Il sogno diventa realt
- 3 years ago
- 38
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Introduction: Il racconto narra di un uomo e una donna che hanno una relazione cibernetica, e di un ipotetico loro incontro, dopo che da tempo reprimevano le reciproche pulsioni per timore di rovinare lamicizia. Incontro che forse diventer? reale. Narra di quando un giorno luomo prende liniziativa e si dichiara, ed esplodono entrambi in un turbinio di erotica passione, appagando tutti i desideri repressi da troppo tempo. Il racconto ? a tratti romantico, a tratti erotico, ? esplicito e coinvolgente pur non essendo mai volgare.- Il sogno diventa realtà,
Sono venuto a prenderti allaeroporto di Milano. Appena mi hai visto mi hai
fatto un radioso sorriso e mi sei corsa incontro. Ci siamo abbracciati
come buoni amici, quindi ti ho accompagnata al tuo albergo.
Appena giunti in stanza, ti ho donato un bouquet di rose rosse.
Ad una rosa avevo tolto tutte le spine e ci avevo messo sopra un
biglietto. Tu hai preso i fiori con un grande sorriso, poi hai visto
la rosa senza spine con il biglietto attaccato. Lhai aperto e lhai
letto. Cera scritto Questa sei tu. Una Rosa senza spine. Ti Amo.
Hai appoggiato il mazzo di rose sul tavolo, lentamente ti sei
avvicinata a me fissandomi negli occhi, in silenzio. Mi sono
avvicinato anchio. Ti ho guardata. E ci siamo baciati.
Sentivo la tua voluttuosa lingua accarezzare la mia, in un turbinio di
passione irrefrenabile, come onde che si infrangono sugli scogli… Da
troppo tempo attendevamo questo momento, e ora la nostra passione
finalmente correva libera come un cavallo selvaggio…
Mugolavamo di piacere… le lingue penetravano fino in gola, i nostri
cuori galoppavano sempre più, forti…
Mi stringevi forte a te fino quasi a soffocarmi, io ti accarezzavo le
guance rosa e i lunghi capelli, come mille fili di seta profumata.
Sentivo i tuoi capezzoli ritti come spade toccare i miei. Con una
mano iniziai ad accarezzarti i seni, quindi i capezzoli oltre alla
sottile maglietta modellata dalle tue statuarie forme. Gemevi di
piacere. Presi coraggio e infilai le mani sotto la maglietta e ti
sganciai il reggiseno, sempre continuando a baciarti.
Te lo sfilasti senza staccarti da me. Ti alzai la maglietta ed iniziai
a baciarti il seno e a leccarti e succhiarti i capezzoli,
completamente rigidi, come due piccoli chiodi. Impazzivi dal piacere.
Chinasti la testa allindietro con gli occhi chiusi, completamente in
estasi. Con una mano scesi e ti slacciai i jeans. quindi ti infilai la
mano nelle mutandine… Eri bollente, completamente bagnata, fradicia
di piacere e di voglia.
Infilai due dita nella tua fica invitante, e iniziai a muoverle
vorticosamente, ormai gridavi di piacere, la tua mano scese ad
accarezzarmi il pacco, reso voluminoso dalla mia eccitazione. Ti
compiacesti del risultato e mi slacciasti anche tu i jeans.
Lerezione aveva trasformato i miei boxer in Lycra in una t-shirt.
Infilasti dentro la tua mano e iniziasti a masturbarmi.
Impazzivamo entrambi dalleccitazione.
Il mio membro era come una manganello. Ti staccasti da me, ti
inginocchiasti, quindi iniziasti a succhiarlo, mugolando e gemendo più,
di prima, godendo come me.
Iniziasti a leccare dolcemente la punta. La tua morbida e vellutata
lingua mi dava dei brividi di piacere che mi facevano fremere, poi
ingoiasti tutto il glande, e con dolcezza iniziasti e rotearci la
lingua attorno. Mi sembrava di svenire! Ce lavevo grosso come non mai
e duro come il marmo, era come un obelisco egzio, ti stava a malapena in bocca. Poi iniziasti
anche a masturbarmi mentre continuavi a succhiare e leccare. Con
laltra mano mi accarezzavi le palle, facendomi impazzire. Poi
continuando a masturbarmi scendesti a leccarlo tutto, anche le palle,
ormai ero in estasi, lo riprendesti di nuovo in bocca, stavolta
cercando di ingoiarlo tutto, sentivo il glande che ti premeva sulla
gola bollente, una sensazione indescrivibile… Ti esplosi come un
vulcano fiumi di sperma bollente in bocca, e tu godesti con me,
ingoiando e succhiando tutto fino allultima goccia, avidamente.
