Dirty Jokes ReEdit
- 4 years ago
- 22
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I Had No Choice
By EFon
(This is a long story and has some build up, but I believe its worth it to really set the plot. This is also a re-release of the original to hopefully clean it up and make it easier to read.)
What am I going to do now? Im stuck in a no win situation, and the stress is killing me. I never wanted a complicated life, but Ive got one weather I like it or not. Strange thing is that while I know its wrong, I cannot help but love it anyway. Now I had some wild times in college, but while I still was young, I fell in love and married my college sweetheart Rachel. We graduated and I became a Middle School math teacher, while she went to work at a Preschool Daycare business. Everything was going according to our life plans and I was completely happy.
Being a young male teacher teaching girls who were just entering puberty was difficult sometimes, but they were silly little crushes that were easily dismissed and forgotten. There was one particularly memorable one, a girl named Becky Whitman who was a gorgeous blonde with bright baby blue eyes. I was sure she would definitely be a boy-killer in a few years, and also very bright and unusually good at math for a girl. She was one of the first of her class academically, but also to have to wear a bra. You could tell her parents spoiled her rotten because she always got what she wanted.
When what she wanted was turned to me and was constantly drawing hearts and eyes near my name on the papers that she turned in for her homework. I ignored it kindly as these things seemed to pass after a few weeks, but it never stopped after six months. As the school year was coming to a close I asked her to stay after class for a few minutes and I explained that she was just going through a phase and she would outgrow it and move on to boys her own age. She took it poorly and cried so much I took her to the school nurse, where she spent the rest of the day.
I talked to the nurse the next day and she told me shed never seen a crush that bad before, but was sure Becky would be fine in a few days. Sure enough she was out sick the rest of the week, but when she returned to class she seemed to have forgotten all about last week, and things went smoothly the rest of the year.
A few years later an opening in the High School opened up and I got a bigger paycheck and moved from teaching children to young adults, many of whom Id taught years before. While much more adult now, the older girls were only interested in their class-mates who were finally realizing that girls were nice instead of icky. That was fine with me and it never crossed my mind at the time, but the year after that Becky was my student once again. I was right about my predictions of her. She had really grown up fast from the budding girl Id known into the young woman she was now. Her long blonde hair shimmered, her cute face and long legs glowed, and her bosom had blossomed into quite a pair of life preservers.
I held my breath the first few days of class, but she acted like any other student and ignored me as much as possible. That was just fine, and I thought that was going to be the last Id have to think about it. She proved that she was still at the top her class and made even the hardest problems seem easy and school went fine for the first month or so. Then Rachel, my wife, had finally told me she was pregnant and already three months along. We had been trying to start a family since Id gotten the larger paycheck, and shed been longing for kids ever since she started working at the Preschool. I was on cloud nine and it wasnt long before the word spread and I was getting congratulations by other teachers and students.
The next four months seemed to fly by with my only real attention being my wifes continuing pregnancy which did make her more moody and erratic. After we found that she was having twins and it was going to be a bit more work than a normal pregnancy, she took time off her job to stay home when she was seven months in, and we stopped having sex for the safety of the babies, and she was in no mood for it now anyway. I know this was just a phase she was going through, but it was still uncomfortable for me as well.
It must have showed on me more than Id thought, because one day after class Becky came to talk to me. Hows the baby doing? she inquired.
Good&hellip,good. I sighed. Babies actually, its twins if you can believe it.
I believe it. She said with a muted smile.
Well&hellip,just the labor pains of life, I joked.
She smiled at me and left for her next class. After school I was heading out to my car a few minutes after all the school busses had left, when I spied Becky in her cheerleader outfit walking down the side of the road away from school. I pulled over to her, rolled down the window, and asked, Not going to cheerleader practice today?
She sighed, It was canceled, but I must have missed the announcement, and after Id changed I got locked out of the gym and missed the bus. So these are the only clothes I have and I got to walk home. My Mom wont be home for, like, 4 hours, so I dont have a ride.
She sounded depressed and hopeless, and I just had no choice but suggest I give her a ride home. She didnt perk up or freak out, just smiled slightly and said Thanks Mr. Font and got in and buckled up. I couldnt help but notice that she had to adjust the seatbelt between her ample breasts that I now realized were quite a bit bigger already than my wifes.
I felt a stir in my loins since Id been celibate for over a month now, which I hadnt done since my own days in High School over a decade ago. I took a silent breath and just asked for directions to her house and began driving. It wasnt long until we were there. She got out and was about to say something, but then asked me, Mr. Font, you may remember Im living with my Mom since my Dad left, and since shes going to be gone for a few more hours, I wonder if I could trouble you just a bit more. Im supposed to mow the lawn, but the mowers been making a funny sound and I dont know anything about stuff like that. Could you just look at it? Pretty please? She looked so honest and sweet that I had no choice but agree to help with what I could.
I parked and she led me into her garage where the mower was. She squatted down with me to look at the mower and while I checked it over I couldnt help but see strait between her legs under her cheerleader skirt. It was just the white undershorts that all cheerleaders wear, but it still started cogs going in my brain that I had a hard time ignoring. I concentrated on the mower, checked the oil and fuel, all with her watching intently to my actions.
I stood start it and it did make a sound and wobbled a bit, so I killed it and turned it on its side. The blade was bent a bit on one side of the blade. Thats the problem, you need a new blade.
Drat, I dont think we have one. Is there any way to bend it back? Becky asked.
Well, I can hammer it strait and that will work for a few days if it doesnt break first.
Great! She stood and brought me a hammer.
I didnt expect to get roped into this, but soon I was pounding away with the hammer. It took a few minutes, and while I do more of the housework every day since my wife is become more and more restricted in her condition, Im no bodybuilder. I was a little tired after hitting the hardened metal blade with all my might for five minutes strait and wiped away the bit of sweet from my brow with the arm of my business shirt. That should probably work fine. I said, as I started up the mower again. It sounded a lot smoother and didnt wobble any more.
Youre the best Mr. Font! Becky cheered, which again brought be to looking at her happy face and giggling breasts. I was about to say something when she continued quickly, Here, you look like you need a drink. Please, follow me, the kitchen is this way. She turned and opened the door into her house and waited for me.
I didnt want to be rude and a drink did sound refreshing, so I had no choice but to follow her inside. She smiled and led me into her kitchen. She pulled out a soda from the fridge, opened it and handed it to me. It thanked her and took a long drink from it. It was a hot sunny day and it felt great and really hit the spot, until I began to feel uncomfortable noticing that Becky was just watching me drink. I should really be going now that your mowers fixed, I said cautiously.
She looked like shed lost her train of thought, but then came back and said, Sure, right&hellip,wait here, Ill be right back. She ran out leaving me there for a few minutes, so I just drank and waited, not knowing what for, but just waiting. I looked out the window at the nicely manicured back yard and the refreshing looking in ground swimming pool. Her mother, I thought, must be hard working and have done well for herself and her daughter to live this well, and all by herself.
Suddenly there was a flashing light, and I turned around. There was Becky holding a camera taking pictures of me standing in her kitchen. What? Becky, what are you doing? I stammered.
I just wanted to get a picture of you here in my house. She smirked. Thank you once again Mr. Font, heres the front door, she gestured toward the door down the nearby hall. Please, have a good day and Ill see you at school tomorrow! She giggled like she was a kid whod just gotten a joke.
I didnt understand her, but said good-bye, left, and drove home. I sometimes have faculty meetings and papers to grade, so my wife didnt think anything of me being home an hour after school ended. Many times I didnt get home for several hours, so she was actually happy to have me home this soon anyway. We ate, did some house chores, and went to bed. With my heavily pregnant wife collapsed beside me, I had a hard time getting to sleep though. I couldnt get Becky in her skimpy cheerleader outfit out from behind my eyelids, or make the throbbing stop in my hard Johnson.
Nothing else seemed out of the ordinary for the next few days, but on Friday when the students turned in their homework assignments on my desk at the start of class, Becky dropped off a purple folder. I didnt know why she put her whole folder on my desk instead of just the few pages of paper like everyone else, but I went through the class and didnt get to look at it until the bell rang. As the students left for their next class, I opened it up.
I saw her homework, but it was printed on a glossy photo paper. I inspected it and spotted why she had done so on the back. I saw myself, standing by her kitchen sink, just like I was, but added in was Becky on her knees, her naked ass and back visible at my feet, with the back of her head right at my waistline. You couldnt see anything happening, because nothing was of course, but if anyone else had seen it they wouldnt think that.
I gulped down a hot breath that had gotten stuck in my throat and just stared at the picture. I didnt know what to do. I was just frozen with terror. Becky, making sure she was the last one out of class said in the sharp silence, Mr. Font, Ill need to talk with you about my homework after school, so Ill see you at 3 oclock. She smiled, flitted her short skirt to show off her long smooth legs all the way up to her ass, and then breezed out the door into the throng of people in the hall. Students started coming in for my next class, and I quickly put the homework back in the folder and stuck it in my desk.
It was a long and hard several hours until the end of the school day that day. Not only did I have to contend with my worry over someone somehow finding out about this picture in my desk, but I also had grown a raging hard-on that sprouted every time I thought about the picture. I tried to stay seated behind my desk, or hold a book or something over my groin as much as I could the rest of the day.
After the end of day bell rang and everyone else headed home, I pulled back out the folder and examined the photo again. It had to have been photoshopped, but it looked good enough to get me hard again, even though I knew it was a fake. I still had no idea why she would have done this. She didnt need to blackmail me for grades, she was at the top of the class.
