Auf gute Nachbarschaft
- 3 years ago
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Herr Meier stöhnte und grunzte. Zu seinen Knien lag Maren und blies ihm seinen Schwanz. Maren wusste, dass sie ihre Sache gut beherrschte. Seit sie vor zwei Jahren in seine Arbeitsgruppe gekommen war, war sie ihm regemäßig zu Diensten. Schade, dass er bald in die Frührente gehen würde.
Sie schaute ihm in die Augen. Darauf stand er besonders. Dieser devote Blick von unten.... Keuchend ergoss er sich in ihren Mund. Maren schluckte genüßlich seinen Saft. Das war das Beste daran. Sein Sperma zu schlucken. Sie liebte Sperma und mochte es, darin gebadet zu werden. Aber in der Arbeitszeit waren solchen Spielchen natürlich nicht möglich.
Maren ging wieder an die Arbeit und ließ ihre Gedanken schweifen.
Maren wusste, dass in der nächsten Zeit Personal eingespart werden musste. Sie wusste ebenso, dass sie nicht zu den Besten ihres Fachs gehörte. Sie war bestenfalls mittelmäßig. Trotzdem hatte sie es geschafft durch ihren persönlichen Einsatz (u.a. mit Herrn Meier) sich bislang den Job zu erhalten und sogar mehr zu verdienen als alle anderen in ihrer Hierarchieebene.
Wenn sie ihren richtigen Job nur genauso gut beherrschen würde. Dann müsste sie sich zur Zeit nicht solche Sorgen um ihren Job machen.
Morgen hatte sie ein Gespräch mit dem Abteilungsleiter Herrn Treiber und seiner Stellvertreterin Anja Freud. Man sagte den beiden ein Verhältnis nach.
Mit Herrn Treiber konnte sie ganz gut. Sie hatte sich mal auf einer Weihnachtsfeier von ihm ficken lassen. Das hatte er ihr nie vergessen.
Allerdings seine Stellvertreterin......Ständig gab sie zu verstehen, dass sie mit Maren und ihrer Arbeitshaltung nicht zufrieden war. Maren wurde in diversen Meetings regelmäßig von ihr kritisiert. Maren konnte sich beim besten Willen nicht vorstellen, was Herr Treiber an dieser Frau fand.
Ihr Aussehen war allerdings bombastisch. Maren konnte da kaum mithalten. Maren war viel kleiner, ca. 160 cm, und hatte neben ihren Riesenmöpsen und ihrem geilem Arsch äußerlich eher wenig zu bieten. Anja Freud hingegen sah aus wie eine fleischgewordene Barbiepuppe.
Um Herrn Treiber und seine Assistentin konnte sie sich allerdings morgen auch noch Gedanken machen.
Jetzt beschäftigte sie vielmehr der Gedanke wie sie ihre Geilheit befriedigen konnte. Sie merkte, dass die kleine Blasnummer bei Herrn Meier sie geil gemacht hatte. Sie rieb sich gedankenverloren ihre nasse Möse. Ein dicker Schwanz wäre jetzt genau das Richtige. In Gedanken ging sie ihre Kollegen durch. Irgendjemand würde es ihr schon besorgen.
Maren beschloss eine kleine Pause zu machen und etwas frische Luft zu schnappen.
Den Autosch?ssel fand ich hinter dem Bett. Vier ineinander greifende Ringe waren als Relief darauf - es war also ein Schl?ssel f?r einen Audi. Und es war einer der neueren Generation, also ohne Schl?sselschaft. Meine G?te musste meine Familie Geld haben... "SONJA!!!" "Ja Mama, ich hab ihn doch..." "Na dann, hier deine Brotdose und Sch?tzchen komm heute Abend nicht allzu sp?t nach Hause, ja? Papa kommt nach Hause", brabbelte meine Mutter vor sich hin als ich in die K?che stackste, es...
Ich, w/21, wollte es mir mal so richtig gutgehen lassen. Ich buchte mir also einen Flug in de Karibik, die ich von meinem ersparten bezahlte. Am Tag der Abreise schleppte ich meine Sachen hastig zum Auto. Ich war spät dran. Am Flughafen angekommen hat es noch eine Weile gedauert bis das Flugzeug fertig zum abheben war. Ich vertrieb mir die Zeit damit auf meinem Handy Pornos zu schauen. Kurz darauf war es dann auch schon so weit. Wir saßen im Flieger Richtung Karibik. Im Flugzeug schaute ich...