Ti accarezzai e ti baciai a lungo, e con il pene ancora eretto ti
presi in braccio e ti misi sul letto. Presi le tue meravigliose e
lunghe gambe e iniziai, in ginocchio a leccarle e baciarle, salendo sempre più,.
Le tue dolci, calde e profumate labbra della tua fica imploravano i miei baci come un fiore implora lacqua…
Più, mi avvicinavo a quelloasi di piacere e più, tu gemevi,
completamente abbandonata alle mie carezze!
Arrivai alle tue cosce, tu allargasti ancora di più, le gambe, ti
apristi come un fiore che desidera il sole, e il sole arrivò,.
Baciai dolcemente il tuo voluttuoso clitoride, tu fremesti ed
iniziasti a massaggiarti seni e capezzoli. Leccai le calde e bagnate labbra della tua deliziosa vulva, infilai dentro la lingua e gustai il tuo nettare zuccherino. Era bollente come la tua passione. Iniziai a succhiarti il clitoride e a leccarlo tutto attorno dolcemente. Il tuo ano iniziò, a pulsare, stavi per venire, mi ripetevi ansimante: -Sì,, continua, continua…-
Lo feci, e con un lungo gemito inarcasti la schiena e mi venisti in bocca… Comera delizioso il tuo succo, amore mio!
Infilai la lingua dentro fino in fondo per non perdere neppure una goccia del tuo delizioso miele.
Quindi mi alzai, il mio membro era infuocato, chiedeva solo te…
Lo guardasti con una certa apprensione e mi dicesti: -Fai piano…-
Lo appoggiai con il glande sulle labbra incandescenti della tua fica palpitante, poi spinsi dolcemente, essa si aprì, e lo accolse in un bollente e stretto abbraccio. Lentamente cedeva alle dimensioni del mio membro, adattandosi come un guanto. Io continuavo a muoverlo con dolcezza su e giù,, fino a che non sentii i tuoi muscoli cedere, quindi lo spinsi fino in fondo, tu gemesti rimanendo senza fiato, con la bocca aperta e gli occhi spalancati… Iniziai allora a muoverlo su e giù,, su e giù,, e tu iniziasti a gridare di piacere: -Sì,… Tutto… Tutto!-
Stantuffavo come un treno. Mi chinai su di te e leccavo i tuoi
capezzoli, ti accarezzavo il viso, ti baciavo con la mia lingua che toccava la tua gola vibrante di piacere.
Sentii la tua vagina pulsare, e venesti di nuovo.
Mi girasti sottosopra baciandomi avidamente, e stando sopra di me iniziasti ad andare su e giuù,. Ti raddrizzasti reclinando la testa indietro e chiudendo gli occhi, sentivo la tua fica pulsare..
Allungai le mani e accarezzai i tuoi seni e I tuoi capezzoli…
Venesti nuovamente inondandomi, come una cascata, dei bollenti umori del tuo piacere.
Ripetevi continuamente: -Oh amore, ohh!-
Ti sollevai e ti misi prona sul letto.
Mi chinai sopra di te e iniziai a baciarti il collo e a leccarti le
orecchie, tu ansimavi. Scesi con la lingua lungo la schiena, avevi la pelle doca e fremevi di piacere. Arrivai alle tue natiche, le leccai e le baciai tutte, quindi le aprii e ammirai quel splendido fiore rosa che è, il tuo ano. Iniziai a leccartelo e infilare la lingua dentro, tenendo le tue natiche aperte. Tu urlavi di piacere, inarcando il ventre per favorirmi. La tua fica era gocciolante. Tu ci infilasti dentro due dita e iniziasti a masturbarti mentre io continuavo a leccarti. Infilai dolcemente dentro un dito, era bollente… Tu
dicevi: -Aaahhh siiii….!- lo presi come un invito e continuai, infilando lentamente ora due dita. Le muovevo dentro di te e le giravo, tu gemevi continuando a masturbarti. Le sfilai, il tuo ano rimase aperto, ci infilai la lingua, leccando dentro e intorno… Mi dicesti: -Prendimi!- appoggiai il mio glande su quel invitante buchino rosa. Iniziai a spingere lentamente, sentivo i tuoi muscoli che lentamente cedevano alla mia azione. Tu stessa allora ti spingesti indietro facendomi entrare di colpo dentro di te. Gridasti e ti fermasti un attimo. Io rimasi immobile con il mio membro dentro il tuo stretto ed avvolgente culetto. Quindi mi dicesti: -Okay, va avanti…
Piano… Siiii-
Lo spinsi dolcemente dentro di te, ti sentivo e godevo fino al
cervello, il tuo culetto bollente che avviluppava tutto il mio pene mi faceva impazzire… Lo spinsi dentro tutto, tu eri senza fiato, le mie palle sbattevano sua tua fica grondante, aumentai il ritmo, tu urlavi e ti sgrillettavi come una pazza, stavi venendo, e io venni con te, versando dentro di te il mio più, incandescente orgasmo.
