom in the hall. Did I share a bathroom with the inn's guests? Not knowing, I locked the door behind me, dropped the robe and studied my new face in the mirror. For the most part, I was pleased with what I saw.

My pudginess gave me a cherubic look, which would go away when I lost weight, and lose weight I would. If I was going to be a woman, I wanted a killer body, and I knew how to work a body and what to eat to meet that goal. The features on my face were symmetrical. That was a good thing. I'd read somewhere that the more symmetrical the features on a face the more beautiful or handsome the face appeared to others. I had mousy, long brown hair and beautiful large brown eyes and a full mouth. As a man, I'd label it a kissable mouth. I wasn't wearing any makeup. I knew nothing about makeup. I'd need help with cosmetics and other girly things, which made me smile. Learning about makeup could be a bonding experience with my new mother. My teeth were very white and even. When I opened my mouth and gazed inside using the mirror, I could see no fillings in my teeth. My hair needed some work, but other than losing some pounds off my face and fixing my hair, I liked the way I looked.

I turned on the shower, adjusted the temperature, and stepped inside. The hot water pelting my breasts felt good. Smiling, I touched myself again. This time I didn't stop, and a few minutes later my chubby body responded with an earth-shattering orgasm.

"Whew!" I gushed as I leaned heavily against the shower wall. The research psychologists that had written about female sexual responses had been correct. Female orgasms were more powerful than male orgasms. Hoo boy! Were they ever! Was I multi-orgasmic? Nope. My clitoris was too sensitive to touch.

Washing my hair reminded me of Robyn. I started to cry again. I was alone behind a locked door, so I let it all out and cried like a baby—or a woman. I wept for the loss of my little girl Piper more than anyone.

Wearing the damp robe, and with my hair wet and tangled, I stood in front of my new mother holding a hairbrush and comb in my hand. "Mother, I no longer have the intellect of a six-year-old, but I don't know how to be a woman. I don't know how to take care of my hair, or put on makeup, or..."

"Oh, Debra!" Katy Oakman exclaimed and jumped up off the kitchen chair where I'd found her looking off into the distance with a forlorn expression. "Sit down. I'll brush out your hair."

That I'd asked for her help seemed to please her, I noticed, so I handed her the brush and comb and sat down.

When she started brushing my hair, I said, "I don't like my hair, Mother. May I go to a beauty parlor?"

"Yes, of course you can, Debra. What else don't you like about yourself?"

"I'm overweight, but like with my hair, that's fixable. Is there a gym in Sedona that I can join?"

"The Los Abrigados Inn and Spa has a fitness center, and I heard that they give lessons in yoga and pilates," she said. "And I think there's a gym in the Hilton Spa. The Hilton is expensive, though. There's Curves. They have exercise equipment and offer a meals program of some sort."

"I don't know how I know, but I believe working out with free weights and a morning run on alternate days is the best way for me to lose weight, plus a good, nutritious diet, of course." Should I ask her to lose weight with me? Why not? Exercising together could be another bonding experience. "It would be easier for me if someone exercised with me," I said. "A buddy system, sort of, to help each other push our bodies to the limit. Would you ... I mean... ?"

"Oh, yes, Debra. I'd like that. It would be something we could do together."

"What about Dad?" I chuckled. "He could stand to lose a little weight, too."

"A lot of weight you mean," she said and laughed with me. "We'll ask him and will make him feel so guilty if he says no that in the end he'll say yes; we'll make losing weight a family project."

"You said that the Hilton Spa is expensive. How are our finances?"

She didn't answer my question immediately, but finally with a quiet voice, she said, "Not very good, Debra. We put all our savings into buying the inn, and it's not making a profit. The occupancy rate has gone down since we bought it. Oh, we pay ourselves wages, but it isn't much, not nearly enough. We're not experienced innkeepers, Debra. I feel responsible. I nagged Garth into quitting his job to buy this inn. After ... after what happened to you, I couldn't let you out of my sight, and I couldn't watch you all the time. I needed your father's help, and I figured a business in our home would let him help more."

