First Meeting with a CD
- 5 years ago
- 23
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By Denham Forrest, The Wanderer
My sincere appreciation goes to both Sue and Deryk for their assistance in preparing this story for posting. Alright, and to a certain old ‘so and so’ in Alabama, for ensuring that I would not be able to put the tale to one side… again!
Minerva Chapter 01
It was a Sunday morning and I just weren’t expecting anyone to call, especially at the unearthly hour of eight o’clock anyway. Maybe one of the guys would surface around eleven or so and we’d grab something to eat together before going to church. For church, read the ‘Nags Head’ or even the ‘Queen Of Hearts.’
As a crowd, we’d hit the dog-track Friday evening, and have a great time, I think? Then we’d spent the better part of Saturday, either yelling encouragement at, or later bemoaning the failings of, the bunch of effing comedians who call themselves a football team, in the ‘White Lion.’
Yeah, we do like to spread our business around a bit, the licensing trade ain’t what it used to be, what with the breathalyser and these new no smoking in the bar, laws.
Anyway, God alone knows what hour I hit the sack on the Saturday evening, or more likely, Sunday morning. And I certainly weren’t expecting any bugger to be banging on my door, at that unearthly hour of a Sunday morning.
Staring through the little spy hole thingy, I saw an officious looking bugger — dressed in a smart suit and well over six feet tall — standing outside the door. But beside him, was the delectable figure of Sandy Knowles, all five-foot-four of her.
At one time spying Sandy outside my door would have been enough to raise one’s spirits. But regretfully, in latter years, dear Sandy, had become known, to most everyone, as Sergeant Knowles. Detective Sergeant Sandra Knowles to be precise.
With more than a little difficulty, I ran my mind back over the previous day’s events, as best I could remember them.
Nope, I couldn’t think of anything I — or any of the other guys — had done the previous day that could possibly warrant a visit by Sandy and her oppo at that unearthly hour.
Oh, I suppose I should explain at this point, that Sandy and I had been at school together and… well, lets leave it that we kind-a got to know each other very well at one time. Too well actually, considering her later choice of profession. But at one time I’m pretty sure that Sandy had me in the frame for, or was at least possibly considering whether I was husband material. Lets put it this way, Sandy had sampled the goods on offer, and I had done likewise.
Maybe I didn’t cut the cake well enough for Sandy, because it didn’t last very long after she went off to Police College. Mind you, I was bumming-it around the south coast a lot in those days, surfing and the like, with no real goal in mind. Sandy and me… well, we kind-a drifted apart, and away from each other eventually.
Regretfully we hadn’t always seen eye to eye, since I’d moved back to town either. But that’s another story and has more to do with her chosen profession than anything else.
‘Yeah?’ I believe was the best I could offer, when I’d opened the door a little.
‘Mr Jameson, my name is Harcourt, I believe you know my companion. Would you mind if we came in and had a word with you?’
‘At this time on a Sunday. What about?’ I asked.
‘JG, will you stop pissing about, and open the bleeding door? You don’t want the whole damned street knowing your business.’ Sandra demanded.
I’ll give it to her, Sandra was perfectly correct about that, she also knew that I had been pulling Harcourt’s chain. Mind you, I was just a little curious… the bugger had not formally introduced himself.
He had to be a copper, because he was with Sandy. But the bugger had not mentioned either rank or constabulary. He definitely weren’t local law, as a hack and sometimes court reporter for the local rag, I figured I knew all of them.
I stepped back, allowing the door to open fully, so they could enter.
‘Put the bloody kettle on then Sandy, while I get decent.’ I said indicating the way to the kitchen, before I headed to my room to get dressed.
Sandy and Harcourt were sitting at my kitchen table drinking coffee before I resurfaced. I sat at the chair obviously chosen for me by Sandy because she’d placed my coffee by it.
‘Well?’ I asked.
‘Mr Jameson, would you mind explaining to me what your relationship was with Lady Tanya Simpson.’ Harcourt asked.
‘Sorry. Exactly who are you Mr Harcourt, and why would you want to know?’ I replied.
‘I’d better explain, I’m not here in any official capacity Mr Jameson. I am, or I was a Detective Chief Superintendent, until I retired a few years ago. Now I’m here to ask you a few questions on behalf of a friend.’