Tu ti accasciasti sul letto completamente spossata e mi dicesti: -Oh amore mio…-
Io replicai: -Ti amo!-
Ti girai supina sul letto, mi distesi su di te, tuoi capezzoli contro i miei…
Ci baciammo completamente estasiati, chiusi gli occhi…
Gli riaprii, ero nel mio letto, completamente solo, con i miei boxer completamente fradici.
Mi feci una doccia, e andai a lavorare. Avevo ancora il tuo Profumo addosso. Ed ero in ritardo.-
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They cuddled on the bed for a bit, with Rich running his fingers through Lily's hair and Lily kissing Rich on his neck, Rich wondering if the older woman had, in fact, an even more charged libido than he had. Lily, for her part, liked having someone else in the bed to kiss ... although she found it awkward to continue when Rich called home. She sat up on the bed and watched him, and they listened to the rings together with anticipation so thick it was edible. When Lily heard a man's voice...
I clicked on the Submit button, yet again. I'd written and rewritten my relationship listing so many times; I was tired of reading it. Yet, I held out hope that there would be someone out there that wanted the same kind of unusual relationship I wanted. The day after I posed my relationship listing on Craigslist, I got two quick responses. Usually, these were people trolling for email addresses. I responded to both emails, on the off chance that they were serious replies. They weren't. I...
Kit stepped into the cafeteria. The place was quiet with only a few tables occupied. He spotted Nichelle sitting by herself. He headed toward her and joined her. She had her phone before her. “What are you looking at?” he asked. “Some photos.” She turned her phone so he could see it. “This is one of Great-Gram on her wedding day.” “She’s pretty,” Kit remarked. “I see a resemblance.” “Do you? Where?” “The nose I think. And, the white dude is Great-Gramp?” Nichelle nodded. “Here’s one of...
My father’s brother (Chacha) had a thing for me and he had fucked me when I was 18 and he sucked my cock and guided me into a world of gay sex with his many friends and lovers and I learnt how to suck cocks and get fucked regularly. My relationship with him never stopped. I was finishing my education, when my parents started telling I should get married and I kept telling them I was not ready and I asked my Chacha about it. He said he knew one of his friends who had a daughter and I...
This is a true story that happened many years ago. I was working as a software technician and was often making service calls around the state to different offices. There was a customer that I usually serviced in Princeton, about an hour south of where I lived. The company did medical billing, there were eight employees, all women. Sheila, the woman who owned the company was in her mid to late 50's, she always wore loose clothing, but was a bigger woman. She definitely had a BBW type of body and...
“Are you okay, mom?” Roxy asked. Janet looked up. “I’m fine, honey. Why do you ask?” “You’ve looked kinda distracted all day.” The coffee shop was closed and the wash-up staff had left. “I’m just worrying about business, as usual,” Janet replied. “Should I be worried? Are we in trouble?” Her mother laughed nervously. “No. Everything is fine. You saw how busy we were tonight. I reckon we should think about hiring another waitress.” “How about Lori?” “You think I haven’t thought of that? Your...
IncestI recommend you read the first 3 parts to understand this relationship: So a few weeks after our last hot sexual interlude I received word through the g**** vine that Harmony was pregnant, either by me or her husband Matt is to this day still unknown, Harmony want to believe it is from our last encounter together. Fast forward 15 years, I had lost contact with harmony over the intervening years, and I had all but put our relationship into my memory archives which I droped into on some of those...
