Compulsions Ch. 04 free porn video

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Author’s Note: I apologize to all those who were waiting for Compulsions Ch. 04 and beyond. I don’t have a good excuse for the time lag, so I won’t give a bad one.

Anyway, thanks to everyone who read, voted and/or commented on the first three chapters. It is appreciated. Also, thanks for the emails.



The next morning, Mike dropped Abby off at her house.

‘I enjoyed your company last evening immensely, Abigail,’ Mike said. ‘Have dinner with me, tomorrow.’

‘I may be in really big trouble for last night, Mike,’ the redhead said. After a second, she laughed. ‘But alright.’ She kissed him and his hand went to her back, pulling her close.

‘I’ll call you, later,’ he said into her hair.

She smiled and turned.

Mike watched her walk away and returned to his car. Jim and Joy were in the passenger’s seat, making out.

‘Where to, kids?’ Mike asked.

Joy broke away from Jim’s kiss and looked at him.

Mike remembered the kiss that they had shared, the intoxicating taste of Joy’s sweet mouth. He wondered what Jim would do if he knew that his best friend had fucked his new girl.

‘Take me to Jim’s place,’ she said.

‘We’re heading out for the weekend,’ Jim said and winked.

‘Wanna come with us?’ Joy asked coyly. ‘We could all have some real fun together.’

It was jokingly said, but Mike believed that she was secretly serious.

Jim laughed. ‘Yeah, right!’ he said and buried his face in her neck, kissing at her neck and chest.

Joy held Mike’s eyes.

Mike stared at her for a few moments, imagining himself fucking her beautiful face. She was smiling at him, teasing him with her eyes. Mike shook his head, started the car and drove to Jim’s house.

‘Park out back,’ Jim said.

There was a back driveway on Jim’s property, mostly hidden by a cluster of trees. Jim’s car was parked there and Mike knew that was where he often made out with girls. Mike pulled in and parked. From here, he could barely see the back door, and was almost invisible from detection.

Jim climbed out and pulled Joy behind him.

‘Come on. I got everything we need in my car. See you around, buddy.’ Jim and Joy hopped in and, with a roar of the engine, they were gone.

Mike’s last image was Joy’s sultry look back at him. Mike shook his head. That look stuck in Mike’s brain and he found himself daydreaming about her and the events of the past week.

The sound of tires brought him out of his reverie. It was coming in the direction of Jim’s house. Mike got out and snuck to the trees. He angled for an unobstructed view… and finally could see.

It was Jim’s mom, Claire O’Neil. She was walking towards the back door. She stopped. She was on her phone. She was shaking her head and talking, obviously upset at someone or something.

Mike couldn’t hear, but he watched her.

She seemed distraught. Obviously, whoever she was talking with had hung up. She snapped the phone shut and put it in her pocket. She rubbed at her face and then unlocked the door and entered.

Had she been taking to Jim? Or maybe it was Ashley, Jim’s sister. They had been having problems, lately.

Mike started to walk towards the house. What was he doing? He didn’t know, but Claire was having problems. He had known her his whole life and the last image of her was troubling to him. There had to be some way he could help her.

Mike moved silently. He felt like a burglar or a stalker. Maybe it was watching Claire while he was hidden in the trees, but he felt stealth was the proper course of action in this circumstance.

As he approached the house, Mike caught a flash of something in the window. He ducked to the side, on instinct.

He realized that he was right outside Claire’s bedroom. Unable to resist the temptation, Mike poked his head up and peeked. Claire was in there, staring at a mirror, intently.

Mike’s angle was just right. He could see her from the corner, and she could see neither him nor his reflection. Mike watched as she ran her fingers through her shoulder-length blonde tresses. Her brown roots betrayed that her hair was colored, but Claire had always taken pride in her appearance. No plain, boring brown went with her Dresden blue eyes, so she had colored it for as long as Mike could remember.

Mike watched her as she studied her face, her slender fingers trying to smooth out the faint frown lines at her mouth and eyes. She put on a dazzling and sultry smile and then lapsed into a frown again. She shook her head and started to unbutton her blouse.

Mike’s heart leapt into his throat. He knew that he should look away. Claire had been a family friend since he was five. But the anticipation of seeing her large breasts naked won out. He stayed where he was.

Finally getting the last button, she doffed her blouse onto the floor. A quick snap and her bra was off, too, and Mike feasted his eyes on his best friend’s mother’s sumptuous orbs. They stood out prodigiously from her chest, without the least bit of sag.

