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I had been dating Brittany for about a year, ever since her divorce had become final, and she had been living with me for about five months. It made sense, because I owned my own house already, and by that time Brit was spending most of her nights with me at my place anyway.

Oh, by the way, I’m Jim — I guess formally, my name is James Ericson. For a thirty-something guy, I guess I’m doing alright. With an engineering undergrad degree and an MBA, I am one of the many folks out there working on alternative energy sources, with my own R&D company. Its an exciting field, and now days there is plenty of funding from government and private sources so that we’re doing well, and I have 15 employees working for me.

But I digress.

Brittany works as a bookkeeper at one of the local accounting firms, which I use for my business, and that is where I met her. She is about 5′ 4′, so I have about 13 inches on her. Just kidding — I’m six inches taller than she is, the other seven inches are someplace else.

Anyway, Brit is a charming and attractive gal, who just turned 27 six weeks ago. She isn’t one of those models or movie stars who I read about in a lot of on-line stories. Just a good, solid woman with a nice trim figure, a pretty face, light brown hair and striking hazel eyes. Gives great head, too. In fact, sexually, she was willing to do just about anything I wanted to try, so long as it was just the two of us. I got no problem with that.

Even after she moved in with me, she kept her job, although her firm wouldn’t allow her to work on my companies’ books anymore.

She kept the job because she was still saddled with a lot of credit card debt, left over from her ex-husband, Donald, who she called ‘Donny’. In fact, according to Brit, it was his complete inability to exercise any control over his compulsive buying, which led to their divorce. Brit told me he was a nice guy, charming, attentive, and lots of good qualities, but he could spend all that they earned together, and more. She saw herself being dug into a bottomless financial hole staying with him, his spending led them into daily fights, and she was always unhappy, so she finally gave up and dumped him.

Of course moving in with me saved her a bunch on rent, as well as food and a lot of other expenses, so she was paying down the cards, and getting out from under that 19%-30% APR debt that her ex ran up for her.

I have never been married, taken up first with getting my schooling over, then working for a few companies in the energy field, and ultimately starting my own business. Living with Brit was a revelation.

No, I don’t mean coming home to my own domesticated piece-of-ass was a revelation— not to say that was bad — but just having someone there with you, a friend and companion, someone with whom you share your private thoughts and concerns. Brit was a much better cook than I, and the fact that she didn’t mind doing washing and ironing was icing on the cake.

Brit said that I was pretty easy to live with as well, since I’ve always been reasonably neat and clean, I pick up after myself, I always rinse my dishes and put them in the dishwasher (god, I hate the sight of dishes sitting in a sink with dried-out food crusted on them,) and I do my share around the house. She even had me trained to put the toilet seat down after I was finished.

The one other complaint that she had about her ex, other than his being a spendthrift, was he wouldn’t lift a finger if he considered something to be ‘woman’s work.’ And most work around the house, it seems, was ‘women’s work.’

In short, we were doing well, and I was starting to consider whether Brit was the woman for me.

I can’t speak for you, but for me, the whole concept of being with one person for the rest of my life was scary. How do these couples that have been together for 50 or 60 years manage? How can they stay together without getting bored, or just wearing each other out. Little aggravations build up even between the best of friends. On the whole, though, Brit and I seemed to live together in some sort of harmony, not continually grating on each other, unlike other girlfriends I’d had in the past.

Until, that is, about six weeks ago. Yup, right around her birthday.

For her birthday we had a number of Brit’s friends from work, her sister and her parents over for the party. I got her one of the new G3 PDAs, with all the works. Hey, I’m a geek and a techie, so I actually bought us a pair of them, his and hers models. Brit was delighted.

I was less delighted, though, when among the birthday cards Brit received was one from her ex.

She teased me a little about it. No hiding it — she passed it around like all of the other cards, and truthfully it wasn’t provocative or anything, just a simple ‘Happy Birthday’, a line or two about ‘hope you’re doing well’, signed ‘love’ and her ex’s name.

I guess that I must have grimaced or something, because she noticed that I was unhappy about it. I’m not sure if she saw her father — Brad’s — face when HE looked at it, but I suspect she heard the loud snort that he made. When he caught my eye, he had a frown on his face as he shook his head back and forth. No doubt about Brit’s father’s feelings about her ex.

