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2084 (by Eve Adorer)

Chapter 1 – Le Rosbif

England 2084.

It was a warm sunny day in April, and the clocks were chiming nineteen

It had been a twelve-hour long, long tiring day on her toes for Amanda: along tiring day entirely literally on the top-tip-top-tip of her big toes.

Amanda Heavensent wore the uniform of the "Le Rosbif" roadside restaurantchain, a new favourite drop-in for the tired travelling salesgirls and truckdriveresses, who knew they could rest their bleary eyes on the exceptionallypretty girls that waited table whilst they, weary travellers, sat sipping thecaffeine they needed to fuel them for the next two-fifty kilometres of highway.

With her idea for this chain of beef-n'-bread fast food outlets, now three-yearssince established, Elspeth Zanori had made the blue-bordered "frame-of-fame" as'Tempus' magazine's businessgirl of the year. The article inside went on andon about the philosophy of the chain being different to its, as yet, betterknown rivals, omitting to say, perhaps out of political correctness, that thereal difference of the Le Rosbif chain, was its waitresses, guaranteed-to-bestunningly pretty, and the uniforms the carefully selected lovely girls wore.

Many of the waitresses wore their uniform warily and wearily. Compulsorilycompletely naked beneath their short-sleeved elongated, crimson, figure-huggingtee-shirt-cum-dresses, with nothing else allowed to be worn, bare legged, andwearing heelless tiptoe shoes on which they were constantly ballerinered atoptheir ballet-shoes' steel-capped squared-off toes, the compelling sight ofthe young girls Le Rosbif employed was now being enjoyed by businesswomen alongthe whole highway-chain of the British mainland.

Many of the waitresses wore their uniform warily and wearily, but Amanda'soutstanding attractiveness continued to show in her ready and genuine smileand the spellbinding eye contact she made with her customers, even when hercustomers' eyes had invariably just run the amazing length of Amanda's stunninglyshapely legs, and stopped off at the full firmness of Amanda's stupendous mountainous40DD bosom, rolling enticingly excitingly freely, because completely unrestrainedand unencumbered, before meeting the bright twinkling pitch-dark-brown glory,of Amanda's shining orbs, sparkling with her pride at her girlness and herknowledge of her girlness, and her knowledge that her girlness was taking hercustomers breath away.

At table, taking customers' orders, Amanda's very pretty hand, with whollyimpractical perfectly girlacured fingernails, would rise to aside a wisp ofdark-brown near-black negress' curled-within-curls-within-curls hair, on thesoftest complexioned face, near-black hair so much in compliment to Amanda'sbeautiful unfathomably-unfathomable, devastatingly-dark, bottomlessly-deepbrown eyes, as she curtsied to her customers and musically prettily, with anatural loving giggle restrained, stylus and electronic notepad to the fore,asked with sincere attention and willing longing to please, what her customerswished to order.

Amanda was dynamite: TNT: a totally natural temptress, with the loveliestpert negress' constant come-on-then-kiss-me-it-is-what-I-was-created-for lipseven in their repose, and glorious flawless coffee-brown flesh. She was usedto being admired and knew she deserved to be admired. Sometimes Amanda wouldlook up at you and her smiling eyes, pupils huge black wide, were deep poolsof darkness into which you longed to dive down and drown, till she loweredher laser gaze, knowing she was burning your heart, and not wanting to searyou irremediably.

Nineteen-year-old Amanda would then turn and naturally wiggle to the kitchen,all-too aware that her barely covered derrière, nude beneath her barelyconcealing heaven-high hem, and her superb brown bare firm calves and strongbrown thighs, were stirring staring which she would sometimes turn her headto smile back at her devastated customers to thank them for.

Sometimes a wolf-whistle would split the air as Amanda disappeared with anorder, and a subconscious extra-wide snake would then wriggle her all-girlgait.

Amanda was proud of her beauty. Her fitness was eminently evident. Her legsshowed she was in-shape and that shape was fully fulsome felinely feminine.Amanda's legs were the transport of a delight, and transports of delight, withwonderful strong thighs and stretched softly smoothly muscular calves fromher tiptoed erectness. Amanda's slim upper arms showed only the hint of a hintof a hint of a hint of bicep, from her weightlifting to keep herself trim:just the hint of a hint of a hint of a hint, for Amanda was pure full carved,full curved, girl.

And sometimes she must wipe the tables or bend to table a loaded tray. AndLe Rosbif's company policy that all waitresses must be hygienically shaved,embarrassed many of her fellow-waitresses less certain of their evident charmsthan Amanda, who anyway today wore a tiny woollen panty-cinch, a round-profiledstrip of white wool, sopped crimson, dividing her love-lips: a cinch into whichher menstrual blood was seeping, as her customers were peeping when she bentto flash heaven: straight-legged-bending-at-the-waist, so her tee-shirt-dressmust ride up off her underneath nudeness, as: "no bending at the knee exceptin the courtesy of a curtsy" was also strict Le Rosbif company policy for itswaitresses.