Mike was stunned. He had seen firm breasts before: his mother’s, Robin Walsh’s and, of course, Coach Sam’s. Even Cynthia Winters had a firm pair. But Claire’s had a character and charm all their own.

Claire removed her skirt and panties and stood there in her glorious nudity.

Mike was impressed. She was a woman who scarcely needed clothing. He realized that he had never really thought of her in that way. Like with his mother, when it had taken him until his sixteenth birthday to really wonder what she looked like naked. Claire, to him, had always been a second mother, not a woman.

Wow! Had he been blind, or what?!

She walked into the next room and Mike cursed, silently. He thought, briefly, about leaving, but couldn’t make himself.

Stealthily, he made his way to the next window. She was in her ex-husband’s study, seated and reading a book. She was so at ease, as if she did this sort of thing every day.

Mike watched the rise and fall of her chest, entranced. Something caught her eye and she looked up.

Claire jumped to her feet, quickly. Mike ducked.

‘Damn!’ Mike thought. ‘She saw me! Now, what do I do?’

He desperately scooted out from under the window. ‘Act like nothing happened,’ he told himself. ‘It could have been a trick of the eyes.’

Mike stood and walked to the front door. Nervously, he rang the doorbell. He could hear her moving behind the door, suddenly rushing.

‘Um, just a minute!’ she cried out.

Almost exactly a minute passed and the door opened. Claire stood there in a pair of pajamas.

‘Oh, hi Mike!’ she said and faked a yawn. ‘I just woke up. Jim’s not here. He was out all night.’

‘I know, Mrs. O’Neil. I was with him.’

‘It’s Miss, now, Mike. Miss Schneider. Or Claire, if you prefer. You’re a grown man, now. I won’t be offended of you use my first name.’

‘I am?’ Mike thought.

‘Uh, I’m sorry about your husband… uh… leaving… Miss…’

‘Claire, Mike. Go ahead and say it.’

‘Uh, Claire…’

She smiled. ‘There you go, that wasn’t too hard, was it? Why don’t you come inside?’

Mike shook his head as he entered. It was nice to call her that. Familiarity and intimacy with her was intoxicating. He found himself staring at her pajama-covered breasts. They looked so full and round, even through the material.

‘So where’s Jim?’ she asked, as she closed the door.

‘He left with Joy for the weekend,’ Mike said, without thinking.

‘What?’ Claire exclaimed.

‘Oh, shit,’ Mike thought. ‘Hypnotized by breasts.’

‘Who’s Joy?’ She gave him a dark look.

‘A new girl at school, Miss… uh… Claire. We met her the other day and Jim really likes her. We took her out to the concert last night.’

‘You both took her out? What kind of girl is

‘Uh… not exactly. I took Abby Prescott out.’

‘Oh, well, that’s good, Mike,’ Claire smiled at his tongue-tied embarrassment. ‘But I’m still upset that Jim took a girl on a trip for the weekend. And without telling me. He wasn’t back last night. Did he sleep with this girl?’

‘Actually… yes, Claire, he did.’

‘Thanks Mike. I appreciate your honesty.’ Her arms were crossed over her breasts and she looked down. She had such a sad look on her face.

Mike crossed to the couch and sat. ‘Sit down, Claire. Tell me what’s bothering you.’

She looked at him, a bit taken aback. Then she sat and it all came pouring out. Her problems with her husband and their divorce. Her problems with Jim and how she felt he was growing apart from her. And Ashley and how she had left school and didn’t want to go back.

‘What can I do, Mike? My life isn’t working out. Everything is so messed up.’ Her eyes were glistening with unshed tears and she looked at him as if hoping that he had all the answers.

‘Well, what do you want to do about your marriage?’

‘Nothing. Really, I just want to move on from him, Mike. That’s all.’

‘Okay, well… why can’t you?’

‘I’m… I’m old, Mike. I want to move on to someone new, but I haven’t got what it takes to attract a man, anymore.’

Mike nearly choked. ‘Um… I don’t think that you are looking at it objectively, Claire.’

‘What do you mean?’ she said, rubbing at her teary eyes.

‘Well, how old are you, Claire?’

‘Um, forty-three…’ It was almost a whisper.

‘Okay, and what it the average age of all women?’

‘I don’t know… about twenty-five, I guess…’ Her voice was small.

‘Wrong. It’s more like thirty, Claire.’

‘It is?’

‘Sure,’ Mike said. ‘People are getting older, but with medicine and technology they can seem younger than ever.’


‘Yeah!’ Mike said. ‘Now, what’s the life expectancy of a woman?’

‘Maybe seventy?’

