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By Denham Forrest, The Wanderer

My sincere appreciation goes to both Sue and Deryk for their assistance in preparing this story for posting. Alright, and to a certain old ‘so and so’ in Alabama, for ensuring that I would not be able to put the tale to one side… again!

Minerva Chapter 01

It was a Sunday morning and I just weren’t expecting anyone to call, especially at the unearthly hour of eight o’clock anyway. Maybe one of the guys would surface around eleven or so and we’d grab something to eat together before going to church. For church, read the ‘Nags Head’ or even the ‘Queen Of Hearts.’

As a crowd, we’d hit the dog-track Friday evening, and have a great time, I think? Then we’d spent the better part of Saturday, either yelling encouragement at, or later bemoaning the failings of, the bunch of effing comedians who call themselves a football team, in the ‘White Lion.’

Yeah, we do like to spread our business around a bit, the licensing trade ain’t what it used to be, what with the breathalyser and these new no smoking in the bar, laws.

Anyway, God alone knows what hour I hit the sack on the Saturday evening, or more likely, Sunday morning. And I certainly weren’t expecting any bugger to be banging on my door, at that unearthly hour of a Sunday morning.

Staring through the little spy hole thingy, I saw an officious looking bugger — dressed in a smart suit and well over six feet tall — standing outside the door. But beside him, was the delectable figure of Sandy Knowles, all five-foot-four of her.

At one time spying Sandy outside my door would have been enough to raise one’s spirits. But regretfully, in latter years, dear Sandy, had become known, to most everyone, as Sergeant Knowles. Detective Sergeant Sandra Knowles to be precise.

With more than a little difficulty, I ran my mind back over the previous day’s events, as best I could remember them.

Nope, I couldn’t think of anything I — or any of the other guys — had done the previous day that could possibly warrant a visit by Sandy and her oppo at that unearthly hour.

Oh, I suppose I should explain at this point, that Sandy and I had been at school together and… well, lets leave it that we kind-a got to know each other very well at one time. Too well actually, considering her later choice of profession. But at one time I’m pretty sure that Sandy had me in the frame for, or was at least possibly considering whether I was husband material. Lets put it this way, Sandy had sampled the goods on offer, and I had done likewise.

Maybe I didn’t cut the cake well enough for Sandy, because it didn’t last very long after she went off to Police College. Mind you, I was bumming-it around the south coast a lot in those days, surfing and the like, with no real goal in mind. Sandy and me… well, we kind-a drifted apart, and away from each other eventually.

Regretfully we hadn’t always seen eye to eye, since I’d moved back to town either. But that’s another story and has more to do with her chosen profession than anything else.

‘Yeah?’ I believe was the best I could offer, when I’d opened the door a little.

‘Mr Jameson, my name is Harcourt, I believe you know my companion. Would you mind if we came in and had a word with you?’

‘At this time on a Sunday. What about?’ I asked.

‘JG, will you stop pissing about, and open the bleeding door? You don’t want the whole damned street knowing your business.’ Sandra demanded.

I’ll give it to her, Sandra was perfectly correct about that, she also knew that I had been pulling Harcourt’s chain. Mind you, I was just a little curious… the bugger had not formally introduced himself.

He had to be a copper, because he was with Sandy. But the bugger had not mentioned either rank or constabulary. He definitely weren’t local law, as a hack and sometimes court reporter for the local rag, I figured I knew all of them.

I stepped back, allowing the door to open fully, so they could enter.

‘Put the bloody kettle on then Sandy, while I get decent.’ I said indicating the way to the kitchen, before I headed to my room to get dressed.

Sandy and Harcourt were sitting at my kitchen table drinking coffee before I resurfaced. I sat at the chair obviously chosen for me by Sandy because she’d placed my coffee by it.

‘Well?’ I asked.

‘Mr Jameson, would you mind explaining to me what your relationship was with Lady Tanya Simpson.’ Harcourt asked.

‘Sorry. Exactly who are you Mr Harcourt, and why would you want to know?’ I replied.

‘I’d better explain, I’m not here in any official capacity Mr Jameson. I am, or I was a Detective Chief Superintendent, until I retired a few years ago. Now I’m here to ask you a few questions on behalf of a friend.’