Having a HARD time understanding my HOMEWORK Mr. Font? Beckys remarks startled me and I again quickly closed the folder in nervous fright.
Becky! I&hellip,uh&hellip, I stammered trying to find the right words to resolve this dilemma.
I think you should stop by and talk to my Mom. Shes home right now, so see you at home&hellip, and with that she walked out and I my mind stumbled. Yes, that was the right thing to do. Her mother could give Becky a talking too and if he came to her with this she would realize what was happening. I got up and headed out to my car, seeing the busses file out one by one, and Becky in the window of one of them, kissing the window at me.
While I drove I knew then that this was all going wrong. Rachel was only a few months from giving me twin babies, and I hadnt gotten tenure yet. Weather the photo was real or not, just the accusation would disgrace me, causing me to lose my job, and possibly even my family! I had no choice but to make this go away and prayed that Beckys mother would be reasonable.
I arrived only minutes after the bus had arrived, because Becky was still waiting for me outside as I pulled up, got out, and walked in the door behind her. My Mother is probably upstairs. Ill get her while you have a seat in the living room. Its right next to the kitchen. I trust you can find it there again. She smiled evilly and I should have known something was wrong then, but she scampered up the stairs, giving me a look at her long smooth legs and tight teen ass clad in too tight and skimpy shorts.
I made my way down the hall and into the living room and looked around. There was a large television, a comfortable white leather couch with two matching armchairs. There was even a fireplace which is unusual this far south, and a heavy white fuzzy carpet underfoot. To the right I was forced to stare at the cursed kitchen where I was set up for blackmail the week before. On the mantle over the fireplace were pictures of the little girl Id recognized from years ago, and back all the way to her as a baby. Along with her were pictures of her mother, who was also strikingly beautiful as well, but had deep red hair and emerald green eyes. I heard steps coming down the stairs and quickly took a seat on the plush couch.
In walked the woman Id recognized as Beckys mother from the pictures on the mantle place, although I was expecting her to look older than the thirty-something that was just a bit older than me. She was dressed smartly in a business shirt and skirt that went down to her knees. She was followed closely by Becky and I stood and held out my hand to her, Hello Ms. Whitman, Im Edward Font, your daughters Algebra teacher.
She took may hand and squeezed it firmly, smiling and said, Yes, I remember. What can I do for you today? I trust Beckys doing well in her studies? She sat into one of the arm chairs to my right, and Becky sat on couch with me, just on my other side. I nervously glanced at her smiling face as she sat, but quickly focused back on her mother.
My brain skipped a little at how relieved Id be if only that was the problem. No, Im glad to say shes bright, and always at the top of the class in school. Ive come because I had some concerns over another issue. I held the purple folder and gestured to it. I dont want to alarm you, but I was here last week because Becky missed the bus, and I offered to give her a ride home. I paused to collect my thoughts take a deep breath and Beckys mother simply nodded at me to continue.
Becky invited me in and offered me a drink, and while I had my back turned she took some pictures of me. That was all, and I left. But today Becky turned this in to me with her homework. I handed the purple folder over to her mother and stole a glance at Becky, who I expected to look horrified by what I was doing, or at least try to stop me, but she just looked smug and pleased with herself. This puzzled me, but I could only look back to her mother as she opened the folder and inspected its contents.
I expected and explosion or gasp or something, but instead Ms. Whitman smiled and almost laughed. Becky, She then looked at her smiling, Did you do this? Becky nodded cheerfully. And her mother now did laugh with a chuckle, which she tried to stifle at the look of horror that must have been on my face. Well, shes a smart girl and youre obviously an honest man to have come to me with this. Shes always been a math and computer whiz, and always known exactly what she wants, just like her mother.
Ms. Whitman&hellip, I stammered trying to think of what to say.
Judy, please. She smiled and grabbed my outstretched hand. I know you must be conserved, but Ive always told my daughter to go after what she wants, and let nothing stop her. Shed told me several years ago that shed fallen in love with you because, you were smart, honest, fair, and not too hard on the eyes either, if I may say so. She winked at me and chuckled again.
I was still at a loss for words and didnt have any idea what was happening. Judy continued, Now, when she told me how you had rebuffed her advances before, I knew you were kind and responsible individual, and Id told her not to worry, and shed find someone like you in a few years when she was older, and ready for a real relationship.
I nodded dumbly as she told her story. In the last few years shes dated some young men her age, but shes told me that none of them compared to you. You can imagine my surprise when on the first day of school this year she came home to tell me that youd moved to the high school and she was your student once again. Shed never forgotten about you and I could tell that it was no simple crush then.
Becky placed her hand on mine at that point and I was so shocked that I had no response. I tried to say something, but Judy kept talking, leaving me no choice but to listen. I told Becky that if that was what she really wanted, this world only rewards those with bravery, intelligence, and initiative. She needs to be brave enough to talk what she wants, smart enough to do it without destroying her reputation or doing anything illegal, and the initiative to follow through no matter the cost.
Becky squeezed my hand and I was shocked that this young womans mother was telling me she approved of her trying to blackmail and seduce me. Now I trust no one else has seen this picture? She looked at the two of us. Becky shook her head and I dumbly did so as well. Good. Becky, please go up to your room. Edward and I need to discuss the rest in private. She lost her smile and looked a little worried, then squeezed my hand again, and walked nervously out of the room.
Judy waited a bit as she herd Becky walk up the stairs, then turned to me again. Edward, you have a choice. Even as she said this I knew it wasnt true. You can reject my daughter again, but Im afraid this picture will become public at some point. While it is a fake, its good enough that that fact will not save you from a lifetime of troubles with your job and at home.
I gulped knowing that that option would destroy my world and was not even worth considering. On the other hand, you can provide my daughter with what she desires. She is still very young and curious about the pleasures of the flesh. She may just have a deep crush again, or even love you, but that may pass, as I can tell you from personal experience. She was toying with her own wedding ring, which I was surprised that she still wore as Id heard her husband had run out on her more than a decade ago.
I finally found my voice now that Becky wasnt distracting me, But Im a happily married man, whose wife is about to give birth. To twins even! Im also her teacher, and that is wrong on every level. I might go to jail if I do as you suggest.
True, but I will promise you, and make Becky promise as well, that if you choose the second option, that we will keep the confidence and no one will know. It would ruin my and her reputation as well you realize. I thought for a moment, and knew that was true as well. Damn, it made sense and seemed like my only way out, but while my groin started to respond in the affirmative, my brain still shouted no. In either case, I shall respect your decision and deny any accusation against your character.
This seemed to shock me even more, and almost gave me an out to take her first option with some chance of success. Shed seemed to be pushing me and her daughter together before, so this was another loop she had thrown me. My puzzled look made her laugh again, You misunderstand this whole situation I fear. My daughter takes after her mother. She is headstrong, intelligent, and has high standards. I was foolish in my own youth, and tried to make sure that she chooses better than I had. I think she has, and that just makes the whole situation more difficult. If you were not the responsible person you are, youd already have taken advantage of my daughters interest in you.
I was honored at her appraisal of my character and she continued, Now, I need you to know that I trust and love my daughter dearly. I know shes tried to do some things with boys, but that shes still a virgin. I want her to be happy, but I dont want her to suffer needlessly. I would consider it a personal favor, even if you cannot love her back, to show her love that only a kind man can. If you say no, then I will go up and explain it to her, and she will eventually learn about these things from some horny young boy who might knock her up, maybe giver her and STD, but will definitely take her for granted and wouldnt show her kindness or the respect she deserves. She may be my little girl, but I find the alternative of even a short love affair with a responsible man like you much more to my liking.
I took this like a punch to the stomach and could see it happening in my mind. Becky abused, sick, pregnant, and alone. I couldnt stand the thought of that either. I had no choice. Alright, I heard myself say solemnly. She smiled kindly to me and patted my hands on my knees.
She stood and thought for a second, Now there is much to do. Im going to fix some dinner and you will call your wife to let her know you are tutoring a student who needs some serious help preparing for their college entrance exams. Ill talk to her if you need me to, and help out with whatever I can. After that, Beckys room is upstairs on the left, bathroom across the hall on the right. Please feel free to shower afterwards, Oh and please put a towel on the bed first.
She then turned and set about her cooking in the kitchen. I used her home phone and explained to Rachel on the phone, exactly as Judy had said to. She accepted it with only a slight hesitation, when Judy pulled the phone from my hand and began chatting her up. She then made a shooing motion with her hand and I sheepishly walked back down the hall toward the front door and the base of the stairs. I walked with the same slowness that Becky had when she had left, for like her, had no choice but to accept whatever fate befell me. At the top of the stairs there were three doors, left, right and one straight ahead at the end of a small hall.
I opened the right door and used the bathroom quickly, knowing that I better get that out of the way first. I used a washcloth to wipe my face, then my groin, worried that Id make a stink from the sweat of nervousness that Id experienced the rest of the day. Finally I grabbed a dark towel from the rack and returned to the hall.
I knocked quietly on the left-hand door. Come in, Becky said a nervous voice. I slowly opened the door. The room was just as I should have suspected, pink. Pink on the window curtains, the bed sheets, and even on the rug on the wooden floor. Becky sat at a large wooden desk in a rolling chair. She looked like she had been trying to do homework on her computer on the desk, and as soon as she had seen me shed stood and hit the power button, turning it off. Hey Mr. Font.