Growing up, I was probably the one that matured a lot faster than the rest of my friends. My voice was the first to be lower, then I had to start shaving at around 10. Hair was sprouting everywhere and I would out grow my sneakers at least three sizes within a year. Those years were the most awkard of my life, but I managed to survive and hold on to some amazing experiences. I recall the first time I discovered masturbation and the end result that came of it - pun intended. It was the...
by samslam"Okay girls, on to the next event." I call as I walk back into the living room. Maybe I should tone this down a little. "Turn around! We're ready to look at your lovely asses." The girls line up with their backs to me. Okay, maybe I won't tone it down. What a lovely line-up of flesh!I go through a similar routine, running my hands over their bare cheeks and telling each one what I think of their ass."You have an amazing ass, Alex," I say quietly. As my hand glides over her smooth,...
When I thought about cheating, I always saw the lewd, despicable acts - the husband tearing his family apart, the wife falling for a good line and destroying her family's unity just for a romp in the hay; the 'other woman' not caring about what she was doing to a 'nice' home. I, definitely, never thought it would happen to me or imagined what it could do to my life. It all started pretty innocently, that Monday morning at work, when I overheard two of my colleagues, Brian and Lisa, talking...
I hadn’t seen my cousin Kayla since grade 8, back in 2009. Well, that isn’t exactly true. There were very sporadic encounters where we would happen to walk by one other somewhere in the city. In those instances she was with whoever she considered to be her boyfriend at the time so all I got was a nod of acknowledgement. Admittedly she was…well I won’t say she’s a slut as I do not actually know how far she goes with these guys. Instead I’ll say she has difficulty with relationships. Her longest...
IncestHi this is Nikitha from Mangalore. This story start when I was at 18 the year. My friend name is Shama. She is also my closest friend from childhood we share our all feelings desire… Etc. This story start when I completed my high school life. After our high school my parents sent me to the city for higher studies with Shama. In city there is one guest house of Shama relative. Actually they are living at state. So they allotted to us for 3 years. That house so actually was with the one Mr....
LesbianA gym class laid out Jenny Shipley's future when she was just 8 years old. Taking a run on a long mat to do a tumbling flip, Jenny felt comfortable about what she was being asked to do. But she'd rather be back in the library reading a book than wearing tight, skimpy clothes in a big gymnasium. Jenny was bright enough to be easily among the brightest kids in her school. But because she was pretty, very blonde and in no need of glasses, no one perceived her as anything other than...
Today has the pleasure of introducing you to Lilt Sweet, an adorable young teen who has come to Private Specials, Rimming Ladies 4 for a debut that she’ll never forget! Lilit is the new neighbour of Kai Taylor and after she dances enticingly he can’t help but head over for a visit where things soon heat up as Lilit shows off her incredible cock sucking and ass licking skills. Then enjoy this delightful teen in action as she gets a hard pounding in all her favourite positions,...
xmoviesforyouNote : everyone in this story is over 18 and its fiction After I gave the massage to Betty that my mother in law had aranged it seems like every old whore in the building wanted my services.My wife Jill was out of the hospital but sill wasn't realeased to work.So I kept going and I realy enjoyed it most of the time. I'll tell some more of those storys also but I want to relay what happend with my wife and all this we got caught up in. I was steady giving these "Massages" to these old women. My...
FetishI'll admit that I was a little bit drunk when she sat down beside me at the hotel bar. Another business trip, away from home, this was getting to be a drag, and sipping on some bourbon helped a little. The smell of her perfume as she sat down snapped me out of my haze, and I looked at her. She smiled, turned to the bartender and ordered a drink. Looking back at me, she said "Can I freshen your's up too, darling?" I must have looked like an idiot, staring dumbfounded at her. I looked down at my...
With her mistress outside, she’s an obedient subby-mannequin. Motionless, except those pretty obsidian eyes are peeking across the crowded room. Her blush is vivid; she realizes I’m staring.Being recklessly dissolute, I lick my lips when she peeps again. It’s well known my lipstick is called Forbidden Touch.Her coal-black eyelashes flutter, then survey the room. The party-goers don’t even glance as I saunter towards her, my pussy drooling with the challenge of taming what isn’t mine.“Mistress...