Amanda was a summer vacation student: a brilliantly-brained beauty studyingtheoretical mathematics and astrophysics at Camford University. Le Rosbif andits rigid rules were Amanda's way of paying her university fees, now that allgirl students had to pay their own way; all state subsidies and loans for girlshaving been abolished by the new government as a money saving measure.

This was no ordinary waitressing. Working for Le Rosbif had its risks, asAmanda full well knew. Any girl who worked for Le Rosbif had to sign, and havedouble-witnessed, a contract. The contract was extremely onerous, but threemonth's pay at Le Rosbif would fund a whole year's college tuition, and whathad a girl as naturally beautiful as Amanda to fear of some silly contractualsub-clauses: indeed sub-clauses of sub-clauses which there must be cause toquestion the legality of in any case?

So Amanda would have to show off her sensational body. What was so wrongwith that in these post-feminist times for goodness sake? Amanda was very proudof her physical beauty. Amanda had everything to be proud of, and every rightto be proud of it.

"I hope my services were satisfactory to you madam", whispered the dark-panda-patched-under-lower-eye-lidded,pale-from-the-pain–of-her-heavy-period, lovely Amanda, as she stood tiptoedat the pay-till having bobbed a sexy thighy curtsy to her customer, with adip of her stupendously lovely legs: Amanda a supreme girl undergoing the extremeof the monthly burning endorsement confirmatory of her red-hot, literally red,literally hot, paprika-hot femininity.

Her clear-eyed smile was devastating and unwavering even as her customerslid over the DVD she had decided to add to her bill.

Amanda knew full well what the DVD showed. It was the latest to be issuedby Le Rosbif. Amanda knew what it showed, and yet her smile never wavered itsgloriously sweet and winning sincerity and shyness, as she passed the DVD overthe bar-mark reader.

"Please score me out of ten on the secret keypad madam" Amanda's honey-smileand girly-giggle mezzo-soprano voice invited irresistibly.

She, her customer had called in every day for the past ten, to ensure shewas served by Amanda and could score her out of ten. And every day this customerhad bought a DVD so that she now had the full set.

Amanda must have suspected lust and yet, though overwhelmingly lovingly charmingto this regular customer, as was her pure nature, she had never once soughtto be familiar with her, as for waitresses to be familiar with the customerswas not allowed under Le Rosbif company policy.

And so once more this regular customer thought Amanda ten-billion-out-of-ten,and scored Amanda nought-out-of-ten and, knowing it was the end of her shift,waited in her car outside and watched for her to wiggle out, still in uniform,to the lucky girl in the open-top sports car who would peck Amanda on lipsthat honey could not out-taste, with the perfunctory greeting manner adoptedby those fully familiar, because in a long-term relationship, and thus notneeding to display in public the passion they could enjoy at any time of theirchoosing, in the privacy of a bedroom…..Amanda's lucky girlfriend.


"What is your name"?

"Amanda Heavensent miss"

"How old are you Amanda?"

"Nineteen miss"

This was it. This was the DVD Amanda's regular customer of the past two-weekshad really wanted. It had taken two-months to get her there. The poor kid musthave thought she was safe. She was so naturally lovely and worked so very hardto please. The shock to her of finding that the "secret customers", all twentyof them now gathered to enjoy the DVD, had anonymously unanimously scored hera consistent nought-out-of-ten over a three-month period, must have devastatedthe poor girl.

Under the scheme installed at Le Rosbif, all customers voted if they choseto. But, when so pre-arranged, only the secret customers' votes counted. Ordinarycustomers knew this not. The professional customers had a code they put intothe voting machine, to make it count all votes or only the 'secret customer'inputs. One 'secret customer' company had Le Rosbif on its books. All twentyof its female fellows, toured the country and visited restaurants and barsto mark the girls for their performance in servile subservience. Le Rosbifwas not their only contract, but Amanda had made it by far their favourite.


"Have you ever been fucked by a boy or boys Amanda"

"Y..yes miss" Amanda whispered hanging her head in adorable embarrassment.Her voice echoing from the speakers surrounding the full-room-size 3-D hologram-cine-cubein which the secret customer conclave sat, as the DVD was projecting.

"Speak up bitch. Have you ever been fucked by a boy or boys?"

"Yes miss" Amanda tearful-eyed exquisitely lovely answered, her adorablyconstant-kiss-proffering lips quivering with fear as well as excruciating embarrassment.

"When were you first fucked by a boy: how old were you?"

"Th…th….thirteen miss"

"You were only thirteen when you had your first fucking?!"


"Speak up whore!"

"Yes miss"

Amanda's tears were welling at the precipice of her outstandingly stunningbrown eyes.

"Did he fuck your mouth, your bum, your slit, or all three?"

"My ……….my………my slit miss"

"Did you enjoy it slut?"

"N…….no….no miss"

"Why didn't you enjoy it you little whore?"

"Because it hurt me and made me bleed miss"

"Had you been a virgin?"

"Y,,,y…yes miss….."

A cheer went up from the conspirators, the twenty girls of 'Your Secret CustomerInc', who presently had employment in the enjoyment of the joy of watchingthe stunning Amanda, no boy she, oh boy, squirm as she answered her interrogatoresswhilst they secretly secreted into their pretty panties at her supreme eroticstunningness.