I looked across at Sandy, and her facial expression confirmed what Harcourt had said. Harcourt saw my glance at her and went on.

‘Sergeant Knowles is not on duty, she’s here as a personal favour to myself.’

‘Lady Tanya Simpson aye? Well, I’m sorry folks, but I’ve never heard of the woman. What makes you think I would know her?

‘I find that hard to believe Mr Jameson, are you completely sure that you don’t know her?’

‘Why should it be hard to believe, the name don’t ring any bells with me. Look, titled folk don’t usually frequent the sort of dives I hang around in, as Sandy has no doubt already told you. I suppose that there is a possibility that we could have crossed paths at my uncle’s Hotel a few years ago, there were some really hoity-toity buggers who stay there. But if we did meet there, I certainly don’t recall her. I can’t say I mixed with many of the guests there though, you know, it was a class thing. But if I’m not mistaken you asked, what ‘was’ my relationship the woman? Are we talking a long time ago, or is the good Lady no longer with us?’

Harcourt didn’t reply for a rather long time. Obviously collecting his thoughts, he very cleverly filled the void in the conversation by sipping some more of his coffee.

‘This Hotel, where is it, what’s it called?’

‘The Cliff Head it’s down on the south coast in Devon. Real old-fashioned place, not really to my liking, but my Aunt and Uncle own it. I have to make the obligatory visit once or twice a year.’

But you have become acquainted with some of the guests in the past?’ I must have nodded in affirmation. ‘Anyone who you particularly remember?’

‘Well only Grace and Jack Blake. He’s ex-forces, Major or Colonel or something, I’ve even heard some people refer to him as General. Grace has a title, she’s Lady Leavie I think. But she doesn’t use it by choice, well not with me, and Jack anyway. The rest of them are too up their own arses for my liking.’

‘Lady Grace Leavie and Major General Jack Blake?’ Harcourt said, his eyes suddenly getting three times as large as they had been.

Harcourt had been friendly enough, for a policeman, but suddenly his whole demeanour had changed.

‘You know Jack?’ I asked.

‘No, not personally. But I know of him and Lady Leavie.’

‘Yeah well they are only two guests at the Cliff Head that I ever got to know. And probably only because they are permanent residents, and have been living there for years. Most everyone else comes and goes. What with me only visiting there for a few days a couple of times a year myself, well most of the other guests are like ships in the night to me. I’ve met a few when Jack or Grace has roped me in to make-up the numbers on a bridge game or something.’

Sandy gave me a strange look at this time, I suspect that she had no idea I could play bridge.

‘But the rest of the time, I usually avoid the other guests. Most are much too into themselves for my liking. Anyway, I can’t recall anyone called Tanya or Lady Simpson. Most of them who do have titles, insist on us lower mortals using them.’

‘You’re sure?’

‘Well I’m sure I’d recall a Tanya, it’s not a very common name. And a Lady Simpson, I’m bloody sure that my mind would immediately picture Marge Simpson with blue hair stretching up to the sky. No, I think I would recall her, if I had met her. What made you think I would know her anyway?’

Harcourt sat back in his seat and went into thinking mode, all the time staring at me intensely. From being quite relaxed about his presence I began to feel concerned again.

Mr Jameson. Gilroy, may I call you Gilroy?’

‘If you insist, but I prefer Gil.’

‘Okay Gil. You are right I was talking in the past tense, Lady Tanya Simpson passed away, following an accident a few weeks back.’

‘Oh, I’m sorry.’

‘Yes well, there are some unexplained circumstances concerning that accident. Her death hasn’t been classed as suspicious, although apparently one or two people are convinced that it is. Not that there is much in the way of evidence to support that theory. However, when there’s an estate of several million pounds involved, just about anything is a possibility.’

‘Jesus, a few million quid, I’d suggest you take a bleeding close look at her next of kin then, or who’s going to inherit that little lot!’

‘Oh, the executers are, or rather I am, on their behalf. The odd thing about Lady Tanya’s will is, that she leaves nothing to her nearest relative. Actually she has left nothing at all, worth talking about to any of her relatives. All of her estate has for some years been bequeathed, in an ‘iron clad’ will by the way, to one person. Someone who is not related to her in any way, and apparently has never even heard of Lady Tanya Simpson either.’