"What did Dad do before?" I asked.

"He was in construction, the lead man for a general contractor that bid on small construction jobs, mostly custom houses or small commercial buildings."

"I asked before, Mom, but didn't get an answer. Where did we live before we moved here?"

"Tucson," she said.

Which meant that my new father's contracting experience was in Arizona, which meant that he was qualified to test for and become a general contractor, and with my knowledge in construction and architectural design, the less than desirable financial condition of this family could be turned around by the end of the second quarter next year. Also, with the right marketing effort, the Oakman Inn on Oak Creek could become profitable. It was ugly architecturally, but a lot of folks liked ugly.

"We need a family meeting, Mom."

"Yes, Debra, I think we do," she said.

"Okay, cards on the table, folks. Does either of you still believe I need constant watching?" I said.

"It's still a violent world out there, Debra," Garth said.

"Yes, it is," I said, "which means I should probably learn how to defend myself while I'm losing weight and getting fit."

"Garth, Debra and I have been talking," Katy said. "We've decided to start exercising and go on a diet. We'd like for you to join us."

He raised one eyebrow, studied each of our faces, and finally said, "Okay."

"Back to my original question," I said. "Do I need constant watching or not?"

"Not the way you are, buttercup," Garth said.

I looked at Katy.

"No," she said. "Still, if something should happen to you, I don't know if I could live with myself."

"Okay. Dad, this means that you can go back into construction."

He smiled and said, "I like the sound of that."

"But not as an employee," I added.

"Huh?" he said.

"Tell me if I'm wrong, but with your experience, I think you're qualified to apply and test for a general contractor's license in this state."

"You're not wrong, but..."

"Good. Then I think that's what you should do."

"Whoa!" he said. "There are some problems with becoming a general contractor that you might not know about."

"For instance," I said.

"The license requires a bond, an expensive bond," he said.

"What else," I said.

"Some customers," he said. "Most jobs require an invitation to bid on them. With no experience as a general contractor, I wouldn't be included on any bid lists. Also, I'm not familiar with the sub-contractors in this area. Bad sub-contractors can put a general contractor out of business."

"How about starting on small jobs like remodeling or small additions to houses?" I said.

He nodded. "That kind of work would be easier to break into."

"Let's do this," I said. "Apply and test for the license. At the same time, look for a job in the area. Mom and I can run the inn. You can moonlight the small remodeling jobs we can scare up until you can demonstrate enough experience as a general contractor to go out on your own."

While nodding, he said, "I like it. That's what we'll do."

"How about it, Mom? With my help, can you run the inn without Dad? With just a little guidance from you, I think I can perform maid services and help you in the kitchen."

"I don't know," she said. "Debra, you can't even read. How come you know so much about everything?"

I looked shocked. "I can't read?"

"No," she said.

"Give me that newspaper, Dad," I said, pointing at the newspaper lying on the kitchen counter.

He handed it to me. "How about this article?" I said. "'Jeep tour permit fight opens trails, ' by Greg Nix. 'It seems that the "outlaw" of the jeep tour companies, A Day in the West, has won its fight.'" I looked up. "Should I read on?"

I grimaced. "You're both looking at me like I was some kind of freak. I'm not a freak. I'm not! So stop it!"

I figured stonewalling them would be the best and shortest way to go. "Look, I don't know why I can read. I don't know why I know so much about everything, as you put it, Mom. I don't know why I don't have the intellect of a six-year-old. I don't have any memories of my past. None! It's as if I were born a full-grown woman when I woke up after being knocked unconscious by a bolt of lightning. And if all this is frightening for you, how do you think I feel?" It didn't take any effort on my part to generate some tears in my eyes. They came with the emotions I was feeling. Crying, it appeared, came easily to females, not necessarily on demand, but close.

"I'm sorry, buttercup," Dad said.

"Me, too," Mom said.