The dutiful hostess, re-charged her guests' glasses with wine: wine as redas Amanda's recent menstrual streak, now passed and past till it would needto pour again when the moon's cycle and hers would return to their coincidentphase, and nature once more necessitate her endorsing her femininity with acrimson red sealing signature, signifying her undoubted and undoubtable puregirlity.

"Have you ever had a cock up your bum?"

"No! miss No!!" Amanda was in tears now, serial droplets of nectar trickleddown the supreme softness of her sweet cheeks, her bountifully abundantly hugebare breasts unselfconsciously heaved and bobbled with and after a supremelyerotic sob.

"Would you like to have a cock up your bum Amanda?"

"No!! No……please miss ……..no"

"Answer the question you fucking whore, or you will only make it worse foryourself! Would you like to have a cock up that perfect bum you are showingto us all?"

"No miss"

"Have you ever had your mouth fucked?"

"N…n…….no miss!"

"How many boyfriends have you had sex with, you fucking tart?"

"F…f….four miss"

"You are only nineteen and you have already had four boyfriends fuck you?"

"Yes miss"

"How many times a week were you fucked by them, you slag?"

"I don't know miss. Please miss………" Amanda hung herhead in deep down shame.

"How many times whore?"

"T…t…two or th…th….three…more sometimesmiss" Amanda innocently fetchingly sweetly sobbed.

"So, how many times all told have you been fucked by boys Amanda, you filthyslut?"

"Please miss………..I don……..I don't knowmiss. Oh please don't make me do this!" Amanda pleaded with all her lovelymight.

"You were told to work it out before coming on camera, whore!"

"Nine. Nine or so. Nine-hundred: a thousand, about….. about a thousandmiss"

"How many whore?!"

"Nine-hundred times miss…about miss……..about nine-hundred,or a thousand miss" Amanda's tears of shame ran in rivulets from the eyes ofan angel.

"You are only nineteen and have already been fucked one-thousand times?"

Amanda simply sobbed.

The secret assessors wolf-whistled and jeered the adorable beauty and thoughteven one-thousand times less than the thousand-million full thorough fucksa girl as stunning as Amanda deserved.

"You now live with another girl do you not?"

"Yes miss"

"Is the other girl you live with, your lover?"

"Yes miss"

Again the secret -shoppers whooped and whistled and cheered the stunningbeauty.

"Her boyfriend shares me", Amanda answered without being asked.

"Her boyfriend does what?!"

"He shares me miss"

"You sleep with them both?"

"Yes miss"

"Both at the same time?"

"Yes miss"

"They both fuck you?"

"Y..yes miss" Amanda held her head up proudly, but her face and gorgeouseyes showed her humiliating shame.

"The boyfriend fucks your bum doesn't he Amanda? Doesn't he?!"

Amanda's gloriously massively huge, wholly holy, firm breasts, rolled andswayed with her sobs.

"Yes miss"

"And you like it up your bum don't you Amanda?"

Amanda sobbed once more………..

"You have a supremely lovely bum Amanda……….."

"Yes………" Amanda all but whispered.

"Yes what?"

"Yes, I………I like my bum….."

"Say it Amanda, you fucking lying whore, say it damn you!"

"I like having my bum fucked miss"

Amanda hung her chin on her chest, her near-noir hair hanging a soft gentlecurtain of curls to hide her needless shame. A stunningly beautiful healthygirl with an appetite for the lovemaking she was created for and deserved,including worship from the parting of her heavenly frontal altar, steepledby her legs, and the division of the smooth cathedralic domes of her sensationallysensuous rear temple, made to feel soiled and shamed as she had no need ofbeing or of being.

And clear on the DVD, a telltale sheen on the lips of Amanda's nude-shavenslit told of a new worship: a new love: this a shock to the simply stunninggirl.

Elspeth Zanori had the pick of which superb girls would work in her restaurantchain. A girl could starve in the streets these days unless she could findsomething, anything, to give her a wage. This DVD of the totally nude Amanda,was watched, over and over by the secret-customer girls. It had been Amanda'sjob interview recorded by and in front of Elspeth herself. The DVDs of thesecruel interrogations, showing the depths to which the girls employed at LeRosbif had to lower themselves to get the work they were simply desperate for,were another popular feature of the restaurant chain. From this interview,could there ever have been any doubt that Elspeth would choose to employ Amanda?


The "trick" played on Amanda was collaborative not only within 'Your SecretCustomer Inc' but with Elspeth Zanori the founder of the Le Rosbif chain herself.

Elspeth had visited the Highway 84 - Glasgow - Le Rosbif Cabin to check forherself, and deliver the scores from the customers that the eager girls wereso keen to hear. The prospect of the painful punishments written into the contractsthey had been obliged to sign, if they did not wish to starve, was a high incentivefor the obedient subservience of the lovely and charming young women on LeRosbif's books.

Employment was now almost impossible for a girl to find. Just recently, exceptfor those already thus employed, truck driving and travelling sales had beenremoved from the list of jobs allowed them.