Becky, was all I could say for the first minute. We just stood in silence. I need you to know that I like you, and youre very beautiful.
She looked at me with eyes that were cracking and trying not to cry. And I love my wife very much.
Becky looked like she was about to flood with her tears. But, your mother asked me to do her a favor and I just need to hear it from you.
Her eyes barely held back her tears and she waited hesitantly. No matter what happens between us, I am still happily married, and you can ONLY be my student outside of this house.
That ray of hope shone through her soul and while she took it in, her stormy eyes began to clear. She still shed a few tears, but her smile told me that was enough. Mr. Font&hellip, she said looking for the words.
Becky, you did a bad thing trying to blackmail me, and you have to know that was wrong. She nodded so I continued, But I didnt realize how much you loved me. You need to know that you are still young, and I am not the man who is destined to make you happy for the rest of your life, but for now, I will do what I can.
She shifted nervously still thinking and contemplating the meaning of my words. If you want me to show you the ropes and such, then I will, but this cannot leave this room, or go beyond this point. This is a onetime lesson, because I feel responsible for this whole situation. You have to promise me that you will not pursue me or make any scene in public.
She steeled herself and her big baby blue eyes looked me straight in to mine. I promise that I will not ask you for anything outside of my bedroom or tell anyone outside this house about what goes on between us. That was good enough for me and I sighed and sat on the end of her bed. That was a load off my mind, but now came the follow through. Becky came and sat down next to me, her skirted hip touching mine.
Her face very near to mine and I dont even remember leaning into her as her lips touched mine. She was still and kept her mouth closed, just absorbing the feeling, then she began kissing back. Our lips making kissing sounds as we made on her bed. Soon I increased the ante with my tongue snaking into her lips, startling her and making her giggle that cute giggle she always used that I now realized really turned me on.
One of my hands went around her shoulder behind her, and the other on her smooth bare leg above her knee. I griped her softly, while our tongues danced and explored this new territory. I couldnt help myself but dive into the inexperienced, but eager lips of my lovely student. I felt her arms go around me as well and we must have spent ten minutes just kissing. I couldnt help but feel like a kid again, as Id not done this sort of thing, even with Rachel, since our college days.
After we waited a moment to catch our breath from a particularly vigorous and long tongue twister Becky said, Wow Mr. Font. No one has ever made me feel so good before. She smiled and bit her bottom lip with a sexy grin. All the boys at school want to do is talk sports or touch my pussy.
Well you cannot blame them. When I was that age the same things went through my system. It takes a bit to let the hormones cool down. Now, your mother tells me youre still a virgin, but youve done some things. Is that true? She nodded embarrassed, but eager for more I could tell since her bare feet were rubbing mine. OK, so what have you done so far?
Well&hellip, She bit her bottom lip again and really had a hard time putting it into words. Ive&hellip,let one boy touch by breasts&hellip,
I looked at her breasts and considered them thoughtfully. They were quite large under her dark t-shirt. I raised my hand to her left breast and I heard Becky suck in her breath. I gently set my hand on the top portion of her breast and slowly rubbed around to the bottom, then the top again. I could easily feel her bra under her breast, and her bare skin on top underneath her shirt. I did this for a few moments, and then moved to her right breast. As I switched Becky finally let out her breath with a soft moan of pleasure.
After alternating and rubbing once more I moved my other hand down to the hem of her shirt and began to lift it up. She raised her elbows and allowed me to lift the entire shirt over her head and reveal her tan bra clad breasts to my gaze. I returned to my over and under motions and she reached behind her and unclasped her bra. Shrugging her shoulders forward her bra came loose, and I dropped it to the floor on top of her t-shirt.
Her large, naked breasts sagged only a little without support and she looked for approval from me as I gazed at them. Is something wrong with them? she asked with some worry at my intent and silent stare.
Realizing just staring was making her uncomfortable, I reached up and palmed one underneath and kissed her quickly. No my dear. They are just so beautiful that I couldnt help but be stunned by them.
She smiled and then I continued my ministrations on her now uncovered breasts. She had small areola, but nice and firm upstanding nipples that were a light pink only a bit darker than her lightly tanned skin. She didnt have a tan line, but since she lives alone with her mother, who is also a looker, she must sunbathe naked in her back lawn by the pool when she can. This thought made my groin pulse again, finally forgetting all the worry from before and bringing me fully into the mood of the moment.
She was immensely enjoying my hands that now each massaged one of her breasts, including rolling and tweaking her taut nipples, causing her to squeak a little if I pinched a bit too hard. I gently pushed her back flat onto the bed, hovering above her and to her left side. Have you let any of the boys do this? I then lowered my head to her left breast and gently sucked her pointy nipple into my mouth.
No! she squeaked loudly, Oh that feels so good! She sounded like I had just rocked her world, and I couldnt believe how much this was really turning me on. It was so nice to have a woman approving of my lovemaking maneuvers than ask me to stop. I suckled and twirled her nipple gently, but slowly getting harder and deeper before switching to the other and doing the same to its twin. During this she really built up my self-esteem with her loud squeaks of pleasure.
I release her breasts from my manipulations and sat up, allowing her to breathe easy for a moment. She smiled up at me then grinned and bit her lower lip again. She sat up quickly and her nimble fingers started unbuttoning my shirt, and then cast it to the floor next to her own growing pile of discarded clothing.
Her fingers then roamed across my mostly hairless chest. I have just a bit of curly hair around my nipples and some on my belly as you get closer to my love trail. Her hands felt terrific and it had been the better part of a year since Id had this sort of attention. I closed my eyes and soaked it up, but reopened them as I laughed as she tickled my own nipples with her tongue. I think she was disappointed that my own nipples didnt turn into upstanding eraser nubs like hers did, but she didnt let it show for more than a moment before she was pleasantly surprised by what her hands found as she went lower on my body.
She looked at me with wonder and I said. Go ahead and touch it. She did and traced her hands up and down the bulge in the front of my khaki pants. I was getting tight in my briefs and I reached and unbuttoned my pants. She helped and pulled the zipper down slowly, then pulled the waist down as I lifted my butt, and she dragged them the rest of the way off. She returned her hungry and eager gaze to my crotch, flitting her eyes to mine every few seconds. I grabbed the waistband of my underwear and pulled it down over my enlarged member and threw them to the side as well. Have you ever touched a penis before? I asked.
No, she shook her head slightly. Well a little, but only through underwear. And the guy just pissed his pants when I did.
Well, that can happen when youre nervous or havent gone to the bathroom first. I didnt need to mention that I had gone to the bathroom, because she must have heard me while she was waiting. Go ahead and touch it softly.
Her hand reached out and put a few fingers on my tip. She rubbed it a bit and then moved down my shaft. She reached her other hand in and ran it through my curly pubes and around to the bottom to cradle and massage my balls. Her soft touch was nice, but random probing fingers was not what I needed right now. OK, just a sec. Let me show you how to hold it to make a guy feel good.
She pulled back and watched me silently. I grasped my base firmly and squeezed hard. My cock swelled at the head like a flower blooming and she cooed with fascination. Then I moved up and down at my base, making my cock swell and grow harder and firmer. After a moment I moved to the head and played it softly up and down along the length of my shaft. I oozed a small amount of precum and she could see it glisten in the bright afternoon sunlight. See, now you try.
She reached in and took over again, trying to follow my movements. She squeezed too hard or too softly, but I tried to guide her both with words of encouragement and moans of pleasure, and occasionally small yelps of pain. She got better and I could feel the percolating in my depths that things were working. I told her that would good and that if she practiced she could make boys cum with just rubbing them. She seemed in awe, but then asked, And blow jobs right?
Well I wasnt planning on that since youre new&hellip,
Please, I need to try it or how will I know how!?! She pleaded and begged of me.
This was a first for me as Id never had a woman, half naked, begging to suck my cock. It was so erotic and sweet that I had no choice but to allow her to try it. OK, but just remember, open your mouth wide, but close your lips as much as possible and dont let your teeth touch it or it could hurt me badly. That would end the lesson to soon, and we wouldnt want that now would we?
No, said lowering her blonde head to my crotch. We wouldnt want that at all. She then grasped my cock by the base in her hand, and licked the side of my cock, making me groan with pleasure. She licked all over, coming to the tip and played with my hole with the tip of her tongue, making me squirm. Then she made an O with her mouth and took in the tip of my swollen gland. She went up and down roughly a few times before I stopped her.
OK, you remember when I sucked your nipples? She nodded, Do it like that, but as if my penis was a big nipple. She thought for a moment, and then went back down. She kissed the tip a bit, and then sucked in the head like a lollipop, running her tongue all over my head. That was much better and I rewarded her efforts with a deep groan.
I leaned back and closed my eyes, letting the ecstasy fill my body. IT had been so long, and the more Becky sucked, the better it got. I looked down and saw her big baby blue eyes shining up at me with my huge cock sliding down her gullet and tensed as I almost came from looking at that sweet and sexy face. OK, I think you have it down now. But she just closed her eyes and sucked harder and used her hand on my base to stroke the rest of me she couldnt get in her mouth.
Damn that girl had got it down and she was really going at it now. I thought she would make me cum, but she went too deep and gagged on my cock. She pulled off coughing and wheezing, releasing my cock and the pressure released away with my worry for her. I held went to the floor with her and held her until she was breathing normal again. She just hugged me for a moment and then pulled back. Im sorry. I must not be able to do that very well. I felt like I was doing to die. She looked sad that she couldnt do what she must have heard other girls say they did as school.