I sniffed. "I bet I can write, too, and keyboard on a computer. I bet I can do lots of things I couldn't do before. It's as if my intellectual age caught up with my chronological age, including what I needed to know if I were a normal nineteen-year-old girl. I'll tell you how I'm going to handle this ... this miracle. I'm going to assume I can do something—anything—until I found out I can't. And if I can't do something I have to do, I'll learn how to do it. Today is the first day of the rest of my life, and it's going to be a good life, Mom and Dad. I hope along the way that you can learn to accept me the way I am now without looking at me with fear and incredulity."

They didn't respond. They sat stunned into silence by my declarations. Then Dad stood up and crossed his large arms across his chest. "You're absolutely right, Debra. What happened to you is a miracle, a miracle for you, a miracle for Katy and me, a miracle for this family. What happened doesn't make sense with any other explanation. I, for one, am going to call it a gift from God. From this moment forward, I will no longer fear what happened." He chuckled. "I won't promise not to look amazed on occasion, though. That would be asking too much. That's how I feel. You have my full support, Debra."

He sat down and gave me a curt nod that reminded me so much of Piper's "so there" curt nods that I started to cry.

He assumed that I was crying for a different reason. He believed what he'd said had touched me, and it did, but...

Katy Oakman wasn't as loquacious as her husband, but she too vowed her support.

"Thank you, both of you," I said. "I think it's important that we keep this miracle among the three of us. If it gets out, I might end up a lab rat in some government experimental program."

"Oh, my!" Katy said. "You're right, Debra."
"That's for sure," Garth said.

I let Mother give me a cooking lesson while she was preparing our evening meal. I have to admit that I learned some new cooking tricks, and the meal was delicious. After dinner, Mom and I shooed Dad out of the kitchen, and we cleaned up the dinner mess.

When we finished, I asked, "Do we have a computer?"

"Yes," she said. "It came with the inn. We keep the books for the business on it."

"Does it have an internet connection?"

"I don't know, Debra. Your dad will know. Except for the accounting software, I'm pretty much computer illiterate."

Dad took me into a small area designated an office in the suite of rooms they used for their home. My room was next to theirs and a door from my room opened directly to their suite, eliminating the need to enter the common hall to get from my room to their suite.

"Do you know how to boot up a computer?" Dad asked me.

I frowned. Asking for help improved my relationship with Katy. Would asking my new father produce the same results? When I told him I wasn't sure, he guided me through the process. They used the word "password" for their password. The operating system was Windows 2000, so it wasn't too antiquated, but as soon as I could wrangle it, I wanted my own super-duper laptop with all the bells and whistles. The computer had a high-speed cable connection to the internet.

"Do you offer the cable internet connection to the guests of the inn?"

"No," he said.

"You should. With a cable connection already installed, I don't believe it would be expensive to provide, and don't ask me how I know this, but I think most high-end hotels offer the connection as a free amenity to their guests."

He gave me a curt nod. "I'll look into it."

"Does the inn have a web site?"

"No, I looked into setting one up, but the cost was prohibitive," he said.

I nodded. I knew web sites were cheap nowadays, but I didn't want to argue the point with him. Sedona had a couple of colleges, both of which offered web design classes. A good student would be happy to build a web site for the inn for half of nothing plus a glowing reference from us the student could present to future clients to validate his experience.

"Let me sit in front of the computer, Dad. I want to see if using a computer is a skill set I inherited with my new intellect."

My new body was very dexterous. My fingers were soon flying over the keyboard, switching when needed to the mouse. I moved through as many web sites as I could find that related to Sedona. I wanted to get to know the place where I would live until...

Which begged the question. I was John Windom for less than two months. Would my life as Debra Oakman last longer before another swap occurred, or would I remain Debra Oakman for the rest of my life?

I couldn't dwell on the question. Worrying about it would drive me bonkers.

"Lookee here, Dad. The Sedona Red Rock High School teaches weight training. I bet they have a weight room, and I bet if I ask nicely, they'll let us workout in the weight room as long as we don't interrupt any of their regularly scheduled activities. It'd beat the heck out of paying membership fees to a fitness center and spa. Waddaya think?"