We put that behind us, and had a great time the rest of the evening. Cake, ice cream, candles, the whole birthday thing.

Actually everyone there was having a grand time playing around with the new PDA that I bought Brit.

By the end of the evening Brit was using the PDA to take pictures, videos even, and sending them to my new PDA. She had already transferred her call list from the old phone, was using the calendar function, and all the rest. I managed to take a couple of photos and send them back to her, but my secretary had already moved my address book and the rest from my computer to the phone, so I didn’t have to do it myself.

Later, alone and in our bedroom, Brit looked at me a lot more seriously than she had at the party.

‘Jim, I’m sorry about the card from Donny,’ she said, ‘and I didn’t mean to make light of it and hurt your feelings. But it’s over between Donny and I, and I think he is just trying to be civil to an ex-wife who divorced him.’

‘I hope so,’ I told her rather firmly, ‘because I don’t want used baggage coming between us and our relationship.’

‘Not a chance, you wonderful man. Just come her and let me show you how I feel,’ came her reply.

That evening we had some great sex. I felt so close to Brit that night, my ego was bolstered, my concerns about Donny-boy exiled to the back of my mind.

The new PDAs were a kick. Brit and I would take pictures and send them back and forth. Brit once texted me while she was in a continuing education class to tell me she was getting bored. It wasn’t really that funny, but we laughed about it later, at home.

Now, don’t think that I’m stupid, but I have to admit that I didn’t really notice anything odd for a couple of weeks. I was in and out of town on business a couple of times during that period, each time for a day or two. But even when I was home, suddenly Brit was working overtime a couple times a week. She went out ‘with the girls’ a couple of evenings as well.

She explained that taking the overtime was really helping her pay down her credit card debt. Who can object to that?

Going out with the girls every now and then? Who could object to that?

I remain baffled how it was that Brit didn’t understand that as the CEO of a client, I had contacts within her firm other than her. When I finally realized that Brit was spending a lot less time with me when I was around, and that since the night of her birthday party our sex had tapered off quite a bit, my suspicions were aroused again. When the sex just stopped two weeks ago, I decided to make a couple of calls.

While the managing partner of her firm wasn’t what one would call a ‘friend,
‘ we were on friendly terms, so when I called, he was pleased to talk to me. Her boss is always anxious to see if he could get more billable hours out of us.

Not being too obvious, I started talking about the difficult business environment, and got around to the specifics of our firms. Of course he knew that I had funding locked in for the next couple of years, but he was less sanguine about the prospects for his firm. He told me in confidence that he would very likely cut back on recruiting for new employees from the accounting students at the local university, at least for some time into the future.

‘So no overtime for your folks, heh?’ I suggested.

He laughed.

‘I wish. We haven’t been billing overtime hours this year. We might have some between the end of the fourth quarter and tax time, but that’s normal,’ he responded.

‘Meaning, I get Brit home on time, right?’ I laughed a bit too, ‘She’ll only have to put in her forty.’

‘Wait a second,’ he asked if he could consult his computer, and after a short silent time he was back on the phone.

‘You don’t have to worry about Brit, Jim. She’s still on that 32-hour a week schedule that we put her on last month. Your dinner will be waiting for you when you step through the door!’ he told me, sounding pleased.

I was less so. I laughed with him at his joke, and got off the phone.

Brit was not only staying out late several times a week, but was also off for one day a week that I didn’t know about. So much for paying off her credit cards early.

As I sat back in my chair, I realized that I didn’t really have evidence that Brit was cheating on my, just that she wasn’t being honest with me. But while there might be more than one explanation, as an engineer, I tended towards Occam’s razor, that the simplest explanation was the most likely.

A little research was possible, just from the computer at my desk.

It wasn’t clear to me that Brit knew that I could go online and check her PDA-phone records, but I could, and I did. Most of the numbers I recognized as calls to work, to friends I knew, and even some calls to me. After a process of elimination there was only one number that I couldn’t identify.

Being the curious sort that I am, I went to the online White Pages and typed in the name of Brit’s ex. Need I tell you what my mystery phone number was? And when did the calls begin? How about the day after her birthday party. Over the last six weeks, the calls had increased both in frequency and duration.

It didn’t look good for Brittany and me.