I looked across at Sandy, and her facial expression confirmed what Harcourt had said. Harcourt saw my glance at her and went on.
‘Sergeant Knowles is not on duty, she’s here as a personal favour to myself.’
‘Lady Tanya Simpson aye? Well, I’m sorry folks, but I’ve never heard of the woman. What makes you think I would know her?
‘I find that hard to believe Mr Jameson, are you completely sure that you don’t know her?’
‘Why should it be hard to believe, the name don’t ring any bells with me. Look, titled folk don’t usually frequent the sort of dives I hang around in, as Sandy has no doubt already told you. I suppose that there is a possibility that we could have crossed paths at my uncle’s Hotel a few years ago, there were some really hoity-toity buggers who stay there. But if we did meet there, I certainly don’t recall her. I can’t say I mixed with many of the guests there though, you know, it was a class thing. But if I’m not mistaken you asked, what ‘was’ my relationship the woman? Are we talking a long time ago, or is the good Lady no longer with us?’
Harcourt didn’t reply for a rather long time. Obviously collecting his thoughts, he very cleverly filled the void in the conversation by sipping some more of his coffee.
‘This Hotel, where is it, what’s it called?’
‘The Cliff Head it’s down on the south coast in Devon. Real old-fashioned place, not really to my liking, but my Aunt and Uncle own it. I have to make the obligatory visit once or twice a year.’
But you have become acquainted with some of the guests in the past?’ I must have nodded in affirmation. ‘Anyone who you particularly remember?’
‘Well only Grace and Jack Blake. He’s ex-forces, Major or Colonel or something, I’ve even heard some people refer to him as General. Grace has a title, she’s Lady Leavie I think. But she doesn’t use it by choice, well not with me, and Jack anyway. The rest of them are too up their own arses for my liking.’
‘Lady Grace Leavie and Major General Jack Blake?’ Harcourt said, his eyes suddenly getting three times as large as they had been.
Harcourt had been friendly enough, for a policeman, but suddenly his whole demeanour had changed.
‘You know Jack?’ I asked.
‘No, not personally. But I know of him and Lady Leavie.’
‘Yeah well they are only two guests at the Cliff Head that I ever got to know. And probably only because they are permanent residents, and have been living there for years. Most everyone else comes and goes. What with me only visiting there for a few days a couple of times a year myself, well most of the other guests are like ships in the night to me. I’ve met a few when Jack or Grace has roped me in to make-up the numbers on a bridge game or something.’
Sandy gave me a strange look at this time, I suspect that she had no idea I could play bridge.
‘But the rest of the time, I usually avoid the other guests. Most are much too into themselves for my liking. Anyway, I can’t recall anyone called Tanya or Lady Simpson. Most of them who do have titles, insist on us lower mortals using them.’
‘You’re sure?’
‘Well I’m sure I’d recall a Tanya, it’s not a very common name. And a Lady Simpson, I’m bloody sure that my mind would immediately picture Marge Simpson with blue hair stretching up to the sky. No, I think I would recall her, if I had met her. What made you think I would know her anyway?’
Harcourt sat back in his seat and went into thinking mode, all the time staring at me intensely. From being quite relaxed about his presence I began to feel concerned again.
Mr Jameson. Gilroy, may I call you Gilroy?’
‘If you insist, but I prefer Gil.’
‘Okay Gil. You are right I was talking in the past tense, Lady Tanya Simpson passed away, following an accident a few weeks back.’
‘Oh, I’m sorry.’
‘Yes well, there are some unexplained circumstances concerning that accident. Her death hasn’t been classed as suspicious, although apparently one or two people are convinced that it is. Not that there is much in the way of evidence to support that theory. However, when there’s an estate of several million pounds involved, just about anything is a possibility.’
‘Jesus, a few million quid, I’d suggest you take a bleeding close look at her next of kin then, or who’s going to inherit that little lot!’
‘Oh, the executers are, or rather I am, on their behalf. The odd thing about Lady Tanya’s will is, that she leaves nothing to her nearest relative. Actually she has left nothing at all, worth talking about to any of her relatives. All of her estate has for some years been bequeathed, in an ‘iron clad’ will by the way, to one person. Someone who is not related to her in any way, and apparently has never even heard of Lady Tanya Simpson either.’
‘Jesus, some bugger’s in for a shock then when you tell them.’