Ich war wieder mal auf einer dieser langatmigen Preisgalas unterwegs. Nach zwanzig Jahren als Musikmanager hatte ich diese ewig gleichen Rituale der Selbstbeweihräucherung ziemlich über und musste mich ziemlich überwinden, um dort aufzutauchen. Aber sehen und gesehen werden gehört schließlich zum Geschäft und wenigstens gibt es auf solchen Veranstaltungen immer genügend zu essen und zu trinken. Nachdem ich mit ein paar Kollegen den neuesten Szeneklatsch ausgetauscht und einige Freibierchen...
Marcos wachte auf. Der Absturz mit dem Raumschiff auf dem unbekannten Planeten hatte ihm mehr zugesetzt, als er sich erst gedacht hatte. Er konnte sich errinnern, dass er in der Nähe der Absturzstelle eine Höhle gefunden hatte, in der er sein Lager aufgebaut hatte. Aber das hier sah nicht nach der Höhle aus. Das hatte mehr Ähnlichkeit mit einem Kerker. 'Wie zum Teufel komme ich hier her', dachte der kampferprobte Hühne bei sich. Der Raum mass ca 4 x 4 Meter, und bestand nur aus einer Strohliege...
Der Wecker klingelte, wie immer zu frueh. Claudia rieb sich verschlafen die Augen, schuettelte ihre zerzausten schwarzen Haare und quaelte sich aus dem Bett. Sie war ein wenig aufgeregt, denn heute wuerde ihr erster Schultag in ihrer neuen Heimat sein. Ihr Vater war leitender Angestellter in einer grossen deutschen Bank, und als er gefragt wurde, ob er Lust habe, fuer einige Tage die italienische Niederlassung in Mailand zu leiten, hatte er sofort und ohne zu Zoegern zugegriffen: Er war jetzt...
Auf dem Weg von der Kirmes finde ich Saskia die fette Tochter meiner Nachbarin sturzbetrunken auf den Stufen der Kirche. Sie hatte sich übergeben und lag da nun. Um sie etwas sauber zu machen hob ich sie auf und dachte das das Weihwasser hier einen guten Zweck erfüllen würde. Sie ar völlig hilflos und liess alles mit sich machen. Sie war sicherlich keine Schönheit mit ihren 135 kg und ihren gewaltigen Titten aber sie war gerade 19 und ein Weib. So bekam ich eine geile Idee. Ich wusste, dass...
Mein Abend begann damit mit ein paar Freundinnen auszugehen. Jenny, die ich seit ein paar Jahren kenne und Jo. Ich kannte Jo erst seit kurzem. Ich traf sie vor ein paar Wochen. Ich hatte zuvor über sie fast nur Schlechtes gehört. Sie ist sozusagen für Rummachen einfach bekannt. Sie ist immer beliebt bei den Jungs aus einem Grund, sie schläft mit jedem. Jedenfalls gingen wir los, gekleidet wie in Pornofilmen: Minikleider und Stöckelschuhe. Es war ein warmer Abend und ich freute mich wirklich auf...
Ich bin Caroline, 22, alle nennen mich aber Caro. Gerade habe ich meinen Bachelor in Geschichte gemacht, aber einen Job habe ich damit nicht gefunden. Mit meinen 171 bei 48kg bin ich sehr schlank, blonde glatte schulterlange Haare, große Brüste (70C) und das Becken nicht allzu schmal. Leider habe ich auch gerade kein Glück in der Liebe, so dass ich schon seit nem halben Jahr solo bin. Da lese ich eine Stellenanzeige, wo man einen gut bezahlten Job in exotischem Ambiente verspricht. Bachelor...
FetishChauffeur I was hired by a very well to do man about my age to be his much younger wife’s driver. I was to keep a record of my activities and report anything out of the ordinary to him. I was provided with a cell phone, a pager, a suite in the servant’s quarters, and I got three chauffeur suits too. I got to drive a brand new big black stretch limousine too. At sixty years old and retired the extra money was very nice. Who am I kidding it was great. I got a great set of rooms, great...