‘Jesus, some bugger’s in for a shock then when you tell them.’

Harcourt didn’t reply he just remained sitting there staring at me.

‘You really do have no idea, do you JG?’ Sandra suddenly said breaking the silence.

‘I told you I’ve never heard of the…’

Something about the expression on Sandy’s face stopped me from going any further. And I began to run through the words Harcourt had used in my mind again.

‘Jesus shit, are you trying to tell me…?’

‘Yes I am, that’s why I’m here. But what no one can figure out is why she’s left everything to you. Someone, who it is extremely doubtful Lady Tanya has ever met.’

‘There must be some mistake, you must have the wrong Gilroy Jameson.’

‘No, there is no mistake Gil, there is no other Gilroy Earnest Jameson, and if there were, Lady Tanya went to extreme lengths to ensure that there would be no mistake. She has identified you very carefully, even down to your national insurance, passport and driving licence numbers.

‘If someone else should appear with the same name. Well then, the executors were to contact, Lady Grace Leavie and/or Major General Jack Blake ret. for a final positive identification.’

‘Jesus wept, I can’t believe this. What did Grace and Jack have to say about it?’

‘I don’t know, we’re only allowed to get in touch with them as a last resort, if there were any doubt about your identity.’

‘Oh Christ, how much cash are we talking about here?’

‘The executors haven’t finished counting yet. But don’t go jumping the gun here Gil. We’re pretty sure that some members of Lady Tanya’s family are going to try to challenge the will. At the moment the family are all in the dark, about who inherits. But on the quiet, I should imagine they are probably celebrating the old ladies demise. Lady Tanya tied everything up quite nicely, but I’m sure that the excrement will hit those whirling blades, when the will is made public.’

‘Oh bugger what happens then?’

‘Well we suspect that some of the family at least, will try to challenge the document in court. But Lady Tanya was a canny old stick. She had several copies of the same will made and lodged in different jurisdictions. I’m not quite sure, how she managed to get them all together in the same room at the same time. But the will itself was witnessed by two Lord justices, two American Supreme Court Judges, and two from the Cour de cassation in France. Copies of the will were lodged with members from those three courts and if she changed her mind later, it’s stipulated that all three copies had to be changed at the same time.

‘Someone coming up with a later version of her will, would not negate the original document in all three jurisdictions at the same time. And because her ladyship’s holdings are distributed around all three countries… Well, I should imagine challenging her wishes is going to be a real headache for anyone who tries.’

‘Sounds to me like Lady Tanya was expecting that there would be trouble.’

‘Oh yeah, there’s a hell of a lot of money involved here Gil. Her ladyship was well aware that some members of her family… Well, when that kind of money is involved then some people will resort to anything. Probably that’s why no one knew about the will’s contents, even you.’

‘But why me, surely she didn’t just pick my name out of a hat. And you say she was an old girl… Well bugger, I’ve done some things in my time, as I’m sure Sandy here has informed you. But I’ve never been a gigolo or anything like that.’

‘No that’s the curious point isn’t it? There seems to be no connection between you and Lady Tanya. Except maybe for the two people she stipulated who would recognise you, Lady Leavie and Major General Blake, they must know Lady Tanya as well as you.’

My hand had reached out for the telephone almost before Harcourt had finished speaking and a few minutes later I was talking to Jack Blake as he ate his breakfast. Then came the shock, neither Jack nor Grace, who was sharing his table, knew Lady Tanya Simpson personally.

‘Sorry lad, I’ve never heard of the woman. Gracie says she vaguely remembers the old girl from her debutant days, but that was well before you were born. Grace can’t remember ever speaking to her socially. Grace says she doesn’t think she’s laid eyes on Tanya Simpson since the early sixties.’

I thanked Jack and hung up the phone.

‘Well that kind-a puts the kybosh on that idea!’ Sandy commented.

‘Just don’t make any sense to me at all. Why would some rich old biddy, pick on the likes of me to leave all her money to?’ I mused.

Then Sandy made yet more coffee, and the three of us sat around the table talking around in circles for about another twenty minutes or so. Of course Sandy and Harcourt were trying to jog my memory, they were convinced that eventually I’d remember where I’d met Tanya Simpson somewhere.