"It's worth asking, buttercup. Boy! You sure know how to use a computer."

"Thanks," I said. "I was just trying to get to know Sedona. Look at this. Yavapai College offers weight training in their class schedule. That means they have a weight room, too. If neither place lets us workout with free weights, we could take the course at the college. Now, let's look for some free diets. How about calling Mom in here? She should have a say on what kind of diet we decide to use."

When they returned, I said, "I've printed the Mayo Clinic Diet. Grab the sheets from the printer and read it over. I'm looking at the Mediterranean Diet right now. Yes, I think we should add it to the list of diets we'll consider." I sent it to the printer. "Hmm, the Denise Austin Fit Forever diet looks interesting, too." After I sent it to the printer, I stood up and stretched.

"You got all this off the internet?" Katy said, sounding amazed.

"Mom, anything you want can be found on the internet. You just need to know how to perform searches. Look over the three diets. All of them require a combination of exercise and good, healthy foods. None are fad diets or require a bunch of expensive supplements. I don't know why I know this, but the best diet calls for five small meals a day, not three larger meals. Whichever diet we choose, I plan to eat five meals a day. A good diet combined with running and free weight training should melt the pounds off this flabby body. When I'm finished I'll have a killer body. Just wait and see. Do either of you have any health problems that should be considered for this type of program?"

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Sexy MILF Kalyani Looked Just 25

Hi all readers of ISS. I have been reading stories in ISS for 6 years. This is my first story here, I hope you all like it. I am Prakash, 26 years old, from Tamil Nadu, from a middle-class family and shy in nature. I am average looking, slim, and slightly dark. Presently, I am working in a company in Chennai after completing my engineering. This incident happened one year back. One day, I went to Mahabalipuram with friends and I was coming back alone on my bike. A car had been parked at the...

3 years ago
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Sunny TooChapter 21

I decided to bite the bullet and trenched my power ... the power provider ran natural gas in the same trench. Oooh ... Sparks and flammables in close proximity. How exciting. The cost was right at eighty thousand ... it was worth it. I no longer have to shit in a bag and pack it out. It only takes one time to have a bag of fermenting shit burst to make paying for power a good deal. We eventually contacted a kit manufacturer and were offered the best of good deals. Deposit paid ... unit...

2 years ago
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DiscoveriesChapter 4

I got home from school. I could feel cum slowly seeping from my pussy. I layed down for a bit, but could not take my mind off what had happened. The thought of having had something crammed up my pussy and my ass at the same time was driving me crazy. Suddenly I heard the doorbell ring. I answered the door to find that it was my mother's boyfriend, Jason. "Hi," I greeted him. "Hi, can I come in. I wanted to wait for your mother here, we were supposed to go out." He said and just walked...

3 years ago
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Introduction to Sissies V

Introduction to Sissies V By latexslut "But I wanna help," cried babysissy, stomping her high heeled foot. "She's my roommate." "Now yet, babysissy," Mistress Satin said firmly but kindly. "After. Nursesissy and Bunny know how to do this. You would make a mess of things." The gurls named Bunny and Nursesissy had left the couch and were now sashaying over to him. John Phillips took a step back. And then another one. "sissyuseless," Mistress Satin said to him. "You will...

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Tylas Dad

Tyla and I have been friends for several months now sharing many common interests outside of school and both of us were avid gamers. Tyla's dad had seemed to be a most likeable man, always polite and soft spoken. He treated Tyla like a princess, which of course, she enjoyed the attention, and I found it cute in every way. We had often laid on the floor in their family room on the plush rugs playing games for hours and hours on end. When either of us got tired, we just hid our characters in a...

1 year ago
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Dear Mom

Dear Mom By Morpheus Dear Mom, Even while I'm sitting here, I don't know what to write. I don't know what to say or how to say it. Everything is so confusing and so much has happened that I don't even have any idea of where to start. Or how to say this. I guess, maybe I should start at the beginning. I remember my sixteenth birthday two weeks ago. I was really excited and hoped that you'd give me a car like Bobby's mom did when he turned 16. And of course, there was my...