(Die Bilder sind von IronHawk-R, zu finden bei "DeviantArt" und mit seinem Einverständnis veröffentlicht, bisher nur das Startbild, aber passend zum Storyverlauf kommen vielleicht auch noch weitere dazu) Die wilden Lande verdienten ihren Namen eigentlich nicht mehr. Früher war es hier wahrlich wild zugegangen, plündernde Orks, Zentauren und viele andere Schrecken hatten das Land unsicher gemacht. Doch dann kamen die Amazonen! Sie sorgten für Sicherheit und brachten tatsächlich den Frieden. Die...
Ich nehme an, die Schuld an der Situation, in der ich mich jetzt befinde, könnte auf die sehr schützende Umgebung zurückgeführt werden, in der ich meine Ausbildung beendet hatte. Ich war neunzehn und hatte die letzten vier Jahre in einer Schweizer höheren Schule verbracht. Ich dachte, ich wüsste über alles Bescheid, hatte aber keinerlei sexuelle Erfahrungen gemachte und mich mit Fantasien, Frauengesprächen und ein paar privaten Experimenten zufrieden gegeben ... bis ich endlich als komplette...
RomanceSeit etwas mehr als einem Jahr war Tommy Auszubildender. Er hatte damals sehr viel Glück gehabt den Ausbildungsplatz zu bekommen, nicht nur weil er so seinen Traumberuf erlernen konnte, sondern auch weil die Firma als Aushängeschild der Region galt und auf jede offene Stelle unzählige Bewerber kamen. Selbst wenn er seinen Arbeitgeber in Zukunft wechseln wollte, hätte er die bestmögliche Ausgangssituation, da der Betrieb für seinen hohen Ausbildungsstandard bekannt war. Zu diesem Zweck...
Spezial Auftrag. Captain Miller - Sie haben mich gerufen? Sergeant Caroline Lynn, hatte kurz an die Glastüre geklopft und war dann nach Aufforderung eingetreten. Caroline war schon seit fünf Jahren beim Spezialdezernat, hatte ihre Ausbildung als Undercover-Agent mit Bravour bestanden und hatte schon viele Auszeichnungen, für ihre Erfolge, erhalten. Sie war 25 Jahre alt und ihr Körper war hervorragend durchtrainiert. Sie war stolz auf ihre Leistungen und hatte sich dadurch den Respekt aller...
Maria ist eine Aufseherin im Gefängnis. Da es im heißen New-Mexico liegt hat sie oft auch schon mal sexy Kleidung an. Sie ist 1,65, 54 kg, hat schwarze, schulterlange Haare, braune Augen, einen hübschen Busen, eine schmale Taille, einen knackigen Po und schöne, wohlgeformte Beine. Sie hat ihre Kappe an, eine Bluse mit halblangem Arm, Mini und Stiefel die fast bis ans Knie reichen, alles in schwarz an, auch ihren Schlagstock hat sie dabei. An jenem Tag meinte sie etwas verdächtiges bei dem...
My heart pounded watching Marks seed cover me, causing my own orgasm to start. Covered in his own cup Mark moved his hand up and down quicker. My dick started throbbing and my semen shot up and landed on my stomach. Using his finger he mixed our liquids together. Bringing his hand up towards me I opened my mouth. He ran his finger over my lips, coating them. Running his finger through our cut, he sucked it off his finger and bent down. Kissing me on the mouth he let the sticky liquid to run out...
Steven had known Curt for over a decade now. When Steven was still a taxi driver and Curt a hopeful entrepreneur who couldn’t afford his own car yet, just as today when he was his designated driver and Curt led several multi-million dollar companies. Steven had known Curt for over a decade now. When Steven was still a taxi driver and Curt a hopeful entrepreneur who couldn’t afford his own car yet, just as today when he was his designated driver and Curt led several multi-million dollar...
Ich hatte mich mit meinen Kumpel zu einkaufen verabredet, da ich für den anstehenden Sommer dringend neue Badehosen brauchte. Wie das Leben allerdings so spielt sagte er mir ne halbe Stunde vor der geplanten Abfahrt ab. Mist. Auch der Versuch einen „Ersatz“ zu finden blieb erfolglos. Da ich eigentlich nicht der große Einkäufer bin wollte ich eigentlich gar nicht gehen, aber irgendwie aus Trotz fuhr ich doch los. Allerdings nicht in die Stadt sondern in ein Einkaufszentrum.Dort angekommen musste...