Even if it was just a case of Brittany getting back on friendly terms with her ex, the dishonesty hurt, and the burgeoning trust between us was aborted in a minute. It didn’t matter to me that, for the most part, Brit’s lies were those of omission, rather than of commission. There was no room for them.

Now, don’t think that I’m some sort of cold fish, cooly taking all of this in, indifferent and callous. One of the things that has always helped me in life was my sang-froid when surrounded by chaos. Internally, I was raging. As much as I hate to admit it, I was popping a few pills during the days just to keep myself under control, and at night to get any sleep.

A thought struck me. Another feature of the new PDFs was GPS tracking, again accessible over the internet.

A quick check merely confirmed my worst fears, when it appeared that Brittany, or at least her PDF, was located at her ex-husband’s current address.

Big time ‘not good.’

When I got home that evening, Brit had dinner ready, nothing complicated, but delicious. A ‘prime’ grade rib eye steak, scalloped potatoes and a salad. Great food, but quick and easy to fix – the salad one of those pre-packaged ones with all the fixings, and the potatoes picked up at the deli section of the grocery store. Quick was good for Brit, since she had been at numb-nuts apartment until 45 minutes ago.

Just pushing the envelope a little, after dinner I decided to talk to her. Maybe there was some innocent explanation that might allow the ‘she’ and ‘I’ to remain the ‘us.’

We had turned the news on the TV, but I wasn’t paying attention to the stories of murder and mayhem. I had my own worries.

‘Hey, Brit,’ I asked, ‘How was your day?’ Ah, the good boyfriend just showing an interest.

‘Nothing special,’ she replied, without a moment’s hesitation, ‘just worked all day. Oh, I guess I got my excitement for the day on the way home when I stopped at the market to pick up dinner.’ She laughed, ‘Not every day you find ‘prime’ beef at the supermarket!’

I didn’t laugh at her joke, I just nodded. After a short pause, the voice on the TV droning on, I asked another question.

‘Babe, I was wondering about something. Remember that birthday card from your ex?’ I started.

‘Ummm,’ was Brit’s hummed affirmation. Her head turned enough that she could see my face.

‘Did you hear anything more from him? Was he trying to connect with you again?’ I queried, sounding as innocent as I could. You know, not suspicious — just idle curiosity.

There was just a moments hesitation, and Brit flushed ever so slightly. Who needed a lie detector when your lover’s skin would tell you all you need to know.

‘No, not a thing. Why do you ask?’ she answered, not looking at me when she spoke, but then looking in my direction fairly intensely, as if she was trying to read my face.

Great thing, newspapers. I just put it up in front of my face, pretending to be interested in some article, and from behind the open page, casually spoke,

‘No special reason. Just wondering.’

The rest of the evening was fairly quiet, we spoke, but on pleasant, neutral subjects.

When I looked at her, sitting there, she seemed very comfortable. Brit had told me she liked my dark leather sofa/chair set, and the Craftsman style coffee and end tables. She had even helped me pick out the lamps with the Tiffany-style shades and the wool-and-silk oriental rugs. Brit liked being surrounded by nice things.

At this point the question in my mind was: did she really love me, or was I just some sort of ‘life-style’ enabler — a meal ticket, who didn’t collect rent and was letting her recover financially, getting her services, sexual and otherwise, in exchange. Hell if I knew.

When Brit announced that she heading for bed, I followed.

Watching Brit get ready for bed that night was an odd juxtaposition for me: it gave me such pleasure watching her naked body — the curves, the hills and valleys that I found so esthetically pleasing — as she stood at ‘her’ sink in the bathroom, while saddened by the knowledge that it was likely to be the last time that I would have that pleasure.

In bed, knowing she had most likely already been with her ex just a couple of hours earlier, I started to play with her and tease her, as if I wanted to make love. I kept trying to get my hand into proximity with her vaginal area, just to threaten her with what she thought would be the inadvertent discovery of her afternoon delight with numb-nuts. She kept batting away my hand, to prevent any contact. She finally complained that she wasn’t really feeling well, and since I knew it wasn’t time for her period, she suggested that maybe she was coming down with a cold.

At that, I got out of bed.

‘What are you doing, honey?’ Brit’s surprised voice came from her side of the bed. I could hear her getting up onto one elbow to look for me in the dark.