The work choices for girls had gone back two centuries. Most girls now wentinto service, working in the homes of wealthy women as cooks, maids, and skivvies.Others found work such as waitressing, or as live window-display models.

Overpopulation was one cause of all this. In 2084 Britain, there were notenough jobs for the population. Legislating to abolish the right for girlsto be employed in specific named sectors of the economy, had been the acceptedcure that most appealed to the electorate.

It had started small and spread. Now there was almost no job answering tothe description "worthwhile career" that a girl could enter. One escape wasfor girls to gain a good degree and join the migrants to less densely populated,brainpower-hungry countries, such as China and India. But, with the ban onemployment for girls, by now covering ninety percent of the British economy,had come the question concerning the worth of allowing girls to go to university,and the consequent decision that women would no longer be allowed state fundingfor college.

There was talk that the Assembly had "massaged" the figures for the referendaunder which these decisions had been made. The Phallus Party, with its arrow-atop-a-circlewithin-a-circle armbands, had taken over just after the financial crash inthe late 2020s, and the subsequent collapse of the old ruling regime.

Though in her mid-seventies now, Adele Halter, with her boyish short-croppedhair and that infuriating fringe that would flop onto her forehead when shewas ranting about some perceived evil, still stomped around political platformsin her six-inch heeled knee-high boots, and her black leather army-style uniform,in what many considered a very un-British way.

But the British were always amused by the chance to 'let some idiot get onwith government whilst they got on with their lives', and the economy had pickedup again. After all, there was now full-employment for men and boys. And soAdele had just been re-elected, four years since, with another massive Assemblymajority.

Okay, Adele, or 'The Leader' as she insisted upon being known, was rumouredto have stashed millions of dollars in Switzerland, from bribes given to herby the overwhelmingly male populated British upper-classes: bribes paid toensure that men got the cream of all that was going in the economy. But peaceand quiet and the end to the ninety-five percent unemployment that had followedthe 2029 Wall Street crash, were Adele's achievement, as she never failed anopportunity to remind her country, and a sixth consecutive ten-year term ofoffice, her reward.

Elspeth Zanori, entrepreneur of the year, prided herself that she was a goodgirlager. Having an original business idea was another way out for women in2084. The laws against girls working could not cover a business that was yetto be created. If one knew the right people, money in the right direction couldalso ensure your business remained free. Elspeth had been lucky. Her motherhad left her money and a mansion. Elspeth backed herself to build the Le Rosbifrestaurant chain, she did not need to risk her request for backing-money beingturned down by a bank.

Elspeth Zanori, entrepreneur of the year, prided herself that she was a goodgirlager. She took Amanda aside, and let the poor child sit, after she hadnearly fainted, when being at first completely stunned by a score of zero forher three months of working as a waitress.

"I'm afraid that………let me just check……….yes,its here…….no…..here: that's it. Yes….. yes…… well…..right………yes….readingit again to be sure Amanda, summary dismissal or one-hundred lashes, the choiceis yours. If you want the job………well………..ifyou want to keep the job and get the pay……….there'd beno pay if you were dismissed………if you want the job mylove…..one-hundred……….it has to be on your barebody of course with a six-stranded barbed-wire whip……." Elspethspoke this quietly and gently to the horrified and now terrified nineteen-year-old,whose tears flooded as she sobbed uncontrollably inconsolably.

"I did my best…….." was just audibly coherent among the sadsobs and cries and moans of the devastated Amanda "I did my best………..".

"I'm prepared to whip you myself" Elspeth comforted, as if such words, nomatter how kindly and gently spoken could be of any consolation.

A loud moan of despair came from the poor would-be continuation student.

Elspeth let this carry on. From her selfish viewpoint, Elspeth had good reasonto let it continue.

A while passed this way, with Amanda consciously making an effort to controlher pretty tears, knowing her choice was between the end of her universitydreams, or a savage life-threatening whipping.

Then, quietly………"Amanda, as it happens, I have a vacancyfor a personal maid", Elspeth casually let out, as if in sympathy for poorAmanda's dreadful plight.

Amanda's sobs settled momentarily, and she half listened.

"There would be no pay, but you would have a roof over your head and regulargood food to eat. You would have to give up your lovers of course. I will nothave my maids indulging in, let alone enjoying sex. Measures would be takento ensure you remained completely and utterly chaste at all times. I neverever allow any infringement or indiscipline, especially, and above all, theexecrable vileness of masturbation……….."

Amanda sobbed. And then, "Please miss", she pleaded with tear-filled terrifiedbloodshot eyes………….

"……..Am I to understand that you wish the vacancy to be yours?" Elspethenquired, trying hard to hide the hint of welcome victory from her voice.

"If you will have me miss……." Amanda gulped, wiping away hertears with lovely long supremely flexible forefingers, and the contrastinglywhite insides of her gorgeously soft brown hands.

"I will never recall the name 'Amanda' and indeed see no reason why I should.My last umpteen personal maids answered to the name 'Mary', I think it wasthe name of the first of them…..or the one before her, or even the onebefore her………..It doesn't matter which or what does it?You'll answer to 'Mary' from now on, and you will address me at all times as'my lady' is that clearly understood?" Elspeth asserted with enjoyment hiddenin her gentle intonation.