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This was the job that I accepted after Mr Franklin, my new boss-to-be, interviewed me with his huge dick sticking out from his unzipped fly, dangling just inches from my face. He explained that the job included a personal services requirement that involved me sucking, fucking and jerking him off whenever he wanted. Given virtually no other employment options, the large salary being offered, (and – to be honest – some innate curiosity about his massive cock), I accepted the position. He told me...

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Nitu fucked by ladies tailor Part 3

Nitu was dismal. It had been 3 weeks now. 3 weeks and 2 days. After the first and last time fucking her in his shop, Raj had completely ignored her. He had even sent her sleeveless suit to her house by messenger. She had called him at the shop so many times, but either there was no answer or if he picked up he said he was busy. Every night she lay in bed twisting and turning, yearning the touch of those hands again. The memory of that degrading fucking made her pussy wet whenever she thought...

2 years ago
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Mardo Ke Sath Jua Khela 8211 Part 1Maa Ki Bimari

Hi friends main Puja Kaur hu aur main Punjabi hun. Mere ghar mein mere alawa meri mummy, badi didi, aur mera bhai. Jo mujhse bada hai aur didi se chota hai. Mere papa bachpan mein hi hume chhod kar chale gaye the. Uske baad meri mummy ne hi hume paal posh kar bada kiya. Meri didi ka naam Rani hai. Abhi 23 saal ki hai aur woh private job karti hai. Unki salary 8000 rupaye hai aur aj kal unki salary se hi hamara ghar chal raha hai. Kyunki meri mummy aj kal kafi bimar rehte hai. Mere bhai ka naam...

2 years ago
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I Melt With You

Jack was amazed at how nervous he felt. He could feel a trickle of sweat run down the small of his back beneath his heavy coat as he looked up at the innocuous neon sign. ‘Yashiko’s Massage Parlor,’ it read. A further sign in the otherwise-shuttered window read simply, ‘OPEN’. The place was open. At three o’clock in the morning. Jack sighed. He knew that he’d been lonely since he broke up with Denise (since Denise dumped him, the little voice at the back of his head responded. Let’s be honest...

1 year ago
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Kiss My Ass

It had been a good night. Although I generally dislike being the third wheel, I usually enjoy going out with my roommate Kyle and his girlfriend Shannon. We always have fun, even if we do tend to drink a little too much and this night was no exception. "I'm telling you, she wanted you!" Shannon said, giving me a playful punch on the shoulder. "You should have talked to her! "Whatever," I answered, fumbling with my keys. "Hurry up and open the damn door!" Kyle slurred impatiently. "I think I'm...

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My biggest fantasy sharing my sub gf at nude beac

This is just a fantasy and not a true story ( yet ), I have always fantasied about going to nude beaches and fucking in open but when I got into Dom/Sub play years ago that fantasy changed a lot. I have been a Dominate to most of my partners, wives with or without their husbands and single women over the years and if you have seen my other stories you would know of my experiences in the past. Everything from swinging to public sex, watching and being watched and owning many subs and I never...

3 years ago
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A Different Sort of LifestyleChapter 25 Becoming A Man

The Department of Motor Vehicles was crowded. The majority of people there were renewing their licenses, automobile registrations, and other activities typical at the DMV. Those people were easy to spot since they looked bored. A handful of people were there to get their Driver’s License. They were easy to spot since they looked nervous. It was obvious to anyone who was interested in watching people that Harry was one of those waiting to get his Driver’s License. Stopping his nervous pacing,...

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What A Surprise

This will be a story hard to believe. Myself, I don't believe in coincidences. Nor fate. You will have to judge that for yourself. Just listen and come to your own conclusions. But I am not giving my name. My wife would kill me if she found out. My wife and I were driving through the West earlier this year. When we were approaching Las Vegas, Nevada, my wife expressed the need to stop and rest for the rest of the day and night. You see, she is disabled with chronic pain, and we make it a point...