‘I don’t want to pick up any diseases from you,’ not being specific about just what kind of things I might be worried about, ‘I’m going to sleep in the guest room,’ I snapped back at her.

‘Oh, Jim. Don’t get all mad and huffy. Come back to bed, I’m sure its not something contagious,’ she pleaded.

‘If having sex tonight is that important to you, then come back and we’ll do it,’ continued my soon-to-be-ex girlfriend, w
ith that slightly exasperated tone of voice that women get when they are dealing with men who are acting like selfish little boys.

‘Oh no, ‘ I replied, ‘I’m not making you into some sort of martyr about this.’ I walked towards the bedroom door.

Standing in the open doorway, I turned back and in a more conciliatory tone, I continued,

‘I need to be out of town for a couple of nights, and I really need to be on my toes with these people. I would just rather not take a chance on coming down with some bug in a day or two,’ I concluded.

It was clear that my decision to sleep in the other room, for the first time since we had started being intimate, was bothering her. Too bad.

The good news? The bed in my guest room was a Queen size, and it had the same kind of comfortable mattress as on my King. I wasn’t sacrificing my comfort on her behalf.

Sometimes it’s a damn good thing to have employees who can get along without your advice, because the next few days I wasn’t worth much to my business.

I won’t go overboard claiming that she had ripped my heart out or something, after all, Brit and I hadn’t been living together for even half-a-year. We didn’t have kids, in fact we weren’t even financially entangled with each other. We shared one credit card for household items to which I had added Brit, you know, for food and incidentals — and it had a relatively small limit, under $2000.

The big things were all mine: the house and its contents, purchased with my money, mostly before Brit had even moved in, the cars, since Brit’s ex had taken their old piece of junk when she gave him the boot, and most important, Brit had no claim whatsoever on my business. The only thing that Brit would get out of our relationship would be a smaller amount of debt. I could live with that.

Pretty quickly I realized, however much the emotional toll Brit’s demonstrated lack of a commitment to me was taking. I was probably lucky to find out now, rather than later.

The old ego was badly bruised as well. It doesn’t bolster your self-image when your girlfriend goes running back to her ex, a proven flake and deadbeat.

At the same time, within a couple of days, I realized that could live without Brit in my life, and that I would get over her.

The penultimate nice thing about a girlfriend versus a wife: no divorce, just tell her to leave and say goodbye. Auf Wiedersehen. Adios, hasta luego. Au Revoir. Sayonara. Don’t let the door hit your ass on the way out. 50 ways, etc.

That didn’t mean that I wouldn’t have a certain measure of satisfaction in the way that I broke this off.

It had been three days, or more properly nights, since I started sleeping in the guest bed. I was getting up and out early, and leaving messages for Brit not to expect me for dinner. I managed to get in touch with a couple of old buddies from school who I hadn’t seen for a long time, and had dinner with them, reminiscing about the good old days. I wasn’t hiding, I wasn’t even pretending to be out of town or working late. I gave no reason at all for why I wasn’t there.

I guess that after a few days like that, even Brit was figuring out there was something wrong. She was calling during the day, leaving messages with my secretary. She was texting and leaving voicemail on my PDF. She even sent me a couple of photos that she took of herself intended to grab my attention with her complete lack of clothes when she took them. Those did get my attention, but unfortunately they didn’t spur on my libido, they just made me sad.

I checked the GPS a lot.

Friday afternoon, she had left a voicemail that she would be out with ‘the girls’ for the evening, but not too late, and that she wanted to talk to me. She claimed that she was worried about ‘us.’ Well, duh. About time. Too late actually, but what did she know.

She left almost immediately after she left the voice mail, and I brought in the locksmith to rekey the doors, and a couple of people I had hired to pack Brit’s things.

I wasn’t doing the old ‘throw it in a garbage bag’ routine, because I wasn’t punishing her, or getting revenge on her. I wasn’t entitled to that, I had no claim on her. I was just moving her out. They came in with hangers and boxes and clothes bags, and did a very neat job of packing her things.