Harcourt even made a few telephone calls to someone, who reeled off a long list of places the old girl had lived over the last twenty years. They were all over the world, but the only place that we’d both lived, or rather I’d lived and Lady Tanya visited sometimes, was London. And well, London’s a bleeding big city and there was no way in hell that we moved in the same circles. Unless the old girl had a penchant for greyhound racing, which we all, somehow doubted.

But then my telephone rang. It was Jack Blake, Grace had had a brain wave.

‘Gil, do you recall, a certain young lady who caught your eye down here one summer? An enchanting young lady, who was quite definitely taken with you as well.’

‘Who Kylie… Lady Minerva, the bird who lead me around by the nose, to take the piss out of me, and then blew me off.’

‘Gilroy my boy, I told you at the time, that young lady was not in control of her life. She was really taken with you, you know?’

‘So you say Jack, but as far as I’m concerned she played with my emotions. Anyway what has she got to do with Lady Tanya Simpson?’

‘Well, our Gracie here has just remembered that Tanya Simpson had a younger sister. And she is quite convinced that, that the sister eventually married one, Malcolm Wisdom. Now that name should mean something to you?’

‘Jesus wept, is Grace sure?’ I asked

‘Totally convinced Gilroy. I’m not senile yet, young man!’

Gracie’s voice came down the telephone line, she must have taken the handset from Jack.

‘As I remember she died quite young, and then Malcolm Wisdom was killed in an accident a few years later. Don’t you remember? We talked about that at the time, when you and Minerva were making eyes at each other.’

I’m not sure how much, if any, of the conversation Harcourt and Sandra could hear, actually it was a long time ago now, so I might possibly have been repeating what Grace and Jack were saying as they spoke, I just can’t recall now.

However, they got the gist of the conversation anyway.

‘So, do you intend to tell us about Minerva?’ Sandy asked as I put the telephone down.

End of Chapter 01.

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Luis Garza waited until after seven p.m. to go to the address the 'red-headed witch' provided, freshly showered and changed. As advertized, a black woman came to the door. Luis stuck to the script, "The club sent me to fuck you." Phyllis Horner blinked in surprise. "Say what?" "The club sent me to fuck you. That's what the red haired witch said to say..." Phyllis stood there for a moment blinking. 'Who ELSE would send someone and have them say THAT?' "TRISH!" "Momma?"...

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Jennys 17th BirthdayChapter 2

You should read the first parts of this story before reading this chapter in order to better understand it. It starts with “Jenny’s Sexual Awakening, Then Jenny’s 16th Birthday. Names involved Barb and Bob Wilson ... the neighbors Ray and Maryann (Mary) Jenny’s father and mother Jenny ... the daughter Maryann, Jenny’s mom sat with Ray her husband and started to talk with him about Jenny. Then she talked about what had been going on between Jenny and all the people whom she had sex with,...

3 years ago
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Sarah Carerra Chapter 22 Happy Birthday Aunt Judy

Please email me at AngelJediGirl (at) gmail (dot) com before posting this story to any other site. Posting to a pay site is prohibited. Comments and suggestions are also welcome at the above email address. --- Sarah Carerra By AngelJedi (Released: February 15, 2010) Chapter 22 - Happy Birthday, Aunt Judy "He's going to let you come to school as Megan?" Emily asked incredulously on our way home. "Yeah, can you believe it?" I replied. "No!" she exclaimed. "He was so upset...

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Big Brother Loves His Princess

Dammit, but your brother is worthless. That's the thought you have as you pull into his driveway, with a turkey casserole in your passenger seat and your evening out on your mind. Sure, Neil works more than full time at the factory and is a good provider for his wife, but he can't do anything useful around the house. He doesn't clean, he doesn't cook. He does mow the lawn regularly, but that's probably just because he thinks it's butch to play with any tool that has a gasoline engine. If...

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the homeless guy

I just exited the freeway for gas and noticed the usual homeless guy was not there at the corner. In his place was a young k**, not sure the age but he looked 17-18 ish. brown hair and kind of scruffy. it was in the mid 90's and he was dressed in dark long sleeve clothes.I pulled in for gas and watched him from across the street. He was sitting and rocking on a milk crate. I felt sorry for him and also was turned on by him.I paid for my gas and got a handful of singles with an icee drink and a...