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Carlos and Derrick

I met Derrick on the first day of school. I was the new kid at a small Christian school where the entire student body was in 3 rooms on the top floor of a small building across the street from the large church that it was affiliated with. I was seated next to him in the middle of the second to the last row and I was so nervous that I jumped a little when he spoke to me. “You’re obviously the new guy,” he said with a warm smile, “the teacher asked me to kind of show you around so, unless...

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Tanu ke rasile boobs

Hi readers, here pranav telling a true and sexy story of my classmate tanu.tanu jo ki engg. Ki student thi uska fegure 36 26 38 tha.colour fair aur hight achchi lambi thi.bala ki khubsoorat aur chodne layak maal thi tanu.tanu ke boobs itne bade the ki kai baar ham ladke usse baat karte karte itna chipak jate the ki boobs hamase takarate rahte..gand to hum kai baar sahla daba chuke the..itni soft aur badi gand thi tanu ki jo pure college me famous thi..har ladaka uski patali kamar pakad ke tanu...

4 years ago
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VacationChapter 49

Day Forty-nine - Sunday Kisses, lots of kisses. Someone was kissing my eyes, my nose, my cheeks, my mouth, my ears, my neck and my shoulders. I opened my eyes to view the deep brown of Sue's eyes. They were sparkling with a smile, as was her mouth. With another soft kiss, she said, "I love you so much. I am so lucky we met." "Not as lucky as I am. If I hadn't met you, I would be back out on an oil platform, with this place as a nice memory. You gave me reason for a whole new life....

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Ambers learning sex Vol 1

Introduction: This story contains acts of incest if this is not your cup of tea leave now. This story begins when I was 13. I came home from school did my homework, helped my mother clean the house as normal, and then went outside to play some basketball with my friend Dusty. After returning home I took a shower, ate dinner, and went to bed. The day had started and I thought was going to end as normal. Some time around 1:30 in the morning I was a waken to movement of my blanket and sheet being...

2 years ago
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Sex With My Lovely SIL

Hi hello. My name is jack, 35 years. I am from central Kerala and into business. This is an incident which happened a month back with my SIL (sister in law). Her name is Suma. She’s been married for 5 years but doesn’t have kids. She is 31 years old. She is my wife younger sister. I never did have any feelings for her until a year back when I came to know that she is not getting pregnant through her hus. He has some problem. That’s when I got the idea of taking the advantage and seduce her. But...

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A NOT so Welcomed Guest Ch 7

Quinn Markov - human wife of Ephus ----------------------------------- Norse Deities -------------- Freya - a goddess associated with love, beauty, fertility, sex, war, gold, and seiðr. Loki - a mischievous god who can shape-shift and can take up animalistic forms. Thor - a hammer-wielding god associated with lightning, thunder, storms, sacred groves and trees, strength, the protection of mankind, hallowing, and fertility. Son of Odin Valkyries ---------- Göndul - War Valkyrie Greek...

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The Craftons Part 21

Halvatia Curry hummed softly as she cleaned the collard greens for dinner. The murmur of laughter caused her to look up and out the kitchen window. There in the gazebo sat the Crafton's, Carter and Caitlin along with their mother. June was nearly 27 weeks along and developing that round shape that all pregnant women have. She looked radiant. Obviously enjoying her pregnancy despite its incestuous beginnings. They were laughing at Baby Gabrielle who was chasing Christian, Halvatia's brother,...

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EvilAngel Noemie Bilas Black Girl Magic

Ass-blessed black babe Noemie Bilas meets superstud Markus Dupree for a rowdy anal showdown! The petite starlet performs a playful tease, whimpering when Markus stuffs his schlong into her wet pussy. Markus probes her mouth with his fingers as he pounds away. Noemie pries open her butthole for deep rectal penetration. Hardcore interracial sodomy comes with an intense, face-fucking blowjob; nasty rimming; and a squirting orgasm! Noemie poses her gaping butt and gives a lewd, ass-to-mouth...

