A Not-So-Simple Life: Part 4 free porn video

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Introduction: If you like it, dont like it, just feel like commenting or anything in between, feel free. Feedback is always nice. Plox-n-Thank you ???? The cafeteria died, figuratively of course, but it did feel like I was staring at bunch of ghosts after that. Everywhere I looked I was met with pale, awestruck faces that I tried my best to ignore as I weaved through the crowd. Keeping my head down, I managed to break free from the mass and escape the cafeteria, leaning up against the wall to try and gather myself momentarily before heading towards my class.

When I was about halfway there, I heard stampeding footsteps behind me. I turned to check who it was when Shawn suddenly tackled me to the ground.

Are you insane! he shouted in my ear, strangling me in the process. Do you have any idea what you just did!?

Shawn relax, Jason wrenched him off me.

Relax? Did you not hear what he said?

Yeah, I heard him. So what?

So what? He just said no to Heartbreak Hailey! Hes got to be insane!

Hes probably got a good reason Shawn. Jeez youre his friend remember? You cant go tackling him when hes already banged up like that. What the fuck is wrong with you?

Whats wrong with me? Theres nothing wrong with me! Theres something wrong with him! he pointed at me as I sat up and rubbed my already bruised ribs.

Theres no point talking to you is there? Jason helped me to my feet, You alright man?

Yeah, just a little shaken up at the fact that my own fucking friend did that, I replied looking at Shawn.

I tried to take a step forward but was met with a wall of pain that almost caused me to collapse. Luckily Jason caught me and held me up, Christ bro! Thought you said you were alright?

Well I didnt exactly plan on getting my ribs smashed in again, I clutched my side. Nice catch by the way.

Dont mention it. Cmon, we need to get you to class so you can rest before this shit storm catches up to you.

With his help, I limped my way to the classroom with Shawn grumbling his annoyance the entire way. It was a pain to listen to the blubberings of a jealous horn dog the entire way but I was more focused on breathing properly then telling off someone who I thought was my friend to quit being a bitch about it.

When we got to the classroom, Melissa dropped the coffee mug in her hand the moment she saw me. It splattered like a bug on windshield once it hit the ground, the coffee and shattered remnants of the mug flying in directions, but she ignored it all as she rushed to my side.

What happened to you? she asked worriedly.

Long story short, Tucker got in a fight a couple days ago and Shawn decided that itd be a good idea to tackle him to the ground. Jason explained.

Why on earth would you do that Shawn?

He mumbled something under his breath, making sure to look away now that the spotlight was on him.

I think what hes trying to say is that he hit Tucker in a jealous rage because the love of his life asked Tucker out and he said no. Jason said after helping me to my desk.

Are you ok? Melissa asked, leaning down to look at me.

Ill be fine, I tried to reassure her, Just wasnt expecting to get hit by my own friend. Resting my head on the desk, I sighed softly, I just need a couple seconds to recuperate is all.

Alright, but if you want to go to the nurses office just let me know ok?

I nodded my head softly as everything slowly but surely started to calm down. Eventually the bell rang to begin class and everyone filed into class, although any idiot could have guessed that there was something wrong. The elephant in the room became clearer as the day went on because no one actually paid attention to Melissa as far as I was aware. There was constant whispering and I caught the occasional glances from my classmates that quickly snapped their attention back towards the front whenever I turned to acknowledge them.

Hailey was the worse as far as I could tell. Since she sat near the front, it meant that everyone could see her statue like body. Im not even kidding when I thought she had turned to stone because she didnt move an inch all through first session and break, and only after some friends got her attention did she finally get up to go get lunch.

Jeez, shes taking it pretty rough, Jason said. Cant really blame her though. I mean, she never takes a chance on any guy, and the first one she does, shuts her down in front of a crowd of people.

I didnt invite those people did I? I countered while bringing out my lunch.

Exactly, Shawn said, sitting down in the desk in front of me, Its about time someone broke Haileys heart instead of the other way around.

He went to grab my lunch and I latched onto his wrist angrily.

Youve got a lot of nerve jackass, I growled. After the shit you pulled this morning youre lucky my hands are wrapped up because if they werent I wouldve hit you so hard you wouldnt remember all the hypocritical shit youve done.

What are you talking about?

Dude, Jason shook his head, coming to my defense. You deserve an award for all the hypocrisy that shoots out of your mouth. Seriously man, fucked up.

Oh come on, he sounded desperate. Youre not seriously gonna get mad at me right Tucker? Right?

Mad? Shawn Im at the point where Im wondering why we even hang out, I said.

Jason talk some sense into him man.

Hell no. I agree with Tucker. He took a fucking beating protecting one of the billion girls of your dreams and instead of thanking him you just reinjure him. Im starting to wonder why I hang out with you too.

Like a scolded puppy, he turned around and put his head down but Id be lying if I said that I wasnt pissed off at all the crap he was inadvertently putting me through. I wolfed my lunch down quickly before putting my head down and trying to pretend that I didnt just make headline news at the school again. It was pretty hard though. And by pretty hard, I mean fucking impossible. The doorway out had people looking in&hellip,at me, and the classmates that were inside had eyes glued to me like some kindergarten arts and craft project, and it was taken to a new level when I glanced outside and saw people actually standing right outside the window to look at me. My only option was to close my eyes, so thats what I did until the bell to end school rang.