Thats OK, it takes practice to train out the gag reflex for most girls, and I am a little bigger than average, or so Ive been told, I smiled.
Yea&hellip, she nodded, Well from what I can tell.
Anyway&hellip, Do you want to continue? She wiped her eyes again, and then nodded quickly. Ok, lie down on the center of the bed. She hopped up and quickly did as I said, her perky big breasts bouncing sexily as she did. I moved to her side and sat next to her, and reached to unbutton her skirt and opened it up, exposing her pink panties (of course) to the light of day.
I then reached down and massaged her thighs with my palms. I went down to her knees, then up to the soft inner thighs, then higher, going around her mount, and then up her belly and back to her breasts again. She giggled again and I said, Sorry, I just love your firm tits. I then traced my fingertips back down her sides, making her giggle more and squirm a bit, reaching her hips and then hooking my fingers into her panties and sliding them down. I rose and moved to the end of the bed, pulling her pink panties all the way down those long strong legs, and off her petite feet, and depositing them in the completed pile of out discarded garments.
Now both of us were naked and I stood at the foot of her bed, gazing down at the naked, obviously natural blonde teenager who watched my every move with eager anticipation. I returned to her by placing my hands on her feet, massaging each with soft caresses and placing kisses on them as well. I slowly moved up to her firm and sculpted calves, followed by her knees and thighs.
Now I was halfway up her bed and my own face was now before her naked sex. It had short blonde curls covering its top and sides, but her pussy lips, obviously aroused were puffed out and I could smell her sweetness. Has a boy ever touched you here before? I asked before continuing.
She shook her head. The only boy who I let touch me there&hellip, well&hellip, I told him just rub over my panties and he tried to pull them off to I hit him in the crotch and ran out on him. Luckily he lived just down the street and I ran home.
This was truly virgin territory in the fullest sense of the word. OK, Im going to touch it some first, but Ill be gentile. Please spread your legs and while it may tickle or shock you, try not to knee me in the head. She laughed at that and I added, My wife, when we were in college, the first time I went down on her gave me a bloody nose as she twisted in pleasure, so Ill hold you, but just think before you go swinging around, OK? She nodded.
I moved a hand up her thigh and slowly moved around the top of her mound, gliding through her smooth blonde curls. She still held her breath and just watched me work. Moving down I traced my fingertip up and down each of her swollen pussy lips. Gently I eased back her folded and found them already slick with her leaking wetness that was coating her excited tunnel. She moaned at this and threw her head back. I then made my way slowly and gently up her slit to her blood engorged pearl-like clit.
I reached a finger to gently touch it. She acted like Id just struck her, stiffening up and locking her legs and pushing her pelvis up sharply. Her vagina quivered and seeped more of her girl-juice. It looked tasty, but I knew she wasnt ready for that yet. Instead I gently continued massaging her clit, making her squirm even more. After a few minutes she relaxed enough to really enjoy the sensations and I added my other hand to trace the edges of her pussy lips.
I meant to make her cum with just my fingers, and I would have in time, but her fragrant young pussy was just too tempting not to taste. I leaned down and extended my tongue toward her slit and dipped it in. She shuddered and moaned and I could tell she was already getting close. I intended her first orgasm to be big, so I went up to her clit and sucked on it. That blew her mind. She threw her arms to the back of my heat, forcing it hard onto her pelvis, and she clamped her teeth and screeched through them with a high-pitched whine for ten of fifteen seconds.
I held on, lightly holding her clit between my lips, and her vagina spitting her cum all over my chin that was grinding into it. As she came down from her high she released my head, and I pulled off, knowing that she was hyper-sensitive for the next minute or so. My mouth and chin were coated with her juices, and I almost swore as I remembered the towel. I wiped my face with it, and then laid it under her legs with the top by her ass.
I gave her a moment to come back to herself, and when she did she looked up at me and grinned broadly. That was amazing! she whispered. She was still a little winded and I held her hand in mine.
If you thought that was good, the next step will blow your mind. She rolled her eyes and shuddered with another wave of pleasure. Are you ready?
Ed, please make me a woman. She said with all seriousness as she looked up at me. This was the first time shed ever called me by my first name, and I almost couldnt believe shed done it. I nodded and moved between her legs.
Lift up yourself up for a second. She raised her ass and I slid the towel up under her. Now, this will probably hurt a bit at first, and you may bleed some, but after that first bit it will feel ten times better than it just did. She bit her lip and nodded. Oh, if you need to bite something&hellip, I pulled my shirt off the floor and gave her my sleeve, Just dont hurt that pretty lip of yours. She smiled and nodded again.
I was still pretty hard, but worrying about details had softened the little guy. I rubbed it a moment and moved closer to her pussy. Idiot I mentally chastened myself. I, uh, dont have any condoms&hellip, I apologized. Do&hellip,do you have any Becky?
It looked like ten thousand thoughts went through her head in the next few seconds. Puzzlement, shock, dismay, anger, joy, and finally calm determination all played across her face. After a few moments she said, Its OK, my mother got me on the pill a few years ago. I was just so eager that I forgot to tell you.
Wheew! I almost said. The last thing I needed was more troubles. OK, thats fine then. Here I go. Try to relax and just let it happen as I go. It may be painful at first, but you will begin to enjoy it quickly. Ready? I grasped my cock and looked into her eyes below me.
She placed the sleeve of my shirt in her mouth and nodded. She looked so cute that I kissed her nose and then lowered myself onto her. I placed my cock across her clit and moved my hips to softly grind the length of it against her wetness and tease her clit with my helmet. We humped for a minute or so, and got back in the mood, with all our worries behind us.
Once I felt sufficiently slickened I pulled back and grabbed my cock once more, this time, aligning the tip with her moistened lower lips. I moved it in between those lips and dragged it up and down, coating it with her sticky juices. After four or five strokes, I prodded the head into her virginity. I moved in just a bit, getting only the head inside, before encountering her sex barrier. Id never taken a girls virginity before, so was actually unsure how hard it would be, but I tried to restrain my own eagerness and pushed firmly, but lightly Id hoped.
I actually sunk in a few inches easier than Id expected, but Becky still almost screamed in pain into my shirt. She shuddered and tears welled up in her sown-up eyes. I started to withdraw a bit, but that only seemed to make it worse, so I locked my arms and just held on while she coped. After a minute she began to calm down and she reopened her eyes and released my shirt from her mouth. Oh, youre gigantic inside me, she gasped.
We can stop it you need me to&hellip, I offered, but I knew it sounded disingenuous because I wanted it to much.
No! she said boldly. She then put her hands to my hips and moved to pull me in deeper.
I resisted her a bit, but left myself sink deeper into her freshly deflowered sex. I didnt get more than a few more inches in and waited for her to catch her breath a bit. OK. The worst is over, but when I start moving it will still be sore and raw. I promise it will begin to feel good, but it may be a bit before the pleasure takes over. Ready?
She gave me her answer by pulling my head to hers and kissing my strongly on the lips. After a brief but vigorous tongue battle I moved back to my thrusting position, arms strait, and all my upper torso weight coming down on her pelvis. She groaned and her cute face twisted with pain and I hoped some pleasure. I couldnt help but admire her big breasts, flattened with her on her back, making them look even bigger.
I pulled my cock back slowly an inch, then rocked back into her an inch, not trying to advance until her insides adjusted to my thickness. It looked like it hurt her, but she tried hard to smile and keep her eyes open, staring into mine. I reached one hand to her breasts and massaged it, trying to distract her with pleasure from another source.
I glanced down as I pulled out a bit and saw that my cock was coated with a layer of bright red blood, but also her thick sticky white girl-cum. I moved back in, trying to get a little deeper into her virginally tight love tunnel. As I continued in and out, making fractions of inches progress with each thrust, I could tell that each advancement brought her more pain, but also pleasure. After a few minutes I felt the last resistance give way and sank fully inside her. I was now throbbing hard, with the perverse pleasure of blooding her somehow really turning me on. My tip reached the bottom of her tunnel and pressed against her cervix, then entrance to her womb receiving its first visitor.
The pressure and tightness were unbelievable, as she also felt me reach bottom, and clamped tight on me with renewed vigor. God that felt good and I was worried that I would cum then and there for just a moment. I held on and took a deep breath. She eased up after a moment and giggled, sending cute shock waves through my body as I actually felt her laugh from the inside. I can feel youre heartbeat inside me, she whispered.
That made me throb again, and she squeezed as my head pulsed inside her, sending a strong squirt of my precum into her depths. I knew I wouldnt last long once we really started. Becky, Im sorry, but youre just too much for me and Im sure Ill cum before you do again at this rate. I moved to pull out and planned to work her up with my fingers some more, but she twisted her legs up and those flexible cheerleader hips to wrap me up, holding me in.
I need this, please&hellip, she begged me with lust, desire, sadness, and worry all on her sweet face at the same time. I smiled and nodded, but she just kept on holding me tightly, desperate to prevent me from escaping. I had no choice but to begin moving slowly in her bloody channel, out and in, again and again. I grasped her hips and forced myself more and more forcefully, with my weight on top of her.
