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Ich, w/21, wollte es mir mal so richtig gutgehen lassen. Ich buchte mir also einen Flug in de Karibik, die ich von meinem ersparten bezahlte. Am Tag der Abreise schleppte ich meine Sachen hastig zum Auto. Ich war spät dran. Am Flughafen angekommen hat es noch eine Weile gedauert bis das Flugzeug fertig zum abheben war. Ich vertrieb mir die Zeit damit auf meinem Handy Pornos zu schauen. Kurz darauf war es dann auch schon so weit. Wir saßen im Flieger Richtung Karibik. Im Flugzeug schaute ich...
Ich war wieder mal auf einer dieser langatmigen Preisgalas unterwegs. Nach zwanzig Jahren als Musikmanager hatte ich diese ewig gleichen Rituale der Selbstbeweihräucherung ziemlich über und musste mich ziemlich überwinden, um dort aufzutauchen. Aber sehen und gesehen werden gehört schließlich zum Geschäft und wenigstens gibt es auf solchen Veranstaltungen immer genügend zu essen und zu trinken. Nachdem ich mit ein paar Kollegen den neuesten Szeneklatsch ausgetauscht und einige Freibierchen...
Marcos wachte auf. Der Absturz mit dem Raumschiff auf dem unbekannten Planeten hatte ihm mehr zugesetzt, als er sich erst gedacht hatte. Er konnte sich errinnern, dass er in der Nähe der Absturzstelle eine Höhle gefunden hatte, in der er sein Lager aufgebaut hatte. Aber das hier sah nicht nach der Höhle aus. Das hatte mehr Ähnlichkeit mit einem Kerker. 'Wie zum Teufel komme ich hier her', dachte der kampferprobte Hühne bei sich. Der Raum mass ca 4 x 4 Meter, und bestand nur aus einer Strohliege...
Der Wecker klingelte, wie immer zu frueh. Claudia rieb sich verschlafen die Augen, schuettelte ihre zerzausten schwarzen Haare und quaelte sich aus dem Bett. Sie war ein wenig aufgeregt, denn heute wuerde ihr erster Schultag in ihrer neuen Heimat sein. Ihr Vater war leitender Angestellter in einer grossen deutschen Bank, und als er gefragt wurde, ob er Lust habe, fuer einige Tage die italienische Niederlassung in Mailand zu leiten, hatte er sofort und ohne zu Zoegern zugegriffen: Er war jetzt...
Auf dem Weg von der Kirmes finde ich Saskia die fette Tochter meiner Nachbarin sturzbetrunken auf den Stufen der Kirche. Sie hatte sich übergeben und lag da nun. Um sie etwas sauber zu machen hob ich sie auf und dachte das das Weihwasser hier einen guten Zweck erfüllen würde. Sie ar völlig hilflos und liess alles mit sich machen. Sie war sicherlich keine Schönheit mit ihren 135 kg und ihren gewaltigen Titten aber sie war gerade 19 und ein Weib. So bekam ich eine geile Idee. Ich wusste, dass...
Mein Abend begann damit mit ein paar Freundinnen auszugehen. Jenny, die ich seit ein paar Jahren kenne und Jo. Ich kannte Jo erst seit kurzem. Ich traf sie vor ein paar Wochen. Ich hatte zuvor über sie fast nur Schlechtes gehört. Sie ist sozusagen für Rummachen einfach bekannt. Sie ist immer beliebt bei den Jungs aus einem Grund, sie schläft mit jedem. Jedenfalls gingen wir los, gekleidet wie in Pornofilmen: Minikleider und Stöckelschuhe. Es war ein warmer Abend und ich freute mich wirklich auf...