Thanks to my injuries, I couldnt dart out of the school like last time, so instead, I opened up the window and went out that way. Jason laughed so hard he cried, but being the good sport that he was, he followed me out the window and helped me sneak out of the premises before anyone could stop me. We parted ways at the park and I dragged my gimp ass to the restaurant, which was the lone silver lining in all of this.

My apron as well as my old pair of keys was waiting for me inside my locker. I got dressed and looked at the list to see what Id be doing today. After lucking out with kitchen duty, I joined Rocky in the kitchen.

Feeling better? he asked.

Turned down the most popular girl in school in front of a couple dozen people. So&hellip,no.

Could be worse.

How so?

You could still be looking for a job.

Good to be back Rocky.

Good to have you back.

That was the extent of our conversation, and it brought a smile to my face as I continued to cook without a hitch. It was almost like I hadnt left it all. No one came in and welcomed me back either. Everything went on as if the last couple weeks didnt happen, and if I had to be honest it was just what I needed to relax.

Time flew by and before I knew it, I was already done with my shift. When I went into the locker room to change, Lexi had just finished up her shift as well and was waiting for me to get off. The tension between us had lessoned a bit so I agreed to walk home with her.

How was school? she asked.

Pretty terrible, I kicked a rock down the sidewalk.

Did something happen?

Just school drama. I dont really want to talk about it.

It cant be that bad can it?

It can actually. Rearing back, I punted the rock as far forward as it could. We both followed it with our eyes as it hopped, skipped, and jumped down the side walk at a surprising speed until it bumped into someones foot. My gaze slowly started to lift up as I got a good view of a very sexy, and very familiar body. Um, hi Ms. Benson.

Hello Tucker, she smiled at me before looking at Lexi and I watched as her smiling face slowly morphed into that of a professional poker players, And you must be Lexi.

Um, yes Im Lexi, she replied giving me an uneasy look. Who is she?

Shes my homeroom teacher.

Oh, well its nice to meet you Ms. Benson.


So, I cautiously began, Is there something you need Ms. Benson?

Yes actually, I was wondering if I could speak with you two.

Both of us? she nodded. Uh, sure, lets go inside I guess.

A tsunami of uneasiness swept over me as I walked over to my door and unlocked it. I had no reason to feel like something bad was going to happen but with the day I was having, I was starting to expect the worst possible outcome with everything I did. Maybe the reason I felt especially wary at the moment was because Ive had sex with both of them.

Yeah&hellip,something tells me that might be why.

After setting my things down, I went into the kitchen, Can I get you anything Ms. Benson?

No Im fine.


Im good thanks.

They both strangely followed me into the kitchen, taking a seat at the table across from one another as I leaned up against the counter and cracked open a soda.

Well? Lexi began, What can we do for you Ms. Benson?

Im here to talk about Tucker and his behavior over the last month.

And, Lexi looked at me but I shrugged. In all honesty I didnt know where she was going with this either. What has his behavior been like over the last month?

To be frank, its bad. Over the last month his normally good attitude has shifted drastically. Hes always tired, his grades are starting to slip, he hardly talks in class anymore, and when he does its only to argue with one of his friends. Not only that, but from what his other classmates have told me he even turned down a girl that he had crush on for no reason. And lets not forget the fact that he got into a fight as well. This all started the day you walked into my class as well, which, I might add, was extremely disrespectful and caused a lot of backlash for Tucker by the other students too.

Lexis eyes slowly narrowed, So you&hellip,think its all my fault?

I do actually.

You really think Im the sole cause of all of this?

Theres no other explanation as to why hes been acting so irrationally, so yes, I do. He also told me that you two had a little bit of history and I know that you forced yourself into his home so its obvious that youre having a negative impact on him.

Is that so, Melissa.

That sentence threw up more flags then the U.N.. I havent said Melissas first name in front of Lexi yet, so how the fuck does she know that? Unless&hellip,oh shit.

Realizing my situation, I tried to leave the room as nonchalantly as possible but Lexi caught my wrist.

I think we should discuss this, Lexis tone was surprisingly cheerful, but I could tell it had hidden force behind it. It may have sounded like an offer, but it was really an order. Dont you Tucker?

Yeah, just um, let me grab something from my room, I put up one last desperation play in hopes of escaping but it was foiled by her grip.

Im sure it can wait, she yanked me back towards the table. Please, take a seat. Yep. Im screwed. I sat down in the chair, slinking as far down as I could without falling down. So lets talk about this a little more Melissa. What do you think we should do about this little problem?

I may be overstepping my boundaries a bit but I think you should leave, Melissa proposed. Or at least move out of his house.

Because Im a bad influence, right?

Yes. Youre interfering with his education and health.

All by myself right?


No one else is helping?

Not that I know off.

I see. I guess you have a point there, but are you sure Im the only one at fault?

Melissa raised a brow, What do you mean? Do you think theres another person affecting his lifestyle?

I dont know, she twirled her hair around her finger, Is there?

Call me impatient, but these hints were starting to get on my nerves. Seriously, if this was going to happen then I wanted it to be like ripping off a band-aid. Quick and incredibly painful.

I think Melissa was starting to get the hint because her stone cold expression slowly faded and her eyes moved to meet mine. Of course, I was staring at the center of the table as if my life depended on it so she wasnt going to get any answers from me.

I guess if you really wanted to point fingers then I might be held a little responsible, but I wouldnt be the only person Melissa. After all, she ceased her hair twirling. Its not like I claimed that I was pregnant right?