Harcourt didn’t reply he just remained sitting there staring at me.
‘You really do have no idea, do you JG?’ Sandra suddenly said breaking the silence.
‘I told you I’ve never heard of the…’
Something about the expression on Sandy’s face stopped me from going any further. And I began to run through the words Harcourt had used in my mind again.
‘Jesus shit, are you trying to tell me…?’
‘Yes I am, that’s why I’m here. But what no one can figure out is why she’s left everything to you. Someone, who it is extremely doubtful Lady Tanya has ever met.’
‘There must be some mistake, you must have the wrong Gilroy Jameson.’
‘No, there is no mistake Gil, there is no other Gilroy Earnest Jameson, and if there were, Lady Tanya went to extreme lengths to ensure that there would be no mistake. She has identified you very carefully, even down to your national insurance, passport and driving licence numbers.
‘If someone else should appear with the same name. Well then, the executors were to contact, Lady Grace Leavie and/or Major General Jack Blake ret. for a final positive identification.’
‘Jesus wept, I can’t believe this. What did Grace and Jack have to say about it?’
‘I don’t know, we’re only allowed to get in touch with them as a last resort, if there were any doubt about your identity.’
‘Oh Christ, how much cash are we talking about here?’
‘The executors haven’t finished counting yet. But don’t go jumping the gun here Gil. We’re pretty sure that some members of Lady Tanya’s family are going to try to challenge the will. At the moment the family are all in the dark, about who inherits. But on the quiet, I should imagine they are probably celebrating the old ladies demise. Lady Tanya tied everything up quite nicely, but I’m sure that the excrement will hit those whirling blades, when the will is made public.’
‘Oh bugger what happens then?’
‘Well we suspect that some of the family at least, will try to challenge the document in court. But Lady Tanya was a canny old stick. She had several copies of the same will made and lodged in different jurisdictions. I’m not quite sure, how she managed to get them all together in the same room at the same time. But the will itself was witnessed by two Lord justices, two American Supreme Court Judges, and two from the Cour de cassation in France. Copies of the will were lodged with members from those three courts and if she changed her mind later, it’s stipulated that all three copies had to be changed at the same time.
‘Someone coming up with a later version of her will, would not negate the original document in all three jurisdictions at the same time. And because her ladyship’s holdings are distributed around all three countries… Well, I should imagine challenging her wishes is going to be a real headache for anyone who tries.’
‘Sounds to me like Lady Tanya was expecting that there would be trouble.’
‘Oh yeah, there’s a hell of a lot of money involved here Gil. Her ladyship was well aware that some members of her family… Well, when that kind of money is involved then some people will resort to anything. Probably that’s why no one knew about the will’s contents, even you.’
‘But why me, surely she didn’t just pick my name out of a hat. And you say she was an old girl… Well bugger, I’ve done some things in my time, as I’m sure Sandy here has informed you. But I’ve never been a gigolo or anything like that.’
‘No that’s the curious point isn’t it? There seems to be no connection between you and Lady Tanya. Except maybe for the two people she stipulated who would recognise you, Lady Leavie and Major General Blake, they must know Lady Tanya as well as you.’
My hand had reached out for the telephone almost before Harcourt had finished speaking and a few minutes later I was talking to Jack Blake as he ate his breakfast. Then came the shock, neither Jack nor Grace, who was sharing his table, knew Lady Tanya Simpson personally.
‘Sorry lad, I’ve never heard of the woman. Gracie says she vaguely remembers the old girl from her debutant days, but that was well before you were born. Grace can’t remember ever speaking to her socially. Grace says she doesn’t think she’s laid eyes on Tanya Simpson since the early sixties.’
I thanked Jack and hung up the phone.
‘Well that kind-a puts the kybosh on that idea!’ Sandy commented.
‘Just don’t make any sense to me at all. Why would some rich old biddy, pick on the likes of me to leave all her money to?’ I mused.
Then Sandy made yet more coffee, and the three of us sat around the table talking around in circles for about another twenty minutes or so. Of course Sandy and Harcourt were trying to jog my memory, they were convinced that eventually I’d remember where I’d met Tanya Simpson somewhere.