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My daughters med exam

My pelvic exam is broken up into three parts because each part is so different. The first part of it is my rectal exam & radiology studies of my lower colon. The second part is my bladder exam & x-rays of my bladder. The last part is my vaginal exam & ultrasound. I was told to give myself an enema before I came so I would be clean for the rectal exam. When I first got there, the nurse led me into a room with a special table called a proctology table. She told me to take off all my...

4 years ago
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The Chronicles of Mark and Jennifer Ch 15

Tina’s story: Kent and I had been hiking through the park at Clay’s Ferry, down to the old locks, and it had been a pretty fun day, sunny and warm on Earth Day of 1972. We’d been down and walked out the old lock gates to the big pilings on the river, just sat there, shooting the shit, before we decided to head back to our apartment. I loved Kent, with all my heart, but we had a festering problem. I don’t know if my boyfriend really understood it, and he was trying to keep me happy. The...

2 years ago
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Nani Ko Chod K Jannat Dikhai

By : Ibibo Hi friend my name is Sunny mae is site ka regular reader hoon or aj mae apko jo kahani batane ja raha hn wo mere friend ki hai or ek dam sachi kahani hai. agar apko pasand aye to mujhe email jaroor karna mera mail id hai too chalo ab kahani par ate hain mae apne friend ki kahani likh raha hn isliye apne apko rakhke likh raha hn ye baat hai 1999 ki uski nani uske ghar ayi thi (waise wo local hi rehti haior us time unki age 59 thi) To unhone kaha mere pair bht dard kar rahe hai mere...

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The Empire Book 3Chapter 20 Sheila and other Allies

Jason had just completed dinner with Cassius and Alana, Razza, Celia, Felicia, Gamma, Jonathan, Norbert, and Philippa; when he received the notification that the fleet had arrived from Parzool. Cassius very much enjoyed the meals at Jason’s house and eagerly accepted each invitation, unless he had pressing Empire business. He also enjoyed the whole household, with its diverse members and resulting interesting and stimulating conversations. The Queen invited them up to her ship for a brief...

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Private Blue Angel Yoha Glvez Lesbians in the Garden

In Private Gold, Cum in My Limousine, Yoha Gálvez had not seen her boyfriend for months, and with a girl as sexy as Blue Angel around, it’s no wonder that she gave into temptation. Sexy, blonde and beautiful, no man or woman could resist the charm of this stunning Private babe and Yoha was no exception as she got lured into the garden for some Latina lesbian fun. Pussy eating, masturbating, and a strap-on dildo fuck, enjoy these amazing girls moan and cum as they explore the heights of pleasure...

1 year ago
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Strange Adult Theater FunGH102part1of1

The other was a small adult theater. I’d not been to the theater before, so I checked its times and found it was open. I’d heard that guys and couples go there to play at night. Of course it wasn't night, in fact it was midafternoon, but I decided to go there anyway. I figured that if things didn't work out I'd just head to the bookstore and find some guy to suck my cock through a glory hole. Strange Adult Theater FunPart-1-of-1 Strange Adult Theater Fun-[GH-102]-part-1-of-1 The other was a...

2 years ago
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The PiperChapter 18

Mom wanted to invite two of her closest friends over later to eat and get them to help plan our future. She told me that she wanted them to be with us too. “Lucien, we may need to give Ellen and Alice a new lease on life, after they see my new body.” “Tell tell them to sure and not tell anyone, then come back again tomorrow and we’ll make them look as young as you and Deb.” Deb wanted to go see a movie she’d heard about. “It must be R rated.” “It is and there’s supposed to be some...

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Moms tutorial

100% fiction! After My father went abroad and brother was hosteler i and my 41 year mom was left alone in the house. My parents had a loni lasting sex life of about 21 years of sex life from the day of marriage to day when my father went abroad. This was the main reason of my introduction to sex life. My room was never locked so it was common for my mother to see me naked. My father was a typical indian housewife with plummy body. She never mind changing dress in front of me. My mother and i...

3 years ago
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The Cuckold HUSBAND

My wife and I have been married for 20 years and we never, and I mean NEVER had sex with anyone other than each other, at least after we were married. We have a large family and they are all in college now and live away from home. The house is empty except for us and we generally had a boring life and had sex maybe two times a month. I work and my wife writes novels for a romance publisher. She is a beautiful woman with an awesome body, long legs and tits and an ass to die for. I'm lucky to...