"Yes my lady", Amanda's lovely mezzo-soprano intoned, with sexy delight forthe hearer being unavoidable from this highest pleasure treasure of nature,in her mere breathing of but these three simple words.

"Good Mary. You will come with me right now" Elspeth concluded.

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Erin had had enough of the festivities as well. She quietly slipped out of the Great Hall and into the courtyard. Though a handful of folk moved about in the rapidly darkening twilight, most seemed intent on errands of their own, and paid little heed to Erin. As she looked more closely, it seemed that an awful lot of couples were strolling the grounds as well. Erin sighed to her self and wondered, not for the first time, when she would find love. She felt, more than heard, a presence nearby....

1 year ago
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GirlsWay Emma Hix Bella Roland You8217ll Never Go Back

Emma Hix and Bella Rolland, two friends, are curled up on the couch watching a rom-com together. Emma is thoroughly enjoying herself while Bella bites her tongue every step of the way. When the movie is over and Emma is gushing about how romantic the guy was, Bella can’t help but to poke fun at her. Bella can’t understand how Emma doesn’t find being with women even MORE romantic! After all, women smell nice, have soft skin… Emma is flustered, insisting that women are...

1 year ago
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Valentines Day

She’d lost track of the amount of couples holding single red roses as she waited for her boyfriend, Elijah, to come pick her up for their big ‘Valentines Day Date’. Tessa had been watching people cross The Promenade for over an hour counting the couples that were supposed to be her and Elijah. “God damn it! Where the hell are you, Elijah!? You were supposed to be here over an hour ago!” Tessa yelled at nothing in particular. She was in her, and his, favorite dress, a silk black slinky thing...

4 years ago
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Whatever Lola Wants

Whatever Lola Wants Synopsis: An irresistible young woman tells her sad tale to her lover - an unbelievable tale that bespeaks doom for the man. [email protected] ********************************************************************** Whatever Lola Wants "Come on, big boy, I _know_ you've got another shot in you. Look at my big boobs, swaying so tantalizingly for you, so big and full and perky. Just the way you like them, aren't they?" And I know you have...

3 years ago
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LaMar and Leon what Just Happened part 2

And even more troubling, had I really enjoyed sucking and getting ass-fucked by a dangerous, violent guy who had taken me by force and slapped me around? And had I really enjoyed the sensation of his spurt into my throat and the taste of it? Actually, what was troubling was that I had enjoyed it. As scared as I had been then and still was now. I kept coming back to that. It had not been quite my fantasy of how I might someday get some dick in me or what I would have chosen myself, but it had...

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He Wanted to Talk

{This story is about a real couple I knew. I posted it as not erotic, at least it doesn’t seem that way to me. It’s more of a tragedy, really. Terry as a guy to know was pretty nice, normal most of the time but he drank way too much. His wife was a mildly plump lady who kept a perfect house and it appeared from the outside that she loved him. I had chatted with his wife Jeanie a few times, but that is about it. Terry and I talked all the time, usually about fishing and government idiots that...

4 years ago
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Anger Management 2 Docs Story

"Hi everyone", I'm not new to this anger management class. For you first timers, my name is Paul Jefferson. My friends call me "Doc". I've been coming to these sessions for 3 years. The court ordered them as part of my early release. If you are wondering, yes I'm the scary doctor that Hank talked about in "Anger Management." I will regret what I did for the rest of my life. Things got out of hand and I will always wonder if there was a better way of handling my things. Like most of...

2 years ago
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In Out

So after the the session with Tina, my wife had taken to letting a small and very select group of friends have access to to me for sexual favors. She had sent me over to Tina’s a few more times and let another friend of hers who wanted to lean how to peg her husband use me to to practice on but aside from that no one else. One evening she informed me that she was letting Jane (for whom we had thrown a very sexual bachelorette party) use me for a evening. She went on to explain that while the...

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All American BoyChapter 67

When we’d placed our food orders, Bonnie, Brandy, Em and Molly got up to go to the restroom. They asked the four girls across from us if they wanted to go. I looked at Gage, then Ben, then across to Martine and Jimi. They were all shaking their heads and laughing. They were gone so long the waitresses were already serving those who had ordered first. By the time the girls returned and were seated, our burgers and fries had arrived. The eight girls tore into their burgers like they hadn’t...

4 years ago
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Tinder Date With A Hot Lady In Pune

Hey friends, I am back with another story. Thanks all for such a good response to my previous story. I am here again with another real sexual encounter. I am currently working in Bangalore, 31 years of age. So the story begins. This happened recently. I was on a business tour to Pune for 2 days. On reaching the hotel, I downloaded Tinder and updated my profile to check out my luck. As I was on a business tour, I had to hurry to attend a meeting with a customer. On the way to the office, I...