She exploded to her feet, Tucker you told her about that!

All I could do was face palm.

Nope, someone else did, Lexi smiled. But I thought she was kidding when she said that Tuckers teacher claimed to be pregnant. And thats why I face palmed. Melissa mustve realized it too because she slowly slithered back down onto her seat and groaned while Lexi laughed it up. So this is the famous Melissa Ive heard all about. Im sorry that I didnt really get a good look at you when I dropped off Tuckers lunch that day but now it all makes sense at least. Im curious though, how many times have you slept with him?

What the fuck? I interjected. Why are you asking her that? It has noth-

Tucker Im talking to Melissa right now, she interrupted, using the same tone she used when she blackmailed me into letting her stay here. However, if she doesnt want to answer then thats fine. But since this is so serious Id have to go to the principle tomorrow and talk to him about Tuckers recent change in attitude. Of course, hed have to know all the details, including the fact that Tuckers homeroom teacher had sexual intercourse with him.

Twice! Melissa said immediately. We had sex twice.

Oh really? I didnt think you guys actually had sex more then once but I guess I was wrong. My hand was glued to my face now as Lexi continued to play Melissa like a drum. So where did you guys have sex the second time?

The park.

No way! You guys did it outside? Melissa weakly nodded. How was it?

It was&hellip,nice, her voice was reduced to a whisper.

And who led the charge? Melissa raised her hand sheepishly causing Lexi to laugh. He did the thing where he makes you feel special didnt he?

What do you mean?

Like, the first time we had sex he said the cheesiest thing ever to me, she sighed, But it still made me feel all warm and appreciated inside. Did he do the same thing to you?

Kind off. Wait, you guys had sex before?

You can answer this one Tucker.

What? No, keep me out of this. I shook my head. Its your conversation remember?

Cmon Tucker you dont want me to explain what happened do you?

Shes right, I dont want that. Fine! Six years ago she took my virginity when she was babysitting me. We spent the next month having sex. Happy?

You lost your virginity at the age of ten? Melissa asked. Was it&hellip,willingly?

I nodded.

He was just so cute when he was a kid, Lexi rested her head on her hand and looked at me. That combined with what he said just drove me insane. Plus he was dangling his innocence in front of me like a string in front of a cat. And damn did I want that string.

Why are you telling her this? I asked.

I figured shed want to know more about you and your sneaky ways.

Whoa dont try and act like Im some jackass who says whatever he needs too to win a girls heart. I meant what I said, to you, and to her.

And what did he say to you? I want hear it from Melissas perspective now.

Well, Melissa began. He said that if I was pregnant that hed help raise the kid. He even offered to let me move in with him and talked about getting an extra job if he felt we needed me more and promised to never leave me. Through the whole thing he was calm and collective and never once got angry at me even though I was an emotional wreck. I just&hellip,thought it was so sweet of him to say that after everything that happened.

Where are you living now Melissa. If you dont mind me asking.

Im staying in a motel a short walk from the school.

Perfect! Lexi clapped her hands together. I expect you to move all your stuff in by tomorrow.

What?! Melissa and I shouted in unison.

Youre moving into this house, she smiled devilishly. Duh.

I-I cant! Melissa shook her head. Hes my student it wouldnt be right.

Yeah, and its my fucking house Lexi! I shouted. You cant go making decisions like that!

But I can, Lexi sang, because if she doesnt move in, Ill tell the principal all about your little love affair with her. That stopped all protests in their tracks. Melissa, much like myself, was left awestruck. Lexi had just blackmailed both of us into making Melissa move into the house but I have no idea why. Is there a problem Melissa?

N-No. Ill get my stuff and bring it in tomorrow I swear.

Im glad you see things my way, now is there anything else you need or will that be all Melissa? She shook her head. Well then Ill see you tomorrow! Lexi showed her out the door and exchanged phone numbers as I followed cautiously. With a fearful wave, Melissa walked out of the house as Lexi slammed the door shut. I think Ill go make dinner now.

Start explaining! I shouted as she walked past me.

What is there to explain?

You just blackmailed my teacher into moving into my house. What the fuck do you think there is too explain?

I think youre missing the point. When life hands you lemons, she looked at me expectedly.

When life hands me lemons? I dont make lemonade. I make life take those fucking lemons back and have them explain why the fuck they think I wanted these lemons in the first place! In fact, I demand to see lifes manager because Im absolutely furious as to why life thinks I want these fucking lemons. What am I gonna do with these lemons huh? Fuck lemonade, I want answers instead!

Wow! she giggled, I take it youre referring to me when you say life huh?


Do you really not like lemons though?

Cut the shit and start explaining! I demanded. I thought I could finally start trusting you again but then you pull this? What is going on in your head?

Youll see.

Call me an animal because I growled threateningly before heading for the door, Im going for a walk.

Ok! Dont be to long though!

I wasnt in the mood to take orders from her, and since my hands were wrapped up I couldnt take out my rage on a punching bag. So I headed to the one place I knew I could just say whatever I wanted.

I mean honestly! I shouted, pacing back in forth. I cant figure her out at all. This morning I thought things might actually start looking up for me, but holy crap was I wrong! Im practically being alienated at school, my dream girl is a two faced bitch, my teacher is about to become my roommate, and my old babysitter does whatever she wants. Why is everything so complicated! Is it too much to ask for a simple life?