Ich bin Caroline, 22, alle nennen mich aber Caro. Gerade habe ich meinen Bachelor in Geschichte gemacht, aber einen Job habe ich damit nicht gefunden. Mit meinen 171 bei 48kg bin ich sehr schlank, blonde glatte schulterlange Haare, große Brüste (70C) und das Becken nicht allzu schmal. Leider habe ich auch gerade kein Glück in der Liebe, so dass ich schon seit nem halben Jahr solo bin. Da lese ich eine Stellenanzeige, wo man einen gut bezahlten Job in exotischem Ambiente verspricht. Bachelor...
FetishHerr Meier stöhnte und grunzte. Zu seinen Knien lag Maren und blies ihm seinen Schwanz. Maren wusste, dass sie ihre Sache gut beherrschte. Seit sie vor zwei Jahren in seine Arbeitsgruppe gekommen war, war sie ihm regemäßig zu Diensten. Schade, dass er bald in die Frührente gehen würde. Sie schaute ihm in die Augen. Darauf stand er besonders. Dieser devote Blick von unten.... Keuchend ergoss er sich in ihren Mund. Maren schluckte genüßlich seinen Saft. Das war das Beste daran. Sein Sperma zu...
Chauffeur I was hired by a very well to do man about my age to be his much younger wife’s driver. I was to keep a record of my activities and report anything out of the ordinary to him. I was provided with a cell phone, a pager, a suite in the servant’s quarters, and I got three chauffeur suits too. I got to drive a brand new big black stretch limousine too. At sixty years old and retired the extra money was very nice. Who am I kidding it was great. I got a great set of rooms, great...
(Die Bilder sind von IronHawk-R, zu finden bei "DeviantArt" und mit seinem Einverständnis veröffentlicht, bisher nur das Startbild, aber passend zum Storyverlauf kommen vielleicht auch noch weitere dazu) Die wilden Lande verdienten ihren Namen eigentlich nicht mehr. Früher war es hier wahrlich wild zugegangen, plündernde Orks, Zentauren und viele andere Schrecken hatten das Land unsicher gemacht. Doch dann kamen die Amazonen! Sie sorgten für Sicherheit und brachten tatsächlich den Frieden. Die...
Ich nehme an, die Schuld an der Situation, in der ich mich jetzt befinde, könnte auf die sehr schützende Umgebung zurückgeführt werden, in der ich meine Ausbildung beendet hatte. Ich war neunzehn und hatte die letzten vier Jahre in einer Schweizer höheren Schule verbracht. Ich dachte, ich wüsste über alles Bescheid, hatte aber keinerlei sexuelle Erfahrungen gemachte und mich mit Fantasien, Frauengesprächen und ein paar privaten Experimenten zufrieden gegeben ... bis ich endlich als komplette...
RomanceSeit etwas mehr als einem Jahr war Tommy Auszubildender. Er hatte damals sehr viel Glück gehabt den Ausbildungsplatz zu bekommen, nicht nur weil er so seinen Traumberuf erlernen konnte, sondern auch weil die Firma als Aushängeschild der Region galt und auf jede offene Stelle unzählige Bewerber kamen. Selbst wenn er seinen Arbeitgeber in Zukunft wechseln wollte, hätte er die bestmögliche Ausgangssituation, da der Betrieb für seinen hohen Ausbildungsstandard bekannt war. Zu diesem Zweck...
Spezial Auftrag. Captain Miller - Sie haben mich gerufen? Sergeant Caroline Lynn, hatte kurz an die Glastüre geklopft und war dann nach Aufforderung eingetreten. Caroline war schon seit fünf Jahren beim Spezialdezernat, hatte ihre Ausbildung als Undercover-Agent mit Bravour bestanden und hatte schon viele Auszeichnungen, für ihre Erfolge, erhalten. Sie war 25 Jahre alt und ihr Körper war hervorragend durchtrainiert. Sie war stolz auf ihre Leistungen und hatte sich dadurch den Respekt aller...