Wrapped up as I was I never got very far out of her, and couldnt move very hard, but still with the whole situation, it took only moments from when I allowed myself free reign with her body until Id felt the earth-shattering pleasure rumble through my bones. My hips convulsed of their own will and I drove deeper inside her more forcefully than Id thus far, stabbing at her cervix with my love spear. Freezing with shuddering joy my engorged manhood throbbed and pulsed inside her, blasting strait into her virgin womb, emptying a months worth of my pent up sperm into her womanhood.
She shrieked and clawed at my back, but I was lost in my own throws of orgasm. I felt like Id never cum before as I continued to send shot after shot of my swimmers deep inside my young lover. I felt like it would last forever, and even after the many large spurts had been deposited, I continued to pulse and throb out more and more of my jism for almost a minute, with the shuddering convulsions from my softening penis, filling her raw and bleeding vagina.
My eyes were still shut and I opened them to the blurry bright world again as I rolled out from between her legs and slid to spoon with her on her small twin bed. She moaned with contentment, Its so hot. Im so full of your love. She smiled to me and kissed my lightly on the lips. We snuggled and I drifted to sleep holding this young beauty to me, feeling content and blissfully happy.
When I awoke, maybe an hour later, Beckys cute blonde hair was in my face and she was asleep on my chest. I wanted to wake her and take a shower, but I couldnt bring myself to do it. Instead I just twirled her smooth blonde hair in my fingers. This did wake her after a few minutes, and she looked up at me, Morning my love. It was just so cute that I had to kiss her again.
You mother wants us to shower and have dinner together. I told her. She smiled and then groaned as she started to move. She finally saw the towel and our love puddle, and the blood and cum covering my cock and her groin. She was shocked and I told her, Its OK, it wont always be this way, but the first time is sometimes like this. I tried to say it confidently, but since Id never taken a girls virginity I hoped it was true. Changing the subject I said, Im going to take a shower.
I got up and moved naked out toward the bathroom across the hall, and could have sworn Id heard footsteps on the stairs, so moved in quickly and shut the door. Even though Id just deflowered her daughter at her insistence, I couldnt help the instinctual reaction of being caught. I turned on the shower and got in. I looked for a bar of soap, but could only find some bodywash. I laughed to myself that only women lived her, so of course there wouldnt be a simple bar of soap.
I started washing up when I heard the door open. Freezing, I peeked out the curtain. Becky, having cleaned up a bit with the dark towel, dropped it in a laundry hamper in the bathroom, and smiled at me. Need someone to wash your back? she asked, and her still naked breasts stared at me under her happy face. I couldnt respond to that, and she squeezed her way into the small shower behind me. Oh, Im sorry, looks like I got a little carried away.
Not sure what she was referring to her fingers traced a few small sores on my back where shed dug into my flesh. None were deep enough to bleed thankfully, but shed left eight little red marks on me, four per side. Using the bodywash I was using, she moved her hands up and down my bare back. She started carefully at the top where my new marks were, and moved lover and lower, finally coming to squeeze and rub my ass checks.
I was really enjoying her caresses and soaked them up with the hot water coming down on my face and shoulders. Her small hands then turned me around and she restarted her washing of my body at the top once more, shoulders, chest, stomach, and then lower. I was relaxed, but as she moved down I could help but think about where her hands would reach in a minute. My soft cock, while only a fraction of its size when it was hard, was still not tiny, and when I opened my eyes, even while she was washing me, her eyes were locked onto my groin. That alone made it twitch once as the valves in my body reopened, shunting blood to begin flowing down my shaft once more.
By the time shed washed down to my hips, my soft cock was already twice its former size, but still only half its fully hardened length. She watched over it with awe and continued washing my there as well, on top, underneath, including by balls, and added in strokes along my shaft, using some of the hand maneuvers I had so recently taught her. I had no choice but to just enjoy it and only mere moments later I was up to flag pole status once again.
Becky giggled, then stood and gave me a sly look as she brushed her hips against my hard schlong, saying, I think its your turn to wash my back. I squirted more bodywash on my hand and applied it to her shoulders and moved them up and down her back and once more grabbed that tight ass of hers. I couldnt resist teasing her same as she had just done and slid my hand between her cheeks, poking her asshole with my fingers as I roughly squeezed her ass cheek.
She threw back her head into my chest, pressing her back into me from the playful shock. This let me get a wonderful gaze down her cleavage, so I moved my soap covered hands to cup her beautiful breasts and kneed them in my hands. She moaned and allowed me to enjoy playing with her large young breasts for several minutes before she said, I think Im clean up there now, but Im still dirty down there. She said with an evil grin, emphasizing her words with a slow growl, and then she bent forward at her hips, and placed her hands on the shower soap shelf at the back of the shower.
I was pressed back, her ass against mine and she wiggled her hips, rubbing my cock up between her butt checks. Then she moved back forward and looked over her shoulder, waiting for me to make the next move. The water was falling hot and warm across her back, wetting her hair and running down that fine ass. My fingers quickly found their own way between her legs again. She wasnt as jumpy this time, having been ravaged so recently, but still was new to this so squirmed a little at my probing fingers.
I rubbed her already hard clit again, and this time slid my middle finger up her coochie. Ohh&hellip, she moaned, loving the feeling of being filled again. I moved it around, stirring up her juices stretching her tight little twat open again. She moaned again, this time saying, Please…
Please what? I smiled, asking innocently, not letting up my manipulations of insides.
I want to feel you in me again&hellip, she half whispered, half moaned.
It was stupid and corny, and I knew it could wreck the mood as soon as I said it, but my brain could stop me from saying it. You didnt frame it in the form of a question. God, what a dorky and bastardly thing to say as I rubbed her clit hard with my thumb.
She shrieked with pleasure, knees twisting and almost screamed. Eeeee! Please Mr. Font! Wont you fuck me again with your big cock again?! My cock grew even harder having her this way. I grabbed firmly to her thin hips, lined up my cock with her soaking wet cunt and drove it into her from behind. AHHH! Becky shouted as I speared her once more, but this time wasnt a gentle and erotic build-up, it was a raw and forceful lust-driven frenzy.
I dont know what had changed, but I felt so powerful taking this wanton little thing. I wasnt soft and loving, it was fast and almost brutal. I slammed my meat into her hard and fast, again and again. She was moaning, squeaking, and even screaming her pleasure. There were no words, just animal passion escaping her lips with each of my thrusts. I was lost in the moment, without any conscious thought, I was an animal. My legs only purpose was to let me stand, my arms and hands for holding her young hips for dear life, and my hips and cock for thrusting into her velvety pussy.
I lasted a lot longer in her this time, since Id already come once earlier, and hadnt had as much foreplay this time, but all too soon to my liking I swelled and bucked hard, driving my giant dick back into her deepest depths. I felt like I bust a nut as my swollen gland tightened, every muscle in my body contracted, and I erupted white hot lava into Beckys tight cunt. That was enough to set her off as well and she convulsed and almost fell as her cunt clamped down on my spewing volcano. Her vaginal muscles worked hard, squeezing out every drop of my love sauce and sucking it up into her womb.
I held her up from collapsing with my still rock hard cock and an arm around her waist. Slowly my softening member slid out of her well lubricated channel, dripping my salty jism down her legs, the shower washing it away, and turned her around so I could hold her properly in my arms. We just stood there in the hot water, breathing, and sharing a long slow kiss.
Suddenly I felt a stab of icicles on my back and yelped and quickly reached for the water controls. Becky squealed as well once the cold water started to spray her face and tits with its icicles. I turned it off, but with us trying to get out of the water, both of us exhausted and dizzy, we tangled in the shower curtain and tore it from the rod and fell into a wet pile of bodies and latex.
I quickly checked to make sure she was OK, but she just erupted into laughter. Her golden and pure laughs broke my concern and I laughed as well. We wore ourselves out laughing and then slowly extracted ourselves from the tangled and torn latex curtain. We toweled off, with only a minimal amount of playful caresses and kisses, and then returned to her room. As soon as we got there the phone in her room was beeping.
She glanced at the phone and pressed a button, and read a text message she had waiting for her. Mom says diner is ready and to hurry because we will have company soon. I gulped, knowing that it would be bad to be caught this way with anyone else in the house so I threw on my clothes and noticed the wetness on my sleeve. I looked to Becky and she said, I have a hair dryer under the bathroom sink. I went back in, placed the curtain in the shower, and took out the hair dryer and used it on my bitten-on sleeve and also my own hair.
Once I was presentable to myself in the mirror I came out and saw Becky waiting at the door. Her hair still wet, but now dressed in a respectable dark blue shirt and jeans. She smiled and led me downstairs. When we reached the kitchen there was a note from Beckys mother to set the table and do some other prep chores for dinner since she had to step out to get something. I helped her with the silverware and plates, and the turkey in the oven smelled great. I was famished due to the workout Id just been through.
When we were done we sat on the couch and relaxed. She sat in my lap and hugged me, I knew that you were the one. That was beyond amazing.
Thank you, or&hellip, your welcome, I fumbled over my words. Even my wife when we were young never thanked me for my lovemaking, but then again, Ive had over a decade to practice since then, but it usually had become more routine in the last few years, and non-existent in the last few months of her pregnancy.
I heard the door open and looked wide eyed at Becky, who obliged and slide off my lap and sat next to me instead. Judy was talking to another woman as they came down the hall and entered the living room with us. Rachel, my very pregnant wife was trailing behind her. Rachel! I said startled and quickly stood up, thinking Id been set up and that I was a dead man.