Harcourt even made a few telephone calls to someone, who reeled off a long list of places the old girl had lived over the last twenty years. They were all over the world, but the only place that we’d both lived, or rather I’d lived and Lady Tanya visited sometimes, was London. And well, London’s a bleeding big city and there was no way in hell that we moved in the same circles. Unless the old girl had a penchant for greyhound racing, which we all, somehow doubted.
But then my telephone rang. It was Jack Blake, Grace had had a brain wave.
‘Gil, do you recall, a certain young lady who caught your eye down here one summer? An enchanting young lady, who was quite definitely taken with you as well.’
‘Who Kylie… Lady Minerva, the bird who lead me around by the nose, to take the piss out of me, and then blew me off.’
‘Gilroy my boy, I told you at the time, that young lady was not in control of her life. She was really taken with you, you know?’
‘So you say Jack, but as far as I’m concerned she played with my emotions. Anyway what has she got to do with Lady Tanya Simpson?’
‘Well, our Gracie here has just remembered that Tanya Simpson had a younger sister. And she is quite convinced that, that the sister eventually married one, Malcolm Wisdom. Now that name should mean something to you?’
‘Jesus wept, is Grace sure?’ I asked
‘Totally convinced Gilroy. I’m not senile yet, young man!’
Gracie’s voice came down the telephone line, she must have taken the handset from Jack.
‘As I remember she died quite young, and then Malcolm Wisdom was killed in an accident a few years later. Don’t you remember? We talked about that at the time, when you and Minerva were making eyes at each other.’
I’m not sure how much, if any, of the conversation Harcourt and Sandra could hear, actually it was a long time ago now, so I might possibly have been repeating what Grace and Jack were saying as they spoke, I just can’t recall now.
However, they got the gist of the conversation anyway.
‘So, do you intend to tell us about Minerva?’ Sandy asked as I put the telephone down.
End of Chapter 01.
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Cadence Melody pushed her plate away from her and scooted her chair back from the table. She looked down at her mother, Samantha, on her knees in front of her. Samantha had just finished sucking Cadence's dick while Cadence was eating breakfast. "Damn, that was a good breakfast", Cadence said as she stood up. "And that mouth of yours is amazing, mom." She grabbed her mother by her hair and pulled the older woman to her feet. Then she mashed her lips against her mother's. The two women...
(A boy discovers a program that allows him to control the real world and his mother is his first victim) It was late on a Friday night, as usual I was on my computer playing games or tweaking them, I don't play fair, but then I never play online so it doesn't bother me or anyone else. I like to go into the directory and alter the files to make the game easier or more fun, I would often spend more time altering the game files than actually playing the thing. But this day I'd started...
I fell into the room from the window. Three sets of eyes were fixated on my actions. The asshole who I thought was my best friend still had his cock buried into my twelve-year-old sister’s pussy and her homeroom teacher was still balls deep inside of her ass. “Alright Zack before you go crazy let me exp—“ POW right in the middle of his sentence I threw a right cross and knocked him right out of my sister and onto the floor. I would have jumped on him and beat his ass but his pants...
Dear Readers, This is Suju again back with another real story. This happened a few years back. The other day my girlfriend Natasha called me and asked if I was free and invited me to her place. This usually meant that her parents were out and we could fuck when I reached her house she welcomed me with a grim face and the first thing she said was Suju I’m sorry but you will have to do this for me. I asked ‘do what? And entering her home, I could see three of her classmates sitting. She then...
My name is Jenny. I’m eighteen and somewhat of an outcast at school after having a baby three months ago. A lot of girls won’t hang out with me anymore and I’ve been labeled a ‘slut,’ even though the guy who got me pregnant is the only guy I’ve ever slept with. His name is Jack and he’s in college. He disappeared after finding out I was pregnant, but I’m working on getting some child support out of him. My parents have been really great about it, paying for my pregnancy. My mom even quit her...
Chapter 6. Argie & John Discuss Matters Argie got home around four, checked on the kids, who were already home from school and off with their friends. She decided on pizza for dinner, and made sure they had a six-pack and soda for drinks, then made a salad, wondering all the while just how she would broach the subject to her husband. After dinner, the kids piled into the living room to watch that night’s reality show, and Argie signaled John to join her in the bedroom. John quickly...