Maria ist eine Aufseherin im Gefängnis. Da es im heißen New-Mexico liegt hat sie oft auch schon mal sexy Kleidung an. Sie ist 1,65, 54 kg, hat schwarze, schulterlange Haare, braune Augen, einen hübschen Busen, eine schmale Taille, einen knackigen Po und schöne, wohlgeformte Beine. Sie hat ihre Kappe an, eine Bluse mit halblangem Arm, Mini und Stiefel die fast bis ans Knie reichen, alles in schwarz an, auch ihren Schlagstock hat sie dabei. An jenem Tag meinte sie etwas verdächtiges bei dem...
My heart pounded watching Marks seed cover me, causing my own orgasm to start. Covered in his own cup Mark moved his hand up and down quicker. My dick started throbbing and my semen shot up and landed on my stomach. Using his finger he mixed our liquids together. Bringing his hand up towards me I opened my mouth. He ran his finger over my lips, coating them. Running his finger through our cut, he sucked it off his finger and bent down. Kissing me on the mouth he let the sticky liquid to run out...
Steven had known Curt for over a decade now. When Steven was still a taxi driver and Curt a hopeful entrepreneur who couldn’t afford his own car yet, just as today when he was his designated driver and Curt led several multi-million dollar companies. Steven had known Curt for over a decade now. When Steven was still a taxi driver and Curt a hopeful entrepreneur who couldn’t afford his own car yet, just as today when he was his designated driver and Curt led several multi-million dollar...
Ich hatte mich mit meinen Kumpel zu einkaufen verabredet, da ich für den anstehenden Sommer dringend neue Badehosen brauchte. Wie das Leben allerdings so spielt sagte er mir ne halbe Stunde vor der geplanten Abfahrt ab. Mist. Auch der Versuch einen „Ersatz“ zu finden blieb erfolglos. Da ich eigentlich nicht der große Einkäufer bin wollte ich eigentlich gar nicht gehen, aber irgendwie aus Trotz fuhr ich doch los. Allerdings nicht in die Stadt sondern in ein Einkaufszentrum.Dort angekommen musste...
Copyright© 1994-2003 "There was a young man of Ostend, Whose wife caught him fucking her friend; "It's no use, my duck, Interrupting our fuck, For I'm damned if I draw till I spend." -The Pearl No. 1 "Michael, could you help me?" It was Mr. Dietel, my boss. "Of course, sir." I jumped out of my car door to see my employer half-dragging his wife from the open elevator. Thea was obviously quite intoxicated and not in control of her own faculties. I lifted her free arm...
Hey guys it’s been a long time since I have posted anything, and I want to tell you a story about what happened to me a little over a year ago. I was on vacation; I had taken a week off to get something done around the house. I was in the garage when my phone rang. I picked it up and answered it. I noticed from the tone of the voice on the other end that she was upset. It was a business acquaintance of mine. Her name was Patricia and her and her husband owned a business that I had done some...
“Michael, could you help me?” It was Mr. Dietel, my boss. “Of course, sir.” I jumped out of my car door to see my employer half-dragging his wife from the open elevator. Thea was obviously quite intoxicated and not in control of her own faculties. I lifted her free arm and placed it around my neck; the middle-aged woman was cradled between us. “Seems like my wife had a bit too much to drink.” He always had a way of stating the obvious. This was not the...
CHAUFFER GIVES ME A RIDE by CumBeggarTony was a chauffeur who worked for a car company used by the people Iworked for. He was a big bear of a guy and I got hard just looking at him.He had a big barrel chest that you just knew was covered in thick hair andthe kind of frame that would have looked stupid if he had weighed less than220 pounds. He was about 6 feet tall with dark brown "come to bed and letme fuck you stupid" eyes, and a beard that was kept well trimmed. He hadthick, full lips that...
After six years in the Army with three tours of combat, I got out. I had close to a quarter million saved but what got me going was a former commander. Besides two bronze stars and a silver star, I had two purple hearts, the second was why I left the military. Colonel Harris got me into a special defensive driving course and helped me get a Chauffeur’s license. I had been driving for young miss Penelope, a six year old girl from a rich family. I also drove for her mother Megan who was a...