Oh, hi honey, surprise! She smiled to me and I nervously hugged her inviting arms and gave her a quick peck on the lips. Judy and I were talking after you called and she said you were already tutoring her daughter and didnt want to interrupt you when she invited me to diner. I told her I couldnt drive in my condition, but she offered to pick me up! Isnt she sweet?
Playing along like this was all just a game I nodded, Yea!?! Sweet. What a great surprise.
Its so great to get out of the house and see people! She turned and went back to talking to Judy again, like I didnt exist anymore, Ive felt like such a prisoner in my own house like this! she gestured to her distended belly. Oh and you must be Becky! She waddled over to the teen.
Pleased to meet you Mrs. Font. And she held out her hand. Rachel squeezed it politely and squatted to sit by her where I had been on the couch.
Whew! Sorry, I just have to sit when they start kicking. Moving around this much must be exciting them.
Becky gazed in wonder at my wifes belly. Does it hurt?
Rachel laughed, Honey its fine right now, and I know itll hurt a lot more later on, but its just wonderful to think about my babies growing inside me. Ive always wanted a big family, even if Ed didnt, and I guess God agrees with me. She smiled smugly at me with her hazel eyes before looking back at Becky. Here, wanna feel them? and without waiting grabbed Beckys hand and placed it on her belly. For the last month the twins have really gotten stronger and Ive even been woken up once by them thrashing around inside her while she slept. Which was better than when she woke me up with morning sickness those first few months, I reasoned.
Becky almost shouted out, Mom, I felt one of them kick!
Becky, you should know how to kick. You kept me away at all hours, kicking and punching me. I always knew youd be an athlete, Judy joked.
It hard to believe this is a little life that you made. She just stared in wonder at her hand feeling the bumps coming out. I hope I can be as happy as you are one day. She said with a joy in her voice as she smiled to my wife who just smiled back.
Well, youre young yet, plenty of time for that. She laughed a little and Becky nodded and chuckled with her.
I felt my heart sink and knew that something had to move the conversation. Judy must have sensed the same thing for she stated loudly to all of us, OK than, you two must be hungry from all that studying, come to the table and Ill serve you.
Relieved I turned to move into the dining room, but Rachel stopped me cold with a simple Ed. She held out her hand and I helped her up and into a chair in at the table. I sat next to her and Becky sat opposite me, leaving the seat across from Rachel for Judy, who, true to her word, served us all up a terrific turkey dinner with all the fixings.
We actually had a great time as all the girls went into talking mode, while I ate and listened to them chatter away about their lives, work, movie starts and local gossip. An hour later I, having finished first because I talked less and ate more, started cleaning up the table, allowing them to keep talking. Soon, I was in the kitchen cleaning off the plates. And he even does the dishes, Judy surprised me from behind with a quick goose to my rear. I jumped a bit and she laughed. Relax, were almost family now, she whispered. Not knowing how to respond to this I just waited. You wife is a lovely and lucky lady. I just wanted to thank you again for tutoring Becky. Then she kissed me on the cheek, smiled and returned to the dining room.
They girls talked for a while until I was starting to get tired. Eating turkey always seems to do that, or it could have been the two ripping orgasms Id had just a few hours ago. OK, well its getting late and we should be going.
Rachel was exhausted being up so long, but was enjoying talking too much to stop without a good reason, but agreed with me. Oh, look at the time, your right. Almost 9! Its bedtime for us.
Not me, its not a school night, Becky chirped up.
Well we shall have to do this again soon, Judy added while helping my wife up and walking toward the door. Becky is studying hard for her SATs and Im sure could use more help with her studies to get into a good college. I know youre getting on with the twins, so Ill be glad to help out if you can allow Becky to borrow your husband for a few more study sessions?
What? I wanted to scream out. Of course! Rachel said instead and looked at my face which was a combination of embarrassment and shock. Oh honey, dont look like that! Her skills cannot be that bad, you should help the girl. Youre her teacher arent you?
Calming my face and hearing Judy almost snort at her inside knowledge. No, shes a wonderful student. I tried to say without giving anything away.
But shes going to need a lot more studding to prepare for college right dear? Judy added.
Oh, TONNES more studying! Becky chirped in from behind.
As we walked out the door I knew the dynamic duo of mother and daughter could hear my pregnant wife chastise me for not being giving enough of my time and attention who eagerly wanted my help. As we drove home, I knew I had no choice but to suck it up and do my duty as a teacher, husband, and a man. Somehow I knew that as long as the stress didnt kill me that I would enjoy it.
Author’s note: This is my own retelling of a very common story, that of Hades and Persephone. This is my most favorite mythological love story. I’ve always identified with the transformation from innocent girl, Kore, to dark queen of the underworld, Persephone, and Hades is the ultimate strong male-love that. It’s more about passionate burning love than sex, though I plan on inserting more erotica into any further installments if there is an interest. Please feel free to let me know what you...
Gifts of every decadent form began arriving at the estate of Kore’s foster family that morning. Fragrant floral arrangements, statues in effigy of the soon-to-be betrothed, sweets filled with nectar and honey and nuts, pastries piled high on Long tables, silk fabrics of every jewel tone hue imaginable. All of these had been streaming in for days, trumpeting the arrival of the prosperous Certese family. The servants worked for days cleaning, cooking and creating a fitting house to greet the...
Author’s Note: Thank you to everyone that read, posted comments and voted on Hades Ch 1. For those that have not read Hades Ch 1, chapter two may not be able to fill you in on the tale thus far. Please bear in mind, it is my own unique retelling of the love affair between Hades and Kore/Persephone and I have taken some serious liberties with the characters and story- hopefully not offending any mythology buffs out there. As always, hope you enjoy it and I consider myself a very lucky girl when...
Hi friends my self jazz living in raipur ma aapna bara ma btata hu ma dikhna ma gora hu mera dost mujha boucher khata ha kyu ki ma boucher jasa dikhta hu aapka time na barbad karta hua sidha story ma aata hu mana 12 ka exam ka baad ghar ma free baitha tha bas subah subah jaldi uthta or gaym jata hu uska baad dudh lana phir ghar ma aaram karta hu par ek din jb ma dudh lana gaya to aabhi aaya nahi tha to ma vha baitha uska ghar ma uska ghar ka samne ek khubsurat si pyarri si ldki rahti thi usko...
Even if the sound of his voice had not been enough, the room suddenly awash in pale bluish radiance insured all eyes turned. Beholding Tenchi, incredibly now standing just behind the queen, his Lighthawk blade inches from her throat. "If you hurt my child." He assured the room thickly. "I'll kill every one of you!" His eyes were haunted as he made the pronouncement, his face set into the hardest of lines as he moved the blade a fraction closer. "Starting with her." Tenchi concluded...
(an unfinished story i once wrote for a girl i was having the occasional phone fling with..the '90s was a strange time, lol)The hesitant feeling of your motor was the first warning sign, but it didn't give you much time to reach before you felt the power drop off as the engine gave out completely. You turned the wheel, coasting to a stop along the shoulder, as you muttered a curse under your breath.You sat in your seat for a moment, attempting to turn the engine over to no avail. The moon was...
The Choice Steve – late 30's Close cropped Hair No2. Blonde, 5'10" Jenny- mid 20's, Brunette Shoulder length wavy hair. Soft features with thatoccasional startled rabbit look. Deep brown eyes. 5'4" Tall Jenny worked at a manufacturing business on the sales order desk. The companyhad a policy of getting the staff on the end of the phones to meet their customers.Jenny had been pressed into going to a corporate event. This had entailed aday at the races, which had passed uneventfully followed...
The Choice By Princess Pantyboy Me, Kelly 18-year-old boy Karen 14-year-old little sister Amber 10-year-old sister Miley 5-year-old sister Mom, Anne Parker 41-year-old mom (looks like she is 25yrs old) Dr. Beth Cole Doctor that thinks she can save the world "Mom stop picking on me how come you are always on my sisters side? You know I am going to be 18 tomorrow and I can move out anytime I want too." Mommy looks at me...
Gender Choice Week Of the many things that set homo sapiens apart from the rest of animal kingdom, its ability to choose genders is one of the strangest. How it works is easy to describe: all other mammals have their sex predetermined at conception, and are born with either male or female genitals. Humans, however, are born with both male and female genitals. The male genitals are on the outside, so at a glance all children look male. (And by convention, all such children are...
Gender Choice Week: The Test This story is set in the same universe as "Gender Choice Week," the very first story I published on Fictionmania, in 2015. In this universe, all children are born with male and female organs, and they choose their gender (or it is chosen for them) at the start of puberty. I hope to write more stories in this universe, exploring how different societies handle Gender Choice. This story is set in a country where a person's gender is chosen in "The Test" - a...
Book Three: Naughty Fantasies Unleashed Chapter Fifteen: One Choice By mypenname3000 Copyright 2019 Note: Thanks to WRC264 for beta reading this. Steve Davies “A god,” I said. The word rippled through my soul. I had set things up to be hero-worshiped, for the entire world to see me as something more than them, but to hear my wife say it was intoxicating I glanced down at my phone, at the power it held. So many edits left... We used to be good Christians, but then we learned about all...
Michelle did exactly as she was instructed and was sitting on an ottoman in the middle of a hotel suite naked, save a black cotton blindfold over her eyes and black knee socks. She’d dreamt and fantasized about this very moment for years. Tonight she was finally going to be with him for the first time. The thought sent a shiver into her core as she nervously shifted on the velvety white ottoman which she was currently soaking with her arousal.Michelle had met Aaron online when he had noticed...