I dropped to my knees and took a deep breath. I had been shouting for almost five minutes now and if anyone else was around Im sure they wouldnt have been particularly happy to me hear what was going on in my life.

Who am I kidding though? I mumbled falling backwards, Lifes not simple. It hasnt been simple since you two died. Sighing, I looked at the tombstones of my parents, my tone admittedly becoming quieter as I calmed down. Just once, I wish you guys would answer me, even if it was just to tell me that this is all my fault, which wouldnt be too far from the truth really. Give me a break though. I know I screwed up in more ways than one, but I dont exactly have someone to teach or reprimand me yknow? The small amount of guidance I have comes from Missy K and even then its like, only when I screw up and she finds out about it. If I really thought about it though, I should probably stop telling everyone at work about my life. A lot of problems seem to be stemming from that actually. I chuckled a bit before getting to my feet and dusting myself off. I better get back before she does something else that Im going to regret. Take care guys&hellip,I uh, love you both.

Shoving my hands in my pocket, I turned and left without looking back. I realize that talking to tombstones is about as effective as talking to a mirror, but I guess it was my way of showing that I still remembered them. Not that Id ever forget them of course. It was just something I started doing whenever I was lost or needed help. Thats what normal kids would do right? Talk to their parents about problems. Some problems anyway, I mean, if my parents were alive no way in hell would I have told them about what I did with Melissa and Lexi. Im stupid but Im not that stupid.

I was back home before I knew it. Slamming the door shut I walked over to the table where Lexi was already enjoying her dinner.

Welcome back! she pulled out a chair next to her and patted it. Did you have a nice walk?

I grunted in response, taking a seat and not even bothering to do my usual food protest. She seemed bubbly after seeing me eat her food in front of her now that I had the choice of whether or not I wanted to.

Im going to go bed, I announced, leaving my plate at the table. Before I get blitzed with more surprises.

You want some company, she purred.


Suit yourself!

It was a peaceful night that led into a peaceful morning, and after grabbing my lunch Lexi announced that she was taking the day off to help get Melissa settled in who, coincidentally was also taking the day off. That was good news for me because I needed to do something at work without Lexi interfering, and if I saw Melissa at school right now itd be more awkward than a hunchback chiropractor.

After successfully hopping through the classroom window again with Jasons help, I sat down in my seat and relaxed.

Heard we have a sub today, he said leaning back in his chair. Guess whos not paying attention today.


No, you.

How is that different from any other day? I joked.

You got a point there man, he laughed before abruptly stopping. Um, Tucker do me a favor and tell me if you see what Im seeing?

Huh? He pointed towards the front of the class and I skeptically followed it until my jaw dislodged from my mouth. Smack dab in the front of the class was Shawn, and wrapped around his arm was none other then Heartbreak Hailey. Im not talking like a good, friendly type of thing that you see some guys and girls do around the school, Im talking pressed against each other as if they were glued that way.

Wow, she got over you quick.

I looked at him dumbfounded, Dude you serious right now?

What? Man I know shes only doing this to get to you, but damn does she act fast. Give her credit too for finding the perfect idiot to act as her boyfriend.

You realize this can only end badly though right?

The most popular girl in school is currently dating a moron in order to get revenge on the only person that rejected her the day after said rejection took place. This is like the plot to a bad high school romance story. So to answer your question, Im expecting this to end as badly as every movie directed by M. Night Shyamalan (DOUBLE ZING).

Colorful choice of words but I get what youre saying. Plus, I think Shawns the only person in the school that doesnt realize it. His obsession is going to be his downfall, but&hellip,


But we probably shouldnt say anything.

What? Jason leaned forward, Dude hes being used and abused right now, we gotta step in.

You want to go tell King Hypocrisy over there that his dream girl is using him? How well do you think thats going to go?

Point taken.

Call me selfish man but this is great news for me. Shawn gets his dream girl and all the attention will now be thrust his way. Maybe now I can make it a month without fighting off questions and listening to ridiculous about myself.

Alright man, Ill play along I guess.

Thanks. Im pretty sure if Shawn was listening hed thank you too.

Who am I thanking? Shawn asked.

Um, I stammered, admittedly caught off guard by his sudden appearance. Hey Shawn! Whats up?

Well, he smiled smugly, Id like to introduce you guys-

Dude we already know who she is, Jason interrupted. Its not like we havent heard you talk about her for the last two years or anything.

Oh Jason, Shawn shook his head&hellip,smugly again. You know its alright to be jealous man. We can still hang out, maybe even all four of us. Right babe?

During this time, Haileys heat seeking eyes had locked onto mine, and the death stare she was giving me unfortunately had no effect on me this time. After all, this was the break I was waiting for. I mean, holy shit! She practically solved the problem for me. I should be thanking her. Spotlights off me now and onto the new couple. Can this get any better?


Huh? Hailey snapped out of her trance and looked at Shawn, Oh yeah. Thats fine! Id like to hang out with you and your friends sometime. I think itd be awesome!

I had to cover my mouth to hide the fact that I was smiling so wide. Luckily the bell was on my side today, and it decided to ring before I had to explain why I was starting to shake with laughter. With one last spiteful glance, Hailey whirled around and let Shawn walk her to her seat

I think I found another silver lining in all this too, Jason said with contemplative nod of his head.

Whats that?

We dont have to put up with his hypocrisy as long as she keeps him busy. We bumped fists in approval.