This one is compliments of Needle Noddle-noo Sven was recounting his war experiences on the local radio station. "So, dere I vas, flyin' ever France, mindin' my own business. Suddenly, one o' dem Jerman Fokkers dives at me out of the sun. guns blazing. Well, I [description of aerial battle] and got behind him and shot that Fokker down." The radio announce broke in and said, "For those in our audience who are unfamiliar with warplanes, the Germans in World War One flew a plane known...
First of all I would like to thank Todger65 for editing this story and teaching me things about both the English language and Open Office. The help provided has been invaluable and I am indebted. If there still are any faults they are entirely my mistakes due to last minute changes or negligence. Thank you Todger! As usual this could have been put in a number of other categories (Exhibitionism was a strong candidate), but I decided on Romance in the end. The story is somewhat long, around...
Tan was lying on top of Dave. Her small Oriental body weighed less than a hundred pounds, and she was stretched out to maximize body contact with the man that had just made love to her, and made her one step up from a blathering idiot. Dave’s engorged cock was still inside the gorgeous Asian woman. Even to an outside observed, they could see the twitches and ripples over her skin from the aftershocks of the mammoth orgasm he’d induced in her and then the lovemaking they’d shared. Tan...
I wake with a start. The sky outside the window is pink with the dawn. The sun has not yet risen. I have not yet adjusted to the time change since arriving in China. You are lying on your side, just as you were when we fell asleep. Your breathing is even, restful. I pull you closer and my body mirrors yours, a spoon within a spoon. My cock wakens and presses against the soft skin of your sweet ass, your pi gu. You murmur in your sleep. Words that are unintelligible, Chinese words. Your ass...
This story takes place in the early 80’s. My wife and I had been at the tail end of the hippy generation, and when we met we were both enamored with the hippy lifestyle: free love, peace, happiness, all of that. When we moved in together, we decided our home would be completely nudist. If anyone wanted to come over, they’d have to strip down, just like us. It really wasn’t a problem since most of our friends were hippies, too, so on any given night, you could find us sitting around getting...
Incest"Would you like to come to dinner at my place?" asked Layla, as soon as they were outside. It was the first thing she'd said to him since they'd quit reading. "Do you think that's a good idea?" he asked. She stopped and turned to face him. She didn't say anything. She just stared at him, waiting for him to answer her question. "I'd love to," he said. She smiled. "Good," she said. "I'll go pick up Aidan. Give me two hours before you come over, OK?" "Can I bring something...
My wife Judy and I met around 3 years ago. We had both gone through difficult splits from previous partners, but we met at a club, got on well and after a few months I used to pop round and stay over. We had a good sex life, although often she was tired after a hard days work, but if I’m honest, sometimes so was I and was probably not a star performer.Judy had a daughter and a son from her previous marriage. Her son Mike was off at Uni, reading law and her teenage daughter Emma was at school,...
Labatt Guest House 7:07pm, Thursday, March 1, 1979 “ ... and realized we sounded pretty good.” Our redheaded host then stopped talking as the door of the guest house opened. I quickly let Lynette down from my arms, and all six of us oriented ourselves in that direction. “You looked and sounded better than pretty good,” Mr. Labatt announced with his deep baritone voice. As he and his wife walked into their guest house, I noticed that Sam’s dad was also carrying two solid body guitar cases...
A macho porn star gets suckered into becoming the leading lady of an XChange Xperience film. It began with the billboards. Subtly risqu? yet dangerously provocative: Pills that promise an instant transformation into the opposite sex. Nobody expected it to spread like wildfire, least of all me. I was Marco Rey, legendary porn star, and while the porn industry shifted beneath the XChange trend, I was determined to stay the same. Porn might be the industry hit hardest by XChange. B...
