Auf Knien free porn video

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Herr Meier stöhnte und grunzte. Zu seinen Knien lag Maren und blies ihm seinen Schwanz. Maren wusste, dass sie ihre Sache gut beherrschte. Seit sie vor zwei Jahren in seine Arbeitsgruppe gekommen war, war sie ihm regemäßig zu Diensten. Schade, dass er bald in die Frührente gehen würde.

Sie schaute ihm in die Augen. Darauf stand er besonders. Dieser devote Blick von unten.... Keuchend ergoss er sich in ihren Mund. Maren schluckte genüßlich seinen Saft. Das war das Beste daran. Sein Sperma zu schlucken. Sie liebte Sperma und mochte es, darin gebadet zu werden. Aber in der Arbeitszeit waren solchen Spielchen natürlich nicht möglich.

Maren ging wieder an die Arbeit und ließ ihre Gedanken schweifen.

Maren wusste, dass in der nächsten Zeit Personal eingespart werden musste. Sie wusste ebenso, dass sie nicht zu den Besten ihres Fachs gehörte. Sie war bestenfalls mittelmäßig. Trotzdem hatte sie es geschafft durch ihren persönlichen Einsatz (u.a. mit Herrn Meier) sich bislang den Job zu erhalten und sogar mehr zu verdienen als alle anderen in ihrer Hierarchieebene.

Wenn sie ihren richtigen Job nur genauso gut beherrschen würde. Dann müsste sie sich zur Zeit nicht solche Sorgen um ihren Job machen.

Morgen hatte sie ein Gespräch mit dem Abteilungsleiter Herrn Treiber und seiner Stellvertreterin Anja Freud. Man sagte den beiden ein Verhältnis nach.

Mit Herrn Treiber konnte sie ganz gut. Sie hatte sich mal auf einer Weihnachtsfeier von ihm ficken lassen. Das hatte er ihr nie vergessen.

Allerdings seine Stellvertreterin......Ständig gab sie zu verstehen, dass sie mit Maren und ihrer Arbeitshaltung nicht zufrieden war. Maren wurde in diversen Meetings regelmäßig von ihr kritisiert. Maren konnte sich beim besten Willen nicht vorstellen, was Herr Treiber an dieser Frau fand.

Ihr Aussehen war allerdings bombastisch. Maren konnte da kaum mithalten. Maren war viel kleiner, ca. 160 cm, und hatte neben ihren Riesenmöpsen und ihrem geilem Arsch äußerlich eher wenig zu bieten. Anja Freud hingegen sah aus wie eine fleischgewordene Barbiepuppe.

Um Herrn Treiber und seine Assistentin konnte sie sich allerdings morgen auch noch Gedanken machen.

Jetzt beschäftigte sie vielmehr der Gedanke wie sie ihre Geilheit befriedigen konnte. Sie merkte, dass die kleine Blasnummer bei Herrn Meier sie geil gemacht hatte. Sie rieb sich gedankenverloren ihre nasse Möse. Ein dicker Schwanz wäre jetzt genau das Richtige. In Gedanken ging sie ihre Kollegen durch. Irgendjemand würde es ihr schon besorgen.

Maren beschloss eine kleine Pause zu machen und etwas frische Luft zu schnappen.

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Hello, mere dosto kaise hain ap sab log main apka apna raj jo punjab se hu aj fir apke liye ek nayi story le kar aaya hu jise pad kar apke lund esse khade ho jayenge ki muth marne ke baad bhi nahi bethenge or chutain bina lund liye nahi rah payengi per sabse pehle main ap sab logo ko thanks karta hu jo ap meri stories ped kar muje main kar rahe hain or mera or meri pyari gasti behan shelly ka hosla bada rahe hain aj main apke liye ek nayi sachai le kar aaya hu jismain mene or shelly ne mil kar...

2 years ago
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The Client on the Sixth Floor

“Bloody hell,” she thought. It was a gorgeous suite. She’d been to the hotel before, of course, in fact she worked here quite a bit. But she’d never been to the Sixth floor. Indeed, the elevator didn’t even go to the Sixth floor. You got out at Five and a uniformed man escorted you up a short flight of stairs to Floor Six. He asked her if she needed help carrying her bags. She only had one bag. She obviously didn’t need his assistance. It was a nice touch though, she thought. He escorted her to...

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My Weekend As Denise

My Weekend As Denise - A Magic Depot Story By Cabinessence Author's note: I did go to college in the Hudson Valley area, but not to any of the schools mentioned. It all started as just another Friday afternoon in purgatory. I was waiting patiently for my girlfriend to call me so I could find out what our plans were for this weekend. Then it would be off to the campus ATM machine to get out the money to pay for it. I really loved Kathy and couldn't bear to be without her ....