2 years ago
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Martyn Gets Comfy In Amsterdam

In college, I joined a bunch of musical societies. I met Martyn there. He was an amazing musician who had curly black hair, was crazy tall and had massive hands. You know... for playing the piano. But you knew he had a massive dick. We became fast friends and he was the first male friend I made after I came out as gay. I fell for him. Hard. It hurt. And if I had known we wouldn't be friends now, I'd have tried harder to get in those boxers!What Really Happened.When I was eighteen, I went on the...

Gay Male
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Home from the Road 3

Danny had been working at Kohl’s for about a week when Rena invited her over to her place. I was also invited under the pretence of hanging some shelves for Rena and her girlfriend. We travelled the short distance in cautious anticipation. We knew Rena enjoyed sex with us but we had never met her girlfriend Amanda. We arrived and were warmly greeted by Rena as we entered her cottage style home. It was a warm and friendly home. Amanda entered the room and quickly we were all hugs and friendly...

2 years ago
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Spending Time With Aunt Darla Pt 2

LATER IN THE EVENING.. As we were deciding what to do in my cousin Eli’s bedroom and how we were gonna re-arrange his dresser, bed, etc., I couldn’t stop thinking about what me & my aunt just did in the laundry room. For one, she was walking wobbly & staggering just a tad. For another.., SHE’S STILL BUTT-NAKED!!! Then I said to her, “Do you realize that the blinds on the windows are open?” “Shit!” exclaimed my aunt. “People might see us. Could you hit the blinds, please?” “Okay,...

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Don8217t Envy Your Neighbour

Hello, friends, this is my story when I was at Vadodara, I am sharing with you best moments of my life. As I was not married that time, I was looking for a girl or better call her my dream girl.   I still remember the first day I saw her outside my apartment; I stepped out from my flat and was going out for my office meeting. Suddenly she came out from her flat with a bang on the door and was drying her hair with a towel; it seemed she just took her bath.   She was looking damn gorgeous with...

3 years ago
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Kumar Apartment Season 2 Part 71 Ab Pinjre Mein Phasa Teesra Shikar

Narrated by Rahul Hello dosto main Rahul. mein swimming pool mein main aur Bharti ladte jhagadte ek dusre ke kareeb hote gaye. Shayad sirf main hi nahi tha jise sex ki pyaas thi. Shayad ab Bharti ko bhi thi. Shayad kal raat mere aur maa ke sath apni maa ko chudte dekh uske mann mein bhi ummeede panap rahi thi. Swimming pool se nikal woh mujhe apne sath ghar wapas jane ki baat boli. To mere andar khushi aur uttejna ki jwala mukhi phoot padi. Dono hi jaante the ki ghar mein us waqt koi nahi...

2 years ago
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Storm was restless. Three days of sun, sea, sand and sex in Cyprus had left her hungry for more of the same, but it looked like Roger, her partner, was beginning to wilt. They had just had lunch in a charming little seaside village café, with a very good bottle of sparkling wine, and Storm, tired of her shapeless white t-shirt and baggy shorts, had made up her to buy one - or two - of the gorgeous short sun-dresses she had seen in the small boutique at the edge of the market...

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Project Eldest SonChapter 16

(Note: If you haven’t read the story “Calm like a Bomb” yet, the protagonists from that story are crossing over to this one.) Directors Richards and Haspel sat in MI6’s executive conference room along with Director Younger and MI5 Director Sir Andrew Parker watching Republican guard Colonel Rostamifir answer questions from his interrogators. The video had been dubbed in English since the interrogators were questioning him in his native Persian. “Tell us about the rest of the safe houses...

4 years ago
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My Cell Phone and Black Cocks on Demand 247

I'm a sissy white fag who loves, adores and worships black men. Until a couple years ago, finding black men to submit to was sporadic and hit and miss. I would go to cruising areas, gay bathes, porn shop glory holes and bars and hope I'd find a black guy (or guys) to pleasure. I am totally addicted to sucking dick or being fucked by black men. I love TS's, feminine black men and thugs that love to abuse me. I never ask for anything in return--all I want is to make the men I'm with cum as much...

1 year ago
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Granny Grandson Part 2

Note : This story is completely fictional! Mike lay awake in the bed one morning lovingly looking over at his sleeping Granny, she looked so beautiful lying there in the red silk teddy he had bought her last week. He peeked under the blanket for a glimpse over her curvy behind, he heart skipped a beat as he thought of all of the new he had stashed in his closet waiting for the right time to bring them out and try them with Granny for the first time. He slipped out of bed and hopped into the...

2 years ago
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How We Got Started

We met while online in a local chat room. We asked each other the standard “ASL” and found that we were both in the San Antonio area. He told me his name was Jay and I said that my name was Amanda. He was 6’ 6”, 230lbs, sandy blonde hair and hazel/brown eyes. He had only a neatly trimmed mustache and wore glasses. I told him that I was 5’ 6”, about 185lbs, had brown shoulder length hair and that my eyes were blue and green. We spent several hours over the next few days getting to know each...