Amanda and Alexa were having a wild weekend at Alexa's parents house while they were away for the weekend. Alexa had secretly planned, and hoped, to try and seduce her best friend Amanda. It all was going to plan as she fingered her friend to begin with, before Amanda had just eaten out Alexa's wet pussy.The two were sat at the edge of the pool, with the night drawing in darker. "I think we should move on inside!" Amanda said, as she slipped up and out of the pool. The water dripped from her...
LesbianBy: W. A. Chohan Mera naam Rizwan Russell hai. Mein aajkal Perth, Australia mein rehta houn magar jo kahani mein aapke liye narrate kerne ja raha houn yeh koi 10– 12 saal purani hai jab meri umar hardly 19 saal thi. Kisi bhi apni umar ke bachay ki tarah meri zindagi bhi buht worry free guzar rahi thi. Mera baap Nadeem Russell, UAE mein kaheen job kerta tha. Ghar mein paisay ki kafi farawani thi magar sakoon nahi tha. Mera matlab hai keh jahan tak mein samajh sakta tha, meri mother ko patah nahi...
How on earth do I describe Mark? He had to be one of the strangest yet most interesting guys I ever dated if you could call what we did date. All he wanted to do was hang out and party. Never wanted to go anywhere or do anything except party. Mark was a tall red head with even less inhibitions than myself and I didn’t have very many so I should have figured he’d be trouble. I first met him at Tim my friend and co-worker’s house. I was attracted to his intellect and I loved how tall he was at...
The rain had finished pattering against the window and turned to rustlings and tappings of sleet as I finished answering Lilian’s latest question about the document. A fire was burning in her fireplace against the winter that had finally hit, and despite a chill the room felt stuffy and overheated. I wiped my brow and shook my head against sudden fuzziness, and then looked up to see her steel-gray eyes watching me. She frowned slightly. “Well?”“I beg your pardon?”“I asked you, have we...
Love StoriesProbably my most popular erotic poem...Two Unite As OneIt starts with a look you caste my way,There are no words we need to say,I always know that certain look,We know each other like a book,Next you reach out with your gentle touch,That says you want me very much,Soft kisses and a warm embrace,As I stare into your pretty face,I lean in closer as our lips meet,Where we touch, I feel the heat,Lovingly we start to undress,As exploring hands start to caress,Delicately kissing every inch of...
I arose and wiped my eyes. I pulled the covers up to my chin as i was nude. 'ok ok im up! Let me get changed and ill be down in a minute.' they left my room and i went to my drawers. I rubbed my pussy and pulled out pink and white boyshorts and matching bra and denim mini skirt ad a white tank top. I went down stairs And sat on the couch. I had a weird family. Each arrived one by one. First was my mums brother David. He had 1 daughter who was 13 and a wife and they were christian. Their...
Remember that guy i met at the club, well his name was Kevin. That night was so good that we would constantly meet at the club and then go home to fuck. I told Kevin my fantasy of having two dicks and his response was i have a friend who will be willing to do it if you're game. I said sure.I was home one day when Kevin called and told me to come over.I arrived at the house and there was Kevin naked'Get undressed and suck my cock' he said, 'suck me fast and hard' i started sucking on his dick,...
I pondered what I should do, as I ran my morning three miles. While running might be good for your heart and circulatory system, it doesn't really take a lot of concentration. That left me with a lot of time for thinking. For the last couple of years, I had watched the US taking a large and active roll in world events, mostly concerning the Middle East. I shook my head over the terrorist situation. It was now 2005, and I was trying to decide if I should take a more active roll in...
Hi! Mera naam karan hai.. Aur ye meri pehli story hai.. Mai bahot time se iss ki stories padh rha hoon.. Aur mujhe bahot maza aata hai.. Khaas kar hindi stories me.. Aur jo wild stories hoti hain.. Unse mai khud ko relate kar pata hu.. Kyuki mai bhot wild ho jata hu sex karte tym.. Pta nhi kya ho jata hai mujhe.. Mujhe sex ka bhot shauk hai.. Aur mai bahot bada flirt hu.. Pehle aisa nahi tha.. Par.. Pyar me dhoke k baad ab ho gya hu.. And i don’t mind that… Neither do girls.. Ye story bilkul...