Copyright© 1994-2003 "There was a young man of Ostend, Whose wife caught him fucking her friend; "It's no use, my duck, Interrupting our fuck, For I'm damned if I draw till I spend." -The Pearl No. 1 "Michael, could you help me?" It was Mr. Dietel, my boss. "Of course, sir." I jumped out of my car door to see my employer half-dragging his wife from the open elevator. Thea was obviously quite intoxicated and not in control of her own faculties. I lifted her free arm...
Hey guys it’s been a long time since I have posted anything, and I want to tell you a story about what happened to me a little over a year ago. I was on vacation; I had taken a week off to get something done around the house. I was in the garage when my phone rang. I picked it up and answered it. I noticed from the tone of the voice on the other end that she was upset. It was a business acquaintance of mine. Her name was Patricia and her and her husband owned a business that I had done some...
“Michael, could you help me?” It was Mr. Dietel, my boss. “Of course, sir.” I jumped out of my car door to see my employer half-dragging his wife from the open elevator. Thea was obviously quite intoxicated and not in control of her own faculties. I lifted her free arm and placed it around my neck; the middle-aged woman was cradled between us. “Seems like my wife had a bit too much to drink.” He always had a way of stating the obvious. This was not the...
CHAUFFER GIVES ME A RIDE by CumBeggarTony was a chauffeur who worked for a car company used by the people Iworked for. He was a big bear of a guy and I got hard just looking at him.He had a big barrel chest that you just knew was covered in thick hair andthe kind of frame that would have looked stupid if he had weighed less than220 pounds. He was about 6 feet tall with dark brown "come to bed and letme fuck you stupid" eyes, and a beard that was kept well trimmed. He hadthick, full lips that...
After six years in the Army with three tours of combat, I got out. I had close to a quarter million saved but what got me going was a former commander. Besides two bronze stars and a silver star, I had two purple hearts, the second was why I left the military. Colonel Harris got me into a special defensive driving course and helped me get a Chauffeur’s license. I had been driving for young miss Penelope, a six year old girl from a rich family. I also drove for her mother Megan who was a...
Here is the beautiful Veronica. An exchange student from Venezuela and staying with a host family where the man of the house is the kind of man she could only fantasise about. But she has a naughty secret. Her fantasies have become a little more than that. There has always been a strong sexual tension between them, and heavy flirtation is a common occurrence. When his daughter and wife go out on a shopping trip, there is no doubt what is going to happen – one moment she is sitting...
xmoviesforyouHello iss readers..!! This is love again back with another erotic real story of how i fucked my bhabhi while bhai was out..!! I hope this story will definitely make guys and gals masturbate more and more..! And girls and aunties needing sex in Gujarat can mail me up freely..!! You won’t be disappointed, that’s a promise..!! Well to start with, me a 22 year old guy..!! Recently completed my studies and into business now. I have a 6″ long thick dick that can drive any girl crazy..!! I am...
By lunchtime, the day had turned into a beautiful late summer's day. I found myself outside the restaurant well before one o'clock, but went in and claimed the table that I'd booked, anticipating Charlie's arrival. Unlike most eating places, this one placed a premium on space for the diners, and I was able to secure a table at the back, partially secluded by some luxuriant houseplants. I ordered a large bottle of mineral water and mused for the tenth time which Charlie would turn up. ...
I found Theron and Tomas, both stripped to the waist, sparring with sticks instead of swords. I could see that Tomas was clearly the better swordsman, despite Theron's relative youth and impressive physique, but he was holding himself back to avoid humiliating Theron outright. I sat down nearby to watch, and Tomas took the opportunity to use it as a teaching moment. Both men backed off in intensity, and Tomas took the time to announce what they were doing, pointing out footwork, sword...
We arrived at King’s Bay on Saturday morning somewhere between nine and ten. It was the kind of day and place where keeping track of time just made no sense. Why limit your enjoyment, even by noting the time? King’s Bay was incredible. I’m no poet, but this place almost made me wish I was. The water was a cool dark blue out to the horizon. There were mountains to the north and the sun had risen behind them so that it hung bright and yellow in the sky. The sand was soft and white and warm and I...
Now, if you've been into swinging for years, hang out in orgies all the time, participate in one gang-bang after another, well, this may be a bit too lame for you. All I can say was that it was pretty exciting for us. Here's how it happened. Jerry and Amanda have been friends of ours since college days. Amanda and I went to high school together, even dated a bit. Yes, a few fucks back then. Don't worry, both spouses know. But, while our sex was good (still is, that's later on), we didn't think...