Love StoriesLife sometimes comes full circle, each step we take, everything we do is a choice. The result of that choice can be fine, or it can lead to the depths of despair. I made my choice when I married Patra, failing to see that she was a woman with wants that far exceeded what I could or would even consider providing. Being young and inexperienced in the ways of life, I simply failed to notice Sarah, who loved me completely and totally even when we were small children. Had she simply kissed me, I...
By EFon (This is a long story and has some build up, but I believe it’s worth it to really set the plot.) What am I going to do now? I’m stuck in a no win situation, and the stress is killing me. I never wanted a complicated life, but I’ve got one weather I like it or not. Strange thing is that while I know it’s wrong, I cannot help but love it anyway. Now I had some wild times in college, but while I still was young, I fell in love and married my college sweetheart Rachel. We...
(This is a long story and has some build up, but I believe it’s worth it to really set the plot.)What am I going to do now? I’m stuck in a no win situation, and the stress is killing me. I never wanted a complicated life, but I’ve got one weather I like it or not. Strange thing is that while I know it’s wrong, I cannot help but love it anyway. Now I had some wild times in college, but while I still was young, I fell in love and married my college sweetheart Rachel. We graduated and I became a...
(This is a long story and has some build up, but I believe it’s worth it to really set the plot.)What am I going to do now? I’m stuck in a no win situation, and the stress is killing me. I never wanted a complicated life, but I’ve got one weather I like it or not. Strange thing is that while I know it’s wrong, I cannot help but love it anyway. Now I had some wild times in college, but while I still was young, I fell in love and married my college sweetheart Rachel. We graduated and I became a...
It was a weekend I had looked forward to for some time. My wife and her two teenage daughters from her previous marriage would be on a trip to Chicago for a 3-day holiday, leaving me alone in the house. Not that I wouldn't miss them, but it gave me a chance to indulge my own fantasy while they were shopping and going to a concert. I have cross-dressed since I was a teen, but with my marriage I put that behind me, at least that's what I told my wife, Lillian. Before we married, I told her...
The Deception of Choice. Episode Twelve, comprising Chapters 29 & 30 Preamble. Yet another Inspection at which Grace de Messembry stresses her selfless desire to help David achieve true happiness. At the party afterwards Coralie provides rather shocking evidence of Rehabilitation's efficacity as regards behaviour modification. An informal chat with Helen provides some clarification and a degree of hope. But only if all is taken at face value. Chapter 29....
David isn't athletic, bright, or handsome. You can say, he's an average Joe who spent most of his time playing video games, but there's a reason for him being a shut-in. Throughout his life, he's been harassed by his family and peers. His older sister, Sarah, is a straight A's student, and every chance arises, called him a complete failure. His mother, Heather, favor her daughter, and reluctant to give him affection. David tosses the Xbox's controller across the room, and shout. "Damn it, lost...
BDSMI woke suddenly with a muted scream covering my mouth with my hands so as not to alert the Sisters or the orderlies. Glancing over to see if Skank was back from his latest excursion, I found myself in an empty room with only a single golden, glowing, baseball sized orb floating in the center. The small room didn’t have any obvious noticeable exits from my brief inspection. Gathering my courage, it seemed that Stoneface wasn’t pulling my leg. Not that I would ever forgive him for throwing me...
Tammy got up from the breakfast table and went to the back door of the house. I felt my stomach sink, knowing what was coming. She opened it and stepped aside, her arm extended to the outside, palm up. She looked at me and my heart began hammering. ‘Get out,’ she said plainly. Her voice was soft and even, and I instantly measured it against the first time she had said them, the harsh way she’d spat the words. ‘Get out now, or stay,’ she finished. It was the choice. The same choice she gives me...
Two hours prior to “Now”... "Yosemite Sam," Lena said. "Hmmm...'M' right? Uh, Mickey Mouse," Marko answered, leaning forward close to the wheel trying to see through the rain soaked windshield. Sheets of water that the wiper blades had just swiped off returned instantly. "Eeeee...oh, Eeyore!" she snapped. "Wasn't he from a book?" "Then they turned it into a cartoon for Disney," she replied, "It counts." "Whatever," he muttered. "'E'. Come on, Marko. 'E'," she prodded. "Hey, you know, trying to...
Straight SexTammy got up from the breakfast table and went to the back door of the house. I felt my stomach sink, knowing what was coming. She opened it and stepped aside, her arm extended to the outside, palm up. She looked at me and my heart began hammering. "Get out," she said plainly. Her voice was soft and even, and I instantly measured it against the first time she had said them, the harsh way she'd spat the words. "Get out now, or stay," she finished. It was the choice. The same choice she gives me...
CuckoldNot by Choice By Stefanie Flowers VOWS OF A LIFETIME So here I am standing at the alter about to take wedding vows. I had always thought that one day I would marry the girl of my dreams and raise a family; but how could I have imagined this? My spouse to be was not the girl of my dreams and I was very reluctant to be here today getting married; certainly not as I am now. I was being forced into the marriage. Not by a gun held to my head but by a series of unfortunate circumstances...
My boyfriend, Ben, had been out of town on a business trip for over two weeks and was still a week away from coming home. This was the longest time that the two of us had been away from each other since we started dating. We actually both agreed to not even to masturbate for the whole time he was away. Needless to say I was really second guessing my pledge. When he called the Sunday before he was to come back, I confessed I really needed a little physical relief. He suggested I get naked, get...
My name is Sam Davies. I'm a rich, influential Hollywood agent. My life is quite standard for my job, although I have always found it quite hard to stay professional with so many hot women around me. I could fuck ordinary women, but they weren't enough for me, I wanted the "elite" ones. But, on the other hand, I didn't want a sexual harassment charge, so I've always been forced to stay professional. That is, until today. Today, I woke up and saw that I'd got a letter. It read: Dear Mr....
Mind ControlAuthors note: It's been five years or so since my last published effort. I hope you enjoy this first part. Part 2 is already being written and will try to soften the bad karma from part 1. Life is Full of Choices Part 1 As I had always said to myself, once I graduated high school, Hillstown would only ever be a memory for me. A glance in the rear view mirror of my '89 Toyota and that would be it. My trailer trash step-mom and my three idiot half-sisters could stay in the...
In the morning I got up to brush my teeth. Kate was just leaving the bathroom, and our eyes locked briefly. Kate’s neck flushed bright red, and I quickly looked away. We didn’t speak the rest of the weekend. In fact, we hardly spoke 2 words to each other all week. And I only saw Cassie once. I was completely on edge. I tried to start a conversation with Kate on Wednesday, but as soon as I said I was worried about her and Wrackoff, she cut me off. ‘I’m fine’ she told me. ‘I know what I’m doing....
She is in the attire of my preference. Short little mini skirt that is more than revealing, a tight tube top pushing her round fleshy breasts awkwardly upwards and almost falling out. Her make-up is dark and she is walking on heels that resemble stilts. I take a look at her succulent neckline and there is the collar that I placed on her 3 months ago, proudly owning the body that belongs to me now. I answer the door, not allowing her entry as yet. She greets as she has been taught, “Good...
What Choice Do I Have? - Part 3 I stood in the shower letting the hot water run over my body and wishing I could just stay there forever. The universe works in mysterious ways, I thought to myself. A decision I had made a little over 48 hours ago had changed the course of my life in such a drastic way, and in a way in which I could have never conceived. Sure, I had accepted that there was a risk I could be caught when breaking into someone's house, but to think that the punishment for...
I awoke that very early that morning in the hospital, lying uncomfortably next to my wife Rachel, still in her smock, fresh from delivering our two twin girls, Kristine and Katherine, into the world. The memories of the last day of chaos and shock all came back to me in their beauty and horror. I gazed at the seat in the room, seeing the duffle bag that my adulteress student who Ive been giving tutoring at her mothers request had packed. My thoughts couldnt stay away from the way Id taken and...
This story was edited by ErikThread and DaveT with my thanks and appreciation. Any errors are mine alone. Previously posted on another site. Captain’s Choice Chapter 5 Lost at Sea We were on a four day break in the middle of August. Our next charter would be arriving on a Friday afternoon and our most recent had just left on Monday morning. It was a necessary breather and a way to recharge the batteries as we headed into the home stretch for the busy summer season. It had been nearly six...
This story was edited by ErikThread and DaveT with my thanks and appreciation. Any errors are mine alone. Previously posted on another site. Captain’s Choice Chapter 7 A Decision to be Made I’d pretty much put the matter of the boat being destroyed out of my conscious mind while Ardele and I used the Internet to search out potential replacements. We had made a mutual list of the things that were must-have, should-have, and would like-to-have on our next craft. The more things we listed, the...
The expression "Hobson's Choice" is named after the keeper of a livery stable in seventeenth century England who required customers to accept the next horse available. Hence "Hobson's choice" means no choice at all. Hobson's Choice © 2003 by Nom de Plume "Young man, do you have anything to say for yourself before the Court pronounces your sentence?" The judge, a gaunt man with a hawk like face and bony hands protruding from his black robe, glowered down at the youthful...
Kidnap Meeting Dr Millar Brave New World Angel Making Plans for Georgie Treatment Mrs Perkins Max Georgie's Choice Release and enslavement Epilogue This story was inspired by two of my favourite on line stories - The Stepford Wives by Sarah Barndt and Guinnea Pig by Ruth White. If you enjoy the story check these two out or e-mail me at [email protected] Kidnap I staggered out of the bar, took two steps down the alleyway and collapsed. Another typical...