John and I had been happily married for quite some time when I realized that I was getting bored staying at home. I felt that I needed to get a job so I could get out of the house more, and meet new people. After long discussions on the matter, John finally agreed that I could get a job. His belief was that I didn’t need to work so why should I? I started to work with the company and grew to love my job. I was meeting new people, and learning new things constantly. Eventually, I moved up to a...
Helena Price finds Archie’s failed exam and calls him over. He got caught and fears to be sent to a boarding school and pleads to his stepmom to be silent. He catches her attention when he tells her that he would do anything. She has him getting on his knees to lick her pussy that she places right on her face. She sits on his face before finally giving him some pleasure with a blowjob. She climbs on top and rides his cock for a while before she instructed him to fuck her hard on doggy. He ends...
xmoviesforyouDen Autosch?ssel fand ich hinter dem Bett. Vier ineinander greifende Ringe waren als Relief darauf - es war also ein Schl?ssel f?r einen Audi. Und es war einer der neueren Generation, also ohne Schl?sselschaft. Meine G?te musste meine Familie Geld haben... "SONJA!!!" "Ja Mama, ich hab ihn doch..." "Na dann, hier deine Brotdose und Sch?tzchen komm heute Abend nicht allzu sp?t nach Hause, ja? Papa kommt nach Hause", brabbelte meine Mutter vor sich hin als ich in die K?che stackste, es...
Author note : Thank You SEVERUSMAX for helping me edit and write this story! He walks back to his desk, waiting for her to show up for work. He looks at the clock: she is late again! He doesn’t know why he keeps her around, as her work is starting to slack off more, she comes in late a lot recently, and now he has discovered this new problem! What is he going to do with her? He hates to fire her, because she tries hard most of the time. He senses that there is more to what is going on than what...
FetishA big 'Thank You' goes out to my editor 'Techsan' who is always there for me. As I rolled off her soft warm body I thought what a beautiful and wonderful woman she was. Tender, sweet and everything a man could possibly ask for in a woman. I laid my hand back on her breast and kissed her softly. She turned on her side and pushed her butt up against my now flaccid member. I put my arms around her and we simply cuddled. I loved this women with all my heart and all my soul. Looking back over...
Susi hat gerade 16 geworden. Sie hat bislang keinen Freund gehabt, redet aber mit ihren Freundinnen über nichts Anderes als das erste Mal. Ihre Haare sind blond und schulterlang. Wegen ihrer großen blauen Augen sind fast alle Jungs auf ihrer Schule in sie verknallt, obwohl ihre Brüste noch ziemlich klein sind, was ihr aber sehr recht ist, weil sie mit Sex nichts im Sinn hat und das Ganze eher eklig findet. Am Samstag geht sie mit Katrin auf die Dorfdisco. Sie trägt eine knallenge Jeans, weiße...
Bandhugan, mo naa abhinash, age : 25, build : average , height : 6ft. Mu iss ra jane regular reader. Mote odia re lekha hoe thiba sabu kahani bhala lage. So, mu bi odia re lekhuchi. Ama ghare daddy, mummy, mu aau mo sana bhai misi total 4 member. Ama paribar eka sikhita o well cultured paribar. Mo bada mamu nka pua bi ama sahar re job karanti o nija paribar saha rahanti. Se govt quater pae thile. Tanka ghara ama ghara tharu praya 2-3 kilometer heba. Tanka paribar o ama paribar bahut close. Mamu...
McCock's PDA beeped as he was disembarking from the Barge, "Montrose? Virginia sends her compliments" came Blue Hills' voice "and she says the four RMN missile carriers are down in Scapa under Warmaranti, loading cruise missiles." "Thank her for that information, Sir. I could have a use for them. McCock clear." McCock faced the crowd clustering around, "There have been no casualties from combat; however I did hear a rumour that an Aver broke his arm falling from his...
Hi dosto mai saif fir se wapas aa gaya apni maa bahi dusro ke rakhal ka part 7 le kar aaya hu jaisa ke aap sab mera maa k bara me janta hai ke wo kitni badi chudakar hai nam anjum aur ab unki size thodi badh gai hai 40 36 42 ho gai.Sedhi se bat hai bhai itna chudwagi to badaga na..Khair bhai aab aaga ke story par aata hu jinona meri pheli story nai padi hai plz pad lena tab jakar samajh aayaga ye story.Aur mujha comment aur mail zarur karna aap loga ka mujha bhout sara mail aaya hai mera mail...