2 years ago
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Train ride part 1

Amanda had never been skiing before, but was persuaded by her friend Jackie to accompany her and a few others, including a handsome single man, to Austria for a weekend of frolicking in the snow. Ever since Amanda’s divorce last year, she found it difficult to get back into the social scene, and Jackie was convinced she’d found the perfect guy for Amanda, an attorney named Scott. The thought of a blind date made Amanda cringe, but now it looked like she wasn’t getting out of it. She figured...

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The Spirit of PolandChapter 12

Her Mother told Jaromira the day she first bled. "Our family has a secret," she had said, moving a warm, wet cloth over Jaromira's smooth skin, removing those first traces of womanhood. "Your Great Grandmother told your Grandma, Grandma told me, and now I will tell you. So, too, will you tell your daughters as each reaches the age of bleeding. It is not a thing for men." Jaromira blushed as her thighs were pushed father apart, the wash cloth moving to the source of the red...

1 year ago
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One Mans Fantasy Part 3

I didn’t inquire what took place in the shower with Vera; I reasoned Gwen would tell me when she was ready. The following two weeks were hectic and then we had to travel to a wedding. One of Gwen’s nephews had finally proposed after an eight-year courtship and we had been invited to the blessed event. The two-hour flight was due to land at three-thirty on Friday and we were staying at the Four Seasons until Monday. The flight was uneventful and we arrived at the hotel a little after five. There...

4 years ago
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A holiday of firsts

Not long after the events mentioned in the previous story, my sweety and I found ourselves heading into Germany for a well-deserved, and more importantly, nice and private vacation near the beach. The idea of having that small brown canvas love nest to ourselves for slightly over three weeks was almost unfathomable. Next to already being a couple of permanently horny adolescents, the prospect of having the other to ourselves for almost a month had kicked things into high gear to say the least....

2 years ago
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Its Been a Long time Coming

On a hot summer day the pool was my favorite place to be. Myfriend, John, always let me use his since I don’t have one. I was swimming laps one day when John joined me in the pool. He jumped in and stopped me from finishing my work out, not that I really work out. I usually just want a reason to be in the pool. “Hey!” he said enthusiastically. “Hi John!” I said as I returned the enthusiasm. “You look really nice today,” John admitted to me. I blushed and realized I was wearing my new hot pink...

Straight Sex
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BethChapter 93

November 19, 2017 Dear Ms. Diary, In the quick confab we girls had before heading down to breakfast, Gracey, Liya, and I learned that Heather and Rhee made love with each other, both of them orgasming, and that Charlize had been next to them in bed the whole time. Rhee had then suggested to Charlize that she kiss Heather’s mouth while Rhee kissed Heather’s pussy. Rhee was going after getting Heather another orgasm, spending a couple minutes between her legs. Charlize got excited enough to...

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boat ride

I've always been attracted to blue collar Daddy types. I've had some great sex with other men but it's the Daddys that really get me going. Tim met that description. Not far from my home is a lakeside bar and grill. I drove over wanting a cold beer. I'de been there about 30 mins when he pulled up at the dock in his boat. I watched him approach. Tall, in shape and a "regular" type guy. Tim sat 2 stools down,ordered a beer and I said hello. We talked college football, trucks and finally boats....

2 years ago
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Once Upon an AlienChapter 12 Finding The Next Clue

"We need to talk," Cody said, as he stood, and walked towards the door to the cell. "What about Mahdi's body?" Gabir asked, jerking his head in the direction of the bloody body. Cody glanced over his shoulder, saying, "Leave it. The Lieutenant might need a reminder." The Lieutenant shook his head frantically, a drop of blood from his own nose landing on the wall beside him. "I don't need a reminder," Salim said shakily. "I won't lie, and I'll tell you everything that I can to...

2 years ago
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Taking Care of the BoysChapter 2

Rita, an early-twenties redhead with C-cup boobs and a matching crotch carpet, and Anna, a mid-forties brunette housewife with a body very much like the porn star Christy Canyon complete with dark crotch fur, really enjoyed their well-paying jobs as “domestic managers”. They had the responsibilities of running the households for two professional single fathers of teenage boys. One of the perks greatly appreciated by all of the residents was the ready availability of male erections and wet...