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Auntie Mames New Niece Part 3

Auntie Mame's new niece, Part 3 In just a couple of hours, my life seemed to have turned upside down. Having arrived at Auntie Mame's for the summer, I suddenly found myself engulfed in fragrance, wearing a dress and carrying a bag full of my new panties and training bras. And now, we were headed for the salon. When we got into the car, Auntie Mame pulled out another package. "I got you a little extra surprise," she said. It was a handbag. Not a big leather handbag like my mom...

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MrLuckyPOV Marissa Morgan Thick Stripper Tries Porn

Flexible, thick, brunette new cummer Marissa Morgan is ready to work a different type of pole during this late night. This proud and skilled stripper has decided to jump head first (pun intended) into the porn business. With her jet black hair and thick, juicy, round ass she is here to let out an even more wild side. Her bright blue eyes will suck you in and her wet, tight pussy will do the same. She is no stranger to acrobatics so the sex swing and pile driver are right up her ally. Watch as...

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Toilet Sex Continued

This follows on from my last story Toilet Sex, so you may want to read it…Jimmy looks at me, thanks me and says I have a sexier ass than my girlfriend, he also says I am a good fuck, he tells me to pull up my pink panties and my jeans knowing full well the two guys are probably listening.I do as he tells me, whilst doing it I tell him I really enjoyed his fat cock and being his toilet slut.Jimmy says the nights not over yet.We walk out the cubicle; two guys in their forties stare at us, Jimmy...

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Seducing the Man in Black

At 2 am Laurie comes home from the late shift, earlier than usual. She tosses her frumpy nurse’s scrubs to the floor next to the rest of her laundry, both dirty and clean. “I’ll clean up tomorrow,” she says to herself, knowing she won’t. After a long shower that fogs up the mirror and leaves more water on the floor than her regular shower, Laurie makes her way to the bedroom of her tiny, one-bedroom apartment, vibrator in hand. “I can always count on you.” She squeezes the handle of her...

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A Romantic Visit

The day was finishing the sun setting and you had taken me to the beach a perfect setting after a day of romance and fun with you. We are standing at the water edge hand in hand watching the sun set, the waves crashing on the beach the water lapping at our feet. No words shared just each of us speaking to the others heart through silent words of love. You turn to me, and I to you, at the same time, leaning into me you place your lips on mine and kiss me with the most gentle sweet kiss, I...

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Sauna Special Services of a Kind

Sauna Special Service of a kindMy name is Yaki, a shemale in Tai Chung, Taiwan. One Saturday afternoon, I dress in my usual lady costumes and go to the sauna parlor on Daya Road with my three CD friends.This sauna parlor is really gorgeous. It occupies three floors with over 20,000 ft in area. In their usual manner the waiters greet us at the reception area in unison and lead us to the changing area. We have been here a few times before. This place does not preclude entrance of cross-dressers,...

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RenewalChapter 4

The small crew consisting of Regina, Greiss, Marion and one other Extroneon landed the small secondary craft just under the canopy next to a little expanse of open field in the middle of forest land. The smaller craft has a large enough cargo bay to store captives until they return to the much larger ship that awaits them back on the opposite side of the moon. Greiss and the other Extroneon are merely with the ship to ensure if anyone stumbles upon the space craft, they won’t be leaving to...

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Terms Revealed

Terms Revealedby W2beh ([email protected])This is a follow-up to the story of our first adventure, ‘Testing the Limits’ posted in directory 34. My wife informs me she has to sleep with the stud in order to satisfy the terms of her agreement for his earlier cooperation. I require some convincing, and her methods ensure my eventual agreement. (MMF, exh, bd, bi, mast, oral, reluc)The very first time we had the house to ourselves, my wife had me sit down with her to watch the video she had made of...

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Sex in PragueChapter 2

After a few minutes, Anna draped her gorgeous body around mine in the pool and we kissed deeply as she stroked my body tenderly. “Before I give you my body, I need to let you know that I bullied my lover into showing me the correspondence that you and he have had over the years.” “Wow!” I replied, “Were you shocked?” “Darling man, do you think I would be naked in this pool with you if one thing in those letters had shocked me? Quite the opposite, your descriptions of your sexual adventures...