‘Try eighty, Claire. Now, you’re barely half that!’

She thought about it. ‘That doesn’t sound too good, Mike…’

‘Doesn’t it? In the 1920’s men and women were still considered inexperienced until they were thirty, when they were finally considered adults. And the life expectancy was closer to sixty years.’

‘What does all of this mean, Mike?’

‘Well, if the life expectancy is sixty and adult is thirty, then we can safely say that at half of your life expectancy, you’re not really old. Grown up? Yes. Fully matured? Yes. Maybe even experienced. But not old. That doesn’t happen until at least two thirds of your lifespan has gone by and that would be eighty divided by three, times two… equals about fifty-three! You just hit your prime, baby!’

Claire laughed, deep and throatily, a huge grin spread across her face.

‘Fifty-three…’ Her face fell, again. ‘But that’s only ten years away!’

‘Only ten years!’ Mike exclaimed. ‘But think how much can happen in ten years, Claire. You could get remarried. Have ten kids, even! Ashley and Jim would have their own lives and families. Not to mention ten whole years of great sex!’

She smiled and laughed again, blushing intensely. ‘Oh, Mike! Thanks! You made me feel so much better!’

She hugged him, hard. Mike could feel her breasts pressing against him as she squeezed the breath out of him. Mike patted her on the back. But it wasn’t more than a minute before he felt her crying, again.

He broke the hug, so that he could look at her face.

‘What’s wrong?’ he asked.

‘It’s my kids, Mike! Jim doesn’t like me, he barely talks to me, anymore, and Ashley simply hates me!’

‘Claire, I don’t think that’s true.’

‘Yes it is! You don’t know!’

‘Well, I know a little bit…’

‘What do you know?’ she asked. Mike rubbed at her eyes, wiping away the tears.

‘I know that Jim doesn’t hate you,’ Mike said. ‘He just doesn’t like the fact that you don’t trust his judgment.’

‘But I do, Mike! He’s out all the time! He’s never home, and I never say anything about it! I know that he’s a good kid! I let him do whatever he wants!’

‘And he always thinks that you’re angry with him,’ Mike said.

‘What? Why?’

‘I don’t know… because that’s what I would think if my mom didn’t talk to me.’

‘Well, what do I do?’

Mike walked over and picked up the phone. ‘Call him.’

‘What do I say that won’t make him mad?’

‘Tell him that you saw him leave just as you got home. You were worried about him when he didn’t come home last night, but you trust him and his judgment. Ask him where he is and what he’s doing. Tell him that what he’s doing sounds cool and ask to speak to the young woman that he’s with. Tell her that she seems nice and that you hope to meet her sometime soon. Tell Jim that you love him and miss him, but that you want him to have a good time.’

‘Are you sure about this, Mike?’

‘Well, it’s better than doing nothing,’ Mike said. ‘And if my mother asked about a girl I was interested in, well, I might be embarrassed, but afterwards, I’d be happy and proud that she was interested. Nothing will excite a guy more than a mother who’s interested in his love life.’

Claire’s face set. ‘Okay, I’ll do it.’

Mike listened as she made the call and followed his instructions. At last, she hung up the receiver. ‘Well?’ he asked.

‘I think it went okay! Thank you, Michael. You’ve really helped me out! With two of my problems, at least.’

‘I’ve been thinking about Ashley. Jim said that he thought that something else was going on with her, but he didn’t know what. Maybe I can find out.’


‘Do you know where she’s at, now?’

‘Not for sure, but she always likes going to the mall on Saturday mornings.’

‘Maybe I can find her there.’ Mike stood up and grabbed the door handle.

Claire’s hand quickly grabbed his. ‘Mike,’ she said. ‘I really want to thank you for what you’re doing. You and your mother have always been good friends to me, but this goes beyond friendship…’ She kissed him on the lips: a sweet, sensuous embrace.

Claire pulled away after a few seconds. ‘Thank you and good luck.’

Mike nodded and left.


To Mike’s surprise, he found Ashley almost immediately.

She was sitting in the food court in the mall, looking depressed, which fueled Mike’s suspicion even more that something unusual was going on with her.

Maybe this was a good time to practice what his mother had told him about the Ways, or whatever she called them. Manipulation. Influencing the mind. Maybe he could trick Ashley into thinking he was someone else. It would be trickery for her own good. Surely that wouldn’t be too intrusive.

Mike concentrated. He walked up and sat down across from her.

Ashley looked at him. ‘What are you doing here, Jim?’

‘It worked!’ Mike thought. ‘She really thinks that I’m her brother!’