Dont get me wrong though, hes still our friend. A terrible friend, but still a friend.

Yeah man, but as long as were on this ride it cant hurt to enjoy it right? Or does that make us bad friends?

I could care less right now to be honest. Im going to enjoy this while it lasts.

Now that I had some good news, the rest of the day was sunshine and unicorns and anything else that could be associated with happiness. Hailey took Shawn to lunch with her so I enjoyed lunch with Jason, uninterrupted by Shawns bullshit and finally able to relax now that all eyes were on him. It was so perfect that I was able to walk out of the school as just another student instead of the target of whispers and pointed fingers.

The walk to work was a breeze too, and the best part was that I met the perfect person in the locker room.

You look happy today Tucker, Melody greeted.

Yep. Today was a good day.

What happened?

Not going to tell ya, I smiled.

Why not?

Because every time I tell you something, you go straight to Missy K about it or go to Lexi. Dont think I dont know that youve been telling her about all the stuff Ive gotten into over the last two years, and frankly Im kind of annoyed that youd sell me out for pussy. Never thought Id say that too a girl but I guess anything could happen today. Best part was that I wasnt even yelling at her, I was just talking normally. But I realized this morning that you got what was coming too you.


Melissa moved into my house today.

What!? she slammed her locker shut. Your teacher?

Yep, and the best part is that Lexi was the one who invited her. Youre dream girl might have a thing for my teacher instead of you, I finished changing and walked past her.

She did what!

Karmas a bitch aint it?

Shoving open the door, I went to work with a genuine smile on my face. Because my injuries were still healing I was on kitchen duty again but that was just fine with me. Leo was working with me today and he was just glad to see me back at the restaurant so I caught him up on things that I had done while I was looking for work. Of course I left out everything involving the three main problems in my life, Lexi, Melissa, and Hailey. It was a sure fire way to make sure I wasnt going to get shit from Missy K about the reemergence of Melissa, or the fact that I was intentionally letting my friend get played just so I could finally get some peace and quiet.

Guilt would eventually catch up to me, but right now I could give two shits about that. I finished up my shift without a hitch and left the restaurant at around eight. My good mood was even more obvious when I came home and smiled goofily all the way to the table, ignoring the fact that Melissa was sitting in the living watching TV.

Fuck it! Not even the fact that she moved in could ruin this day.

Well you look like youve had a good day, Lexi said while putting away some of the dishes. She went over to the microwave and pulled out my plate and set it on the table. Did something happen?

I think today was probably the best day Ive had since you moved in, I admitted. Everything went right for once. I got Melody back, cooking duty with Leo, actually stayed awake in class, stopped all rumors about me in the school, and let my horrible friend date the girl of his dreams allowing me to enjoy lunch peacefully without him spewing out bullshit.

Wait what happened at school? Melissa got up from the couch and joined us in the kitchen. Instead of her normal prim and pressed attire she was wearing a long sleeve shirt and yoga pants which looked pretty damn nice on her to be honest.

Haileys dating Shawn now, I said, shoveling food into my mouth.

What? But I thought she asked you out yesterday?

I nodded my head before swallowing, She did, but now shes with Shawn so I dont care.

I havent seen you this happy in a long time, Lexi said.

Huh? Why would she do that so suddenly? Melissa asked.

To make me jealous, I shrugged. Shawns obsessed with her so he probably doesnt even realize it.

Thats terrible.

No, thats awesome. Ive been in the limelight for too long thanks to that girl, and now shes willingly taken it away so Im gonna enjoy this time while it lasts.

But what about your friend?

Hell live. Trust me. And even if I wanted to stop them, I couldnt. Shawns not going to listen to anything I say and unless I ask Hailey out, shes not going to care about what I say either. My hands are tied and Ive never been happier.

Sounds like we should celebrate! Lexi said abruptly. Tucker had a good day and our new roommate is all settled in now.

Oh no! I stood up, Im getting as far away from you as possible.

Awe, how come?

Because I know that if anyone can ruin this day, its you. Plus I dont want to hear your crazy idea for celebrating. I looked at Melissa, If you need anything you know where to find me.

I retreated to my room and sat down at my desk to do some homework. It was pretty boring and a couple of times I couldnt help but close my eyes and rest my head. Eventually I did start chipping away at it until I heard a knock on my door and I tilted my head in curiosity.

Uh, come in Melissa, I said.

The door opened to reveal that I was right, Howd you know it was me?

Lexi wouldnt knock.

I see, she laughed. Do you have some time to talk or are you busy?

Sure, we can talk. She nodded and sat down on my bed, So whats up?

I-I just dont know to be honest.

You dont know whats up?

I mean I dont know exactly whats going on. Lexi just forced me to move in here but when we were moving my stuff into my new room she acted like we were best friends. Completely different from how she acted yesterday.

Sounds about right.

Is there a reason shes doing that? Like, I didnt realize it until I went home yesterday but she was smiling the whole time she was blackmailing us.

Also sounds about right.

But why? Dont you know anything about her?

Not really. I mean, yeah she babysat me but we didnt talk that much. Even when we started having sex we never talked about each other. The only thing I know about her is that she loves the mess with people, and Im pretty sure youve figured that out by now. I guess the only time I really saw her worried or upset was when I got into a fight, other then that shes been parading her blissful attitude around without a care in the world.

She must care about you then.

Youre probably right, but she does have a weird way of showing it. So what do you think about all this?