Hi everyone this is my first story, this is Neel working in a MNC in Hyderabad; recently I had shifted my house and I was looking for a maid who can do the daily chores. Luckily we have a couple in our apartment building who was working as a watch man and the lady was working as a maid in some flats in our apartment. So I decided to put her as a maid. Her name is Rani and her age is of age 35 with nice stats 36-28-38. I used to work in night shifts and come home at 4AM in the morning and was...
Permit me suggest what should happen to the character in the game.She is sitting in her palatial boudoir at her dressing table. She has on black lace panties, garter belt, stockings, heels, bra, and black opera gloves. She also has on dangling, elegant earrings that sway with every movement of her head. She is putting on evening makeup including alizarin crimson lipstick, blue eye shadow, mascara (that runs), and eyeliner –the works! Her work normally takes over and hour and she is intent on...
It was on the hottest, most humid day on record at Harp Lake that Shelley and Rhoda drove off to explore the cliffs above the western shore. Their trip was planned originally as a convenient way for the two women to get off by themselves-both were AC-DC playgirls, and they enjoyed an occasional private session of their own. But the jaunt was triply motivated when Rhoda learned facts from two sources. Jack mentioned the white thing he and Denise had seen in the "ledge" or hole in the cliff...
While Peter waited for Kraven to return with the brochure of the Kraven The Hunter Wild Life Foundation he wondered if maybe he wasn’t over-reacting. Kraven’s aims were good ones and the man did sound sincere. If it wasn’t for the Spider Sense he could have bought into what Kraven had said. On the one hand his Spider Sense had never been wrong, but that wasn’t to say that there couldn’t be a first time. What if the man was sincere and prison had turned him around? What if the Spider Sense was...
Chapter 1 I'm working my way into middle-age, at forty-three, fairly well, considering that I have the responsibility for raising my two daughters, Alisha, or Allie, at eighteen, and Kelsey, who's sixteen. About five years ago, their mother and I went through a very bitter and contested divorce. I'll spare you the details but, well, it turns out that I got custody pretty easily and, the best part was that my girls wanted to live with me. Nice. So, we've worked out how to share some of...
The next morning Dave and Marsha get up early and drive down I-95. They start to relax as soon as they leave the interstate and take the road leading down the Northern Neck between the Potomac and Rappahannock rivers.Marsha tells her husband, "It is so great to get away. I am already feeling more uninhibited."Dave replies, "I am too. This is going to be a great weekend." He glances at his wife's full breasts in her top and fantasizes about Marsha showing Kurt more of her body in her bikini.They...
Wife LoversTitle: The Second task (The sequel to 'The Task') Author: Syren When Jane had woken up the day after she had submitted herself to the abuseby three strangers in an alleyway she could barely get out of bed because thepain in her pussy and ass was so bad, she had bruises up the inside of herthighs a pussy lips also had bruises and blood blisters on them. Her tits wereeven more bruised than the day before, they were basically two black and bluemounds sticking out from her chest. It was a month...
Everything's Just Beachy By Jena Corso Edited By Angela Meyers Chapter Four "Evelyn, good morning," said his mother, greeting Kara's mother. "Stacey, so nice to see you, but honestly this wasn't necessary," said Kara's mother as they hugged. "Oh please." Stacey Richards flicked her wrist. "Of course it was, and Hunter was looking forward to having a chance to really talk to Kara anyway. Right, honey?" "Yes," replied Hunter, taking a deep breath. "Kara, I just wanted you...
Hi, Indian sex stories dot net readers this is my first story and forgive me for any mistakes. Myself Roy (name changed) and my girl friend Kaur. She is a sex bomb 34-26-36 figure and very fair in complexion. This story started when I was in my first year of my college in North India. One day all my friends planned to go on a trip to Manali from college. First I was not excited to go to trip later my friends forced me to come. We went to Manali in night. We keep a bonfire outside the hotel and...