‘Just wanted to talk to my sister, that’s all…’ Mike said, as he watched her, intently. ‘Nothing wrong with that, right?’

She frowned and Mike was sure, for a second, that she had seen through his disguise.

‘Oh, please,’ she said. ‘Since when do you care?’

‘Ashley,’ Mike said. ‘You’re my sister, of course I care about you. Something’s going on with you and I want to know what!’

She looked at him, quizzically, and then…

‘It’s my boyfriend. Jack. I know that I never told you about him, but I think that I’m in love with him. I want to marry him.’

‘Wow,’ Mike said, genuinely surprised. ‘I’m happy for you, Ashley.’

‘Really? You are?’

‘Yeah, why not? If you love him, then I’m all for it.’

‘Well… thanks, Jim… but it all doesn’t matter anymore.’

‘Why not?’ Mike asked.

‘A girl stole him from me. She fooled him into believing that I dumped him and t
hen she picked him up. Proclaimed her love for him. He won’t even listen to me, anymore.’

‘And this is why you dropped out of school?’

‘I didn’t drop out of school,’ Ashley said. ‘Not yet. But if I can’t solve this problem, then I might as well leave. I can’t go back there and see him every day and not be with him.’

‘Maybe I can help,’ Mike said. ‘Who’s the chick?’

‘Monica Winters,’ Ashley replied.

‘Really?’ Mike said. ‘This should be interesting. I can definitely help you out, Ashley.’

‘You can? How?!’

‘Let’s go.’


Ashley and Mike parked on the street, outside the Winters’ house.

‘Now what?’ she asked.

‘Stealth. I know for a fact that Monica came home from school the other day. Let’s check around and see if she’s here.’

Together, they left Ashley’s car and walked to the house. Mike looked in the windows and saw nothing. A car was here, though. Someone was home.

‘Around back,’ Mike said, and they snuck back to the pool house. The door to the pool house was unlocked and slightly open. Sure enough, Monica was in the pool and so was another figure, Mike saw. A man. Jack, Mike figured. He seemed to be enjoying himself with Monica Winters. They were making out.

‘That son of a bitch!’ Ashley said. ‘I’m going to kill him!’

‘You still want to expose her?’ Mike asked.

Ashley ground her teeth in frustration. ‘Yes. It’s not his fault. At least, not entirely his fault.’

‘Okay. When she leaves, you go in and confront him. I’ll send her out and get her to confess everything.’

‘How are you going to do that?’

‘That’s my secret, okay? Just follow my lead.’

Mike left her and made his way to the front door. He had the keys to Howard’s car, his office at work, his penthouse in town and the keys to this house. Fishing them out of his pocket, he unlocked the door and entered. Then he slammed the door, hard. Mike quickly ducked out of sight and waited. Sure enough, less than a minute later, Monica rushed in to see who was home.

Mike grabbed the tall blonde by the hair and threw her to the floor, twisting her arms behind her, as he got on top of her.

‘Guess who?’ he hissed into her ear.

She froze. ‘Let me up!’

‘Not so fast, baby!’ Mike said, seizing her with the Compulsion. ‘Not until you promise to do everything I want. Do you promise?’

She nodded, desperately. ‘I swear.’

‘Okay,’ Mike said and pulled her to her feet, by the hair.


‘How did you get Ashley’s fiancé to break up with her? And why?’ Mike asked.

‘I got her roommate to tell him that Ashley was seeing another guy. She owed me a big favor. My dad got her into college after she fucked him. I only did it as revenge. He turned me down for a date, once, because he was seeing Ashley. So I was going to get him to ruin his relationship and then I was going to dump him.’

Mike shook his head. ‘Chicks like you piss me off. You make life a living hell for everyone, you know? I want you to go out there and tell them everything that you did.’

‘Yes, Michael.’

Mike let her go and watched as she marched out the back door. He watched from the next room as she explained everything to Jack and Ashley, who quickly made up with each other and left. Ashley glared murder at her, as she went.

Monica reentered the house and Mike pointed at the couch. She sat, obediently.

A minute later, Ashley stuck her head in the front door.

‘Thanks, Jim. I don’t know how you did it, but thank you. Are you coming?’

Mike shook his head. ‘We have some things that we’re going to discuss… And then, I’m going out of town for a couple of days, but I want you to tell mom that you’re going to stay in school, okay?’

‘Sure, Jim. I’m sorry that I made her worry, so much.’

‘That’s okay, Ashley. I’m sure she would understand. And if you would keep this between the two of us, I would appreciate it. In fact, it might be better if we never talked about it, again.’