3 years ago
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Santas Special DeliveryChapter 5

We took my car, which had three seatbelts in the front. Eva scooted next to me and got her son strapped in before she dug out the belt for herself. When I pulled away she laid her hand on my thigh. I turned my head to look at her. "Do you have any idea what you're doing?" "I hope so," she said, looking straight ahead. "I'm not so sure you have a clue," I suggested. Her hand slid between my legs and she squeezed my inner thigh gently. "You mean this?" she asked...

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Ann Loses The Bet But Enjoys Her Loss

Ann and Will were an older couple that enjoyed sex and exploring their fantasies. Since meeting on Lush several years ago, they had gone from cyber-lovers to physical lovers. As they became physically connected, they had found many ways to enjoy each other. They never failed to try something new in their relationship if one or the other wanted to try it. This had broadened their sexual appetites in many ways and found them always stretching the boundaries of what each other would do. Today was...

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Fucking My Gf8217s Friend

Hi this is ram from Chennai (), today I will tell you about one of my sex encounters I had. I was a committed guy in my engineering college and I loved my girlfriend (now ex) very much, she was average looking but was really loving and caring. We use to hang out together all the time and really didn’t bothered about others. She had few friends with whom I was also comfortable with and use to have long chats. One of them was Priya, to describe her she was very fun to go with girl and really good...

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Panvel Me Mili Ek Sexy Bhabhi Pt 2 Meri Society Mein

Ab din jaa rahe the par raatein kat nahi rahi thi. 2 baar hilaye bina neend nahi aa rahi thi. Hamesha us bhabhi ka chehra nazar aa raha tha. Aur usi ka naam leke main muth maare jaa raha tha. Main har roj wahi last mulaqat yaad karke sochta rehta tha ki us din maine bahut galat kiya us wajah se shayad woh guss hui hogi. Aisehi ek Saturday jab meri chhutti thi tab main baahar jane ke liye nikla. Main jaisehi baahar jane laga meri mom ne mujhe awaz deke bula liya. Maine unse jaake puccha kya kuch...

1 year ago
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Locked in With a SuccubusChapter 8

"Oh crap," she said. Puzzled, George looked up. Nicole sat astride him, motionless aside from the up and down movements of the waterbed beneath them. Her sex had contracted snugly all around his cock, holding him firmly inside her. It was very tight, but not uncomfortably so. In fact, it felt very pleasant. Her vagina was warm, almost hot, and his dick felt like it was stewing in pleasure. What was happening? Nicole's eyes were shut and her face was expressionless, perfect like a...

4 years ago
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Alice The Dirty Whore Part 4

Alice The Dirty WhoreBy Mad Jack69Synopsis: This is a fictional story of a sex addicted whore and her depraved sexual cravings. It covers most perversions. In this the fourth chapter Alice rediscovers big cock worship and is introduced to the strap-on. She also becomes the target of an underground extreme sex club. (MF, M+F, FF, Anal, prost, whore, cream-pie, ws, strap-on Fdom) Chapter 4 “Alice gets big dick fucked, again”Josh woke up on Monday morning and stretched his lean taught body....

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Zacks Style V

Fred softly massaged my breast. He leaned down to my ear and told me how hot I was. I was having the same dream over and over, and I felt guilty about it. I know you are not responsible for what you dream, but this always seemed so natural. I had to talk to somebody about it, so why not my husband? I had done nothing to be unfaithful to him."Fred, can I tell you about my dreams?""Of course, baby, what is bothering you so much."I relayed all about my dreams. Conrad with me, the twins and their...

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My first Bisexual

Our Hawaiian Escapade (Bisexual) ExtendedIt was our first trip to the beautiful islands.My girlfriend and I landed in Maui late night and checked into our resort.The rooms were spread out on several adjusant islands.There were just 2 villas on our island. . We had a lovely villa with a private pool and jacuzzi.The bedroom was spacious and had the biggest four poster bed i have ever seen.There were plenty of couches and cushions around the room.A fantastic view of the sea from the adjusant...

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Kimmy Family

Kimmy was only 12 years old. She lived with her mom and her older sister, Sarah, who was 22. She was a cute girl with long, wavy, brown hair, and bright blue eyes. Her breasts were just starting to develop, but she had a nice ass. All the boys at school like her for that. They were always talking about her, but she was never interested. Kimmy had been having strange feeling lately. A week ago, she caught herself staring at other girls. At night, when she was in bed, she would start to think...