When I was invited to my friend’s twenty-sixth birthday party, I met Wonderboy. I’ve never had a guy go out of his way to make sure I knew he was interested. I’ve had guys enjoy my view. I’ve had guys kiss my cheek as if I was so attractive they couldn’t help wanting me. But I’ve never had a guy act like he really wanted to be with me. At the age of twenty-six, thinking I’m never going to meet a man who cares I exist, I stumbled upon his lap. I went to the party sure it’d be full of women and...
Let’s skip the introduction as it’s my first story and I don’t want to reveal my details. Coming to the story. It happened when I was in B. Tech. I’m 20 years old and girlfriend is also 20 years. We are in love for only a few months. We used to chat a lot. And started chatting about sex. I asked her about her body, her boobs, and pussy. She felt shy at first but later she responded openly. This continued for weeks and we used to kiss only on calls not directly. One day I asked her for a kiss...
Jen and I drove up the California coast to the small bed and breakfast where we would be spending the night. The occasional breaks in the conversation seemed more dramatic given the fact that Jen and I would be making love for the first time tonight. There is the added tension that we never really said we would be having sex, just that in talking about the trip it seemed pretty clear. Even though we had spent the night together in each others beds before tonight was going to be different. Jen...
My name is Mary and I’m eighteen. I’m kind of shy around my peers, and have not really ever had a boyfriend before. I just get real nervous and start to sweat a little around them. I love school and do really well in my studies. I’m in my last year of high school and will be attending college in the fall. I have long brown hair and green eyes, and I am five foot five inches tall. I’m one hundred and ten pounds. I have long legs, and I’m a 34 B cup size. I’m still virgin, but I ache to know,...
We entered the room and all three of the girls were kneeling naked waiting for us. Mason was seated in a chair smiling. Miranda came to Sylvie and pulled her to her feet and they went into our bedroom. As they entered, she said, "Lem, join us. I want you in my ass while Sylvie sucks my pussy." I grinned and headed that way. Red grabbed Marva and Jules bringing them over where Mason was sitting. "Mount him, Jules. I going to take your ass. Marva, Mason will eat your pussy while Jules...
-Hello there im Nick, im 15 years old, Im a basketball player for my highschool, School just ended a week ago, and I was at my house on a Saturday night with my 15 year old girlfriend and this what happend. I was chillin at my house with my girlfriend, watching Disney channel for some odd reason. My mom walked in and said she was going out, And will be gone for about 3/4 hours. My mom yelled at me as she got to the back door, "NICK!" I get up and walk to where she was at, "Okay...
Hi friends this is Kamesh again before narrating this new story I would like to thank the members of ISS family who spend their valuable time to e-mail me and giving precious suggestions for my previous story “Kamesh Ki Bhabi” I have gained many e-mail friends after posting my story in ISS. I became a regular reader of ISS and gone through many stories. After getting good response and feedback for you guys I got motivated and started...
I know that my Latina stepsister, Harmony Wonder, and her Asian bestie, Aria Skye, have something going on. I have a little crush on Aria myself, so when I see her eating out my stepsis, it really turns me on. By the time I finally get Aria to suck on my long dick, it turns out my stepsister is a little jealous. Luckily, there’s enough of me to go around… And when they show up in their sexy cheerleader costumes, I know I have to have both their young pussies at the same time. I turn them out...
xmoviesforyouMarch 25, 2000, Chicago, Illinois “What time do I need to have you home?” “8:00pm will be fine,” Misty replied. “My parents are in Normal visiting my brother at Illinois State. They aren’t supposed to be home before 10:00pm.” Misty and I were in my car on the way to the NIKA apartment which, fortunately, was not being used. With our expansion, it was in more or less regular use, and that meant I didn’t have access to it as often as I would have liked. I was glad there had been a delay in...