‘But why?’

‘I just think that we should keep this a secret, okay?’

‘Anything you say, Jim. And thanks!’ With a last glare at Monica, Ashley left, got in her car with Jack and drove away.

‘That leaves us alone, doesn’t it, baby?’ Mike said as he looked at Monica.

‘Stand up!’ Mike ordered.

The blonde stood and Mike ripped the bikini top from her body. She took an involuntary step back and Mike tore the rest of it off of her.

‘Follow me.’ He walked out the back door, her following obediently behind, and looked at the pool. Grabbing her by the tits, he threw her into the pool. She splashed in with a screech.

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My First Sex With My Aunt

Hi I am Ryas and I’m gonna tell u my story with my aunt nita. My aunt is very hot. She is a little fat but it does not matter. One day I was in her home helping with computers. We both were sitting on a sofa. I was holding my laptop and working, she sat beside me and telling me what to type and I was typing. A little later her boobs were touching my right arm I was not knowing what to do, so I went on typing. She was wearing a t-shirt and a pajama. A little later our work was finished and she...

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What Happens in Marbella

Suzie needed time away from everything and a trip to Marbella was just the place. It was the land of the wealthy in South Spain, complimented with a beach stretching throughout for miles, bars and clubs that once hosted celebrities and people of outstanding looks and figures from around the world. Suzie wasn’t sure where she’d fit in, but dammit she was going to try it anyway. She came across a bar across the street from her apartment. After ordering cocktails from the same bartender she...

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The Trainer

The Trainer By Nancy Rose (copyright 1998, all rights reserved) Chapter One He was a pretty one, the red-painted pouting lips so full, the mascara making his eyes big and bright, the tight red satin dress hugging his thin, curvy, oh- so-slightly girlish form. The mistress had such an eye for these boys, knew exactly which ones to pick. "No," he whined. "Please. Why are you doing this? Please, let me go." He didn't know how sexy he looked when he begged. The blond...

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Neuro submission transmitter 8

I awaken to the feeling of naked flesh against my back and figure Maggie has decided to join us. I turn over, wrap my arm around her and open my eyes. Light from the living room makes her face almost a silhouette, but I can see enough to realize it isn't Maggie. It's my sister, Susan! "Surprise!" She says, kissing my lips and running her hand down my body, gripping my soft cock. "I missed you and figured...""What are you doing here?" Nicole says, leaning over my back and staring at Susan....

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Kate Draffen Chapters 22 23

KATE DRAFFEN By Swishy Hi there, the author here. Thank you so so much for sticking with this story. As always comments, questions and critisms are very welcome. Either post a comment or email me at [email protected]. Just to clear up, I was unaware how rare Gemma was as a name in the US. It is a common name here in Australia and is pronounced 'Jem-muh'. ***** CHAPTER 22 Fucking journalists! That's how they knew. Some journos called my Mum first thing in the morning...

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Ray and Stacie

  (Just to note that this story is told in first person from both accounts. The name of the character always foreshadows whose account we're hearing.)   Ray               I was lying on an uncomfortable bed in a shitty hotel room flipping through the television.   No cable mind you, just a crappy antennae sitting on the small set.   All I could pick up aside from the three networks. was some guy with a bad hair piece screaming fire and brimstone....

Straight Sex
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AudryChapter 2

Audry was really pissed off. I could tell by the way things were flying around the room. As soon as she came through the door, her helmet hit the far wall. Her boots followed, then her jacket and riding crop. "Bad practice, honey?" I asked, hoping to cheer her up. Normally, Audry is one of the sweetest, most even-tempered girls I know. But once in a while... I guess this was one of those times. "Didn't practice. They sold my horse!" She fumed and muttered. "How am I supposed to...

1 year ago
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It feels so right

He knew Graham and I went and did something together almost every Friday, whether it be bowling or midnight fishing, and he began to scheme. One Friday, we were out on the docks, doing a little midnight fishing and drinking some beers to kick off the summer when he showed up. There were a few people out on the water, the hopeless romantics that took late-night boat rides and fucked to the rocking of the waves, but no one was close enough to the docks to really see or hear us. Graham had just...

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White whore on the slave plantation pt 1

Jessica was at a difficult age, a child with the blossoming body of a woman, a blue eyed pale skinned, blonde haired goddess/ child part latino part caucasian, she lived with her mother on the Carlos Menendez Plantation where James’s family had grown cotton for three generations. James tried everything to please Jessica but it was useless, he believed she hated him, It wasn’t his fault that Jessica’s father died or that her mother had married his father. James’ mother had died when he...