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Bellaire BellesChapter 17

"Mr. Hamilton?" called a distant voice in the darkness. "I think he's regaining consciousness." I opened my eyes a little, the light blinding them shut again. "Mr. Hamilton?" I opened my eyes a little bit again and looked up and saw bright fluorescent lights and white everywhere else. I looked for the man calling my name and saw that the voice belonged to a giant blur hovering over me. "He's awake," said the man. "Oh my God!" cried a woman in the background. "Thank God!"...

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Old Church Lady Awakens

I am right 30 years old and have been married about 7 years. I can't say that I have never thought about cheating on my wife but I never have followed through. My wife has this friend from church, a woman named Nora. She is older, like in her late fifties. Homey looking. Her husband left her after 30 years, turns out he was cheating on her big time with many women and some dudes too. Shook this Nora up pretty bad. Not sure why she and my wife became besties but they did. Any way Nora would come...

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Part 2 ldquoYou want to know if itrsquos true donrsquot yourdquo

Sucking Jordan’s cock after work became a regular thing and the best part of my week. It was almost all I could think about. Feeling his thick, veiny, beautiful black dick between my lips, deep in my mouth. Tasting his thick, strong, delicious semen as it filled my lusty mouth. I began to not even care if another co worker were to catch me servicing his manhood in the parking lot. I was totally hooked.I knew that if he wanted to, I would let him fuck me. However if that was ever going to have a...

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The Making of a Houseboy Anal Initiation

My jaw ached and it was worth it for the exhilaration I felt. I looked up at Xavier and caught the beads of sweat resting just below his hairline. He was panting, flustered perhaps in the manner to which I responded to his rushed announcement.At the point of climax, I was sure that Xavier’s knees weakened. Clasping his thighs, I felt his body tremble leading up to his release. His bucking hips stilled as I struggled to suck his swollen meat. Hot and with a tensile velvet, I eased it from my...

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Tina and the Stuffed Pussy Chapter 10 Dirty Dentist

Eddied looked at Silvia incredulously. “Healthcare?! This isn't a 9-5 job, we don't provide healthcare!” Silvia looked back at Eddie, a picture of patience. “You need to protect your investment. Tina is making you a fortune but if we aren't careful she'll get an infection or worse. And it wouldn't hurt to let her get the girly treatment every now and again. You boys don't put much credence into hair and skin treatments but let me tell you, it makes a difference and men notice...

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Clouds of lavender scented steam billowed through the doorway as she stepped out of the warm confines of the gray tiled bathroom and padded across to her bedroom. A switch was flicked, her towel was dropped and the top drawer was opened as she sorted through her smalls, looking for her good pair of black thigh high stockings. The silk caressed first her fingertips, and then her smooth legs as she gently pulled them up, where the lace top of the stocking sat proudly around her left thigh. The...

Quickie Sex
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My First Time At The Adult Book Store

I'm now in my mid-forties, a successful guy with a regular life, but for a long time I've had a discreet bi-side. This is a story about the first time I had an encounter with another guy. The first time was a long time ago, in college. I was twenty-one. I was on another campus for a football game, and noticed an adult video store near my hotel. After an evening at the bars, I couldn't sleep, so I walked the two blocks to the video store. I had never been in one before, so I was nervous as hell....

Oral Sex
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When I Was Sixteen Part 6

“And this is my room,” I said, trying to sound excited, but really a little nervous. Jeremy was my age, sixteen, and this was the first time he’d ever been where I lived. We’d gone to see a Saturday early-afternoon movie, In Dreams, which kind of sucked, but Jeremy kissed me and put a hand on my breast. My heart had gone pitter-pat and my cunt had gotten a little wet.“Nice,” he said, looking around.I think he mostly saw the bed, which was nicely made and had two plush bunnies on the pillow....

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Geek Luv

Copyright© 022206 Flip. And her red hair cascaded down around her shoulders. I had her try the process again after the patch was applied. Success. She smiled her stressed out smile, that end of the month accounting group overworked, I've got to close the books smile she uses. "Good to go?" "Yep, I'll be able to get my reports done now." "Excellent, let me know if you have any other issues." "OK" That has been out relationship. I'm the computer geek, she's the head bean...