Strap-On SexHi all, my name is Radhika and I used to read the stories on this site from the age of 18. At last, I got the courage to write my own experience here. I hope you like it. So, let me introduce myself. As I said, I am Radhika, 26 years of age, and the most important part which you like the most is my figure which is 32-28-38. Do not ask me why I have such a huge ass because as a teenager, I felt anal was less risky as I want to preserve my pussy for my husband only. That’s all. I have been...
The Two Queens Chapter 2 Return to the Kingdom Sir Gray Whitestone still as the Queen and Sir Troy Mayhew made their way back to the Kingdom. Sir Gray was riding in the Queen's carriage pulled by two beautiful black horses. Sir Troy was on his trusted white horse. While on the road Sir Gray realized why women don't travel real well even in a carriage. As a man he would very seldom have to relieve him self. But as the Queen and with her plumbing this was very frustrating to him....
Sexy brunette Alexis Crystal turns up for her first therapy appointment with an experienced sex therapist, Dylan Brown. She opens up about her addiction to masturbation and how horny she constantly gets. Dylan can’t quite believe his luck and as he moves his notebook down, reveals he has been stroking his cock this whole time! There is only one prescription that’s going to solve Alexis’ problem and that’s his big black cock! She sucks on his shaft right there on the...
xmoviesforyouSkyler Peterson has just turned 18 today. His mother Diana Peterson had something very special in store for him this day, a birthday she was sure he'd never forget. Even though she was 36, her body was quite firm and toned due to yoga and other physical activities keeping her lovely ass taut and even more gorgeous rack which was an amazing 40 Double D quite perky, her height was about 6 inches below his own putting her at just the perfect hugging height for him. She stood 5 ft 6 inches. Skyler...
IncestOne cloudy afternoon after school I arrived home after my team's soccer practice. As I approached my driveway I saw Ms. Ferguson, my neighbor from across the street. As I turned into the drive I gave her a wave and she reciprocated. I thought quickly to myself it'd been a couple months since I had seen her. Just before summer, her marriage hit the skids, and her then husband packed up and moved out. No one really knew the full story, but it did come out that he had started an affair with a...
MILFThis story kind of escaped me and became quite long, so I decided to cut it in two. This being the shorter of the halves. Hope you enjoy!The next morning I woke up in pain. The dildo was still jammed in my ass. I couldn’t move. Artie soon entered and ripped the dildo from my ass. I let out a huge groan of relief and of pain. The cum from the night was now starting to leak its way out and down onto the bed. Artie handed me the dildo and told me to suck it clean. I had no choice. I took it and...
We met Jeremy in a bar while we were having a few drinks. Somehow the conversation turned to sex, threesomes actually. In the end we all agreed to meet in a local hotel in an hour. Jason and I ended up at the hotel a little early, so we decided to get things started and put in a porn. By the time Jeremy showed up and knocked, Jason’s cock was rock hard. While he pulled his pants on and went to answer the door, I laid back on the bed and started to slide my fingers into my already wet pussy...
Tim and Emma began their tours of the schooner which would take at least two weeks to go over everything from stem to stern, port to starboard. This was their second trip to the boat. They brought many boxes canned goods from stews, soups, veggies, and packages of dried potatoes, cheeses, raisins, and other dehydrated fruits. This was only a drop in the bucket. There would be at least hundreds of other boxes to store. To save room, they stored their cereals, crackers, certain breads, and...
Now that I have one slut, it was time to see Darla. This one would be very easy to take over. Her husband is out of town a lot. His company sends him all over the country and he might be gone for weeks at a time. This gives Darla a lot of playing time. And her playing time will include me from now on. Darla is short. She is 4' 10 inches tall and weights 145 lbs. She has shoulder lenght brown hair. Her mouth is very small, as well as her tits. She has a fat ass and short legs. She is quiet...
My keen interest in all forms of erotic art inspired me a long time ago to create my own images of sexual behaviour, and although some would say that my pictures are just pornographic, I think they are honest depictions of adult fun. It’s led to a little sideline, teaching a small group of like-minded people of both sexes and all ages.We meet on the first Friday of every month at my home where we chat openly, and use a variety of mediums to create our own versions of a still photograph chosen...
TabooThere is a war going on, which the world doesn’t know about. There are these entities known as the Siphon. They exist as pure intelligence, intangible and invisible, and completely lacking physical form. In a way, they seem to be spirits. It is their natural state. In this natural state, they are immortal. Unfortunately for them, they are incapable of affecting the physical world when they exist as invisible and intangible entities. The origins of the Siphon are unknown. They inhabit another...