1 year ago
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Ashley Wants to Be a Cum Slut Part III

Part III – Ashley wants to be a cum slut. In the third and last part of this story, Ashley gets what she wants, to be a cum slut for a group of men. ********************************************** Having placed their “slut wife” ad on a website, Jack and Ashley went on about their lives. Checking in a couple of days later, Ashley was jolted when she saw the response to the ad. “Jack, come here and look at this. My God, we’ve got 25 responses to our ad already!” “I’m not surprised,” said Jack....

Group Sex
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My wife transformed into a dog slut

You know how once you've lived in a neighborhood long enough, you pretty much know everyone and you've heard all the rumors? Like the guy across the street who is cheating on his wife, the single mom down the block who might be a lesbian now, or the house two streets over that is growing marijuana in a backyard shed. I thought I'd heard them all. My friend told me that Emma, a divorced wife in the neighborhood, fucks her dog. I thought it was bullshit. I knew Emma, she and my wife were...

2 years ago
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1 November 2008Chapter 11

“Well isn’t that a sensual looking sight!” Wendy remarked as she and Tina walked hand in hand to the pool area. Dan waded into the shallow area and up the steps, revealing his semi-hard cock to his girls. “Looks like you’ve been having fun!” They gazed at three bodies naked from the waist up. “Wendy and Tina these are my daughters, Hanna and Jennifer,” Lisa introduced. “Hi girls, very nice to meet you,” Wendy said admiring their firm breasts. “We normally meet Dan’s new girls while they...

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Nina Was Her NameChapter 10

Capt. Scruggs departed as soon as possible, taking Cookie with him. Oh, well, Jeb had turned out to be almost as good a cook as Cookie, so I supposed that I could live for a week without Cookie’s masterpieces. At least, Nina and I were together, so it was not all bad. Among other things, we spent some time practicing with our new guns. I was anxious to see how well the new revolvers showed themselves versus the shotguns. Actually, that was a crucial question. We headed back toward the route...

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Harrys Ladies

Disclaimer: I did not create this the original had so many grammatical errors it killed my remaining brain cells, so I decided to re-write including tweaking it here and there. The original is on XNXX sex stories by the author tripleaaa. Enjoy! Chapter 1 Ginny Weasley walked away from the Room of Requirement in near tears. She knew that Harry would kiss Cho Chang tonight and then start dating her. Oh, how wrong poor Ginny was. Back in the Room of Requirement: Harry and...

2 years ago
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Deborah and her mother the end

For the last few saturday's I have been fucking Deborah's mother Jane while Deborah is at work. Last friday night I had been talking to Deborah and she had been complaining about a sore head and a general "unwell" feeling which I thought nothing of it, on saturday morning she went to work as usual and I as usual went down to fuck Jane, Jane was ready and waiting for me and when she opened her front door she surprised me by wearing nothing but sussies, now this got me hard and we were soon...

4 years ago
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Councils of WarChapter 7 Uxoriousness

Awake, bathed, dressed anew, Lionel watched the ladies descend for the ball. The ritual was the same as had prevailed during the Season, the situation was quite different. The overwhelming majority of these ladies were married women, most of them long-married. He was one of the most desirable partners, several women turned to him first when several men met them at once. He stepped back when Anne descended, which was the way married men treated their wives but a mistake in this case. She had...

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Innocence Lost

Scott stood at attention at yet another long day of rehearsal. It was the third day of band camp, almost halfway done with the week. Tired, dehydrated, sore, and yet still determined, Scott went over the movements in his head. They were about to run through a small segment of the halftime show, but it was important for the movements. Eight steps forward, sixteen to the side, four back, and stop. That was his job, to get to his spot in time with the rest of the band. Scott wiped the sweat from...

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Fantasy came true

I'm a happily married man, my wife Andrea is a lovely five foot three blonde. Her little one hundred pound body never fails to draw attention from my friends or when she and I go out. The thought of her having sex with someone else became a strong fantasy of mine. I'm not going to lie I was scared shitless about asking her to do it. I wanted it very badly but I was afraid to tell her that I wanted her to fuck outside of our marriage. I began to read hundreds of stories on line about hot wife's...

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Johnny PulaskiChapter 20

I had another date with Elaine Thursday night after my last day of school before Spring Break. It was a warmish spring night so I drove us down to the beach after we ate. I parked my truck off to the side of the closed beach approach and we walked hand in hand down along the edge of the surf. "Ellen and I had a long talk last night," Elaine said. "About what?" I asked. "About us growing up and growing apart." "How did that go? How does Ellen feel about it? Most importantly to me,...