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SexSelector Paris The Muse All Booty Workouts

Your wifi runs out so you gotta go to your neighbors to finish some work, but little did you know that you were living next door to a big booty, big tits, goddess. What do you do? Do you try to make your move or do you just focus on your work. The choice is yours. Paris the Muse is a hottie with an insane body. This chick has it all. Big phat ass, and some gigantic knockers. You can’t keep your eyes off of them. You can oil her up, fuck those tits, or fuck that throat. You have full...

4 years ago
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Succulent Desires Chapter 9

Alice awoke to Missa’s lips on her nipples, and Aidan’s hands scratching up her hips. Moaning awake, Alice pushed her hips back into Aidan’s groin as she registered the sensations and attempted to regain consciousness. Alice ran a hand through Missa’s hair before grabbing a hold of it and pulling her head off her breasts. Smiling at her, Alice pushed Missa’s head towards her pussy and lifted her leg to rest on top of Aidan’s thigh. Then Alice reached a hand back to scratch Aidan’s hips and...

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I sold myself on Craigslist

“$20 anything goes. No limits. Bring your friends. Behind the dumpster on 10th and E Broadway. If I’m with someone, watch, join in, add your load to this human dumpster.” I was living out who i really am supposed to be. I come from an all American republican family. You know the type, clean cut, well known wealthy family that wears pearls at breakfast. Little do they know the only pearls I want to wear is a strangers cum across my neck. I took a weekend trip alone to NYC, utilized my parents...

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Billy the Kid

All rights reserved by the author. May be posted on any site for Free distribution. Send comments to [email protected]. Billy the Kid By Waldo ([email protected]) Chapter 1 - The shootout "Billy! Billy Boney! It's Sheriff Pat Garrett. Don't shoot. My posse's got the cabin surrounded. You sure as hell can't escape from all of us now, especially because of the way that we've got your hideout completely surrounded. Throw your pistols out the window and surrender to me. You know...

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Mera Affair Anamika Ke Sath

Hello friends, main Vickey Jacob (25 years) lekar aaya hoon aap sabke liye ek new sex story. Sabse pehle I am very sorry ki aap logon ko meri story ke liye itna lamba wait karna pada. But I hope ki aap logon ko meri yeh story pasand aayegi. Toh bina time waste kiye main aap sabko apni new story batata hoon. Jaisa aap sabhi logon ko pata hai ki November 2017 mein maine apni girlfriend Aditi Tandon (24 years) se shadi ki. December 2017 mein Aditi pregnant ho gayi thi. After 9 months, means...

2 years ago
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Arlene and JeffChapter 13

Jeff spent the next three days ordering equipment and running errands. In addition, he also spent several hours with a small accounting firm in Boulder. He promised the accountant a sizeable bonus if he would substantially, and legally, cut down on the taxes he was going to have to pay. “Incorporate. Only eight percent of the top one thousand corporations in the US pay any taxes at all,” the accountant told him. When Jeff arrived back home, he was more confused than when he left, but the...

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Blowing Off Steam Pt 2

Having received confirmation from the guys that they were on for the next phase, Abby and I slowly got up off the floor, walked out from the middle of the guys, and around the bed stopping at the large mahogany door on the other side. Turning back to look over my shoulder, I asked if the guys were ready to clean up, and proceeded to walk through the door to the large bathroom beyond. I walk over to the glass walled shower, and turn on the water. Holding my hand under the stream, waiting for...

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Nude Desi Bhabhi Enjoying With ExLover In Hotel Photos

/** * Image Gallery * * @author Spartacus * @since 1.0 * */ jQuery(document).ready( function($) { $( '#grid-gallery' ).imagesLoaded( function () { $( '#grid-gallery' ).masonry( { itemSelector : '.item' } ); } ); $( '#grid-gallery' ).masonry(); $( '#grid-gallery' ).masonry( 'bindResize' ); //swipbox fix title as alt $( '#grid-gallery a' ).each(...