Group SexJin readers ne part 1 nahi pada hai vo phele part 1 pade aur phir isko pade us din raat ko . (Jaisa ki aunty aur hamre beech mein plan bana tha, meine apni pahali kahani me bataya hai.) khana khane ke baad room beel baji aur darwaje khol to seema aunty thi unhone bolo ki mein tumhe ronit call karungi tum apne door room khol kar in dono ko bathroom bhej dena aur mein tumhari aur hitesh ki mom ko lekar ajungi aur phir aur tumhari rekhel ban kar rehgi ok itne mein vikram uthkar aunty ke pass gaya...
After Vanessa and I went back to campus, we parted company at the gate, she went to the all girl school and I went to the all male school. We saw each other often, sometimes sneaking away into the new construction part and freaking out. I got a call, from Vanessa, there were some girls that had gotten stranded and wanted to know if I would come and ferry them back to campus. The town that they were in was about an hour and half away, I thought about not going, but hearing Vanessa beg I gave...
Podophilia, the arousal by feet, basically a foot fetish. I think that is why I got into the business I am in. I'm a cameraman for a shopping catalogue, but I specialize in leg and foot jewellery. Toe rings, anklets and things like that.My name is Kevin, and I am twenty-six years old. I dress smart and try to look presentable at every occasion. I work hard and often get sent a whole box of jewellery at a time that needs to be photographed.I have a list of models with perfect legs and feet that...
FetishSEVEN DAYS AGO:Zilla ~ The force of impact jolted her against the forcefield holding her to the seat. "Ooooofff!" The images on the screen were roiling clouds of dust showing the world outside her craft. Eyeing her new environment with eagerness, she rolled her eyes and the lit beams that banded her to the seat disappeared. The dust was clearing now and she stared at the images coming into focus as she moved to the edge of her seat, fascinated with the world outside.Her hand moved to the red...
Fantasy & Sci-FiHi I am rajendra, 26 year old. I live in jaipur. We are a family of five, two elder sister and me along with mom and dad. My dad works in delhi. My sisters live with my parents. Let me tell you something about my sisters. My eldest sister priyanka is 5-5. Her vitals are 32, 27,32. She is quite fair. She is unmarried and 30 year old. Now let me tell you my story. About some four year back during monsoon season I went back to my home from hostel, my elder sister had also came back from her...
IncestLet me introduce myself before I can proceed. My name is Sowmya. I used to stay in a hostel in Hyderabad. Being a conservative native background coming to Hyderabad was a great chances of fun for me. Was in steady relationship with one of my seniors in the college. I am 5 6, 34 30 34 wheatish complexion. Now getting into the main story,, it was a normal Monday morning after a bashful n blasting weekend. As usual with no much energy or interest had to wake up and get ready for office where fate...
My daughter, Louise and her friend Mags, were going out to celebrate her 18 th birthday, as Mags couldn’t get there for the real night out last month. As usual my wife didn’t like Louise going out late to party, so she did what she always does, she went to bed. “To stop me sitting and worrying” was her reasoning behind it. I left her for a while and knew when she would be sparked out and completely asleep. She sleeps so soundly when she is fully...
IncestBreakfast Sunday morning was slightly later than Saturday and she was tense throughout, although that didn't affect her appetite. When we had finished it was half past ten. "OK," I said. "Time to get it done and over with. Can you give me your home number?" I handed her a pen and a pad of paper and she wrote it down. "What are your parents' names?" I asked. "Nora and James," she replied. "But I'm sure Mom will do all the talking." "That's fine," I said and headed to my...
NOTE: I was unsure about posting this one. Not one of my better stories. I am posting just to get a story out until I finish with the next better one.Hannah was glad to finally be on the way home. It had been a long day and she'd spent most of it dying to pee. Hannah was feeling very uncomfortable, her bladder aching and her tummy distended. The journey back to the condo had taken forever, the car breaking down half way which didn't help, leaving her to walk the last few streets in a downpour....
Having pursued my bisexual urges in just the last 3 years since I have retired, I wish I had jumped off the bridge years ago. I head to the community center 3 times a week to swim laps. I get plenty of stares in the locker room at my thick 8 inch cock swinging between my legs. Just last week at about 9am a young man struck up a conversation with me while changing after we showered. He was about 30 years old in my estimation and a rugged handsome man. He could not keep his eyes off my...