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La infiel Diana y sus cornudos Antonio parte 3

Les seguí contando ya al día siguiente seria el último día que estaríamos en la finca desperté a eso de las 9am nuevamente sintiéndome como un miserable como poco hombre arrepentido de dejar que ahora el primo me le surtiera pija a mi novia y la dejara bien cogida me decía no lo voy a permitir no me la voy a dejar coger nuevamente.Baje el camarote David seguía dormido con cara de satisfacción, me puse una camiseta unos zapatos y baje ya la mayoría estaban despiertos incluso el tio que pervirtió...

1 year ago
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FamilyStrokes Rachel Rivers Internships And Stepsister Intercourse

Brace faced sweetheart Rachel Rivers cannot help but distract her business minded stepbrother as he gets ready for his first day on his new internship. He really wants to be on time, but as soon as his sexy stepsister starts rubbing his veiny dick, he is unable to resist. These two get up to all kinds of pussy stuffing fun all over the house, all under their stepdads nose. Rachel deepthroats her stepbros cock and enjoys sizzling pussy penetration that leaves her in an orgasmic haze. Then, she...

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Youth Driven Passion Part 1

Coming home wasn't an easy choice for Alan. He hated that after doing so well at his writing career, he had to come back here. North Carolina was supposed to be his past. Now he was standing in front of the same house he had tried so hard to leave. He was angry with himself already. As he pulled his bags out of the trunk, he tried to remember why he was back. Then he remembered it all. His friend, Aaron, was running a youth group with their old church. He needed help. And Alan needed to...

2 years ago
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Bud Wilson Lands Alist Linda Ch 01

ONE Queen of River City’s spring carnival in 1998, Linda Stevens was one of the cutest babes to have been born at the River City Maternity Hospital. Linda’s father was handsome and cool, the city’s youngest-ever chief of orthopaedic surgery at the Walter Regan Memorial Hospital. Linda’s mother, Mandy-Jane, owned and operated a network of seven hairdressing salons throughout the county. It had been assumed by everyone, including Joel and Mandy-Jane, that they would conceive a daughter with...

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Toman of the CherokeeChapter 17

Merlin Gwendydd - sister Morgenau - brother Morial - brother Morien - brother Mordaf - brother - Naci’s father New Council Members Pikon Corth Groton Tydeth Docal Clondal - female Ukobach was cursing even harder, what were those idiots doing? More than half of the guard corps was destroyed. Almost all of the hunters were dead or missing. Scratching his chin he thought of calling a few of his kin in hell. No that wasn’t feasible right now they would most definitely be missed. Shaking his...

3 years ago
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AxemanChapter 13

On Saturday, I spent three hours in the PRA Doctor’s office, once they decided I wouldn’t die of cancer the next day, I was taken across the hall to get fingerprinted and get my retina scanned. I also was told that I was now a GS-12 and ranked as a senior special agent. Apparently, the PRA used the same ranking system as the FBI. I wondered just what percentage of their operation was stolen from the Bureau. Probably most of it. Subway filled me up before my practice session at UE. I...

1 year ago
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While I was in Sydney recently I emailed Roger every day with details of what I was doing, (see SARAH DOES SYDNEY). Roger says I am a very sexy lady with a voracious sexual appetite, which I must admit I made full use of when I visited Bec and her partner in Sydney. I am of French descent, bilingual, fluent in both French and English and as I recently discovered with a little prompting from my man, bi-sexual, though I didn’t need a great deal of prompting. Bec and Roger are also naked and...

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The Taboo Coffee Shop

“You’ve got to be kidding me mother! I’m 17, I have a boyfriend, its not some strange thing!” I yell back at my mom. “Yeah, well I was 17, had a boyfriend, steamed up a car, and now I’m 34 with a high strung 17 year old daughter and working too many hours to be able to keep you out of trouble!” My mom shouts back. “I’ve got myself signed up for double shifts to get back on the right side of our finances by fall, but I won’t have you running around with horny boys all summer while I’m at...

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Cute Flabby Nurse Aid

Cute Flabby Nurse Aid As an outside contractor I am used to not being trusted and working in a nursing home was not so much different. I had a job to do and needed to be everywhere…literally. So the administrator gave me a bodyguard. She was just there to see to it that I didn’t steal anything too big or expensive and that I didn’t molest any of the sexy senior citizens…as if that would happen. Kimberly was a cute but flabby Certified Nurse Aid. She had a round face, a bit of a...

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Hello Nurse

"Alright, alright," Sam sighs, rolling his eyes. "It's not that big a deal." Turning to their friend Luis, she says, "He acts all humble but he scored a 174." Luis nearly chokes on his drink. Sam tosses back his shot. He grits his teeth and squeezes his eyes shut as the alcohol burns his throat. "Is that good?" Luis asks. "Scary good," Jessica answers proudly with a small laugh, staring into her glass. "So there you go," Luis says, walking around Sam and...

3 years ago
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From Chrysalis to ButterflyChapter 8

Sylvie's broad smile welcomed her when Marion parked in the yard. "Come on in. We'll go upstairs and have some coffee." She led the way, although Marion knew the way from a previous, enchanting visit. Sylvie's flat was slightly different and certainly more feminine, but Guy's masculine flat had an emotional pull for Marion. Sylvie pointed to an overgrown sofa. Marion imagined that it would seat at least four people abreast and the seats were so deep that she could not sit back and keep...