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Restoring the Castle Ch 02

She had just cleared past the grape vines of the Mountain Castle winery and knew she was back on her mother’s land for the first time in nearly seven years. Ally stopped on the side of the narrow, winding, graveled road up into the mountains in a fold between the southern slope of Mount Marshall and a shorter mountain called The Peak, northwest of the small town of Washington. This quaint little hamlet on the verge between northern Virginia’s hunt country and the Blue Ridge mountains wasn’t...

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Foreplay at its best

Hi I am mahesh (Name changed) working in a Big Mnc, Bangalore. People this is not a sex story so if u don’t want to read u can stop now!!! Its only act of foreplay. Let me tell little about myself. I am 5’9” tall lean guy. I am bit dark brownish colored and frankly I feel inferior all the time for not being white skinned. But honestly many gals used to be friendly with me but not to an extent of being best friend/ sex friend. I come from a small village in Andhra Pradesh but since I studied in...

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Mother And Son A Tale Of Forbidden Love ndash Part 1

This is such a story which is a work of pure imagination. I’m writing with the intention of giving the reader a great orgasmic experience. I hope it works !!Dev was a gentleman in everyone’s eyes, a soft-spoken shy guy, yet cheerful and good-humored. He was the only son of a business man, Ravi. A shrewd business man he was, Ravi was known for his greediness and cunning. Ravi started his business under an old noble business man. Ravi with his cunning, managed to woo the old man’s daughter Priya,...

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A Secret Sex With Friends Mom 8211 Part I

Hi readers, i am karthik this is my first story please forgive me if any mistakes there.please give command to write more stories……………… This story is about me & my school friend mom(Sharmila). When i was doing my schooling i had a friend named shreya. She was good friend of me. She was well build with nice boobs and good structure, but i did not had any fantasies with her in my school days. I was very close to her family, i used to pick up her from her home to school in the morning and drop her...

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Perfect Club No1

Perfect Club, No.1 I first heard about it from a former girlfriend, Donny. Last year she’d moved on from me to some dainty femme thing a half foot shorter and a whole person thinner. I wondered what it was about me and butches. Natasha, another butch, had done the same a year before that. “How’s the love life, Cyn?” Donny asked as we shared a table at Starbucks. I sighed. “Sad, Donny. I spend my nights with internet porn. I’m so horny I could fuck anyone, even a man.” She chuckled at me....

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The Solitary ArrowPart 4

The sunlight piercing the trees struck Harlen in the eyes, and brought him to wakefulness quickly. Hyandai was still asleep, which, he thought, was just as well. His manhood was swollen in his sleep, and pressed between her thighs. He gently tried to pull loose, and he felt the muscles of her thighs tighten on his handle. "Leaving me so soon?" She said with a tone of accusation. He could not speak, so stunned was he. Finally he said. "You're awake?" She half turned to him and smiled....

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My fair maiden

This is a real experience with my maid savita. I was a bachelor living alone, and was looking out for a full time maid. However many maids were reluctant to stay with a guy. Then came savita, a 23 year old, relatively fair looking female. She was quite tall at 5 feet 4 inches, and did not look like a maid. I hired her on part time basis, at a high salary, and she agreed. She was alone, though living with some friends, and her family lived in the village. She was not very breasty, but had a good...

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A fun night at a friends house

It was weekend like any other, we were sitting at home bored, when Jill gave you a call and invited us over for some shisha. The night was still young so we jumped in the shower and washed ourselves off a bit, did our usual shaving ritual and some hot teasing on both parts, but without having any sex. We were both going to go over to her place hot and horny and eager to get back home to complete what we’d started. We showed up to her place and she had a few other friends over. Mainly guys, but...

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Divorced Aunty Ki Phir Suhagraat Part 2

Hello iss readers. I am rocky from mumbai. Thanks aap sabi k feedbacks k liye. Mumbai se jo aunty ladkiya ladies mujhe se sex ya friendship karna chahti hai to mujhe mail kare at  pe. Thanks khas karke unko jo mere friends ban chuke hai aur mujhe trust karne k liye thanks. Kafi mail mujhe ate hai ki fake story hai n all. To jinko lagta hai fake to mujhe koe parwa nae usne. Jo yakin karte hai wo mere friends aur unko me aur wo mujhe satisfy karte hai. To ye story hai nisha aunty ki aur merit 2nd...

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