About all of what?

Well, you moved into my house, I chuckled. Are you happy, sad, scared, dont care?

I&hellip,guess Im a little happy. The motel really wasnt that glamorous and it doesnt compare to your house at all. What about you?

I shrugged, Dont really know what to feel. I mean, I dont hate you, but given our past encounters I thought it might be a little awkward yknow? For you at least.

For me? Youre telling me that you dont feel awkward at all seeing me in your house? Clothed I might add.

Not really. At school its a little weird but after awhile I finally stopped picturing you naked.

You were picturing me naked at school?

Maybe, I spun around in my chair to avoid eye contact.

She giggled a bit, I guess I cant really control that can I?

Sadly no, but Ive admittedly gotten better at it. Maybe thats why I dont think its so awkward to see you in my home. Yeah, we had sex, and since Lexi knows it why hide the fact that Im kind proud of having sex with you?


As a peacock.

With me?

Should I not be?

Im not saying that its just that compared to Lexi Im not exactly up to par.

I turned back around with a funny look on my face, How so?

Well shes younger, more attractive, curvier, and doesnt look like a nerd. She pointed to her glasses.

I kind of like your look to be honest. So what if you have glasses and age doesnt really have anything to do with it. Plus you cant compare Lexis look to yours, you both dress and act completely different. Shes loud and eccentric and youre more quiet and composed. I also think you got her won in the boob department.

She blushed at me as I got up and stretched out.

All finished? she asked.

I had been done since she came inside but I dont think she realized that so I just played it cool. Yep. All done.

Mind if I check it?

Wouldnt that be cheating to have a teacher check my answers?

Im not going to give you the answers, Ill just tell you which ones are wrong, she got up and walked to the desk as I plopped down onto my bed.

Knock yourself out I guess.

While she combed over my work I closed my eyes and listened to her quiet humming. My eyes shot open a couple minutes later however when she hopped onto the bed and laid next to me.

Looks good, she smiled.

Yeah you do, I replied coolly.

Using your words again huh? she glanced up at the ceiling. Be honest, is it intentional?

Is what intentional?

What you say? Like, what you just said to me about how I look. Are you planning that out or what?

Im pretty straight forward I guess, I mean, I know when to lie but I dont like to unless its a sticky situation. Plus, how could I plan it? Im not that smart.

Well you definitely know how to make a girl feel good about herself. Is this the part where I throw myself at you?

You dont have to throw yourself at me, I could just get on top of you if you want.

Then why dont you? she glanced at me, playfully shrugging.

She was basically taunting me, but I had no idea whether or not she wanted me to actually do it or what it would lead to for that matter. I almost decided not to, but then I realized that this day was letting me get away with whatever the fuck I wanted to so I was going for it!

I rolled over and pounced on top of her with a playful smile. She giggled as I hovered over her body, staring at her adorable face as she blushed.

So what do I win? I asked.

What do you want? she fired back.

How bout a kiss?

Kind of bold but I think I can manage that.

I leaned down and kissed her.

Maybe one more, she smiled, leaning up to kiss me again.

After that kiss, something turned on inside of us both. She lost her playful stare, taking off her glasses and carefully setting them on the nightstand while never taking her eyes off of my hungry gaze. It may have started off harmless but after two kisses it was already heading downhill.

She moved her hands onto my back and I moved back down as we started making out. Our kissing didnt become lustful, and sloppy like our last two meetings. These were slow, and tender. Even when we started French kissing neither of us immediately dominated the other, instead we let our tongues intertwine and enjoyed the feeling.

It was romantic, which was completely different from all the other times Ive had sex so I was content with keeping it like this, but Melissa had a different idea. She grabbed my shirt and pulled it over me, tossing it to the side and pushing me over onto my back. Getting rid of her shirt immediately after, she slowly started kissing her way down my body until getting to my waist. She unbuttoned my pants and pulled them off revealing my dick that was already covered in pre-cum. Not wanting to waste anytime, she wrapped her mouth around my dick and started sucking on it while I moaned.

Her ass was sticking up high in the air to my left so I grabbed her yoga pants and slid them down to her knees, rubbing two of my fingers over her soaking wet pussy while she continued to suck. I shoved them both in after that and I noticed she started sucking faster as well, moaning into my dick while I continued to play with her pussy.

My door suddenly slammed opened scaring the shit out of both of us.

Gotcha! Lexi announced walking into my room.

Melissa and I froze like teenagers caught&hellip,doing what we were doing basically.

This isnt what it looks like, Melissa said for some odd reason.

This isnt? Then do you mind explaining what youre doing half naked on Tuckers bed with two of his fingers shoved into your pussy and your mouth right next to his dick? After neither of us answered she shook her head, I cant believe you two.

I slowly removed my fingers from Melissas pussy but that proved to be a big mistake.

What do you think youre doing Tucker? Admittedly I didnt know how to answer that question with turning beat red. She walked over to the bed and grabbed my hand, You need to finish what you started.


She grabbed my two fingers and shoved them back inside Melissas pussy. Melissa immediately gasped causing Lexi to giggle evilly.

Look at how wet she is, she ran one of her fingers over Melissas clit and started to rub. She immediately gasped again as Lexi gave her ass a good smack, Cmon Melissa, start sucking.