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He always gets what he wants

It was a Wednesday night. I got home from Uni and I had been super horny all day! My bf, let’s call him…Nick…..so Nick came home and I could tell he was horny as well by the way he looked at me. I had to finish some of my work from that day, so we couldn’t do anything about it immediately. He came over to me and kissed me on the forehead. He asked if I could take a break. “No. I really can’t yet.” “I will make it worth your while.” I looked at my work and how much I had to do. I guess a...

3 years ago
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Sex with my Gran

I went to live with my gran after leaving school as I had an apprenticeship to become electrician, local to her house, she is 48 years old and I have never knowing her have a man after granda was killed ten years ago. I usually visit gran once a week with my mam and have sometimes stopped with her as well. She is five feet eight, pony tailed blond hair and has a trim figure, she works part to full time as a legal secretary and has her horse morning and night to look after as well.I’m stopping...

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His first Black Experience

This is the true story of my very first experience with black cock.I was 30ish at the time and not yet out of the closet. I was very discrete and I owned my own business. I had only been fucked by a man once before but was a very experienced cock sucker.I was at Sam's Club and it was early afternoon. I parked near the back of the parking lot like always to avoid accidents and I didn't mind the walk to the front door. Like a million times before I was going over the list of items I needed in my...

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Chudai ki Koshish

Hi, ISS reader, I am ISS reader since two years, I am from Karachi, the story I am telling about is really. My name is pervez, I am would like to fuck any horny and fucking eager women or girl. Any women/girl willing to be fucked can mail me on with her address.Let us come to the story. Her name was Irma she was abt 14 years old, it is 5 years old story at that time we had tv and they had not yet the same in their house that is why she and her elder sister used to come at our house to see tv...

3 years ago
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My Friends mom

I think that my friends mom is seducing me...Can't say that it bothers me :) She was kinds turning me on from time we were in school. Always awesome hair, nice outfits...gentle hands...Anyway...I usually come to my friend for a beer or coffee...and she always comes, especially if my friend has to jump to his shop in neighboorhood and leaves me alone...she would came and usually in skirt, sit infront of me..crossed legs, uncrosing-crossing...playing with her hair...or she eats a cookie and then...

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My Best Friend James8217 Dad

Hello people.Greetings of the day .This is Raj from Goa. I have always wanted to speak my heart out about my real sex story and yeah I guess today I will share it out with you guys.You could sure get back to me on my email id Looking forward to make some great friends. Well to begin with I would like to tell you guys about me. This incident goes way back to the time when I was a kid.I had just hit puberty with a trail of moustache beginning to sprout above my lips, a 18 year old cute guy...

Gay Male
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My Girls IIThe End Of Cycles The Beginning Of KnowledgeChapter 50

Julie giggled as I jumped in surprise when Sammi licked up the entire length of my cock. I looked down at Sammi and saw the glee in her eyes, happy that she was able to surprise me. I saw the desire there too. But I also saw uncertainty; I saw she was a little scared too. Sammi had had sex only twice after her period of sexual abuse. The first time had been with me and had been right before Amy, under the influence of Bandor, had tried to kill me. The second time was with me also, and had...

4 years ago
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A couple from the Elyria, Ohio contacted me a while back and said that they thought I sounded interesting and would I care to get together with them at a café for a bite of food and a further discussion with all parties being present. I agreed to the meeting at the café where we discussed their previous experience meeting other singles and couples for adult encounters. After I was satisfied that this couple was truly sincere in their intentions I agreed to come back to their residence for...

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Daughters DelightsChapter 9 Professor

“I want you. I want you lying on me and in me. Don’t worry about why, and it certainly isn’t for a good degree. I’ll get a First anyway, you and I both know that.” Alan mentally shrugged and stood over her as she lay on the sofa with her legs wide spread. Then he carefully lowered himself on to the proffered body and slid his prick into her vagina between welcoming wet labia. As she lifted her legs and wrapped them round his thighs she started humping hard up onto him. Looking sideways to...

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Fucked a slut at a Daytona Beach strip club

I I have been working out of town for the last 2 weeks. I have been staying at a hotel at New Smyrna Beach. 30 minutes up the road is Daytona. Last week I went to a club the name I will not mention. I sat down and ordered a crown and coke. This blonde girl about 27 sat next me and we chatted for about an hour. She after I wanted to go into the champagne room. I ask how much and she replied 100 dollars. I said sure and we went to the back room. Now these clibs are no nudity but in the bag they...

3 years ago
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One Great Birthday

So it was my thirteenth birthday (I will describe myself. Reddish Brown Hair Light Blue Eyes and bigger Than Any Average 13 year old, I was about 5’5, very over developed C34 Breasts, and my ass is okay) Myself, and some of our friends, along with Zach (my boyfriend at the time He Was 16 almost 17 short brown hair and well over 6 feet not muscular but fit) were going to swim. Zach hugged me when he approached me and we held hands on our way to the pool. We Shortly Arrived and He grabbed me and...

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