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Change Can be Good chapter 40

A mystery. She had definitely fallen asleep in her own bed, and she had seen Violet close her door after she entered her room. There had been no more hanky-panky the previous night, not after discovering the new depth of Kathleen’s vagina. Oh well Kath thought to herself as she reached above her head to stretch. I’ll figure it out after breakfast. Propping herself up with her elbows, Kathleen slowly took in the odd sight in front of her eyes. Her belly was bulging outward, as though she...

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Eye of the Beholder Part 3

Eye of the Beholder Part 3 ? by: Tanya Grant This is the continuation of Alex Wards undercover operation. Please read parts 1 & 2 first if you are unfamiliar with the story. This story and it's constituent parts are copyright Tanya Grant and no reproduction or use outside of those sites given permission to carry is implied or allowed. Please contact [email protected] if you want to talk to the author. Part 4, the final episode is being written and should be...

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I have rather large titties and what’s annoying is that guys rarely look me in the eye when they talk to me. On the plus side, a guy staring at my tits makes my nipples grow hard and my pussy start to tingle, which is never a bad thing. I reciprocate, though. If I see a large bundle straining against some tight jeans, my eyes are riveted to it and it’s all I can do not to reach out and touch. Size doesn’t matter, but it sure catches my attention. It was Saturday night at the Hexagon and my...

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Wine Bar Date

Miranda walked down the street in a daze, trying to ignore the lingering moisture between her legs. After her surprising, yet incredibly rewarding experience at the coffee shop, she could hardly wait for dinner later with the mysterious Heather. Even if nothing sexual happened, she still wanted to know more about the woman who was brazen enough to take control of a complete stranger in public place. Knowing that Heather was likely very busy, Miranda held off on calling about dinner plans. Not...

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The Persistence of Memory

The picture in my hand took me back to when I met you and I smiled. I looked at the photo and saw a most ravishing face and the sight of bare shoulders. In the background was the sight of a sea of brilliant aqua and a crystal white beach. Seeing the photo I thought again of how the photo was taken and my mind was taken back to that day. My hot sweaty body ached for some coolness as I drank greedily from the water bottle and I looked down at the most perfect beach. The sea a clear aqua and the...

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I got in from the job early Friday morning, unloaded my stuff, got a shower, and a nap. Now I was getting ready to go out and party a little. It had been a long job, almost five weeks in the middle of nowhere. My mind had wandered to Maggie, a good friend and part time lover of mine, from time to time since I had been home. With a grin, I picked up the phone and dialed her work number. She answered the phone and I said, "Hey sexy, don't pay the ransom; I finally escaped."She chuckled and...

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Talking with Debbie Ch 02

After our argument when I had confessed that Debbie having sex with someone else was my fantasy, we had been rather sheepish around each other. The next morning she had come down and made breakfast and simply carried on as if nothing had happened. Our conversation was stilted but we managed to talk about some items in the Sunday papers and as the day progressed the awkwardness lifted. By the next day I thought that maybe it had been put behind us and no damage had been done. However, the...

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Teachers Make the Best Lovers

My adventure as a Bull began in Tulsa Oklahoma, while road tripping across country in route to Austin. I made a stop for the night at the Doubletree Hotel in downtown Tulsa and arrived at about 8:30 in the evening or so. Before checking in I thought I would grab a burger and a beer at a nearby pub called Baxters Interurban Grill. It was Friday night and the place was hopping. I moseyed up to the bar where a friendly white couple was seated and nodded my arrival. The waitress quickly offered a...

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Internet Meeting Ch 02

In the last part Franz, met her new guy on the dating site. He was called Jules and really seemed promising. Franz liked him very much and was prepared to sleep with him. All her passion, held over for so long with Tom, exploded. This was for real and not cybersex which was a poor substitute to gratify her deep passion. Although primarily it was very nice and exciting there came a point when she just did not want to do it anymore over the phone, they chose to split with the probability of...

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