I could see the hesitation in her eyes but she leaned back down and started sucking my dick again. Lexi was enjoying the situation too much as I glanced at her plastered smile. She moved her hand to Melissas tit and started pinching and squeezing one of her nipples causing her to stop sucking and let out a long moan. Lexi climbed onto the bed after that and lifted up Melissas head, stealing a kiss from her immediately.

Mind if take it from here, she asked, taking off her shirt and undoing her bra.

Melissa nodded her head weakly as Lexi bent and licked my dick clean. It sent shivers through my body as she sucked on the tip of it while slowly jacking me off with her other hand. Melissa took my hand out of her pussy, bringing it up to her mouth and sucking on it like pacifier. Once it was all clean she leaned down to kiss me, her hesitant look replaced by a lustful one as we started making out again all the while Lexi continued to suck my dick.

She stopped a few seconds later however, and I was so caught up with kissing Melissa that I didnt notice her as she climbed on top of my dick. I moaned loudly, cutting off my kissing and causing Melissa to investigate as well, and the look on her face when she saw Lexi riding my dick couldve broken someones heart.

Realizing this, I whispered I can eat you out if you want.

Her attention shot back to me as she immediately got up and placed her knees next to my head, lowering her pussy down onto my face. It was hard to concentrate with Lexi moaning and the warm feeling of her pussy as I slid up and down my dick, but I tried my best to lick Melissas pussy any and every way I could think of. Since I liked her taste however, it became easier for me because I just licking and probing her hole as she started moaning loudly as well, grabbing her tit with one hand and balancing herself with the other.

It quickly turned into a hot, sweaty, and loud mess as we all lost ourselves in the sex. Melissa was the first to cum, moving her hand to her clit and rubbing it furiously until she started shouting out, Im cumming!

I was showered in her juices as she shakily climbed off of me, breathing heavily and turning to look at Lexi who was bouncing up and down. Melissa grabbed onto her tits and got a little revenge as she squeezed them together and played with them.

M-Melissa please stop, Lexi pleaded, or else Im gonna&hellip,Im gonna&hellip,fuck Im cumming! She shut her eyes as Melissa continued to play with her tits.

I think Im going to cum too, I mumbled, Shit. Here it comes.

Lexi climbed off me unexpectedly and I was about to ask what the fuck she was thinking when I realized why she did it. Her and Melissa started licking my dick at the same time and the moment I felt both of their tongues I shot my load all over both of their faces.

A huge weight had been lifted off my shoulders as I hazily looked at Lexi and Melissa as they wiped cum off their faces. Of course, Melissa took all the cum she wiped off her face and swallowed it, even leaning back down and sucking every last bit of cum off my slowly shriveling dick. Lexi on the other hand was fine with just licking a bit of cum off her fingers before letting Melissa take the rest.

I think we should celebrate more often, Lexi looked at me, licking her lips and smiling.

I-I kind of agree with you, Melissa admitted sheepishly.

I closed my eyes and smiled, mumbling the words, Best. Day. Ever.

Authors Note:
I have a feeling that i fucked up and missed an important error in this story. But after rereading it five times, i cant find it xD Sorry. Have a nice day.

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Simple Simon 1

Simon was a simple soul. And so too was his mind.School for Simon was both painful and embarrassing for him and so it was that he dropped out after just four years. It wasn’t him who made the decision but his mother and father who, realizing it was nothing more than a waste of time for him and whoever tried to teach him, agreed with the school principal that they would pull him out.“It’s better for all concerned,” he’d said gravely.Simon was relieved! No more teasing and no more beatings from...

2 years ago
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A Nice Simple Job

Revised version of my earlier story. Tried to clear up some of the inconsistencies (I know that I didn't get them all) and tidy up a few things. I left it a bit open-ended, but I think it's a good bit cleaner at the end than before. At least, I hope it is. Big thanks to everyone who reviewed the last one (especially Alice Kramden and Catfish), even the reviews of those who disliked it were polite and helpful. Fair warning though, if you hated it before, you probably still will. This...

2 years ago
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Depression SoupChapter 15 Simple Solutions

Pa and I were coming home from a football game late one afternoon after school. I don't remember the school we were playing against, so it must not have been a very memorable game. Whenever I was in a game Pa always took time away from his chores to watch me play. Because of my size and strength the coach placed me in the line. I played right or left guard, both offensive and defensive, sometimes in the same game. Woodman High was not a large school so we had a first string and a few...

3 years ago
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Lifes Strange Turns Part 3

Introduction: Best read the stories in sequence! Lifes Strange Turns, Part 3 Monday and Tuesday came and went, with nothing exciting happening, except that Sandy called to say that she had gotten a nice offer on the house from a couple about 30. Her kids were back from their Dads, so she couldnt come over, but wanted to. Id gone to the gym after work Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday, and chatted with a pretty woman in the my age bracket that was interesting and had no rings or other evidence of...

2 years ago
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Lifeguard 2

From the Lifeguard 1 Story:I woke up sometime later with my spent mother on my chest snoring peacefully, my now soft penis still in her anus. My mother was smaller than me, so her weight wasn’t an issue, it’s just that I really needed to pee. So I started trying to wriggle out from her embrace. When I did she stirred. She said, “Don’t move.”She slowly pulled herself off of my penis, did a quick spin where her asshole was in front of my face, and said, “Eat it out.” Before I could even form a...