The next morning Dennis was awoken by Xhe knocking on his door. “Ambassador, I managed to arrange a hunting trip. I also brought you breakfast. We will be departing in one hour.” A hunting trip? He had told her that he wanted to see the jungle, but he hadn’t expected her to organize a trip so quickly. He hopped out of bed, pulling on a pair of pants, then went to open the wooden door. Xhe was wearing a green dress today in a similar style of light, almost transparent fabric as her previous...
The Sugar Hill Inn Chapter I Jay could feel his heart beating and the knots begin to form in the pit of his stomach as he drove north, through the rolling hills of New England. The fall foliage was at its' peak as he crossed the boarder into New Hampshire and he realized that he was less then 30 minutes away from experiencing his destiny. Jay turned 40 in January and he made himself a promise. After years of hiding his true self, in the proverbial closet and the relative safety of...
In bed that night she rubbed her pussy while thinking of the stallion's big cock, but unbidden, as she became nearer her orgasm the thought of me feeling my cock overtook the stallion and rode her to her orgasm. In her sexual fantasy she is kneeling like the mare and I'm mounting and covering her with my big dripping cock. Funnily enough she didn't feel guilty about dreaming of fucking me, it has been a long time since her last fucking. She just went to sleep with a smile on her face and a...
By : Playboy91 touseef Hello dostona kaise hai app acha lage tou mujhe mail karne mere id hai story shuru karthe hoon.nirmala aur rashmi bhabhi bahut kusha tha Rashmi bahbhi na jaise hai wapse andhara pardesha sa aaye mujhe gala sa lage aur kiss karna lage aur nirmal na picchse akar kiss karna lage dono na kaha hum log tayaga hai dusre din ab dono mere kamra mai bina kapda ka aaye aur mujhse chipak kara pyarr karna lage rashmi bahbhi na mere under wear ka nikhale aur mere lunda chusana lage...
The Dreaded Phone Call My boss phoned me today. He said, “Is everything OK at the office?” I said, “It is all under control. It’s been a very busy day. I haven’t stopped to take a break all day.” “Can you do me a favor?” he asked. I said “Of course, What is it?” “Pick up the pace a little. I’m in the foursome behind you.” A guy stuck his head into a barbershop and asked, “How long before I can get a haircut”? The barber looked around the shop full of customers and said, “About 2...
When I was twenty-one years old, I used to do odd jobs for my 65-year-old Aunt Deb, who lived up the road from us. (She was not related, but I always called her Aunt Deb). I used to paint, dig, move trash, cut grass, etc. for her during the summer. One Tuesday I was painting the side of her house this terrible shade of gray that she liked. I was painting the cement foundation of her house and I was getting pretty tired of working in the hot sun. I stopped for a break and walked to the back of...
Miller struggled his way out of the vent, emerging into a narrow space about the size of a broom closet that was packed with cables and pipes. He dropped to the floor and brushed himself off with his thick gloves, turning to secure the vent cover behind him. The damned Krell had made a mess, the agile little lizards had been through the whole quadrant, filling the maze of tunnels and shafts with droppings and broken eggshells. They might be gone, but their leavings still remained, and he was...
--- I Dream of Demie 9 - The Cutoff (MF, 1st, caution, magic, nc, spank) by Krosis of the Collective --- "Princess!" I called for the dozenth time today, this time down an alleyway. "I got your princess right here, Mario!" came a guttural reply from the shadows. "Oh, fuck you," I muttered, moving on. Princess, who I had originally named Selina, had been a black cat in heat that my unwanted resident witch had transformed into a human woman in heat. With Demie missing, she needed me...
Don Venuto's Sissies! Players: Capo De Matzo, counsel to Don Venuto. Don Venuto also known as the Godfather; Mario Venuto, son of Don Venuto; Ms. Rosa Cappella, professional dominatrix; Carol Evans, mother of Mark Evans; Mark Evans aka Martha Evans; Helen Andrews owner of the Little Miss Muffin Boutique; Ralph Summers, a friend of Mark, aka Robin; Steve Franks, friend of Mark, aka Susan; Sandy Summers, Ralph's mother; Tracy McCall, Mark's girlfriend. Jack Summers, friend of...