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First Black Cocks Trans

This is a story that is one of many in which it is time for me to share. In a nutshell, my name is Dean, my mother had a thing for Dean Martin it seems, but I go by Dina. I am a 26 year old white pre-op transsexual that has no interest in switching my outside in, if you know what I mean. I was born to a single mother, never knowing who my father was. Considering the lifestyle of my mother, I doubt that she had any idea who he was either. I have always been effeminate in nature and as I grew up...

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A Night To Remember In Berlin

Iwas sitting on the plane waiting for touch down in Paris, the flight had seemed to take forever and I couldn't wait to start exploring Europe and to meet my tour group. My name is Greg and I'm currently taking a gap year as I've finished school and don't know what I want to do with my life. The plane arrived at 3 pm local time, so I hung around in the airport until 5 pm when I met up with the rest of the tour group. Everyone seemed pretty cool, there were a few older couples who all bonded...

Gay Male
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Anything to declare

My sweet Mistress Isobelle  I will try to write more mistress, as I know the direction my tale will take, but I know not how it will arrive at my final humiliation and sacrifice to the gods of pure female domination. The improvised gag filled both my throat with its taste and my nostrils with its rank stench. I could feel the cold touch of the cuffs against my wrist and ankles and I strained at the chains links in a futile attempt to somehow break them, and regain my freedom. But each...

2 years ago
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Stephanies Massage

Be forewarned this story includes straight and gay sexCarl had a special surprise for Stephanie. He had told her he hadplanned a mutual massage date. Where they would both go in and get massages. She didn't know that there was a special surprise; she was the only one getting the massage. So, they both got dressed and head out the door. They drove to the building where the massage was to take place. As they walked in and looked around at all eyes were upon Stephanie shewas wearing a very sexy...

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MyFamilyPies Ivi Rein Walking In On My Stepdaughter

Ivi Rein has gone to visit her mom’s ex-husband in Prague. Thomas Stone may not be her official stepdad anymore, but he’s still Dad to Ivi. Unfortunately for Ivi, she needs sex multiple times a day. Without it, she can’t sleep! Sometimes she doesn’t have a partner around to take care of her so she slips her hand into her thong to take care of herself. When her fingers aren’t enough, she takes the dildo she packed away in her luggage and suctions it to the mirror....

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Lexis Strange First time

I just turned 18 yesterday, when me, plus my best friend Tamara, made a pack to get laid before the night was up. I was at the Cafe with Tamara when I went into deep thought on what it’d be like, the heat, passion and lust filled my head and I just knew I was getting wet… ‘And, so that’s why I’m not gonna live with my brother…Lexi!’ Tamara Screamed. Her scream snapped me back into reality and made me blush slightly. ‘Yes?’ I mumbled softly looking confused. I had no idea that my thoughts were...

3 years ago
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the Earthquake

Wendy wiped the condensation off the bathroom mirror and critically examined herself. She was exercising regularly while walking the dog, and had lost a fair bit of weight recently, so rather than being round she was now more curvy. Her breasts sagged a bit, but she seemed to have been blessed with a pair of 38D tits that didn't look all that bad. Especially considering she had just passed her 45th birthday, and she had a child, now 19. Her hips were a little wide, but at least her waist went...

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Far Future Fembot DarleneChapter 19 Wisdom

Thoughts Much of my life up to now seems to have involved an inordinate amount of sex. Don't think that's all that ever happened to me. It's just in the beginning that I spent my years as a sex-bot in a whorehouse. What else would you expect from me in the way of significant events? Sometimes people wonder why we robots always seem to respond sex in the same ways. For a fembot, when her sexual programs have kicked in you'll first notice it in our nipples. The more erect and firmer they...

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For Want of a MemoryChapter 30

Mitch was covered in black mud. He'd finally hooked up a hose to the spigot at the back of the station and just started hosing down the interior of the car. The floorboards were full of dark water, but he'd exposed the area of the back seat where the bullet from the trunk had penetrated. Hosing down the back of the front seat had found an entry hole, which had led him to the exit hole in the front of the seat. He hosed off the dash and saw immediately that there was a hole in the front of...

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