4 years ago
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My Time With A Beautiful Lifeguard

This sex story involves my favorite and the greatest and most beautiful pornstar in the entire world, Madison Ivy. Okay. Now, in this sex story. Madison Ivy looks and sounds exactly the same. The only difference is that she has a huge, long, veiny, and hairless cock. I am in this sex story, as usual. In this sex story, I am medium built muscular. I have a pretty great size for a cock, and the most sexiest, hairless, cutest ass that nobody can resist. And, as usual. I love and crave getting...

2 years ago
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My Life as a Shemale Part8

It was on my way home when I decided not to tell Tim about Sin. This was very private and it was already bad enough that I knew, also, I had no idea what Tim might say or do. I did want to stay friends with her, now more than ever.It was friday morning, the day after Sin was ****d and I was eager to get to school and talk to her, but she didn't show up, even after lunch I still could not find her. I asked our teacher if he knew but he just shook his head. I offered to take her homework and he...

2 years ago
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Free Use Afterlife

You feel your body jolt forward and suddenly stop. You stumble around for a few steps as your head shakes and nausea sinks in. You bend over with your hands on your knees as you try to stabilize yourself while also not throwing up. After taking a few deep breaths your head starts to feel fine and the nausea goes away until you can finally stand upright again. As you do you look around and notice you’re surrounded by nothingness except whiteness. “Where the hell am I?” you openly ask even though...

4 years ago
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Bimbofied in the Afterlife

You wake up, or at least the closest thing to waking up. All around you is a bright, searing light. It has no source yet it burns with a raging heat, as if sentient, that you want desperately to avoid but you cannot close your eyes. You reach to cover your face but you find you have no arms, nor even a face. You can feel your body, every nerve ending shattering like glass and limbs flailing, but it is not visible or present. The broken remains of your consciousness tumble through the emptiness...

3 years ago
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Lifes Strange Turns Part 2

Introduction: Youll want to read Part 1 first! Lifes Strange Turns, Part 2 The phone rang, waking both Karen and myself with a start. Wed slept for only about 15 minutes. Well, it would have been bad to sleep longer, but it would have been almost tragic if the phone had rung while we were writhing around having such marvelous sex. Especially if shed had my cock in her mouth I thought! To give Karen some phone privacy and to take care of some personal hygiene issues, I ran into the shower and...

1 year ago
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Lifes a bitch and now so am I

This is Lifes a bitch and now so am I!!! This is a fiction story!! The people in the story are not real!Please exsuse the puntuation and spelling I'm just a blond sissy!I start of my story with my wife leaving to go bingo with her mum, as soon as the car pulls away I'm up to my secret girl cloth's and sex toys.I am a sissy cross dresser, I can't help it i love the feel and how girlie it makes me look. I have...

2 years ago
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Interviews of My Sex Life Kathryn Part1

We stayed in a three-story townhouse in a neighborhood called Carriage Mill. When you came in the front door, you were immediately greeted by two staircases, one leading down to a restroom, the laundry room, my office and the garage, and the other leading up to the dining room, restroom, living room, kitchen, den and patio. But at the top of those stairs, another set of stairs awaited, leading to the three bedrooms and two baths. It was a small, quaint home that I’d grown accustomed to, but I...

2 years ago
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My Life as a Shemale Part1

In this story, many will find what happened to me socially unacceptable. But since this has happened to me, I get to tell it and if you like, listen.I was very young when I found myself on the streets and it seems long ago that some things I do not remember but its the important stuff that I do. And yes, like so many other stories start, here is how I looked. 4 foot nothing, skinny, long blond hair and even then had more angelic features then not. I do believe that now, that I was a woman even...

3 years ago
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Simple Yet Seductive Neighbor Aunty 8211 Part 1

Hello every one I’m KK from Mumbai, I stand 5ft 9inches tall 22 yr old fair complexioned lean with athletic kind of figure, obviously because of sports and kick boxing practice, sorry said a lot about me. Now coming to the story there lives an aunty, some what aged about 50yrs old. We all know mature women really look attractive with fully developed body and man they are really hot. Her name was Nirmala obviously hidden for safety and she used to live right in front of our house. As I said...

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A Simple Girls Justice

A Simple Girl's Justice By TouchedBug I stand on the rotting wood of the dock leading out to the Rio Grande, careful that my soft feet aren't pierced by a splinter or stray nail. A moment is taken to enjoy the trickling sound of the river and the buzzing of insects singing their mating song. During the day this stretch of the Rio Grande which runs through the Texas town of New Braunfels is congested with inner tube sailing, beer guzzling tourists effectively turning the river...

1 year ago
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Gay Slave From A Simple Gay Boy

So let’s get to the story. It happened about a year ago. It was 2 months since anybody had fucked my ass. And my ass was itching for a cock. I was very horny. So I downloaded a gay dating app ‘Hornet,’ which I had previously used. And I started searching for a top partner who would fuck my ass. I sent requests to some people, and I also received some requests from others. But nobody matched and a month went by. And then I received a request from a man. So I read his profile. He was 45 years...

Gay Male
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Steven George the DragonThe Simple Hero

WHILE RIDING IN THE MERCHANT’S WAGON, Steven thought of a story he should tell in the evening. But his thoughts were constantly interrupted by another town coming into view or by the merchant’s desire for talkative company. “We had another brother once,” said the merchant. “In fact, it was not until we lost him that my brother and I realized how important we all were to each other. He was a bit simple, mind you, but a good lad and I fear he took the brunt of both my brother’s and my...

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