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Thats What Friends are For

Denise wrapped her mouth around Cory’s firm cock with a sigh. She sucked lightly then licked around the head a few times as Scott moved to her rhythm. He moved closer to her with her head half in his lap and his back on the headboard. They were oddly straddled on the bed since Scott was underneath her while she road him in time with sucking Cory’s cock. Denise felt the cool lube as Richie pushed his dick in her butt hole seconds before it found it’s temporary home. “Oh yeah Baby let’s get...

2 years ago
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Billionaire and the SisterhoodChapter 98 Aftermath Recovery in Caribbean

Mark I was horrified by the accident Elsa had with the Cessna Citation. I could care less about the plane; that was insured and even if it weren’t, I’d just buy another. What bothered me to the point of tears and great anxiety was almost losing Elsa. During the whole event I cried for fear that the worst might happen. There had been times I couldn’t breath I was so choked up. I knew we had some of the best minds in the aviation community worrying about getting her down safely. Further, Elsa...

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BurningAngel Honey Gold Leather Sex

Dolled up in strappy and tight black leather, tits each covered by a tape X, Honey Gold seductively dances for her man. She submits to sloppily suck Xander’s cock and balls with him in control, pulling the metal ring attached to her harness. He tears open her stockings and thrusts his stiff rod into her slippery pussyhole in deep doggystyle, giving her multiple orgasms. Honey needed Xander to throatfuck her before turning her over to continue the piledriving pussy pounding and foot...

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Jills Passions

Jill, 45 years old beautiful women, Manager of a busy restaurant in New Jersey. But still looking younger than her years and she was not ready to surrender for the numbers of the age was keeping spring in her mind. She had been interviewing people for the assistant managers job at the restaurant for two hours and still had not found anyone suitable. She was getting discouraged as she glanced at the next resume. Lisa Mary Smith- 29years old - Cornell - pretty good experience. She hoped this...

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The House Ch 04

‘Have a safe flight,’ Becca says, kissing me one last time before I enter the airport. ‘I’m really going to miss you,’ she adds as more tears spill out of her pretty blue eyes. I hug her tightly once again. ‘I’m going to miss you too. I wish I could bring you with me.’ ‘We’ll come visit, but not until you’re settled. You have to somehow let them know it’s a one-way ticket still,’ she chuckles. ‘As soon as I tell them the whole story, Tim will be glad I don’t have a return flight, he won’t...

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The Sponsor Part 3

The Sponsor Part 3 "Why don't you two beauties go take a dip in the pool and cool off" offered Bill.       Ann and Babbs slowly got up and walked nude toward the pool. They were worn out from the romp they had just had with Bill. For his part Bill sat in his chair and watched as the two women wiggled their asses out the door. All he could think of is how lucky he was. At 39 Ann was in great shape. She had learned over the years how to please and tease men. She was a great entertainer and when...

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Clerk In Photo Department

Clerk In Photo Department I was seventeen years old at the time and a junior in high school when I got a job as the clerk behind the photo counter at the local Drugstore. We were the only Drugstore in our small community so I got to know just about everyone sooner or later. When the new kindergarten teacher Miss Morris brought in her roll of film she asked for double prints and smiled at me as she said that she would be back in about two hours. Of course I told her that would be...

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Bobs sweet sweet cock

We were driving between Tupper Lake and Long Lake in New York's Adirondack Park, on our way to Warrensburg where we had reservations for the weekend at a Bed and Breakfast. We'd just spent a week in Lake Placid, strolling around town, eating in the local restaurants, and fucking, When I say fucking, I mean FUCKING! Bob is the horniest man that I've ever known. Every morning I woke up with Bob sucking my cock, and every morning after he swallowed my cum he rolled me over and gave me the fuck of...

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Meri Mami Dard Bhari Choot Ki Aur Gaand Ki Chudai

Hi friends this is sameer from Hyderabad and am also a reader of iss as like you.It is my first story and if any mistakes in my story ignore that. Now coming to the story am a guy just passed b.Tech in this year.This story was happened when am in my first b.Tech. Mi ek chote village se hu isliye mere dad aur mom ne mujhe padai keliye mama ke ghar bheja tha.Mama ke ghar me 5 members rehte hi mere mama,mami unke do bache aur meri nani.Unke ghar me 3 bed rooms the ek bed room steps ke neeche aur 2...