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Confessions of an Erotic Pornstar in heat

I want to kiss you on the nape of ya neck while rubbing ice on ya left nipple because it's the most sensitive. While I'm standing behind you kissing you on ya neck... I drag the Ice cube down your stomach; circling it around your navel letting, the drops of water run between ya pussy lips. I kiss n lick down the spine of your back, squeezing your nipples each time I kiss you. I lick between ya ass cheeks while I spread em` open working my way to the wet hotbox & eat ya pussy from back to...

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EvilAngel Kendra Cole DP And Gaping

Petite, pretty Kendra Cole looks plush in her tiny bikini, showing off her long legs and tight body. Stripping and teasing through a sexy intro, the glamorous, young baddie sucks her finger as drool drips from her red lips. Auburn-haired Kendra plays with her twat, keeping a butt plug wedged in her tight anus. And she shows off her gaping bunghole! Spanish stud Ramon Nomar arrives to stretch her sphincter with his schlong. Kendra wails as Ramon pounds her asshole, ejaculating girl squirt...

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My new boss fucked my brains out pt 1

This is a recollection of an experience of mine in the 1970s. I used to work in a freight firm near London Airport, where there were several nice looking men, one of whom I used to suck off regularly round his house, after work. He used to fuck me occasionally afterwards when his wife was away and/orhe wasn't getting any from her. His name was Jim, and he was lovely in and out of bed, tall, hairy, sinewy and manly with about 8 inches of love between his sexy thighs. One day he told me his wife...

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Allen woke up his head was spinning, the ringing in his ears was deafening. What the hell happen he thought, Where am I? All Allen could remember was being at home watching Pawn stars and then a load crash then black silence. Allen tried to look around but it was total darkness. The creaking of an old metal door filled the room Allen turned to see who or what it was but had to turn away because the light flooding the room was to bright Allen scurried into the nearest corner. A big...

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Shoe store training

I was out of college and I needed a job. Any job. After months of searching, I finally picked up a part-time gig in the mall at a shoe store. My manager was a stunning woman--long black hair, thick pouty lips and loved to wear tight clothing. She had heavy, thick breasts and nipples that pushed out of her bra--she made sure to hold everything just out of my distance to make me look at her and see them...she always seemed to drop something and bend over in front of me...but I could never really...

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The Destroyers Book 1 A New BeginningChapter 25The Moon

Jenny groaned as she came to. Her jaw hurt, and her body hurt even worse. She could still feel the effects of the device he had used on her. Opening her eyes, she saw she was in a metal room lying on a bed. Groaning, she stood up. She examined the bands on her wrists and tried to remove them. Each time she dug her nails under the band she got shocked. "Damn it, that hurts." "Then I would advise you not to do it, human." Jen jumped when she heard the voice. Turning around, she saw a...

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B Movie BabefestChapter 10

Jackie felt her senses begin to swim as the woman's long fingers curled up inside her pussy."Uhhhhhh no, ugh no!" She moaned, her knees pushing together calves out as she struggled to stand. The pressure of Fins fingers on her clit and nerve endings made her chest heave the moaning from her mouth animal and constant. "Hm, urrrrrrr, gggg, urrrggg!" The Sarge stood mouth open watching his young woman been examined by two then three of the science bitches fingers. A skull cap was place on...

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Great Mom Pt 2

However, I was starting to get tired of this and it was making me incredibly horny so I decided when they were home for the summer the next week I would kick things up a bit. That first week they were home for the summer, I decided to move things along. I had asked them to go run an errand for me. I purposely hid my car keys so they would have to come find me before they left. It was a very nice summer afternoon; I changed out of my clothes and put on a very skimpy thong bikini. My sons came...

1 year ago
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SisLovesMe Natalie Knight Hands On Stepsis Sexperience

Natalie Knight has been planning on having sex with her boyfriend for the first time, and she asks her loving stepbrother for some advice. He lets the beautiful blonde teen know that she can start loosening up her own pussy by fingering herself. Natalie denies that she has ever partaken in any masturbatory activities, but soon, her stepbro stumbles in on her flicking the bean on the bed. Luckily, he is more than happy to lend her a hand! Later, Natalie practices giving her stepbro a wet blowjob...

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The History of Anna

The History Of Anna - Part One How about a quick trip down memory lane. I'd like to let you in on how I got started. I have a sister and one day when I was about 13 and she was 18, I was pissing her off as much as I could. She made the comment that she wished she had a sister instead of a brother and became quite upset with me. I told her that she was stuck with me, so she had better get used to it. She, on the other hand, had different ideas. It was Friday and my parents had...

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