Linda awoke with a start, sitting up in bed. Someone was screaming in the hall. It was Mom. Nikki woke up too, still bewildered from sleep. Nikki lay in bed next to Linda. Last night they hadn't made love, only sweet cuddling, arms intertwined, feeling the warmth and softness of each other's bodies. "What the hell's going on?" Nikki asked, trying to snap out of her groggy state. "Dunno," Linda said, getting up and slipping on her robe. "I'm gonna see what's happening in this crazy...
Dane is a young man and Paris is an old place. It is a city built of skeletons and ghosts and memories, and so is Dane. He’s come here to listen for the ghosts, to pace their haunts, to rattle their bones. A voyeuristic student, he’s come to look behind the curtain, to catch a glimpse of the secret lessons that can only be taught here, and what a lot of wisdom there is to be found along the Boulevard De Rochechouart at four o’clock in the morning. The whores are all out in force tonight and...
Margaret stood before her full length bedroom mirror and admired the reflection. Not quite her bedroom mirror, of course, because George had bought it as a special gift, one of several, and this was his spare bedroom in his generous town apartment. But ownership was not in doubt. Everything would soon belong to Margaret. After a short courtship, she had agreed to George's request that she move in with him but only on the condition that the relationship was strictly platonic. No hanky...
I've known Mandy for 6 years now, lovely lady, 52 lovely body great tits, great personality but very plain looking. Married to Chris with 2 grown up k**s, all in all a lovely family set up. Every now and we have a works night out, a meal few drinks that kind of thing. As she lives close to me I volunteered to be the designated driver. I picked her up and off we went, meal was ok and as I'm a people watcher I enjoyed seeing everyone let their hair down. Mandy was enjoying herself, maybe had a...
Hi. Guys.. I am in relation with my girlfriend since 3 yrs but due to my job i left my home town and came to Hyderabad. but as she is studying she was in my hometown. This story happens when she came completed her Degree and came for Hyderabad for job search. When we used to stay in our hometown we used to meet in some lonely places and used to have some kissing and hugs but not more that.. some times we used to have an erotic chat on mobiles but we never dare to go forward as we didnt have...
My boyfriend and I had been together for nearly a year, meeting when I was 17 and sexually inexperienced, we had enjoyed discovering each others bodies. One thing we hadn't yet done was anal sex but it was something my boyfriend had mentioned doing a few times. He was very keen to try, I was more reluctant. The few times he had pressed his cock against my bum hole it had felt uncomfortable and strange. I had seen many examples of it in porn we had watched and decided it would be worth a try but...
AnalWe had the decorators in to wallpaper and paint our conservatory. The wife was at work as they arrived, Peter and Paul were 35 and 37 respectively, they were both best friends and were also married, they’d been friends since they went to school together almost 25 years ago and had set up their decorating business over 20 years ago.As they came into the house they’d set up and were papering away, after a couple of hours I went into the room and asked them if they wanted a drink. They replied “A...
i thought i could keep it under control but then we went to the beach last week and she asked to rub lotion on her back i got so turned on just by touching her back that i came in my suit and on her back fortunatly she never knew the difference. a week has passed and my feelings only got more intense that week i laid awake at night thinking and fantasizing about her. i had this picture in my head. it was morning and kate woke me up still in her sleeping clothes made up of a tank top and...
We headed west, more or less along Latitude fifty-nine degrees, twenty seven minutes north. As I said, well clear of the Bore Roost. With the wind a steady force five from the south west and settled weather, we either had to beat into the wind, or head far enough west that we could close reach to our way-point off Hoy Mouth; that meant thirty miles of westing and thirty five miles heading to Hoy mouth. As long as the wind held, we'd have only one change of course before the complicated...
He leans in closer to her and her heart leaps into her throat as she closes her eyes and mirrors him. His mouth finds hers and for a single perfect moment, she is not a slave to anyone. She is empowered and emboldened by her own choices. Her world swims behind closed eyes, and when the kiss breaks and she opens them, their bodies are plunged into the most perfect storm. “What have you done to me, Master?” she asks. Sirius gives her a whimper in the form of an answer. He is no longer the...
Life is smooth and going on, no issues or problems, student life is the best one can have in life, now they are things of past, only pleasurable moments linger, here is one, I was studying in college and age 20, I have had my share of sex experience by that time, and I cannot call myself an expert but know how and what. We had this family next door to ours, mother, father and two daughters, they were sweet little siblings, one was of my age and studying in the same class but in a different...