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Teenage BoysA Sleepover Surprise

We were all around 18 at the time. 5 guys crashing in the basement of a parents home one summer evening. After watching some Cable TV movies, and eating pizza....most of the guys had passed out....except for 2. Me and His name was John. He was an handsome boy and one all the girls giggled for during school. Both He and I were always getting the girls to giggle for us at school and we loved the attention. John lived around the block and just like me was as straight as it comes (no pun intended)....

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The Legend of Eli CrowChapter 95

With the slow moving wagon train, the trip back to Tulsa took the better part of three days. The second day on the trail after leaving Crow Valley, they saw the line crew that had contracted to string electric wires along the railroad right-of-way. They were stringing both electrical and telegraph wires on the same poles as they worked. Eli wanted to visit with the men, and while the wagons kept rolling, he rode up to where they were digging holes to set the poles. “Hello, Marshal. We saw...

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Eddys Garage Ch 02

These are not ‘Stand alone’ Chapters. I suggest reading from the beginning. Part two of five: Eddy meets Laura, the girls graduate This story is the product of a diseased and febrile mind. As such, it is fiction. Having said that, All my stories are true, even the ones I make up. Copyright 2007 L_D_Darrow * It didn’t take long to pick the car up. Two tires were low, but not flat. I was careful not to get dirt on me but the girls dusted me off anyway. My butt seemed especially dusty. Leia...

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"Lucky" By Master Eq and Lucky"Flight 23, Pittsburg to Atlanta is now boarding."She looked up from her trance. This was it. She had been waiting for this day for almost a year. She gathered her bag, and headed for the gate.Lucky was a beautiful young woman. Dark shoulder-length hair, big blue eyes, and a very lovely body. 5'2", a cute little ass, and perfect breasts. Perfect meaning very large for her size. She had graduated college with a Bachlors degree in History. But things had been far...

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Lakshmis First MateChapter 11

The soft chimes of Stephanie’s phone awoke her at 6am. She was due to lead the meditation with their guests at 6.30am, and she needed to get moving. The soft chimes had awakened the captain too, and he pulled her into his arms, his half-hard morning wood pushing in between the cheeks of Stephanie’s taut ass and rubbing over her anus. His arms wrapped around her cupping her breasts, and her head tucked under his chin. Stephanie luxuriated in the intimate feeling of just being held by her...

4 years ago
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Hiding Sandy Part 4

Sandy was really scared now. Had the body snatchers come and taken the mean Mike away and replaced him with some kind of robotic Stepford Husband? “Thanks Mike, I really appreciate that. I have changed. You need to believe that. You’ve kept your end of the bargain of protecting me and your training has helped me to try to stop being a manipulating gold digger bitch. What are you going to make me do today?” she said in a slightly quivering voice. “Sandy, I’m not going to make you do...

2 years ago
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Encounter With A Lebanese Woman In Africa

Hi to all horny ladies and Gentlemen’s. Myself Chirag Sharma (name changed for obvious reasons), 28 Yrs of age and living in Noida. I am a product manager by profession and working in a reputed MNC in Noida. I recently came back to India after completing my overseas project for 10 months. As this is my 1st post here on ISS, Request you all to please provide your feedback. My email ID is (Also available on hangout’s). I have been posted to Africa for a project as a consultant and was traveling...

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Fiona puts on a show Chapter 8

I told mum that Adrian and Claire had gotten a pony. “Oh that’s nice dear. Something else for you to take care of” she said. I chuckled as I went to me room. “I took care of him alright” I mused. Monday and life resumed as normal. Teena was very keen to know about my weekend. “Oh the usual” I said. But she kept answer for more detail. I suppose I could have told her that I let two dogs fuck me and then took a pony but perhaps I would skip that part. It was getting close to knock off time when...

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P I and Magic Book II The Gods ReturnChapter 28

So, here we were again. Only this time my wife was in the demon army with me. I worried about her constantly. I was also pissed that she was not at my side. Morning Star had accepted her as one of his personal fighters and guards. I heartily disapproved. This time when we met the enemy, I had better spells, and more powerful ones. I could also feel my wife's spells when she cast them. The difference in spells, was like the difference between night and day. The two armies rushed at one...

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Emma and Prof Peterson Chapters 5 6 7 8

I was feeling pretty proud of myself when I got back to my room. Emma the tease thought she was demeaning me and controlling me by making me lick her asshole. Little did she know I have been dreaming of tonguefucking her perfect hole since the first day I saw her ass as she walked away. And when she tried to dismiss me, I turned the tables on her by jacking off on that perfect pink bum. I should have just held her down and fucked her in the ass. Then I would be in charge. Ah well, I...

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