1. Inside the club it was like being at the bottom of the ocean, a dim, uncertain place filled with random movement and sound. Grant Blackley moved through it like some great marine predator, shoals of lesser creatures parting before him as if unconsciously realising all of this was his territory. Because it damn well was, Grant thought. He took up one of his regular positions at the top of a flight of stairs, overlooking the dance floor. At six foot five he hardly needed the extra...
Hezekiah's Choice She quickly but quietly entered my room and came up to my bed. It seems I am incapable of getting out of my bed without assistance. She has a razor in her hand as she tells me she will be removing my hair from my legs, chest and abdomen. I have no choice but to allow her to proceed. I have no choice because I am laying in a hospital bed being prepped for quadruple open heart surgery. The doctors told my wife and me that surgery shouldn't wait as I would probably be...
She awoke from bad dreams into worse. Her arms ached, pinned painfully together behind her back and wrapped immobile in a tight sleeve buckled to her waist. Her calves were belted to her thighs, pressing her ankles against her buttocks; a metal bar linked to straps wrapped around her thighs kept her legs forced wide apart. She couldn’t even turn her head – a high, rigid collar was wrapped around her neck, keeping her gaze focused straight ahead at a blank wall. Her jaw ached, forced open...
Gareth was excited as he opened the package and pulled out an IPad tablet. He turned it on and was asked for a password. He went to his laptop and opened his email looked for the right one and entered the password. There was just one app installed on the IPad and with excitement he tapped it with his finger. The app opened and it welcomed Mr Gareth Bale to The Club selection software. The Club was a select club for rich celebrity men. The membership cost was an annual subscription of $100,000....
The Deception of Choice. Episode Sixteen, comprising Chapters 38 & 39. Preamble David's travails continue in Helgarren's pleasant pastures. Anne and Emma try to help as does Dr. Tabatha in her dispassionate way. Grace de Messembry drops by to say hello .... and perhaps rather more although one can never be quite sure. And then there is the wretched question of boyfriends..... And a very nasty surprise. Well a couple really. The author wishes to apologise for a scene...
By my choice I read the diary. I am struck by the fact that almost everything that has happened to me was by my own choice. I watch the sea break against the shore, hear the cry of birds, and my mind goes back... I was always small. Slim, barely five foot five inches tall, I was the despair of my father. He had wanted someone his size, six foot three, a linebacker in college. Instead he got a boy that read, sang and danced. I had grown my hair long in rebellion against my father, and...
Book Three: Naughty Fantasies Unleashed Chapter Four: One Naughty Choice By mypenname3000 Copyright 2019 Note: Thanks to WRC264 for beta reading this. Steve Davies Sam looked so sexy in the shower. She let the water spray on her body as she leaned against the wall. My barely legal daughter, eighteen and nubile, made my dick so hard. She grinned at me, that mischievous joy on her face. She grabbed my cock and pulled me to her. I groaned as she stroked me, teasing me. She brought me to...
This story was edited by ErikThread and DaveT with my thanks and appreciation. Any errors are mine alone. Previously posted on another site. ***** Chapter 11 – The Beginning of the Rest of our Lives Robert Samuel Hamelin was born very early on the morning of July 1st, Canada Day. He weighed in at 7lbs 5ozs and exhibited a dark head of hair and a healthy set of lungs. I had hoped for a son, but knew I would welcome either son or daughter. The gods had chosen to bless us with a son and the...
AUDIO MEMO; NEENA ALEXANDROVNA TO SVETLANA NIKITECHNA Physiology has played into my hands and provided an excellent teaching opportunity! I went to collect Vyera early this morning to get her started on her work for the day. She has had a language lesson each day with regular testing, to make sure she is absorbing what she has been taught. Afterwards, she has been working as an assistant to the Domestic Staff and has been given all the menial tasks to do, such as cleaning the floors in the...
I stood looking at her teach in the classroom as I sat at my desk. Her perky lips moved as did her nicely sized boobs as she maneuvered. My panties got wet again as deep breaths were taken in. Admiration had a lot to do with my attraction and getting over my crush wasn't an option. A few years before, I sat in one those student chairs in her math class. Even as I hated the subject, I always arrived in the classroom as an anxious woman. Two years after I graduated from high school, I came back...
TabooAt one Greek fund raiser in college I made over $200 proving that fact for the chagrin of many friends and girlfriends, even Rachel, my future wife, was one of the ‘contestants’. But that one simple act had changed my whole world. Before then I was a husband who loved his wife, and was just helping out a young woman with self discovery and loose some sexual needs that my wife couldn’t meet at the time. Afterwords I couldn’t keep that fantasy. On some level I had to admit to myself that...
Damn, I felt like a dirty rotten bastard, but it was like college all over again with a cute young thing lusting for my manhood. I can never seem to deny a woman anything that they beg of me, even when I know it is wrong. That day was two weeks ago, and since that time, every Tuesday and Thursday Judy would take the evening to care for my wife, allowing her daughter and I to have ‘study time’ alone at her home. Having been teaching Becky all my carnal knowledge had been terrific for my...
Introduction: Ed finds another teacher witnessed him with Becky and walks in on his wife with Judy. What is wrong with me? My wife, the woman of my dreams, and most perfect girl in the world, had never gotten me to cum with just her hands and mouth. But on lunch break of the first day back teaching high school Algebra, Becky, my teenage adulteress cheerleader, and while only a virgin up until I took that from her a month ago, became the first woman in my whole life to succeed where dozens had...
To all of those that make up the Hollywood establishment, in the world of music, TV, and film, the People's Choice Awards have always been a favorite of theirs. That's because, while some music awards shows will have a select few publicly-voted winners, for the most part, the biggest awards shows in town are nothing but ass-kissing contests. And while different, the People's Choice Awards had always been perceived as more of a "popularity contest" due to the fan-voted aspect of them. But once...
CHAPTER 4: MY CHOICEThe next morning I am awakened by Wolf. But this is different, this is the morning after my successful survival of The Hunt. And not just any Hunt, the first ever Hunt when the hunted has survived the full three days and nights. The concept of The Hunt is very specific, but I wonder if any of the leaders who established the criteria, rules, and rewards had any anticipation that someone might actually evade capture all three days. Was the outcome even defined for this...
The Deception of Choice. Episode Seventeen, comprising Chapters 40 & 41. Preamble. David's friends lend sympathy and help. For which David is duly grateful but does it solve anything? Is it all too late with the Government seemingly now involved? Hope eternal springs in some breasts whereas David's breasts seemingly just spring .... Helen offers an explanation, but you will have to decide for yourselves.... Chapter 40. Anne, there before him, was sitting at a table...
Dan and I were high school buddies that ended up at the same university in our hometown. I played football while he played basketball. He was the taller and more slender one concentrating more on cardio and speed. I had brown hair and brown eyes while Dan was a redhead with blue eyes. I was a gym fanatic working out with weights and drinking protein shakes. We both had sports scholarships to get us through school. I was still going steady with April who I knew from my childhood...
What Choice Do I Have? - Part 1 Authors Note: This is my first attempt at writing a story, I hope you really enjoy this first main part. I have lots of ideas of where I want this to go and can't wait to share more chapters with you all! I welcome criticism and feedback so please send some my way, I am eager to know your thoughts and it's the only way I can get better at writing. Lastly I want to repeat what I said in the prologue, this story takes a lot of ideas from some of my...
"Boats are females, Del. You know that. The name makes sense and I like it," I said strongly, hoping to put an end to the discussion. "I give up. Go ahead and do what you want," she said, resigned. "Good, it's decided then. Del's Choice it is," I announced, trying not to sound triumphant. I glanced toward Ardele and saw that she wasn't pouting or looking unhappy, so I decided I had achieved what I wanted. My argument had been that she had found the boat, organized the transfer and...
Our son, Bobby, is growing in leaps and bounds right before our eyes. He can roll over now and is showing signs of getting ready to crawl. It doesn't matter if he is on land or on the boat, he is happy. I think we are close to when he will be sleeping through the night and I'm sure that will be a big relief to Ardele. She's taken to motherhood the way she approaches anything she really thinks is important: full blast. If she isn't online searching information, she's buying books. And,...
Life and Choices COPYRIGHT 2004 There can exist at any given time in this world one mind to one body. There are exceptions to all rules though. Some folks or at least one existed of two minds in one body for a time. This person is Jay Hall. Of course, Jay has never realized this, unless you count his dreams. Although these facts should be painfully obvious to him, he fails to realize that his entire state of being is a paradox to the universe, and one that should soon be...
I was sitting in the railway waiting room on a cold winter night, wondering which sin of my last life had cursed my commonsense so I had to make a series of wrong choices , which had condemned me to spending the night in a deserted station 100 kilometres from the nearest town. . A tiny voice in my mind told me I was lucky too, if I hadn't been I wouldn't have gotten tickets to the next train in the morning, which would take me to the nearest outpost of civilization. And to think all this...
Wishes don't exist, but you always have choices! Greetings to anyone that finds this journal/story. My name is Brandon. I will once again be a 20+ year old male living in Northern California, sorry for being cryptic but I will explain what I mean later. My wife and I have to sacrifice our memories of the events I am about to transcribe, so I am writing this letter and hoping it finds someone who believes me. I am leaving this letter to be a testament to all that has happened and a...