The five young women sat at an outside table at a nice restaurant in downtown Sarasota named Maurice’s: Edie, Kat, Amber, and their new friends Crystal and Melody. They were more upscale than the restaurant, and their looks and demeanor captivated the attention of everyone that walked by. Each of the girls had ordered a salad. There was some talk about the summer jobs that the latter two girls had taken: Crystal as a part-time waitress during the dinner shift at TGIFridays restaurant, and...
I have noticed that as some women age they manage to stay slim but their skin and the flesh beneath it starts to wrinkle, making them look their age or older. Other women put on weight as they age but their flesh and skin does not wrinkle as much as their thinner counterparts. As a result they look younger than their age. My fifty-something wife Sally is one of the latter group. She is neither thin nor overweight, she is plump, usually defined as full of form or well-rounded. Sally is...
Group SexThe next two weeks were pretty much the same. I tutored Mandy on Tuesday and Thursday afternoons. We spent Saturday mornings trying out acts and positions that she read about in The Joy of Sex. I then spent Saturday afternoons teaching Monica to release her inhibitions and open herself to sexual ecstasy. We might have gone on like that for several more weeks had Monica not put two and two together. The answer she got did not please her. On the third Saturday, Monica strode through the door...
What would any ‘proper’ woman do if her father-in-law made a play for her? Maybe she’d be flattered and flirt back, just a little. After all, her father-in-law is a lot like her husband; there are mutual characteristics, about father and son, which she’s attracted to. But a proper woman, would know when enough is enough, she’d nip it in the bud if the flirting got, too heavy and went, too far. Well, I’m not a proper woman… By some terms, I’m a...
Introduction: Another morning workout with my sister….. Mom? Brian, what happen? You guys at home? Yeah, We are here.. Im gonna be late, Look after your sister, okay? Dont leave her alone. I know , I know, She is not a kid by the way.. As soon as we came home, I called my mother to tell about what happened. Actually I told bunch of lies, that we discussed on our way home. My sister told me, mom went to the hospital to visit our neighbour Janet. They are a young couple that moved here a while...
Hello, Thank you for reading my story and I hope you enjoy it. Please leave feedback as it does make writing stories more rewarding when you know that people are actually reading what you write. If you have any suggestions for the plot that you'd like to see in the story please send me an email at [email protected]. Please also take some time to visit my blog that I have started all over again at Thank you Change Of Plans - part 1 We...
I admit i was a terrible husband, and a pretty lousy boyfriend to every girlfriend i have had that became somewhat serious. I have come to terms with the fact that some people are not built for a monogamous relationship and I will never (knock on wood) marry again! What I miss most about being married is cheating on my wife. I loved the thrill of getting away with it and the planning it took to pull it off. And my favorite was to cheat on her with a married woman so it doubled the thrill...
By the end of the month we've had the same simple sex a couple times and I've stopped and started the herb therapy a couple times. My wife has become more accepting of her sudden youthful desires and vigor. I'm ready to kick it up a notch and plan a nice romantic evening. So during the next round of herbs when you are good and horny, I spring it on her. Flowers around the house, a mild incense and candles round out the mood. I welcome her home and direct her into the living room, hand...
At first, Arilee was planning to cut down the amount of washing and mending she took in, considering she had almost enough money to pay another year's taxes already, but the second visit of Mazzar changed all that. She wanted to make sure that she could pay any amount asked, if Amos did not come to take her away before tax time. Having all the work also helped her to pass the time, and dull the edge of longing she felt for Amos. Her work done for the day, Arilee changed clothes and walked...
The following week things were pretty normal at school. Leslie and I didn't have too much time alone together during the day, but we did have our computer class together and saw each other around the halls several times a day. I finally did get my friend Caroline to meet my friend Steve at lunch one day that week and they seemed to get along pretty well. I figured that they would if I could ever get them together. I introduced them to each other at lunch and it was up to them from there to...
I got a call from my sweetheart about spending a week house-sitting for his parents while they were away on vacation. I said yes, thought it would be fun spending time in the house where he grew up. I met him at the home with my overnight bag in hand, knocked on the door and he opened it with a big smile on his face. That was the first time I had been there so I was curious about it. He opened the door and let me in, took my bag and asked me to follow him to the bedroom. It was a small ranch...